#bob the dalek
howlingday · 8 days
Jaune: (On the scroll) Yeah, sorry, Saph. I can't babysit tonight.
Jaune: ...Yeah, I have a bigger baby to take care of.
Yang: (In bed, Coughing, Whining)
Yang: My throat still hurts~!
Yang: My hot water bottle is too hot~!
Yang: This herbal tea tastes awful~!
Yang: My bed is too lumpy~!
Yang: My pillows need fluffing~!
Yang: My body won't stop aching~!
Yang: This isn't my favorite dragon plushie~!
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hamenthotep · 8 months
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Behold! A new render of a very old model
I made this in 2013. But someone on Deviantart has been asking about it, so I thought it was about time to update it
The mesh needs some work..
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galacticlamps · 2 years
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POV: you’re Bob Hall, you’re having the weirdest day of your life, you’ve been hired to tell two of the strangest people you’ve ever met information they already know & then drive to a warehouse where the guy paying you gives you extra and then knocks you out. When you wake up the strange guys are back and one searches your pockets and takes your cigarettes, and then the other freaks out because he doesn’t seem to know what a train is, and even though he’s clearly in his 20s and it’s 1966 his buddy finds this completely normal and actually begins trying to explain it to him. You absolutely take that money and run, no questions asked
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ask-the-robo-trio · 1 year
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The boys as humans. plus Yana and Davors! 6.
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What We Watched: Mandog
Starting off a new series of features about productions contemporary to Classic #DoctorWho: What We Watched -- Mandog
A new arrival turns up at a comprehensive school, provoking too many questions and not enough answers. Two friends from the school are intrigued and are determined to solve the mystery. They secretly follow the individual to an old scrapyard (“What a mess!” they say.) There, they encounter a sinister and hostile stranger who tells them they are uninvited and unwelcome and must leave – only to…
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dalekpropaganda · 1 month
i question the daleks. can you have individual names, e.g bob? i think it would be funny
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companion-showdown · 25 days
Nominations are now open: Which villain would make the best companion?
This tournament is intended to be smaller than usual, so I may be aa little stricter about who qualifies (at least when i'm familiar with the character, which means the EU nominees are going to end up with a lot more leeway)
as some starting rules
You can only nominate actual villains, they must actually be evil, not just dislike/be disliked by the Doctor
They must be an individual (or possibly a small group of individuals), eg you cannot nominate 'a dalek' it must be a specific dalek or daleks you can point to and say that/those ones
No companions, I don't care if they were evil when they met the Doctor or became evil later or were evil the entire time, they cannot already be or have ever been a companion
If there are multiple versions of the same villain (eg because they can regenerate), they will only be included once, either as generically as can be acheived, or a specific one will be chosen through a group stage
If they don't have a name (or you can't remember it) I will do my best to figure it out but try to give me as much context as you can and bare in mind im not psychic
Please bare in mind when you are nominating that I am hoping to keep the number of nominations under 64 to run this as a mini-tournament. This is not a hard rule so if nominations do exceed 64 its not a big deal, just something I'd like everyone to bare in mind (we have now broken 64 so full sized tournament it is
The Master (this counts for any and all versions of the Master, a specific one will be chosen during the group stage, I'm preempting their nomination because duh)
Dalek Caan
Angel Bob
Beep the Meep
Family of Blood
Meddling Monk
Nobody No-One
Madeleine Issigri
JP Kettlewell
Sharaz Jek
Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen
Bonnie (Clara!Zygon)
The Rani
The Binary Apprentice
the Scream
Sabbath Dei
Black Guardian
Luke Rattigan
The UK government
Auton!Boris Johnson
The Statue of Liberty
President Arthur Winters
Dream Lord
The Axos
Great Intelligence
Not Donna
Captain Wrack
Pirate Sea Devil
The Dalek that offered the doctor tea in Victory of the Daleks
John Lumic
Miss Foster
Prisoner Zero
Cessair of Diplos
Miss Hartigan
Mr Finch
The Headhunter
Swarm and Azure
Reverend Golightly
Mr Clever
nominations will be open for at least the next 24 hours, that is until 14:00 BST (GMT/UTC+1), 10/04
after that there is no guarantee
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theyeargame · 5 months
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Prelim Updates & Character List!
