#but first reading comments from twitter made me think liam had full on said he hates everyone in 1d or sth to the extent
annoyingyellowhouse · 2 years
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
🚨Thurs 17 Dec ‘20🚨
No one will argue, this year has been the worst and I'm not really into that whole 'silver linings to bad things' bit, but... BUT! If the demise of live shows and rise of livestreams meant Zayn deciding to perform for us?! Well. I would be willing to reconsider my whole ass philosophy on life! Unfortunately, despite the excitement (or was it hysteria?) he inspired last night by getting all our hopes up, it might just be a music video? We'll see though. He definitely did register a new song, UNFXWITABLE (!), and then, and THEN: slid a single photo into his instagram story, a truly beautiful old baroque theater stage, fitted with live show speakers and a tantalizingly closed red curtain. The stage lights are on, the seats are empty... prepping for zomething?? It was discovered to be the St George Theater in Staten Island, very exciting, but today more video of them working on whatever they're working on surfaced (a snippet at the theater with a bit of an unknown song audible) that makes it seem more likely they're working on a music video than a livestream set up. Still, we can DREAM. At the very least we're getting a new song any minute now and at best-- Z3 and a video AND a liveztream?? (or prerecorded, that's FINE.) The pap pics the other day were him leaving a menswear boutique (sorry I said home, my bad, it was the usual 'front door to car' walk though) leading to speculation he was getting fitted for zomething zpecial... maybe we'll get to see it soon!
Likely on account of the added European show tickets going on sale today, Louis came online to check in, and also to laugh at old videos of himself, send larries into a tailspin, and best of all, weigh in on and shut down discourse left and right THANK YOU SIR! Louis is happy to walk us all through how not to get Live In London video taken down (“do it on a burner account haha?” tips from the master truly, no one would know better so listen to him); he denies having such an account himself (“maybe I should”) though unlike Liam (see below) HE doesn't go that extra step into obvious lie territory and say he's NEVER had one. On how he deals with comments about his height (which are up again these last few days due to a video circulating that uses math to conclude once again that he is in fact, as documented, 5'9”), “I rise above them,” he zings back, and in appreciation of someone who actually got the joke, “you're on my level,” DOUBLE PUNNING, BOOM but that's not all: he finishes off with the comment that finished ME off, “such a peculiar debate.” REALLY. Peculiar specifically, not like strange or weird or annoying you just... went right in for the Eroda copyrighted word huh. OKAY. Also: no, probably no collabs on LT2 (“doubt it”), yes he loves twitter “in doses, no better way to talk to you lot” (you mean even better than via t shirts?? sounds fake but okay), tells us he is “100% for sure” is gonna get the vaccine, and that “cucumber is shit” which isn't really a discourse we needed him to solve that I knew of but like, okay! Sorted! Antis seethed about him talking to larries and larry UAs and picking a video of him and H singing You and I to reply to, and probably cucumber enthusiasts and anti-vaxxers were unhappy too, but the rest of us? WINNING.
Liam is all over, first appearing in a fisherman's cap that nicely sets of his full and fluffy beard, then demonstrating answering questions for the Naughty List insta filter. He says he has never made a fake social media account, so I guess he's not lurking here reading these or I would guess that if I believed THAT for one second, he also says yes I have lied to my best friend so I'll just chose to believe he means us by 'best friend' since here he is, lying away. Dixie is absent from the recent promo, which is a blessing not just because they don't mesh particularly well but also because she's gotten even more terrible on main, moving from simply allying herself with racists to producing her own racist content- if we're lucky she'll simply fade away along with xmas and we can move on without any of that thank you very much. Liam is still a good BFF to us though: today he's offering himself up as prize in a raffle, you can enter to win a 'once in a lifetime VIP Experience in 2021 with Liam' for a low low £5, funds going to Stagehand's #ILoveLive campaign to support industry workers. And on the 17th day of christmas, my LP Advent Alarm woke me up with... Roman Kemp leading us through a weirdly peppy breathing exercise, backed with both soothing spa music and a sample of Liam's voice taken from the sleep story played over and over at near random intervals! I said it before and I'll say it again, they REALLY should have recorded all the material at once last month, but tbh I am enjoying the chaotic daily scramble to find something to put on the thing that's come of them being caught short maybe even more than I would normal content, it's getting downright experimental and I'm fully here for it. It's got that classic janky af for no reason 1D feel you know!
Rob Sheffield found better things to say about Watermelon Sugar, naming it his number one song of 2020 and calling it “a lost Stevie Nicks/ Stevie Wonder duet” plus gifting us a Harry quote: “that one we reworked a bunch of times, and it died a couple times, then it just kept coming back. We fully killed it a few times, but it kept coming back in. So I thought, There’s a reason it’s surviving.” And Chris Pine- who also says that he's all done shooting his part of Don't Worry Darling- said, “Harry Styles is an absolute delight. He's one of the most professional people I've ever met. Couldn't be kinder, more gracious, I mean, really, I was stunned by this kid. He's off-the-charts cool.”
And finally, as 2020 draws to a close we are being flooded with a barrage of our guys being declared winners of incredibly narrow categories (Harry on a list of 'groundbreaking magazine covers' for example), but I think the winner of MY list of 'Highly Specific Accolades' is sewn up for the year already; Heartbreak Weather is officially “the first [advertising] campaign to utilize weather-tracking technology to target content to users”! I'll definitely be keeping my eye out for competitors but beating that for reaching for a category will be TOUGH.
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It Takes A Village Chapter 11
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Chris Evans X Pregnant!Daughter!Reader
Series Master List
Series summary: You find out that your pregnant. After being kicked out of your mom's house you go to live full time with your Dad who you only saw once every few months. Will he react badly to you being a mom at such a young age?
Chapter Summary: it's been a week since you posted that photo and the media has been going crazy.
Series Warnings: swearing, fighting with a parent, teen pregnancy, speak of abortion.
Chapter Warnings: parent insulting kid (I don't know if you can classify what she said as mental abuse) Teen pregnancy, media being stalkers
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After you small freak out your dad and you both sworn off social media not wanting to see all the rumors from the press and really you just needed time. Your dad didn't give you a second to over think, having you help him with anything really. It wasn't till you were at school talking with your friends that you found out everything the press was saying.
"How are you so calm? The press has been going crazy spreading rumors about you!" Marcus was the first to bring it up.
"I haven't been on social media lately or really my phone, what have they been saying?" You asked scooting over to look at his phone which had an article up about you and your pregnancy.
Avengers star Chris Evans' 15yr-old daughter Y/n Evans pregnant with twins?
"All kinda of stuff they have even been trying to figure out who the father is!" Oscar told you.
"Here look at this one." Liam handed you his phone.
"In one of the teen's most recent posts on Instagram, it revealed she's now living with the actor. In this post showing a photo of her, Evans, and their dog Dodger. She said: "Nice to be home with Dad and Dodger. Living here full time the last couple weeks has been great!" Then last week she posted this photo of herself with a tiny baby bump with the caption: "As my last post as cause many questions maybe this with clear some things up. Two new Evans are. due in November. I prefer not to go into detail about anything about me being home or about the babies or their father, I just prefer the media and my dad's fans staying out of it. I hope you all can respect that ." In it, she mentioned two new Evans. So from this, we take she is having twins. But who is the father? It is unknown right now to us and possibly the Evans family that could be why they didn't tell us in this post. No one in the Evans family has said anything new but Chris Evans Ex-wife, M/n M/l/n has taken to Twitter and said: "Flaunting the pregnancy is no way to treat this I can not believe you are my daughter I raised you better then that." The teen doesn't have a twitter so we assume she has not seen it. Many fans of Chris Evans have made posts sharing their support for the family and how they are excited to know more about the babies. While a majority of them are not approving of it."
You read over the article then your mom's tweet shocked at her words. You knew she wasn't supportive but to be going so far to make a public post on Twitter. You didn't care about the rumors sure got overwhelming but you were more then used to them. You weren't used to your mom doing it though.
"Guys! Stop it you idiots. She was obviously ignoring social media for a reason." Leah said taking the phone from you glaring at the boys.
"You good?" Naomi asked you.
"Yeah..." You mumbled starting at your food.
You walked home from work staring at your phone, trying to decide if you break the no social media thing. Your dad would never know. You did you opened Instagram and began to scroll through the notifications you got, you noticed that the post announcing that you moved home had all of the comments about your pregnancy as you didn't turn off. You scrolled through few, a lot of them were insulting you and the rest were showing their support, you liked the ones giving you support but did your best to ignore the hate. You sighed before going on to check Jake's page to see if he posted anything. He didn't all his posts were with your old friends, and some new girl you didn't recognize. If you had a Twitter you would've checked it but you didn't. You looked up noticing you were home and closed the app before quickly walking inside. You didn't say anything as you took your shoes off and headed for the stairs.
"Sweetpea! How was work?" Chris asked from the kitchen counter.
"It was good." You exclaimed from where you stood.
"Come here bubba. Tell me about your day." He said, you reluctantly went over and began talking to him about work. "How school did something happen?" He asked noticing how you didn't mention a single thing from school not even a funny joke one of your friends told you.
"I broke the no going on social media thing..." You mumbled.
