enzoandriani · 12 days
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ragazzoarcano · 6 months
“Cosí dovreste pensare di questo mondo fugace:
una stella al mattino,
una bolla in un fiume;
un lampo in una nube estiva,
una luce tremolante,
un fantasma, e un sogno.”
— Buddha
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renatomorselli · 9 months
Water da Renato Morselli Tramite Flickr: Midjourney - AI Artificial Intelligence
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sollevare-il-mondo · 9 months
Ciao,come stai?
Non so come mi sento, mi faccio la domanda più volte e non so trovare una risposta. Questa mia bolla di felicità era proprio questo, una bolla, che stava già per scoppiare e che nascondeva solo quello di prima.
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wickedsrest-rp · 1 year
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NAME: Beithir
RARITY: ★★★★☆
THREAT LEVEL: ★★★★☆ | Large, powerful, fast, and armed with deadly venom… but only when a storm is brewing or raging. Otherwise, they’re snug in their dens and can’t be bothered to move.
HABITAT: Most frequently found in deep woodlands or mountainous environments. Beithir need a good deal of undisturbed space as well as somewhere they can comfortably burrow and hibernate. 
DESCRIPTION: Beithir are large snake beasts born of magic during lightning storms, especially in areas where reptiles (including lamias) have died. Some theorize they exist to balance some cosmic reptilian scale. Beithir can vary in the details of their appearance, but all take the form of a giant snake with glowing eyes and a stinger at the end of their tail. While variable in size, ones as long as a blue whale have been seen. They’re most active during lightning storms, feeding ravenously on flesh from any living thing, and then defenselessly hibernating whenever the weather is pleasant. They go through these cycles often, hibernating away in caves or crypts when inactive until another lightning storm wakes them and sends them into a feeding frenzy. Experienced monster hunters are aware of this pattern and attempt to locate their dens so they can strike when the beithir is defenseless. Basilisks tend to swarm around beithir nests, meaning that if you see many basilisks in one place, it’s likely there’s a beithir nearby, too.
ABILITIES: Their large size gives them great advantage when in direct conflict with humans. They can easily overpower most people and pose a great challenge for the rangers who typically kill them. They are also surprisingly fast for their size. Additionally, beithir rapidly regenerate from all wounds in a matter of minutes. But the most feared aspect of beithir is the venom that coats its fangs and barbed tail. This venom is lethal to living beings unless the wound is quickly washed in water. Beithir also grow valuable adder stones in their innards, and their scales can be used by spellcasters to create jewelry or garments that can bend or break the recipient’s will and make them prone to obeying commands from others. 
WEAKNESS: The tables turn when the weather is clear and pleasant. Beithir stay holed up in their dens, practically immobile. While they still have their rapid regeneration when they’re hibernating, they will not strike back or barely even move. It’s during this time that it’s easiest to kill them by beheading them. Their venom is powerful, but rapidly dissolves in any kind of water, making it a negligible threat to those who come prepared. Rangers have some degree of immunity to the venom.
Fraus: First described in the texts Roman priests of Mercury, fraus are embodiments of treachery, fraud, and lies. Sometimes a lie or other deception causes enough suffering to gain life of its own. Fraus resemble beithir in that they are large (though not giant) serpents with the tail sting of a scorpion, though they’re not tied to the weather. Despite their fearsome appearance, they’re generally non-aggressive other than stinging people, and prioritize going after the person whose lie gave them life. The poison of fraus’ sting isn’t deadly, but it damages the victim’s ability to trust and accept others. An exception is fae, for whom being stung by pure lies is potentially lethal if not treated quickly. Fraus are harmed by people stating painful truths about themselves. Ouch.
Bolla: When a snake or lamia reaches 50 years of age in areas of high paranormal activity, there is a chance it will mutate into a beast known as a bolla, whose power and form continues to evolve through long periods of hibernation. Functionally immortal unless slain, they spend most of their lives curled up underground in forests, caves, or swamps. They’re distinct for the patches of fur that cover their back, and the poisonous fluid that leaks from their scales. As the Bolla steadily grows larger, this paranormal poison can eventually leak from its lair and become a pollutant that warps the nearby environment with rust colored water and red moss, producing unnaturally toxic flora and fauna; however, it provides health benefits to reptiles. During their periods of activity, they strangle their food to death and then gorge on hearts, before going back to rest for 1-12 years. Intruders who wake up a bolla early will send it into a berserk fury, and their unrelenting rage has historically inspired villages to desperately offer human sacrifices to appease the bloodcrazed serpents' wrath.
(Art credit: Bonhotal William)
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rpgchoices · 1 year
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world-literatures · 8 months
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just read: Bolla by Pajtim Statovci (Kosovo)
it's really very well written I can say that - in the sense that some of the things felt super visceral and I had a genuine gut reaction. But because of that, I'm not sure I enjoyed it.
And I don't think you necessarily have to *enjoy* every book - but at times I found this hard to pick up.
I think his rendering of the Kosovo war was haunting. He was able to make the main character so unpleasant and sympathetic at the same time. Like he's a great Writer!! But it felt almost like I was appreciating the craft and not the story.
