#blood sugar was JUST over the line into abnormal but i can reverse that with walks + not eating like a 12-year-old
crimeronan · 4 months
my tests all came back basically normal 💕 i am no longer disabled. love and light
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stuckyxren · 3 years
Day 5 Stucky Fic: Blood work
Authors note: Thank you everyone. You guys have been so supportive and have given me a small fraction of peace this week and I couldn’t be more grateful.
Also, this fic will be VERY short because I’m a day behind. 😂 Struggling to catch up, but I need this just as much as anyone who reads my content.
Summary: Bruce does a blood test and the panel is less than stellar. Cue the distraught reader and caring boys.
Warnings: Mentions of blood work, but nothing crazy.
The morning after the county fair, Bruce wanted to run some tests to see what the problem could have been. The motion sickness medicine should have worked just as well for you as it did for Steve, but on the lesser dose. Steve was correct in his thinking that, compared to your size, you required half the dosage.
So, while you waited for the results, the boys snuggled up with you for a Disney movie marathon.
A few hours later, Bruce had Jarvis being you all down to the lab.
“Okay. So I ran a few test.” Bruce began, leading you all into his private office off of his lab. “Have a seat so we can go over the results.”
You all sat down. Bruce perched on the edge of the desk as you, Steve, and Bucky all took a seat in the comfy chairs he has for “events” like these.
“So, everything looks pretty good.” Bruce started, scrolling along as you all watched on. The hologram was double sided. You all were seeing the same image in real time. “Let’s discuss the abnormalities.”
At this, you took a hand with both boys. They both squeezed lightly in return. They are here. They have you. No matter what.
“Don’t worry. These are most likely minor problems that we can adjust to. Just gonna have some life style changes.” Bruce said, sense the nerves in the air. “So, your blood sugar is off. Have you been eating regularly and have you been eating enough to keep up with you metabolism?” Bruce asked.
“I think so.” You replied, looking to Bucky for confirmation. You and Bucky spent the most time together during meal times, as Steve often had to do paper work since he is the leader of the Avengers.
“I would say yes. Sometimes no, but mostly yes.” Bucky said, looking at Bruce. “Sometimes she isn’t hungry, so she doesn’t eat, or is too tired.”
“That’s the problem then.” Bruce said, nodding thoughtfully. “When you don’t eat, your body turns to starvation mode and starts eating the fat in your body. So, you blood sugar sky rockets to compensate. So you have to eat. Even if it’s a snack or small meal.” Bruce explained, typing quickly. “Here’s some helpful tips and suggestions for you to start on. Make it your own and fit it to yourself. This isn’t just a one size fits all thing.”
“Alright.” You nodded. “Do I eat more when I work out?”
“Yes.” Bruce said, nodding vigorously. “You guys burn more than average because of the serum. So, you have to compensate. More food and water when you work out or go on a mission.”
“So, keep a go bag.” Steve said, looking directly at you. “We can all make sure to have something on hand. Bucky and I seem to feel hunger and you don’t. We just have to be prepared and work on it.”
“Right.” Bruce said. “That’s the other thing. Your liver levels are off. The enzyme that is suppose to break down the food and proteins you eat and convert it to energy are pretty low.”
“Well, I could have told you that.” You laughed.
Bruce laughed in response. “Yeah, I figured. Which is another reason to eat more, but please don’t over eat. There is a fine line, but I’m sure you’ll find it. Plus, we can work ok something to see how to maybe reverse that and help you get more energy.”
“Sounds good.” You said. “Anything else doc?”
“Yeah. So, your white blood count is high. How are you feeling?” Bruce said. “I know what happened last night, but still.”
“I mean, I feel a bit off, but nothing that’s gonna get me down and out.” You replied.
Steve piped up. “So, that means she has an infection right?”
“Possibly.” Bruce said. “She could be fighting off something. Just keep a close eye, get plenty of fluids, and rest.”
“We will make sure of it.” Bucky replied.
I know this is vague and short, but it’s what I needed and I’d like to keep writing. I have a few ideas for yesterday and today to catch up with. Stay tuned! Love y’all!
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universemarvel · 3 years
The time Peter should have FIRST called Mr. Stark “Tony.”
By @universemarvel for @sdottkrames
Rating: general audiences
Relationships: Tony Stark & Peter Parker
Characters: Peter Parker & Tony Stark
Summary: an irondad one shot where Peter gets... hurt., and handles it in a Peter Parker Way™️. Tony is honestly just trying his best okay?!?
Part of the @friendly-neighborhood-exchange
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The kid jumps and his head snaps towards his mentor. He smiles sheepishly. “Yes, Mr. Stark?”
“What are you doing?” Tony held his coffee mug up in front of his mouth in a poor attempt to hide the smile on his face.
Peter looked down to his messy table, which was occupied by empty blue and silver snack wrappers, drinks, and his Spider-Man suit, which he was currently scrubbing with a sponge. He picked up one of the wrappers that still had some did in it. “I’m... trying all the pop tart flavors,” he said, taking a bite out of the pastry.
“You feeling alright?” It’s not often he could walk up unnoticed upon Peter.
But Peter just smiled. “A little lightheaded from the sugar rush, but otherwise fine;” his smile disappeared as quickly as it had come. “Why?”
Tony rolled his eyes. “Why are you scrubbing your suit with a sponge? I’m sure there’s a dishwashing machine somewhere in this building,” he finally revealed his smile.
Peter’s eyebrows scrunched together. “Is the suit dishwasher safe? Because that would actually be great.”
Tony laughed. “I’m not answering that. What happened? And please don’t tell me you’re hand scrubbing your multi-million dollar suit because you forgot to put on deodorant.”
Pink painted Peter’s cheeks as he smiled and shook his head. “No, I just got something on it and it stinks. Do you want to smell it?” He offered the suit up, and Tony took a step back reflexively.
“No thanks, kiddo, I’m rather enjoying my coffee at the moment. However, I do have a decontamination gadget for a reason, so let’s throw it in there for a few hours so we can go back upstairs for dinner. That is, if you’re still hungry after eating New York’s entire stock of pop tarts.”
“Of course I’m hungry,” Peter smiled, “and if your cleany-box doesn’t work, can we try the dishwasher?”
