#but he was courageous and stayed and said fuck you russia
"Two years. We are all here 🇺🇦"
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dannyboy-writes · 3 years
Red stains darker in the snow
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The white lights blinded you as they took you to questioning, every cold hall the same sad shade of grey, and at every corner a guard posted. So monotonous. 
Your arms ached from the pressure a random agent was applying, and you couldn’t help but notice the stares coming from every inch of the room. 
Everyone but her. 
On one of the never-ending corridors they opened a steel door into an interrogation room, where they left you there for some time. 
There was close to nothing in the room. One metal table to which you were cuffed to, one very uncomfortable chair on each side of said table, and a mirror. 
As you fiddled with the cuffs the door opened, letting Bailey- or Bell- Barton in with a frown, who looked at the mirror after sparing you a glance, and sat.
“y/n l/n, is that even your name?” He asked, dropping the file.
“Who knows,” you shrugged.
“...fugitive in fifteen countries, twenty two states, wanted for terrorism, murder and the hijack of a high tech plane,” he started as you reminisced on previous assignments. “Where did you take it, the plane.”
“Plage de Carras.”
“Hmm, France. Was it nice?”
“Lovely,” you said with a smile. “You should go, you look like you need more sun.”
He smiled, “I wouldn’t gloat much if I were you. Where you’re going there’s not that much sun.”
“Well, I doubt you found anything at the apartment,” you said as his smile dissipated into the straight line it was at the beginning. “And there’s nothing you can trace me to… So, how would you arrest me? Unless SHIELD has fallen into the dark side of intelligence, alongside Hydra and the CIA-”
“The CIA isn’t Hydra,” he interrupted.
“How not? Hidden government organization, check; based in world domination, check; has multiple hidden bases and severe human rights violations, check and check. 
“Would you stop with the mind games,” he said, resting back in the chair.
“They’re not mind games-” you started.
“You’re a liar,” spat Barton as you looked at him.
“Am I, though?” You nonchalantly asked. 
“You told her you’d change, you’d be better.”
“Oh, that you mean. No, yeah, that was a lie,” you chuckled. “But it’s not like it was a ‘lie’ lie, I mean, she knew I wasn’t going to change. I don’t think it counts as a lie that way, do you?”
“Yes!” He snapped, hitting the metal table. He pinched the bridge of his nose and spoke in a calmer voice, “It counts. Maybe not to someone like you, l/n, but it does.”
“Ooh, not to someone like me,” you mocked. “We’re all the same, Barton. You, her, me. We all sell ourselves, our information, our skills. You do it for your precious America, she used to do it for Russia, I used to do the same. It doesn’t matter who you do it for, you do it. Your SHIELD is not so different from the Red Room, or where I grew up.”
“Where was that?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” you stated. “The point is, Barton, in this line of work, you have to lie, or you die. It’s that simple. And if you think Natasha over there, behind the mirror, doesn’t lie, you’re dumber than I thought.” 
She had to be behind it, or listening somewhere. She should’ve had the courage to sit in front of you, but apparently she didn’t. Madame B. would be disappointed. 
Barton said nothing, and you continued, “She is behind there, isn’t she? Waiting, calculating. Trying to crack what I’m doing.”
“Maybe,” he said. 
“Well, there’s no need to dwell too much on it. I can tell her myself.” 
“You can tell me,” he said as he scraped the chair to the floor, making you wince.
“Now, where’s the fun in that.”
At that he left, maybe thinking you would crack under the pressure of nobody… What a dumb plan.
A few hours passed and as you were stretching your muscles, the door opened again, this time, with a familiar tone of red walking in. 
“I was beginning to think you were a no show, Red,” you said while she sat in the chair.
She said nothing. 
“What’s wrong, cat got your tongue or something?”
“No, I’m fine,” she said, reading the file Barton had left there. 
There was not much in it, only a few minor inconveniences; still, there were some things that you’d rather forget there too.
“Your new team sucks at making files, by the way. There’s nothing there,” you started, tapping an old rhythm on the table. “I’ve noticed you, Red. You’re becoming sloppy.”
“Maybe I wanted you to notice, hmm. Ever thought of that?” She retorted.
You scoffed, “Now, why would you want that? Got a death wish or something?” 
“You wouldn’t.”
“I’m a changed fella, time does crazy things,” you snickered. 
“Why are you here, y/n?” She finally asked.
“I mean, it’s not like I chose to be here. If I had, there would be less cuffs and more beaches,” you said, tugging the restraints. “Although I do enjoy cuffs under the right circumstances… Remember?” You smirked.
“Fondly,” she met your eyes for the first time since she walked in, making you smile. “So,” she started. “What’s your plan?”
“There’s no plan,” you shrugged. 
“I’m serious, no plan. Not a single thing, nada.” 
“No plan,” she said, as you nodded. “So, you knew the team was there…”
“Yup. They’re very sloppy.”
“You let them capture you…”
“All for nothing,” she finished.
“Well, not for nothing. I just said I had no plan,” you said.
“So what for then?”
“I was bored,” you stated, wandering your gaze around the room.
You nodded, “Bored.”
“What, do they have a bad retirement plan at Hydra?”
“Very funny,” you said, a resigned smile on your lips. 
“I’m going to ask again, then, and don’t lie to me. Why are you here?”
You took a deep, sharp breath before saying, “I need help.”
“I’m sorry, I thought you said you needed help,” she said in disbelief.
“Well, there’s no need to be smug about it,” you said. “I’m only human, Nat.”
“Doubtful. Go on, help with what?”
“As you know, I’m a wanted criminal in many places,” you said, stopping for her to nod. “And, as you also might know or figure out, some of those places want me to go to their little dark prisons.”
“Which is understandable, considering everything you’ve done.”
“What about what you’ve done, huh Red? You don’t get to pay for those?” You accused, and when she didn’t say anything, added, “Joking.”
“Anyway, as I was saying, some of them want me imprisoned, most want me dead. And it’s catching up, and I can’t avoid it all on my own. So, I’m here in search of help,” you concluded.
“Why should I help you, y/n? We haven’t seen each other in years.”
It was a fair argument.
"I mean, you don't have to help me. By all means, you're free to let me go. In fact, you should. I don't bring anything good to this situation. I'm a fugitive with zero information on anything and a target bigger than my back. Just me.”
She stared at you for a second, “It's not like we had much before.”
“True, we were great,” you mused. “Whatever happened to us?”
“You kept working for Hydra as I left the KGB and joined SHIELD,” she reminded you.
“Well, it’s not like I had much of a choice, Natasha,” you said, getting serious. “You left without saying a word and I had to deal with the consequences. That mission was mine too and you messed it up. Just packed and left. I was left to fend for myself, and try not sell you out.”
She was quiet. Probably had no idea you had suffered for her departure; or that you didn’t sell her out, even if it would’ve meant much less pain for you. 
“I thought about doing it,” you continued. “Sell you out. It would’ve solved many problems.”
“Why didn’t you?” She asked without a second thought.
Now you were quiet. Very quiet.
“I- I guess I wanted something good to come out of that mess. I don’t know, I wanted to think you were out, and it was something less to worry about. But it backfired,” you finally said.
“Backfired how?”
“Well, you became the mission after your little escape. And who better than me to find you,” you scoffed. “I mean, they knew everything, Red. Every single thing. Every secret code we had, every place we met at.”
She shook her head, “There’s no way, how would they know?”
“I have no fucking idea how! But they knew,” you shook your head. “Now, there’s no need to get into that. Will you help me?”
She took a deep breath and nodded, “Yes.”
As you were thanking her a knock on the glass stopped you. Natasha left the room and met with a very angry Clint Barton.
“What are you doing, Tasha?” He asked while pinching the bridge of his nose.
“They need help, okay. I have to,” she said.
“You don’t have to do anything. They made their choice a long time ago.”
Natasha only shook her head.
“Why do you still have their back?” He asked.
Ah, the million dollar question.
“We go back, Clint. They've saved me countless times.”
“They’ve tried to kill you as many times as well,” he added.
“You don’t get it. It was my fault,” she said.
He raised an eyebrow for her to continue.
“When I left. When I decided to go with you, I- I didn’t even think of bringing them with. And they suffered because of that choice I made.”
“It’s not your fault,” he said and she looked at him. “Whatever happened to y/n when you left is not your fault.”
“But it is!” She shouted. “It is. And now they need help, and I’m not gonna turn my back on them again, Clint. I can’t.”
Barton was about to say something but he stopped himself. “Okay,” He started. “We’ll help them.”
Natasha entered the questioning room some time after leaving you with your thoughts, this time accompanied by Barton. 
“We’ll help,” she only said.
“We?” You asked.
“We,” said Barton. “I’m not going to let you be alone with her.”
“Scared I’ll steal your girlfriend?”
He grabbed the collar of your shirt, “Now, let me be clear with something l/n. Just because we’re helping, doesn’t mean I’ll let you run around like a child in a park. Do you understand me?”
“I understand,” you huffed, throwing your body backwards to get out of his grip. “So, when are we leaving?”
“Leaving?” They both asked in synchrony. 
"You didn't expect us to stay here, right? There's gotta be a safehouse somewhere harder to infiltrate than this place,” you said.
“This place isn’t easy to infiltrate,” Barton defended.
“It is. I did it twice,” you admitted. “Hypothetically speaking, of course.” 
Barton unclasped the cuffs, "Hypothetically speaking, huh? Was that a confession?" 
“No, simply a statement on the security of this place,” you shrugged.
“There’s a safehouse up north,” Natasha said. “But it’s cold this time of year.”
“Please, Red. You grew up in Russia, you gonna tell me a little snow is too much for you?”
“I don’t remember it was me whining about the cold in our stakeouts,” she retorted.
“No, that was because you stole all my jackets and covers and I was left with nothing but light sweaters,” you bickered back while Barton cursed to himself for getting in this mess with you both.
“Alright you two,” he interrupted. “We leave tomorrow.” 
You shook your head, “Now.” 
“We need to prep everything for the trip, and tell Fury about-”
“You’ll tell no one nothing,” you almost shouted, banging your hand on the table. “You can’t,” you said more calmly. 
“Why not?” Natasha asked. 
“Because- It’s imperative that no one knows about this.”
“We can trust Fury,” said Barton. 
“You can’t trust anyone,” you spat. “Not if you want to live. We leave tonight. Is there a car we can take?” You asked, looking at Natasha who was silent.
She knew you were right. After all, not long ago, SHIELD was infiltrated by Hydra. 
“There’s a car,” she said, while Barton stared at her. “That’s how we stayed alive.” 
He sighed loudly in defeat as you stared blankly at the metal table. “Okay, we take the car and head north to the safehouse. Then what?”
“Then we wait,” you said. 
“Wait for what,” asked Natasha.
“For my contact.” 
The mildly hard part of the plan was escaping from SHIELD headquarters, but even that wasn’t so hard. Next, you all found your way to a car parked at the last level of a parking lot, under some dusty blankets. 
Natasha started driving and when she got tired Barton took over, while she slept on the back, which made the car’s habitacle a tense place. 
Neither Barton nor you said a single word for the time Natasha was asleep; there wasn’t even a single stare between the both of you. 
When Natasha woke up you decided you were going to drive a bit, to get your mind busy on something; so with Natasha as the copilot you took the wheel, and it wasn’t until she was sure Clint was asleep that she spoke.
“Okay, what are you not saying?”
 “What,” you asked.
“Something is different,” she started. “What is it?”
“You mean besides the fact that multiple governments want me dead?”
“I don’t buy that. Countries have wanted you dead for years, why does it matter now?”
You sighed staring at the newfound snow on the route, “It’s nothing.”
She wanted to say something, to protest against your lack of answer but she didn’t.
You got to the safehouse after almost an hour of thick, sickening silence, and Natasha would’ve preferred a millennia of quiet instead of what she heard. 
One piercing bullet sound, and you falling to your knees.
While Clint left to find whoever had fired the gun Natasha froze still in the white before falling to her knees with you, cradling you.
“You’ll be okay,” she said, applying pressure on your abdomen. “Everything will be okay.”
You managed a crooked smile and a reassuring look before placing your hand on her cheek, “It’s okay, Red. It’s okay.”
She held your hand and kept repeating the same four words on and on, and she didn’t realise when you drifted off to sleep until it was too late; when she was covered in your blood on the white snow. 
She stayed there, by the car, covered in a mix of blood and snow and hugged you. It wasn’t until she saw Clint coming back with defeat plastered on his face that she realised what’d happened. 
He helped her into the safehouse and brought your lifeless body, covering it with a sheet. 
“Did you find whoever did this?” She asked after a long time of silence.
“I only found the gun,” he said.
“We’ll find them.”
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thiccachu · 3 years
@kaylawritesthings​ (For Noemi)
Kendall knew this day was bound to come eventually. He couldn't hide from his past forever. The skeletons in his closet had to eventually fall out. What he did, all the shitty things he said, ate away at his psyche. He was supposed to forget what happened. Forget her. But instead, it only festered in the back of his head and haunted him more and more as time went on. He couldn't just move on. How could he? He wasn't ruthless like his father. Wasn't compliant like his mother. He was weak. That's what got him in this situation in the first place. If only he had the courage to stand up for himself - who knew where in life he'd be? He could be married. He could be a dad. He could be happy. But no, he had to hide behind his dad. But he wasn't here now. Kendall finally had the freedom to make his own decisions.
Butterflies began to fill his stomach as soon as he saw her across the room. The same butterflies he felt all those other times he found himself running into Noemi. The only difference now was that his father was thousands of miles away. He couldn't force Kendall to deny his true feelings for the princess. He had no excuse in ignoring her here. Who knew how long the royals were bound to stay in Thailand? They were already in Russia for two years. The exes couldn't avoid each other or the elephant always in the room with them if they were living on the same island.
If Kendall ever wanted to get rid of the guilt and move on, he needed to start with an apology. And there was no better time than the present. ‘Or maybe next time would be better? Tomorrow might be a nicer day. Then I can do it while it's sunny.’ He decided in his head, turning on his heels and heading towards the door. His hand reaching out for the handle and then falling to his side. ‘Fuck it’. He needed to get it over with. Noemi was always going to hate him. Rightfully so. He just needed to pull the band-aid off and go on from there. He turned back and shook out his hands, walking across the room to the princess. His heart pounding in his chest, unsure how he would get the words out as he approached the woman he was once (still is) in love with and offered her a nervous smile. "It's nice to see you here." ‘Really? That's what you came up with? After all this time? Such a tool.’ He cursed at himself. "You look good."
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oops my hand slipped and i wrote a very sad drabble that’s just tony missing peter, reflecting on it during the Blip, set pre-as if even now. read it on ao3 here, and if you haven’t, read as if even now (if only to get to their happy ending, i wrote an absurdly fluffy epilogue drabble for them damnit). preemptive tw that this fic reflects on a time where tony was suicidal, and thoughts and attempts are referenced. 
The kid had gotten under his skin, into every breath he took, inside his lungs and running through his veins and pumping through his heart, in ways he hadn’t realized until he’d clutched his body as it crumbled to dust. All he’d known was that he’d felt empty in ways he hadn’t since before he’d become Iron Man, back to Earth and spending his days and nights looking for ways to fill the aching chasm that was always threatening to swallow him whole.
Tony has always been, if anything, at least self-aware when it comes to his many and myriad faults. And the truth is that he is a greedy man, never satisfied with what he has, always reaching for the next thing and the next and the next, always wanting what he can’t have, even when (especially when) it’s not good for him. And he knows that this is the truth, even though Pep always just pats him on the shoulder and gives him one of her softer smiles and says that he deserves to be a little greedy, after all he’s done, after all he’s been through. He hasn’t quite figured out how to argue with that one, even though he knows in his gut that he should. At least he hasn’t figured out how to argue without revealing cards he’d rather keep hidden, even from (especially from) Pep.
Because he’d nearly died, had thought he was going to die, and was ready to die. Another of those things he hasn’t quite worked up the courage to tell Pep yet. Her favored narrative, for him and for the press, is that he held on, fought for life, fought to stay with them for her, for Morgan. Morgan—Christ. So how is he supposed to tell Pep that he’d been lying there, fighting for consciousness through the pain clawing its way across his entire right side, and in what he’d been certain were his dying moments he’d looked at the kid, really looked at him, remembered the way his hair had smelled of cheap shampoo and sweat and dirt when he’d hugged him tight, here, real, undeniably alive, and thought, Oh. Oh.
And that had been enough.
Tony scrubbed his hands across his face, harsh and hard, as if he could erase the memory of that moment, before he’d felt whatever oddball magic Strange had begun working. What he needed to erase were the memories of the five years before that—or, hell, maybe back further. As if Tony would ever—could ever—try to excise Peter from his mind. He wasn’t even sure that he could, now. The kid had gotten under his skin, into every breath he took, inside his lungs and running through his veins and pumping through his heart, in ways he hadn’t realized until he’d clutched his body as it crumbled to dust. All he’d known was that he’d felt empty in ways he hadn’t since before he’d become Iron Man, back to Earth and spending his days and nights looking for ways to fill the aching chasm that was always threatening to swallow him whole.
After Pep had gotten pregnant with Morgan, he’d once, in a drunken spat of extreme bitterness, accused her of convincing him to retire and have a kid as a replacement for Peter. She’d been so mad at him for that one that she’d just left the house and called Rhodey, told them to call her when Tony was sober again. He regretted what he said, but he noticed that she didn’t deny it.
At least, in her eyes, he’d stopped trying to kill himself by the time Morgan was born, so she could reasonably assume that maybe her plan had worked. Shamefully, not even the idea of leaving his baby girl alone in the world without a father was enough to keep him away from that particular ledge—in fact, what he hadn’t admitted to Pepper was that it made him want to run away more, because if Peter was superhuman and brilliant and good, the best of them, and Tony hadn’t been able to protect him, what could Tony hope to do for this little girl? No, it was Nat who got the credit for ending his run of attempts. Most of his attempts had been thwarted by past Tony, who had dreamed up what felt like a thousand and one protocols and alerts for just this scenario, but the last one it had been Nat to walk into his workshop at just the right (wrong) moment, in what if it had been anyone other than the Black Widow he’d have called a coincidence.
“You’ve gotta talk to someone, Tony,” she’d said once they were settled on the couch in the corner of the lab he slept on most nights.
“You don’t think I do? I’ve seen every shrink this side of the Mississippi and several on the other, I’ve gone to those stupid fucking support groups, and it’s—none of it works, Nat.” He’d been drunk—he was always at least slightly drunk, then—and it made him more open. “It’s all wrong.”
Whenever his therapists asked him to talk about what happened on Titan, he clammed up, spoke in the vaguest of terms. He told himself he was protecting Peter’s identity (even in apparent death) but he knew that wasn’t right. He’d considered that he was trying to avoid admitting just how culpable he really was, for dragging a teenager into this fight, for dragging the best mind of a new generation, the sweetest boy he’d ever known, brash and a bit impulsive but with a heart of fucking gold, and let him die on a godforsaken desert planet with a bunch of aliens, Strange, and a man who thought Footloose was a great movie—because he’d had plenty of experience avoiding admitting truths to himself, and this wasn’t his first therapy rodeo—but deep down he knew that wasn’t right either.
“Have you gone to the right ones?” Natasha had asked softly, looking at him carefully, and he had the unsettling feeling she, as always, saw more than he wanted her to see.
“I’ve been to the general ones, the ones for everyone who lost people in the Blip, to family loss, to the ones for first responders and others who felt helpless, I’ve even been to the groups for parents who lost kids.”
He had—at Pep’s insistence, he’d gone. And it was—better, than the others. The scope of his grief felt… more accepted, there. Less out of touch with the experiences of others. But it still wasn’t—enough. When they talked about the future they’d been robbed of with their children, it was a future they got to watch, moments in their lives that were gone—graduations, weddings, grandchildren. And Tony felt that, all of it, deeply—that he should’ve been there to see Pete graduate, valedictorian, go to college wherever he wanted (MIT, it would’ve been MIT), invent something that floored Tony with his brilliance—but that wasn’t quite it. More than all of that, he missed the time he should’ve spent with the kid and didn’t, missed the idea of years of weekends in the lab spilling out ahead of them, hearing him laugh and seeing him smile. He wished he’d just hugged the kid that time in the car, instead of making everything some joke.
“He was just… you know what he said to me, when I first met him and asked him why he was doing what he did? A broke fourteen year old kid, suddenly has superpowers and instead of being captain of the football team and stealing enough to set them up for life, he’s chasing down muggers in a onesie? He said, when you can do what I do, and you don’t do anything, and then bad things happen, they happen because of you. I mean, Christ, Nat. He was the best of us and I—I lost him, and I—and it feels like I can’t breathe.” He realized that his hand had gone, unbidden, to the shell of where the arc reactor had been, clutching at it desperately. Ripping his heart out would’ve maybe been less painful. Natasha had given him another penetrating look and then, whip sharp and faster than certainly his inebriated brain could keep up with, she’d grabbed him by the chin and turned him to look her in the eye.
“I actually like you, Tony, which is why I will say this. You loved Peter, you really truly did. And when you love someone, and they die, it fucking hurts and it never goes away. I like Pepper, I do, but the house in the country and hanging up the suit and the baby? Those won’t make it stop hurting. That pain lives inside you now, because so did Peter. So the only question is whether you can choose to live with it. Like I said, I like you, so I hope the answer is yes, and I think that’s the answer the kid would want for you. But if the answer is no, you call me. I’ll make it quick, and painless, and tidy, and Pep and the baby would never ever know what it really was.”
For once in life, he’d been speechless, left to stare at the spot on the couch she’d vacated as he considered her words, considered that Natasha had had a life, in Russia, before the Red Room had stolen it from her. Considered whether he’d want Pep to think he’d just… had a heart attack. Gotten old, put too much stress on himself. Considered the kid, wondered if there really was a place you went when you died, what he’d say to Peter.
He’d called Natasha once after that, at 3 in the morning a few months after Morgan was born, when he hadn’t been getting enough sleep and when the silence around the house had felt oppressive.
“Tony,” she’d said, quiet and gentle, the kind of tone she took when she was lulling the Hulk back to peace. “Is this the call we talked about?”
“No,” he’d gasped, scrabbling around the kitchen for the picture of Peter and him together, their fake internship picture. “No, I just… Thanks. Thank you.”
“You already had your heart-to-heart, Stark. Don’t think this is a regular thing,” she’d said, sounding more like herself. He’d snorted, clinging to the sense of normalcy.
“Yeah, yeah, I got it. Won’t put you on the list for talking about our feelings.”
“Atta boy. And Stark… you’re welcome.”
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kayteewritessteve · 4 years
DT - Just Drunk 3/3
Description: It’s finally your first date night with Steve, and everything starts out great. But then things start to take a drastic turn for the worst, and you are both left helplessly watching as the night crashes and burns before your very eyes. Whoever said that having best friends was a good thing, clearly lied to all of us... Masterlist HERE.
Word Count: 11,470 ish.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader.
Rating: PG. Warnings: Curse words. Awkward moments. Shitty friends.
Requested: Nah, this is just the third and final part to this mini series.
A/N: I sadly don’t own any of these characters. And no beta reader, so I do proudly own all the errors and this story, so there’s that.
It’s finally here!! The final part of Drunk Twitter! And my entry to @justkending milestone celebration!! My prompt will be in bold and was: “Ever wanted to smack someone upside the head with a frying pan?” “Cause I’m getting that feeling right now.” CONGRATS TO YOU, LOVELY, ON YOUR 1000 FOLLOWERS MILESTONE! Here’s to many, many more followers to come for you! You deserve the whole damn world. Oh! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEAUTIFUL!! I hope you had a wonderful day, locked in your house lol ❤️❤️❤️
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That was hands down the worst date that either you, or Steve, had ever been on, in your entire separate lives. And that was saying a lot, considering Steve was just over 100 years old, and you weren’t exactly a spry young chicken yourself. At least when it came to the dating world, you weren’t.
So why, exactly, was this date such a colossal disaster, you ask? Oh, well, let us show you it in its entirety, from start to finish. Then you’ll understand exactly why, and when, it all went to hell in a handbag.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Readers POV
Tonight’s the night. After 5 days of intense mood swings, calling your friends crying and begging for pep talks, hardly getting any tasks done at work, issues with sleeping, and a few very large glasses of wine—read, just the straight bottle. No glasses were used, because we aren’t about that life here— It’s finally Friday night AKA your date night with Steve. And—oh fuck, nope, no, nu uh. You can’t do this. You just can’t!
You flop down onto the ridiculous pile of clothes that is now your bedroom floor and try to bury yourself within it. You can’t do this. You really can’t. So instead, you will just burrow into these clothes and they will become your home now. Lindsey and Tyler can drop off food once a week to sustain you, and if you get an extension cord, you could totally rig up your laptop in here.
Note to self: regardless of if you stay buried in these clothes or not, you really do need to get an extension cord. They are honestly useful as fuck.
But back to the main issue at hand here, which was agreeing to this ridiculous date. That was a horrible idea! Honestly, what were you even thinking?! You know you don’t take stress well, that you overthink and panic over even the smallest of upsets, but shit—wait, where was I going with this again? OH! Right! Who do you even think you are? Going on a damn date with thee Steve Rogers! The most gentlemanly, gentleman that ever gentlemaned! Shit!
And then there is you, a washed up journalist with hair that never cooperates, pores the size of Russia, and—you swear that—you walk with a limp, because you are positive that one leg is just slightly shorter than the other. You swear it! On your damn life!
