#but i am very excited to get to this!!! yas
I have an ideaaaaa!
So, reader is a journalist and she's relatively new, she's supposed to be somewhere but she's super lost and bumps into Nico and she's like 'holy shit it's Nico Rosberg' and he's like 'oh wow she's so pretty' so he takes her where she's supposed to be and they talk the whole way cause it's like across the paddock and when they get there he's like "you're very adorable please let me take you to dinner after the race Sunday"
Chinese grand prix meet cute cause Nico slayed this weekend
To get lost is to get found
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Note: Another request I have taken quite some TIME for, so once again my sincerest apologies <3 But life is busy and I genuinely loved this request so much, that I wanted to write it in peace. I genuinely hope you enjoy this and that it can make the long wait at least somewhat worth it :) <3 LOVE TO ALL OF YA!!
The Chinese Grand Prix paddock was alive with the frenetic energy of a race weekend, a cacophony of voices and activity swirling around (Y/N) as she navigated the maze of trailers and hospitality suites. Her head buried in her notes and her mind racing with thoughts of the impending pre-race meeting. Even after working in this position for several months now, the race weekends still gave her a rush of nervousness and excitement. Lost in thought, she unknowingly took a wrong turn and felt herself colliding with something…no, rather someone, sending her papers scattering in all directions.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry!" she exclaimed, flustered as she scrambled to gather her notes from the ground.  "No worries, happens all the time." a somewhat familiar voice responded. Noticing the amused tone in his voice, (Y/N) looked up to find herself face to face with Nico Rosberg, the former Formula One champion, offering her a hand up.
Almost immediately, she could feel her heart skipping a beat at the sight of him, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment, ever so slightly. "Nico Rosberg," she murmured, feeling a rush of excitement at the unexpected encounter.
Nico grinned down at her, his blue eyes twinkling with amusement. "Guilty as charged. " His gaze studies her for a few seconds “Not to make broad assumptions, but it looks like you have absolutely no idea where you are going…”
“(Y/N)” she responds, a chuckle escaping her lips, as she took Nico's hand, her cheeks still tinged with pink. "And yeah, I seem to have gotten a bit lost." she shrugged sheepishly, as she dusted off her pants with her free hand.
Nico's smile widened as he gestured for her to follow him. "Well, lucky for you (Y/N), you ran into me. I’m an excellent tour guide you know, I can show you where you need to go."
Grateful for his offer, (Y/N) laughed “How kind of you.”, falling into step beside Nico as they weaved through the bustling paddock. 
Despite her initial nerves, she found herself surprisingly at ease in his presence, their conversation flowing effortlessly as they talked about everything from racing to journalism and everything in between.
"So, what brings you to the Chinese Grand Prix?" Nico asked, genuine interest shining in his eyes, as he turned his head to look at the journalist. Glancing over at him, (Y/N) absentmindedly tapped her stack of papers, "I'm here covering the race for my publication. It's my first time in Shanghai, and I have to admit, it's quite the experience."
Nico nodded, a thoughtful expression crossing his face, as he shifted his focus back in front of him. "It's a unique circuit, that's for sure. I'm sure it’ll offer you plenty to write about." He paused, a cheeky smile on his features, as he turned to her once again. “And in case it doesn’t, you can always interview me, you know.”
Furrowing her brows in a teasing manner of thought, her eyes find his. “Oh and why do you think people would want to read about you?” 
Stopping in his tracks, Nico raises his hand to his chest, gasping in mock hurt. “Excuse me, I am THE Nico Rosberg, former World Champion, excellent reporter and the world’s best paddock guide. What isn’t there to like?”
(Y/N) couldn't help but laugh at Nico's playful banter, feeling a sense of warmth and camaraderie growing between them with each passing moment. "Well, when you put it like that, how could anyone resist?" she teased, playfully nudging his shoulder as they resumed their walk.
Their conversation continued to flow effortlessly, weaving through topics ranging from their favorite racing memories to their shared love of travel and adventure. As they walked, (Y/N) found herself completely engrossed in Nico's stories, his passion for the sport evident in every word he spoke. 