“Absolutely not.”
After dinner, the pair found themselves scrolling through Netflix. Peter’s lightheadedness from earlier had slowly been developing into a headache, but he didn’t want to bother Tony with it.
He didn’t feel like watching a movie, which he figured was a red flag, but he picked a Star Wars movie to avoid raising suspicion.
“Are you sure?” Tony’s voice pulled Peter from his attempts to distract himself from his headache.
“Am I sure...about what?”
Tony eyed him suspiciously, and Peter tried to think of what he did that was out of the ordinary so he could reverse it.
“Are you sure you’re feeling okay?” Tony squinted his eyes.
“Of course.”
“Correction-“ his mentor rolled his eyes; “do you have any pain at all?”
Peter shook his head, still trying to figure out what his giveaway behavior was. “Why?”
Tony crossed his arms. “Because we watched this movie last night.”
Peter’s breath caught, and he reached for a lie. He shrugged. “I feel like you didn’t appreciate it enough the first time.” His mind replayed the evening before. “Aaand you fell asleep, so technically you can’t say you watched it last night.”
Tony’s mouth was still pressed in a thin line, revealing his doubts, but he just shook his head. “Okay,” he gave in, “but don’t make me regret this.”
Peter smiled, hoping the well-known noises from the familiar film would minimize his headache’s growth.
Still in the process of waking up, he was glad the room was so nice and quiet. He knew he was still at the tower because it was always loud at his apartment. His headache was gone, and realizing he was in his room at the tower, he wondered with a start how he’d gotten back here from the living room; he figured he must’ve been pretty tired last night to have been so out of it.
He waits for the noises of the tower to reach him, but they don’t. He sits up quickly, somehow quietly. Too quietly. He looks down at the sheets, and runs his hands back and forth on them. He can’t hear them, and his eyes widen. He can see his chest is moving quicker with his increased breathing pace, but he can’t hear that either.
He brings his fingers to his ears and snaps.
Nothing. He tries again, watching his hand this time to make sure he snaps correctly, still nothing.
He feels true panic swell up in his chest, and jumps out of bed. He rushes to put a shirt and a pair of pants on, and the silence of his movements scares him; he feels like he’s watching a movie on mute, except he’s never not heard at least his own breathing. He opened the door, and paused; the silence of the hallway greeted him like a wave, rushing into his head with an overwhelming ringing he feels rather than hears.
It hurts.
On second thought, he closed the bedroom door again, shutting himself off from the hallway. It had to have been whatever chemical was on the suit. The suit which was now decontaminated and as clean as it had been new. How helpful would it be going to Mr. Stark without any information? Maybe if he could retrace his steps from yesterday, he could find out what the chemical was. He glanced at the clock, and saw it was 7:15. Tony wouldn’t be awake for several hours still, so Peter could get a head start until then. If all went well, Peter could even analyze the sample and neutralize it before Tony was up for his usual weekend 11 am breakfast.
Peter made it to the spot he’d been sprayed by the bad-smelling stuff by 8 o’clock. He landed, slowly turning around to assess the area. It was a bright alleyway, lit from the morning sun’s reflection off a nearby skyscraper, but was still secluded and generally ignored by passerby’s due to it being a dead end street, blocked off by a wall of brick apartment.
He realized that he hadn’t said anything to Karen, who had no doubt been talking to him since he put the mask on; he wondered what she had been saying, and felt partly guilty for what was probably perceived as him ignoring her.
He didn’t want to tell her he couldn’t hear, however, for fear of some hidden protocol that would alert Tony, so he did his best to try to sound natural, a difficult task given that he couldn’t hear himself.
“Hey Karen,” he said, and paused. What did she normally say to him? Ask him how he was doing? How he slept? She would have for sure commented that she was glad to see him, but her usual trail of discussion had probably been derailed by the fact that he hadn’t acknowledged anything she’d said throughout the entire trip thus far.
“Sorry for ignoring you,” he said after giving her a chance to talk, “everything’s fine, I’m just trying to find something. Here. For Mr. Stark.”
He waited a beat, hoping he wasn’t cutting her off or waiting too long to respond, but honestly he had no idea.
“Could you help me find any synthetic chemicals on the walls or ground here? I’m looking for the stuff I got sprayed with yesterday.”
If she replied, he didn’t know, but he was glad to see diagnostics pull up as Karen began to highlight a plethora of invisible substances in the environment around him. With each one that pulled up, Karen did a quick calculation as to what it was.
He scanned his surroundings; urine, vomit, urine, blood, urine, some more urine, a few unidentifiable splotches, but he could tell from their location and position that they weren’t what he was looking for.
His shoulders slumped forwards, and he frowned.
He saw a shadow grow forward into the alleyway, and jumped around in a twist to see what was there. It was just a garbage truck, but the fact that it was now looming over him in the alleyway without him knowing it was even there still had his blood running cold. He jumped onto the wall and started climbing. Halfway up, Tony’s face appeared on his display. He realized it was an incoming call, and too late requested, “Karen don’t answer!” As the call connected through.
He couldn’t hear anything of course, and knowing Tony was currently talking to him made his breath quicken. Also the fact that it wasn’t even 9 am, which was early — and therefore abnormal, for Tony.
“Hi Mr. Stark,” he greeted as happily as he could. “I’m, uh, climbing up this wall at the moment, can I, uh, can I call you back later?”
He hoped Mr. Stark said yes, and he wished he’d have video called so Peter could see his expression and attempt to read his lips, but he couldn’t. Instead he quickly exhaled “Karen, hang up,” and watched as the call disconnected. He climbed onto the roof, and hoped that Karen’s compliance to hang up meant that Tony hadn’t said anything too important. Besides, Peter should probably head back to the tower anyways to start figuring out what was wrong.
Now that he was on the roof, however, he was met with another wave of panic as the view of the skyline met him. He looked at the silent scene of a busy New York City morning, down the streets where he knew cars were still honking, people were talking, phones were ringing, and kids were yelling while they played on their weekend, a morning free from school. He knew it was going on, and he was missing it. Sure, this was every day for a lot of people, but he was Spider-Man. His job required his ears.
