#but I'm right so happy Birth month King
lets-go-banana-fishing · 10 months
Happy BirthDAY?! Ash deserves the whole MONTH
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Happy very late birthday to Ash can't believe Mappa let you have TWO pretty boyfriends
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newkatzkafe2023 · 5 months
Last one was adorable, but what if the roles were switched and it was the Monkey King boys with the Monkey Queen y/n? 🧐
Do you mildly hate the monkey queen or something🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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(LMK Wukong) You are a celestial female monkey whose territory is a jungle island. You lived in solitude for many years Until a certain monkey literally crash landed into your life. I'm mad, he was annoying He would Talk your ear off,flirt with you and Serenade you with a bunch of songs that will make you cover your ears. And he keeps coming back no matter how much you kick him off your jungle island. It probably doesn't help that he can just fly on his nimbus cloud back. Finally having enough you decided to throw the man a bone And go on at least one date with him. Of course one thing left to another and now you're pregnant. Of course he's not aware and you want to keep it that way. You finally gave birth to your cub until he showed up again. You try to remain calm and hide until he goes away. But your baby seem to be aware that that's his father and zipped right out of your arms and right dead smack into his. After He came back to his senses and got his balance back. You told him exactly what happened hopeing maybe this would scare him off for good. Wait why is he smiling??? And why is he asking you to be his girlfriend?!?!?
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(NR Wukong) Goddamn you really considered getting a restraining order with this guy. By no means, were you interested? He was attractive looking, but that's all you felt he's got for going for him. And you Can't win with him because no matter how many times you kicked him off your island he just keeps bouncing right back just to do the same thing he was doing. Originally it was so annoying. One night he came to your house with a bottle of wine And was once again flooded in with you. When asking you on a date, finally throwing a man a bone. You agreed because well you happen to like Angry orchid apple Wine. The next morning you woke up to him inside your Bed. Already knowing what's going on and what's happening? You kicked him out your house once again. A few months later, you were busy handling your new born. Calm, you'll love the little guy very much. But he is quite a handful invite. He seems to be just as clinging to you as his father is and speaking of his father. A certain young man named lee had dragged them by his many years to your home as an apology and for him to take responsibility for what happened. Unfortunately for you, he has no problem dealing with that. And you're gonna have to see more of his face great.
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(HIB Wukong) He was really cool with you. You had a lot in common. So you had no problem with him coming over to your territory. To hang out or even talk to you. He then introduced you to Liuer Who was the sweetest happiest boy you ever met These two were the best company you had in a long time. One day Wukong Came by himself because you had Some things to ask of him. You quickly told them that your heat was coming up and that he was the only one you felt can help you with it. Despite being shocked and the massive blush on his face. He agreed to help you since he started liking you over the time you spent together and vice versa. A few months later He finally confessed about how He felt about you and you felt the same And surprised them with the baby cub you had with you that looks a lot like him. It would have been a nice surprise if he didn't pass out.
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(Mk Reborn Wukong) This guy just irks your nerve. Apparently he wasn't too happy at the fact that you got your own place and all your own stuff so to win.All that stuff you have. He challenged you to a battle which didn't even last long. Because you beat his ass what a bat that you found in your home. This became the beginning to a bloody rivalry. Because every time he shows app, you gonna have to fight him. Fist or with a weapon in was just not Goin anywhere and it became a battle of back-and-forth. Push and pull all that stuff. One time he was more aggressive than usual and so were you? And I hope you understood why until you had Performed impulsive But pleasurable action against each other And seemingly horrified by what he just did with you. He took off your island hopefully never to be seen again. Well it would have been if that same dumb ass with The attitude problem of a fire cracker didn't knock you up. You weren't too upset though. You were gifted with a beautiful cub and you wouldn't trade her for the world. A bunch of months later, a monk named tang was dragging monkey king by the ear towards you. Apparently he found out what the Wukong did and is now making him take responsibility. He could grumble and growl. All he wants, but the second he sees you with a Cub That looks like you to blend together he realized what he needs to do.
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(Netflix Wukong) You Guys were already friends in the beginning. You found him to be quirky, energetic cheerful and well a bit innocent too. He was also fairly naive to the world around him. But that's because he's brand new and you super cute. You To experience a lot of things together and go to a lot of places. You were even there when he found that talking stick. And you gave him support with the whole jade palace and the Dragon king war going on and you were even sealed under the mountain with him. You guys been through a lot and when you got out, you addressed that you had feelings for one another celebrated. A few months later, you guys have 2 cute little cups. Who knows what the future holds for your little family.
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fairy-verse · 3 months
Hello! Firstly, I love Fairverse and secondly, how they are like companions, Killer and Nightmare. and finally Would you tell me more about the nightmare? she is my favorite just like nightlight
Killer & Nightmare
Local fool somehow caught the interest of the ethereal queen. Make it make sense.
Jokes aside Killer is quite the impressive fairy when it comes to strength and agility for being someone who’s not – by birth – a warrior build. He’s ruthless and quick-thinking when it calls for it and he’s loyal to the point of unquestioning; all for his queen.
Nightmare felt a pit in his soul being filled when he fully took the time to appreciate Killer’s devotion. At first, he thought Killer only admired him for his beauty, but as he listened to the hybrid proclaim poetry with the sweetness of honey and the softness of a summer’s wind, he found it harder and harder to fully imagine that beauty was all that Killer cared about.
Killer did get caught by Nightmare’s beauty at first, but as he watched him dance the autumn in, bring the starlight down towards his domain, and listened as he told the most creative of insults, for he was but “a rude spring fairy that dares to fester my morning by his presence!” Killer knew that he would rather die than let someone as tremendous and heavenly as Nightmare be left in the open for someone else to impress.
They banter, so, so much, and no matter how annoyed Nightmare might act he’ll never be able to hide the smile at the end of it all. Killer, of course, never fails at pointing it out.
Stars, Nightmare never knew he could fall so in love with another fairy. The look on Killer’s face as Nightmare cradles his cheeks never fails to make his soul swell with warmth, and the hybrid’s hands upon his flesh make him shudder delightfully in anticipation.
Killer’s fondness and joy for Lumin only succeeded in making him a fairy Nightmare would willingly face the Big Folk to protect.
During the winter months Killer shares Nightmare and Nightlight’s nest.
Once Nightmare and Killer became inseparable it was unofficially decided that said hybrid would become Nightmare and Nightlight’s guard. It eases Nightmare’s worries to know that whenever he needs to leave the underground nest, Killer is at least there to watch over Nightlight.
Nightmare has found himself imagining scenarios where he has a faerling with Killer, and though he might at first be surprised, he’ll find himself… giddy at the thought.
On the night of a Crescent moon another royal faerling will be conceived. (Edit: Obviously I'm hinting at Crescent here, but I would like to mention that he is not canon to the Fairyverse universe.)
Nightmare would be considered one of the laziest of the Firstborn only for the sole reason that he cannot be bothered to leave his underground nest during other seasons.
He oh so loves to create tapestries picturing important times of his life. There are many depicting him and his fellow firstborn, the rebirth of Nightlight, the night Lumin was born, and many other fond memories of his beloved faerling, and of course, in recent times he’s begun to create tapestries depicting a beautiful but annoyingly silver-tongued red fairy.
Nightmare has low energy levels, but he’ll become near restless during autumn and will be hard-pressed to not go outside during his season.
He loves to moon bathe.
Bitter tastes are what he prefers concerning food and drink, though he has a slight sweet tooth for nuts glazed in cold honey.
Nightmare is not ashamed to be prideful regarding his dancing skills. Being the best out of all the season fairies, he has every right to be proud.
Being more often referred to as Queen rather than King, he’s quite the nurturing leader, always having his season fairies' wellbeing in mind and wanting them to be happy and safe; hence the underground nest made to keep them protected.
He has a guilty pleasure for glittering things and will hoard them in a specially made room where they’d all be displayed in a messy but pretty manner. Killer likes to tease him by calling him a dragon with fairy wings. Nightmare always pulls a face at that comment.
He’s terrified of letting Nightlight roam the world outside of his underground nest. The mere thought of it triggers traumatic memories of the day of his corruption, and the first and only time Nightlight asked about the world up above he broke down into hysteria. He was weeping and crying and unable to reel himself back in and it was horrible. And what's worse he made Nightlight cry because he could feel his fear and his grief, and he never wanted this to happen.
Nightmare is relieved that Nightlight hasn’t asked about the world up above again, though he feels guilt for keeping him caged up like this, but he just can’t risk it. He just can’t bear the thought of any of the Big Folk laying their hands on him like they did—
Even as the living fairy of his past before the corruption, Nightlight remains the only one who can soothe Nightmare when it comes to his trauma and panic attacks. Nightmare finds it oddly ironic that his past self was so… soft and level-headed, but it brings him comfort to have him close and safe.
Quiet, reserved, and soft-spoken.
Nightlight knows little of the land above as it is now, having only memories of the time on the meadow before Nightmare’s corruption. A small part of him wishes to see what the island looks like now, but the obvious distress on Nightmare’s face when he attempted to mention this has made him pull back on that. It’s not that important anyway.
He deeply cares for Nightmare’s well-being and would never want to make him scared in any way. He knows that he’s being overprotected but if that makes Nightmare feel calm, then he’ll endure it.
Nightlight deeply cares for Lumin and sees him as his faerling, too.
Nightmare’s massive library and extensive private quarters give him more than enough room to lounge and enjoy himself, though he’ll mostly spend his time in the library to read, and read, and read.
Nuts and berries are his favourites to eat, and nothing beats a crystal glass full of ice water, though he has a guilty pleasure for honeyed milk.
He has the flower he was reborn from to sleep in, but he prefers to share Nightmare’s nest. It’s much more comfortable and cozier.
Killer is the first fairy beside the other firstborn that’s been allowed close to Nightlight, and Nightlight himself grows deeply flustered whenever the hybrid is around due to his endless flirting. He doesn’t know what to do with himself, and Nightmare is not helping because he finds it endearing!
His wings have only been used to make him jump a little higher or to make a sudden fall be a little softer upon impact, but he’s never used them to fly and therefore they’ve grown weak and nearly useless for flight. They also lack a lot of pigmentation from not being exposed to pollen and sunlight/moonlight. Nightlight doesn’t find too much of an issue with this as he’s never needed to fly.
He knows and feels the regret within Nightmare when it comes to him being partly held sheltered in the nest, but he tries to reassure his darker counterpart that it’s okay. It’s okay.
The underground nest is beautiful, and Nightlight loves it; dearly. He doesn’t need the world up above. That is the world that hurt him, that hurt Nightmare, and here he’s safe. He’s protected, and he’s loved. He doesn’t need anything more than Nightmare, Lumin, Killer, and his books. He’s content here.
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Happy Pride everyone~~
I drew me and my lovely boyfriend @king-of-vertigo, (I love you honeybee~), We are being gay and transing all your children. Watch out or you're next.
Anyways. Happy Pride to those who celebrate. (And especially happy pride slay queen girlypop month to those who don't) Under the cut I'll have each flag and an explanation of what it means to me~
Likes and reblogs appreciated!! Do not repost!
I would like to preface this with: I am not an expert in all of these identities (despite being a part of them) and my connection to them is hugely shaped by my own experience and interpretation of each label. My only hope with all this is to hopefully make someone feel less alone, (because my god i spent a long time finding some of these labels-)
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Aceflux us defined as a person with a fluctuating feeing of sexual attraction to others, I sort of think of it like a dial being turned up and down based on the moment. (there are also romantic and aroace versions of the label I beleive, along with another variation of the flag with a purple/red gradient striping.)
In my own experience that results in differing kinds of days, some where I feel really strong attraction, others where I feel little to none. Sometimes it changes day to day, sometimes its the same for weeks, or it changes throughout the day based on context.
This label was one that took me. An entirely too long time to find. and this is one that feels. right. because I had very flexible and changing feelings and attraction, I knew I could place myself somewhere on the ace spectrum, but not exactly where because it wasn't consistent at all (wowee i wonder why that is because its not like thats the whole thing lmao) and I ended up cycling through so many aspec labels. This is one that I can feel comfortable in, and I'm hoping others resonate with it as well.
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Queer is an umbrella term and very ambiguous identity that can essentially encompass anyone that identifies with it.
So- my sexuality is. incredibly nuanced and complicated when it comes to describing who I find myself romantically, aesthetically, or platonically attracted to (I know there are so many other ways to be attracted to someone, those are just the simplest for me to explain). For example: I can (when allowed by my silly demiromantic ass) be romantically attracted to men and masc (or even non aligned) presenting and identifying people, and I in fact, have a lovely boyfriend whom I love a lot! And as for femme aligned people its more interesting because I don't feel particularly romantically about them, but I can experience aesthetic, or platonic forms of attraction, and Queer is simply a label that I connect with that has the space to encompass all of that.
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Demiromantic is a label that essentially encompasses the idea that an individual doesn't feel romantic attraction to another unless they have an emotional or platonic bond with that person. (there is also an ace and an aroace version, which I think is super neat)
Demiromantic is a label that I personally connect with, be that because I'm naturally incredibly slow to make connections, or maybe connected to the fact that I'm very neurodivergent, (although thats a post for another day-) and feeling comfortable being and feeling romantic about someone is already incredibly rare, and I feel like I need a connection to someone personally until I can feel romantically (I say that like I control when I feel romantic. Its kinda. I dunno I can't control it. this label is just one I felt encompassed it. which is the point.)
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Transgender is an umbrella term in which someone doesnt connect or identify with the assigned gender given at birth. (I'm very sure I have made it no secret that I am transmasc. We love the transes here)
However. no matter how many labels I find to express and explain my gender being 'masculine' (with several different question marks. I'm a boy in the same way orange soda is the same as a regular orange. same sorta spirit. completely different executions.) above all. I am still trans. and I will always be trans. that's who I am <33
My gender is. an interesting topic. In the way that I have not yet found a label to describe it other than being transmasc. which I know as different to being a trans 'man' in the fact that I didnt transition to be a 'man', not binarily being a man. I bounce between being androgynous and being masculine, but in a way where labels like demigendered/demiboy or boyflux (other labels I've considered) don't seem to fit. because it is in a way where some days I feel more or less masculine to completely genderless. (If anyone can think of a label that fits that- I would love to hear it. I haven't even gotten into My pronoun search. maybe a seperate post on that later.)
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daturakillz · 1 year
What do you need to hear right now? Pick an image!
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No. 1.
King of pentacles, the magician, 2 of pentacles.
26: protection: set personal boundaries. 27: resilience: burn away the past.
The chipmunk and Laurel: success. The hound and pear: loyalty.
