#bootstrap price plan
codingflicks · 25 days
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divinector · 2 years
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Tourist Destinations Of The Outer Planes
Mechanus: How dare you suggest there would be anything novel or unique in Mechanus?! To cog jail with you!
Arcadia: Like those normal towns with "world best fish and chips" except they're scrupulously fact checked. "Home of Arcadia's 3826th best B&B according to multiple double-blind studies (citations available on request)"
Mount Celestia: Pure and ineffable spiritual bliss in the face of the divine and, after that, a pretty decent pizza shop where you can get a t-shirt with your face when you learnt the true name of God.
Bytopia: Bytopia is the embodiment of the concept of "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" and also the domain of the gnome deities, so if you've ever wanted to see the Great Wheel's only 24/7 prank youtuber live show where all the pranks revolve around how millennials need to spend less on avocado toast, you're in luck! If not, may I recommend the abyssal layer where snakes drink your eyes as a pleasant reprieve?
Elysium: Just a rabbit sat on a rock but because you're in Elysuim it's the best thing you've ever seen. You autodelete all memories of your wedding and children's birth and suchlike for being shit in comparison.
The Beastlands: Who's the best dog in the world? Who is it? This isn't a rhetorical question, there's an objective answer. You can see him for the low price of four acorns and a fancy rock.
Arborea: Don't be fooled by the signs! The natives of Arborea spend their time playing and dancing so they have things like open plan offices and tax return help-desks as vacation spots. Instead ask where the boring parts of Arborea are to be given directions to the firework waterslide music concert video game dance party.
Ysgard: Monuments to epic deeds literally everywhere. So many monuments they start sounding sarcastic. If you successfully get to your hotel room they erect a 15ft statue commemorating it.
Limbo: "Look, you had to be there. Literally, what I saw existed beyond the capacity of human words to describe and I weep tadpoles when I try to recall it in any detail"
Pandemonium: Great acoustic guitar scene. Well, we assume they're good. If nothing else, you have to admire their perseverance.
The Abyss: Go on Demogorgan's tour of all infinity layers! The most fucked up shit you've ever seen or your spinal column back guaranteed!
Carceri: Be in the audience at History's Greatest Monster, where the most evil people in history compete for the crown! If you're lucky, you might get an autograph before they're hurled back into their eternal prisons once more!
Hades: Fuck you.
Gehenna: Tourist traps, in the sense of big holes you fall in and have to give a deamon all your money before it will let you out.
The Nine Hells: The Nine Hells are a wonderful place to visit, with a wide varieties of eateries, vistas and attractions that you should visit before you die! I am not writing this under duress and you should not send help to
Acheron: One extremely dangerous theme park. It's cheap and there are few queues but be aware that sometimes the god of orcs will show up and use whatever ride you're on as a bludgeoning weapon. Overall nice atmosphere, 4 stars.
The Outlands: Alas, I'm pretty sure there's absolutely nowhere worth visiting in the outlands. Sorry guys.
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wr1t3w1tm3 · 5 months
Look, I understand people are upset about the end of Will and Elizabeth's arcs in the original Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy. I won't lie and say I didn't want to see some Will as the Dutchman's captain and some Pirate King Elizabeth BAMF on the high seas. I'm not even saying the writers are right... I'm just saying that the way they set up Will and Elizabeth's arc's, it makes sense.
They're tragic heroes: it's like John Proctor or Reverend Hale in the Crucible or Iron Man during the Infinity Saga or even Thackery Binx from Hocus Pocus. They're heroes working towards a noble goal, but they either can't obtain it or when they can, it doesn't go according to plan, and they have to make some sacrifices.
For Elizabeth it's a little more obvious. She's the girl who's trapped in her social status. In the first movie, her corset, a very real symbol of her status, literally suffocates her. It nearly kills her. Only once she sees the world of piracy and gets swept up in that world and allows herself to be changed by it does she see any smattering of freedom. Her whole goal is to get freedom, for her people (Port Royal) and her love (Will) in CotBP, even at the price of her own freedom (agreeing to marry Norrington if he saved Will). In DMC it's for herself (literally), Will again, and her father. That whole movie she is constantly fighting to keep herself and Will out of prison and danger. In AWE, she's fighting for her own freedom at times, but she soon finds herself the harbinger of freedom for a new golden age of piracy against Cutler Beckett and the East India Trading Co, who in the Pirates universe are canonically slave runners. She is searching for freedom in a very wide scope.
For Will, it's a little less obvious. He is also striving for freedom, but often not his own. He fights to help free Elizabeth during CotBP, and in DMC he's literally fighting to keep his own freedom and win the freedom of Elizabeth. Even when that means turning in a (sort of) friend (Jack). When he meets his father in DMC, his mission of freedom for those he loves expands in two parallel directions, Bootstrap tells Elizabeth as much in the brig of the Dutchman in AWE. The director and writers of AWE made that very clear in Elizabeth and Will's direction. One of my biggest pet peeves with that movie is the lack of a relationship between Will and Elizabeth, but it does make sense. It demonstrates Will's dilemma. His search for freedom is much more tangible, and on a very narrow scope. It also demonstrates Elizabeth's dilemma, where she feels that the freedom Will craves for his father will separate them for good. So, she turns to piracy, because freedom is all she has left by act II of AWE.
