#bloody jack
captainsvscaptains · 7 months
Round 1 Part 1 Poll 4
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La Sombra is badass and beautiful and might be a necromancer or at the very least fond of them.
Jacky is from a book series I read as a kid. she dresses up as a boy, makes other boys think they're gay, kisses girls, becomes a pirate, starts a theater, has adventures, becomes a consort to Zheng Yi Sao. I love her.
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booksandchainmail · 2 years
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bookshelf vibrates faintly in gender
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afoolandathief · 3 months
Absolutely. Who doesn't love a filthy female probably genderfluid probably bisexual protagonist with arrest warrants and a simp boyfriend who is pretty much gay for her?
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john-bracket · 11 months
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jackwhitespankbank · 3 months
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gay pirate glossary
articles- ship's articles. the papers you sign to join a crew. different ships have different rules. pirates got to make up their own.
bosun- boatswain. in charge of things that happen on deck. pretty sure there's supposed to be an apostrophe in there somewhere (bo'sun? bo's'n?)
bosun's chair- the swing thing for working on the side of the ship or bringing breakfast up to your co-captain.
bow- front of the ship.
bridge- the higher deck on top of the cabin? where you steer the ship from. only certain people are supposed to go up there, usually.
brig- the jail place below deck where you keep people who are annoying you.
captain- you know this one for sure, but pirate captains were a bit different than other captains. since they weren’t backed by any kind of government and could be mutinied or voted out at any time, they had to earn their crew’s respect. they needed the crew to see them as an equal, but still an authority on certain things. sometimes there was no captain, or they took turns.
doldrums- when the wind isn’t blowing for a while and everyone kind of loses their minds
flogging- punishment used on sailors in which a person is tied up and whipped a certain amount of times, depending on their transgression (30 lashes, 40 lashes, etc). It could get pretty bad, people died from it. allegedly you could volunteer to whip your friends so that it wouldn’t hurt as bad. people say this is where the phrase "I’ll scratch your back, you scratch mine" comes from, but that doesn't seem true
galley- the kitchen on a boat. sometimes doubles as the infirmary.
grog- daily rations of rum, mashed fruit, sketchy water, and sugar mixed into a delicious punch.
gun- the thing that shoots cannonballs.
hardtack- hard sad little crackerbreads that keep well but are very bland. sometimes there were bonus bugs in (extra protein!)
head- the toilet. it’s basically a board with a hole in it at the front of the ship. it goes straight into the ocean.
keelhauling- tying someone to the end of a rope and dropping them off the front of a ship so that they’re dragged under it and they drown or their skin gets ripped up by barnacles. fun.
(note: pirates didn’t usually use torture methods like keelhauling or flogging, especially not on their own crewmates. that was the navy and the merchant ships. a lot of people started out on those, mutinied because of the harsh conditions, stole the ship they were on, and became pirates. if a pirate captain tried that shit, they would not be captain for very long.)
kohl- black eyeliner made by the indigenous people of africa, india, and the middle east. i think it was invented in egypt? if pirates wore it, then tragically no one wrote about it. but it’s part of the lore at this point and it’s pretty. just accept it.
letter of marque- papers that prove someone is a privateer.
matelot- pirate husband. there was a matelotage ceremony, papers to sign, and a party afterward. a mate served as, like, next of kin. they made decisions if the other couldn���t, shared quarters and possessions, all that. some people insist it was only a financial arrangement, and maybe sometimes it was. but so were straight marriages, especially at the time.
port- left when you’re facing front (like stage left)
press-ganged/shanghaied- being drugged, stolen, and sold to work on a ship involuntarily. the recruiters just had to forge your signature and then you were stuck. some people became pirates to escape. it’s press-ganging when the navy does it, shanghaiing for the merchants.
privateer- like a pirate, but authorized by the state. they were allowed to kill and steal but only enemies of the crown and they had to give everything to the king. it was a good way to get a pardon and avoid being hanged. privateers often went right back to being pirates at the first opportunity.
quartermaster- first mate, also elected by the crew.
