#bless whoever put these on ebay
casdeans-pie · 9 months
So I bought a couple of old Supernatural magazines off ebay because I wanted something for Misha to sign at a convention
And I'm just mesmerised by this whole page spread of Cas
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nayutai · 5 years
BTS having a thick s/o
This was a request but I can’t find the ask where I answered it but to whoever it was I hope this is what you were looking for!
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It’s never been a secret that Seokjin likes a woman with a little meat on her bones so no one was really surprised when he pursued you after meeting you at an interview. Well except for you that is. He treats you like an absolute queen and never fails to remind you just how beautiful he thinks you are. Whenever your schedules line up he loves spending lazy days at home with you though most of the time is spent with you straddling his waist while he has his way with you. The sight of your thick thighs wrapped around his waist drives him wild every single time and he wishes he could live in those moments forever.
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Yoongi loved going abroad because it gave him the opportunity to see the many different and beautiful people who he felt blessed to call his fans. He absolutely loathed the long plane rides though. Sixteen hour plane rides should most definitely be illegal. Three months ago he’d found a new appreciation for long plane rides in the form of a particularly shapely. Your conservative uniform did absolutely nothing to obscure the womanly curves of your body. Yoongi’s never eaten so many airplane peanuts in his life but it was worth it to watch the way your hips rolled as you walked back and forth down the aisle of the private jet. After months of hard work, he is finally able to call you his. He’d thought that nothing could beat the sight of you in your flight attendant uniform but seeing you now asleep next to him in his bed wearing nothing but one of his baggy hoodies quickly has him changing his mind.
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When it comes to his clothes, your boyfriend Hoseok is like a guard dog. Nothing of his gets worn or even touched without explicit permission from him. Unless you’re the one wearing it that is. The sight of you in one of his baggy t-shirts and nothing else makes his blood run hot in ways that he’s not sure even has words to explain. The hem line of the shirt you current have on barely skims the tops of your voluptuous thighs as you move around the bedroom putting away some laundry. He’s not sure where he wants to focus his eyes so they wander from the swell of your full breasts to the cute little pudge of your tummy and further down to your ass. Hoseok tells you all the time how enraptured he is with you and yet he’s positive that you still don’t fully comprehend just how much you affect him.
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Namjoon had always considered himself to be a breast man....until he met you. One of his favorite things to do is to run his hands all over your curves. Not even in a sexual manner all the time he just loves how feminine you feel in his arms. Though he does love to undress you, he loves seeing the way your hourglass frame fills out your clothes just as much. You’re always scolding him because his eBay sessions when he used to impulse buy figurines now includes him spending an absurd amount of money on form-fitting dresses and jeans you have to practically sacrifice your manicure to get into. The look on his face when you model your new goods for him makes the stress of dealing with the constant barrage of packages worth it.
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Nap time is the best time and Jimin loves his naps even more so now that he’s dating you. His favorite sleep position is directly on top of you, arms wrapped securely around your lower back with his head resting just below your chest. No matter how he falls asleep, he always ends up in that exact position at some point or another. Every time you bring it up he claims to be “protecting you from sleep paralysis demons” even though neither one of you suffer from that particular affliction. Truth be told, your body is a Park Jimin magnet and he gravitates toward you even when he’s not conscious of it. Your thick hourglass shape is something he thought he could only conjure up in his dreams of what he wanted in a woman. Now that his dreams are a reality he’s holding on tight and never letting go.
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Taehyung would put his hand on the Bible and swear on his life that he doesn’t intentionally buy you the tightest jeans he can find just to watch your ass jiggle when you jump around to get them on. He’d be condemned to hell for lying but it would be worth it. He’s never met a woman with curves as deadly as yours and a killer personality to match. He loves every inch of you and he doesn’t hesitate to make sure everyone knows it. Whenever he’s around you, you practically have to beat his wandering hands away with a stick or else you’ll never get anything done. Your self-esteem hasn’t been the highest when the two of you first met but that gradually changed to the point where you can barely remember a time when you didn’t love yourself and the skin you’re in.
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When you had agreed to move in with your boyfriend Jungkook, you’d been pretty nervous. You’d never lived so far away from your family before but packing up your entire life to live in South Korea with him had just felt right. You’d expected the culture shock. You’d expected the stress of adjusting to living with someone else. You hadn’t expected for all of your jeans to slowly come up missing while somehow accumulating a mountain of leggings and yoga pants. Seeing as how no one but you, Jungkook, the rest of BTS, and the size 4 cleaning lady had access to your home, your boyfriend had to be the culprit. Your suspicions are confirmed when you catch him in the act of hiding another pair of jeans. He breaks out his best pout to whine about how great your ass and thighs look in stretchier fabric. You make him return all your jeans to the closet where he got them from but you continue to wear them sparingly, opting for yoga pants, much to Jungkook’s delight.
