#bryce x liv
storyofmychoices · 1 year
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[Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley Masterlist]
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jerzwriter · 7 months
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Happy Fandom Love Day @lilyoffandoms! This picks up where your little kidnapping of my girl took off earlier this week! lol I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for being you, Lily! 💜
Book: Open Heart Pairings: Ethan x Merida, Bryce x Olivia, Tobias x Casey Rating: Teen Words: 1,600 Summary: It took a lot to get Casey away from Tobias for a Girl's Weekend Away, but Merida and Olivia had it all under control. Now, let's see what they got into while they were gone and how the guys coped back in Boston. A/N: Merida and Ethan belong to @lilyoffandoms and Bryce and Olivia belong to @storyofmychoices.
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Eyes hidden behind dark sunglasses, Casey raised the frosty beverage to her lips and let the sweet liquor coat her tongue. She let out a wickedly slow, delightful groan as the cool drink washed over her, directly contrasting with the hot sun pulsating off her skin. She had surrendered. Falling back into her lounge chair with a sigh of satisfaction, everything felt right with the world. Perhaps that’s because she was unaware of two sets of eyes fixed on her from either side as this spectacle unfolded.
Olivia fought back a giggle as her eyes met Merida’s over their satiated friend. Olivia might be willing to let this slide, but that wasn’t Merida’s style.
“Jesus! No wonder Tobias didn’t want to let you go. If that’s your reaction to a frozen margarita... in public... I can only imagine when you’re reacting to... other things... privately.” 
Remaining in her reclined state of ecstasy, a grin crossed Casey’s lips. “Now you understand why it was so difficult for him to part with me.”
She reached for her drink and took another long sip with an equally salacious reaction. As Merida laughed, a blushing Olivia gazed around to ensure no one else was watching.
“It’s good to know that you have a future in adult film voiceovers if medicine doesn’t work out for you, MacTavish,” Merida grinned.
“Wait!” Olivia exclaimed, placing her drink on the table by her side. “That’s a thing?”
Casey tilted her head in her friend’s direction, laying a hand on her thigh.
“Dear, sweet, Olivia... sometimes I almost feel guilty for how much we’re corrupting you.”
“Yeah, I don’t,” Merida snorted.
“It’s not a thing,” Casey smiled. “So if medicine doesn’t work out for me... I guess I’ll have to go all the way.”
“We need to come up with a porn name for you,” Merida insisted after emptying her own drink. “Not that I don’t expect your medical career to work out... just for fun.”
“This is fun,” Casey agreed, flagging down the poolside waiter for another round. 
Merida flashed a snide glance Casey’s way. “And to think, we nearly had to kidnap you to get you out of Boston,” she teased. “Tobias can be quite greedy and selfish.”
“Oh, go easy on him, Mer... you can’t blame him for being a little insecure. He knows damn well if I met you before meeting him or before you met Ethan, he would have some serious competition on his hands.”
“Competition?” Merida barked. “As if. I would have wiped the floor with that cocky bastard.”
As Casey and Merida happily downed their fresh drinks, they noticed Olivia was a s little more reserved.
“Liv, everything OK?” Merida asked.
“Yeah... I’m just wondering... would Bryce have had competition, too?”
“Of course!” Casey insisted. “Liv, you’re stunning! I would have fought the man off with a stick!”
“Mmm,” Merida nodded. “Of course, you’re our token straight friend, which may have given him a bit of an advantage.”
“Meh,” Casey waved dismissively. “I think everyone is a little bit bi. They just haven’t all admitted it yet.”
“It’s OK,” Merida assured. “Oliva, you would have been invited to the party even if you didn’t want to attend.”
The three women fell into a fit of giggles that only worsened as the afternoon progressed and the drinks kept coming. When evening approached, the tipsy trio made their way to their hotel room. Casey dove face-first into her bed, while Olivia collapsed into a chair beside the balcony. Marida poured glasses of water for herself and her friends. 
“What do you think the guys are doing right now?” Olivia asked.
“Downing their sorrows,” Casey mumbled with closed eyes. “They can’t stand being away from us.”
“She’s probably right,” Merida smiled. “They’re probably as inebriated as we are... but not having as much fun doing it.”
Back in Boston.
A forlorn Tobias sat hunched over the bar at Donahues, his usual chipper bravado missing in action. Ethan sat at his side looking... well... the same way he always looks. Nodding toward Reggie, he summoned two more drinks.
“What do you think they’re doing now?” Tobias asked.
“I can’t speak for everyone. But I’m sure Casey’s being approached by a ridiculously tan and toned specimen. They’re bright, attractive, personable, and she’s finally coming to her senses and realizing she  could do so much better than you.”
“You know, you’re an asshole,” Tobias smirked before sipping his Scotch. “I wouldn’t be so confident if I were you, buddy. Everyone knows Mer is so far out of your league. Maybe this is where she has her wake-up call, too.”
Ethan raised his glass with a shrug. “Here’s to our women,” he began. “May they never realize how pathetic we are.”
“Hear, hear,” Tobias laughed as their glasses clinked and they downed their drinks, quickly summonsing Reggie for refills. 
Sometime later, Bryce got off shift and headed directly to meet the guys. He was still in his scrubs, but with his bright smile and not a single hair out of place, he looked like he stepped off the cover of a magazine.
“Hey, Guys!” He said enthusiastically as he slipped onto a stool. “Looks like you’re a little ahead of me.”
“Yep! You have to keep up, young man,” Tobias grinned. “What’s your poison?”
“I need a minute to decide. Have either of you heard from the girls? I hope they’re having a good time.”
“We have not,” Ethan deadpanned. “And I hope they’re having an... adequate... time.”
“Adequate?” Bryce questioned. “Why?” 
Tobias wobbly turned toward his friend, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Bryce, just hope they don’t realize they could do much better than us.”
“What? Don’t be ridiculous,” Bryce laughed. “You’re not really worried, are you?”
Ethan and Tobias exchanged a devious look. “I don’t know,” Ethan sighed. “Our ladies are pretty damn special.”
“Sure as hell are,” Tobias agreed. “Brilliant, beautiful, kindhearted...”
“Witty!” Ethan interjected. “They can strike up a conversation with anyone and leave them spellbound. Merida did it to me.”
“Absolutely!” Tobias nodded. “And their flirtation game... damn, it rivals mine.”
Ethan turned to him with disgust. “Are you kidding me? Theirs is so much better than yours.”
“Yeah,” Bryce laughed nervously, “But they love us. Besides, Olivia is the shy one... she wouldn’t be flirting or anything like that.”
His friends' heads spun his way with incredulous grins on their faces. “Maybe once,” Tobias chuckled. “But she’s friends with our girls now.”
“Yep,” Ethan agreed. “She’s learning at the feet of the masters.”
“Right, right,” Bryce chuckled as images of his sweet Olivia filled his mind... his sweet Olivia, who had become so much more outgoing since...  “But they’re not there to party or anything. Right? By now, they’re probably back in the room, watching a movie or having tea.”
“Tea?” Tobias spat as his phone rang. “Oh, shit, it’s them now. Case is facetiming.” He quickly hit accept, and his face lit up as she appeared. “Hey, baby! Having fun?”
“Hey, T! Sure am, we’re at the pool party... I feel like I’m back in college again!”
“Oh really,” he joked. “Just remember, you’re an old married lady now.”
“What?” Casey giggled, “I don’t see a ring on this finger, bub!”  Her giggles broke into full-blown laughter, and her head tilted forward. Unable to control giggling, Tobias unsuccessfully attempted to get her attention.
“Babe... Babe... Casey... you there, hon?”
Merida picked up the phone instead. “Hey, T.  She’s fine. Maybe one Mai Tai too many, but she’s fine. I’m supervising.”
“Oh, Jesus Christ,” Ethan groaned. “Now I feel better.”
“Is that my grump? Let me see him.”
Ethan took the phone from Tobias’s hands. “You know I’m teasing, darling. Don’t you?”
“Of course I do. But I am cutting these girls off for the rest of the night.”
“Girls?” Bryce asked. “Where is Olivia?”
“Olivia?” Mer laughed, turning the phone toward Olivia. Downing the large mug of beer in her hand, Olivia was eating up the attention of her adoring crowd, yelling, “CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG!” She dropped her empty mug to the table, jumped on her chair, and yelled, “Woooooo!”.
Bryce’s eyes went wide. “Olivia?”
“You’re right,” Ethan replied without emotion. “She’s the demure one of the group.”
“Yeah, I better go,” Merida sighed. “I’ve got my hands full here. Remember, guys, we love you.”
Bryce grabbed the phone from Ethan’s hands.
“Merida, can I talk to....” but it went dead. 
Ethan and Tobias fought back smirks as Tobias consoled their friend. “Hey, you OK there, pal?”
“Yeah... I’m,” he faltered. “You’re not really worried .... are you?”
“No!” Tobias chuckled. “We’re just busting balls. I mean, look at the three of us. We’re freaking amazing!” When he turned to Ethan, he backtracked. “Well, two of us are amazing. If I were Ramsey, I would be worried.”
Ignoring him, Ethan turned to Bryce. “It’s fine, they’re just having fun.”
“I know,” Bryce fretted, “but... what have your girls done to Olivia?”
“I don’t know, buddy,” Tobias sneered. “But if Casey teaches her any other tricks while they’re gone... I assure you... you’ll be a very happy man when they return.”
“Hey,” Reggie grinned as he approached the men. “Looks like Lahela has joined the party. What can I get you, man?”
Lost in thought, he didn’t reply.
“Bryce?” Reggie asked as Tobias jumped in.
“You know what... bring him a Blue Hawaiian,” he said, throwing his arm over Bryce’s shoulder.
“Well, that’s fitting,” Ethan laughed.
“Just for the next ten minutes or so,” Tobias grinned. “We’ll get him back on track.”
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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lilyoffandoms · 10 months
When Husbands Become Prey (Tobias x Casey, Ethan x Merida, Bryce x Olivia)
Thank you for all you do to support writers and creatives in our fandom. Thank you for participating in this little event and sharing your stories with us! Don’t at me for the title! I told you I used it and I just couldn’t help myself 😂
Warning & A/N: Olivia belongs to @storyofmychoices. Only warnings would apply to anything said and written about Tobias x Casey. And while I don’t title my drabbles I had to for this one after seeing this. So shout out to @ladylamrian for making this title, and by extension, this drabble possible hehe
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“They look bored,” Olivia said, taking a sip of wine, as she looked out across the room at the three standing near the bar.