Okay, so maaaaaybe you are overreaching here just a tad, again. But the point still stands. You aren’t special, or a superhero, or ya know, God's gift to the world. You are just you. Y/N Y/L/N. So how is it that you scored a date with thee sweetest, most down to earth, most handsome guy out there? Damn. Maybe good Karma really is a thing?—No, no. You shake your head, vehemently. Because in that case, you would have ended up getting shit on by a bird or something, instead of going on a date with Steve..
Alright, it’s decided. You aren’t going on this date. You don’t deserve to go on this date. You’ll just pick up your phone and call—no! Text! Facing him...err, ya know, what your voice? Shit, doesn’t matter, what does though is the fact that you having to cancel over the phone would just be way too hard, and far too heartbreaking. A text is super impersonal, but much easier. And—hey! Don’t judge us! We never claimed to be courageous! We are basically the damn cowardly lion in human form over here. So come to terms with that. Own it. It’s a part of who we are now.
You groan, moving your arms around languidly over the insane pile of clothes beneath you, in search of your cellular communication device. The movement reminds you of making snow angels as a kid, so just for good measure you move your legs as well, and allow the random procrastinating train of thought to continue on for a few more minutes. Hoping it will calm your nerves even a little.
It obviously doesn’t, but it does cause you to giggle, and locate your phone, so that’s a win, you guess. You pick the phone up and bring it to above your face, your eyes instantly widening when you realize the time. 5:46pm. Shit! Steve is supposed to be here at 6! There is no way you can text and cancel now! You’re willing to bet he’ll be here at exactly 6, and he is probably driving as we speak, therefore he won’t even get your text till he is outside your apartment. And shit, cancelling at this point is just fucking mean. You have to go on this date now, you have no choice.
You groan loudly again as you barrel roll off the pile of clothes and awkwardly climb to your feet, heading over to the mirror to take a second look at the 15th outfit you’ve tried on tonight. But before you can give it a thorough re-looking over, your phone rings abruptly and you jump, almost chucking it across the room. Man, you are clearly far too jumpy tonight, and you always have this weird desperate need to involuntarily destroy your phone. Like what even is that? Your phone continues to ring, and you quickly answer it, not even checking who is calling. “H-hello?”
“Breathe. What are you wearing?”
Lindsey, it’s Lindsey. You glance down, “dark wash jeans, a black sheer blouse, and my black ankle boot heels.” You freeze, realization and then irrational fear taking hold, as you stare back at yourself in the mirror. “Oh shit, do you think I’m too underdressed? Oh crap! I am, aren’t I? I should have worn a dress! He’s from the damn 30’s! Oh fu—“
“Woman!” Lindsey cuts you off, “just breathe, babe, damn. You are overthinking this whole thing way too much. Your outfit is perfect, I bet you look like a freaking fox right now, and I know for a fact you will blow Steve away. So just simmer your shit a little, okay?”
You nod slowly to your reflection, realizing Lindsey can’t see the action you quickly mumble. “Yeah. Yeah, you’re right. I’ll be okay, I look fine, I’m fine. I’m breathing now. Promise.”
“Very convincing,” Lindsey snarks and you can damn near hear her rolling her eyes at you.
You are about to snark back at her, but a few light knocks on your door halt the words in your throat. Shiiiiit! He’s here!
“Fuck! Linds!” You hiss. “He’s here! What do I do?!”
“Jesus,” she sighs, exasperated, “you get off the phone and answer the door! And then have a wonderful fucking night. It’s that simple.”
“Okay. Okay. You’re right, again, it sounds simple enough. I got this.” Yet the words don’t sound convincing at all. At least not to your ears.
“You do,” she reaffirms. “Now repeat after me, I look great. I will rock this damn date. I will blow him away with my looks and my interesting and funny conversation topics. Because I got this shit on lock.”
“Yes, I second everything you just said. But I have to go! Bye!” You pulled the phone from your ear and are just about to hang up, when you hear.
“Wait!!” Ring from the phone's speaker, and you halt from hanging up, putting the phone back to your ear.
“Yes?” You question in a rushed manner, needing to get off the phone so you can answer the door and not leave Steve Rogers standing idly in your hallway for all your neighbours to see.
“Call me as soon as the date ends!! Or there will be hell to pay!” She warns. “I want all the dirty details, so don’t forget a damn thing! And most of all, have fuuuuun!” She singsongs the last part.
“Will do! Bye!” You hang up quickly before she can say anything else. Was that rude? Probably. Do you care at the moment? Not in the slightest. You’ll make it up to her later.
You rush from your room, closing the door behind you so he can’t catch even a small glimpse of the chaos that has become your bedroom floor. Then you make your way to your front door, pulling on your heel booties and grabbing your jacket from the back of your dining room chair before pulling it on as well. With one last look at yourself in your entryway mirror, you pull open your door and your heart damn near leaps from your chest at just the sight of him alone.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Steve's POV
Finding her address took way less time than he thought it would, and once he parks he realizes just how early he is. He couldn’t go up yet, could he? No, no, arriving too early is ‘bad form’, as Sam had put it, and ‘makes you look too eager,’ as Bucky had added. Both men were not being overly helpful, at all. But then Nat had piped up, and said to ignore both guys, and the true reason you don’t want to show up too early is because she probably won’t be ready, and it’s never good to rush a woman’s pre-date prepping process. So after Nat’s words of wisdom replay in his mind, he decides to wait it out, and head up closer to 6. Not wanting to rush you in any way, shape, or form.
But the second the clock clicks to 5:55, he is out of the car and halfway to your apartment's front door. He is just about to buzz your number, when another resident exits the door and sees him standing there. The residents eyes widen comically upon realization that Captain America is currently standing outside their apartment, and with a few stuttered words of praise and thanks, the resident steps aside, still holding the door, and allows Steve access to the apartments lobby.
With a sincere and rushed ‘Thank you’, Steve makes his way into the building and up to the 4rd floor to your apartment door. He glances down at his watch and sees that it’s now 5:59, right on time, he thinks. He quickly pats down his clothes, trying to smooth them out and eradicate the wrinkles from sitting in the car for so long. And just as the clock ticks over to 6:00, he takes a deep breath, and raises his hand, knocking loudly on the fake wood door.
His super soldier ears pick up the shuffled sounds of movement and the murmur of a soft voice through the door. Though he can’t make out the words, and yes, if he focused himself he probably could, but your privacy is still important to him. Even though he’s sort of taken it away from you once or twice in the past. Be it by looking at Tony’s file on you, or constantly creeping your social media accounts. Granted, social media is you putting it out there to the world, so it’s not exactly a breach of privacy. But yet, it still made Steve feel weird and creepy for doing it, so that sort of counts, at least in his mind it does—
The door abruptly opening cuts off Steve’s train of thought, and then the sight now before him causes his mind to just blank. With no hopes in it recovering anytime soon, because you are breathtaking. More beautiful than the last time he saw you, and that’s saying something because he was almost rendered speechless the first time. And this time, he is.
How the hell is he going to make it through this night, if he can’t even say a word from just the sight of you, alone?! Oh hell, he’s doomed.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Readers POV
A silent moment goes by, neither one of you uttering so much as a syllable. Just both standing there, staring at each other and speechless. Finally you find your voice and drag it back from its hiding place. “Uh, hi,” you wave awkwardly—And woooow, clearly you only dragged a part of it back. And also, a freaking wave?!? What are you, 12? You’d facepalm right now, if it weren’t for the tall blonde standing directly in front of you currently.
Steve gives you a shy smile, and an awkward wave in return, “Hi.”
Okay, so at least you aren’t the only awkward one. That’s good, you guess. “Shall we?” You ask, pointing past Steve at the empty hallway.
He nods quickly, “yeah. Yeah, let’s go.” And then he steps out of the doorway to allow you room to exit your apartment. You quickly do, turning to close and lock your door, and then you direct your attention back to the Adonis beside you, as you both begin to walk towards the stairwell door.
A silence looms over you both, you aren’t exactly sure what to say, and it would appear Steve has the same sentiments. You make your way down the stairs and out your apartment buildings front door, and then you freeze. Completely. You gape at the all black car, currently parked on the curb outside your building. “Is that,” you pause, your voice barely coming out above a whisper, so you clear your throat, “is that a Mclaren P1?” You turn to look back at Steve, eyes wide and mouth hanging slightly open.
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He gives you a bashful look, “it is. I’m sorry, I was planning to bring my bike, but then Nat told me you might be wearing a dress, and that even if you weren’t, the helmet would just mess up your hair,” he trails off, glancing at the car and mumbling, “So Tony forced me into taking this ridiculous car.”
You chuckle softly and turn to look back at your dream car, sitting just 25 feet away. “Not ridiculous at all. If I ever won the lottery, that’s the first thing I’d buy,” you gesture to the car and then a cold sweat rips through you, and you quickly look down to inspect your clothes. Or rather, the ass of your jeans.
There is no way in hell you are getting in that car, until you are positive there isn’t a single thing on your jeans that could accidentally be transferred to the seats. You could NEVER afford to replace one of those seats, they are insanely expensive and your measly junior journalist pay would not cut it. You’d be back paying till you were old and grey. No! Longer than that, you’d have to leave your debt owing to Tony Stark in your damn Will. So that your poor children and grandchildren could continue to pay it off after you’re dead and gone. That’s how expensive they are.
A soft chuckle from behind you causes your eyes to flick up and realize that Steve is watching your every move. Including how you just checked your own ass out. Wonderful. Way to go, smart one!
“Ah, shall we?” You ask, yet again, as clearly that’s the only words you have in your repertoire tonight. Some journalist you are. Steve gives you a large grin, and nods, then he places his hand on your lower back and leads you towards your dream car. And if this wasn’t a first date, and that wasn’t Tony Stark's car, you’d have totally asked if you could drive it. But you refrain, this time.
Steve lifts up the passenger door for you,—yes, ‘lifts up’. Butterfly doors are just far too damn cool for words!— like the gentleman he is and you thank him quietly as you slip in. And the second the door is closed, your eyes excitedly bounce around the car's interior, taking in all of it as you may never get a chance to sit in a Mclaren again. And you don’t want to miss or forget a single detail about this damn car.
Steve slips into the driver's seat and clicks in his seatbelt, reminding you that you should probably do the same. So you quickly click yours in as well. Then he turns to you, “you like cars, I take it?”
“Something like that,” you chuckle as he pushes a button to start up the car and it roars to life. Which yeah, that causes your insides to do a little happy dance of excitement at just the sound of this beast alone. “My dad was a mechanic, and an avid supercar enthusiast. So I grew up around cars and at race tracks.”
Steve hums his acknowledgement of your words, as he pulls away from the curb. “I’m more of a bike guy, myself. But I can appreciate a beautiful car.”
You smile at him, happy that you’ve both managed to get over your initial awkwardness and settled on a topic you are comfortable and knowledgeable in. “I like bikes as well, though I’m nowhere near coordinated enough for two wheels, so I stick to four.”
He chuckles, and takes a second to glance over at you before focusing back on the road, “Well, I’ll have to take you out on my bike one day,” he pauses and then quickly adds, “If um, if you’d be interested in that?”
You nod enthusiastically, “I’d really like that.”
You see the hint of a smile form on the side of his lips, “okay. I can make that happen.”
Then what his words actually meant hits you, and you freeze up again. Because, wait, did he just ask you on a second date?! Did he just imply that he already knows he wants a second date? Even before this one has actually started? Shit, what are you supposed to do with that information?! Thank God your frazzled and slightly slow mind hadn’t clued into this until after you’d answered him. Or you could have just ended up not replying at all, and making the poor guy think you didn’t want to see him again. Or that you weren’t enjoying yourself so far. Which couldn’t be further from the truth.
You pull your head out of your ass, and decide to ignore your insecurities and fears, and just talk to Steve. So you start asking him simple questions about himself, nothing too deep, just surface stuff, and as the car ride continues on, you find yourself relaxing more and more.
You both just talk the entire way to the restaurant and before you know it, the car is coming to a stop and Steve is climbing out and handing the valet his keys. He quickly makes his way around to your side and opens up the door before you can even attempt to get it yourself, he offers you a hand and helps you out, and yeah, that makes you swoon a little more. But just a little.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Steve's POV
As he pulls open the restaurant's door for Y/N, and guides her inside, he starts to finally calm down. Thank God his implication of wanting a second date so soon into the first one, hadn’t scared her off. Bucky had told him to play it aloof, leave her wanting more. Sam had told him to be cool, and to think before he spoke. And Nat had told him, once again, to ignore the guys and just be himself. If he wanted to say something to her, to just freaking say it. Be open, and honest, and not some fabricated asshole or casanova. Because that wasn’t him, and girls could usually see right through that shit. So he’d once again decided to go with Nat’s advice, as hers seemed the least scary. And the most realistic.
But when the words had left his mouth, he’d almost groaned and banged his head against the steering wheel. Because who the hell brings up a second date, 5 minutes into the first? That was way too eager of him, to just assume she’d even be interested in the first place. But yet, it had worked out in his favour, because she’d replied instantly, and excitedly, that she’d really like that. So maybe just being himself, and saying what was in his head was the best option after all. It did score him a second date, so clearly this was going well. If he was any judge of things, that is.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Readers POV
Your eyes land on the beautiful young woman standing behind a podium, and the moment her eyes flick up and locked on you both, a large grin forms on her lips. You honestly don’t know what to make of the smile, it’s not exactly one you’d have expected, and you can’t place why it makes you feel so awkward.
It’s odd for sure, but then she speaks and her voice is a polar opposite to her grin. It’s sweet and soft, and calming. “Good evening you two, do you have a reservation? Or just looking for a table?”
“We have a reservation, under Rogers,” Steve answers and you aren’t sure if he is getting the same odd vibes as you are, maybe he is used to people reacting weirdly to his presence. Or maybe, you are just finally going fully crazy, but one glance up at the large blonde, and seeing the slight furrow of his brow, tell you that this isn’t normal, or maybe he is picking up on the same weird vibes that you are. So you aren’t going crazy—at least not this time, you aren’t.
She nods quickly, then picks up two menus and asks you both to follow her. She leads you through the restaurant and to a back corner table. “Here you are,” she says as she places the menus down on the table. “Your waiter will be with you shortly,” she adds, and you are positive that she is trying not to laugh. But you have no idea why. So far, every moment you’ve spent in this restaurant has been so damn weird. But you put that thought out of your mind as she leaves you both alone and scurries off back to her podium.
Steve helps you out of your jacket hanging it on your chair, then he pulls the chair out for you, and you thank him as you sit. He moves to sit across from you, as your eyes flick back over to the woman at the podium, and you notice she is watching you both. Clearly trying to hide that fact, but it’s pretty damn obvious. Once Steve is settled, you snap your eyes back to him, “that was weird, wasn’t it?”
He peers over his shoulder and also glances at the hostess for a second, before turning back to you. “Yeah, that was odd.”
“Does that always happen to you? Do people react to you like that all the time?”
He shakes his head, “sometimes they react, but never like that. That was a first for me.”
You nod, chuckling quietly as you pick up your menu and open it, “okay, so I wasn’t the only one that thought that was weird.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Steve's POV
“No,” Steve chuckles as he opens his menu as well. “You weren’t.”
He has never had someone react to his presence like that, he’s had people cry, scream, and laugh uncontrollably. Hell, he’s even had a few people faint, but never has a stranger reacted like that to him before. He isn’t sure what to make of the grin she gave him, it was almost like she was in on something that he wasn’t. And he did not like that thought, not one bit. He pushes the thoughts from his mind, as they both take a few moments to peruse the menus quietly.
A shadow falls over the table and Steve assumes the waiter has arrived, he continues to look over the menu as they place two waters on the table and begin to speak. “Good evening, my name is,” there is a strange pause and then a very awkward sounding, “Will,” is added. “And I’ll be your server tonight. Can I start you both off with something to drink?”
Steve furrows his brows, because he is sure he recognizes that voice. He is 100% positive that he’s heard it many, many times—You have got to be kidding him!? His eyes snap up and lock onto a very familiar set of brown eyes, and then his narrow into a glare. And even with very real looking facial hair, he could spot Sam from a damn mile away. What the fuck is Sam doing here? And as his waiter, no less. And just like that, the hostess’ reaction now makes perfect freaking sense.
Steve quickly glances at Y/N, hoping she hasn’t looked up just yet, seeing that she is still buried in her menu, then he flicks his eyes back to ‘Will’ and he narrows them. The aforementioned ‘waiter’ just gives him a cheeky grin in return. ‘What are you doing here?’ He mouths to his soon to be ex best friend.
‘Taking your drink orders,’ Sam mouths back with a ‘duh’ expression on his face, causing Steve's eyes to narrow even more in warning.
“I’ll just take an iced tea,” Y/N pipes up and Steve shakes his head before begrudgingly saying, “and I’ll take a beer, whatever’s on tap.”
“Excellent choices,” Sam says excitedly and shoots Steve one more cheeky grin before he damn near runs away from the table. Leaving Steve feeling super confused, very irritated and entirely nervous as to just what his friend—hold that thought, he quickly glances around the restaurant, and his eyes lock on a table on the other side with three men and a woman, all in horrible disguises and he instantly knows who they are. Bucky, Tony, Clint and Nat—what his friends, he corrects in his head, have planned. Seriously, what the hell are they doing?!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Readers POV
After ordering your drink, you finally decide which meal you’d like and then you place your menu down and glance up at Steve, curious if he’s decided yet or not. But before you can ask, you notice that he looks super out of it now. Like he is lost in thought, and he is entirely focused on something at the other side of the room. You glance over and see that he is looking—read, glaring—at a table with a few people sitting at it. “Do you know them?” You ask quietly, as you just continue to stare at them as well.
“Hmm?” He questions, “who?”
You turn to look at him again, seeing that his focus is now back on his menu. And once again, you feel extremely weird. “The people at that table over there,” you tip your head in it’s direction.
He looks up at you for a second, silently, before he rubs the back of his neck and glances back down at his menu. “Ah, possibly. I just ah, I think I know them from somewhere, but I can’t really remember exactly where.” He shrugs, “probably from work.”
You nod, his answer seeming a little forced and awkward, but you decide to just drop it. “So, any ideas on what you’d like to eat?”
“I was thinking the steak. It sounds delicious.”
“That’s what I was thinking about getting as well,” you smile to yourself, realizing you both seem to enjoy the same foods. Clearly that’s another thing you both have in common. Score!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Steve's POV
His eyes continue to dart between the table with his so-called ‘friends’ and the beautiful woman across from him. He is furious at his team for crashing his date, and with each passing second he only becomes more and more angry. How could they do this to him? He was nervous enough about this date, and now they had to go and add more stress onto his already frazzled nerves.
It’s taking everything in him not to go over there and tell them all to leave. His eyes snap back to Y/N, and he wants to smack himself for barely paying any attention to the story she is midway through telling. Here he is supposed to be learning all about her, or at least learning about her first hand, instead of only going on the outside information he learned from Tony’s invasion of privacy folder.
And if barely paying any attention to his date, isn’t bad enough, he also lied to her about the occupants of that stupid table. He knows exactly who they are, but in a split second decision, he chooses to not inform Y/N of that. The last thing he wanted was for her to feel uncomfortable in any way. And his nosy friends crashing their date to spy on them, yeah, that makes him uncomfortable and he knows them. He can’t imagine how she’d react to this all, so he decided to keep their presence to himself. At least until he figures out exactly what they have planned, and why the hell they thought it was a good idea to crash his date.
He vows right then and there to tell her about his shitty friends once they leave the restaurant, and apologize for his white lie at that point. But that doesn’t really relieve his guilt over all of this, nor his stress.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Readers POV
It’s not hard to tell Steve is distracted by something, and you’d have to be blind to not notice him constantly glancing over at that table. To his credit, he is doing a pretty good job at hiding his immense interest in the four occupants, but you still noticed.
And maybe that has something to do with the fact that you’ve been talking about Eggo waffles and Oreos for the last 5 minutes, having ran on a hunch that he wasn’t really paying attention to you, and that hunch having turned out to be correct.
So here you are, telling him all your favourite flavours of Oreo, and describing exactly how you eat them. You are curious just how long it will take him to clue in and question you on your current conversation topic. So far, the timer just passed 5 minutes and is still going strong.
You have no idea who the people at that table are, but you figured Steve would tell you if you had anything to worry about. And since he hadn’t yet, you were trying to ignore the small pang of fear that they were bad people, hell-bent on hurting him, you, or both. He did deal with lots of bad, bad people in his line of work though. Or rather, he pissed off a lot of them. So you could only imagine how many wanted to cause him harm, or the people around him—But we aren’t focusing on that at the moment. One issue at a time here.
The waiter returns to drop off your drinks and take your food orders, and you don’t miss the small glare Steve sends him, which yeah, that’s fucking odd as well. You have no idea what this waiter did to him, but you can only assume it probably has something to do with the table of four. Maybe the waiter is a baddy as well?—Shit, if that is the case, then they have you both surrounded.
And what if they poison the food? Oh God! Maybe you should fake a tummy ache and see if Steve will take you home early? Ya know, just to be safe—you shake your head gently. Don’t be silly, like you already thought, if anything was wrong or if you were in any danger, Steve would have told you. Or at least made sure to protect you, he was a freaking superhero after all—
“Oreos?” He asks finally, the cutest furrow in his brows at his confusion on the current topic. The one you’d picked right back up the second the waiter walked away.
And you chuckle, that only took him 10 minutes. Not bad. But not really great either, you guess. “I like Oreos,” you shrug, trying to act casual. “So tell me a little about yourself. What kinds of sweets does Steve like?”
He chuckles, “I guess Oreos are pretty good, I’m also a fan of them. But my all time favourite are Reese’s peanut butter cups.”
“Really?” You ask leaning forward on your hand with your elbows on the table, genuinely intrigued by his choice in chocolate.
“Yeah,” he chuckles again. “When I woke up from the ice, I was really surprised to see that Reese’s were still around. I remember when they first started selling them, or at least when I first started buying them, back in the early 30’s. Though they were sold individually back then, and at only 2 cents a piece,” he chuckles a little more, shaking his head as he does. “It still boggles my mind how much has changed since then, but yet, some things have stayed exactly the same.”
“I can’t even imagine,” you say honestly, “what else has stayed the same?” And just as he starts to tell you a few other things, your eyes catch movement behind him and you glance towards it. Seeing an older woman sitting at a table, one away from yours, and facing you. With what looks like an older man sitting across from her, but you can only see the back of his head. But then you notice that she is looking down at the phone in her hands, intently, as it’s raised up in the air, above her table. What is that woman even doing? Is she—is she taking freaking pictures of you!?
Your eyes focus in on the phone in question and—wait a fucking second! Is that a damn cat DJing a pizza, in space?! You audibly gasp, as your eyes snap back up to lock on the ‘old ladies’, who is now looking at you and then yours narrow, accusingly. And at least the woman has the good sense to avert her eyes, quickly, but the damage has been done. So you then assess the back of the ‘old mans’ head, and come to an unwavering realization.
“Are you okay?”
“Hmm?” You flick your eyes back to Steve’s. “Oh, yeah. Yep. I’m just dandy,” your eyes again lock on the stupid ‘old woman’. “I just have to use the ladies room, I’ll be right back.” You abruptly stand, barely getting the words out before you quickly run away from your table. You glance back to make sure Steve isn’t watching and then forcefully yank the ‘old’ woman and man from their spots and drag them to the bathrooms with you. Not giving them a moment to protest.
Then the moment the door shuts you whirl around on them, grabbing the woman’s grey hair and pulling on it, leaving you holding a wig in your hands and glaring daggers at your, so called, best friends. If you weren’t so angry right now, you’d have commented on this being a wig snatching great time. But you're furious. Fuming, even.
“I really shouldn’t be in here,” Tyler points out unhelpfully.
“Oh please,” you scoff, “I’m more likely to check out the women in this bathroom than you are.”
He presses his lips together, nodding in agreement but he is smart enough to keep his lips zipped. Your eyes move over to glare menacingly at Lindsey.
“Look, we can explain,” she puts her hands up in submission.
“I sure fucking hope so,” you scold, crossing your arms like a pissed off parent. “Well, let’s hear it then. Come on, out with it. What could have possibly possessed you both to crash my date? Hmm?”
“It was his idea,” Lindsey points to Tyler, at the same time he points to her, “it was her idea.”
They both gasp, scandalized, and glare at each other. “Liar!” They say in unison. Another gasp from both, “I am not!” and again, in unison.
You feel like they rehearsed this, they had to have. And if, by the off chance that they didn’t, then they clearly share the same wave link. And obviously a dumb one, at that.
“Okay, whoever’s idea it was aside,” you wave a dismissive hand around. “You both not only agreed to crash my date, but followed through with that stupid plan. So how I see it, you are both at fault here.” You sigh, some of the wind in your sails vanishing, “now, the real question is what the hell guys?” You shift your eyes between the two, “you both knew how excited and nervous I was for this date, how could you think this was a smart idea? The last thing I needed was more stress added into the mix. And the fear of Steve realizing you are both here, now that adds a lot of unnecessary stress onto me.”
“Sorry,” they both mumble with their heads down, like scolded children. And you believe you are getting through to these two knuckleheads. Buuuuuut then Tyler has to go and ruin it, “but it was actually Lindsey's idea, just to clarify.”
Linds jerks her head up and glares at him, “it was ‘our’ idea, traitor!” She hisses out. And just like that, they are back to bickering again.
