#but Twi respects wild animals and Wild... is Wild
skyloftian-nutcase · 1 month
For the ask:
Hyrule+ your choice + Racoon in a bow tie
(And I got my blood test back and it was normal. More testing needed but at least that's okay.)
"Hey, Rulie, mind giving me a hand?" Wild called from off the hiking trail.
Hyrule slid down the embankment a little, wandering further into the woods where his friend was sitting. It looked rather like he was wrestling with something with the way his torso turned, and--
Was that a raccoon he was holding?!
"What... are you doing?" he asked as he stared at his friend struggle to hold the creature. The raccoon, for its part, wasn't too upset, but it certainly seemed perturbed enough to wiggle.
"I convinced him over with some food," Wild explained. "Because I always thought it would be great to get a picture of a raccoon wearing a bowtie. Twi said it was ridiculous and impossible. Do you mind taking a picture?"
Honestly, the first question that came to mind was why did you even think of this but it was pretty funny. And Wild was bribing the raccoon with more snacks, calming it. Hyrule shut off the part of his mind that was over analyzing and saying injuries/rabies/wild animal and laughed, grabbing his phone to take a picture.
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brendathedoodler · 1 year
I’ve mentioned once that everyone found out about Twilight’s transformation much sooner in the adventure swap au, but I haven’t elaborated much on who started figuring things out first, or what others might’ve had as misconceptions before he properly revealed it.
So let’s start with the first person to figure it out: Legend. As someone with several other forms, seeing Twilight disappear and a strange wolf reappear with a similar magic signature to his sword? Yup, he figured it out immediately. Didn’t say a word about it to anyone, though. Twi has his right to secrets as much as Legend does. Later, they’d have a spiderman meme moment when Legend catches Twi transforming into a Hylian while Legend is in his mermaid form. Neither says a word about the other’s secret, though.
The second person to figure it out is Wind, if only because he can see Midna. Twilight vanishes and then a wolf appears later with the same minish that hangs out on his shoulder? Yeah, it’s Twi. No doubt about it. Wind does admit that he figured it out to Twi privately though, so it’s pretty calm between them.
Hyrule had a suspicion that Twi might’ve been Wolfie, but he also couldn’t rule out the possibility that Twi just summoned Wolfie or something else like that. He was extremely curious, but didn’t want to pry into his secrets. He respects his companions too much, and would prefer they come to him in their own time.
Proxi figured it out before Warriors did (thanks to both Midna and the magic she sensed from him), but didn’t tell him. Back when the two were traveling together alone, she’d tell him everything she saw, to the point where in rumors about the hero she’d be referred to as his third eye. Proxi doesn’t tattle to Wars about the others’ secrets, though; it was something the two agreed on when they started traveling with the group. Warriors wants to know everything so he can account for it, but he also doesn’t want them to be wary around him and Proxi if they felt she’d go to him for everything. He did find out after doing his own investigations, since he didn’t quite trust this strange wolf showing up randomly. Twilight admitted it to him to ease his nerves and build trust between them once again.
Time was completely and utterly convinced that not only did Twi summon Wolfie, but he used something similar to the command melody to control him, which is why the two were never in the same place. Why did he come to this conclusion? Well, it just made sense to him honestly. He made no effort to correct his misconception and never brought up it up when Twilight admitted it to the group.
Four figured out Legend’s rabbit form well before he figured out Twi’s wolf form. After all, he’s a little pink rabbit with a missing foot, and Legend has the same shade of pink hair and obviously has some secrets about one of his hands. He wasn’t at all surprised when Twilight admitted he was Wolfie, but he hadn’t quite put the pieces together on his own yet.
Wild honestly didn’t make the connection. He hasn’t really seen a wolf before, but he looooves animals. It was kinda weird that Twilight would vanish, but he didn’t entirely notice or realize. He wasn’t incredibly shocked to discover they were the same person, but he was pretty embarrassed because he’d done and said some dumb shit in front of Wolfie. Whoops.
Sky had absolutely no fucking idea. He was completely and utterly oblivious to the fact that Twilight and Wolfie had much (if any) connection, and was the only person genuinely surprised by it when he admitted it to the group.
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author-main · 10 months
could i get a few leggy hcs dear author
Ouh a few headcannoniess
-His (and Hyrule's) era's seasons are opposite to the rest of the timeline's seasons. October was right in the middle of Spring.
-Not sure if Legend is colorblind or not. He and Twilight have both been physically changed by their transformations. Legend's changes were much more drastic than Twi's. His mouth and teeth are different, but he also can't eat animal products (meat, dairy, etc). He also has flat feet. Twilight also had his teeth changed, and they both have tapetum lucidum.
Twilight's night vision gives him red-green colorblindness, but in the daytime/in a well-lit room he sees all colors just fine. I feel like if Legend also has colorblindness, it wouldn't matter what the time of day was. The thing is, I don't know what colors rabbits can see.
-Dark World magic is stronger than Dark-Twili Magic
-He's 21, legally allowed to drink in his Hyrule.
-Legend has a lot of respect for Wild and is fond of them.
-Most alert during dawn and dusk
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colibrie · 2 years
Prompt: Unicorn
From: @sisters-sideblog
"So...anyone wanna fill me in? " Four asked, taking in the chaos of the camp as he slowly set down the load of kindling he'd spent the last thirty minutes gathering.
The once neat boarders of their camp were gone, packs and objects scattered helter-skelter across the grass. The fire ring was only half built, and several of their canteens lay smashed on the ground.
In the center of it all stood a magnificent white horse, its mane gleaming golden in the late light of day. Polished silver hooves pawed restlessly at the ground, while a equally golden tail lashed the air. A horn of ivory and sliver extended from the beasts head in a beautiful spiral, terminating in a wicked and deadly point. It was astounding, breathtaking, mystifying. The kind of creature that would fit in Dots favorite fairytale.
It also appeared to be having a mental break down.
The beast was a mess, foam forming around its mouth as it let of an endless litany of shrill whinys and equine screetches. Sweat streaked its flanks as it staggered drunkenly about, as if unsure how to operate its own limbs.
The respected and venerated heroes of Hyrule ran amok, flailing like cuccos caught in a wind storm as they tried to corral the beast with a make shift ring of blankets and rope. Sky, the only one sans blanket, kept trying to approach the creature with the master sword, only to scitter back when animal swung its horn at him in warning."
"Warriors and Twi were messing around," Wild replied, frantically swiping through the screens of his slate. "Wars touched Twi's pendant."
