#but i did it finally! woah!!
haeroniel-doliet · 8 months
I got my driving licence finally!!! Damn I was so nervous and it was my second try but I got it!!
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math-memes · 5 months
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yrsonpurpose · 2 months
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What are you doing?
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hall0www · 2 months
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Balloon Party :3
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blissful-clown · 5 months
Belated Happy Birthday to pookie Auron and Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates :33
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moonpleaser · 11 months
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oh rosamund :(((( i miss you
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pebblezone · 1 year
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I can and will make a sequel to this
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jungwookjins · 1 year
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PURPLE KISS — 'save me' performance
[id: 5 gifs from kpop girl group purple kiss' 'save me' performance video. in all 5, six members perform the choreography in a hotel lobby set. their outfits are bellboy inspired deep purple outfits with gold detailing. the colored caption reads: purple kiss — 'save me' performance /end id]
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quinn-pop · 11 months
Mayta Knight 29-30
29 - Fighting the Horrors
hey this is a Brink-of-Death moment so here’s a quick warning if you need it
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angst scribblings…not something i do very often? i kinda wish i had more time to flesh this scene out but such is the nature of an art challenge
anyway, on a brighter note
30 - Amusement Park
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the duality of metadad content
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littlebear1537 · 10 months
Let Me Roam Free in the World's Playground Again - Sam Wister
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A little more about this below the cut!
I had to write a monologue and present it for my drama class last year and decided to use Sam's transmutation as the theme! "Let me roam free in the world's playground again" was a line from it that I am very happy about because it explains Sam's struggle after joining the military and becoming a bear chimera! This scene depicts how it felt for Sam and the bear to fuse into one! I also made their transmutation circle which I'll talk about in more depth soon!
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inuamaru · 10 months
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soapcan18 · 10 months
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broodygaming · 3 months
thinkin about Subnautica and the first time I played it... hahaha, I went in almost completely blind (I'd watched a tiny bit of a YTer play it and loads of ppl were saying, if you like the look of this and wanna play it don't spoil yourself, just go do it rn! so I did, lol).
I LOVE the ocean, first off. I don't think I'd ever be capable of diving? But I love the idea of it and it does not scare me in the slightest. I had ZERO idea the game is considered scary by most people. Absolutely NO idea haha. Even when I saw my first Leviathan/Reaper, I was just kinda like, oh yeah of course there's big predators, better steer clear! Nbd, if I die the consequences aren't too bad so eh. Like they definitely jump scared me a few times, but nothing crazy.
But really what sticks out to me in hindsight... this is SO stupid... it took me forEVER to figure out that I needed to scan stuff to get blueprints.
i fucking SWAM ALL THE WAY TO THE FIRST ISLAND. Or the first island I went to, the north/northwest one. I didn't even question it. I was like, oh yeah it's an exploration they want you take your time. I thought I was being a jerk, skipping all the way to the first big new thing "so quickly". About three quarters of the way back to the pod I was like "Okay, I feel like I've progressed more story, let's check in on that YTer and see what they're doing" to see him riding around with the seaglider!! I was like WTF!!!!
My mistake was SO dumb it was hard to even find like, an explanation of what I was doing wrong. Like, everything I googled said how to find the scannable items, not that you even HAD to scan them or with WHAT. Like telling someone how to make sauce and they don't know how to turn on the stovetop. SO SO silly.
Anyways. What a game.
ALSO. wait sorry this is so long
Let me run that by you again. I played the ENTIRE game without beacons. I could probably actually navigate almost the entire map without thinking much irl at this point. I just had to like... use "land" marks and be patient. I had to know where I was at on the map (which I finally started looking up to be able to find the paths to the lower chambers way later in the game) (but before then I just used the Aurora, the cloud glitches around the island and my brain) and triangulate my fucking position like a sailor and be like, okay if I'm here and wanna go here I gotta head in a SWS direction" hahaha.
Anyways. Wonderful game. One of the few games I sincerely wish I could erase my memory of and play blind again. I'm usually not the type to wish that, I'm love replaying stuff. But this was so so special on that first run.
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keii · 1 year
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So weird how the days don’t feel real for me at the moment. Probably because I’m in the middle of going through some major life changes, so I feel like I’m floating by until I’m finally settled into my new place.
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bitegore · 5 months
They're NEVER making another guy like me
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harleyification · 7 months
Hey look, I finally got to write some Moon Son!!! I’ve been heavily inspired by Lollipencil to start seriously writing for this AU, and so I decided to start at the beginning…how I think it all began. However, heed the tags, because this starts really dark. This idea has been traveling around in my brain for several months now, a culmination of A. Letting Marc and the others become a fist of Khonshu early, B. Their mother being shitty and abusive like in the show, and C. The comics interpretation of Marc possibly getting DID due to almost getting killed multiple times in his life.
