#but i think if i was in an anime... id be the dead wife
prinnamon · 5 months
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[Start ID. Tags that read: #one of them is confirmed dead btw #shephard saw colettes body in xen #who knows what gina is doing #i think abt them sometimes #raging lesbians. End ID.]
Hi, Hello, and Welcome To My Twisted Mind! i don't mean to correct you @freeshephoun but i noticed your tags on my other silly half-wife post and i wanted to let you know hahahaheehoo it's worse than that :) i hope you don't mind me using you as an excuse to talk at length about cross and green and their ambiguous fate
(low-poly blood/corpse screenshots from the game and lots of text under the read more!)
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[Start ID. A screenshot of what appears to be Gina Cross in a red HEV suit dead in one of the Displacement Cannon locations in Xen. End ID.]
in Opposing Force, a corpse bearing a striking resemblance to Gina Cross but wearing a red HEV suit can be found in one of the Displacement Cannon locations.
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[ID in alt text.]
according to a tweet by Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford in 2018, it is indeed Gina Cross. Colette Green's fate is unspecified, but he suggests maybe G-Man found her useful enough/had enough compassion for her to put her in stasis like Shephard.
Opposing Force did come out before Decay, so considering that changes were still being made to Decay's story during development, far enough along that there are some voice lines and animations for the scrapped missions, it's likely they had no thoughts about anything that would happen in Decay's story when they decided to include Dr. Cross's dead body as an easter egg in OpFor. so, despite the confirmation by one of the people most likely to be considered An Authority on what happened in the expansions, the canon-icity of this is... slightly debatable? especially considering that (iirc) "Gina Cross's" body can actually be spotted in multiple Displacement Cannon locations in OpFor. so unless there was a wild teleporter accident that created multiple instances of her who all died in different spots... okay, wait, i said that as a hypothetical and a joke but now i like that a lot as a narrative device, fuck.
but you get what i'm saying. whether or not this is "canon" is dubious because you'd have to reconcile a lot of contradictory story elements in order to explain how one can accept this as true.
[PT: Chapter 7: Reconciling a Lot of Contradictory Story Elements In Order to Explain How One Can Accept This as True /end PT]
if you choose to take Pitchford's tweet as canon, what's especially strange (and tragic, i'll explain) is that Gina has never been shown wearing a red HEV suit anywhere else as far as i'm aware. she wears an orange suit when you see her hologram in the training program in Half-Life and Opposing Force, and she wears a tan/ivory suit in Decay.
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[Start ID. A scan of a posed render of Colette Green (left, standing) and Gina Cross (right, crouched) from the Half-Life PS2 manual. Colette Green wears a red HEV suit and Gina Cross wears a tan one. End ID.]
red is Colette's color, which i imagine is probably the source of the initial confusion. which could lead you to conclude that, although this is gina, she's wearing colette's HEV suit. it would explain why she's alone. her suit may have been damaged beyond repair, and it wasn't enough to protect her, so she had to take Colette's as she went off on her own for one last desperate mission that required Gina to enter the Xen even after they and Dr. Keller thought they had successfully sealed the dimensional rift.
so, yeah, picture that. they only had one working suit left. so only one of them could go. and it had to be Cross because of her experience. and even despite their best efforts, despite Green giving up her hazard suit to give Cross the best odds, she still failed.
we know based on the ending of OpFor that the detonation of the nuclear bomb in the car park would have killed anyone still stuck at Black Mesa after a certain point, as Green and Keller almost definitely were if things went back to shit after the end of Decay, which they would have had to if Cross managed to end up dead in Xen. it doesn't make sense to say that they'd then just go "acceptable losses!" and book it, since they took so much responsibility upon themselves throughout Decay's story, so i feel they probably stayed and continued to dedicate themselves to damage control up until the very end. and, like, how would they have known about the bomb? communications were out. probably nobody except Shephard, the black ops team, and that one security guard would have been aware, realistically. so, even if Green and Keller would have wanted to escape and save themselves, there's virtually no way they'd have had enough advance notice to get out of there.
but since Colette's effort was admirable enough for her to deserve a reward in the G-Man's eyes (or maybe just to be kept in reserve in case she's needed later, depending on how you read G's motivations), she, like Shephard, was placed in stasis. and if she ever wakes up again, she'll presumably be without Keller since Pitchford makes no mention of him, and she'll definitely be without Gina.
OR if you don't want to engage with the tragedy of any of this, you can just say that the dead Ginas found in OpFor are uh. y;know. copies of her that were created somehow when she and Colette got caught up in the harmonic reflux after sealing the dimensional rift! which is sad for the clones—and oooky spooky because (mario voice) who REALLY died that day? and who came back??—but otherwise, all three of them got out of Black Mesa together.
I think about them. i think about them a lot. whyyyyy why why why WHY can't dr keller and the half-wifes be from an expansion people have easy access to like blue shit and opposing fart. screams and cries and throws up!!! no actual hate towards Blue Shift or OpFor; i love them, i just wish Decay was also two dollar and on PC
Gina Cross's page on Combine OverWiki was the main source for all my information. i also sourced the screenshot of Cross dead and the scan of Cross and Green's posed render from there. hopefully this post makes people realize that there is interesting shit going on with these characters that is worth exploring.
my final message: dear entire world, include colette green in your drawings of the freezer crew chilling in stasis (nonthreatening suggestion)
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yallemagne · 9 months
This episode. Hoooooooeeeeeeeeeey.
The service was very simple and very solemn. There were only ourselves and the servants there, one or two old friends of his from Exeter, his London agent, and a gentleman representing Sir John Paxton, the President of the Incorporated Law Society. 
Much like Lucy's funeral in a way, but not sparse for lack of inviting but a lack of people to invite. After all, Hawkins had no family left to him to leave anything to.
Jonathan was holding me by the arm, the way he used to in old days before I went to school. I felt it very improper, for you can't go on for some years teaching etiquette and decorum to other girls without the pedantry of it biting into yourself a bit; but it was Jonathan, and he was my husband, and we didn't know anybody who saw us—and we didn't care if they did—so on we walked.
Mina sounds a bit flustered at the faux pas they're engaging in but still overjoyed at the knowledge that Jonathan is her husband! However, she still needs to justify it: "well, no one will gossip because no one here knows us, so it is fine". Come now, dear, it's fine because it doesn't matter. But oh well, she's getting used to it.
Mina: *detailing Dracula's appearance* "You see, he did not pass the vibe check. His vibes were absolutely rancid."
She really describes Dracula as though she were describing an animal. It's kind of unsettling.
"I believe it is the Count, but he has grown young. My God, if this be so! Oh, my God! my God! If I only knew! if I only knew!"
Youuuu bastards, having Jonathan repeat the lines as Mina continues narrating aghgh.
"Why, Mina, have I been asleep! Oh, do forgive me for being so rude. Come, and we'll have a cup of tea somewhere." 
He's so cute!!! AAAA he is SO CUTE!!! My precious baby, I just want to hold him in my hands. He's so soft and cute and sounds so sweet and unsure, so bashful.
And then Mina begins the next section sounding like she has been crying. She mentions Arthur immediately, which is worth noting because she parallels him. She's lost a father figure and though she hasn't lost a lover, her lover is struggling to keep himself together while Arthur's lost the fight for her life already.
and then Jack comes in egregiously horny, and I just. What do you even have to say for yourself, sir? I think perhaps the way that he describes Quincey hints that he may not know Quincey as intimately as he knows Arthur? Nor as intimately as Arthur knows Quincey. Of course, part of this is just Bram fawning over American men because of his giant man crush on Walt Whitman. Jack's hero worship gives the impression that he's not close enough with Quincey to know his human flaws, at least. He sees him as a moral viking!!
Arthur was saying that he felt since then as if they two had been really married and that she was his wife in the sight of God. None of us said a word of the other operations, and none of us ever shall. 
Jack, are you really so stupid as to think that he doesn't know? Skipping ahead--
"Just so. Said he not that the transfusion of his blood to her veins had made her truly his bride?" "Yes, and it was a sweet and comforting idea for him." "Quite so. But there was a difficulty, friend John. If so that, then what about the others? Ho, ho! Then this so sweet maid is a polyandrist, and me, with my poor wife dead to me, but alive by Church's law, though no wits, all gone—even I, who am faithful husband to this now-no-wife, am bigamist." "I don't see where the joke comes in there either!" I said; and I did not feel particularly pleased with him for saying such things. 
Everyone raved over these lines before ("he confirmed the polycule!! they're all fucking!!"), and they probably still are raving tbh, so I appreciate Re: Dracula properly communicating VH's disdain for the idea and Jack's disdain for VH's disdain. It's more than an offensive joke, VH is bitter at Arthur's words because it would ironically make them all husbands of Lucy, and he morally objects to the idea of polyandry and betraying his wife though he considers her dead to him (comatose? out of her mind? either way, he can't/won't divorce her but still values the virtue of his faithfulness). Likewise, Jack doesn't appreciate VH's apparent derision towards Arthur and the insulting way he refers to Lucy as a polyandrist. But VH assures Jack that he's simply venting to Jack because Jack is his friend, and he dares not to express these harsh feelings to Arthur, who reminds him of his son.
"Friend John, forgive me if I pain. I showed not my feeling to others when it would wound, but only to you, my old friend, whom I can trust. If you could have looked into my very heart then when I want to laugh; if you could have done so when the laugh arrived; if you could do so now, when King Laugh have pack up his crown, and all that is to him—for he go far, far away from me, and for a long, long time—maybe you would perhaps pity me the most of all." I was touched by the tenderness of his tone, and asked why. "Because I know!"
See, this is why he will not tell Jack. Not because he's scared of him. Because he knows that to know is to suffer. He does not wish any suffering upon Jack, though he should realize that keeping secrets has been the cause of much suffering already.
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violentviolette · 2 months
can't sleep. my cats been missing since yesterday afternoon. this'll be her second night not here and the longest she's ever been away from home. its been raining all day. its still raining. my wife thinks she might have gotten stuck up a tree. she hates the cold and being wet. also heights. she doesn't like jumping up to high places. we think she fell out of a tree when she was a kitten before I found her.
I looked for her all day and into tonight. stopped once it got too dark. gonna keep looking once the sun comes up again and I know I need go sleep before that happens
ive never actually bonded with an animal before but ive also never had one as long as ive had her. its been 10 years. ive also never had one go missing. i dont like new feelings. ive had 3 panic attacks and started crying like a dozen times. ive checked all over the house, every floor every room top to bottom over and over again. pretty much once every hour. I checked outside 4 times but I didn't search the trees in the backyard. thats the first thing I'm gonna check in the morning. I want to check now but its pitch black and I dont have a good enough flashlight. but its raining. its raining and she hates the rain and heights and the cold
I dont actually know what I'll do if shes dead. not finding her would somehow be worse. id just worry forever.. I still don't know how she got out, if she got out. my wife keeps telling me there's no way she's just dead inside the house. she wasn't sick. or old. theres nothing she could eat that would poison her. if she'd fallen inside and snapped her neck we'd have found her by now. the dogs would know and be acting weird. by tomorrow wed start to smell her.. shes gotta be outside
I just want her to be somewhere. anywhere. Its driving me insane that I dont know where she is or what's happening to her or where to find her. I dont even have a clue. she just disappeared into thin air. she's not an outside cat. everywhere I look and everything I do is a guess or a shot in the dark. I dont know what to do so im not doing enough. I could look for her better if I knew where she was. if I knew anything at all other than that I saw her in the kitchen yesterday afternoon and then haven't seen her since. I hate not knowing things I hate not having information I hate not knowing what the right thing to do next is. theres too many variables and too many options and I just don't know.
