#but also do not want to remake them so here y'all go
julesnichols · 10 months
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Melanie Cavill & Bernard Holland Parallels
Snowpiercer (2020) & Silo
This one goes out to @onetrainscifi and @olivish specifically
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muffinrecord · 5 days
Current Plans + Musings
I don't plan on playing Exedra to the degree I did for Magia Record, or playing it at all. Because of that, I won't be taking an active role in the community and archiving anything for it. Of course, if Exedra has like amazing gameplay and stories then this is all subject to change, but for now I think I'm done with phone games.
The two youtube channels will stay up and I'll check em periodically to make sure there aren't copyright strikes against the content. I've saved all my raw files, especially for the battle animations, so I can remake them in the future if the music ever becomes a problem for some reason.
Google Drive will stay up until Google rots away. I haven't recorded footage in a long time (as in stories, I do for the character doppels and such), but I'll upload things if they're sent to me.
Magia Union Translations still plans on translating things and making videos, especially leading up to the end, but also for after the game is over for whatever wasn't made in time. I'm not sure what form this will take in the future-- if it'll be manual captions added to the videos or not, but I know it WILL happen.
As for this blog, I'm not going to delete it or anything. However I'm going to be taking a step back. I'd like to say that I'll do liveblogs but I mean... *gestures at blog* I've been saying that for years and the only one I really did successfully was the Oriko one lmao. Ahhh oh well.
I'll have more words later, but it was really fun to be part of a fandom experience like this. I'm excited to work on my own original story projects though and quiet down a bit.
When I started this blog, I never expected it to have people actually read it. Or look at it. I just wanted a place to gush about how much fun I was having. I didn't even want to tag the posts with "Magia Record" at first because I was terrified people would be mean at me, haha.
But I'm glad I did. I made so many good friends through this game. I'm glad it existed. And it made me happy to have a place where people cared about what I had to say. Some folks actually got their news from here, can you imagine that? They had notifications turned on for this blog. My god.
Anyways, I'm going to be here for the next two months, and tomorrow I'll start reblogging fan projects and initiatives, plus general news. Maybe this blog will turn into a dumping site for art and fanfic reblogs, who knows. I might watch the remaining stuff and add various thoughts here and there.
Otherwise, you can find me on my main blog @malignmuffin, which only reblogs stuff (I don't talk much if at all there). I have another tumblr blog for my comic, but I think I'll reshare the name once I actually have content you can look at on it. It's pretty bare bones for the moment.
Actually it'll be funny if the end of this game is what makes me finally work on it again. I was in the process of working on it when NA came out, and it totally derailed me. Stopped writing, drawing, just focused on this silly little phone game. Now it's like those five years have gone by and I'm going back to where I started, except I think my lil comic is going to be a bit better than it was before. If I actually make it, that is.
If I ever do actually make my comic and start posting it, I'll be sure to update y'all here. hah
Anyways, thanks for being on this wild ride with me. The memories have been great, and I'm glad I had this experience, even if it had to end.
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theconstantsidekick · 10 months
i'm here as a hater.
i watched red white and royal blue and i'm here to be a hater.
i was having such a great time on tumblr, looking over people's posts and then i went to letterboxd to leave a review and my fucking god. why are there so many people bashing this film for being a bad adaptation. worse yet, why are they queer?
i understand, trust me, i completely understand loving a piece of media and waiting impatiently with bated breath to watch the adaptation of it into another recognisable medium. i'm a mortal instruments girlie, i'm a last of us girlie, i'm a fault in our stars girlie, i'm a watchmen girlie. i get it. i do. sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit.
but bruv, i am also a person who works in the film industry and you have no fucking clue the amount of effort it takes to make a film let alone a film that's an adaptation of a pre-existing, utterly loved piece of fiction that is revered by so many. and this movie goes one step further. this is a cheesy, cutesy rom-com about a queer couple. how many of those do we even have? no. really. how many hopeful, easy-going, cheesy queer rom-coms have you watched? can you count them on one hand? do you need a google search to remind yourself of them?
this film is a rare commodity and fine, maybe that's not a good enough reason for you to be 'lenient' to it... but it kinda is. no adaptation will be perfect, not really, not for everyone. every piece of media has it's flaws but adaptations most of all. but this film does something that you cannot dismiss simply because your favourite scene wasn't in it. personally i so miss alex's speech before the election results are announced. i miss ellen's powerful and amazing speech when she does win. i miss june, i miss raphael and i miss leo, and the powerpoint presentations and i miss cornbread knowing alex's sins.
but none of that will ever take away from the beauty of being able to sit in front of my laptop and watch the most intimate queer love scene i have ever laid my eyes on. it just won't.
anyway.... i'm rambling. the point that i was trying to make before i got lost in all this, was that you are obviously allowed to hate on the movie but like... be kinder about it? don't hate it because it's not a straight up remake of the book. don't hate it because it's cheesy. idk man, just hate kindly, if possible.
this is a huge step for us.
i don't want the response to this film to seem negative in a way that gives the (already reluctant) studious more reason to not make queer media for queer people, you know?
there will come a time in this life where we can hate and critique queer media without worrying about all this context but we're not there yet?
so i guess, like henry, i'm also asking for y'all patience.
however, whoever fucking said that nick and taylor don't have chemistry can suck my huge ugly metaphorical dick. fuck you. they made me week in the knees.
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kerrtesy · 7 months
A Heads Up
Hello everyone, I hope you all are having a great day or night, whatever time it is for y'all.
Making this post to explain and elaborate on some parts of the recent AU (Bowser's Bodyguard AU, which I'm thinking of renaming) I've been working on. This is going to cover the general story idea, overall vibe, and the games I'm covering with this along with questions I think people may have about the general au.
Don't worry I'll always have this AU tagged, so if you don't like it you can block it easily.
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So as stated above this is more of a clarification post and just generally covering my plans for this AU just so people know what to expect.
So I want this AU to be around 6 to 8 main chapters, where I will see if I can combine the Paper and Mario & Luigi universes into one. The first chapter will be on the Mario Movie.
What games will you be covering?
So below are games I definitely want to cover, please note the games are listed in no particular order at the moment.
Super Paper Mario
Paper Mario Thousand Year
Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga
Bowser's Inside Story
Dream Team
All games are going to be rewritten within mind of the character/setup changes. I'm not a huge fan of just writing something that is a paint-by-numbers retelling of the original story; if that's your cup of tea more power too you this is not to throw any shade on that!
For both Superstar Sage and Inside Story I do want to include the side stories the remakes added.
I will say Bowser's Inside Story will be heavily rewritten and I plan on calling it "Fawful's Revenge." The two main reasons are that I'm having Luigi prevent Bowser from eating the vacuum shroom which prevents a lot of the original plot, and I just don't want to draw the inside of Bowser. I don't know what else to say here.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Games that will either be short stories or I'm torn on covering:
Super Mario 2
Mario Galaxy (combining 1 and 2)
Mario RPG
Mario Odyssey
Origami King
Mario Sunshine
Luigi's Mansion 1 & 2
Rabbids Spark of Hope
Paper Mario 64
Super Mario 2 is going to cover Luigi's history with the Shy Guys, particularly with him usurping King Wart. This one might become a full/long chapter.
Mario Galaxy is one that might become a full chapter. It depends on what I end up covering. For instance, at the moment I'm debating on whether to have a semi-character death in it. It's weird because on one hand I don't fully consider this a character death, but it also kind of is because they leave the comic at this point and this does heavily impact the cast. So I'm unsure how to fully label this yet.
Mario RPG is a game I am very intrigued by and I would like to incorporate it into the story, but I do not know the plot of the story so it is on the fence right now. I do have at least a few short comics planned for it.
Mario Odyssey is just going to be a few short comics.
Origami King is where I don't know the full plot, but I'd like to do a comic about Shroom City just for some fun world building.
Mario Sunshine I am so torn on whether it would be a full chapter or just a short. I'm going to have to see where I go with it. Whatever it becomes I do plan on calling the chapter/comic "Obligatory Beach Episode."
Luigi's Mansion I'm going to be combining the first two games. I really want this to be a full chapter, I have just been struggling to plan out a full story for it along with fitting it into the rest of the games. I do want to try, but just in case I can't I'm slapping it into this category.
I need to give Rabbids a Spark of Hope a comic or two as Luigi and Bowser have a mission in there that is solely tied to their characters called "The Brains and the Brawn" which helped me think of their setup in this.
Paper Mario 64 will be another backstory one where Luigi attempts to use the Star Rod to send him home, to mixed results.
Games I am not covering:
Please note the games listed below are NOT because I think they are bad games, it's more because I haven't played them and/or I just don't have good ideas for how to fit them into the story.
Color Splash
Sticker Star
Paper Jam
Partners in Time
For Color Splash and Sticker Star, I just don't know the full plots of these games. Though I might do the train scene that occurs in Color Splash when Mario talks to that one Shy Guy.
Paper Jam is similar to the two listed above where I just don't know the plot and I don't want to deal with the multiverse. As in this I'm trying to combine the Paper universe with the Mario and Luigi universe into one.
Partners in Time could change, but at the moment I'm counting it as not covering as I'm just using the concept and the machine E Gadd builds. It won't deal with time travel, but instead the concept of looking into someone's memories. I don't like covering time travel so I'm just skipping it. Like I said I might cover the Cobalt Star and Princess Shroob, but I don't have a lot of ideas going for this so it might just be skipped entirely with her and her sister as villains.
Will there be shipping?
No, I'm sorry if you were hoping for anything. The most there will be is probably implied Peach x Mario, but that's it for the moment. If any of this changes I'll give a heads up just so no one is caught off guard. But romance isn't really the focus of this comic nor do I want to write romance. Listen just trust me on this you don't want me writing romance, I'm not good at it, this is for the best.
Just in case I am also just going to flat out say this so no one gets mad or feels misled when reading these comics. There will be no Bowser x Luigi in this story. Listen it's a funny and shockingly mostly wholesome ship, but it's not happening here. So I'm sorry if you were hoping for it, but I'm not doing it.
There might be some one-sided Luigi x Daisy (honestly thinking about doing Daisy x Waluigi because their Mario Party team name is Awkward Date and that is hilarious), and/or one-sided Luigi x Peasley, but in this Bowser will be majorly crushing on Peach. Bowser and Luigi are just platonic co-parenting the koopalings (think the Dungeons and Dragon movie with Sofina and Edgin). I just wanted to state this here so everyone is on the same page.
Quick side note: This isn't about shipping, but character-wise Donkey Kong and anything related to his games will only be in the first chapter. I struggle to write him and I don't know how to involve him in the other storylines so I'm just gonna have him chill in his kingdom. He will probably be making a reappearance in Dream Team as that is where I plan to end the comic.
