#brazilian portugese
Semifinals: Cafuné vs многоꙮчитїй, mnogoočitii
(poll at the end)
Cafuné (Portuguese, Brazilian Portugese)
Portugal: [kɐ.fuˈnɛ] Brazil: [ka.fuˈnɛ]
Translation: The act of running your fingers through someone's hair in a tender way, usually massaging or gently scratching their scalp
Portuguese is an Indo-European language belonging to the Romance branch originating from Portugal. Due to colonialism it is the main and official language of Brazil, where 213 million of its 264 million speakers live. Brazilian Portuguese is considered a dialect of Portuguese as they are mutually intelligible.
Motivation 1: It can be platonic! It can be romantic! It's a cute thing!
Motivation 2: vsjsh affection....... 💞💞 it’s a very sweet gesture it’s very nice and comforting and makes you feel safe
Note: There were two submissions for this word, one in each dialect. Since it’s the same word but with slight pronunciation differences they will compete together
многоꙮчитїй, mnogoočitii (Old Church Slavonic)
IPA not found
Translation: many-eyed
Old Church Slavonic is an extinct language that belonged to the Slavic branch of Indo-European languages. It’s closest related to today’s Macedonian and Bulgarian, but was standardised based on the dialect of Slavs living near 9th century Thessaloniki in today’s Greece by missionaries, who translated Christian literature so they could convert people easier. Old Church Slavonic was then used as the liturgical language of various Orthodox and Byzantine Catholic Churches. A later version of the language called Church Slavonic is still in use in churches today.
Motivation: This particular instance of the word appears once in a manuscript from around 1429. It is the book of psalms, and the word is used in the phrase "серафими многоꙮчитїй," to mean "many-eyed seraphim," as in an angel. the "ꙮ", or multiocular o, is one of my favorite Unicode symbols and also symbols in general. In the next version of Unicode it's going to be updated, because it doesn't even have enough eyes as the original manuscript gave it! Looking past the ꙮ fixation, though, I'm a fan of angels and angelic imagery, as well as eye imagery. A single word for "many-eyed" is really cool to me, since I don't recall there being one in English. It's a useful phrase for more than just angels, like spiders, molluscs...
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sohannabarberaesque · 1 month
No wonder Hanna-Barbera's flicktoons were known and seen the world over
And for some reason, Brazil was especially fond of 3400 Cahuenga's byproducts in Portugese dub, even if retitling was sometimes necessary to make the show work among Brazilian audiences.
Take Help! ... It's The Hair Bear Bunch!, whose Brazilian Portugese title for TV was O Urso do Cabelo Duro, which translates as "The Bear With the Bad Hairdo" ... which, in comic books, was known as Shampoo, in turn becoming something of a popular nickname.
Now You Know.
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theplotdoctor · 2 years
Today I learned how to pronounce Rio de Janeiro correctly and it was wonderfully mind-blowing. ❤
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No but like can we talk about just how sweet Forever is?
Like I was just watching him interact with Foolish, Quackity, and BBH, and he's just really pleasant to be around (also, the vibes with these 4- just casually terraforming the desert is immaculate).
Also, his convo with Bad about the eggs shows that he really cares about them, especially Richarlyson, and that he's also gotten attached to the eggs as well. I enjoyed listening to Forever and Bad's convo while they were talking about Dapper, Richa, and the other eggs because they brought up some really good points to think about too.
Previously, I only knew Forever from Philza's stream, and he acts very differently when he's with Phil, rather than with everyone else lols. But ever since I started watching other streamers' POVS, I've learned that he's actually a very pleasant character to be around.
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siriuscockblockblack · 7 months
i just saw a post about portugese marlene and now all i can think about is where the marauders are from.
after thinking about this long and hard( i spent like two seconds on each person i am a very fast thinker) i present to you:
a (quarter italian) indian james!!
a french sirius and regulus (and the entire black family really)
a welsh remus
a german peter
a portugese marlene (i accept nothing less)
an english lily
a brazilian mary
an italian barty
a scottish evan ( he was brought up in london)
an african dorcas
a mix of everything pandora (she is some part egyptian idk how but she is)
did i forget anybody?