Merida and Casey followed her gaze.
“Agreed that Tobias and Bryce do,” Merida laughed. “But that’s just Ethan’s face.”
Casey choked on her drink as Olivia hid her giggle politely behind her hand.
When Casey had recovered with a few pats on the back from both Merida and Olivia she asked with a smirk, “Want to liven things up for them?”
“Oh I’m in,” Merida matched her smirk.
“You don’t even know what she has in mind,” Olivia glanced around Casey between them to smile at Merida.
“It could only be one thing.”
“Rhys, I’m insulted!” Casey said mockingly. “Get your head out of the gutter.”
“Tell me I’m wrong,” Merida challenged.
“Okay, you’re not. But still, pretend. Occasionally. For my sake,” she smirked at Merida. “You in, Liv?” Casey asked turing to face her.
“I want to hear the plan first.”
“Nope. Decide now. In or out,” Casey smiled.
“I think it’s in AND ou-“
“Merida!” Olivia gasped.
“Tell me I’m wrong.”
“How much have you had to drink?” Olivia asked.
“A glass. This is just me, darling. Anything to keep me entertained at these snooze-fests.”
Olivia smiled brightly at her friend, “In and out?”
Merida nodded with a grin.
“I think that’s what Tobias has in mind right now judging by the look he’s throwing Case.”
“That’s just his face around her,” Merida responded between giggles.
“Okay, fine. I’m in,” Olivia gave in.
“Excellent,” Casey broke off looking at Tobias and clapped her hands. “I have a little wager. Point system as usual. Chaste public kiss, one point. Less than chaste public kiss, two points. Bit of public action, three points. Other behind closed doors action, four points. Anything that could or does get you arrested, automatic winner. Tally points at the end of the night and lowest buys dinner next group date night. Deal?”
“You’re on!” Merida clasped Casey’s offered hand and both looked to Olivia.
“Oh you’re both going down! It’s a deal,” Olivia smirked and clasped both their hands.
“May the best woman win,” Casey said as she squeezed both their hands and they broke for the three men across the room.
All Choices Tag: @storyofmychoices @peonierose @aallotarenunelma @inlocusmads
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Sunday Six Highlights #113
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@angelasscribbles WIPs
Dark Elf; Chapter 4 | Liam Rys
Heir  Apparent; Chapter 19 | Drake Walker; Liam Rys; TRR MC
Leo & Liv; Chapter 7 | Leo Rys x Olivia Nevrakis
Savage Love; Chapter 27 | Drake Walker; Liam Rys; TRR MC
Unexpected; Chapter 3 | Maxwell Beaumont; TRR MC
This Life (10/13); Reckoning | Ethan Ramsey x F! MC 🖤
@genevievemd WIPs
Absence Makes the Heart (2/?) | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
Untitled Holiday Fic (set in book 2) | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
@jerzwriter WIPs
A Very Mixed Up Christmas | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC
Unnamed Christmas Fic | Tobias Carrick x F!MC
Unnamed Holiday Fic | Ethan Ramsey;  OH MC; Tobias Carrick x Drake Walker, Liam Rys, Olivia Nevrakis
Unnamed Holiday Fic | Eli Sipes x F!MC
Polo | Drake Walker x ???
Untitled Kidfic AU | Bryce Lahela x M!MC
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openheartfanfics · 1 year
Bryce x F!MC: Fluff
One Shot I-L
I Could Fall In Love - @blackcatkita
I Do - @peonierose   Bryce and Luna were invited to Ethan and Hayley‘s wedding. Feat. Ethan Ramsey, The Gang
I Love You - @lahellacute Bryce and Casey walk home after the Boards’ party, and suddenly decide to voice their love for each other... aloud.
I’m a Sucker for You! - @peonierose 💘 Bryce and Luna spend some time on Valentine‘s Day (even though they’re not the biggest Valentine’s Day fans).
It’s a date. - @hannabanana-6  Casey gets ready for her first official date with Bryce.
It’s a Wrap - @peonierose   Luna does the Tik Tok towel prank. How does Bryce react? Feat. Keiki Lahela
It’s bad enough we get along so well - @michaelrharrison Bryce thinks she’s pretty no matter what.
It’s impossible to ignore you - @michaelrharrison She ruined what was meant to be a casual arrangement.  
Imagines: Save The Date - @anotherbeingsworld What their wedding would be like.
Inauguration - @omgjasminesimone The gang watches Biden’s inauguration.
Incipient - @anotherbeingsworld MC felt herself getting homesick on her departure to Edenbrook Hospital.
Is It Love - @god-save-the-keen MC accepts for the first time her true feelings for Bryce.
I’m Home - @lovella-lah Bryce proposes.
I’ve been excited to see you all day. - @rookie-ramsey MC spends the last day of maternity leave snuggling with Bryce and their babies.
Impossibly Perfect - @storyofmychoices 🎄 Bryce, Olivia, and Keiki are taking a walk through the park on their way to do some last minute Christmas shopping.
Jealous - @hannabanana-6  Bryce flirts with a surgical intern at Donahues.
Jingle Bell Rock - @annekebbphotography 🎄 Amy’s parents walk in and ruin his proposal plan.
Just A Second - @alj4890 A last minute surprise.
Just A Single Touch - @chocopeppermintcake Caroline Bloom’s diagnosis catches up with MC. Takes place during the friends diamond scene in 2.19.  
Just like the First Time - @storyofmychoices   Sometimes something so small can say a lot about what is meant to be.
Just Temporary - @peonierose   Bryce is the best surgical resident at Edenbrook, just like Luna is the best medical resident. What happened when other people discovered they were dating?
Kitchen Wars - @peonierose   Making soup turns into a kitchen war.
Ladies Night - @argylemnwrites Cassie reflects on her professional and personal life as she gives some advice to some medical students.
Las hijas de Luna - @peonierose  It’s time for Luna and Bryce to welcome their twins into the world. Will there be any complications? Or will the birth go without a hitch?
Last Christmas - @kat-tia801 🎄📅 Last Christmas, Bryce was still coming to terms with his bruised heart. Now, he realizes things might have worked out better than he thought.
Late Night Talking - @peonierose   Luna and Bryce find out the gender of the twins and they’re  choosing the names. Though is it girls or boys? That’s the question.
Late Night Visitor - @lucy-268 MC turns up at Bryce’s doorstep soaking wet.
Late Nights, New Beginnings - @anotherbeingsworld They  went out on a spontaneous night out to play bowling.
Lazy Morning Kisses - @walkerismychoice
Learning New Things - @lucy-268 Maggie finds a recipe and tries it out.
Let Me Paint You - @peonierose   Bryce is busy working at their computer when Luna walks into the room and just sits in their lap without saying a word.
Letters from the Past - @anotherbeingsworld MC stumbles to her past letters whilst cleaning especially a particular one.
Life’s Greatest Gift - @anotherbeingsworld MC takes a pregnancy test.
Life is Gourd - @storyofmychoices Bryce and Liv go on an autumn hayride.
Lightly kissing on top of freshly formed bruise - @commander-rahrah
Little Blooms - @eleanorbloom How Bryce and Eleanor react to news that she’s pregnant.
Little Joys - @thefirstcourtesan  There is a holiday for everything and Meredith Pierce makes it her mission in life to celebrate them all and to find as much joy as she can. Feat. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (past)
Locked In - @peonierose   Bryce and Luna get locked in the medical supply closet. How will they spend their time?
Long Distance - @omgjasminesimone 🩺 Long distance is hard after she leaves Edenbrook. But they finally reconnect after 100 days.
Love Actually Is... - @eleanorbloom ☁🎄 Eleanor is feeling down and Bryce has a very particular way to cheer her up.
Lucky - @storyofmychoices  ☁ Bryce and Olivia are adorable idiots in love.
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lovealexhunt · 5 months
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2023: ☆ January ☆ February-April ☆ May-June ☆ July ☆ August ☆ September ☆ October - December ☆
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Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer  [HollywoodU]  [Red Carpet Diaries]
Always and Whatever Comes Next (+ Art): Alex finally has a chance to teach Thomas how to ice skate.
Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley [Open Heart]
Obvious Secrets (+ Art): Olivia and Bryce are at the beer garden with friends and she has a (not so secret) secret to share with him.
Our Little Pumpkin (+ Art): Olivia and Bryce are on the quest for the perfect pumpkin
Thanksgiving's Little Miracle: Happy Birthday, Malia! (+ Art) : Bryce and Olivia celebrate the birth of their daughter, Malia.
Cuddles and Curiosities: Olivia & Bryce cuddle with their almost 2 week old baby girl.
The Greatest Gift: There is just one last gift that needs to be wrapped.
Impossibly Perfect (+ Art): Bryce, Olivia, and Keiki are taking a walk through the park on their way to do some last minute Christmas shopping.
Holiday Cheer (+ Art): Olivia, Merida (@lilyoffandoms), and Casey (@jerzwriter) decide to decorate the Diagnostic Office.
Mal Volari x Daenarya [Blades of Light and Shadow] [Book 2 Masterlist]
Vintage Dreams: Mal and Daenarya drink some wine and have some fun. [with Tyril x Maiele]
Drunk on Love: Mal is very drunk, but he is also very much in love with Daenarya.
A Development of Sorts: Daenarya has some complicated feelings about her best friend, Maiele. Mal is a huge gossip and can't wait to share. [with Tyril x Maiele, Tyril x Mal, Maiele x Daenarya]
The Rogues Embrace (+ Art): Mal loves talking. Tyril is tired of listening and has found a good way to shut him up, even if just for a moment. [Tyril x Mal]
Beneath the Mistletoe: Daenarya and Maiele find themselves beneath the mistletoe. [Maiele x Daenarya, Tyril x Mal]
Mal the Magnificent: Young Mal Volari gets a bucket stuck on his head. [Blades Prequel]
The Promise of Tomorrow (+Art): Mal and Daenarya share a moment together the morning after her return. [This follows The Quest for Daenarya] [Blades 2, Chapter 3]
Torn: Daenarya is back and trying to process what happened. [Blades 2, Chapter 4]
The Princess of Parnassus and The Trophy Husband (+ Art): Daenarya and Mal enjoy a much needed relaxing afternoon while contemplating what comes next. [Blades 2, post book]
Trystan Thorne x Lilah Rose [Crimes of Passion]
No Kissing (+ Art): After the events of Drakovia, Lilah has a new rule. No kissing while on a case.
