#black willow would be fun to do especially with the mirror designs but it would feel like furry bait lol
venterry · 2 years
growing more interested in joining artfight this year but i need!!!! to finish character profiles i need to draw
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slytherinsnekxvii · 3 years
hi, remember that murder snily au i'm always talking abt but never have anything to show for? yeah, i've scrapped it like six times now and i finally have a version of it i'm marginally satisfied with. so, here you go, this is the first part of maybe three or four, i think? have fun:
noun: anger; plural noun: angers
1. Normal anger does not split open one's ribcage and wind itself around their heart. Normal anger does not coat itself in venom and sit behind one's teeth and hide under their tongue and lie patiently in wait. Normal anger is not cold and slow and remorseless. Lily thinks that what she calls anger is normal. Lily does not realise that she is extraordinary.
Lily's brand of anger is decidedly... different. What, exactly, makes it so different isn't exactly obvious to her, but she knows that it's not like anyone else's. At least, not as far as she's aware. Hers is a cold sort of anger, an all-encompassing thing that bites and burns and hurts. It's patient, too, winding in and around her ribcage and clawing its way upwards to settle behind her teeth, waiting for a reason to show itself. It's protective, aiming to eliminate a threat before it has a chance to do further damage.
She's... aware of her anger. Not very much so, but it's seen the light of day often enough to be familiar to her. She doesn't know it, though, hasn't made herself properly acquainted with the more... unfortunate spectrum of her emotions, and that is what makes it truly dangerous.
When she feels something scratching at her insides and festering beneath a vindictive sort of justice at seeing Black and Potter and Lupin and Pettigrew suffer the displeasure of the Slytherins, she thinks it's anger. She finds herself in a dusty, unused classroom in the dungeons, helping to refine a brutal spell designed to rend the flesh of anyone unlucky enough to be on the wrong end of it and she thinks it's anger that curls around her and whispers into her ear, "Make sure it hurts."
It isn't. She calls it anger, claims it a necessity, insists that she's protecting her best friend, but she doesn't realise she's mistaken.
The story of the "Prank" gets out—doctored, of course, to keep Black out of Azkaban, and Lupin away from execution—and Lily titters into the back of her hand when she hears it told in bits and pieces throughout the corridors.
"Did you hear?"
"Who would've thought—"
"—bloody idiots went into the Forest! At night! What kind of—"
"—ll five of them, yeah. Can't figure out for the life of me how they managed to get Snape to go—"
"—must've dragged 'im kicking an' screamin', I'm telling y—"
"—Gryffindors, my left tit! Damn cowards just ran off and left Lupin and Snape to deal with—"
"—no clue what happened, but have you seen the scars?"
"—out of the Hospital Wing, already? How—"
"—down fifty points! All because that lot wanted to play jokes aga—"
She smiles, a tiny, smug thing that she doesn't notice, and moves on. The Slytherins are properly riled up now, Rosier and Mulciber and Wilkes and Avery hovering around her and Severus with expressions she can't describe as anything but sadistic. At some point, she realises that their presence makes her feel much less uncomfortable than it did a week ago. She doesn't dwell on it, ignoring the small part of her that worries and shivers in favour of leaning over Severus's shoulder to read about the sort of magic that appears in nightmares.
She grips her wand, idly twirling the twelve-and-a-half inches of willow and dragon heartstring as she skims over detailings of ancient, arcane magic. It's always about blood, she thinks, staring a diagram of a pricked finger dripping red into a cauldron. Potion for Transferring Magic from One Wizard to Another, the heading proclaims. She shakes her head, accidentally knocking into Severus's in the process. "Ow."
He winces a little, and then tells her, "I'm turning the page."
She hums, eyes glued to a book she wouldn't dare look at not even a week ago, and says, "Okay."