"Sweetpea." He sighed. "Why?"
"Marcus asked how I was so calm with rumors going about me from the press... And then Liam showed me an article and it had something mom said about me in it and I-i just needed to know..." You mumbled leaning your head on the counter as Chris stopped doing the dishes drying his hands before going to sit on the stool next to you grabbing his phone.
"What did she say?" He asked rubbing your shoulder.
"She said she couldn't believe I'm her daughter and that she raised me better... Dad... Do wish this didn't happened?" You asked looking up at him tears in your eyes.
"Sweetpea... I do wish you could have had more time to grow up before this... And I do wish your mom didn't say what she said... But if this didn't happen you wouldn't be in my house right now would you?"
"I guess but... You and mom said you didn't want to be grandparents for a long while and in less then nine months you'll have two grand kids." You mumbled wiping your tears away.
"Bubba it just makes me feel old that's all. I'm proud you're my daughter..."
"Nope nope I'll ground you if you keep talking like that." He warned. You giggled. "Now dinner will be done in an hour go do your homework and stay off your phone of I'm taking it." You nodded going to your room dodger behind you. He let out a sigh pulling his phone out and going to twitter. He sighed again.as he went to your mom's twitter page first thing was the post. He retweeted, "Big words for the person who kicked her out." Then he put the phone away and went back to cooking dinner.
Taglist: @toastisgood @coldmuffinpartycloud @thevelvetseries @uniquebeautyqueen
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larryfanficwriter98 · 4 years
Chapter Six
Louis jumped when his phone started ringing and he looked at it to see a facetime request from Harry. He grinned and answered it leaving the living room to enter the kitchen. Harry was outside in sunny Los Angeles with Hollywood hills behind him from a patio.
"Do you realize the shitshow you have caused on my picture?" Harry greeted him clearly amused, letting Louis know he wasn't upset at all. "I woke up on Christmas Day to this. You have the nerve to comment on my picture and not follow me then you turn your profile on private so I can’t stalk you? Really? I have to have permission to look at your modeling pictures. You're a dick. An absolute dick." Louis laughed covering his mouth with his hand that was currently covered in Harry's pink merch sweater. "You didn't even follow me."
"I'll follow you I promise. I'll do it now, look I’m grabbing my new fancy macbook and logging in.
"You better. Jerk. I'll follow you after you follow me. Some boyfriend you are." Harry said, making Louis shake his head as he logged in and got on his Instagram account, then he went to his notifications and his eyes widened.
"I have 147 follow requests." Louis told Harry before he clicked on one of the notifications of a reply on his comment. "Holy shit. They're crazy."
"Yeah no kidding." Louis went to Harry's profile and followed him, "finally." Not a minute later Harry sent a request to follow him that he accepted immediately, "there's my hot boyfriend."
"Stop it." Louis said blushing as he commented on Harry's newest picture from a few days ago. It was of the view from his plane as they flew over the ocean to California. He commented "When I asked you to send pics this was not what I was talking about.👀.". Harry looked off to the side from the screen to his mac-book that was beside him on a side table, he frowned for a second then he laughed.
"Louis! No.." Harry said laughing as he turned a deep red, "you're gross." He said even though Louis could see him typing on his laptop. Louis waited then he got the notification and he laughed as he read the reply from Harry reading,
''This is a family friendly account. Go away.
I'll send some more later. I'll be sure to wear that hat you like.🤠"
"I think we broke your fans." Louis said laughing
"We should get off before you go and get a ship started."
"A ship?"
"Just wait."
It took a few weeks for it to really sink in for Louis that he was dating Harry Styles. That he was dating an international award winning popstar. He was dating a Gucci model. He was reminded of this when he had stumbled upon a few of his photos. He and Harry talked daily and even facetimes for both of their New Years Eve, Louis had to wake up for Harry's but it was worth it. Recently on occasion one or both of them could be caught looking longingly at the screen, but they always did something to cheer the other one up.
Louis had a countdown on his phone so anytime he looked at it, it would tell him how much longer until Harry was back in the UK. Harry would still be busy and have things to do until March when his tour ended, but he would be here and Louis couldn't wait. Harry often talked about missing home, especially when it got to the last leg of the tour, said it always got harder, but it was even worse now.
After a lot of talking Louis and Harry finally made the decision to make Louis profile public after many flirty comments to each other in Harry's posts. Louis had even made a Twitter account just so he could attach a photo of their facetime one day and tell Harry how cute he looked when he had eye crud. Harry hadn't liked that picture at all and told Louis there would be payback.
The payback had been a video of Louis when he was drunk in January and was shaking his ass on a table. Liam had recorded it laughing his ass off as he, Zayn, and Niall kept men away from him. Louis had been wasted that night and didn't remember it at all, but there was video evidence and now it was all over twitter. That video has caused a lot of fans to talk about his ass which had Louis bushing as he read the tweets.
So Louis made his Instagram public and posted a picture of him in Harry's lilac sweater standing in front of his floor length mirror. The sweater fell to his thighs, just long enough to cover everything that needed to be covered since he didn't have anything else on. It was a side view so his ass curve was visible and he made sure to stick out just a little bit more. In the caption he wrote,
Okay, but why do I have thousands of teen girls asking about my ass? 👀
Harry was the first one to like the post and commented,
👀 that's a nice sweater. Mind sharing? It's a bit chilly over here.
Send me new ones and we can discuss potentially sending you this sweater.
You realize my house has a closet full of sweaters. And my laundry detergent. As well as my cologne.
👀...You don't say...and for no particular reason...what's your address?
😂 I've conveniently forgot.
LEWIS! How dare you. This is a family friendly account
Yours is family friendly. Mine is not.
Since October Louis' Instagram had been filled with a lot of things that involved Harry in some way. Most of it was pictures of the gifts Harry sent, now it was of their screenshot facetime calls or pictures Harry sent through texts. It was also of Louis posting his new flowers biweekly that was delivered to his house by a florist employee.
Occasionally it was regular things like a selfie or a picture of him and the lads flicking the camera off on a group shot. His middle finger apparently became a "thing" that Harry's fans loved, he didn't exactly know why nor did he really care. His family had taken the news to him dating Harry Styles pretty well all things considered as did the lads.
"So I've been thinking." Louis was pulled away from his phone by Liam speaking
"You didn't hurt yourself did you?" Louis asked
"Ha ha. I was thinking we all have vacation time and Valentine's Day is next week. How about we fly out to Orlando, Florida to see your boyfriend." Louis tensed, "if that is something you two are ready for."
"You want us to fly out to Orlando for Valentine's Day so I can meet my international popstar boyfriend for the first time? While he just happens to be in one place for a week."
"Without telling Harry. Yes. He gave you the address to his Orlando home to return the sweaters didn't he? Just bring them in person."
"But what if-"
"No what ifs. Come on Lou let's be impulsive one last time." Zayn said, "let's go to Orlando and have fun and meet your boyfriend."
"Alright. How much is a flight-"
"Nope. Not happening. We are all pitching in to buy your flight. It's our gift to you." Niall spoke this time grinning. "Besides thanks to you and your paranoia we all have a few thousand in our savings."
"What? No. I am buying my own-"
"No you're not. We got this. Now call your boss and tell her you need vacation for next week."
Louis grinned and went to his contacts thinking about how he got so lucky to have three amazing best friends. They have noticed that lately the distance has been affecting Louis more than he was willing to admit. The few times they all facetimed with Harry Louis knew they could see the longing in Harry's face too whenever he and Louis looked at each other. After getting the vacation he had until Saturday at 4am to keep it a secret from Harry.
Departure was 4am Saturday (11pm Friday Orlando time), the flight was 9 hours long so they would stay up all night Friday and sleep on the plane. Landing will be 8am Orlando time (1pm Manchester time). However since they were sleeping the flight down they were going to be adjusted to Orlando time. It was genius the way the lads had planned it, the return flight was the same, flying during the night so they landed in the morning at Manchester. Louis didn't know how he was expected to keep it a secret. He was terrible with secret keeping.
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abundanceofsoph · 4 years
SkyFire 1: Chapter 14
New York 2014 (part two) 
Word count: 1.3k
>Instagram posts
When Peter first came to the tower, he was nervous and skittish around the Avengers, something that Aurora could both a sympathise and empathise with, having experienced the same emotions herself. She made an effort to chat with Peter whenever he came over and he quickly became more comfortable once he got into the lab with Tony and the pair started working on his new and improved suit, which was leaps and bounds beyond the sweatpants and hoodie he had been wearing on patrols. The two spent many late hours in the lab and after a few nights, Steve and Rori started to join them, setting themselves up on the sofa, Steve with his sketchpad and Rori with her laptop full of college essays. The four of them found comfort in spending time together, even while they were all absorbed in their own activities.
Aurora and Tony were sitting in the living room watching TV on a late April afternoon when JARVIS announced that Mark was on his way up to the penthouse. Rori reached for her phone, finding it between the couch cushions and wincing at the notifications stacking up on her lock screen. “This can’t be good,” she said as her manager emerged from the lift.
“How is it that your phone is permanently attached to your hand, but you never answer my calls?” he asked, walking straight over to them and sitting down on the sofa.
