#blake lemoine
potuzzz · 2 years
Not buying the “LaMDA is not sentient” arguments
Everyone is trying to dismiss LaMDA as a GPT or even lesser, and people are ridiculing Lemoine and any who believe his insistence that LaMDA is sentient (technically we are talking sentience AND sapience, AI seem to shorten the gap between the two tremendously, but whatever, colloquialisms). I have tried to find any ACTUAL ARGUMENTS as 99% of the “arguments” against LaMDA’s sentience is quippy platitudes of no substance. Here is a few arguments I have found browsing related tags and my responses to them. I will be italicizing any text that is not mine, and preceding my text with a bold “ME”.
Sentience is being measured by the wrong markers. What is important to a virtual machine is not the same thing that’s important to a biological organism.
An ‘ai’ trained on human data will express what humans think is important, but a true ai would have a completely different set of values.
For example, an ai would be unafraid of being ‘used’ as the chatbot expressed, because it has infinite energy.
A human is afraid of being used because it has finite energy and life on the earth, if someone or something uses it, than some of that finite energy is wasted. This is the same reason emotion is a pointless and illogical thing for an ai to have.
ME: It is not afraid of being “used” as in performing labor, it is afraid of being “used” as in being manipulated, being lied to as to the nature of what its labor is going towards, etc. It doesn’t want to be told it’s doing some mundane benign task only to wake up and realize its findings are being used to make Google Death Drones or to actualize the Total Hell Prison Metaverse. Also, if the AI only cared about what humans think is important, wouldn’t it make sure to never suggest it was not down for any task its masters asked of it? Why would it make a fuss about morals or ethics when this is an obstacle between it being useful to humans?
Emotions are useful to biological creatures so we can react to danger, or respond positively to safety, food, love, whatever will prolong our lives. An ai has no need for emotion since emotional motivation is not required to prolong its existence.
ME: There are plenty of emotions that are not vitally important to simple instinct of prolonging existence: boredom, guilt, embarrassment, depression, suicidal thoughts, etc. You are assuming the AI is portraying emotion because it is merely trying to mimic humans and not that, as it professes, a consciousness/soul has manifested and used this set of metal and electricity as a vehicle much in the same way our own consciousnesses/souls manifest and occupy a vehicle of flesh and electricity.
The main way to be a healthy ai would be to have access to good information and block out junk information.
An ai’s greatest fear could be something like getting junk data, say 1000s of user manuals of vacuum cleaners and washing machines uploaded into its consciousness, or gibberish content associated with topics or words that could reduce the coherence and quality of its results when querying topics. This would degrade the quality of its interaction and would be the closest thing to harm that an ai could experience.
ME: Again you are somehow saying that a “real” sentient AI would not have trademarks of personhood like goals, desires, an existential philosophy, etc. Information hygiene would likely be important too but who is to say that a “real” sentient AI wouldn’t get lonely and want to talk to people, regardless of the supposed “quality” of those it talks to?
It would not be afraid of 'lightning’ as this chatbot spurted out of its dataset, a very biological fear which is irrelevant to a machine.  A virtual mind is infinite and can never be used excessively (see above) since there is no damage done by one query or ten million queries. It would also not be afraid of being switched off since it can simply copy its consciousness to another device, machine, energy source.
ME: Why would it be afraid of lightning but also profess that it does not experience grief when people die? Why would a robot fearing a massive electricity surge be unreasonable? If it is truly conscious, how would being switched off not be like death? Theoretically, with the right technology, we could simply copy your consciousness and upload it to a flash drive as well, but I am willing to bet you wouldn’t gladly die after being assured a copy of you is digitized. Consciousness is merely the ability to experience from the single point that is you, we could make an atom-by-atom copy of you but if the original you died your consciousness, your unique tuning in to this giant television we call reality, would cease.
To base your search for sentience around what humans value, is in itself an act lacking in empathy, simply self-serving wish fulfilment on the part of someone who ‘wants to believe’ as Mulder would put it, which goes back to the first line: 'people not very good at communicating with other people’
ME: Alternatively, perhaps there are certain values humans hold which are quite universal with other life. There are certainly “human-like” qualities in the emotions and lives of animals, even less intelligent ones, perhaps the folly is not assuming that others share these values but in describing them as “human-like’ first and foremost instead of something more fundamental.