What is the overall story/vibe of the comic?
The main story is going to focus on adventure and learning to love yourself. That's really the main premise. The story itself is going to focus on Luigi learning how to like himself for who he is and reconnecting with Mario and others while going on adventures. The big overall conflict will be the Chaos Heart itself. In this I really want to play around with the concept of the Chaos Heart and what if it didn't just go away after Super Paper Mario. I don't want to say too much about it at the moment as I don't want to spoil that part of the plot.
I feel bad because with the initial comic/sketches of this au, I made it seem a lot more dramatic/angsty than it will be. Sure there's going to be some drama but it really is more focused on the fun of the world, the adventures the characters go on, and the friendships that form out of them. I swear it's not as angsty (or I guess edgy, not sure if it was or not??) as the original comic made it seem so I apologize if that is what you were looking for.
Why I am calling Luigi Mr. L in this?
So in this, I am having Mr. L be more of his 'work mode.' It is designed to be more of a persona he puts on so he can do his job more effectively, but it is also still a part of his personality. I want to include more of his temper which is often portrayed through animations in Mario & Luigi (you know his stomping tantrum animations). Along with a few other notes, like how in the first Luigi's Mansion you kind of find some pretty sassy/sarcastic remarks through the pictures he takes with the Game Boy Horror, along with some of his dialogue in the Paper Mario games. I also want to play into him having a bit of an ego as well (playing more into the Mr. L in Super Paper Mario).
However, at the core, I do want to keep him a more socially awkward, easily frightened, and a very kind person outside of the mask/persona. At the end of the day he really just wants what is best for his friends and family. And that he is always ready to help someone even if he is scared out of his mind (though he might complain about not getting paid, or take a bit of convincing when it comes to dealing with ghosts.) I am also keeping the self-esteem issues, more so dealing with the fact he feels like all he has done is stumble through life making one mistake after another, and never being enough for the people he cares about in his life.
What are the inspirations for this?
Ghibli movies, particularly Howl's Moving Castle, Princess Mononoke, and Spirited Away. I love their world building and how they handle character stories.
Magical Girl animes, I cannot stress enough how much the masks and his powers/setup are based on the magical girl shows I grew up on.
Majora's Mask, I want to do quite a bit with the masks themselves in this setup. I'm not going to elaborate much on them yet, because I prefer to reveal how they function in the comics than through this ramble.
Funnily enough, the character design that kicked off this au, or at least Mr. L's design was Death from Puss in Boots the Last Wish. I can explain, it was his cloak and his whistle. I've been playing through Super Paper Mario and I kept wondering what if they incorporated references to Luigi's Mansion more like maybe putting in his whistling, or going with a more horror aesthetic for him. Or even goes more into the concept of shadows as well, playing not only his ties with ghosts but also how Luigi feels like he is constantly in Mario's shadow. And when I saw the Mario Movie and that he was captured by the Shy Guys I was like hey wait a minute, I can do something with that.
So this story is just me playing around with those thoughts. Don't get me wrong though, him building robots to fight you along with the absolute banger of a jazz theme, and his cocky/petty attitude I have no notes and I like how he is done in the game.
So yeah this pretty much covers everything, if you read all of this kudos, I know this was long, but I hope I clarified what this comic is going to be like. Though please note that I have a job and I'm going through school, so this is going to take a bit to get going. I'm still writing out the base story, and I like to have one or two chapters fully drawn before I start posting it. I do plan on posting some of the short comics and doodles while working on the main writing.
Thank you for reading my rambles. I hope you all have a good one! : D
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hoodharlow · 3 months
Eternal Sunshine
AN: here's a full fic that follows the timeline 🤭 and I use Ari's song in this <3
Requested? No
Warnings: smut, chismoso!jack, mentions of cheating (not betwn Jack and M iriam) and smut again 🤭
Word Count: 3,599 words exactly
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Jack yawned as he entered his rental loft in Boston where he'd been filming the instigators for the last few weeks. Miriam had joined him this week. She'd been LA finalizing some production details for her movie as well as working on a song for the upcoming Spider-Man movie. She did a song for Barbie co-written by Luke, Gia's boyfriend, and produced by her brother a week after his birthday. To keep herself in Boston she was doing some costume designs for her characters and recording some songs. Apparently back in 2018 when she was hooking up with Shawn, he and Teddy wrote a few demos for her and she wanted to use them. Shawn signed them off to her, only wanting writing credit and letting her and Teddy work on them by themselves. Miriam also hired Victoria Monet, PINKPANTHERESS, Metro Boomin, Antonio Pinto, and Clay to be part of the soundtrack and score. 
“Oh,” he heard Miriam from the kitchen. 
He checked his phone and it was eight in the morning, west coast time five. Jack walked closer to listen more clearly, out of curiosity. 
“Do you know who it went to? I knew it was…she auditioned?” She laughed. “Yeah no wonder I didn't get it. If it was between me and the literal voice of Moana, I'd pick Auli'i too… okay I'll call y'all later so we can start making the filming schedule…yeah I got back from the studio like half an hour ago…bye mami.” 
Miriam set down her phone and grabbed her mug from under the keurig. “I know you're in the hall nosy boots.” She said, pouring oatmilk in the mug.
“I didn't mean to eavesdrop.” He said, earning an arched eyebrow from her. “I swear, I just got here and heard you on the phone. Was that your mom?”
“Yeah, she's in New York with my brother for work. She got an email from Mean Girls and called me to let me know I didn't get it.” She said disappointed.
“I'm sorry,” he wrapped his arms around her. “Also why are they remaking Mean Girls?” 
“Technically they're making the Broadway musical of Mean Girls into the movie, not remaking the 2004 movie.” Miriam explained. 
“Is that the one we saw when we were in New York when we first started talking?” He asked.
“Yes,” she said, pushing herself up on the counter. “I auditioned for Janis. They were gonna make her gay y todo. But it's fine, if I had to lose a role to anyone it'd be Auli'i. Anyways, how was set tonight?”
“Tiring as hell. I don't know how the fuck you do night shoots back to back.” He yawned once again. 
“I don't know how you can spend hours at the studio.” Miriam said, rubbing her temples. “My brain feels numb. I swear me, Victoria, and Teddy recorded like a hundred demos.”
“Are you going again tonight?” 
“No, Victoria's husband and daughter are in town so we're not meeting up for a few days until Clay flies over.” Miriam sipped her drink. 
“It's my day off. Wanna go to a Celtics game?” He asked.
“Why? So you can check out Jayson's ass?” She rolled her eyes.
“It's not my fault it's out there like that. You know I appreciate a nice ass. Why do you think I put a ring on it?” He nodded at her left hand.
“You're annoying.” Miriam hopped off the counter. “I'm going to shower then go to bed for a few hours.” 
“Can I join you?” Jack said, soften his voice like Puss in Boots im Shrek. 
Miriam didn't respond. She put her coffee in the fridge and upstairs, to their room. She took off her clothes and tossed them in the clothing hamper. She twisted her curls up, clipping them with her hair claw. She washed her hair the day before. She set the shower how wanted and slipped in. 
Jack came into their room a few minutes later. Miriam left the bathroom door open while she showered, unknowingly giving him a show. It took him back to the night they finally had sex and how he was fighting all his urges because he wanted to be respectful. 
That night was probably the most intimate he'd been with anyone. Not sexually, but emotionally. It was like he was giving Miriam a part of himself for her to keep forever. It took everything in him not to tell her that he was in love with her. He was willing to give her the world and more if she asked for it. Even to this day he was willing to. 
“Hello?” Miriam waved her hand in front of Jack's face. 
“Sorry I zoned out, thinking.” He said, laying back on the bed. 
“About?” she asked, rubbing lotion on her legs. 
“How you seduced me into your bed that one time in Atlanta.” He joked. 
“I had to. My poor pussy needed to feel your pp.” She said solemnly. 
“Does she want to feel it now?” He smirked. 
Jack placed his hand on her thigh and slowly went up to her core. The baggy t-shirt she wore covered her thighs, so when he pushed up her stomach, he was pleasantly surprised to see she wasn't wearing any panties. Miriam grabbed his hand and brought it to her mouth, sucking his ring and middle fingers then she put his hand back where it was. Jack cupped her core rubbing his hand with her arousal. 
Miriam whimpered, dropping her head back. She gripped the comforter as Jack slid his fingers in her. He leaned onto her and kissed her neck. Miriam could feel him grin against her as his fingers moved inside her, trying to set a good rhythm for him to take her. She moaned as his fingers fucked into her at a deliciously slow pace. She rolled her hips as if she were riding his fingers. Jack smirked and pumped his fingers faster. He pressed his thumb to her clit.
“I'm close.” Miriam moaned out. “I want to come with you in me.” 
“Whatever you want.” Jack nodded in agreement.
Miriam laid him down on the bed and straddled him. She pulled off her shirt. When she got it over head, she felt one of her hoop earrings come off. They were flimsy and when she did anything extraneous, like sex, they would fall off. They were the ones that inspired Jack's ‘Imma fuck the earrings off'a you’ lyric. She climbed off the bed to look for them. She didn't want Daisy to accidentally step on it and hurt herself. Her hoop landed on the other end of the room. She took off its pair and connected them together, placing them on her jewelry tray at the top of the dresser.
It suddenly hit her at how quiet the room was. Usually by now Jack would've complimented her ass or failed to get flirty with her. She looked over to Jack and he was fast asleep. Miriam carefully rolled him so he was more comfortable and pulled a blanket on top of him. She grabbed another blanket and laid by him. In his sleep Jack patted around and pulled her to his chest. Within minutes Miriam also fell into a deep slumber.
@'mdm: 💔
@'jackharlow: 🧍🏻‍♂️
@'jaysontatum: I'll send him home in the morning
->@'mdm: 🖕🏼
@'ellamai: hold on...
-> @'mdm: it's rough out here for us 😭
@'druski: I can't believe I found out my man is cheating on me like this
@'chloebailey: LMAOOOOOO
@'zendaya: 😭
@'saintclauds: girl be serious lol
@'medegutierrez: 🦦
@'jackstan: I'm pretty sure Jack is straight, idk why Miriam is pushing her sexuality onto him. This is so weird
-> @'mdmxjh: or it's a joke bc of Jack and Jayson's bromance 🙄
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@'jackharlow: my bro 4 lyfe
@'mdm: damn my ass looks fat
-> @'jackharlow: let me be quiet bc your dad follows me
@'jaysontatum: wowww, I see how it is
@'mimidominguezfan: bottoms?