"You mean that's,"
"FOR THE LOVE OF FARORE! STAND STILL YOU GLORIFIED NAG!" Legend shrieked as he tried to grab Wars around the neck. "This would all be better if you would just stop acting like a drama queen!"
A poorly executed kick conveyed Wars displeasure with Legends assessment.
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bokettochild · 2 years
Absolutely bonkers idea: even most of the animals in Gerudo Town are female but Shade gets a pass even when Wild doesn’t cause Urbosa just gets the feeling that he should be able to pass in freely (Time was straight up adopted into the Gerudo)
Wolfie also has a similar pass since I definitely saw reference to Gerudo!Twi in Zvevda (?)
Yeah, Urbosa probably knows exactly who they are because of the history books, and she totally let them in and the Gerudo people just treat them with utmost respect :)
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attllhak · 3 years
Adoption AU: Midna
AKA: The one where Twilight got shot.
@tortilla-of-courage @ghostdragonace @sekiumiarashi @anadorablekiwi
Also, mind the tags for this one, since it is the fic where Twi gets shot I did look up the warnings list I gave my best friend when I shared it with them. It shouldn’t be too bad, but better safe than sorry.
Twilight wasn’t terribly happy about this arrangement. He understood what Keapora was trying to do, he did, but that didn’t mean he was happy about it.
It was a group project for their history class, about the French revolution. Everyone was assigned a historical figure to research, and at the end of two weeks they would need to present an argument on why their figure shouldn’t be executed. The class would vote, and if you lost then a carrot that Keapora’s daughter, Zelda, or Sun as his family called her since they knew so many Zeldas, dressed up to look like the figures would be executed. Twilight’s brother often helped her, and people didn’t usually survive since everyone loved watching Keapora execute carrot nobles with the tiny, functioning guillotine he had.
Twilight was one of the people that was really valuable in group projects because he actually did the work. He was especially sought after because he never made a big deal of it, unless the others did absolutely nothing, and even then he cornered the teacher after class instead of calling anyone out. Dusk, another Zelda, was another of these very valuable group project members. She was a little more vocal about being used, but only because she approached the teacher while class was still in and did so regardless of how little effort was put in. Twilight didn’t know Dusk personally, they didn’t run in the same circles very often, but they got along well enough.
Midna, however, was another story.
Midna was a foreign student, whose parents had immigrated not long after she was born. Her mother’s brother and his family moved with them. Twilight was more familiar with her, but only because they had ended up in the office for fighting once.
Not each other, they had never hit each other. In fact, they had been on the same side. The person they were fighting was Midna’s cousin Zant.
Zant was a grade above them, and a real piece of work. He thought because his family were immigrants that he could claim discrimination any time anyone wasn’t willing to do what he wanted. Plus, if you asked Twilight, he was just a bit loony, and every time he saw the guy he got a worse and worse feeling about him.
They’d met the year before, when Midna and Zant had switched schools. Zant had tried picking on one of Twilight’s little brothers, and Twilight was not having that. Midna had the same thought, apparently, since she was pretty quick to get involved too. Then Zant punched Twilight. Midna punched Zant. One of Zant’s cronies jumped in to defend him. Twilight’s brother Legend saw this going down and decided to lend his fists to the cause when he noticed Twi and Midna were outnumbered. Things devolved from there.
In the end, Zant’s cronies, and Legend, booked it before the teachers got there to break it up. All three of them got dragged into the office and had parents called. Twilight had been miserable until Midna leaned over to compliment him on his form and show him funny videos on her phone. They didn’t talk much, but there was a mutual respect there.
Midna was not like Twilight or Dusk. She was very useful to a group project, but also had a tendency to publicly call out everyone who didn’t help. During the presentation. Twilight had howled the first time she got to the ‘credits’ slide and it was all just her name, and then the other group members listed as ‘standing around looking pretty’. He wasn’t alone.
So he understood what Keapora was doing. By putting all the kids who were invaluable to group projects together it ensured that they wouldn’t get taken advantage of and that they’d all be able to only do their part.
He didn’t have to like it.
It was because he was on the soccer team, he figured. He knew the other sports kids used that as an excuse to get out of projects. And Dusk was on student council and in debate.
That was the only reason he could find that Midna didn’t trust them to do their part. Or maybe she was just jaded. He understood that feeling.
Either way, after the first ‘huddle’ to begin dividing the work where Midna had complained about doing all the work, Dusk pulled Twilight aside and they worked out a plan to get Midna to trust them.
A large part of this plan leveraged the fact Midna already seemed mostly cool with Twilight, so he’d be mostly on the charisma front (which had confused him, since he was far better with animals than he was people), and Dusk would focus more heavily on gathering and sorting research. This, worked less well than Dusk had hoped.
Fortunately, Midna came around the day they got kicked out of the library for getting into a screaming match about a few contradictory facts they dredged up. They left the room still steaming, but Midna was laughing pretty loudly. After that, the three of them got along pretty well.
The project went pretty smoothly after that as well, and they agreed if any more screaming was to happen they’d relocate outside. This worked really well, and soon enough they fell into a system. Dusk even offered them her house to get together after school to work on it. This worked well for Twilight, who had four and a half brothers and counting, and thus didn’t exactly live in a house conducive to group projects. Or any projects.
The three ended up spending a lot of time together working on it, and even managed to get to the point where they were well ahead of the rest of the class. Twilight was even hopeful their carrot might survive (though not so hopeful he thought it would, he knew better than that).
Of course, the universe didn’t seem to think he should be able to take a break. Ignoring that Wild had just gotten another cast off and he’d had to rescue Legend from a few more fist fights, he didn’t think anything big would end up happening. It was just the usual shit where his biggest break was going over to Dusk’s house to work or disappearing on his Epona for a few hours.
But, he wasn’t oblivious. He noticed the warning signs, he just dismissed them.
In hindsight, he shouldn’t have done this.
Zant had always made Twilight uncomfortable. It didn’t help that he seemed to really hate Twilight after the fight they’d gotten into, and made worse by the fact Twilight got along well with Midna. Midna mentioned he was always a little jealous of her for various reasons, and that they’d never been close. So he didn’t think much of it when Zant started acting weirder than usual. He asked when he noticed Midna was getting more fidgety and nervous, but accepted it when she brushed him off. He paid no mind to the fact Zant started skipping school.