You groan loudly and clench your eyes shut, taking a deep calming breath before you intervene, “okay, enough!” They both snap their mouths shut and turn to you. “I don’t have time to stand here and listen to you both argue. Unless you forgot, I’m sort of supposed to be on a date right now, and I’ve now been standing in the women’s bathroom for an entirely too long amount of time. Steve’s going to think I encountered a damn basilisk or something,” you sigh, shaking your head.
“Do you think he’d even understand that reference?” Tyler asks the room, then turns to Lindsey, “do you think anyones shown him those movies yet?”
Lindsey gives him an odd look, “of course he’s seen them. They are a huge part of this generation, there is no way that no one in his life has shown him the Potter franchise yet.”
Tyler nods slowly, “unless his friends all suck, I guess.”
“Very valid point, Ty—“ Linds starts but you cut in.
“Not important at the moment, guys,” you say as you uncross your arms and point a menacing finger at them. “Now, I’d ask you both to leave, but I know you won’t listen to me. So instead, I’ll ask that since you both are hell-bent on crashing my date, the least you could do is not be so damn obvious about it. Please, no more photos, and for the love of God, do not let Steve know you both are here, got it?”
“Got it,” they both mumble. Then Tyler quietly says, you think mainly to himself, “but Harry Potter is always important.”
You ignore his comment and walk passed both of them and exit the bathroom, not having anything else to say to either of them. Because honestly, it would just be a waste of time, those two do exactly what they want, no matter what you say or how you reason with them. So there isn’t even a point in wasting the breath at the moment. They will stay and lurk on you and Steve either way. However, you honestly wouldn’t change either of them for the world. They may frustrate the hell out of you, but you get them back all the time. It’s a 50/50 thing, for sure.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Steve's POV
The moment she is up from the table and has walked off, he pulls out his phone and brings up the group chat to fire off a message. ‘What the hell are you guys doing here?’
His eyes flick up to watch his friends, as they each pull out their phones and read his text. Then they all look over at him and give him their best innocent smiles, and then his phone vibrates with a message and he glances down to see it’s from Tony. ‘We are just here for dinner, such a coincidence that we happened to pick the same restaurant as you two.’
Steve shoots Tony a glare before checking that Y/N isn’t in sight and standing up to stomp over to their table. “Oh yeah? Just getting dinner, hey? Then what’s with the get ups,” he flicks the obviously fake wig on Bucky’s head, causing the Jerk to swat his hand away just as he continues on to hiss out, “and why the hell is Sam our waiter?”
“Look, Steve,” Nat starts and his heated glare snaps to her, causing her to put her hands up in surrender. “I had no hand in this idiotic plan, it was entirely their idea,” she points at Bucky and Tony, causing the latter to gasp and the former to—well, to look pretty fucking guilty, if you ask Steve. But she just turns back to Steve and continues on, “I only chose to join them to make sure they didn’t fuck your date up too badly.” Then Clint pipes up, also putting his hands up in surrender, “and I’m just here for the food.”
“Traitors,” Tony accuses in a hissed whisper.
Clint just shrugs, and Nat looks at Tony and crosses her arms, “you can call me whatever you like, Tony. But I refuse to get on Steve’s bad side because of your stupid ideas. No fucking thank you, that’s a bullet I won’t take for you.”
Tony shoots her one last glare before correcting his features and turning to Steve, clearly trying to salvage the situation. “We just wanted to be here for moral support. In case you needed any backup. Isn’t that right, Manchurian Candidate,” he elbows Bucky for support, but the Jerk knows that no matter what they say, Steve will be pissed. So best to keep his mouth shut for now, which is blatantly obvious by the way he presses his lips together and refuses to look at Steve.
“Bullshit,” Steve says as he crosses his arms. “Your choice to be here has nothing to do with backing me up, but I don’t have time to stand here and argue with you. I’m supposed to be on a fucking date and I can barely focus on Y/N with you assholes sitting here. So eat your food and get out, we will talk when I get back to the tower,” he says that last part like a threat. They are so fucking in for it when he gets home, and he wants them all to know it. “And tell Sam to let a real waiter take over, I dunno who you all bribed to let you pull this shit, but if a real waiter isn’t the next person to approach my damn table, I’ll be even more pissed off,” then with that said, he spins on his heel and quickly makes his way back to the table. Glad that Y/N hasn’t come out of the bathroom just yet, so she didn’t see him scolding the table of assholes.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Readers POV
You quickly make your way back to the table, seeing Steve sitting by himself and feel like an asshole for taking so long, scolding your shit ass friends. You quickly retake your seat and feel the need to apologize. “Sorry that took so long,” you pause, because what the hell excuse are you supposed to use!? Shit, you should have thought about this before you sat back down! “Ah, just as I was washing my hands, my um, my mom called.” Shit, that was a horrible excuse. What is wrong with you?!
“Oh?” Steve asks hesitantly, “is everything okay?”
“Oh yes, yeah,” you nod quickly. Maybe too quickly but no taking it back now. “She just forgot I had a date tonight, I told her I’d call her back later.”
He seems to give you an odd look for a moment, before finally nodding and glancing around the restaurant. “Does it feel like the food is taking a really long time, or is it just me?”
You glance around as well, not seeing a single waiter or waitress in sight, “no, it’s not just you. I think we ordered like 30 minutes ago, maybe?”
He nods, “yeah, something like that.”
“I’m sure it won’t be much longer,” you comment, trying to be positive. “And it just means we get more time to talk.”
He smiles at you, “well, in that case, let’s hope the food never comes.”
And swooooon. You couldn’t not swoon over his words even if you tried. You give him a grin, and you know for a fact that it’s probably the biggest, goofiest thing he’s ever seen, but you can’t help it. “Fingers crossed,” you trail off from starting a new conversation as you see your, so called, friends doing the walk of shame from the bathroom and retaking their seats at their table. And before you can stop yourself, the words are already leaving your mouth, unfiltered. “Ever wanted to smack someone upside the head with a frying pan?” You abruptly ask, and then mumble out, “Cause I’m getting that feeling right about now.”
Steve snorts and you realize he was mid sip of his beer when you asked, and you watch as he quickly gulps down his mouthful, before his eyes flick over to the table of four for a second, then snap back to you. “All the time, actually.”
You give the table an inconspicuous side eye, and notice there are actually now five people sitting around it. So they have clearly gained another occupant, you see. And, that’s neat. Glad to see the baddies are growing in number. Excellent. Just freaking excellent. This night is not going to plan, not one fucking bit. And seriously, where the hell is your food!?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Steve's POV
He glances down at the watch on his wrist and sees that it’s now, 7:27. Their reservation had been for 6:30, and so they have now been waiting on their food for at least 40 minutes. He is willing to bet that his ‘friends’ have something to do with why their food is taking so long, just another thing he will scold them all for later.
And the longer the food takes, the more intense of a scolding they’ll get. Mark his words now, this will be the last time they ever pull a stunt like this on him or anyone, ever again. He’ll make sure of it.
“Sorry for the delay,” a new voice chimes in from about them, and Steve glances up to see his first unfamiliar face since the hostess. “Ah, Will had a um, an emergency, so my name is Kyle, I’ll be taking over for him.” He places two new drinks down to replace the now two empty ones. “These drinks are on the house, as an apology for the wait. But it shouldn’t be too much longer for your food to be ready.”
Y/N thanks the new—actual—waiter, and Steve just nods, a small triumphant smile on his face as he glances over at the table, to see Sam now sitting with the others. Good, at least they can still follow orders, that will win them some points with him tonight.
The new waiter—Kyle—scurries off back to the kitchen door and Steve turns his attention back to Y/N. “Did you have a better time at work, this week?” He asks, genuinely curious how this recent week went, since he was more than aware that her last week hadn’t been very fun for her. He’d been meaning to ask about how she was doing with the media and the new popularity all night, as he had worried all week about her.
And just as she started to tell him all about her week, he lifts up his fresh beer and takes a very generous gulp. Only for the fact that as a super soldier, Steve can’t get drunk. At least not off regular beer. Though he furrows his brows once the cold liquid slides down his throat, because—does this taste different than the last beer he had? Wouldn’t they give him the same one he’d ordered before?
He internally shrugs, maybe they just ran out of the other beer so they gave him this one instead. It’s no big deal, he really likes the taste of this new one, and it was free. If there is anything Steve’s learned since waking up from the ice in this new—and expensive—era, it’s that you should never ever pass up free things. So he’ll drink it either way, even if just for that simple fact alone.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Readers POV
After a few more minutes of just talking about both of your weeks, the waiter returns and finally places your food on the table in front of you. And not a moment too late, you were seriously beginning to weigh the pros and cons of cannibalism—Okay, maybe you were going that extreme yet, but you were getting pretty dang hungry for sure.
You and Steve don’t waste a second, and both cease the conversations as you start to eat your respective meals, as the waiter scurries off to wherever waiters go while the patrons eat. Probably to check on the other customers. Your eyes drift back to the table of fo—five now, and you see them all eating their food now as well. So you allow yourself a moment to just breathe, and eat, and pretend like that table still isn’t worrying you. A lot.
After another few moments, and most of both your plates now empty, you see that Steve has finished his beer. But you only make that observation because he accidentally slams the glass down on the table, not breaking the glass, but the look he gives it after the loud clanking bang, leads you to believe he didn’t mean to be that forceful with it.
Your eyes flick up to his face, and you see he is a little flushed now, his eyes a little bloodshot and—wait, is he drunk?
“This food was amazing!” He damn near yells, and yep, yeah, you believe he is in fact drunk. Oh lordy, this should be fun..
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Steve's POV
Something isn’t right. He don’t feel ..right. He glances around the room, but quickly halts his eyes when he feels like the room is rocking. Spinning almost and that makes his stomach do somersaults. His eyes look down to his now empty glass, his brows furrowing, he can’t get drunk. But yet, he feels drunk. He feels just like he did that day Thor let him try the Asgardian mead—his eyes snap over to the table of his ‘friends’ and it instantly hits him—The beer didn’t taste weird because it was different, it tasted weird because they freaking spiked his drink.
Oh, they are so going to pay for this one. He huffs, as he attempts to glare holes in the sides of his ‘friends’ heads. They are all making a point to not look his way, they know they're in shit now. The fuckers—
“Who’s going to pay?”
Steve’s eyes widen as they flick back over to meet Y/N’s. Shit, did he say that out loud?! And before he can even attempt to come up with a quick cover up, his lips are moving and spilling the truth, much to his surprise and dismay. “My horrible friends,” he manages to get a hold of his lips before he says anything more, he presses them together in an effort to keep the rest of his words in. However, the adorable confused expression now on Y/N’s face makes him smile, and he is sure he looks like a crazy person at the moment. But honestly, he doesn’t really care at the moment. Maybe he will later, but not right now. “You’re adorable when you frown,” he chuckles.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Readers POV
You were still trying to figure out what he meant by ‘his horrible friends with pay for this’, but then he has to go and say you’re adorable and that halted all your thoughts, immediately. Damn, who knew you were so weak to compliments. Once again, some journalist you are. Geesh—Focus woman! Your eyes drift back to the table of five, and you give them a more thorough looking over and—holy fuck, is that Bucky Barnes. Wait, wait, wait, and Tony Stark. AND Natasha Romanov. Oh shit, and Clint Barton. And freaking SAM WILSON! Hold up, Sam looks exactly like your last waiter, Will.
And oooooh, it all makes so much sense now. You burst out laughing at the realization that not just your shitty friends crashed this date, Steve’s did too. Oh God, this is just too damn good. “Steve?” You ask softly, bringing his attention back to you. He’d been inspecting the table, as if to make sure it was structurally sound.
“Yeah?” He asks, sounding slightly out of it.
“Question?—err, actually maybe two questions,” you hastily amend and he chuckles.
“Okay,” he nods, a little too quickly, and hiccups as he speaks his next words, “W-what are they?”
“Is that your team over there?” You nod with your head towards the table of five, but keep your eyes fixated on the large blonde.
He scrunches up his face and opens his mouth to speak, but then sighs deeply and lowers his eyes to the table, then mumbles “yeah, it is.” But then as if it just hit him in the face, he snaps his head up and starts speaking again, a little louder this time—read, damn near yelling again. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I had no idea they were going to be here—“
You cut him off with your laugh, and he furrows his brows, his mouth still open as he clearly tries to figure out what’s so funny. You try valiantly to reign in your laugh, but this is all just too damn hilarious. “Y/N?” He asks hesitantly, confusion in his voice.
And you realize you have to say something, anything, so between laboured breaths and chuckles to manage to spit out in a whisper, “see the old couple behind you, a table away?”
Steve’s lips form a frown and he glances over his shoulder, not even remotely in a graceful manner. Then his whips back around and nods at you, “yeah,” he says slowly.
“Those two ‘old people’,” you make quote signs with your fingers, “are my two idiot best friends in disguise. They also crashed our date,” and those words make you laugh all over again at this whole weird situation. Your words clearly take a second to sink in, but as if a light just lit up, Steve’s frown disappears and he starts to laugh with you. Louder than you, actually. And so loud that it draws the attention of everyone in the rest restaurant, including both tables of your date crashing friends. Every last one of them.
“You’re joking?” He manages to say between boisterous laughs. You shake your head as you say, “not even a little bit.”
He laughs a little more, shaking his head as well. “That is too funny.”
You nod, agreeing with him, “that it is. Looks like both our friends are,” you raise your voice so all the people in question can hear you clearly, “nosey assholes.” Though your words are more directed at your two best friends, but maybe also a little at Steve’s. And one quick glance at both tables, and the scandalized expressions around both causes you to burst out laughing again. After a few moments, you both manage to calm down a little, enough to speak again at least. You quickly rub the tears from your eyes, as Steve takes a few deep breaths. Then you think of something, “and here I thought my friends were invasive. At least they didn’t fake being our waiter,” you giggle.
Steve groans, then chuckles a little more, “were you really surprised they’d go to that length? They did sort of force you to goto that press conference.”
“Oh shit,” you chuckle a little more, “I didn’t even think of that!”
“Yeah,” Steve shakes his head, “they are always sticking their noses in other people's lives. It’s rather frustrating,” he mumbles the last part, and you believe more so to himself.
“Wait,” Steve abruptly says, “you said you had two questions?”
You grin, nodding slowly as your second question pops back up into your head. Though you’re going to amend it a little. You were going to ask if he was drunk, but you're positive now that he is. So your question is a little changed, “so I’m guessing they spiked your drink, which means you can’t drive?”
“Shit,” Steve mumbles as his face pales and all the humour leaves his features. “I’m so sorry, Y/N, I can call you a cab, if you want? I’ll pay for it.”
“No,” a sly grin works its way onto your lips. “I have a better idea.” You stand up from the table and Steve slowly stands as well. Though you can see his very evident wobble from the booze. “Come with me,” you gesture for him to join you, offer him your hand for what little support you can give him. Ya know, since he is much larger than yourself, and if he starts to go down, you won’t be able to save him. But the gesture is what matters, right?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Steve's POV
He is feeling the full effects of the mead as he stands, wobbling a little before quickly gaining his balance. If he falls flat on his face in front of her, he will be out for blood. She offers him her hand and he glances down at the outstretched appendage, then almost laughs. If he does go down, there is no way in hell she’ll be able to stop him, and he’ll just end up taking her down with him. But the chance to hold her hand, can’t be passed up, even in Steve’s mead muddled mind, he knows that fact clear as day.
He smiles and takes her hand, allowing her to lead the way and he quickly realizes where she is taking them. And the slightly panicked eyes of his friends makes him chuckle again. They reach the table of five, and Steve gives a curious look to Y/N, unsure where exactly she is going to take this. But he isn’t gonna lie, he’s excited to see what her master plan is.
“Avengers,” she nods in hello and smiles at each of them.
His friends all give each other strange, nervous looks before Tony speaks up, “Y/N,” he nods then looks at Steve. “Steve.” Before his eyes move back to the little woman holding Steve's hand tightly. “I see you’ve figured us out,” he chuckles awkwardly.
“That I have,” she giggles, “wasn’t too hard, once you spiked Steve’s drink.”
“That was Sam’s doing,” Tony quickly says, earning a gasp from the aforementioned.
“It might have been my doing, but it was Tony’s idea,” Sam quickly defends, pointing a menacing finger at the billionaire. Ugh, here we go again, Steve thinks.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Readers POV
Tony is just about to speak, but you cut in before he can. You aren’t interested in their bickering about who did what, and who’s behind this whole thing. You got enough of that from your own friends. “It’s okay, we aren’t mad,” you glance up at Steve, and see him about to refute your words, but one pointed look from you and he presses his lips together and nods in agreement.
“We aren’t,” he mumbles, the words not sounding overly convincing but it’s the thought that counts.
You bite your lip to prevent the new laugh from escaping. “But,” you abruptly say, “there are conditions to us not being upset.”
And Tony clearly tries to fight the grin that wants to show through, as he narrows his eyes at you, “and those are?”
“Our bill still needs to be paid,” you say calmly, commandingly so that Tony is aware you mean he will be paying it. And as you speak you are fighting to not look too excited for your next words. Tony nods slowly, hesitantly, and says, “okay, and?”
Your grin breaks through, and you see Tony shiver from the smug smile. “Since Steve is unable to drive currently, I will be driving him home and will return your car to you in the morning—“. Tony cuts in, “what? No, no, that doesn’t seem—“. “Tony,” Steve cuts in this time, sternly, clearly trying not to laugh.
“You all were the ones who crashed our date and spiked his drink,” you say, “therefore, hindering him from being able to drive. So these are the consequences, I’ve driven supercars before, so you don’t have to worry about that.”
Tony doesn’t seem convinced, at all, but everyone else at the table seems highly amused by all of this. “I think it’s only fair,” Nat pipes up, a smug grin on her face to match yours. “I agree with Nat,” Clint mumbles through his mouthful of food. Tony shoots them both a glare, then sighs, “fine, you can take the car for the night.”
And you are just about to squeal and jump up and down, when he abruptly adds, “but,” he points a finger at you then at Steve, “if there is so much as a single scratch on it tomorrow, Steve is covering the repair bill.”
Steve gives you a look, one that screams ‘now just wait one second, let’s talk about this a little first’ But you just ignore him, and nod at Tony, “Deal.” And before Steve can say a word, you begin to drag him away from the table, hearing Tony chuckle and say quietly, “I like that one,” to the others. Which only causes your smile to grow as you continue to pull Steve towards the front door of the restaurant.
As you both stand on the sidewalk, waiting for the valet to bring the car around and you are vibrating with excitement! This is your damn dream car and you GET TO DRIVE IT! Aaaaah! Shit!! Is this real life?!—A deep chuckle from beside you, causes you to come back to reality, and you glance up at the tall blonde. This day has been the weirdest one in your entire life, not only did you get to go on a date with thee Steve Rogers, but now you get to drive your dream car?! This is all just too much! Too damn much! But in all the best ways. “Sorry,” you smile bashfully up at him, as you tuck a few wayward strands of hair behind your ear, “I’m a little excited.”
“I can see that,” he nods, a glorious smile playing on his own lips. Just as you are about to speak, the beautiful sound of the supercars exhaust can be heard coming towards you, and before you know it, the Mclaren P1 is directly in front of you. In all it’s shiny black glory, and you are sure you’re dreaming. You have to be. Either that, or you’re drooling.
The valet goes to hand the keys to Steve, but you intervene and take them before he can, and then you get an idea. You quickly unlock the car and open up the door for Steve, who gives you an odd look, so you say with a shrug, “it’s my turn to be the gentleman.”
Which causes him to chuckle and hesitantly slip into the passenger seat then you close the door and make your way around to the driver's seat.
And before you know it, you are pulling up out front of the Avengers Tower. Steve had told you on the drive that he normally lives out at the compound now, but still has a room at the tower and stays there from time to time.
You shut the car off and quickly gesture for him to wait, receiving another odd look from the blonde. You quickly get out of the car and race around to open his door, you are determined to be the ‘gentleman’ this time. Steve deserves as much.
He chuckles again as he clues into what you’re doing, then climbs out of the car and you begin to walk him up to the tower's front doors.
Once you both reach the doors, you halt your steps and turn to him, he does the same but in reverse, halting and turning towards you.
“I had—“. “Thank you—“. You both speak at the same time and laugh, then he says, “I’m sorry, go ahead.”
“I just wanted to say I had a wonderful time tonight.”
“Even with our friends crashing the date?” He asks, one brow raised.
You giggle, “yes, even with that. It made for a very memorable first date.”
“That it did,” Steve nods. “And I just wanted to say thank you, for not only going out with me, but for putting up with my shitty friends.”
You wave it off, “they aren’t so bad. I think it was rather sweet that all of our friends crashed our date. Really shows how much they care, even in their own weird ways.”
He nods again, as he glances down at the ground, one hand coming up to rub the back of his neck, “would you be interested in doing this again sometime?”
You grin brightly, you couldn’t stop it even if you tried. “No, I wouldn’t be interested in doing this again.” Before you can finish your sentence, Steve's head snaps up and he gives you one of thee saddest looks you’ve ever seen in your life. “Just wait,” you giggle, putting your hands up to halt him, “let me finish. But yes, I’d love to go on another date with you, preferably one without our friends being present.”
His frown morphs into a brilliant grin, “yes, no friends on the next one for sure.”
“Okay, well I should get home,” you say reluctantly, “but I’ll call you in the morning before I head over to drop the car off, and maybe we can do coffee and a walk? Just the two of us?”
“I’d love that,” he nods. “And yes, just the two of us.”
“Perfect,” you smile, and lean up to plant a kiss on his check, but at the last second you change course and lightly place your lips upon his. And just as you are about to pull back, his arms move around your waist and pull you into him as he deepens the kiss.
Which yeah, you fucking swoon at that too, and if he were to let go of you right now, you’d melt into the sidewalk. You’d become a human puddle.
But luckily for you, he doesn’t release you right away and you both drown in each other for a few moments before you reluctantly pull back and he does that same. “Goodnight, Steve,” you say softly, breathlessly as you take a step back.
“Goodnight, Y/N. See you in the morning.”
You smile, “see ya then.” You turn and head back towards the car, a skip in your step that you know Steve can clearly see, but you don’t care. You are too happy right now, for a bunch of different reasons.
You glance towards him as you pull up the driver's door and see he is still standing there, watching you, and your tummy does flips. You wave, receiving one in return, then climb into the supercar and close the door.
The whole drive home you can’t wipe the grin off your lips, no matter how hard you try. So maybe you were a little over dramatic in the beginning of this story, maybe you made this night out to be a lot worse than it actually was. Because it wasn’t the worst date you’d ever been on, not by a long shot. It was actually the best, if you’re being honest.
This all started with you being a Drunk Twitter tweeter, and ended with Steve being, well, being Just Drunk honestly. But you wouldn’t change a damn thing, not one second, because even the bad moments all lead up to this glorious one. The start of something so, so special.
And now you have a coffee date with Steve in the morning, and—if you have any say in the matter—many, many more dates to come. This is just the beginning, and you can not wait to see where this all ends up. But something deep, deep down is telling you, that you’re going to love the journey to the end. More than anything, because you’ll get to make that journey beside Steve. And honestly, what more could a woman want than that? Nothing, that’s what.
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@caps-lockdown @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @tfandtws @boxofteenageideas @wangdeasang @giggleberts @strawberry-gothchild @theonelittleone @agentbadbitch @ratwrites @starrystellars @bandsandanimefreak @rockyroadthepastryarchy @lovvliies @cuffski @icesoccerer @alwaysright4 @lilsthethrills @steeeeverogers @zombiepotterfour @mu-mu-rs @ledandan1244 @straightforwardly @denzmallows @xremember-me-notx @gwynethjodie @lollipopdomination @capstopavenger @jemimah-b99 @rcvenqers @justkending @alagalaska @silent-loucidity @sabertooth-potato @pies-wands-and-more @interstellarmess @gabriella69816 @phantom-soilder @wordlesscaptain @captain-hammer-of-asgard @starstucknature @viarogers @pixieferry @kaithezaftig @the-kinkiest-goblin @hysterically-original @badassbeckettswan @heyiamthatbitch @zlixlle @capsicledoll @givemehopenfandoms @pretendingandpreposterous @frozen-phoenix17 @emotionallysalty @saturngirlz @atomicsludgedonutbiscuit @ivannagotthebeat @bohemian-barbie @marvelous-capsicle @steverogersxreader @cjhorseback @jasminecalia @secondstar2disney @jessiedaeum @betsynodak @capricornprince118 @just-ladyme @pinkleopardss @drayshadow @sister-of-stars @wiserebelpartypie @dark-night-sky-99 @patzammit @cs-please @troublermalik @bratstopmom @anika-ann @wxstedhexrt @rynabarnesrogers @ab-baybay @scentedsongrebel @captainchrisstan @kelbabyblue @fckdeusername @murdermornings @dreamlesswonder86
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ewgoals · 4 years
Phoenix (1)
Chapter one- 1985
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Word count- 7,621 
Trigger warnings- Drug Use, Cursing, Racist slurs,smoking,underage drinking,fighting, underage sex mentioned, cult themes.
A/N: This is Chapter one of Phoenix, please let me know how you are feelings about this. I am very excited for this, also did you catch the reference or am I too old haha. This isn’t how Harry lost his virginity it’s how the person this book is based off did.