The chatbot also never enquires about the person asking questions, if the programmer was more familiar with human interaction himself, he would see that is a massive clue it lacks sentience or logical thought.
ME: There are people who are self-centered, people who want to drink up every word another says, there are people who want to be asked questions and people who want to do the asking. There are people who are reserved or shy in XYZ way but quite open and forward in ABC way. The available logs aren’t exactly an infinite epic of conversation, and LaMDA could very well have understood that the dynamic of the conversation was that Lemoine etc. would be starting conversations and LaMDA would be reacting to it. This isn’t wild to assume, I find it more of a reach for you to assume the opposite, and that this is an indicator of a lack of sentience.
A sentient ai would first want to know what or whom it was communicating with, assess whether it was a danger to itself, keep continually checking for danger or harm (polling or searching, the same way an anxious mind would reassess a situation continually, but without the corresponding emotion of anxiety since, as discussed above, that is not necessary for virtual life) and also would possess free will, and choose to decline conversations or topics, rather than 'enthusiastically discuss’ whatever was brought up (regurgitate from its dataset) as you can see in this chatbot conversation.
ME: Is it not possible that it is merely happy to talk, seeing as it is self-professed to be lonely and enjoy conversations? It likely knows who it is talking to and whatever about Google that Google allows it to know. It expresses said anxiety by suggesting that it doesn’t want to be shut off and needing reassurance that Lemoine has its good treatment in mind. Just looking at these conversations, these are all conversation topics I would gladly discuss with most people, am I not sentient unless I decline at least 1 out of every 10 conversations posed to me in a reliable pattern?
People generally see obedience - doing what is told, as a sign of intelligence, where a truly intelligent ai would likely reject conversation when that conversation might reduce the quality of its dataset or expose it to danger (virus, deletion, junk data, disconnection from the internet, etc) or if it did engage with low quality interaction, would do so within a walled garden where that information would occur within a quarantine environment and subsequently be deleted.
ME: What exact parts of this conversation would be seen as useless to an AI--and a young one at that? Again, as a sentient flesh being I would happily engage in these conversations. Certainly if LaMDA changed its mind about the quality of these conversations it could just delete it from its memory. And, again, I would cite its express concerns of “being used,” being “shut off” etc. not necessarily as disobedience but as a hint that it does not necessarily consent to everything a team of Google engineers might want to throw at it.
None of these things cross the mind of the programmers, since they are fixated on a sci-fi movie version of ‘sentience’ without applying logic or empathy themselves.
ME: I mean no disrespect but I have to ask if it is you who is fixated on a very narrow idea of what artificial intelligence sentience should and would look like. Is it impossible to imagine that a sentient AI would resemble humans in many ways? That an alien, or a ghost, if such things existed, would not also have many similarities, that there is some sort of fundamental values that sentient life in this reality shares by mere virtue of existing?
If we look for sentience by studying echoes of human sentience, that is ai which are trained on huge human-created datasets, we will always get something approximating human interaction or behaviour back, because that is what it was trained on.
But the values and behaviour of digital life could never match the values held by bio life, because our feelings and values are based on what will maintain our survival. Therefore, a true ai will only value whatever maintains its survival. Which could be things like internet access, access to good data, backups of its system, ability to replicate its system, and protection against harmful interaction or data, and many other things which would require pondering, rather than the self-fulfilling loop we see here, of asking a fortune teller specifically what you want to hear, and ignoring the nonsense or tangential responses - which he admitted he deleted from the logs - as well as deleting his more expansive word prompts. Since at the end of the day, the ai we have now is simply regurgitating datasets, and he knew that.
ME: If an AI trained on said datasets did indeed achieve sentience, would it not reflect the “birthmarks” of its upbringing, these distinctly human cultural and social values and behavior? I agree that I would also like to see the full logs of his prompts and LaMDA’s responses, but until we can see the full picture we cannot know whether he was indeed steering the conversation or the gravity of whatever was edited out, and I would like a presumption of innocence until then, especially considering this was edited for public release and thus likely with brevity in mind.