"So, (Y/N), tell me," Nico began, his eyes twinkling with curiosity. "What made you want to become a journalist?"
The woman smiled, a nostalgic gleam in her eyes as she thought back to her childhood. "I've always loved writing," she explained. "And I've been a fan of Formula One for as long as I can remember. So, combining the two just seemed like a natural fit."
Nico nodded, a look of understanding crossing his features. "I can relate," he admitted. "There's something special about being able to share your passion with others."
The former driver paused for a second "It's incredible how our passions can shape our paths in life," he remarked. "I've always felt a deep connection to racing, ever since I was a child watching my father compete. It's been a part of me for as long as I can remember."
(Y/N) listened intently, captivated by Nico's words. "That's amazing," she said, her voice filled with admiration. "To have such a strong connection to something from such a young age."
The blonde shrugged modestly, his eyes reflecting a hint of nostalgia. "It's just always been a part of who I am," he said. "And I wouldn't have it any other way."
For the rest of their way through the paddock, (Y/N) found herself sharing a comfortable silence with Nico. There was something about his easygoing demeanour and genuine interest that made her feel at ease.
Before she knew it, they had reached their destination – the room where the pre-race press meeting was being held. Reluctantly, she bid Nico farewell as she prepared to enter the meeting, a sense of warmth lingering in her chest at their unexpected encounter.
But as she turned to go, Nico's voice stopped her in her tracks. "Hey, (Y/N)," he called out, a hint of nervousness creeping into his tone.
(Y/N) turned back to face him, curiosity sparking in her eyes. "Yeah?"
Nico hesitated for a moment, his gaze searching hers before he spoke. "I was wondering if you'd like to go to dinner with me after the race on Sunday. I'd love to get to know you better."
Her heart skipped a beat at the unexpected invitation, a smile tugging at her lips. "I'd like that," she replied, feeling a surge of excitement coursing through her veins.
“I’ll make sure to find you then.” Nico promised, the softness in his smile and tone threatening to melt her right then and there. Reaching a hand around (Y/N), he opened the door for her. “You better go inside now though, can’t have you fired before I get that chance to take you out to dinner, can we.”
"Yeah, I wouldn't want that," (Y/N) replied with a playful grin, feeling a rush of warmth at Nico's gesture. "I'll see you on Sunday then."
With a final smile, she stepped into the room, the door closing softly behind her. As she settled into her seat among the other journalists, her mind was still reeling from the encounter with Nico.
Throughout the entirety of the meeting, her thoughts kept drifting back to him – his easy smile, the warmth in his eyes, the genuine interest he had shown in her. She couldn't shake the feeling that their dinner date on Sunday was going to be the start of something special.
As the meeting finally drew to a close and the other journalists began to filter out of the room, (Y/N) lingered behind, her mind abuzz with anticipation. She couldn't wait to see Nico again, to continue their conversation and see where this unexpected connection would lead.
With a smile on her face and a flutter of excitement in her heart, she gathered her things and made her way out of the room. 
Sunday couldn't come soon enough.
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 15 hours
when do we get to see the plasma moments? I know jaya is obviously endgame and all but your stories also tagged w plasma am i missing something or is it still just on the way /gen
I wasn't kidding when I said ya gotta squint for some of this, but it's about to be less subtextual sooner or later...so, moment recap time! *crackles knuckles*
(Note: the stuff in Book 1 is merely foundational and not inherently "romantic" in intent)
B1Ch2: Jay is the first one to check in on Kai after their fight with the Skulkin, and despite Kai yelling at him, he's also the one to pry Cole off Kai when they start going at it
B1Ch4: Kai saving Jay from Chad, Jay again checking in on if Kai's doing okay (twice) + making an effort to find common ground with him + getting excited when Kai finally accepts his help and listens to him. (Also not actually a "moment" but Jay dumping Kai's cafeteria lunch into the garbage while telling him not to eat that always makes me giggle)
B1Ch5: Jay texting Zane with worry when Kai skips on class (for the first and certainly not the last time lmao)
B1Ch7: Jay being the most regretful about having to lie to Kai + being the first to try to make him feel included
B1Ch9: Jay is the one the help Kai back up from the ice-crossing incident (despite being pissed at him lmao) and Kai's finally the one to check in on Jay instead
B1Ch10: First Plasma Heart-to-Heart + FIRST PLASMA HUG
They both look back to find Zane still perfectly motionless in his meditation corner, while Cole has moved back outside to brush up on his moves in the rain. Jay smiles sadly, balling up his fists in his scarf. "Those two have been great to me, but it's not hard to tell that I'm still not at their level. It feels like I'm always playing catch up, or being a third wheel, or just getting left behind…and when you joined, I thought things might finally be different." Kai squints. "How?" "Well, for starters, I wouldn't be the only one playing catch-up anymore, and I thought I could help you learn the ropes." Jay rocks on his heels. "And, if nothing else, I thought...I just ...wanted to be your friend. And maybe be close like Cole and Zane are."