I spent all day tearing apart the house looking for her. what if shes been outside the whole time. I could have been looking outside more. I could have found her by now. what if I keep wasting more time and more days go by because I just don't know
I hate not knowing. it makes u make the wrong decisions. u dont know and then u do the wrong thing and then u get the bad outcome because u didn't know. I hate it I hate it I hate it. this is why I need to know everything all the time because if I just know things I can fix it. I never have enough information to just fucking fix it
I need to go to sleep. I want my cat back.
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sarcasticsparkles · 11 months
I have been wondering about this for a while, so I'm just going to put this question into the universe. Why didn't Light kill Aizawa?
Think about it. Of everyone on the task force, Aizawa had the highest reward for killing him, since he is the most naturally skeptical, and he is also the easiest to kill because of his negative relationship with his wife. A negative relationship that, from Soichiro's resigned reaction when Aizawa admitted his wife hit him during a fight, has been going on for a considerable amount of time. Even if the idea were proposed later by Near that Kira killed Aizawa should he die in an instance of domestic violence gone wrong, there would be no way to prove it one way or another.
It could be argued Light had a reason not to kill Aizawa during the time skip since Aizawa was the one who put his foot down against Light and Misa's confinement, and Light wasn't actively thinking about wiping out the whole task force until after his father died. But what about after Soichiro died? Once again, in that very same instance that killed his father, Aizawa found himself in a situation where he was the easiest to kill. Besides Soichiro, Aizawa was the heaviest injured. While they toned it down in the anime, his whole upper body was bandaged in the manga, especially around his head, and he was unconscious through Soichiro's death and returning the notebook to Sidoh. Even if Light was on the fence about it until his father died, Aizawa was unconscious long enough that Light could have had some time alone and used the piece in his watch to make Aizawa die in a coma or something, leading to another situation where Near would have no way to prove one way or another if Kira made the kill or if he just died from his injuries in the bomb.
In both scenarios, but especially in arc 2, there is a strategic advantage in killing him, namely in the form of Ide. Ide made it pretty clear he was on this case for Aizawa, so while he could stay on and promise to finish what his partner started, Light's skilled enough in manipulation to turn this to his advantage.
Blame the kill on Eriko? This could be an opening into bringing Ide and even other task force members onto Kira's side since someone they know and care about was murdered.
Blame the kill on Mello? Same outcome with the added bonus of an even greater motive for revenge against Mello without Soichiro there to stop them. Because Near still trusted Mello, Mello's information was what put the 13-day rule into question, and Near allied with Mello to kidnap Mogi... that would go about as well as one would expect. The task force already hated Mello because of Soichiro's death, and it was Aizawa who went to see Near and later began suspecting Light. If Aizawa's dead supposedly because of Mello, that's even more reason for the surviving task force not to trust a word Mello and by extent Near says.
I'm not saying I wish Aizawa had died. On the contrary, he is one of my favorite characters. I'm just wondering why Light didn't kill him if he was planning on turning the task force into chalk outlines anyway, especially with so many benefits to Light's plans should he die.
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Hai!! Im not sure if youre still doing your 1k special match up! But if you are id rlly enjoy being matched up with some!! (Also congrats on 1k!! I dont interact w you alot cause i was told about you thru my friend @luvfy0dor btw love them^^ but CONGRATS!!)
-Im alright with being matched with said BSD character(s) in a romantic way!
- Im not a big hobby person im usually just sitting around but i really enjoy making silly crafts (such as Kandi bracelets and animals) i also enjoy mystery, romance, and light horror novels/poems! I play all types of video games varying from roblox, genshin, HSR and variants of horror games.
- I talk about just topics that come to mind; most being BSD theories like especially in the newest chpt. I also enjoy talking about my music taste with others which is also an array of sorts which include; Mitski, Mom Jeans, Lana Del Rey, The Smiths, Deftones, Limp Bizkit, ICP, Korn, Flyleaf, blink-182, The Weekend, Taylor Swift, Slipknot, CA$, Laufey, PTV, Rammstein, Radiohead p, System of a Down and more! I also talk a lot about the games i play (i specifically talk about them with friends.)
- I really like REALLY hate self absorbed people that constantly think that everything is about them and nobody else matters at all in their life, only themself. Betrayal is another big one, it doesn’t matter who it is even if me and said person are very close or distant, being betrayed is quite literally a stab in the back. POPULAR? OPINION, I HATE RANPO AND FITZGERALD🙏 something about them being real self centered gives me a big shiver down my spine. Like I appreciate Fitzgerald and his dedication for his wife and dead kid but he kinda fits in with the “self absorbed” category cause why are you gonna try destroying Yokohama for a page, like i get you wanted your daughter back and all but damn. Obsessive people (in a bad obsessive) for example; being obsessed with a real person to the point if they break apart/dont want to be associated with said person anymore they make and say disgusting/sexual and/or inappropriate things about said person that doesnt want to be associated with other person. People with horrible attitude/personality or people that make racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic/incest/stepcest jokes, anyone that fits into that category of gross things is an immediate nightmare and a big red waving flag, you wont catch me anywhere near someone like that.
- My personality is pretty complicated, im really introverted but once you get to know me well id say i change to a real chatter box. At times i can be outgoing but its rare, i can be kind but also ‘aggressive’ at times. Im also pretty scattered brain especially when trying to get my point across to someone. Also again, im very passionate when its coming to certain things.
- This was a bit harder to answer cause most things i do are pretty normal but if it’s specified by the people around me im definitely more unique out of friends/family and people from my town. Specifically just my passion for the things i like, id go above and beyond to defend the things i enjoy. Also i have pretty bad health problems for my age but they are def getting better! So i guess that makes me unique too.
- Im perfectly okay with being matched with a character who commits crimes its not really a big deal to me! Id enjoy all the honest opinions 💗
- Something i value in a person is their personality. I feel like most people say personality but its a real big thing i value. I also value someone’s passion for the things they are interested in. I enjoy when people are passionate with doing/talking about the things they do/want to do. I find it charming when people are confident about that sort of thing. When it comes to personality, i dont want someone who has a bad attitude in general where it’s obvious they have bad intentions. Someone that is caring, kind, charming etc is ideal but i wouldnt mind if they had a slight attitude.
- Something i cant stand in others is when they are over confident or (going back to things i dislike) when they are self absorbed. When i say over confident, thats not me saying i hate people being confident cause i dont, i love when people are confident about themselves/things they like etc. but when it gets to the point of someone saying “im better at (insert activity) than you” or talking down on someone about their looks it crosses so many lines. Nobody should feel like they are better than anymore cause everyone is different in many ways than one. Nobody should be insecure cause of something an over confident person said. With self absorbed people, they kinda just irritate me when they are so self centered that they cant even understand basic human decency.
the 1k matchup will be around for a LONG time, don't worry. thank you so much for requesting, I tried to finish this as soon as possible but I go through every single bsd character and see how compatible you are with them so it takes a while.
if I'm being for real, I'm your best matchup. I agreed with EVERY SINGLE THING YOU SAID except I can tolerate self-absorbed people more but it really depends. also, everybody thinks I'm introverted except for my close friends who know how much I will YAP about anything I'm interested in. I am SO passionate about certain things and I LOVE when other people talk about something that they're passionate about even if I've never felt that way about it. also, we look for the same things in people. I can skip over almost everything except for their personality but I don't tend to become close with people who don't have at least a few things that they'd defend til death because they love it so much.
however, for a bsd character, I match you with Akutagawa!!! The brother.
Have you seen how he is with Dazai? He practically worships that man. But you, his lover, are the one thing that is above even Dazai. You are the deity that he devotes his heart and soul to. He doesn't care what the topic is, he will give you his full attention and agree with every opinion. He will even try and research the topics that you love just so he can have deeper conversations with you about it. He would definitely watch all the shows you like. He will learn all the songs to all your favourite musicians and spend his rare time off analyzing them. Learning and loving you is a religion and he is the literal Pope of it. If you're in an argument with someone, even if you're wrong, he will listen to your voice instead of literally everybody else in the room. He is your number one fan, and will support you for everything that you do. He loves that you encourage him getting more into his most random interests. It makes his life happier and it's because of you. You're the reason he gets his lungs checked out often and why he's searching to heal them. He must spend as much time on Earth as possible with you. He would not bat an eye even if you asked him to get on his knees and beg for your love. He would fight wars for you, no questions asked. He's mentally ill, and he's so glad you love him despite the blood on his hands and the wretchedness of his mind and morals. He would love taking you to places, and if anyone begins to ruin your experience there, he will not hesitate to silence them unless you tell him not to. He is your guard dog and constantly worries about you when he's not around. You tell him what you're doing and where you're going before you go there so he does not get worried. Often, he apologizes to you for being so overprotective. He doesn't really like horror games that much, but he will play them if it's for you. He might even get a little scared, so expected him to be a little bit jumpy for a while. He hopes you can understand.
AHAHHAHAHAHAHHA I finally finished one of my requests! Thank you so much for putting something in my askbox dear <33
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narzissenkreuz-ordo · 2 months
im also. absolutely brain dead after spending 5 hours cutting cards out for my mom + talking with my dad for over an hour jfdklfjsdkl
arghhhhhhhhhhhhh him his wife and step daughter want to come up here sometime in early june and then want both of us to come visit later this summer and arghh id rather jump out of the airplane before ever setting foot in california again. i know he was telling me theres cool museums in sacramento he thinks i might like
or maybe theres some anime convention happening down there over the summer so i could do something thats not awkwardly having to interact with my step mom (i didnt not go with with step mom #1) but shes ukrainian and apparently cooks a lot which is neat but. bro this is so weird get me off this ride
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sanchoyo · 1 year
arc v 51-65 thoughts! JACK IS HERE FINALLY!!!! also crow. also, prison arc. they sent 14 year olds to actual adult prison! the gang learned about classism, corruption in the system and that you cant Beat Cops with Smiles, but with your Fists :)
-ok. in the back end of the reiji v yuya duel yuya seems surprised to hear yuzu is okay, just taken. and im like. OH IS THAT WHY HES SO UPSET?? HE THOUGHT SHE WAS /DEAD/??? I mean. you know what thats fair. being turned into a piece of paper/cardboard(?) cards. would usually mean death I guess and he did think thats what happened to her. I still think its silly for him to be so pissed at reiji who by all accounts is the nicest ygo rich guy in the entire serieses history imo. but reiji did withhold some info to test yuya a lil bit. but yknow. still.
-…reiji's mom…TOLD the WORLD about the war/invaders AND THEY CANCELED. THE. TOURNAMENT. THEY CANCELED IT AND PRIORITIZED THE WORLDS SAFETY. we ARENT getting a FULL TOURNAMENT ARC??? IN YUGIOH??? i am shocked. no way… (I know I said itd be really funny if a protag didnt win the tournament, but they CANCELED IT which is somehow even funnier to me) I cannot say I expected this at all but im not MAD abt it
-see the next ep when yuya v his mom we learn his mom was a former GIRL GANG BOSS??? WHERE HAS /THAT/ ENERGY BEEN THIS WHOLE SERIES??? instead of being a creep towards kids she couldve been characterized like this! the story abt her and yuyas dad is pretty cute but if /i/ i had a hot mob boss wife i wouldnt be telling her to solve everything with smiles not violence :) i would pick up a fucking bat with her. whatever its FINE
-god the lil montage of yuzu's dad dueling with her in a lil baby pouch on his back and pausing a duel to change her diaper was SO CUTE. TF BEST YGO DAD FOR REAL GOD. hes a duel school teacher!!! why!! cant he come to help!!!! why are they just letting an 18-19 yr old lead the lancers into anOTHER DIMENSION. i dont CARE that hes thee most responsible smartest guy ever or whatever. my god
-shun and serena are remarkably chill abt all of this, hope we see more of them talking and hanging out and stuff. like serena looks just like his sister and yuya looks like his bestie and u KNOW thats SO weird to him?? but also they were on oppisite sides of the war! i want! more interactions! (very funny theyre both kinda trailing reiji. tbh if /i/ was stranded in another dimension he would be the person id be latching onto out of this cast, too. very nice and level headed guy)
-MY GOD. yugo is SO sweet, his calm explanation to yuzu and them just sittin and talking was great. (his reaction to yuzu implying he loves rin was also very very cute. and rins design AUGH I love it SO much. yuzu is still best arc v girl for me but rins design is my fav. GREEN.) JACK!!! MENTIONED!!!