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furby-organist · 17 days
// Obsessed with the idea of Alastor speaking multiple languages near-perfectly but only in the context of ordering food
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chxrryrose · 2 years
you just know the piquets are somewhere screaming at the tv about to burst a blood vessel
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should i add like lesbian aroace wasian and whatever the shit else to my pinned it feels unnecessary its not really relevant to what i post im just a little fandom bitch
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Round one: Metsänpeitto vs Cochicho
(poll at the end)
Metsänpeitto (Finnish)
Translation: Getting lost in a forest in a way that one suddenly no longer recognizes the terrain around them and becomes invisible to others (according to mythology).
Finnish is an Uralic language belonging to the Finnic branch spoken by 5 300 000 people in Finland, where it is one of two national languages (the other is Swedish though it is less used, Finnish is the main language).
Motivation: I love that there's a word for this concept! And (like almost all Finnish words) it sounds beautiful.
Note: It’s a compound of metsän and peitto meaning forest and blanket/cover(age)
Cochicho (Brazilian Portugese)
Translation: Whisper
Portuguese is an Indo-European language belonging to the Romance branch originating from Portugal. Due to colonialism it is the main and official language of Brazil, where 213 million of its 264 million speakers live. Brazilian Portuguese is considered a dialect of Portuguese as they are mutually intelligible.
Motivation: It has an onomatopoeic origin, as it sounds like whispering. (easy pronunciation: co-shee-shoo. co as in COlogne, sh as in SHoe, ee as in lEAve, shoo as in CHUte) also it sounds cute and feels nice to say :)
Note: This is the dialectal pronunciation of cochicho, the Portugal version would be [kuˈʃi.ʃu]
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dodomingo · 10 months
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No joke, I think I will genuinely die of laughter.
Just the other day I was chilling, watching the new junji Ito anime with the boys, when I ask the ones streaming to change the dub language to french from the original Japanese.
The entire call had to pause while I actually stopped breathing because I found the fucking french language too hilarious for my lungs to work properly.
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candyvoncaramell · 1 year
tis settled i'm going to art college just to pick up girls. yes it might not give me money what EVS i'm gonna let myself get swept off my feet by a fat butch, literally the one art college woman i've met had buzzcut mullet i need to go to art college if only to meet a woman like that again
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real-emmet · 2 years
when english colonialism gets to me and i forget that not everyone (including me) does not speak english on a daily basis🧍
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meanbossart · 1 month
i understand now why i couldnt figure out what the fuck your accent is, i asked some european friends if they could recognize it and one was like "idk he sounds like a gay american"
ive heard (iberian?) portugese once via youtube and its one of those languages that slides off my brain, the sounds refuse to penetrate my skull i know words are happening but it sounds like nothing and everything
the only other thing thats made me feel that way that i can think of are my first time hearing polish it sounded like russian and german being double spoken like a demon, i fucking thought one of my polish friends was japanese for a bit because "idk you sound like hatsune miku", and once i thought someone had a speech impediment but no they were just speaking dutch
i have language processing issues, sometimes i struggle comprehending english in my own regional accent/dialect, everything else is a spin the wheel of whether i know whats happening or not
and this is me assuming that you live in brazil because youre brazilian, and would presumably have brazilian portugese as a first language and arent from somewhere else entirely
You know a lot of people have taken my accent and assumed me to be from some non-english speaking place in europe before, Russia and new Zealand being two main ones. But then, other folks hear that and are like "what no wtf" hahaha.
I am told I have less of an accent than most Brazilians (I have been speaking english for 10+ years and have been to english speaking countries for up to a month, to be fair) but Brazilian portuguese accents ARE tricky to pick up on. Similar to dutch, I feel like we often just sound like we have a slight speech impediment - I've met dutch people before both here in brazil and out and made the same assumption at first.