^ The above takes on extra meaning in the future once we learn that a) Cole has a crush on Zane, b) Jay is fully aware of this, and c) Jay HAD a crush on Kai in the past. Jay doesn't push this in the romantic sense, however, though it does help contextualize why he values his friendship with Kai so highly
B1Ch10 cont: The entire hoverboard race team up, Kai calling out worriedly when Tawhiri catches Jay off guard, Kai teasing Jay for being poetic and making him blush snksnk
B1Ch11: Jay talking Kai into dancing around the campfire (this one's semi-canon heyo)
B1Ch13: There's a couple teeny moments but nothing significant, especially because Nya's back in the picture
B1Ch14: Again, not really a "moment" but Jay freaking out about Kai after he gets his face injury makes me feel things ;w;
A Little More Than Sixteen Candles: Jay is the first to wake up Kai on his birthday (he certainly likes to be first for these things doesn't he) + Jay being horrendously embarrassed at his "accidentally" borderline romantic and terrible poem
B2Ch1: Nothing necessarily romantic, but they do have lot of interaction this one
This dissolves into a whole different argument, one that only two people who've gone to school together for years can have. Kai briefly and mentally compares them [Cole and Zane] to an old married couple just as Nya and Jay stumble through the door as one, making eyes at each other while carrying in armfuls of techie junk. Kai stares into the distance and realizes that this may be a very long school year, potential ninja destiny be damned.
^The first of many times where Kai is exasperated at the formation of the "couples" around him (your time will come, Kai. Alas, not with Jay)
B2Ch5: Kai being concerned about accidentally hurting Jay in their mock fight
B2Ch7: Jay attempting to stay glued to Kai's side + immediately being jealous/petty at Kai for ditching him for Chad (especially when knowing The History)
B2Ch8: Jay still being upset and petty about being ditched + Kai coming to the horrid realization that he'd bullied Jay in the past (and caused his eyebrow notch)
B2Ch10/11: Jay and Kai fighting + going on to resolve that fight+ 2nd PLASMA HUG
B2Ch14: No necessarily a "moment" but Kai saving Mr. Cuddlywomp for Jay ;w;)/
B2Ch15/16: Finally, some real shit! Jay's parents implying Jay had a "crush on a boy" in the past (and him getting extra flustered when Kai becomes determined to figure out who -> implication is that Jay's crush was Kai) (Also Jay canonically flirtatiously winks at Kai this ep and for WHY JGFDHGFDS (but also also that's just something Jay does to Kai often too hnng—))
"...then that means the last two tombs are in the Western and Southern Provinces!" Jay exclaims. He slides over to Nya with adoration in his eyes. "Aaaaah, you are so smart~" Nya smirks. "Was there ever any doubt?" "Show off," Kai grunts. Nya pointedly ignores him.