First, competing as a team won for all four prelim polls! Everybody's in, together! (For some reason I had a feeling the Naruto poll was a wild question, and with my practically non-existent knowledge figured Kakashi would win, but glad it's funnier this way lol)
Second, I have still neglected to organize the Portal prelims. Whoops. I'll probably figure that out today and post that tomorrow evening (5/1). Relatedly, I also realized I missed one more non-Portal prelim poll, so that'll go up at the same time (it's for Percy Jackson).
Third, uhh you guys probably want the character list huh. Don't know why I didn't do that in my original form is closed update. Here you go!
(One asterisk means they'll be on a team, two for the prelim I missed. Portal/etc will be at the bottom.)
Allison Ruth (Kill Six Billion Demons)
Annie (Skullgirls)
Asuka Langley Soryu (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
B.O.B (Monster Vs. Aliens)
Bazooka Joe (Bazooka Joe)
Breakdown (Transformers)
Brightheart (Warrior Cats)
Buck the Weasel (Ice Age)
Captain Hook (Peter Pan)
Captain Typho (Star Wars)
Catherine Foundling (A Practical Guide to Evil)
Celia (Monsters Inc)*
Chevalier (Worm)
Dark Choco Cookie (Cookie Run)
Demoman (Team Fortress 2)
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Docm77 (Hermitcraft)
Dusclops (Pokemon)*
Dusknoir (Pokemon)*
Duskull (Pokemon)*
Ethan Nakamura (Percy Jackson & The Olympians)**
Every Dalek (Doctor Who)
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu (Danganronpa)
Garrett (Thief)
Glenn Close (Dungeons & Daddies)
Hero's Shade (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)
Himeno (Chainsaw Man)
Hua Cheng (Tian Guan Ci Fu)
Hudson (Gargoyles)
Hyakunosuke Ogata (Golden Kamuy)
Iris Clops (Monster High)
Iron Bull (Dragon Age: Inquisition)
Jack (Minecraft story mode)
John Silver (Treasure Planet)
Juno Steel (The Penumbra Podcast)
Kakashi Hatake (Naruto)*
Kaname Date (AI: The Somnuim Files)*
Kubo (Kubo & the Two Strings)
Kuruto Ryuki (AI: The Somnium Files)*
Laura Kearney (The Quarry)
Lila Bard (Shades of Magic trilogy)
Magnus Hammersmith I (Metalocalypse)
Man-at Arms (Darkest Dungeon)
Marie Mjolner (Soul Eater)
Merle Highchurch (The Adventure Zone - Balance)
Mike Wazowski (Monsters Inc)*
Midari Ikishima (Kakegurui)
Mizuki Date (AI: The Somnium Files)
Mr. Fischoeder (Bob's Burgers)
Nick Fury (Marvel)
Nifty (Hazbin Hotel)
Obito Uchiha (Naruto Shippuden)*
Odin (Norse mythology)
Pibby (Pibby)
Plankton (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Prismo (Adventure Time)
Qifrey (Witch Hat Atelier)
Rachel Duncan (Orphan Black)
Rae Morningstar (Fable SMP)
Red Beard (Asterix)
Redcloak (Order of the Stick)*
Rem (Death Note)
Right-Eye (Order of the Stick)*
Rose Copen (Y: The Last Man)
Rose Wilson (DC Comics)
Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Sigma Klim (Zero Escape)
Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop)
Tengen Uzui (Demon Slayer/Kimestu no Yaiba)
The One-Eyed, One-Horned, Flying Purple People Eater (song by Sheb Wooley)
The Virtual Reality Assistance & Education Core (SteamVR opening tutorial)
Tyson (Percy Jackson & The Olympians)**
Viktor Vasko (Lackadaisy)
Violet (The Walking Dead (S4 Game))
Vriska Serket (Homestuck)
Wolf O'Donnell (Star Fox)
Xander Harris (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Zuko (Avatar The Last Airbender)
Portal/Portal adjacent:
Alan (Aperture Hand Labs)
Anger Core
Bill (Aperture Hand Labs)
Cake Core
Curiosity Core
Deceptive Devin (Aperture Hand Labs)
Defective Turret
Fact Core
Friendly Frank (Aperture Hand Labs)
Grady (Aperture Desk Job)
Morality Core
Party Escort Bot (Portal/Lab Rat)
Rick the Adventure Core
Space Core
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xerohourcheese · 2 months
oops thanks for pointing out the wrong name of the tank! It's a Mk. VI after all
No probs Bob.