Both are searching for freedom, but both are tied down by duty. Elizabeth becomes the Pirate King, Will the Captain of the Dutchman. Both bound by their own duty, although the only duty we see them both bound too tangibly is Will's. Isn't it ironic that in the end, the choice to kill Davy Jones isn't Will's? Sure, it was his intention, but Jack wrapped his hand around the knife and dropped the hand that felled the heart. Jack - the pirate - an embodiment of freedom for both characters in CotBP (he saves Elizabeth from her corset and is the inciting incident into Will beginning his quest for Elizabeth) is the one who chains them to Will's curse? Narratively, it makes sense. Elizabeth has just become the free-est we've seen her in any of the movies (and I will die on this hill) and Will's only just literally been freed from the clutches of the EICo. And even if you did argue that Elizabeth still had her freedom as Pirate King, it can be easily argued that she lost her freedom the day she decided to keep and raise Henry. Both of them end up chained by Will's curse - one to land, one to the sea. All on their search for freedom. And Jack, that symbol of freedom (or rather, a symbol of piracy that for both characters ends up being a symbol of freedom), is the one who chains them to land or sea.
Now I am all for Henry, I actually think he had some great potential pre-Deppo-osition trial, and I think it speaks to Elizabeth's character that she was willing to wait and stayed on land for her child (who she easily could've taken her anger out on, though that doesn't appear to be the case). It can even be argued she stayed on land for Will to, as he gave her his heart to guard, a very fragile heart that if stabbed, ended her husband (this is one of the final demonstrations of their mended relationship, but that's a different topic for another time). Will got a very short stick in this fight, but Elizabeth got an equally short, if not shorter stick. Chained to the sea, destined to see your wife a max of seven more days before her death, and the reverse true for Elizabeth, instead she is arguably forced by society to keep and raise the boy who reminds her of the husband she'll never be sure she'll see again.
That's why William and Elizabeth Turner - The Captain of the Flying Dutchman and the Pirate King - are tragic heroes. In striving for freedom, they became trapped by duties, obligations, and burdens that they didn't even get a say in. In the end, not every happy ending is a good ending. And while the original Pirates trilogy didn't have a happy ending, it had a good one, as far as the narrative was concerned (Do I like this ending? Yes. Personally, I think it works and it gives me that kind-of-icky-kind-of-satisfying pit in my stomach that Hocus Pocus did back when there wasn't a sequel. Maybe it's not the ending everyone wanted, but for the story being told, it's the right one).
Thanks for coming to my little rant! I used to love doing these literary analysis essays in English my junior and senior years of high school. Over analyzing media, especially film and tv, is something I quiet enjoy. Plus, I might do a foray into video essays one day, so I figured I could use some practice. This is something that's been bouncing around in my head since I first watched AWE. The original Pirates Trilogy is just so good at symbolism, I'll probably put more stuff out here eventually raving about it. For now though, this is it.
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deke-rivers-1957 · 5 months
ECU High - Chad's Business
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Chad walks into school about a half hour early. He always helps his friend Scott with his lab experiments.
"Hey Scott up early as always I see."
Scott doesn't even look up. "This is time sensitive, Chad. You know I can't dawdle with getting this done. Once I get this done, I can finally turn this into my father."
"Yeah, yeah I'm just messin' with you. I just don't know why you can't hire Danny. He's got a more of a mind for science than I do. His dad's a pharmacist."
Scott mixes up a beaker. "Danny works in the mornings before school and then after school. I can't ask him to change his sleep schedule just for me."
"Yeah I know that, but if you pay him some real good money he might quit his job."
Scott sighs and sets the beaker down. "I asked him back when I first started this experiment. He said he didn't want to accept my charity and feel like he didn't earn his money."
Chad shakes his head.
"I don't know why poor people still want to have their pride. It's not like you're asking him to do something illegal or defuse a bomb."
"My experiments are not a guaranteed money maker and Danny knows that. Poor people are not that different from us. They want a reliable paycheck and I just don't have the funds for that."
Chad makes an awkward gesture of shock and confusion.
"Don't have the funds?! You're the richest kid in school! Your dad's the biggest oil tycoon since the Rockefellers!"
He looks up at Chad. "Yeah and my dad wants me to prove I can do this on my own. Pull myself up by bootstraps as he says. He only gives me grant money when I give him an itemized list of expenses with prices."
"That sucks man. He knows you're gonna do a great job of this. Why can't he just have faith in you?"
"I have to prove to him that I'm willing to put in the work. Getting good grades just isn't enough to prove I'm willing to spend time innovating a product."
"Yeah but why does he have to make it so hard on you like my own dad?"
"You don't even have a business plan, Chad. How can you possibly convince your father that you can run a successful business?"
Chad shakes his head and whips out a packet. "I do have a business plan! See for yourself."
He hands it to Scott.
"I'm telling ya Scott this is a good way to make a name for yourself. With your goop and my boats, we could run our own Marina."
Scott looks over his best friend Chad's business plan. "I know you feel that way Chad, but you need to have the capital to even get a boat. How much do you have so far?"
Chad looks a little deflated. "I... I got about 10 grand. Pops isn't willing to give me more if I can't get any support on this."
Scott rubs his eyes and looks through the plan again. "You need to add a lot more detail to this plan Chad. No one in business would invest in this. There's a lot more to running a business than just throwing money at things."
Chad sighs. "Scott you know I'm not a business type of dude. There's a reason why I put you down as my partner."