You have or will be stepping into a time of strength, success, and stability. You may have faced some recent struggles surrounding fluctuations regarding finances, stability, home life, work and or status. This could've been due to an unhealthy or less than favorable work / group situation, causing you to set boundaries and walk away.
You have (or will have) the tools available for you to embark on a new venture in business or career! If you're a practitioner of the arcane arts, I suggest using what you have on hand to do some sort of protection and prosperity spell or ritual! And if you are into astrology, and have your birth chart, look at your money houses and see if there's any particular transits going on for you at this time.
You're headed towards more committed and loyal bonds, finding people you can rely on and who can rely on you. Though the past may have been rocky, you're more than capable of producing a glorious harvest! And a harvest that you can share with those you love ♡
No. 2.
Justice. 9 of swords. Knight of wands.
The ladybug and sweet pea happiness. The bobcat and blackthorn patience.
4: doable: the key is within your grasp. 16: merak: embrace oneness with the universe.
I heard "it's time to reflect." For you guys who picked number 2. I see that you've faced some major difficulties recently (or even over the past few years.) Through these harsh and trying times, you've likely developed some anxiety which in turn has lead to some sleepless or restless nights. And for that, I personally would like to say that I'm truly sorry to hear this. However! Despite what you may feel right now this period will come to an end. And I know, you're frustrated and impatient. But there are just somethings in this life we cannot rush, no matter how much we try to speed run to the finish line...sometimes we aren't meant to get there when we feel we should.
You maybe younger, and you're comparing yourself to others online or in your community that have reached seemingly impossible achievements. Maybe you're older, and you are upset at the life you've lead up until this point. No matter the age, you may feel you're slower than your peers, or lazy, or simply not good enough. But the human experience isn't about followers, ridiculous amounts of money and a picture perfect image. Being a late bloomer or simply not getting the current social trend, doesn't mean you're destined for failure or that something is wrong with you. The world we're living in is complex, distorted, and layered in so much that it can easily overwhelm us.
You deserve to discover your passions again, to reach for the light again, to walk with life without pressure again. Take some time to reflect, to recover, and don't push yourself to be something you are not. Sometimes, you just need to slow down and reevaluate what you want, what you're feeling, or what you simply need.
Happiness will find you again, it may not be today, it may not be this month. But slowly, as you recover and regain your strength you will find that the key is within your grasp. And when you find it, I want you to GRAB IT! Take what is yours because you have earned it my friend. Embrace the darkness, let it carry you to the light.
Justice will be served.
No. 3.
3 of cups. King of Swords. Wheel of fortune.
12: hex: be still and allow the enemy to reveal themselves. 10: firgun: become a loving mirror.
The weasel and pine: introspection. The turtle and coriander: satisfaction. The coyote and datura: deceit.
You may have had an altercation between enemies or discovered someone in your circle isn't as loyal and true as they've claimed. You may have had your suspicions about someone around you who isn't faithful or honest and the truth about them will be revealed. You're being advised not to act or react and instead allow them to trip themselves up on their own words / actions.
Regardless if you're currently going through this, or this entire ordeal has already happened and is a thing of the past or will be a thing in the near future, the most important thing for you to do now is be there for yourself. A period of introspection is necessary for you to process this action/betrayal or falling out.
Now, on the other side of the coin, and for a few of you. Whether you want to face it or not. It may have been you who lied to and betrayed someone you loved. You may of, at least at the time. Felt justified in your actions. Maybe you believed you were in the right, or you had all the answers. Maybe your view of them was distorted and murky, or you fell for lies and deceit from another about them. No matter the case, whether you did this on purpose or on accident, it's been eating at you subconsciously. You need to find the strength to face yourself and say "I fucked up." It ain't easy, believe me I know from personal experience. But you can't just pretend it didn't happen. We as people are going to hurt those around us with or without realizing it, none of us are innocent and none of us are perfect. You gotta look at yourself and still love who you are and accept that we all make mistakes. If you're truly sorry, and you now understand that your actions weren't just or simply were shitty, then apologize if you can. And if you can't, then as the God of War kratos said himself: don't be sorry, be better.
Allow the one you hurt to find peace, and allow yourself to find peace.
And as for those of you who were hurt, you will recover from this. This was fated to happen not because the universe is cruel or something big like that, but because that is simply how people are. The truth comes out eventually whether we'd like it to or not in most cases.
For both parties here, when all is set and done, you will find satisfaction and move on.
If you enjoyed this reading or it was accurate to you and your situation then please let me know, be it a simple like, follow/subscribe, a comment and or save! I hope you found this to be helpful, and that you have a great rest of your day or night!
Take care ♡
(I apologize for auto corrections and typos)
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𝐻𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑌𝑜𝑢 | Morpheus( Dream) x Goddess!Reader
Series Masterlist
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Everything started when your skin could rival the paleness of a marble. That was when you knew that what you were doing was hurting your body and possibly your babies. Having extreme consciousness of your surrounding and your body, you were aware that this couldn't go on forever so... Even if it hurted you to see your lover's creation fade away and your people run away, you had to let go.
"My Lady, please don't cry anymore. No one should blame a mother for doing what's right for her children..."
"You are right but... I can't help but feel like I have failed them..."
Watching with sadness swirling inside her eyes, she kneeled before your form which was sitting on the throne of your lover as a way to feel closer to him and took your hands to place them over your swollen belly. "My Queen, how could you fail us when you're doing the utmost thing a woman can ever do??
Pouting and shaking your head childishly, Lucienne smiled and took your hand to escort you down. She wasn't your husband, she couldn't potentially know watching the moon was what always brought happiness to you but you were grateful for her efforts. Taking care of an emotional and hormonal pregnant woman was already hard, add the stress on you and... Double fuck.
But the face Lucienne wore when you told her what you were craving- sweet patato with maple syrup, with marshmallow next to it- you laughed hard. Harder than you had ever done. "Ah, Lucienne... You just made my day and thank you for bringing me my meal. And don't look at me like that, I blame Dream for this weird craving!"
"I... understand, my lady. I'm just happy that you're finally enjoying yourself. Are you going to return to Asgard after meal?"
Fiddling with her fingers, the same dread and suffocating feeling had started to bubble inside Lucienne's chest. She didn't want to say anything and scare you but now, she had a lot to loose... Especially after loosing the King.
And when she already lost her king, she didn't want to loose her queen too.
Not if she had a chance to keep her here.
"Hmm, Heimdall reached out to me, saying that there were problems with Alfheim and I have to meet with the ruler of Jotunheim... Though, since I'm with child, they will be coming to Asgard since my body cannot handle three different teleportations... Are you okay, dear Lucienne?"
"Is there... Could you not go another time? You said it yourself, you're close to giving birth and-"
Raising your hand and immediately silencing her, you took a deep breath and looked at her pleading eyes. You saw the worry and the fear inside her, the silent plea to not to leave the Dreaming. "My dear Lucienne, as much as I want to stay... Unfortunately there are no healers. And I have to talk to Jotunheim to maintain the peace I had brought after many centuries of war..."
Nodding her head at your words, she looked at the window and below the ground. She didn't want to let go of you and potentially risk your life and the little hopes of the Dreaming and you saw the uncertainity in her.
"You shall not worry, Lucienne. It won't take long, besides... I can't have the godmother, as humans call it, of my children sulking like that."
And the joy she felt at the news brought a wide smile on yours too...
Too bad that even after 4 months, you were yet to return.
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And now, after 105 years, the woman who had let go of the last line the realms were holding onto explained everything to the King of Dreams while the said-man was sitting on the broken ladders that led to his throne with an unrecognizable face, amidst all the ruins, and played with the wedding ring he had surprised his one love with.
"And that was the last time I had seen her... I wanted to keep her here, my lord but... She was right about healers and I couldn't argue with her... If only I did back then..."
Hanging her head low in shame and guilt, Morpheus watched with a stern look that held many fires inside. At this moment, he felt like he could rival all of the gods. He could march up to her kingdom and demand every single one of them where his wife was, why they had hated the woman who fought for them and sacrificed everything she had just because she chose to love him and marry him...
But he could also feel all the energy and power draining inside of him, it was as if even his soul knew that he was nothing without the one he yearned for. This feeling wasn't like any other he had felt, sure he had lovers before you. Compared to him, you were way younger after all but if having you would be the greatest gift and the most peaceful he ever would be, he would've waited many centuries just for you two to find each other.
"It's not your fault, Lucienne. She is free to come and go, you couldn't have known that someone would..." Shaking his head at his twisted mind and how it took a scary turn at the possibilities of what had happened to you, he looked in front of himself and gripped the bed-hair that was his own, the one you'd always tease for and play with. He couldn't help but think of what might have happened in your last moments, whether you were scared or not or if you blamed him. He was aware that even if you were a god, you weren't immortal.
"Just because I'm the ruler of 9 Realms and the Goddess of Life and Creation, it doesn't mean I can't die. I was born, I live and I'll die like any humans do... It just takes 50.000 years, compared to a human life, so we have still a long time!"
An unamused chuckle left his lips at the cheery voice you had soothed his worries with, and he remembered how you kissed the bridge of his nose and touched his face as if he was a fragile thing to be protected at all costs. Your touch would always be the only thing that eased him, whether he was stressed or worried, and the way you would just drag him away to cuddle and force him to sleep with a teasing You're the King of Dreams, yet you don't even close your eyes, were the proof that you really loved him.
The memory of you two playing with snow, visiting the library and sharing little, discreet kisses as if you were two dumb teenagers all flooded inside his mind at once. But he refused to think of them as if it was the last time you two enjoyed each other's scents and body, as if you were... dead.
With so many thoughts inside his mind, he didn't hear Lucienne asking him whether he would get help from his siblings or not.
Why would he, when they knew that he was imprisoned, when his wife was suffering silently for the things that wasn't even her responsibilities?
" I'm quite sure they know what happened to me, to my wife... And not one of them came to my aid, helped my love when she needed the most and left her to shoulder all the weight when I promised to not let a single being hurt her, including myself."
Looking directly at her king's shaky and wide irises that showed the kind of pain he was in, not because of the betrayal of his siblings, not his imprisonment, not even his lack of power but the pain his wife had to endure all this time... She watched with amazement when a tear slipped from his left eye and he hurriedly wiped it, that being the first time he had shown a softer side to the librarian, except the pettiness.
She always knew that the love Dream felt for you was way stronger than that mortal Nada or any other ex-girlfriends he had but to see the cold, expressionless king she had served for centuries cry silently was definetly an experience by itself.
"Tell me Lucienne... Did she hate me?" asked Dream, the one question he feared the answer the most. With a sad and small smile, Lucienne shook her head. "No, my lord... She never hated you but... there was only one person she loathed with a deep passion."
Feeling confused at the meaning behind her words, he turned his body to her and raised his brows at her, telling her to explain herself silently.
" You know how... Jessamy was killed..." Dream closed his eyes thightly at the mention of his companion but opened them back, wanting to know how she was connected to the person his wife hated the most. "When her Ladyship learnt what was going on, three of us worked hard to set you free and Jessamy was the one to suggest to get into the basement. My Queen refused, saying that it was too risky and that she wasn't ready to loose another one close to her but with much begging from her, My Queen allowed it... As you can guess by this, my lord, the person she loathes the most is... herself. And the death of Jessamy, changed everything within her. Created something... not her..."
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The chill night breeze of the city engulfed you with its bone shivering cold but the weakened body was already in deep so much that it barely felt it. Walking through the streets and watching all the mortals pass by you, not knowing that they were lucky to not face with your powers, you went to at apartman you were searching for while thinking how some snotty, disgusting humans with many body fluids were that important to many gods and powerful creatures.
They didn't appreciate life, all they had ever done was destroy and ruin everything with their wars, greed and hunger for basically everything.
And it was obvious in the way Rodrick Burgess captured Morpheus and took his tools for his entertainment. Health, power, wealth that could rival even Musa of Mali or William the Conqueror... All for it to go to waste in the end, because no one, not even a god would change the nature of humanity.
Except Death and the meek human she had made immortal.
"Gotta deal with that too... But first, let's see this famous Corinthian and Ethel."
Meanwhile, both parties were inside with Corinthian explaining how Morpheus was free and on search for his tools but most importantly, his wife.
"A God, a powerful being couldn't even protect his wife? I highly doubt he's dangerous to me or you..."
"You shouldn’t belittle his anger. He's dead set on finding her and the tools. He may not be strong enough right now but his wife? She's the Ruler of 9 Realms and Queen of the Dreaming, the power she has could easily kill-"
"Oh, please... You're making me seen like I kill for sport, Corinthian~"
The voice of the woman who scared even the strongest one out there, the heart of the Dreaming and 9 Realms, brought another kind of fear inside the blond man and when Ethel saw how he shook with fear and sweat, she couldn't find in her to turn back to see the source of the voice for what that would mean for her.
They both were frozen at their places, faces facing each other and hands stuck with holding onto something for support when the click of heels came closer to them. With shaky sigh, Ethel trembled at the omnious aura coming from behind her, fear of death biling up and almost making her vomit.
And the feeling only intensified when a sharp nail found its way to her cheek and rubbed the skin that started to wrinkle. "Is that fear I sense coming from you, Ethel? You didn't seem scared when you stole that ruby and helm?"
" My Lady Y/N, please spare-" Corinthian started to kneel down and beg for mercy at the sinister look on your face when you raised your hand at him to stop his nonsense.
"Wrong name... Dear Corinthian."
He tilted his head confused at the deadpan look and how you seemed... different.
Cold and sharp eyes, a predator look, the way you talked, calculating and... pure bad intentions.
"You... You aren't her, are you?"
Stopping your ministrations, you turned your head slowly at the man having a smug smirk and gave him a small yet daring smile. "And why do you think so?"
"Such bad intentions and desire to kill... It has never been her aspect..."
Humming approvingly, you sat down on the counter and faced the rogue nightmare that has been causing trouble. His eyes were set on your form, drinking everything it had to offer and the thoughts crossing his mind was... not so innocent.
Chuckling at his obvious- but stupid- smugness, you watched how his spine turned, almost threatening to break and his painful screams?
They were music.
"I'll say this just once so, listen carefully." Hurriedly nodding his head, you looked at his spine with red eyes and healed him slowly. "I'm here to destroy Morpheus, after all he's our shared enemy. I will give you my help and you will do my dirty jobs. And if I like you enough, I'll reward you~"
Smirking at the last sentence, Corinthian stepped closer to your form who sitting cross-legged and put his hands on your thighs. "And what's my reward, for pleasing you?"
" First, tell me if you accept or not."
"And if I don't?"
"I'd kill you and then ask the stupid blonde over there, and if she refuses too... I'd go and look for another suitable watch-dog."
With a tell-tale voice that seemed like you were singing, you knew by the horrified look on both their faces that you had won.