Language, and the often hundreds of variations within each one is wild LOL
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delulujuls · 3 months
brazilian air | as12
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hi, i am in my classic f1 era rn and i am currently obsessed with mr Senna god he was so fine and since it's his bday today i thought that im gonna upload this one bc why not
also im like 100% sure that this one will flop but i wanted to upload this anyway, so if you'll find it worth a shot, enjoy then!
happy bday king, 64 today but 34 forever, you'll always be missed
summary: during a month break from racing, ayrton thought that inviting y/n into his family sides will get them along even more. to the surprise to both of them, they got along even better than expected
warnings: sexual content, fingering, female orgasm
pairing: fem!mclarendriver x ayrton senna
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After the Sao Paulo Grand Prix, there came a monthly break, even though it was only the second race of the season.
The end of march was very warm, but the weather in Brazil had its own rules. Just as in London there was probably a downpour and the temperature barely above ten degrees, the other side of the globe had almost holiday-like weather.
The 1990 season was the second year when Y/N took Alain Prost's seat at McLaren, thus becoming Ayrton Senna's teammate. While many did not look favorably upon Ron Dennis's decision for various reasons—because Y/N was the first woman in history to have the opportunity to race at the top level of motorsport, her debut in Formula 1, her young age, and the fact of what kind of past Senna had with his previous teammates—with each passing month the doubts started to going away.
The girl handled herself on the track incredibly well, and since McLaren did not disappoint with their cars, she practically returned from every race with points, effectively shutting the mouths of all those who spoke unfavorably about her.
Even Ayrton himself, who was initially the most unconvinced about the boss's decision, also didn't need much to change his mind about her. At first, he approached her with distance, fearing that her joining the team might cause even more damage than when they had Prost in reserve. As it turned out, the girl was not his enemy; often, he himself silenced all those who attacked her and questioned her abilities.
Senna saw that she looked up at him as her authority. She never explicitly told him, but it was evident how she listened carefully to his advice, asked when she had doubts, and consulted almost everything only with him, although she had a whole crowd of people around her.
Ron breathed a sigh of relief seeing that they tolerated each other and there were no forecasts for them to repeat the Senna-Prost scenario. However, tolerating each other was an understatement, because Ayrton would never invite someone to his family's sides whom he merely tolerated. The Brazilian didn't admit it out loud, but he liked the girl. Sometimes he even caught himself thinking about her when she wasn't around, and when she was, he smiled a lot more in her company, whereas McLaren's garage used to be a place of nerves and tense atmosphere for him.
Yes, if someone asked him about Y/N, Ayrton would say she was his friend. Someone he never had after leaving Brazil.
"How do I say in Portugese that I can't eat anymore?"
The girl asked, lying on her towel stretched out on the hull of the motorboat belonging to the Senna family.
Y/N shielded the sun with her hand and glanced at Ayrton, who laughed at her question, sitting next to her and smoking a cigarette.
"It's not funny, your mom wants to fatten me up so that I'm heavier and slower than you on the track."
"Não aguento mais, tô chei", but even if you say it in Portugese, my mom won't listen to you anyway."
"I've never eaten such delicious food, but when we get back, I probably won't fit into my clothes anymore."
He released smoke from his lungs and involuntarily glanced at her when she turned onto her stomach and closed her eyes. Her hair, still wet from bathing in the lake, stuck to her shoulders, and her skin, once pale, slowly began to take on a blush from the sun.
"You look good, so don't worry."
"I didn't say I would look bad, just that I won't fit into my pants anymore."
"As long as you can fit into the car, you'll be fine."
The girl snorted, "Well, in that case, I have quite a reserve."
Y/N gathered her hair behind her shoulder and settled more comfortably, exposing herself to the pleasantly warming rays of the sun. Ayrton glanced down her body and only when the heat from his cigarette burned his fingers a little, he snap out of it. Did he really like the girl, or was it just that he spent so much time with her that he got used to her? He didn't know the answer to that question, but he knew that sometimes he found himself staring at her for a bit too long. Despite being a few years younger than him, she had feminine charms. He also objectively thought that the girl was attractive.