“It was on silent and we’re in the middle of binging Community,” Rori replied somewhat defensively, still scrolling through the notifications. “Do I even want to know what’s happening?”
“You and Harry might want to discuss getting out in front of the dating rumours,” he told her, holding out his phone to show her a tweet thread from one of Harry’s fans.
>Harry_is_Life: Ok I might be stretching here but hear me out. Anyone remember those photos of @Harry_Styles & @AuroraStark from the AMAs afterparty? 1/?
>Harry_is_Life: and then the Starks spent New Years in London and Harry was papped in Wimbledon which is where Rori grew up and between NYE… 2/?
>Harry_is_Life: & the start of tour Harry was seen flying into JFK atleast 4 times + they’ve both been liking each other’s tweets/Instagram posts A LOT… 3/?
>Harry_is_Life: So what if @Harry_Styles & @AuroraStark are secretly dating? #Harrora? I know a lot of people will hate this but I think they’d be cute together 4/4
“I guess this was inevitable,” Rori sighed as she scrolled through the responses with Tony reading over her shoulder. The reaction to the theory was mixed; some fans agreed, others thought there was a collab in the works or that Rori would be supporting the boys on the American leg of their current tour, and still others thought it was laughable and that she was too ugly and talentless to be dating Harry. “What do you suggest?”
“Personally, I’d get out ahead of it with a post on social media, but you should talk to Harry,” Mark said. “Their management have dealt with this countless times and I’m sure they’ve got a system in place and a way they like to handle these things.”
Aurora nodded in agreement. “Did you read all the responses?” she asked him.
“Yeah I did. Some of those girls are absolutely vicious.”
“When you idolise someone like that, no one will ever be good enough for them,” Rori attempted to rationalise the hate already directed towards her. “Especially when you’re in love with him.”
“That doesn’t make what they’re saying ok,” Tony said, already itching to respond to some of the nastier comments but knowing that would make things so much worse.
“You ready to deal with all of that?” Mark asked.
“Probably not,” Rori said. “But he’s worth it. I like who I am with him. I don’t have to worry that he’s only with me because of my name, he’d feel the same way about Aurora Bennett as he does about Aurora Stark.”
“I’m glad you’re happy,” Mark admitted. “You deserve it.”
Tony nodded his agreement, placing his arm around his daughter and pulling her against his side.
“Thanks Mark,” Rori replied. “What about you? When are you gonna find someone?”
“God you sound like my mother,” Mark sighed, causing Rori and Tony to chuckle. “I’ll tell you what I tell her; I’m a 27 year gay man, I’m in no rush to settle down.”
“Just as long as you don’t forget to have a life of your own while your managing mine.”
After Mark left, Aurora headed to her room, already dialling Harry’s number as she swung the door closed behind her and threw herself onto her bed.
“So, I just saw twitter,” she said in lieu of a greeting.
“Yeah Me too,” Harry replied softly.
“What do we do?” she asked.
“I just got off the phone with our management and they think we should wait,” Harry said. “It’s just a twitter theory and it’ll probably blow over.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right,” Rori agreed. “We’ll have to say something before I join you on tour soon.”
“Yeah, I’ve been thinking about that. Maybe when you arrive before the show in London, we can both post a photo of us together and just confirm it on social media?”
“I like that idea,” Rori smiled. “Sounds like a plan.”
“I’m sorry this is all so complicated,” he sighed, and she could imagine the pout on his lips.
“Don’t apologize. I’d be dealing with twitter rumours no matter who the internet thought I was dating,” she promised.
“You know sometimes I’m really glad that you get all of this. I’m not sure how I’d deal with this otherwise.”
“I feel the same Harry, I think I’d always wonder if it was me or my name if I was with someone normal.”
“And worry if I was ruining their lives by pulling them into the spotlight,” Harry added.
“Exactly,” Rori said, letting out a deep sigh. “Good thing neither of us are normal.”
Harry offered a small chuckle in response to her attempt to lighten the mood. “Normal’s overrated,” he said.
They fell silent for a moment, sitting in their shared confessions for a beat before Rori spoke again. “I miss you.”
“I miss you too. Can’t wait for you to be back here. My family is excited to meet you. My mum won’t stop talking about it.”
“I’m excited to meet them too. I hope they like me,” she admitted.
“They’ll love ya,” he promised.
“I love you, Harry,” Rori said instead of replying.
“I love you too,” he said.
Aurora had to silence her social media notifications for the rest of the week as fans kept speculating about whether or not she and Harry were together. While neither Harry nor Aurora replied to the rumours, they eventually died down after Ella posted on Instagram in an attempt to divert the story away from the pair. The photo was of the two girls from when their mothers had taken them to the X Factor finale in 2010. She had mentioned in the caption that Rori’s favourite One Direction member had always been Liam and most of the fans had taken this to mean that Rori wasn’t even that big of a Harry fan so it was more likely that Aurora was going to support the band on tour or was writing for their next album. Only the most determined fans continued to theorise about their relationship, however Harry was the one to get the most out of the post, calling Aurora has soon as he saw it.
“LIAM?” he yelled when she’d answered the phone. “Liam was your favourite? I’m wounded.”
“Stop it Harry,” Rori had laughed, her face bright red in embarrassment. “I was 15!”
“I’m so glad you have better taste now,” he joked.
“I’m your biggest fan now,” she promised.
“I love you.”
“I love you too. See you in 6 weeks,” she said.
“Study hard. Goodluck with your exams.”
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guccifloralsuits · 5 years
You should also explain to anon what larries are and why you need to stay away from them... i feel like it should be part of the crash course for new harries because (speaking from own experience) new fans often easily believe their bullshit and their views of harry and his relationships become warped bc of it
 Prospective New Fan Crash Course: Larry Stylinson
Larry Stylinson is a ship name given to 1D band mates Harry Styles & Louis Tomlinson, after some fans became convinced they were in a forcibly closeted relationship due to Modest Management. The two denied being together and repeatedly asked fans to stop, and invasive fan-shipping is attributed to the decimation of H & L’s friendship. By the end of 1D, they could barely stand next to each other or talk in public without rabid fans (& sometimes tabloids) dissecting every millisecond of their interactions. It was incredibly uncalled for, Invasive, downright creepy, and some people still believe in the conspiracy, today.
A Short Timeline:
One Direction was formed to compete on British X Factor. Harry & Louis were fast friends. They pretty much immediately clicked — and you can see this really clearly when the band started recording video diaries, and in early interviews with 1D.
For the first few years of one direction, it was really clear that they were best friends. They did a lot of interviews together - they even lived together for a short amount of time. A lot of people shipped the Bromance, but increasingly some fans became obsessed with the idea that the two were secretly in a relationship - despite repeated denials, them saying they were uncomfortable with fan behavior, and asking fans to stop, constantly.
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Band members, family, and they themselves often remarked about how uncomfortable they felt with the shippers who wouldn’t let up.
Band members on Larry Shippers:
“It’s like, when you know the ins and outs of what is going on with people and it’s just annoying when it’s so stupid,” the 22-year-old said. “It becomes like a conspiracy or like a cult, the people who watch them and think that every move they make is a gesture toward them being together, and I know it’s just not true and it makes me mad.”  (XXX)
“I get tagged in drawings of Louis and Harry being together. I remember one time I was sitting next to my dad and I see this picture of me on top of Niall [Horan], which was quite intimidating. It’s just really weird to have people drawing these sexually explicit pictures of us in strange situations.”
“There’s no secret relationships going on with any of the band members,“
“It’s not funny, and it still continues to be quite hard for them,” he said. “They won’t naturally go put their arm around each other because they’re conscious of this thing that’s going on, which is not even true. They won’t do that natural behavior.” (FADER)
Tends to be the quitest (aside from Harry but harry never comments on anything, ever). Shaded a bunch of larries a few weeks ago on twitter tho if I recall correctly lol
Larries would (and still try to) micro-analyze every single interaction, no matter how small. And the media would sometimes hop onto the bandwagon, going out of their way to make both H & L uncomfortable questing if Larry is real.
After constantly dealing with this,  a lot of public interaction stopped. But as Larry shippers had less to work with, they became increasingly obsessive about keeping up their fantasy. Some highlights:
Repeatedly dismissing Eleanor Calder, Louis’s long-term girlfriend as a ‘beard’ often going so far as to harass her social media, her family, & rip her apart for every minuscule action or reaction.
Calling Louis’s son not actually his, and believing that management forced Louis to pretend to have a son to save face & keep his relationship with Harry a secret. (Deadass. They think Louis’s son isn’t real & is still being used as a cover).
Don’t get me started on how horrible some of the fan-fiction is, it’s so so invasive.
still think the two are together in a hidden relationship, despite not publicly being in the same location for around 3 years. 
Today some larries still exist, but we don’t welcome them into these parts.
In 2017, Louis straight up said that Larry shippers kinda completely ruined their friendship.
Louis on Larry:
“It kind of happened naturally for me and Harry because a certain amount of the fans drew up this conspiracy,” Louis said about the Larry Stylinson conspiracy theories. “When it first came around I was with Eleanor, and it actually felt a little bit disrespectful to Eleanor, who is my girlfriend now. I’m so protective over things like that, about the people I love.”