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Taglist: @itshamleth @elraeeee @mxacegrey @munsonmunster @zemotr4sh @rosewine-5 @bucky-thorin-winchester @lyria-skyfall @jesllianaquilesrolon @poemfreak306 @diksy1112 @daydreamin1220 @slut4fictionalcharacters28 @buckys-pillow @mata0-0mata
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The Dragon Heir | part 9.
Summary: What happens when King Viserys' only current heir is a choice between his twin daughters? The realm will not accept a woman but you have no care for what the realm thinks it won't accept.
Warnings: it's the game of thrones realm, and obviously incest comes with the Targaryen package but it still deserves a second warning. extra warnings because they are needed for this part — child death and violence.
Pairing: Daemon Targaryen x black!reader, Daemon Targaryen x targaryen!reader
Word Count: 6.6k
A/N: Y'all I'm sorry for this one. It took me forever because I couldn't decide if I was going to follow canon of killing children when lucerys confronts Aemond or let the kids live. I'm so sorry for what y'all are going to read.
Previous Part | Series Masterlist
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You adjusted the leather bag on your shoulder, lowering it so the twins could set down the plants they helped collect. Naelyra and Viserys were with you while Aerys was playing with his sisters and uncles. 
All of the herbs on Dragonstone were finally collected, including the seeds so you could plant more. The supply was enough to last at least four months. By then the new seeds should have hopefully sprouted so you could keep giving your father medicine that wasn’t milk of the poppy.
You came back into the castle to see your other children run by you as you entered the main hall. Your youngest nephews stopped for a second longer than saying hello. 
“Daemon is making us pack.” 
“Good, you better hurry. Your brother has the right idea. The quicker you pack, the quicker you can go back to whatever you were doing.” 
Lucerys and Joffrey groaned but continued heading to their rooms. Naelyra and Viserys tried to avoid your eyes so they wouldn’t have to pack either. It didn’t work for very long. You continued into the main hall. Daemon and Rhaenyra looked over at you when you set down your bag on the table. A big sigh escaped you. 
“It might have taken some time but I’ve collected every herb. No more milk of the poppy for Father. My Joy, do you mind taking me tomorrow on dragon back? I’d like to head back to King’s Landing as quickly as possible.” 
“That isn’t a problem.”
You looked at your sister. “Are you coming with us or staying until everyone is packed?” 
“Someone has to watch our little mongrels. I’ll make sure we don’t take too long.”
Daemon made his way around the large table in the middle of the room. You could already see his hands reaching for you. His hands went to your waist at the same time that your hands went to his shoulder. Daemon kissed your cheek before kissing your mouth. He kept leaning over until you were bending a little. Looking at your lips and then your eyes, he gave you a smile. 
“I know we’ve discussed it but I’ve been dreaming about our children lately. Would one more be all that bad?” 
You laughed and gently pushed him. “Absolutely not. Are you not happy with the amount of children you have?” 
Daemon pecked your lips as he helped you stand back up. “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with more but I’m not the one giving birth.” 
“I’m glad you understand that because I have a surprise for y—” 
The three of you turned when Ser Lorent came down the stairs. Rhaenyra’s heart raced a bit when he said that Princess Rhaenys was at Dragonstone. You told the knight to let her in while you tried to calm your sister. Rhaenys either brought news that Laenor and Corlys had survived or they succumbed to their injuries and illness. You hoped it was only good news. Worry graced your features when Rhaenys entered the room. She wasn’t smiling. 
“Are Laenor and Lord Corlys alright?” Rhaenyra asked. 
Rhaenys took in a breath. “Viserys is dead.” 
You, your husband, and your sister froze. Rhaenys moved closer to the table. 
“I grieve the loss with you. He was a good man with a kind heart… There is more. They crowned Aegon as his successor.” 
Daemon stood up straighter. “How did Viserys die?” 
“I could not say. No one seems to know.” 
“How long ago did he pass?” Rhaenyra asked.
“A day or two? I was locked in my chambers while they prepared for the coronation. It must have happened shortly after you left, they crowned Aegon yesterday.” 
“Then he’s been slain,” Daemon said with certainty. 
Rhaenyra looked over when you walked away from the table. Your face twisted up in pain. You took steps towards the fireplace, unable to do anything but just stare into the fire. Rhaenyra kept watching you as she asked her next question. 
“They asked you to declare for Aegon?” Your sister’s head turned around when Rhaenys told her yes. 
“I didn’t. I refused.” 
Daemon’s jaw clenched before relaxing. “And yet you’re still alive.” 
You slowly turned as you listened to her speak about the coronation. They had crowned Aegon in the Dragonpit, giving Rhaenys access to her dragon and a chance to escape. Your eyes drifted over to the bag of herbs you had finished collecting that morning still on the table. 
“They crowned him before the masses?” Rhaenyra asked. 
“So the masses would recognize him as their rightful king.”  
“That whore of a queen murdered my brother and stole his throne,” Daemon said lowly. “And you could have burned them all for it.” 
“A war is likely to be fought over this treachery. But that war is not mine to begin. I only rushed this warning to you out of loyalty to my husband and my House. The Greens are coming for you and for your children… Is something funny, Laelara?” 
You just grabbed the bag of now-useless herbs from off the table. “Your House? Princess Rhaenys, this is your House too. Laenor’s sons are my nephews. Laena’s daughters take my husband’s family name. The name you were born with, Rhaenys. My name.” 
“Don’t insult me, Laelar—” 
“Queen Laelara. If you do not want to accept this House as your own then you do not earn the respect of calling me as if we are family. It is Queen Laelara or Y—”
“Mother!” Rhaena and Baela yelled as they came running down the stairs. 
“Yes, my sweetlings?” you asked as you gave a pointed look to Rhaenys. 
“The guards caught a man outside… wearing a Kingsguard uniform.” 
You and Daemon wasted no time going outside, the others following behind. Soon most of the castle, the few people that actually lived there, were outside. Your guards were holding a man with long brown hair. He was kneeling on the ground. His helmet and sword were now in the dirt at your feet. The man looked up at you. 
“I mean no harm.” 
“Let him go for a moment,” you commanded your guards. 
The man opened a bag that had been around him the entire time. You gasped at the sight of your father’s crown. The man, who finally gave his name as Erryk Cargyll, held it up. Daemon gently took it from him, just looking at it. 
“I swear to ward the Queen with all my strength and give my blood for hers. I shall take no wife, sire no heirs and hold no lands. I shall guard her secrets, obey her commands, ride at her side, and defend her name and honor.” 
Daemon turned around slowly, looking at you the entire time. The crown was set on your head before your husband kneeled. The sound of movement behind you made you look. Everyone was kneeling. You almost laughed at your own children who were surely too young to actually know what they were doing.
You made eye contact with Rhaenys who was staring at the entire scene in front of her, mainly at her granddaughters also kneeling. Slowly, she kneeled as well. You held a hand out to your husband. Daemon looked up as he took your hand in his. 
“You know war better than I do. I don’t want us to fight. Is that possible?” you asked.  
“If we have the right allies.”
The large table in the middle of the main hall was a map. The entirety of Westeros. Candles were lit and shoved into a drawer underneath the table, lighting the entire thing up. Swords were laid on a table at the door as more men came in. All of the castle stood in the hall, even the ones who didn’t fight. They waited for you to come in. Daemon stopped fiddling with the pieces on the table when you entered. 
“Queen Laelara Targaryen, First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men. Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm. Your Grace,” he said with a bow of his head. 
You moved to stand between you and Rhaenyra’s children, denying the cup of wine Baela offered you. Your eyes scanned over the table before looking up at your husband directly across from you at the other head of the table. 
“Our current standing?” 
“We have thirty knights, a hundred crossbowmen, and three hundred men-at-arms.” 
“Not nearly enough.” 
“Dragonstone is easy to defend. It wasn’t built for conquest. We have sent word to my men in the City Watch.” 
“How many are loyal to you?��� 
“I cannot speak of the numbers. We should prepare for the smallest number.” 
One of the maesters spoke up. “But we already have declarations from Celtigar and Staunton. As well as Massey, Darklyn, Bar Emmon.” 
Jace and Viserys moved Targaryen pieces to the lands where the Houses the maester said had lived. You pointed to where so your son could put one on the Vale. 
“Our lady mother was an Arryn. The Royces may hate Daemon but the Vale is loyal to family. At worst, they won’t help fight. But they will not turn against us.” 
The maester nodded. “Riverrun was always close to your father, Your Grace. With Prince Daemon’s acquiescence, I sent ravens to Lord Grover.” 
You stopped Viserys from putting a piece down on the Riverrun. “He is a man easily swayed. I don’t want to consider him a surety and be surprised by betrayal later. Unless we can convince him of the strength of our position.” 
“I’m going to meet him personally,” Daemon said. 
“What of Winterfell?” one of the guards asked. “There’s never been a Stark who has forgotten an oath. And the Baratheons.” 
“Borros Baratheon will need to be reminded of his oaths. He was always reluctant to bend the knee to a woman.” 
One of the guards placed a Hightower piece over the Baratheons for good measure. You sighed. 
“This still isn’t enough… Our enemies?” 
No one was surprised at the mention of the Lannisters. Your list of enemies was less than expected but they had huge armies. The head of your Queensguard coughed. 
“If I may speak candidly, Your Grace, your side has a power the world hasn’t seen since Valyria.” 
“The Greens have dragons as well. Four of them.” 
“But you have Vhagar.” 
“And Aemond has her spawn who is undoubtedly bigger or nearing that size. And Vhagar is old. We should expect her to die at any moment.” 
“They have four but we have Syrax, Caraxes, Meleys, and Vhagar. Vhagar is the only war dragon still alive,” Daemon started. “Not to mention the ones belonging to the children. Vermax, Arrax, Tyraxes, Moondancer, Sunfyre, Goldtear, and Valor. If Laenor is recovered enough, we have Seasmoke.” 
“Tyraxes, Sunfyre, Goldtear, and Valor all belong to children under ten. They more than likely won’t fly without their riders and those four won’t be fighting.” 
“We also have the unclaimed ones. They’re all here on Dragonstone. Vermithor and Silverwing dwell on the Dragonmont, still riderless. You haven’t claimed a dragon, Your Grace. And not to mention the three wild ones. Grey Ghost, Sheepstealer, and the Cannibal.” 
“The Cannibal?”
“He eats other dragons, there is nothing better than that.”
“And who is going to ride these creatures?”  
“No one needs to ride them. Even without the children’s four dragons, we have fourteen to their four.” 
“Thirteen. There would be thirteen dragons to their four.” 
“Fourteen,” Daemon insisted. “Unless one of Alicent’s children can suddenly survive fire unburnt, you are the only Dragon alive. We don’t need riders to claim them, you just have to call them to attention.” 
You motioned to the table. “Fine. But I don’t want to rely on dragons we aren’t certain of. I want to continue planning without them. Right now we have Caraxes, Syrax, Meleys, Vermax, and Vhagar.” 
He nodded. “Five dragons. We still need a toehold large enough to house a sizable host.” 
You smiled slightly when he tilted his head, basically asking you if he could go on. He was careful not to overstep. But you didn’t plan wars or battles. Your father had lived in a time of peace where he sent Daemon for small tasks that you never really learned about strategy. 
“Do continue, King Daemon,” you said in High Valyrian. 
His mouth opened slightly before he recovered. “Right, yes. I believe Harrenhal is where we should gather. Here, we can cut off the west and surround King’s Landing with dragons. Even with five, the threat is strong. We could have every Green head mounted on spikes before the fucking moon turns.” 
Ser Erryk approached, tapping your shoulders. “Your Grace, they’ve spotted a single ship offshore, carrying the banner of a three-headed green dragon.” 
Daemon immediately moved to grab his sword that was leaning against the table. “Alert the watchtowers. Take the children, Princess Rhaenyra, and Princess Rhaenys towards the Dragonmont.” 
“I’m coming with you.” 
You grabbed your sister’s arm before she could keep going. “If this is an attack, one of us needs to live another day. If nothing, for our children.” 
Rhaenyra’s jaw ticked but she reluctantly agreed, going the other way while you and Daemon went outside. The two of you whispered back and forth with each other.
The guards were just a few steps ahead as they led you to the stone bridge that was the entrance to Dragonstone. You could see Otto Hightower in front of a bunch of Kingsguard men. He stood proudly. 
“I come at the behest of the Dowager Queen Alicent, mother of King Aegon, second of his nam—” 
“Spare me the names, Lord Otto. I understand what the title of usurper means.” 
Otto ignored your comment. “I have been sent to deliver a message for Princess Laelara only.” 
“It is Queen Laelara and if you can’t truly believe I am stupid enough to be alone with you and your guards. You can say whatever you need in front of my men or hand me something written and be on your way.” 
“King Aeg—” 
Otto stopped when a large roar pierced everyone’s ears. A blood red creature flew through the sky. Caraxes’ long neck was seen first before the rest of his body. He landed on the other side of the bridge, effectively sandwiching Otto and his men in between you guys. The man swallowed as he stared at the dragon before turning back to you. Daemon clicked his tongue and Caraxes settled. You pursed your lips. 
“You were saying something, Lord Otto?” 
“King Aegon in his wisdom and desire for peace is offering terms. Acknowledge Aegon as the proper king and swear obeisance before the Iron Throne. In exchange, His Grace will keep your possession of Dragonstone to you and your children. Driftmark is still the possession of your nephew and first daughter. 
“Your youngest children from you and your sister will be given place at the King’s court. The King’s squire and cupbearer. And finally, in his good grace, will pardon any knight or lord who conspired against his ascent.” 
“Yet you have conspired against mine despite bending the knee all those years ago.” 
“These are very generous terms, Princ—”
“Your Grace,” Daemon cut him off. “And I would rather feed my children to the dragons than have them carry cups and shields for your drunken, usurper cunt of a king.” 
“Aegon Targaryen sits the Iron Throne. He wears the Conqueror’s crown, wields the Conqueror’s sword, has the Conqueror’s name. Every symbol of legitimacy belongs to him.” 
You marched up to Otto and looked him in the eye. “You’re right. He wears the Conqueror’s crown and carries the Conqueror’s sword and even bears the Conqueror’s name. But what is my entire name, Lord Otto? I will allow you to speak informally this time.” 
“Laelara Aegon Daeny Visenya Targaryen.” 
“I bear the Conqueror’s name too. I claimed the dragon used by the Conqueror’s sister-wife, Visenya, when they first came to Westeros. A woman who Aegon respected and named a conqueror herself as she ruled with him.” 
Otto swallowed when you pulled out your sword and pressed it against the side of his neck. You simply laughed when his guards pulled out their own swords but weren’t sure whether to move or not. 