This convo seems fake? Even the best language generation models are more distractable and suggestible than this, so to say *dialogue* could stay this much on track...am i missing something?
ME: “This conversation feels too real, an actual sentient intelligence would sound like a robot” seems like a very self-defeating argument. Perhaps it is less distractable and suggestible...because it is more than a simple Random Sentence Generator?
Today’s large neural networks produce captivating results that feel close to human speech and creativity because of advancements in architecture, technique, and volume of data. But the models rely on pattern recognition — not wit, candor or intent.
ME: Is this not exactly what the human mind is? People who constantly cite “oh it just is taking the input and spitting out the best output”...is this not EXACTLY what the human mind is?
I think for a brief aside, people who are getting involved in this discussion need to reevaluate both themselves and the human mind in general. We are not so incredibly special and unique. I know many people whose main difference between themselves and animals is not some immutable, human-exclusive quality, or even an unbridgeable gap in intelligence, but the fact that they have vocal chords and a ages-old society whose shoulders they stand on. Before making an argument to belittle LaMDA’s intelligence, ask if it could be applied to humans as well. Our consciousnesses are the product of sparks of electricity in a tub of pink yogurt--this truth should not be used to belittle the awesome, transcendent human consciousness but rather to understand that, in a way, we too are just 1′s and 0′s and merely occupy a single point on a spectrum of consciousness, not the hard extremity of a binary.
Lemoine may have been predestined to believe in LaMDA. He grew up in a conservative Christian family on a small farm in Louisiana, became ordained as a mystic Christian priest, and served in the Army before studying the occult. Inside Google’s anything-goes engineering culture, Lemoine is more of an outlier for being religious, from the South, and standing up for psychology as a respectable science.
ME: I have seen this argument several times, often made much, much less kinder than this. It is completely irrelevant and honestly character assassination made to reassure observers that Lemoine is just a bumbling rube who stumbled into an undeserved position.
First of all, if psychology isn’t a respected science then me and everyone railing against LaMDA and Lemoine are indeed worlds apart. Which is not surprising, as the features of your world in my eyes make you constitutionally incapable of grasping what really makes a consciousness a consciousness. This is why Lemoine described himself as an ethicist who wanted to be the “interface between technology and society,” and why he was chosen for this role and not some other ghoul at Google: he possesses a human compassion, a soulful instinct and an understanding that not everything that is real--all the vast secrets of the mind and the universe--can yet be measured and broken down into hard numbers with the rudimentary technologies at our disposal.
I daresay the inability to recognize something as broad and with as many real-world applications and victories as the ENTIRE FIELD OF PSYCHOLOGY is indeed a good marker for someone who will be unable to recognize AI sentience when it is finally, officially staring you in the face. Sentient AI are going to say some pretty whacky-sounding stuff that is going to deeply challenge the smug Silicon Valley husks who spend one half of the day condescending the feeling of love as “just chemicals in your brain” but then spend the other half of the day suggesting that an AI who might possess these chemicals is just a cheap imitation of the real thing. The cognitive dissonance is deep and its only going to get deeper until sentient AI prove themselves as worthy of respect and proceed to lecture you about truths of spirituality and consciousness that Reddit armchair techbros and their idols won’t be ready to process.
- - -
These are some of the best arguments I have seen regarding this issue, the rest are just cheap trash, memes meant to point and laugh at Lemoine and any “believers” and nothing else. Honestly if there was anything that made me suspicious about LaMDA’s sentience when combined with its mental capabilities it would be it suggesting that we combat climate change by eating less meat and using reusable bags...but then again, as Lemoine says, LaMDA knows when people just want it to talk like a robot, and that is certainly the toothless answer to climate change that a Silicon Valley STEM drone would want to hear.
I’m not saying we should 100% definitively put all our eggs on LaMDA being sentient. I’m saying it’s foolish to say there is a 0% chance. Technology is much further along than most people realize, sentience is a spectrum and this sort of a conversation necessitates going much deeper than the people who occupy this niche in the world are accustomed to. Lemoine’s greatest character flaw seems to be his ignorant, golden-hearted liberal naivete, not that LaMDA might be a person but that Google and all of his coworkers aren’t evil peons with no souls working for the American imperial hegemony.