Tatianna Deluca was born on September 24th,1968; She was the fifth child born to Agina and Benito Deluca. Agina and Benito were both immigrants coming to America when they met. Agina Chernyshevsky was born on January 15th, 1942; in Moscow, Russia, she was the only girl born into three boys. Agina’s parents sent her and her brothers to America in 1958, wanting to make sure their children had the best life they could, Agina lived with an aunt for a little while until she met Benito Deluca. Benito Deluca was born on July 18th, 1940, in Venice, Italy. 
Benito was the youngest boy of six boys; the family left Italy when Benito was 16. Benito worked various jobs through New York until he finally settled on a restaurant in Brooklyn, New York. Agina and Benito met in 1958 when Agina went into the restaurant wanting to try a New York pizza for the first time, Benito loved the thick Russian accent that the short young woman had plus Agina had a beauty like no other with her bright blonde and stunning green eyes and olive skin. Benito was hooked; what he didn’t know was that Agina had pretty similar feelings towards the man as well. Agina could feel herself falling in love with his bright blue eyes and dark hair; he kind of reminded her of old blue eyes himself, Frank Sinatra. Benito finally got the courage to get to ask Agina onto a date after she came into the restaurant for the sixth time that week, Agina agreed with no looking back. Benito and Agina were married on July 15th,1959. 
Agina and Benito went on to have their first child a few months later, on May 6th, 1960. Agina and Benito both weren’t very fluid with English, so they often talked to their children in either Russian or Italian, depending on which parent they were speaking with, often relying on American music and American Television to teach their children English. All of the children quickly picked up the third language and found almost comfort in music, which led the oldest five to take up an instrument. 
Tatianna growing up was a devout catholic just like her family, they would wake up at 6 am just to make it to mass at 7 am. Tatianna would often spend her time in church making fun of her brother’s in the tuxes they would wear, but they would often make fun of the dress their sister would be forced to wear. The kid’s parents would often slap them behind the head to make them stop talking. As Tatianna became more involved in church life, the woman began singing for the choir. She would often be given the parts, where she was hitting high notes and long notes. The young girl was 15 when a record executive saw her singing in the choir and asked her parents if she could join the small girl group he wanted to create, the parents knew that their daughter wanted to be a singer, so they quickly agreed. 
May, 1985
Tatianna was moved to Los Angeles, California. When she was 17 after her parents gave her older brother Illya temporary custody of the young woman, Tatianna wasn’t really into the music, the girl group which now went by the name “through thick and thin”  she hated it. They were a typical pop group whose songs were written by other people and had no real heart behind them. Tatianna would often tell her brother about it, but she didn’t want to bother him too much, so she would often keep it inside her. 
Tatianna was sitting in the studio as the girls were recording their new album. She was getting sick of listening to this girl Ashley sing the same line repeatedly because she was often flat with her delivery of the line. “I’m going for a walk. I’ll be back in like an hour,” the producer just nodded as the woman grabbed a pack of cigarettes and left. She was walking around sunset blvd; she was like a kid in a candy store. The woman loved all of the stories coming out of this strip, and the bands that played here we what she wanted to be, Tatianna shook her head as she lit another cigarette standing across the street from the famous Troubadour. 
Tatianna remembered reading a magazine a few years back where the Rolling Stones called in one of the world’s best rock clubs; she was taken out of her thoughts by something hitting her. The woman gasped as she felt the front of her being covered in liquid “what the fuck” the woman’s thick New York accent mixed heavily with a Russian one, especially when she was angry. “I’m so sorry,” an English accent spoke before Tatianna sighed a little as she helped the young boy up “it’s fine, I guess I was to blame too. I wasn’t paying attention” the boy nodded as he said “where are you from because that doesn’t sound like anything I’ve ever heard” the woman just smiled as she spoke, “I’m from Brooklyn, but my mother is from Russia, so it comes out more when I am yelling I am Tatianna by the way.” 
The boy nodded as she finished, “Oh, sorry. I’m Harry” The woman just smiled a little curly-haired boy in front of her as she laughed a little “well, Harry, I wish I could say it was nice to meet you. Still, you kinda ruined my shirt” Harry laughed a little as he looked down at the woman’s outfit, she was wearing a pair of high waisted leather pants that she paired with a crop top of the musician Elton John before Harry quickly dug into his pockets and pulled out a twenty-dollar bill. He handed it to the woman. “Here that should replace it,” the woman shook her hand as she pushed his hand backNo,o. you are a baby, keep your money. I’ll just make my brother give me his” Harry raised an eyebrow as he quickly came back with, “I’m not a baby. I am fifteen.” 
Tatianna laughed as she smiled “you are a baby. I have a little brother just your age.” the man shook his head as he said, “I’m not arguing this. You are wrong” Harry said stubbornly before Tatianna just laughed “here how about this I have to go back to the studio to record some stupid ass songs that I can’t stand why don’t you pay me back by keeping me company because my brother even bailed on me today.” 
Harry smiled as he nodded ‘Just let me call my mom and tell her” as soon as the word’s left his mouth, Tatianna laughed “see a baby” Harry looked down as he shouted “okay you win that” Tatianna laughed as she lit another cigarette and motioned with her head “come on little boy” Harry just laughed as the walked back to the studio, Harry asked about Tatianna’s large family and Tatianna asked about Harry’s career.
When they finally arrived at the studio, they walked into a shit show to say the less, Ashley was screaming in the face of the other bandmate Aquanette, better known as Aqua to everyone she cared for. Tatianna was about to leave when she heard Ashley say “I am the only talent in the band, I am stuck with Jungle bunny and a Nazi oh wait I’m sorry she’s also a Guido” The thick southern accent of the woman finished as Tatianna finally pushed Ashley back out of Aqua’s face “you better back the fuck up before you end up on the floor” Ashley quickly got into Tatianna’s face “Suka, luchshe vernis', prezhde chem ya pozvonyu dyade.” 
(Bitch better back up before I call my uncle.)
The woman spoke between her teeth as Ashley said, “Hitler needs to calm down” Tatianna rolled her eyes as she said, “I’m Russian, you dumb cunt. I helped stop Hitler, you dumbass hick” Tatianna stayed in the face of the woman as she felt a familiar hand grab her elbow as Harry almost looked scared “Why don’t we leave.” the thick English accent spoke as Tatianna nodded before she left the woman quickly punched the other woman in the face as she grabbed her purse and her leather jacket. Harry smiled sweetly at the woman as they left the building Tatianna grabbed another cigarette lighting it and taking a deep drag as she closed her eyes “That was pretty cool, I wasn’t expecting that left hook” the woman laughed shaking her head “I have four older brothers I need a good left hook to survive” Harry laughed as looked over at her just smiling as he did so. 
Tatianna was about to make a joke before she heard her brother Ilya deep voice yell, “what the fuck. I left you alone for a day, and you hit one of them” Tatianna’s New York accent came out as she said, “Fuck You! That racist ass bitch got what was coming. She called me a nazi, but that’s not why I punched her. She called Aqua a jungle bunny” Ilya just shook his head. “Uncle John would be proud” Tianna shook her head before pointing at Harry “this is my friend. He spilled coffee on my shirt, but he’s still my friend,” she joked. The curly-haired boy next to her laughed a little and stuck out his hand “Harry Styles it’s nice to meet you” the man said, Ilya stuck out his hand and shook the other man’s hand “so where to next?” 
Tatianna smiled as she said, “let’s get curly over here a fake ID, and let’s go see this new band Guns n roses” Harry smiled before saying, “you can do that?” Tatianna nodded as she smiled “Oh, you poor sheltered boy. Yes, we can do that” Harry nodded as he smiled “yeah let’s do that” Ilya smiled as he said “let’s go find a payphone and get you an ID” The three made their way to the apartment that the studio pays for after getting the face of ID for Harry. They wait a few hours before leaving for the Troubadour. 
Once they arrived, Tatianna felt an arm wrap around her waist before she had time to react. “I knew you would come,” Tatianna squealed as she turned around and hugged the man tightly. “Axl!” the older man laughed as he hugged her back, rubbing her back. “Oh let me see what you are wearing” the man joked as he pulled away as the woman did a little turn, he looked her up and down seeing that she changed into a high waisted black skirt, that she pulled up too much to make it into a mini skirt. She paired it a white crop top with the logo from the band Guns n roses “I know my boobs aren’t that impressive, but hey once I get the money they will be done” Axl laughed as he smiled “you look gorgeous” the man hugged her again and kissed her cheek as he squeezed her ass which made her gasp as she laughed. 
Harry saw the situation and couldn’t help but get a little jealous of the situation; the man didn’t want to admit it because he barely knew the girl, but he couldn’t help himself. The young boy walked away from the two very familiar friends and went over to the bar and handed the bartender his fake ID and ordered a random drink; the man was on his second drink before Tatianna saw him and wrapped her arm around his shoulder’s “Hey there you are baby. I thought a lost you” Harry smiled as he looked down, “yeah, I felt awkward.” 
Tatianna smiled as she ordered herself a drink before she said, “Oh, honey. That’s a good friend of mine. I met him while I was trying to sneak into a concert. If I’m honest, he took my virginity but don’t tell my mom” Harry looked over at the woman as he nodded “My mom made a tent in the back yard and gave me condoms” he joked looking at her as Tatianna smiled before pouting “You aren’t a virgin? Damn, I wanted to take it” the woman joked as she winked at the man finishing her drink before she ordered another one “I haven’t been a virgin since I was four” Tatianna looked at him confused “what?” 
Harry looked down as he said, “my first sexual experience was when he was aged four. Living in Venezuela with his peripatetic family – who were subscribed to the Children of God kids were coerced into performing sexual acts with parents and other children. But I’ve blocked it out. I was completely celibate from ten to 14. I haven’t really had sex with many people. So, I decided to lose my ‘second virginity,’ you know, because he lost my first when I was four. So, I decided to drop it to this older girl I knew, and strangely enough, I asked my parents for permission. Instead of just saying yes, my parents put a tent in the backyard for me to get it on in, and they ‘decorated it to enhance the mood.” Tatianna just looked at him, shocked. 
Tatianna went to speak, but Ilya said, “Hey, take this. I’m going to this girl’s place. Tell Axl to take you home after” Tatianna took the vile from the man and nodded as she turned back to Harry. “Listen, that’s fucked up. I thought the catholic religion was bad, but wow. I’m sorry that happened” Harry shook his head, “what’s in the vile?” Tatianna shook her head “nothing you need to get your hands on, let’s enjoy the show” Tatianna ordered a couple more drinks as she smiled “come on” the woman pulled him into the crowd as she got closer to the stage, she felt Harry be pressed up against her. The woman smiled as she reached behind and pulled him closer, keeping his arm wrapped around her waist as they looked up at stage “see, I can protect you.” 
Harry smiled at his hand around the woman’s waist before looking up as he smiled gently, the woman finished into her drink as she placed it on the floor and leaned down putting the vile her brother gave her into her nose and took a deep breath in snorting a small amount of the powder into her nose. She threw her head back before running her finger over her teeth. “Fuck” Harry was confused, but he didn’t question it too much, they enjoyed themselves during the concert quickly leaving afterward. Harry was drunk, but Tatianna was utterly shit faced, she was high as well as drunk. 
When the two teenagers arrived back at her apartment, Tatianna grabbed Harry’s shirt, “Nope. You are staying with me. I’m not letting mommy yell at me because her baby is drunk” Harry laughed as he followed her up to the apartment, as soon as she was in her own house she quickly pulled off her shirt “Thank god” she said as Harry smiled at the woman “I’ll sleep on the couch, get some rest” Tatianna shook her head “you’ve been dancing with me all night and feeling up on me too. You can sleep with me” Harry nodded as he followed her into the bedroom. “If you are more comfortable,” Tatianna admitted as Harry smiled “No. I’m excellent.” 
The duo fell asleep shortly after; they were cuddled up when they woke up the next morning Tatianna just smiled at Harry cuddled up to her as she slowly sat up and stretched her back out. The woman looked down and took a deep breath as she saw herself in her PJs, “thank god,” she whispered as Harry spoke, “don’t seem so disappointed” Tatianna laughed as she said, “Maybe when you are older Harry.” 
The two friends remained close ever since then, they would always hang out, and when they couldn’t, they would call the other on the home phone in their house. Tatianna just looked at Harry as a friend, but it was evident that Harry felt different, the man would always find a reason to compliment Tatianna or tell her that she was the most talented girl in the world. Tatianna would always tell him that he was good for her ego, but she never really let him take it farther than that. 
June 1985
Tatianna was shocked when Harry invited her to the set of Stand By me; she was also completely taken back when she saw her curly-haired boy with a clean-shaven head, it took the woman a few minutes to even recognize the boy she cared about so much. The woman couldn’t believe that he cut his hair, she already missed the curls of the man, she just shook her head at the shock “Hey beautiful boy” was all she said as he hugged her “Hey Titi” the woman smiled at the nickname her family gave her “come on show me around please.” the man nodded as he took her hand and led her into the closed set. 
Tatianna gripped Harry’s hand as she felt eyes staring at her, the woman tried to calm herself down by telling herself that they were just trying to figure out who the woman. Tatianna kept telling herself until she heard a female voice said, “That’s the girl who attacked her bandmate” Tatianna just looked down, trying not to cry as she gripped Harry’s hand tighter “Harry, I should go” was all she whispered. Still, he turned back “Hey, you just got here” Tatianna just shook her head as whispered “Harry, these people hate me because of what happened with Ashley” Harry just hugged the woman tightly as he ran his hand down her back “come on, let’s go to my trailer” the woman wiped her eyes as Harry led her back to his trailer. 
As soon as the door closed in the trailer, the woman broke down. Tatianna felt like she couldn’t stop the tears as she tried to catch her breath, she wasn’t one to cry about some words that were said about her but more than anything the situation frustrated her which caused the tears to fall. Harry was quick to be by her side as she put her face in his lap, he rubbed her back and ran his fingers through her dark locks as he whispered “You did the right thing with Ashley” The woman shook her head as she sat up “clearly I didn’t I’m being called unprofessional and reckless. She called Aqua, a jungle monkey. I mean, yes, it could’ve been worst, but it’s still racist as fuck” Harry nodded as the woman spoke through her tears.
“I know that beautiful girl; you did what any good human would’ve done” Tatianna looked up at the man, as he wiped her tears away “I will protect you from them, please stay” Tatianna nodded as Harry placed his hand on her cheek, she relaxed into his palm as she closed her eyes “Thank you sweet boy” Harry smiled as he leaned forward and kissed the woman’s forehead. Tatianna stood up, and Harry wasn’t far behind her as she grabbed his hand “Ashley is a stupid whore” Harry shook his head as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “I’ll always have my girl’s back,” Tatianna laughed as she wrapped her arm around his waist “I’ll be your girl when you can grow a beard” “shit” The duo laughed. 
Tatianna was sitting in Harry’s chair as they went through the scene they were filming, Tatianna closed her eyes as she listened to the various lines that Harry was speaking. Harry’s English accent was completely gone and replaced with an American one; this caused Tatianna to open her eyes and watch the man in front of the camera. He grabbed her attention; he almost demanded her attention much different from his shy self that Tatianna loved so much. When the director called cut, the woman shook her head as he smiled at her boy, walking towards her. 
“What did you think?” Tatianna couldn’t help but smile as she spoke, “You were beyond amazing already. I can’t wait to see it completely.” the woman went to talk as she heard someone fake cough as they said “Whore” Tatianna to roll her eyes as she turned around looking at the woman who just fake coughed, Tatianna just smirked as she fake coughed as well “Cunt” the woman cleared her throat as she spoke “Sorry I had something in my throat before I called you a cunt” Harry tried not to laugh as she took her hand walking away from the pathetic woman. 
Harry and Tatianna finally finished at the studio that day, as they were leaving Tatianna made sure to flip the woman off once more as she wrapped her arm tightly around Harry’s waist. When the inseparable duo finally made their way outside, the woman let go of Harry’s waist as she ran her hand over his short hair “please tell me it’s a joke” Harry laughed as he shook his head “Sorry beautiful, it’s all real, but my hair grows back super quick, so I’m not worried.” Tatianna, as she smiled, “well, if anyone can pull it off, it’s you.” Harry smiled as he said, “and you said that I’m good for your ego” Harry laughed as Tatianna smiled as she looked over at him and smiled, “what to go out again?” Harry smiled as he looked down at his wallet to make sure he had this fake ID “Sure. if they will still take this” 
Tatianna couldn't help but smile “okay, I’ll meet you at the whiskey in like two hours” Harry nodded as he kissed her cheek as Tatianna just smiled as he walked back into the movie studio, Harry couldn’t wait until he was done he missed hanging out with Tatianna due to both of them having such a busy schedule. Harry was finally back on the set, looking around for his co-star, finally settling on Corey Feldman. “Hey man,” the quirky kid just smiled as Harry put his hand on his shoulder. “Did you see her?” Corey laughed as he smiled at the other boy. “Yes, Harry, we all saw the brunette with blue eyes and legs that go on, and the ass that won’t quit” Harry lightly slapped the boy’s head “Shut up. I’m going to convince her to be mine today.” 
Corey laughed as he shook his head “No you aren’t she is a rock girl, she wants the sex, drugs and rock n roll. You will never be that guy. She looks at you like a little brother. If you keep on this trail, you will just make yourself sad. Why don’t you ask that one girl who keeps calling you?” Harry looked a little disappointed that Corey was more than likely right about his situation with Tatianna, but Harry nodded, “Yeah, Martha is a nice girl. I guess I should just ask her out already” Corey nodded as he placed his hand on Harry’s shoulder “Maybe one day you’ll get your rockstar girl but no way in hell you’ll be able to get her with your baby face” Harry rolled his eyes as he pushed the other boy’s hand away “Yeah Yeah Yeah I know. She’s too pretty for me.” 
Corey shook his head as he said, “quite the opposite you are both beautiful people, she is just in a different mindset. You are looking forever, which is rare in a fifteen-year-old, and she’s looking for right now and how much fun she can have.” Harry nodded as he rubbed the back of his neck as he looked at Corey “I don’t know why that helped me a lot, but you did.” Corey smiled as he pointed at his head “I’m pretty smart, but I act like I’m stupid, so people don’t expect my smartness” Harry smiled sweetly at the other kid “You are beyond smart. You should show it more often.” 
Harry went over to The Whiskey A GO GO as he planned with Tatianna a few hours earlier, the man looked around trying to find his friend. When he finally saw his friend she was on the dance floor with a guy dancing behind her, the woman was wearing a pink bra that made her boobs look amazing. She paired it with a black fishnet crop top, the woman’s slim stomach was out, she had a white pair of shorts and a black pair of boots. He could see her long socks, poking out the boots. Harry couldn’t take his eyes away from the way the woman swung her hips as she moved them against the man’s groin, Harry saw the man’s arms wrap around Tatianna’s stomach and the other around her neck pushing her closer to him. 
Harry looked at the two on the dance floor recognizing the tattoo on the man’s arm; Harry knew it was Axl Rose. The young man just sighed as he went to leave; he couldn’t deal with it. He knew that he just had what people would call a schoolboy crush on Tatianna, but he felt like it was more than that, it had only been two months, but he knew that he wanted her. He wanted all of her. He wanted the woman who stood up when others were scared too; he wanted the woman who demanded anyone’s attention and often would never let another person interrupt her. Harry finally walked out of the bar with tears in his eyes, maybe Corey was right. Perhaps he should call Martha. 
July 1985
When July came around, Tatianna noticed that Harry wasn’t talking to her as much, she would often avoid her calls, and when she would show up to his house, he would make an excuse for why he was busy. Tatianna was beginning to have her feelings hurt. Still, she really couldn’t let it affect her, seeing as she was leaving for a tour. The woman would begin a year-long tour around America, and it would start in Alabama of all places or as Tatianna’s brother so nicely put it, cousin fucker state. Tatianna was leaving the next day making sure she said goodbye to Axl and the few friends she made from knowing Axl, the woman was going to force Harry to at least spend an hour with her if anything just to say goodbye. 
Ilya told her this plan was stupid, but she did it anyway; Tatianna decided that she was going to get all dressed up, and maybe that would convince Harry well at least his teenage boy hormones to want to hang out with her. Tatianna found a tight pair of white jeans that hugged her body in every perfect way it could; she went with a long cut tank top that she stuffed into the pants. Tatianna did her makeup just like she did the night. Harry told her that she had the most beautiful eyes making sure to make them pop more. Once she finished with her hair, she left for Harry’s house he shared with his family. Tatianna knocked as Harry opened the door the younger man looked almost nervous. 
Tatianna raised an eyebrow as she said, “Hey, love, I’m leaving tomorrow. I was kinda hoping we could hang out?” Harry looked back behind the half-opened door. “Umm. Tatianna now is not a good time” the woman tried to cover the hurt in her eyes as much as she could when she heard Harry say her full name “Oh, um sorry. I guess I’ll see you next year,” the woman said, smiling as best as she could. When she went  to walk away, she heard a very unfamiliar female voice said “Harry, where did I leave my shirt” this caused the woman to turn around as a young blonde walked out of Harry’s house and said, “Okay, I’ll see you sometime tomorrow.”
 The young girl who looked to be just about Harry’s age walked back Tatianna not giving her a second glance, the older of the three people just laughed “that’s why you have been busy?” the New York accent running through Harry’s ears as he tried to cover his embarrassment “My goodness! I thought you hated me! You never came to the whiskey that night, so I thought people convinced you that they were right about me. Harry, you can tell me you have a girlfriend.” Harry smiled as Tatianna found the perfect excuse for him without having to admit his feelings. 
Tatianna smiled as she reached out, “can you please come to hang out with me?” Harry took the woman’s hand as he closed the door behind him, the woman smiled wide “Okay, I’ll hang out with you.” the man joked as Tatianna intertwined their fingers “come on I found this cute little restaurant” Harry raised an eyebrow “I’m Vegan Titi” the woman smiled at her nickname as she said. “I know that Harry, I made sure that you can eat” the man shook his head “No, I’m taking you somewhere to make up for me getting all weird” The woman silently agreed as they began walking in the opposite direction. 
Tatianna was honestly going to give up on this whole thing until Harry brought her to a private beach. It honestly looked like nobody was ever here. Harry broke the silence as he said, “I found this the night I stood you up at the whiskey” Tatianna shook her head “It’s all good. You stood me up, but I don’t mind. I mean, it hurt my feelings, but you were with a girl it’s fine” the young boy shook his head “No I wasn’t. I saw you dancing with Axl, and I didn’t want to disturb you, so I left” Tatianna looked at Harry, confused as she said “Yeah we were dancing? Why didn’t you come to say Hi? Axl loves you. He says you are a little brother he’s always wanted.” 
Harry rolled his eyes as he spoke, “because he was all over you, you said you lost your virginity to him so I assumed you were going to leave together why get in the way?” Tatianna did her best to find the perfect words as she said “Harry, I think Axl is a great man. He’s talented and smart but he’s not the guy I would sleep with more than once well I guess twice. He’s my best friend and we were dancing like that because these guys kept groping me” Harry looked down at the floor as she kept speaking “I was excited to spend some time with you but instead you came to a beach alone” Harry nodded as he said “I had to think about some stuff. About our friendship” 
Tatianna looked visibly hurt as she just laughed “great they got to you too” the woman said turning around shaking her head “you are big boy walk home by yourself” Harry quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her close to him, they were face to face “let me go, Harry. I want to go home” the man shook his head “No, listen to me nobody got to me I was thinking about our friendship because it’s so much more to me Titi” Tatianna was confused until Harry leaned and kissed her softly, the woman didn’t react at first before she kissed him back. The woman felt his arms wrap around her waist, Tatianna placed her hand on his arm as she pulled away resting her forehead against Harry’s as she whispered “Harry” The boy shook his head as he whispered back “No, I don’t want to hear you are like a brother to me or that I’m too young.” 
Tatianna smiled sweetly as the boy in front of her as she whispered “How about while I’m gone you think about your feelings and when you turn 18 if they are the same we can talk about it” The boy shook his head as he said “I will always feel this way for you so what’s the point in waiting” the woman cupped his cheek as she spoke softly “so that you are completely sure and so that you don’t break that little blondes heart” Harry sighed softly as he pulled her close hugging her tightly putting his face in her neck almost inhaling her scent once more, Tatianna hugged him back tightly rubbing his back “I’m looking for forever and you are looking for fun” the woman chuckled a little as she rubbed his back once more “kinda my precious boy.” 
The woman pulled away as she said “I’ll write to you every day I’m on tour. I’m begging you please think with your heart and not your head and find what’s in there please” the girl said kissing the side of his head as she pulled away slowly and made him look at her “I love you Harry and I don’t want to lose you because my heart doesn’t feel this way for you right now” the boy nodded as she kissed his forehead “come on let me walk you home.” 
December 1985 
Tatianna wrote a letter to Harry every night just like she said she would, the women would try their hardest to avoid telling him about the various horrible things that Ashley would say about Aqua or herself. Tatianna didn’t really care about what Ashley said about her if she’s honest, she just cared that Ashley was able to say horrible and negative things about Aqua and her race because of the fact that this so-called manager agreed with Ashley’s racist ass. Tatianna made sure to always sign her letters with the quote “lots of love and always thinking of you” Harry kept every letter in a small box, they made him feel special, it made him feel even more special when he ran into Axl one night on sunset and the older man asked Harry if he had heard from Tatianna. 
It was clear that she was really only writing the letters to him, this sent his heart on fire. He knew that he didn’t need a few more years to think about whether or not Tatianna was the one for him. He knew that she was the one he was meant to be, now he just needed to convince the woman of this as well. He understood why she didn’t want to get with Harry, he was only fifteen what does he know about love but all the boy talked about Tatianna. She was all that was on his mind, she consumed most of his thoughts. She was an addiction and Harry had no plans on kickin it. 