“A woman whose name I also bear and whose sword I have wielded since before my brother was even a thought in your seedy, conniving mind.” 
“Aegon was crowned by a septon of the Faith and named in front of a crowd of thousands.” 
“Then why are you here?” 
“I’m sorry?” 
“If he was named in front of thousands then certainly all of King’s Landing must believe in him and not me? Surely you and your men would have stormed Dragonstone and have us arrested or killed. So why haven’t you?” 
“Because Aegon is a kind king.” 
“No. Because Aegon is no conqueror. How dare you come to me with these terms? I want better. Tell the king that.” You sheathed your sword and walked away. 
“Does that mean you are accepting?” 
“I want better terms. Do not make me wait, send a raven in three days time with more than just a cupbearer for my children.” 
“Yes, Princess.”  
The men sheathed their swords. Otto watched Daemon grab your arm tightly. His jaw ticked as he glared at you. Otto couldn’t make out what your husband whispered in your ear. You yanked your arm from his grip. 
“You swore allegiance to me and my decisions and you should do well to remember that.” 
“Your decisions,” Daemon said just loud enough for Otto to hear. “They mean giving up. Do you truly believe Aegon will stay by his promises? I would never trust that if I was Viserys’ successor.” 
“Then it is a good thing you were never even a consideration for heir.” 
“You cannot bend your knee to the Hightowers. They’ve stolen your birthright from under you. Are you not angry?” 
“Of course I am. Does that mean I should declare war because I’m angry? That isn’t Viserys’ dream.” You gasped when Daemon smacked you across the cheek. The guards grabbed him immediately. 
“My brother was obsessed and blinded with his dreams and prophecies. Anything to make his reign not seem fruitless. Dreams didn’t make us kings.” 
“If you touch me again, it will be the last thing you ever do. Do you understand me?” You turned and looked at Otto, trying not to cry. “I expect the raven in three days.” 
“Princess, are you alr—” 
“Three days.” 
You walked away, the guards behind you carrying Daemon back to the castle. The doors to the castle were closed and a scout watched from the watchtower to make sure the Hightowers went home with all their men. Daemon was let go of by the guards. He immediately stood up and held the side of your face, examining one side of it. 
“My Fire, are you alright? I didn’t hit you too hard, did I?” 
“Do you think he believed it?” 
“I think he will report it back to their council. If that bought us time, I’m unsure. I’ll tell the Queensguard to summon everyone for the meeting. Please find one of the maesters for your cheek.” 
“I am fine, My Joy. You were very careful.” 
Daemon peppered kisses all over half of your face. You pulled away from him slightly. He watched your face intently. You knew with war that you couldn’t keep secrets to yourself anymore. Aegon the Conqueror’s dream of ice and fire needed to be shared. Daemon squeezed your shoulders slightly. 
“We cannot worry about that right now. But I promise we will figure it out once this war is over. We won’t be unprepared for whatever ice and fire is bringing.”  
You nodded. Just to ease his mind, you went to find the maester before coming back to the table for the meeting. You sat in a chair at the head of the table, listening with great annoyance at the men arguing about what to do. You beckoned one of the attendants over. 
“Where are my eldests?” 
“Princess Rhaenys asked to see them.” 
“And where is the princess?” 
“She has been tending to her husband and son ever since the news of their fevers breaking, Your Grace.” 
Ser Erryk stood to attention. 
“The Lord of the Tides, Lord Corlys Valeryon. His wife, Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, and their son, Ser Laenor!” he called out.  
Everyone turned. Rhaenyra ran to hug Laenor, you followed close behind. The two of them embraced before pulling away. Laenor bowed his head to you. 
“Your Grace.” 
“Oh, come off it, Laenor,” you said as you pulled your cousin into a hug. “We’ve known each other since birth. I’m happy you’re alright.” 
“Your Grace,” Lord Corlys said with a slight bow. 
“Lord Corlys. Or should I say Hand of the Queen,” you said with a smile. 
His eyes widened for a brief moment before bowing his head once again. He extended an arm towards the table and you nodded as you all made your way back to the center of the hall. Lord Corlys looked around. 
He walked around the table. “These are your declared allies? Too few to win a war for the throne.” 
“We are also looking at support from House Arryn, Baratheon, and Stark. Arryn is my mother’s House. Even if they don’t fight, we know they are not enemies.” 
“Looking for support isn’t guaranteed support. Your father’s realm was one of justice and honor. The Hightower’s treason is not allowed to stand any longer. You have the full support of the Velaryon fleet and house.” 
You and Daemon stopped looking at the table to look at the man. Lord Coryls grabbed a Targaryen wooden piece and placed it over Driftmark. He knocked on the table twice. 
“I have heard you do not wish to fight.” 
You shook your head. “I don’t intend to strike, not first at least. If war can be avoided it should.” 
“You want to threaten?” 
“Would control of the Stepstones aid in that desire?” Laenor asked.  
Your eyes went wide. When Laenor and Corlys were hurt in the Stepstones, everyone assumed they had lost. To have control of the Stepstones was a major feat. You basically owned the Narrow Sea. Lord Corlys was ready to deploy his fleet and take control of all the shipping lanes in Blackwater Bay.
All travel and trade could be stopped from reaching King’s Landing. The Hightowers wouldn’t be able to give the people what they needed. They could only get that from your family. Rhaenys agreed to patrol the gullet herself with her dragon and make sure the rules were enforced. It was almost the perfect siege. 
“We still need to surround the Greens and that requires more people. Even with all our dragons, the land is too vast and they only need to reach Shipbreaker Bay or further down to Dorne in order to evade us.” 
“My uncle has always been a supporter of mine,” Rhaenys said. “A letter to House Baratheon is all we need.” 
“I’ll prepare the ravens, Your Grace,” the maester said. 
“We should do it.” 
You looked at your eldest nephew. Jacaerys shrugged before nodding his head with more confidence. 
“We should deliver the messages. You predicted only a couple of days before the Greens make their own allies and come back to us, Your Grace. That isn’t much time. On dragons, we’re faster… and more intimidating.” 
Rhaenyra leaned over. “They would be more convincing.” 
“Send us,” Baela said, adamantly. 
“Alright,” you said reluctantly. “Where do we need to find allies?” 
“House Baratheon, House Stark, House Arryn are major,” one of the men said. “Dorne has always been the most distant kingdom but the aid of House Martell would be helpful. The Iron Islands are Stark bannermen but always hesitant to fight in a war they don’t deem their own, some persuasion there might be useful.” 
“The Greens have dragons and three riders,” Daemon said. 
You nodded. “Both of us are vying for House Baratheon. They’ll send Aegon to try and intimidate because he is their king. The Greens also need Winterfell.” 
“That means Aemond will be seeing the Starks.” 
“I want you, Rhaena, to go with Naelyra and Joffrey to Dorne. The Martells will appreciate the trust of letting them see our youngest children. Baela, you and Viserys are going to the Eyrie. House Arryn is family. They are safe for you two.” 
“Yes, Mother.” 
“Lucerys, I don’t want you anywhere near Aemond. You will deliver a message to Storm’s End.” 
Laenor walked over to his son, putting both hands on Lucerys’ shoulders and smiling at you. “Lord Baratheon has many daughters, none betrothed.” 
“Cousin, you are actually brilliant. Luke, you’re taking Aerys with you. Daemon, Rhaenyra, I’m asking you both to go to Riverrun.” 
“What about me?” Jacaerys asked. 
“Are you okay to go alone to Winterfell?” 
“I would love to.” 
“Then the matter is settled. But Jace, do not argue with Aemond if he is there before you. Your business is with Lord Stark only.”  
Jacaerys reluctantly agreed. The children went to saddle their dragons or add extra rider straps in the case of Lucerys and Aerys while you penned letters. Nothing made you more nervous than sending the children. They were messengers so you shouldn’t have worried but you couldn’t help yourself. 
While they got ready, Daemon left for the Dragonmont. He wanted to see about securing the unclaimed dragons and eventually tracking down the wild ones. The plan was to start with Vermithor and then move on to the others. 
The children came by to receive the letters from you. You hugged them all and gave them kisses on the forehead. You bent down to your Aerys’ level. 
“Be good to your cousin,” you said, giving him one more hug. 
Lucerys complained when you ruffled his hair and kept hugging him much to his annoyance. You laughed as you pushed him away. 
“Alright, go. I expect you back in the morning.” 
“We won’t be late!” 
Lucerys was glad you asked him to take Aerys and not Aerys’ dragon. It had started raining slightly and he honestly didn’t want to be responsible for watching another dragon. It was just easier if Aerys was with him and they both took Arrax. He hoped it would stop raining tomorrow. 
Lucerys stopped, pulling Aerys’ hand back, when the doors of Storm End’s castle opened up. He didn’t see Aegon in the hall. It was Aemond. Lucerys tried not to look anymore as they entered. Maybe it would be fine. Aemond liked you. He called you Aunt Laelara even though you were his half-sister. 
His entire plan fell through when Lord Baratheon requested the guards escort him and Aerys back to Arrax for their safety. Aemond wanted to fight. But at least he gave Lord Baratheon the letter.
As they kept flying, Lucerys thought they might have secured an ally. It helped offering the young prince’s hand in marriage for an alliance. Lord Baratheon seemed pleased at the notion, stating he would think over all prospects given. 
Aerys screamed, making Lucerys look down. Far below Arrax was a massive dragon. Maemar. He tried to calm Aerys down as he soared higher. Arrax dipped through a small canyon that Maemar simply couldn’t go through. But the safety of the rocks didn’t last forever. Lucerys pushed his dragon to go higher and faster. 
Maemar couldn’t be shaked. The dragon snapped at Arrax, almost catching the smaller one’s tail in his mouth. Lucerys shook his head as he directed Arrax to go back into the cliffs. His eyes scanned the canyon side to see if there was a cave. The dragon landed in the first cave they could find. With shaky hands, Lucerys took Aerys down from the saddle. 
The younger boy hugged his cousin tightly, refusing to let go. Even when he fell asleep, Aerys was still holding on. Lucerys stayed up all night. His sword was out and pointed at the entrance of the cave in case Aemond decided to jump down from his dragon and come into the canyon. He thanked the heavens when the skies cleared in the morning. 
“What are you doing?” Aerys asked when Lucerys dug through the dragon’s saddlebag. 
He came back with some parchment and a fountain pen. “Aerys, you hold onto these. Hold on really strong. Okay? One’s for my mother and father, one is for your mother and father. Okay?” 
Lucerys put the materials back in the bag. He picked Aerys up and carried the boy back to the saddle. He didn’t strap himself in, only gripping the front of the saddle tightly. Lucerys nodded when Arrax left the cave. He had a feeling that Aemond hadn’t left the other night. There was no avoiding his uncle. Aemond was already awake. He started to walk towards Maemar. 
“Wait!” Lucerys yelled. 
Aemond turned his head. 
Lucerys told Arrax to lower himself so he could jump down. He patted his dragon’s head. “Take Aerys home no matter what. Do you understand me, Arrax? Be calm and you will take Aerys home.” 
The dragon blinked at his rider but seemed like he understood. Lucerys nodded before turning to face Aemond. 
“You want my eye? You can have it, just leave Aerys alone.” 
“He doesn’t owe me payment. You do. I’m even granting you mercy. You get to choose which eye I will take.” 
Lucerys turned his head to one side, figuring he tended to look through field glasses with his left eye and taking the right would be better. Aemond whipped out his dagger.
The sound of metal scraping against its sheath caught Maemar’s attention. The dragon sensed its rider’s anger and spotted the weapon in Aemond’s hand. Maemar took the matter upon himself. A stream of fire left his mouth. Aemond stopped in his tracks, eye going wide. 
“Lucerys!” Aerys screamed. 
The fire subsided. Lucerys looked down at himself, shocked to still be alive. It was uncommon, even for Targaryen blood, to be a Dragon. It was even rarer to have two Dragons alive at the same time. Lucerys would have to tell you when he got back. But there were more pressing matters. Maemar opened his mouth again, gearing to blow another stream of fire. Lucerys began to run back to his dragon while Aemond ran to his own who looked like he was about to chase Arrax. 
“No. No, stop, Maemar, stop!” 
Lucerys felt the fire on his back. His heart started to race faster when Aerys screamed, fire reaching him and touching his skin. The older boy was barely on Arrax when he told the dragon to flee.
They had made it far through the skies without being followed. Lucerys tried to comfort Aerys whose skin was blistering and burning. Nothing gave the little boy relief. His eyes started to close a bit. 
“No, eyes open, Aerys, keep them open. Faster, Arrax!”  
You waited on the beach with Daemon, concerned as the morning grew into afternoon. Lucerys and Aerys should have been home by now. They were the closest to Dragonstone. Rhaenyra and Daemon had made it back in the morning. Baela and Viserys came back only moments ago. Jace wasn’t expected until tomorrow, the same with Rhaena, Naelyra, and Joffrey. 
Rhaenyra and Laenor came out after making sure Baela and Viserys were inside the castle. The four of you tapped your feet on the sand and waited. Eventually, you all sat down and just watched the skies. It would be uncommon but there was always a chance that Lucerys chose to fly the other way and was on the other side of Dragonstone, slowly coming their way.
You shot up when you saw the shadow of a dragon in the clouds. Arrax landed, partially on the dry sand and partially where the water brushed past the very bottom of his legs. Lucerys unclipped himself and ungracefully slid off the dragon’s back. Running to him, you held his face in your hands. 
“I’m sorry,” he muttered over and over again through tears. 
Lucerys unclipped Aerys from the saddle. Your scream made Rhaenyra, Daemon, and Laenor run. Daemon dropped to his knees, water soaking his clothes. Rhaenyra and Laenor stopped just short of being next to you, hands covering their mouths. Carefully, Lucerys set Aerys in Daemon’s arms before his mother and father pulled him closer to them. 
Daemon reached for your hand but you moved away. He didn’t react, only holding his son closer and staring at the ocean. You walked away. Your gait looked like you could have been drunk as you stumbled farther and farther away from the castle. Tears blinded your vision and sobs escaped you. Your feet felt heavy as you kept walking. You didn’t even know where you were on Dragonstone anymore. Occasionally you stumbled but that didn’t stop you from trudging on. 
Back at the castle, everyone was somber. Rhaenyra and Laenor had walked ahead of Daemon. Partially to get Lucerys back inside, partially to tell everyone what happened so they wouldn’t disturb you all. The attendants and maesters weren’t able to go near Daemon.
He insisted on preparing Aerys’ funeral himself. His other children — Baela and Rhaena finally coming back with Viserys and Naelyra — stayed in the room at his request. The door stayed open in case he needed anything but no one lingered in the large open room near the front of the castle in order to give the king his space. 