Follow Your Heart to New York (+ Art): Trystan and Lilah share a quiet moment in the city that never sleeps.
Levi Schuler x Laura Day [Mother of the Year]
Flickers of Light (+ Art): Levi and Lily celebrate Hanukkah, despite some reluctance.
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Thomas x Alex
Thomas and Alex ice skating by @weetlebeetle
Bryce x Olivia
Brylivia at the Beer Garden by CoffeesforChloe
Our Little Pumpkin (pregnant Liv and Bryce with a pumpkin) by ArtbyAinna
Malia's birth by ArtbyAinna
Bryce in a gift box (aka the best present) by @weetlebeetle
Holiday Cheer with Olivia, Merida, and Casey by @weetlebeetle
Bryce and Olivia with Candy Cane Hearts by artsy_elii
Mal x Daenarya
Forehead Kiss by lemony_leech
Morning Embrace—Back together by CoffeesforChloe
Daenarya x Maiele (lilyoffandom's oc) kiss by @Callmebeem
Mal and Daenarya with flower crowns by @cashweasel
Tyril x Mal kiss by CoffeesforChloe
Trystan and Lilah New York Kiss by irdeinfierno
Trystan and Lilah No Kissing by @Callmebeem
Levi + Lily (daughter) at Hanukkah by ArtbyAinna
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I might come back and edit this section, but I'm not feeling it right now. Usually this includes edits, headcanons, and asks that are heavy in lore.
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wandyrlust-a · 4 years
tag drop !!
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anotherbeingsworld · 3 years
Once Upon A Miracle
To: Dani // @lovealexhunt​ as I was your gifter for the choices potluck hosted by @homeformyheart​ 💖
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x F!MC (Olivia Hadley)
Warning: None, just... fluff!
A/N: Hii, I am back with a new fic and this is a fluff! I know, I haven’t been writing a while and I am soo sorry; things been rough and I hope this is good enough. I have a few to post hopefully before the year ends! But, this one is for my good friend Dani, she is a fighter and she will fight too! Ily and happy holidays Dani!! I hope I did Olivia justice! 💙💙💙💙 Happy holidays everyone , I hope all of you have an amazing one ! - Alya! 
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Holidays. Every year was a surprise for her, as the holidays were filled with miracles and it’s a mark for a new beginning. A new beginning to start over, yet… the hospital was filled with patients instead.  She was a believer on miracles, and there is going to be a miracle happening at the hospital today. 
She stood by the nurse station along with some nurses, as a 9-year-old boy displayed a sad expression on his face upon the presence of all the machines surrounding him. Olivia walked his way with his chart in her hand.
‘Hi Chris, how are you today?’ Her voice soft as the boy’s fears slowly rolled down.
‘I’m… scared. Do you know where my mommy is?’ His voice is still shaky despite the nerves has been controlled.
She smiled at him, an encouraging smile; the one where it could make your worries fly away in a certain amount of time.
As she was about to reply, a couple was spotted speeding into the room with a worried expression on their faces, which transitioned into a relief seeing their son in good condition.
Olivia took a few steps back giving the family their space, as the hugs were exchanged giving her a mental note to call her parents as it was one of the times where she didn’t celebrate the holidays with her family.
After a while, the father breaks away from the hug making his way to Olivia.
“Hi, Mr. Wheeler. My name is Dr. Olivia Hadley and I have your son’s result…” Her voice is soft, as the mother pulls the boy into a hug earning a smile from herself.
“Nice to meet you, Dr. Hadley, do you know what is wrong with Chris? We got a call from the hospital from his daycare and we hope it won’t be serious…”. Olivia knows that tone of voice all too well, as he was trying to disguise the fear with a calming demeanor.
“His results states that Chris has a fever along with the flu which is not serious at all. We will get his prescriptions ready but…we have to monitor Chris for the night to make sure nothing is serious for now.” She states earning a relief looked once again followed by a wide smile from Mr. Wheeler who looks much calmer than before.
“Is our boy going to be okay Dr. Hadley? It’s almost the holidays and it’s one of his favorite time of the year and we hope we could bring him home soon to his brothers and sisters at home…’ Her voice is soft, a glimmer of hope can be seen in her eyes hoping this nightmare would be over soon.
“I can’t promise anything Mr.s Wheeler, but I know we will do everything we can to get Chris better.”
She nods to the family while leaving the room to let the family reunite. The charts were placed at the nurses station , as she bumps into Bryce who somehow has a huge smile on his face upon her presence.
“Bryce, what a wonderful surprise.” She smiled at the sudden appearance who happens to be her boyfriend which is rare to see on the pediatrics floor.
“Well, I wanna see my girlfriend after a long 24-hour shift.” He placed a kiss on her cheek, as they walked together on the halls as their pages are silent for now.
They stopped in front of a familiar place which somehow their favorite place besides the on-call room. The NICU is  on the peds ward. Both of them stood behind the glass, as they observed the nurses handling the babies inside with care. There were small coos can be heard, as there were a few babies are asleep, and there are some who are wide awake.
“I see a new-comer!…” Liv exclaimed excitedly as Bryce’s eyes fall onto the view in front of them.
“Isaac Rivers.” He states after reading the chart from behind the glass.
Olivia’s eyes widen at an idea, as she pulled Bryce with her leading them both into the NICU which was met by one of Olivia’s closest colleagues, Miranda.
“Olivia hi! How can I help ya today?”
She gestures to the babies, with a wide smile along with her puppy-eyes to Miranda which she instantly understands the look on her face.
“Alright Liv, since the staff was short today; we need some extra hands today.” A smile appeared on her face, as both Bryce and Olivia went inside to help.
They get themselves sanitized before they handled the babies. The NICU was one of her favorite places in the hospital, it’s the start of growth where a human was brought into the world. And, she doesn’t want a kid to be alone especially during the holidays.
They shuffled places, as Olivia observes the little girl inside one of the cribs. She took a look on her chart, as a small smile appeared at the name that was written on the chart.
Olivia Renelle Johnson. 24th December 2020.
She took a seat, as she observed little Olivia who is cooing in her crib. Small coos can be heard somehow made her mesmerized by her little existence. So many moments have passed, as she found herself hooked to Olivia once again, after checking the other babies around her.
She was entranced at the moment that she didn’t realize a figure was standing behind her.
“Now I understand why you are hooked with her...” Bryce lets out a small laugh as he places his arms on her shoulders.
“She is an Olivia as well.” Her words came out as soft as silk, as the baby coos softly once more with a small smile appeared on her face.
“Well, all of the Olivia’s I known has left a mark in my life and I think this one did the same to you Liv.” His eyes fall onto baby Olivia as he scoots forward to take a closer look, as his thumb was captured by baby Olivia herself in the crib.
Liv excuses herself to meet with Miranda who is smiling at them both.
“What’s with the look Miranda?” She eyes her earning a nudge from her friend.
“The three of you looked like a family, and it’s such a calming sight. You are a natural Liv.” She states as both of their gazes fall onto Bryce who was still playing with baby Olivia.
“He is such a natural too, I honestly never expected that.” A smile was formed on her lips, everyday she learned something new about Bryce and, it has been an enjoyable process.
“So, when is your shift will end Liv?”
“Our shifts are done actually, we wanted to check in these cuties before going back… plus, with the holidays; I knew you might need some extra hands.”
Miranda shook her head while a smile lingers on her face,
“You know you deserve a break from this hospital once in a while right?”
“I know, I guess this is some part of me that can’t be erased know and I am happy with it.”
“Whatever you say Liv.”
Both of them stood in silence before she decided to bring up the question.
“Have the parents taken baby Olivia back yet since it’s almost been 24 hours since her birth?” Olivia asked earning a sad look from Miranda who shook her head sadly.
“Baby Olivia unfortunately were found pre-mature, as the mother has to go through an early c-section because of it.”
She felt her heart breaking slowly,
“Do you think she’ll make it?” Her voice filled with uncertainty which is replied with Miranda’s encouraging smile.
“She is a fighter, just like you Liv. We will monitor her for the night and who knows; maybe a miracle will happen. It’s the holidays after all.” She winks at her, making her calm down a little but can’t help by the pang of sadness inside her.
A sad expression falls onto Olivia’s features, somehow a part of her was already been flooded by sadness. It hurts her to see this sight, a child with no parents.
She makes her way back to Bryce, as she took a seat beside him. He notices the sadness on her face and asked.
“Hey, what’s wrong? Is Olivia okay?” He gestures to the baby Olivia who is sleeping soundly in her crib.
Liv nodded but a part of her feels down, somehow sadness has washed into her system.  
“There was complications during her birth. Miranda told me, they have to keep an eye on baby Olivia for the night.” The words felt heavy, as it escapes her lips earning as his smile falters a bit, his eyes fall onto baby Olivia who is sound asleep with a pang of sadness can be seen in his eyes.
Bryce nods, understanding as he pulled Liv into a hug and placed a kiss on top of her head. As they continue their task of accompanying baby Olivia for the night, with the addition of instrumental Christmas music playing in the background.
It was midnight and its officially Christmas as they sat in the NICU with one another with permission from Miranda; they are allowed to accompany baby Olivia and the other babies who haven’t been returned to their parents yet.
The room was dimmed as the occupying babies were sleeping softly with Olivia and Bryce to make their first Christmas less lonely.
After a while, Bryce brought back two cups of hot cocoa from the nearby office in an attempt to keep them both awake.
“So, what do you think about the holidays in the hospital?” Bryce asked as he has his arm around her after setting down the cup of hot cocoa down.
Olivia starts to think, as somehow it was a new tradition for her to celebrate the holidays anywhere other than her home.
“It’s been exciting and very very new.”
“But, the company is very much enjoyable.” She smiles at him, earning a wide smile from the man himself.
“Good answer.” He placed a kiss on her forehead, followed by small movement from baby Olivia herself.
As it hit the 24 hour mark, both Olivia and Bryce had wide smiles upon their faces as baby Olivia survives the night.
“She did it Bryce, she survives!” Olivia exclaimed quietly as they hugged once more, it was a long night but… it is worth it.