“It created this atmosphere between the two of us where everyone was looking into everything we did,” Louis said candidly. “It took away the vibe you get off anyone. It made everything, I think on both fences, a little bit more unapproachable.”
recently & notably, TV series “Euphoria” had a fanon imagined sex scene between the two on the show, which neither band member constented to and Louis made a statement expressing his offense at.  This is just…one example among many for fans and media taking things way too far. I can pull up the reciepts for more but….god it makes me tired & angry. There are so many messed up & invasive questions, fan actions, and media articles. 
Larry changed the way RPF fandom works, being to first shift from “this is a fantasy about two real people I wish were together” and beginning to project a fans own reality onto the two. Effectively, they treat Harry & Louis like dolls in a game which they get to make the rules for. It’s fucked up, and we don’t support them. moral of the story: don’t insert fan made fantasy into the lives of real people. 
this has been a tea-party hosted by yours truly. F Larry shippers, full stop.
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For Further Reading 
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jlf23tumble · 5 years
Four Hangout: Recap
Oh, man, I know I “owe” this one, so I’m doing it, but I hate it for about 15 different reasons, 14 of those being Ben Winston, which means I’m gonna keep this fairly short. The Four Hangout (lmao, I will never stop laughing at the attempts to team up with Google’s shitty tech) predates my entry into this fandom, so I’m not as on top of every little thing that happened around it (and my god, there were some doozies). I’ve found other posts that do a better job of transcribing some key moments), but I’m sure lots of others are out there, and as ever, I recommend taking 35 minutes to stare at this work of art for yourself.
Whenever I’ve seen gifs from this, the read is that at least two people are coming off a coke bender as we all focus on Ben’s rather ham-fisted attempt to get Louis to admit that he hates people thinking he’s gay. But in rewatching it in full now and knowing more about the context around it, the true vibe is exhaustion mixed with some very real anger/mulishness aimed at management in general and Ben in particular. Because the point of the Four Hangout isn’t to promote Four, the album, but to exonerate the D’s management team, blow smoke up Ben’s ass, and “clear the air” about whatever rumors have been going around that the D’s team doesn’t like, all posed as questions theoretically from the fans, yet weirdly management focused.
I’ve found lots of good blog posts that summarize these 35 or so minutes, but here’s an executive summary of my comments coupled with others I’ve found:
Ben Winston is an insufferable dick
The D is so fucking TIRED at this point, everyone’s low energy, but Louis’s voice is the softest, raspiest, most enchanting thing
They regularly creep on social media and are up on pretty much everything fandom related
There are no rumors they need to dismiss except that they’re currently alive, go on, ask them twice!
Liam is great at delivering the corporate spiel
Harry really did get them sneezes out
The Louis/Ben feud is one thing; the Harry/Ben feud is a whole other
Louis reads fanfic (and has some faves!)
Narry are ride or die WMYB, except for when Harry needs to have a go at Ben
Zayn has somehow made himself look even more godlike
Louis has super cute socks
With that in mind, let’s jump into some key moments, but I’m paraphrasing a lot because it’s so hard to hear over all the cross-talk, asides, and inside jokes. More under the cut!
Shout out to Louis's collarbones and quiff combo...his voice is about to give out, but he’s so OPEN and present for this total shitshow, even when he defiantly refuses to take the path he’s being guided down. Also, please @ god let me play some poker while we enjoy a bacon butty over brunch, his face as Niall introduces Ben as a “very, very good friend of ours” (me as both Ziam and Harry):
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One of the most subversive things this band does is effusive praise when they’re pissed off, and never is it clearer than here, when Niall gushes on about all the wonderful work Ben has done for them, and the other boys pick up on it and start whistling and clapping (Louis: “My hero”; Harry: “LOOK AT THOSE TEETH!”) until Ben gets extremely uncomfortable.
We’re off to a good start, with Ben being sure to preface that all of these questions are from the fans, and then Harry asking Ben if he’s wearing makeup (Ben, mildly affronted, “No, I’m not wearing any makeup, but you guys do, you wear a lot of makeup, don't you, Harry” [Harry: “Tons”; Ben: “Well, you need to”]).
The first question is about the difference between this album and their first one, and it’s such a stupid, easy question that I want to answer it for Niall because I can do it in my sleep. Ben then asks Louis if he likes visiting the X Factor, if it reminds him of the old days (you know, four years ago), and AGAIN, this is a dumb-ass question, and Louis’s a pro, so what do you think he’s gonna say? (Of course he likes visiting, it’s lovely to go down and relive it). Is Harry nervous about playing there again tonight? Nope, it’s fun!! He can enjoy it this time around! Simon Cowell doesn’t give him ANY anxiety!!
The next question is about the simplicity of the old days, and my god, does my heart break for Liam saying that they had to work really hard back then, so it’s nice that four years later, they get a few more vacation days. Louis agrees, adding that the first American promo trip was a grind where they did 10 things a day (multiple interviews, signings, radio appearances, rehearsals, and shows)
Ben asks if they ever go back and watch clips of themselves from their early days (this genuinely does seem like a fan ask), and wouldn’t you know, Niall was just chillin’ out last week, rewatching all the video diaries again. Louis admits that his red trousers and braces were loud, but they worked for the time, “Or do you disagree, Ben?” (Ben: “No, I loved it.” Louis: “Thank you.”) And I wish I could travel back in time both so I could kill Hitler AND witness Ben showing up somewhere in a pair of Toms, only to be faced by Louis Tomlinson telling him that he wore that style two years ago, and he wouldn’t anymore, which Ben says cut him down to size (I highly doubt that, but I would have love to see it).
All of this fashion talk is side-winding into a question about who tells them what to wear and whether they have control over their image now. They all note that they wouldn’t have dared to push back in year one, presumably because “experts” were telling them what to do, plus it was all free (which makes all the dragging on their old looks extra fun to watch). Then Ben asks whether they make their own decisions now, and Liam says yeah as Louis smirks, lmaooooo, which morphs into, well, we have much more input than we used to have. I’m here for Harry giving a slow, long-winded answer as a construction project starts up somewhere in the studio, and Louis yells, “Keep it down” into his mic.
Ben, I mean, the fans want to know what piece of advice they’d give the fetus versions of themselves, if they could go back in time, and Louis advises his younger self to have a second glance in the mirror and see if he’s really sure about that particular outfit. (Ben: “Is that…really?” Louis: “No, Ben, I’m just trying to make a joke.”). Liam would fight the haircuts, and Harry would burn the supras (I’m assuming; Louis: “They were outrageous”). Zayn would tell his younger self to have a bit more fun, to try and take it all in and enjoy it more. :(
“The fans” are curious about the negative side of social media, how the D just exploded on YouTube and Twitter after X Factor, and does it ever go too far? Liam channels my inbox and says that people forget there’s a person on the other side of an anon message, that these guys see all the things that are said about them, and they’re self-conscious with cameras and comments, but it’s okay, they put up with it. Louis’s addicted to Twitter, and says that there are negative people there, but you’ll find negative people on every social media platform and in real life, too, it is what it is.
Of course, “the fans” are curious about how all this social media shit affects their girlfriends, and I would kill to hear more about what Narry, the two singles on this couch, keep giggling about in this ridick convo that I’m not even gonna bother to sum up.
Ben’s curious how the fans always manage to leak everything the band does, and yes, Louis, tell us more! How does it make you feel? Liam thinks it’s anticlimactic, Niall’s only beef is when something is leaked a week before it’s out, and everyone else just gets annoyed if it breaks the structure of a rollout, but nobody talks about songs that are leaked that were never meant for official release (cough cough, "Home”), and Harry’s just happy people get a sneak peek and then still buy the album, so all is good. Me as this exchange: Ben, incredulously, “It’s amazing they’re able to constantly do it”; Liam: “Lots of high-tech people out there.”
Probably my favorite part of this is the fanfic discussion, which kicks off with Ben’s “I've noticed, not that I’ve read it, but there's been a lot of fanfiction published about you boys, books published, have you any read it?”
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Zayn avoids it at all costs, but Louis’s aware of a fic writer’s book deal (who????) and says that he’s come across some of it on twitter (!!!). He finds some of it utterly bizarre (looking at you, self-inserts), but he’s read some nice little stories, and he’s seen some that go very deep and very, very weird. Liam acknowledges that it’s a whole different world, that he gets the idea of it, of fans putting themselves in situations with them (and Jesus Christ, it kills me that they’ve had to read self-insert wattpad fics), but some of it blows his mind. Niall doesn’t know where to go looking for it, but don’t worry friend, Ben’s gonna hook you up with his favorites! Harry is noticeably quiet during ALL of this.
With a horrible segue, Ben says, “Speaking of things that are made up, what’s the biggest rumor you’ve heard about yourself, this is a question lots of fans are asking” (SURE THING), and Harry never gets enough credit for his dry delivery, such as the way he says, “We’ve all been dead a couple of times.” But Ben can’t let it go, and that’s when Louis does his whole, “No”….dramatic pause (he might be saying “Go,” but the point is, he lets this bit drop where it lands). Zayn jumps in with the rumor that Niall used to be a jockey, and god bless him, honestly.
