#bnha ep 137
holder-of-saturn · 2 months
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can we talk about how pretty she is? Can we talk about how pretty she is? CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW PRETTY SHE IS?? CAM WE TALK ABOUT HOW PRETTY SHE IS???!!!!????!
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class1akids · 1 year
I can’t believe so many people don’t understand why Shouto is standing outside UA with Hawks and Endeavor. 
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I’m legit reading people saying that he’s there because “it’s normal for kids to stand with their parents” or “Shouto understandably wants to focus more on his family now”.
So let’s clarify this for people who do not get it
Shouto wanted to be with his class. He wants to be with Midoriya. But because of the Dabi-scandal, he cannot. He doesn’t want to mix in all the anti-Endeavor sentiments, the fear of Dabi into an already volatile situation, so he stays away.  
Because Shouto is known in Japan as Endeavor’s kid, he has a distinctive appearance, we know people recognize him in-universe, already did before the scandal. Can you imagine after the Dabi reveal, how many times did the media replay the SF events, showing Shouto as cold and callous? His father’s son. Dabi’s brother. Citizens view him with concern. 
He wants to be there, that’s why he runs, when Ectoplasm says it’s ok for them to enter. Once the crowd calmed down. 
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But he doesn’t join still his class, because he doesn’t want to risk the fragile bonding between Deku and the civilians. So he stays back, and makes instead his own opening, his own “one step”. Giving Endeavor - the person who abused him, hurt him, let him down again and again, whose sins tainted Shouto too -  another chance for the team-up he offered back in the hospital. To deal with Touya together as a family, like he promised Rei. It’s a very generous gesture from Shouto to his father who ditched him without a word and ghosted him after Shouto extended a hand to him at his low-point in the hospital. 
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This is about Shouto taking the high road for the sake of his family. 
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epickiya722 · 1 year
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tatakaeeren · 1 year
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Aizawa Shouta | Bnha ep 137 💖
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simplyfx · 4 years
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Heroes don't cry - Anime vs Manga~
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class1akids · 1 year
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Shouto in the ep 137 preview
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class1akids · 1 year
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Ep 137 promo sketch by Horikoshi
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epickiya722 · 1 year
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"So this is the only place he can rest up without worrying too much, right?"
Yuuei is Izuku's place. As I said in my other post, he would not stay long anywhere because it's not a place of comfort for him. With how emotionally, mentally and physically broken he is, he needs to be at a place with the people he knows that gives him comfort.
He's familiar with Yuuei.
And as the lady pointed out, if he went to Shiketsu or any other place, people would have done the same thing anyways. In fact, he wouldn't get been able to get in at all because no one would have spoken up for him like Uraraka and everyone else who actually knows Midoriya would have.
What exactly would have been the point?
Midoriya needs to rest up and still better his skills with the other quirks of OFA and the only people who can help him with that is the people who are already at Yuuei. And I'm sure Midoriya wouldn't want people to move for him anyways. He would argue for others to stay at Yuuei, he go to Shiketsu, he's not welcome there and it's back to square one.
No one needs that.
As for "Well couldn't another shelter be built"?
No. Not at that time.
Nezu and Shiketsu were prepared because of what happened back in season 1 and in season 3. A protection plan was already set and constructed by this time because they had the time.
Another place (Troy) hadn't been built until the next course of action was needed to go onward. Until they knew a little bit more because of the traitor reveal. They got some more information and a connection. Therefore, able to construct another place while also coming up with the next battle plan.
Before the traitor reveal, they had to play it safe and keep people close. If they had built more shelters, that means it would have been harder to protect people, including Midoriya.
Everything happened so suddenly, they wouldn't have thought to construct another shelter for Midoriya because who knew all of this would happen?
The one person who probably would is dead!
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class1akids · 1 year
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Their voices together sounds so nice... 
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class1akids · 1 year
It looks like shoto really wanted to stay next deku and everyone, but couldn't because of dabi reveal?!
Yeah, exactly. We don't know if they were asked to keep away (the way Ectoplasm comes for them makes me think, yes) or if Shoto chose to stay with Endeavor and Hawks because he didn't want to mix in his own family drama into an already difficult situation.
Both scenarios are very angsty. My heart really breaks for him not being able to be there with his class and bff, and experience the connection with the civilians.
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class1akids · 1 year
I only caught the second half of the episode, but I can’t believe they didn’t animate this!
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It was too good a moment just to make it a shitty freeze frame. I wanted to hear Kacchan growl at that guy. I wanted to see motion, not bad manga coloring.
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epickiya722 · 1 year
Okay, I've been thinking about the next upcoming episode and Uraraka's speech and whatnot. Went back and reread those chapters and well...
I really don't know how to explain it so I'm just gonna ramble here.
I do understand why the civilians got antsy about Midoriya staying at Yuuei. Everything is chaotic, the villains are after him, everyone is suffering from trauma, all that.
So why couldn't he stay somewhere else that's safe for him?
Then I thought about it.
This is Midoriya we're talking about.
If he stayed anywhere else he would not get the rest he needed. Uraraka was right to point out that it is Yuuei is his academy, his place. It's where he met real friends, where he starts to build that confidence within himself, where he learns, Yuuei has became his hero origin place.
If Midoriya, who is a stubborn kid mind you, was sheltered somewhere else he wouldn't even stay there for a whole day. Maybe two days at the most!
The one thing he does needs the most is to be surrounded by the people who cares for him. He needed to be at a place of comfort with the people who also provide him that support. The only way he would have stayed at a shelter that isn't Yuuei is everyone he needs goes with him. But how fair would that be for the class? His mom even?
Look, scared as the civilians are, these are also the same people who can't seem to recognize that they're all in this circle of gray and that despite what they may think, they're just in fault as the heroes and villains. They're not saints.
They worship heroes and bash villains, forgetting they're human just like them and the moment a hero or a villain show that they are capable of having feelings, make a mistake or being vulnerable, the civilians get an attitude and critical.
So if Class A wants their classmate, A CHILD TOO, to be at Yuuei, they can open their eyes and realize that the kid is suffering, too and move aside.
Like he wasn't out there risking himself.
Also, I considered this.
It is evident that Midoriya is a big piece to defeating the villains.
He was out there (Dark Deku Arc) protecting people and during that time Shigaraki and AFO didn't come out of hiding, right?
Worse case scenario, what if Midoriya was still out there and they attacked Yuuei?
Those who are caught up with the manga know that Midoriya not being where he's supposed to be is B-A-D.
Could you imagine how even more disastrous that would have been if the villains attacked at this time? (Pre-Final War)
It would be a domino effect so catastrophic...!
Midoriya would definitely be A LOT WORSE. He's already tired, depressed, angry, dirty, hungry... The last thing he would need is more guilt to pile up on him.
Imagine though if Midoriya actually needing to rest at Yuuei was foreshadowing later that he was going to get separated during the Final War... ha... yeah... unintentionally or not... I know that feeling...
Now, I doubt anyone would ask, but if you want my opinion on how Uraraka's speech is written... I don't have one. Not bad, not good. It's just one of those moments in this storyline that makes me think more on "what if situations" and not on criticizing how a storyline is written. Especially when it's still ongoing.
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tatakaeeren · 1 year
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Hawks | Bnha ep. 137 💖
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class1akids · 1 year
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BNHA EP 137 promo sketch by Ub Chen
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