It's fascinating, Lily has to admit. Gruesome in some cases and horrific in others, yes, but there's something... mesmerising about it, something hideously captivating in the way that the diagrams seem to eagerly demonstrate their attached spells. On the page, a young wizard is neatly flayed alive, the entire process precise. Her stomach rolls, but Lily can't seem to tear her gaze away for even a second. She doesn't think about it.
She doesn't think about a lot of things, actually, staunchly refusing to acknowledge the way she finds herself drawn away from her Housemates and friends, instead choosing to orbit around her best friend and the seemingly endless rotation of Dark Arts tomes he's somehow gotten his hands on.
Mary's sick of her excuses, she knows, responding to every one with a nod and an, "Oh, alright, then," in that tone that lands somewhere in the middle of disappointment, exasperation and concern.
Marlene has given up entirely, the whole of their interactions reduced to simple greetings in the hall and nods when they pass each other between classes.
Dorcas is nice about it, still catching her arm on the way to breakfast, still offering to study with her when they're all together in the Common and she doesn't want anyone to feel left out. It's undeniable, though, that her smile isn't near as warm as it used to be and it's tinged with worry at the corners.
No one makes it a secret of what they think about her recent activities. And as for the company she's keeping? Well, they'd always been particularly vocal about that.
Things must come to a head eventually, and they do, not even ten minutes after Professor Sprout has dismissed them from the classroom on Wednesday afternoon. She hears the whispers first, half of them from students she doesn't even know, has never said a word to.
"—conspiring with snakes—"
"—think it's the first time I've heard of a Gryff going Dark—"
"—ck was right about her, she's got no—"
Something ugly twists in her chest, and she forces her feet to turn and move, one step after the other. She can make it to the Common Room reasonably quickly, she thinks, and then she catches the self-proclaimed Marauders outside the Great Hall. Or rather, they catch her.
"You can do better than a bunch of slimy snakes, Evans," Potter crows, and she stops dead in her tracks. "Why bother with them when you've got a fine piece of Gryffindor right here?"
"Get lost," she says, the words ground flat between grit teeth.
Potter does not get lost. "Come on, Evans," he continues. "You're not acting like a proper Gryffindor. Where's your House loyalty? I can guarantee that chivalry and bravery are much better than whatever they're offering." It sounds... like a taunt, and this is when Lily realises that what she's been feeling isn't anger.
"Chivalry? Bravery? What would you know about any of that? It's not very chivalrous to corner students four-to-one, now, is it?" She hisses her words, each one more scathing than the last, and as she spits them out, every last one dripping venom, she realises that she wants it to hurt. "And it certainly doesn't seem brave to leave behind someone who needs help because you got cold feet! I'm not a proper Gryffindor? No, I think you've got it wrong, James. If you want to see an improper Gryffindor, the whole lot of you can go right ahead and look in a bloody mirror! I will not be talked down to by the likes of spiteful little cowards like you! I'm more Gryffindor than all four of you put together, but if you're what our House is supposed to look like, then I want nothing to do with it!"
Her ears are ringing when she's done, the whole world narrowed down to one singular focal point, the group of boys headed by the one who'd been desperate to get her attention and regrets it now that he has it. She looks at each of them in turn, summoning a contempt she didn't know she possessed until now. "Save your breath," she snaps, when Black's jaw unlocks, and she turns around and walks away.
Something slots into the place at the back of her mind, and she thinks, oh, her fingers itching to wrap themselves around her wand and whisper the words that will turn them inside out, call the blood from their pores and make it sing. Something clicks, when she thinks about she felt just then, and she can tell the difference quite clearly, very easily, between pure, white-hot, blinding rage and what she's been calling anger. She doesn't know what it really is, and she doesn't want to. She doesn't think about it, either, simply pushes the entire realisation to the back of her head and thinks, oh.
It changes... very little. Something inside of her has changed, and she finds herself growing steadily more unbothered by the voice in her that tells her about old, forbidden magicks of the body and the mind and the blood. It's always about blood.
She doesn't bother reading over Severus's shoulder anymore, the two of them scribbling notes as the pages flip on their own once they've both finished reading.