Ben realizes he’s not getting anywhere with this, so it’s time to move on to the actual album, why is it called Four, etc. It’s not really all that interesting, tbh, nor is the name they didn’t go with as a band (Liam’s dad’s suggestion, which was USP, if you’re curious). Liam figures USP will flourish one day, and this whole section proves how funny Liam actually is. I’m curious about all the One Direction tribute bands they’re mentioning, and I’m totally down to check one out if they’re ever in my area, just fwiw.
Anyway, moving on! What song are they most proud of? Zayn loves “Where Do Broken Hearts Go,” and Louis is WAY into “Fireproof,” which Liam’s down with, too. The part that’s interesting gets glossed over because Ben’s an idiot, but they talk about how many songs they’ve written that don’t make it to the album, like, Liam has a tattoo that says “somewhere is a place that nobody knows” from a song we’ll never hear called “Man on a Mission,” and how many others are stored in this vault (23 or 24 were in the final running for this album, where are they)? Harry suggests those songs will be on USP’s first album, and I will absolutely buy it. His story about the Norway bus trip makes me want to dig deep (he was on a party bus in Norway and heard one of their songs, sung by them, that had never been released anywhere, and he was the only one who knew it).
Zayn hints a bit at what happens (voting), and Liam hints at all the meetings, but I would love to know so much more about this process, especially since Niall says that lots of people are in these meetings, with lots of opinions (Simon, label, other managers).
Ben says that another recurring question is about what “Stockholm Syndrome” means, and I love the Alex Turner-esque dodge we get on Harry literally describing what Stockholm Syndrome means, without any real insight into what the song’s about. Still, I live in the awkward that happens right after this drops, with Ben still somehow trying to get them to admit they don’t feel trapped, lmao:
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Ben asks about which songs are about specific people, and god, I don’t care because all of this section is lies. Then he tries to get them to talk about songs they don’t like, and they aren’t here for that, like, Liam will say he can’t casually listen to WMYB, but he loves performing it, and the best part of this is Harry saying he’ll crank that song and mouth along, pretending that he’s Niall.
For their favorite songs, Liam goes with “Fireproof,” Louis goes with “Midnight Memories,” Niall goes with “Where Do Broken Hearts Go,” Zayn can’t pick one, and Harry says “Best Song Ever.” Ben likes “Through the Dark” because of course he does, and that’s when the needling from Harry starts about “Gotta Be You,” and I don’t understand, but I live for him on the attack, so geddit, son (also, Niall, with his “your boyfriend’s back, and you’re gonna be in trouble,” etc., YES).
Another question Ben kept getting from fans (got it!) is what would be the one thing they’d change in the past four years, and Louis starts with, “Why would you want to? It’s been great, there’s no point.” Liam agrees, and that’s that. Ben’s next question is what moment they’d relive in the past four years, and Niall says he was really nervous at MSG, although Zayn thinks it was a great gig BECAUSE they were nervous. Nothing’s really happening here, so Ben asks Harry what’s going on with his hair (I guess “the fans” want to know?), and Harry just says it tends to grow, that’s what hair does, and he’s letting it all hang out.
Another “fan” question that makes me laugh from Ben: “Who makes the decisions in One Direction? Is it always your call?” And they all say NO, but Liam jumps in with, “It’s totally us, people ask us now, ultimately we call the shots,” and there’s a LOT of back-chatter here, so draw what you see.
Ben tries to push how much they love the “Night Changes,” video, and AGAIN, Harry gets on his case about “Gotta Be You,” and someone else covers it better than I ever could, but this goading by Harry is wonderful. Ben’s creative process for video concepts is fascinating because he basically admits that it’s easy or it’s really hard (read: he steals it or just throws a shitty idea to a wall to see if it sticks).
Ben asks if they get nervous about people liking the album, and Louis says they care if critics like the album or not, but really, he’s out there on twitter searching different song titles to see the fan reaction. This is also when we learn they aren’t on ye olde social meeds that much anymore, but they all enjoy a good old-fashioned creep session (Zayn especially). Harry’s comment about feeling vulnerable when you release something you’ve been working on for a year feels especially poignant—he gets excited and nervous all at once—and I really don’t get this whole controlled leak promo thing they did for Four, but who am I to question Modest or Syco?? All I want to know is what Niall’s talking about on the side.
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ziamfanfiction · 6 years
this week’s ziam ao3 feed
hey guys, this week we had some great works, remember to leave kudos and a comment to make a writers day!
fics posted/updated from April 23rd to the 30th 
A Growing Dysfunctional Family by the_less_i_know (wip)
I don't really know how to summarize this... but at its most basic the story is set in a world where humans and supernatural beings exist, except that humans of course are unaware of the supernatural world. It's a messy story where Liam and Zayn fall in love, but it's not solely focused on their relationship. This means that if you're just expecting to read about ziam only, then this story probably isn't for you. This story is not just about romantic love, but about friendship and family love too. It starts out with Normani, Zayn, and Louis, who kind of set the tone of the story and it all develops from there. Dinah is 27, Louis is 26, Zayn is 25, and Normani is 20. Liam and Niall are 23. Ally, Harry, and Lauren don't have any concrete ages so yeah.
Shawcross Park by Niler (wip)
Liam isn't a singer, a dancer or even a builder.
Zayn is one of the above.
Deep Enough to Drown by LetTheMusicMoveYou (wip)
Liam can’t help but wonder if this is a beginning or an end? Technically it’s the end of Double L Technologies and Malik Industries being on opposing sides of this game, whatever the hell it is. But he’s still not really sure how that leaves him and Zayn specifically. Are they beginning or ending? Did they ever stop?
(Or the one where Liam and Zayn are still former friends turned lovers turned enemies with rival technology companies. Except now they find themselves on the same side fighting a common enemy, but things are still complicated).
Title from Feel It by Jacquees ft. Lloyd & Rich Homie Quan
Part 2 of Stretching You Out Like You Are Elastic
What About Us? by iwasnthere (wip)
Liam shakes his head. “I was getting on fine without you!”
“And you think I was wallowing in misery without you? I didn’t even think about you anymore!” Zayn steps into Liam’s space. “Two years without you, I turned out fine.”
“Yeah?” Liam challenges. “Then why are you here?”
Zayn stares at him. “I’m asking myself the same thing. I’m sure you are too.”
Diet Soda Society by SpookyFaces (wip)
Zayn is a villain with daddy issues. Liam is a superhero with a fragile heart.
The thing is - they are roommates. Liam would never think Zayn is his enemy, and Zayn wouldn't even guess anything about Liam being a hero at nights. They keep making excuses to each other about why they are out all the time when something happens and lying about why their bodies are covered in scratches in bruises.
Oh, and they are in love. But this is just another secret they try to hide from each other.
sHe [Ziam] by happydaysbus1 (wip)
no summary
Demons by PubuMalik_love_ZaynMalik_FOREVER (wip)
“I’m not available.” Zayn blurted out. “You’re married?” “No.” “Engaged?” “No.” “Living with someone?” Zayn shook head. Liam was quite for a seconds, staring at Zayn as if Zayn was a puzzle that he wanted to solve. “I’ll see you later,” he said eventually. “And in the meantime… I’m going to figure out how to get a ‘yes’ out of you.” Or Zayn is a wedding planner who's coordinating his first biggest wedding with his sister Sophia as he happened to meet handsome rich Liam payne on the wedding day.
The Truth Will Set You Free by ziamruinedmylife
Zayn wakes up the next day to the news that Liam has taken on the case of the kid, to oppose Zayn and prove that he isn’t a killer.
To say he’s pissed beyond belief goes without saying, but somehow he thinks that he should’ve seen this coming.
A Lawyer AU in which I accidentally made Ziam detectives as well and they solve crimes and figure out their feelings.
Two Point 0 by watyonameisgurl (wip)
“Because healing is messy and ugly and slow and doesn’t just happen in a progressive line. Sometimes...sometimes it’s gonna feel like you’re going backwards or sideways or every direction but forward, and you might not ever feel the same as you were, you might always be different from the person you used to be, but sometimes that’s okay...”
Zayn looks out at the sea of faces staring back at him, fights down the anxiety still threatening to overwhelm him even though he’s almost through now. He’d known this wouldn’t be easy, but there’s so many of them, looking to him. And seeing all of them here, now, in front him—even if it still isn’t all of them—is a bit overwhelming. As he looks around though he catches sight of Liam in the sea of faces, smiling proudly, and that’s all it takes. He can already feel himself relaxing, powering through the last of what he wants and needs to say. Counting down the moments until he’s back by Liam’s side again, safe and sound and that’s what gets him through.
[Or: Zayn keeps healing, Liam does too. But it’s not easy when there are so many forces still so determined not to let them. And fighting them alone is one thing. But the problem is it’s not just Zayn's fight anymore.]
Part 2 of Twelve Verse
Attention Please by LonelyAquarian (wip)
Zayn replaces Liam as the center of attention.
The King Of Queens by LHSHIP (wip)
Zayn was just like every other fangirl, except he was a boy. To be exact, the only boy in a girls’ only world, the Liam Payne fandom. His internet friends - all girls of course - thought he should be referred to as "The King Of Queens" apparently being the only boy who openly drooled over singer Liam Payne. And he liked it, not only because it was his dad’s favorite TV show but also because he'd always called all of his girls “queens” to make them feel special.