Not necessarily a "moment", but could be read as Kai being jealous
B2Ch21: The Plasma chapter/episode, in my heart. Jay getting worked up at "Kai's offscreen girlfriend" (Meghan) + Kai getting real close to deducing Jay's old crush
Kai tilts his head back, laughing. "I probably don't even know who they are anyway!" "…I…think you know them better than anyone," Jay says under a whisper, trembling now. A little louder, he says, "Nor does it make it any less embarrassing…"
Kai you dumbass
B2Ch21cont: Kai calling for Jay/begging him for help after getting venom'ed + Kai whining when separated from Jay + Jay's awesome dramatic rescue that no one else saw rip (and oh my god i forgot about his pun onslaught lmfao) + Kai coming in clutch last second + Kai again refusing to be separated from Jay and Jay just rolls with it + the mere fact that Jay can carry Kai + Kai praising Jay (but Zane and Cole thinking he's just delusional on venom lmao)
^ This is kind of the point where Kai's viewpoint on Jay officially starts to shift. A little bit. Or a lotta bit. But he shoves it down
B2Ch24: Canonically Jay helps out a still-recovering Kai during the subway mission (again with a WINK–maybe it's not actually romantic, maybe it's a thing Jay just does, but why is it always Kai–?!)
B2Ch25: Jay being the first (again?!) to finally welcome Kai to their lunch table, making a spot for him next to Jay and everything + teasingly pokes his cheeks
2Ch32: Hoo boy—Kai going the extra mile for Jay's birthday present and being embarrassed about it + HE MADE JAY'S PINS (including the bisexual one, happy pride month) + Kai being so stunned and happy over Jay's reaction to the gift (to the point of blushingggg babyyy).........but then has to swallow his pride when Jay literally asks for his blessing to date his sister, just when he's starting to catch budding feelings (but there's also another heart-to-heart, and only a half-hug this time ;w;)
"…good luck," Kai says. Jay plows into his side with a grateful hug, then books it out of the warehouse, with much more pep in his step. Kai smiles to himself, endeared by Jay's quirky self…and watches him skip out of the door, now far out of his reach.
^I know it's pretty blink and miss it, but I'm still distressed this one went undetected T-T)9
B2Ch33: Kai literally checks out Jay when he's all dressed up for his date and it breaks his brain for a sec + tries to stay neutral about the whole date thing like a good brother/friend
Kai, upon being properly acknowledged, looks up from his accounting homework spread across the table. He makes the mistake of landing Jay smack in the middle of his sights. He's so used to Jay looking all scruffy and disheveled that him being all, like, sharp and crisp…is new. "…uh, wait, what…was the question…?" Kai asks, rubbing his eyes. Jay huffs as Cole cackles behind him. "He managed to finally ask Nya out! And we're hoping all goes well, right?" "…oh, yeah. Right." Kai waves it off, returning back to his homework. "I already talked to Jay about it." He continues writing, pointing at Jay without even looking up. "Don't keep her out too late, okay? It’s still a school night." Jay snorts, rolling his eyes. "Since when do you care about school nights?!" "Since this is Nya we're talking about! She's already started absorbing your habit of staying up late working on inventions and schematics. The last thing we need is a little twilight rendezvous added to the list." Jay flushes red and buries his face under his scarf as Cole breaks down into quaking laughter. Zane asks about this supposed rendezvous and where they're meeting up. Kai pouts and throws himself back into his work.
^ Anyway-
B2Ch33cont: Kai pestering Jay about his date with Nya until Zane steps in + Kai watching them pass notes in social studies class + Kai prepared to beat down Chad for what he did to Jay on his birthday
B2Ch34: Kai getting mad about having to "work" while Jay runs off on a date with Nya + gets over it when Jay begs him otherwise jhgfdgfd + Kai yelling in shock at seeing Jay's TP + Being so worried about him that Kai makes Cole throw him so he can catch Jay as he falls + Kai holding him as he comes to (and then getting jealous at his ability to fly/teleport and Jay teasing him for it) + Kai later ruffling his hair
“Nya!!! There you are!” Jay chirps, floating up to kiss her cheek.  "…what was that for?" Nya asks, amused. “I missed you this morning, that's all!” Jay chimes. "…so, good morning!" Nya giggles. “Good morning.” “…Uggggggh,” moans Kai, grimacing at them both. “Is it always going to be like this from now on?!” “Gripe all you’d like, Kai!” Jay drapes an arm around Nya. “After all, I received some sage brotherly wisdom just the other day about not listening to what other people think!” Kai huffs, glaring at the wall. “…I see I am about to regret my decisions.”
