#boycott samsung
pilloclock · 7 months
We have to talk about Congo as well, they are so in need of our awareness that they’re setting themselves on fire because no one cares enough !
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sayruq · 2 months
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This is fantastic news. Keep boycotting everyone
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comradenidhogg · 4 months
Much like how Apple is highly complicit in Israeli apartheid and genocide against Palestinians, Samsung has also shown themselves to be actively complicit in apartheid and genocide.
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It seems like ALL the major tech companies are actively supporting apartheid and genocide through investing in a settler colonial regime that is actively imposing apartheid on the people the regime is colonizing and comitting genocide against said people.
Boycott Apple, Boycott Samsung, Boycott HP, Boycott Intel, Boycott Dell, and Boycott ANY major tech company that is still going to be complicit in apartheid and genocide.
Free Palestine! Free Congo!
Boycott, Divest, and Sanction ANY and ALL companies that are actively complicit in apartheid Israel's genocide against the Palestinian people.
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nando161mando · 1 month
Samsung execs will be forced to work a SIX day week after lackluster 2023 financial results
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i-am-aprl · 20 days
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How is the BDS movement impacting multinational companies tied to Israel and its war on Gaza?
In the past few months, pro-Palestine activists have called for boycott of global brands for their alleged support to Tel Aviv, their economic activities in the occupied West Bank or for failing to publicly call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.
“Since the beginning of Israel’s genocidal war on 2.3 million Palestinians in the occupied and besieged Gaza Strip, the impact of the BDS movement has grown substantially and has begun to influence some states,” the BDS website says, listing the impact of the movement on institutions, corporations and states.
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notyourtoday · 5 months
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profound-thots · 7 months
a link to an article with more info 🍉🇵🇸🐄
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greatrunner · 2 months
I was today years old when I learned that Samsung has a defense/military sector that works with so-called Israel.
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hedera-ivy · 2 months
lists of companies/products to stop buying from
Coca Cola
Mountain Dew
Spotify [don't buy Spotify premium]
Burger King
Baskin Robbins
Google [don't buy YouTube premium]
will keep updating.
use https://boycott.thewitness.news/browse/1 if you're not sure if a brand is on the boycott list or want to know why a certain product is on the list
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pilloclock · 7 months
FREE CONGO 🇨🇩❤️ please watch this video
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ak1w1i · 13 days
How to boycott Google (by extension Microsoft edge)
Like all pressure targets, it's impossible to avoid using Google and Microsoft all together (I know Microsoft isn't on any boycott lists, but as of late, they've been erasing accounts made in Palestine. Disgusting I know). People will always be stuck using them a little, be it with Google classroom, slides/docs/spreadsheets on either platform or emails.
Here are some ways to minimise your use of Google and Microsoft (please keep in mind I am no expert, these are just things I thought of, feel free to correct me!!!):
- New browsers. Opera GX and Firefox are both alternative browsers/search engines. Yes, like all browsers/search engines, they do advertise Amazon and Opera's default search engine is Google, but these are things that can be turned off/changed in settings (on Opera, DuckDuckGo and Yahoo! are both alternatives).
- Instead of using gmail or outlook, use Yahoo! mail (or another alternative) for new accounts and switch your email on accounts if possible. For example, Discord lets you change the email attached to your account. Yahoo! mail does advertise Google, but you can choose not to use a gmail account.
- Ask teachers if they have a Canvas instead of Google classroom (especially at the beginning of the school year/course since often times they haven't made a GC or Canvas yet). Canvas is basically Google classroom just not owner by Google.
- Instead of using Google docs on your phone, use notes or the Samsung equivalent.
Of course avoiding Google (and maybe Microsoft) all together is impossible, but these little things chip away at these megacorps who profit and fund genocide.
If you think of any other ways, feel free to add them in reblogs.
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ratboyvince · 3 months
Boycotts have power in numbers, that is why we must keep focusing on the few we’ve been doing.
However, your individual consumption still matters and if you wish to keep a closer eye on it, that’s a good idea! No Thanks is an app that keeps a track of ALL brands and products that support Isreal, and it is updated regularly.
If you want to limit your money that goes towards supporting Isreal, this makes it easy!
