#but i dont know if theres any specific scenes i need for her?
thebiggestmenace · 9 months
Are there any specific scenes you’re hoping they make in live action from part 2? I’m really hoping for scene from the gutair strings flashback where Joel kills that bloater to save Ellie. It’s such a badass moment. I kinda hate how they just brush it off afterwards tho
I'm trying not to get too excited about scenes, in case they don't make them live action, but there are definitely some I want to see!
firstly, I would LOVE to see joel and ellie have that conversation about dina. where joel looks over at ellie and says that dina would be lucky to have her? I just need to see pedro and bella act that out. it is a necessity.
I would also love to see the guitar scene flashback! I really hope they change it a little bit, though, because joel showed like no emotion when ellie almost got her head ripped off. I feel like joel should've had more emotion than that? sure, the estrangement had already started, but that's still your daughter. show something
also the birthday flashback! I would LOVE to see pedro and bella reenact that whole scene. with joel having to wear a cowboy hat, and ellie going around and putting hats on all the dinosaurs, and the spaceship D: the whole flashback needs to happen. it is, once again, a necessity.
the scene where ellie sings take on me to dina also needs to happen. some people missed it in the game, but I think it's just so important. and it should still be take on me, I think, cause they played it during the riley and ellie episode. and I know the creators knew what they were doing.
I'm sure there's more, but that's what I have off the top of my head :)
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mr-ribbit · 10 months
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ok ik this screenshot is infinitely funny out of context and useful for memes, but every time i see comments like this im like have you just not watched the show and only consumed raging misogynistic skyler white hate posts on reddit?
bc like she didnt look money laundering up "to figure it out", she looked up money laundering specifically as part of her taking over the money laundering for walt (& saul), because he was fucking it up and they were going to get caught. because he didnt even bother googling it or thinking about it at all!! she didn't need to research money laundering because she had no idea what it was, but likely to understand the strategies of laundering that exist, the legal risks they were undertaking, etc. before proceeding with their plan. casually reading about it on wikipedia is exactly how a common person would do that, yes, even if they ~worked in accounting~. i look shit up on wikipedia that i know how to do all the time. i google shit like "how to open a jar" sometimes just to see if theres any hot new tips about jar opening. that doesnt mean i dont know what a fucking jar is. having her look it up on the internet also serves as a visual way to show her doing base-level research without actually taking up an entire scene for that
and yes, she is an accountant, and she demonstrates a reasonable knowledge of math and money throughout the series. in fact, as an accountant, her skills are exactly what lead her to notice holes in walt's operation that she attempts to fix. that aside- why would an accountant automatically know exactly how to launder money? why would you assume a common civilian with no history in crime would only need to research money laundering out of sheer incompetency in her chosen career field? why would you not instead view this as an intelligent move (as it's portrayed in-fiction) that skyler takes to slow down and do things by the book, in opposition to walter being dangerously reckless with his illegal operation? hm i wonder what specific trait about skyler would lead to this interpretation
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galacticleague · 9 days
speaking my truth on npmd because im thinking about this alot. i think the reason it falls flatter than tgwdlm and bf as a musical is that tgwdlm and bf have a running theme — want.
(whole thing undercut)
the cast of tgwdlm want human connection - charlotte wants sam to love her, bill wants alice to love him, mr davidson wants his wife to choke him while he jerks off etc etc, and eventually paul goes from 'i want what anyone wants, money, kids, a partner maybe idk' to - to put it simply - wanting emma (putting it very simply, if i went into detail this post would go off the rails). this switch is what makes him vulnerable to the hive and this want to live and to survive and to be happy with emma is satiated by pokey by giving him the connection he craves via hivemind, this is how it works for everyone. they want to be happy, pokey makes them happy by removing any need to want anything in the first place.
similarly, in bf, the adults of hatchetfield are still miserable and they want to be happy, they have this void within them that they feel they need to fill with products and consumerism. if they buy this stupid fucking doll their kids will love them, they will be happy, etc etc. and this want to be happy is similarly satiated by wiggly via the cult - they have something to worship, or - in lindas case - people who worship them. they have purpose, or at least they think they do, but whether their problems have actually been solved or not - they are still content.
but in npmd, this is less solid. theres that bit where they have to sacrifice what they want the most, but this is near the end. its kind of all over the place, and this wobbliness(?) is sort of just emphasised by the fact that there is no specific lord in black, its all of them. now i loved the summoning when i first watched it because im obviously a huge hatchetfield fan so i like. know who these characters are but as ive seen others say, alot of npmd does rely on knowing hatchetfield lore - understanding injokes. and in hindsight it just... isnt great for the cohesion of the plot.
tgwdlm and bf both have specific themes, specific lords in black, they have subplots but they have a solid throughline that is easier to follow. to me, npmd feels like its all over the place and it just feels kind of...mid for lack of a better word.
i think there were some moments that were just kind jarring? i guess? like if i loved you coming directly after ruths death was really strange, tonally. i wish they spent more time on ruths death tbh she deserved better. richie got two songs and an opening scene. anyways i digress- i feel like whenever i think about it im always like. i just wanted More. which is weird cuz its already like 2 hours long but idk. IDK!!! if i loved definitely felt unnecessary to me- like just conflict out of nowhere. i would have liked more build up to it. maybe im just salty that it took up stagetime that could have been used to grieve ruth but. sorry for the random if i loved you slander i think my point here is that some moments and some subplots felt more tropey, injokey or like fanservice??but not in a sexual way?? - is that the right word to use idk - than actual compelling plot moments. tgwdlm is an incredible work of theatre and uses subversions of tropes to communicate a great story, bf is a detailed criticism of american consumerism and how capitalistic societies force people to rely on products to make their lives better, npmd is. high school drama with ghosts. it just doesnt hit as hard on its own.
i dont want to be one of those "im a better writer, and THIS is how i would have done it!!!! im going to fix this!!!" people so im not going to do that but i think something i would have liked to see was focus on just one lord in black, probably nibbly because i feel like he fits the most and has the least preexisting story. i mean for gods sake, why does wiggly have the most speech time out of all the lords in black again!!! he already has an entire musical about him!!! greedy bitch- well i guess thats kind of his thing. i think i just want to see more of nibbly tbh, he has one nmt story and he only shows up at the very end. anyways that was kind of a side rant sorry gang. there isnt a problem with having a story featuring all the lords in black, but i think it just doesnt quite work in npmd for like structural reasons as well as plot cohesion.
i did enjoy npmd, im not pretending i didnt, but narratively it is the weakest hatchetfield musical and i just wanted to put my finger on what it is specifically. please dont take this as like hate or slander, i am a huge starkid fan, but i think it is important to consume media critically.
also i am not a professional i am a teenage drama and english lit student who likes media analysis and narrative design so just. take everything i say with a grain of salt :)
if you read all this, thankyou and if you disagree please lmk what you think(civilly.i do not want discourse in my notes)!! i could be hugely wrong about this and just need to think more about npmd and id love to see others' analyses!