To quote that great West Midland Philosopher, Jasper Carrott:-
"Well we all make mistakes...as the Dalek said climbing off the dustbin!"
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howlingday · 11 days
Jaune: Thanks again for doing this with me, Nora.
Nora: Anything for you, Jauney~! But, uh, why did your mom want you to make bread with me again?
Jaune: I don't know. She just told me not to come back until we put a bun in your oven.
Nora: ...
Jaune: Which is weird that she'd want that since she's gluten-free, so it's not like she would eat it.
Nora: ...Jaune, allow me to introduce you to a little something called... "The sexy metaphor."
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spoonietimelordy · 4 months
I knew Terry Nation owned the Daleks and that Bob Baker owned K9 so who the heck owns the Rani!?
Honestly I don't know. Because it used to be Pip et Jane Baker, but they're both dead. So it's whoever got it after their death and I can't find who it is.
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I wasn't even kidding about the characters originally designed to be evil, at minimum we've got:
Bob, Boopkins and Gambit, who were all originally basic Nintendo game enemies
Domain and Forum, who we somewhat recently learned were secretly intended to spread chaos and destruction
Bowser Jr., who is a reoccurring Mario boss and the son of the most well known video game villain ever
Bowser if he's there since he is said villain
The Haltmann Triplets, who were originally intended to replace our main SMG trio on behalf of their mom/the God Box
Root, who is an offshoot of Ozymandias
Jed, who before his Legally Distinct Redesign was originally an actual fucking DALEK!!!
King Dedede, who was technically-sort-of-evil in his debut game and hasn't escaped the villain allegations in the decades since
Sage, who was created by Eggman who'd never willingly create something that wasn't intended for evil, and is currently, actively, happily an actual supervillain, yet everyone's fine with her anyway
Welony if she's there, since she was explicitly intended to be Evil Melony and was damn good at it before she died
SMG3, who while not designed for evil in-universe was definitely designed that way in the context of the overall series. and again, got pretty darn good at it by the end of his original run
Antivirus if he's there by then, since he was partially formed from Glitch, who was one of the deadliest viruses Worm ever created
And of course Abyssal, who the conversation was about in the first place
Honestly Vee might've been lowballing the amount of "intended for evil" characters when she said one fifth.
Man,, that Rumor Weed did not know what she was getting into when she tried to out Abyssal,, though yeah, Vee was definitely lowballing the amount of villains
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companion-showdown · 20 days
Which villain would you most like to see as a companion?