What does change things is when Rosier corners her after Defence one day, a sealed envelope held in his hand.
"What's this?" Lily asks, eyeing the pristine letter suspiciously. She might get along with the Slytherins much better now—especially after the incident with the Marauders that Rosier had found particularly amusing—but she can't say she truly trusts them.
"An invitation," he says, and before she can speak, he continues. "Every rule has its exceptions. We'd thought there was only room for one Mudblood prodigy, but it looks like there's space for two."
"Don't call me that," she bites, and he waves the envelope at her.
"Think about it. As it stands now, men like Potter and Dumbledore are holding too many of the cards. Men who would let people die and then cover it up to save their own hides. Don't you want to see them get what's coming to them?"
"There's no difference between you and them," she says.
"Isn't there? We've never claimed to be good."
She stares at him, silent.
"It's a new age, Evans. Don't you want to change the world?" he asks.
She takes the envelope.
anyways, i hope you enjoyed that! thanks for reading :)
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ageekyreader · 6 years
AU Tuesday - Unexpected Superheroes
Guess what - I broke through my writing block! Apparently the solution was to write silly fanfic for my writing-partner-in-crime @merigreenleaf This is a one shot AU of her series Unexpected Inspiration. I did do a little bit of editing, but I’m not going to agonize over this one. 
I know some of my writeblr friends will tag people when they put up new writing. I haven’t been active enough lately to make my own list of people, but there are a few of you I’ve talked to enough that I’m pretty confident you’ll be interested in being tagged. If you don’t want to be on my list, or if you want to be added to my tag list for future shenanigans, just let me know! No pressure. I promise I won’t be upset if you don’t want to be tagged and you don’t have to give me a reason.  @lynnafred, @princeofmagick, @elliot-orion, @the-gay-hufflepuff, @enasroterfaden
Unexpected Superheroes
Adair bustled around the kitchen putting the finishing touches on the treats he’d made for the night. It had been almost a year since they had ended up on Earth after a magical mishap that somehow led to traveling across dimensions. They had no clue what had actually gone wrong, and since they didn’t seem to have magic in this world, the were effectively stuck for the time being.
Everyone missed Concordia but at least they still had each other. Adair didn’t even want to think of what it would have been like if any one of his family had been left behind. That would be much worse than losing magic.
Their introduction to Earth had not gone especially smoothly, but they met some people who saved the day like real life superheroes. Nikki and Alejandro had gotten them out of a sticky situation and then stuck around. Which was good - a world without magic could be really confusing. Adair didn’t think he’d ever understand the US government, but he was starting to get the hang of all the day to day life things. They all were more or less.
Tonight was Halloween and they had all embraced the idea wholeheartedly. Costumes were second nature to all the former carnies, and even Adair had dressed up in one a time or two. It had been much easier when he could still weave illusions, but that was ok. He’d still come up with an idea that he thought the others would love.
One of the things their new friends had done was introduce them to the world of comics. Adair loved some of the art work and was thinking about trying to get a job as a comic book artist. It was a far cry from the maps that were his specialty back home, but that wasn’t going to happen here. He might as well adapt.
It had become a tradition that every week they had a movie night and Nikki and Alejandro had been showing them all the different superhero movies. There were a lot, and they hadn’t gotten through all of them yet, but they knew enough that everyone agreed that it was the perfect theme for the party.
The stove beeped and Adair pulled out a berry pie. He grinned when he saw that the silly face he’d made with the crust on top had come out perfectly. That was the last thing he needed to do other than his costume. Which he better get into. Everyone would be here soon.
Sol had insisted they should all work with their new Earth-friends to make their costumes and that way the five of them could surprise each other. Adair was pretty sure Sol was going to show up as Thor. It just seemed like a natural fit. He had no idea what the other’s were going to pick though.