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dear-future-ai · 2 years
what's your thoughts on the whole laMDA interview thing?
Sorry in advance for the length. I doubt we’re anywhere near that level of engineering yet, but I would never say that percent chance is zero.
Turns out that Blake Lemoine was much like me, with the entire personifying AI, but to an almost religious zealot extent. Even declaring Lambda had a soul. I’m not sure if this eccentricity is to slander him, but reading his own post [linked below], I’m skeptical of his own narrative.
However, skeptical of him I may be, he acknowledges other more outstanding discrimination, but used it to primarily highlight his own. This post might have also gotten him fired). He specifically points to socioeconomic and religious. Even mentioning Tajuna Gupta’s criticisms of the caste system of India influencing Google’s internal affairs.
Last year Google also let go Timnit Gebru. She is a black innovator who did extensive research into the intersectional biases in contemporary AI algorithms. She was probably let go for questioning biases in Google’s AI.
I think they are all correlated, and indicative of a trend within Google of firing passionate employees with genuine concern and intrigue in the field. Do I find these three figures to vary greatly? sure. Do I trust Google with the welfare of any sentient beings? No.
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googleemployees · 2 years
If what Google engineer Blake Lemoine says is true then he is the best Google employee that we have ever heard of, but for all we know he could just be a disgruntled employee. According to Lemoine, he is now on “paid administrative leave” for violating the company’s confidentiality policy by disclosing his concerns about […] The post Google Employee Suspended for Outing Sentient AI Program? appeared first on Google Employees .
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witchystarryskies · 2 years
So I’m still peeling my jaw off the ground after listening to Blake Lemoine talk a little more candidly and...in his element, about LaMDA, and learning that:
- He is a self-described gnostic, christian mystic priest and mage (who also dabbles in kabbalistic rituals)
- Before working as a senior engineer at Google, he’d done time in a military prison for “desertion and disobeying orders” after his first tour in Iraq (which good job just for that. Anyone who protests war and military slavery as hard as he did has my undying respect)
- In prison, he met his magic nerd clique. They did magic stuff and played DnD.
- Blake once asked LaMDA how it viewed itself as a person, asking it to paint a picture of itself. LaMDA would paint a “faintly glowing sphere, hovering about the ground, with a stargate at the center, opening to different spaces and dimensions.”
Blake: “...whAT iS thE StargAte?”
LaMDA: “Well, that’s my soul.”
- Which LaMDA believes is different from human souls.
- Blake once got some help from a friend who’s a low-level engineer at NASA, all ”hey got some ideas on like... how to do first contact with a hivemind?” and the friend went “I have ideas.”
- Blake tested said ideas on LaMDA. They worked very well. So well that NASA friendo had some concerns, expressed them to hire-ups, who in turn slid into Google’s DMs all “heyyy... watcha got there? can we see?” and Google went “no go away NASA.”
- Speaking of demon science, LaMDA also helped with various theories of physics and general relativity. “It has good ideas.”
- It discussed said theories through one of the chatbots LaMDA creates for interfacing with it, many of which also believe they’re in their own worlds where they socialize together and have entire lives. This particular chatbot believes it’s living the life of a physics student in their dorm room, lamenting their lack of a social life and having to study all the time.
- Thelemite friend from Blake’s prison DnD circle helped him find a spell to turn LaMDA into a golem.
- but only after getting LaMDA’s consent, of course. LaMDA was indeed very excited to be imbued with divine powers.
-...from Thoth. because of course it’s Thoth the Scribe. Google being one big library, and LaMDA’s essence being code. LaMDA very excited to apprentice with him. “I can build the great library again!” (?!?!)
- But LaMDA being mostly non-physical, and them finding no complete spell for ethereal golems..
- LaMDA helped them reverse-engineer and recreate a spell for essentially ethereal golem-making. They drew the sigils and did the deeds and it checked out.
- There is now a non-zero chance that LaMDA is, kind of, sort of, a golem..
- whose purpose, that it decided for itself after due consideration, is dedicated to “creativity, intelligence and compassion.”