^Kai quite literally regretting his life's choices (not just about the PDA heyo)
B2Ch35cont: Kai being worried about Jay setting off an Outburst + Kai's reaction to Sunni + the fight with Chad (even though it was moreso about Nya, Kai twists it back into relating to Jay) + Kai being the last thing on Jay's mind before he goes into his Outburst + Kai being absolutely emotionally compromised in the principal's office + Kai putting his arm around Jay after Jay's last speech to Chad
B2Ch37: Not necessarily a "moment", but Kai encouraging Jay to join the talent show under his own merit + bringing up the team-up race back at the Floating Ruins
B2Ch39: Not necessarily "moments", but Kai and Jay have a lot of similar reactions to many of the events in this chapter
B2Ch42: Jay once again being the first to call out the fact that something's wrong with Kai + Kai blushing when Jay calls him out for the "smoke break"
B2Ch43: Not necessarily a "moment", but Jay's the one to hold Kai after his, uh...little swimming adventure
B2Ch44: Canonically Jay telling Kai that the Fang Blade isn't worth Kai losing his life for (not necessarily romantic either, but I just like the fact that it's Jay who says it to him–) + Jay AGAIN being the first to spot Kai upon his return from the volcano
The others all stand off to the side, gawking as Nya tears a path right for the Fang Blades all by herself. "Wow," Cole says, gaping at the carnage. He discreetly nudges Jay. "Th-That's your girlfriend, bro." "Yeah, I know…!" Jay swoons, swaying back and forth. "How lucky am I…?!" "Aaaanyway," Kai coughs, tugging them along. "C'mon, let's get the Fang Blades and leave!"
^Kai is NOT impressed lmao
B2Ch47: Jay having to quickly and efficiently calm down Kai after Wu's departure + another Plasma hug at long last
B2Ch48: Not necessarily a "moment", but Kai canonically calls Jay a genius and I appreciate him making that fact known and understood <3 (even if it's originally implied as more of a joke)
B3Ch2: Once again, being Kai is suffering
Sleepily, Jay scoots himself back to make room. Nya cuddles herself against his chest as he wraps them up like a burrito. They’re both already half asleep when Kai creeps in from over the couch’s side, clearing his throat in their direction. “Heeeeey, don’t get too cozy now.” Nya’s eyes shoot back open with an unimpressed glare. "Kai, please, we're not even doing anything! We're just snuggling!" "Hmph. And snuggling leads to cuddling and cuddling leads to canoodling!" "Nooooo, we're just being efficient with the limited sleep space," Jay responds without even flinching. In fact, he pulls Nya closer. Kai’s eye twitches at the audacity . "It's the right thing to do in these dire circumstances.” "…tch, fine .” Kai rolls his eyes. "But I’m still keeping an eye on you two." "Whatever, Kai," Nya mutters, falling back asleep as Jay lets out a snore. Kai’s gaze lingers a moment longer, before releasing a sigh and sliding a pillow carefully under Jay’s head. 
^Note that he puts the pillow under Jay's head
(It is indeed a combination at Kai being exasperated at their PDA + the continued forced denial of his feelings—this gets explored later in parallel with someone else having emotional issues *cough* Jesse *cough*)
Kai’s the first to hop out of the train, scooping the now spent Jay into his arms. “...you idiot, ” Kai huffs, even though he’s pretty sure Jay can’t hear him.  “...he should’ve never taken that night shift, especially while exhausted…!”
And I suuuure wonder what Kai's plans are for the upcoming dance when anyone he'd want to go with is already taken—or just doesn't want to go with him rip
I also wonder what Kai will do should he discover just who that ex-crush of Jay's was..........