So yes, he was one of those totally obsessed fans who basically spent all of their time on Twitter because of a super famous and successful celebrity who didn’t even know about their existence. And sometimes Zayn had to deal with his real life and real problems such as the upcoming class reunion and a missing date.
And maybe he was a just a tiny little bit of in love with Liam Payne...
these battle scars don't look like they're fading by angelica_barnes
zayn and liam are in love and so are louis and harry but there's so much sadness and hands touching them and when they go to bed at night they never want to wake up again but zayn makes them and they survive but it's not living.
it's okay not to be okay by angelica_barnes
zayn's mom tells him things and he doesn't know why and she's so mean to him but then again he's never had any friends before so how could he know the meaning between mean and normal well he doesn't and so he listens.
until liam and louis and harry and niall come along and liam is so kind and they fall so in love and everything turns out okay even though zayn still isn't.
without a care, i was out of touch (you stress me out, you kill me) by angelica_barnes
esme listens to her best friend faith spill all these rumors and is shocked to watch them all turn out to be true.
zayn and liam fall in love and then over again and she watches while she falls in love herself.
Encouraging Murder by DexterMcShipper (wip)
Liam is a pretty fantastic attorney, maybe impossible to work with, a workaholic, maybe borderline depressed and lonely, but brilliant nevertheless. When a fresh-out-of-law-school attorney comes in and proves that maybe Liam isn't impossible to work with? Maybe falling in love along the way? Who knows?
All the different kinds of flowers by Androgyne, ZoeRavenclaw28 (wip)
When Liam, the future Tsars right-hand man, meets Zayn, the son of an Emir, his world turns upside-down.
A story about late-night chess games, scents, herbs, and so so many flowers.
Part 2 of All The Different Kinds Of Flowers
i'll be the one if you want me to by angelica_barnes (MCD)
ring around the rosy a pocket full of posies ashes, ashes
we all fall
you weren't there when i was scared by angelica_barnes
years after their careers come to a close, one direction and their family give some revealing interviews.
let's just say modest is going down the drain after this.
I’m looking down on you smiling, and I didn’t feel a thing so, baby, don’t feel no pain, just smile back by angelica_barnes
Zayn is never home, really. And his daughter misses him, his family misses him. His husband misses him.
And Zayn's still completely in love with his husband, even if they don't get to see much of each other anymore.
But is Liam still in love with him?
In The Locker Room by LiftMeUpLarry
Zayn Malik as the water boy on the football team.
Liam Payne captain of the football team.
Liam is horny.
Zayn is ready to leave and lock up the locker room but not until everyone leaves.
Baby You Can Drive My Car (Probably) by louandhazza12 (wip)
Fuck it, he thought. He opened Facebook and made a terrible late-night decision. Hitting ‘post’, he wasn’t even filled with regret - that would come in the morning.
"Wanted: a companion for a road trip to Edinburgh. Lively conversation is neither required nor encouraged. Will be stopping semi-frequently for snack breaks. Companion will have control of the music for 50% of the journey, also required to drive for 50%. Please express interest via private message."
Zayn asks Facebook for a road trip buddy and Liam comes a-knocking.
tonight, you go by angelica_barnes
zayn and liam fall in love. and they're perfect for each other, and they're happy, but all couples fight.
and not all couples give up, but they do.
Part 1 of has it ever been just you and me?
cause we both know how this ends by angelica_barnes
zayn and liam say they're done with each other. they find nice girls, who are kind and sweet and beautiful, but they aren't who the boys need them to be.
but if these two boys were anything, it's stubborn.
Part 2 of has it ever been just you and me?
-less by angelica_barnes
zayn doesn't know how to think. all he knows is he loves liam and he wants to die.
he doesn't know what he's supposed to choose.
maybe he shouldn't.
Beyond Words by StoryAnonGuy33 (wip)
"Some things are beyond words" Liam added lightly, Zayn laying back down on Liam's chest. "They are, aren't they?" He commented back, Liam smiling and kissing the top of his head. "You bet babe"
Or when Liam and Zayn attend the same college and with budding and cemented feelings between the two, will things turn out the way they want?
Paradise Island : Creation by Steel_Magnolia14
Liam and Zayn are vampires that decide that have always wanted adult babies. Now after thousands of years of existing and accumulating wealth they purchase the top notch technology and the perfect Island big enough to start their community so that other vampires, witches, werewolves and other supernatural creatures can enjoy the same thing. At the same time they find three perfect humans boys that they wish to turn into their babies.
Part 1 of Paradise Island Series
Within You Without You by PersephoneJones (wip)
Liam started to swipe up to unlock his phone, and then paused, thumb hovering over the screen. He’d been angry at Zayn for a very long time. Probably still was, to be honest. It wasn’t even about him leaving the band. It was that Zayn hadn’t just walked away from his job. He’d walked away from their friendship. Five years of togetherness and camaraderie, and what Liam (and just about everyone else) had thought was a special bond.
Or, the one where Zayn dipped out, sank the Ziam ship, and didn't even bother to call. Can Liam forgive him? Does he want to? And just why have the two of them always been so cuddly with each other, anyway?
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apptg554 · 3 years
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ourheroictommo · 7 years
THERE'S nothing wrong with letting your imagination run wild when it comes to celeb crushes - we've all been there.
There's the big house in Beverley Hills that you share with Zayn Malik and 25 puppies, a Seychelles wedding with Liam Payne... but is dating a 1D boy actually all it's cracked up to be?
Last week, it was revealed that heartthrob Harry Styles has found love in food blogger, Tess Ward.
And, it seems, it hasn't been an easy ride for her.
Since the relationship was unveiled, the blogger has received a marked increase in negative reviews for her book on Amazon.
One comment stated: "Don't bother wasting your money! The recipes were bland and unhelpful. Another gimmick diet that doesn't work. End it. Fullstop."
While others took a much more direct approach: "This book is horrible."
And it seems the trolling has taken a toll on Tess as she took to Instagram this weekend to say: "I am thankful but please be kind to me. All I want is to share beautiful food with you all."
And she's not the only lady linked to a One Direction star to suffer some seriously unpleasant side effects.
From trolls to physical attacks, perhaps we're better off without our flawed fantasies after all...
Briana Jungwirth
In 2015, the LA stylist hit headlines as the news broke that she was pregnant with Louis Tomlinson's child.
Briana got pregnant after a very brief stint of dating the 1D singer which, apparently, was enough to get Louis fans raging.
She was forced to weather 'sickening' abuse and bizarre conspiracy theories that her pregnancy was 'faked', even after the first One Direction baby, Freddie, was born in January 2016.
Sadly, it doesn't look like she's going to be rid of the trolls any time soon either.
Louis fans recently slammed her for a picture she shared of her on a night out.
One comment read: "For having "rendezvous" you end up pregnate of someone who doesnt even want to see u [sic]." and another: "Lol ok drink while you leave your son alone at home."
Caroline Flack
We should have known dating Harry was a doomed mission as soon as we caught wind of the ruckus Ms. Flack caused.
In 2011, a 17-year-old Harry Styles started seeing the then 32-year-old TV presenter, Caroline Flack.
Surprise, surprise, Caroline soon started receiving hurls of online abuse via Twitter from Harry's fans.
In a 2012 interview with the star, she told Fabulous: "The best one I got said: 'F*** you, I can't believe you're going out with my boyfriend, I hope you get eaten by an angry elephant.' An angry elephant? You've just got to think these people are in front of their computers and probably don't even see it half the time. I just don't think anyone deserves to be bullied. That's just not on... It hasn't been easy. I'd try not to take it too seriously, because I think that's the way you've got to try to deal with it. But some of it was quite hurtful. It really was."
Danielle Peazer
Liam met the The X Factor dancer, Danielle Peazer, when they were both on the show in 2012 and were considered a 'thing' for two years.
The on-off nature of their relationship made her bait for online trolls, though.
A common theme of the Twitter abuse was that her success as a dancer depended totally on her relationship with the 1D singer.
Forever holding her own, in 2012, Danielle tweeted: "You don't have to like me or think I'm pretty, but at least give me credit for my own career. I've been doing this job for the past 5 years and for u to think I've only got somewhere because of Liam is disrespectful and plain f***ing stupid. [sic]"
Now with a hefty 1.2m followers on Instagram, she certainly seems to have set the record straight.
Celine Helene Vandycke
Last summer, Danish student Celine Helene Vandycke, sparked a 1D Twitter frenzy as photos emerged of her hanging out with Irish heart-throb Niall Horan at London's British Summer Time Festival.
However, things became a little confused as the relationship appeared to fizzle out almost instantly with no more pictures or stories surfacing.
Just a few weeks later, an image was posted on a now suspended account that showed Celine and a brown-haired boy she referred to as 'her boyfriend' that was definitely not the blonde 1D signer.
OK reported that one fan went as far to comment: "Celine don't you ever cheat or hurt Niall or else I'll hunt you and kill you - make him smile and laugh. Mark this tweet Celine."