"I know that Chad but this business plan just isn't good enough to convince anyone. I don't have the time to fix it for you so you're going to need to educate yourself by taking some business classes. At least research how to write a business plan."
Chad takes the packet back. "I just... I don't know where to start. Who do I even go to for help?"
Scott can tell that his friend is looking very down. As bogged down as he is by his own work, he still wants to help.
"You need to ask your father, Chad. He should know how to write a business plan or at least know where you can learn how."
"Pops is against my plan from the start he'll never help me out on this."
Scott sighs again. "Then ask the school counselor or the librarian on where to go. It's still not too late to change classes if you want to take a business class."
Chad leans back in his chair and rubs his eyes. "I get it. I'll go on and schedule an appointment with the counselor then."
Scott watches as Chad sadly gets up and leaves the lab room. He goes up to the principal's office and knock's on the door.
"Come in."
He opens the door and looks very nervous.
"Hey, Pops. I just... gave Scott my business plan to look at."
"Oh and what'd he say son?"
"I... still need to work on it."
He looks up at Chad.
"So why'd you come over here to my office just to tell me that?"
Chad flinches. "Well it's because I want help. I don't know where to go on how to write a business plan. I'm serious about this plan Pops but I just don't know where to start."
Principal Gates rubs his eyes, sighing. "You need to ask your counselor Chad. It's not my job to help you with matters like this. My job is to manage this school and stick to the rules that were established."
Chad looks dejected and opens the door again. "I understand, Pops. I'm sorry for bothering you. I'll go now."
Principal Gates sees the look on his face.
"Chad. I don't want you thinking that I'm making this impossible for you. I want to be reasonable while also make it clear that just because I'm rich doesn't mean you can get everything you want."
"I know."
"When I bought you the dune buggy, it was because you proved to me that you were a responsible driver. This is no different."
Chad looks up. "It isn't?"
"No. I want you to prove to me that you're able to network and learn what goes into entrepreneurship. If you are able to write a business plan that's willing to convince an investor that knows nothing about the Gates company, I will personally give you the capital you need."
"Ok. I understand, Pops."
"Then why do you still look so down?"
Chad rubs his eyes. "It's just so hard Pops. I need help! I have what I think could be a good idea but I just don't know how to make it happen."
Principal Gates can tell his son is feeling overwhelmed.
"Chad I believe it would be a good idea if you join the business/entrepreneurship club. Mr. Kelman's the organizer and can help you with your business plan. Here's a flyer for the club. I highly recommend joining."
Chad sniffles and takes the flyer. "Thanks, Pops."
The morning bell rings.
"Now you just worry about getting to class on time. You still need to have decent grades so investors can have faith in you. That doesn't mean straight As but at least have Bs son."
"Yeah I understand, Pops. I'm doing my best and I've been going to Scott for tutoring. I'll get going."
He closes the door and heads to his math class.
Tagging: @mercsandmonsters, @vintagepresley, @thetaoofzoe, @elvismylove04, @ashtag6887, @tupelomiss, @thedaisymaisy, @richardslady121, @arrolyn1114, @theelviseffect, @elvisbooty76, @theladyofmylife, @xanatenshi, @just-another-boring-bisexual, @aliengoth3, @phil2135561, @gayforelvis, @ash-omalley, @eptodaytommorwforever, @wildhorseinkansas, @alienelvisobsession, @comebackep, @presley72elvis, @leopardandstuds, @ellie-24, @heart-of-ep, @thatbanditqueen, @dilfelvis, @be-my-ally, @mydarlingelvis, @myradiaz, @jaqueline19997, @louisejoy86, @peskybedtime, @lookingforrainbows, @kiankiwi, @your-nanas-house, @januarypresley1969, @justrae9903, @codalysssssworld, @burnthheparaphilia, @joshuntildawn13, @briefpandatimemachine, @sillybookmarks, @tacozebra051, @cattcb, @perfectpresley, @vintagegirl50s60s70s80s, @lett-them-eatt-cake, @precious-little-scoundrel, @j-v-9-2, @almightybigbrain, @pinkcaddyconfessions, @miniaturerunawaykid, @msamarican, @hooked-on-elvis, and @doll-elvis.
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strivik12 · 5 months
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Our team is experienced and offers customized solutions, competitive pricing, and a proven track record of success. We enjoy working with clients who share a passion for their business. Successful consulting requires an open and honest dialogue between the client and our team. Let us help you succeed. After understanding the client's needs, we develop a customized action plan, provide ongoing guidance and support, and provide feedback on progress to ensure success.