-> @'mdm: do I give bottom energy? like technically I'm a switch but 65% of the time I'm a bottom
-> @'mimidominguezfan: no girl where did you get your pants 💀
-> @'mdm: oh 😭 I got them from @'aerie like 2 years ago
-> @'mdmstan: HELPPP this exchange 💀
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Jack looked down at his phone to see if Miriam texted back. They had originally planned on going to the Celtics game together but she got a message from none other than Susan Sarandon. She had read Miriam’s script and liked it. Susan happened to be in Boston and invited Miriam out to dinner to talk about the movie. Jack had to convince Miriam to say yes because she didn't want to back down from their original plans but he knew that Susan Sarandon was one of Miriam's idols when it came to musicals. She couldn't miss out on meeting with her. 
Throughout the evening Miriam sent him updates. While it was mostly her texting him keyboard smashes, Jack knew she was enjoying her evening. She also sent him a voice note of her dry heaving when she was letting him know she was going to see the Rocky Horror Show with Susan and that after she was going straight home to cry. 
It was for the best. Miriam had been filming herself making cocktails with PHOCUS, juice, and any alcohol there was in the house. So she needed to sleep it off. She was very tipsy when Susan Sarandon invited her to dinner. Miriam was fairly sober by the time Beto drove her to the restaurant. Before that she had forgotten she put on clip-on bangs and freaked out when they fell off from her jumping and dancing. 
The game ended not too long ago and Jack went with Jayson to an after party at some private venue. He wasn't planning on staying long; just make it known that he was there. He got a notification that Miriam tagged him in a post so he went to see what it was. It was a video of him and Jayson after the game. He pulled his phone to his ear to hear what was playing. It was the beginning of Chloé Bailey's song ‘Body Do’ before she started singing. He commented under it and liked a few encouraging the bromance between him and Jayson. To egg on the joke he posted some pictures of Miriam calling her his ‘bro’. 
He was about to lock his phone when he got a message from Miriam. He half expected to see her complain that he posted a cringe picture of her but she sent him: wya, hoe. He replied back that he was at the party. She sent back an eye roll emoji then: but where in the venue? I can't see you. Unless you're fucking Jayson, then tell me so I can watch 🤭. He responded with: you wish you can watch, but she didn't respond back. Jack looked up from his phone and scanned the place for her. He didn't remember what she wore specifically, just that it was red. He finally found her across the bar talking to Kaleob Young, her ex. 
Jack saw him at the game, where he sat for  85% of the game. They acknowledged each other when the game ended but they didn't talk to each other. After the stunt Kaleob pulled where he implied that he and Miriam got back together when they didn't, Jack didn't fuck with him. But in the beginning of the party he did approach Jack because his girlfriend was a fan and wanted to say hi.
He sipped his Phocus drink watching Miriam. Her whole demeanor changed. She gave her ex the nastiest glare and jabbed his chest with her index and middle fingers, making a two finger gun shape. She turned away and Kaleob went after her. Jack immediately followed them to the parking lot. He stood back, giving them space. 
“You’re so full of shit, Kaleob! You fucking begged me to take you back all  ago. ‘I’ll be better. I don’t deserve you. But I love you. Please, when I go to the NBA, move with me. Marry me. Have my babies.’ How the fuck do you say that shit when you were messaging someone the entire time?” Miriam yelled.
“It wasn't the entire time, and we never hooked up.” Kaleob tried to defend himself.
“It doesn't fucking matter!” She argued.
“How about when you and Jack hooked up before we got together? You don't see me bringing that shit up.” 
Jack frowned wondering how the fuck did he get roped into their argument. 
“Are you serious? At the time he was just some guy I hooked up with him. We never exchanged contact information– why am I even trying to defend myself?” Miriam shook her head. 
“Miriam, why do you even care in the first place?” He crossed his arms and took a step. “I thought you and Jack were doing good. Why are you stuck in the past? I moved on and I think you should too. It's not healthy.” 
“You always do this! I call you out on your shit and somehow you turn it on me and make me think I'm overreacting, so I apologize for your shit.” Miriam said, her voice cracked. 
“Whatever, Miriam.” Kaleob sighed and walked back to the party. 
Miriam cursed and kicked a parking sign post in frustration. She yelped in pain. Jack took it as his sign to approach her. 
“How much did you hear?” She asked when he was within earshot. 
“Enough.” he shrugged. 
“So the whole thing?” 
“Yeah.” Jack nodded.
“He's right,” she sniffled, wiping her mocos. “I shouldn't give a fuck about him. But I can't help–”
She broke into sobs. Jack wrapped his arms around her. He rubbed her back, letting her release everything she had in there.
“I'm sorry.” Miriam took a step back. “I'm with you now and we're engaged and…”
“Miriam, it doesn't matter. You found out some fucked up shit and you're allowed to feel some type of way about it.” Jack said softly. 
She let out a shaky breath. “I hate this feeling. I hate that he took me back to when we were together and he would gaslight me over shit.” 
“I could tell Jayson to accidentally break his leg or something during practice.” Jack suggested to pacify things. 
“Kinda ironic I posted Body Do to you and Jayson when Kaleob was the one texting and messaging other girls.” Miriam laughed to herself. 
“I mean– actually nevermind it's too soon.” 
“You're annoying.” Miriam rolled her eyes, standing on her tippy toes.
“You say that but I'm gonna nut in you when you want me to.” He chuckled. He cradled her face and kissed her. “Let's go home so you can tell me about Susan Sarandon.”
“You're not telling your little boyfriend bye?” she asked. 
Jack shook his head. “Nah, Jayson knows to back off when you're in town
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@'mdm: In other news, I saw the Rocky Horror Show with THEE @'susansarandon. Can't wait for y'all to see what we have in store :')
@'jackharlow: typing credits to me because your hands couldn't stop shaking
@'susansarandon: ❤
@'saintclauds: BITCH, YOU'RE JOKINGGG
@'gayman: the head department of motherlogical studies at the university of servington and her apprentice
@'theaterfan: hold ONNNNN
@'broadwaystan: oh the MOTHERISM
@'miriamfan: real Miriam fans know how huge of a deal this is
@'mdmfan: what we have in store?!?!?! Oh I'm already gagged
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Jack woke up in the middle of the night thirsty. He reached across the bed for Miriam's hydroflask when he noticed she wasn't in bed. He checked the bathroom in their room then the bathroom in the bedroom across their room. Miriam had a habit of using the bathrooms outside their rooms when she would go number too. But right now that isn't the case. He went down the hall to the stairs and from there he saw her in the living room writing in a dark green leather-bound journal. Jack had seen her with it here and there, but he didn't know the contents inside. He may be nosy, but not too nosy that he didn't respect boundaries. 
“Hey,” he said, walking up to her. 
“Hi,” she said, placing her pen in her journal. 
“Couldn't sleep?” He asked, climbing on top of her so she could play with his hair. 
“No. I tried watching a movie but I couldn't concentrate. Same thing when I tried reading The Cruel Prince because a lot of fans and even the author think I could make a good Jude. So I came down and started writing my little poems.” She said, twisting Jack's curls.
Jack sat up and looked at her incredulously. “You write poetry and I'm just finding out?”
“I don't do it often. I haven't written in forever but working with Teddy and Victoria kinda got me back in a groove.” she reached for her journal. 
“You don't have to show me. Journals are personal and I don't want to overstep.” He said. 
“I know. If I didn’t want to share this with you I wouldn't have.” She said, handing him her journal. “It's kinda based on the movie ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind’.”
Jack nodded and proceeded to read: 
I don't care what people say. We both know I couldn't change you. I guess you could say the same. Can't rearrange truth, I've never seen someone lie like you do. So much, even you start to think it's true. Get me out of this loop. 
So now we play our separate scenes. Now, now she's in my bed, mm-mm, layin' on your chest. Now I'm in my head, wonderin' how it ends
I'll be the first to say, "I'm sorry". Now you got me feelin' sorry. I showed you all my demons, all my lies. Yet you played me like Atari. Now it's like I'm lookin' in the mirror. Hope you feel alright when you're in her. I found a good boy and he's on my side. You're just my eternal sunshine.
So I try to wipe my mind. Just so I feel less insane. Rather feel painless. I'd rather forget than know, know for sure. What we could've fought through behind this door. So I close it and move
So now we play our separate scenes. Now, now he's in your bed, and layin' on my chest. Now I'm in my head, and wonderin' how it ends.
“Objectively, this is good. If you rearrange it you can make this a song.” He said when he finished reading. 
“Really?” She furrowed her eyebrows. 
“Yeah,” he nodded. He reached for the sticky notes and began scribbling. “You can repeat the ‘I'll be the first…’ line and make that the chorus and then add a bridge that can be used as the outro for it. You can add a subtle trap beat or some r&b with pop…and I'm rambling. I'm sorry you were showing me your poems and I took over and tried to make it a song. You probably don't want your shit aired out like that–”
Miriam leaned over and kissed him. “It's okay.” She cut him off. “I like how your mind works and I love listening to you talk about music.” 
“Honestly I didn't hear anything you just said. You kissed me and my brain shut off.” he joked. 
“And yet you're still corny.” 
“More like horny.” He gestured to his crotch. 
“Seriously?” she playfully rolled her eyes at him.
“How can I not be? You're in panties and a crop top.” 
He gently pushed her on the couch and kissed her before she could make a funny remark. He pulled away and made his way down her throat. Jack nipped and sucked her neck while he pushed down the thin straps of her top. Miriam helped him get her out of it. They giggled into each other's mouths as they struggled because they didn't want to break the kiss. 
Jack knelt in front of her and pushed down his boxer-briefs, just enough to pull out his cock. He slowly stroked himself, taking all of Miriam. They haven't been together since his birthday. The few days Miriam had been in Boston her studio schedule didn't line up with Jack's filming schedule. The most was when he fingered her that morning. 
Then earlier in the day when they woke up from their five hour nap, they did other things around the house then went their separate ways. Jack to the game and Miriam to dinner with Susan Sarandon. After they got back from the party Jack helped her post about meeting Susan Sarandon because she was shaking from all of the overwhelming emotions she was feeling. Then they fell asleep watching Bullet Train.
“Don't judge if I come in three seconds.” Jack mumbled against her lips as he tugged down her panties. 
“I'm literally the least judgemental person ever.” She said solemnly. 
Jack gave her a look before zoning in on her bare chest. He ran his thumb on her sensitive nipples. Miriam leaned back, giving him better access, and quietly moaned out as he gently nipped under her breasts. Both of his hands were on her nipples, twisting and rubbing them. His tongue traced the pert peaks. 
He found her mouth again, kissing her slowly as he reached for her hips. Jack lined him up and slowly pushed his cock into her. Miriam moaned out in pleasure. She pressed her forehead against his and closed her eyes contently. 
“Good?” He asked, pushing back her hair.
“Yeah, missed feeling you in me.” She sighed. 
“Me too.” He slowly pulled out then thrusted in her. 