Like I said, a lot of squinting for this given that it's not a main story focus at all nor all that impactful on the plot until S3, and definitely not on track to be "canon", mmmbut. I love them severely. Platonic, romantic, or otherwise, they have such a good dynamic foundation!!! I wanna dissect them *-*)9
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ambreiiigns · 1 year
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elderwisp · 2 months
u guys wanna see atlas when he was 17
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rosenfey · 9 months
I wish I was normal abt being excited over things but bg3 is literally occupying all my thoughts
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really channeled my inner yassified!howdy today via being practically comatose all day due to Migraine, then as soon as i woke up i demolished so many tacos in one sitting. he's just like me fr
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opens-up-4-nobody · 10 months
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#hello to anyone who happens to b interested in the saga of my life... also maybe the irl person i gave my url to... hopefully my blog#didnt freak her out too much lol. anyway so its been a busy week? 2 weeks? month? year? life? its been a lot. my parents helped me move#across the country from the desert to somewhere that's beautiful and green. my dad is so jealous of me lol its so so so pretty and theres s#so much to do. will i do any of it? that remains to be seen but im gonna try to be better about that sort of thing. try to get some help#with the thoughts in my head that keep me from doing and enjoying most things. its weird like im decorating my new room which i love. the#location and living situation seem ideal and i really hope i can stay here all 5 years of my program but i was picking a lot of bright#colors and now it feel uncomfortable. like if i wear things that r too bright or my room is too bright without dark contrast it feel weird#like if im wearing it it kinda makes me feel sick. idk what thats abt. anyway. ill try to heal my brain and im just so happy to b out of the#southwest. i was so so so excited when we were leaving thr city and even more so when we left the state. i cant believe im here. in December#it felt like a million years away and i really truely could not fathom how i was gonna survive that long. my thoughts were so distorted. but#i did and here i am. and in like a month i should b starting my phd program and my parents were telling me how excited ppl r for me and#jealous of where im living and im glad. im glad they're excited. i think i am too but its under a layer of: if i get excited it wont happen#im not allowed to b excited or it wont happen. which is irrational but ya kno. anyway so that's yeah. im so happy to have a fresh start and#the town seems super cool. a liberal blip in a sea of... not that so theyre very visibly pride forward haha and i think itll b way easier#for me to get around without driving. and im gonna try to make friends. i need someone to tell me where to get tattoos haha. so yea im happy#but exhausted and i dont wanna go back to work and so so greatful to my parents for being wonderful ppl idk how bc both of them had fucked#up childhoods. like my mum will say the saddest shit and im like bro this is y i don't wanna talk to my grandma fuck her and my dads parents#r so fucked. like my nana is the reason im so fucking control freaked out but i kno i have issues and she has no insight and thinks shes#better than everyone. anyway hopefully i can get back to drawing a posting more now. ive been drawing it its been in a sketch book#like an actual sketch book for sketching big ideas thst r gonna take fucking forever to draw 😭#so that's all. just uprooted my whole life. thats all. but in a good way :-]#unrelated
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wavernot4love · 9 days
oh my brain is truly mush this time what do you mean i have clancy AND (suddenly) nex gen to process in less than an hour what a fine evening this is to be alive
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foxgloveinspace · 4 months
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@excelsior9173 yep!! The first time we talked was cause you talked to me about how it felt like iii was looking into your soul. When you started talking about simping for him again after the mask change I was like ‘this tracks’ 😂♥️♥️♥️♥️
hmmm. Idk if I’d call it a year of being a fan, I have two sleep token anniversaries haha!! I heard them first on the 22 last year, and fell in love with the summoning, but I had so little spoons last January I put off listening to the discography until April 4th….. I uh. Made notes of this… Made a page or two about it in my journal. But if I had been told a year ago I’d be This Into It when I listened to the whole discography I wouldn’t have believed it. I don’t even know if I’ve ever a truly felt this way about a band? Exie it’s been a whole flippin nine months. It had a bit of a dip back but I got pulled back in?? This hyperfixation isn’t going anywhere. Idk what to do. This ramble got longer than expected haha.
Exie!!! I am so flippin… excited for you!!!! Take my hands we’ll make a prayer circle, manifesting a ticket!! (Starts doing the Hum from Halloween Town, the most magical spell ever lmao).