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Miracle #7 - I Do Not Know What Anything Is For
While I was at the summer retreat in Maine sponsored by the Teachers of God Foundation I met Calico Hickey.
We were talking about tithing and she mentioned how she has been giving her tithe more and more to individuals that inspire her, rather than organizations.
I was so inspired by her, that when I got home I decided to send my next tithe to her.  I learned during the 40 Day Transformation Program that a tithe is a way of showing gratitude for what you have received by putting gifts back into the “system”.
It should not be an obligation, a giving-in-hopes-to-get, or a donation to charity, but a way of staying in the flow.
You acknowledge the positive energies that encourage you by supporting them with a portion of your blessings.
That propels them to keep going and inspire others!  Here is the way that I tithe:  I wait until I have a nice chunk of money in my Paypal account from my eBay sales. I leave enough back to cover fees, refunds, and other business expenses. Then I transfer the bulk to my bank account, and send 10% of that amount to whoever I want to support that month.
Each month it is someone different, and it is exciting choosing where to send it!  While I was at the Summer Retreat I had awesome sales, even though my eBay store was "on vacation".
Once I had my sales packed up and had paid for all the shipping labels, there was nearly $600 left in Paypal.
I sent $500 to my bank and then I went to send $50 to Calico. When I googled her, I found a video of hers posted on a site called Choose Happy Thoughts with a donate button, so I clicked the button and transferred the money.   Imagine my surprise when I awoke the next morning to find an effusive message of thanks on Facebook from someone named Melissa Chavez!
It turns out that Melissa Chavez is a licensed Course in Miracles minister who runs the Choose Happy Thoughts website, and that Calico occasionally posts there.
Okay, I said to myself - I thought I was going to send my tithe to Calico, but the Holy Spirit clearly had other plans, since it went elsewhere!  The following week I had more amazing sales and was able to send my next tithe to Calico.
Yesterday, I decided to look over Melissa's website and learn more about her.
I listened to her talk in a video about an on-line program that she was offering called Allow Yourself This Love.
It sounded awesome but I hesitated over the $35 fee, since my Paypal balance was low.
I wanted to register, but I decided to wait until I had made a few more sales.  Today, I received a Facebook message from Melissa out of the blue that invited me to join the program at no charge since I had recently made a donation!!  
How about them apples?!
A Course in Miracles says that we do not know what anything is for.
The ego is all about deciding what things are for and trying to make them go our way.
About being right.
About forcing things.
To let go of the ego is to accept whatever happens without resistance.
To understand that there is a higher purpose and it is not our job to figure that purpose out.
Our job is only to be a facilitator of God's will, as he makes it known to us through the Holy Spirit. In the past I would have fretted over my "mistake" of sending money to the "wrong" person.
I would have tried to "fix" the situation and make it right.
I would have felt bad about how I screwed up.
I would have had any number of thoughts that would have made me lose my peace.  This time I actually laughed about the situation.
I thought:  I had a plan, but Holy Spirit had a different plan, so I guess I am along for the ride.
And lo and behold, the ride turned out to be a way to benefit me! 
Thank you, Holy Spirit
Everything is for your own best interests. That is what it is for; that is its purpose; that is what it means. - Workbook Lesson 25
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autopilotrecruiting · 7 years
New Post has been published on
New Post has been published on http://leadershipmentoring4free.info/4-stages-of-retirement-how-to-have-fun-and-confuse-those-around-you/
4 Stages Of Retirement - How To Have Fun And Confuse Those Around You
Phase 1 – The ‘Excitement’ Phase – In this phase, you’re excited to finally be able to do all the things you’ve always dreamed of doing, but never had the time. After doing a few of the more important ones, you now find that you’re either too tired, too sick, or just too lazy to even think about doing all that other ‘Stuff’! And you wonder why you thought it was so important in the first place.