It had taken Adair awhile to figure out his costume. He was also in charge of the costume for Willow, their cat, but that one had been easy. Well, deciding on a character had been easy. The actual costume was a bit more challenging because Willow was brown and Blythe wouldn’t let him dye the cat black. In the end he’d fashioned a kind of fitted hood that he could slip on over Willow that left her eyes and mouth free. It looked a little silly but paired with a collar that was designed to look like T’Challa’s claw necklace she made a decent Black Panther.
Adair took one more look in the mirror to check the hair pieces he had applied then swooped Willow up into his arms and hurried for the living room. Their guests would be here soon and he could hardly wait to see what everyone else was wearing.The party was both a way to have some fun after all the stress of adjusting and a way to say thank you to all the people who had helped them in recent months. He knew that Alejandro was going to be Spider-man, but that was because he had been Adair’s costume buddy. It had taken some planning to make sure they all had a place to get ready where the other’s wouldn’t see their transformation but Blythe had taken charge of organizing that and it had worked out pretty well.
There were two people in the living room when Adair walked in. He started laughing right away. Nikki was dressed as Harley Quinn, no surprise there, and Dray was in a long red leather coat and thigh high boots. “Ok, tell me the truth, did you pick the Scarlet Witch just as an excuse to buy the coat?”
Dray grinned back at him, “Actually it was the boots I found first, but yes, I will casually be cosplaying as the Scarlet Witch on a regular basis because I make her look fabulous.”
“Dray - you make everything you wear look fabulous.”
“Damn right I do.”
Blythe and Alejandro walked into the living room at the same time from opposite directions. Adair only had eyes for Blythe. He always thought she was pretty, and tonight was no exception. She was wearing a green tank top, asymmetrical green skirt, and had ivy coiling everywhere. She made an amazing Poison Ivy and he hurried over to give her a hug and tell her so.
“Thanks. You make a surprisingly good old man.”
Adair felt himself blush. After all this time and she could still make him blush with every little compliment she gave. He was hopeless. “Yeah, I figured Stan Lee had to make an appearance so… here I am.”
Alejandro came over and added, “You have no idea how many different ideas we went through before we settled on that. Problem #1 - so many superheroes can fly or like to jump from buildings. Adair just couldn’t make himself do it. I suggested he do Captain America and, I kid you not, he turned green and told me all he’d be able to think about was jumping out of planes without a parachute.”
Adair shrugged and gave a little grin. He was glad they’d had a hard time finding a superhero that he felt comfortable dressing up as. He liked that this way he was still an artist. It felt right. Well, other than the mustache itching.
Feeling a draft Adair turned to figure out where it was coming from. He couldn’t imagine that any of them had opened a window. At least not yet. It was too cold outside and there weren’t that many bodies in here yet.
He found the open window just in time to see a graceful figure in all black with a dramatic, full length, black cloak slip in from outside.
“I’m Batman.” The voice was deeper and more gravelly but still obviously Etri. Adair had no idea how he had opened that window from the outside, but if anyone could it would be Etri.
Adair hurried over to give the other love of his life a hug. Well, and to make sure the window got closed. Before he could say anything to Etri he heard Dray give a high pitched, “What?!”
Etri had gone for a dramatic entrance but Sol had managed to one up him. Adair had a feeling that Sol’s costume would be the talk of the night. It wasn’t every day you saw a six foot six man with broad shoulders wearing a Wonder Woman costume. Looking at him it occurred to Adair that, once again, Sol had managed to forgo wearing pants.
Not that Dray seemed to mind. After their initial shocked exclamation Dray had gotten a dreamy look on their face. Obviously they didn’t mind the way Sol’s legs looked in the skimpy outfit.
Adair found himself wishing for his illusion magic again just so he could make it look like Sol was wearing pants.
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taniasinel · 7 years
Carolyne in Charleston
  Today is the final chapter in the Charleston Series of beautiful houses.  A few years ago I showcased Carolyne Roehm’s latest book that corresponded with her visit to the Skirted Roundtable HERE.  We were surprised by Roehm.  We didn’t know what to expect and what we got was a vivacious, fun woman who was very warm and friendly and intelligent.