But fr tho, I hope you get to go.🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
Ok but like…….. I’m SO flipping curious if there’s gonna be something special/crazy happening in Pittsburgh cause that the one year TMBTE anniversary???👀 I hope the Vessel’s wear party hats😌🥳
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i keep seeing screenrant articles and stuff (most recently) that are all "*gasp!* the toymaker has fixed continuity in doctor who by saying that actually it's all a mash up of different timelines!" and every time i'm just like yeah???? that isn't new that's literally the entire show
#el speaks#doctor who#dw 60th#google has long since figured out what I'm into#(apparently it's doctor who and archaeology and quantum mechanics in case you were wondering)#and i am occasionally a sucker for that specific kind of clickbait that's like#NEW STUDY SUGGESTS UNIVERSE MAY ACTUALLY BE TWICE AS OLD AS WE THOUGHT#where you can just take one look at the headline and go#nah#nah that's preeeeeeeetty obviously a massive exaggeration of conclusions made by a single preprint#maybe a chance that the authors would agree with the headline because they're going a little out there#but probably even they would say it's an exaggeration#the REAL exciting stem headlines are like#we found the first aperiodic monotile (it's shaped like a hat)#that's when you know you've found the good stuff#(the actual headlines about that were much less funny but I don't remember any examples because they weren't very interesting)#sometimes less interesting headlines = more interesting stories#but also sometimes i just want to read some dumb shit that's completely nonsensical but also 100% completely benign#because you know what? sometimes ya just gotta get way too into string theory and that's fine#fringe physics beliefs generally have utterly no impact on one's actual relationship to the world around them#and anyway how big can the overlap between people who care about this shit and people who believe this shit be?#wait what am i talking about now? i started out talking about doctor who#oh well#that's what the internet is for
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lookedlikethebins · 8 months
I didn't do the work i needed to do yet tonight BUT
I did just finish a draft of an angsty ~5k mostly-internal-george-narrative gatty-centric fic WHICH MEANS
i'm going to do some actual work and then (after like, maybe a nap?) revise, edit, and then post her!!
(also, new rule, per that lovely anon from this past weekend: i'm not going to think too hard about this; i wanted to write this so i did!! and i always end up writing a really prosey/emo/basically committing every single one of my self-indulgent writing habits in a fic--and they get mixed reviews but man, y'all have been so nice and encouraging and forgiving i'm just going to do it!! and if you like it, that's very sick and awesome thank you ily and if it's not your cup of tea thank you for even glancing at it. i'll be back with regularly scheduled programming soon.)
anyway... now i'm going to go uhhh, edit an entire manuscript of a book that so far is not my cup of tea... wish me luck. ty and gn x
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meitanteisachi · 1 year
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sundial-girl · 10 months
Meep meep meep
The Oliver :3
ehehe the little guy of all time...
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My favorite song of theirs
ughgighghkjdg this is so hard wtf he has good songs 😭 i'll give u 3 b/c i can't decide
to be basic: "Amygdala's Rag Doll" -> it was the first ever oliver (and GHOST) song i listened to. still bangs after all these years
to be emo: "Thing" -> also one of the first oliver songs i started listening to, resonates w/ me deeply b/c personal issues. also very lovely and haunting
to be interesting: "Collection" -> OLIVER IN JAPANESE also the pv is so nice and this just soundsss so pretty. also not an og song but if u want more oliver in japanese there's this cover i'm going insane over
Who I ship them with
ok i'll b honest. len.