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lesbiandarvey · 3 months
she's so patronising to him though like a relationship like that would be so annoying. he doesn't need to be told what he feels and what to do about it every day. they're fine as besties but he doesn't want more
two questions: genuinely, im not trying to be snippy at all, is this in reference to something ive said? i checked my recent postings i couldn’t find anything?? and second, um you didn’t specify who you’re talking about .. im guessing donna and harvey on usa legal drama suits? im just gonna answer to the best of my ability, as if this is about donnaharvey which im like 90% sure it is?? okay
i mean, respectfully, i would certainly push back on the idea she “tells him what to do” cus she’s certainly his emotional intelligence like she tells him what hes thinking—or at least her interpretation of what he’s thinking. theres certainly evidence of that, the scene that comes to mind is its in late s3, and mike wants to leave to take the finance job, and harvey snaps at scottie, and donna (very gently) reprimands him for it, and she tells him he’s hurt not angry “you’re hurt and the anger covers the hurt, but i know you didn’t know that.” she definitely provides him with insight into his emotions, but in a way i would argue any friend would.
there’s also a scene from season 2(?) i think, where donna is trying to get harvey to pursue scottie and she tells him to his face “i know your mother hurt you but you need to get over it” or, in other words “sorry about your mommy issues but you need to grow the fuck up.” and again i think thats a perfectly reasonable thing to say as a friend to your friend—she sees him hurting and lonely and she can do something about it, all she needs to do is encourage him to seek out a relationship with a woman who loves him, i think that’s perfectly acceptable.
i really dont see how its patronizing in any way? i mean there are certainly a couple jokes like “men are so stupid lol” but nothing that has really stood out to me as anything different than 2010s network drama gender politics, and so few and far between i cant think of any specific instances off the top of my head.
second of all, to the best of my knowledge (having seen up to 6x05 atp), that all stops when he starts going to therapy. i cant think of a single instance after season 5 when she tells him what hes feeling (i mean maybe she does in seasons 7, 8 + 9 but i haven’t seen it so i cant say lol)
but from what ive seen, her telling him his emotions stops when he starts receiving therapy with a trained professional. and thats just healthy! yknow he no longer needs to be told what hes thinking because he’s learning more about himself and his reaction to trauma and how to be a more functionally stable adult. and after that is the only way he can keep and maintain a meaningful, productive relationship.
also, not to be crass but i 100% think harvey goes face down ass up when someone tells him what to do (especially if its mike or donna or jessica)
finally i do fully respectfully disagree that “theyre good as besties but he doesn’t want more” first of all, i think you might be confusing his repression and inability to parse his love for donna as a woman and his love for donna as a friend, as a lack of attraction. i think a) hes very repressed and messed up from his childhood so like, he can fuck people but loving people is a whole other story and b) he absolutely loves her as a friend, and i think he’s just boxed up his attraction and affection for her since they moved to pearson hardman 10(?) years ago.
second of all, gabriel macht and sarah rafferty you can tell has SOOOOO much fun together and they have so much chemistry, so i distrust any interpretation of donna and harvey that doesn’t think they wanna fuck each others brains out
what was i talking about? i dont think i have a closing statement, i just think donna and harvey’s relationship re:her telling him what to do is completely legitimate and follows a natural progression of two people trying to be healthy adults
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nicomrade · 8 months
so i reread the scott pilgrim comics this week for the first time since 2019? lots of stuff happened in my life in-between + i learned to actually like, pay attention when reading so this specific reread felt really important to me- the issue of reading it in french for the first time aside. heres some misc thoughts i had while reading! some of this stuff is drawing from conversations about the comics ive had with people over the years, i dont mean to break any new ground here, and i dont have a specific lense to look at the comics through so its not structured like analysis either. full thoughts under the cut! i hope you all like going on this little trip with me ^-^
so first of, the X motif! this i KNOW i saw someone else talk about. it comes up first on scott's jacket with the X-men patch (and it comes up again in that context- "then wolverine is crucified on a big X") and also on knives' scott-shrine, her dad slashes an X over scott's picture. these are the two biggest exemples but there really are Xs constantly in the imagerie of the comics, which is great and i love. the comic is about fighting ramona's exs, and this is foreshadowing that scott himself will be one, but its also generally about the baggage that comes with existing. at its core its really comics about dealing with whats over, so we get into scotts relationships w envy & kim & knives (& ramona), but we also get into his relationship with lisa (what couldve been) we also see him move flats (the end of an era!), in volume 1 scott tells knives about the house he grew up in that now belongs to another family, scott breaking his bass & no longer being in a band, etc. theres sooooo many flashback sequences in these comics and references to the past… its all about the X.!
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loosely related in the foreshadowing department there are genuinely so many background details of stories about people who dont matter to the comics that foreshadow later developments. the details of why Crash & the Boys changed drummers is straight up the dynamics of Clash at Demonhead, theres the Lucas Lee movie on the BG thats visually identical to scotts memory of when he got with kim- and the reveal that the lady in that movie wasnt dead is arguably foreshadowing for scott reviving in volume 6? if you know whats happening in the story, rereading the volumes really is so rewarding. it also helps on a first read cause unconsciously its not the first time you're hearing about these ideas so theyre easier to digest & accept. this is also what the character explicitely referencing what will happen later is for- "i wonder how the Boys & Crash can do music without instruments- maybe it will be relevant later in the evening" "i'd need a deus ex machina to beat todd", these help you accept when these things do seemingly "come out of nowhere" later in the scene (and poke cheerful fun at it lol these are fun comics)
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a personal fave of mine is the phrase "read the comic sometime" thats repeated in the early volumes at characters who werent there for something. its 4th-wall breaking, its fun, it nicely tells lost readers where to head to without re-dumping exposition, AND it helps keep track of who was where for what scenes … stuff like "when did stacey & ramona become friends??" or "i cant believe this is stacey & neils first meeting!" or "wallace was already introduced to ramona earlier" … its all fun and helps you stay on the ride. i think this is why i would read the comics back to back to back to back and retained very little. its easy to passively read these comics and its not a bad thing! though it is better to actively read them, and take these notes as fun jokes & reminders, and not life boats.
the 4th wall breaks are also great for the side characters having their own lives in the background. there are a lot more time indications in scott pilgrim than i remembered, if youre paying attention i think its really really easy to have a nice timeline in your head. but when stuff is broken to scott its not "i started dating mobile during X month" or "i came out X months ago" its "i started dating mobile during volume 3" and "i came out during volume 5" that way the reader can more easily relate it to the story that was happening at the time- and to keep in mind during a volume reread. its not a writing technique for EVERY comic, but its something that scott pilgrim gets to have BECAUSE its a comic- and unapologetically so! this is not a work that wants to be more novel than graphic to be taken seriously. its a comic, and its silly, and its also a work of art, and you have to respect it on its own terms.
theres also, uhm, ill be quick on this point cause its kind of weird how lesbians/sapphics are handled in the comics. its not BAD but theres clearly a bias towards male homosexuality being fleshed out and lesbianism not so much. but so the start of volume 4 is when kim & knives make out and it really starts this obsession in scott about this thing he cannot tell anyone about but is still thinking about, that prepares for roxies introduction- ramonas ex girlfriend. that i believe is also when wallace first asks if scotts broken out the "L-word" yet and it gives more context to scott assuming its lesbians? and him then going all "why does everyone keep asking me about lesbians!" but it is also kind of weird re: lesbian fetishism (which IS pointed out with scotts weird poster that no one likes but thats it). and all that with ZERO canon lesbians! roxie is pretty bi-coded i would say with her insistance on being "HALF-ninja", but ramona is described as an american ninja in the early volumes so its kind of loose. idk its weird and i like to think julie came out as a lesbian cause stephen & her being a comphet4comphet couple is really good to me
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a thing id never noticed before is that julie was suspecting stephen of having views on knives during volume 4? and its why she was so shitty to knives for a while there, and then its "worked out" at the end of the volume. this feeds into the constant fear of cheating during the story, theres of course todd & scott who do cheat, but also more grey areas of relationships. im thinking of ramonas anxieties around lisa, and when scott finds out roxie stayed over at ramona's. about stephen too, his response to julie apologizing for being jealous of knives is very… uncomfortable
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"i have nothing to fear!" "right yeah..." surely because hes starting to realize hes gay, and possibly because he's already vaguely started seeing joseph. we dont get more details on his relationships i am not going to accuse him of cheating LOL. i truly dont care. but its an anxiety that comes up again and again whenever relationships are starting to turn sour- "are they cheating?" and having been in my 20s for a little bit yeah i get it. scott not telling ramona about his job- not telling her much of ANYTHING during vol 4- and ramona not sharing much either are also part of this. theres a reason all of this happens in volume 4, and next volume ramona finds out scott cheated on knives with her. loss of intimacy and the breakdown of dialogue is all part of cheating anxieties, whether there is actual cheating or not. "what do i not know? what else are they keeping from me? they dont talk to me but they talk to them? are they cheating on me?"
theres a really neat thing the comics do to show the breakdown of scott and ramona's relationship in volume 5 and its the scene where ramona goes shopping and scott tags along. she spends it not saying anything (until she tells scott she doesnt even like his band) and scott obsessively talking about his comics (X-men!) while she doesnt look particularly interested.