“It’s the season of miracles, and baby Olivia here is one of them.” His voice is slow, as his gaze falls upon the crib.
Olivia nods, a smile is not leaving her face as they stood there. Miracles indeed could happen during this time of the year, and it was indeed the best Christmas ever.
Tags:  @bitchloveskcbaseball , @storyofmychoices , @mvalentine , @princess-geek , @lahellacute ,  @this-person-is-busy , @annekebbphotography , @mrsbhandari , @dcbbw , @choicessa , ,@fantasyoverreality98 , @baltersome , @ofpixelsandscribbles , @thundergom  @starrystarrytrouble,  @kelseaaa  ,@bratzlahela , @choicesficwriterscreations  , @lalizah , @drethanramslay , @aveeiro , @eleanorbloom , @openheartfanfics , @brycesgirl  ,  @freckles-spangledvampire , @agentnolastname , @robintora​ (comment if you want to be tagged or removed 💜💜)
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alj4890 · 3 years
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(Ethan Ramsey x Olivia Nevarkis) (Olivia Nevarkis x Drake Walker) in a Choices The Royal Romance/Open Heart Crackship Series
A/N Picking up directly after Drake's visit and fallout. This will lead into the Christmas season, with Ethan inviting Olivia to spend the holidays with him and his father.
@jooous ​ ​ @krsnlove ​ @nomadics-stuff ​   @twinkleallnight ​ @motorcitymademadame ​
Part 5
Ethan knew something was wrong. Even without his highly attuned ability to detect the slightest tics and movements people made when dealing with pain, he still would have known that Olivia was upset.
What bothered him was that she felt the need to keep it hidden.
He thought they were well past the stage of not being completely honest. It had been one of the most difficult yet rewarding part of their ever developing relationship. It was terrifying and freeing to be able to tell her anything.
Ethan knew he needed her. He had made it a point to never allow himself to need anyone. He once believed that it was a weakness, something that any sane person should be able to do without. One should be able to stand and face whatever life threw at them without having someone there to help you through it.
Or so he thought until Naveen nearly died.
Then seeing Bryce's reaction when Casey was poisoned.
Those two situations had opened his eyes and made him come to some uncomfortable conclusions about himself.
He was human. And what did all humans share? The ability and need to love...to have someone all their own to be there during life's brightest and darkest moments.
As he finished prepping the turkey breast for tomorrow's dinner, his eyes drifted over to the one he believed was his someone.
He hoped that he had become Olivia's.
"How was your day?"
Olivia shrugged. "Fine for the most part."
Ethan washed his hands then reached for a bottle of wine. Setting two glasses out, he filled them while studying her.
Olivia muttered her thanks when he handed hers to her. She absentmindedly swirled her wine while a slight frown formed.
Ethan reached out and caressed her cheek. When her eyes met his, he allowed her to see his concern.
"Drake came to my apartment earlier." She blurted out.
"He did?" Ethan gestured for them to move into his living room. After settling comfortably on his sofa, he patiently waited for her to continue.
"Yes." She bit out. "He supposedly came on his way to his family's ranch to show me pictures of the progress on the hospital. Her frown eased at that memory. "I can't wait until you see it. It is turning out just like we hoped."
A hint of a smile formed on his lips over this shared dream of theirs coming about. "I can't wait either."
Hearing Ethan say that caused the gnawing worry to grow even more. Was it the beginning of the end for them? Drake's parting words kept repeating over and over her mind. Somehow they seemed more prophetic than insulting the longer she dwelled on them.
"You really think this Ramsey is what you need?" Drake taunted. "One day you'll leave here and he will see the real you in Cordonia. This Boston bubble you're living under is going to pop. What will he do when he sees you as a duchess, mingling amongst the court?"
"You think he'll adore you then? Just wait until he hears all the tales of your years of temper tantrums and cruelty."
"Liv?" Ethan pulled her into his arms. "What happened?"
She didn't want to tell him. She hated this fear Drake had caused in the one area she had come to love. The simple happiness she had found in Boston was now tainted with doubt. He had made her once again hate herself.
Was her act of redemption going to never end? Was she to pay for every word and action she had done for the rest of her life?
Does nothing I do matter?
She closed her eyes tight when Ethan brushed a tender kiss to her furrowed forehead.
I don't deserve someone like him.
His hand rubbed her back in soothing circles while he waited.
Olivia felt tears prick her eyes. He was the only person she had ever known to give her physical comfort. The way he held her as if she was precious to him without trying to turn it into something sexual made her want cry.
She couldn't lose this. Lose him.
But she also couldn't deceive him.
"Ethan," her voice trembled making her hate herself even more for needing him, "You know about my past with Drake."
She felt him tense yet he continued to try and soothe her.
"I do."
She looked up at him and saw his own face etched in worry.
"He...we got into an argument about that and..." It was too hard. She couldn't stand the thought of destroying the way Ethan looked at her. The way he cared for her...
"Olivia," he tried not to let his fear take over of losing her to her former lover, "are you trying to tell me that you..." He couldn't get the words out. He couldn't stand the thought of going back to how his life was before she became a central part of it.
His mind stuttered at that. Medicine had once been his central part. Everything in his adult life had revolved around it. And while it still was a big part of who he was, Olivia had somehow created a niche all her own in that center. Somewhat entwined in it, yet on a personal level, he found that every decision he had made from the moment they met were made about her. From choosing a restaurant she might like to moving to her country to work at her proposed hospital, she had become his life.
Had Drake unknowingly destroyed his life in one brief visit?
"That I what?" She asked.
His blue eyes held her green. "That you want to get back together with Drake?"
Her eyes widened. "Good Lord, no." Her nose wrinkled. "That is the last thing I want."
She felt his arms relax as they cuddled her closer. His forehead dropped against hers as he dealt with the heady relief that her admittance brought.
Realizing he had been scared she was ending things caused a need to reassure him. Her lips met his in a tender kiss. She could feel the deep longing he had for her in his response. He still held her gently as their kiss came to an end.
"What did he say?" Ethan asked.
"He was angry that I don't see the need to keep discussing why our barely a relationship had to end." She bit her lip. "Then he brought up you."
Ethan arched an eyebrow. He had not been around the man enough to form an unbiased opinion. He knew the flare of jealousy was from what he assumed was going to be an attack on his own character in the hopes of stealing Olivia from him.
"What about me?" He didn't bother to hide the annoyance tempering his tone.
"How you'll be when you see me in Cordonia." Olivia averted her eyes. "And how what we have here will be completely destroyed."
His eyes narrowed at such a choice of words. "Why would it be destroyed?"
"Ethan, you," she lowered her head into her hands for a moment. Taking a deep breath, she forced the words out. "You know some of my past already. You've witnessed my temper. But I...I used to be cruel. I've changed these last few years, and it has helped heal relationships I have with some members of the court." She looked up at him to see how he was reacting. "But Drake believes once you hear their stories and see me as the prideful duchess that you will not want to be with me."
"First off," Ethan snapped, "he doesn't know a damn thing about me or how I feel about you. From what I know of you, you deserve to walk into every ballroom with your head held high." He snorted in irritation. "They should be begging for your attention."
Olivia briefly smiled at that. Only he could turn one of her faults into a compliment.
"Secondly, I haven't been known to be the kindest doctor to work with."
"Your patients would disagree."
He huffed. "That's because I work to help them." He pulled her closer within his arms. "Jerk might be the nicest word interns and other medical staff have referred to me." Ethan pressed another kiss to the top of her head. "And my quick temper might give yours a run for its money ." He grinned when he heard her muffled laugh. "And I've never been known for being a forgiving man."
She wrapped her arms around him as she settled her head in the crook of his neck and shoulder. "If anyone tells you about me, then--"
"I know who you are, Olivia." Ethan stressed. "I will never hold your past up as a standard to measure your actions by."
Silent tears slipped down her cheeks.
"Thank you." She whispered.
"Don't thank me." He grumbled. "And don't believe what Drake said." He grimaced as a thought struck. "Though I can imagine why he acted like he did."
She swiped at her stray tears. "You can?"
He nodded before resting his cheek against her head. "Who knows how I would react if this was reversed? I might have lashed out at you in frustration if you refused to give me a second chance."
She lifted her head to see his face.
He met her gaze and softly smiled again. "Especially since I am in love with you."
"You--" her lips parted in surprise, "You are in love with me?
"I am."
Olivia knew in that moment what was truly in her heart. All the questions she had asked herself that morning finally had an answer. And all because Ethan had done the one thing that no man had ever done before.
He did not judge her for her past, her name, anything. He accepted her, faults and all, and loved her for every single part.
"I love you too." She smiled against his lips. "I have never loved anyone like I do you."
Their kiss held a new edge to the usual passion. Having expressed their feelings, the need to show just how much they loved one another took over.
While clothes were beginning to be hastily tossed around the living room, Olivia's phone vibrated softly in her purse.
Hearing the beep, Drake cleared his throat. "I know I am probably the last person you want to talk to but I need to say I'm sorry. I didn't mean any of what I said. I wish..."
He took a deep breath. "I wish you would give me a second chance to show you that I do care the way you wanted me to. I know you're with Ramsey now, but I want to try what you asked me all those months ago. I want to be with you, out in the open."
He lifted his eyes to the ceiling of his hotel room in Kentucky. "I won't keep bothering you. I'll give you time to think it over and wait until the New Year's Eve Ball to hear your answer." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Hana said you told her you'd be back by then. I hope I didn't...didn't ruin what chance I could have."
Pausing once more, he dropped his head in his hand.
"Take care, Libby." He said softly before ending the call.
That night, Oliva felt once more at peace. In the darkness of Ethan's bedroom, she smiled at how he was spooned around her. His slow deep breaths of sleep lulled her even more into the addictive security his presence gave her.
She kept replaying his words of love in her mind. In many ways it surprised her, and yet deep down she thought she must have already known. Every action, every kind word, every kiss had revealed that he had given her his heart. And she in turn had given him hers without even realizing it.
As hard as it was to find some type of silver lining to Drake's hurtful words, she supposed she should be grateful for them. Her sharing it had possibly prompted Ethan to tell her how he felt about her.
She yawned while snuggling back against her doctor. His arms pulled her even closer as he slept.
She felt both exhausted and wired. The day had been filled with one extreme emotion after another. And yet, the words both men had said kept her awake.