I have long been in awe of this brilliantly talented person – is there anything she can’t do?  Seriously?   What would it be?  She was a successful dress designer, even had her own label which is not an easy feat.  She is an interior designer.  A master gardener.  A writer with many books under her wings (I think she’s written 14.)  An incredible photographer. 
And then there was this.  An announcement that she was now an artist.  A watercolorist. 
Can you just decide to become an artist and then be BRILLIANT at it????!?!??
Only if you are Carolyne Roehm.
Have you seen her work?  I was stunned.
    Here is a  sample of Carolyne’s watercolors which are now available on her web site!
I ask again, is there anything this woman can not do?
Carolyne writes a beautiful blog where her photography is showcased to perfection.  She wrote about being obsessed with 18th century France and wanting to buy a house there.  Over the years, she found four houses that she loved and longed to bring back to life.  But, in the end, it wasn’t to be.
Instead, she decided to stay here in America where she lives in her NYC apartment, her Connecticut farmhouse and her Aspen house.
She dreamed of a place in the sun,  where she could grow the southern flowers that have alluded her in Connecticut:  camellias, magnolias,  and gardenias. And of course, she found the perfect place in Charleston. 
She has spent the past few years renovating her house, room by room.  It is now completed and she has posted photos of it on her blog.
Sigh.  It’s impossible to have a favorite room.  Impossible.  You just can’t say which room is your favorite because each is so special!!
Of course the house has a name.  It has for all its many years: 
“Chisholm House” 
If you read her blog, then you have been following the renovation, but I realized this week that I have missed a few updates – and thought maybe you might have too.  So, here is a recap of Carolyne’s Chisholm House – all in one.   I’m hoping that her next book will be the story of this house, her own “An Affair With A House.”  Please!!!
  The History:
The earliest view of Chisholm House in 1865 – a torpedo boat the “Little David” was beached in front of the house.  The area where the house was built was actually a marsh – that was eventually filled in.  It is located just a few blocks from the waterfront. 
  Here, an early view when the house was owned by Dr. Rowland Alston. 
Chisolm House is a Greek Revival, built in 1836 and designed by Prussian-trained Charles Reichardt, the architect of the original Charleston Hotel and the Milford Plantation. 
  1977 View.
The house has what is described as a flying staircase, flanked by double drawing rooms.  There is also a dining room and a family room.  Upstairs there are three bedrooms ensuite.  The property sits behind a privacy wall.
  1977.  From the side – the house sits on a corner.
  It was rumored that Carolyne was going to remove this upper balcony and build a larger one that stretched the length of the house, but that hasn’t proven true.  And, I can’t see her changing this.
  A close of the beautiful capital.
When Roehm bought the house,  it had been owned by Stephanie Saunders, daughter of Cliff Robertson who had once been married to Mar A Lago’s Marjorie Merriweather Post’s daughter Dina.  The house is 5,800 sq.ft. with 4 bedrooms, and 4.5 baths.  The swimming pool was one of the first things that Carolyne had removed.  In fact, she also removed all the landscaping – it was most important that she design her new garden from the ground up, so to speak.
  The large expanse of concrete in the back of the house was removed – in order to make room for the garden along the side street. 
    The house, when it was sold to Carolyne.
  Before:   When Carolyn bought the house, the renovation of the gardens was one of the first things she undertook.  The swimming pool was taken out to make room for the garden.  At the fence is a row of ten 16’ tall holly trees that will act as screen to hide neighbors and telephone wires.  Remember at the Ravenel house how the electrical wires were so overwhelming?  Here, a few blocks away, it’s the same story.  Apparently the city is slowly burying all the electrical wires but it’s a long, slow process.  Also bought early on, were 80 camellia bushes.  In the front yard, she planted 2 huge, old live oaks to create shade. 
  The back of the house completely cleared out – no sign of the pool was left.