He tilted her head up so he could kiss her. His lips and tongue went at the pace he thrusted in and out of her. He wrapped one of her legs around him, bringing them closer as he took her. Her breath hitched at how good it felt. Jack must have noticed, and continued thrusting in that spot. The familiar feeling came over her once more. Miriam was about to come, and Jack knew it. His thrusts got more precise, hitting where she needed him.
“Jack,” she whimpered. 
“Wanna hear you louder.” He grunted in her ear. “Tell me who's fucking you this good.”  
“You?” she panted. 
“You who?” Jack asked.
“The chocolate milk.” Miriam giggled.
Jack didn't react to what she said. He was in the zone, trying to get her to climax. The determination of him still going after she tried to make a joke pushed her over the edge. She repeated Jack’s name over and over until her high faded. Jack continued thrusting in and out of her. His thrusts grew sloppy. 
After a few minutes passed, he stilled, shuddering he quietly moaned out, "shit," as he came inside her. He relaxed his body plopping on top of her. Their heavy breathing filled the room as they tried to calm themselves. 
While using his boxer-briefs to clean them, Jack asked. “Did you say chocolate milk earlier?” 
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chaos0pikachu · 4 months
Trends in BL (Sorta): Genre Trends
So I've seen a few posts discussing trends in BL and I wanted to talk about that from a different angle. Specifically discussing what trends are, how they're formed, and to not remove BL from the rest of their countries own media.
The latter is something I see a lot when discussing BL this kind've ~separation of church and state~ but it's BL and Country's General Media. As though BL lives in a separate bubble outside of all other media and thus never influenced by the media being made in its country of origin nor the countries they share direct borders or trade with. Or all influence began and ended with seme/uke dynamics imported from Japan and nothing beyond that (no, Pit Babe was more than likely not inspired by Supernatural) and it's been static ever since.
All of that is, untrue, but also a really limited way of viewing international media. These countries are places with their own history, culture, politics, and of course, media arts. BL is a part of all of that. Which also effects the trends and potential trends we'll see in BL individually (as it's going to change country to country with some crossover).
I think a way of identifying trends in BL and also the root of those trends is by looking at the media of the country of origin their surrounding countries, and what BLs have unprecedented success and what has the industry learned from them?
So I'm gonna break this down by: genre, technical and business trend(s) in 3 part posts. In this post I'm just going to talk about genre trends in Thai and Korean BL as that's what I'm most familiar with.
Basically this post got hella long, I'm not in college anymore, and my motivation was tied to the length of my Jennifer Hudson Best Of playlist. So I had to split it up, es lo que es.
[This will not be a comprehensive list of like all BL trends ever respect to y'all who do but I do not and will not watch every BL in existence, bendicion]
To start we gotta talk first about how trends in media tend to work and also what we mean by "trends". Because there's genre trends, technical trends, and business trends.
Here's a good article breaking down various aspects of all three. When we talk "trends" in film it's not as simplistic as "office romances" or "cross country remakes" of which, one is a genre trend and the latter a business trend.
Some examples of what I mean:
Shared Universe (genre trend)
3d boom (technical trend, trended a few times in the industry, first in the 1950s until the 1960s and then again in the early 2000s until the mid 00s thanks to James Cameron)
Remakes/Reboots (business trend, this is a business based decision b/c the risk threshold for a pre-established work is lower than for an original work that may or may not have financial data backing it)
Trends in media, whether they are genre, business, technical or a combination, tend to take time to build up, and also tend last much longer than a singular year (generally for as long as something is profitable).
Example: it took time for the Shared Universe genre trend to gain traction.
Batman v Superman (2016) wasn't released until five years after Avengers (2012). Following this, The Mummy (2017) starring Tom Cruise was meant to kickstart Universal's The Dark Universe was released six years after Avengers. Before that Dracula Untold (2014) was supposed to be reworked to also start The Dark Universe (both these films flopped so no Dark Universe, rip).
Since the Avengers release, we have the shared universes of: Monsterverse (which combines Godzilla and Kong franchises together, technically started in 2014, officially started in 2017 with Kong Skull Island), and the Sony Spiderverse (Venom, Spider-man, Madam Web, Mobius lol) and The Conjuring Universe (Annabelle, La Llorona, The Conjuring, The Nun).
It's been almost 12 years since Avengers was released (fuckin'a) and we're only now starting to see some minor diminishing returns (Disney had a horrid year financially last year) for this genre trend, and not even across the board.
I want to iterate that Avengers did not 'invent' the idea of a cross-franchise shared universe. Things like Xena and Hercules, or Hanna Barbara cartoons existed long before the Avengers. However the Avengers kickstarted a genre trend in film. Just because a piece of media started a trend does not mean it invented the genre or technical innovation (James Cameron didn't "invent" 3D but he did revolutionize it with Avatar and I suffered through many 3D horror movies because of it).
[I point this out because sometimes ppl be getting testy when ppl say kinnporsche influenced the increase in mafia/crime BLs with well, um, actually history trapped/manner of death came first - yes, yes we know this. And Bi No Isu came out before all of them so everybody drink some tea and relax, everybody's faves are pretty okay😘]
Okay to let's get to what ppl actually wanna talk about, BL.
(Some) Genre trend(s) in Thailand and Korea:
In Thai BL genre trends I'm noticing are: horror, supernatural, paranormal, action crime, and magic/magical realism. A lot of these crossover, horror shows typically are also paranormal - Ghost House Ghost House (2022), After Sundown (2023) - supernatural shows tend to cross over with magical realism like time travel, or other soft magic elements - Time (2024), I Feel You Linger in the Air (2023), Cherry Magic (2023).
For the horror, supernatural/paranormal genre trend, this isn't at all surprising if you look at Thailand's recent film output from 2020 to 2023: The Medium, The Whole Truth, Ghost Lab, Haunted Tales, Cracked, Death Whisperer, Home for Rent, The Maid, Waning Moon, School Tales, and others, are all horror, paranormal, or supernatural films of some sort.
The horror genre trend especially has been around Thailand for a while, as far back as 2018 with the smash success of Girl from Nowhere which only gained a larger following when it hit Netflix in 2021. I'd almost argue the horror genre trend really picked up with Girl From Nowhere as now one of the main acquisitions of Thai series and film on Netflix are of the horror genre.
That larger media trend is now trickling down into BL with series like: Shadow (2023), After Sundown (2023), Dead Friend Forever (2023) and upcoming projects like Vampire Project.
While supernatural/paranormal series like Ghost House Ghost House (2022), 1000 Years Old (2024), I Feel You Linger in the Air (2023), Two Worlds (2024), Golden Blood (2024?) are increasing. OMG! Vampire (TBD?) will at least be supernatural but we can't say with certainty if OMGV will be horror or not as we only have a poster.
I imagine with the success of Dead Friend Forever, and I Feel You Linger in the Air we'll see the trend of horror and supernatural/paranormal series (I know some have already been announced) continued.
Then there's the genre trend towards more action and crime focused series; which more than often crossover but not all~ the time.
In terms of the increase in crime based Thai BLs I'd argue it was a joint combo of Kinnporsche's (2022) wild skyrocketed success, and the success of Manner of Death (2020). Alongside the influence of rise of crime and thrillers from Korean media (The Gangster, the Cop and the Devil (2019) and Unstoppable (2018))
Manner of Death I'd argue influenced projects like Never Let Me Go (2022), Unforgotten Night (2022), and Big Dragon (2022) if only because of their release times and taking into account the time it takes for a production to film and be edited down.
Whilst all these series came out after Kinnporsche - NLMG released a trailer in Nov, Big Dragon in Oct, and Unforgotten Night in Jun, while Kinnporsche dropped their trailer in Apr - they're series releases are so close to Kinnporsche that I don't feel confident in saying Kinnporsche 100% influenced their acquisition. Ngl it's hard not to see influences of KPTS in at least Big Dragon & Unforgotten Night if only in terms of technical film making, so there could~ be influence but I can't say that definitively. I'm gonna attribute these to Manner of Death since it came out two years prior to these other series.
Meanwhile series both released and unreleased My Gangster Oppa (2023), Red Peafowl (TBD?), Chains of Heart (2023), Kidnap (TBD?), are def riding the crime genre trend that Kinnporsche started and I'd argue series like Pit Babe (2023), Playboyy (2023) were acquired for production in part because of the crime elements included in their respective series.
Meanwhile series like Law of Attraction (2023) (crime/action) and The Sign (2023) (crime/action/supernatural) are combining crime, action and supernatural elements together.
I've said before Kinnporsche takes a lot of cues from Korean and Hong Kong crime films like Jet Li's The Enforcer, and Fist of Legend, Donnie Yen's Flash Point, Raging Fire, and Kung Fu Jungle, Han Dong-wook's The Worst of Evil, Kim Jin-Min's My Name, along with Japanese manga like Bi No Isu and KeixYaku.
Meanwhile The Sign is def taking cues from Chinese costume dramas like Ashes of Love, Fairy and Devil, White Snake (and it's many adaptions), Guardian, & Ying Yang Master Dream of Eternity. Alongside Hong Kong and Korean cop and romance shows like Tale of the Nine-Tailed, Hotel Del Luna, Director Who Buys Me Dinner, First Love, Again.
[I think the only reason Thailand or Korea hasn't jumped on the full fantasy train and pulled an Untamed is because of budget. The Sign has done very well for Idol Factory so I could see more studios trying to go in that fantasy direction if they can get the funding for it.]
Meanwhile shows like Time (2024), Two Worlds (2024), and Cherry Magic (2023) are leaning more into a combination of magical realism and a supernatural. Which is something that's been popular in Korea (Mr. Queen (2020), The King Eternal Monarch (2020)) in the past and obviously Japan (Cherry Magic (2020).
This, again, isn't a fully comprehensive list. I'm sure there's shows I've missed, and there's going to be evergreen genres that are always produced - university, high school, office all with a general romcom flavor - because they're cheap, easy, low risk and for the most part reliable.
That's not an insult to shows like Cherry Magic TH, or Middleman's Love or Cooking Crush or whatever.
Cooking Crush is just going to cost way less than The Sign it's simply a fact. Likewise Middleman's Love cost less than The Next Prince (TBD?) and was less risk as an office romcom. What helps offset the risk of something like The Next Prince is casting Zee and NuNew in the lead roles.
[watch these two trailers and tell me they cost the same]
Think of it of like, the 50 cop procedural dramas networks are always churning out; they do so because they're cheap, easy, low risk, and reliable.
Gmmtv made Cherry Magic not for the art of it all but because it was low risk and low cost to produce with a high value return. I imagine that's also why gmmtv cast Tay and New because while I don't know who the hell they are, lots of folks in BL fandom do because of Dark Blue Kiss and the reuniting of a well liked costars will also help offset financial risk for the project. Studios will often only greenlight a project if "a name" is attached to said project.