She didn't have much of a different opinion about him either because in her eyes, Ayrton was indeed a handsome man. He was tall, athletic, had beautiful brown eyes and hair of the same color, which often fell in curls onto his forehead. She liked his smile and the way he wrinkled his nose, which, like most of his body, was covered in freckles. But Ayrton appealed to her only as an older teammate, someone who was completely out of her reach, and for whom she was probably just an insignificant kid. At least that's what she thought.
They spent time at the lake until late afternoon, as for dinner, besides Ayrton's parents, his sister with Bruno, his nephew, was also supposed to appear. Upon returning to the Senna family's home, the girl took only a quick shower and threw on a thin, white dress because even though the day was slowly coming to an end, the temperature was still high. They spent the evening on the terrace, and time passed in a very pleasant atmosphere. Mrs. Senna made sure that only delicious dishes appeared on the table, while Mr. da Silva entertained the company with stories and jokes. Although Y/N didn't speak anything in Portugese except for the short phrases Ayrton had taught her, there were no communication problems for a moment. At one point, little Bruno grabbed the radio and turned up the volume, pulling the girl by the hand and inviting her to dance. The girl, already somewhat tipsy from wine, agreed without hesitation and followed the six-year-old, dancing with him barefoot on the still warm concrete. Ayrton's mother and sister sang along with the song, his father clapped his hands, and Ayrton himself looked at the scene with tenderness, laughing and sipping his beer. She took the boy in her arms and spun with him, dancing, to which Bruno laughed out loud. Although Ayrton's family had only met Y/N a few days ago, he was convinced, seeing with his own eyes, how much they liked her. It meant a lot to him.
"Tio, agora tio Ayrton!"
Bruno shouted and pointed at the man when a new song started playing. Ayrton laughed and shook his head, to which his sister started pulling his arm and, to the sounds of approval from the family, he stood up and approached the girl, who put the boy down on the ground.
"Querida senhora," he extended his hand towards her, slightly bowing, "may I?"
Y/N chuckled and nodded, extending her hand, which was met with numerous shouts and whistles.
"I can't dance, I can't dance at all."
She said through laughter when he pulled her closer and placed his hand on her waist.
"Everyone can dance to Brazilian rhythms, trust me."
Ayrton replied with an assuring smile and spinned her around, catching her again after a moment. They danced, understanding each other without words, laughing only when one of them accidentally bumped into someone or stepped on someone's foot.
The girl didn't know if her cheeks were burning from the sun, the alcohol, or the fact that she felt embarrassed by being so close to him. But she felt light and happy enough not to dwell on it. She wanted this evening to last as long as possible.
However, at some point, Bruno fell asleep on the chair, and Viviane took him in her arms, announcing that she would put him to bed and she will also take a rest, wishing everyone a good night. Ayrton's mother, seeing that his dad had had enough beer, took him by the arm and, amid numerous protests, escorted him inside. The girl helped carry the dishes to the kitchen, and when she brought in the last batch of plates, Ayrton's mother hugged her tightly.
Y/N returned her embrace with a smile, wishing her a good night before returning to the terrace.
Seeing the expression on her face, Ayrton smiled too.
"They liked you, but I'm sure you noticed that yourself."
"They are very kind," the girl replied, closing the terrace doors, "you have a truly wonderful family."
Y/N approached the table and took a chair to sit on it, but Ayrton straightened up and patted his knees, indicating that she should sit on them. The girl accepted the invitation without protest and sat on them sideways, embracing him around the neck.
"I'm glad you agreed to come here with me," he said, looking into her eyes, to which she smiled.
"I'm glad you invited me."
For a moment, they looked at each other in silence, she on his lap, with her hand on his bare shoulders, he with one hand on her waist and the other caressing her exposed thigh. He raised his hand and brushed a lock of her hair behind her ear, touching her flushed cheek. The girl smiled at his gesture and closed her eyes.
"You're important to me, you know?"
"I am?"
She asked, looking at him again.