He never brushed things off like this again. His therapist said it was paranoia based on trauma, but Dusk agreed with him that it was a reasonable caution. After all, he was the one who got hurt.
They had finished the project early, after spending the entire weekend at Dusk’s place to work on it at Midna’s request. In hindsight, it should have been worrying that Midna was avoiding her home, but no one said anything about it since she just brushed them off.
The three were sitting in the library, sorting through the last few bits of information and the presentation to make sure they had everything. Twilight was sitting closest to the door, which is probably why he was the one who did the stupid thing.
They had been there for maybe ten minutes when an announcement for a lockdown came over the intercom. Lockdown drills had been happening since Twilight’s dad had been in school, after he’d done something really stupid and brave in the face of danger, so no one thought much of it. Mostly, they just moved all the papers and the laptop they were using under the table so they could keep working.
That is, until Twilight noticed how worried the librarians looked.
Suspicious now, Twilight rapped twice on the top of the table and hissed to the girls his concerns. Midna agreed, but looked suddenly really, really pale, and a little scared.
“Midna, are you alright?” Dusk hovered a hand over Midna’s shoulder, and Twilight crouched down next to them to watch as well.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Midna waved them off, but both of them could tell she was lying.
“Midna, do you know what’s going on?” Twilight asked her, glancing back at the librarians every so often.
“No, well, maybe,” she was now wringing her hands in her cloak, chewing on her lip.
“Midna, what’s going on? Is this for real?” Dusk set her hand down and Midna jumped, Dusk retracting her hand as she did.
“Well,” she hesitated, but Twilight offered her a smile and Dusk nodded. “There have been a few, issues, with my cousin. You know, Zant? He uh, he’s not been doing well recently,”
“Not been doing well?” Twilight led, hoping for something more.
“He’s been getting more violent,” Midna admitted quietly. “And, and he’s starting to scare me a little bit,”
Twilight and Dusk shared a look, both coming to the same conclusion.
Before anything more could be said, however, the library door was thrown open, and the librarians screamed and ducked behind the counters. Twilight jerked up to standing, having not slid under the table with the girls.
Sure enough, Zant was standing across the library, panting hard and looking more than a little crazed.
“Call the cops,” Twilight muttered to the girls, frozen where he stood and just waiting for Zant to spot him. “One of you call the police,”
“Link,” Midna hissed at him, probably well aware of what he was planning. “Don’t you even think about it!”
“Just make sure the police are on the way,” Twilight hissed back, ignoring the use of his real name.
He ignored both girls when Zant finally spotted him. He knew what people looked like when they were going to shoot. Legend and Wild both learned to shoot for fun a while back and would practice on old milk jugs in the yard. He had more than enough warning before Zant even brought the pistol up to aim.
Twilight took off at him at a dead run, knowing full well he was dead if there was enough distance, ignoring the cursing from the girls.
He shoulder checked Zant hard in the stomach and managed to duck beneath the first shot. Unfortunately, he was very close to the gun and it didn’t have a silencer. He stumbled back and rubbed his ears, trying to dispel the ringing in them. This gave Zant enough time to get back to his feet and regain his breath. Twilight noticed and pushed the ringing to the side and lunged for the gun.
The two tug-of-warred over the weapon for a few beats, Twilight trying to get it away from Zant and Zant trying to get it at an angle so he could shoot Twilight. Twilight kept trying to push the gun pointed down and Zant was desperately pulling on it and trying to shove and hit Twilight.
This went on for several long moments, though Twilight didn’t remember exactly how long. He was way more focussed on the fight than how long it was.
He most certainly remembered his hand slipping and the gun coming up, and the second gunshot was burned in his memory, never to be erased.
The pain didn’t register for a few heartbeats, and shock set in almost immediately. He lost his grip on the gun and stumbled back, eyes wide in shock and horror, mouth open in a silent scream.
Zant stumbled back as well, and both boys seemed frozen. Zant grinned, however, and lifted up the gun again to finish the job.
Twilight had never felt so scared before or after.
And then a loud crack sounded, and standing behind and over Zant’s now crumpled form was Midna, chair held by the legs over her head.
Midna caught sight of Twilight, and dropped the chair, swearing really loudly.
It was at this point Twilight lowered his hands to his stomach, and the hole that now existed there. He didn’t dare look down, instead keeping his eyes on Midna and the look of horror on her face.
“Is, is it bad?” He tried for a joke, but it probably fell flat. It was then that Twilight, a little dizzy, tipped over onto the floor.
He didn’t remember much after that. He remembered Midna screaming his name, his real name, and Dusk dropping into view, phone held up to her ear. He remembered vaguely being moved somewhere else, and then being rolled onto his side and pressure on his back and stomach. He thinks he cried out at that, but his head was already starting to swim a little, and the shock wasn’t helping. His next really clear memory was in the ambulance.
He blinked and groaned, and Dusk popped into view over him.
“Easy, Link,” she reached up and moved some of his hair out of his face, smiling but not able to hide how shaken up she still was. “It’ll be okay, you’re gonna be fine,” she sounded like she was convincing herself.
“Midna?” He asked, then blinked at the muffled sound of his voice.
Dusk held his hand down, chuckling at him. “A mask,” she explained, “to help your breathing. You were gasping. Midna needed to talk to the police, since it was her cousin. She’s going to meet us,”
“Yeah, she’s okay,” Dusk smiled and rubbed his shoulder. “We’re both okay. You’re the one we’re both worried about,”
Twilight just nodded, and sort of drifted out of focus again. There was a bit of activity when they arrived, but then Twilight was put under and rushed into surgery so he didn’t remember anything that happened afterwards.
He came to a few hours later in a hospital room with stitches in his stomach and back. Dusk had collapsed over his right arm, and Midna leaned on the edge of the bed, careful to avoid the IV in his arm. He couldn’t see any family, so he figured they hadn’t gotten there yet.
Midna looked up after a few beats, and Twilight smiled at her. That had her bolting up.
Dusk lifted her head on his other side, her own face breaking into a grin when she saw him too.
“You’re up!”
“Yup, I lived,” he paused. “Actually is my phone here? Can someone take a picture of me to send to my brothers? Wild always does it when he breaks a bone, and I wanna see why he finds it so funny,”
“You’re high on pain meds, aren’t you?” Midna deadpanned at him.
He laughed, until he realized that made his stomach hurt. “Ow,”
“Okay, maybe not,” Midna admitted, then handed him his phone. “What’s your passcode?”