As if to prove his point, his spider sense flared up, and he fell to the ground. He looked around, not knowing why or where it had come from, but he didn’t see anything. Was he even the one in danger, or was it alerting him that someone else needed his help? After nothing happened for another moment, he ran to the side of the building and looked down. The scene he saw was normal, people walking, cars driving, even the alleyway he had come from was clear. His spider sense was still pulsing though, so he ran to the next side of the rooftop, frantically looking towards the street.
His eyes immediately found the scene, a car crash. It had just happened, and he wondered if he’d have been able to prevent it if he’d been able to hear. He didn’t know if they’d crashed before or after he’d felt the warning, although experience told him it was the latter. He swung down to the scene, and saw the driver open their door and fall out of the car. He ran up to her, seeing the passenger seat was empty, and helped her to her feet.
“Are you alright ma’am?” He asked, and not seeing any blood on her or problem with standing on her own, he thought so. Except her expression was still extremely worried, and she was talking, yelling maybe, but Peter couldn’t tell what she was saying. She then stumbled forward. Peter caught her, confused as to what she was going on for. She had just been in a motor vehicle accident, after all, so maybe a bit of odd behavior could be expected? He wished he could hear her to be sure.
She pointed back to the car. He looked, but didn’t see anything in the seats, besides boxes that had fallen in the back; other people were approaching the car now, too, trying to open the crushed back door. His spider sense was still calling, and he wondered what was in the back that could be dangerous. What everyone but him currently knew of. He turned back to face the woman, but she just grabbed his arm with a grip that told him that Something was Not OK and brought him around to the back, tears on her face now. The driver of the other vehicle ran up to them, saying something, before turning and walking anxiously with them. Confused, Peter cautiously followed them to the car, pushing past other people.
He suddenly saw behind the boxes in the back seat that there was a baby car seat, spider-sense screaming, and he was pretty sure he cursed out loud. He darted past the woman, pushed past the small, struggling crowd, and tugged the jammed car door, ripping if half off its hinges. He pushed the boxes out of the way to get to the baby. He tore the seatbelt in half to let the car seat loose, and handed the entire seat to the woman.
He glanced at the baby, happy and relieved to see her alive— crying but unharmed, and he let out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding. The mother unbuckled her, smiling now, and seeing that the scene was okay to go on without him, Peter left.
He swung away, away to a rooftop surrounded by nothing but open sky, and crumpled to the ground.
His spider-sense didn’t stop. He didn’t feel safe anymore. His chest tightened, and he felt like his airway was closing. He closed his eyes tightly and focused on breathing in, slowly, breathing out, slowly. Repeating it. His fingers dug into the rough artificial ground.
Someone could be screaming right next to him, and he wouldn’t even know it.
He could see something flashing even through his closed eyelids, and opened his eyes to see this at his display had changed.
Next to a transparent box showing his elevated vital signs, Mr. Stark’s concerned face was on the screen. He said something, but Peter shook his head.
“I can’t hear you, Mr. Stark,” he said, hoping his voice was louder than a whisper, “I can’t hear you.”
Tony frowned, typing something on his screen and saying something else Peter hoped wasn’t supposed to be directed at him, and at once a new message popped up on the screen, all systems online and functioning correctly.
Peter just shook his head again. “I’ll be right there,” he said, “I’m heading back to the tower now. Please meet me there, please.” And he hung up before Tony could try to tell him something again.
He had to take four breaks on his short trip back to the tower, just to breathe. He felt like he was dying, but he hadn’t been hit by anything, so he couldn’t be. It painfully reminded him of an asthma attack like those he used to have pre-powers.
But, unlike those past times when he wouldn’t have even been able to stand, every time he caught his breath even just enough to stand up again, he forced himself to keep going. He was so afraid to see someone get hurt, or worse, without him being there to prevent it from happening. His never relenting spider-sense made him feel like people were getting hurt around him; it made him feel blind, like he couldn’t see things he knew were there.
It wasn’t even 10 am when he arrived back at the tower, but Peter fell into the tower window, gasping. He saw Mr. Stark stand up in surprise at Peter on the floor, before rushing over to him. Peter pushed himself up so he was sitting, and ripped off his mask. He felt the tears on his face and didn’t know how long he’d been crying for. He just wished he could hear the voice of his mentor as he stopped in front of him.
Peter reached forward and grabbed his shirt, seeing that the man was trying to talk to him.
Peter cried, “I can’t hear, Mr. Stark; I can’t hear you.”
Mr. Stark pulled him to his feet, touching Peter’s chin so that Peter could see his face, and tried to say something else. Peter shook his head. “I can’t hear you,” he repeated, “I can’t— I can’t hear anything.”
Mr. Stark pulled Peter into a hug, where they stayed until Peter could feel his heart rate slow and his breathing calm down. He pulled away to wipe his eyes. Mr. Stark gently took his arm and led him into the lab, where he handed Peter a metal device shaped like a pencil. He pressed a button and a nearly (but not quite) opaque holographic blank screen popped up in Peter’s face out of the long side of the not-pencil, making a sort of hand-held paper in Peter’s hand.
Suddenly the words, “can you understand me now?” Typed into the screen, and Peter looked up. Tony said something else, and the words, “it usually works pretty well, just let me know if something doesn’t make sense” appeared. Peter raised a confused and interested eyebrow.
“This is neat,” he said curiously. “Why do you have this?”
Tony shrugged, and started speaking. Then, “It’s not the first time I’ve had deaf friends hanging out in the tower, you know.” Peter didn’t know that, but didn’t ask further. Whoever it was had his respect, though.
“So do you have any clues?” Tony’s question popped up on the holographic tablet.
Peter shrugged. “Pretty sure it was whatever I got sprayed with last night.”
“Makes sense. You were pretty out of it yesterday you slept through most of the movie and didn’t even wake up when I carried you to bed.” Peter scrunched his eyebrows at the image.
Tony went on. “When did it kick in?”
Peter cocked his head to the side; “what do you mean?”
“What time did your hearing go away this morning?”
Peter shrugged. “Sometime last night.”
He looked at the screen, then at Tony when nothing appeared. Tony was staring at him with an expression Peter had seen before, usually when he’d done something wrong.