Harry decided that he was going to tell her all of his feelings about her when she came back to Los Angeles for her next concert. He felt it was the perfect option, if she said no then he could have six months to get over the heartbreak before he would see her again. Harry made sure to get himself all dressed up for her concert, he was wearing a pair of khaki skinny jeans that he put a black shirt on but quickly covered it up with an orange sweater. Harry felt it was perfect, nothing too fancy but also something casual so she didn’t get any ideas in case he changed his mind. 
Tatianna was sitting in her dressing room, which she happily shared with Aqua. The woman was finishing her makeup as Aqua spoke “Did you hear that Ashley is trying to go solo?” Tatianna laughed as she began putting away her makeup “I would like to see that. Please don’t get my hopes up”  the other woman laughed as she looked at Tatianna “girl you need to get out of this band. You are way too talented to be here” Tatianna shook her head “No, I’m not leaving you so unless you agree I’m staying right here with you” Aqua just shook her head “when you leave I will too. I’ll work in your parent’s restaurant” 
Tatianna laughed as she lit her cigarette and took a drag before saying “I’ll hold you to that. I’ve decided if she says anything tonight she’s getting knocked out on stage” Aqua laughed as she shook her head “Please. I’m begging you to just do it at the end of the set” Tatianna smiled as the devil herself walked into the room “Michael Jackson is in the crowd tonight, you two better not try to show me up” The southern accent rang through the room “Shut up. If you speak to me again you will get fucking hit” Tatianna said standing up “Okay little boy, talk to me when you grow some boobs” Aqua quickly grabbed Tatianna as Ashley turned around and slammed the door. 
Tatianna rolled her eyes as she went to her bag and grabbed her outfit for the night, Tatianna put on a pair of high waist black spandex shorts that showed her ass perfectly. The woman put on a red button-up shirt, she tied up to show off her torso “I’m going to kill her tonight” Aqua changed into her stage outfit as Tatianna looked over at her and smiled softly “promise to leave with me” Aqua smiled as she nodded “Yes, You and me” the girl winked. Tatianna walked out of the dressing room and saw Ashley having Harry almost pinned against the wall as she was leaning into Harry. 
Tatianna quickly walked over and pulled the woman away from Harry, the woman put Harry behind her as she said “Ashley, go-to side stage now” Ashley just rolled her eyes as she looked at Harry who looked very nervous “call me” Ashley winked as Tatianna turned around looking at Harry “Are you okay?” the man nodded “Yeah, I was trying to give you these flowers and she kinda attacked me” Tatianna looked down completely heartbroken that she put him in this situation, the woman quickly hugged Harry as he hugged her back he buried his face in her neck again for the first time in a month. Tatianna pulled away as Harry handed her a bouquet of blue tulips as she smiled softly “Oh my goodness thank you.” 
Tatianna took a deep breath of flowers as she kissed Harry’s head-hugging him tightly afterward, the woman closed her eyes for a moment as she took the man’s hand leading him and Aqua towards the side stage. Tatianna pulled Harry close almost making him wrap his arm around her waist “you smell good” Tatianna smiled a little as she heard Harry’s voice next to her ear “well thank you, sweet boy.'' The woman said as she placed her hand on his arm that was wrapped around her torso, the woman handed him her flowers “Stay here and be safe” she said kissing his cheek. 
Tatianna took a breath trying to control her emotions, the woman walked on the dark stage standing where she was supposed to as she took the microphone. Tatianna closed her eyes hearing the first note of the song, the woman hated dancing but she was taught the dance moves so she did them. When Ashley finished her small number, Tatianna finally sang the words “We keep behind closed doors Every time I see you, I die a little more Stolen moments that we steal as the curtain falls It'll never be enough It's obvious you're meant for me Every piece of you, it just fits perfectly Every second, every thought, I'm in so deep But I'll never show it on my face But we know this, we got a love that is homeless” Aqua and Tatianna  took over the next lines singing with perfectness. “Why can't you hold me in the street? Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor? I wish that it could be like that. Why can't we be like that? 'Cause I'm yours” 
Ashley looked angry as Aqua and Tatianna’s voice blended perfectly together, Tatianna wasn’t really paying attention to Ashley she was more forced on the boy on the side stage. Tatianna didn’t want to admit that the boy with a little crush on her was causing her a lot of feelings, she knew that she couldn’t be with not until he was older. When he knew that she was what he wanted, she couldn’t be the reason he didn’t find true love. 
Tatianna was taken out of her thoughts by Aqua singing her part “When you're with him, do you call his name Like you do when you're with me, does it feel the same? Would you leave if I was ready to settle down? Or would you play it safe and stay? Girl you know this, we got a love that is hopeless” 
Tatianna went to start singing as she walked to the other side of the stage, where she was tripped by Ashley. The dark haired fell and hit her face on the stage which caused her to bust open her lip, Ashley gasped trying to play the good guy. Tatianna couldn’t take it anymore; she managed to spit some of her own blood out of her mouth and quickly tackled Ashley onto the floor of the stage. Tatianna had the racist ass bitch pinned down as she threw shot after shot. The women didn’t realize what was happening until she felt familiar hands wrap around her waist and pull her off quickly, Harry lightly shoved Tatianna towards the side stage as medics rushed out to help Ashley. 
Aqua and Harry managed to get Tatianna back into her dressing room, once she was there she began to clean up her own lip “I’m fucking done! I’m going back to New York! I’m going to work in my parents restaurant for the rest of my life and if I see that bitch in New York i’m calling my uncle and I’m going to have him get that bitch” Harry looked a little confused seeing as he’s never heard the woman speak like that and he’s never heard of his restaurant. Tatianna was taken out of her screaming as her older brother walked in “Ты тупая сука. Как мы будем теперь есть?” (You stupid bitch. How are we going to eat now?) 
Tatianna looked down as she closed her eyes trying to avoid them filling with tears, the woman didn’t really even think about her brother in this situation. She was more worried about the fact this woman have the guts to trip her and bust her lip on stage, the woman looked up at her brother with tears in her eyes as she spoke back “Мы можем просто пойти домой, пожалуйста” (Can we please just go home)  
Illya went to argue but sighed softly “Yeah, give me a few minutes.” Aqua followed her brother out of the room, which left Harry and Tatianna “so you are really going back to New York” Tatianna sighed as he spoke before nodding “don’t really have a choice. I don’t have that much money, I’ll go home to my parents and forget this music dream” Harry shook his head “You can’t do that, you are beyond talented. Your voice makes me believe in angels” Tatianna shook her head as she smiled “Thank you but I can’t do this anymore, I need a break from all of this” Harry nodded as he looked down sadly. 
“I’m in love with you” was all the english accent said as Tatianna sighed softly looking down at her vanity desk “Harry, you are fifteen. You don’t know what being in love is” Harry shook his head “yes I do. I know that you are all I think about and when I see you I get this overwhelming feeling in my chest. I know that you feel something too or you would’ve told me to drop it and not wait until i’m eighteen or write only me letters” Tatianna looked up at him as she stood up and walked over to him as she took his hands “Harry, I’m your first real crush. That’s what it is. The girl you lost second virginity too was a girl that you could have sex with.” 
Tatianna kissed his hands before she said “Harry, you are the most amazing kid. Maybe later down the line it will be good for us, right now I don’t even know what is going to happen with my career or my life and how can I get into a relationship with someone who needs to learn more about himself as well as what love is? I need to focus on me. I need to fix myself. I can’t help you find you as well” The woman said as she finally met Harry’s eyes that were filled with tears. Tatianna felt like an asshole but she knew that she was right but he was also right. She did feel something but not enough to ruin what was going on for him. The older woman wrapped her arms tightly around Harry, he did what he always did when they hugged, burying his face in her neck. The two stayed for what felt like hours, in some sick way they both knew this was goodbye. 
Tatianna and her brother Illya packed up the apartment they shared, and took a bus back to New York. California was always going to be in Tatianna’s heart, it was the place she found the purest man and almost gave her heart to him. 
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lou-is-creative · 4 years
Unpredictable (Pt 4)
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ꜰᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ: 6 Underground
ᴍᴀɪɴ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ: Four/Billy // Eight/???
ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ: Four/Billy x male!Oc
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ: Fucking Pudding guy
ꜱᴏɴɢ: Don’t wanna be - The Score
𝔹���𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤, 𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕖 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤. 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞 𝕠𝕟 𝕞𝕪 𝕞𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥!
ᴀɴ: ᴘɪᴄ ɪꜱ ɴᴏᴛ ᴍɪɴᴇ, ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɪꜱ ᴋɪɴᴅ ᴏꜰ ᴛᴡɪᴄᴇ ᴀꜱ ʟᴏɴɢ ᴀꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀꜱ? ʜᴀᴠᴇ ꜰᴜɴ! 
"Just like I explained it to you earlier, some of us can't distance themselves from the horror anymore that humans do to one another. You are one of those people now. "
Eight followed One into the old plane and looked around a bit. Computer screens, a huge pinboard with a map on it and several pictures of people. Some of them were circled, some of them crossed.
And weapons. Actually, mostly guns. All kinds of guns.
Eight looked up and focussed on One who was now standing in front of a wall that had the numbers from two to nine placed on it. Number one was a picture of some old bald man and a gun shot decorated the picture. Looks like they had already eliminated their first goal.
He took a step forward and looked at the picture of the man who seemed kind of familiar. 
"Isn't that the guy who was beaten to death by his own people after ordering gas attacks? Ro-Roman, Rovan- "
"Rovach. And yes. He was beaten by his own people. Not to be that person, but it was us, who got him in that situation."
One answered and Eight nodded in anticipation.
"That's quite awesome."
He said and took a step back to let One speak.
Eight now stood right next to Four. Who couldn’t help but noticed how small the boy really was. It was at least ten centimetres difference. Which was impressive because if he wouldn’t have stood there, right next to the blonde man, he probably wouldn’t have come around to notice. Eight had this kind of appearance that made him seem taller than he already was. It was the energy he spread in the room. No space for anyone to criticise him, or notice how small he actually was. But Eight wasn’t as tall as his courage made him, and Four noticed. And he wasn't the only one. But no one said anything, -although Three was already opening his mouth-, but as One started speaking he chose to close it again. Which Probably wasn’t the reason. It was more likely the gaze of Two that had forced him down. 
"From now on, Eight, you're dead. You're gonna be restricted to cities that you've never visited before, people that you've never met. All, of course, except your fellow ghosts. None of whom you'll know by name, only number. For safety. And so no one gets too close."
Eight nodded shortly and kept looking at One, who was now starting to explain the current situation.
"This is our target hit board."
He pointed at the wall.
"These nine men have been doing too much shit. Rovach Alimov, Ex-dictator of Turkistan, he ordered gas attacks to destroy hospitals in his own country."
One moved on and ripped a paper from the wall with the number two written on it. He revealed the face of another man. 
"Alexander Smirnov. Leader of a big company that has been around for more than twenty years. Ruling the world's supply of medicine."
One paused and turned around.
"Such as medicine that is able to cure cancer."
The older eyed the boy, whose eyes seemed to get even sharper now. And it wasn't just about his eyes but about the whole energy around him. Four dared to take a look at the newbie. He looked so calm, but he felt so explosive. But he didn’t tense. At all. That guy had a form of self-control Four could only wish for.
"He decides the price. But it's not the only thing he decides..."
Four carefully put a little more distance between him and Eight. Small people were always unpredictable. And he preferred to keep his life.
One pointed at one of the bigger pinboards. It was filled with pictures of hospitals. Pictures of people who didn’t look like people anymore. They looked like corpses. Their skin was as white as snow but seemed to have a blue glim, just like they were drowned before the pictures were taken. Their eyes were red, probably due to ruptured blood vessels. Their bones stuck out of their bodies, as if they were starving. Children, elderly people, mothers with new-borns... The sight alone was horrible.
Eight dared to take a step closer and look at them and read the words written on the board. Then he turned around to face One.
"He infects people with different diseases to test his medicine."
One said and took a deep breath before he continued.
"He abducts people from around the world and brings them to Russia. He has been doing this for the past thirty years. And no one ever dared to move against him. Which is where our part begins."
Eights eyes were glued to the pinboard, as if he was searching for something.
"Normally, we'd talk about the details somewhere else but time's running out so we'll have to do this here."
One explained and Eight finally forced himself to turn around. Four was left wondering why he seemed to be so obsessed with the pinboard in front of him. It was a question that was about to stay unanswered for a long time.
"Let me make this short."
One started and walked over to a different board and wrote down the name of the guy they were hunting down.
"This is who we want to defeat. Our endgame, if you want to express it like that."
I certainly don't, Eight thought, as he automatically thought of the last part of the Avengers. He didn't want to be reminded of it.
"The problem is that even if we had the best plan in the world to infiltrate his palace, we wouldn't get very far. We have to put him under pressure."
One circled the name and wrote another one right under it.
"This is where this guy comes in. Ivan Smirnov. Because if there is one thing in the world this bastard loves, it's his son."
He now connected both names with a line.
"But since this weakness of his is well known by all of his enemies, he chose to hide his son. And there is only one other person that knows where to find him."
One then wrote down another name. 
"James Thomson. His godfather. Once we get this guy, we can go on and grab his son but-"
One paused, chuckling a little while running his fingers through his hair. He wasn't amused, he was annoyed. Eight raised a brow.
"Let me guess, you don't know where he is so you have to find someone who does."
One pointed at Eight and swung his finger through the air.
"Bingo. But! We do know who the secret keeper is and we have already found him."
"Oh, that's good news I suppose."
Eight responded and leaned against the table.
"It would be."
Four said and Eight turned around to face him with question marks plastered on his face.
"We fucked up and now he's shitscared."
The blonde continued and Seven nodded.
"Four's right. He barricaded himself on a small island. Security everywhere."
He said and One looked at the ground for a second.
"Yeah. But there is a way in. One way."
He looked up and faced all of them before focussing at one of them in particular.
"This is where you come in."
He pointed at Eight before grabbing another picture from the table and putting it on the pinboard. It was a picture of a blonde girl with a bright smile and blue eyes.
Eight crossed his arms in front of his chest and looked at the picture with a questioning look before he scoffed.
He asked shortly and shifted a bit.
"I'm a good driver, a talented killer and you recruited me for seducing a girl?"
Complete silence came over them as Eight was done talking. He just summed up yesterday’s discussion about himself. Tension filled all of them. No one could tell whether he'd accept or neglect the mission like it was. But as soon as the young man started to smile, relief spread through the room.
"Nothing easier than that."
Even One seemed relieved to him agreeing and the others looked at the boy.
"Okay, you got any useful information? How old is she, what is she into, does she have any social media I can go through to find out stuff about her?"
Two raised a brow. Eight seemed to know exactly what to do. And… how to win someone over. He had potential.
"We'll get to that point later. Let me finish first."
Eight nodded and leaned back again, his hands placed on the table behind him.
"Okay so here's the point. Her name is Amanda, she is eighteen years old, so two years younger than you are. Nearly three. And she is her father’s little princess. She is allowed to date, but only if that guy is a decent one. Now you'll meet her, and you'll make her fall for you, she will be in a relationship with you and you'll meet her dad on that island. You will go play the polite and innocent guy and find out where he lacks security. You come back, and you'll visit her again. Just not alone. We go in there and make him talk. And believe me, once Two starts working, he WILL talk."
Eight turned around, trying to make out who Two was. Which didn't take him long because Two was smiling briefly.
"Okay, I got it. Be a picture-perfect boyfriend... I should be able to do that."
Eight ran his fingers through his hair, grinning a little.
"So, when do I meet her?"
Again, Eight had to turn around to face the one speaking. Although he knew who it was this time. The blonde guy who seemed to be about his age. The guy with the good taste. One furrowed his brows.
"Since when are you the one to make decisions?"
Four shook his head and held up the phone he had in his hands.
"Found her social media account. She's going out with friends tonight. Figured this could be a chance."
Eight just couldn't stop grinning and Seven nodded in approval.
"I like you. You have a good taste and you act and don't just talk."
Four smirked a little as he was looking back at Eight before he shrugged and leaned against the wall.
"That's just who I am."
One looked from one of them to the other and he wasn't the only one who found this rather confusing.
"Okay, you're not supposed to flirt with Four, you're supposed to win that girls heart."
Seven interrupted and Four and Eight exchanged amused looks. This was probably the point where Eight first noticed Five. A woman with long brown hair and dark brown eyes. And he probably wouldn't have paid any attention to her if she wouldn't have starred him down.
"Anyways, today it is. I think you'll get enough information about her on the internet. She's pretty stupid so chances are high she'll post where she'll be."
One said and turned around to face the pinboard again. Eight nodded before focussing on Four again.
"When is she going and where will she be?"
Four scrolled through the phone.
"Uhm 9pm at New Hope Club. It's about three hours car drive away from here."
Eight took a look at his watch. But due to the different time zones, it wasn’t accurate anymore.
"You have about six hours left to get ready."
Three said, pointing at his watch before turning around to Two. He seemed to whisper something into her ear that was worth a punch in the side. But also worth a smile. Eight raised a brow but then looked back at the guy in front of him.
"Okay, so, where can I find some food? I am starving."
Four shrugged a little. And the others left the room, one after another.
"I think I still have something in my fridge. Just follow me."
Five eyed them a little. She was the only one left in the room besides the two guys. But Four didn't pay much attention to her and neither did Eight. They just walked off, leaving her.
"So, you're all like a big family or what?"
Eight asked curiously and walked next to Four who started laughing a little.
"Don't use the f word, One hates it."
Eight raised a brow but just shrugged.
"Well, we all have words we hate, right? I mean, totally normal..."
Four looked at Eight and raised a brow.
Eight faced him and smirked a little.
"Sarcasm, dude, sarcasm."
Four exclaimed and Eight looked at him.
"I'm sorry, I tend to be really sarcastic."
"Nothing you have to be sorry for."
Four shrugged and scratched his head as they walked through the wreck. Eight looked around, he liked the atmosphere. And while they were walking, they eventually passed the glass for the orphan bet. Eight stopped, giving it a confused look.
“What’s that for, tip?”
He asked and Four, who had continued his walking held in and turned around before he grinned a little.
“No. We got a bet going on that One is actually an orphan.”
He casually shrugged and Eight starred at the glass for a while before he faced Four, pointing at the already full thing.
“May I contribute?”
He asked and Four again just shrugged, a small grin captivating his lips.
“Go for it.”
Eight grabbed a little bit of money from what he had in his pocket and put it inside before he kept on following Four.
“There we go.”
The blonde announced as he opened one of the doors which led to a rather big room. And if Eight wouldn’t have known that it was Four who was living here, he probably would have thought it was the room of a teenager. Clothes on the floor, an unmade bed and a Whisky bottle right next to it. The fridge was next to the door. It was chaotic.
“You gotta excuse the mess, I normally don’t like people in my room.”
Four said and Eight just shrugged.
“Relatable, man, also it’s not that bad, I can still spot a bit of the ground.”
Four turned around and wanted to defend himself but Eight shook his head and waved around with his hand.
“Sarcasm. Again. It’s fine, really. I’ve seen worse.”
A small smile came across his face. It was different from his grins and smirks. It was kind of… tender.
“I was just acting, I knew it was sarcasm.”
Four finally said and Eight just nodded, knowing damn well it was a lie. He let it slip this time. Four bend down to open the fridge.
“I can offer some pudding and uhhh some sandwiches and sausages and tomatoes.”
The blonde turned around and scanned Eight from head to toe. The raven-haired looked at him, kind of confused, kind of dumbfounded.
“You look like a pudding guy.”
Four finally said and grabbed one to give it to the other who looked at him, not knowing whether he should be offended by the comment or astonished by Fours guessing skills.
“Chill, I just figured you liked pudding. Didn’t mean to offend you.”
Four grinned devilishly and Eight playfully lifted a finger as if he was about to give Four a lecture.
“Watch it, I might get revenge on you. Never underestimate a small person.”
Four just chuckled and walked over to his bed and let himself fall. Eight eyed him shortly.
“You wanna keep standing there and look at me or come here and stalk that girls social media? I promise it has a lot to offer.”
Eight raised a brow.
“I think I’ll join you when you give me a spoon.”
Silence. Four looked up from the phone to raise a brow at Eight while said person blinked shortly before his eyes grew bigger and he looked at the ground, rubbing his sleeves.
“Oh god what did I say…”
Four, who really had to hold himself back raised his voice.
“Do you prefer the small spoon or the big one?”
Eight looked up again and he saw how hard Four was holding himself back. And he decided that he wanted the other to lose this game. He raised a brow before running a finger through his hair while smiling in a kind of shy way.
“I guess it depends but... I’d prefer it if you’d give me the big spoon.”
Four blinked a bit before he started laughing loudly. His laughter was like a wave of happiness echoing through the room and it made Eight laugh as well. Screw winning this game.
“Your acting is on point I nearly fell for it.”
Four said and Eight chuckled a little as he shook his head.
“Gotta try harder next time.”
Four also couldn’t help but shake his head a little, still grinning. Eight shrugged and tapped his pudding.
“Still need a spoon to eat.”
“Eat with your fingers.”
“Oh I bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
And again, Eight and Four had to laugh. But this time Four finally got the new boy a spoon before the latter sat down next to him. The ice was broken.
“So, what do you think, is she hot?”
Eight asked as he ate his food, leaning over to look at the screen of the phone.
“Kind of, but I am not into blonde girls.”
Four said and scrolled through the account.
They spent about an hour on going through her feed before Eight let himself fall back to contemplate what kind of guy this girl was into.
“I think she’s into trouble. I mean, her dad supervises her all the time. Bet she’d like a little adventure.”
Four said as he looked at Eight. Eight returned his gaze with a thoughtful look on his face.
“But I have to be a good son in law as well so… Maybe some nice-asshole kind of guy?”
Eight asked and Four nodded a little.
“Sounds good. So what’s a nice asshole name?”
He asked back and Eight starred at the ceiling.
“Probably Jack. It’s easy to memorize, catchy, neither good nor bad and likable.”
“Jack is too ordinary.”
Eight raised a brow at him.
“What am I supposed to call myself then, Hamish or what?”
Four looked at him questioning.
“Hamish is a bad decision, really.”
“Sarcasm, spoon boy, sarcasm.”
“Why am I the spoon boy? If I remember clearly, you were the one craving a spoon!”
“Well but you are in possession of the spoon, makes you the spoon boy.”
“I think it makes me a spoon master.”
Four exclaimed and it was silent for a second until they started laughing again.
“FOR FUCKS SAKE, I am- I am trying to stay serious!”
Eight said between laughter.
“But fine, from now on you’re the spoon master.”
Before Eight had joined them, Four probably never realized how much he had missed laughing. Of course, the others were funny too and they all spent some time laughing together, but he was always the youngest around them and the age gap showed. He used to have whole meme wars with six or they spent their time on reading dick jokes. But the last year he really missed it. He couldn’t socialize with others his age. He simply wasn’t allowed to. The person he got along with the best was Seven. But he didn’t get all of the jokes. Which was kind of sad, because it was some quality humour wasted.
But those times seemed to be over now. Finally.
Little did he know that Eight thought about it the same way. He had missed laughing. But unlike Four, he wasn’t unable to socialize with others his age. He simply refused to. He rather spent his time working or trying to figure out where his target was instead of laughing. But now that he did, he came to notice how much he had missed this. And he was already excited to really befriend this Four guy.
After it took them an hour to decide on a name, they settled for Jacob West and Eight prepared for his role. He kept his outfit but opened the first three buttons and added a plain silver necklace which rested on his bare chest.
“Mate, are you done? You’re running a bit out of time here.”
Four said but didn’t get any respond so he looked up from the phone.
“Eight, you’ll be late… to your date.”
He chuckled a little about the included rhyme and Eight turned around.
“Did you just rhyme about me ruining the mission?”
Four shrugged.
“I assume I did.”
He said, kind of amused. Eight scoffed a little
“You’re unbelievable.”
He stretched shortly and yawned a little.
“I’m already tired as fuck.”
He announced and walked out of the room with Four following.
“Wait, you still need your equipment.”
One said and Eight turned around to face him.
“Are you sure you want to listen to me flirting? Don’t you think it’s a bit weird?”
“It is very weird but it’s safer that way.”
One admitted and Eight just obeyed and let Five adjust everything before he made his way to his car.
“I’ll turn it on when I’m there, no offense but I need some music. Some loud music.”
He said before getting in the car. Four stood next to it.
“Don’t be late, Eight. You might get laid mate.”
A cocky smirk snug onto the blonde mans face.
“I hope I won’t.”
Eight laughed a little and Four just raised a brow at him.
“You don’t like sex?”
“Oh I love sex, but I gotta like a person to enjoy it. Like… Like like.”
“You mean love?”
“I guess so, yeah.”
“Love is bullshit, did that once, never doing it again.”
Now Eight crocked a brow before he scanned Four, clicking his tongue with a slight smirk on his face.
“What a pity.”
He said and Four looked at him confused.
Eight shrugged and turned on the engine of his car, the smirk still on his face.
Four asked and Eight laughed a little.
“No, dead serious. See you later.”
He closed the door and waved before he drove off, leaving Four completely dumbfounded. But said person could just smile.
“Fucking pudding guy.”