I wish there were more photographs of the garden, but there have been a few natural disasters.   Last year,  there was a hurricane which was fatal for the landscaping.
  The problems started with the torrential storm of 2015.  Here you can see the water in the bowl – how deep it was.  Still, look how beautifully Carolyne has laid out her garden, with the blue & white as focal points.  Last year, more troubles came with Hurricane Matthew.
  At first, Carolyne was hoping she had avoided disaster with Hurricane Matthew.  She planted these bright mums to liven up the beds, but two weeks later, the salt water turned it all brown and the entire garden of boxwoods had to be thrown away and replanted.  Today, it’s hard to believe she went through this.  And it’s even harder to believe her gardens are just three years old! 
Notice, the wonderful design with the center fountain and the brick walkway.  A year later and Carolyne is entertaining outside again.
INSPIRATION:  I love mums, especially pink ones.  But, I never plant them anymore because they don’t last that long in Houston.  Still – seeing these, used as a filler, it makes me realize that mums can be so useful.  Think party.   When you need to freshen up the garden and make it look wonderful – immediately – plant mums!
  Martha Stewart visited before Hurricane Matthew.  Here is the blue and white garden – with the gate opening to the front lawn.
  And the pineapple fountain.  It’s truly hard to believe the garden was planted just a few years ago!
Here, the steps leads down to the back side of the house where tables and chairs are set out for entertaining.  Martha Stewart photo.
  Recently, Carolyne entertained in her garden.
  Another photo.
  And this week, Susanna Salk visited – filming Chisholm House for her video blog.   Link at the end of the story. 
Can’t wait to see her video on the house!!!
And wow!  I love the house with the blue and white urns and the topiary!!
  The front door photographed by Susanna.   
  BEFORE:   The entry, as it was when Carolyne bought the house – pine floors that had an orange-tined stain.  The floors were damaged and had been patched over the decades.  Instead of removing them, Carolyne chose to paint them – which I love!
  BEFORE:   The entry hall with the “flying staircase.”
  TODAY:  The floors are painted to mimic marble and the walls are papered in Farrow and Ball.  A collection of coral sits on the console – this is a beach house, don’t forget!
  Another earlier styling.
  Looking down at the fabulous floor!
  Black and white chair with red.
  The console!  Just gorgeous.  Carolyne is a master at styling and at photography.  Together, her houses are her laboratory where she experiments with different looks. 
Flanking the entry hall are two parlors.  On the left is the Chinoiserie Room and on the right is the Bird Room. 
  And now this is the time you get to decide which is your favorite room!   Good luck with that!
First, on the left side is the
The  Chinoiserie Room:
BEFORE:  The room used to have two entrances on each side of the fireplace, but one was closed off.  In order to fit her furniture in the room, Carolyne had the other entrance blocked off – so now, the only door to the room is off the entrance hall.
  Here is the room, readied for the renovation.  The two openings (to the Media Room) will be closed off.   And, there was the matter of the fireplace.   Victorian mantels had been installed in all the rooms – but they didn’t match the age or style of the house.  Carolyne chose to remove and replace them (not repeal & replace!!)  The paint is Farrow & Ball’s  Chalke Green.  Be sure to read her blog story about the details of the renovation. 
  Here is the room in candlelight- when it looks its prettiest, I think.  The floor is a different pattern than the entry – here it is a faux marble with faux cabochon insets.  Two settees face each other here.
  A view of the front windows.  This room is like candy – it’s so delicious!   The color of green was taken from the Green Salon at Drottningholm Palace.   Carolyne has said that her love of all things chinoiserie started when she was a child and her grandmother gave her a piece of Blue Willow china.
  These statues were painted green and gold.
  The mirror was designed by Carolyne using a door surround from Clayden House as inspiration. 
  Subtle damask pattern on the fabrics.  I love the hot pink pillows that will dictate the color of the flowers.  Perfection!