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andromachos · 2 years
the thing with trads is that they are actually disconnected from all senses of past, and their beautiful "past" is pretty much advertising and paintings. your housewife grandma that couldn't divorce most likely spat in her husband's coffee every morning, their children raised under the unquestionable allpowerful nuclear family who beat them up will send her to the cheapest retirement home and openly discuss who's inheriting what in front of her because they fucking hate her. country life is miserable, dirty, lonely. your body will start breaking sooner or later, and good luck finding a rural doctor with decent tools and medicine. your hay roof will home bugs that will kill you, your crops can be eaten by anything or anyone, killed by a passerby, an animal you didn't enclose properly, or simply two consecutive days of bad weather. you will not find it funny having to make the month's grocery shopping and running out of something quicker. the list can go on and on
a lot steams from the idea of escaping "the problem" but what most fail to name is that "the problem" means doing any meaningful action, specially political ones, and most important, learning to coexist with different people. city life could be bearable if cities were planned to be enjoyable, if there werent cars everywhere and instead estrategic planning and public transportation, and apartments built for comfort with thick walls so you can have privacy instead of the cheapest building method, which you could decorate freely instead of having a landlord obsessed with the idea of reselling the place. but that would mean having an opinion that goes against status quo, and that would require a political stance that calls to action
there is also the most notorious part of anti-urban sentiment: racism. to be able to properly coexist would require to put the effort to unlearn bigotry which means helping dismantle it's systemic power. and that, again demands from the individual to care for others. which is why trads are conservative*, because it is easier (and cheaper) to ban than to make an sort of significant change. think for example the abortion laws, the price of the goverment ensuring professional conditions vs just banning it and not even building decent orphanages)
(* there are some "liberal" and "left-leaning" trads, which consider themselves like that because traditionalism is an ideology that rewards lack of critical thinking and herd mentality, so they band with the groups that will give them specific rights, like drug use or lgbt ones, but when bigotry, specially bigotry that does not affect them, appears they sigh and ask for an apolitical space, to just "focus on what they already have" or ask for an imaginary escape)
and with that chosen disconnection from reality and it's issues that require attention it's how they look at the past. they ignore the recounts of people who came before them and instead think the 50s housewife advertisement is real, the paintings of gorgeous women in pastel colors and satin in the middle of untouched nhe hunted filling an entire family for a sustained amount of time. good luck seeing how many births at home you can have. have fun creating all of your furniture
these, at the same time, are solvable issues through a good governmental infraestructure. but that, again, would mean to be "political" and involve yourself in something. an effort. so it's easier to fantasize and then blame modernity for your mistakes and lack of knowledge. that's how traditionalism, no matter how logic or "based" tries to paint itself, is just a massive daydream, an ideology sustained by roman statues and roccoco paintings, the dream of "putting yourself up by your bootstraps" without even having a boot
even their desire to be apolitical is a lie, if being apolitical is even possible, for most just dream of segregation ("each in their own space") and the ability to commit hatecrimes without consequence, with some being more open on their desire and others less. worse than a spoiled child, it's the dream of never being held accountable, of moving to where no one would judge you, no one can correct you, where you can remain in your echo chamber forever and beat up anyone who dares question you
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savvythepirate · 2 years
Just The Classics
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Pairing: Davy Jones x reader
Warnings: None
Requested by: @kiwipastamuffin
A/N: I made the change for it to be in Mozart’s era instead of the Baroque era, I hope that’s alright! 💜
The Request:
Hello! Can I request Davy Jones with a platonic! younger female reader who is also from modern times? One day, she finds out that the ship has an organ and because she used to be a musician, she immediately starts playing it and after a while Jones catches her, but he’s curious with her playing because it was the Baroque era they were in and she was playing a classical piece. She even offers to teach him modern and classical pieces too. Thanks, and have a great day/night!
You have grown up in the modern world, good ol’ classics such a Beethoven and Mozart being what you listened to.
When you come aboard the crew of the Dutchman, you find yourself missing the classics more and more each day. It was just too tempting to sneak in and place your fingers on the captain’s organ in the tune of your all time favorite, “Lacrimosa” by Mozart. Not only was so beautiful, but it was a masterpiece that really spoke out to you.
The instrument you had knowledge of was the piano, and just before joining Davy Jones’s crew, you started teaching yourself the organ and you were really getting the hang of it until something happened that had you ending up where you are now. Getting to know the crew was not all easy, as some would just ignore you or be downright rude in telling you things that weren’t true. Of all the crew, you had become really close with Bootstrap and when he learned of the instruments you played, he made the mistake to tell you that the captain had an organ locked away in his quarters. That piece of information had you all exciting, having you already trying to come up with a plan to be able to give yourself the chance to at least play it just once, then you’d never touch it again. Whiteout realizing it, you had on a look on your face that would be easy for anyone tell you were up to something and that something probably wasn’t anything good.
When Bootstrap got a look at it, he then realizes what he’s done and immediately begins telling you not to do whatever it is you’re thinking of doing.
“Why not? I’m not intending harm on anyone or anything.”
“Because that will greatly cost you, possible a piece of your soul if not all.”
You felt goosebumps as he says this, but you weren’t going to listen. You were just too much of a rebel out on your own.
To you, you were willing to pay any price if it meant that you can play music again, listen to it again because of how much you had missed always having it there for you, just within your reach to play it. For those who know you, knew you for being nothing more then stubborn, if there was something you wanted more then anything in the whole world, you weren’t going to let anything stop you from getting what you’re after. Bootstrap seemed to have picked up on that sense as well, now worried what you might do if things go wrong.
“You’re not going to listen to me, are you?”
For the past few nights, you sneak out of your sleeping quarters and go in search of the organ you’ve been told about.
You treated this as a mission that needed you to accomplish. You weren’t one to give up so easily, so when you finally find it, it was a huge reward for you. That was until, you saw Davy sitting there at it as you peaked inside, now having you feeling disappointed. Just as you had reached the point that you may never get the chance to sneak in and play the organ, it was the following evening when you got the chance and you couldn’t be anymore excited about anything else. Knowing this was taking a risk was understanding, you didn’t let it stop you. Ever since, you’ve been returning to play the tune of “Lacrimosa” and never had been caught.