“Midna!” Dusk cried.
“What? He asked!”
Twilight happily opened up his phone, ignoring Dusk.
“Say cheese!” Midna grinned at him, holding up the phone.
Twilight lifted both hands in a peace sign and grinned. Midna took the photo and sent it off into the group chat without another word, even as Dusk made disapproving noises next to them.
Immediately a string of excited and relieved texts started pouring in, and Twilight had to remind himself laughing hurt.
The injury wasn’t bad, he found out. He wasn’t sure how getting shot could be ‘not bad’, but apparently since the bullet went through the damage wasn’t severe. He was expected to be back at full in less than a year, but had to be pulled off the soccer team for the rest of the year, and discouraged from rejoining the next year. That was disappointing, but livable.
About half an hour before his parents arrived, Midna offered to paint his face for him.
This had confused Twilight quite a bit. What did getting paint on his face have to do with what had happened?
Midna explained that for the Twili, her people, facial markings were important parts of identity, and you can earn them for doing certain things or surviving awful events. Twilight argued that he wasn’t Twili, and Midna pointed out she was, and that Zant was as well, and since both of them were involved she got to make the call. At this point Twilight was mostly confused as to how he would have even earned facial markings.
Midna just sputtered. “You got shot! AND you defended me and Dusk from Zant. You fought my cousin for the gun so he wouldn’t shoot anyone else! That, as far as I’m concerned, makes you a hero! And heroes obviously get facial markings. Not to mention I’m pretty damn sure getting shot counts as a ‘pretty damn awful experience’. So yes, you qualify for markings.”
Twilight blinked at that. Well, he couldn’t really argue with that.
So he let Midna paint his face.
When his family, and Midna and Dusk’s parents, arrived Midna was sitting on the bed next to him, a paintbrush in hand and Dusk holding a small pot full of a specific kind of paint Midna had ducked out to get. Twilight had half a diamond shape on his head at this point. The three teenagers all froze to turn to look at the newcomers.
“Hi,” Twilight waved at them.
“What’s going on here?” Time asked, eye roving over the group.
“I’m painting his face,” Midna explained.
“Why?” Time asked, and Midna’s father, who also had an elaborate series of markings on his face, leaned around him.
“Yes, why are you doing that?”
“Because,” Midna explained, “he got shot. And he fought Zant to protect us from him, and as per tradition, that qualifies him for facial markings. So I’m doing them for him,”
“Zant?” Midna’s father asked.
“Yeah, he showed up and tried to shoot up the school,” Midna explained as she went back to applying paint to Twilight’s face. “He busted into the library where we were and Twilight tried to fight him to protect the rest of us. He got shot and I whacked Zant in the head with a chair. Then we huddled off somewhere else to hide until the cops showed up.”
“No, Zant was the shooter?” Her father repeated.
Midna froze and turned around. “Yes. Did you not know?”
Her father shook his head. “They didn’t catch the shooter,”
Midna’s shoulders dropped, and both hylians behind her looked equally horrified.
“What?” Midna asked.
Her father shook his head again. “They didn’t catch him,”
Midna took a deep breath, then shook her head and turned back to Twilight. Her hand was shaking now, so she didn’t go back to painting. Twilight lifted his hand to pat her knee.
“I’m sure they’ll catch him soon,” Malon offered, slipping into the room to take up on the couch against the wall. “He’s pretty easily identified, after all,”
“Right,” Midna nodded, then shook herself once. “Right, it’ll be fine.”
She dipped the brush back into the paint and went about continuing to paint on Twilight’s face.
“What are you doing?” Eyes turned back up to find Zant’s parents in the doorway now, after everyone else wandered into the room to settle down.
“Why is everyone asking me that?” Midna turned to face the ceiling. “I’m painting his face! I can do that! He’s earned the markings, and as the present Twili I can choose to provide them to him, even though he isn’t Twili. Believe me, I’ve considered whether or not this was something I could do, and I can. And besides, I’m already half done,”
“No,” Zant’s mother corrected. “I mean why are you painting his face for assaulting my son?”
“What?!” Midna whipped around, fury on her face.
Zant’s mother nodded. “He attacked Zant, and you rewarding him for it is a betrayal to this family,”
“Zant brought a gun to our school!” Midna burst, apparently pissed off and finally snapping after the stress of the day. “He tried to shoot me, he DID shoot Twilight! Twilight saved our lives by attacking him, and he got injured for it! He more than deserves these markings, and Zant should be in jail!”
Zant’s mother stuttered, then drew herself up. “That boy is a danger to everyone around him,”
“Yes,” Midna agreed and pointedly added a line under Twilight’s eyes. “Zant is unstable and dangerous,”
The woman huffed, and went to start yelling when Malon stood up again and blocked her from the door. “Let’s talk, hm?”
The door shut and Twilight had to put in a lot of effort not to laugh as his mother tore into the woman outside the door. After a few minutes, Midna’s mother joined her, and Dusk’s father followed with a camera in hand.
No one else questioned the paints again.
In the end, Zant’s mother filed for a restraining order against Twilight and Malon, which Malon said she would abide by exclusively because it was one less expense on them. Midna’s parents refused to separate Midna from one of her friends, especially one who put his life at risk to help her, and didn’t sign onto the order the way Zant’s mother wanted them too.
Twilight ended up with a very nice looking set of markings over his forehead that Midna told him symbolized courage and boldness and sacrifice. He was quite proud of them.
He got back to school the same day as the presentation, which he thought was pretty amusingly coincidental. His mother, ever worrying, did insist he use a wheelchair (one they had for Time from a few years before Twilight was born) so he didn’t put undue strain on his injury.
The presentation went well, and things worked out fine. They even managed to keep their carrot alive. Midna’s ‘credits’ of course popped up, but it was much more even than in the past. Of course, there was still the ‘sitting around looking pretty’ category.
Midna was listed. They had taken a vote. Everyone found this hilarious.
There was more laughter when Twilight was listed as having ‘bled for this’. Keapora didn’t find it as amusing as their classmates did.
Midna moved away not long after that, her parents worried about Zant. She explained she wouldn’t be able to talk to them anymore until things calmed down or Zant was caught since her parents were scared.
That was the last time either of them spoke to her.
The markings Midna painted on stuck around for a very long time. Dusk theorized that the paint was probably some kind of tattoo paint, meant to stain the skin for a long time. Even four and a half years later, the paint was still visible. It was beginning to fade now, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to get it redone. The only Twili in the area was Zant’s family, and no one was asking them. It was quite the conversation starter though.