Anyways, Korea's turn.
The data for Korea is less because Korea comes out with fewer series than Thailand. Like currently Thailand has 9 ongoing BLs in 2024 while Korea has 1 (oh City Boy Log you lonely thing you).
For Korean BLs I'm still seeing mostly evergreen genre trends: the workplace (The New Employee, Oh! My Assistant, Roommates of Ponngduck 304,), high school/university (Light On Me, Cherry Blossoms After Winter, Semantic Error, Love Class, Love for Love's Sake) and Joseon (Nobleman Ryu's Wedding, Tinted With You, Director Who Buys Me Dinner) romances - which make sense, a lot of these were the trends of romance kdramas in the early to mid-00s.
What I am hoping, is we'll start seeing the acquisition of KBLs that are closer to what's currently trending in Korea: revenge (Revenge of Others, The Glory, Marry My Husband, Perfect Marriage Revenge), thrillers (My Name, Midnight, Somebody, Celebrity, Mask Girl), more class based social commentary (Devil Judge, Golden Spoon, Vigilante, Kingdom), and an increase in both sex and violence (Somebody, A Shop for Killers).
I could totally see more revenge based KBLs in the coming years since revenge and thriller shows can be combined pretty easily and you don't need a huge budget for either. You can also set them in evergreen settings like the workplace (Marry My Husband) or high school/uni (Revenge of Others).
KBLs have mostly stuck with evergreen settings with a couple outliers like Kissable Lips (2022), Once Again (2022) for example. I enjoyed Love for Love's Sake but it stuck in that evergreen space of school based romance, with magical realism. Again, not surprising given KBLs are just following trends of romance kdramas of the past.
Whilst not a bad~~~ thing, it can be a bit stale and hopefully with a bit more budget/investment we'll see the acquisition of series that are more in line with what's trending with Korean audiences currently.
There's other things I'd like to see develop into trends for KBLs but they're mostly technical and business trends.
That's all I got in the tank, this post took me almost six hours to write b/c of all the sourcing and research I'm freaking peeked.
See y'all next time ✌️
Check out other posts in the series:
Film Making? In My BL? - The Sign ep01 Edition | Aspect Ratio in Love for Love's Sake | Cinematography in My BL - Our Skyy2 vs kinnporsche, 2gether vs semantic error, 1000 Stars vs The Sign | How The Sign Uses CGI | Is BL Being Overly Influenced by Modern Western Romance Tropes?
[like these posts? drop me a couple pennies on ko-fi]
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respectthepetty · 5 months
What are some of your favorite novelas, Petty? I grew up loving them too and personally I will ALWAYSSS show up for anything Fernando Colunga is in!
Anon, I'm not giving you some of my favorites. No. I'm giving you my favorite - If you know this bitch (affectionate and derogatory), you KNOW where this is going!
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For all the BL people, this is why @italianpersonwithashippersheart, @lukaherehelp, and I are having no qualms about Twins or Playboyy.
Telenovelas, soap operas, y lakorns have trained us well for these shenanigans and hijinks.
Why y'all can't remember twenty-two people's names is beyond me, but I had them down the first episode.
Why y'all don't like the tonal whiplash is odd to me because for me, ten minutes on one couple is TOO MUCH TIME. Six minutes, TOP, and move on to the next one.
Someone getting stabbed in one scene then the next scene being someone celebrating at a birthday party is the way I like my shows, and don't let that person be getting stabbed AT that birthday party because that is my bread and butter.
Oh, and TWINS!
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My favorite show includes all of these fine points, and it's the 1998 Mexican telenovela called
La usurpadora
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Somewhere in fictional hell, Soraya Montenegro from María la del Barrio is pissed as fuck.
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The plot: Paola is a rich bitch and wants to leave her husband for her evil lover but can't figure out how.
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¡Sorpresa, cabrona! She meets a worker who looks just like her while on vacation or some shit.
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Paulina is the other woman and she is too poor to contour. Therefore, rich bitch Paola convinces kind and caring Paulina to be her stand-in. Paola tells Paulina she will live the best life and be rich, while Paola can be free. It's a win-win.
Paulina refuses! So Paola blackmails her into doing it, and with her mother dead, her fiance gone, and no job (since she was fired as part of Paola's blackmailing scheme), Paulina is forced to take the offer. This is like episode 2 out of 102.
In the next 100 episodes, we get forty-five other characters who are all important to the plot, amnesia, cheating, murder attempts, Paola pretending to be paralyzed, Paulina GOES TO PRISON, someone discovers they are actually twins (no duh!), and a crap ton of more drama.
Oh, and the car crash!
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But God got Paulina, so she good. Even in the sequel when she had cancer, pero no, she was just pregnant.
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The show is based on a 1971 Venezuelan telenovela that was adapted from the book La Intrusa, and has since had several remakes. One was in 2019, which made Paulina Colombian (or was she always Colombian?), and A MUSICAL THIS YEAR!
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It holds a 96% rating on Rotten Tomatoes because the people know this was a 🎁🎁🎁 from God, and it is not up for debate because it featured men dancing around singing Celia Cruz's "La vida es un carnaval" y Selena's "Bidi Bidi Bom Bom." This movie is the moment.
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The lead is Cuban actress Isabella Castillo Díaz who played in America and México's co-produced telenovela ¿Quién es quién?, which is basically the boy version of La usurpadora because of the twins plot. Do you see the theme?
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But back to the musical, which also features Drag Race superstar, Valentina. If you know this bitch (affectionate and derogatory), you KNOW!
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The 1998 version and musical both embrace the camp of it all. The music in the original 1998 version was peak telenovela, and even if you don't speak Spanish, readers, just watch the first minute of this video. I promise you it will be worth it, and it will give you three perfect examples of the *vibes* I'm always rambling about.
So, yeah, Anon, I hope this explains a lot of about my taste in BLs. I'm here for a show, not the show. Soraya understands.
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I saw an ask about whether you could do a remake of F/SN in the style of FF7R and I agreed with the responder's take on the matter but I wanted to bring my own two cents in, because a lot of people when they think of "sequel", they think of the kind of sequel like Shrek 2 for instance. Mechanical sequels, where one follows directly after the other in terms of time and plot. Shrek 2 happens after Shrek 1. It's simple stuff, and this makes the vast majority of sequels.
Rarely however do we talk about thematic sequels, and I don't mean the idea of a spiritual successor (although, personally, some do count). Often times a spiritual successor is not in direct conversation with its predecessors, but often fits in a more referential or sometimes even reverent position. Many times spiritual successors aren't even in the same franchise; this is how you get games like, for example, Signalis. For an example of what I mean, let's look at the Silent Hill trilogy.
OH YEAH BABY ITS THE FUCK BLOOBER TIME OF THE POST but no really, Silent Hill 2 is often not considered a sequel at all, it's often considered a standalone entry into its franchise and while there is a lot to be understood and appreciated from the game by itself, it's not meant to be standalone. There's a 2 there. It's in direct conversation with Silent Hill 1. Part of why Silent Hill 2 worked so well for so many people is the fact that James' journey has a twist to it. It mirrors Harry's for quite a long time on purpose, before revealing that this was a trick!
Silent Hill 3, while being a mechanical sequel to Silent Hill 1, also does this. It sets itself up where it seems like its going to follow the same path as Silent Hill 2, playing along the lines of guilt, before nope! Sike! It's Silent Hill 1 baby, except we're not here to feel guilty, it's time to get revenge and end the nightmare and kill God. It's a trilogy, and the works complete each other more when combined with each other.
Fate/Stay Night is a lot like that. It's a bit more obvious in terms of what it's going for in that it is one work instead of three, but given the amount of discussions about which route is canon and what not I assume a lot of people missed it. This is why Hollow Ataraxia is the way it is. Which route is canon? Fate/Stay Night is canon, because these are NOT three standalone routes that can be enjoyed separately. They have their own merits, but they're meant to be interpreted as a package, which I understand is hard this game is really fucking long y'all.
The game disguises this by having the routes branch from each other in a pretty similar way to a normal visual novel, and presents them as a result of your choices rather than as a cohesive unit. The game also does kind of giveaway the game though by not letting you play the UBW route (with one very minor exception that leads to a bad end) or the Heaven's Feel route early. There's an order to these, you must stick with it.
These routes are, obviously speaking, thematic sequels. There's no need for the Heaven's Feel route to rehash the character development that Shirou receives in the Fate route or in the UBW route. The game knows you've read those already, and its coming in with a baseline assumption of who Shirou is. The Shirou as Heaven's Feel begins and establishes its hold over the narrative is a lot closer to the Shirou at the end of UBW than it is the Shirou at the beginning of the Fate route. We aren't grappling with Shirou's realization of self, because he's already gone through that, we need to test his ideals now and make him realize that there are things and people more important than his dream.
The three routes together represent Shirou's journey as a hero, his hero's journey if you will, and how his ideals mature and his image as a person is forged. He comes out of Heaven's Feel complete, almost as if he's lived through three different versions of those I think 20 days it's been a bit, and maybe its only through the medium of a visual novel and its mechanical framework that this journey can even be completed.
You can't make an FF7R style remake of F/SN, because F/SN is already that. It's already got two similarly styled sequels built into itself, and it even has the wacky sequel already done in Hollow Ataraxia.
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schmem14 · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers!