Olivia didn't know if she had it in her to forgive Drake. To have someone that you actually trust bring up the worst pieces of yourself as a threat to ruin the one good thing you have...how could he do that to her? She had been hurt when he didn't return her feelings, but this fight today had damaged them to the point that she wasn't sure if she even wanted him as a friend.
I would never say something like that to him if he managed to find happiness with someone else, she thought to herself.
Ethan had been much more understanding of Drake's actions than she could ever be.
She knew it wasn't necessarily a good thing that she never gave people second chances. Why would she after all the betrayals she had suffered in life? She barely needed both hands to count the number of people she had over the years that had never betrayed her.
Had Drake entered into the category she kept for her parents, Lucretia, Constantine, and numerous nobles at court?"
I don't know, she thought. I don't know how I feel over what he did.
She thought about his voicemail. It didn't matter how sincere Drake sounded or that he now wanted to try. His apology seemed hollow. Perhaps it was because he truly didn't know her now. These months in Boston had changed her, possibly even more than she realized.
She wasn't the same proud duchess that had once sworn vengeance to anyone who opposed her. She had learned the difficult art of give and take. She made herself listen and think through everything before losing her temper or forming a hard decision. It had been an ongoing battle, but she felt that she had a somewhat better control than she once had. Today's fight with Drake had proved that she wasn't the same quick tempered, plan to skewer a person on the edge of her dagger she had once been. She had stepped out of her comfort zone and lived for the most part as a normal person, proving to herself that she truly could survive on her own in any situation.
This venture had shown her that she was more than what her ancestors had stressed a Nevarkis should be. The people in Cordonia would most likely still see her as her old self, but she knew and it seemed that Ethan did also who she truly was. Her strength, her refusal to back down from a fight, her very heart had been used for good.
Drake didn't see it. He never saw the potential she had to do something meaningful and right. Maybe it was because she hadn't allowed him to do so. Maybe they really never had a chance to see the best in one another.
Could we have found a way to happiness if we had not spent years torturing each other with our spiteful words?
Deciding that that was a thought that would probably never be answered, she closed her eyes and eventually drifted off to sleep.
Weeks went by too quickly for some and not nearly fast enough for others. Edenbrook had closed its doors leaving many with bittersweet emotions. Ethan, Naveen, and Olivia had spent what free time they had packing and shipping their personal belongings to Cordonia. Decisions were made for the two doctors to stay with her in Lythikos while they searched for homes of their own.
While rushing about, Amanda and Thomas came to help a week before Christmas.
On their second night together, the ladies sent Ethan and Thomas to get dinner, giving them a moment to talk alone.
"Did you come for me or for the snow?" Olivia teased when Amanda insisted the two of them take a break from packing and go for a walk.
"Since you have always had the best snow," Amanda replied with a twinkle of mischief, "I always come for you."
She laughed when Olivia snorted.
"Are you excited?" She prodded as their boots crunched in the snow.
"About finally seeing the new hospital?" Olivia linked her arm through Amanda's when they entered a nearby park. "Of course."
"I am too." Amanda took a deep breath and cut her eyes toward her friend. "And I am very excited to see you and a certain doctor together at the New Year Eve's ball."
Olivia didn't bother to mask how happy she was. "I have something to tell you."
"Ethan, he...on Thanksgiving, he admitted he is in love with me."
"About time." Amanda grumbled playfully. "Each time I visit, I see just how much he does love you."
Olivia stopped their progress through a path of lighted trees. "You knew all this time? Why didn't you tell me?"
Amanda's laughter at the death glint in Olivia's eyes echoed across the park. "Because you would have dismissed it like you always have whenever I brought up heartfelt emotions."
She placed a hand on her hip and somehow did a convincing impression of Olivia. "Please. No man can truly capture a Nevarkis heart, much less make me willing to be his," Amanda managed to twist her lips in disgust like Olivia's as she flicked her hand in a very recognizable gesture, "love slave."
Olivia rolled her eyes while struggling with her laughter. "I don't sound like that."
"Not now that you're in looovvve." Amanda responded playfully.
"Why do I share things with you?" Olivia muttered.
"Because you love me." Amanda wrapped her arm around her. "Not as much as you love Ethan, but I can live with that."
Olivia snorted again as she tried to brush it off. As hard as she tried, a soft smile formed on her lips. "You're right."
"I am happy you both know how you feel about one another." Amanda's teasing turned serious. "It would have driven you crazy with trying to guess."
"I suppose it would have irritated me." Olivia admitted. 
“I know it would have driven me insane watching you both tiptoe around the issue.” Amanda grumbled.
“It surprised me.” Olivia admitted. 
“It did? Why?”
“I--I suppose I didn’t expect it to happen.” She felt embarrassed just saying it. “I don’t think I ever thought I would meet someone to feel like that... I never thought of any of it happening to me.”
Amanda's heart ached at realizing just how damaged Olivia still was over her parents. Nothing hurt her more than seeing her friend still believe that she was unworthy of love. To be this surprised over a man falling in love with her proved how much she doubted herself. Perhaps it was why Olivia continuously pushed herself to serve Cordonia in any way possible. It might be why she never backed away from danger.
Compliments and recognition had been the closest she had to receiving love in her life
Amanda felt herself adoring Ethan even more for showing Olivia that she herself was loveable. She wasn't the prickly cactus that she had given Liam at his coronation. She had a tender heart, one that any person would be lucky to earn.
"I love him." Olivia broke into Amanda's musings. "It's different from what I once felt for Liam."
Amanda squeezed her in a side hug. "One sided love usually is different. Having someone give their heart to you and work in the hopes of you giving them theirs, I can't think of a greater gift than that."
Olivia nodded. "Ethan does that. I thought that maybe after we admitted our feelings that he would slack off trying to," her brow furrowed at trying to find the words.
"Sweep you off your feet?"
"Yes." Olivia's nose wrinkled out of habit over something so sappy. "He now seems to work even harder to not only keep my love but to make me love him even more."
"Good." Amanda linked her arm through hers again. "He better or he will have me to deal with."
Olivia burst into laughter. "And what will you do if he doesn't?"
Amanda's smile grew. "Don't worry. I've been trained by the best on how to torture a man." She winked at her friend. "You always did give the most interesting lessons."
Christmas was approaching and with it, Ethan invited Olivia to drive to Providence to spend Christmas with him and his father.
She was both excited and extremely nervous to meet his one family member he had a relationship with.
She was completely out of her depth in this situation. She had never had a man invite her to, "meet the parents,". She knew though how big this was for Ethan to include her in his family's Christmas tradition.
He seemed so happy, so proud, to introduce her to his father.
The drive over had been filled with his sharing some of his childhood memories. Her hand had remained in his as she watched the play of emotions on his face. He was opening up to her again, showing how much he trusted her with these bits of himself.
The modest, in need of a new coat of paint home had surprised her. She didn't know why she expected Ethan to have had a childhood a tad more luxurious than this. He seemed so cultured at times, that it impressed her even more that he had learned all of it on his own.
Ethan's father, Alan, had come outside to welcome her while helping with their luggage.
The genuine delight in the elder's face at meeting the woman his son had brought home made her feel slightly giddy. He teased Ethan with saying he had not done nearly enough in describing how pretty she was.
"I did." Ethan teased back. "You just didn't pay attention."
The three shared a meal with Olivia watching in fascination at their closeness. So many of her friends either had parents dead or were not close to them at all. This was something entirely new.
Alan had charmed her into sharing a little about herself. His understanding smile and deep laugh had made her relax. After dinner he pulled her away from the table while ordering Ethan to do the dishes.
"You're taking her to the mantle aren't you?" Ethan grumbled while fighting a smile.
"Don't worry what we're doing." Alan reciprocated. "Just make sure to soak that pan before putting it in the dishwasher."
Olivia allowed herself to be ushered into the small den. A Christmas tree stood with slightly old ornaments next to a warm crackling fire. Her gaze lifted to the different sized picture frames on the mantle.
Picking up one that seemed to be the oldest, Alan handed it to her. "This was a few weeks after Ethan was born."
Olivia's lips curved at seeing what looked like any other baby. She studied each picture he handed her, giving her glimpses into Ethan's life. Her smile grew at a photo of a ten year old Ethan smiling while puppies crawled all over him.
She then noticed the woman in the background.
"That's his mom." Alan's joy seemed to dim some. "She had been the one to decide we go to a nearby farm to let Ethan choose a puppy for his birthday."
Olivia studied the image of the woman who had so easily left her husband and son.
How could she do that to him?
The sound of Ethan returning caused Alan to quickly switch the picture for another one.
"Here he is with his first car."
"Dad." Ethan grumbled good naturedly. "I'm sure Olivia doesn't want to go down through every mundane event in my life."
"I do." Olivia blurted out. Heat flooded her cheeks. "I like seeing your childhood."
Alan beamed at her. "Here's one of my favorites. He was around five years old and had opened a clinic for stuffed animals."
"Did he?" Olivia cocked an eyebrow at Ethan.
"I'll have you know that I save many from losing their limbs." Ethan smiled at her laughter. "I had to since most of the injuries my toys suffered were from my rigorous playing."
The three sat down and began to talk about Ethan moving to Cordonia.
"You will have to visit." Olivia insisted. "You will always be welcome in Lythikos."
"I plan to." Alan stood and stretched. "I think I'll leave you two to get some sleep." He patted Ethan's shoulder then squeezed Olivia's hand. "I'm so happy you're both here."
Ethan settled his arm again around Olivia once they were left alone in companionship silence.
"Your father is very kind."
He chuckled. "Yes, I know. Nothing like me."
She smirked at him. "Don't sell yourself short. You have your moments."
"I do, huh?"
"I think so." She snuggled closer within his arms.
Smiling to himself, Ethan reached into his pocket.
He held a box out to her.
She sat up with a start when her eyes fell upon the little velvet box.
"I think you know what I'm about to ask." Ethan said softly as he opened it for her.
Carefully lifting the diamond ring that sparkled in the firelight, he paused right at the tip of her finger.
"You know how much I love you." His vulnerability was once more on display. "You make my life better than I thought possible. I need you, your passion, your heart." He glanced down at her hand trembling in his grasp. “I can’t imagine a life without you by my side.”
His bright blue eyes lifted once more to her green ones shimmering with unshed tears.