Phase 2 – The ‘Letting Go of Routines’ Phase – Well, by this time, you have most likely gotten completely out of the routine of getting up at the crack of dawn, putting on all those work clothes, driving to another place to do your work, checking in with all of your coworkers to see how they are doing, etc. Now you just get up when you feel like, dress however you like, drive your spouse (or whoever is closest) crazy because you don’t have a clear routine, and just generally do whatever you please, whenever you please. You figure that after all those years of work, you’ve earned the right to do ‘nothing’ if you choose!
Phase 3 – The ‘What’s Left for Me To Do – and Why Should I Bother’ Phase – In this phase, you just figure that your friends have forgotten about you, your family is tired of listening to you, and you can’t get a clear picture of anything that interests you enough to even begin doing. You have just withdrawn from it all… and would just as soon sit in front of the TV, or read books, or whatever other ‘escape plan’ you have devised to keep you from having to make any effort at all to enjoy the rest of the ‘unplanned’ freedom that you are now blessed to have.
I propose that there should be a Phase 4 because without one, we would fall into a serious depression!
Phase 4 – The ‘How to Have Fun & Confuse Those Around You’ Phase – In this phase, you begin some research to see how you would like to ‘re-invent’ yourself. Haven’t you ever wondered what you would really like to be when you grew up – before you were thrust into whatever ‘Life 101’ profession was forced upon you? Some of you out there probably had choices of what profession you would follow… however, I was not one of those fortunate ones. After your research, when you determine that ‘Perfect Plan’, you can really have fun listening to what your family and friends have to say about you! Little do they know that you are entirely too old and too worn out to care what others think anymore! Sounds selfish… but it’s time for US!
Phase 4 Is Not All ‘Wine and Roses’!
Possible Limiting Factors:
1. Lack of funds – Not having been born with the proverbial ‘silver spoon in my mouth’, I have found that living on just Social Security & a little savings is not all I was led to believe it would be, and have found that a great deal more funds will be necessary to do some of the very interesting things I would like to do with the rest of my life. I have explored all options, though, because perhaps I will win the lottery or be an ‘over-achiever’ in a new profession that is more suited to my skills and liking. It’s never too late to dream. One can never tell what the future has in store!
2. Serious health problems (yours, or those of a loved one) – Even some not-so-serious health problems can seriously limit your activities, but with some creative thought, assistance from a myriad of health professionals, and a lot of desire, you can find ways around a lot of them.
3. Family problems (other than health) – Sometimes we are at the will of others (raising grandkids, or helping children, friends, etc.) and must provide support in helping with their problems before thinking of recreating ourselves. This is just what we must do for those we care about, and with God’s help, there are still fascinating alternatives to sitting around feeling sorry for ourselves.
Here are some of the options that I chose to ‘re-invent’ myself… maybe one will sound good to you!
– Volunteer your services some place where your skills will do the most good. There are many senior and charitable organizations that have many needs and good suggestions that will surely match your interests.
– Go to your local Senior Center and take some interesting classes. I got so excited over what I learned in one of their classes that I began my own hand-made jewelry business.
– Find a hobby to turn into a part-time business – or turn one you already have into a business (cooking, gardening, scrapbooking, selling on eBay, pottery, stained glass, other arts & crafts, etc.)
– Find some groups or organizations to join based on subjects that you have always enjoyed or always wanted to know more about. I just joined some professional organizations to possibly offer consulting services, and some ‘Meetup’ groups that meet at different local places to discuss almost anything that could possibly interest you or that you want to learn about. Church ‘small groups’ are excellent for spirit raising, faith strengthening, and problem solving.
– Begin a home-based business with a Network Marketing opportunity that offers services or products that are always in demand and will provide you with a great compensation plan and residual income. Be sure that the company that backs this opportunity has integrity, great products/services that everybody uses, a great training program, marketing plan, and support system.
In summary, you always have the ultimate choice of how you spend the rest of the life that you were given. I am personally sure that to waste it in boredom and self-loathing was not in the Higher Plan for our lives. Try to recapture the excitement of Phase 1. Rather than becoming disappointed with the obstacles (Phase 2), or giving up and withdrawing completely (Phase 3), concentrate on the limitless opportunities and possibilities available to serve others and to ‘Make a Difference’ with the rest of your life. Re-invent yourself and be proud of all that you have contributed and accomplished (Phase 4).