Tony spoke, and Peter was for once glad he had good reason to look away to understand him.
“So. You woke up. Your first morning missing a pretty important sense. And decided to go out as the crime-fighting, life-saving, danger-seeking Spider-Man?”
Peter didn’t know if the punctuation on the screen was intentional, but it helped give him an idea of how Tony sounded.
“Ummm, not exactly,” he replied, keeping his eyes on the screen; it was weird talking and not hearing your own voice, and Peter partially wondered if he was talking too loud. “I went to see if I could find a sample of whatever was in the, uh, the spray.”
Tony turned to the table beside him and pushed a button. Silent videos from social media popped up of Spider-Man helping a woman to her feet, then pulling a baby from a crushed car. He had to admit that even without sound, he looked a little lost.
He glanced back at Tony, he was now looking at him skeptically.
Peter shrugged. “I got distracted.”
Tony rolled his eyes, but Peter could see a hint of a smile on his face. He thought he was going to say something but instead he walked around the table to where Peter normally sat, grabbed a paper towel, then reached under the table and grabbed a yellow cube from the trash can.
Not a cube. The sponge from last night, that Peter had used to try and scrub the suit clean. Tony held it up expectantly.
A sample.
Movement on the tablet caught his attention. “Oh indeed,” Tony said.
They had the chemical’s composition within the hour. They had the antidote by lunch. They were waiting for FRIDAY to make the dose needed, when Peter saw Tony laugh.
“What?” Peter hadn’t said anything, and he looked around to find out what he was laughing at.
Tony’s words appeared, “I think it’s time for lunch. Friday tell us when the dose is ready.”
He laughed again. The words, “sure thing boss” followed on the screen.
Peter frowned. “Why is that funny?”
Tony smiled. “Because your stomach growling is more reliable than my alarm clock.”
Peter rolled his eyes, glancing down at his abdomen. “Traitor,” he jokingly accused.
FRIDAY had the dose ready sooner than expected, so Peter brought the rest of his PB&J down to the lab with him.
He’d forgotten the talk-to-text tablet upstairs, so he didn’t hear anything Tony said and hoped there weren’t any urgent special instructions when Tony handed him a glass of blueish liquid.
Peter raised an eyebrow. “I just drink it?” Tony nodded and opened a can of sprite, leaning it forward for a toast. Peter tapped the cups, and they both drank. Peter made a scrunched face at the nasty taste after emptying the glass, closing his eyes as he coughed.
“So I’m guessing it wasn’t blue raspberry flavored?” Tony asked.
Peter shook his head and coughed, but froze when he realized he’d heard the question. He opened his eyes to see Tony smiling in front of him.
“We did it Mr. Stark!” Peter exclaimed, his voice sounding wayy too loud in his head.
“We did it,” Tony replied, and Peter visibly flinched.
“Everything’s so loud,” he said quietly.
Tony’s smile faded a little. “Hm.” He spoke softly, “whatchya say we stay in for the rest of the day and watch movies with the sound turned way down low?”
Peter grinned, “I’d love that, but then you won’t be able to hear it!”
Tony put his fists on his hips in mock anger, “are you saying I’m old?”
Peter laughed. “Maybe in spider years.”
Tony rolled his eyes and smiled. “That’s what I thought. Now, what’re we watching? And please don’t make me watch that same movie for the third time in a row. There’s only a certain number of times I can listen to the jar jar lizard, and we’ve already exceeded that.”
“Okay. So how about that old movie Predator?”
“Okay, now you are calling me old.”
“Of course, now that I can hear your reaction.”
30 minutes, 2 buckets of popcorn, and 1 pizza later, the duo finds themselves back upstairs on the couch, working on pulling up Predator with subtitles for Tony.
“So,” Tony began, “going back to that topic of reactions. How about I add this: don’t go out when you’re injured, as if that’s a new rule. Or impaired in some way. And if something like this happens again, come to me first. Please.”
Peter smirked. “Of course.”
“Nuh-uh, I need a stronger promise than that, bud. I don’t feel reassured at all.”
Peter sobered up, then. “Okay,” he said, “I will. Seriously. I was so scared.”
“Me too, Kid. Me too.”
“I thought I’d never hear you again. Or anything.”
“Aw, you’d miss hearing me?”
Peter rolled his eyes. “Just the good stuff.”
“Like how much I care about you? And how great you are? And I’m so glad you’re my kid?”
Peter’s eyebrows shot up before he could stop them. He quickly turned it into a frown as if contemplating something. “Nah, I was thinking more about the times when you’re like, ‘do you want food?’ Or, ‘here’s some pizza,’ is a good one, too.”
Tony narrowed his eyes at Peter, who grinned. “But that other stuff you were saying is nice, too,” Peter added, feeling a blush rise in his cheeks.
“I’m glad you think so,” Tony replied, “because I mean it.”
“Oh,” Peter responded.
“Oh indeed,” Tony replied with a smile Peter could hear in his voice.
The movie started, and Peter rested his head into Tony’s side.
“I care about you too, Mr. Stark,” Peter said quietly. He knew Tony could easily hear over the movie’s volume. “And I’m really glad you’re here for me and that you’re my, uh, my mentor. Well, and like a father figure person, too.”
Tony wrapped his arm around Peter.
“Glad to hear it, Peter. You make a really great kid, you know. And I’ll always be here for you.”
”Thanks, Tony. And you make a really great dad.”
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Diabetic Diet and Guidelines
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cinnamon for diabetes
What exactly is diabetic diet? Is presently there only 1 or many? Just what does some sort of diabetic diet program consist of? All of these concerns and more will possibly be responded to in this content.
cinnamon for diabetes
A diabetic eating habits will be an eating plan as well as diet plan recommended for folks with diabetes mellitus in order to assist them in maintaining their blood sugar.
Any diabetic diet is scientifically called Medical Nutrition Remedy. Its rich in vitamins and minerals, low in excess fat and also calories and rich in greens, fruits and whole spore. In this diet, individuals are generally encouraged to have moderate sums of food and adhere to regular mealtimes.