WARNINGS: Graphic Depictions of Violence (nothing too graphic but there is a lot of blood), attempted murder, attempted maternal filicide, hints of physical and mental abuse. Please be careful reading this, and enjoy.
It’s hard to breathe. His chest hurts, with every staggering breath making his collapsing lungs ache, each one sounding like a death rattle.
Because that’s exactly what it is – a death rattle.
Marc can’t remember how he got here tonight. The memories were blurry amongst the last few minutes, quickly fading away as blood loss settled in. Red pools dragged behind him in a trail as the teen desperately tried to crawl away from the monster behind him, trying to find help. But no one is around, it’s just the two of them, and she’s still looming over him like a predator that has caught their prey. Marc can see her shadow and the knife that she clutches in her hand.
Marc doesn’t look back around. The room is getting dizzy.. He needs to hurry, he– he doesn’t want to die, please– he’s only fifteen, and his life was shitty, and he hates his abusive mom and his neglectful dad who let it continue, but he never thought that she would ever go this far. He never fucking thought that she would ever take it this fucking far.
She’s saying something behind him, but the words hardly register. They sound shocked. There were repetitions of “...my god, my good lord, what have I done…”, but Marc doesn’t turn back around. He doesn’t care anymore. He’s so fucking scared, one hand clutching onto his wounds and the other grasping the wooden floor to slide himself away.
All of a sudden, the chattering from the monster came to an end. There was resolute silence for a mere second, the only sound being Marc’s labored and pained grunts. Then, the sound of shoes walking away, leaving him to die slowly and... alone.
But he doesn’t look back. He fucking can’t.
Not when the doors and the phone and help was so, so far away, and he’s losing himself rapidly.
“Help…” he calls out, but it sounds far away to him. One hand forward, pull his body with it. One hand forward…and pull…reach forward… and…
He’s slipping. He can feel it. It should be scary, but more than anything he is exhausted.
He comes to a rest at the foot of something hard. Gazing up tiredly, his blurry vision makes out the stone mask of some kind of bird-faced humanoid. It was small, miniature, meant to be a decoration for wherever they were. Funny enough, despite its uncanniness, Marc can’t look away. It was better to look at it than at his lonely surroundings, he kind of thinks…
He will close his eyes for a minute. Just for a minute…then he’ll…ask for help…
"Hmm… a little young to be a fist. A bit too young, maybe. But it has been centuries, and I require someone, anyone, to take up the role at last. What do you say, child? Would you like to live and get away from the ones who have hurt you most?
All I ask in return is that you shall fight in my name and do the bidding of the night. Protect travelers who walk underneath the stars, in every way that you must, no matter the deed. Whenever the shadows demand it, you must heed their calls. Protect the lost ones, as you were once before.
Good. Very well. This will be very interesting indeed. Now, sleep child. Your body must heal. I shall guide you to safety."
Wary eyes blink open to minimal light in a sea of darkness. He was dizzy, his eyes swimming momentarily as his hand reached up to rub his temples. The teen looks around, eyeing his surroundings with open confusion as everything registers around him.
He was in an alley. A dingy, fucked up one too, as it had trash everywhere and there were mysterious stains on the concrete not too far beside him. The sources of light were coming from street lamps that lit up the asphalt streets and illuminated the boy’s uncomfortable hidey-hole.
He gets up, grunting as his aching limbs protest. “What in the bloody hell…?” he mutters to himself as he cautiously steps out into the open, seeing no one in sight. The streets were empty, the city was silent, and there was no moon or stars to be seen in the smoggy sky.
And just as suddenly, the quiet was destroyed by the sound of distant gunshots. The teen looks towards their direction and makes a mental note to not fucking go anywhere near there anytime soon.
The boy steps further out into the light, and almost screams when he sees the sight of his own bloody hands and clothes. They were fucking caked in red, making the teen look down the front of his shirt to see where it was he was hurt.
But…there was nothing. He pulls up his sleeves, and his skin was still unharmed.
That just makes it worse though. He gulps, shoving his hands into his pockets as if it would hide the crime scene that he practically emits. If the blood isn’t his, and if he can’t remember where it came from…then that just makes things a hell of a lot harder to figure out.
Steven has woken up many times before in weird settings and situations, but waking up has never been like this before.
There was the sound of sirens now, police and ambulance alike. There was the gleam of a needle on the building’s corner that glowed in the streetlight, prompting Steven to walk even faster. There was even the distant resonant sound of hair-raising cackling, as if through a speaker.
“Sheesh. With this commotion, you’d think I’d somehow wound up in Gotham…” Steven grumbles as he hunches himself down lower, trying to be inconspicuous.
He doesn’t know where he’s going, or what’s going on, or what his plan is exactly, but…but there is always one thing Steve knows that he is good at and can rely on.
He can figure things out. He’ll be able to get through this and make his way back home, surviving on the streets if he has to. He’s sure of it.
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