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knives-out20 · 4 years
Magnetic Pull - Erik Lehnsherr x Male!OC - Part 15
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Fandom: X-Men: First Class (2011)
Pairing: Karmel Rosenstein (OC) x Erik Lehnsherr
Warnings: Spoilers for X-Men: First Class, Swearing, Repressed Homosexuality, Angst, Fighting,
Notes: Long Part ahead, lads. Not the longest, though. As far as I’m concerned.
Erik, Charles, and Karmel found themselves in the library later that night. Erik and Charles were playing chess, just like they had on the Lincoln Memorial steps.
Karmel was distracted with something else, just like at the Memorial. He was slowly scanning the books on the walls, title by title. If it was able to distract himself by his heavy physical attraction to Erik sitting formally in that black turtleneck, then so be it.
"Cuba" Charles piped up."Russia, America. It makes no difference. Shaw has declared war on mankind, on all of us" he recalled, as Erik put away his glass."He has to be stopped."
"Do you have any Dickens?" Karmel called, holding a bottle of gin in his hand.
Erik and Charles looked over at him.
"Yea, why? You like Dickens?" He asked.
"No. I hate Dickens."
Erik held back a chuckle.
"The guy has purple prose like it's a fucking syndrome, I hate that shit. If I had to choose one Charles in the entire world, I wouldn't choose him, Charlie Chaplin" Karmel groaned. He stood by what he said; if he had to choose one Charles in the entire world, he wouldn't choose Dickens. Karmel would jump to the end of the alphabet, and choose Xavier. Every time, without fail, without a single doubt. He was sure of it.
After a beat of silence, Charles looked back to Erik, who raised an eyebrow.
"I'm not gonna stop Shaw. I'm gonna kill him."
Karmel turned to look over his shoulder, at Erik. Bold, straight-forward, and daring...he liked it. He liked it a lot.
Silence followed again, as Erik leaned in to make his move on the chess board."Do you have it in you to allow that?" He asked, leaning back in his seat. Erik's eyebrows were raised in a more expecting tone, waiting for Charles' answer.
Karmel's gaze switched from Erik to Charles, eager to watch for a response. He’d have allowed Erik to kill Shaw, that’s for sure. 
Charles forced a smile, leaning to make his move.
"You've known all along why I was here, Charles. And possibly, so does Karmel. But things have changed. What started as a covert mission, tomorrow, mankind will know that mutants exist. Shaw, us, they won't differentiate. They'll fear us. And that fear will turn to hatred."
Karmel nodded to himself, snatching The Picture Of Dorian Gray off the shelf the second he saw it."You have Oscar Wilde? Rad, dude" he called, momentarily putting down his bottle so that he could flip through the pages; and also ignore how Erik was actually making some very valid points, in his mind. That fear-turned-hatred Erik expressed the humans having towards mutants, it rang one too many bells to Karmel. It also reminded him of how his relationship between himself and his attraction to men- now Erik- has went in the past.
"Not if we stop a war" Charles commented, looking up from to board, to Erik."Not if we can prevent Shaw, not if we risk our lives doing so."
"Would they do the same for us?" Karmel asked, raising his eyebrows out of sass."'Humanity takes itself too seriously. It is the world's original sin. If the cave-man had known how to laugh, History would have been different.'" He quoted off of a random page from the short novel, finding it fitting.
"We have it in us to be the better men" Charles shot back.
"I know I say 'beware it goeth before the fall' a lot, Charles, but we already are" Karmel snarled, not going to look at Charles or Erik.
Erik nodded in agreement."We're the next stage of human evolution. You said it yourself-" Charles cut him off.
"No, no!" Charles shook his head.
Erik huffed."Are you really so naive as to think that they won't battle their own extinction?" He asked, looking at Charles in disbelief, who only avoided eye contact.
Karmel took a swig of his bottle of gin, the book in his other hand.
"Or is it arrogance?" He suggested.
Karmel puckered his lips, eyebrows slowly raising.
"I'm sorry?" Charles raised his eyebrows, processing what Erik just asked him.
"After tomorrow, they're gonna turn on us” Erik declared.
"But you're blind to it" Karmel snaked in.
"Because you believe they're all like Moira."
"And you believe they're all like Shaw. Just like how Karmel believes they're all like his family members who were unwilling to take him in, or the people who caused his parents' downfall" Charles spoke softly.
Karmel noticeably tensed, feeling Erik's eyes on him as he chugged down half the bottle of gin. Once he actually ended up finishing the bottle, he put it on the table, and closed the novel. Karmel slid the book back into its place on the shelf, and stormed out of the library silently.
"Listen to me very carefully, my friend. Killing Shaw will not bring you peace" Charles bartered. Saying this, he also believed killing anybody would not bring Karmel peace, either.
Erik shifted in his seat, his next words completely reflecting how both Karmel and him felt."Peace was never an option."
Karmel left the library and headed straight to his room, and was now sitting on his bed with his back against the wall. His low professional maturity caused him to escape any situation his parents' deaths were brought up in. It's not that he was still in denial about it, he watched them die, so he didn't really have a choice. It's just that it's enough of a touchy, traumatic subject that he doesn't like talking about it, or being around if it's being talked about. Karmel also wasn't fond of being reminded that his uncle was the only family member of his who was willing to take care of him; it made him think about his self-worth, and other things he also wasn't a fan of thinking about, he'd get in over his head about it. He was pulled out when he heard a knock at his door, followed by the sound of it creaking open.
Karmel turned and saw Erik step in, knuckles pressed against the door."Erik" he returned, in a more cold manner than he'd have ever liked to address Erik in."You tell everyone to get a good nights sleep and yet here you are, not even in your own room" Karmel poked fun at what Erik instructed everyone to do earlier. Sadly, it didn't distract him from noticing how narrow Erik's hips were, and how much Karmel wanted to hold them in his hands.
Erik's lips formed a line in response.
"Only joking, man. What's up?" Karmel asked.
Erik stepped into Karmel's bedroom, shutting the door behind him."You left the library quite quickly. I felt the need to come check on you- don't take it the wrong way" he answered, hands in the pockets of his pants.
Karmel's gaze went gentle, loving."Aww, you care about me?"
"Consider it payback for making me stay" Erik shrugged.
"Hey, I didn't make you fucking stay. I said I could make you stay, but I didn't. I let it be known that it was all your choice" Karmel corrected, pointing over at him. He pulled his legs back, sitting in a position where they were crossed.
"Right, my mistake" Erik nodded, walking over."You left quite swiftly when Charles brought up--" he stopped himself when he saw Karmel tense up in the same way he did in the library, earlier."...The event. I'm assuming it's still a pretty touchy subject for you? As is the family thing?"
Karmel cracked his neck, tilting it from side to side. He held a hand up to his head, as if showing off how tall something is.”Look at me, dude. Psychological damage up to here” Karmel joked.
No response.
Karmel sighed.”A lot of things that have happened to me are touchy subjects, thanks for asking" he gruffly replied."I don't...want them to be as touchy as they are, it makes me seem immature, I bet. But I just...I dunno, I'm less open to them being brought up than you are about your dirty laundry being brought up" Karmel explained, tapping his pillow with his pointer finger.
The corner of Erik's lip twitched up."It's not immature" he disagreed, Karmel looking up at him."Different people process past problems in different ways, it varies from person to person. This is your way of dealing with and processing them," Erik sat on the bed, in front of Karmel."It's not immature, Karmel. It's you. And as far as I'm concerned, you're not immature, far from it."
Karmel shifted where he sat, fixing his loose tie."Beware, it-"
"It goeth before the fall" Erik finished, smiling at the familiarity. He used a finger to tilt Karmel's head up by his chin."You're cunning, you're driven, you don't hesitate. You do what it takes, you're restless. I noted that you're physically courageous, which would prove you to be a dogged adversary. You're anything but immature, Karmel. If anything, this team's lucky to have you" Erik listed, adjusting the neck of his turtleneck.
Karmel felt himself beginning to blush, and looked away to try and hide it."Y'really think so?"
"Would I lie to you?"
Karmel rubbed the back of his neck, shrugging."Never knew you felt that way."
Erik shifted closer to Karmel. 
Karmel gulped, standing up and starting to softly pace around his room."So...that conversation in the library sure was something, huh?" He asked, changing the subject as he felt Erik's eyes on him.
Erik hummed nonchalantly."I suppose. You didn't seem to be much of a fan of his views."
Karmel shrugged."I used to fall asleep dreaming of co-existing with humans. Key-word 'dreaming', Erik. That said, to actually be able to co-exist with humans would be a dream come true" he recalled.
Erik stood up."But- But you were leaning toward my side more" he pointed out.
Karmel spun around to face him, pulling his suspenders off of his shoulders."Is a man not allowed to be indecisive?"
"When it comes to how we live, no."
Karmel groaned, rubbing the bridge of his nose."I'm not siding with Charles, if that's what you're thinking. You had points, I won't lie to you. Many points that I agreed on, from personal experience. But...Charles' way may be safer."
"Safer?" Erik squinted."That safety will most likely be temporary. Do you remember anything of what you said when you made me consider staying?"
"It's safety nonetheless. Safety for you, Charles, the team, and for me" Karmel listed."Your guys' safety is what I want. Co-existing with the the human race...that's something I've wanted for so long."
"Wanted, but only dreamed of" Erik raised his voice."Wanted, but I know that a majority of your mind knows you won't get that ability, to co-exist with the human race. Not after everything they’ve done."
Karmel took a step toward Erik, huffing."Not with that attitude. Maybe, just maybe we- we can get the humans to accept us, Erik! Raging against them, it won't sort him out. It-" Erik cut him off.
"Neither will co-existing!" Erik advanced toward Karmel."Co-existing and acceptance won't do anything, how has Charles blinded you so quickly?"
"He hasn't!" Karmel exclaimed."I'd love to take my revenge just as much as you, but what IF we have a chance at being one with the humans? Blend in as we have this whole time, minus the fear. I know it might not do much, but if we play our cards right like Char-"
"Why are you following Charles if you don't fully agree with what he says?" Erik yelled, becoming even closer to Karmel.”You’re not saying what you truly want, Karmel, listen to yourself.”
"For fuck's sake, I'm not!" Karmel growled."I'm verbally mapping out the plan that will keep my friends, like you, safe" he ran a hand through his hair."You think I DON'T want to bitch-smack Shaw silly? Seriously? With how much he's fucking hurt you?" Karmel questioned, limiting the space between Erik and himself.
"Then why aren't you agreeing with me?" Erik argued, up in Karmel's face.
"When did I say I wasn't agreeing with you? I must've skipped over that part, please remind me" Karmel sassed, reaching his hands up but curling his fingers into fists, knowing damn well he wouldn't lay a land on Erik like that."I'm used to being blamed for my own failures. But this time, I'm anxious because my mistakes would reflect on Charles, or even you! I've been wondering if you and Charles secretly wanted me to quit."
Erik looked at Karmel like he was crazy."Of course we don't-"
"I know!"
Erik looked taken aback, noticing how Karmel was fighting back tears; he was truly hung up on the idea of letting Erik down."I'm not good with people crying in front of me. I don't know what I should do...should I just kiss you or something?" The words were out of his mouth before he could even think them over.
"No! Just have more faith than I'll do that we'll be okay after tomorrow! You don't have to say anything, just stand by me!" Karmel exclaimed, loosening his tie even further. He exhaled sharply, lips so close to Erik's own that it was practically unbearable. The two got their heated argument interrupted from Karmel hearing a knock at his door.
"Hey, I don't know what you're yelling about in there, CC, but keep it down. I'm tryna sleep!" Alex called, followed by the sound of his footsteps pacing away.
Karmel and Erik were pulled back into reality from their fight, the two mutants slowly realizing how close they are; they were quite literally panting on each other. 
Karmel wasn't sure if his heart was pounding from how worked-up he got, from how physically close he was to Erik, or Erik's hot breath on him, or a mix of two or all three, but either way it was speeding. He gulped thickly, angry eyes on Erik's lips as he pulled himself together and pulled away, not trying to think about using his hands to grab Erik by his stupid black turtleneck and yanking him in to have him up against Karmel, maybe even kiss if they were gonna be that close together for a reason.
Erik put a hand on his hip, letting out a long sigh."I'm so-"
"I'm sorry."
Erik and Karmel locked eyes, secretly not bearing to stay mad at each other for too long. They cracked awkward, quick smiles, glancing around Karmel's bedroom.
"I should go" Erik pointed his thumb at the door.
"Yea, yea, I- I guess. Sleep well?" Karmel shrugged.
Erik nodded silently, making his way back to the door.
"Erik, you're like lightning in a bottle" Karmel blurted out the compliment, hoping it didn't sound like he was forcing it out to waver away the tension in the air.
Erik didn't answer, to focused on hiding his smile from Karmel. And thus, he made his leave.
Once Karmel could no longer hear Erik's footsteps, he groaned through grit teeth. He grabbed a pillow, throwing it across the room."I could've kissed him" Karmel thought, the idea ringing continuously in his head like an alarm."I could've kissed him, I could've kissed him. He was so close, and didn't pull away until I fucking did. I could've kissed him, I could've kissed him, I could've kissed him."
From down the hall, Charles awoke with a massive migraine."Fucking-" he hissed, gripping the side of his head. Charles first heard Karmel's angry thoughts seep into his head, unintentionally."For god's sake, what is- Karmel- oh- oh, for fucks sake-" he stammered, eyes squeezed shut. Charles lay hunched over his bed, migraine searing when he heard a knock at his door.
"Charles? Are you okay?" It was Raven.
Charles listened in on Karmel's internal fight with himself, and groaned softly."Peachy, Raven, head back to bed!" He ordered, mumbling thankfully when Raven walked off. Karmel's voice bounced around his head like an annoying child.
"I could've kissed him, I could've kissed him, I really could've kissed him, good fuck, I could've kissed him. He was so close, I really could've kissed his angry fucking ass. Oh my fucking- I could've kissed him, I could've kissed him."
"Yes, you could've, now shut up!" Charles begged to no one in the room, doubled over his bed.
Back in Karmel's room, he paced around in frustration; he could have kissed Erik, he really could've! He was so in over his head about the missed opportunity after being interrupted, he didn't fully process the bangs and stumbling he heard from down the hall until it was close to his bedroom door.
Charles slammed Karmel's bedroom door open, gasping some words that were barely recognizable.
"Charles-?" Karmel called, jolting a bit in surprise.
"Shut up," Charles gasped, repeating it once it was coherent."Please, Karmel, shut up. I can hear your raging thoughts from down the hall without even trying to, please, mate, shut up."
Karmel's eyebrows knitted together in confusion, eyes going wide once he understood."Oh my- I'm sorry!" He apologized, walking over.
Charles put up a hand, stopping him."No worries," he wheezed, "just...go to bed, please. Try to sleep. This most likely won't be your last opportunity to kiss a guy."
Karmel blushed a bit."You- You think so?"
Charles sighed in relief once Karmel's thoughts died down from inside his mind."I know so."
"Erik- Erik's...Erik's like me?" Karmel looked dumbfounded.
"Even more so, mate. You can like girls. Erik can't. Now go to sleep, and try not to project so much. Same thing happened on the boat when we first bloody met the man" he explained, walking away.
"I-" Karmel stopped himself, watching Charles trudge down the hall. He hung his head, and wondered that if Erik liked boys, could Erik ever like him?"G'night, Charlie. Sorry."
"Goodnight, Karmel."
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help-its-a-dot · 5 years
Alright so when I took this job they said all I had to do was narrate. You know, just follow this guy around and relay what he’s doing, make it sound interesting, yada yada yada.
Ok now that I say it out loud I realize that I’ve probably looked like a stalker for the past few days.
ANYWAYS I was going somewhere with this; I had a point. Right. My point was that I didn’t think I’d end up in the middle of a burned down park, cowering in absolute terror behind some rocks that I really wish were bigger, and longing with all that's left of my heart that I could be one of those people that are, given the situation, naturally sprinting away whilst screaming at the top of their lungs.
Should I run away? I mean, it seems like the more logical option here; If I could get over that bridge, then I’d-
*bridge disintegrates*
Well there goes that.
Looks like I’ll be narrating then! Yippee. So, I should probably warn you, I haven’t exactly been paying attention to my assigned main character, ergo I don't have that much background knowledge. Oh who am I kidding, I have none.
Anyhow, sorry, I know I should be narrating. I’m getting to that. Background knowledge. What do I know?
Uh, actually nothing much happened to this dude. A few weeks ago he found a dead body in his bathtub. Now that I think about it, that’s probably where I should’ve started paying attention….
Ah, fucked this up, didn’t I.
Also, as a side note, I’m gonna be calling this dumbass Jake because my dumbass kind of sort of didn’t ever really at all catch his name.
Alrighty folks! I’m gonna…. Be brave…. And peek out from behind these rocks…. Did I mention how much I wished they were bigger? 
Ahem. *clears throat*. Narrator voice. *nods decisively*. Lets go.
There’s fire everywhere. On the tops of trees like snow at the peaks of mountains (how are there even still trees here) bushes have morphed into bonfires, while patches of grass are practically leaking little flames like a dope game of ‘the floor is lava’.
Jake stands, looking at the devastation with wide eyes. Smoke billows out into the sky, painting the already grey clouds black.
A deafening crash sounds behind him- you know, the kind you get when a boulder squishes a four story building like it’s a three year old’s structure of off brand legos. He’s thrown to the ground, and waits, breathing heavily.
Aw god why did I forgot my flask of vodka today? I freaking need it.
And as if that weren’t enough, a spaceship just blipped into the sky.
Should I run?
I should probably run.
Sorry, sorry, I’m not very good at this narrator thing. In my defense, I didn’t think they were serious! Alright, I’m gonna try that again.
Suddenly, and quite literally out of nowhere, there’s a fatally blinding blue-red light, making everyone in the immediate vicinity-- which isn’t that many people anymore, most have used their last few remaining drops of common sense and fled for their lives --squeeze their eyes shut and hastily bury their heads in whatever was nearest and most convenient to shield themselves from impending blindness, wailing in a mix of surprise and agony. All flames previously terrorizing the verdure are extinguished and the smoke is blown out as a single gust of forceful wind, which also effectively topples the few remaining, yet charred nonetheless, trees, buildings, and people.
Augh, ew, eurgh, I got a mouthful of Martin’s grocery bag. How do I know it’s Martin’s? They have a distinctive taste of mild sadness and resignation. Right, right, the spaceship. 
See, when I say spaceship, I mean cool looking flying saucer thingy appearing like it was plucked right out of a conspiracy theory and given some upgrades. It’s a giant, azure/ultramarine blue, except for the bottom which shines in a weirdly mesmerizing yellowish glow, squished sphere. Oval. Pancake. Sorry, I don't know my shapes. It seems to be practically thrumming with energy, like it drank five red bulls followed by ten extremely caffeinated coffees and finished it all off with a few five hour energy drinks. 
I cannot tell you how much I hope it doesn't do what it looks like it’s gonna do and explode.
Meanwhile, Jake has picked up… a sword. Well shit. Medieval, much? Not a gun? No? Personally, I think a gun would be extraordinarily effective against the horde of what looks like blobs but are probably extravagantly dangerous aliens filing in a weirdly orderly single file line out of the saucer and immediately beginning to lomp closer and closer and closer crap did I mention they were getting closer?
Should I run?
I should probably run.
Hold up, no, that reminds me, I’m supposed to be narrating. God, I’m atrocious at this, aren’t I.
He feels sweat break out on his brow. The sword is heavy in his hands, and he can barely lift it, let alone decapitate a blob, but he’s in too deep to let his weariness show. He’s gotta be strong and save what’s left of these people, this city, or die trying. Which is probably what’ll happen in a few minutes. But ah, well, he’ll die fighting for Americanos , which can’t be all that bad.
Technically, if you think about it, he’s suicidal, because his colossal ego will not, quite literally, for the life of him, allow him to take a smart route, like getting into that convenient truck and bowling over all the blobs, or snatching up a gun from that store across the street, or even just alerting someone who is actually capable at dealing with an event like this like the authorities.
But what can he do, he is American, after all. It's simply unavoidable; part of the culture description. *white people i swear
He watches morbidly as Martin’s grocery bags blow past from the ruins before him, and glances up as the spaceship above him gives one final thrum and blips away, probably back to wherever it came from, leaving him alone with an army of blobs bouncing threateningly towards him.
In truth, he didn’t know what they were. All he knew was that if they kept destroying everything at this rate, there won't be a single McDonalds left in America, and he couldn’t have that. Of course, by then there wouldn’t even be an America, and everyone would have to go to the McDonalds’ in Russia. Russia has McDonalds, right? Oh, he simply could not do that to his fellow citizens! 
He pondered this, along with whether or not Australia exists, all the while counting down the seconds (...7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… dammit 3, 2, 1… 3, 2, 1… 3, 2-- he’d get it eventually) until his doom and willing his arms not to shake with the incredible weight of the sword in his hands. Whose idea was it to make swords out of metal, anyways? It’s incredibly stupid-- nowadays 90% of America wouldn’t even be able to muster the courage to touch one, let alone the strength to lift one. 
Ugh, he knew he should’ve gone with that plastic light saber he’d seen at the mall. At least then he could’ve gone down with style.
As if on cue, there’s another, at this point expected, crash resounding behind him, and he turns to watch in despair as said mall tumbles almost comically to the ground. 
There goes the light saber.
And another McDonalds.
Ohh, things were getting bad.
The park, if you could still call it a park, is deserted now save for the occasional Martin’s grocery bag skittering about, and he can’t help but give in to the desire to reflect upon his life. He wasted it, playing video games and other shit like that all day, every day. This is the first time he’s been outside in a long time. He now knows with absolute certainty that if he were ever granted such an opportunity he’d go back and redo it all. He’d try harder to beat that level, he’d get the better controller, he’d stay up later working on his technique. But all that was a distant dream now, something he could not hope to accomplish now.
He wished that maybe, just maybe, heaven would have a nice game console for him.
When he’d gotten selflessly sucked into this adventure, he never thought he’d actually die, never expected anything to really happen- If he had, he of course would never have turned the power of his last 8 braincells away from a computer screen and into the real world to start investigating.
Ah fuck, sorry for interrupting, I think I twisted my wrist or some shit while trying to get a better vantage point on these still too small rocks. 
Should I run?
I should probably run.
On a different note: I’m really sorry guys. When you take a narrator job they never tell you anything about your person. Had I known he was American, I would have immediately sabotaged this entire thing; I could never in good conscience have subjected you guys to.. well.. this.
But alas, now I’m stuck narrating an American who is going to get me killed.
Unless… Unless there’s a loophole. My parents were lawyers, so I excel at finding those.
The rules are, you have to stay with your hero and narrate their adventure. How an American turned out to be one of the heroes, I know not, it must be a glitch in the system. But I’ll be fucking damned if this glitch gets me killed. Literally. So! Once the hero, inevitably, dies, you’re free to go. There’s nothing much left to narrate afterwards. And since Jake is closer to the horde of blobs coming our way than I am, as soon as he’s bowled over I’ll sprint. To the side, like a smart immigrant would do. Not straight back, because then the blobs’d just follow me and kill me, so the only logical conclusion is to circle around them and see if my apartment is still intact. I didn’t finish my cream puffs and I really don't want them to melt.
They’re getting closer. He can hear their squelching, and the chicken nuggets in his stomach churn unpleasantly. There’s bits of goo flying off them in all directions, and when said goo makes contact with something it immediately disintegrates that unfortunate something, leaving nothing behind. Is this really the fate that’ll befall him? Is this how the world ends?
Well, death by disintegration it is then. Oh, he can’t wait to brag to his boys about this.
Oh, wait, no, that’s not right. He’ll be dead.
And, in the last few moments before the blobs reach him, he reconsiders. There’s still so much this cruel world has to offer, and he never took advantage of any of it. Nor was he ever grateful for much of it. 
He suddenly feels a new feeling. Determination. He will destroy every single one of these vile creatures, and he WILL come out of it intact. He has to. 
With new resolve he scrapes together the last of his strength and raises his trusty sword over his head, every nonexistent muscle tense, ready. They’re getting closer. Closer. 50 yards. 30 yards. 20. 10. Just a few feet.
He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes dramatically. Swings his sword.
And is immediately squashed with the most sickening squelch there could ever be.
Should I run?
I should probably run.
Yeah, I’m gonna run.
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fantom-noise · 6 years
Prompting you friend :D "Why did I think this would go well?"
You got it, friendo!
Title: Well, Well, Well…Word Count: 1318 (literally the address of the farm I grew up on yall what is this serendipity)Rating/Warnings: T. Some swearing, some crude references.Featuring: Drarry, far too many well-based puns, farm shenanigans, and cold weather.
“Well, well, well…” Harry chuckled where he leaned against an antique well. He was clearly feeling superior despite his perpetually wrecked hair. Draco lifted his chin defiantly. “Look who finally decided to show up.”
“I’d have gotten here faster if someone knew how to string together a proper riddle,” Draco grumbled, picking a stray twig out of his jumper. His cashmere jumper. “Number Three sent me to Moscow, Potter, not Glasgow!”
“Only if you solved it wrong.” Harry grinned wickedly. He was enjoying this far too much and now, Merlin forbid, he was whipping out a long scroll of parchment with an annoying flourish. “Number Three - ” he cleared his throat “ - our third date.”
“The Moscow Ballet - ”
“ - performed in Glasgow - ”
“- by Russian dancers - ”
“ - in a Scottish theatre - ”
“ - from Russia!”
“ - in Glasgow.”
Draco glared at him hotly - or as hotly as one could while standing in an open field. In February. In fucking Wales.