The value of ingesting dietary fibers is emphasized an ideal weight loss plans and it is also told me carbohydrates eaten together with linens results in a new lower glycemic reputation (level of sugar inside blood) than the same level of carbohydrates otherwise consumed only.
It has been proposed that in between 40 to be able to 65% regarding calories really should be obtained from glucose, although the American Diabetic Relationship in 1994 suggested 62 to 70%.
This specific last mentioned recommendation has been recently criticized simply by various men and women who rather canvassed the low carbohydrate diet. Rich K Bernstein is 1 involving such individuals. His or her own diet regime limits carb intake to be able to 30 gr per day in addition to physically demanding muscle building exercise along with frequent blood glucose tracking.
Futurologist Ray Kurzweil who also was earlier diagnosed using diabetes likewise promoters any carbohydrate intake of one particular sixth of total everyday caloric load.
Taking some sort of "cue" from the truth that a diet full off dietary fiber has already been shown to be quite beneficial, studies have recently been manufactured on vegan eating plans (diets of vegetarians). These kinds of research shows that such diet program not merely also help for you to lower hemoglobin A1C in addition to LDL quantities but in addition advanced glycation ending goods. Glycated end tools are necessary protein or lipids which usually possessing been exposed to all kinds of sugar grow to be glycated (covalently cemented using a sugar molecule with out the prevailing action connected with an enzyme).
Within the uk however, there is the Take in Properly plate which is usually the countrywide food information designed to aid BRITISH citizens have a balanced balanced diet. It is definitely using the basic five foodstuff groupings and the manual stipulates the proportion of a new person's plate that ought to be created up of each meal party.
Thus Fruits as well as vegetables - 33%, Loaves of bread, rice, potatoes, plata and also other starchy foods : 33%, Milk and additional dairy food - 15%, Various meats, species of fish, egg, beans along with other nondairy sources associated with protein - 12% in addition to foods and refreshments large in fat or carbohydrates - 7%.
It is actually popular that the next group nevertheless should become whole grain-that will be complete wheat bread, brown almond etc. and not sophisticated embryon like white loaves of bread as well as white rice. Just where this is certainly so and impact in mind how the eating habits falls within the boundaries of the recommended arrangement regarding between 40 to help 65% calorie to end up being obtained from carbs, the item can be said which it is also an excellent diet for diabetics.
Furthermore the United States Section of Cultivation (USDA) have got the MyPlate diet guidebook which replaced typically the USDA's pyramid guide in August 2, 2011. It can be generally a plate prepare demanding that 30 percent of your meal be grains, 45 percent vegetables, 10 pct fruit, and 20 per-cent protein. A few dairy (product), such as a a glass of milk or the natural yoghurts cup is additionally included.
This treatment solution was adjusted by the Harvard University of Public Health inside their Harvard Healthy Eating Platter. Their revision features one much more percentage increase of fruit and vegetables over fruits whilst as well balancing healthy protein and also grains as equal groups in the plate.
On often the other hand the Us Diabetic Association recommends that you simply create your own area through these simple methods;
"Using your current dinner dish, put any line lower the middle of home plate. Then on one aspect, slice it again thus you could have three portions on your platter.
a single. Fill the largest segment with non-starchy vegetables for example:
spinach, carrots, lettuce, shades of green, cabbage, bok choy natural beans, broccoli, cauliflower, tomato plants, vegetable juice, salsa, red onion, cucumber, beets, okra, mushrooms, peppers, turnips
2. At this point in one of the actual small sections, placed grain and starchy food these as:
whole grain loaf of bread, like whole wheat or even rye whole fiber, high-fiber cereal cooked cereal such since oatmeal, grits, hominy or perhaps cream of grain grain, pasta, dal, tortillas cooked properly beans and peas, this kind of as pinto beans or maybe black-eyed peas potatoes, environment friendly peas, corn, lima espresso beans, sweet potatoes, winter lead capture pages low-fat crackers, snack debris, pretzels and light fat free popcorn
several. Then in the particular other tiny section, fit your necessary protein such while:
chicken or poultry not having the skin fish for instance tuna, salmon, cod as well as catfish other seafood including shrimp, clams, oysters, crab or mussels lean reduces of beef and put such as sirloin or even pig loin tofu, ovum, low-fat cheese
Add some sort of serving involving fruit, a new serving connected with dairy or perhaps both as the meal approach allows.
Pick healthy fat in a small amount. For cooking food, use natural skin oils. For green salads, some wholesome additions usually are nuts, plant seeds, avocado along with vinaigrette.
To finish your meals, add a reduced calorie beverage like water, ill-flavored teas or coffee".
In phrases of dish times, as a diabetic, it has been explained in Daughters ken, He and Judd that typically the length of time just before meals that one ought to inject insulin would count on the type associated with insulin one is including. Whether it is extended, medium, or quick operating insulin.
For instance just where a very low blood carbs and glucose reading just before going to bed of below 6 milimoles per liter (108 mg/dL) is evidenced, it is usually suggested the fact that patient must take some longer working carbohydrate before going in order to bed to prevent evening hypoglycemia (abnormally low degrees regarding blood sugar).
Currently so far as the don'ts move, seeing that concerns alcohol, this is recommended that folks having diabetes who acquire insulin or other treatment these kinds of as sulphonylureas should not necessarily have alcohol on a great empty tummy. The purpose for this is that will liquor interferes with glycogenesis (the means of storing sugar and carbohydrates in the form involving often the polysacharride called glycogen) within the liver and many drugs prevent hunger pangs. This in addition to be able to weakened memory, judgement in addition to attention caused by a few drugs can cause hypoglycemia.
Permit us now take into account several specific diets. There are numerous as well as all have at a single time or other been incredibly popular. These continue to appreciate varying degrees of appui, though some more as compared to other folks.
The low Carbo diet
This specific diet advocates in which the removal of carbohydrate food from the standard diet plan could help reverse diabetes. Next this removing, the diet regime would consist of oily foods such as insane, hybrid tomato seeds, meats, fish, essential oils, as it, avocados, olives and also fresh vegetables. Fat would turn into the major energy supply and insulin level of resistance relevant complications would decrease.
Often the high Fiber diet
Demonstrating better results than the actual American Diabetic Association advised diet, this specific diet is claimed to control blood sugars levels with all the same efficiency as mouth diabetes medications.