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this is the scene where scott breaks up with knives again!!! the roles are reversed, scott is now the one talking about whatever while his girlfriend's unresponsive, and obviously ramona doesn't break up with him here and there, and they dont kiss in a goodwill, but the ressemblance is there. and like with the knives breakup scene, we have a good date variant of this! its their very first date from the first volume where scott does mostly talk about himself but ramona is having fun joking with him. here we are shown their relationship slowly crumbling and it lays the ground for ramona leaving at the end of the volume.
similarly to how scott battles all of ramonas evil exs (himself included), ramona does face all of scott's own exs. its not as spectacular but we see her fight knives in volume 2, then she fights envy in volume 3. we also have her comment on kim that she does like her (same with lisa, who is not strictly an ex but emotionally is treated as such. especially with how scott sleeping over at lisa's is paralleled with roxie sleeping over at ramona's) these are not comments she makes about stephen or julie, for exemple, its specifically women who had a close relationship with him. and uhm ramona also comments on liking wallace who- again- is not STRICLY an ex, but hes also part of that volume 4 cheating anxieties conversation, wallaces incessant flirting, mobile himself jokes (?) about finding wallace in the arms of another man, etc. but most convincingly to ME because we are talking about EXs here is the flashback of wallace inviting himself at scotts house being identical to lisas scene of inviting herself at scotts, scott saying the story of how he ended up living with wallace is "somewhat gay", and the general college flashbacks.
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i think this points to scott & wallace having briefly dated in the past, or (because hes paralleled with lisa) having a "what couldve been" relationship where they didnt make anything of it and now the time window's passed and emotionally? kind of feels like an ex. and if anything they ARE ex-roommates lol. this is not a scollace truthing thing, im a firm mobillace guy ok -_- im just saying its there. back to the point of ramona facing scott's exs as well, YES i am including herself in it. her going to the wilderness during vol6 parallels scott going to the countryside, the very place he faces negascott properly. and the way ramona talks when she comes back its easy to see that she did face herself on that trip. & the figurines agree with me that the idea of a negaramona does exist :)
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thats more or less all i had in mind, i also feel like i was finally able to properly enjoy the themes of the comics of facing your own shittiness and doing better, of the harms of being stuck in your own head, of never ending up like gideon (who is so attached to his exs that he literally cryogenizes them!) the warning of rewriting your own memories (or at least biased recollections of it) uhm how breakups suck! and how cheating is not always black & white but also fucking sucks !! being out of school (wanting to go back to school?) and looking for jobs- and yes if scotts life had a face i would punch it too its literally unfair how easily everything goes for him on that front, even freeloading with wallace (<- jealous). envys obsession with a guy who is so obviously shitty but who shes been best friends with since they were 11 is also kind of… ooh i get it now…. its yeah. i think they really are comics for being in your 20s, a lot about dating? but its so generally about human relationships and dealing with your baggage, i think it is still relatable without the specific romantic relationship experience.? i love these comics. everyone read scott pilgrim if you havent in a while (or ever!!!!) and try to think a little about it as you read it really is so worthwhile. and if anything theyre insanely funny, and wallace is there!
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pariskim · 2 months
hi my beloved mutual.
use me as a vessel to do any unhinged rant/rambling about iasip youve been needing an excuse to get out
ill be eagerly awaiting your response
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^ charlie boob pat for you
thisis the nicest thing anyones ever done. thank you...<3 charlie boob pat is awesome here too.
thinking so much about charden its crazy like not even specifically from a shipping standpoint just their relationship is so different from the others in the gang it makes me need to rip my teeth into every scene they have together. like even later when the sort of facade of normalcy falls away there's this sense of understanding between the two of them about life. in s1 its almost a sort of caretaker role dennis has put himself into for charlie, trying to help her sort through some of the shit he knows they went through in childhood, projecting it onto her with this idea of himself as a psychology minor who knows everything, but not evaluating his own problems as well. and the sort of treating charlie like a kid falls away as the seasons go on, but theres something gentler to their relationship still, like dennis doesn't really make fun of charlie in the way he would say mac. theres still mean jabs and bullying because thats how their group operates but dennis never turns to charlie and says he hates her!!! he doesnt do it!!! charlie is the first one in the group to just not care about the social standards the gang and life has pushed onto dennis and i can assume thats sort of a freeing relationship for him? like when he burns his face and mac and dee immediately jump to make fun of it, so he asks charlie dont you want to know what happened, and she just shrugs not really. there isn't the pressure to perform when its just the two of them and the results are so fascinating. i cant even get into ptsdee as an episode because some of the line cuts make me so mad but they care about each other genuinely!!!! they fight and they have tensions but dennis smiles when charlie does a stupid dance and charlie thinks dennis is cool beyond his persona. idk i think they deserve to cry and have a long talk about life sometime even though i know they never will. holds this cut scene in my hands gently like a baby bird. THEY ARE FRIENDS!!!! and im tired of pretending they arent. dennis absolutely makes fun of charlie but in s17 i want a scene where they care about each other and its not a joke
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wolfepirat3 · 3 months
Magnificent Seven 1998
This, is not going to be a structured post by any means.
I am about to spew so much shit out your mind will be left reeling because you have no fucking clue about what im trying to say
But, im about to talk about my intense love for this show.
Its going to entail a lot of jumping around between thoughts and ideas because i dont know where to begin when it comes to me talking about this show and how much i care about it.
If we are going to start somewhere, it has to be the friendships
I love how almost all of the seven have a closer friendship to one out of all the rest of them. Examples being vin and chris, buck and jd, and josiah and nathan.
Unfortunately ezra doesnt have that, but i do love when the fandom makes him have good friendships with the rest in their own ways (i have a huge bias towards ezra & vin, ezra & jd, and ezra & buck friendship fr)
Vin and chris were literally destined to be bffs, i think it comes with being named Chris and vin because this is one of the few things actually retained from the 1960 version of mag 7 and i really do love the connection the characters have. Especially with how they basically communicate with little looks and gestures and dont even really need a full out conversation to be close with one another.
Buck and jd actually make me go crazy and i want to cry everytime i think about them because the friendship chemistry they have is insane. Their banter and how theres literally at least one scene of them hanging out together in ever episode makes me so happy. Literally found family brothers of im being honest.
I dont have as much to say about josiah and nathan (though i do love them very much), but i like how their friendship is established as already existing during the pilot because it adds a nice difference to the fast forming friendships of the other two pairs. I also like how im season twos premiere that when the seven split up, they still went together to the seminole camp to continue their lives. Its just really nice to have a strong, established friendship that holds up through the series.
Okay so now i want to talk ezra (hes literally my favorite and hes also literally me idc)
Ezra is such an interesting character because he doesnt have that bond between him and another one of the seven like the others do. Yeah he hangs out with all of them but you cant really point to one specific character and say 'yeah, thats his bff'
Out of the seven hes the one who has the least amount of reason to remain in the town (also for my sake im just going to call it by the fandom name through here on out- four corners- because its a fitting name and the town doesnt cut it for me) unlike the rest. Everyone all wants to protect four corners, but getting into specifics:
Chris has mary and billy he wants to look after
Vin has a place to call home that he doesnt have to run from due to being wanted (even though that gets resolved in sins of the past)
Nathan has people he can take care of and heal
Josiah can repent and do something good
JD can make a life for himself in the west and prove himself
And Buck can try (and fail) to get ladies (and of course look after JD)
But ezra? The most he had was wanting to buy his saloon, but thats ruined by maude (and i have so much to say about ezra and hers relationship)
Well i guess the most prominent reason he had to stay was when judge travis made him stay for 30 days so he could get out of being arrested. But then by the time the days were over he decided to stay (which shocked everyone including himself)
I believe that subconsciously, he realizes that four corners and being with the seven is where he belongs and that this is the right path in life for him.