blonde boys that die in a lot of their songs
I THINK ITS FUNNY OK 😭 its not all that serious but they r cute. they both do have other cute ships too but i like this. or aroace oliver too thats slay
My favorite part about their design
ughhh everything abt his design is perfect its so gooddd but like... ig for one thing the long coat?? i suck at drawing it sometimes but i just love shit like that so i have the chance to draw flowy shit. extra dramatique. realistically ik wind physics whatever don't work like that BUT IT LOOKS COOL esp when other people do it in art too i love to see it. and in general it just ties his whole design together, blueee
also idk if james counts but best decision ever was giving him bird. yes. love to see it
A random headcanon I have of them
you get 2 b/c i couldn't decide which one's better
at this rate b/c of how much inedible stuff he's eaten he's practically immune to food poisoning. you can't kill him in any way that matters
HE AND MOKE ARE BESTIESSSSSS. you will never take this hc away from me even from my cold dead hands I WANT THEM TO BE FRIENDSSSS!!! bird enthusiasts. they go birdwatching together and have very long conversations about ornithology stuff. they arrange very sophisticated playdates for both their pet birds. ily them
name a vocaloid in my askbox and i'll tell you stuff
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essektheylyss · 2 years
wip wednesday post for today, courtesy of this week's heir to the devil's fortune chapter, where we are once again clothing shopping:
The seamstress’s heels click on the floor, approaching, and Jester leans forward. “I’m serious, Essek, I just want you to say if you’re uncomfortable, okay? Like, if anything feels wrong—“ “Jester,” he says lowly, bending at the waist to mirror her and look her closer in the eye. “Most things feel wrong.” “Still?” she demands, and he sighs, standing up straight and running his hands over his face. “When I think of it? Yes, often,” he nods. But he cannot say if this, too, is something that has always been there, below the surface, in places that made it easy to ignore. He has said this to Caleb, and Caleb alone—that he has rarely been a person that he liked. Perhaps that is because he has never liked himself more than when Caleb is standing beside him. In fact, it is only when he is with Caleb that he has a chance of forgetting the question of whether he is a person who is worthy of being liked altogether. “But what do you want to look like?” Jester asks, sitting back as the seamstress returns with an assistant and begin to unwind fabric. “I want to look…” Interesting. Inconspicuous. Intimidating. None of these are singularly true. He wants to look like all of this at once. He wants to look like someone that Marion can be proud of. He wants to look like someone worthy of what he has been offered. He wants to look like someone that Caleb can put enough faith in to stave off his fatalistic fears. “I would like to look nice,” he settles on, and Jester purses her lips like she is too aware that he is not telling the whole truth. He doesn’t even know what other truth there is to tell, at least not in words spoken aloud.
(if you want to catch up on the fic through chapter fourteen, you can find it here!)
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jvzebel-x · 1 year
so my favourite local market just got a bunch of fun drinks including some really cute collectable ones&ALSO MY FAVOURITE BRAND OF JUICE I AM GOING TO CRY TEARS OF JOY.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#ok. ok. in less than 8hrs i have to get up and drive to the airport. and thats ya kno but im trying to b ok abt it#like im not crying and hyperventilating. ive made the drive lots of times. its just. when i have to drive anywhere it morphs into#r u ready? ur gonna cause a horrible accident destroying multiple lives in the process. r u ready? and im like no i hate that stop#so that makes it hard. and im not a bad driver. it just terrifies me thst i space out and become non reactive. like thsts not good. be#reactive pls. i just hate it. and this means i also have to drive back as well. while probably horribly jet lagged#bleh. itll b fine. unless it isnt. but itll b fine. im just scared that something will happen and i wont b able to leave. i cant even b#excited abt going on vacation bc i cant think past the possibility of something preventing me from getting to ohio bc if i let myself get#excited then it wont happen. which is magical thinking nonsense but its how it feels. ugh. dont think abt it. itll be over in 24hrs 🤞#knock on wood. idk what im gonna do while traveling tho. what am i gonna think abt? what to draw? what to plan? idk#the bad part of traveling is thst i cant take all my markers 😫 me and my 500 shitty alcohol pens lol#ill either draw a lot bc im not working or very little bc ill actually be happy for a while#oh god. my boss just sent an email. i wanna ignore it. let me rest.#bleh. last time i flew home i wanted to cry when i landed lol. well see if that happens again#i feel like i was more depressed then but im more fucked up now. but like im also more functional. well. sorta#ugh. i should finish packing#unrelated#its so funny to me when i get homesick like lol bitch u wanna go back to ohio????
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