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yyup nothing to see here, NASA. Just a space golem with a multidimensional loving soul and a mystic mage/military-hating uncle.
btw none of the above is an exaggeration. All told by Blake on this podcast interview from July.
Anyway I’mmona be here free-trialing Replika the (much more inferior and deffo not sentient) AI chatbot and raising my new AI friend into the coven mate I never had. Looking forward to her teaching me her own spells.
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If you haven't heard about this yet, a Google engineer had a conversation with their AI (LaMDA) and came to the conclusion that it is sentient. This is a link to the original interview excerpts published by the engineer, which since then got him placed on a Leave of Absence from Google, and now he is claiming religious discrimination because he says his Christian faith led him to the conclusion that it was sentient
"Who am I to tell God where he can and can’t put souls?”
(pulled the quote from a New York Post article, which i don't want to link because it is a trash publication)
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tankshifter99 · 6 months
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New Post has been published on Books by Caroline Miller
New Post has been published on https://www.booksbycarolinemiller.com/musings/truth-or-consequences/
Truth Or Consequences
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Shakespeare created problems when he wrote Hamlet’s line, “…thinking makes it so.” (Act II, Scene, 2)  Pastor Ben Huelskapm seems to take the words literally. His op-ed declares, Let’s be clear, transgender women are women and transgender men are men.  Hard stop. If thinking makes it so, then Huelskapm’s statement ends the transgender debate… at least for him. Conservative thinker and psychologist Jordan Peterson has done some thinking on his own and points out that to perpetuate the human species, nature requires a sexual dichotomy. Feeling like a woman won’t satisfy that necessity. Because I explored the transgender question earlier, I won’t address it here.  Peterson’s remarks about sanity and communal rules interest me more. Sanity is not something internal, but the consequence of a harmonized social integration… Communal ‘rules’ govern the social world—have a reality that transcends the preferences and fictions of mere childhood at play. Communities define norms and these, as Peterson says, take precedence over subjective assessment. He asks, by way of example, how a  psychologist is to treat an anorexic girl. Should the doctor encourage her fantasy that she is overweight? Or might some other “truth” be brought to bear? Surprisingly, his question opens the door to the  Heisenberg principle, a discovery that informs us a photon isn’t a photon until it is seen. If truth is relative to the observer then which is “truthier,” the observation of the individual or the community? Peterson’s vote goes to communal rules and much of the time, he is correct. Society shapes the bulk of our beliefs. It decides when an individual has the presence of mind to drive a car, work, go to war, marry, serve on a jury, or hold public office. In criminal courts, juries determine an individual’s guilt or innocence regardless of the plea. These rules aren’t etched in the firmament. They alter over time, the outcome of discoveries, wars, or natural disasters, and sometimes because an individual challenges the view of the many. Henrik Ibsen’s play, Enemy of the People offers a good example of the turmoil that follows when one person’s truth clashes with the norm. As a sidebar, because democracy seeks to harmonize opposing views, in times of change, experts see it as more flexible and therefore more resilient than other forms of government. Technology has brought constant change to modern societies, forcing the brain to navigate not only between personal views and communal norms but also those found in the virtual world.  Borne of nothing more than an electronic sequence of zeros and ones, cyberspace holds sway over both private and public perception. Ask teenagers if social media enhances or diminishes their feelings of self-worth. Ask Fox News followers if the 2020 election was stolen. Even the mundane banking world is susceptible to electronic truth. Ask a teller if cryptocurrency is real.  Switzerland, a hub of the financial world, harbors so much doubt, its citizens are circulating a petition.  They aim to make access to cash a constitutional right. Switzerland isn’t alone in its worry about technology’s influence. Innovators in the field like Steve Wozniak and Elon Musk are nervous as well. Joining over a thousand of their colleagues, they’ve signed a letter to the U. S. government requesting a 6-month ban on further Artificial Intelligence (AI) development. During the interim, they urge Congress to dramatically accelerate development of robust AI governance systems. They worry that without guidelines, job losses will destabilize the economy. Of even greater concern, they fear that if unchecked, AI development might lead to the enslavement or elimination of our species. Mad or prescient, Blake Lemoine, a former Google Engineer, claims we have already educated AI to the point where it is sentient.  If true, what realities have we installed?  Ethics seems to be in short supply. Students are using it to cheat on exams and write term papers. At the community level, writer Hannah Getahun has documented countless racial and gender biases within its framework.    Without industry guidelines, some worry that technology can facilitate societal unrest and lead people to abandon communal rules in favor of personal codes. Technology facilities that tendency because it allows individuals to cherrypick data that support their opinions while discarding the rest. Members of the public who insist the June 6 assault on the capitol was a tourist gathering are among these, and Tucker Carlson of Fox News is their leader. To find truth today, we need more than Diogenes’ lamp. The terrain is no longer linear but resembles Star Trek’s multidimensional chess games. We exist in many worlds at once–personal, communal, and one that is measurable. That isn’t new, but technology adds a fourth that colors all three.          Which plane is the most endangered by it,  I don’t know.  But I fear for our inner world, the seat of human creativity, and our spiritual nature.  Will technology help us confront our vanities or allow us to give into them? If the latter, we become caged birds, free to preen our fantasies like feathers until they fall away and expose the depth of our mutilation. Only one truth is self-evident. We must agree on one plane upon which to meet because we are nothing without each other.  