I also like how his relationship with other characters grow throughout the show and how he (slightly) improves as a person. Also also how you can see that he isnt completely self absorbed from the get go
Literally the pilot episode where, admittedly, he does try to run. BUT he ends up coming back in the end to help everyone out because he knows its the right thing to do
In serpents when yes, hes trying to steal all the money. BUT he realizes that someones trying to kill mary and literally puts his life on the line to save her?? Like yeah hes selfish and hedonistic, but he does do the right thing eventually
Like in working girls when he was giving the ladies lessons. He did do it for money reasons, but he was also trying to make sure that theyd be able to get onto their feet and have good lives. He also didnt have to do drag to distract the people at wickestown, but he does because he knows that itd most likely succeed in the end.
And now, onto his mother.
If theres one thing i want to get straight, its the fact that i HATE when people demonize maude and try to make her out to be a horrifically malicious woman that hates ezra and only manipulates him for selfish reasons.
Yes, she sucks a good deal of the time and does actively make life hell when shes running a con, but shes also doing what she knows will keep her afloat in life.
She did drop ezra off at familys places when she went off to do cons ezra couldn't, which did contribute to her bad parenting because it really isnt fair to do that to anyone. But i think some people need to realize that she was a single mother that had to provide for a child and was just trying to do it in a way that she knew best.
Her tactics are manipulative at times and she has done things during the course of the show that shit on everything ezra was working for (namely: ruining his one dream of owning a saloon by almost immediately buying it out after he spent so long saving up money) and most of time its because she wants to 'teach him a lesson' but we cant hate on her for being a shittier person than she actually is.
Its extremely clear that she cares for ezra and loves him and its also very clear that ezra loves her back because he still puts up with her everytime she comes through four corners.
Okay ezra rant over i think
Now i kind of just want to talk about fandom and headcanons and those kinds of things
Now im not an active participant in the fandom (mostly because its very small and very dead and idk where to find other fans), but i do read a lot of fics from 20 years ago and ive picked up on a lot of things that they did back then that ive come to love very much.
If theres one thing i love it's ezra centric fics, especially ones that include the seven comingore to understand his philosophy about things and realizing that what he does is how he shows he cares, something bad happening that involves a misunderstanding of some sort that leads to an arduous process of realization and forgiveness, and also i do love just good friendship and teamwork
I also like all the AUs that people have come up with (such as the ATF one, i was wary of it at first but i think its so cool how well thought out everything is). Also how they share ideas and ocs and theres always a thanks and acknowledgment towards the people who created the ideas. (Like when i first started getting into the fics i thought Chaucer and Four Corners were canon names, but i was so shocked when i found out that someone came up with it and everyone agreed that theyre really good names and went with them)
Finally, for now, i want to cover some of my headcanons for the guys cuz im a little silly like that and i have way too many thoughts bouncing around in my cranium
Buck with heterochromia
I thought of this one when i was trying to do a drawing of the seven and i found out his eyes were blue and not brown like i thought. Instead of conforming because im too cool for that, i decided to just go with blue and brown
Ezra probably knows most of the main romance languages (specifically french, spanish, and italian)
It just feels like something he wouldve learned either by maude making him or something hed do on his own for con reasons
Vin is more blond than he is in canon
If im being completely honest and genuine, for the first probably six months after getting onto the show i couldve and wouldve sworn that vin was blond. Then i was getting pictures of the characters when o realized that hes actually a brunette??? So anyways my thought process for the blond thing is that its kind of bleached by the sun considering he spends a lot of time outside and especially due to his upbringing
JD has a little scar through his eyebrow because he was fooling around and got cut there
Another thing that came up when i was drawing a few years back. I just thought it looked cool but its something that happened as a complete accident that jd thinks looks cool, but when someone asks how it happened he gets really embarrassed because he was doing something stupid
Post series, Nathan and Ezra actually talk shit out and find common ground so they arent so pissy with each other
I just want them to be friends tbh, like genuinely theyd be the kind of friends that hate each others guts but would do absolutely anything to anyone if something bad happened to the other one
Character ages are another headcanon i have. Last year i wanted to see how old the actors were during the filming of the show compared to how old i thought the characters were and i was a little surprised at some if im being honest. Anyways heres my headcanon ages
Chris - 37
Buck - 39
Vin - 31 (which actually coincides with how old eric close was so i did pretty good in this matter)
Ezra - 29
Nathan - 30
Josiah - 49
JD - 21 (though i have seen some people say hes meant to be 18/19? Idk I just know hes meant to be young)
Okay i think thats completely it for now. I said so much but i dont actually know how much makes sense
Thanks anyways! Plz watch the show if you havent i promise is so worth it!!!!
Have a good day, until next time
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raveneira · 1 year
Why this change was more harmful to Sarada’s big moment than you think
If it wasnt obvious yes this will be another anti BoruSara post although that isnt the main focus, obviously if your a shipper then you obviously have no issue with the scene I’ll be critiquing, so for your own peace of mind scroll on.
Anyway Im gonna be talking about the Chidori scene which yes, Im still very pissed about which wouldnt still be the case if it werent still being talked about today which unfortunately it is, and any critique of it is seen as just ‘haters’ jealous of their BoruSara moment.
Key point, jealous, of their BoruSara moment.
If you didnt catch it, this was supposed to be and originally was SARADA’S moment, Boruto, let alone anyone else, was not a factor, they played background roles while Sarada was the MVP of that moment, it was NEVER a BoruSara moment, it was always SARADA’S moment.
And there lies the problem with the anime changes, it robbed Sarada of what was originally hers and made her NEED Boruto to succeed when originally all she needed was them to stall while she found the core and when she did she went ham all on her own, no help needed.
I left out a key detail there intentionally since I’ll bring it up later but first I gotta address the moment Im specifically talking about and WHY it hurt Sarada’s big moment and her character.
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First off Sarada is panicking, unsure of herself, she cant focus and cant find the core fast enough, she even berates herself for always needing Boruto and Mitsuki to protect her, keep this in mind.
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Once Sarada DOES find the core, like the manga she concludes that shes gotta be the one who destroys it herself and prepares herself to do so, however...rather than taking off and destroying the core, theres a long pause for Boruto to look back at her, Sarada to look at him, Boruto smiles at her, and then Sarada looks on with determination, and THEN she moves forward to destroy the core.
So whats wrong with this? why is this bad? simple, just look at the original scene in the manga.
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Sarada isnt panicking, she doesnt doubt herself, and she doesnt berate herself for needing ‘saving’ all the time or being ‘useless’. She is confident, focused, and jumped into action all on her own.
Remember how I said I left out a key detail on purpose? well now is where I bring it up. The key detail of this scene I left out is Kawaki telling Sarada to focus, why? to make a point about the difference between Kawaki’s involvement in this scene and Boruto’s despite both serving the same purpose.
Whether I do or dont mention Kawaki telling Sarada to focus it doesnt change the scene at all, she got distracted, Kawaki told her to stay focused and she did, it doesnt take or give anything away to her moment, so whether I do or dont bring it up her moment is still the same, it was irrelevant.
Compare that to Boruto’s involvement, Sarada was berating herself for being useless and always needing Boruto [and Mitsuki] to save her, shes panicking and unsure of herself, and even after spotting the core and knowing what she needs to do, she still needed an extra morale boost from Boruto giving her reassurance with a smile giving her the final push she needed to act.
If you cant see why thats bad I’ll go ahead and spell it out for you, in the manga Sarada simply needed to be told how to defeat Boro and fill in the rest on her own while they take the heat to buy her time which shs succeeds in doing all on her own, however in the anime Sarada needed silent reassurance from Boruto AND his assistance to give her an opening just to hit Boro when she specifically said in the manga that her Chidori was the best jutsu for the task BECAUSE it was faster than he could weave signs, Boruto helping her to hit him undercuts her speed feat while giving Boruto one in her place since he literally backflipped over her Chidori just before she ran by.
Do you see why this is an issue yet? why this hurt her character and her moment?