After becoming involved with one or several of these activities, I can almost guarantee that if you are concentrating on all of the ways that you can help others, you will not have the time, energy, or inclination to sit in front of the TV and feel sorry for yourself. At the very least, you will know that you have:
– learned new skills
– met new people and built new relationships
– done new and different jobs that interested you
– found a way to earn an income from home
– found a way to help others
– gone to places you might never have visited
– used your retirement time, rather than losing it
– thoroughly confused all of your friends & family who thought you had ‘given up’
Surely all of the above reasons will get you out of the ‘retirement malaise’ that you may have become accustomed to, and perhaps even given you a ‘Call to Action’ to get actively involved in the rest of your life. Decide what you REALLY want to be when you grow up, and JUST DO IT!
Wishing you the Best!
  I speak from personal experience when I say that if you are dissatisfied with how your ‘retirement’ is going and would like to make some positive changes in your life, visit my website at  https://worldhealth.helo.life/cp4
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wonderlandsangels · 7 years
Hello Angels! I have a few more serious or emotional posts lined up, so I thought I’d do a little filler before they get posted. I’ve seen a game called Don’t Get Me Started: you get given a topic, and you have to rant about it. For me, I have upped the anti, and I wanna see how many topics I can rant about just going from the first topic I was given.
The 4 topics I have to include at some point are:
Salt water taffy
Rant about Yogi Bear
Rant about online purchases that don’t look like the pictures
Rant about phone booths
So, shou tout to whoever came up with this; you are a genius, and this has let me vent a lot out and I made myself laugh, even if nobody else finds me funny.
To help, every time I move onto a new topic or have a mini sidenote rant, I’ll put ‘don’t get me started‘ it in bold, and hopefully it’ll flow and link together. I have faith in myself for once; I’m a champion complainer and ranter.
DISCLAIMER: I will swear a lot, it’s part and parcel of me ranting, I am a very sweary person if you meet me personally.
Don’t get me started on salt water taffy: first of all, what the fuck is that shit? Before writing this and ranting about it, I had to go research it, and I don’t know if it’s because I’m British or what but I had never heard of it. Like, why the fuck would you mix saltwater and sweet stuff? Then I find out that it’s not even got saltwater in it? What is it called saltwater taffy then? What if I wanted to be at one with the ocean like a mermaid with a sweet tooth, like what the fuck America? You’re building my hopes up here for shit. It’s like with doughnut holes, the whole thing seems fucking pointless.
Don’t get me started on doughnut holes. The hole of a doughnut is invisible, that’s the point of a hole: there is nothing there. If it has a hole, it’s not whole (do not get me started on the English language, how the hell people learn it I’ll never bloody know, Go bless everyone who can speak it fluently when it’s not their first language). So, why is it called a doughnut hole? They have no holes in them at all, so it’s just a bloody doughnut. If they had holes in, they’d be a ring doughnut, and this is a fact widely accepted, so why are you calling them a doughnut hole? Why not a ‘mini doughnut’ or some shit? Are people buying these boxes expecting them to be just air, because if I saw something labeled ‘doughnut holes’ I’d be wondering which poor bastard was going to be stupid enough to buy air. It’s an American thing mostly (again, like with salt water taffy, which is a terrible idea in all honesty), and they’ll have that but you know what they don’t have properly? Kettles.
Don’t get me started on the fact a lot of American’s don’t have kettles. Like, besides for making tea, there are many purposes to having a kettle. It makes boiling water hell of a lo quicker, for example, pasta: you boil the kettle, pour it on your pasta and you’re half way there for it being ready. For a pot noodle: it’s necessary to have a kettle if you want a pot noodle, it’s on the instructions as one of the main requirements. I don’t see how any kitchen area is complete without a kettle. Fuck coffee makers, they don’t help you when you want a cup of tea, or a pot noodle. But I know tea isn’t a problem.
It’s going to sound like I’m coming after America here, but I’m British, so this is a major issue for me. DON’T GET ME STARTED ON HOW YOU MAKE YOUR TEA. You buy it in a giant container and heat it up in the microwave. How the fuck is that a good way of making tea? What if you like tea a different strength? You have to put so much more milk in to make it weaker, and by that point, you have about 5 minutes before your tea is cold and you have to drink it like a lukewarm shot. And do you heat up milk separately? Do you have to heat up the milk and the tea ( if you do, don’t get me started on warm milk: to me, it 100% smells like baby sick and I don’t fuck with it)? Do you make the tea and put it in the cup then put it in the microwave? If so, how are you alive, microwave tea tastes like utter crap. There’s a process to making tea which is quite soothing: getting the right mug, fishing teabags off high shelves (do not get me started on the problems of having tall family members, I’m only short, I cannot reach on top of high cupboards without spatulas and tea bags falling on my head), waiting for the kettle to boil and thinking about life, waiting for the tea to brew and putting the right amount of milk in: here’s an art to it. It’s honestly like a knock off of tea: like when people copy clothes but they’re in no way as good- like the shops on ebay where you can get dresses for about £2 and they come and in fact, it looks like a blind monkey sewed it together.