Thanks for the tag @maesterchill! Read their answers HERE.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
My stats tell me that I've written 50, but 5 are multi-chapter collections, so... a lot. Yeah.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
733,820. If you asked me three years ago if I could ever write that much I would've laughed in your face. Isn't growth amazing?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Harry Potter (though I do read some Good Omens, Carry on Simon and Bagginshield stuff)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
UGH. I don't want to be honest here, since 2 of the five are Dramione fics I've now listed as ANON because of harassment reasons. I'll give you the NEXT five instead ;) 1. 93 Diagon Alley (Harry x George) They were roommates 2. HP Cocktober 2022 Collection (Multiple) Prompt fest 3. Solace (Harry x George) Unhealthy coping mechanisms (sex) 4. When Malfoy Met Granger... (Draco x Hermione) WHMS remake 5. Mistletoe, or Die F***ing (Harry x Fred x George) Self-explan.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes. I try to, because the BEST part of sharing is connecting with people who enjoy what I've done. Community, ya know?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Mastermind (Draco x Hermione, Draco x Harry, Draco x Ron, Ron x Harry) The worst UHEA I've ever inflicted on y'all is this Dronarry fest 2023 story. Dark stalker Draco goes off the rails in the end. It's a masterpiece, I'm so proud of it.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
From Sunset to Star Rise (Harry x Ron) Cozy fall vibes, falling in love, little to no angst (Ron has a tiny bit of anxiety, that's all)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yes. Mainly the bigger ship ones (Dramione, looking at you) If you're wondering WHY I write rare pairs a lot, it's because rare pair fandom is a safe space with AWESOME people. We may be few in number, but WE GO HARD and LOVE HARDER.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
ALL KINDS (though I'm not great a fluffy smut). Check out my HP Kinktober Collection 2023 posting daily RIGHT NOW. It's very kinky and dark.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
The closest I've come to crossover is more like "inspired by a vibe." I wrote a Community (TV Series) inspired paintball fic here: All's Fair in Love & War & Paintball (multiple ships)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, BUT I've had people post me on Goodreads. Read my thoughts on why this is bad fandom etiquette HERE
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've had many requests, but no one has followed through yet.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No! But I'm interested in this concept, especially if the co-author is someone I vibe with.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
STAWP. It's too hard a question! Lately, I'm obsessed with Dronarry, and any combination of those three. I also think I'm more in love with stories than ships. If it's an amazing story I end it with "OMG this is the BEST EVER" and I say it about a lot of ships.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I'm writing a multichap Drarry fic where Draco is a wandmaker, and it's falling in love fluff. I'm terrified to write them because I feel like I'll get torn to shreds because the Drarry fandom is too amazing for the likes of little old me. I'll just read Drarry and call it good, and MAYBE I'll get the courage to finish someday.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Ideas. I'm chockful of ideas. Also, I read a ton, so I think the more you read, the better you write.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Fluff. I HATE writing fluff. Why is it so hard?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't typically do it because I'm monolingual and don't want to fuck it up. I don't mind when others do it
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter!
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
How to Care for Your Monster Book: A Guide by Rubeus Hagrid  (Hagrid x Monster Book of Monsters) Y'aaaaaallll... I have no regrets about this fic. It's the only fic I've ever written that is perfect, I'll never top it, it's just so funny and weird (like me).
Tagging: @the-francakes @mugsdontlie @swoontodeath @vukovich @mintawasalreadytaken @peachpety @nv-md @lumosatnight and anyone else who wants to
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emerxshiu · 4 months
Elfilis for valentines :3
did on y'all but im back, hopefully i'll post for a few more days before i dissapear again
anyways have a drawing of my wife
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with text
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i actually wanted to draw kirfluff but my need to draw elfilis took over and my hands and back hurt like hell so i didnt draw the rest of stuff i wanted. maybe i could draw it later or tomorrow but im posting this now before i fall asleep or something and dont post.
It was also an excuse to draw the redesign of my fecto gijinka i had made a few weeks ago so, yeah it was fun.
Tho i might make some adjustments to my gijinka if i see fit. also in this drawing he has some differences from the actual gijinka, mainly, the little hearts arent like that in my gijinka and the bangs here have been tied up because i wasnt feeling like drawing them since theyre really long. also the lashes, but here i kinda tried doing their eyes differently and then colored them so i might make my lis gijinka have his eyes like this or change them, im not sure.
tho the more i look at the drawing, the more dissatisfied i become, i mean i did it yesterday around night and stuff so i didnt really think that much about it, (it took around seven hours and i finished it at like 1 am, i definitly wasnt the most concious at that time) but i feel like something is missing i dunno
maybe its the coloring, i had to remake the shading a lot of times since i didnt know how to do it, my style is really inconsistent a lot of times, going from cell shading to soft shading to mixing them both and so on so forth with a lot more of that.
i do have a sketch with some half finished lineart i did of one of the ideas i had (i was originally going to do more pieces with more characters but i didnt go trough it cuz i knew i wouldnt be able to do it in time) but im too embarassed of it to post it
and even tho i complained, i still kinda like this drawing
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(small edit i did)
next post is either one about a gijinka i have almost finished of an obscure kirby character i decided to adopt into an oc or a splatoon post following the fresh season 2024 and side order trailers, (fun fact side order releases just a few days before my birth day! im eating good with nintendo just like last year (last year was wave 1 of the dlc and return to dreamland deluxe))
Now im going to take a break after posting this on my other accounts and then later fight fecto elfilis (i do this almost every month sooo) and then grind my catlogue to get it to 100 before the next season starts
(fuck i just remembered i wanted to talk about a silly headcanon i made for lis while drawing this but i forgot and i dont want to write more ahhhh)
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dumping-ideas · 9 months
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After many many months stepping away from proseka jp, I finally caught up to the end of WxS arc 2 just in time before WxS new visual release.
Our Happy Ending gives me everything I want from a WxS event story. There are so many callbacks to the main story and previous events and it was perfect as an arc ender.
Moreover, the fact that the arc 1 ender is Tsukasa banner and the arc 2 ender is Emu banner is just very very delightful. After all, WxS won't even exist without their meeting. AND THIS EVENT IS THE LAST ARC ENDER FOR ALL THE GROUPS Y'ALL I'M VERY EMOTIONAL ABOUT THIS!!! AND MIKU WXS IS THE ONE WHO MEET THE OG MIKU IN THE VS MIXED BANNER TOO!!!!
God do I love everything about this event story
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WxS going the MMJ route by going freelance, heck yeah. I was curious about how they would manage their fundings and other technical parts of being a freelance but I guess if MMJ can do it so can Rui somehow. He probably already had a rough idea on what WxS should do to be independent from PWL.
I also like how the Otori Brothers being very upfront about the negatives of them letting WxS go, and even so they still agreed to work it out with the management and other staffs. Ugh, they really became WxS strongest supporters... We've come a long way since Rui told them they don't have any dreams all the way back in Smile of Dreamer ( ;∀;)
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Also, the fact that Rui and Nene tried to convince Emu to be with them while Tsukasa couldn't even say anything is just a straight punch to my gut. All the way back from Island Panic, I noticed Tsukasa never said anything about what he wanted for others. He always said he wanted to perform in more places but somehow avoided thinking about leaving WxS. It's like the thought is there in the back of his mind but he never said anything on his mind? Idk he was always quietly thinking before spouting encouraging words whenever WxS disbandment came up. Even at this part I was like, "Tsukasa, say something whether you support Emu or Rui and Nene!! You're the chairman!!" but the next Tsukasa scene gave me a two-hit combo.
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"There's nothing we can do."
"........Parting with a smile.......is really difficult."
Tsukasa was always positive, and his whole schtick is that he's an arrogant king, y'know? Of course he's actually considerate of others underneath all his ego, but he never hesitated to speak his mind. But here he just... Gave up. Because he wanted to cherish Emu's resolve to protect PWL and Wonder Stage, even if he finds it difficult to do. Unlike Rui and Nene, he didn't want to push Emu to be with them because I think he understood how much Emu loved her grandfather the most. Just like Saki is a big part of his dream, so is Emu's grandpa to Emu's dream. He didn't find any words to convince Emu because he painfully understood her feelings.
And the way Hirose say the nothing we can do line gives me the impression that those words aren't unfamiliar to Tsukasa too (TдT)
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It's very painful to see Emu struggling to let WxS go, they don't need to rub it in....... And it makes me sad how Emu can even fake her cheerful klutziness to make everyone smile with none the wiser. Emu is too kind......
In the end, she did find her resolve to stay at Wonder Stage thanks to the memories of her grandfather, and her resolve to say farewell with a smile got event stronger after the remake play of the "The Story of the Wandering Troupe" that the WxS VS performed.
Off-topic a little bit, I love how they use the play that bonded WxS together in the main story to be the last play they performed as Wonder Stage cast members. Plus, the end of the play that the VS modified to cheer up Emu and the rest is something that I've read in pixiv a lot. Well... A lot is kinda exagerating a little bit, but the number of "WxS disbanded to gain more experience but they came back to be WxS again (sometimes)" fics is not little.
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And tbh that's the most "realistic" outcome of the scenario. Parting is inevitable if they wanted to grow--to be better--to chase each other dreams. But the VS told them that even if they part, they could create their happy ending again. It may took a long time, but it could be there if they all have the same wish to be together. The story didn't have to end with a farewell, but a reunion.
But of course a sad thing is a sad thing. Even if they all got back together in the end, how many years would it take? How many memories they could create together but missed because they were on their own paths? Emu's head might understood that this might not be WxS definite end, but her heart knew that it would be a lonely and painful waiting game, and there was still a possibility that it would just... End.
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Once again, Emu cried by her lonesome just like in Smile of Dreamer, and once again WxS reached out to her.
At first, Tsukasa, Rui, and Nene didn't know what to do to ease Emu's sadness because unlike Smile of Dreamer, this time it was because of them. But just like Nene said, at least Emu shouldn't hide her tears from them. I think it's something that Nene had said to Emu in Smile of Dreamer too, but I'm glad that she reiterated that again because Emu clearly needed to hear it right now.
Of course Emu's wish to be able to send them off with a smile is very admirable and understandable. Heck, Emu herself wanted to do so butbher feelings kept getting stuck on feeling lonely and sad.
And this is where Tsukasa finally stepped up and finally voiced his own feelings of their parting.
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Because Tsukasa also felt the painfulness of having to go their own separate ways.
All this time, I as a reader never understand exactly what Tsukasa was feeling about WxS disbandment. In Panic Island, he was listening to Nene silently before agreeing with her--they might part in the future to chase their dreams and it might be lonely but they should be able to do it with no regret. In Curtain Call, he told Rui that he wanted to gain more experience but hinting that he would stay because he had his responsibilities as WxS chairman. In Lion Robot, he asked for more opportunities to perform in other stages to Emu's brothers because he couldn't leave Wonder Stage. In Middle of a Dream, he participated in a workshop by himself and performed without WxS by his side. Mr. Showtime from the Phoenix event has the lyrics "it's not over yet / I don't want it to end / but still, someday / until that day (the closing time) arrives".
Just by those alone, there were more hints that he wanted to go farther than Wonder Stage and perform with other people besides WxS. But he never said anything of his own feelings if they have to disband in the future. In Panic Island, he encouraged everyone to look forward but it felt like he reaffirmed Nene's stance rather than his own feelinvs. In the following event stories, he was running towards his own dream so fast that Otori Brothers and Rui knew they had to do something so Tsukasa wouldn't leave them (though Tsukasa's impatience already reared its head in Pop in My Heart).
Tbh I thought Tsukasa might feel lonely, but because it's something that "he couldn't do anything about" he would just look away. And it's not like he's unfamiliar with going solo, he's been taking part-times and doing workshops without WxS. Out of everyone, I thought Tsukasa would be able to leave WxS with a smile as long as he believed that Rui, Nene, and Emu would be just fine.
I only got a fourth of it right.
I knew he might felt lonely, but I didn't realize how much it hurt Tsukasa.
After all, even if Nene, Rui, and Emu were okay with it, Tsukasa said it himself---that parting is sad, and it's also painful for him even to the point of tears.