He hadn’t heard from Midna at all since she moved away, and he really missed her. Turns out when you fight someone’s loony cousin together you bond. Who knew?
The scar on his stomach didn’t bother him much, unless it rained really hard or really suddenly. Overall, despite his continuing visits to a therapist and the occasional nightmare, he had recovered from the entire event mostly unscathed.
Most of the time he didn’t get to think about it, helping out on the ranch and prepping to take over some day, alongside his now seven brothers, meant he didn’t have time too.
His therapist was worried his drag racing was a sign of self-destructive behavior, and a symptom of trauma. He ignored her, even though she may have been right.
And that was life. That was just the way it was.
Eventually Time got a call from the police captain, whom he knew quite well by now, letting him know they apprehended Zant, and charges were pending. Time promised they’d testify.
Twilight finally put in an application to a college, one of the really rural ones that offered classes in the sort of stuff that’d be useful when he took over the ranch from his parents one day. He got accepted.
About two weeks after Zant was convicted and carted off, and Twilight was looking at packing up for his first semester, he got a call from an unknown number.
Curious, but not stupid, he turned on the call recording app he’d gotten after the first few times he’d received a threatening call after the whole Zant thing, and hit answer.
“Hey wolf boy,”
He nearly dropped his phone.
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cornerverse · 2 years
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My ponies! Kinda.... 
Well since I drew Sunset for The Crossover I had to draw the rest of the Humane 6, plus Princess Twilight and a bonus Trixie. 
Okay, overall design notes: 
Firstly, the people who made eqg are cowards. Making them have skin tones that matched their pony coats was a coward move instead of just making them actually Human. And while everyone got pony ears and the pegasai/Alicorns got wings, no one got horns? And you’re gonna have a song called ‘Shake Your Tail’ without any of them getting tails???
So yeah! Everyone has normal Human skintones. The Alicorns/Unicorns have horns. Everyone also has tails. 
Furthermore, being able to ‘Pony Up’ traveled outside of the Humane 7 to anyone who has a Equestrian Counterpart. 
Onto more individual notes! 
Princess Twilight and Sci-Twi: 
I drew both of them to kinda demonstrate how different they are. Because out of all Counterparts, they’re the only ones who are really Different. 
Physically, Princess Twilight is taller and an Alicorn. Sci-Twi is. Not that. I know LOE had Sci-Twi as an Alicorn but, in all respects, she has not Ascended. And honestly she probably won’t because that’s not her vibe. 
Which brings me to how they’re different in personality. Sci-Twi is a lot more nervous and reserved and quiet. Where Princess Twilight might have her anxieties, she’ll fight through and lead the way so she can have control over the outcome, whatever it may be. Sci-Twi tends to freeze and look to others for guidance. This is due to their upbringings being very different. 
Anyway! Last note is that in my designs, Alicorns have a gradient on their wings and horns!
Pinkie Pie:
My girl! I love her. Honestly, while she can have some wild costumes when she wants, I wanted to give her something more simple but colorful. She does have legwarmers that match those on her arms, by the way! I also made sure to give her shorts because, uh. With all that hopping around a skirt is a bad move. 
God I love her. Elegant. tbh out of all the eqg designs, I liked Rarity’s the best. Though I did give it a bit more flare. And I ended up putting her hair in a bun because it’s cute!
So AJ was the other eqg design I didn’t mind that much, except I think she should have been given pants. So I gave her pants. Also I tried to make her buff because my girl can LIFT. 
Rainbow Dash:
Short hair! Short hair!! And I gave her shorts too. Because Dash isn’t a ‘skirt’ person unless she has to be. 
OKAY SO! Somewhere along the lines I ended up headcanoning Fluttershy as a trans guy so he/him pronouns babey! He also got a haircut because of that. And the pocket on his vest has animal treats!
Honestly Trixie is fun. Her outfit is somewhat based off her dress from Rainbow Rocks, but leaning more into the Magician vibe!
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twilit-hyrule · 3 years
They enter Twilights Hyrule and find a... strange traveler. He wears golden armor, so he must be a knight or noble of sorts, but he hides his face behind an old ratty cloth wrapped around his head and shoulders. He never speaks a word and they swear that sometimes a red light shines through the cloth.
The Links are understandably weary and suspicious of this man, most of them anyway, but reluctantly let him tag along. Twi, however, has been positively giddy since they encountered their newest -temporary- addition to the team. He buzzes around him like an overeager puppy, constantly looking to him for guidance and approval. The hero worship, respect and adoration almost palpable.
(Time doesen’t like the traveler all that much.)
They are practically inseparable during their time in this Hyrule. They go on patrols together, train together whenever Twilight asks, eat huddled together at the edge of their camp and Twi even fell asleep leaning against the stranger. Even Wild is bummed out that he can’t spend as much time with Twi as he would like to.
(Time’s suspicion is justified damn it!)
It all escelates when Twi has the audacity to call calls the stranger ‘old man’. Time takes him aside and asks him to be more careful and keep an eye out ( He is not jealous. Shut up.) but Twi absolutely refuses to listen to him and a fight ensues. The others watch with rapt attention as their ‘leaders’ actually fight for the first time since they can remember, and it’s not just a minor disagreement.
Twi almost up and leaves -ignoring Time’s warning and even his disapproving glare.- but then the stranger blocks his path and without a single word being exchanged they watch as Twilight tries to stand his ground before all the fight leaves him and he sullenly walks back to camp like a scolded child.
It was awkward for a while.
Luckily a portal forms soon after, and Time is sure that he has never been as grateful for the gods meddling as he was in that moment. The Links slowly trudge through until only Time, Twi and the stranger remain. He looks at his prodege he only sees grim acceptance and sadness on his face. They turn to say goodbye to the traveler, who had removed the cloth hiding his face, and for the first time in a long while Time is speechless. He is staring into his own face - a little more aged, with some wrinkles here and there- but that was his own face.
He watches as the Heroe’s shade ruffles Twilight’s hair affectionately, and after a hug from his protege that even seems to surprise Time’s future self Twi steps through. Time follows shortly after, as his double disappeared between one blink and the next.
(Once on the other side he cuffs Twi upside the head for making him jealous worry over nothing.)
(All the other Link’s breathe a simultaneous sigh of relief that everything is back to normal.)
(The Heroe’s shade hid himself to avoid questions. Also he remembered this happening to him and thought it would be funny.)