But it was the next time you had been caught by Davy Jones and you seriously thought you were gonna die that in the very moment.
You were in the middle of it when, the next thing you know is of Davy Jones having his eyes on you, specifically on the way your hands moved throughout the tube.
“What’s this?”
“Oh, I’m-“
“Be honest, otherwise I’ll know if you’ve lied to me.”
“I just have a passion for playing the instrument , I used to be a musician and I just wanted to bring it back a little.” You go on to explain.
As you continue, Davy puts a hand up as a signal for you to stop right where you are. Of course you first thought you were in trouble, and prepared for the worst.
What you didn’t know was that this had Davy Jones curious and wanted to know more about the classics you know. When he asks you to play the keys again, it took you by surprise but you were more then happy to do that. Just as quick the tune of “Lacrimosa” filled the room, it’s just as quick for you to play up until the very last key. The classics were hypnotizing, having you fall into your own little world really quite enjoying yourself, and even more so now that Davy Jones started asking you questions you were more then willing to answer and fill him in on.
“What others do you know?”
“Well… I know some classics from the Baroque era. Do you want me to show you?”
“I think that the both of us already know that you do, so yes.”
You begin playing the familiar notes of a classic piece from Baroque era and it had you falling in love with it all over again.
It was such a remarkable, beautiful, and the most classic piece you possibly could know of these times. Even Davy Jones would admit to agree with you on that, not by jut saying so because you do but he makes it sincere as an end result. As you go along the very ending, it was a little bit of a challenge to conquers, but you managed it with honor and it was an incredible feeling each time you’re being driven to do it. Once the last bit of it was played, you look over to him for a reaction out of this, and it was a reaction that was better then expected as he then approaches.
“You’re very good, you know?”
“Can you play it again?”
“Of course, do you want me to teach you this peace? I can even teach you other classics I know and some that are more modern.”
“I think I’d like that.”
Ever since then, you’ve been meeting each other almost every night, showing him by starting off with the basics.
You’re there as he picks up speed and eventually until he knows it by heart. Sometimes when you get there, you’re greeted by Davy playing your favorite classical piece and it sounded more beautiful each time you hear it coming from him. You then learn that it just sounds better that way, better then when you take on it yourself. By the end, it just goes to show these classics are better played in each other’s company. It really couldn’t sound any better in the hands of others. This was something you’ve become very proud of as your passion continues to grow stronger then ever. There were times when it had become a challenge, but all efforts put forth into it, was all very much worth it.
Very much so, but you couldn’t have wanted it any other way.
Requests: OPEN
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technooooo · 2 years
Top 5 Website Designing Company in Ghaziabad
Having a website allows you to add a widget to the page, create an RSS feed to keep your following up to date on the newest news, use commentary to collect and reply to valuable consumer feedback, and post connections to your point on forums and blogs. A variety of other methods are available to help you raise brand recognition.
In India, there are several website designing companies. Rather than spending money on expensive offline and online advertisements, you ’ll invest in SEO creation of your page, which will yield long- term prices because the money you spend to promote your page is money well spent. 
The first thing to note is: Web development and web design are two different terms.
What Makes Web Development and Web Design Different?
Web Design
Web design comes before web development. It deals with the overall appeal of the application and includes implementation of multiple concepts like UI (User Interface) Design, UX (User Experience) Design, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), web graphics design, etc. through standardized coding. Most commonly used web design software includes Adobe Dreamweaver, Figma, Flare, Squoosh, and Linksplit.
Web Development
Web development follows the web design process to finish the technical building. Web development has two main components – front-end development and back-end development. The client-side or front-end development involves the website interface building. Common tools are Bootstrap, CSS, JavaScript, and HTML 5. The server-side or back-end development keeps updating as the database expands. Tools like Java, Python, PHP, and .NET are popularly used.
As you can see, working with a website designing company is essential. But before you sign a deal with just any provider out there, it’s important to do your due diligence and select the best website Designing Company in Ghaziabad.
Your website says a lot about your company’s profile. Therefore, it must be impressive and outstanding.
Below, we have compiled the top 5 website designing companies in Ghaziabad list. All of the ones we’ve picked can assist you with building the perfect website you’ve always imagined in your mind, the kind that will keep on driving sales like clockwork even while you sleep:
Eternity Global Technology- Eternity Global Technology is a reliable and trustworthy website designing company in ghaziabad that offers accurate and professional website development services within a budget to leverage and grow your online business. They recognize the exact demand of the client and produce websites with excellent strategy and planning. The company has worked with so many worldwide clients. Their team of mobile strategists, UI/UX Designers, and software engineers have developed mobile and digital solutions for global clients. The company is offering web and app development, chatbot development, software development, UI/UX, and also working on the latest technologies.
              Address- Business lounge, basement, GC Grand, Indrapuram, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, 201014
              Email- [email protected]
              Phone No.- +91-9808504655
              Website- https://eternityglobaltechnology.com
Mmbo- Mmbo was established in the year of 2011. It always goes with the best technology. Because of the customer-centric approach expanding at a rapid pace, it emerges as the best platform. They have been catering in this field for the past 5 years. They do have a data-driven digital marketing company following an objective emphasized approach backing a team which does not only studies but also understands the access touchpoints of brand customers.