It’s available for iOS and Samsung :)
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totallynotsilversora · 4 months
Pardon me asking you a loaded question, but do you mind explaining the Free Sudan, Free Congo, etc? I already know at least the basics of Palestine, and I think me and other people who don't know about Free Congo, etc should educate ourselves on the matter. If you can't for whatever reason, is it possible to recommend a tumblr who can?
Hi there!!
I am not from either of those places so I will try to do the best I can to explain it briefly and link some resources at the bottom that can get you started!
Essentially both Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo are undergoing a silent genocide that is very similar to Palestine. They are also slightly connected as !zrael extracts diamonds from multiple South African countries like DRC and always had conflicts with Sudan who is one of Palestine’s staunch allies.
For Sudan specifically there are MILLIONS of civilians that are being displaced from their homes due to armed conflicts that are out of their control - conflicts that have become so intense that there have been reports of ethnic cleansing being present. Even prior to those conflicts the people have been suffering extreme weather, political unrest, and rising food prices which puts said millions in poverty.
For the DRC (and SPECIFICALLY DRC as the Congo is a separate entity that needs help in other areas) not only are there also millions being displaced but also millions that have been forced to work in mining caves under EXTREMELY INHUMANE conditions including children. This is why people from DRC have asked to boycott specific tech companies such as Samsung and Apple (as in do NOT buy anything new from them at present / to NOT promote said new products) as many of those tech companies rely on the cobalt that are being mined in DRC under these harsh conditions.
These are the links that explain the gist of what I said, but I highly encourage people to share more well informed articles with this post & do some research on their own (especially on the other countries I hadn’t mentioned like Yemen, Tigray, Lebanon who is Palestine’s neighbor, and many many more!)
Sudan: https://www.rescue.org/article/fighting-sudan-what-you-need-know-about-crisis
DRC: https://reporting.unhcr.org/operational/situations/democratic-republic-congo-situation#:~:text=Decades%20of%20clashes%20between%20armed,million%20people%20within%20the%20DRC.
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i-am-aprl · 2 months
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“Samsung Next, the innovation arm of the Korean technology giant, Samsung, is shutting down its Tel Aviv operations, yet another strong indicator of the dramatically declining confidence in the Israeli economy.” STEP ONE DONE. FIRST OF MANY. KEEP BOYCOTTING 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 BOYCOTTS WORK. Download to make it even easier 🫶
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luvfy0dor · 6 months
Hey y'all! I know my posts aren't the longest things in the world, but if you've got time to read them, you've got time to sign petitions to help the people of Palestine, Congo, Sudan, and Azerbaijan! Here's some good links to places in which you can donate or sign, there is genocide going on and it is being completely ignored.
Donation Button For Palestine
^ If you can't donate, click here and press the button. You can press it every 24 hrs and it will go towards helping Palestine. Writers in Gaza say demand for ceasefire is more needed right now though!
Investigation of War Crimes Committed by Israeli Military
Immediate Ceasefire
Call For Immediate Ceasefire
Demand For USA to Stop Sponsoring Israel
Free Palestine
Demand The U.S. to Cease Financial Aid to Israel
Stop Unethical Cobalt Mining in Congo
Stop Apple, Samsung And China From Exploiting Children To Mine Cobalt In Congo
Investigation on Violent Military Action on Peaceful Protesters in Sudan
Help The People in Sudan
Save Sudan
Stop Azerbaijan's policy of ethnic cleansing and genocide of Armenians in Artsakh
Stop the Forced Deportations of Armenians from Aghavno and Berdzor
Gaza Updates - Sulfurcosmos
Ways You Can Help Palestine - Sulfur Cosmos
Links to Sites For Palestine, Congo, and Sudan - Rockabswing
Australian Residents Petition to Call For Ceasefire - Catshinji
What to Boycott NOW - Fairuzfan
Brands That Support Israel - Komsomolka
Israel Truce Violations - Sulfurcosmos
Boycotts - boopy-boop
How to Help as a Minor - the-leftist-nd-slander-kids
Israel Wants to Replace UNRWA With CIA Fronted Group - fiapple
Palestinian Businesses To Support - Stormlex
Lord Balfour Painting Slashed - probablyasocialecologist
How YOU Can Help Palestine - mariaace
SOME OF THE PETITIONS ARE OLDER, BUT IT DOES NOT MATTER, KEEP SUPPORTING THESE PLACES!!!! If you know of anything else going on that I haven't included, please tell me.
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