Without the manga for comparison the anime paints a very clear picture, that Sarada isnt confident in herself or her abilities, she isnt a level headed captain and crumbles under pressure, even if she has it all figured out she still needs Boruto to give her reassurance and confidence, she also needed Boruto in order to create distractions and an opening for her to hit Boro undetected, and a new speed feat is achieved by Boruto back flipping over a high speed chidori.
So whats special about this scene for Sarada in the anime version? nothing really, it was cool that this was her first chidori moment and she asked her dad to give her strength but thats about it, the praise falls more on Boruto than it does her in this situation since she was freakin out the whole time prior and needed his help to back her up.
Which is exactly the problem, its no longer her moment, its Sarada and Boruto’s when it didnt need to be, they have plenty of moments where their teamwork and chemistry shines, but this was HER moment to shine on her own, she didnt NEED Boruto to succeed because she is strong and capable of holdin her own without him.
This was literally not just her big chidori moment, but also her moment as captain, her first time taking on the leadership role where her comrades lives rests in her hands and she has to be the one to make the calls for victory, so this moment was critical in showcasing her leadership skills and the anime completely ruined it by having her distracted, wavering, doubting herself, panicking, and needing someone else to help her succeed.
That Is TERRIBLE for her character
To put it inter perspective lets look at how Mitsuki and Kawaki’s involvement impacts her moment, Mitsuki is the one who suggests her as captain because he believes shes the most suited for the role and has good judgement, Kawaki agrees with Mitsuki and believes shes their best chance of winning, Kawaki informs Sarada about the whole core situation and leaves the finding and destroying of it to her, when Mitsuki is hurt Sarada gets distracted for a moment but Kawaki reminds her to focus and she does.
Now if we include the anime additions there was also a added scene of Kawaki looking back at Sarada which you could argue has the same effect as Boruto, but the difference is Boruto was actually a completely added scene that didnt exist in the manga, however the moment between Kawaki and Sarada actually DID occur in the manga just the sequencing was different in the anime.
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For starters Boruto and Mitsuki went ahead and started attacking Boro on their own, Sarada also jumped in and so did Kawaki, this however was changed in the anime but more on that later.
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After all 4 of their attacks fail, Kawaki asks Boruto and Mitsuki to buy him time to explain his plan to Sarada, afterwards he jumps in and attacks Boro alongside Mitsuki and Boruto leaving the rest to her, this was also altered in the anime.
Like I said the anime changed the sequence of these events but its important to know how these changes affected the moment if at all which the short answer is it didnt.
Instead of all 4 of them attacking Boro together at first and then Kawaki explaining, Kawaki actually stops Sarada before she can go join Boruto and Mitsuki, he holds her hand while explaining the situation about the core, however Sarada gets distracted and loses focus and acts recklessly when she sees Mitsuki get hurt [refer back to that panel of Kawaki telling Sarada to focus] and pulls away from Kawaki to try and go help him [again refer back to that panel where despite her concern she remained level headed and focused on her objective] while foolishly running head first, Kawaki jumps over Sarada and Mitsuki assists him to blow Boro in half.
Its here that Kawaki looks back at Sarada and says hes counting on her.
So how is this different than the Boruto scene? simple, like I said this scene actually does exist in the manga the sequencing was just different.
Basically the scene where Kawaki tells Sarada to focus and ignore Mitsuki is changed to this
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And the scene where he looks back at Sarada is actually just these panels but extended a few extra seconds.
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The reason for this is because they switched where Kawaki tells her the plan, so instead of Kawaki simply telling her to look close and find it and then running off, they had Sarada lose focus and rush in to save Mitsuki which caused Kawaki to get involved and stop her, the moment he looks at her is the silent version of the panel where Kawaki tells her to focus.
In short, his look towards Sarada was SPs version of the ‘Forget him Sarada! focus!’ panel. But by changing the sequence of events its understandable why ppl have different interpretations on what his look meant vs Boruto’s, context is key after all and if your anime only you will have a very VASTLY different understanding of this fight than those who read the manga.
Anyway my point is that although altered, this moment DID infact exist in the manga, it wasnt just some additional scene added but literally what happened in the manga just in a different way. Boruto looking back and smiling at Sarada giving her a morale boost was nowhere in the manga, Kawaki reminding Sarada to focus on the plan however is even if SP altered it, it still EXISTED in the source material.
So how did these changes affect her moment? they didnt, nobody really talks about Kawaki  saying hes counting on her, holding her hand etc because in the grand scheme of things none of that mattered, its not worth mentioning outside of shipping obviously but in terms of Sarada and her big moment? these alterations had zero effect on it, nobody talks about Kawaki’s involvement because it was irrelevant, the same cannot be said for Boruto.
Shipping or non shipping related Boruto is brought up because he was, as terrible as it is, he was a intergral part of her moment and success. He’s the one who reassured everyone to have faith in their captain, his smile gave Sarada the push she needed, his assistance was what allowed her to hit Boro undetected, and without him she wasnt confident in herself prior to him smiling at her.
So no, these two moments are vastly different, and whats most sad about it is that they included extra bits for Kawaki that didnt take away from Sarada or her moment at all, so it isnt like it couldnt be done, but for Boruto they made sure that his inclusion completely undercut Sarada entirely.
Despite popular belief this has nothing to do with shipping, but Sarada’s character being held back by Boruto stealing her spotlight when he didnt have to, the sequel is literally called BORUTO, theres literally over 200 episodes of this boy shining both solo and teamwork, he did not NEED to be included in her big moment and because he was we got tweets like this that should’ve been about Sarada.
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Like I said shippers are a separate subject of course, but this included non shippers as well, it was not just a BoruSara vs antis situation, Sarada fans who dont even ship her with anyone were pissed at her scene being undercut like it was, the only ppl who were happy with this scene were BoruSara and Boruto stans, which should tell you all you need to know since this entire scene catered to those very ppl. Nuff said.
I dont really feel the need to hide any names because this isnt a personal attack on anybody other than the studio itself, these tweets are just examples to make a point of how these changes harmed Sarada’s character and moment by making it all about Boruto more so than Sarada and the attention shifted from her to him instead. If you compared the conversations after the chapter dropped vs the episode you’d be amazed at how different it is, hell there wasnt any shipping talk from any side, the attention and praise was all on Sarada and SHE was the main thing ppl talked about, sure the boys got praise too for relying on her and backin her up, but the main focus was on HER as it should’ve been.
So yea, its 2023 and this is still an issue, know why? because her leadership being undercut didnt stop here but its a recurring thing with her character ever since [see the Funato arc if you need any convincing] even the manga had walked back on her leadership but the difference is atleast she did have good leadership in the manga at one point [Ironic how her leadership was undermined the same way it was in the anime, shoehorning Boruto in on what should be her moment] meanwhile the anime has yet to show Sarada having good leadership, and assuming they’ll animate 58 [which I doubt] then the disrespect wont even be surprising since she never had a firm grip on her teammates to begin with.
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Hello omori and hxh fans
[ Spoilers for omori later on ] 
Hi!!!1! I just decided to make a bunch of hxh x omori sprites for my funny little fusion au idea because I really like hxh and omori both
so here are the sillies
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His name is KIRA. I might change it later on but for now it’ll be KIRA since i couldnt rlly decide on another one.
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Alluka!111ww1weeewe ue she is like the best ever in here. She’s mostly like DW Aubrey and a bit of Kel as well
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Her litle sprite
I don’t know what to do with nanika but I may put her in there somewhere. I don’t want to make her scary/bad in the story because shes not
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I havent made neutrals for leorio/kurapika yet but here !!! I made it for a little interaction. I decided that since in omori theres not much of an age difference, that kurapika will be 14 in the past and leorio will be 16, and later obv 18 and 20.
Alluka is still 11 and Kalluto is still 10 though, as well as killua and gon being both 12 in the past (14, 15, 16, 16, 18, and 20) 
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I made the text boxes and stuff with my art and this excellent dialogue generator it was very fun.
I havent made gon or kallutos dw sprites yet but...