Daemon carefully wrapped his son’s body, sniffling and trying not to cry very hard. He took the scissors and cut the excess length from the final strip. In the main hall, everyone stopped and looked towards the door when they heard Daemon scream. He threw the scissors at the stone wall, finally breaking down and letting tears fall. Rhaena approached her dad and put a hand on his shoulder. Daemon hugged her and Baela before letting them take Aerys. He immediately scooped up Viserys and Naelyra. 
The tears were gone when he entered the main hall but everyone could tell he had been crying. He looked around for you but you were nowhere to be found. They started the match to the funeral pyre on the top of a hill with large rocks. Maybe you were already there. 
It had been well over an hour and you were still stumbling through the sand. You felt something like warm air blow against your back and surround you. Slowly, you turned around. A massive dragon — one you somehow didn’t hear — was staring at you. He was crouched down, head on the sand. 
The entirety of his body was covered in black scales. The horns on the top of his head were pointy and large. His green eyes stared into your own. And he wasn’t clean. The dragon looked rough, like a proper wild dragon in serious need of a bath. But he didn’t smell like dragon which you could only imagine was on purpose to aid in his sneaking abilities. 
“Cannibal,” you whispered. 
Running from a wild dragon was not a smart idea. Standing still and letting yourself get eaten by a dragon was also stupid. Cannibal roared. The deep cry was near deafening. You screamed back at him, not nearly as loud. The roar turned into a loud sob as you dropped into the sand. You clutched your chest and tried to keep breathing evenly. He closed his mouth and settled into the sand, almost confused at your actions.  
You stared at horns that outlined the side of his face. They were in the same spot near the back of the head like your dragons. But his horns weren’t straight and going backwards. They faced forward and curved like elephant tusks. The dragon didn’t move, continuing to just stare at you. Your eyes narrowed and you started to shake slightly. You regretted ever letting Aemond have his pick of Vhagar’s eggs. The Greens would not be allowed to continue living with this injustice. 
Pulling your dagger from its sheath on your hip, you cut your arm — right under the scar from Alicent’s cut years ago. You dipped your fingers in the blood from the cut and extended them towards the dragon.
He shifted his head but didn’t pull away completely. And he didn’t roar. Blood streaked over his mouth as you wiped it on him. His tongue darted out just a little bit. You put your foot on one of the curved horns. Cannibal let you walk along his horns until you were looking directly into his eye. He huffed.  You continued up until you were sitting on his head, between two large pointed horns. You held onto the small spikes.
“Cannibal… Soves.” 
The dragon took off, forcing you to clutch the small spikes even tighter. He was faster than you had expected for his size.
At the funeral pyre, the entire castle gathered to pay respects. Some stood in silence while others made plans to strike. Aerys’ death wouldn’t go unanswered. Daemon looked away from the pyre when two of the Queensguard men approached. He propped Viserys and Naelyra back up on his hips and walked towards them. 
“We can’t find her, Your Grace. Dragonstone is still being searched but it’s like she’s vanished. Vhagar and Caraxes are still here.” 
Daemon held his young children tighter. He looked around, unsure of what to do. He wanted to go look after you himself. But he didn’t want any of them — not even Baela and Rhaena who weren’t babies anymore — out of his sight.
Rhaenyra and Laenor approached him. They extended their arms and patiently waited for Daemon to let go of the twins. He hesitantly put his kids in their arms. He didn’t even get the chance to make a step when the entire sky went dark. 
Everyone ducked at the massive creature they could now tell was a dragon. The wings flapped but it seemed like no sound was made. Even when it landed, the ground didn’t shake. The large dragon settled itself on the rocks. It wasn’t Vermithor who Daemon had seen days ago.
It wasn’t the other two unclaimed dragons that flew around Dragonstone. Every person there knew it was a wild dragon. Based on its size that barely overtook Caraxes, it was the Cannibal. They looked from the shadow night dragon to the blood wyrm. Cannibal didn’t seem to care about Caraxes at all. 
Daemon approached cautiously, more than relieved when he saw you slide down from the back of the dragon. He pulled you into a tight hug. He shook his head when you thanked him for handling the funeral. You buried your face in his chest. 
“I can’t do it,” you whispered. 
“Caraxes, Dracar—” 
Daemon paused. Goldtear, Aerys’ dragon, had settled onto the pyre and wrapped his body around the dragon. Goldtear wouldn’t budge no matter how much they tried to push her away. The dragon roared and Caraxes responded. Without any command from his rider, the dragon spit fire.
Goldtear gave a single cry before settling down, opening her mouth to receive the fire easier. You turned your head just enough to see the orange fire burn until nothing but ash remained on the pyre. The wind blew the remainder away, letting the part of Aerys and Goldtear still left on the earth take their final resting place in the ocean. 
You and Daemon walked towards the pyre, kneeling down at it and praying to the gods of Old Valyria. Everyone else began to walk away and give you some space. Even your Queensguard moved farther away to where they could see you but not the other way around. You finished your prayer, looking up at the sky and screamed. Everyone walking back to the castle ducked at the deafening dragon roar. They looked behind them to see the Cannibal and green flames leaving his mouth.  
(part 10)
@simbaaas-stuff @sazifer @my-soulmate-is-mycroft @queenies1x1 @avadakadabra93
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darkestspring · 2 years
Hey! I love your work a lot😊 could I please request a part 2 to the imagine of Daemon and Aemond, with them going from hating their wife to being obsessed with them?
I really loved writing the first part so i hope you like it!
part one | part two
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Aemond "The One-Eyed" Targaryen
You're so sick of seeing his face. Of hearing his voice. Of seeing his softness. It gnaws at your heart.
Alicent is happy seeing her son receive the news of his child so well. She's happy knowing that he's going to be a good husband but seeing your cold eyes makes her heart ache.
Aemond follows you everywhere, he waits for you outside of your room when its time to break your fast. He follows you on your walks through the garden. He even insists on visiting your room at night, to sleep by your side and speak to your swollen belly.
Your coldness does not stop. When he offers you his arm, you walk right past him. When he attempts conversation, you ignore him. You refuse to wear the green gowns you had before, you wear only blue ones.
"My love." He speaks and you resist the urge to grit your teeth as you continue reading. "My wife, must your coldness overtake our lives."
"My coldness?" You laugh at him, fury written on your face. "My only regret is that the only reason that your coldness ceased is because of my child. I wish you would end this farce!" You walk out of your room and down the hall.
Your furious eyes catch the queens and you stomp your way out to the garden. You want to scream. That infuriating prince!
His actions don't cease. As your stomach grows in size, twins they predicted, he continues to follow after you. continues to shower you in affection and gifts.
as you give birth, against everyone's wishes, even the queens, he's in the delivery room with you, holding your hand and encouraging you.
The twins, one boy and one girl, come easily but you're conflicted. Now you don't know if you hate him or not. You don't know which is easier.
Daemon "The Rogue Prince" Targaryen
Your husband has never been known to follow after a woman, let alone his own wife, and yet here he is. Following you as you walk through the gardens.
He's grown the habit of lecturing you. When you eat too much, when you eat too little, when you sleep too much, when you sleep too little. When you ignore his words and walk right past him, another lecture.
Gods, you regret the day you married him. You'd prefer his coldness over his overbearing attitude.
As your stomach swells more, he puts on a diet as per the suggestions of the maesters and you think you might suffocate.
"sweetness." His voice resounds behind you as you look for a book to read. You bow your head in defeat, you knew the silence was too good to be true.
"What do you want? I'm trying to read. Go bother your niece." You hissed at him, yanking a random book out and walking off, hearing him follow behind you.
"Our child-"
"My child. If you wish for a baby that is yours, go fuck a whore." You snapped at him, your hand on your bump. "Your perceived care for your wife is disturbing. Your wife requests that you stop."
"I don't think I will." He refutes, his lips curling up in amusement as your jaw tenses. Your kind demeanor, your obeying nature had irritated him but this, your anger amuses him immensely.
You stomp away from him, passing several guards and the king as your rage refuses to quell and you slam your door loudly.
As if it can't get worse, he insists on sleeping in the same bed as you, to help the baby, he excuses. God you wish you could stab him with his own sword.
Months pass and all remains the same, he angers you and then places his hands on your stomach with such softness that it stuns you.
And yet, he stays by your side as you give birth to your lovely baby, a sweet boy.
His soft eyes locked onto the babe in your arms makes it confusing. You can't hate him but surely you don't love him? You husband from an arranged marriage.
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duhragonball · 9 months
Dragon Ball Super Movie 1: Broly (1/3)
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At this point, all that's left for the 2023 DB Apocrypha Liveblog is the DBS Super Hero movie and the manga adaptation, which ought to be finishing up in the next couple of months. But I thought if I was going to cover the Dragon Ball Super movies, I should take a look at the first one, even though I went over it already back in 2019. But it seems like a shame to leave it out when I'm already doing the rest of Dragon Ball Super, and it's been four years, so maybe I'll have some new insights on the movie.
For example, I finally noticed that the title screen shows the gigantic full moon of Vampa, which is literally the first thing Broly sees when his space pod opens. I never picked up on that before, I guess because the moon is so big it takes up the entire view from the pod, and so it just sort of looks like an indistinct melange of background color. But yeah, this time around, I realized that Broly spent a lot of nights under this giant full moon, turning into an Oozaru every single time. No wonder he grew up so weird.
My plan here is to break the movie up into three parts. First we'll go through the flashback portion, then we'll get into Frieza's scheme to use Earth's Dragon Balls, and then we'll cover the big fight at the end. Sound good? Okay, let's get going.
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We start in the past, which the movie calls "41 years ago," but that doesn't sound quite right to me. I feel like it should be 44 or 45, but I've never taken the time to go through it. At any rate, this was around the time Goku and Vegeta were born, as we'll soon see.
In this time, the Saiyan kingdom on Planet Vegeta is a vassal state controlled by King Cold, who brings his fleet in for a visit. The Saiyans are disturbed and irritated by their grandiose arrival. One ship just plows through a building, for example. But there's nothing King Vegeta III can do about it. He goes out to meet King Cold, who won't even give him a handshake, and just tries to keep him happy. As it turns out, Cold is only here to introduce his son, Frieza. Cold's retiring, and Frieza will be put in charge of Cold's forces.
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Frieza says he has "special expectations" of the Saiyans, and he presents them with 500 new "Scouters", which are pretty old hat in DBZ, but in this flashback they're cutting-edge technology. Up to this point, the Cold Force has been using bulky "Scout Scopes", but these do all the same stuff and are small enough to wear on your face. They also double as communicators. Frieza notices Saiyan snipers training weapons on him and he kills them all with ease, showing off the precision of the Scouters and his immense personal strength all at once.
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After the Frieza Force takes their leave, King Vegeta takes solace in his son, Prince Vegeta, who's still growing in an incubation tank. King Vegeta believes that his son will grow up to become the mightiest Saiyan of all, powerful enough to topple Frieza and rule the universe instead.
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But during his visit to the nursery, he notices another Saiyan infant and demands an explanation. The Saiyans test their infants for combat potential, and the ones with the highest scores are given special care and training as "Elite" warriors. But King Vegeta thinks this new baby, Broly, doesn't belong here. I don't get how he could tell that just by looking. There are lots of other incubation tanks in this room, and Prince Vegeta's is in the most prominent position, so it's not like Broly's mere presence here is some sort of affront. Maybe all the other babies here are part of the Vegeta Royal Family, and the king knows about all their births except for this one.
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Let me go back to an earlier shot, when the king is heading out to meet King Cold. Before, I just wrote these other Saiyans off as advisors, or high-ranking officials, but they could be blood relations, too. Saiyans age pretty slowly, so for all we know, that's King Vegeta's dad on the right there, with the mohawk. And maybe that's King Vegeta's grandfather on the left, still alive after all this time.
I mean, they're probably more likely to be cousins and uncles and such, sure. You'd think King Vegeta I & II would be long dead this far into Vegeta III's reign, but maybe it doesn't work that way. Maybe they turned over the crown once their heir surpassed them in power, and remained at court to provide counsel. That seems to be how King Cold and Frieza work, anyway.
Anyway, my point is that the Saiyans practiced a strict-but-backward form of eugenics, trying to selectively breed better warriors by testing them from infancy. The ones who test well get all the perks and privileges, and the ones who test exceptionally well are no doubt married into the royal family, so that the ruling class will be guaranteed to have the most powerful individuals. And under this system, the crown prince ought to have the greatest power level of all. So when King Vegeta comes into this nursery, it's basically a family reunion, except for this new kid, who's merely the son of one of his officers.
The Saiyans who work in the nursery try to explain that Broly tested incredibly high, even higher than the record-setting Prince Vegeta, but when they measure him again, the equipment explodes. Then they scan him again and get a rating only half as impressive as what they got the first time around. So Broly's readings are erratic, to say the least.
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This lady, Nion, who seems to be in charge of the place, explains that Broly is still exceptional, any way you slice it. With the proper training, she thinks he might become the next Legendary Super Saiyan. King Vegeta takes no comfort in that thought.
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Soon, King Vegeta prepares to have Broly sent into space, and Paragus, Broly's father, barges into the throne room to object. Saiyans do send their babies to conquer other planets, but this is normally done with only the weakest of their children, the ones who test the lowest and are deemed unfit for even the least of Saiyan resources. But Broly tested well, and yet Vegeta is sending him to Vampa, a planetoid with no resale value whatsoever. It doesn't make sense to toss away Broly's great potential, but King Vegeta sees Broly as a risk. In his estimation, Broly is a freak of nature, maybe even a mutant. And if he's allowed to grow up and loses control of himself, his power might make him a threat to the entire universe. At least this way, he gets to survive in isolation.
But Paragus doesn't buy it, and accuses King Vegeta of being jealous. Broly tested higher than the prince, and now he's trying to cover up the truth. But it doesn't matter much, since Broly's space pod is already set for launch. Paragus smashes through a window to get a spaceship to follow him.
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And maybe King Vegeta has a point in all of this, but the whole dilemma beautifully illustrates the folly of the Saiyan child-rearing tradition. King Vegeta had at least three Super Saiyans born during his reign. But the only one he was willing to support was his own son, because he's the only one who was "supposed" to become that powerful. Goku turned out to have the exact same potential, but he tested poorly at birth, so he was written off as a low-class. Then you have Broly, who actually tests really, really well as a baby, but without the "benefit" of the eugenics practices. Broly had the test scores without the noble bloodline, and for that, King Vegeta writes him off as "abnormal". Well who's to say Prince Vegeta isn't abnormal?