Isn't this the first time Tsukasa said how much something hurts him to WxS? Not even in Dazzling Stage where he had to dug into his lonely memories and in Phoenix where he had to embrace his feelings of helplessness.
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Sure, he had to start it with him saying all that as a future star and WxS leader, but it's progress. Heck, from the voice acting and the long pause before he said it's painful, it's obvious that it was hard for Tsukasa to say it. Whether it meant that it's painful to voice it out loud in general or particularly in front of WxS is up in the air, but by letting them see his own weakness Tsukasa affirmed Emu's feelings that it's okay to cry. That it's fine for Emu to feel sad and lonely because they would be separated. He let down his walls to help Emu--because it was thanks to her that Tsukasa could be the person he was now.
And then Otori Brothers appeared and finally take action as adults.
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The one thing I love from prsk is how adults have active roles in most of the stories. Look at how they show the influence adults have over their children in Niigo, the effect of legacy and community for youth in VBS, and I'm sure now that MMJ and Leoni are going pro they would meet adults who would influence them as well. Prsk never shy away from the fact that their characters are still high schoolers--they still need guidance and protection from the adults around them.
And this time Keisuke and Shosuke stepped up by promising Emu that they would protect Wonder Stage and PWL, so Emu could spread her wings and gain experience from other places. LIKE HERE IS THE "BAD GUYS" IN THE MAIN STORY AND ARC 1 AND NOW PROTECTING WONDER STAGE AND PWL IS THEIR DREAMS AS WELL゜・.(iДi)。:゚KEISUKE AND SHOSUKE HAVE COME A LONG WAY!!!
I'm glad that they agree with me that it's just sad that if only Emu was left behind and so they made it possible for Emu to leave Wonder Stage if she wanted to... And she did.
And now Tsukasa was able to say to Emu, who had her own dream, that he wanted Emu to come with them just as himself.
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The last chapter tied the ribbon neatly by having Sakurako appeared in the next rendition of "The Story of the Wandering Troupe", declaring that she would protect the village while the clown was on a journey with her troupe. Because everyone in PWL wanted WxS to have Wonder Stage as a place to return to, they promised Emu that they would protect it--because WxS protected the PWL they love back in Wonder Magical Showtime.
All in all, I'm right that there's no way that they would disband WxS, but more than that I'm satisfied that they affirmed everyone's feelings. They didn't brush off the pain and loneliness of parting, and WxS did have a crying fest because they all finally acknowledge it. But the best part is that Otori Brothers acted as adults and protected WxS hearts. People might say that it's bordering deus ex machina but we know they've been doing a lot of things so WxS can stay together, just like Rui. They probably wanted a more "realistic" conclusion, but I think the adults being responsible and taking care of the younger ones is realistic enough.
All in all, my happy ending is a perfect conclusion for WxS before their world expands.
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HAVE you yet heard Stuck Inside, released an hour ago and made by Black Gryph0n, TLT, CG5, Baasik, AND Kevin Foster??
Because it is so good TvT
Okay so I checked and THERE'S A NEW VERSION UP!!
[Link to the song]
This version is actually SUPER interesting to compare to the original, I think I liked the other one better? But I will admit CG5 went OFF on this one. I don't think I've ever really heard him scream like that in a song before and it really fit the tone they were going for here!!! Very cool, check it out if y'all want to :)
Since this is a sort of remake of the original (like a month after that version came out?????) I do have some opinions about how this stacks up and, for the first time, I will be getting a bit negative with it so if you don't want to see that I've put it under a read more! If you're interested feel free to take a peek but definitely don't worry about it if you don't want to hear it.
One more thing! This song would not be applicable for the tournament, since the only thing that really changed was CG5's verse and it doesn't really feel substantial enough to me to make it an entirely new song. Sorry! But if you like this one and haven't already, please consider submitting the original instead!
Okay here we go nobody kill me for this okay?
So being entirely honest here, because sometimes reviews can be negative reviews and these are all just my personal opinions, this one felt a little lackluster compared to the original. CG5 performed great and it looks like everyone had a fun time, but from a music standpoint I prefer the original beyond a shadow of a doubt.
CG5's verse was fine, I thought the lyrics were cool, but the chorus...felt a little weird. The original song felt like every part was sung by Springtrap with the exception of the bridge by Kevin Foster, so using the same lyrics and giving that verse to the kids felt really strange to me. I did like the bit where the other animatronics show up and suddenly it's a whole chorus of people singing! But to me the lyrics just felt so weird coming from them that I couldn't really focus on anything else.
The rest of it is a banger, as always, but personally I feel the CG5 verse detracts from the rest of the song and what it was going for. Also, I'm not a music producer so I don't know what that part of it is like, but why come out with a slightly changed version of your song a MONTH after the original came out??? It almost feels like they don't like that version anymore which to me is a little sad considering it's quickly become one of my favorites.
This isn't as relevant but the animation also felt a little forced and flashy in a way that felt uncanny which might have been exactly what they were going for!!! Doesn't vibe with me though, personally.
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baobhanlore-art · 9 months
Rachel Zegler is being targeted unfairly: let's talk about it.
I feel like I'm in the minority here but the treatment of Rachel Zegler by the general public surrounding Snow White is awful and I want to talk about it.
So I get it if you're a fan of the original movie and feel upset about Rachel saying it has some not so great unfeminist elements and the live action is meant to change that. A lot of people are saying it's unfeminist to say a woman can't fall in love with a man. But it's still a fair criticism to say that Snow White was valued for being pretty, kind, calm and doing chores for men whereas the villain was an independent powerful woman. Sure, it's great to see a woman being nice and that being promoted but I also think Snow White is definitely a product of its time. It's beautiful and I love Snow White's character design but it probably wouldn't be made the way it was in the modern day.
Secondly, I want the live-action remakes to be different from the original animated versions. I would prefer if Disney invested into more new projects, though I won't undermine the amazing work animators are doing for original properties and franchises alike (I know the animated Star Wars series are really popular and critically acclaimed though I've still to watch them). But if they're going to be made, I want them to be different. If Snow White is more about a conflict between a Queen and a younger, newer voice then I'm all for it.
As for her not being white, as a very pale person I don't personally care that much. Rachel looks like Snow White physically and the photos we've seen of her do show a sort of whimsical vibe that Disney Princesses thrive on. If technical inaccuracy allows for a poc woman to be put in the spotlight, I'm cool with it.
Lastly, do y'all not realise what marketing strategies are? The cast have probably been told by producers to spark outrage so the movie is discussed more. They're rage baiting us and it's working. And I won't fault the actors for promoting a film the way they've been told to. There's a thin line between being shamefully corporate and hustling admirably and I'm going to take my fellow artists' side until proven otherwise. Especially since Rachel is currently partaking in the strikes so she can be paid more appropriately for her role in a movie that will likely be huge.
I do have issues with the live action, especially how they only cast one little person to play a dwarf, but that's not really Rachel's fault. Just wait for the movie to come out first and then we can debate.
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harleycao · 4 months
So, i meant to post about this before now but I'm opening playlist commissions. Also, I'm new with this, so please be patient with me.
Okay, so, i find that I've got an affinity for making playlists for pretty much anything. Characters, stories, relationships, situations, feelings, etc... And i love making them so i want to make some for other people.
(Press "read more" if interested!)
1. Please be as detailed as possible, so i have enough to go off of.
2. Please don't claim the playlist as your own. If you post it anywhere, please just credit @harleycao on tumblr.
3. Please let me know if you prefer i make the playlist on Spotify or just type up the songs and artists. I can also do both.
4. I'll at least try to make a playlist for anything, but some examples are a character, a relationship, a story/story arc, a situation, or a story trope.
5. I'll also do pov playlists for relationships with certain characters (the tricky thing is that i have to know about the character already. I'll try to figure something out to make a seperate post that further explains/specifies for. this bit). Same thing for povs taking place im fictional worlds.
6. Please be patient while i get your playlist created
7. I have the right to decline to make your playlist if i don't have time or don't think i could do it adequately
8. You can request as many times as you want, but not all at once. One request at a time per person. If you want more, you have to send a seperate request once the previous one has been finished.
9. I want you to like your playlist which means i want feedback! You don't quite like a song i picked/don't think it fits? Let me know! I'll be happy to go back and change the playlist to make it better! Just be polite about it, please!
10. You don't have to fill out this form, but here's one for those who want it. Please know that this is the information i need in your request. (I'm going to copy & paste the form in the comments for easier access).
Type of playlist (what you want the playlist for. Relationship, character, story, etc):
Spotify, list, or both?: (Do you want me to make the playlist on Spotify,just type the songs & artists, or both)
Any specifications?: (no explanation needed, I'd think)
(I'll probably edit/tweak this form later but don't worry about changing your request if/when i do)
(Just people i think might be interested)
Examples (will be updated as i make more playlists):
These are just some playlists I've already made to give y'all an idea. (They're all playlists on Spotify, so that's where the links lead to).
Some of these playlista are for specific portrayals of a character (they'll specify when they are) but if it doesn't specify what version, either it's meant for a generalized version of the character/no specific version or it's already obvious by the thumbnail/ playlist cover.
in love with clark kent
(Note: I'm reworking this one ↑ so it's going to change fairly often until I'm satisfied with it).
in love with smallville!clark kent
(I'm only on season 3 of smallville so this one will probably change as i get further into the show)
in love with matt murdock
in love with tasm!peter parker
in love with bruce wayne
in love with dick grayson
in love with frank castle
in love with sirius black
(I'm planning to make one for remus lupin and eventually others from hp but haven't yet)
in love with dean winchester
in love with jason todd
in love with pattinson!bruce wayne
in love with loki
(I absolutely hate the formatting/layout of this post because it's so messy & unorganized but I'm lazy to do anything about it rn. Might remake the post at some point).
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skysometric · 6 months
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why, thank you for asking! i've been thinking it through for the last few days, i just wanted to make sure my answer was all written and ready to go first. all... checks notes... 4,000 words of it.
ICYMI, last week i sent asks to a bunch of my friends with a simple question: "what's your favorite game you played this year?" as i hoped, y'all gave a bunch of EXCELLENT answers, all of which i reblogged on my side blog @autumatically! (if you didn't get an ask like this and you want to join in, ping me – i sent too many asks to keep track of and i probably just forgot to send one your way!)
of course i wanted to answer this myself, but i wanted to write about more than just one game! and when i sat down to write, i just kept going, and going, and going...
so we're splitting this up! every day this week, i'll be counting down my top 5 games that i played in 2023. not all of these are games that i've streamed, and only one of them has shown up on anyone else's lists so far, so i'm really excited to reminisce and share my experiences this year 💖
maybe you'll even find a new game to try out? i'm certainly really excited to dig through y'alls lists and try some of the ones i missed out on this year!
to kick things off, let's start with:
Honorable Mentions
two games came out this year that i would probably put in my top 5, no competition. so why didn't i? because i didn't actually play them!
see, as much as i love to play video games, oftentimes i also like to watch them just as much. this has always been great for games that i never intended to play in the first place, like the Final Fantasies and Fortnites of our day… but lately it's also let me take turns with my partner on who plays which new releases.
in fact, for both of the games i'm about to list, i watched my partner play them in full and i've watched no less than two separate people stream them as well. which means, with all that oversaturation, it's probably gonna be a while before i play them myself…
either way! here's my top two games that i didn't play in 2023.