-while they were talking it sorta explained yugo v yuto was a huge misunderstanding bc yuto thought yugo was the Fusion Enemy and yugo thought yuto was yuri. very very understandable and funny. and also im starting to think everyone in this series is colorblind bc they cant tell any of the yuzu/yuya counterparts apart by hair… (also, speaking of yuri, where did he GO. whts HE up to. weve barely gotten any of him and id like More Please)
-it's…been a minute since I watched 5ds. years. and I only watched it once, so I know im probably going to get details wrong, but aside from jack and crow, all other charas so far are arc v originals? like melissa and Guy that Looks Like This :>/ arent in 5ds right… the city kinda looks different to me, but maybe its just the animation looks newer… are we going to get an explanation to where yusei is? bc if jack and crow are in this…like, none of the protags are in arc v. are they busy. is this a universe without them.
-I forgot how dystopian 5ds was! stupid rich ppl calling the cops on yugo and yuzu for LOITERING and acting like the lower class is a Threat is a lil too real…damn. yugo is so nice immediately just pulling her along to help while shes with him ;_; personality wise hes my fav of the yu boys so far… (I feel like such a traitor for this. sorry to yuto bc zexal is my fav series. but we barely got to see him. whenever he comes back im sure we'll get..more... and sorry to yuya bc I Love Clowns….but I love silly lil bikenana boy…willing to bet when we get more yuri he might fight for that spot bc i LOVE a good villain too…we'll see…)
-YUZU'S REACTION TO YUGO DWHEEL DUEL IS SO FUNNY SHES LIKE. SO RATIONAL THO. my GOD she kept saying he should stop to duel on foot and yeah. playing yugioh (or, any card game) on a bike would be insanely hard. like you have to basically have your cards ALL memorized bc you gotta keep ur eyes ahead to drive, right, so ud only be able to glance? everyone in synchro world has insane memorizing skills. (I know to a degree you'd be able to make the d-wheels have a sort of autopilot, but no, we see them steering themselves and accelerating themselves…)
-the animation kept cutting to 3d models while they were dueling on their bikes and it did Not Look Very Good. it was still very fun.
-yuzu Learns About Corrupt Police and Society Today! She once again is the Real Protag to Me. reporter cowgirl ladys design is cute!
-what was the point of the duel if the cops were gonna just set up a blockade anyway tf. the entertainment aspect is SO fucked lmao bored rich ppl. too real. yugo u dont need to rise in society u gotta burn it all down its all fucked. -_-
-LAYRA SAW COPS AND FLIPPED OUT. understandable but also WHO HURT U. SHINGO IMMEDIATELY NOT GIVING A FUCK AND IS READY TO DUEL THE COPS. SERENA TOO. honestly very iconic of everybody great job. except yuya who is just baffled and not 100% ready to throw down. Get with the PROGRAM yuya u cant fight cops with smiles.
-you know I understanding theyre tryin to duel their way out of it but letting ppl from synchro see: fusion, action cards, and pendulum in ONE GO seems DANGEROUS.
-sorry, but shingo being arrested while yuya is like YAY ACTION DUEL LET ME ENTERTAIN U ^_^ IS THE FUNNIEST THING EVER. and everytime he asked layra if theyre okay they look like a goddamn espurr like O__O clearly NOT OK. VERY SCARED WITHOUT REIJI. WHY DID U BRING THIS TRAUMATIZED CHILD!!!
-there was a scene when yuya was like 'look at these beautiful ladies!" n his hippo girl monsters danced for an uncomfortably long time and the cops face kept being zoomed in on and he was like O__O this ep…i cant tell if its TRYING to make me laugh but it is, my god yuya u are making ME smile if no one else. for absolutely the Wrong Reason. the CHEERFUL TONE he takes on in this situation is SO NOT APPROPRIATE FOR THE GRAVITY OF BEING. ARRESTED. this cop hes dueling is also the most tirest man ive ever seen which makes it so much better
-crows entrance was absolutely INCREDIBLE. WITH THE MOODY THUNDER AND ALL!! HOLY SHIT. just the sound of revving in the distance building up to it CROWWWWW I LOVE U. still probably most excited for jack but STILL.
-ohh, yugo know doesnt what his parents look like huh…and yuzu doesnt know what her mom looked like? her dad, the most cheerful dude in the world never talked abt her? weird.. theres still the mystery of yuzu having her bracelet…id say maybe all the yuya/yuzu counterparts might be the same but no, yuya has both parents so…cannot rly do anything with this info rn…
-ok just a small thought, but in the op and the eps so far, the guy whos always looking over security (idk his name yet but he looks like this :>/) is implied to be the villain, and ig reijis dad might be one of the final villains, but we havent had any Very Present Active villains aside from GROUPS of invaders that are p much faceless…I want more like. Present Villains. does that make sense. dennis doesnt count btw hes just some guy whos hangin out.
-shingo just introduced yuya as his APPRENTICE. PLEASE. i love him so much hes the funniest guy ever. crow also immediately being like 'idk abt all this dimension stuff! but u guys can hang out here for however long u need to :)' LOVE U CROW
-my god DENNIS can juggle and do silly little magic stuff. ok. ive been very lukewarm to him but thats very cute. also 'gon-chan' PLS.
-also one of the bills he got as a tip had that little clown guy from 5ds on it. was he a …person who was important enough to be on money? i dont remember him very much except he had like. a clown wife. cannot recall his place in the plot or anything else LMAO
-yugo and yuzu just trying to convince randos on the street the WAR IS COMING AND THEY CAN TRAVEL DIMENSIONS. AND GETTING LAUGHED AT. HELP THEM.
-im running into traffic to defend gons honor. hes so mad dennis made him the villain in their silly little roleplay HAHA. dennis is like a campy little guy, even when hes outed as a traitor later I seriously seriously doubt itll stick or he'll be a real threat. hes a silly guy..also I just like his monsters designs a lot. (also, he outed xyz to synchro dimension too LMAO DUDE. now they have all the summoning methods u guys can use…)
-gallager is just. he introduces himself as a promoter but him and nico smiley are both like. pimps for duelists right. KAHSDKJ. love his outfit so much tho
-so…where the HELL did reiji land….mildly concerned about now, its been a few…eps and he hasnt been shown…where did he go……..is he ok…….is he with jack….
-ILLEGAL DUEL BETTING. GON IS SOOO OFFENDED TOO. AND THEN IT CUTS TO SHUN IMMEDIATELY IN IT. epic illegal bird moment. poor gon is having to play peacekeeper and is the only reasonable person of this trio
-crow explaining the tops STOLE riding duels and make commoners do it for fun..my god they gentrified riding duels
-very grateful yuya is the one kinda looking after layra in reijis absence. makes perfect sense since he kinda is a big bro figure to the kids at the duel school too! it adds a real softness to yuya that I like (ok lets be real hes already been pretty soft. gooey and warm center, like a cookie) for a second it panned to serena and i was thinking pls dont let the only girl in the group be the mother hen but no. she completely ignores layra and decided to go out on her own (shingo following her lol) bc shes sick of sitting around waiting and her main goal, in her Words is to Find Yuzu too. would it be weird to ship them since they..look the same supposedly….JSDKFJK its tht question of what ud do if u met a clone of urself/alt version of urself. would u kiss or kill them. serena is a Kiss the Clone kinda girl and I respect that
-'friendship cup' is the funniest name ever for a tournament. YOU HAVE TO ENTER. TO DUEL JACK. JACK IS THE PRIZE. TROPHY WIFE JACK. shun and dennis both want to fight jack sooo bad its so funny. me too (affectionate) the fact dennis and shun both took to riding bikes and dueling at the same time SO fast is. incredible. and their lil outfits….
-oh wait. this means the earlier tournament being canceled is just gonna lead into this one isnt it HAHAH i knew it couldnt be ygo without a full tournament arc….its fine. I actually dont DISLIKE these type of arcs even if they arent my favorite
-not sure if ive said it but I Must mention it: yuyas magicians have nonbinary swag
-who the hell is shinji. youre not yusei. bootleg yusei….where did they PUT YUSEI!!! are all the protags busy like DAMN!! WHERE ARE THEY!!! I understand on a meta level u wouldnt want them all in the series to take away protagswag from yuya but this series literally lends itself to a bbt style crossover! the whole series is a crossover! they shouldve had a lil movie or smth. I want. another bbt movie. but w the newer protags too. lke all 8-9(??) ygo protags...itd be FUN
-crow being such a DAD to a ton of kids is cute. and probably the best person layra couldve come to stay with tbh, hes obv concerned abt them ;_; babies. also him and yuya dueling bc crow thinks feeding kids is more important than making them smile…and yuya thinks making them smile is more important…no yuya i gotta side with crow here LMAO crow called yuya privileged too JDSFHKJ
-NINJA GUY!!! I FORGOT HE WAS WITH THE LANCERS?? i mean ive been seein him in the op but STILL. good he got layra outta there. the cops were going to arrest a CHILD. i mean ik yuya is a child too but layra is a CHILD child not a teen yk. omg jail arc???
-speaking of arcs. is this series called arc v. because. arc 5. as in fifth arc of the yugioh series. I was speculating to why it was called that last time and had the realization thats prob why JKSHDFK
-god we actually are getting a…prison arc…this is INCREDIBLE. why werent they given the prison uniforms everyone else has. btw yuya now would be the PERFECT time to bring ur inner demon out to break out
-the bosses absurdly large brick stack of cards is insane. ive never seen so many so neatly stcked in one place…bro what if someone knocked them over that would be a nightmare…
-the lil story with the boss was fun (and felt appropriate given hes dueling yuya, who is all abt Smiles and Entertaining and hed lost that…like gettin his spark back) …so the moral here is u can make friends with fellow inmates n have solidarity but the cops are always enemies. understandable and real
-so yuya should become the new prison boss. right. he beat the old boss. but whatever I guess they didnt want yuya to be a crimeboss...cowards
-so whenever someone tries breaking out, their friends/the ppl left behind get punished and taken somewhere they 'never return from'…thats…terrifying and would be pretty efficient to anyone with any kind of morals, but idk, i feel like anyone would get really desperate and try it anyway at a certain point if conditions are bad enough, their fellow inmates be damned..
-sorry but it has to be said though. this mans hair is a lizard straight up. with the little hands and everything. is anyone fucking talking about this.