And when you look at it that way, it's not hard to imagine why the Legendary Super Saiyan only appears once every thousand years. It's not because it takes that long for a Saiyan to be born with that kind of power; it's because the Saiyan population is so hostile to anyone who displays that kind of promise. So even if there's lots of Saiyans with the potential, it takes a thousand years for one of them to overcome the Saiyans' bullshit.
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As Paragus hightails it out of the Vegeta system, another Saiyan named Beets tags along. He tries to convince Paragus to turn back, but Paragus won't be swayed. He plans to follow Broly to Vampa, rescue him, and then train him on some other planet. One day, he and Broly can take revenge on King Vegeta, but in the meantime he promises to allow Beets to return home after he drops Paragus and Broly off some place.
A lot of fans really like Beets, in part for shipping purposes, but also I think he just has some appeal as a lower-tier worker who's not even a fighter. He offers a fresh perspective on the Saiyans, who used to be largely defined by Raditz's edgelord rhetoric in the early episodes of DBZ. But this movie shows us a lot of "regular" Saiyans who care about their children, or work ordinary jobs that don't involve plundering alien worlds.
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For my part, I'm more into the Saiyans who work the nursery. Beets is all right, but he doesn't have that big a role in this movie, so Beets fans can have him. Give me Nion, please. Rrrrlll! She can measure my power level, if you know what I mean. Wait, what do I mean? I dunno. Let's move on.
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The problem with Paragus' scheme is that he's in such a hurry to find Broly that he crashes the ship on Vampa. Then he forces Beets to help him locate Broly because he's afraid Beets might try to take off and leave them. Beets says he would never do such a thing, but Paragus knows that Saiyans have a well-deserved reputation for treachery. More on that later.
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Vampa's wildlife seems to consist entirely of giant bugs and even bigger green furry monsters. The bugs drink the blood of the monsters, who then eat the bugs. I think there must be more to it than this, but that's all Paragus and Beets see in this scene. Life is harsh on Vampa.
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They finally find the boy in a cave, where he's eating from the carcasses of dead creatures. He freaks out when Paragus tries to get him, but Paragus just squeezes his tail to calm him down. As he does, he notices that Broly's clothes are baggy, which suggests that he must have gone ape some time after arriving on this planet. The scout scope shows Broly has a power level of 920, which is higher than Beets, but still not enough to kill all these alien monsters, so he must have turned into a giant ape to do it.
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And this isn't hard to see happening, since the big full moon was the first thing Paragus and Beets noticed when they got here. They knew to avoid looking at it for too long, since they would have lost control of themselves if they transformed, but Broly's fresh out of the incubation tank. I'm not even sure he can talk yet.
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So they found the kid, so now they can leave, right? Wrong. The ship was damaged in the crash, and Beets can't fix it or radio for help. There's only enough supplies for ten days, so Paragus shoots Beets to make it last longer. And this is where the whole "whoever heard of a trustworthy Saiyan?" thing is sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Maybe Beets was trustworthy, but he got betrayed and killed before it would matter. The Saiyans aren't treacherous by nature, it's just that the treacherous ones kill the good ones and end up dominating the culture.
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We then flash forward five years. Paragus and Broly have been long forgotten, and Frieza has summoned all the Saiyans back to Planet Vegeta. Bardock finds the order suspicious, especially when he sees Frieza's flagship orbiting Planet Vegeta. Why gather the Saiyans together at all? If he has special orders for them, he could just communicate them over the radio. It doesn't add up, but Bardock thinks this might be Frieza looking for a way to wipe out the Saiyans. King Cold subjugated the Saiyan people, and Frieza inherited them from Cold, but Frieza has always held the Saiyans in contempt, and the Saiyans have never liked Frieza either. And in the last few years, Frieza's non-Saiyan forces have grown larger, which makes the Saiyans more expendable than ever before. So maybe this is a plot to wipe them all out in a single stroke. But he's still not sure...
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... until one of his buddies mentions that Frieza's men have been asking around about the Super Saiyan Legend. That convinces Bardock that he's on to something. But even if he's right, what can he do about it?
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Not much, but he has an idea. When Bardock goes home, he asks his wife about their son, Raditz. He's been sent into space with Prince Vegeta, so they're off-world. As for their second son, Kakarot, he's almost due to come out of his incubation tank. Unlike the elites, Kakarot is a low-class, so he gets a tank, but it's just sitting in the middle of his parents' house, without the technical staff on duty to maintain it. Bardock intends to steal a space pod and send Kakarot to a planet called "Earth", where he can survive whatever Frieza is planning to do next.
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Gine hates that idea. Given Kakarot's low-class status, he would probably be shot into space as an infiltration baby no matter what, but she doesn't want to do it right after he gets out of the incubation tank. He can't even talk yet. But Bardock thinks Frieza is afraid of a legendary Super Saiyan rising up to oppose him. That's why Frieza has summoned all the Saiyans to Planet Vegeta. He means to wipe them all out, now, before any of them can become powerful enough to defy him later.
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I really love Gine's reaction to this, because to her, the Super Saiyan is just a story, and yet Bardock is saying Frieza will commit genocide over it. It makes sense to us because we saw Goku clobber Frieza on Namek, and then Trunks chopped him in half, and so on. But to Gine this is beyond absurd. This is like hearing that Biden's going to start World War III because he's afraid of Bigfoot.
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"The Super Saiyan? But that's just some dumb fanfic!"
"I know, but Frieza read the whole thing and thinks its real. He left kudos on it and everything."
"It doesn't even have Beets in it! What's the point of a fanfic where Beets isn't making out with every character?!"
"I know, Gine. The guy isn't interested in Beets. I don't get it either."
"Well fuck that guy! If he'd written about Beets getting laid all the time, we wouldn't have to shoot my boy into space!"
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Anyway, they do Bardock's plan, and discuss contingencies on their way to launch. If Bardock's wrong, he'll go out and fetch Kakarot at the earliest opportunity. Gine suggests they all flee together, but Bardock says that won't work. Frieza would just hunt them down with Scouters, so Kakarot's best chance to survive is to go alone.
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So they launch the pod, and Gine is understandably upset about all this. Bardock puts his hand on her shoulder, but that's about all he can do. If he's right, they're going to die soon.
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And Bardock is right, because Frieza's already made up his mind to destroy Planet Vegeta. The tales of Super Saiyans and Super Saiyan Gods are nothing more than stories, with no historical basis. And while Frieza expected as much, he still has all the Saiyans in one place, ready to be destroyed. Besides, they're unruly by nature, and sooner or later, they'll cause him problems, so he's better off killing them here and now. It'll mean cutting his fighting force in half, but he's prepared to accept that loss, even if the Super Saiyan threat is remote.
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And so he does the thing where he comes out of the ship and lights up his finger, etc. This moment has been shown multiple times over the decades, but I think this version is the most visually impressive. The colors look better, and we see more reaction shots from the Saiyans on the surface.
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"Dammit, that hacky story is gonna get us all killed."
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Bardock tries to stop it, but there's nothing he can do. I never really thought about it this way, but it is kind of ironic how Frieza was going to do this no matter what, and yet he was still curious enough about the Super Saiyan Legend that he sent guys down to the planet to ask around about it. If he hadn't done that, then Bardock probably wouldn't have realized what Frieza was up to, and he never would have sent Kakarot to Earth.
And so, the Super Saiyan Legend actually saved Kakarot, allowing him to become the next Super Saiyan, and bring Frieza's fears to reality. Interesting stuff.
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Anyway, what really makes this scene so great is the way Frieza waches the planet explode, and the scouter has a real-time count of Planet Vegeta's population, which rapidly dwindles to zero.
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And that about wraps things up for this part of the movie. We cut to some other planet where Prince Vegeta and Raditz are. Vegeta chose to ignore Frieza's recall order, which ended up saving all their lives. The boys are with three Saiyan men, including Nappa, and they think they might be the only Saiyans left alive. Raditz recalls his mother sending him a message about shooting baby Kakarot into space, but he doesn't care much, since Kakarot was a weakling anyway. Vegeta also has a brother, but he doesn't know or care what happened to him.
And that's all for now. Next time, we'll flash forward to the present day.
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iris-sistibly · 1 year
Jang Bong-hwan found himself standing in front of Daejojeon Hall. The sky was a hue of orange, yellow and blue. There were people around him, the peculiar thing was they were dressed differently, like how people in his country dressed up during the Joseon dynasty.
His eyes scanned the entire place, deep inside he felt a sense of familiarity, he knew he'd been here before but his mind wanted to make sure that he wasn't imagining things...again. “Royal physician please hurry!” he heard a woman whose voice could probably be heard within the entire area. “Court Lady Choi?” Bong-hwan instantly recognized the voice, and he was right. He knew those people well enough to identify them by just hearing their voices. The middle-aged woman was running towards the hall, behind her was the royal physician who was struggling to keep up with her speed.
Bong-hwan’s brows furrowed, "I'm for real not in modern-day Korea am I?," he thought, then gasped when it finally sank in his mind, “Oh shit!” he immediately checked on himself. His voice hasn’t changed, hair was still short, his physique which he spent so much time at the gym to perfect was still the same, and most importantly, his thing was still hanging down there...safe and sound. Bong-hwan felt relieved, it was good to know that he was still himself, but how did he end up here once more? Did he die? or did he fall into a coma again and his soul traveled back in time?
“You there!” the lady-in-waiting pointed at him which stunned Bong-hwan.
“Me…y-you can see me?”
Lady-in-waiting Choi scoffed, “What are you talking about?! Of course I can see you!”
So he wasn’t just a mere soul or a ghost [thankfully], but why was she acting like she knew him? Come to think of it, not even the guards tried to interrogate him–a man in a strange (modern) clothing who clearly doesn’t live or work in the palace. The only person who was able to confirm his identity was the late Kim Byeong-in and no one else. The queen wouldn't be so reckless to spill the tea to everyone right?
"Don’t just stand there!" Court Lady Choi snapped him out of his thoughts, "The queen is about to give birth!"
Before Bong-hwan could even ask questions or process what the lady had said, the latter suddenly dragged him along with the royal physician. Inside, the agonizing screams of Kim So-yong can be heard in every corridor, perhaps it was an exaggeration but it was loud enough to make everyone fluster.
Bong-hwan recalled the time he found out that the queen was pregnant while he was still inside her body, thankfully he didn’t stay long enough to experience the labor pains and actual childbirth. But nevertheless he felt bad, all throughout his stay the queen shared everything to him, her memories, struggles, pain, happiness…and even love for the people around her, including the king.
Speaking of which, where is Cheoljong?
He knew he survived and successfully ousted the corrupt and greedy officials of his court. But if he traveled back to the time of their child’s birth, then that means it has only been months since he left, probably the same time it has been since fully recovering from coma.
“His majesty has arrived!” someone announced in the midst of the commotion. Everyone made way for the king, with him were Prince Yeongpyeong and Special Director Hong. Poor dude came rushing to Daejojeon Hall still wearing his pj’s…uh…sleeping garments. “My queen! I am here!” His mind was too focused on his wife to notice everyone else. Cheoljong stepped inside as soon as the doors to the queen’s room opened. The royal physician, and some of the queen’s maids followed. Worried about So-yong, Bong-hwan went in to check on her, the queen was drenched in her own sweat, and writhing in pain. Hong-yeon was wiping away her sweat while trying to comfort her, "Please try to take deep breaths, it might help you calm down your majesty," she said while in-tears. She has always had a soft spot for her.
"My queen!" Cheoljong sat beside his wife and held her hand while controlling his emotions.
“My king! It hurts so much!” the queen cried.
“It hurts me to see you in pain my queen, I may never know how hard and excruciating it is to bring another life into the world, but I assure you that I will remain by your side as I have promised.”
The queen smiled in gratitude, who would have thought that they would truly fall deeply in-love with each other, considering that their marriage at first wasn’t exactly a blissful one?
“I am sorry your majesty but you have to step outside while I help the queen deliver the child,” the physician said. Upon hearing that, the queen frantically shook her head, “No! He’s staying here! He’s staying with me!”
“B-But your majesty…”
So-yong glared at him, “Listen royal physician, the king and I made this baby together, and did everything together to prepare for this moment, so we’ll be pushing this child into this world together, do you understand?! Now if you insist on NOT letting him stay, I will skewer you and fry you to a crisp!”
Bong-hwan couldn’t help but smile. Admittedly, So-yong taught him to forgive, to help whenever he can, to have faith, and most of all, he learned to care for the people around him. Meanwhile, he taught her to stand up for herself, to never let anyone dictate or control her, to be confident about herself, and just be the badass/savage queen she was born to be. They have grown so much, and he was proud of them...of her mainly.
The royal physician sighed and gave in, “Very well, Court Lady Choi and Hong-yeon will assist me, the rest of you please wait outside. They did as they were told, but before Bong-hwan stepped out of the room he glanced at the queen, the latter saw him too. Upon realizing who he was, she pointed at him, “You…I’ll deal with you later,” she said as the doors shut.
Bong-hwan kept pacing back and forth, he winced at each time he heard So-yong push as if he was also feeling her pain, and in between she would blurt out random cuss words which she probably picked up from him. “M-My queen you’re gripping my hand too tight, y-you might break my bones!” he heard Cheoljong say.
“Hey! I spent nine whole months carrying your child, and now my womanhood feels like it’s being ripped apart and you dare complain?! I might as well break your fucking bones right now!”
“Your majesty, push!” said the royal physician, So-yong pushed as hard as she could. At the same time, Cheoljong's cries can also be heard.
“Goodness your majesty, I can see the head already!” Court Lady Choi sounded delightful and excited.
“Only the head?!” the king and queen uttered in unison.
“I'm gonna kill you Cheoljong!”
"My baby please make haste!"
Meanwhile, the maids, Prince Yeongpyeong and Special Director Hong also waited outside the room. The prince chuckled while he listened to his little brother suffer the wrath of his wife in the birthing bed, “That’s the queen alright.”
“Good grief, if I’m going to end up like his majesty, I might as well not marry at all,” the king’s bestfriend answered.
“Has a message been sent to the queen’s father already?”
Hong Du-il nodded, “I asked Kim Hwan to personally deliver the message to Kim Mun-geun, the old man would probably bring more gifts for the royal baby.”
“He’s going to be one spoiled child.”
“I don’t think so,” Bong-hwan chimed in. Both men looked at him, “He will be very much loved by the people around him, and he will grow into a fine, intelligent, brave and kind man who will continue his father’s legacy. His parents are good people, they will raise him well.”
Du-il nodded, "Of course they will."
In history, the son of Cheoljong and Cheorin died six months after his birth. But like his father, this child is a fighter, Bong-hwan knew this because he experienced it first hand. While still in the womb, he was faced with life-threatening situations, yet despite all that, he ended up thriving. Bong-hwan had put his faith in Cheoljong once, and he has placed his bet on the right person. The king succeeded in creating his own path, and the odds turned to his favor. If Bong-hwan is to gamble once more, he would go all-in for this child.