Gomez!Master vs Irving Braxiatel
Gomez!Master vs The Rani
Irving Braxiatel vs The Dalek that offered the Doctor tea
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Gomez!Master vs The Toymaker
The Rani vs Bonnie
Irving Braxiatel vs The Meddling Monk
The Dalek that offered the Doctor tea vs Pandora
previous rounds under the cut
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Gomez!Master vs John Hart
Scaroth vs The Toymaker
The Rani vs Death
Cassandra vs Bonnie
Irving Braxiatel vs Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen
Beep the Meep vs The Meddling Monk
The Dalek that offered the Doctor tea vs Justine
Salamander vs Pandora
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Gomez!Master vs The Valeyard
Luke Rattigan vs John Hart
Nobody No-One vs Scaroth
Angel Bob vs The Toymaker
The Rani vs Andred
Death vs Davros
Cassandra vs Miss Foster
Mr Shift vs Bonnie
Irving Braxiatel vs Ashad
Time vs Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen
Beep the Meep vs Captain Wrack
The Trickster vs The Meddling Monk
The Dalek that offered the Doctor tea vs Soldeed
Mr Finch vs Justine
Salamander vs The Family of Blood
House vs Pandora
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Day 2
Irving Braxiatel vs Inquisitor Darkel
Ashad vs Sartia
Sabbath Dei vs Time
The Axos vs Blon Fel Fotch Passameer Day Slitheen
Beep the Meep vs Mr Clever
Captain Wrack vs Morbius
The Trickster vs Cessair of Diplos
JP Kettlewell vs Meddling Monk
The Dalek that offered the Doctor tea vs Plastic!Mickey
Miss Hartigan vs Soldeed
The Timewyrm vs Mr Finch
Swarm and Azure vs Justine
Salamander vs Morgaine
The Family of Blood vs The Scream
Lolita vs House
Tecteun vs Pandora
Day 1
Gomez!Master vs Absorbaloff
The Valeyard vs The UK Government
Luke Rattigan vs The Great Intelligence
Lomax vs John Hart
Nobody No-One vs Investigator One
Scaroth vs Dalek Caan
Angel Bob vs The Dream Lord
Not-Donna vs The Toymaker
The Rani vs Madeleine Issigri
Reverend Golightly vs Andred
Rassilon vs Death
Lilith vs Davros
Cassandra vs Auton!Boris Johnson
Miss Foster vs The Headhunter
Mr Shift vs Pirate Sea Devil
The Statue of Liberty vs Bonnie
ROUND 1 (group stage)
Group 1
The Meddling Monk
Madeleine Issigri
The Axos
JP Kettlewell
Group 2
The Black Guardian
Cessair of Diplos
Group 3
Captain Wrack
Sharaz Jek
The Rani
The Valeyard
Inquisitor Darkel
Group 4
Nobody No-One
The Binary Apprentice
The Scream
Sabbath Dei
Group 5
Irving Braxiatel
Auton!Boris Johnson
Group 6
The Headhunter
Group 7
Mr Shift
Investigator One
Group 8
Blon Fel Fotch Passameer Day Slitheen
Mr Finch
John Lumic
Dalek Caan
Group 9
The Family of Blood
Arthur Winters
Miss Foster
Luke Rattigan
Reverend Golightly
Group 10
Miss Hartigan
The UK Governement
John Hart
The Trickster
Group 11
Prisoner Zero
The Dalek that offered the Doctor tea
Angel Bob
The Dream Lord
The Statue of Liberty
Group 12
The Great Intelligence
Mr Clever
Group 13
Swarm and Azure
Pirate Sea Devil
Beep the Meep
Not Doctor
Not Donna
The Toymaker
Links to previous tournaments
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not-a-ghoul · 1 year
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I have been meaning to do more art but work and commitments have made it really difficult.
Anyway fandom ramblings down below
I’ve been introducing my other half to Dr Who and revisiting a lot of old memories. Daleks, Cybermen, Cybermats... Old foes friends. It got me thinking about ancient aliens and the belief that they imparted wisdom onto early humans. Thoroughly incorrect but I digress. Which lead me to thinking about, what if people felt that way about the Daleks. Their constant reappearance and disappearance.
With all that. I introduce you to:
The Sisters of Skaro.
A militant doomsday cult that worships the Daleks. They repurpose bits and bobs that they acquire and craft their flesh around it. Not seen on Inquisitor Da, but one of her eyes has been replaced by an optical disk.
Despite sharing some similar qualities to the Cybermen (the need to upgrade and improve). They have utter disdain for their counterparts. In fact, it is a spit in the face. The sisters are heralds of death and destruction, priming the world for their overlords.
I don’t think I’ll do any more with these ladies as they were mainly just a drawing exercise. But it was fun coming up with them.