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-my god yugo cannot whistle at all. everytime i see him and yuzu im like. they are so funny i love them both so much SJADFHKJ we go a few eps w/out them and im so sad… btw..yuya is in jail, i kinda expected this friendship cup thing to involve them more heavily, but the :>/ guy said yugo and yuzu would be arrested when they showed up for it too and im like. is it even gonna be an Event or Not. i mean I LOVE prison arc but. Wondering
-yuya constantly looking like either the happiest dude ever (when its horribly inappropriate most of the time) or the saddest little kicked puppy alive makes me lose it. (and the third option of Murderously Possessed, but its been like 20 eps since weve seen that so..maybe the demon and yuto both peaced out. maybe they eloped. good for them)
-ok im going to need a gif of this PRONTO. shun how did you get there. HE SHOULDER DROPPED THIS MAN. XYZ BITCHES ARE BUILT DIFFERENT. XYZ REPRESENT!!!! he bodied like 15 more guards after this with his FISTS not even using his cards CMON LETS GOOO the prison break scene was AMAZING. also shingo grabbing some rare cards on the way out. best boy alert. why do his eyes glow in the dark.
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-….hey shingo loses SO many duels its kind of funny. reminds me of watching manjoume from gx do the same thing. between them who has more losses. theyre both a certain…flavor of cringedude characters that i always end up liking…
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-'what does a monster with 100 lp have to accomplish' -guy whos never heard of goddamn card effects. damn i thought these dudes were supposed to be the super efficient guards or whatever…anyway shun coming in with the literal xyz rescue was CUTE look at him functioning in a team ;w; good
-oh my god :>/ guy is named jean-michel roget. hes. hes french coded. u know wht i think i like my silly lil emoji name for him better. GOD DAMN they were SO close to escaping. CROW HAS KIDS AT HOME. ARGNH THEYRE TRYING TO SEPARATE SERENA TOO. BULLSHIT.
-REIJI FINALLY FINALLY SHOWING UP. WHERE WERE U. talking to a council I Guess. fucking negotiating. ok king of efficiency. he saved everyones asses with this. everyone say thank u reiji for everything, always.
-oh my god the friendship cup. theyre all being forced to demonstrate their abilities in the tournament . mandatory friendship cup. its a Full Circle. out of jail straight into the REAL tournament arc. i cant believe this.
-yuya vs jack. oh my god its going to happen. <- so excited to see jack i am going to throw UP
-crow called jack a traitor so. so they havent made up yet. I mean I FIGURED and yusei isnt HERE and i am :( I barely remember 5ds but I remember crow and jack bein silly together near the end…be FRIENDS or ELSE I will CRY
-yuzu's lil riding duel outfit is SO cute. pls. also yuzu crying with relief once she sees yuya is ok…baby ;_; theyre so Close to bein reunited….
-the problem with me trying to figure out how and why this series diverges from 5ds is that i remember Nothing Important from 5ds at all. i remember the dumbass details like that jack loved cup ramen JSDHKJ but its clearly an au (with..no yusei for some reason...) and im like. wondering if theyll ever explain WHY its an au from the original. or if im just supposed to Know. bc I Dont Yet
-I thought itd be really funny if jack DID defeat yuya in Three Turns like he said he was going to. and then he DOES. he beats him so hard yuya FLIES OFF HIS BIKE. AND BOUNCES. LMAO glad hes wearing a helmet at least. love u jack. also. i know it was probably framed in the way of jack being an asshole but I? kind of agree with him about this:
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(I actually…said smth along these lines in my first arc v liveblog post:
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almost word for word HAHA me and jack are on the same wavelength and he read yuya in like 10 seconds FLAT I am Amazed)
not that it's a BAD thing. he wants to make people happy, and it makes him happy in turn when theyre cheering for him! thats fine! (an irl example would be like, I enjoy making art for others to make them happy. but I also enjoy getting positive feedback for my own satisfaction!) absolutely nothing wrong with it!
HOWEVER. the impression I've gotten so far is that yuya gets upset when his opponent is the one being cheered for (a good example was the michio duel and that annoying trivia kid duel. he didnt seem real happy when the audience was rooting for them and not him!) as opposed to…I cant believe I'm comparing him to dennis but. the dennis v gon duel was a great example of what I think a more genuine entertainment duel should be…they were playing the roles of hero v villain, and dennis was great at improv there, quickly turning into the villain when Straight Man to his Comedy Guy routine Gon accused him of being the Real Villain in that situation. like he ROLLED with it and was perfectly fine with gon winning bc it suited their lil story and the audience loved it! I think entertainment dueling SHOULD be like that, like improv and acting bc you're entertaining ppl. ur a performer. u need to go w the flow more.
(Okay, this might not have been the best duel to show it off bc 1. hes dueling JACK of all ppl who declared hes gonna WIN and. he Will. 2. this is a situation where hes trying to showcase the strength of the lancers, so it wouldnt do to THROW the duel. but he couldve played into jacks dramatics a bit, made himself out to be more of a dramatic underdog, or a potential upstarter…for wanting to be an ENTERTAINER I want to see yuya channel his dramatics a LOT more than he does. esp w jack of all ppl!) to me it feels like yuya also ties a LOT of his self worth to how other ppl perceive his role in duels too which is Unhealthy (and again. is an extension of the 'smile when u want to cry' stuff imo, also pretty unhealthy) I…dont know if any of this is That Deep or theyre just trying to make jack seem like an asshole. I WANT it to be this deep bc its a REALLY interesting trait for a protag to have!
-kinda love how ppl in the Tops are dressed like old timey victorians. (also a lot of them have very western names) it just creates a very. unique vibe 
-can I also just say i LOVE LOVE LOVE the trope in ygo of 'person does what they think is the final finishing move, then theres smoke and everyone is like :0 and when the smoke clears, the person is still standing in the duel because of some trap/spell/effect' IT HAPPENS SO MUCH IN ARC V AND I EAT IT UP EVERYTIME.
-...jack gave this random child servant a card and told him it suited him and the kids mad jack 'changed' and got mad jack compared him to a 'weak card'...first off its gonna end up being smth like 'even weak cards have potential, none of them are useless, its like u, u feel like ur a low level but u also have potential' (which. very yusei thing btw) but also if my hero gave me a card i would literally be SO happy this kid is dumb asf. jack literally wasnt even being RUDE when he gave it to him and jack is usually SO Rude like CMON. 'wheeh i had NO cards and jack gave me one but its WEAK so i dont want it' this is called being ungrateful. i know hes a kid so I shouldnt be so annoyed but damn its rude. its a REALLY cute card too (not one I recognize and the text is in japanese but its a cute lil cyber girl with pink hair and a tuning fork and bc this is synchro I assume its a tuner monster or smth?)
-...went from jail to bougiest penthouse in the world. lmao and locked in his room....ur a rich persons pet now...'if u lose ur out of the penthouse' willing to bet its the same for jack since at the end of the day hes still. u know. a commons Guy cosplaying a bougie. funnily enough, the tops are saying 'as long as he keeps winning hes not a commons, hes one of us!' and the commons are saying 'hes a traitor who sold out!' then another commons guy being like 'NO jack is still OUR hero he doesnt belong to the tops!' etc. its like he cant fucking win no matter what he does! insane. jack ilu tho.
-...actually, first match is gon v crow. calling it now, gon loses his Stand In One Place shtick isnt gonna work v a motorcycle. i kinda think I want crow to win this tournament actually to duel jack KJHSDKJ i know itll prob be yuya but cmonnnn. its PERSONAL for crow. btw does this mean gon will be homeless for the rest of the friendship cup stuff since if u lose u get kicked outta the penthouse. where will he GO. ...tbh since crow has kids waiting at home for him it might be better if he loses first so he can take the losers of this tournament back home w him so they dont. go to jail again? maybe? we’ll see!!
very very fun stretch of eps, I binged SO many last night and tonight :3
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yuukei-yikes · 11 months
coughs yp blood please i need to see ur ideal kenjirou ending scenario.........
i think he should LIVE!!! AND DEAL WITH CONSEQUENCES!!! i truly dont know how he could live and make it make sense... idk how he could live if hiyori is also alive and theyre using clearing as Her surrogate life. but. erm erm erm. yeah💥 Sorry to link this shit again but like i did WRITE A FIC ABOUT THIS CONCEPT kenjirou living and dealing with all the fucked up things he did or maybe didnt do... *goes crazy*
idk yeah kenjirou dying MAKES sense but... sniff sniff... we only see him walking away with ayaka. idk. feels too easy. for such a convoluted character who is also so interesting, I'd love if there was more to it than just this. maybe a last bit of consciousness before or after clearing leaves his body. id love for him to talk or apologize to his kids before going. Augh hayloft II by mother mother playing in my head. SHE'S NOT A BAD KID SHE HAD TO DO IT SHE HAD TO KILL POP -> ayano is back, somehow. shintaro brought her. even with everything going on, i wonder if kenjirou would see this and wonder If ayano is here, can't ayaka? kenjirou sees all his kids here and sees the atrocities he's done in the name of the love for his wife. was it really worth it? would she want you, like this? once you go, who is taking care of the kids? they look grown. but they aren't. you're fading away and your kids stand above you and watch you. and they have the audacity and humanity to mourn you. if he spoke, he could say he loves them or better, say he's sorry. but he does neither and then he's dead. and on the other side there is her, and she won't be as merciful as they were. she will make him pay for what he's done through her rejection.
(coughs) anyways when the holder of a snake in the real world passes, they get swallowed back to the daze with all the ones stuck there, i guess to reclaim the snake? kenjirou and ayaka walk away together so one could assume that's what happens cuz the daze sure as hell isnt releasing the people inside, so its not like just cuz kenjirous dead, ayaka will be released. but also, kenjirou dies precisely cuz clearing leaves his body, so why would the daze open? it has no snake to reclaim!!! ayaka and kenjirou would NOT reunite!!! Unless ayaka is released?? maybe in the specific scenario where a snake holder dies BUT the snake gets out of the body, maybe their counterpart inside the daze gets out and both souls die together this time for reals??? erm. idk. seems over complicated and hey why are you looking at me weird. this is normal im not overanalysing.
erm... anyways, either way kenjirou and ayaka DO reunite somehow?? and its funny to imagine kenjirou and ayaka in the daze going thru a divorce arc i guess!!
im not sure WHAT my ideal ending would be. but i sure as hell wish he had a moment where he's fully himself again, aside the bit in the anime where he's like "thanks for watching me all these years" to saeru. like that bit is good i like it but i wish there was something more jarring and real about it. i wish he felt guilt and horror and saw what he collaborated in doing, i wish to know how conscious he was about it. i want him to see his kids and wish he could stay with them but know theyre better off without him. i wish he saw haruka&takane and what hes done to them and feel nauseous. kenjirou fascinates me he's such an interesting guy
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abri-chan · 1 year
Idk if im the only one but marco and connies relationship feels forced to me. Like girl has ptsd from seeying him and told him not to come over again. Luca sends him for tobaco and he doesnt have a choice(he set him up fr) but marco doesnt know how to leave her alone ether. Idk how its not seen as ooc,hes always ridden with guilt idk he even asked to marry her(due to obligation?) He neglects their relationship due to work and doesnt make time for her. Its been mentioned how hes been in "lukewarm water"for some time,when conny gets kidnaped he doesnt imidiatly jump into action(ur a ex destroyer u were trained to act fast)even when he knows where she is. Theres been a theory that "marco" is a personality created by spas to cope with his guilt,spas is who marco really is
So there's layers to this.
I think when you first go into Gangsta, the way Kohske writes the two it is believable to me, that they're a couple/married. Although over time I started to hate Marco specifically bc of his lukewarm approach: he feels guilty towards both his ex-comrades and his wife, so he can't take a step in either direction and is stuck in place. I understand the plot reason behind this, Marco is a powerful character who would make winning for the "good guys" too easy so Kohske has to get rid of him emotionally, so he's held down by the weight of his sins, literally. Still, I can't bring myself to forgive a guy who can't save his own wife, you have to choose your wife always! Even Worick did more for Connie than Marco did when it comes to handling Striker--Worick wiped the floor with Striker's ego bc he realized Connie was dead, and as a favor to Connie; it's not like Worick gained much by pissing Striker off.