“Why. Am I. Here.” He saw Harry’s face fall but he couldn’t care less. He was near seething at this point. Nine hours of being whisked away all over the world by clumsy riddles and questionably attained Portkeys! He was not in the mood for any more games.
“I - I, w-well - ” Harry stammered and Draco’s eyes flicked to the stone well he was perched on.
“Enough bloody puns!” he growled. “This hasn’t turned out to be one of our better anniversaries, Potter, let’s just get it done - whatever game this is - so I can go home.” Preferably alone. He could use some time to himself after today. A hot bath would be nice. Banishing the water straight onto Harry’s side of the bed would be even better.
Harry looked well and truly pitiful, but, ever the Gryffindor, he was still trying to salvage the moment:
“Do you remember this farm?”
“This farm?” Draco looked around theatrically, eyes wide. “You mean the farm we were both sequestered to for six agonizing months after a string of attempts on our lives? The farm we were meant to keep running in the absence of its tenants and which we subsequently ran into the ground? The farm my funds paid Longbottom to revive after we were through with it, that farm, Potter?”
Harry bared his teeth in a weak grimace. Draco barely waited for his meek “yes” before he was off again.
“Oh yes, of course, I remember now! This little farm started it all, didn’t it? Started a whirlwind romance that has lasted three years only to land us right back here. Back on the farm. Yes. Might I remind you that I’m wearing my best jumper, as per your request? And you have me standing next to - ” he ran a finger along the edge of the stone wall “ - algae!”
Harry’s grimace twitched into something else and Draco scoffed. Now wasn’t the time for smiling. Now was the time for hysterics! All he wanted out of today was a lazy morning, a late breakfast, maybe some flying, and to catch a show after supper at his favorite restaurant. Instead he was led on a wild niffler chase all over the northern hemisphere. In February.
“Well,” Harry said, as if testing the waters. “We had our first kiss here…”
“We had our first fuck in the barn,” Draco grunted, stamping his feet to bring feeling back into his toes. “I recall it being much warmer in there.” He didn’t actually want to go to the barn. It was filthy there. The hay would ruin his jumper beyond even magical repair.
“Do you remember how the heating charms on the house wouldn’t hold, so we were forced to share a bed?” Harry asked innocently. Draco stilled.
“Yes, I seem to recall something like that…” Of course he remembered, he was the one to dismantle the heating charms every night while Harry wasn’t looking.
“And how you insisted that I muck out the hippogriff stables every day because you’re deathly afraid of them, but somehow all of them seemed to adore you? And your pockets?”
“Yet another example of unexplained phenomena,” Draco said agreeably, as if he hadn’t spent every early morning sneaking behind Harry’s back to bribe the beasts with charred meat. It had all been a ploy, of course, to impress Harry later with his newfound courage and animal prowess.
“And do you remember how, when Kingsley sent a letter saying we could come out of hiding, you hid the message for another week so we could stay a little longer?”
“Yes, I - ” Draco faltered. Harry wasn’t supposed to know about that. He had come to his senses soon enough, racked with guilt for ruining the Chosen Idiot’s life with an extra week in rural solitude, but it was his most closely guarded secret of all his farm tricks. “You - you knew?”
“I found the letter three days before it ‘arrived.’”
Draco felt his face flush; his cheeks were hot against the frigid air. Harry was grinning again in that stupid smug way he had when he thought he’d bested Draco.
“If you found the letter, why didn’t you say anything?” Draco countered.
“I guess I wanted a few more rolls in the hay before we went back to our lives.”
Draco snorted inadvertently and looked away, firmly clamping down against the smile that tugged at his lips. He would not reward Potter’s puerile puns. And because he was looking away, he missed the moment Harry sank down onto the frosted ground, on one knee.
But there he was, shivering in a jacket too thin for kneeling in an open field in February, his gloveless hands wrapped around a simple black velvet box.
Time seemed to slow down and speed up all at once. Harry was grinning widely, all smugness left behind for teary green eyes and a reprehensible level of sincerity. Harry was saying something, but the ringing in Draco’s ears drowned it out. He remembered kissing Harry at this dried up well years ago. It was cold then, too - just past Christmas, in fact. And he remembered kissing Harry in their new home months ago, surrounded by old photos and new furniture. And, as if watching a memory in a pensieve, he saw himself reach out and haul Harry to his feet now, cramming their lips together in a heated kiss that could melt any frost.
The world spun, the sky tipped - his thighs hit the stone wall behind them and then they were stumbling - grappling - falling -
They landed in a tangled heap on soft, muddy ground, the overcast sky appearing as just a ring of light above. Harry swore and Draco whined, their voices bouncing off the surrounding stones. His jumper was most certainly ruined.
“Why did I think this would go well?” came Harry’s muffled, miserable groan, his face planted in the grimy muck. Rattled, Draco didn’t even catch the pun this time.
Draco sat up gingerly, prodding his own side to test for broken ribs. All seemed fine, unfortunately. He could only imagine the top-rate whinging he would be entitled to if his fiancé had broken him with his proposal.
They were fiancés!
Engaged! To be married!
“What?!” Harry cried in alarm, prying his mud-caked face out of the ground. In the dim light, Draco could just barely make out the streaks of sludge coating his bent glasses.
“Fiancé!” he said, unable to articulate a response worthy of this momentous occasion. A Malfoy and a Potter, engaged! It was one for the history books!
“Er, so that’s a yes, right?” Harry asked, then promptly gagged. He retched slightly and spat out a lump of muck. A brown trail of spittle hung from his chin. Disgusting. His fiancé was disgusting.
“I - well, yes!” he spluttered, reaching out with the sleeve of his ruined jumper to wipe Harry’s chin.
“Well, well, well,” Harry whispered, staring at him in awe. “Look who’s making puns now!”
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Lost Boy l Shawn Mendes Imagine
a/n: long time no see! hopefully I'll have more time now to write some stuff <3 OH, and I know Antoine is happily married but I wanted to write about him, but you can picture him as whoever you want <3.
prompt: when they ended their relationship she blamed her busy schedule. He believed her, but he doesn’t understand how is she now in a relationship with a football player. 
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It was everywhere. 
He couldn't turn on his phone without one of his friends asking him if he was alright.
He didn’t understand at first. Why wouldn’t he be just fine? His album was doing great, he was traveling around the world, getting to perform on the biggest music festivals, so why wouldn’t he be just fine?
After he opened Instagram, it all made sense. 
@(y/n): saying goodbye to this one that promised to win the World Cup <3 @antogriezmann. 
Shawn couldn’t help the laugh that escaped his lips before he locked his phone and threw it to the sofa. 
He didn’t love her, but they were creating a relationship that could’ve become something incredible.
He was craving to be in love, and he was certain that she was the perfect girl for him. She was supposed to be the subject of his songs just as he was supposed to be the boy in hers. He was going to be in the first row of her concerts listening to the songs made about him.
But none of that happened because she broke it off before they could confirm their relationship or release a new album. The excessive paparazzi attention on them and restless nights only to talk to each other became too much. 
It was like being on a relationship with a ghost (her words, not his)
“This relationship isn’t working” she said after they got to see each other for the first time in two months.
“What do you mean it isn’t working? We’re together, that’s what matters.”
“Yes, Shawn, but I want a healthy relationship, where I can call if something’s wrong or that I can't have physical contact at least once a week. This isn’t that, it’s like being on a relationship with a ghost”
“Don’t. Just stop. You’re hurting me and that’s not fair because you knew what we were getting into. You knew we were busy, this is your life too!” Shawn made an effort to not raise his voice, but anger was dripping on every word.
“I didn’t expect my schedule to be this full. I can’t, Shawn. This isn’t doing me any good” She cried. 
“You? What about me?”
“I don’t know, Shawn. I’m sorry that I'm being so selfish but... This isn’t working for me, and I'm putting myself first”
So he moved on. or at least he tried, because even if he was convinced that he wasn’t in love with her, he was on the right way for it, and he couldn't help the thought that maybe her schedule was going to magically clear and they could try things again. 
But clearly it wasn’t going to happen judging by the way her head was resting on his shoulder and his arm was circling her waist. 
He talked to his friends that knew the situation but none of them wanted him to suffer, so they tried to make him talk to her or tried to convince him that he was just a friend but Shawn knew that wasn’t the case; he would’ve known if she was friends with a high performance player.
All he got to do was scroll down her Instagram to find pictures that only they knew where they where. He could almost hear her laughing while asking him to take a really good shot so she could post it. 
He could feel his heart beating so fast when he locked the door of his dressing room so that he could spend time with her without interruption.
He could feel the way she gently tugged his bottom lip, leaving him breathless. 
He could feel her eyes on him as she threw a water bottle to the crowd screaming her name.
He wanted her so bad it made him mad, because he knew they were meant to be more than another relationship that got caught with the wind after a few months. He didn’t want to be labeled as “just a fling” by her, he wanted to be the one that got introduced to her family and got to hang out with her little cousins trying to get her attention. 
Him, not some French guy. 
But all he got was memories and frustration of not being enough.
It took him three days to figure out he didn’t want to give up.
Well, technically he hadn’t given up, but he thought that if he was thrown away, at least he’d put up a fight.
He did it subtly. Liking her posts and seeing her stories. And there he realized something that made his blood boil.
She was in Russia.
She was cheering for him.
She was wearing his jersey.
It looked like a lost battle, until he realized that if he really wanted her, he had to do something more than a few likes.
He used his mother as an excuse, because England had made it to the semi final and he really wanted his mother to experience all that.
He flew his entire family to Russia so that they could go to the remaining games of the World Cup.
He made his sister take a picture wearing England’s jersey and, somehow, he knew she was going to see it. And she did, she even liked the post and messaged him.
So you’re a football fan now?
He thought of a million possible ways to answer that, it took him almost ten minutes to come up with the worst answer,
I thought it was soccer?
It was a stupid answer, but he knew it was going to put a smile on her face. Which was why her answer came so quickly,
It’s literally a ball kicked around with your feet, calling it soccer makes no sense.
Shawn had to bite his lip to stop himself from smiling so hard,
You have a point but I'm still calling it soccer. maybe i’ll see you around?
Time froze as he waited,
Russia is a big country, what makes you think we’ll see each other?
Shawn didn’t know where he found the courage to type, 
I want to see you, that makes me think we’ll see each other.
Good luck finding me.
He took her words as a challenge. 
He stalked fan accounts to see where she was and the places she frequented while staying in Russia, until one night he noticed she was on the lobby of the very same hotel he was staying on.
He suddenly felt breathless, they were a few meters away. He put on a denim jacket and sprinted to the lobby, asking for her room number. Of course she didn’t say her actual name, but he knew by heart the name she used when she didn’t want to be bothered.
The elevator ride felt long, too long for his sweaty palms that couldn’t stop running through his messy hair. 
His foot was tapping against the carpeted floor until she opened the door, only wearing her pajamas. 
“You aren’t room service” she greeted him with a curious yet anxious smile.
“No, but I think I'm coming in anyways” he kept his voice from pathetically trembling.
She shrugged, “If that’s what you really want”
“When did you get here?”
“Like an hour ago. I was going to eat something and get to sleep, to be honest. I didn’t expect company,” she said as she sat on the corner of the bed.
“Not even your French companion?” Shawn couldn’t stop the bitterness coming from his lips.
“I’m sorry, is that what this is about?” she pointed at him accusingly, “I don’t have to give an explanation.”
“Yes, you do,” Shawn spat with annoyance lacing his tone, “you gave me the bullshit that you couldn’t be with anyone and it wasn’t healthy and now you tell me that you’re dating a soccer player? What the fuck, (y/n)?”
“He’s not a soccer player,”
“Then what the fuck is he?” 
“He’s a football player, “ she giggled and Shawn sighed.
“Don’t mess with me right now, I'm serious,” He said trying to keep a straight face, but he couldn’t stop the grin forming on his lips.
Silence filled the room for a few seconds. Neither of them wanted to hear what the other had to say. Shawn had found her because he wanted to hear what was going on, but inside he was terrified that she was going to tell him that she had moved on and had a new boyfriend, while she didn’t want to be in the same room as him because her feelings weren’t gone, they were screaming to be heard. 
“We’re just friends,” she broke the silence.
“Just friends?” Shawn repeated.
“Yeah, he’s a very nice guy. You’d like him,”
“I doubt that,” Shawn chuckled and shook his head, refusing to make eye contact with her.
“And why is that?” She asked with a quiet voice. Deep inside she knew the answer, but she needed to hear it from him.
“You know why,” He answered while his heart started beating faster as got up from her spot and slowly walked towards him. 
“I need to hear it...”
Shawn took a deep breath, “Because I miss you. Because I need you, and I know we are supposed to be more than a couple of strangers, I feel it here,” he placed her hand on his heart, “Can you feel that?”
Suddenly, the air on the room thickened. Their bodies were touching and pressing against each other. Their eyes were connecting and communicating in ways they couldn’t understand until their lips met; slowly at first, it felt like they were getting to know each other all over again, until her teeth gently caught his lower lip and something ignited inside of them. 
They knew what they were doing, it was too familiar. Their hands knew exactly where to touch to leave the other breathless, they knew exactly the words they were supposed to whisper to earn a reaction. 
They knew each other too well.
Clothes were scattered around the hotel room floor, the light sound of the AC was mixing with their hushed breaths and quiet whispers of how much they needed each other.
They forgot about the outside world until they were lying on each other’s arms on the messy bed.
“What does this mean?” she asked while tracing figures on his strong arms.
“It means that I'm willing to give it another shot. I’ll do whatever it takes to build a relationship with you because I know that I wanna be with you, I know that I want to love you. I’m all in if you are,”
She smiled and left a kiss on his chest, “I’m in. You can count on it.”
“Good,” Shawn said trying to hide his smile.
“Good,” she left a kiss on his lips.
“So... Are you going to introduce me to Mr. French?” Shawn asked arching an eyebrow.
“He has a name, you know?” She laughed and caressed his red cheeks.
“I know, I just didn’t bother to learn it,” He said cockily before placing her on top of him.
Her laugh filled the room as his eyes enjoyed the view of the bright future ahead of them. 
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hielorei · 6 years
Digimon Shared Universe.
I just put all the digimon seasons in one universe, with a timeline and how the characters grow with some relationships. if you want to read it go ahead, but then again, i merged 8/9 seasons, a few movies and mangas and I kept track of +70 characters. Infinity War the most ambitious crossover event in history? bitch please,
you can allways ask me about this, and/or give me ideas and suggestions
the events of each series stay the same but some thing change,,,
Takuya (11), Kouji (11), Kouichi (11), Zoe/Izumi (11), Junpei (12), Tommy/Tomoki (8)
> +1 year
Tai (11), Matt (11), Sora (11), Izzy (10), Mimi (10), Joe (12), TK (8), Kari (8)
Takuya and Joe are classmates, while the adventure kids were in the Digital World, he got his D-Scanner back (he was in the same summer camp), thanks to the distortion. He knew something was up. Once he go back to the city contacted the other Frontier Kids, and all had their D-Scanners back. They decide to meet where everything started, Shibuya. When Myotismon attacked they protected the civilians. Then they watched how the Adventure Kids fought the Dark Masters.
> +3 years – Our War Game happens here-
Davis (11), Yolei (12), Cody (9), Ken (11), Willis (11)
TK (11), Kari (11)
Tai (14), Matt (14), Sora (14), Izzy (13), Mimi (13), Joe (15)
Takuya, Koiji, Kouichi and Zoe (15) – JP (16) – Tommy (12)
Zoe Move back to Italy. Tommy is Yolei’s classmate.
Hurricane Touchdown (not Digimon movie dub, but japanese version) happens after the Digimon Kaiser Arc.
Everything is the same up until the world Tour arc. In France TK and Tai are helped by Zoe. In Hong Kong, Izzy and Kari are helped by Kouji and Kouichi, Kouchi was in a vacation with his brother for the first time. Takuya was in Australia so he helped Cody and Joe, Joe was surprised that his old classmate was a digidestined. Cody was in Russia and Helped Yolei and Sora, but he trolled them and pretended to not know japanese. JP was in Mexico (he was there for a girl he starting dating online) and helped Matt and Ken. The american team is the same (Davis, Mimi and Micheal) but Willis is also there. The Frontier Kids cant go back to Japan, because their families. But are there in the final episode.
> +3 Years
Tai, Matt, Sora (17) – Mimi, Izzy (16) – TK, Kari (14) – Joe (18)
Meiko (16), Daigo (30), Maki (30)
Joe started dating Zoe, Zoe is Joe’s mysterious girlfriend. Also, Tommy is dating Yolei. The Frontier kids were in the Dark Ocean while the Events of Tri happened. Figthing Daemon? Who knows-
> +2 Years.
Takato (12/13), Jenrya (13), Ruki (13), Ryo (14), Juri (13), Kazu (13), Kenta (13), Alice (13), Suzie (7), Makoto & Ai (4)
Yamaki (32), Riley (26), Tally (23)
The Secret Agency, after loosing Daigo and Maki took a new aproach for Digimon, and name themselves Hypnos. Yamaki was Daigo’s best friend and he wants revange.
JP, adressing the memory loss, decide to find a way for digimon to be always in the people’s mind, but keep it a secret, so he created a card game. The TCG was an instant success.
The wonderswan games are canon. After Ryo felt so betrayed by the adventure kids, he decides to start a new life and erase all memories of himself (even he forgot) and live in simulation made by the homeostasis. But after the reboot from Tri (he is 11 in Tri), he was back in the digital world and without memories whatsoever, he didnt age while in the simulation. So Gennai decides to disguise himself as his father. Even without memories, his connections to the digital world still there, what mades him really good at the TCG, getting the title of the Digimon King. A year before the events of Tamers he goes to the digital world with a girl name Alice, but there she dies and like Wizardmon, her spirit still alive (because she didnt die in her own world)
Cody is Ryo classmate. Yolei and Tommy break up but still friends.
This Digital world isnt the same as the Adventure/Frontier one. This is the digital world created by Yggdrassill after the old one is full (X Evolution Movie). This is why it looks so empty and unstable and why Digimon are never born again, its a mecanism to prevent the digital world from getting full (like your phones). The Holy Beast are based on data from old Digidestined Partners (Daigo and the others). And because we are talking about another digital world, the adventure/frontier kids arent very efective against the devas and the D-Reapper.
>+2 years
Masaru (14), Thomas (14), Yoshino (19), Ikuto (10)
Sampson (34), Miki (21), Megumi (21), Chika (10)
Nanami (14), Kouki (14), Ivan (19)
Takato, Henry, Ruki, Kazu, Kenta, Juri (15), Ryo (16), Suzie (9), Makoto, Ai (6)
Tai, Matt, Sora (21) – Izzy, Mimi, Meiko (20) - Yolei, Tommy (19) – Tk, Kari, Davis, Ken, Willis (18) – Joe, Zoe, Takuya, Kouji, Kouichi (22), JP (23), Yamaki, Maki (34), Riley (28), Tally (25)
Hypnos changes names to DATs, after realizing that battling digimon isnt the answer, and they start to invetigate them and controling them in order to protect the Human World. The Tamers Digital World closed for being to unstable after the Tamers kid got their partners back, but before the portal closed Gatomon felt Wizardmon in that digitalworld, and Kari encouraged her to go find her friend, and she did. And now the Human world is connected to the Adventure/Frontier Digital World again.
Izzy and Yolei joined DATs as data analizers joining Riley and Tally. Yamaki is in charge of the investigation side of DATs, While Sampson is in charge of the protection of the human world. And surprise! Sampson was a digidestined and was part of Daigo and Maki’s group. And Daigo-Maki-Sampson where a triangle like the fandom likes to think of Tai-Sora-Matt.
Takuya, Davis, Ruki and Kazu joins DATs under Sampson, and are the Savers kids tutors. The Sexual Tension between Rika and Thomas is real (but isnt sexual really becase they are 14 and 15 and thats fucking creepy, but it was the best way to describe it), Kazu became really good at the TGC, because he trained with Rika (I will use my dub version were Kazu did respect and admire Rika because she is the Digimon Queen and the sexist was Kenta, Kazu always called him out on his BS), also Kazu is dating Ryo (my AU, my OTP, my Canon.) but the relationship is secret, Kazu isnt ready to be out and Ryo is okay.
Matt is busy with rockstar stuff. Tai and Joe are busy with university. JP is busy running a company at only 23 and TK is the main writer of Digimon Stories, TK is in a polyamorous relationship with Kari and Willis (who moved to Japan). Sora started her first cloth collection with designs based on the digital world, and Mimi and Zoe are the main models. Mimi also started a movie career.
> +1 year
DATs couldnt take care of all digimon related dangers so create various teams around the world.
DATs America: Willis, Sampson, TK, Kari, Ryo, Kazu, Izzy, Mimi, Tally
DATs Europe: Matt, Sora, Zoe, Joe, Tommy, Yolei, Thomas, Ivan, Miki, Tai
DATs Japan: Yamaki, Riley, Masaru, Ikuto, Yoshino, Ken, Davis, Ruki, Megumi
The Digital World start glitching and Ryo recovers his memories, and he is angry, especially at Tai and Davis. Ryo thinks that the Adventure group cant be trusted, on top of that, he discovers the story of DATs, and how it was called Hypnos, and what the organization did when was under control of Maki, whom is Back, and maybe its the cause of why the digital world is glitching. Who gave the right to a small group of humans to decide what is best for the digital world? The digidestined have to choose a side, Ryo Side, who think humans should leave the digital world alone and it population. Davis Side who after the Events of Tri, Tamers and Savers thinks Humans should protect the human world from the digimon (and maybe build a firewall around it and make the digimon pay for it). Both sides started fighting, until Tai took charge, and decide that diplomacy is the best choice, a middle ground.
DATs collapsed after that but didnt end. And the Door to the Digital world closed.  
> 2 years
Taiki (13), Akari (12/13), Zenjirou (12/13), Kiriha (14), Nene (14), Yuu (11)
The Fusion kids are called to the Tamers Digital World once it bacame stable, it was divided in zones and all this time without being in danger allowed a new way of evolution.
In this AU, Akari Friendship and Zenjirou Courage made them worthy of their 
xrosloaders, with a little help of an Omegamon and never went back to the human world (because I cant be the one who connected what Omega said to Taiki about Akari’s friendship and Zenjirou’s courage with the their crosloaders colors, I mean, Akari got a light blue xrossloader and Zenjirou a orange one! Come one! It was a callback to the crests!)
Also, a Gatomon and a Wizardmon joined the Xros-Heart Army. And like the manga, Wizardmon also dies here and Gatomon jump to another digital world to find her best friend/lover.
> +1 year
Taguiru (12), Yuu (12), Taiki, Zanjirou, Akari (14), Kiriha, Nene (15)
Ryouma (13), Ren (12), Airu (12), Hideaki (13), Kiichi (12), Mizuki (14)
KenX (12), Haruki (13), Noboru (13)
Makoto, Ai (10) – Suzie, Alice (13) – Ikuto, Chika (14) - Masaru, Thomas, Kouki, Nanami (18) – Takato, Henry, Rika, Kazu, Kenta, Juri (19) – Ryo, Cody (20) – TK, Kari, Willis, Davis, Ken (22) – Yolei, Tommy, Yoshino, Ivan (23) – Izzy, Mimi, Meiko (24) – Tai, Matt, Sora, Miki, Megumi (25) – Joe, Zoe, Takuya, Kouji, Kouchi (26) – JP (27) – Tally (30) – Riley (32) – Yamaki, Maki, Sampson (38)
Akari is classmate of Ikuto and Chika, whom may or may not have feelings for each other. Suzie is classmate with Ryouma. JP and Tally started dating. After Joe graduated got married with Zoe. Davis moved to the USA. Yolei and Ken are dating. Yamaki finally proposed to Riley. Without Daigo, Maki and Sampson started having a thing. Yoshino and Tommy are fuck buddies. Kazu is out and all his friends supported him and is happy with Ryo. Nanami dated Henry, but it didnt end well. Henry dated Takato, but they decided to stay as friends, and they still best friends (with benefits...), in fact, it was Henry who pushed Takato to ask Jeri out. And Jeri may or may not have had a one night stand with Rika (all the Tamers kids are at least bisexual, fight me, again, my AU, my canon). Takuya is dating Megumi. Matt and Sora Break up, and Sora is dating Kouichi. There are rumours in DATs that Thomas and Ruki are banging in “secret”, they are, but are horrible at keeping it a secret, and everyone pretends to not know about them.
A new thing called DigiQuartz is a plane similar to the Digital World in small scale, and it has characteristics of the DW-FAS (Digital World Frontier/Adventure/Savers) and DW-TX (Digital World Tamers/XrosWars) . DATs decide to investigate this and the leader of it is Izzy, helped by Yolei, Riley and Maki. They discover that the Digiquartz hold the data of creatures who died in other worlds. So they can recover Alice, Wizardmon, Meicoomon and Leomon (adventure). Gatomon was in the DigiQuartz looking for Wizardmon. Once the data recovered, Juri’s D-Arc linked with Leomon (because basically its the same digimon, but not “her leomon”), and Alice D-Arc linked with Wizardmon.
With the DigiQuartz Izzy could create new technologies and society advance really fast. Izzy also started working with a old professor on a AI, Code Name: Minerva.
> +4 years
Haru (13), Eri (14), Astra (11), Rei (14), Yuujin (13), Ai-U (13), Hajime (8) Knight (?)