Just in case you’re wondering why the Heroe’s Shade had a face, I interpret ghosts in Zelda like this:
If they reveal themselves to you in the living world they can decide how they appear (usually lifelike) for example; Queen Rutela (wolf sense deactivates when you meet her for the first time.) Dampe, the champions, etc. the standard loz ghost.
However, if you are an animal that can use it’s sixth sense (not always active) or you enter whatever realm Twi learned the hidden skills in (meditative state?) you can see what they looked like when they died. For example the Heroe’s shade and the Soldiers of Hyrule castle in TP.
Small headcanon on the side, because of this Twi can see how the champions died and avoids looking at them when his wolf sense is active (They are at peace, and they’re abilities can’t be used. But they want to watch Hyrule flourish again, so they watch over Link and Zelda). He never told Wild because it looks like ithey suffered and they asked him not to, so he respects their wishes. He doesen’t want to add to his protege’s guilt.
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Do you have any hcs about Magnus+animals👀. I just love that he likes them. Sorry if this is dumb
ITS SO NOT DUMB!!!!! like first of all i love every ask i get and never not once felt that they were dumb and second of all this is actually one of my fave ever asks which is why it took me months on end to answer it. rip. i'm so sorry
anyway like not to have a shallow stereotypical fan take but he is so soft and precious. like the way he talks to/about animals is everything to me. magnus gushing over his snake? beautiful. incredible. outstanding. tears in my eyes, thundering applause. i love him
i almost wrote tears in my ass god help me
as a whole here's what i think
magnus is the kind of guy who loves any kind of animal (except maybe like mosquitoes) and considers them all baby in his head. however he is respectful of wildlife and stuff because he was also raised in javanese society in a time where humans interacted with wild animals way more than they do today, so he's not stupid
but just like there's no animal he doesn't like? he's not really a dog person but it's less that he doesn't like dogs and more that he knows a dog isn't the most suitable kind of pet for him. doesn't mean he can't be happy and pet one when he sees it tho
he totally has a soft spot for reptiles. like again THE WAY HE TALKED TO THAT SNAKE. i think magnus totally does the thing many marginalized ppl do where he just loves pets that are usually considered weird and that are sort of "outcasts" in that sense. so like he loves snakes, iguanas, chameleons and other animals like that, even tho his favorites will of course always be cats
at first magnus felt kind of weird/guilty (?) about his connection to cats because, you know, cat eyes, it felt like he liked cats because of his demonic side and it made him anxious to think that it might be just asmodeus' heritage because he doesn't want that. but over time it just became clear to him that cats are amazing animals and there is nothing bad, evil, abusive, or demonic about them or the way magnus feels about them
magnus is totally the kind of guy who doesn't have, like.... Official Pets but has a lot of unofficial ones. i know this is basically canon since we've seen how he basically has a bunch of street cats that come and go through the loft but it's still a detail i like a lot. like he doesn't want to Own Them and force them to be with him, he wants them to come and go as they please but he also wants them to have a home and shelter, you know? i love that cuz thatd be my ideal way of having pets (but cats are an invasive species where i live so i cant rlly do that, rip). he just sees them as like creatures with agency and wants them to be able to make their own choices
related to that, i think magnus' magic means the way he perceives animals is different. like he can't Speak To Animals or anything of the sort but animals have like... energy and auras just like humans and i think the fact that he can perceive that physically means he sees them as people a lot more than other humans do. that is probably enhanced by the cultural differences, since the strict division between animals and humans is a VERY modern western thing, but idk the details about javanese culture's views on that (and it would depend a lot on his religion and stuff like that anyway since javanese society, especially in jakarta, was so diverse)
anyway my point is that he perceives animals as beings with agency, feelings, wants, dreams, anguishes and etc more than most because he can kind of feel that energy and knows it's just the same as a human's. so it's weird for him to have a kind of domestication relationship where he keeps an animal in his home and dictates where they go (and when) and stuff like that. they are people to him
however he does have names for them all and he most definitely knows which are which and how are they doing. he doesn't really keep tabs exactly but he pays attention, you know? also if he happens to come by a rescued animal who cant live in the streets/wild for whatever reason, he most definitely will adopt them. it helped him a lot through the times when he felt loneliest (like after he broke up with camille and in twi)
this is gratuitous and not rlly a headcanon but you know that scene in tgp where eleanor has a whole ass lizard on her head? that is my absolute dream and therefore i just want to take a moment to imagine magnus with a lizard a real one, not lorenzo on top of his head or shoulder. bonus points if hes acting like it's the most normal thing in the world and whenever someone is like "magnus... there is a lizard... on your head" hes just like "i know right! his name is Coldskin Warmheart and he likes to be tall" and thinks it's the coolest thing even if it messes up his hair
lmao magnus and coldskin warmheart dressed up in like matching outfits or in such a way that the lizard is a part of his outfit. walk walk fashion baby
oh he absolutely loves to give animals the most outrageous names and the most outrageous names ONLY. again that's essentially canon but like all of his animals are either named puns or something completely corny and absurd like Mr Snugglyface. he never repeats a name and his friends are kind of impressed with how many awful names he keeps coming up with
not animals but magnus also loves plants! so much! and he definitely loves to prune and water them and talks to them ya know
magnus isn't much of a biology nerd the way he is with physics but he loves animal facts
ok i think thats all ive got rifnfid thanks for the question aaaa ❤️❤️
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werewolviograpeking · 3 years
Disclaimer: not a cringe or flop profile. Be respectful or fuck off.
Names: Andy, Oleander, Sweetgum, Hydrangea, Killdeer, and Grim.