By choosing no side, Marco also fucked over Loretta, bc he was her strongest bodyguard, thus also letting down her father, who was the first man to show Marco any kindness. It all was a domino effect.
I do fear Connie knew how weak Marco was, so she had to make the decision for him--how she almost killed Striker, and how she seemed to know that they both would die (Worick's memories) bc Marco had already killed and she chose to be with the killer of her parents: blood will seek blood kind of attitude. I was hoping the spinoff would have given me answers of how Connie fell for him, but we didn't see it. (That is to say, their love is believable once introduced, but how she could fall for Marco in the first place is "question mark".)
As for Spas being the real Marco, personalities are like tree circles: he grew Marco around the Spas core, so they're both Marco and both Spas in a way. It's a bit like ID and EGO, in that Marco is the ego (guilt, shame, etc) keeping the animal Spas at bay. You can argue that bc these kids were experimented on, they never learned restraint, that which society pushes onto you as you grow up utilizing education and even guilt at times. Marco had to learn all that once Loretta's father took him in. So Marco is in many ways adult Spas, but that doesn't mean Spas fully disappeared. Marco could see him glimpse, but he was more concerned with keeping Spas at bay, that he lost the chance to use Spas to save Connie.
Btw I don't think Marco asked Connie to marry him; I feel Connie was the lead in the relationship and she probably figuratively or literally even, grabbed him and dragged him to court or church, and I don't think Marco realized he was even married because she acted so fast. Now I'm realizing Marco really let others make decisions for him once reintegrated back into society, he got swept with the flow. Loretta's father takes him in, he goes along; Connie decides to talk to him, he listens to her, and so on. Perhaps he deleted the EGO to external people and never developed one of his own.
I feel bad for Granny bc she lost her son and daughter in law, and then Connie too, and worse of all she warned everyone that would happen, and it did happen, and there's no pleasure to be taken in being right because she only wanted her granddaughter back.
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Toriel, Alphys, Condy, Chahut, Meulin, Isabelle (AC), Blaze, Vanilla the Rabbit
hoo mama anon you REALLY wanted to pump this full of stuff huh
Toriel - funny goat milf lady! i wish people drew her as built as she was in the game, but i prefer asgore much more over her i gotta admit!
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
Alphys - nerdy anime-vidja game loving lizard monster lady who has a lot of depth to her and constantly gets shat on for being a person about and having flaws? You know i lvoe her! she's short and silly and deserves much better. also her gf is pretty! also i relate to her on some level.
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
Condy - She girlbossed very much in homestuck but like HOT FUCK is she like. ultra evil. and strong. like dominant and weird yeah but she would 100% rip me in half and not in the hot way, no matter how tall and built like a bakery she is. she is attractive though i have a thing for tall aquatic women
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
Chahut - I can go on about her all day and i can and will if prompted. you all know WHY i love the massive clown murder wife lady because she is just. PERfect, yknow??? but yeah she wins.
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
Meulin - i think. that i... might be the type of person she's based off of? but anyways, she's silly, she's passionate and she might be deaf but! id hug her and learn sign for her, yeah. also she's loud when she talks like me and if i didn't care about shipping we could be besties even. oh also she doe catnip right? cute
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
Isabelle - i uh. actually aint too big of an animal crossing fan? i was a viva pinata type of gal. but the shortstack secretary dog lady is cute and popular for a reason yknow...
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
Blaze - a cute kid. cute kid. BUT IM not a big sonic fan! i always a mario gal so.. funy fiery cat ranks low.
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
Vanilla - obligatory me giving a thumbs up to the milf because, yes, milf is funny and rabbit ladies are good. so! good, she get a win
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 1 month
Hart and Hunter - Chapter 17 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
Dane Hunter 
"You're sure you've got a positive ID?" I ask, angling my flashlight down into the well-like depths.
Far below, the beam glances off pale, bloated flesh and a shock of gray hair. 
"I'm sure," Halloran says, wiping sweat from his brow and leaving a smear of mud.
"I got a good look when we collected his body from the scene and I've been staring at photos of the man for the last several days. It's him." 
"How is that possible?" Julian breathes, leaning over the edge of the chasm for a better look.
"I thought he was cremated." 
"Somebody was," I say, hooking my fingers through the back of his belt in case he leans too far. 
"Someone switched the bodies?" Ingrid asks, her voice still a little shaky after her shock. 
"I don't think so," Halloran says.
"I think this body has been here all along." 
"Wait a minute," Julian says, shaking his head.
"You just said you got a good look at Lagrange's body and that this is Lagrange," he adds, pointing into the pit.
"So, which is it?" 
"If I'm right, both," Halloran replies. 
Footsteps draw my attention to the corridor and I turn as Ian, Sam and Chloe appear.
"What happened?" Ian asks.
"We heard a scream." 
Julian and Sam wear matching scowls as Ian's eyes fix on Julian first. 
"Everyone's fine," Julian says.
"Ingrid found a dead guy." 
Ian gawks.
"A what?" 
In a few excited sentences, Grace and Ingrid tell the others what we've found.
Ian's expression grows grim but to my surprise, his confusion clears while the rest of us remain perplexed. 
"Shit," he says.
"Sounds like a skin-changer." 
"A skin-changer?" Grace repeats nervously.
"Is that like... like a Skin-walker?" 
"No, not really," Ian says.
"Skin-walkers are human witches who use magic to take an animal form. Skin-changers are..." he trails off and looks at Halloran. 
"Fae monsters," says he.
"A cross between the vampire and the doppelganger, you might say. They feed on the life force of a victim and thereby assume the victim's shape. Such, it seems, was the fate of the unfortunate Mr. Lagrange." 
"Then the body in the shop..." Ingrid trails off. 
"Was the skin-changer." 
"That explains why Lagrange's name wasn't in the database," Grace says.
"And why nobody knew he was a Shifter. He wasn't." 
"Now, the question is, who was?" Chloe adds.
"Who was the skin-changer, really?" 
Halloran shakes his head.
"We may never know. They don't really have their own identities but it explains why Rhiannon spent so much time tracking her target... she knew he'd taken one of the shop-owners but not which one." 
"Something's not adding up," I say, tugging Julian back from the ledge.
"If Lagrange's body was down here and Rhiannon was down here, how did she not know the skin-changer had taken Lagrange? Wouldn't the body have made it obvious?" 
Halloran shrugs.
"I doubt the skin-changer left the body lying around. It was probably well hidden. Perhaps finding it is what finally led her to her target." 
"It wasn't here before, anyway," Julian adds.
"We'd have noticed a dead body. Maybe Rhiannon left it here for us to find." 
"What, like a cat leaving a dead bird on the front step?" Ingrid asks. 
"It may have been submerged," I point out.
"Bodies actually sink at first. Takes a few days, longer in cold water, before they float back up. However..." I peer over the edge again.
It's hard to pick up details from this distance but I can see enough.
"You're right. He'd have been past that point already." 
"Okay, okay," Ingrid says, unclipping herself from the climbing harness.
"So 'Grangey got done by the skin-changer and the skin-changer takes his place. How's his wife not notice that?" 
"Skin-changers absorb their victim's personality and memories along with their appearance," Halloran says.
"The poor woman probably had no idea." 
"Or she's not herself either," Ian says slowly. 
"Skin-changers work in pairs, I thought."
Halloran shoots him a sharp glance.
"Aye, they do." 
"Wait, so there's another one?" Julian asks. 
"That's not the worst part, either," Ian continues, rubbing the back of his head and glancing apologetically at me, as if the bad news is somehow his fault.
"They, uh... Well, it takes a while to, you know... absorb everything. They drain their victims a little at a time. It can take from a few weeks to over a month." 
Julian looks ill.
"You mean... all the time the skin-changer was passing itself off as Lagrange, the real Lagrange was...?" 
"Still alive," Ian confirms.
"After the last victim dies, the changer has about a week before it has to take another victim. I'd guess your gran got him just in time." 
"But if there's another..." Grace says slowly, her dark eyes widening with dawning horror. 
"Yeah," Ian says.
"If there's another, there's another victim somewhere. Maybe still alive. Either way, if someone else disappears, we'll know who was the changer but not who they've become, unless we find the victim first." 
"Fuck," Julian swears, gazing down into the pit again.
"And what do we do with him? We can't just leave him here... can we?" 
"No," I say.
"On a purely practical note, we've no idea where this water comes out. It could be a health hazard. We'll have to report it." 
Halloran sighs.
"Yes, of course. I suppose it will sort itself out, one way or another." 
"In the meantime, can we, like, get the fuck out of here?" Ingrid asks.
"'Cause I just about had enough of this place."
Ingrid, Grace and Chloe depart first, the latter promising to sort and search through all the photos we'd taken, as well as match our makeshift map of the tunnels to the streets above. 
Ian and Sam hang around a few minutes more. 
"Let us know what else we can do to help," Ian says, hands in the pockets of his jeans and shoulders hunched awkwardly.
"Especially if you get a lead on that other skin-changer." 
"Thanks, Ian. Turns out you got a pretty good memory after all," Julian says with a smile. 
Ian's face reddens slightly and Sam scowls at Julian. 
"I don't suppose there's an easy way to tell if someone's a skin-changer, is there?" I ask and Ian shrugs.
"Not while they're alive. After they die, they'll keep the shape of their last victim for a while but then they'll revert to their original shape." 
"Which is?" I ask. 
"Not pleasant, I fear," Halloran supplies.
"Skin-changers, in being like vampires, are effectively immortal. However, if they fail to feed or once they die, they regain their original form. The older the skin-changer, the less attractive that is. The faster one burns the body, the better." 
"Guess that explains the posthaste cremation," Julian says.
"The question is, who arranged it?" 
"Indeed," Halloran agrees.
"And if we find the answer, I think we will find our second changer as well." 
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chinalight · 1 year
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Class vs trash. They give everything away. We all do. We love or we don’t.
Yesterday, we tried to add vanity to ugliness.
Today, we come clean and tell moronic medical doctors, being a sociopath doesn’t make you special.
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Are you trying to play with me like the baby skunk Shane?
Do you guys remember the baby skunk that scared the shit out of me in the backyard Lois name that Shane
Named it Shane
I’m sorry what? Is this about Nick and Kelsie and earning more slaves?
I’m not really big on that kind of money. I told you guys slavery is a nasty thing.
Twinkly things LOL
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Somebody in that energy field already told somebody something I don’t know things look at that it looks like a KKK mask doesn’t it?
That’s what little children should see in America because a handful of morons can’t evolve
Every day I’m working toward evolution things I didn’t recognize yesterday or things that I do recognize but didn’t think that I recognized
Some of the local police laugh at people like me, but to be honest with you, they laugh at anybody with a brain they say, can you believe she would say that?
Can you believe that Veterinarian old man lieutenant colonel could stick his fingers inside of a little blonde child prepubescent at that
They try to make jokes out of those blonde girls, but sometimes redheads come on the scene and then Gramma says just remember if they are picking on you. They are not picking on someone else. I do believe we are very close to squash in Kentucky incest sport.
They don’t want to let go of illusions of bro games
But your little man friend id not gonna be there when you’re 55 years old and you just had a heart attack and your lovely wife is by your side but you don’t give a rats ass anyway
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I am guessing that when Will Frazier sent me the garbage about all the women it was because he couldn’t get decent marijuana because he’s a racist fat piece of trash child abuser animal killer soon to be dead himself more than likely Doctors a lot of people don’t like people like you
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Daddy bro, I am not in love with a criminal any longer.