The Paleolithic diet
Premised on what our old individual ancestors likely had through the Paleolithic age along with as a result that they enjoyed diabetes (among other diseases) free well being, the Paleolithic diet is made up mostly connected with lean various meats, nuts and fruits. Lab tests show that this diet program improves glucose tolerance throughout humans with diabetes including humans with ischemic cardiovascular disease and glucose intolerance.
The actual Pritkin diet
Is produced up generally of fruits, whole grains, veggies in addition to the like. It is definitely high in fiber as well as carbohydrates. It bills it is high carbohydrate articles nonetheless by including workout because part of its agreed program.
The G. I actually. eating habits
Aims at reducing the glycemic index associated with a persons diet plan along with a view to aid the user inside the command of his/her diabetes. In this article multi-grain and sourdoughs, beans and whole grains- foodstuff that are converted a lot more slowly for you to glucose with the blood stream be replacement for others just like whitened bread and taters baked a certain approach.
One should definitely not furthermore forget the vegan diet regime which has an capacity to increase glycemic management similar to the MUNCUL diet.
The Newcastle Diet regime
Lastly it is well worth mentioning the Newcastle diet program. Although strictly communicating, that may not be the particular sort of eating habits just one continues with after the first objective has been achieved, it is worth bringing up.
The diet is based around people who seek to help bring their particular blood glucose levels back to standard and so formally, "cure" their diabetes. The diet plan is actually a liquid one made up of carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamin supplements, minerals and trace factors. It provides 600 calorie consumption per day and is supplemented by three or more portions regarding non-starchy greens, thereby delivering total fat laden calories to 700 a day.
The particular diabetic fighting aspect of the diet plan is premised on typically the fact this its minimal calorie base, results often the individual losing weight. From the belly, this implies that the liver and also pancreas are less back logged together with fat and since such the pancreatic will be more effective in creating insulin whilst the lean meats is way better able to behave to it.
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Self Help for Anxiety & Depression
According to MIND one in four of us will experience a mental health problem during our lifetime and each year over 4,000 people experience enough distress to take their own lives, so we can all benefit from changes in lifestyle to support our mental health.
I have lived with anxiety and depression for over 30 years which has taken me on a journey through the various complementary and standard treatment options.  It took me a long time to realise that way I had got used to feeling wasn’t right but I have never given up in my search for an alternative to anti-depressants.  After ten years of researching I found out that I am hypothyroid - I have an underactive thyroid which is the most commonly under-diagnosed medical condition in the West and this was the cause of my anxiety, low mood, and debilitating lack of energy.
I have had the conventional medical treatments of psychotherapy, CBT, and SSRIs all of which have been helpful to an extent, but no GP or psychiatrist has ever mentioned the importance of nutrition and the role it plays in good mental health.  This is something I have had to find out for myself and I am sharing the information now in the hope that others also find it helpful.
Always go to your GP for diagnosis and ask for psychotherapy and CBT.  Most surgeries have a long waiting list for these treatments so it is important to get on the list as soon as possible.  If your illness is so debilitating that it is having a negative impact on your life so that you are unable to work or look after your children etc then SSRIs can be an effective short term solution to get you back on your feet.  It is important to start doing as much as you can to help yourself so that you don’t become dependant on the drugs starting with daily meditation, diet, and supplements.
Dietary changes and supplements can take three to six months to be effective so they should be started before you try to come off any medication.  When you do come off go very slowly, much slower than the doctor recommends. I got a large emery board and filed across the tablet with one long stroke.  I increased by one stroke every day to shave off a small amount to prevent withdrawal.
I have been on and off anti-depressants (SSRIs or Selective Seratonin Reuptake Inhibitors) five times during a period of fifteen years.  I was told by my GP that I should remain on them for the rest of my life, but I refused to accept that.  The diagnosis of depression and anxiety is entirely subjective and the knee-jerk reaction is to prescribe anti-depressants.  There shouldn’t be any stigma to taking medication for those who need it, but it really is only a short-term solution.  
In my opinion the medical profession should be spending more time finding out the underlying cause of the depression and anxiety because they are a symptoms of an underlying condition.  This could be: iodine deficiency, underactive thyroid, low vitamin B12, copper imbalance, or a lack of good fats in the diet.
1. Nutrition
There isn’t much point spending any money on therapies or supplements until you have made changes to the lifestyle choices that could be contributing to poor nutrition.
Eat three meals a day with protein at every meal.
Cut out all sugar, caffeine, gluten, processed foods, refined carbohydrates, alcohol, vegetable oils, and margarine.
Sugar is an anti-nutrient that strips essential minerals from your reserves as your body attempts to break it down.  Depleted levels of calcium, chromium, magnesium, and zinc leave your body in chaos.
Coffee inhibits iron absorption, affects B-vitamins, and raises cortisol.  
Refined carbohydrates, such as baked goods made from white flour, have very little nutritional value and cause your blood sugar to spike.  Reduce carbs and eat as advised by Weton A Price http://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/be-kind-to-your-grains-and-your-grains-will-be-kind-to-you/.
Alcohol damages the gut lining, causing it to become permeable and ‘leaky’.  It also breaks down B-vitamins and antioxidants such as vitamin C.
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is a processed food additive. It is an extremely dangerous neurotoxin (excitotoxin) that shrivels and kills brain cells in the hypothalamus and has been linked to migraines, seizures, ADD/ADHD, heart palpitations, tremors, and MANY other symptoms.
Following a low carb diet such as Weston A Price Foundation (WAPF) for a nutrient dense eating plan that doesn’t remove any food groups.  Read Sally Fallon’s Nourishing Traditions.
WAPF also promotes the use of good fats such as lard, goose, and coconut for frying and roasting instead of vegetable oils which are too high in omega 6. Omega 6 imbalance causes inflammation in the body so we all need to increase our intake of Omega 3s.  Extra Virgin Olive Oil should never be heated, reserve it for pouring on salads etc.
Read: Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon more information at https://www.westonaprice.org/.
2. Testing
Low B12 has been linked with depression and anxiety.  This can be tested by your GP.  Ask for a print out of your results and check them yourself.  On a range of 180-900 a healthy level appears to be 800 or higher. In the 500-800 range, you can benefit from supplementation.  