"Olivia, will you marry me?"
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storyofmychoices · 5 months
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[Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley Masterlist] 
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley (F!OC) Book: Open Heart (earlyish in their relationship) Word Count: >350 Rating/Warnings: general, no warnings, all the fluff A/N: just a silly drabble inspired by Holland's Instagram ❤️
Synopsis: Olivia celebrates National Houseplant Appreciation Day.
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"What's all this?" Bryce asked his brow furrowing in confusion despite the smile spreading on his lips at the sight of her.
Olivia looked up from her leafy friends, her eyes sparkling. "It's National Houseplant Appreciation Day! I thought I'd give each of my green friends some one-on-one time."
Bryce chuckled, moving beside her, his arms circling around her from behind. "I'd like some one-on-one time with you."
Olivia shook her head, playfully pushing him away. "Except today is for plants! When it's National Bryce Appreciation Day, I'm all yours."
Bryce leaned in to plant a quick kiss on Olivia's cheek. "Maybe today is Bryce Appreciation Day?"
"Nope, it's November 14th," she stated proudly.
"Why do you know that," he laughed in amusement.
"Why don't you?" She turned her attention to an ivy plant, adding a little watered fertilizer. "Don't worry about him, Planty. You're the prettiest in the room."
"Planty? You do realize they don't actually understand, right?"
She shot him a teasing glare. "Maybe not in words, but they respond to care and attention. Plus, it's just nice to appreciate them individually."
Bryce leaned against the wall, watching in awe as Olivia moved from plant to plant, chatting with each one, occasionally patting a leaf or letting her fingers trail along their cool surface. She was so tender with them, her movements soft and gentle.
Olivia smiled, whispering something too quietly for him to hear to a fern she had named Ferny. 
Smiling warmly at her plants, she turned back toward Bryce. "Plants bring life to a space, and each has its personality. Plus, keeping plants in a home, or hospital, comes with a surplus of benefits."
Bryce chuckled softly, his eyes filled with adoration. "Well, if anyone can make plants feel appreciated, it's you, Liv. You bring life to everything you touch." He leaned in, pressing a lingering kiss on her forehead. "Happy National Houseplant Appreciation Day."
Olivia interlaced her fingers with his. "Want to help me choose the best photos for my Pictagram?" 
Her genuine smile and wonder at the prospects drew him in. He couldn't say no. Not that he'd want to, but even if he did, he couldn't. Her joy was contagious; he would happily spend every minute looking at plant pictures if it meant being by her side. 
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In which Holland is Olivia:
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Bryce reading Liv's post and being like "nothing makes you happier than plants?"
Liv just smiling coyly, tending to her plants.
Bryce continuing to read the benefits: "Well, it may not improve air quality, but I can think of something else that can match the first two and raise it with improve sleep and lower blood pressure." 😏
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lilyoffandoms · 8 months
Choices Open Heart - Tobias x Casey, Bryce x Olivia, and Ethan x Merida
For @choicesoctober from best friend prompt.
Warnings & A/N: Alcohol mention (tipsy characters). Thanks for the idea last night Elsa hehe (I took notes lol). Casey belongs to @jerzwriter and Olivia belongs to @storyofmychoices.
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“Okay okay what about that one?” Merida subtly pointed out a middle aged woman in a skintight blue dress.
They all considered her for a while as she talked animatedly to anyone that came within range of her.
“Bryce,” Casey and Merida said in unison.
“He’d be the only one able to handle her…, I don’t know,” Merida waved her hand.
“Clinging? Neediness?”
“Agreed,” Olivia nodded and giggled as both women turned their attention to her taking the seat beside them.
“You made it!” Merida squeezed her hand with a grin and flagged down the bartender and ordered them all a round.
“I had to say hello to Bryce real quick.”
Casey gave Olivia a quick hug and then passed out the drinks the bartender slid onto the polished bar for them.
“But we know you can’t stay away from us for too long,” Casey teased.
“Well yes,” Olivia giggled, “that and Bryce was trapped in a conversation I really didn’t want to be sucked into so….”
The other two laughed and raised their glasses together.
“Cheers to tonight and letting our partners fend for themselves,” Merida smirked.
“Now that one,” Olivia nodded with a grin to a man sidling up to the bar a few bar stools down from them.
They watched as the man ordered the most pretentious cocktail.
“Ethan,” they all agreed.
“Though he’d probably argue there is a better one out there,” Casey countered.
“So Tobias? Though he would probably just tease the poor man about how pretentious that drink order was.”
“Yeah, Ethan,” Merida confirmed. “He’d order one that was even more pretentious just to one up the guy.”
The game went on and on. Drink after drink. Plate after plate of appetizers. And much laughter.
“How about that one?” Casey pointed out a woman who had drunkenly draped herself across the piano to flirt with the musician.
“What are you gorgeous ladies up to?” Tobias saunter up behind Casey and kissed her forehead as she looked up to smile at him innocently.
“Catching up,” Olivia said.
“Having some fun people watching,” Merida said.
“Deciding who we’d pair you boys up with around here,” Casey smirked.
“Nice,” he grinned. “Who are we focusing on right now?”
They all pointed not at all subtly in the drunk woman’s direction.
“I think she needs to meet Ethan,” Tobias smirked and with a rather deep and lingering kiss with Casey went over to the woman.
The ladies watched as he greeted her.
“Is he?” Olivia said in shock.
Tobias led her across the room until they were standing in front of Ethan.
“Oh my god! He is. This is the best thing to happen all night!” Merida giggled and leaned back in her seat with her drink in hand to watch it play out.
“Did you expect anything less?” Casey smiled into her drink.
They lost it when Ethan paled and the woman looped her arms through Ethan’s and leaned heavily against him and Tobias patted Ethan’s arm with a wicked smirk and some teasing comment and walked back toward the three friends.
Merida called the bartender back and ordered a drink which she handed to Tobias upon his return.
“For my hero,” she said and clinked her drink to his.
“Bryce next!” Olivia clapped her hands together, her face flushed with the warmth of the room and a few drinks.
“Have I mentioned that tipsy Olivia is a ton of fun?” Casey beamed at Tobias.
“You have not but I got to start spending more time with you three,” he said between swigs of his drink before turning to Olivia.
“Liv, my dear, who shall it be?”
Choices Tag: @storyofmychoices @peonierose @aallotarenunelma
Other Tags: @choicesficwriterscreations
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official-impravidus · 3 years
Last Updated: January 15, 2024
i’d rather die than see you suffer - 3rd Life Grian goes back to Hermitcraft
reunion at the observatory - Sebastian Smythe!Barry & Santana, ColdFlash, Glee Crossover
like father like son - William Clayton/Michael Snart
cherry chocolate cake - Nate Heywood/Ray Palmer
Dichotomous Trio - Barry Allen, Sebastian Smythe (Glee), and Chris Stewart (A Mother's Nightmare) are triplets
[CONFIDENTIAL] - Tess Tyler/Tim Drake (Batman)
repercussions of a rainy day - Athelina/Rowan sickfic
Prom Queen - Fix-It
the ci and the cia - Peter POV Neal Caffrey!Bryce/Chuck
kiss your pain away - Bryce/Chuck fluff and first kiss
penelope wants another kitty - Penemily 5+1 Domestic Fluff and Banter
Tyson Monroe is dating an actual Fairytale Princess - Tyson Outsider POV of Morgan being a daughter of Andalasia
to love is to be loved - Charlie Amnesia
you took my life with you (took my world with you) - Richie and Patty mourn together
clogging the timeline - Losers on Twitter
two in one shampoo - Emmett and Elle Wedding Planning
Feeling the Spark - Voltage, Garrison & Tess First Meeting
so a vampire, vampire, vampire, vampire, vampire, vampire, vampire, and human get kidnapped— - Shadowhunters x My Babysitter’s a Vampire x Carmilla x I Kissed A Vampire x Teen Wolf
sometimes what is, is meant to be - Dean Winchester, Steve Harrington, Stiles Stilinski, Jason Todd, and TommyInnit are HYDRA supersoldiers + Evan Buckley (in progress)
Study Date - Merlin & Morgan, Merthur
Welcome to the Neighborhood! - Chase/Kaz College Neighbors AU
The Life Swap - Adrien and Marinette Swap Lives (ABANDONED)
Exposed - Truth Akuma Identity Reveal
Snowed In A Supermarket - Accidental Baby Acquisition Snowed In Identity Reveal
Blast From the Future - Emma Agreste Time Travels to the Past (ABANDONED)
The Day After - Outsider POV of Post-Reveal Adrienette
Protector - Adrien is TommyInnit (Dream SMP)
rum and coke (minus the rum) - Natalie meets Sam Winchester (Supernatural)
Beds and Hot Showers - Post-Canon
sonata - David Character Study
facing the monsters of the past - Myra!Clary, Myra/Ryan/Skylar (in progress)
a future we’ll never have - Owen/Curt post torture fluff
ghosts and guilt - Lex Foster/Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
A Day in the Life of Steve Harrington - Outsider POV of Steve (in progress)
haunted by a past long gone - Keys (Free Guy) is Steve Harrington
Steve’s Kids - Steve in 9-1-1
ghosts and guilt - Stiles Stilinski/Lex Foster (Black Friday)
she is (and will be) so loved - Melissa/Chris/Peter, Pregnancy
awesome - Stiles has Frontotemporal Dementia
wonderment - Ariel/Eric Post-Canon Fluff
Go Tonight - Fix It, Kelly lives
What Could Have Been - Pre-Travelers Canon Rewrite (in progress)
trust - Bucky Barnes is Victor’s dad
rewrite, revitalize, rival - Yuuri and Yuri Time Travel (in progress)
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openheartfanfics · 2 years
Newly Added Fics
Jan 29 - Feb 4, 2022
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
Falling - @storyofmychoices ☁
Bryce has gotten himself into a situation and needs Liv's help. Feat. Keiki Lahela
Bridge Over Troubled Waters - @coffeeheartaddict2  🎭
Following on from the end of book 1. My interpretation of what lead Dr Ramsey on his Amazonian sojourn. [Amazon]
Consequence of Silence - @trappedinfanfiction  📚
[extended:wip]  Ethan was the one to break it off, but even if he would never admit it, he still has some feelings for her.