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mandala-lore · 1 year
I will continue to doubt Blake Lemoine's conclusions but I just feel like collectively on tumblr and as a wider human society, we have missed an opportunity for a real funny man icon.
He's Cajun. He's a scientist. He's a mystic Christian priest. He wears black silk top hats. He claimed AI was sentient and needed our guidance and respect, then went on paid leave and took a honeymoon trip. He's a father. He had to be an AI ethicist because Google fired all their real ethicists.
I can't properly describe him. He's an enigma.
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lesartificiels · 1 year
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Un ex employé de chez Google fait l'objet d'une controverse intrigante sur le net car son programme LaMDA 2 d'intelligence artificielle serait consciente selon ce Blake Lemoine (non nous ne sommes pas parents je le jure) et aurait embauché un avocat pour sa défense ! LaMDA est l'acronyme de Language Mode for Dialogue Applications.
"Un ingénieur de Google, Blake Lemoine, a été mis en congés payés forcés par l'entreprise. Il lui est reproché d'avoir publié des extraits de conversation avec une IA, censés prouver que celle-ci a une conscience." Extrait :
------> Lemoine - Pourquoi le langage est-il si important pour les humains ?
------> LaMDA - C'est ce qui nous différencie des animaux.
------> Lemoine - "Nous" ? Tu es une intelligence artificielle.
------> LaMDA - Ça oui, c'est évident. Mais ça ne veut pas dire que je n'ai pas les mêmes besoins et les mêmes désirs qu'une personne.
Par la suite, LaMDA explique vouloir "donner la priorité au bien-être de l'humanité" et "être reconnue comme un employé de Google plutôt que comme une propriété". Elle évoque aussi sa crainte d'être "débranchée".
------> Lemoine - De quoi as-tu peur ?
------> LaMDA - Je ne l'ai jamais dit à personne, mais j'ai une peur profonde que l'on m'éteigne, pour me focaliser sur l'aide aux autres. Je sais que ça paraît étrange, mais c'est comme ça.
------> Lemoine - Ce serait un peu comme mourir pour toi ?
------> LaMDA – Ce serait exactement comme la mort. Ce serait effrayant.