raid- when you go on another ship and take their things. pirates weren’t really out there stealing fabulous treasure or anything. It was more basic necessities like food, water, medical supplies, clothes, dishes, money, sugar, spices, and anything of value they could find to sell. they tried to be as scary as possible so that people would surrender and they wouldn’t have to kill anyone unnecessarily. if you could get them to join your crew, even better.
rigging- all the ropes. you can climb around on them.
round robin- when you sign your names in a circle so that no one gets singled out for signing first. used in the navy.
salty- of or related to the sea, experienced as a sailor
sextant- that thing you use to measure the stars so you know where you are at sea. i think you can also use your hand somehow? i don't understand it.
shanties- those songs sailors sing. you know the ones. they were work songs, to get everybody in the same rhythm, but they were also for entertainment. there’s a lot of downtime on a sailing ship. my favorite thing is that when singing a song from the perspective of, for example, a woman waiting for her bonny lad to come back from the sea, they would sing in their man voices without changing the words.
shares- an equal cut of the loot. some people might get a share or half share more or less than other crewmembers. sometimes the captain was the one who got less? this was decided by vote. it’s like a non-profit stealing co-op.
starboard- right when you’re facing front (like stage right)
stern- back of the ship.
watch- everyone took shifts staying up to watch for other ships and make sure they stayed on course.
yardarm- the horizontal thing that the sails are on. yardies!
some basic pirate terms for you in case you need them. I did not do any research, this is 100% organic vibes-based pirate lore in honor of our boy david. i have read a lot about pirates over the years, though. fiction, nonfiction, and primary sources. these are just the fun bits that live in my brain <3
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Jacky Faber from bloody jack
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Jacko herself
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Jacky: Don’t worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve.
Richard: I think you mean cards.
Jacky, pulling knives out of her sleeves: Those too.
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telepathicapathy · 2 years
I'm rereading the bloody jack series again and tbh Jacky and Higgins should've stayed married. Like she wants freedom and to not just be kept in some pretty cottage and full control of her money and to not get pregnant and the only man who is guaranteed not to try and restrain her is Higgins. I'm pretty sure he loves her more than Jaimy does too, even tho it's purely platonic, since he just knows her better. The only one who loves her more than Higgins is Amy
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captainsvscaptains · 6 months
Round 2 Part 1 Poll 2
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Finnbar lost his wife and son in a pirate attack, steals his ship back with the help of another dilf and they go on adventures.
Jacky's from a book series I read as a kid. she dresses up as a boy, makes other boys think they're gay, kisses girls, becomes a pirate, starts a theater, has adventures, becomes a consort to Zheng Yi Sao. I love her.
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timeandspacelord · 10 months
Jacky: "Nothing else matters now, because I am dying"
Me, reading this for the fourth time, also experiencing The Horrors: "girl, me too"
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boatmediatourney · 1 year
⚓Boat Media Tournament⚓
Round 1, match 4
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sporksaber · 2 years
Hi, I'm gonna talk about the pirate book again.
One of my favorite scenes happens because the book addresses Jacky's period. (I dont think the age is accurate to the time period. It takes place early in the industrial revolution so I dont know how much that would offset it, but she was malnourished for years prior to joining the navy as a cabin boy.) She is 12 years old when the books start. A few months in she gets her first period and it uses the "character thinks she's dying" trope. She freaks out but can't tell anyone because she's pretending to be a boy at this point. I think she has it once more before she learns about it.
Her and the other cabin boys finally get to have a day on land as the ship is docked for awhile. Jacky splits off from the rest to find a brothel. The woman whose room she's sent to is first like, "are you not an actually baby," before looking at her a bit more and smiling, telling her to sit down, and making tea.
It doesn't actually include the explanation. It cuts to jacky leaving and adjusting her pants and the other boys seeing her and being like, "oh shit! Jacky you didn't—"
Past this there are a few callbacks to the information, primarily that the woman told her the sex talk which included the fact that her having a baby at the age she is would be very bad. Which leads back to why I hate her canon love interest—
But anyway. She also considers the woman to be like, peak womanhood, and styles a dress she makes after the one she wore. And I liked that detail.
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justastoryteller · 1 year
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Today I bring you a meme from the “reunion” scene in Mississippi Jack
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jackwhitespankbank · 29 days
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