Pronouns: He/Him/His, It/Its, Vae/Vaem/Vaer, Vey/Vem/Vir, Rot/Rots, Ai/Aine/Aire, Ae/Aem/Aer, Gore/Gores, Bey/Ber/Berryself, Bone/Bones, Shriek/Shrieks, Blood/Bloods, Fright/Frights, Scream/Screams, Grim/Grims, Tooth/Teeth, Fle/Flesh, Horror/Horrors,  Eer/Eerie, Ni/Night/Nights/Nightself, Dark/Darks/Darkself, Deep/Deeps/Deepself, Moon/Moons/Moonself, Mid/Midnight/Midnights/Midnightself, Bee/Ee/Bees/Beeself, Hon/Hons/Honeys/Honeyself (alternatively Hon/Ney/Neys/Honeyself), In/Sect/Insects/Insectself, Sting/Stings/Stingself, Hi/Hive/Hives/Hiveself, Nect/Nects/Nector/Nectorself, Wasp/Wasps, Buzz/Buzz, Swarm/Swarms, Crow/Crows, Mush/Mushroom/Mushrooms/Mushroomself, Fungi/Fungis/Fungiself, Weird/Weirds/Weirdself, Creepy/Creepys/Creepyself, Creep/Creeps/Creepself, Soil/Soils/Soilself, Fog/Fogs, Rain/Rains, Wolf/Wolves, Howl/Howls, Lycan/Lycans, Snarl/Snarls, Decay/Decays, Twi/Twilight/Twilights/Twilightself, Dusk/Dusks/Duskself, Sea/seagrasses/seagrasself,Sea/seas/seaself, Aqua/aquatics/aquaticself, Eco/ecos/ecoself, Mea/meadows/meadowself, Swim/Swimself, Wave/Waveself, Splash/Splashself, Murky/Murkyself, Plush/Plushies, Shroom/shroom/shrooms/shroomself, Toad/stool/toads/toadstoolself, Sprout/sprout/sprouts/sproutself, Poi/son/sons/poisonself, Hyph/ae/hyphs/hyphaeself, Bio/lumine/scents/lumineself, Spore/spore/spores/sporeself, Ber/serk/bers/berserkself,  Rapt/Raptor/Rapts/Rapts/Raptorself, Wer/Wol/Weres/Werewelf
Genders: Genderfluid, Genderqueer, Nonbinary, Transgender, Transmasc, Werewolvio, Werefoxio, Noxvir, Monstergender, Drestalitraurre, Cinthecampic, Canfelisfluid, Arcadeavir, Hadalic, Viricryptian, Vauturum, Herbmasc, Bugcatgender, Buggender, Hydranfleuric, Luvric, Gendernoctis, Canisgender, Feralcanisgender, Wolfgender, Timbergender, Leatuslupis, Somnolentuslupis, Lycadhgender, Virwolfin, Weywolfin, Wixwolfin, Fuzzgender, Wildmasculine, Facelessnuetral, Crowmoongender, Moongender, Crowgender, Weirdmushgender, Foggyraingender, Weresciencegender, Decaywolfgender, Noxmusaesic, Leuboy, Boyfuck, Alderavayn, Noctofloric, Bodyhorroric. Duskcatboy, Moonlexic, MaDDallion, Phosmarial, Initialuni, Phosluneclipsial, Phosdimial, Wildlexic, Deadboy/Boydead, Phosmunsetial, Bluehouraestic, Shapeshiftergender, Florescet, Lunamothaestic, Queeraestic, Moonaestic, Gorenaturic, Phosnightial, Biolumien, Comfinoctic, Creaturething, Seagrassmeadowian, Horroric, Wrongsomian, Phostarrial, Sharkgender, Murkyswimmic, Clearswimmic, Moonjelliegender, Astrobyssian, Mulaayamic, Eerilen, Genderyna, Phoslunial, Phosfullmoonial, Mycologic, Botanyologic, Zoologic, Mushcatgender, Mushpupgender, Pluvicathoodic, Foggyqueer, Darkwelestic, Frobloomgender, Cannibagorix, Hyenagender, Hysolgender, Pupgender, Catgender, Anacondic, Cephalogender, Tsukamina, Nightmarenonatic, Alderdragolos, Vicicanis, Wolfboygender
Sexualities: Demiromantic Grayromantic Omniromantic Asexual
Mental stuffs: MaDD, ADHD, PTSD
Comfort Characters: Vitani (Lion King 2), Kovu (Lion King 2), Needle Man, Snake Man, Garry (Ib), Sarabi, Mousefur, Goldenflower, Tawnypelt, Io, Cobra Lily, Whiteout, Scarecrow (Batman), Basil (Omori),
Genders I’m looking for: Dragon and reptile genders, more monster/horror genders, genders with mushrooms or fungi, genders with bugs, plant genders, shark and ray genders, deep sea animal genders, mixed genders of any of these, night genders, dark genders, hyena gender, guard dog like gender, and hoarding genders or collecting genders, nightmare genders, jaguar gender, several gender, wild cat genders, ugly or otherwise scary animal genders, and dinosaur genders, eel genders, horseshoe crab genders, 
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luimagines · 3 years
Holy FUCK have you met ranchers or farmers talk?! The only thing they ever talk about when thier togher is farm shit! And its like they NEVER get tired of it! Dont matter if stories or facts about certain animals or even the best way to tip a goat! They'll just keep talking,talking,talking and never get tired! I feel sad for the chain having to deal with malon and twi
I have not but thank you for the laugh and the glorious mental image.
Time can try to get them to shut up and change topics but it somehow always comes full circle and they're back to square one.
I can imagine Four taking notes, because I'm sure his forge also makes tools for farmers and he wants to make it better for his people and Wild and Sky are taking notes as well for the sake of building a bit of their respective Hyrules.
Wind is in for the crazy animal stories of course.
But it drives everyone else crazy.
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umichenginabroad · 5 years
GHDI Presents: Origin Stories
May 30, 2019 at 8:39 PM
Hostel Room, it’s like I’ve never moved
There’s this food stand with a blue roof right outside our hostel and they sell these egg and sausage sandwiches with onions and peppers and other veggies for only sixty cents. Between the three of us, we get about four per day.
It’s been a minute since I’ve last written, but sometimes that’s the way it goes. I know I’ve gotten into the habit of just doing a day by day recap and while that’s all well and good, I think I’ll be a bit more brief on those topics and more on African culture or the intangible. I’ve only gotten good feedback, so maybe someone will be bold enough to let me know if it’s a bad change. Who knows? I don’t even know who reads this.
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Since I’ve written last, we took a trip to Cape Coast for the weekend! There was no big-bus company that took us directly there so we had to find a big-bus-like company to head down there, and apparently it wasn’t enough like the other company because the bus broke down about halfway down! We chilled out on and off the hot bus and collectively gave the traveling coconut salesman his monthly quota in just a couple hours as he travelled back and forth many times to bring enough coconuts for us all to drink. Supply and demand I guess. I had never had coconut milk (is it called milk?) but it tasted fine, especially because it was hot. I thought it would be a problem to arrive at our hostel at 11pm, but when we arrived to find a large amount of tables and a full DJ blaring music into the night, we found out it was fine (there was another side to the hostel and the noise wasn’t too bad).
