uncharismatic-fauna · 7 months
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Go Go Southern Lesser Galago!
Also known as the South African galago or the mohol bushbaby, the southern lesser galago (Galago moholi) is a small primate from the Galagidae, or bushbaby family. As the name implies, they are located only in southern Africa, from northern South Africa up to Rwanda. Their preferred habitats are savannahs and semi-arid woodlands, where they can often be found high in the canopy, and they are particularly associated with Acacia trees.
The mohol bushbaby is one of the smaller members of its group; at full height they stand no taller than 15 cm (6 in) and weigh only 225 g (7.9 oz). In fact, their tail is longer than their body, easily reaching 23 cm (9 in) in length. While it isn't prehensile, the tail is still an important tool for climbing as it gives G. moholi an excellent sense of balance. Along with their incredible tails, the South African galago also has one of the largest sets of ears of any primate, proportional to its size; these ears can move independently to help the southen lesser bushbaby avoid predators. G. moholi's final distinguishing feature are their eyes, which are incredibly large and a distinctive orange color. Individuals themselves tend to be gray or light brown, which helps them blend in with their surroundings.
South African galagos are almost strictly nocturnal. At night, they forage through the canopy for moths and beetles. These bits of protein, however, are supplemental; the mohol bushbaby's primary source of food is gum, or hardened sap from the Acacia plant. G. moholi has several adaptations allowing it to specialize in gum extraction, including scraping teeth on the lower mandible; long, rough tongues; and digestive systems that have evolved to break down and ferment the tough substance. Because they have very few defense mechanisms, southern lesser galagos are a common prey for many nocturnal species like eagles, owls, snakes, mongooses, civets, and gennets.
One of the few ways the South African bushbaby avoids predation is through its social units. Groups of 2-7-- typically composed of a female, her young, and a few non-reproductive relatives-- forage together. In these groups, their collective night vision and highly-developed hearing allow them to detect and alert each other to predators long before the threat is immanent. While individuals forage seperately, they keep in contact via loud, high pitched calls that can serve as a warning for predators, a point of contact between mother and offspring, or a territorial warning between males.
Male G. moholi live seperately from social groups, and are highly aggressive against other males invading their territory. This area often overlaps that of several female-led groups, but they only come in contact with each other during the mating season. Unusually, the species has two mating seasons through the year; from January to Februrary (late summer) and from October to November (early spring). Following a gestation period of 120 days, females produce a single set of twins each mating season. Each set is weaned after approximately 3 months, and young become fully mature at 300 days. Female offspring may join the mother's group, while males leave to establish their own territory. In the wild, an individual may live up to 16 years.
Conservation status: The IUCN has classified the South African bushbaby as Least Concern. Studies have indicated that the population is stable and, in some areas, increasing. However, in other areas the species is threatened by habitat loss and possibly capture for the pet and bushmeat trade.
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Gerald Doyle
Peter Webb via iNaturalist
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sandysapphire · 1 year
there aren't enough galago fursonas
like look at them! they're just fucked up cats!
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sillay 🤪🤪🤪
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like go wild go crazy go stupid! make a galago today!
(here's a video about them to learn more!)
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iwtv-az-hours · 24 days
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(sorry, tumblr's glitching, maybe it will show you the photo twice)
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vintagewildlife · 1 year
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Senegal bushbaby (Galago senegalensis) By: P. Steyn From: The Complete Encyclopedia of the Animal World 1980
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cryptid-quest · 6 months
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Cryptid of the Day: Giant Bushbaby
Description: The largest Bushbaby species is 15 inches tall, but there are claims of even larger specimens. In Senegal’s Casamance Forest, an eyewitness saw a cat-sized bush bay in June of 1985, and there was a second account from Cameroon in 1994.
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julianhuxley · 6 months
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Demidiff's Galago, known today as Prince Demidoff's Bushbaby.
Source: Photograph by D. Seth-Smith, in E.G. Boulenger's Animal Ways (London: Ward, Lock & Co., Limited, 1931).
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nocturnal-stims · 7 months
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🐾 Lucalucastory on IG
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jibunbosh · 4 months
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why does the wikipedia image for the Somali bushbaby suck so much ass. this is like 85% tree 15% bushbaby
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saym0-0 · 8 months
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finally got round to binging new life after getting distracted by exams then like two different hyperfixations now im finally looping back round to minecraft lol
im only watching from martyn pov first but oh my god the bit with Amelia sitting in with him was so cute i had to draw it
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lasiveitsi · 7 days
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Gay icon for the gay month >:) 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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nyomblr · 3 months
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adobongsiopao · 1 year
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Watercolor paintings of "World Masterpiece Theater" shows in the 90s to 2007 by Tan Xiaoyong.
"My Daddy Long Legs" (1990)
"Trapp Family Story" (1991)
"Bushbaby" (1992)
"Little Women 2: Jo's Boys" (1993)
"Tico of the Seven Seas" (1994)
"Romeo's Blue Skies" (1995)
"Lassie" (1996)
"Remy, Nobody's Girl" (1996)
"Les Miserables: Shojo Cosette" (2007)
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markhors-menagerie · 1 year
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Mohol bushbaby (Galago moholi)
This small bushbaby is found in forests of Southern Africa; primarily Angola, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. They come out at night to hunt insects, and to sip the gum which oozes from the bark of acacia trees.
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landwriter · 1 year
Who's your mutual crush share the gossip with us o.o
I love gossiping, Anon, but I love even more acting on crushes by doing a well-established and rigorous procedure known as Absolutely Fuckall.
My sincere apologies <3
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lost-lycaon · 9 months
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Greater galago - Otolemur crassicaudatus
Arboreal and nocturnal, galagos will forage nightly for fruit, insects, and small lizards.
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Faune de la Sénégambie, v.1 Atlas
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