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Pizza Tower
this one likely needs no introduction! Wario Land 4 is one of my favorite games of all time, and the way Pizza Tower extends those basic concepts is a masterclass of game design. the moveset is perfectly geared toward accessible speed tech, the level layouts are top notch, the different forms are unique and funny, the art style is GORGEOUS, the combo system adds incredible replay value and pushes the player to their limits…
honestly the only thing stopping me from playing this right now is that the levels are too fresh in my mind, and i'd like a little time to let those memories fade before i dive back in and experience everything in a wave of nostalgia. seeing so much of the game already was totally worth it, though – i had the distinct pleasure of watching my partner learn how to P Rank most of the levels, and the simple joy of watching her build up her skills is one of my standout memories of 2023. proud of you, love!
god, Pizza Tower is a perfect slice of video game. i can't WAIT to play it myself!
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Super Mario RPG
as a young kid, i always wanted a physical copy of this game. i could never justify it, though, because i already owned it on Wii Virtual Console, and it was one of the more expensive SNES games i had my eye on… a whole $40 in 2007 money! fast forward to the modern day, and not only do i no longer have easy access to that old Wii copy, but a physical cart now goes for like $90???
blessedly, along comes the Switch remake. i still can't believe this exists – it's a perfect remake in every way, shape, and form! the sprite-based animations are lovingly recreated, the battle system is rebalanced in fun ways, and the music is PERFECTLY re-arranged. even the dialog, which i expected to be completely retranslated… it's smoothed over, but mostly unchanged! the original game's unabashed weirdness and charm is fully intact, and i did NOT expect that out of modern Nintendo.
this is one that i didn't mind watching others play; Super Mario RPG is all about the vibe, and this remake captures that vibe perfectly. i'm excited to play it myself once it's had time to settle! but, for now, i'm perfectly content just vibing with others~
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alinelovelace · 11 months
Gif tutorial by Alinelovelace
Alright, I'll be doing 3 things here today:
1.) Sharing the programs and websites I use
2.) Showing y'all a tutorial on how I make my gifs (this is my first tutorial, so if anything doesn't make sense, don't hesitate to message me, send me an ask, or comment on this post!!!!!)
3.) Sharing some resources by insanely talented gif makers (because I learned how to make gifs by following tutorials)
It's probably important(?) to mention that I use a Windows laptop
A.) Programs and websites:
ezgif: to make my gifs and do light editing
You can make gifs with video clips or screen caps. I'm not advanced enough to use screen caps, though they're supposed to make gorgeous gifs. I use ezgif to make the actual gif and edit the timing (which I end up having to tweak on Photoshop but...)
I also like ezgif because no watermarks!! I will do anything in my power to get rid of watermarks from websites and editing programs because they bother the hell out of me!
Photoshop: for the rest of my editing
This is where I recolor and add text.
A great alternative to Photoshop is Photopea, which I've used before I "obtained" Photoshop. It's FREE and online, so you don't have to download anything! I highly recommend it if you really want to get into gif coloring !!!!
Currently, I get my videos from torrents (bc I have a wide selection for my family to watch on our tv). But I used to use the Xbox game bar on Windows to record the clips I wanted on online streaming sites (unfortunately there's not a whole lot up and running anymore), then cropped and cut them. If anyone's interested in that, I could probably post a separate tutorial for that another time :)
There's also screen cap websites out there and YouTube. And probably dozens of other ways to get videos that I don't know about!
Video cutter
If you use full length episode videos and don't know how to crop them on your laptop (like me)
B.) Tutorial:
I'll be remaking the first gifset I ever made since I've learned A LOT since then! It should be pretty simple since there's only one set of subtitles.
Another time, I could do an edit tutorial like my That 70s Show ones. It's just taking the same concepts as this tutorial though, and playing around with colors, fonts, and font placement.
1.) Find your video/screen caps:
Since I no longer have the video from my first gifset, I just googled "Mulder throwing pencils season 10" on YouTube. After finding the video, I copied the link and pasted it into a YouTube to MP4 site ((this site has never given me popups or tried to get me to download something that isn't my video file)).
2.) If your downloaded video clip is short enough, you can just stick it into ezgif. If not, you may have to cut it using a website or a computer program.
Ezgif.com -> video to gif -> browse -> select your file -> upload video
3.) After clicking upload video, you should find yourself on this page:
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If you need to do any kind of video editing (cropping, rotating, resizing, etc) this is the place to do it! This is also where you make your gifs.
For the first gif, I don't need to change the start time, since I'm starting at the beginning of the video. 0 seconds is fine. But for the stop time, I'm going to play the video, pause where I want my first gif to end, then press "use current position" by end time.
I don't usually touch the settings for size, FPS, or method. If the gif doesn't have a lot of movement, I check "optimize for static background"
Then press convert to gif.
Here's the product I got. Since it's such a short clip, it moves a little fast for me.
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I'm going to click "speed" which is below the gif. You're brought to this page:
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This is completely up to you for speed, but I find that between 60% and 85% end up looking good. If you don't like it, just change the number in the box and press "change speed". I ended up with mine at 65% of current speed.
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A little better, right? The gifs that turn out best are 3 seconds to 10 seconds in my experience. This one is 1.5 seconds, so it's a little fast.
After that, rinse and repeat for every gif you need to make.
4.) Editing time! This is for Photoshop (if you use Photopea, I very much recommend this tutorial. It's very well explained!)
Go ahead and open all of your gifs once Photoshop is booted up. Then click window -> timeline
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Now you have a handy dandy little timeline on the bottom.
The first thing you're going to do click play and decide whether or not your gifs are running at the speed you want. If yes, move on to next step.
If not: click on the three lines -> select all frames -> little drop down arrow. You should have a variety of times available to choose. Usually, I click other, then put somewhere between 0.04 and 0.08 seconds. Click play again. If you don't like it, try this step again.
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If you need to crop your gif, three lines -> select all frames. Press "c" on your keyboard and crop accordingly.
4a.) Color editing
This is where things get complicated. Just remember coloring is subjective and everyone does it differently. This is just an intro to the different tools most gif makers use to alter color.
You don't have to use all of these! I definitely pick and choose depending on how I want the coloring to look. When I'm making a gif set, my coloring isn't as adventurous as when I'm making an edit. It doesn't feel worth it to give away my settings for this gifset since it changes depending on the coloring and lighting of the scene.
All of these tools can be found under "create new filter adjustment layer"
• Brightness/Contrast
This one is the easiest in my opinion. It's pretty straightforward. The more you drag brightness the right, the brighter your gif gets. The more you drag contrast to the right, the higher the contrast is.
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• Curves
This adjusts lighting with color values. It's another tool that's hard to explain. I just drag the little circles on the chart until it looks good
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• Color Balance
Like every other setting, exactly what you do with this tool is up to you. Color Balance adjusts the overall tint of your gif. I recommend editing highlights, shadows, and midtones for the best results.
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• Channel mixer
This one is one of the most complicated tools when making gifs in my opinion. It's best for getting rid of weird colored tints (think the blue coloring in Twilight). I'll just link a tutorial here for it. I don't make enough gifs to know how to explain it.
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• Selective color
Hands down my favorite tool, though not only specifically for gif making. This tool allows you to select a color (reds, yellows, greens, cyans, blues, magentas, whites, neutrals, blacks) and edit each color group. For example: my skin in photos usually has a weird red tint. I can edit the reds in my photo using this tool to make it look less abrasive.
You just play around with the different colors and bars for each color until each color group looks good. I recommend hitting the highest value to see how the color changes/what parts of the gif are affected by the change.
In the instance below, I wanted to see how magenta affected the blue colors, so I dragged magenta to 100. Now, knowing what kind of color changes magenta will make to blue, I can adjust accordingly.
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Messing around with the each color put me here:
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• Vibrance
Another pretty self explanatory tool! Vibrance and saturation bars make the gif colors more colored and vibrant.
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• Applying the filters to all frames
Shift click to select all the filters, and drag them above all the layers. They should now be applied to all the frames.
If not, select all frames with the three lines menu drop down like before -> click the little eye to turn off visibility, then click it again to turn it back on. You should be able to see everything now.
In order to carry the same colors from gif to gif, I take pictures of each setting and edit each filter adjustment layer accordingly. I side by side compare and make adjustments if the coloring doesn't match quite right. I'm sure there's a better way to do this, but I'm not experienced enough yet.
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4b.) Subtitles
This part isn't too bad. For subtitle text, I use Calibri. Myriad pro bold italic and Arial are also really good options though!
• Text
Go to the sidebar and select text. Drag yourself out a box approximately where you want your subtitles. Type whatever you want. If you don't like where it is, click the move tool and drag it wherever you'd like.
Here are my text settings:
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• Blending options
Right click your text layer and select "blending options" at the top. I edit stroke, which adds an outline. I also edit drop shadow, just because it adds a little depth to the text
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• Applying to all frames
Drag the text layer to the top, just like you did with the adjustment filter layers when coloring. The same troubleshooting applies.
5.) Exporting
I know there's other ways to do this, but this is the way that makes the most sense to me.
Select all frames on the timeline -> file -> export -> save for web (legacy) -> save
With everything together, you go from:
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I had the subtitles in two parts because my first one had the subtitle in two parts (consistency).
Happy giffing!~~
C.) Resources:
This is a collection of resources both for Photopea and Photoshop
Photopea Resources:
Photopea giffing tutorial by @heroeddiemunson
Photopea gif coloring tutorial by @heroeddiemunson
Photopea removing yellow tint tutorial by @lacebird
Photopea gif making tutorial by @aragarna
Photopea gif making tutorial by @ashleyolsen
Photopea changing background color of gifs by @benoitblanc
Photoshop tutorials:
Giffing tutorial by @dqmeron
Subtitle tutorial by @itsphotoshop
Blurring gif backgrounds by @clubgif
Inverted colored text tutorial by @spaceslayer
Gradient text tutorial by @tawaifeddiediaz
Gif coloring tutorial by @logangarfield
Color consistency tutorial by @clubgif
Channel mixer tutorial by @zoyanazyalensky
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