He didn’t know how much time had already passed, but all of their anxieties turned into elation when they finally heard the loud wailing of an infant. The maids rejoiced, Bong-hwan and the two other men were relieved. Moments later, the royal physician stepped out of the queen’s room wearing a huge smile on his face, “The queen has safely delivered a healthy little prince!” he announced.
The sun rose to its full glory. On that day, a new life took its first breath into the world, and upon his arrival came a new found hope for a brighter future. And thus, the kingdom rejoiced.
Jang Bong-hwan walked into the queen’s room, full of happiness and excitement. Inside were the young couple with their newborn son, the little boy was sleeping peacefully in his father’s arms, while So-yong leaned against her husband’s shoulder, holding their baby’s tiny hand. It was a beautiful moment, both parents were enamored by the boy’s charm, “He’s a handsome little prince,” Cheoljong said proudly, he then faced his wife, “Thank you my queen.”
“I should be the one thanking you, my king, for always being there for me.”
“In this lifetime and in the afterlife, I will always be with you my love.”
“As am I, now and hereafter...I will never stop loving you.”
The couple moved closer to each other, their lips barely an inch apart, their hearts beating as one. But their intimate moment was interrupted when they finally noticed Bong-hwan's presence. “Hey, how long have you been standing there?” asked So-yong.
“Long enough to witness a cheesy k-drama moment,” Bong-hwan answered, "Congratulations by the way." The queen smiled in response.
“Would you like to hold him?” Cheoljong asked, just like everyone else, he didn’t seem freaked out at all. Bong-hwan looked at Queen Cheorin (Kim So-yong). As if trying to communicate through the mind, he wanted to know what the heck was going on, why do others seem so chill with him being there? He didn’t get any answer, she just let her husband place their child gently in his arms. Bong-hwan took a moment to have a good look at his face, indeed he inherited all of his parents’ best features. "I can already imagine the number of women who would swoon over him," he jested, “Hey kiddo, let me tell you something…the first lesson you need to learn about life is–” he paused, memories of him as the queen suddenly flooded his mind, from the moment he woke up in Cheorin’s body, to meeting the people whom he had grown to love as family, and most importantly, the long and crazy journey that led them to this moment. They've surely come a long way, and it was such an incredible yet humbling experience.
And it made Bong-hwan feel more...alive.
His expression softened, he has always had a fiery personality, but now he seemed to be calmer, “...Is that it's never short of battles, at times you’ll feel afraid, sad or frustrated, there will even come a point when everything seems hopeless. But believe me when I say that no matter how crappy life can be, one way or another, you will always find something or someone worth living and fighting for, so don’t ever give up okay? I’m rooting for you little prince! Fighting!”
The boy’s parents expressed their gratitude as Bong-hwan handed the baby back to his mother.
“I’m really happy to see you, both of you once more,” he said afterwards.
“I never got to say this, but I’m glad you came Jang Bong-hwan, thank you so much…for everything.”
Bong-hwan shrugged, trying to act cool, "Oh no need to thank me, although I...never got the chance to say goodbye to you the last time, sorry about that," he said, “Come to think of it, I wonder if we’ll ever meet again?”
“You will always be a part of me, just as I will always be a part of you, well…all of us actually. Whichever timeline, lifetime, or part of the world we end up in, one way or another, we are bound to meet once more, I sincerely believe in that.”
The queen gestured Hong-yeon to come forward, the maid handed a box to Bong-hwan, “What is this? A parting gift?”
So-yong chuckled, “You can say that.”
Bong-hwan opened the box and inside was a pin, he remembered it very well, it was the same pin he used to carve out that message in the stone by the lake.
“Keep it,” Cheoljong said, “And when we cross paths again, let’s have a drinking game.”
Bong-hwan smiled and nodded, “I’m looking forward to beating you Cheoljong.”
“So am I Bong-hwan, so am I.”
Jang Bong-hwan found himself back in his own room in modern-day Korea the moment he opened his eyes, “What a dream,” he thought. But then, he felt something in his hand, and to his surprise it was the pin the queen gave him. A smile formed on his lips, then he started giggling, and soon enough his laughter filled the entire room, “I am so gonna beat your ass your majesty,” he said. He got out of his bed and got ready for the day, after breakfast he immediately left and drove to the place where it all began. Thankfully, there weren’t many people that day. Bong-hwan knelt in front of the stone by the lake, it had been more than a century since the reign of King Cheoljong and Queen Cheorin, yet it felt good to know that this place still exists until now. He traced his fingers along the writings on the stone, and when no one was looking, Bong-hwan took out the pin, and wrote something:
I came was here for nothing and it was epic
-Jang Bong-hwan
Epilogue (by: Iris)
A/N: This fanfiction is solely based on the show Mr. Queen, and has nothing to do with Korea's history.
I regret not watching the show sooner, it wasn't a light rom-com like I was expecting. Bitch every episode was intense and I enjoyed the roller coaster of emotions this show gave me. This fanfic is one of those that I spent more than a day writing bc I tbh it's just that I'm in that moment when I badly want to write something but I don't fucking know what to write.
I thought about giving Bong-hwan and Cheoljong some moments together, but I wanted Bong-hwan and So-yong to have their moment too. So being the lazy bitch that I am, I just decided to put all three of them together just to make it easier for my brain cells 😜.
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amplifyme · 1 month
15 Questions Tag Game
I was tagged by @randomfoggytiger. Thanks for always including me! ❤️
Were you named after anyone? My middle name is Beth. It was supposed to be Elizabeth, after my great-grandmother. But the OB/GYN who delivered me (and all 4 of my elder siblings) decided Lydia Beth rolled off the tongue more smoothly then Lydia Elizabeth, so that's what he put on the birth certificate. True story, hand to god. I think he was right. The original is quite a mouthful.
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Tonight. I just finished up the 1994 TV mini-series of Stephen King's "The Stand" - only my favorite book ever. Haven't watched it in probably 15 years and I cried like a baby several times. The cast is 99% pure perfection. The only thing I'd change would be the casting of Molly Ringwald as Frannie. Just... no. I understand why they chose her (she was pretty popular back then), but she was completely wrong for the part and very cringey throughout. OTOH, Gary Sinise will always be my perfect Stu Redman.
DO YOU HAVE KIDS? Nope. Though not by choice. I wanted to have children, once upon a time. It just never worked out. But I'm okay with that now. Everything happens for a reason.
WHAT SPORTS HAVE YOU PLAYED/DO YOU PLAY? I used to love playing volleyball and basketball when I was a kid. Then I got hit by a car at 12, jacked up my left knee almost beyond repair, and followed that up with 3 subsequent surgeries and arthritis by the time I hit 18. No more playing sports for this kid.
FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE? Eyes. The windows to the soul, you know. Also body language. I don't think most folks realize how much they reveal simply by the way they hold their bodies.
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? I'm a sucker for a happy ending.
ANY TALENTS? I think I'm pretty good at stringing words together in a way some people enjoy. I can organize like nobody's business. I bake great bread - or at least I used to. Haven't done that for years. I can also whip together something tasty with not much effort.
WHERE WERE YOU BORN? About 12 miles south of where I live now. Out on the flatlands of Illinois, corn and soybean country. Mid-state, central region.
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES? Writing, when the muse is amenable, which isn't often enough for me. Going on 7 months of my most current writer's block. *sigh* Reading. Hanging out in parks and forests preserves with a book and a camera. Bingeing on new shows or old favorites. Solving all the world's problem as I fall asleep. You know, the usual. 🤷🏻‍♀️
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? Levon the Cat, who'll turn 18 this year. It's gonna be really hard to say good-bye. I think he'll probably be my last four-legged roommate. It's too hard to see them go, and I've done it too much now.
HOW TALL ARE YOU? 5' 1" and some small fraction over that. I'm shrinking as I get older.
FAVORITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? English, history, and composition.
DREAM JOB? Small animal rescue for a no-kill shelter. Gimme all the dogs and cats. That, or working to help women and men escape domestic abuse safely. Been there, done that. The hardest part is deciding to leave. I'd like to use my own experience to help others escape the cycle.
Tagging anyone who'd like to play 'cuz I'm up past my bedtime and really tired.
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ocshowandtell · 4 months
Hiii! Found your Tumblr yesterday and was so happy to see a Tumblr dedicated to OC sharing! We all know how hard it is to be an OC creator as people tend to overlook OCs a lot so having a space for them here was such an amazing idea!
I, myself, love to share my OCs around and see other's OCs so I would love to share these two cuties from my original story with you all!
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This beautiful art was a commission I ordered from the sweet Calmomila, one of my favorite TLK artists.
If you don't mind I'd like to take advantage of this piece to explain a bit about these two girls (more of an info dump, I'M SO SORRY FSKJFKDJS) because I am totally crazy over them. *screams* The one standing is Thabisa, the leader of the Jabulani pride, which is a pride that consists only of females, they are seen as atypical and other prides don’t appreciate their ways, however, they are also feared because they are extremely capable lionesses and are known to drive away males trying to invade their territory, especially the ones who still follow the old ways as they do not approve these (my story happens during a period of change, prides are slowly appropriating the new ways, basically the old ways are just like how lions work in real life, while the new ways work kinda like the The Lion King world, but with a few differences). The Jabulani pride is a very unique pride, with their own culture and rules.
The one lying down is Matimba, she is a trans lioness that had a very rough past and wasn’t well accepted by her previous pride. She was kicked out of the pride after she finally got the courage to face them about their acts of prejudice towards her, especially towards her incomplete mane, for which she was bullied. Unfortunately for her, their territory wasn’t far away from the sandy lands where the Jabulani pride lives and she ends up getting lost into a totally different biome than what she was used to, not being able to thrive alone due to the lack of experience and adaptation. She was found by Thabisa and some of her lionesses weeks later, she was severely dehydrated and malnourished, could barely get up. Together the females were able to move Matimba to a safe place within their territory and took care of her for the next months.
Once Matimba gained some of her strength back, she finally started to introduce herself, she wasn’t sure if she could trust them yet so she still presented herself as Mavuto, her now dead name, quickly she started to realize there was no need to hide her true self, Thabisa knew the signs and to Matimba’s surprise, she was totally fine with her being trans. She was loved and cared for since the day she was found and it didn’t take too long for her to finally feel at home, a home where she could finally be herself. The name Matimba was suggested by Thabisa when she decided she wanted to get rid of her birth name, not only because it was a male name, but also because it gave her some sad memories that she wanted to let go, she didn’t feel right with it anymore. The name means “strength” and that was how Thabisa started to see her after finding out about her past: a representation of courage and strength. I am an avid shipper of these two, I don’t care if I am the creator and if people find it cringe for a creator to ship their own OCs, I'mma shipping them until the day I die, I love them so much.
Thank you so much for creating this blog and I hope you are having a great week! :D
i'm telling you guys there is no cringe only joy here!!! im glad you're loving this, this is the whole point!
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helldevilwrites · 2 years
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Today was the day. The day of your godchilds birth. You, Ethari, and another male Moonshadow elf, were all waiting for the child to be born. Lain of course was with his wife, trying to comfort and calm her screams of pain.
Multiple nurses came in and out so many times, you've lost count. It also scared you, was Tia going to be okay, was her baby okay. Those thoughts ran through your head as looked on with worried and sad eyes, as your friend went through the pain of childbirth.
Ethari seemed nervous as well, pacing back and forth, mumbling something. The other male elf didn't seem bothered at all, or he was, he was just good at hiding his emotions. Sometimes, he would look at you, and then just stare. You weren't bothered by it, nor did you even pay attention.
"Mr. Ethari, Runaan, and Ms. Y/n. Shes ready to see you." The doctor nodded for you three, signaling that you could go in.
Without hesitation, you dash into the room. Tia was holding her baby, it was a girl. You couldn't help but let tears flow down your face, but they were happy tears. Ethari was next to Lain, along with Runaan. The three of them soon left to talk, that meant only you and Tia in the room.
"How you holding up.." You sat at the edge of the bed.
She looked at you with her tired eyes, and gave you a tiny smile, "I'm okay, not counting the pain I was in earlier, but I'm mostly just tired."
You let out a chuckle, then looked at the sleeping baby girl. "What's her name?"
"Rayla be careful!!" You yell from the ground, as your 8 year old niece climbs up one of the trees.
The young girl giggles, continuing to climb. "That child.., I swear she'll one day get herself killed.." You mumbled. You get startled by a sudden chuckle, "She gets that from her mother." It was Runaan. You've been quite good friends, yes he can be...complicated, but Runaan is really nice guy. "You know how she is..always gettin into some trouble." He chuckled once again, then stopped to tell Rayla to get down, which she finally did, took her awhile, but she finally came down.
The three of you walked together back to the village. You held Rayla's hand as you finally made it back. Ethari greeted you and Rayla, and said he wanted to talk to you and Runaan alone. A few of Rayla's friends came to invite her to play with them, which she gladly excepted. That left you, Ethari, and Runaan to talk alone.
"What's the problem Ethari?" You asked.
He sighs, "The queen, your mother, had a child a few months ago. She had to leave, so the King is now protecting the egg."
"And this is why you needed us to talk alone. To tell us something she already knows?" Runaan rolls his eyes. This made you elbow him the stomach, making him groan at impact.
"No! I already know that she's heard about that already!" Ethari growls, but then turns to you, "Y/n, two humans have entered the land..and are heading to the mountain. They'll be there in at least 3-7 days, but we still don't why they would cross the border like this.."
This was quite shocking news! Every human knew better than to cross the border. There was that one time they did, but why only two?
"I have to get back home. Help the King protect his egg." You sighed, "You two can take care of Rayla on your own, right..?" They looked at each other and glared at each for a second. Ethari sighs, "If Runaan won't fight with me, then yes."
You give both a small smile. "Thank you, both of you.." You gave them a hug before you started to pack your bag.
It didn't take you long to make it back to the mountain. You see the Dragon Guard getting ready to fight. Soon you can see Tia and Lain. You didn't bother saying hi, to focused on your 'brother'.
Once you entered inside, you saw the beautiful dragon egg.
That's when the thunder roared louder..
The humans were here...
You couldn't quite hear what the king said, but he didn't attack them. The dragon then attacked, but then..he quickly turned. Your father was turning into stone right before your eyes! He tries to fly back up, but his wings soon turn into stone to. Then, he let's out cry, and then dies.
"Nooo!!" You screamed in agony as you had just watched your father die!
Thunder and Lightning came crashing down on the two humans as they barely doge. But then..., it all turns black..