You can increase your levels with B12 injections, by sucking B12 lozenges, or using a spray - sublingual B12, specifically Methylcobalamin, is a better form of delivery than swallowing capsules because the digestive process can inhibit uptake.  
Take B12 alongside a good B Vitamin Complex supplement such as Doctors Best which contains the active forms in the correct ratio.  People with MTHFR gene mutation cannot process synthetic B vitamins.  B vitamins are water-soluble which means the excess is excreted through urine.
Take B supplements in a split dose at breakfast and lunch to give you energy throughout the day - do not take at night as they can keep you awake.
Keep a diary and note down when you started the supplement and how you feel.  
Can be tested via finger-prick test with Medichecks https://www.medichecks.com/tests/vitamin-b12-active-folate
Diagnosis is via the 23andMe genetic saliva test. If you feel too overwhelmed at this stage to do this test you can just take the methylated B complex and see if that helps.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D isn’t a vitamin it is an essential hormone and chronic deficiency can contribute to depression and low immunity so it is important to ask your GP for a Vitamin D test. 
Unless you are getting 20mins of sun exposure (without sunscreen) daily throughout the year it is likely that you will need to supplement with Cod Liver Oil and Rosita is the best quality.  Raw organic milk is also a good source of vitamin D.
Morley Robbins advises against D3 supplements and increaseing magnesium instead.  For more information on the Root Cause Protocol go here: http://gotmag.org/vitamin-d-deficiency-mg-deficiency-period/
Ferritin is a blood test that measures your levels of storage iron.  The best test is the iron panel which can be done via finger-prick with Medichecks: https://www.medichecks.com/tests/iron-status-check Ensure you stop iron supplements 5 days before testing.
Stop The Thyroid Madness recommendations on interpreting results:
Iron/Total Iron: 23 is optimal
TIBC: optimal 1/4 above the bottom number in the range
Transferrin Saturation: optimal at 25-45% or close to 35%
Ferritin: optimal between 70 and 90 ug/L
Low ferritin can occur with high iron due to the MTHFR gene mutation impairing the ability to break it down.
Morley Robbins advises against taking iron supplements because the oxidise in the liver.  Her recommends eating beef liver or taking Perfect Health Beef Liver capsules.  http://gotmag.org/category/iron-toxicity/
Abnormal adrenal function can alter the ability of cells to produce energy for the activities of daily life. People who have a hard time rising in the morning, or who suffer from low energy throughout the day, often have abnormal adrenal rhythms and poor blood sugar regulation.
High dose Iodine supplementation above 100mg daily support an antioxidant effect which supports the adrenals and reduces cortisol levels by opposing the strong toxic effects of mercury - Iodine pushes mercury out of the body.
Cortisol levels can be measured by a saliva collection test.  This test is recommended by STTM in the UK and I did it myself.  I found it very easy to do: https://www.medichecks.com/cortisol-tests/cortisol-saliva-tests-4 .
The NHS will usually only test for TSH and Free T4.  It is essential to also test for Free T3, Reverse T3, and Thyroid Antibodies.  
Ask for a print out of your results which include the lab reference range. Optimal is FT4 mid range with FT3 high. Any lower and you are hypothyroid which causes depression, anxiety, brain fog, and low energy.
If you want to check yourself a cheap way of doing it is a home finger prick test.  Medichecks https://www.medichecks.com/ do a range of thyroid tests depending on what you want tested, most of which can be done as a home finger prick test.  Reverse T3 needs to be done by blood draw.
If you are hypothyroid the FaceBook group FTPO - UK & Europe can help with interpretation of results.
The best remedy for hypothyroidism is high dose Iodine (50mg for 6 months) and then once you have reached 90-95% saturation, if required, Natural Desiccated Thyroid - NDT.  I recommend reading Dr David Brownstein's books - Iodine Why You Need It and Overcoming Thyroid Disorders. Those books have changed my life. And you are welcome to join my group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/NaturalThyroidHealth which has further information about iodine supplementation, the Root Cause Protocol, and Stop the Thyroid Madness.
3. Heal Your Gut
There isn’t much point taking supplements if you aren’t digesting the foods you eat properly.  Before spending money on supplements, healing your gut is essential so that you body can successfully absorb nutrients.  If you drink alcohol or have taken antibiotics your gut flora will be damaged.  
Include fermented foods: kefir, sauerkraut etc.
Make your own bone broth and drink a cup per day.
Increase good fats: use animal fats such as ghee, lard, goose fat, or coconut oil for frying, baking, and roasting.  Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil for pouring on salads and other cold foods - do not heat EVOO.
Cut out refined sugar and refined carbs.  Take Oregano Oil capsules to kill off the bad bacteria.
Read: Gut & Psychology Syndrome by Natasha Campbell-McBride.
4. Nutritional Supplements
Iodine: should be the first supplement to start as it is an essential micronutrient which nourishes every cell in the body.  It is difficult to get enough from Western diets as we do not eat enough shellfish or seaweed.  Not only does it detox the body of heavy metals and other toxins, it flushes out halides such as fluoride, chlorine, and bromine which block iodine receptors and prevent absorption causing chronic deficiency.  Follow the guidelines detailed in the posts on Iodine.
Read: Iodine: Why You Need It by Dr David Brownstein.
Join my group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/NaturalThyroidHealth/ 
Fish Oil: take a fish oil supplement that is high in EPA.  I take Rosita Cod Liver Oil.  EPA has been found to be effective in high doses in treating depression.  It also contains Vitamin D which is a hormone not a vitamin and plays an essential role in the way the body functions.  In the UK we don’t get the 20 mins per day sun exposure required to keep the levels normal all year round so supplementing is a requirement.  The use of sunscreen prevents natural absorbtion so it is essential to get tested.
Amino Acid Complex: I take Biocare Broad Spectrum Amino Acids, one capsule after breakfast and lunch. It provides the essential building blocks for the brain to regulate chemical production.