Next time I read from this author (I do plan to at least read My Cat Yugoslavia) I will actually read it instead of listening to the audiobook. I think his writing is the kind you need to see with your eyes. And that might improve my experience.
Anyways, I don't exactly know how to rate this because of the time I had reading it
genres: historical fiction, LGBTQ
translator:  David Hackston (from Finnish to English)
rating: didn't rate
themes: Kosovo war, queer issues
It is April, 1995.
Kosovo is a country on the cusp of a dreadful war. Arsim is twenty-two, newly married, cautious - an Albanian trying to keep his head down and finish his studies in an atmosphere of creeping threat. Until he encounters Milos, a Serb, and begins a life in secret.
Bolla is the story of what happens when passion and history collide - when a relationship, already forbidden and laced with danger, is ripped apart by war and migration, separated by nations and fate.
What happens when you are forced to live a life that is not yours, so far from your desires?
Can the human remain?
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winezone · 10 months
Vang trắng Ý BOLLA SOAVE CLASSICO cho mùa hè mát lạnh
Màu sắc: Rượu vang sở hữu cho mình vàng rơm nhẹ nhàng với sắc xanh lá cây đẹp mắt. Hương vị: Rượu mang tới hương thơm tươi mới của trái cây mùa hè như cam quýt, vani và hương thơm quả mận. Chai rượu này có nét sống động, đầy hương vị của nho và dễ dàng để thưởng thức. Chút bọt sủi nhẹ nhàng khiến vòm miệng càng thêm tràn trề năng lượng và tươi mới
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lusi-raul · 6 months
I feel like people unconsciously exclude Carre from team Bolas but It feels like Carre holds the hope of the red team. Carre was on for the first half of yesterday’s session and they started off catching up to blue and full of hope. They were popping off specially once Carre took down the blue one by one. Then Carre left and their hope started to trickle down until it was all gone and they went full blown crazy. Today, everyone on the team joined with absolutely no hope and was fully determined to just fuck around and accept that a win is not gonna happen. Carre joined later and then they began popping off. Carre joining with Phil’s guiding voice that kept the group going, all hope has returned. They even fucking won.
When the group is full of hope, Carre leaves all hope leaves with him. The team starts off with no hope and Carre joins, all hope is restored. Carre is based af
This group might not be the strongest but they’re the most tight knit and loyal to each other.
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sognilluso-cronico · 2 years
La paura tu devi averla, è un ovvietà, ti permette di preservarti. A volte però purtroppo l'auto-conservazione non permette il progresso ne l'avanzamento personale, la bolla che rappresenta la comfort zone nel suo esistere è una cosa buona perché dà un equilibrio ma come fai a vivere se non te lo permetti. Ogni tanto se superassi quel maledetto confine dietro di te potresti dopo un po' (minuti,ore,giorni...) tornarci dentro e sentirti rinnovato, nuovo, carico, VIVO, ecc... Ma se non lo fa mai la bolla pian piano riduce la sua dimensione fino ad aderire alla tua pelle e ciò diventa un problema quando già la tua pelle a volte ti sta stretta.
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giustorapporto · 2 years
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Messa in #bolla dell’ultimo arrivato! #viscosimetrobrookfield #laboratorio #biothainaturalproducts #cosmetici #professionali #green sempre il #top (presso Bio Thai)
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ragazzoarcano · 2 years
“Sembrava che avessero intorno una bolla invisibile nella quale nessuno poteva entrare a meno che non lo volessero loro.”
— Niccolò Ammaniti, Io e te
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dazeddemona · 2 years
What good has come to those
Who’ve lost the ability to liberate the mind?
All born with dictated ability to think
Governed by a general thought or idea
This is what makes of us.
Acceptance & rejection of thoughts & beliefs-
How is that possible ?
Where does this beauty lay within this?
If life was a movie, who the hell would you be
As you can bee absolutely any character of your given soul.
They’re given blow
While were digging gold
Setting a flame to all treasure found -
When we spark it up, our herb from the ground.
We forget all our troubles, only intentions - good deeds,
I grow and I grow, when I inhale the weeds -
tall green and leafy
I think I am sick
This life that has chose me - what else would I picked?
Rags & Riches - Glory & Beaut
The path is now shredded, thus time to plant roots
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"The bolla is a demonic serpent in Albanian mythology and folklore. The bolla's eyes remain shut for the whole year except on Saint George's Day, when it gazes the world and will devour any human on sight."
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You know yourself in the best ways that
you know what you hate, you know what you like, you know whats good for you & even particularly whats bad for you.
All of your own single memories and experiences aren’t exactly who you are but you know who you are, even ift left unexplainable, which the definition of thyself is just unexplainable in this case.
Lift yourself up in everything thats high. There is an unexplainable difference between the terms listed: standards/ desires-
for standards are necessities, as desires are merely non existent irl, in the case of control which brings us back to the ideology of ‘standards’ (or qualifications).
&then there’s ‘approval’-
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dulopakk · 2 years
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Teddy quasi al tcs e alpe bolla
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le-stanze-di-sofia · 2 years
13. Bolla di filtraggio
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rpgchoices · 1 year
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I like to call this team Lo Pheng and the lesbians
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