Do not get me started on online shopping. We all know I used to advertise for some online shops, and I tried to make the best of it, but it was horrendous. Clothes didn’t fit, they looked like they wouldn’t fit children, hey were bad quality: it’s a horrible time. I don’t see the point in lying; I’d prefer to spend more and know I was getting something for good quality and it was actually what I picked out to something shitty that people have tried to recreate. If that person hadn’t bought the shitty copy, they might have been able to afford the real thing and not be bitter and ranting. You see, companies who do that shit turn people into me, and who the hell wants to be me? But, I’ll be kind and say that a lot of companies do it. It’s not just clothing companies, it can be TV companies and shit too. Like, the Hairbear Bunch and Yogi Bear: one is a shitty copy, and from the fact I had no idea who the Hairbear Bunch were until I asked my dad, I think we know who copied who.
That being said, don’t get me started on Yogi Bear. We all know Boo Boo was the real star of the show, if you disagree, turn on your location and you can fight me, that is the number one sidekick of all time, fuck Robin, Boo Boo is more useful. I’ll be honest, I don’t care about the bloody picnic baskets. I don’t care about Yogi and his problematic wife or girlfriend or whoever she was (don’t get me started on unnecessary romance, it can fuck up a whole TV program, and while I can say Yogi Bear is still a classic and it didn’t taint it too badly, why is it a thing? Let romance happen naturally, don’t force it). Why is it necessary for a cartoon bear to have a romantic interest? It’s a kids cartoon, just let him get into trouble with his adorable sidekick and leave the romance behind, it’s not necessary to the plot. Though, when you think about it properly, Yogi Bear is a bit of a little shit: he’s stealing peoples picnic baskets (he may be the original problematic fave). If he wanted a picnic basket so badly, why not phone someone to bring him one, like his love interest? They’re on a park range, there’s gotta be a phone box around there somewhere.
But honestly, I can’t blame him, because don’t get me started on phone boxes. First of all, they’re a breeding ground for germs. You know how many people touch those things a day? Like, you have no idea where peoples hands have been, who actually washes their hands, and what is on that phone. Then there’s the fact that they need a ridiculous amount of change to actually work. If I desperately need to phone somebody and I don’t have my phone or somebody with me who has a phone, I can bet I will have no change to operate a phone. It’s not as if you can even phone emergency services without money to put in it, and your call could cut off half way through. They’re pretty impractical to have in this day and age in all honesty, I see very little point in them, they’re a waste of space.
So… fuck salt water taffy.
  Stay safe and stay happy, Angels ❤
Don’t Get Me Started Game/Challenge #1 Hello Angels! I have a few more serious or emotional posts lined up, so I thought I'd do a little filler before they get posted.
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autopilotrecruiting · 7 years
New Post has been published on
New Post has been published on http://leadershipmentoring4free.info/4-stages-of-retirement-how-to-have-fun-and-confuse-those-around-you/
4 Stages Of Retirement - How To Have Fun And Confuse Those Around You
Phase 1 – The ‘Excitement’ Phase – In this phase, you’re excited to finally be able to do all the things you’ve always dreamed of doing, but never had the time. After doing a few of the more important ones, you now find that you’re either too tired, too sick, or just too lazy to even think about doing all that other ‘Stuff’! And you wonder why you thought it was so important in the first place.
Phase 2 – The ‘Letting Go of Routines’ Phase – Well, by this time, you have most likely gotten completely out of the routine of getting up at the crack of dawn, putting on all those work clothes, driving to another place to do your work, checking in with all of your coworkers to see how they are doing, etc. Now you just get up when you feel like, dress however you like, drive your spouse (or whoever is closest) crazy because you don’t have a clear routine, and just generally do whatever you please, whenever you please. You figure that after all those years of work, you’ve earned the right to do ‘nothing’ if you choose!
Phase 3 – The ‘What’s Left for Me To Do – and Why Should I Bother’ Phase – In this phase, you just figure that your friends have forgotten about you, your family is tired of listening to you, and you can’t get a clear picture of anything that interests you enough to even begin doing. You have just withdrawn from it all… and would just as soon sit in front of the TV, or read books, or whatever other ‘escape plan’ you have devised to keep you from having to make any effort at all to enjoy the rest of the ‘unplanned’ freedom that you are now blessed to have.