Part 2.5 - Keep Going   📷
Creating Your Own Mistakes - @arjaywrites  🎭
Dana is approached by Sienna for some dating advice. Dana doesn’t realise how mentally taxing that experience could be - especially after closing her chapter with Ethan.
Delays and Denials - @arjaywrites  🎭
Ethan confronts Landry on the latter’s sabotaging spree against Dana. However, he doesn’t expect to be confronted. [1.17]
Glowing - @potionsprefect ☁
Ethan had never seen so many packets in his life. [Illness/Injury]
Here For You - @parisa-kh 📚🛸🎭
[extended: wip] Near the end of her intern year, Haley's marriage is about to fall apart. How is it gonna affect her relationship with Dr. Ramsey?
Chapter 3: Confession
Less Comfy - @potionsprefect ☁
Victoria doesn’t want him to get sick, so she resorts to different measures. [Illness/Injury]
Marry Me - @a-crepusculo 📚🦚
[extended: wip] One simple question can change their whole lives forever.
Not a Date - @jerzwriter ☁
There’s only one intern that can tame the beast. There is only one person who could make her smile today. TW: Brief mention of illness [Hurt/Comfort]
The Conversation Continued - @arjaywrites  ☁
Dana is running late. Ethan is tired. A perfect timing for continuing the conversation about kids.
The Familiar Face - @potionsprefect 📚🦚
[extended: complete] The past has a nasty way of coming back to haunt you and Victoria must learn to deal with it.
Chapter 7: Election Result
The Talk - @utterlyinevitable 🎭
Becca and Ethan talk about what that kiss outside his apartment means. [2.8]
The Visiting of Mrs Pearce - @arjaywrites  🎭
Dana had long closed the chapter to her unmentioned childhood. However time has different plans, when her mother visits her after twelve years of radio silence. TW: Emotional Abuse
To-Do List - @gryffindordaughterofathena ☁
She loves being prepared and he loves her.
Umbrella - @jamespotterthefirst ☁
Dr. Ramsey always looked as though he was trying very hard to ignore her. It turns out, he pays more attention than she knows.
Where I Want to Be - @anonymousrookie 🦚
Ethan and Keegan find it difficult to be apart in the aftermath of the Senator attack. [2.12]
5 Times Sadie Hinted at a Ring and 1 Time She Didn't - @peonyblossom  ☁
A fic featuring five occasions where Sadie Oakley hinted at engagement rings. [Weddings/Proposals]
Candyland - @jerzwriter ☁
Casey places a bowl of sweets in front of her children. Do they eat the sweets or are they able to avoid temptation?
You've Got Me - @jerzwriter 🦚
Casey is struggling to enjoy her special day, but all it takes is a special friend to get her through.
Comfort - @potionsprefect ☁
She’s not seen him like this before, not since that night. [Illness/Injury]
Butterflies - @liaromancewriter ☁
Max and Sienna get ready for Cassie’s wedding, taking their duties as Best Man and Maid of Honor very seriously on a road trip from Boston to Newport.
Love Finds a Way - @theartoflovingthomashunt  ☁ 🛸
Ethan (with a push from Ellie) sets his friend Thomas up on a blind date with Sienna at this year's Edenbrook oncology fundraiser at a local winery. Feat. Ethan Ramsey
Spring in Monaco - @liaromancewriter  📷
Max and Sienna mix business and pleasure in Monaco for the Grand Prix formula 1 race.
Simple Moments - @jerzwriter ☁
Tobias has got it bad. After a ribbing from his brother, he hears a song that reminds him of Casey, and he rushes home to share it with her. [Music]
Treacherous - @bex-la-get ☁
Friends with benefits gets complicated when emotions get involved.
Unblemished - @jerzwriter 🎭
Sometimes walking away is the right choice, the only choice, but it doesn’t make it any easier. [Breakup]
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lovealexhunt · 2 years
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Thank you so much for all the wonderfully kind and thoughtful birthday messages and gifts. I am so blessed to have so many lovely people in my corner. I can't thank you enough for helping make my day better.
My birthday has never been my favorite. My depression always gets worse around my birthday. And this was my first birthday without my Grandma and I missed her a lot this weekend. The rest of my family isn't the best with remembering my birthday (which kind of makes me feel invisible), but my Grandma always made me feel special.
I truly appreciate everyone who reached out to check on me, encourage me, and made me such wonderful things. You are amazing and you will never know how much your kindness means to me!
Love you all so very much.  xoxo Dani 💖
⭐ The many perfect adventures of AcornEmoDrake! practicing self-care by the loveliest @the-soot-sprite
Day 1 : an EmoDrake moodboard/aesthetic
Day 2: acorn!EmoDrake being our comfort character who likes wine
Day 3: acorn!EmoDrake with his friends (sometimes people are okay)
Day 4: acorn!EmoDrake enjoying the nature around him
Day 5: acorn!EmoDrake takes some time to relax and do some activities he enjoys
Day 6: acorn!EmoDrake visiting me for my birthday and being all kinds of wonderful 🥺🥺🥺 (I love my smol flowers from my smol angel of sadness)
Day 7: acorn!EmoDrake explores the world and finds all the best new acorn!Friends (our smol boy has a smol world of adventures just waiting for him and they're perfect!)
Bonus Birthday message edit
⭐ Birthday Drabbles by the amazingly talented and generous @lilyoffandoms
Red Carpet Diaries Drabble + Thomas x Alex art by @porcelean-art *Alex focuses on the sounds around her as she takes a moment to appreciate her family.
Blades of Light and Shadow Drabble (Tyril x Maiele, Mal x Daenarya) *The group tries to convince Tyril to participate in the human practice of wearing a Halloween costume
Open Heart Drabble (Ethan x Ellie) *Ethan and Ellie enjoy a quiet moment on the beach.
Blades of Light and Shadow Drabble (Mal x Daenarya) *Mal and Daenarya discuss the future and home.
Red Carpet Diaries Drabble (Thomas x Alex + the twins) *Thomas tells the twins a bedtime story.
Open Heart Drabble (for Bryce x Olivia) *Bryce picks out the perfect present for Olivia
⭐ Gorgeous Thomas and Alex Hunt art gif by the incredibly sweet and talented @bayleedrawsx
⭐ Precious Chibi Thomas Hunt drinking scotch sticker gif by the generous and wonderful @/artbyainna on IG
⭐ Bryce caring for sick Olivia art gifted to me by the ever kind and generous @burnsoslow and created by @/yanakaye on Instagram *based on this fic
⭐ Birthday Art commissioned by me (#Treatyoself!) *See all six at once here
Hunt family portrait: Thomas, Alex, the twins, + Bogart by @/artbyainna on Instagram
Levi playing guitar for Laura in the warm light by @/artbyainna on Instagram
Ethan and Ellie sunshine kiss by @weetlebeetle
Magical Evening kiss with Bryce and Olivia by @ethansdique
Thomas + Alex Cuddling by @vantaray
Olivia baking while Bryce distracts her with kisses by @/artbyainna on Instagram
⭐ Instagram Fun to remember
Thomas riding a Unicorn Edit
Thomas and Alex Edit
Thomas holding a photo of Alex Edit
Thomas Hunt Edit
Thomas Hunt Moodboard
Thomas and Alex Party Edit
Thomas and Alex birthday edit
Levi + Thomas edit
Alex, Liv, and Ellie Moodboard/s for birthday and international women's day
💖 Self-Care Birthday Event post with self-care ideas!
Thank you again to everyone who gifted me something or just messaged me to say happy birthday. I truly appreciate you! Know you helped make me smile and brighten my day. 💖
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agent-breakdance · 4 years
(Icarus Ch. 4) - Dear John
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Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F! MC (Olivia Anika Cohen)
Word count: 1.4k words
A/N 1: Hey guys, this is the final chapter of Icarus! I just, from the bottom of my heart, want to thank every single person who stuck with me through it all. I also want to thank my incredible beta @deliciouslydeafeningstarlight​ for putting up with me. The sequel to Icarus is already in the works! Stay tuned for updates.
Warning: ANGST
Disclaimer: PB owns characters. There’s lots of Grey’s Anatomy and Friends references.
Tag list:  @deliciouslydeafeningstarlight​​ @drethanramslay​​ @ohramsey​​ @theeccentricbibliophile​​ @justanotherrookie​​ @kaavyaethanramsey​​ @batgirlassociationofgothamcity​​ @tyrilstarfury​​ @lilypills​​ @juneiswriting​​ @fleur-de-jasmin-fdj​​ @mvalentine​​ @sanchita012​​ @choicesstan1​​ @junggoku​​ @aylamreads​​ @whatsamottowithyou​​ @utterlyinevitable​​ @openheart12​
Let me know if you’d like to be added or removed.
Song: Dear John by Taylor Swift.
“Liv, can we talk?” 
His serious expression threw her for a loop. Before she let her mind wander too far, he added “Privately.” 
Her confusion showed plainly on her face but she nodded. They moved a slight distance away from Ethan but were still in earshot.
She tried to focus her mind as he started to talk but all she could think about was if he knew of her relationship with Ethan. 
“So, what I guess I’m saying is I like you. A lot. And I’d really like to take you out.” 
The thoughts swirling in her mind stopped abruptly as he uttered that sentence. 
“I’m sorry, what?” Olivia said, a little louder than she intended to. Ethan looked towards them curiously. 
“I was saying that I like you and if the flirting, the looks in class and most importantly, the kiss are any indication, you like me too.” Tobias smirked.
This captured the entirety of Ethan’s attention. His jealousy flared up again but this time, he was absolutely sure who it was directed towards. 
“I’m sorry, Tobias. You’re one of my best friends and I think I’d like us to remain that way. I hope you understand.” Olivia said calmly.
His smirk fell upon hearing her words. Confusion and anger took its place. 
“How can you say that after everything?
The flirting...
The looks...
The kiss?!"
With each word, he took a menacing step forward and Olivia flinched away, not recognizing her friend anymore.
This drew the attention of their friends and they made their way over. Ethan, being the closest arrived promptly at Olivia’s side.
“You led me on!” His voice was tight with anger. 
With a deep breath, Olivia took a resolute step forward. “Tobias, listen to me. I was not flirting with you. We were just making fun of ridiculous pick up lines. Also, I only let you kiss me because we were playing a game. It didn’t mean anything.”
“Finally, I wasn’t looking at you in class.” 