[ Major omori spoilers & tw for death/suicide ]
ok so here we get into the nitty gritty of the story, so if youve played/watched a playthrough of omori you know what im talking abt...
so in the story, sunny accidentally kills mari and basil watches. If you didnt already guess, Killua is supposed to be sunny, Gon would be mari, and basil will be kalluto. 
Killua moved in with gon a month prior because he was old enough and his home situation obviously isnt the best (a lot of trauma with his parents and illumi which in the hikikomori route would go much in depth to) and since they lived together more they got into more fights. 
One day, Kalluto was over and Killua and Gon got in a big argument. Kalluto was speechless and they wanted to interfere but couldn’t as they saw their brothers face. Killua was getting really agitated and pushed Gon down the stairs accidcentally. 
Idk what the argument will be about specifically... I don’t know if i hsould have them do a performance or not like in the actual game. I also dont know what they’ll do with gon after they find out hes.. yk.. dead... but it’ll probably be a staged suicide as well, as that makes the rest of the group feel even more conflicted. Especially Leorio, who thought himself a bigger brother figure to Gon, and Kurapika, who feels guilty about often relying on Gon to comfort him instead of comforting Gon. 
The scene....
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The last box is more or less a reference to the scene in the truth sequence where there are a bunch of hospital beds and if you interact with them it says “This person is not alive.” or “This person is not breathing.” Ifg but yea.
Speaking of the truth sequence, instead of collecting photos, you collect scraps of ripped paper from a drawing of the truth by kalluto. Instead of taking photos, Kalluto likes to draw/do paper crafts, and instead of a photo album, they have a sketchbook for drawings relating to their friends.
After gon dies, Killua obv isolates like sunny in the game, but Mito is more involved in taking care of him unlike sunnys mom.
I think there will be two somethings, one being the bitterness of gons death and gons spirit being twisted into a sick innocent... thing, and the other being illumi’s... well basically everything illumi told killua about himself, and killua being convinced that it’s true.
Alluka tries to be positive, and is the one to get Killua out of the house, and sticks up for Kalluto when they need it.
Kalluto really wants killua to like them, and is now scared of him and feels like his burden. Theyre often anxious around him and Killua tries to repress any bad memories, so he doesnt interact with Kalluto when they see each other again much at all.
The zoldyck household is not a very good place to be in any case for Kalluto and Alluka. Illumi left, luckily, but their parents were still as harsh (transphobicc...), and often say theyre glad that their friend group seperated. Alluka learned to stand up for herself and Kalluto in this environment because Killua wasn’t there anymore. (Kalluto Basil parallels -- you came back to save me)
Kurapika also isolates but in a different way. He isn’t a hikikomori, and he goes outside a lot, but hes closed off emotionally. He stopped caring about school, so he didn’t even bother looking into college after he graduated. He pretends that he doesnt know his friends, which isnt very successful with Alluka or Leorio, but it really hurts Kalluto. When they try to talk to him, he’s very passive aggressive.
Kurapikas home life isnt great. He was orphaned at 12 years old, and his relationship with his legal guardian, Izunavi, wasn’t too amazing at first, but begrudgingly by the time he turned 14 they got along. Everything reverted when Gon died, however, as he stopped talking to his caretaker as well as his friends.
So hes kind of like real world aubrey in the way that he becomes prickly towards his friends, but he doesnt join a gang.... There would def be a ‘it means everything’ like scene and also a breakdown scene where Kurapika breaks down and apologizes to everybody, especially Kalluto who isnt there if were going like the sunny route plot. 
Leorio is at college!!!!! and going to med school obv.. I think he would have always wanted to be a doctor unlike hero, so in dw maybe he would have a SYRINGE AS A WEAPON HELP. But anyways he feels so guilty about gons death like gon was like a little brother to him, and he was so young. So he was definitely depressed like hero was/is. Alluka consistently visited him (and tried to visit kurapika and killua to no avail) before he left for college, and she helped him become less depressed. He wants his friends to be happy again and will do anything to make sure nothing happens to any of them. 
He notices especially how different Killua, Kurapika, and partially Kalluto are, and he is the one that really helps Kurapika open up after everything thats happened. He’s not sure how to talk to Kalluto and Killua about it as much, though.
...instead of garden sheers, kalluto has scissors... 
anyways thats my infodum p..... bye keep being silly
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autismnation · 1 year
ok so i just watched the movie split. and wow. what a shit show.
like it had a strong start, it seemed pretty interesting. im very glad 2/3 girls werent idiots and actually did what they could to escape. but the other one casey (idk if thats how u spell her name but im spelling it like that) was SO ANNOYING. idk it was probably her trauma or something but why did she literally not do anything??? she was all like “oh its not gonna work” and then as soon as she was on her own she got her ass in gear. what a team player 🙄 /sarc
speaking of her trauma, what even was it? i think she was raped or sexually assaulted by her uncle and then had to live with him after her father died, and she started self harming, i think. i understand that through the flashbacks but what were the other flashbacks even about? i know it was about hunting but considering the fact she didn’t even use the advice her father gave her, what was the point? like you really don’t need to show her love for her father because it’s a fucking given. maybe to show how innocent she was? idk still a given fact. like every child is innocent, most children love their dads. unless you specifically show her dad being an asshole, we’re gonna know she loves him.
on one hand, (i might be reading too deep) but it is very interesting to read this in an abused/abuser way. like the beast in kevin’s body is the abuser and hedwig, patricia and dennis are the abused and cling to the abuser because it makes them feel protected, even though the beast/abuser is doing harm (by fucking eating people). and then ofc casey, despite doing everything to survive when she was kidnapped and also running away from home, still ends up with her abuser (rapist uncle). that’s a cool thing to think about. i wish they went down that road instead of ‘ahhhh people with DID are big scary beasts!!!!’
and also i knew that this movie would not be respectful in any way possible. i didnt even want to watch the movie because i knew it would portray people with DID as monsters (crazy how i was right! /sarc) but my dad forced me to watch it lol. and like not only is it so disrespectful and contributes to the stigma around DID, it was so…lazy. like i thought it would be interesting to have the alters inside kevin fight or whatever (like some alters send the emails) and then at the end, the girls escape and kevin gets help. which i know is too hopeful of an ending. but it’s way better in my opinion from having some weird ass beast. why was it strangely catholic? its like the writers didnt know how to end it and just were like hmmm ok supernatural beast it is. and i spoke to my dad about this and he agreed that the beast thing was too predictable because they spoke about the beast too much. and what even was the beast. it was just the same guy but had like black contacts and prominent veins and blood from his teeth. not scary. i had to try hard not to laugh at some scenes because they were just so ridiculous…
also what was that weird thing where they mentioned dennis was a pedo then just…didnt bring it up again. dont get me wrong i do NOT want a movie about a pedo kidnapper, but this whole movie seems like a mess so i had to comment on how strange this is. like theres a few more details that are just mentioned then left and ignored but this is the one that irks me the most. oh, also the beast only left casey around bc it saw her self harm scars. what if she didn’t have any scars ?? big plot hole or the beast is just supposed to be dumb or something? like its all like “oh yeah everyone has to suffer to be ‘pure’ but if it doesn’t leave scars ur not valid and ill eat u 🤬🤬”
idk weird movie. only good part was hedwig because he’s funny and i feel bad for him. everyone’s acting was super good too. overall i would give it a wtf/10. jk like a 4/10, maybe a 5. also i hope its not just me who thinks this movie is crap. it had potential and it was thrown away.