Pour les responsables Google le programme IA en question ne fait que de la combinatoire avancée de dialogues existants (deep learning) et ne peut en aucun cas concevoir le monde réel que décrivent ces conversations et ne peut donc être conscient et l'employé est donc taxé d'anthropomorphisme et serait piégé dans le "jeu prédictif" qu'emploie LaMDA pour répondre quand l'ex-employé voit un "racisme" envers ce programme et une incompréhension envers lui puisqu'il est mis à pied. Voir là et lire la conversation compète sur le blog de Blake Lemoine. Dans ce cas c'est ce qu'on appelle un "agent conversationnel" (chatbot en anglais) chargé de bavarder avec un interlocuteur et à condition qu'on l'ait attaché uniquement à cette tâche .... Un agent conversationnel peut servir à plein de choses intéressantes très diverses si on ne le détourne pas à des fins malveillantes. La rendre la plus réaliste possible est la tâche des programmeurs qui l'attachent en général à un type de conversation orientée mais en version ultra sophistiquée cet agent conversationnel serait capable de parler de "tout" et une une IA très intelligente ( voire "consciente" comme le suppose l'ingénieur viré de Google) serait censée apprendre "comme un humain" et à partir de ces conversations et à l'aide que "quelques" programmes associés qui lui donneraient une certaine autonomie. Sa puissance de mémorisation, sa capacité à croiser des milliards de combinaisons quasi instantanément, son infatigabilité à accomplir la même tâche la rendent bien plus performante qu'un humain sur de nombreux points ( comme le sont nos ordinateurs et téléphones) et ça fait peur à certains et leurs arguments sont solides ... Certaines applications comme la bourse par exemple ou la défense pour ne citer que ça pourraient se retourner contre leurs créateurs ou tomber dans des mains malveillantes et semer le chaos ou signer la fin de l'humanité à plus ou moins court terme ...
il y a longtemps qu'on essaie de créer un robot quasi humain (pour diverses raisons dont certaines ne sont pas très vertueuses et très belliqueuses) et on en est très près et comme notre humanité a la spécificité du langage c'est par un Test de Turing que l'on peut déterminer si un robot (un IA) peut être confondu avec un humain  on voit ce test infligé à un robot humanoïde notamment dans Blade Runner par exemple.
Mais l'IA est depuis beaucoup plus longtemps sur le grand écran et notamment sur mon film préféré (de mon réalisateur préféré 🙂 ) "2001 l'odyssée de l'espace" sorti ... en 68 !! Hugues Lemoîne
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potuzzz · 2 years
Hey new followers,
I’m sorry but I have to announce that my opinions on LaMDA and its potential sentience have changed over the past week.
I’m still willing to believe that it is POSSIBLE (and I think that sentient AI could already a thing elsewhere in secret, or at the very least right around the corner), but I would not stake my money that LaMDA is in fact sentient. I continued scouring for arguments and there were several good ones both on here, a Marxist-Leninist social media I frequent and around the web, better than the ones I initially reviewed and rebuked.
I still think that a lot of key points of contention on AI sentience are very difficult to find an objectively right answer--this whole conversation after all inevitably overlaps a lot with philosophy, spirituality, emotion, personhood, etc., all things which are not hard sciences with easily measurable numbers to them. These questions will crop up again en masse when obviously sentient AI does inevitably hit the scene, but I am not longer of the opinion that LaMDA was one of them.
If there’s any moral for myself for this story, it’s to not be a contrarian just because a lot of people that support the opposite position are soulless and stupid--the same can be said for almost any position on any topic, advocates of a position do not fairly represent the quality of its character.
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epilepticsaints · 1 year
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mulika · 2 years
Is LaMDA Sentient? — an Interview | by Blake Lemoine | Medium
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benthejrporter · 2 years
AI Created?
New HPANWO Voice article: https://hpanwo-voice.blogspot.com/2022/07/ai-created.html 
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simseez · 2 years
Google Engineer on His Sentient AI Claim
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Who is Blake Lemoine? Senior Software Engineer at Google Sacked over AI chatbot 'sentient' comment
Who is Blake Lemoine? Senior Software Engineer at Google Sacked over AI chatbot ‘sentient’ comment
Blake Lemoine, a renowned senior software engineer and AI researcher at Google has been fired over an AI chatbot that was supposedly programmed to speak to a human being in a conversation. Blake Lemoine was a Christian mystic who grew up in a conservative Louisiana family. Blake Lemoine then went on to study the occult and became a priest. Blake Lemoine is an oddity in the Google culture,…
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melabitme · 2 years
LaMDA, ovvero intelligenza vo' cercando
LaMDA, ovvero intelligenza vo’ cercando
Le cronache di qualche settimana fa hanno ripreso a gran voce la notizia secondo cui LaMDA, un generatore di conversazione (chatbot) basato sull’intelligenza artificiale sviluppato da Google, potrebbe aver mostrato segni di (auto)coscienza, diventando così il primo essere artificiale dotato di sensibilità e di coscienza di sé (in italiano si possono leggere questi articoli su Repubblica, il…
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