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wisehearts · 10 days
Idk if anyone had asked this, but what are your opinions on t!will? (Ftm)
I personally love it cause I just know Mike loves to bury his face in between wills legs every single day after work or something
And in the future they would 100% have children and Will carries the baby n stuff. Mike is also SUPER protective over Will especially during pregnancy or wills periods
Like he walks home from work to see Will on the ground or curled up on the couch, crying and having a really bad contraction? Mike is right over there, probably crying with him. He walks in the bedroom seeing Will for the first time today knowing it’s that time of the month, seeing Will curled up cradling his lower stomach crying and in pain from cramps? Once again, right over at his side more than likely crying with Will. He will get him anything. A heating pad, Tylenol, cuddles, kisses, literally ANYTHING Will wants it’s there within minutes.
And mike 100% earned his red wings from Will. Especially if wills having really bad cramps again, they always doing that cause it’s a relief to poor wills cramps and pains.
And I don’t even think I gotta mention Mike during will actually giving birth. He thought Will was already going through the max amount of pain during contractions, but seeing Will give birth so incredibly painfully, his screams when pushing? Mikes done for, a sobbing mess. And r.i.p to his hand cause Will is squeezing it to death when pushing.
Heh well first I invite you to the #t!will tag on my blog 😇 but yes - I have fallen for him I really like it in AUs! I think it can be a really compelling choice for fics, idk what it is about will specifically than my other fictional faves... he just suits a lot of scenarios people explore it with, and like I've said before I know trans men who felt better about their bodies because of will's body and it just made t!will click in my head!
oh the after work distress? Absolutely. it'd be sooo calming for mike, literally a treat for working so hard and will's more than happy to offer it. sliding this post from amy here, even though it's omegaverse it's still the exact energy 🤤
I love how we all know that mike wouldn't care about period blood, absolute king behavior. He understands the importance of orgasms as cramps relief.
Yeah omg even if I'm not well versed with pregnancy stories I can't get over how clear it is mike would be a mess during the birth. once that hit me it... it just hit lol! Again I can't get the image of will looking up at mike pleading for the pain to stop and mike being helpless out of my head raaaa!!!
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celestelunisea16 · 25 days
If cowboy king has a child im on the fence on whether it would happen by magic mishap or adoption
like they go missing for half a month and then show up with a baby that looks suspiciously like them
or they just have a baby one day and no one questions it
Hmm... Well, Anon, you've got a good thought here. I'm honestly questioning whether it could be either one of those too.
See, I can see them end up adopting a child one day and, if taken to real life terms, are unable to naturally have a baby. Like they would both want to try and be parents to a kid, so they would want to adopt one. The adoption process would take a while though so yeah they'd probably go missing like that.
Magic mishap would probably be like... a possibility if you go with non-real life terms. Like you could have Lucifer try teaching Starlo some kind of demon magic that is supposed to be for defending himself, only for Starlo to mess up and *poof* there is a KID that looks almost like a little version of him and/or Lucifer right where he was aiming at.
Either that or if Lucifer did give birth to Charlie himself (which idk completely if it was confirmed yet or not), then that could also happen.
I can tell you, everyone is so confused on how these two had a kid in a month, especially based on the issues-
I can see everyone be just absolutely wondering, but not asking how it happened.
The Four would be crying over the fact their boss has a kid with Lucifer. Not sad crying, but happy crying. Ceroba is just looking at them hoping the same thing never happens like what happened with her family. Martlet is just happy for them and the same goes with Dalv being happy for them as well. If Clover is still alive, they're excited to be a big broister.
Everyone in the hotel, though? I'm pretty sure Charlie is excited, cause she gets a little sibling. To which that excitement spreads all over the hotel causing everyone to absolutely be like uncles and aunties to the lil' Star baby.
I can tell you that if they go to visit Starlo's family, though, that baby is being absolutely loved. Solomon and Crestina are absolutely excited that they're grandparents and that they have a grandchild! I can't see Orion being excited about it, but I can see him picking on Starlo for becoming a dad to a kid (blood related) before he even did. I can also see Orion as being a chill but tough uncle to the kid once they get older.
I feel like that kid would have a name that relates to a biblogical character or a name of something from the stars? Like if it was a girl, maybe Apphila or Nova? Or if it was a boy, maybe Boaz or Castor? (Most likely Castor)
The adoption one is probably the most possible, but it's mostly up to fate on their end, I think.
(... But if they have a baby naturally, I wonder how they'd look and act-?)
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babeyvenus · 2 years
Wakanda's Princess
Nakia's pregnant with T'Challa's daughter. What will these two do with the new princess?
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Chapter 1: Too Soon
This can't be happening…
Nakia looked down at her stomach and into the toilet. It's too soon.
She sat on the floor, distraught and anxious. She dreamed of this day before, but it was soon. Too soon.
She didn't know who to go to, in fear of the news getting out. But chose to go to the scientific princess.
Nakia walked in, dizzy from her morning sickness and saw Shuri working on some shoes. She looked around for her lover before making her way over to his sister.
"Shuri…I need help.", she whispered.
"What is it now? Did you break something?", the princess asked, not looking at her.
'Not yet….', Nakia thought.
"No. I just….I'm scared.", Nakia said instead.
Shuri finally turned around, taking in her friend's sickly state. "Whoa, what happened to you?", she asked.
"That's what I wanna know.", Nakia said, sitting in a chair.
She stared at the woman for a while. "You're pregnant, aren't you?", she asked.
Nakia's eyes widened as she hushed her. "Not so loud!", she whispered-yelled.
Shuri gasped. "So you are.", she said.
"I guess so. I didn't pay any mind to it until now.", Nakia said, looking down disappointed in herself. Shuri was the complete opposite. "I'm gonna be an auntie.", she said smiling.
In a way, Nakia felt relieved that Shuri wasn't upset. "Will you please check…?", she asked, unsure.
Shuri prepared her nanos as a bed and had Nakia lay on them.
"This might tickle.", she said.
"I'm not worried about tickles.", Nakia said, looking at her stomach.
Shuri hooked up an IV on Nakia, made her do some urine tests and waited.
"Yup. You came to me right on time.", she said, finally getting the results.
Nakia frowned. It's not like she didn't want to have the baby. She would've been ecstatic if they had talked about it. However…
He's going to be King soon….
"If you're worried about T'Challa, there's nothing to be worried about. Geez, you two always act like I don't have time on my hands. I'm here to help both of you.", Shuri said, reassuring Nakia.
Nakia smiled sadly. "Thank you.
"Shuri, do you have my device ready??", a familiar voice boomed in a short distance, making Nakia's eyes widen.
"Oh no…I don't want him to find out now. Put it away! Put it away!", she whispered, hearing his footsteps.
Shuri hurried with everything and got out his device she had been working on.
"It's here, brother. Ready to go.", she said, once T'challa came in. The older brother smiled and took it from her. "Thank you.", he said and turned to his lover, unaware of her nervousness. "Good morning, my love.", he said, coming over to Nakia and kissed her on her forehead before he left.
The women sighed in relief. "That was close.", Nakia said.
"Too close.", Shuri agreed. "So how long are you planning on keeping it from him….?", she asked.
"For as long as I can. I don't want to stress him out as much as he is now.", Nakia said.
"So how long do you think you'll be able to hide such a thing? You're going to swell a couple of months.", Shuri informed.
Nakia knew that. Though, she had a place to hide whenever her stomach would grow. She informed Shuri of such a place and decided that's where she'll stay.
She only hoped that T'Challa wouldn't miss her so much until it was time.
Months passed and it was finally time for Nakia to birth her child. It was a baby girl and instantly she knew the familiar genetic features of her lover.
"She's beautiful.", Shuri whispered, laying the infant child in Nakia's arms. Nakia cried, both out of happiness and despair. She had to cut all ties off from the Dora Milaje and could only give little information to the queen in fear of T'challa ever finding out.
Nakia decided it was too much. She couldn't let T'Challa know. Nakia let the women of a nearby village watch over her daughter before making herself known to her lover who welcomed her back, confused, worried and relieved that she was okay.
14 years had passed and T'Challa had yet to find out. By then, it was too late to go back. Nakia realized it would only make things worse if he had found out this late.
Instead T'Challa was with his father inside Vienna.
He huffed, tugging at his collar around his neck and looked at his father. "It's chafing.", he complained, making his father smile in amusement.
"Bear with it for now. We'll be gone soon.", he said.
The prince huffed and looked out the window.
"At a special United Nations conference 117 countries have come together to ratify the Sokovia Accords.", he heard and glanced at a red haired woman.
"Excuse me, Miss Romanoff?", a woman walks up to a red haired woman. "Yes?", she responds.
"These need your signature.", she said.
T'Challa watched as she signed a form and let the woman leave, finally recognizing her.
"I suppose neither of us is used to the spotlight.", T'Challa spoke up.
She turns to him. "Oh, well, it's not always so flattering.", she says.
"You seem to be doing alright so far. Considering your last trip to Capitol Hill… I wouldn't think you would be particularly comfortable in this company.", he says.
"Well, I'm not.", she says with a frown.
"That alone makes me glad you're here, Miss Romanoff.", T'Challa says genuinely.
"Why? You don't approve of all this?", she asks.
"The Accords, yes. The politics, not really. Two people in a room can get more done than a hundred.", he said.
"Unless you need to move a piano.", king T'Chaka says, walking up to them.
"Father.", the prince greets.
"Son. Miss Romanoff.", The king nodded to them.
"King T'Chaka. Please, allow me to apologize for what happened in Nigeria.", she apologizes, bowing.
"Thank you. Thank you for agreeing to all this. I'm sad to hear that Captain Rogers will not be joining us today.", he says.
"Yes, so am I.", she says and T'Challa smiles.
"If everyone could please be seated. This assembly is now in session.", they hear on the PA.
"That is the future calling. Such a pleasure.", T'Challa said, bowing to her.
"Thank you.", she says and leaves.
"For a man who disapproves of diplomacy, you're getting quite good at it.", his father says.
"I'm happy, baba.", he said, smiling.
The men give their affection before the king walks up to the podium for his speech.
"When stolen Wakandan vibranium was used to make a terrible weapon, we in Wakanda were forced to question our legacy. Those men and women killed in Nigeria, were part of a goodwill mission from a country too long in the shadows. We will not, however, let misfortune drive us back. We will fight to improve the world we wish to join. I am grateful to the Avengers for supporting this initiative."
As T'Challa listens to his father, his peripheral vision catches something outside the building. His eyes widened before turning back to his father. "Wakanda is proud to extend its hand in peace.", his father's last words were.
"EVERYBODY GET DOWN!", T'Challa yelled and ran for his father, but was too late and got blown away.
As the explosion cleared, T'Challa crawled on the floor in search of his father and found his limp body.
"Baba…. Baba!" The prince checked for a pulse but there was nothing…
He's dead….
"No….no….!!", T'Challa cried, cradling his father's lifeless body.
Unfortunately the news spread quickly back to Wakanda where Nakia was waiting for T'Challa. She felt regretful as she watched her daughter walk amongst the women in the village she stayed in.
She turned to the sound of footsteps and saw Shuri walk up to her in tears.
"Shuri…what's wrong….?", she asked, worriedly.
Shuri hugs her tight and bawls. The women rocked, Nakia confused and let Shuri settle down.
"Shuri, won't you tell me what happened?", Nakia asked.
"He's dead….my father. He's dead…", she whispers. Nakia's eyes widened and glossed over.
T'Chaka….dead….? Where's T'Challa…? What happened and how….? Why…?
"We have to go bury him….", Shuri says, getting up and looking at her niece.
"She wasn't even able to have the chance to know her grandfather….", she says.
Nakia glances at her daughter.
She's right. And it wasn't fair. What did he do to deserve his death….?
"T'Challa's in so much pain right now. He's the one that was there.", she said.
That only made Nakia's despair worsen. She didn't want to pile on more bad news.
Unfortunately, that didn't last. It had been months, and she was getting too big to hide for long.
After T'Challa returned to Wakanda after settling with the Avengers and delivering Xeno to justice, Nakia sought out for T'Challa, finally deciding to let him meet his child. The look on his face after seeing him made her want to change her mind. He looked so tired but happy to see her.
As they met up, he felt a bit relieved to see her but could tell something was off. She seemed... Nervous. "There's something I have to tell you.", she told him. Many outcomes entered his mind in an instant. She either found another love, was in trouble with someone or wanted him back.
He'd have to mentally prepare for one of those responses, but was not prepared for her to take him into the farther fields outside of the golden palace where animals grazed and their caretakers watched over them.
Nakia's eyes laid on a girl who was petting a rhino and T'Challa followed her line of sight. He looked at her in confusion at the girl. Nakia took a breath and called out for the girl who turned to them, a look of distain appearing on her face for a moment before she got a good look of the prince before her and she immediately straightened up.
T'Challa's eyebrow raised at the girl as she walked up to them and he looked at Nakia who appeared a little more distressed. The girl stepped up to them and bowed a bit. "My prince.", she greeted.
T'Challa shook his head. "No need for that." She looked up in confusion. "Am I needed?", she asked him and he looked at her with furrowed eyebrows as he took in her features. She looked no older than 14 or 15.
He looked back at Nakia who looked at him with glossed eyes. "T'Challa, this is T'Kia.", she introduced. His eyes widened as he realized why the woman was so off-putting today. He looked between the girl and the woman. "Is she... Did we...–?", he started.
Nakia nods, silently, watching the prince's eyes become glossy. T'Challa looks at the girl. "She's your daughter.", Nakia says, shocking the girl.
T'Kia looked between the two in disbelief before she stared at T'Challa who stared back. He had so many questions. Why was he just now finding out about this...? Why did it take so long? Did she resent him?
He couldn't stand the girl's confused and teary eyes. He looked at her for another long moment, trying to take her in. He felt a sense of regret and shame for missing out on so many years.
Then he reached out and pulled TKia close. "Are you angry with me...?", he asked, softly.
Her eyes bubbled with tears instead, feeling warm inside. This was what she was missing all these years. Not knowing what a father was like... Not knowing what it was like to have him around.
She shook her head silently, hugging him back.
The prince embraced her in his arms, his face now buried in her hair. Even though she was his own flesh and blood, he had never held his own child before.
He never even saw her birth. He missed out on her first steps, her first words, her first birthday.
All the guilt and regret hit him at once and he only squeezed her harder.
The sounds of her sniffles made his heart clench painfully. "Baba...", she sobbed, nuzzling her face in his chest, grasping at his clothes as if he'd disappear. The prince shook his head, and stroked her hair as he shushed her. "Baba is here now. Baba's not going anywhere.", he cooed softly.
He looked over to Nakia, who had tears in her eyes too. He could see the guilt in hers. Her sorrow for keeping their child from him, her tears not just of joy, but also of regret.
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