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ratgingi · 1 year
Do you have any fun facts or headcannons about your ocs? You have really cool characters :DDD
THANK U ...... im grabbing you forcefully and sitting u down amongst my plushies to ramble at you
misc facts under cut :-]
- i dont really have specific ethnicities for most of the jack dlc cast, but exie + her sibling, cora's little brother jr, and margo are all mixed
- nobody knows why charlie never takes off his gloves. even lillith hasnt ever seen his actual hands. if you met him past a certain point in his life you just missed the chance i guess. its entirely possible that its just because he likes being mysterious about it
- murr and his brother atticus (who ive yet to. design and show off. dont worry about that) are twins and complete opposites personality wise, atticus is a very pretentious rich guy and lives in a different state. in murrs route there would be a scene somewhere where youd be able to videocall atticus, during which you and murr just get bullied for being poor like 30 minute straight
- outis' friend, stop, has been hit by cars on multiple occasions, and it absolutely will happen again. theres a margo end im working on in which you get to hit them with a car actually
- juniper is friends with ashton, kipper, and alma. they have a band together but its only for fun :-]
- cinder lives in a little house somewhat out of the way of town that she built herself and she has a massive garden that a lot of the flowers in her shop comes from. oopsie and kipper work for her and often get to visit her place to help gather flowers for the shop
- roe collects things he considers 'timeless', such as books, trinkets, and photos. his house has a lot of these things. also he likes birds. he has a friend who owns an aviary that he visits occasionally when he gets stressed
- when roe flips his head around in the morning to keep the sand flowing, it feels similar to how popping your neck does. however, much like popping your neck, if he is not careful about how he does it he can injure himself. and it also make a horrible popping noise when he does it
- margo did have a typewriter head for a short period of time but got bored of it and had her head changed to the bell. when she gets stressed and needs grounding she shakes her head around and it makes a loud bonging noise. it was already cracked like that when she got it
- continuing head talk, the part of outis' head that is damaged is not the main part but the reciever. the part of the reciever that allows it to hook onto the main phone is broken and doesnt allow it to stay in place for more than a few seconds. he often has to hold the reciever in order to keep it from dragging on the ground and getting further damaged on things, and he has a slight bit of hearing trouble
- michy likes to experiement with all kinds of fasion, which does include more masc styles sometimes. she absolutely rocks suits and likes ones that have silly patterns on them
- juniper befriends stray cats and brings them into the apartment building often to feed them and stuff. jackson lets his friends have spare keys to his place, so theres been multiple times hes come home to her having brought 3 random strays into his place to feed them leftovers from his fridge
- charlie is very strong, however lillith is the one who does all the heavy lifting around the morgue, usually because they volunteer to do so. they dislike showing off their strength in front of others but are genuinely stronger than pretty much everyone in jack dlc. jackson is a bit stronger than they are but they could easily kick his ass because everyone could
- three townies i havent talked much about are military, gym, and dancer. theyre a polyam couple that would appear across a few different routes, mili is a security guard with military style training, gym is a personal trainer at well. the gym. but theyre named gym because they also used to be a professional gymnist, and dancer is a professional ballet dancer. mili is a butch lesbian nd is very smart and scary but shes also pretty kind and mostly keeps to herself, gym is genderfluid, pansexual, and a bit of a snarky asshat who is big on gossip, and dancer is a transwoman whos very sweet but has a short temper much to her own dismay. dancer and gym are the other two townies who appear during kara's scene at the funfair
- i havent talked abt them yet so margos gingling a chameleon for a head, coras is gonna be either a rat or some sort of reptile, and alex + bernies is a two headed jackalope
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tremorsmackenzie · 7 months
alright, i just watched the marvels, here are my thoughts. spoilers below the cut.
Disclaimer: I don't think it was good, but I'm mostly indifferent towards it.
i went into this movie with no expectations, i literally just watched the trailer today and managed to avoid any spoilers or the trashing it received elsewhere. i watched the required stuff except for ms marvel.
Basically, it had all the same problems as secret invasion. Almost no exposition or set-up or even context in some cases for anything, emotional payoffs to nothing, they just moved from one scene to the next with no "glue" to hold them together, it basically felt like a very long trailer. as if they had a much longer movie and cut out everything that wasnt essential to follow the main plotline. everything is only as long as it needs to be to fill that role. like how they just moved through their plotpoints in secret invasion without actually moving the story there.
im not gonna criticize its content in detail because of all of the above. nothing anyone does or says makes any kind of sense, its all very movie-ey, theres no immersion.
the movie doesnt know whether its a comedy or a drama, like the storyline is very dramatic and sad, and there are moments where the characters react to that, but a minute later it goes into sitcom territory, and thats the vast majority of it. the characters themselves dont even take it seriously. there are the hints of a self-loathing storyline with carol, but thats really it.
the villains motivations are explained, and actually not even that badly written, but she suddenly goes from a typically kree mindset of solving problems with genocide to specifically targeting carol in a very personal way for not really any reason thats explained.
there is no follow-up to secret invasion or the skrulls on earth or the mcu at large. the conflicts that arose from captain marvel and wandavision are adressed, briefly.
in my opinion, this is the worst movie marvel has made, not because its exactly bad, but because it barely qualifies as a movie. if you like kamala khan, you might enjoy it, she gets a pretty good spotlight as far as i can tell, but outside of that its just not there.
its good that marvel are basically taking a break on movies, cause they need it.
edit: oh kate bishop showed up at the end, that was a nice surprise. i miss her, she needs to get so much more attention.
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drowsydarling · 7 months
spoilers below!! i need to ramble!!!
ok ok so its so good first of all
i knew they were gonna massively change the plot once they revealed the first trailer. They were starting it off in fnaf 1, one of the last games in the original series timeline, and micheal didnt know anything about freddys? so i had plently of time to curb and change my expectations for what it'd be, and i was genuinely so happy with how much they changed!
I LOOOVED how much inspiration they took from the books, ESPECIALLY the silver eyes.
I noticed how mike and his family is actually a parallel to the Emily family. His family dynamic; one of the children being taken, the mother leaving or dying, and the father offing himself,, its all a big parallel to the emily family!! and Vanessa seems to be a game Micheal Afton parallel! both vanessa and game Micheal do their fathers (william afton) bidding, until their bubble finally pops and they turn on him! I feel like Vanessa will probably spend the next movies trying to undo her father's actions and free the children, probably with the help of micheal!!
Also a bit more of a gut feeling that banks on the family swap theory, maybe in this universe garret is the puppet? its a bit of a stretch, but it feels possible. Out of all the music they could've chosen to play in the credits, across several different games, they deliberately chose to use the marrionettes music box theme! that tied with the "its me" imagery that was left unresolved, seems like there could be a plotline there for the sequel? dont know, i wouldnt be surprised if garret being the puppet turns out to be false, but i think itd be cool. Theres no reason he would be in golden freddy, its not like he was bitten, which is why theres two spirits in golden freddy in the first place,,, so maybe vanessa had a sibling that was bitten instead? or there just isnt a second soul in golden freddy at all in this universe? Super excited to see where this leads in the sequels. Maybe we'll see some more flashbacks, see william and mikes dad (presumably henry) interact? See more of Mike paralleling Charlie and Sammy?
Also, the C-O-M-E F-I-N-D M-E in the credits at the end made me think it was garret at first, talking to micheal telling him to come find him. But then i remembered Micheal Aftons speech in Sister Location, where he specifically said "im going to come find you",, and that seems like it might be very specific word choice. Maybe its william telling vanessa to come find him as springtap? Or maybe its a complete coincidence and im over thinking it, dont know. Orrr it could be garret as the puppet trying to get micheal to find him, since those minigames were about the puppet methinks.
Anyway, im done theory dumping,, heres some things i didn't like,,
I HATE HATE HATED how william took off the spring bonnie head so fast, and how he kept it off for so long. Especially considering how much they took from the books? He basically NEEDED that thing to function. Plus he looked goofy with it off, and its just so much less iconic than it was with it on. I get they needed their reveal for general audiences who didnt know it was steve raglan, and they needed their celebrity face time, but it was just so annoying to me. Its not a deal breaker for the movie, but it definitely dampened my enjoyment of the scene. Also, the springlocks SUCKK!!! they're supposed to be holding robot parts back, and they're supposed to SNAP back into place super fast. But in the movie they're basically just a claw? and it closes SUPER slow????? i know they needed to make it less gory for the pg-13 rating,, but they still couldve made it not THAT.
all that aside, everything else about this movie is GREAT!! i love it so freaking much,,,, ive rewatched it like twice now ontop of my first watching. I love all the little references and lines and characters from the books, and sparky too!!! Genuinely good movie, im excited for any sequels to come!! It'll be nice to see yet another different interpretation and telling of this story, and im glad its its own thing.