0 notes
hella1975 · 2 years
hi! laika anon here (i really couldve given u at least a little more warning tbh....laika is one of the few songs that has the power to make me cry no matter what mood im in) but music reccs!!- im gonna limit myself to 4 asks here because im REALLY tryna not be overwhelming/annoying.
ok so i def cannot promise anything with the same amount of gut punch that laika has but here are 5 songs that kind of tie into the animal theme-
gus the polar bear from central park (tragically hip): this is very much more rock type sound, but central theme is a captive bear who no longer frightens anyone, i really really love gord downies lyricism i think the man is brilliant tbh (if u vibe a little then "tired as fuck" and "ahead by a century" also hit)
peter the wildboy (ratboys): not about an animal per say but kind of like the way humans strip the beauty from things that are wild(?)
dead dogs (annie dirusso): this one is very much more laying all the cards in front of you. her dog is dead, shes praying and doesnt know why cause she doesnt think its gonna do anything, etc, etc. dirusso has a nice clear tone 2 her voice tho
putting the dog to sleep (the antlers): im not sure how much of this one is literally about putting a dog to sleep vs just metaphor but its pretty um uh its a cool song. yah.
space dog (tori amos): this is the most not fitting to the theme i'd say, its mostly just seemingly nonsense lyrics but i still find tori pretty compelling + yaknow- space dog
laika anon back for p2 of 4: songs about death in general warnings 4 big ouch :| (hope some of these r new 2 u!!)
matthew 25:21 (moutain goats): uhhh wow idk how he makes the like *im mostly talking barely singing not even really rhyming* thing work so well but boy does he ever- if u havnt heard it i dont wanna spoil anything but its so well structured(??) everything fits together so well-
seaweed (mount eerie): from an album about dealing with the loss of his wife it was between this one and real death- but i first heard this song and proceeded to sob for probably an hour.
casimir pulaski day (sufjan): ik fs uve heard this one, sufjan enjoys hurting feelings.
when i met death (right away great captain): less of a personal one, more just incredibly beautiful (imo) i cannot get over how he layers the vocals stg im like vibrating
ok laika anon second to last ask i PROMISE!! these songs are just ones i find powerful/moving imma include potential tws tho because there are some 4 sure
emotional anorexic (svavar knutur): a pretty apt painting of depression and how hard it can be to compare yourself to others, doesnt contain any language explicitly about eds
not an addict + my heart (k's choice): this band is two brothers (lead singer is trans masc) which is cool ASF, sam hadnt come out as trans during the run of most of if not all of k's choice, but you can pick up on the queer elements/themes in the music and its honestly just really beautiful stuff
me and a gun (tori amos): ok big cw here because this song is about tori's sa, its incredibly powerful- just her voice with no other backing music- honestly she is so- i dont really have words for it but i recommend listening to the song if you can
torn again (leonard cohen): cw mention of wrists in a potentially triggering way- i love lenny co- ik hes really not 4 everyone but imo this is him at his best.
nothing but heartache in your social life(gord downie): words words holy shit this man owned words- ide-
bonus picks: sun in my mouth björk, hollow life korn
laika anon LAST ASK WHOOOOO!!!! if u are ever looking to really make urself miserable- two projects i would recommend:
next to normal: you dont even have to watch the musical, pull up the genuis lyrics and read along- or dont tbh its still fuckin' POTENT. family unit made up of a mother, father, sister and an older brother only the mom can see- i have sobbed to this shit on at least 4 occaisons. not to mention the songs have such brilliant layering to them- my holy shit moment is always my psychopharmachologist and me- but i am the one guts the fck out of me
the secret path by gord downie- this is the story of a young boy who was stolen from his family during the (very long) period of time when canada forced its indigenous people into residential schools. downie's voice takes a little getting used to especially as he was pretty deep in the throes of cancer at this point- but god its truly a fucking soul destroying story- and one similar to so many others that have been covered up so effeciently by the canadian government-
laika anon i would like to start by saying that i have been listening to laika on repeat since you told me about it and i quite literally cannot get over it i think about it all the time it's rewritten my brain chemistry i am not okay at all.
thank you so much for these! your taste is exquisite and ive made a note to listen to all of these, but i also made a playlist for the whole laika/two-headed calf vibe and i used a lot of your recs as inspo, so thank you!
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kaibacorpstocksplit · 2 years
for the character meme can i get ah uhhhhhh pegasus
First impression: yeah he was like a weird funny villain, mean to kaiba so i dont care for him
Impression now: ohhh so he’s EVIL evil, huh 😀 the funny guy thing throws you off guard for how ruthless he actually is, huh 😀😀
Favorite moment: i cant find where i put that screenshot but when he’s like holding the bottom of the wine glass in the palm of his hand. im still thinking about it. i dont even consider it a weird animation moment im taking it as an entirely canon thing that he does.
also any time he talks about funny rabbit like oh god that’s me
Idea for a story: none sorry 😔
Unpopular opinion: i have no idea if this is unpopular or not but i just hate the dead wife thing so much. pegasus is fun because he just does a lot of vile shit because he’s wealthy and has the means to and then they come in at the end like oh but it was for love… he was just so Sad….. idk maybe if it didnt feel as much like its trying to soften his character/make him sympathetic id be fine, like as a motive its sure whatever but as pathos i simply do not care. it sours me on him a little to know he gets pity points at the end. your wife died like almost 10 years ago that’s enough time to move past the killing kids stage of grief.
Favorite relationship: keg party in a rope (1948) kind of way
Favorite headcanon: this has no basis but i just need to get this off my chest. i think he legit gets along with crump. i think crump talks about like penguins mating for life and pegasus is like oh my god they have little penguin marriages. thats beautiful. penguins are so beautiful. crump will now betray his boss for you.
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You Saved Me - Derek Hale x fem!reader part 24
“We lay to rest a beloved member of the community. A mother. A friend. A daughter. A wife. Claudia Stilinski...” We stood on the lawn of Beacon Hills Memorial Cemetery, watching Aunt Claudia’s casket being lowered into the ground. She had been sick for so long and it was starting to turn ugly... But she was in a better place now, that’s what Uncle Noah said. When he spoke at least. I looked past the grieving people, like Ms. McCall, Scott, the entire police department, and looked at Stiles. He looked so tired. His cheeks were tear stained and his eyes were red from crying. 
Once people started to disperse, my parents and I made our way over to Uncle Noah and Stiles. While the adults talked, Stiles and I just continued to stare at the grave. The grounds keepers were starting to cover her body with dirt. 
“Do you want me to spend the night tonight?” I whispered, reaching over and holding his hand. 
Stiles shook his head, chewing on the inside of his cheek, “I want to be alone tonight.” He gave my hand a squeeze.
“Wouldn’t tonight be the worst time to be alone?” 
“I just want to be at home with my dad. I need some time for myself.” 
“(Y/N).” We both turned at my father’s voice, “Let’s go, sweetie.” We both looked back at the grave.
“Okay. Well, call if you change your mind.” I gave his hand a squeeze before letting it slip away. 
We got into the car, making our way back home. 
“How you holding up, sweetie?” Mom turned back and looked at me over the sink. 
“I don’t want to be alone tonight.” I said, looking out the window.
“Well, you don’t have to.” Dad said, “We’ll get into our pjs and watch Disney movies. You know how much Aunt Claudia loved Disney movies.” 
I swallowed thickly, “Actually... I was hoping that I could go to see the Hales. If that’s okay.” Dad sighed loudly and mom smacked him subtly. 
“Sure, baby.” Mom said, a sad smile on her face, “I’ll call Talia when we get home.” 
When I was dropped off at the Hales’, Talia welcomed me with open arms, a blanket, and a hot chocolate. I guess what I needed was away from the whole situation. We played games, Laura braided my hair, we made friendship bracelets. At the end of the night, Laura and Cora had fallen asleep to the movie we had been watching and Derek had snuck us both onto the roof of the Hale house. We were on our back, looking up at all the stars in the sky and the moon shining down on us. We had been in silence for a while until Derek cleared his throat awkwardly. 
“So, uh, are you excited for high school next year?” 
I sighed and shook my head, “After today? I don’t think I’ll be ready for anything.”
“Yeah...” He turned on his side to face me, “I’m sorry about your aunt. I know she was important to you.” 
“Thanks...” I turned, “I guess I’m just kinda worried about everything. I don’t know what life is going to be like without her. And I’m worried about Stiles too.” 
“I bet. I don’t know what I would do if I lost my mom.” He said. Then, he reached out and grabbed my hand, “Whenever you feel like this again, let me know. You can come over and we can do this again. Whatever you need, I’ll be there.” 
I smiled, a slight blush to my cheeks that I really hoped was hidden in the dark, “Thanks, Derek.” 
“Of course.” He smiled, “It’s what friends do.” 
The communication with Beacon Hills was slim to none. And, ya know, that didn’t feel great. I understood that everyone was busy living their lives whether it was being a high school student or fighting supernatural beings or being a supernatural being or the sheriff in a town full of both. But unanswered texts and calls were starting to get to me. 
The ones I got weren’t great either though. Stiles occasionally sent me a long email about the events that had happened since long distance calls weren’t in the phone plan. 
I had learned more about the alpha pack - a blind one, a woman who could definitely use a manicure, a strong man, and twins who could morph into each other. I was almost a little happy I didn’t have to deal with that. 
All the betas were missing except Isaac who had stayed behind. Even if he did get in trouble every now and then. 
And then missing turned into dead. Hearing that Erica was dead really hit me hard. I barely knew the girl, a few moments and quick chats usually didn’t mean that much. But they found her locked in a closet, rotting. It was horrifying. She was a child. She was finally enjoying her life - a new life without seizures and bullying, her parents had taken her to get pictures taken; happy to see that their little girl loved herself for the first time. Now she was gone. 
They found Boyd alive, thankfully. And surprisingly, they had found Derek’s sister: Cora. 
Not forgetting that there were flocks of animals committing mass suicide and kids turning up murdered. It seems home is getting more and more dangerous. Not only was there an alpha pack but there was a creature called a Darach, a dark druid. 
The leader of the alpha pack, Deucalion, was trying to get Derek to join his pack. He also wanted me to join as well, apparently he had been asking where I was. To join, he would have to kill the betas. Derek, who I’m sure was done being manipulated, refused. To keep him safe, Derek kicked Isaac out of the depot to live with Scott. 
Speaking of dead...
Even thousands of miles away, the vision of falling three stories still hurt as much as if I was actually there. A battle between the alphas, Derek and Scott. And honestly, I wasn’t sure if Derek was alive or dead. Every little message I thought to him just echoed in my head. I had cried, tried forcing myself to work through it. But nothing really worked. I still woke up in the middle of the night, naked on the castle grounds having shifted my feelings or else I was instinctually trying to search for him. First it was anger, next it was denial, then more anger. And that was all just last night. 
Hell, not even forgetting to mention the fact that the test Lachlan ran on me was a little more than just a blood panel. They checked for human chorionic gonadotropin hormone aka the pregnancy hormone. And things were just getting better and better. Because it was positive. I am pregnant. And the father may be dead. 
Sending a preemptive long distance fee to Stiles’ PayPal account, I called the house phone. It didn’t have caller ID but it was something. Michael didn’t think it was a good idea, however, it was gonna be a cold day in Hell before I listened to his double agent ass. Lachlan thought I deserved closure. And I trusted him more. 
“Stilinski residence.” Stiles’ voice was a little scratchy, but still loud and clear. 
“Stiles, if you hang up on me I swear you will live to regret it. I still have access to your secret YouTube channel.” There was a pause on the other end, then a sigh. 