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Ghana is loud. Like everywhere you go there’s a preacher in a truck with a speaker at max volume going down the street loud. Electronic or radio shops will have all of their speakers for sale all playing music, and many times different music (all at max volume). The crackle you get when you play some speakers at max volume could be the Ghanaian anthem because no matter where you go (our bus to Cape Coast was playing a movie at full volume all the way down) you can hear some speaker playing some music or some gospel that everyone wants you to listen to. The rare moments where the incessant honking and extraneous noise pauses are gifts where you can stop and think about how you appreciate the silence. People just don’t care if they are playing their music loudly or in a way that would definitely be considered discourteous (uncourteous?) in the U.S. just out of a general respect mentality. In similar ways, the visual noise is just as bad. I thought the U.S. was bad with all the advertising you seen on the roads and in the streets but Ghana is a new level. The amount of flyers or adverts or graffiti on the walls saying call this number for (a good time) if you want work or a phone repair place or to buy some mangos is wild.
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While in Cape Coast we did some pretty cool things! We visited Kakum National Park, which is the only remaining rain forest in West Africa (!) and it was humid enough to prove it. They had a canopy walk that takes you above the trees and was quite cool! We ate at a restaurant that had an area where you could literally PET crocodiles (and wait 1.5 hours for a piece of fish for lunch) so that was super dope. We spent the afternoon exploring and getting a tour of the Cape Coast Castle (say that five times fast). Cape Coast Castle was used as a slave castle and was a main stop for the transatlantic slave trade for Portugal, the Netherlands, and the British. It was definitely a heavy tour (heavy mentally, not physically, IYKYK) but one that was important for learning more about the history of the area. If you ever visit Cape Coast, I highly recommend going! I made friends with a busker named Ben that made me a personalized gift while we were touring the castle so that’s pretty cool too.
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Leaving Cape Coast on a Sunday proved additionally difficult because the buses run even less frequently than during the regular week. On Sunday’s most of the country shuts down for everyone to go to their neighborhood church from about 6am to 11am, you can hear the choirs singing and all the music starting around then. We ended up taking a tro-tro (remember those vans I talked about) the whole four-ish hours to Kumasi, and while it’s tough to fit 23 people in one van, we did it, however cramped we might have been. But hey, it was cheap. If you wanted to (and if you knew more about the system) I’m sure one could take a tro literally anywhere they wanted to in Ghana because some go within cities others go between cities so it’s quite an efficient system actually. Personal or hired drivers are also another great system, negotiating them to drive you around for the day or for a certain activity is actually reasonable and brings a certain level of security in the travel plans. We’re likely to take a hired driver for our trip to the northern region of Ghana when we visit Mole National Park (and see elephants! [hopefully]).
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We met a vendor in the cultural center last week that offered to take us to a part of Kumasi where they make all kinds of leather goods! I’m glad we had him with us because the way there was very confusing and he did all the negotiating for prices which was very helpful. Our orders for things we wanted were also complex so I’m sure they were saying “dumbass tourists” as we were walking away, but I don’t speak enough Twi to know what they said. They used natural leathers local to Kumasi, so we’re hoping the products turn out well! I love the vibe of “I know a guy who does this let me give him a call”, and it’s been fun to have those interactions. Even today, our friend Alvin was looking for a charger for his laptop, and when we walked into the electronics store, they didn’t have what he needed but they immediately called someone and in only a few minutes he was at the store showing Alvin what he needed. I wish the U.S. picked up on this trend because it would make for many more friendly communities for everyone in them.
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We also took a trip to a local village where they make Kente cloth. Kente cloth is a traditional fabric that is normally woven by hand, and each pattern means something different. Our friend Sammy told us that the designs can mean anything from “don’t be jealous” to “will you marry me” to “Obama came to Ghana” and the history of a village can be told through a combination of these strips of Kente cloth. We were shown how they spin the threads with a few different materials (cotton, rayon, silk, and even a shiny metallic string) and even got to try it ourselves! They have handmade looms where you can see how they weave the threads through a base or through individual strands and some of the weavers move incredibly quickly and it was very cool to see. We also got a glimpse into the cocoa production in Ghana (more on that in a few weeks) where they use every part of the cocoa tree, from the fruit to the husks to the roots to the leaves, everything. That’s a common trend in Ghana, using the entire animal or plant in something. It can be a downside where sometimes you don’t know what part of the chicken you’re eating, though, which is kinda tough.
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This weekend we’re sticking around Kumasi to explore a little more of the city and experience the nightlife and other things the weekend can bring. Life at the hospital is going super well, and we’re moving into the next stage of our experience here where we are filtering down the needs we’ve identified and digging deeper into the context surrounding them! Should be lots of things to tell you about when you hear from me next!
Thanks for hanging with me,
Scott Vanden Heuvel
Mechanical Engineering
GHDI Immersion Experience, Kumasi, Ghana
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cancersfakianakis1 · 7 years
Levels of Metals in Kidney, Liver, and Muscle Tissue and their Influence on the Fitness for the Consumption of Wild Boar from Western Slovakia
Due to environmental pollution, wild animals are exposed to various pollutants. Some game animals, such as wild boars are used by people for food, but their meat is not evaluated regarding pollution transfer, since they are unavailable on the official market. The aim of this paper is to present the concentrations of chosen metals (Cd, Co, Cu, Hg, Pb, and Zn) in the kidneys, liver, and muscles of wild boars (n = 40) hunted in eastern Slovakia, as derivatives of physiological distribution and anthropogenic pollution. We found that sex was not a statistically significant factor for metal concentrations. Tissue differences were observed for all the metals studied except for Co. Cd, Cu, and Hg showed the highest median concentrations in kidney tissue with the lowest in muscle tissue (2.73, 3.78, and 0.061 μg/g w.w., respectively). The highest Zn median concentration was noted in the liver tissue with the lowest in muscle tissue. Co and Cu concentrations varied according to the age groups. Correlations between metal concentrations in muscle and kidney tissue were not especially strong; such relationships were not found in liver tissue. Among all the potential relationships of the given metal concentrations between tissues, the only significant relationship, albeit weak, was noted for Pb in muscle and liver tissue. The concentrations found seem not to be extremely high, but according to EU maximum permitted residue levels for Cd and Pb concentrations in meat, none of the samples studied was fully fit for human consumption. TWI and risk was also excessive for both metals.
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