#book xx
knightscanfeeltoo · 1 month
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Would you Trust Bridget with Boba Fett's Disintegrator Pistol????
(I doubt that Bridget would be as Ruthless as the Infamous Bounty Hunter from Star Wars maybe...)
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malcolmreeds · 4 months
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the book of love is long and boring / no one can lift the damn thing / its full of charts and facts and figures / and instructions for dancing
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starrynightsxo · 1 month
cardan: jude? can you just tell me again-
jude: *exasperated sigh* cardan, this is the 12th time you've asked me to turn on the TV, it's not that hard to work the remote.
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allgreekbitch · 17 days
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ratwiththetats · 2 months
Regulus being the biggest most pretentious magic nerd, even down to cleaning/domestic spells. He's using super complicated magic to wash the dishes: it only cleans marginally better than the typical spells, it is definitely not worth the effort (he absolutely thinks it is) and he's using blood magic to get their floors extra shiny. James coming home to Blondie playing and blood running down Regulus' palm holding a knife in his other hand 'Love, why do you have your ceremonial dagger out again?' and Regulus exasperated 'We’re having guest James’
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jhfhmpobaancd · 10 months
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Helen Frankenthaler "TOBAGO" 1977
В мыслях об ином, инаком, И ненайденном, как клад, Шаг за шагом, мак за маком — Обезглавила весь сад. Так, когда-нибудь, в сухое Лето, поля на краю, Смерть рассеянной рукою Снимет голову — мою.
Цветаева "Стихи сироте - 7" 1936
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chicacielogris · 8 months
y como dijo villaurrutia...
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elbiotipo · 6 months
(for context: usamerican here) did you know i had a professor who argued "mediterranean" should be its own race because they look ethnically ambiguous
It's possible your professor was recalling some old (racist) anthropology books that indeed listed "Mediterranean" as a race.
To be fair, you can say people in Southern Europe (and North Africa/Middle East, which for millenia formed part of the same cultural zone) have a different aspect from people on Northern Europe, no doubt at all about that.
But any attempts to define races is nonsense. Once in one of my many odd jobs I had to sort through a personal book collection with lots of old anthropology books that tried to define the 'standard type' of a race, like "the average Mediterranean is such and such", and you just know that does not exist and never existed, there is no standard Italian or standard Tunisian or standard Greek or standard Spanish, just taking a look at any average street and you can see that's nonsense.
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knightscanfeeltoo · 3 months
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Boba telling his Tragic Backstory to Bridget for some reason...
(Maybe I should draw Sol and Boba Together but I thought he is Way Too Overpowered compared to the Daimyo so I went with Bridge instead...)
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tinasshelf · 4 months
I’ve seen the take that Aelin was “asking for it” when Rowan punched her in the face a lot. And its like… ew no???
I think I would be less bothered by it if Aelin and Rowan where equals in the situation but like.. Rowan was training Aelin while she was in a depression, vomiting daily, and crying herself to sleep after training with him. Along with the weird 19-and-400 age gap every romantasy author writes into their books, the interaction doesn’t come across to me as deserving even if Aelin was mouthing off to Rowan. Just comes off as an emotionally stunted man punching a teenager in the face because she pissed him off.
And I think part of the blame for people viewing this scene positively is the fact that its barely addressed outside of Rowan going “oh shit shes already traumatized maybe I shouldn’t be a dick to this teenage girl.” which is just like… the bare minimum. Maybe we shouldn’t sock young women in the face reguardless of wether they have a sad backstory or not, but maybe thats just the feminism in me I don’t know.
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steelycunt · 1 year
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everyone get up and make some noise for sirius' vivienne westwood two cowboys with their cocks out shirt!! we're losing our minds over here for sirius' vivienne westwood two cowboys with their cocks out shirt!!
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bulletnotestudies · 1 year
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similar to last year, here are the best books we read this year in the Studyblr w/Knives Server! these are just a couple of our absolute fave reads, feel free to take them as friend recommendations for the 'recced by a friend' prompt(s) in our reading challenge :)
our favourite reads of 2022:
in no actual order, these are all bomb reading experiences:
The Anthropocene Reviewed by J. Green
She Who Became the Sun by S. Parker-Chan
Under the Whispering Door by TJ Klune
The Cruel Prince by H. Black
Icebreaker by A.L. Graziadei
The Scholomance Trilogy by N. Novik
Her Body and Other Parties by. C. M. Machado
I'm Glad My Mom Died by J. McCurdy
The Dreamer Trilogy by M. Stiefvater
Hamnet by M. O'Farrell
Daughter of the Moon Goddess by S. L. Tan
All the Bright Places by J. Niven
The Six of Crows Duology by L. Bardugo
Malibu Rising by T. Jenkins Reid
Deeplight by F. Hardinge
Spy x Family by T. Endo
Whose body? by D. L. Sayers
The 7 ½ Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by S. Turton
Girl Meets Boy by A. Smith
The Tarot Sequence by K. D. Edwards
Lost Boy by C. Henry
for our honorable mentions, check below the cut!
This year we also really enjoyed:
Iron Widow by X. J. Zhao
The Charm Offensive by A. Cochrun
Piranesi by S. Clarke
Ella Minnow Pea by M. Dunn
The Hunger Games Trilogy by S. Collins
The All for the Game Trilogy by N. Sakavic
The Importance of Being Earnest by O. Wilde
The Locked Tomb Series by T. Muir
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lesbiangiratina · 3 months
Testament genuinely has 1 of the best pages on the gg wiki shout out to my predecessors.
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darkolaism · 1 year
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no because why there're no words about aleksander actually creating a safe place for grisha and keeping them protected for the longest time and him experiencing trauma from being hunted and looked down not only by otkazat'sya but also grisha because shadow summoners are seen as abomination plus him being an amplifier? why there's only "survivor" added as if he's merely lived for 20 years having this lifestyle? why the "tyrant who tortures the ones who trust him the most" seem much more harsh and impactful than the previous survivor sentence? why "who trusts him the most" is about the protags™ who didn't lift their ass once to protect grishas and about the ones who we actually got the pov of? why not a word about grishas who he saved and cherished and who died not by druskelles, otkazat'sya or wasting sickness but by old age and natural death behind the safety of the little palace? lb should stop talking about him
also "if all would've been different" lmao grishas would've been hunted and prosecuted way more. someone else would step up for sure but when? centuries later?
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solradguy · 2 years
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Character art for Justice and Kliff Undersn from Guilty Gear X Plus. Scan from Artworks of Guilty Gear X 2000-2007 by Daisuke Ishiwatari.
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farahswife · 1 year
the romantic tension between all 50 ppl who have the book 2 wayhaven guide open rn …………
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