“Hey (Y/N). I was wondering why I got an email from my PayPal."
 "Is there a reason I've been on everyone's pay no mind list? Because it's starting to piss me off."
"Well... Derek said that we shouldn't worry about or get you stressed out."
"So not talking to me for months is supposed to help?" I raised my eyebrows.
"Uh... Ya got me there."
I groaned and started tapping my foot, "I just...." My mind seemed to go blank, my heart rate going up. That's not right. I wasn't doing anything to make it spike like this.
"I know, I know. And I'm sorry, I wish I could contact you more. But there's a lot going on here with the alpha pack and Lydia and-and Derek-"
"Shit." I wheezed, sitting down on the bed. My body felt so warm and not in the way it normally would.
"Yeah I know, it's a lot right now-" His voice was drowned out by my senses taking over. It was the familiar warmth of intimacy. But not from me. It was Derek! He was alive. But he was with someone. And that someone-
He was kissing her. Touching her. His heart racing. Her touch set his skin ablaze and nothing else mattered. Not even the wounds on his body that nearly killed him. But all that mattered was her intoxicating touch. The touch of a woman he didn’t know. But her whole being enveloped him.  
I screamed loudly in anger, but behind that anger was so much pain. My chest ached and felt like it was being pulled across the world. I dropped the phone, holding my chest.
"(Y/N)? (Y/N)! What's wrong?!" My breathing was erratic and my thoughts were going wild between what had just happened and what I was thinking and what I had to do from here. I felt so helpless and alone. What could I do?
Then... There was an answer. Maybe it was the stress? Maybe it was my raging hormones? But I had my answer.
I picked the phone back up.
"(Y/N)! Talk to me, what's going on?"
I inhaled and exhaled deeply, "Derek’s alive."
"He is?"
"But not for long." I hung up.
How dare he? HOW COULD HE? AFTER EVERYTHING WE HAVE BEEN THROUGH OUR ENTIRE LIVES AND HE JUST- JUST THROWS IT ALL OUT? And for what? Who could have been more important than me? I'm his stupid mate for Christ's sake.
But if he wants to sleep around?
He could for the next thirteen hours. Because I'm going back to Beacon Hills for the soul purpose of ripping his heart out like he did mine. And if this emotional trauma affected my child? Well, there were repercussions for that too.
Michael and Lachlan were in my room, watching me as I threw together a bag to take on the plane. Remarkably, as a member of the Lunar Circle I would get free airfare courtesy of Lachlan mostly because the guy was insanely rich and he agreed with my revenge plot, for the most part.
"Okay, let's think rationally here." Michael said, taking things out of my bag as I was putting them in, "He's a total douche bag for doing this. We all agree. But in your state, I don't think you should fly. I mean anything could happen."
"I can fly until I'm thirty-six weeks along." I said curtly, grabbing my things out of his hands and putting them back in the bag.
"Come on, think about what you're doing-"
"I have thought about it. And I'm going to kill him."
Michael looked back at Lachlan who had his arms crossed over my chest, only observing.
"A little help here, Praetor McLeod?"
Lachlan shrugged, "Seems justified to me."
"Murder? Murder seems justified to you." He asked incredulously.
"It's the werewolf way." Lachlan said simply.
"Thank you, Lachlan." I smiled.
"Okay, what about this?" Michael stood in front of my path to my bag, "Murdering him seems like a great idea right now, I totally get it. But-but if you do that, it will weigh heavily on your conscience."
"The Lunar Circle has excellent insurance, including therapy." Lachlan chimed in.
I moved Michael out of the way, "Duly noted."
Michael sputtered, "And-and your baby? What about your baby? That's their dad."
"Their dad who decided to stick his penis in another woman." I raised my eyebrows at him, "That one? Yeah, what a stand up guy."
“But you love him. Don’t you think killing him-”
“Michael!” I slammed my suitcase shut, “Shut up.” I turned and faced both of them, “You’re right, okay? I do love him, which is the worst part. I hate him so much but I still love him. I dedicated my life to him and I thought he had dedicated himself to me. I was wrong.” I zipped the bag and made my way out the door, “I’ll be back at the end of the week.”
Getting on the plane didn’t take long. Relatively short lines, quick ticket, fast boarding. Like someone was looking out for me as I went to kick Derek's ass. Becoming alpha to Derek's pack was starting to sound better and better as the pain continued to radiate through my body. Eventually, I just felt numb.
The people on the plane were nice. I sat next to an older gentleman who slept for the most part so I could whisper profanities under my breath. The stewardess had been kind, making sure I had enough to drink. It seems someone had tipped them off I was pregnant, probably Michael. The guy had been a nervous wreck since he found out I was pregnant. He wouldn’t even let me train, not like he had much of a choice in what I did. But he sure knew how to annoy me out of a room. Lachlan had been supportive, talking about adding an additional room onto mine for a nursery. I told that it wasn’t necessary since I wouldn’t be staying in Scotland that long. 
After the plane landed, I was met by a very tired looking Stiles. We didn’t speak much, just began the drive back home. 
"So...." He swallowed, his eyes darted from me to the road ahead, "Pregnant," He chuckled nervously, "That-that's great! I'm so happy for you.” He tapped his fingers against the steering wheel. He was hesitating, he wanted to say something else, “Uh...Speaking of-” I groaned loudly, another lecture. 
He ignored my dramatics, “Maybe you shouldn't kill him. That's not good for the baby..." 
“It wasn’t good for the baby when he decided to take our bond, step on it and rub it in the dirt.” He was silent, but not for long.
"Yeah-but you see we kinda need Derek to help with some big bads. Like Deucalion and the Darach and ya know, other stuff." 
"I remember you telling me about it. I tried to do some research but Lachlan said that we didn’t have too much information on them.” 
“Well that’s not too helpful.” 
We made it back to the house at sunset, which was perfect timing. The cover of night would be great to conceal me in the dark. Sure, he would smell my scent but he would have no idea where I was coming from. I pulled on the handle on the door but stared at it when it didn’t budge. Still locked. I looked back at Stiles. He looked tired, a wreck.
“Would you just... See dad before you cover yourself in blood? He was really excited to hear you were coming home.” Like he always seemed to be, Stiles’ was right. I should see Uncle Noah. 
“I will. I need to rest anyway. Besides, I can’t kill him on an empty stomach.” I winked.
“You terrify me.” He unlocked the doors. We got out just in time for Uncle Noah to jog down the driveway. 
“There she is!” He grinned, wrapping his arms around me and hugging me tight. 
“I missed you so much.” I said into his shirt, giving him a soft squeeze. He pulled away and looked over me, “Look at you.” He motioned to my stomach that looked more like I was bloated than a fetus growing inside of me, “This-this is... Mhm. Exciting!” 
I chuckled, “Thanks. Very mhm.” 
“Uh, you hungry?” 
Dinner had been extremely awkward, the conversation mostly coming back to the child growing inside of me. Lots of questions from both of them. Mostly how I hadn't called. In actuality I had called approximately twenty times a day with no answer from anyone per Derek's request. Unfortunately for him, his requests were now being put on the back burner. I excused myself to my room.
My room was kept the same, I'm certain no one had been inside besides Uncle Noah. And from the ruffled blankets, maybe Stiles. Back when we were kids, we used to sneak scary movies and had to sleep in a huddled pile because we were too scared to sleep by ourselves. 
I grabbed a jacket and opened up my window, I was half way out of it when my door opened. Stiles stood in the doorway. We stared at each other for a minute. 
“I may regret saying this one day because I don’t care for Derek, but don’t kill him.” He said, “Kick the living shit out of him, sure. Get in a few punches for me. But don’t kill him. We need him.” Of course, all it took was Stiles to talk me off the murder-ledge. 
“I won’t kill him.” I smiled, “I’ll be home soon.”
Odds are, with the alpha pack threat Derek will have the depot protected. What he failed to remember was that the most dangerous being in the world had a key to every place in the depot. I simply walked in the front door. Almost like he was expecting me.
His scent was so strong, like the forest after it rained. It made this ball of emotion well up in my chest bringing me back to all the love and memories we had shared together. Not all the memories were life and death. They weren't all fights. Some days, Derek and I would curl up and bed and never leave, only grabbing food here and there. His smile would light up his whole face, sometimes it would even reach his green eyes and make them sparkle. When he would nap, he would lay his head on my chest and sleep, like he was finally at peace with himself and the world. That was the person I loved. 
I walked through the main room at the depot, getting to the stairs. The worst part here was the pictures, us together, the pack. I want to make the depot less abandoned and more homey for the betas to have a place to go and relax. Some of the pictures had turned heads at the photo developing counter (but I had managed to convince them that it was for a theater class). The worst part was that on my way here Boyd had been killed. If only I had been here soon, if only I had been here at all. Only two of the pack remained, Isaac and Jackson who was no longer a killer lizard thanks to Lydia. Say what you will about Peter Hale but sometimes he knew what he was talking about.  
If Derek knew I was here, he hadn’t tried to make a move. Smart. 
After wandering a bit, I finally decided to face the music. I found him hunched over his desk in the main office room. Rain was dancing against the fluorescent lights from the street lamps down below. He hadn’t looked up at me the whole time that I walked up to him. He felt defeat and alone. He had lost everything. He was looking down at his desk, his hands laced together. He looked up slightly, more looking at my shirt than my face. 
“I...” His voice was soft and quiet, something unlike the loud, booming man I was used to, “I messed up.” 
“Yeah, you did.” It was silent for a moment, then he spoke again. 
“Who’s with you?” He asked, his eyes scanning the room. 
I narrowed my eyes at him, “No one.” 
“Then why do I hear another heart-” His eyes widened. He stared directly at my stomach. I thought I almost saw his ears perk up. 
“Are you...”
“I am. I’m having a baby. Emphasis on the ‘I’m’.” I really hadn’t wanted to do much talking, I really hadn’t planned on saying anything besides obscenities and screaming at him. He stood up from the desk and quickly came around, he reached his hand out towards my stomach but I smacked it away. 
“You have no right to touch me. Especially when I can still smell her stench on you.” I scrunched up my nose and sneered. 
“Look,” He licked his lips, “I can’t give you a good answer or an excuse-”
“Good, because I don’t want one.” I glared. 
He looked at me a moment then continued, “I don’t know why I did what I did. Something just came over me. Please tell me you believe me.” He put his hand on my shoulder. 
He really should have taken a lesson out of his own book. With amazing speed, I grabbed him by the throat and threw him across the room. When he landed, my features shifted and my eyes glowed red. He groaned, holding at his waist. That’s where he had been injured in the alpha fight, it had healed but it was still sore. 
“I don’t want your apologies.” I growled, walking towards him, “I want you to feel what I felt. The pain and the suffering. The violation...” I chuckled darkly, “You know that I felt her hands on you? Touching the most private parts of your body that only I was supposed to feel. Do you know how disgusting I felt afterwards? I felt used and dirty and it wasn’t even my body.” I stepped on his chest with my boot to keep him down on the ground. He still wasn’t looking at me. I snarled, grabbing him by his shirt and shoving him against the concrete pillar he landed on. 
“Look at me!” I roared, “You broke me into a million little pieces. You didn’t answer my calls.” I punched him. 
“You kept me hidden in the dark about Erica’s death.” I hit him again. 
“You wouldn’t let my family communicate with me and when they did they couldn’t even tell me everything that was going on. I was begging to hear from someone, anyone, I was all alone!” I threw him across the room. 
“You blocked my number two months ago.” I stalked over to him, ignoring the tears running down my face, “I couldn’t even hear your voice on your goddamn voicemail!” I got down on my knees and grabbed his chin so that his eyes met mine. 