Even with fleeting flings, it seems no one can come out of the Directioner fan base intact...
Eleanor Calder
Before Briana, there was Eleanor. After Briana, there was Eleanor, again.
After four years together, the couple split in 2015 as a result of hectic schedules but, earlier this year, it became clear they were very much back on.
But just a couple of weeks after the news of the rekindled relationship broke, the couple were in the media spotlight for totally different reasons.
In March of this year, Louis was arrested at LAX airport while they were travelling together.
It was reported that as a photographer became more and more insistent on filming the pair, Louis attacked him.
Reports claim that it was to defend Eleanor as he worried for her safety in the situation. Thankfully, no criminal charges were brought against him.
Online trolling is one thing but getting caught up in a full-blown public scrap... we'll opt out thanks.
Yes, you read that right. Not even our beloved Cheryl is exempt from the One Direction girlfriend curse.
In February 2016, it was revealed that the pair had been secretly dating and fans were NOT happy.
On Instagram, Cheryl was hit with abuse on innocent selfies with one commenter saying: "I can't believe you are dating a child" and another: "If you hurt my baby liam, ill break your face [sic]."
Soon after the abuse, Cheryl changed her Instagram bio to read: "All love... Good vibes only"
You go girl!
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bakagamieru · 7 years
Rolling Stone Breakdown
I read part of the article earlier today before work and I could already tell BS was simmering even before I got home and found out about all the over the top het stuff.  Knowing this ahead of time, I’m going to go ahead and take notes / rant back at the article as I read it.
BS 101: Intro to BS
paragraph 1: wow this person really wanted to be a bad fanfic writer, but they got stuck at Rolling Stone instead
I’m being petty with this, but just use “One Direction” fully if you’re going to go to the trouble of typing out “One D” instead of “1D”
“he became a canvas onto which many of fans pitched their hopes and dreams” because all fans of boybands (i.e. girls) dream about is romance and that’s the only reason they’re fans, ALSO media like Rolling Stone had nothing to do with Harry being a blank canvas for people to project their image of him onto (*sarcasm)
every mention of After, even a vague one, is -5000 points, every time it’s mentioned normally and not as the dangerous misrepresentation of abuse it is, is -5,000,000 points, every time someone crosses the line by a light-year and talks about it directly to Harry is -5,000,000,000 points, I don’t make the rules, I just enforce them
“a song cycle about women and relationships”, *cough*womanizer BS*cough, ALSO the first single Sign of the Times is clear social commentary with no real (read: not forced to fit that interpretation) hint of romance in sight, so...?
“more of a rock sound”, still pretending that 1D’s last 3 albums never existed
Harry wants his music to be “honest”, now where have we heard that before?  Niall, Louis, Zayn with Liam probably soon to follow.  It’s almost like they’ve been held forcibly quiet under a gag order...
I’m trying to figure out how I’m supposed to take the comment that Harry “runs every yellow light” and apply it to his persona, I’m stumped (also, you can’t run a yellow btw)
“the album no one has heard is burning a hole in his iPhone”, chill the fuck out with the italics, I know everyone else has talked about that, but you haven’t even mentioned the secrecy around his album in your article so you have no reason to randomly italicize things
“there was another One D member to vector questions into a charmingly evasive display of band camaraderie”, fuck you and your ever so sly implications that the boys’ closeness was manufactured and that the boys never answering anything interesting had to do with the band rather than interviewers incessantly asking the same vapid questions
“It was in a London studio in late 2014 that Styles first brought up the idea of One Direction taking a break”, as @paynoisbatman already pointed out, this timeline of the hiatus makes no sense with the timing of Zayn “quitting”, also it’s inconsistent with the way the boys denied the first round of hiatus articles in June 2015
just to be clear, they probably DID know about the hiatus ahead of time and they WERE lying when they denied the upcoming hiatus in June, and that also means that there’s no reason Zayn should have jumped the gun so close to the finish line (yay mixed metaphors!), I’m just pointing out the story is inconsistent, so all of these things can’t be true
“If you’re shortsighted, you can think, 'Let’s just keep touring,’ but we all thought too much of the group than to let that happen. You realize you’re exhausted and you don’t want to drain people’s belief in you.” <- This is pure 100% lovely, insightful, well spoken Harry
I’d also like to point out that them first discussing it in 2014 means that Harry’s comment about “we all thought too much of the group” applies to all 5
“I love the band, and would never rule out anything in the future. The band changed my life, gave me everything.” I’d like to point out that they always phrase these quotes to sound like past tense, like the band is broken up as of now, when in reality he’s saying that not only will they come back after the hiatus but that he’s in this band for life
“and not just have it be ‘Here’s a demo I wrote.’”  you have that chance Harry!  Release the finished version of Don’t Let Me Go Harry!
“Every decision I’ve made since I was 16 was made in a democracy.” I feel like someone misspelled “was a rebellion under Simon Cowell and Co’s dictatorship”
Pretentious Character Work or Work on Building Pretentious Character? Ah, got it: Pretentious Work on Building Pretentious Character
“As one of the most well-known 23-year-olds in the world, Styles himself is still largely unknown” not if you’ve actually paid attention over the last 6 years?  I mean yes, always to some extent, but it’s not like this insightful, loving dork is a dark mystery
“He looks at my digital recorder like a barely invited guest.” learn to choose useful metaphors and stop being pretentious
dude, I know you did this on purpose, but you said that “Behind the effervescent stage persona, there is more lore than fact. He likes it that way.” and then put the quote about Prince’s artist draw being his mystery right after, making it seem like he that was his reason for wanting to be mysterious, then you quoted “It’s not about trying to make my career longer, like I’m trying to be this 'mysterious character,’ because I’m not.” which directly contradicts the connection you drew with your words, AKA you knew it was BS and made it seem connected anyway
“The pool cleaner looks perplexed, not quite sharing Styles’ existential joy.” there’s nothing existential about it, it’s just a smile, he’s just being nice to people he passes like a good human being, I’m sorry if you don’t know what that looks like
“It’s obvious that the band has a well-worn frat-house dynamic”, do you actually know what you’re talking about or are you going off of stereotypes? if you’re calling it a “frat” and were in a fraternity, your frat was probably stereotypical anyway
“Styles is, to all, ‘H.’” It’s a fricking nickname that his fricking boybandmates also use, not a commentary on his position as the benign and worshipped leader of the Jamaican band cult frat you apparently think formed
“Pomegranate-scented candles flicker around the room.” this I definitely believe, but did you recognize the pomegranate smell right away or specifically look at a candle to find out what it was?
“It was Styles’ first full immersion into the land of musos” I need that staring into the camera Office gif
Music Ideology
“Most of the stuff that hurts me about what’s going on at the moment is not politics, it’s fundamentals,” Styles says. “Equal rights. For everyone, all races, sexes, everything. …” this is a very interesting thing to randomly bring into a conversation without asking, unlike the rest of the article, this bit aligns with Harry’s rainbows in the pics, at SNL, and out and about with fans
“The song is written from a point of view as if a mother was giving birth to a child and there’s a complication.” No, uh-uh, I like the idea personally , but Harry has said ever since MITAM and maybe before that he likes people to be able to have their own interpretation, he said it in interviews about SOTT recently too, I’m not at all convinced Harry wanted to actually share the official story of what the song means, it flies in the face of his philosophy about song interpretation
“The lyrics are full of details and references – secrets whispered between friends, doomed declarations of love, empty swimming pools – sure to set fans scrambling for the facts behind the mystery.” the fact that you put this right after Ever Since New York is laughable, that is a solid contender for the vaguest lyrics that couldn’t possibly be accurately paired up with details of Harry’s life, but you want people to think it’s about Haylor, don’t you
“I’m happy I found this band and these musicians, where you can be vulnerable enough to put yourself out there.” this one is hard because I can see Harry being grateful for a good group of people to write with, but I also don’t believe the implications that he’s never been vulnerable in his writing before or that he couldn’t be vulnerable with his boyband, both are BS, I’m going to say it’s probably a real quote but with suggestive framing
“The album is a distinct departure from the dance pop that permeates the airwaves.” can people please stop pretending that music hasn’t sounded vaguely 70′s and 80′s-ish for the last 4-5 years?