Address- B1/638 A, 2nd Floor, Janakpuri, New Delhi, Delhi 110058
Phone No.- 91-9999677947
Website- mmbo.in
Minddigital- Minddigital has almost 175+ customers dedicated to serving the best services. It has some amazing clients on its list. Everything is done in an ideal manner since they emphasize every aspect such as development, digital marketing, and so on. It has done a total number of 425+ projects for clients. They always do identify the customers’ needs and requirements to understand everything about that. Whether it is Dubai, London, New Delhi, or New York, everywhere they are known for its commitments. They always follow the guidelines to get the best results.
Address- D-169 Okhla Industrial Area,Phase 1, New Delhi – 110020
Phone No.- 91-1588291395
Website- minddigital.com
Dselva- Dselva is a reputed platform offering the best services to its customers. They hold a broad spectrum of platforms. The vision statement revolves around integrity, sincerity, service, competences, kindness, growth and so on. Today’s era is characterized by dynamic, yet emphasizing IT partnerships. Companies have been hunting to work with offshore technology vendors which impart more than just cost arbitrage. They deliver a strong value proposition indeed. Clients require best-in-breed services and solutions which are implemented in an integrated manner.
Address- Chaudhary Complex, Ist Floor, Opp. Kamayani Hospital NH-2, Sikandra, Corporate Office
Phone No.- 91-7500048899
Website- dselva.co.in
Olive- Olive is a reputed platform adhered to serve the best without compromising the quality. Olive never disappoints its customers ever. It is time to invest a good part of your marketing budget on digital. You completely want to be heading right into more profound as well as accurate solutions indeed. The insights need to approach these solutions to come with rigorous as well as intuitive research and analytics. Being a player in this competitive environment, you require to know the hidden opportunities your brand possesses.
Address- B-1/H-2, Mohan Cooperative, Mathura Road, New Delhi – 110044
Phone No.- 91-9650503679
Website- olive.in
We hope you got an idea of the top 5 website designing company in Ghaziabad. Comment below for more updates.
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scottony814 · 14 days
12 Premium Bootstrap Pricing Plan Sections For Developers
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Upgrade your development game with DesignToCodes' 12 premium Bootstrap pricing plan sections. Easily create sleek, responsive, and customizable pricing tables for your projects. Elevate your website's user experience today!
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codingflicks · 28 days
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Bootstrap Pricing Table design
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divinector · 1 year
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Responsive Pricing Table Get Code from divinectorweb website
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rajesh203 · 1 month
Osumare: Leading the Pack Among App Development Agencies in Pune
In today's fast-paced digital world, having a robust mobile application is essential for businesses to thrive. With Osumare, you can rest assured that your app development needs are in expert hands. But what sets Osumare apart from the rest?
Expertise: As the top mobile app development company in Pune, Osumare boasts a team of seasoned professionals with years of experience in crafting innovative and user-friendly applications. Whether you're a startup or a large corporation, our experts have the skills and knowledge to bring your vision to life.
Comprehensive Services: Osumare is not just another app development agency in Pune; we are your strategic partner in success. From concept ideation to design, development, and deployment, we offer end-to-end solutions to ensure your app exceeds expectations.
Cutting-Edge Technologies: Keeping up with the latest trends and technologies is paramount in the ever-evolving world of app development. At Osumare, we leverage the latest tools and technologies to build high-performance, scalable, and secure applications that stand the test of time.
Client Satisfaction: Our track record speaks for itself. With a long list of satisfied clients, Osumare has established itself as the best app development company in Pune. Our client-centric approach and commitment to excellence have earned us rave reviews and repeat business.
Affordability: Quality doesn't have to break the bank. Osumare offers competitive pricing without compromising on quality. Whether you're a bootstrapped startup or a multinational corporation, we have flexible pricing plans to suit every budget.
In conclusion, when it comes to app development agencies in Pune, Osumare is the name you can trust. With our unmatched expertise, comprehensive services, cutting-edge technologies, and unwavering commitment to client satisfaction, we are proud to be the best in the business.
So why wait? Contact Osumare today and let us turn your app dreams into reality!
Visit our website to learn more about our services and see why we are the top choice for businesses looking for the best app development company in Pune.
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addindiagroup · 2 months
How are Managed Offices Different from Traditional Offices and Coworking Spaces
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Coworking spaces and managed offices are at the top of the list of numerous developments that transformed the idea of contemporary workplaces. In the former, also referred to as a shared office, you collaborate with other businesses while sharing the space and facilities. On the other hand, a managed office is a private, dedicated space that is customised to your needs by an outside operator.
These days, managed office space options and coworking spaces are becoming more and more popular, but how do you choose which is best for your company? Here is a seven-point checklist to assist you:
There are seven main distinctions between managed office space and coworking space.
What Is the Size and Maturity of Your Organization?
Does Your Business Deal with Confidential Information?
How Much Can You Spend?
Are Your Requirements Fixed or Likely to Change?
How Important Is Brand Identity for You?
Is Collaboration Crucial for Your Business?
How Soon Do You Want to Move in?
1. What Is the Size and Maturity of Your Organization?
When choosing between managed offices and coworking spaces, two important factors to take into account are the size of your company and its maturity. Start-ups, SMEs, and expanding brands can benefit greatly from shared offices because of its casual atmosphere, flexible leasing options, pay-per-desk plans, open floor layouts, and networking opportunities.
Conversely, medium-sized and established businesses are the ideal candidates for custom-managed office solutions. Without the responsibilities of a standard leasehold, you receive a full office dedicated to your business. The service provider manages and maintains the office, which frees up established enterprises to concentrate on their primary business activities.