“LOOK AT ME!” I screamed, “Look what you did to me! For months you’ve been using our bond for your own strength, strength that used used to heal and have sex with another woman!” My voice was starting to crack as all the things I had thought about were coming out, “See how much my heart broke when I felt how happy you were with someone other than me.” He was finally looking at me. The worst thing though was that his eyes were full of so much love for me, that special twinkle that Peter said only happened when he looked at me. I wasn’t angry anymore, I was devastated. 
“I came here to kill you.” I sniffled, my features shifting back to normal, “I wanted to tear your heart out. But I can’t... I can’t because I love you and I don’t want to hurt you anymore. I shouldn’t have hurt you, but I want to because of what you did.” As the anger fogged cleared, I realized that I was just as bad as he was. 
“You had every right to hurt me-”
“No, I didn’t. I shouldn’t have hurt you. I’m sorry.” I looked down at my hands, “I felt so out of control. I thought I was getting better at it.” 
“You were.” Derek sat up slowly, “It’s the baby. All of your emotions are going to be heightened. More than usual.” 
“It doesn’t matter.” I made my way towards the exit, not caring that he was calling after me, running to catch up to me. I just left him there. Even when I got home and he tried to get into my window, I just ignored his pleading. What I did wasn’t right, I shouldn’t have hit him or punched him. I was just so angry and that anger clouded my vision. 
Weren’t we a pair - one cheats and the other goes into a blind rage. Perfect. 
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seijorhi · 3 years
asks :))
what i have learned today is that y’all wanna get fucked by some monsters...
What does nostos mean? What language is it in? 🤔 also I of course loved it, mind blown as usual queen
it’s ancient greek! it means homecoming, the idea of a triumphant return home for the hero after a long journey. i found it through looking at the root of nostalgia. in this fic of course it’s kind of a grim tongue in cheek play on it. the reader’s coming back to the mountains, but she’s running away after a bad breakup, and the welcome she gets is... shall we say less than ideal haha
Just read nostos-
First of all as a person who reads monster shit- hell ya. Mhm. That’s some good shit right there. That was DELICIOUS horror. It actually had me a bit nervous and afraid to read what was gonna happen next 😳
Secondly- omg I wanna know what happened next (at the end) 👀 know what I mean??? 😼
ANYWAY AS ALWAYS you never disappoint and your writing is fantastic (if/when you write horror yandere stuff again I’ll be there- frothing at the mouth. A+++++ work ILY💖)
you want me to write the monster porn, just say it bby ghfjdkshgfjkd but ty
Omfg that fic was so good!
Did the readers mom know about monster kuroo?? Or was she just worried because of the previous murder? And did Kuroo somehow manipulate reader into coming back to the forest or was it just a big coincidence? (👁👄👁 there's no such thing as a coincidence)
Looking forward to your future work <3
ty nonnie!! i didn’t have the right space for it, but after kohsuke was ripped apart and eaten kuroo stayed by the reader’s side until late in the night, only disappearing when he heard the reader’s parents/search party approaching. they found her lying in pools of blood (and scattered half eaten body parts), shaking and unresponsive – they knew no animal could’ve done something like that. so they knew something lurked in those woods, but considering the reader had repressed the memories, her mom couldn’t just come out and say it <33
You are an AMAZING horror writer!!!
The uneasiness I got from the conversations with the mom is just *chefs kiss*
ahh thank you!! horror is such a hard genre to write because i’m never sure if the suspense and everything’s gonna hit right haha
I read Nostos before going to sleep last night and at the time I was like “sure hope this doesn’t give me nightmares” and thankfully it didn’t lol. But I think I’m willing to take that chance again because it’s so GOOD and I think I’m just going to have to relive it – @ohno-otome
fhdjgbfhjkdfn i’m glad it didn’t give you nightmares bby!! but i also appreciate that haha, i’m an absolute wimp with scary movies and stuff but i just can’t stop watching them haha
I just wanna say that I was listening to "You're a psychotic villain playlist" on youtube while reading Kuroo's oneshot and I can't explain the emotions I felt, but I'd let Kuroo do things to me asdfghjkl – @itishebihime-samaforyou
ooh nice! sometimes the right playlist makes things doubly as fun haha
OH MY GOD!?!?! Nostos was soooo GOOD?!?!? Like it was so creepy (but in a good way), and scary and suspenseful!! And the ending!?!? Omggg honestly one my fav fics from you!! You did my mans Kuroo justice 🥺💖💕
TYYYYYYY i was genuinely concerned i was gonna scare everybody off haha
Ah! The new fic! Chiefs kiss! Magnificent! Bravo!🧚‍♀️✨🧞‍♀️🦖🦭🌹💫
tysm nonnie!!! <33
i’m pretty sure i’m in the same/similar timezone as you? and i do be staying up late to be one of the first to read your fics (i usually stay up late anyways). so imagine my surprise when i see you post in the afternoon. in conclusion, whether you post to align with your european and american readers’ timezone, my gmt+10 arse will still be one of the first to read your fics. also nostos sjdufigyyjf i have to admit, i recently just found out about monster fucking and nostos scratched the itch😫 i feel bad for kohsuke though
bby i always post at like 2-4 in the morning please get some sleep!! the fics will be there in the morning lmao. i kinda low key forget about my aussie/gmt+10 followers because i think there’s like... 3 of you haha
Honestly if i could give u a dollar everytime i got off to your fics, you'd probably be rich by now
lmao the idea that people find my fics hot enough to get off to still blows my mind lol
your newest kuroo fic was so SO good!! its totally okay if you dont want to answer this so you can keep things ambiguous but is monster kuroo planning on killing the reader after he's...done with them
thank you, bby!! but no, monster kuroo isn’t gonna eat her – he’s had plenty of chances to do that if that’s what he wanted, but he has other plans for the poor reader
RHI, I WANT TO STATE FOR THE RECORD THAT I AM OKAY WITH MORE MONSTER FUCKING IN THE FUTURE. i also want to say im not a monster fucker, but that just feels like a lie at this point. okay, now that that's off my chest, i love it. the mystery, the connections of kuroo to a cat. kuroo's probably gonna go and batter around his prey once they're under his grip like my cat does. hopefully the reader will come out somewhat unscathed, if they are ever allowed to leave 😌 love this, love how different it is, the way kuroo just tries to weasel in. very monster and yandere vibes, very you. have i said i love this yet?? id willingly let him get me drunk on his cock, maybe never leave the peace of the mountains again
‘i want to say that i’m not a monster fucker’ bby the denial will get you nowhere haha. just lean in and embrace it hgfjkdlkfgjnkdl ahh but thank you this is such a sweet ask ILY!!!
Omg omg the monster thing kuroo was in ur latest fic is so familiar to me abdhdmfnjfjf. I remember being told abt a monster with VERY SIMILAR characteristics to it (aka the not being able to go inside a house unless invited and using fire to lure ppl out) AND JFC IT TERRIFIED ME. Esp how when i told ppl around me and they didnt recognize what it was, but it was somehow known to the kid that told me abt it.
(Some ppl thought it was familiar but still didnt know what it was)
Do u know what im talking abt? Hopefully u do
GHFJDK so the monster in this is kind of based off the nekomata spirit in japanese folklore - they can appear like people, torment victims by reanimating the corpses of their loved ones, they’ve been blamed for forest fires, so it was just fun to use that as a basis and then go buck wild haha. anyway thanks for the ask bby!
Rest In Peace Kohsuke, you would’ve loved Haikyuu season 5😔✊– @joyvstheworld
poor kohsuke deserved better, i’m just mean to the oc’s i throw into fics haha
Monsterfucking ❤❤❤❤❤❤ a little annoyed you're making me simp for yan Kuroo though (a vibe tho tbh). You're so extremely talented!!!! &
This is probably a stupid question, but how did Kageyama react when he couldn't find y/n? How is life with yan Suga? I imagine probably awful BUT yknow maybe the stockholm syndrome set in fast lmao. Sorry, I'm going on a binge reading your stuff. - @oracleofdin
i will not apologise for making you simp for kuroo he deserves it the man’s a snacc. and as far as your second question, suga’s a very caring, very smothering kinda yandere, so i guess in some ways it’s better than what the reader had with kageyama but... pick your poison haha
That was so good. I’m so shook rn I can’t comprehend anything but how good that was and how good a writer you are
Ok, so, I just read Final Girl and the lil' ticket addition to it and just---
Well, ok I've been playing Dead by Daylight a lot lately? And I'm just picturing Tetsu as the newest killer "The Trickster" and I'm positively RANDY.
Your writing is ALREADY thirst inducing and just as satisfying, but this has SENT ME- If you're not familiar, please...
Understand my thirst. (I'd also like to clarify, I use a different skin for him that gives him black hair and he looks like Kuroo with an undercut.)
~ @the-casual-hedonist 🌸
i love how feral y’all got for final girl kuroo. like bo and akaashi had his fans, but i put a spiked bat in kuroo’s hands and y’all lost your goddamn minds and i love to see it. fghdjkvhfjdkls thanks for the ask bby
idk why but I love preggo reader as long as I don't pretend it's me 😢✋ I hate babies n pregnancy anywhere else other than horny haikyuu fics
i think that’s a valid thing for a lot of fans. the idea of breeding is sexy, the actual getting pregnant and having a kid thing... not so much. but especially with non-con scenario’s, it’s more about the aspect on control than the actual desire to have kids. but yeah, i feel you
Sorry to bother but uh was just wondering in fracture did Osamu kill his wife or was it actually an “unfortunate event” ? Love your work btw!!
he most certainly did :))
LMFAO RHI i totally get not liking cheating/infidelity fics (towards reader) bc IT HIRTS ME SO BAD I CANNOT HANDLE THOSE.
id be reading fics those fics like: tf you mean my yandere aimt gonna baby me and only want me??🤨🤨🤨⁉️‼️
EXACTLY! listen i get that it’s a fucked up fantasy, but in my fucked up fantasy you damn well better have the decency to be loyal smh
Finders keepers is the most beautiful thing I've read by you: I read it twice like I normally do and here's what I figured out the second time (that's when I analyze it and find the little tidbits of things that are much darker than they appear (: )
To start I LOVE THE DETAILS OF THEM NEVER TEACHING READER ANYTHING- at first I assumed "oh they might see her as a little sister or child or something" but realized thAT WAS THE ISSUE!! they infantilize her and isolate her from everyone but her group. the small details like that are what make the story amazing 😎💅
ahh thank you so much, nonnie!! pls this is making me soft 🥺
I just wanted to stop by and say that I love your writing and I hope you're doing well!!! Drink plenty of water and keep up the amazing work :) but seriously you're one of the best fanfic writers I've seen on tumblr! I read your "Imitation" piece about kuroo and i keep coming back to it, it's so good! I did want to ask if you think it'd be possible for the reader to ever escape with the baby (or at least attempt to). Or if Kenma would "help" at all just to put an end to kuroo's antics lmao
kenma would in no way help the reader, and tbh by that point if kuroo did get her pregnant, she’d be far too emotionally dependant on him to actually even want to leave, but thanks for the ask!
You know who I think would be a perfect Yandere in the JJK world? Choso.
🚨Spoilers Ahead🚨
After being locked in a glass jar for however long he was, and all that happened with his brothers, I feel like he would absolutely never let his darling out of his sight. He would be possessive. Obsessive. And Oh So delusional. Sure he’d be your anything - he truly is a softy - but to what end?🤤
choso would make an excellent yandere, ngl 😌
what au/troupe of your fav character(s) that you have written do you like the most?
(rlly hope this makes sense🙏)
i am always a slut for soulmate au’s :))
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