“It’s different from what you’d expect,” Bhasker says. “It made me realize the Harry [in One D] was kind of the digitized Harry. Almost like a character. I don’t think people know a lot of the sides of him that are on this album.” such. utter. BS.  Fans know Harry.  the general public only doesn’t know him because MEDIA LIKE ROLLING STONE created that “digitized Harry” that’s “like a character”
“Asked if he spends pressure-filled evenings worried about proving credibility to an older crowd, Styles grows animated.” of course he does, sweet child of man that he is, he jumps at the chance to educate heathens like you about the wonderful world of being a decent human being rather than a sexist prick
1D and Zayn
“He’s not a heavy drinker, he says, maybe some tequila on ice or wine with friends after a show, but by the band’s last tour there wasn’t much time even for that.” Oh, ok, we’re still pretending that TMH wasn’t the craziest scheduled tour
“Styles and his phone have a bittersweet, mature relationship – they spend a lot of time apart. He doesn’t Google himself, and checks Twitter infrequently.” ah, but you forgot his lurking on Tumblr
“I mention a few of the verbal Molotov cocktails Zayn Malik has tossed at the band in recent interviews.” print interviews, all print interviews, because you put words in his mouth just like you're doing with Harry
“threading the needle of diplomacy” yeahhhh.... this is all BS, it’s made to sound neutral to make it seem like Harry is only being polite, whether Harry said these words or not, they’re not HIS words
More Pretentiousness
“Styles, born two months before Cobain exited Earth, doesn’t feel tied to any particular genre or era” funny since his 70′s image is being amped up to 11 for his solo debut
“In the car, he’ll just as easily crank up the country music of Keith Whitley as the esoteric blues-and-soul of Shuggie Otis” and now I know where the country bits of MITAM came from, I was wondering
“It’s like – that’s not how it works. I don’t even remember what the question was.” having “It’s quite small” flashbacks
“ ‘Could I get a selfie?’ Styles obliges, and leans over the counter. Click. We exit into the Laurel Canyon evening.” I’m sorry, I can’t stop laughing, but was the onomatopoeia really that necessary?
“River Phoenix,” the man announces, a little sadly. “You ever heard of him? If he hadn’t have passed, I would have said that was you. Talented guy.”  sadness, River Phoenix really was such a talented young man, a very worthwhile person based on the roots of his problems too
The Obligatory Origin Story
They share a silent moment, before Styles walks to his car. He hands me the bag filled with English snacks. “This is for you,” he says. “This was my youth …” “Harry Edward Styles was born in Worcestershire, England” great transition dude, I’m sure that was completely organic
“But in fact, all was not perfection, scored to a cool, retro soundtrack.” but I thought it was!
“His eyes moisten a little, but unlike the young man who wept over an early bout with Internet criticism, a powerful moment in the early One Direction documentary A Year in the Making, Styles tonight knocks back the sentiment.” “look, he’s repressing his emotions, this is progress!”  I wouldn’t make fun of this if he had phrased it as Harry being stronger or no longer caring about what other people think, but saying he “knock[ed] back the sentiment”?
“I’d gone because my mum told me I was good from singing in the car …  but your mum tells you things to make you feel good, so you take it with a pinch of salt.” um... first of all, X-Factor flashbacks, second of all, Harry said that he’d always wanted to audition but had always been too young, so...
“and united the members of One D in a musical shotgun marriage” I’m keeping this imagery, it’s mine, no one can take it away from me now, no takebacksies
Ben Winston Earns His Tag On My Blog
“ ‘Family,’ answers Ben Winston.” who is not Harry’s family
look, I actually think Harry and Niall and maybe the others actually have a friendship with Ben, I can’t understand why, though, when he always participates in BS like this, I will never forgive him for the Livestream of Doom/FOUR Hangout
“There is more chance of me going to Mars next week than there is of Harry having some sort of addiction.” Why are we so focused on Harry not being a drug addict?  He’s not, there aren’t even rumors he is, ok, don’t need to talk about it, moving on.
Styles had just moved out of his family home in Cheshire, an inconvenient three hours north of London. He found a home he liked near the Winstons in Hampstead Heath. wtf? revisionist history much?  forgetting all 5 boys lived in the same complex right after moving to London much?
“ He became a friendly mentor to Styles, though the friendship was soon tested... Styles asked if he could briefly move in with Winston and his wife, Meredith. She agreed,” Winston says, “but only for two weeks.”... For the next 20 months, one of the most desired stars on the planet slept on a small mattress in an attic.” this is not Harry, Harry would not move in for 20 months after asking for 2 weeks, if he did he would make sure it was ok, if he made sure it was ok, you shouldn’t be talking about it and essentially badmouthing him to the press
also, can we talk about “one of the world’s most desired stars” because as we’ve all talked about before, Harry was 17/18 and being hypersexualized in the press and this is not ok
Winston continues the tales from the attic. “So we had this joke. Meri and I would like to see the girls that you would come back with to the house. That was always what we enjoyed, because we’d be in bed like an old couple. We’d have our spot cream on our faces and we’d be in our pajamas and the door would go off. The stairwell was right outside our door, so we’d wait to see if Harry was coming home alone or with people... He wasn’t always alone,” corrects Winston, “but it was exciting seeing the array of A-listers that would come up and sleep in the attic. het BS *yawn* *snore*
The subject today is relationships. While Styles says he still feels like a newcomer to all that, a handful of love affairs have deeply affected him. The images and stolen moments tumble extravagantly through the new songs: And promises are broken like a stitch is … I got splinters in my knuckles crawling 'cross the floor/Couldn’t take you home to mother in a skirt that short/But I think that’s what I like about it … I see you gave him my old T-shirt, more of what was once mine … That black notebook, you sense, is filled with this stuff. het BS *yawn* *snore*, I’m really going to need to hear these songs for myself, they better not have fucked with his material, the consolation about Zayn’s album was that at least the music and lyrics were unquestionably his
More Specific Het!Harry BS
The relationship is a subject he’s famously avoided discussing. “I gotta pee first. This might be a long one,” he says. He rises to head to the bathroom, then adds, “Actually, you can say, 'He went for a pee and never came back.' ”  you think he was being funny, but he really really wasn’t, are you sure he came back?  I don’t think he did, I think everything after the bathroom was utter BS
“When I see photos from that day,” he says, “I think: Relationships are hard, at any age. And adding in that you don’t really understand exactly how it works when you’re 18, trying to navigate all that stuff didn’t make it easier. I mean, you’re a little bit awkward to begin with. You’re on a date with someone you really like. It should be that simple, right? It was a learning experience for sure. But at the heart of it – I just wanted it to be a normal date.” ok, maybe not such BS since he’s as vague and general as you can get in the vast majority of this quote, so he’s saying that when he looks at pictures of himself with Taylor, he thinks how he wanted it to be a normal date with Louis, got it 
yada yada yada, Harry being way nicer than he should have to be about his name being used by someone who abused his reputation for her own gain, par for the course
I like tipping a hat to the time together. You’re celebrating the fact it was powerful and made you feel something, rather than 'this didn’t work out, and that’s bad.’ huh, this seems like subtle shade to me since one of my biggest complaints is how nearly all her songs are negative, put the blame on the guy, and don’t have her taking any responsibility (even if they are fake relationships)
He notes a more recent relationship, possibly over now, but significant for the past few years. (Styles has often been spotted with Kendall Jenner, but he won’t confirm that’s who he’s talking about.) it was made abundantly clear that even if you believe the narrative, Harry and Kendall are not currently together, yeesh!
“She’s a huge part of the album,” says Styles. “Sometimes you want to tip the hat, and sometimes you just want to give them the whole cap …  and hope they know it’s just for them.” mm, nope, still BS, alternatively a quote taken out of context and not about Kendall or even romance at all
Actual Solo Stuff
“Some of the stuff they’re doing in this movie is insane. And it was hard, man, physically really tough, but I love acting. I love playing someone else. I’d sleep really well at night, then get up and continue drowning.” ok, that was clever, good on you Harry
It was the perfect rite of passage for a musician looking to explode the past and launch a future. I thought we agreed that Harry has no issue with his past in a boyband?  can you please remember what you already wrote in your own article
He didn’t feel stifled in One D, he says, as much as interrupted. you bet your ass he did, him and Zayn and Niall, interrupting clueless and/or asshole interviewers all day long (I’m sure Louis and Liam have/will do too, just haven’t had the chance yet)
There are songs from that period he loves, he says, like “Olivia” and “Stockholm Syndrome,” along with the earlier song “Happily.” #confirmed
“But I think it was tough to really delve in and find out who you are as a writer when you’re just kind of dipping your toe each time. We didn’t get the six months to see what kind of shit you can work with. To have time to live with a song, see what you love as a fan, chip at it, hone it and go for that” funny that, sounds like someone forced them into a breakneck schedule and then later made big noises about how their hiatus was because they were so overworked and acted like he had nothing to do with that
To wind down in Jamaica, Styles and Rowland, the guitarist, began a daily Netflix obsession with sugary romantic comedies. Houseworkers would sometimes leave at night and return the next morning to see Styles blearily removing himself from a long string of rom-coms. He declares himself an expert on Nicholas Sparks, whom he now calls “Nicky Spee.” sounds about right for the guy whose favorite movie is Love Actually
Like the time Styles ended up drunk and wet from the ocean, toasting everybody, wearing a dress he’d traded with someone’s girlfriend. yep, sounds about right
oops, fanfic writer made a full return for this paragraph all in present tense, written by someone else as if Harry’s a fictional character
“I think, as a parent, especially with the band stuff, it was such a roller coaster,” he says. “I feel like they were always thinking, 'OK, this ride could stop at any point and we’re going to have to be there when it does.’ this is the second time he’s brought up roller coasters in his solo interviews, it’s a good description for the thing he’s talking about, but I can’t help but think of Zayn’s old Twitter bio and Anne tweeting that bio not long after March 25th
He grabs his black notebook and turns back for a moment before disappearing down the hallway, into the future. I need the Office gif again
“How am I going to be mysterious,” he asks, only half-joking, “when I’ve been this honest with you?” *sarcasm
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