Ayrton nodded, stroking her cheek with his thumb. Y/N threaded her fingers into the hair resting at the base of his neck, stroking it lightly. At one point, without thinking or saying a word, he leaned towards her and kissed her. She kissed him back, touching his cheek with her other hand. Ayrton didn't break the kiss, he just hugged her tighter, pressing their bodies together. Y/N was returning each of his kisses and after a while their tongues started their love dance, rubbing against each other. Even though they were both a bit drunk, Ayrton wasn't sure how much he could afford. However, when she slightly opened her legs, giving him a silent invitation, he squeezed her thigh to which she sighed. He smiled against her lips, continuing to kiss her. He stroked her leg, moving higher and higher with each movement. When he felt the fabric of her underwear with his fingertips, he pulled away slightly, wanting to look at her face and see her reaction, but she pulled him closer again, connecting their lips in a kiss.
"Do not stop"
Ayrton smiled against her lips and deepened the kiss in response. He ran his fingers over her pussy and she purred softly. He began to slowly massage her through the fabric of her panties, but when they began to get in the way after some time, he pulled them off her with a quick movement.
His lips soon moved to her neck, marking it with kisses. She tilted her head, giving him better access to her. Ayrton accidentally slipped the strap of her dress, but neither of them cared. The girl noticed it only when he sucked on her nipple, which made her moan involuntarily.
"You have to be quiet, can you do that?"
He asked quietly, glancing at her ecstatic face. She just licked her lips and quickly nodded. He ran his tongue over her nipple again, his hand still massaging her pussy. When he felt how wet she was, he slowly inserted his finger into her, but carefully watched her face, continuing to caress her breasts with his mouth. He looked at her, wanting to make sure they were both on the same page. However, his actions were perceived with enthusiasm, as the girl tilted her head back, letting out a muffled moans from her pursed lips. Ayrton smiled to himself, still peppering her breasts with kisses. He inserted his finger all the way and started moving it, expertly nudging her inner, sensitive spot. Y/N had a hard time staying quiet, especially when he added a second finger and his movements inside her started getting more precise and decisive. The girl covered her mouth with one hand and grabbed his wrist with the other and pushed him harder into herself, feeling that she was only seconds away from orgasm.
"Ayrton, I- oh my god…"
Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck again and dug her nails into his bare shoulder.
"Kiss me, quick"
He said quietly, his breathing also quickening. She complied with his command and kissed him, making him muffle her moans with his mouth. Y/N came on his hand soon after, squeezing her eyes shut and tilting her head back. After a few moments, the girl sat up straight again, trying to calm her breathing. As she slowly began to realize what had actually happened, the blush on her cheeks intensified even more. She looked at him uncertainly, he laughed seeing her reaction and kissed her on the cheek.
"Don't look so innocent, you're quite a good one."
The girl felt ashamed and closed her eyes, cuddling into him, and he hugged her tightly.
"Promise me that no one in your family will sit in this chair for breakfast."
Ayrton chuckled and rubbed his hand on her back.
"I promise, don't worry about it," he rested his cheek on her head, "We can go somewhere else if you want."
The girl raised her head and looked at him.
"I won't be able to keep quiet, Ayrton. Your parents-" "Don't worry," he interrupted her, taking her panties thrown on the chair next to them and handing them to her hand, "I'll make sure you keep your mouth busy."
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natureismynature · 1 year
One of the many things I love about Foolish is the fact that he tries so hard to learn evey language that's in the server.
In 30 days, he'd be reaching 1 year of learning Spanish, he's been partnered with the two people who struggled the most in English and he's okay with that, he can speak and read Spanish so much quicker now, and the effort he puts into it is just so inspiring.
Then, whenever he interacts with either a Brazilian or a French streamer, he asks how to say certain things and what basic phrases he should know in their language, and he wouldn't stop trying to say it until he gets it right. He can already kinda read Portugese using context clues, and he's been trying to learn how to make the 'rrrr' sound so he can speak French better.
I just LOVEEE how dedicated he is to learning the other streamers' languages. It's so sweet. By the end of this smp, I bet Foolish would l be SO multilingual
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