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firewolf-pyro · 1 year
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Episode ten: The Exterminator
Jones was furiously shouting at the still damp Dalek casing as they left the elevator into the underground facility. The Dalek was doing its best to avoid confrontation with the red in the face investigator who was walking too close to his side. It was ignoring every toxic word foaming out of Jone’s mouth as they attempted to make it safely back into their cell.
“Please, can we not do this this evening?” Blueton insisted, his eyestalk bobbing frantically with each word as emphasis.
“What you did was wrong! We ordered you to stop, and what did you do? You destroyed those drones!” Jones screamed, the red in his face deepening. Every single one of the orbs that had engaged in combat with the Dalek had been blown to smothering sand the crew had no choice but to watch it happen from the deck of the ship.
“I was doing what would assist us further.” Blueton insisted as he slowed in the hallway that led to his cell. The other members of their facility had been busy in the parking lot leaving the pair alone under the apartment building to scream at each other. Blueton was doing his best to keep his tone, tho electronic, down. They could not risk escalating this situation further.
“We could have used those things, we could have-“
“Enough!” Blueton cut the investigator off having reached the end of the short period of patience he had for these human beings. It pained him to pretend to play by these human’s rules and regulations. Taking the blunt of their verbal abuses only burned his candle down to ashes, his patience now a sizzling pile of dust.
“We all have agreed I will not assist in your trivial explorations any further.” He spat as he allowed Jones to circle around to his front. He had been trying to keep his most dangerous weapon away from the man but if he so willingly wanted to escalate this situation, who was he to stop it from happening?
“I will be returning to my containment.” Blueton insisted, giving the man one last chance to let this interaction stop. He moved slowly towards Jones who kept pace with him, walking backwards towards the opened cell door.
“I knew I shouldn’t have let Olesia talk me into allowing a Dalek to assist us with this! Your species is all the same, always pressing that you’re better than us- that you’re way of thinking will yield better results-“ Jones barked at him, making it clear that even with the offer to end this conflict he would dig down deeper to continue it. Blueton was about to say something, indicated by the flash of his headlamps but thought better of it. He remained silent yet this seemed to agitate Jones even further. Blueton felt his mind go numb, the sound of crumbs echoing in the back of his head as he stared the screaming man down.
“What was that? Are you afraid of what I am saying? Are you angry?” Jones cackled in a very angry sort of way. He stepped closer to the Dalek as Blueton continued to move into his cell. Now his mind was open, processing all possibilities. He would reach the final strand of the strategim soon, he was sure of it if this man did not stand down.
“Please, investigator Angus Jones. Stop your tirade. I am too tired to deal with your outburst.” Blueton gave him one last chance to save his own skin. He was likely the only Dalek who would ever allow a human to treat him in such a way. Yet the rels ticked down and the possibilities of this strategy began to come clearer into view.
“Oh you’re tired? You’re tired?! Why don’t you think about us? About what we have to go through now that you have destroyed those little devices?!” Jones roared, stopping dead in front of the Dalek. They both stood deadly quiet at the center of the cell. Blueton had successfully backed him into the dark quarters without even meaning to.
“Why do you insist on pressing the matter?” Blueton questioned as the cell door slid shut behind them. The dark room now was only lit by the glow of the Daleks blue eyestalk. Blueton registered this in the back of his mind, if he wanted this to work he needed the other to be in the perfect position.
“Because you have not shown an ounce of interest in assisting the team that saved your sorry excuse for a life, Dalek!” Jones shouted. Blueton could still see the rage pulsing through Jones’ body, the heat signature not showing any signs of edging away. His laser twitched up.
“I have not? I have assisted in identifying technology your scientist requested. I have assisted in excavating lost technology from the depths of the ocean.” Blueton stated matter of factly, his rage cold and calculating compared to the chaotic situation in front of him.