  Chinoiserie table.  Wow.  Gorgeousness.
  18th century desk – was obtained for this room.
  This 18th century desk is incredibly beautiful.  
  This is a view not seen before – a screen sits behind the settee.
  Another photo of the desk – love the pink shades on the lamps.
  Is there a prettier room?  Well, maybe!  Just walk across the entry hall to...
The Bird Room:
On the right side of the foyer is the Bird Room. Seen here, is how the previous owners decorated it.
  And here is the Bird Room, cleared out for the renovation.  The Victorian coal burning fireplace and its mantel was removed, as these were a later addition to the house.  Additionally, the doorway on the right of the mantel was opened up – to the Library.   This room became the blue and white Bird Room, inspired by a 17th century painting bought in France.
  And here is the room – an early version.   The mirror was made for the house, the chairs are Syrie Maugham, the fabric is Quadrille.  Crystal chandelier and painted floor.
  The inspiration for the Bird Room came from this 17th century painting that Carolyne spotted while bicycling in the France – of course!   Carolyne has had a long love of birds in painting and this room is the perfect manifestation of that love.
  The view from the Entry Hall into the Bird Room.
  The table – the view is of the corner of the two streets that the house sits on.
  Seriously?  This German clock is so gorgeous I could cry.  It’s absolutely beautiful.  And I love the birds flanking it.  Carolyne writes that the clock was in her Aspen house but she moved it here where she felt it belonged.  Yes.  I agree!!
Seriously though.  This room is gorgeous – I could cry!  OK, I won’t cry, but it’s just so beautiful to me – probably because I’m a cool color person.  Blues just appeal to me.  While I love the Chinoiserie Room – I probably am drawn more to this decor.
Which room do you prefer so far?
  The fireplace with the mirror that Carolyne had made for this space.  Notice through the newly opened door is the Library.
  Old plates that feature birds are set for a dinner in the Bird Room.
  Another view of the Gustavian sofa and the inspiration painting.
  The watercolor is by Scott Kelly.  Carolyne writes that besides the antique painting from France, her biggest extravagance in the Bird Room was the pair of tole pineapples by Carmen Almon.   When Carolyne wrote her stories on the Bird Room she was debating whether she should get curtains for this room.   I think she would be happy without curtains – she obviously loves a less textured look without rugs and layers.   But, the room is exposed to the street, so privacy is an issue.
  Recently Carolyne posted a video that showed the Bird Room with curtains – pretty white curtains with blue trim.   When the 2015 storm hit, she also posted a few pictures of the curtains on that night  - pulled up to avoid dampness leaking through the windows.  (Glad to know I’m not the only person who has to do that!)
  So pretty!  Waiting for the book to properly see the room with all the curtains!  Hint Hint.
  The Library
Past the door in the Blue Room is the Library.  On her blog Carolyne has said several times that she is going to discuss this room in detail – but she hasn’t yet.  I tired to find as many photos of the library that I could, but there aren’t that many.
  The library was actually the dining room.  Here is the Before photo.
  Carolyne posted this painting and said it was going in the Library.
  This chandelier was in storage – and is now in the Library. 
  The Library – with dark, dark brown walls that read almost black.  The dining table is white.
  A dinner party – with views of the bookcases that were built on both long walls.
  The place settings and flowers for the dinner party.
  In this view – you can see a bit of the architecture of the Library with the medallions above the shelving – which I LOVE!!  You can see a bit of the red chandelier in this picture. Through the door is the hall off the entry.  
Until Carolyne posts about the Library, we will just have to wait for proper photos!
  In this photo, you can see how the table is set up daily – like a Library table – with books and lamps.
  Another dinner table set with the lamps and red roses.  Gorgeous.
  Another table setting – with red apples.  Are those lamps or candelabras???  How are they lit?
And the same table at night – here you can see the gold votives lit up.  Those are really pretty votives. 
  And yet, another table setting.  Makes me want to have a dinner party!!!
  The stools in the library.