2. Does Your Business Deal with Confidential Information?
For obvious reasons, data security and privacy should also be your top priorities. Coworking spaces require shared resources like printers, Wi-Fi, and cafés among their members, and often feature open office layouts without cubicles or cabins. Your private information is vulnerable to prying eyes and ears because of all of these.
Solutions for managed office space have higher privacy and data security ratings, making them better suited for companies handling sensitive data. There are less security issues as you aren't sharing the area with someone from outside the firm. To further lessen security risks, you can also install your own printers and secure networks.
3. How Much Can You Spend?
Examine the prices carefully before selecting between managed spaces and coworking offices. While shared office spaces tend to have lower monthly leases and security deposits than managed offices, both options are still more affordable than traditional offices. You also have to pay an office administration fee that is approximately 20% of the total cost.
Additionally, managed offices have additional fees that are not associated with coworking spaces. For example, you will have to pay between fifty and seventy-five percent of the furnishing costs even though the service provider will outfit the office according to your specifications. Coworking spaces are undoubtedly a great choice for entrepreneurs and start-ups who are bootstrapping their businesses because they assist cut expenses. Discover how.
4. Are Your Requirements Fixed or Likely to Change?
Managed offices are often best suited for businesses with fixed, medium-term requirements. Compared to coworking spaces, managed offices have longer contracts and less flexible leasing terms. You are still obligated to pay the entire rent if your business decides to shrink during the term of the agreement. Likewise, if your needs change or you choose to leave the company, a full-term contract includes a lock-in period of three years or longer, which might be inconvenient.
However, one of the key benefits of coworking spaces is flexible lease. With shared office leases, you may easily grow or shrink your business by adding or removing a few desks during the term of the agreement. Since the contract has a limited duration (11–12 months), you can leave the office or explore for other alternatives as your needs evolve.
5. How Important Is Brand Identity for You?
Managed offices are the best option if you want your workplace to embody your corporate identity and brand language. You can map your brand identity to every element of the office, including the furnishings, décor, colours, and more. The greatest companies for managed office services are those who wish to use the workplace to further their corporate identity.
Coworking spaces, on the other hand, are fully furnished, pre-designed offices. In a shared office environment, there is virtually no opportunity to showcase your brand's distinctive personality.
6. Is Collaboration Crucial for Your Business?
A coworking space serves as a place for networking and cooperation in addition to being much more than just a place to work. It functions as a cooperative ecosystem that enables individuals from various companies and sectors to connect and collaborate with one another, gaining from each other's abilities and skills in the process.
However, managed office spaces are private offices that don't encourage a high level of networking and collaboration. These areas give your company a productive setting in which to concentrate on your main business operations.
7. Want to Move in?
Finally, coworking offices are the best option if you're looking for office space that is ready to use right away. Once the leasing procedures are finished, you can move in and begin working out of the office.
You can move inside the workplace just once the furnishing is finished because managed offices are customised to meet your needs. Several weeks or even months may pass, depending on the extent of customization needed.
Source Link : https://addindiagroup.com/how-are-managed-offices-different-from-traditional-offices-and-coworking-spaces/
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cigdubaiae · 2 months
Startup Success: Low-Cost Business Setup in Dubai
Dubai's glittering skyline might conjure images of exorbitant costs, but for the budget-minded entrepreneur, the city offers a surprisingly fertile ground for startup success. Here's your ultimate guide to setting up a thriving business in Dubai without breaking the bank:
Planting the Seeds: Niche Selection and Planning
Find Your Growth Niche: Don't be a lone cactus in a crowded desert. Conduct thorough market research to identify a specific niche where your unique product or service can flourish. Analyze competitor pricing and develop a value proposition that caters to a cost-conscious audience.
Craft a Lean Business Plan: Think of your plan as a seed packet, not a giant botany textbook. Outline your core business goals, target market, marketing strategy, and financial projections in a concise and action-oriented way. This plan will be your guidepost for nurturing your startup and can be adapted as your business grows.
Location Strategies: Beyond the Brick-and-Mortar Mirage
Embrace the Co-working Oasis: Ditch the traditional office setup and explore the vibrant co-working scene. These spaces offer a professional work environment, networking opportunities, and often include amenities like meeting rooms and high-speed internet, all at a fraction of the cost of a private office.
Virtual Office Solutions: No need for a physical storefront? A virtual office address is your desert oasis. This provides a professional address for branding and marketing materials without the overhead costs of a dedicated physical space.
Optimizing Efficiency: Watering Your Resources
Leverage the Freelancer Marketplace: Numerous online platforms connect you with skilled freelancers, like web developers, bookkeepers, content creators, or customer service representatives. Freelancers typically offer competitive rates, freeing your time to focus on core business activities.
Cloud-Based Solutions for Growth: Cloud technology is your watering can! Explore a wide range of affordable cloud-based tools for project management, accounting software, and customer relationship management (CRM). This eliminates the need for expensive software installations and simplifies remote team management.
Free and Low-Cost Marketing Strategies: Social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn are powerful and free marketing tools. Build brand awareness and attract customers organically by creating engaging content, interacting with your target audience, and establishing yourself as an industry expert.