“You have done nothing but wrongly identify the uses of technology found in a mud pit and destroy a piece of tech that could have helped us figure out how to access that damned ancient ship!” Jones retorted, stepping even closer to the Dalek. Blueton was well aware of human technology observing his every move down here. Some of the camera systems weren’t even human made. Yet, the urge to kill was growing. It was always there yet strategically improbable. Now, however…
“All of my actions have been for your group.” Blueton insisted. A lie to attempt to defuse the situation again. It would have been so much easier to conclude this strategy if this man had not begun to chew on his last nerve.
“For us? Then why did you make our jobs ten times harder? You’re just a no good bot-“ Jones grabbed Blueton’s eyestalk to keep the wandering orb locked into place. This physical contact was felt within, the cold rage flickering wildly within him.
“A no good piece of trash Dalek that not even your people came to assist when you needed them to. Some strategist you were, I wouldn’t blame them for leaving you buried in that muck-“
And that was all the Blue Dalek needed to hear. The laser was triggered, the light from the hot white laser brilliantly illuminating the room around the pair of them. For a split second Blueton could see the rage shift to shock and horror on Jones’ face. He felt nothing but satisfaction as the life faded from the man as he collapsed to the ground in a heap. A second flash from his laser just to reduce the rage he felt lit the room again. The strategy could always be changed.
Cameras watched the casing open, the sickly greenish blue mutant using its longer tendrils to scoop the corpse up from the ground. Logically the blue Dalek should have disintegrated the body to leave no trace of them. But he held no respect for this individual. Once the corpse was held within the lower section of the casing it closed. He looked around to the cameras around him and triggered an energy pulse, causing the security system within this facility to crash.
Blueton left the cell, aiming to dispose of Investigator Jones’ corpse in the most disrespectful way he could logically think of. The halls were lit only by the dim yellowish emergency lights. The setting of the dark evening down in the underground facility was eerily similar to Blueton to the asylums own. It lacked the life within it, lacked the noise. He stopped at the entrance to the facility's power center. The access to the small places, electronics and access point to the sewers, this was where he wanted to be.
The most disrespectful thing the Empire had done to their own Daleks was use the injured and dying as the structure for their sewers. Failures, they saw them as. Only useful as structural integrity- and Blueton felt his own hatred pull that logic into account as he shoved the corpse of the dead man out of his casing into the open portal to the below. The moment the body splashed into the mess below was the moment Blueton decided on his next move. There would be no loyalty to any.
“There will be no evidence.” Blueton insisted as he moved to the security room that had been Jones’ office. The door was easily pushed aside, the memory core of the security camera located.
“There will be no hesitance.” Blueton encouraged himself, feeling the rage flicker slowly back into a dull feeling of hate. As he tampered with the computer's memory his eyestalk flickered across the images of the crew the man had worked with before all of this had occurred. He did not recognize any of their faces.
“The Dalek’s have failed too many times. They deem me as inferior.” He held his breath as he watched the security footage replay on the screens in front of him. They had to be perfect to be believable. Humans always had an eye for even the slightest change that shouldn’t be.
“I will not allow for any more failures.” He told himself hearing the tone of his voice deepen into something that sounded like the general in command’s voice. His eyestalk shook, pulling his thoughts together. He left the room, closed the door and returned to his cell. He paced the borders of the cell- calculating every possible outcome of what he had just done. He needed to be prepared for anything as humans were one of the more vengeful races.
“I will not fail.” He repeats to himself, relaxing at the corner of the cell. He kept his laser trained at the door as he felt his mind slip into delusion yet again.
The blue Dalek was floating, staring into the abyss. There were no stars, the darkness was infinite. Then as if out of nothing, a massive wave of light roared to life and came rushing towards the Dalek. He recalled the Paradigm Daleks- tampering with time-space, The Cult of Skaro- a tendril of his having played a role in their creation, the asylum Daleks of which he despised, the old world Daleks calling themselves the Renegade warred with the white and golds naming themselves Imperials. He had seen so much, experienced too much. It was difficult to find focus with a mind so crowded- yet his mind went quiet. The only desire? To see the end of the strategy.
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