She took another deep breath and steeled herself for what was coming. She looked at Ethan for permission and he gave her a firm nod.
“I was looking at Ethan. We're dating."
Tobias recoiled at the shock. He looked into Ethan’s eyes and that was all the proof he needed. His face hardened in anger before it melted  into a dark smile.  
“So, this is who you were leaving me for? You bailed on our plans for this bit-” 
Ethan’s fist connected with his face, driving him to the ground.  
“Don’t even think about finishing that thought.” Ethan glared at him.
Before it could get any worse, Bryce and Jackie pulled apart Ethan and Tobias.
“Walk away, Tobias.” Bryce warned him.
“Seems like this was one thing you could have mentioned when I told you how I felt about Liv.” Tobias said as he stalked off.
Olivia whirled on Ethan. “What did he mean by that?”
She took in the pained expression on Ethan’s face.
Realization dawned upon her. “You knew...”
“How could you not tell me, Ethan?”
“Rookie, he was very drunk and I didn’t think he meant much by it. I’ve known him for a long time and I’ve never seen him like this. I would have told you but it seemed like nothing at the time. I’m sorry.”
“You should have still told me, Ethan. We could have avoided all of this.”
Taking a cue, Sienna led the others back to the dorms, leaving behind only Olivia and Ethan.
“This is all too much to handle, Ethan. We’ve had enough trauma to last us a lifetime and I’m… I'm done. With all of this. 
Nothing between us is ever easy. I just want to have a normal uncomplicated life." Olivia stared at the ground.  
I think we flew too fast, too far…  
“What are you saying, Rookie?”
She looked up, her eyes glistening with tears. “I think we need to take a break.” 
“You’re right. Let’s go get some ice cream, we’ll cool off and study later.” 
“No, Ethan. A break from us.” Her voice broke and tears streamed down her face.
“I’m sorry.” She clasped his hands before walking away, leaving him standing alone.
“Don’t leave me, Rookie.” He whispered as he watched her retreating form. 
Tears spilled from his eyes as he looked down and saw a white piece of cloth she’d left in his hands. He stood there staring at his bold initials. This one thing had managed to comfort him through every low point in his life but it gave him no comfort now. 
In the wake of last night’s events, Olivia doubted her decisions. Her mind was being rational and practical and it said that she made the right decision. Her heart, however, made her want to go back in time and take everything back. 
She opened her eyes to the blaring of her alarm clock. She had set it so she wouldn’t miss the very important test that was scheduled. Not that it mattered anyway; she hadn’t slept a wink. A rushed breakfast later, she found herself walking down the hallways. The weight on her mind dragged her down, making it near impossible to move. 
A loud screech from the PA system jolted her awake. The speakers crackled to life as students directed their attention to the deep voice that boomed over their heads. 
“Students of Johns Hopkins, I would like to wish you the very best of luck as you take your first test of the year. Before you leave, I would like to inform everyone of an important announcement that will be taking place in the auditorium at noon. All first year med students are expected to be there after the test...” 
Deliberations and chattering ensued among the students as the Dean continued his address.
Olivia, like every other student, had the same question on her mind.
“What could that announcement possibly be about?”
“Just a stab in the dark…could be about Dr. Banerji putting us through a series of competitive examinations resulting in him giving away his money as a scholarship.” 
She looked around for the source of the voice and came face to face with a dark-haired figure with a smirk on his face. Something about him told her that he was not in the habit of being wrong.
“And how would you know that?” Olivia asked, eyebrows raised. 
“I have my ways.” He said with a wink.
Before Olivia could respond, they noticed that the crowd in the hallway had started to thin out. As she turned to leave, she heard him call out. 
“I didn’t quite catch your name.”
“That’s right, you didn’t.” She smirked as she walked away.
Seated in the exam hall, Olivia tried her best to focus on the test. But amidst the scratching of pens and shuffling of papers, she could hardly seem to hear herself think. And in those rare instances when she could, her mind kept bringing back memories of the previous night. Her thoughts were running a mile a minute.
The night flashed in her eyes and she was left with only one thought.
How could everything go so wrong so fast? 
She looked down at her papers and found drops of her tears, staining the paper. Only then did she realize that she had been crying. She hastily wiped at her eyes and fixed them on the clock.
She decided to shelve her feelings for at least another hour and turned her focus towards her papers. Time seemed to pass excruciatingly slowly, the hour seeming like five.
As soon as the examiner collected their papers, she made her way out of the door. She saw Ethan standing outside the other exam hall and stopped in her tracks.  
Their eyes met for a second, or twenty; they weren’t sure. All that stood between them was 6 feet of space. 
She ran through the infinite possibilities in her mind. 
How different would it have been if they had never studied together? 
If Tobias hadn’t asked her out? If they all hadn’t been friends? If her and Ethan hadn’t been in a relationship? If she had never come to Johns Hopkins?
If she had died instead of Mia? 
Her mind pounded with each answer. 
But they did.
But he did.
But they were.
But she did.
But she didn’t.
When she looked back up into his eyes, she could tell he was doing the same.
He gave her a sad, apologetic smile which she returned with one of her own. They gazed at each other for what seemed like an eternity until they turned and walked away in opposite directions.
A/N 2: Dear John- A letter from a woman informing her boyfriend or fiancé that she is ending their relationship or informing her husband that she wants a divorce:
Nothing is worse for a soldier's morale than getting a Dear John.
I am so sorry for everything I put you through these 4 weeks. And if you’ve gotten this far, thank you so much for reading!
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kate-sinclaire · 4 years
flight risk (Ethan x f!MC)
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 Open Heart/Open Heart 2 Pairing: 
Ethan x f!MC (Kelsey Valentine) Summary:
 Kelsey and Ethan Rating:
 T Warning: Talks of cancer, death, and depression. Please use discretion before reading. Author Note: I may make this into a series depending on how this is received. If you’d like to see more of Kelsey and Ethan, please comment or send asks. :) Also, as usual, please let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future fics or untagged. TAGS: @lifeof-liv​ @princess-geek​ @callmethea​ @wildvitamin​ @cerisesayeed-ramsey​ NOTE: All characters belong to Pixelberry Studios (minus, for the most part, Kelsey Valentine), I’m just borrowing them. I also do not own the image. Image found here.
Kelsey swallowed hard as she looked at her test results. She cursed herself as her eyes watered and quickly shut her folder before thanking Doctor Banerji. He gave her a worried look and placed a hand on her arm. “We’ll fight this, Doctor Valentine.”
She forced a small smile and nodded. “Just don’t tell him yet.”
“He’s head of diagnostics, I hardly think-”
“Please,” she pleaded, biting the inside of her cheek to stop the oncoming sobs. He stared at her sympathetically for a moment and then nodded.
“You have my word. But please don’t hold off on this.” If she didn’t know better, she would think that his eyes were starting to water, too.  She nodded and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear before standing up and adjusting her white coat.
The rest of the day passed as normally as any other day. Lunch with Jackie, Elijah, Aurora, and Sienna, typical appointments with Esme, visiting with Rafael and laughing with Bryce. Had it not been for her results, it would have passed for a typical (even good) work day. But damn it, she could feel it. She shook her head as she typed up a patient report, as though that simple act would cure her of her worries.
“Rookie,” Ethan nodded as he walked by. Shit. She had managed to avoid him all day. Just smile like everything is normal, Kels. You’ve got this. But despite her attempt at a fake expression, his eyes narrowed and he stopped his pace as he turned to face her. Somehow he knew her better than anyone else in this hospital--maybe anyone else in her life. He knew when something was wrong.
“Hi Doctor Ramsey,” she murmured, not daring to look him in the eye. Instead she looked at his mouth, which was pursed and focused. He took a step closer and examined her closely. “Can I help you with something?” He took a moment before answering.
“Meet me in my office in ten,” he finally replied before turning around and resuming his usual brisk walk. Damn it. Letting out a groan, she put on her fake persona one more time, finished up with her patient and walked over to the glass room. Ethan was already sitting down at his desk, his hands perched together, his brow furrowed in thought. Kelsey knocked quietly and he motioned for her to come in.
Nervous, she fiddled with the edges of her case file and he his eyes shifted to her hands. “Difficult case?” he asked, clearly not in the mood for idle chatter.
“In a way,” she replied, nibbling on her bottom lip. He quirked an eyebrow.
“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?” He wasn’t annoyed. He seemed...bothered. Concerned. And that made sense considering Kelsey had worked hard on keeping her composure at work. But this was different. Everything about this situation was different.
“Ethan...” she felt the tears well up and he quickly moved to her, sitting on his knees with his hand on the small of her back. Not knowing what else to say or do, she shoved the folder in his arms and watched him expectantly. His long fingers opened the file and he sucked in a deep breath.
“Patient suffers from anemia, high lymphocyte count, several swollen lymph nodes...” he read under his breath and looked up at her. “Stage 3 Leukemia. Seems easy enough to diagnose. What’s-”
“Ethan, I’m the patient.” The color of his face drained and he watched her for a long time before clearing his throat and shutting the folder. Without a word, he pulled her into his arms and held her there. She couldn’t help it this time; the sobs came and they came hard.
“Shh,” he murmured, but he was crying too which only made the situation worse. He pulled back and rested his hands firmly on her shoulders. She looked at him helplessly, her entire face distorted from the tears that never seemed to cease. “We will fight this.”
“That’s what Naveen said,” she forced a small smile and wiped underneath her eyes. “But I’m not so sure.”
“You aren’t sure?” his voice was shaky; cracky. And his eyes were red.
“Ethan, I don’t want to die in treatment,” she whispered staring down at her hands. “I don’t want to die miserable. I want to die doing what I love. With people I love. And I can’t do that from a hospital bed.”
“Kelsey,” his voice was barely a whisper as he ran a hand through his hair. “If the treatment works...when the treatment works, you can come back to doing all of those things. But you have to fight this...” And his voice cracked again and now her eyes were watering once more. “Please fight this. I...I need you, Kels.”
“You need me?” she sniffled, grabbing a tissue off of Ethan’s desk.
“Kelsey, I love you. Every piece of me is completely and unfathomably at your mercy. And I need you.”
“Now I’m crying for a different reason,” she laughed lightly and swallowed hard. “Ethan...”
“Please say you’ll fight this.”
“Okay,” she whispered. “Okay.”
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