Building Your Ecosystem: Cultivating Collaboration
Government Startup Initiatives: Dubai offers a plethora of government-backed initiatives that support startups. These include incubators, accelerators, and free consultation services. Research available programs to tap into valuable resources, mentorship programs, and potential funding opportunities.
Network Like a Pro: Attend industry meetups, conferences, and networking events. These are prime opportunities to connect with potential mentors, investors, and collaborators. Learn from the experiences of other entrepreneurs in the Dubai startup scene, gain valuable insights, and build relationships that can help your business flourish.
The Startup Journey: Adapting to Thrive
Bootstrap Your Way to Success: Start small and scale your business strategically as you generate revenue. Reinvest your profits back into marketing, hiring additional talent when needed, or expanding your product or service offerings.
Resourcefulness and Adaptability are Your Sunshine and Rain: The startup journey is not always smooth sailing. Be prepared to pivot your strategy, leverage free resources, and wear multiple hats as your business grows. Embrace the challenges and learn from every experience.
Dubai, with its supportive ecosystem and focus on innovation, welcomes your entrepreneurial spirit. By following this low cost business setup in Dubai tips, careful planning, and a dash of hustle, you can cultivate the seeds of your business idea and nurture it into a flourishing startup in the heart of Dubai!
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arefulnyc-blog · 3 months
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Onee- Creative Portfolio Agency Theme
Creative Portfolio Agency WordPress Theme best suited for digital agency, creative agency, web design agency, showcase, portfolio and other. We crafted it with minimalistic design and unique creative animations, so its look stylish and attractive. Includes: Pre-built Demo, 4+ Unique Home Pages, Header & Footer Builder, 3+ Portfolio types with filters & inner pages, Parallax Portfolio, One Click Demo Install, Elementor Page Builder with custom Onovo widgets and others premium features. Successfully launch a modern portfolio or agency website with Onovo.
Main Features:
Elementor Page Builder
Create beautiful pages layouts without coding. Everything can be done through a handy user panel interface. Includes 40+ Custom Onovo Elementor Widgets and pages specially designed for Creative Agency and Portfolio websites.
WooCommerce Shop
Compatible with WooCommerce plugin is the world’s most popular eCommerce solution, create a shop in few steps.
Header & Footer Elementor Builder
Unlimited Header and Footer layouts with Elementor Builder plugin.
Projects and Portfolio
Create Projects Listing and Grid with multiple styles options, Parallax portfolio slider, projects widgets and projects carousels carefully designed for Elementor and unique Single Projects/Portfolio Design fully built with Elementor builder.
All Features:
Visual Drag & Drop Elementor Page builder
Custom Header & Footer Builder
WooCommerce Plugin Support
One Click Demo Install
Advanced Theme Options
Compatible with latest WordPress versions
Multilingual with WPML, Polylang, TranslatePress
20+ Pre-Built Pages
40+ Custom Elementor Widgets
Projects Grid & Listing with Custom Single Pages
Projects Sliders and Carousels
Services, Team Members Listing with Custom Single pages
Call to Action forms with WPForms and CF7
Beautiful Animated Carousels with Testimonials, News and Projects
Modern & Unique Design
Amazing Clip Path and Parallax animations
2+ Blog Page Layouts
Pricing Plans
Company Histrory Timeline
Team and Team Detail pages
Testimonials Carousel
Latest News Carousel
FAQ List and Feedback Forms
Photo Gallery
Awards and Certificates
Company Presentations and Video Widgets
ACF Pro Plugin Included (Save $25)
WPForms Plugin Support
Contact Form 7 Plugin Support
WPML Support
Easy Customization
Font Awesome Fonts Icons
Google Maps
Google Fonts 1,000+
Based on Bootstrap 5
Responsive and Retina Ready
Widgets ready
Included Demo Content
Localization Support (Included .pot file)
Child themes support
Regular Updates
24/7 Support
Documentation included
and more features coming soon!
v1.3.2 (16.12.2023) - Fix: Other minor improvements and fixes. v1.3.1 (15.12.2023) - Fix: Other minor improvements and fixes. v1.3.0 (09.12.2023) - Update: Plugins to the latest version; - Fix: Other minor improvements and fixes. v1.2.1 (15.09.2023) - Update: Plugins to the latest version; - Fix: Improved Hero Carousel on mobile devices; - Fix: Other minor improvements and fixes. v1.2.0 (20.08.2023) - Update: Plugins to the latest version; - New: Added WooCommerce Support and Shop pages; - New: Added mini "Cart" elementor widget; - New: Added Shop and Shop Intro options; - New: Added Youtube background video option for "Hero" Slider elementor widget; - Fix: Improved Youtube background video option for "Hero" elementor widget; - Fix: Improved SVG Elementor icons / image; - Fix: Other minor improvements and fixes. v1.1.1 (19.07.2023) - Update: Plugins to the latest version; - Fix: Other minor improvements and fixes. v1.1.0 (19.07.2023) - Update: Plugins to the latest version; - New: Added Gallery with Lightbox Popup option for "Portfolio" elementor widget; - New: Added Youtube option for "Hero" elementor widget; - Fix: Other minor improvements and fixes. v1.0.2 (01.06.2023) - Fix: Other minor improvements and fixes. v1.0.1 (30.05.2023) - Update: Plugins to the latest version; - New: Added Sticky Header; - Fix: Other minor improvements and fixes. v1.0.0 - Initial release.
Photos Credits:
- Unsplash
- Freepik
- Pexels
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