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thedeafprophet · 8 months
17 for your gang -- I'd love to also know which of them you think have it worst overall
17. What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
Oh... see now this is an interesting one. Because like. Josephine and Alex I feel have more specific 'worst things' (and also more the games fault then mine), vs Jamie and Rory is more like, a general theme of bad things rather then concrete moments
His backstory is pretty filled with bad moments (his mom dying in childbirth, the house fire, overall abuse and neglect) but honestly I still think the actual game events of Light Fingers qualify as the worst thing I put him through story wise.
The whole 'absolute horror of the orphanage', 'being burried alive', 'dealing with a stalker', etc. etc. kinda trumps any childhood trauma. Y'know. so i can't say I am to blame for the worst things Alex has been through story wise. But I sure did choose to put him through it
Josie gets a combo ambition related and backstory related. Nemesis pretty much sets that up.
Nothing could triumph over the abosloute horror of Josie loosing her older brother when she was 10, not long after loosing her parents to illness.
Coming home that day to that scene will forever haunt her. She wasnt able to move past it. And she never will.
Jamie's 'worst thing' is a bit more ambigious, but honestly is probably their struggle with mental health and addiction/alcholoism. Which of course, is spurred on by their experiences with abandonment, bullying, general isolation, attachment issues, and, unknown to them, untreated adhd.
They struggle pretty heavily with dark thoughts and often self sabotage in situations. In culminates overall to being their greatest struggle, a battle they dont always know they are fighting.
Rory, again, is a bit more vague rather then a specific moment. Rory's struggles form around societal expectations for women and her own complicated feelings towards gender and sexuality.
Her life was a constant struggle of trying to fit in a role she could never match, being an adopted child of a wealthy couple who couldnt have kids themself. The inherent struggles of having a mother is a prime thing for Rory, combined with needing to fit a mold of feminitiy she didnt match, and expectations for marriage and having children
For her story, this rejection of expectation is a prominent aspect of her story.
I dont like to compare 'who has it worse' in things. A fundmental theme with my ocs is the various ways different people will react and be shaped by trauma, and how theres no one way things will go. Everyone is different. We are shaped by our pasts, but we don't have to be prisoners of it.
....But obvs Nemesis and LFs are a bit heavier in terms of plot.
I think Josie and Alex are fairly tied, in different aspects. But Jamie is also probably one who's really struggled with things too so hmmm.
Ask Game From Here
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z1mmie · 1 year
Just finished Wednesday and I have so many thoughts--especially about our love interest boys--so I'm just gonna blab them all here:
I guess I'll just start with how frustrating I find xavier's character. Not from a writing standpoint--his charactization works perfectly for a teenage boy with a crush--but just how unable he was to understand Wednesday. That girl never said she was gonna be his friend and he KNEW she suspected him of being the monster
But he does NOTHING to change her mind!!!
I mean, correct me if I'm misremembering but all he did was get pissy and butthurt when she accused him and didn't give her any evidence to the contrary. She's only known you for what--a month? Maybe? How is she supposed to know what you're capable of??!
He just cant see stuff from her pov and it drives me crazy.
And now on top our actual monster tyler!
I got spoiled for this before I watched the whole show but I...am still hesitant to think that hes a full bad guy in this situation. The whole master-pawn situation leaves a lot of wiggle room when it comes to actual blame. And I wanna say that tyler is entirely faultless and never wanted to commit those murders.
Now the biggest evidence to the contrary is what he told Wednesday in the police station, but as someone else already pointed out--we don't know to what extent the master has control. Watching the scene closely I almost feel like theres a moment afterward where he snaps back after--like he was *ordered* to say that so Wednesday would lose faith in him.
However I have trouble coming up with *why* laurel would want him to do this. The only thing I can think of that she gains is that she prevents Wednesday from trying to split their connection or reach out to tyler specifically.
(As an aside I genuinely think that he liked her and that she liked him--i saw chemistry there! (tho I'd understand if he lost feelings considering she tortured him))
I just want to know more about the hyde situation and how it works in general and I'm hoping we will learn more considering one of the ending scenes in the finale.
Considering its direct connection to mental health, a further explanation could go really really poorly. We dont need anymore vilifying of bipolar disorder or traumatic stress, which is why I'm more inclined to believing that tyler is innocent of intention (relatively speaking).
But overall I really liked the show! I know theres been a lot of complaints about the Addams family portrayal and how it's not accurate and i can't say much on that since I never watched the originals. However, new adaptations will always have changes and as someone looking at this with almost no prior knowledge (I've watched the Addams family broadway musical) I think it achieved what it wanted to do. Wednesday was a fascinating protagonist, the story was interesting, and they introduced us to a new world that they can now further expand in s2. No complaints.
(I am hoping for more mooning for Wednesday tho because I think it's very amusing when she shows almost no interest in return (excluding tyler))
(I just wrote more in the last half hour for a damn tumblr post then I did for the 3 project I have due before Monday >w<)
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tea-with--honey · 1 year
The Ted Lasso Finale has left me EMPTY. like man I knew they were gonna be kind of realistic about and it stuff but a lot of it just didnt feel like an ending to me? Do I think its probably what would happen if the show was completely realistic? Yes. Do I think it made ANY sense narratively? NO.
Like I'm actually very happy about what they've done with Roy and Colin and maybe maybe maybe Nate but thats it. Nate on paper worked okay for me but I just felt like he didnt have his big moment? That could have been intentional though.
I may ship Tedbecca/Tedpendent but I would have been fine without it if they didnt??? Do them so dirty like that???? Like they did NOT need to tease us like that throughout the entire episode that was just plain mean. Like hello????? the scene in Rebecca's house?? The 'you go, I go?' Ted actually saying that Rebecca pulled a rom-com moment on him? Hell Rebecca getting a first-class seat and Coach Beard leaving the seat next to Ted open? Its like they loaded MULTIPLE Chekov's guns that didnt fire. i would have been fine okay and THEN they pulled up with Boat guy coming back. What. Even. I hated that so bad.
And guys Trent not even getting a moment to really say goodbye to the man who he got fired over was so??? AHHAHSHSJDDGSB
AND IM MAD ABOUT COACH BEARD AND JANE. Especially after so many scenes that indicated that the better choice for Beard was to break it off. And also jane was just, incredibly toxic.
Also I would have hoped that they spent a better part of the season establishing that Ted needed to go home? Idk it just felt like I was waiting for Ted to reveal that he stayed in London the entire time. Henry is obviously a very important part of his life but we didnt even get to see Ted being fulfilled and being there for the reason he went back home in the first place!!! At least give us some scenes where Ted doesnt look like hes about to have another panic attack back in Kansas and he's actually spending time with his little boy.
Okay im just gonna put all the other things that bothered me in a list because im sleepy but I gotta get this all out
The way we have 0 idea what rebecca found out from the doctor
The green matchbox thingy not being addressed
The lack of Bex and the Rupert's ex assistant girlie in the episode. I know them going into Rebecca's house served as a plot point but I wish we still got to see them yknow
Not getting to see Sam's restaurant again
We literally dont even get to hear what Trent wrote in 'The Lasso/Richmond Way' I had hoped there would be at least a reading of it played over some 'future' scenes
Also that Ted looks so unhappy at the end and he just as always steps aside. WHERE DID HIS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT GO
Also how OOC Ted seemed this episode, I thought they were setting up him revealing to be just really upset hence the behavior but nope nothing nada
Lack of Jade
Doctor Sharon's reaction scenes feeling shoehorned in
While I do love her getting her own official position in the team I wish they just saved showing her character for that scene specifically. Idk the rest of her cheering scenes just didnt really add much
the lack of discussion on mr awful therapist
Ted seemingly still living in the same house as his ex wife who is currently dating his ex marriage counselor
Theres more I just cant think about it anymore
Anyways they did the Diamond Dogs and the Sound of Music routine so right but thats really it for me. Would love to rant about the ending with anybody so DMs are always open
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