Curcumin/Turmeric: reduces inflammation which can be a cause of depression.  It acts like a MAOI antidepressant, but without the side effects, by inhibiting the monoamine oxidase enzyme modulating the release of serotonin and dopamine.  It should therefore not be taken when you are on SSRI medication.  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2929771
Magnesium Oil: lots of people are magnesium deficient due to soil depletion.  I use 20 sprays of Better You Magnesium Spray before bed.
Probiotics: BioKult which is recommended by GAPs practitioners.
Tulsi (Holy Basil): reduces cortisol levels - the stress hormone.  This should be for short-term use only while the underlying cause is being addressed e.g. removing the cause of the stress.  http://www.livestrong.com/article/432475-holy-basil-for-anxiety-insomnia
5HTP: acts like a natural anti-depressant but should be for short term use only while the underlying cause of the problem is being addressed.
5. CBT - Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
After ten sessions of this therapy you will learn how to change your thinking to prevent your own self-talk from making you feel bad about yourself.
Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy by Dr David Burns.  This was recommended to me by a psychiatrist and I found it to be a useful self-help manual.
6. Psychotherapy / Counselling
If there are people or life situations that are causing you to feel emotionally stressed through bullying, control, or manipulation then talk-therapies can help you to explore your feelings in a safe environment.  This will enable you to gain insight into your own behaviour and that of others.
You can get 12 sessions on the NHS and there are organisations that provide low-cost services according to income.
7. EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) / Tapping
There are lots of clips on YouTube that can help you to learn EFT which uses the tapping of acupressure points with the fingers to release negative feelings.
8. Exercise
Daily exercise for at least 30 minutes, preferably in the sunshine for vitamin D and light.  It is important for the exercise to be strenuous enough to cause breathlessness to get the blood pumping.  The only exception to this would be if you have chronic fatigue and adrenal issues - exercise will make you feel exhausted.
9. Mindfulness
It is clinically proven that daily meditation reduces anxiety and depression.  Find a beginners meditation CD and do some every day.
It is free, you can do it anywhere, and you don’t need a group, teacher, or special equipment.  Daily meditation for between 10 and 60 minutes, depending on what your body needs, is the best thing any of us can do for ourselves to overcome stress, anxiety, and depression.  
Decided on a time each day for your practice.  I find after lunch is best when I put my children down for a nap or sit them in front of the TV for a DVD that lasts at least an hour.  Switch off your phone and sit in a chair in a quiet room on your own.  Bring your attention to your breath.  If your mind wanders, you start thinking, etc calmly send the thought away without judgement and bring your attention back to the breath. When a thought comes don’t see it as a failure but as a sign that you are growing in awareness.  You are observing your mind and environment without judgement.  You should eventually feel a sense of total calm and peace like you have never felt before.  This feeling will come more quickly and easily the more you meditate.  You will notice you are calmer and better able to deal with problem solving and you will become more efficient at your work.
The Mindful Way Through Depression - Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness by Williams, Teasdale, Segal, and Kobat-Zinn.  This was recommended to me by a CBT therapist.
Sane New World by Ruby Wax.
10. Reiki
This is a hands-on healing technique performed by a trained professional which delivers universal healing energy via the healers hands.  You lay clothes on a couch while the practitioner gradually works around key points on your body. The treatment takes around 50 minutes.  You may feel very tired afterwards.  It heals on a physical and emotional level and can help to remove deep emotional trauma which is causing anxiety or depression.  
I trained as a Reiki Level 1 so that I can treat myself every night in bed.  I spend 10 minutes working on the back of my head to calm my brain and then I fall asleep with my hands on my heart to open up my heart.
11. Acupuncture
Acupuncture works to relieve anxiety, depression, and insomnia.  Start weekly before gradually working towards monthly top-ups to unblock the energy pathways in the body bringing it into balance.
12. EMFs
As much as you can try to avoid exposure to Electro Magnetic Fields (EMFs) which causes damage to our cells creating artificial stress responses which can adversely affect sleep and the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine which affect mood.  
Put your mobile phone on airplane mode when it is in your pocket or in a bag that you are carrying.  When you are at home put it on change in a place away from where you or others are sitting.  Turn off the Bluetooth and Wi-Fi signals.
Don’t use Bluetooth accessories for your computer or mobile phone.
Turn off the Wi-Fi signal on your router and use a wired connection for your computer.
Buy a corded landline phone and get rid of any wireless (DECT) phones.
Buy an earthing sheet from The Healthy House so that your body can repair itself during sleep.
Avoid using a microwave by heating things up in pans or in the oven.
Buy a salt lamp for every room in the house.
Put orgonite on electrical devices in the home.
More information about EMFs at http://www.powerwatch.org.uk/.
13. Managing Your Life
If you are fed-up of being bullied or controlled by others take and assertiveness training course and learn how to confidently take control of situations.  Learn to avoid such people to make life even easier!  Confidently say no with a smile on your face.
14. Detox Heavy Metals
Detoxing is only a good idea once your mood is stabilised
Lemon Juice Cleanse: two tablespoons of organic, preferably freshly squeezed, lemon juice in a glass of filtered tap water daily for three weeks.  Then two teaspoons on alternate days.
Apple Cider Vinegar Cleanse: two tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar with the mother (Biona do a good one) in a glass of filtered tap water daily for three weeks.  Then two teaspoons on alternate days.
Take a super greens supplement containing Chlorella to chelate mercury particularly if you have amalgam fillings or if you have had vaccines. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/01/28/chlorella-for-mercury-poisoning.aspx.
Use only stainless steel, pyrex, or ceramic cookware.  Remove all aluminium pots and pans.
Avoid all vaccinations because they contain either mercury or aluminium.
Consult a homeopath or naturopath for chelation therapy to remove heavy metals from the body.
Filter your tap water and buy mineral water in glass bottles.  Buy reusable stainless steel bottles to take out with you.
Iodine also pushes mercury out of the body.
15. Journaling
Write three pages in an A5 notebook on waking.  This should be a stream of consciousness exercise to allow ideas and feelings to freely come up from the subconscious before the thinking and doing side of the train takes over during the day.
Read: The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron.
16. Hormones
If you are a woman visit my hormones blog at https://www.tumblr.com/blog/ovulationsyndrome
Read: A Mind of Your Own by Kelly Brogen MD.
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