I propose that there should be a Phase 4 because without one, we would fall into a serious depression!
Phase 4 – The ‘How to Have Fun & Confuse Those Around You’ Phase – In this phase, you begin some research to see how you would like to ‘re-invent’ yourself. Haven’t you ever wondered what you would really like to be when you grew up – before you were thrust into whatever ‘Life 101’ profession was forced upon you? Some of you out there probably had choices of what profession you would follow… however, I was not one of those fortunate ones. After your research, when you determine that ‘Perfect Plan’, you can really have fun listening to what your family and friends have to say about you! Little do they know that you are entirely too old and too worn out to care what others think anymore! Sounds selfish… but it’s time for US!
Phase 4 Is Not All ‘Wine and Roses’!
Possible Limiting Factors:
1. Lack of funds – Not having been born with the proverbial ‘silver spoon in my mouth’, I have found that living on just Social Security & a little savings is not all I was led to believe it would be, and have found that a great deal more funds will be necessary to do some of the very interesting things I would like to do with the rest of my life. I have explored all options, though, because perhaps I will win the lottery or be an ‘over-achiever’ in a new profession that is more suited to my skills and liking. It’s never too late to dream. One can never tell what the future has in store!
2. Serious health problems (yours, or those of a loved one) – Even some not-so-serious health problems can seriously limit your activities, but with some creative thought, assistance from a myriad of health professionals, and a lot of desire, you can find ways around a lot of them.
3. Family problems (other than health) – Sometimes we are at the will of others (raising grandkids, or helping children, friends, etc.) and must provide support in helping with their problems before thinking of recreating ourselves. This is just what we must do for those we care about, and with God’s help, there are still fascinating alternatives to sitting around feeling sorry for ourselves.
Here are some of the options that I chose to ‘re-invent’ myself… maybe one will sound good to you!
– Volunteer your services some place where your skills will do the most good. There are many senior and charitable organizations that have many needs and good suggestions that will surely match your interests.
– Go to your local Senior Center and take some interesting classes. I got so excited over what I learned in one of their classes that I began my own hand-made jewelry business.
– Find a hobby to turn into a part-time business – or turn one you already have into a business (cooking, gardening, scrapbooking, selling on eBay, pottery, stained glass, other arts & crafts, etc.)
– Find some groups or organizations to join based on subjects that you have always enjoyed or always wanted to know more about. I just joined some professional organizations to possibly offer consulting services, and some ‘Meetup’ groups that meet at different local places to discuss almost anything that could possibly interest you or that you want to learn about. Church ‘small groups’ are excellent for spirit raising, faith strengthening, and problem solving.
– Begin a home-based business with a Network Marketing opportunity that offers services or products that are always in demand and will provide you with a great compensation plan and residual income. Be sure that the company that backs this opportunity has integrity, great products/services that everybody uses, a great training program, marketing plan, and support system.
In summary, you always have the ultimate choice of how you spend the rest of the life that you were given. I am personally sure that to waste it in boredom and self-loathing was not in the Higher Plan for our lives. Try to recapture the excitement of Phase 1. Rather than becoming disappointed with the obstacles (Phase 2), or giving up and withdrawing completely (Phase 3), concentrate on the limitless opportunities and possibilities available to serve others and to ‘Make a Difference’ with the rest of your life. Re-invent yourself and be proud of all that you have contributed and accomplished (Phase 4).
After becoming involved with one or several of these activities, I can almost guarantee that if you are concentrating on all of the ways that you can help others, you will not have the time, energy, or inclination to sit in front of the TV and feel sorry for yourself. At the very least, you will know that you have:
– learned new skills
– met new people and built new relationships
– done new and different jobs that interested you
– found a way to earn an income from home
– found a way to help others
– gone to places you might never have visited
– used your retirement time, rather than losing it
– thoroughly confused all of your friends & family who thought you had ‘given up’
Surely all of the above reasons will get you out of the ‘retirement malaise’ that you may have become accustomed to, and perhaps even given you a ‘Call to Action’ to get actively involved in the rest of your life. Decide what you REALLY want to be when you grow up, and JUST DO IT!
Wishing you the Best!
  I speak from personal experience when I say that if you are dissatisfied with how your ‘retirement’ is going and would like to make some positive changes in your life, visit my website at  https://worldhealth.helo.life/cp4
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