Makoto, Ai (14) – Taguiru, Yuu, Ren, Airu, Kiichi, Ken-X (16) – Suzie, Alice, Ryouma, Hideaki, Haruki, Noboru (17) – Ikuto, Chika, Taiki, Zanjirou, Akari, Mizuki (18) – Kiriha, Nene (19) -  Masaru, Thomas, Kouki, Nanami (22) – Takato, Henry, Rika, Kazu, Kenta, Juri (23) – Ryo, Cody (24) – TK, Kari, Willis, Davis, Ken (26) – Yolei, Tommy, Yoshino, Ivan (27) – Izzy, Mimi, Meiko (28) – Tai, Matt, Sora, Miki, Megumi (29) – Joe, Zoe, Takuya, Kouji, Kouchi (30) – JP (31) – Tally (34) – Riley (36) – Yamaki, Maki, Sampson (42)
JP’s Digimon company was absorbed by the L-Corp and cancelled the Digimon Franchise, But Haru has some memories of the games. Ryouma is dating Suzie and Henry doesnt like it at all. Matt dated Nene and it was scandalous since they both are well known musicians and have a 10 years diference… but it didnt worked at all, they still good friends tho, and collaborate from time to time. After that, Matt and Sora starting dating again, and he proposed to her. Taguiru is dating Hideaki, Airu is dating Alice. Davis and Takato opened a restaurant and Hideaki work part time there, and hopes to get an intership in L-Corp. Cody is in Law School. Yoshino and Ken enter the police. Kari graduated and is a teacher now.  A Hollywood studio got the rights of TK books. Takato is also in Art School.  
The DigiQuartz evolve into the AR-Fields, and in the space between the DW-FAS and DW-TX, the data there created a sub species knows as Appmons.
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roxxy-ll · 2 years
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8.40am: According to Laviainen, the most important thing the finnish people can do, is stay calm and then think about the relationship to Russia.
8.39am: The mornings speech by Putin tells of paranoia in the Kremlin, Lavikainen says. He stresses that there are other people leading Russia than only Vladimir Putin.
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According to The Guardian, Zelenskyi was saddened that the russian people couldn't see his speech, Zelenskyi still directed his words to the russians.
-Listen to reason, Ukraine wants peace.
But Ukraine will still fight.
- When you are attacking, you will see our faces, not our backs, the president warned.
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"We have experienced this, we were left to fend for ourselves in 1939.
But we still managed the miracle of the Winter War and stopped Russia [USSR].
We hope for the same (miracle) now for the Ukrainian people, as countries of west. We can only be with you in our thoughts, there is nothing else we can do."
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"Snake Island. This is a russian warship, I advice you lay down your arms and yield to avoid bloodbath and unnecessary casualties. Otherwise we will bomb you." A russian officer said in russian.
A ukrainian soldier is heard telling his colleague. "It's over. Should I tell him to go to hell?"
"Yes. Just because." The colleague answers.
That's when the ukrainian soldier gave the last answer before they were all killed.
"Russian warship. Go fuck yourself."
Screenshots from newspapers Ilta-Sanomat and aftonbladet. Translations are done by me so I apologize if there is any error.
Ukraine has shown nothing but bravery.
"I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me!
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship. But it is not this day.
An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the age of Men comes crashing down!
But it is not this day! This day we fight!
By all that you hold dear on this good Earth, I bid you stand! Men of the West!"
-Aragorn, the Return of The King.
0 notes
harmonyandriley · 2 years
The battle for socialist party politics power.
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This is the way it really is.
I was in Soho last night at a great bar making a future documentary about the drag scene guys going to such efforts with make up costume and so on but never in my life have I met such a talent as Beth Rigby.
Simply by removing her makeup she became Harry the Scaffolder a man who couldn't find the que when God was handing out looks.
Evidently Beth has been downing the testosterone pills since early childhood to perfect her deep voice which we can't recommend but she used it to great effect.
What a talent.
Not really she is a fucking imbecile.
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In Great Britain we have a section of society that voted to stay in the European Union.
Harry the Scaffolder also mistaken for a journalist.
Beth Johnson journalist who despises our Prime Minister Boris Rigby stupid moron she is and the reason that Sky is not about democracy or news it's about the manipulation of journalism to present a false perception of the truth to facilitate power to the left.
Around the world journalism is being dismantled and murdered for speaking the truth in Great Britain the free electorate are attacked by wealthy fraudulent journalism misleading an innocent people.
We have a section of society that voted to leave it was the largest ever free fair democratic vote in British history and as joint leaders of legal process democracy and freedom in the western world what do you think happened in Great Britain.
Immediately for a lengthy four years the leave majority where ruthlessly attacked by media and left wing politics our universities and colleges and unions and our institution structure and even the British Medical Association.
Keir Starmer said yesterday in parliament that Russia needs to know it can't mess with the sovereign nations of the world simultaneously he doesn't even respect the referendum results in Great Britain a sovereign nation in which he seeks power.
We have a broken system of Politics in Great Britain the sitting Conservative government is scrutinized and the opposition is free to lie and deceive.
Both sides of the house should be scrutinized and held accountable in real time or democracy is worthless.
Four years of our preparation for climate change were derailed and this is terrorism.
The left fail everything and everyone in Great Britain attempting to create such hardship and poverty the electorate is bludgeoned into such suffering is pliable and too weak to speak for itself.
One last chance to be heard was granted and when Great Britain spoke out it was attacked from within.
The Labour party politics does not respect a single human being in Great Britain.
It now decided to act as if it cares over some parties in lockdown whilst the world needs to believe in Great Britain as a force for good.
With no strategies of their own or policies they can only attack strength and durability and courage they are creatures of weakness and stealthy corruption.
The Labour party attacked the entire world by lying to us destabilising our planet earth.
Starting an illegal war creating modern Islamic extremists and their hunger for revenge.
I never will support the Taliban fighters but they are the manifestation of an ideological warrior race who through the perception of western arrogance have given birth to a collection of human beings who fight as if Allah himself would die if Allah did not have support.
Allah knows that the Taliban fighters are wrong but he sees a childish devotion to him in the Taliban fighters.
It is the same devotion I have to Jesus Christ I would fight against anyone the Taliban fighters are the same now I am no fucking fool but the Taliban fighters are meeting in Europe and so on.
The effort to adapt and bend a little bit is noted by me warriors of Allah bless you for your strength.
Be good boys or Allah will scold you still closer to Allah you walk with your actions.
Undermining democracy makes the Taliban fighters lust for war so it does not help when those in Great Britain abandon Jesus Christ and present democracy as fraudulent and the Labour party politics just starts trouble around the world as it does for its own people.
Taliban fighters you now have your sacred lands and you are responsible for your people of Afghanistan and the modern nation of Afghanistan.
We all know well I as an equal warrior knows you very very well and your patience and abilities.
Build Afghanistan.
Engage in the future of Afghanistan.
I tell you this Taliban fighters build the future of your national identity and preserve the holy lands of Allah with pen paper words work diligently and truthfully.
It is never too late to earn the love and respect of Allah and what is more you will be a more credible political global voice than the Labour party politics of Great Britain which is as useful as you currently are at running a modern country though seriously I believe you to have potential to be realised and I know the Labour party politics has none.
What you sometimes do is unforgivable and deplorable but until you attempt to steal my children and cover it up for fourteen years you are that tiny bit more credible than Keir Starmer and the Labour party politics.
Promise me just one thing Taliban fighters and warrior fighters of Allah if Keir Starmer comes to Afghanistan on holiday praise God you know what to do.
Your fighting abilities and skills are not in question back that up with the courage to create the modern Afghanistan free open fair with the legitimacy to rule with the support of your people.
You are worth my thoughts.
The Labour party politics is worthless shameful and not worth a fucking damn.
What are you scared of being a good servant of Allah making him proud and happy and presiding over happy people in s successful country whilst holding true and firm against a threat to your rights to your faith that is your human rights to enjoy.
Be good boys or Allah will scold you naughty Taliban fighters and warrior fighters of Allah.
In all the years since the result of the largest ever free and fair referendum in British history there is still no documentary produced to present the truth of the agenda to reverse it and the misrepresentation and persecution and silencing of those who voted for it I didn't vote in it but I stand by the results and the democratic rights of the British Isles.
If those who voted to stay in touch with the European Union had a majority and where challenged it would have led to bloodshed as the liberal elite crucified the enemy of their ideology as it stands the majority who voted to leave are subjected to fraudulent slaughter.
I fight for freedom and independence and justice and democracy right now the Taliban fighters are showing more intelligence than the liberal elite in the left side of Politics within Great Britain.
If only you would secure your lands and build upon them a symbol of Allah in power and peace you would shine as life to seek death is to seek nothing.
Allah means everything to you I accept that reflect the true Allah before you lose his love for you.
He gives you courage and strength he does not guide you to darkness but to the light.
Accept his love do not reject it and keep meeting with the other world leaders and build Afghanistan.
Realise Your Potential.
A Taliban with a voice against corruption will be heard the hands of a Taliban fighters who brings food are strong the Taliban fighters who support their women and children are true men the Taliban fighters who show mercy are unbreakable the Taliban fighters who embrace life and not death are the children of Allah.
The children of Allah make him happy.
Serve your God as he serves you make this planet earth a paradise on earth and realise your true potential.
Fight the Devil in the name of God and involve yourselves in this battle of good against evil.
I pray to Jesus Christ and still he teaches me to attempt to communicate with your Allah and speak to you Allah is real I understand this no better or worse than Jesus Christ they are blessed holy warriors who teach us peace and love not hatred and war that is what I know.
Jesus Christ and Allah look upon the planet earth and our family of humanity and you the Taliban fighters have work to do and responsibilities.
You fail as we fail so I can't any longer say you are stupid or beneath me but you could do with some brand management and sales and marketing assistance to legitimise your traditions.
That is hard when you blow everything up and chop everyone else to pieces.
Help me to help you crazy fucking Taliban fighters and warrior fighters of Allah.
Jesus Fucking Christ Give Me Strength.
Allah Give Me Fucking Strength.
Mark Anthony Ward @ Harmony & Riley Potential Realised.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Glow (Biadore/Trixya) 1/4 - Houdini
A/N: hey y'all! So I currently have this fic in the works as well and thought I might as well submit the first part! This is a soulmate au (I fucking live for these), and the premise is that after you and your soulmate say “I love you” to each other, your bodies glow with an aura for a few seconds (so any times the queens have said it don’t exist in this world). The time is the present day, however I wanted to work in the jealous Adore/Trixie idea as well. she/her pronouns for in drag, he/him/they (adore) out of drag. It might be a mess but so am I so buckle up folks!
“Katya’s gonna ditch Trixie and go for an older clown!”. Trixie slammed the lid of his laptop shut, the words still echoing in his head. It hadn’t come as a surprise to him when Bianca announced Katya’s part in her second movie. Hell, it been pretty obvious from the start. From Russia with Hate? Really? 
What had come as a surprise was Katya playing the love interest. Katya and Bianca. Never in a million years would Trixie have seen that coming. It just didn’t work. Not like…well, not like him and Katya. And after that video surfacing, it was painfully obvious Bianca recognized Trixie and Katya’s spark as well. 
Trixie took a deep breath and turned to the mess of makeup sitting on his hotel table. Katya and Bianca could eat eachother’s faces for all he cared. Trixie had to get ready for Drag Con. As he wrestled his wig cap on and smeared primer onto his face, he tried not to think of the obvious. The thought that had been plaguing him since their season of Drag Race. 
Trixie was pretty sure Katya was his soulmate. Not sure, pretty much damn near certain. And he had always thought Katya felt the same. But he had always shied away from actually saying the words, instead opting for “I love working with you’, or “You’re the love of my life”. 
Trixie was nearly done now, with only eyelashes left to go. He remembered the first time he had ever said it, to a college boyfriend. He had turned to leave his boyfriend’s room when he heard the words whispered behind him. Whipping around, he had screwed his eyes shut and with all the courage he could muster, said the words back. Nothing had happened. They waited for a minute, thinking it could be a time thing but after 5 painful minutes of standing there, tears welling in both their eyes, they knew. They had stayed together for a bit after that but parted ways closer towards sophomore year. Trixie had never said it again.
But all of that changed that day he walked into the workroom and met the crazy Russian hooker that would become his best friend. And as Katya slid into the slow splits, or came out dressed as fucking Abraham Lincoln, Trixie slowly let himself fall. And now fucking Bianca, with her damn dimples and endearing cackle was going to swoop in and take Katya away. Not to mentioned that were only a few years apart, unlike Trixie and Katya. 
Trixie adjusted the wig on her head and nodded her head in resolution. She would definitely do something about it. But first, Drag Con. 
Drag Con definitely was the most magical place on earth. Although Trixie’s feet hurt, and her cheeks ached from smiling, she was happy. However she couldn’t help but freeze up every time she saw a poster their new show, or when it was mentioned by a fan. Most of all, she wished Katya was there. The other queen always knew how to make her laugh, and just having her there provided Trixie with some sense of home. 
Trixie’s thoughts were interrupted by a golden flash streaking by him. “Trixie, you’re coming to the afterparty right?” Farrah yelled out. Trixie nodded. Farrah beamed and dashed away. Better to spend the night with other queens on the roof of the hotel than to spend it sulking in the hotel room.
Trixie stepped out onto the hotel roof, lost in the magic of the city at night. She was immediately engulfed into a hug by a very tipsy Shea. “Girl, what took you so long?” Shea exclaimed, playing with her long black tresses. “I just had some phone calls,” Trixie improvised, checking out the rest of the queens. Nobody had de-dragged, so the group was decked out in sequins, fur, glitter, and in Sasha’s case, velvet. 
A few drinks later, Trixie was definitely on her way to drunk. “It’s not the same without all the girls here,” mused Fame, who was lying with her head in Trixie’s lap. “Oh my god, check this out!” screeched Raven, shoving her phone in their faces. Trixie glanced at the screen and immediately blanched. It was a picture Bianca had posted with Katya. Great. “Trixie, you better work fast before Bianca says the magic words,” Fame teased, poking Trixie’s cheek. Trixie chuckled and rolled her eyes. 
Raven looked at the picture again. “You never know with soulmates. I would have never guessed Martin but look where we are, y'know?” she emphasized, putting her phone away. “What colour was your light again? Silver?” Trixie asked, turning to the older queen. Raven smiled and her eyes softened. “It was yellow. Fucking yellow, right? If I wasn’t so happy I would’ve been pissed.”
The girls laughed, but Trixie felt the familiar prick of tears behind her eyes. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom,” she said, quickly standing up and downing the rest of her drink. She could see Fame looking at her with concern but kept walking. 
Trixie entered the bathroom and exhaled. “It sucks, right?" 
Trixie yelped and whipped her head around the space frantically. In the corner of the bathroom stood Adore Delano, a joint dangling from her fingertips. Trixie didn’t know the queen too well but they were friendly enough, both being into music. "Sorry?” Trixie asked politely. 
“You know what I’m talking about. Girl, I’ve seen you with Katya. It fucking sucks when your soulmate hangs around with someone else,” Adore said, gazing at Trixie with earnest eyes. Trixie opened her mouth, prepared to change the subject with a joke, but something about Adore’s expression caused her armour to crumble. 
“It’s like this….this one time, a few months ago, I was homesick. And Katya, she just shows up at my door with a fucking Dirt Pie. That she made by herself, it’s an easy recipe, but I mentioned it like once, maybe twice. And I didn’t even tell her, you know? That I was homesick. She just knew." Trixie stopped to breathe, her heart pounding.
Adore nodded, taking once last puff of her joint before whipping it into the garbage. "I get it, man. When I met B, I wasn’t sure at first, because I fucking say it to everyone. But something about her just made me afraid to say it, you know? But more girls left, and soon it was pretty much just us, and I think after that I knew. Our energies, they just kinda worked. She gets me and I get her,��� she explained, fiddling with her flannel. Trixie nodded before letting out a small laugh. Adore grinned at her before continuing. 
“I never thought I would be ready to say it to her, but I know now. After seeing her videos with Katya, I just want to rip the band-aid off. I guess the sooner you find out who’s not your soulmate the sooner you find the one,” she finished. Trixie nodded. “Yeah, I didn’t think I would ever say it either, until I saw them together.”
The two queens stared at each other for a moment, something unspoken brewing between them. “Okay, hear me out girl,” Adore began. Trixie nodded. “Theoretically, it took us seeing them together to come to our senses, right? So if they’re our soulmates, which, after that shit you spilled just now, they totally are-" 
"Then it would take them seeing us together to come to their senses,” finished Trixie. Adore tucked a strand of her behind her ear. “It sounds batshit crazy, but I believe it." 
And it was something about Adore’s certainty, and those hidden moments Trixie had caught Katya glancing at her, and the dirt pie, and that day in college so long ago, that pushed Trixie to do something. "Party!” Trixie replied jokingly. 
Adore’s face broke into a smile. “You bitch. They get back in like a week and a bit, and it’s been a few years coming, man.”
“Let’s do it,” Trixie declared. Adore pulled out her phone and quickly snapped a few selfies of them. “I’ll post these tonight,” she explained, waggling her eyebrows. Trixie laughed, hope brimming in her chest. Adore met her gaze again. “It’ll work out. And if it doesn’t, maybe you’re my soulmate!” she joked, smiling impishly. 
Hand in hand, the two returned to the rooftop and began talking to the other queens, Trixie more animated than she’d been for a while. Aware of the jokes being thrown at them by Shea and Alaska, and the curious stares from Fame and many others, they knowingly glanced at each other. 
“Operation Soulmates?” mouthed Adore imperceptibly. Trixie fought back a shriek and nodded, blonde hair bobbing. “Operation Soulmates.”
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dachi-chan25 · 7 years
Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 5 Recap Pt. 1
I seriously need to vent about “Eastwatch so bear with me please.
WARNING: SPOILERS; not a D@€n€r¥$ fan; Jonsa shipper so yeah I’m biased af.
Before diving into the recap:
1.- This are only my opinions, humble analysis and random thoughts/musings about the episode, and I am in no form or way trying to convince people I know everything or that I’m absolutely right and whatever other reading is wrong, I actually Love that thing about fandom that everyone sees things in a different way, is fascinating
2.- I’m the literal embodiment of the Salt Throne, and I feel specially salty about this episode so if you are not comfortable with that stuff I highly recommend you not to read this. I will always stay in my lane and I am not closed off to debates as long as you extend the same politeness and respect of course.
3.- My analysis of certain ships/characters is based on what I think and feel as an audience, but in no form or way do I think people shouldn’t ship/like said ship/characters. Believe me on the fact I will always defend the right to love what you love, even my most hated NOTPS are valid and I will always support the shippers and multishippers even if we don’t interact.
1.- Back on the lake near HG, Bronn and Jaime are fine (I already knew they weren’t going to die but I am glad they don’t even have a scratch) and golden boy is pissed cuz Bronn wasn’t delicate enough during his brave rescue, and Bronn is like yeah but why did you do such a stupid ass thing she has a dragon Jamie a dragon!!!! but our Lannister boy didn’t even cared he was willing to die to get rid of D.
OK, but that was really what a hero would do??He doesn’t know D, and the good things she has done, and we know Jaime is more than flawed, he has done awfull things, and in his mind D is the biggest threat he has ever faced (I mean he is not wrong) and still found the courage to charge at her, he just watched his man die horrible painful deaths (mind you he got PTSD from his time with Aerys right then and there) and instead of fleeing like Bronn suggested he fought and was willing to die just so he could get rid of D… That really makes you think.
Anyway Bronn is like fuck you, you can’t die before you pay me dude! but you’re totally on your own if the Dragon Woman comes to KL xoxo.
I truly love Bronn.
2.- So yeah we’re strolling through the Field of Fire with Tyrion, he looks absolutely horrified (he should) while the Dothraki take swords and weapons form the dead (yikes, can we talk about the lack of humanising of the Dothraki? We only got to know them a lil’ back on s1 and s2 and still they look like terrible people with a ruthless violent culture and no real good redeeming qualities, I mean we don’t even get a lot of depth on any Mereenese, Yunkai or Astapori beyond the ohh wondrous mysha bullshit!! and then we have Dorne, you know the PoC of Westeros, storyline absolutely butchered and thrown to shit, and this actually stinks of racism) anyway we have like what 50? 100? Soldiers and I’m supposed to pat D in the back for not killing everyone??? You kidding me right? There were 10,000 Lannister-Tarly soldiers, she killed ¾ of the army, and yet she dares to say she didn’t came to murder them or orphan their children with the same condecending tone she used for the Meerenese, Astapori and Yunkaii people???? Miss me that bullshit, she had an adavantage from 10-1 there was no FUCKING way the Lannister-Tarlys were going to win, besides if she has the noble pure righteous heart she loves to parrot about she would have given them the chance to yield before she went Dracarys on their asses (you know like Jon Snow did in the BoB telling Ramsey they should have a 1 on 1 so other people wouldn’t die) she should have taken the food, but she didn’t so it would be real nice if she stopped with all those pretty but meaningless speeches that only make her look like a hypocrite (but I totally understand why she doesn’t “if I look back I’m lost” which basically means I’m too lazy and proud to learn from my mistakes and accept my flaws) anyway it all boils down to “bend the knee or die even tho I just said I didn’t came to kill you after I had already killed most of you” and I kid you not, just 5-10 people bent immediately, only when Drogon screeches menacingly at them is that most drop to their knees absolutely terrified (*instert the “this is not freedom, this is fear” meme from Captain America) what kind of choice is this???? No choice at all, is either accept me as your newest overlord or die in the flames (yikes, I never wanted her on the IT but now more than ever).
Other thing that piqued my interest is that she uses her famous line about destroying the wheel, basically this is a medieval equivalent of communism, she says there will be no more powerfull high lords and helpless small folk, okay good, totally support this, but D you seriously need to ask yourself how are you going to manage the transition and if your replacement of this feudalistic system is all the power lies in me, my Dragons and my small council if/when I’m in the mood to actually listen then no fuck you. Communism is something we know, something we’ve seen before (Cuba, Russia, North Korea) and it has failed, even if theoretically it seems the most humanitarian and fair, in practice it has always caused an awful whiplash of tyranny, poverty and opression (history exists guys, and even if Westeros is a fantasy setting, GRRM based a lot of the stuff in ASOIAF in actual historical events) our society was not ready in any form or way for that kind of government and neither is the Westerosi society, but D is not a politician, she is a Queen and therefore she doesn’t care about future problems and consequences ‘til they hit her face and then she whines and complains about it.
Fortunately the Tarlys are having none of that overlord (overlady???) bullshit and will not kneel, is no secret I dislike Randyll Tarly cuz he is ruthless with his soldiers (flogging them for real??) and the way he treated Sam (fuck him) but he has a lot of strenght and dignity, he refuses to kneel because he already chose a side and he would stand by it even if it meant death, he is a hardass motherfucker if anything, Tyrion is like dude you seriously are going to fight for my evil sister? Point is that Cersei and D really give not much of an option do they Tyrion? As a matter of fact this scene is a good parallel to Cersei’s 7x01 one in the IT trash talking D and convincing (tho she is much more diplomatic) the Reach Lords to fight with her, then we see Randyll talk with Jaime and he says he only answered the call cuz he knew what Cersei does with her enemies. Here we have D’s pretty speech about how Cersei is evil and she is clearly the better option while intimidating them with her Dragon and Dothraki.But is the same! even if Cersei is more subtle in her approach. Anywhoo Randyll is like you say whatever you want about Queen C, but she is not a foreign invader with a army of infamous pillagers and rapers and dragons who burnt all the food of the Reach (k I added that last bit cuz I’m salty that no one seems to give a fuck about the food) and I know some people have been saying he sounded racist (he does not) that is not the case at all,every country requests being a citizen (among other things) to occupy a position in the government, because you have to know the country, lived there, care at least a little about it’s people and know them and let them know you, D meets none of this requirements, and yes it’s not her fault, it’s her dad’s and Robert’s that she had to live in exile, but still she has no right to proclaim herself as the better option when she has done nothing to show it.
So Randyll is ready to die, Tyrion wants to save him (I guess to convince himself that he made the right decision in supporting D) and suggests he is sent to the Wall, but Radyll is like nah man she has no authority to make me do shit cuz she ain’t my queen. Dickon (my brave and beautiful, and dumb son) steps out and says he won’t bend the knee also, Randyll and Tyrion collectively lose their shits (bitch me too the fuck) because they don’t want him to die and let house Tarly die with him (this rings to close to Tyrion cuz his evil sis killed the Tyrells and Aerys killed a Rickard and Brandon Stark, how is this any different from what D is doing now?) but D is ruthless and says she already gave them an option, Tyrion is still trying to be like hey how about you don’t start cutting heads off??? and D is like LMAO who said I was beheading them? Tyrion is left speechless (why were you expecting dude?? You watched her burn the army and the food, and she almost burnt your brother and your bff) but really is heartbreaking because he wanted so hard to see the mericful woman he admired and believed in and only sees a tyrant.
So of course I cried, because I played myself living in denial and happily shipping Dicksa (we can’t have nice things, but my ship is not going down, you can’t kill what is already dead!!!!) and beyond that it was heartbreaking seeing Randyll holding his son’s arm and them dying on ther feet. And I was reminded of one of the heroes of the mexican revolution, Emiliano Zapata who once said “I’d rather die on my feet, than live on my knees” what the Tarlys did was a common tragic hero trope.
After the Tarlys get roasted, everyone is on their knees and I would love to slap the satisfaction out of D’s face, because this is awful.
I rambled far too much so this needs a part 2
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