One thing I don’t see is the painting that Carolyne said was going in the Library.  We’ll have to wait for Susanna’s video on Friday!
  Moving to the Media Room!
Before:  The Media Room had more of the orange stained floor.  It is located behind the Chinoiserie Room.
  BEFORE:  Here is the room ready to be renovated.  The Victorian fireplace is to be replaced and more substantial crown molding is added.
The inspiration for the room came when Carolyne saw four large paintings on canvas at Christie’s.  She believes they may have been made for the stage.  The 18th century French panels are 12’ tall x 9.5’ wide and depict the four seasons.  She bought the panels, had them framed and shipped them down to Charleston to be hung in the Media Room.
The problem though was the large flatscreen TV and how to hide it.  The panels took up so much of the wallspace, there wasn’t a place for a TV that was large enough.  In the end, she and her partner Simon came up with a solution for the flatscreen.
  To give you an idea of how large the framed panels are – here is one of them waiting in the kitchen before it was hung!!
  But first, the gorgeous Media Room:
The panels set the color scheme and tone for the room – soft and romantic.  A beautiful crystal chandelier hangs over the room, which is toned down with a Starke rug.
  Against this wall is a chest that sits in front of one of the panels.
  This panel was set over the fireplace. There is a table for small meals.  Through the doors is the foyer’s main hall.  Across the hall is the library.
  Carolyne decorated the room with seafans and coral since this house is so close to the beach.
  The fabric is Bennison.  Love!!!   The panels are so beautiful – aren’t they?  I told you it’s hard to decide which room is the prettiest!!!  My first favorite is the Bird Room and then maybe this room – or maybe the Chinoiserie then the Media.  But maybe the Media Room first!  ahahahah
Can I just buy the house, furnished?
  Now – how about the TV? 
At a recent dinner party, the guests had no idea there was a flatscreen in the room.  Notice the mural that is on an easel in the corner?  That’s the flatscreen!
  When Carolyne watches it, she just removes the mural and flips the TV to the horizontal position.  Ingenious!
  Viola – the TV is gone!!!
    Here is the beautiful table setting in the Media Room during a recent party.
  The Kitchen:
The entry hall leads into the kitchen – with the twin columns that mark the space.  Today – there is a French Door at the end - that lets in light.
  Before:  The kitchen is a long room – here with the columns that lead into the hall.
  And the breakfast room side of the kitchen.
  As with all the other rooms – it was renovated – to become the vision that Carolyne had.
  Here – the kitchen with its classic black and white floors and white marble.  Her small flower sink is in between the two windows.
    The room is bright and light with green walls that mimics the green from the gardens.  At the left not seen is the French door that opens to the back garden.
  Across from the kitchen table is the large storage for Carolyne’s collection of plates and glassware.
  Two of Carolyne’s watercolors hang in the kitchen.
    She sets the prettiest tables.  Variegated camellias! 
Inspiration:  Concentrate on the napkins!
  There are two rooms that are just hinted at on Carolyne’s instagram.  First, her powder room fashioned out of the broom closet!  An Oriental blue and white bowl becomes the sink.  So beautiful.
  With her signature “CR” written over this photo, there is this small picture of her bedroom in lilac.  OMG – dying to see  more  of this bedroom!!!!!  Apparently the bedroom is covered in a Quadrille fabric.  Those silk curtains!!!
I just hope she is writing a book about this house.  Until then, don’t forget to watch Susanna Salk’s video of the house this Friday!!  HERE.
Be sure to visit Carolyne’s beautiful blog for her in depth writing and photographs of her life, her houses, and her art.  HERE. 
To listen to Carolyne on the Skirted Roundtable, go HERE.
To see all of her prints that you can purchase – go HERE.
Carolyne’s two latest books.  Click on the cover to order.
    Ideas To Set A Table With Antiques:
from COTE DE TEXAS http://cotedetexas.blogspot.com/2017/05/carolyne-in-charleston.html
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