#black divest
noirsisterhood · 6 months
The Permanent underclass is coming for Black women.
What is the permanent underclass?
The underclass is the segment of the population that occupies the lowest possible position in a class hierarchy, below the core body of the working class. Black women in America will hear this and will probably dismiss it as another thing to focus on later. Another one of millions of warnings heard in the media. Yet another lecture that can be worried about in the distant future. But it can’t. In a matter of years, Black Americans will be a permanent underclass in the United States.
While Black women are statistically shown climbing up the ladder of wealth, as a collective, Black women are still on track to fail. The demographic will be placed in a position of society where social and financial mobility will be impossible. This is a place where Black American women have been before but this time no amount of hard work, higher education, or fighting the system will fix it. The permanent underclass is permanent.
How to avoid it?
As a collective, you can’t. As an individual you can take steps to ensure yourself and your daughters are as far away from perpetual poverty as possible. But it won’t be easy.
#1 Income
Black women are very proud of being the fastest growing group of business owners in America. This is a great feat, but unfortunately it won’t help. The vast majority of businesses being opened are not recession proof, let alone underclass proof. These businesses tend to be side hustles rather than profitable and growing organizations. Instead of beauty products, Black women will need to make the shift to STEM related fields and high earning, recession proof career paths. I personally believe most Black women thrive in careers such as healthcare and more creative tech careers. Same as the businesses, we can often hear the boasting of Black women being the most college educated in America. But again, we can see the income and social standing is not reflecting this higher education. Why? Besides Black women’s poor choice in male partners and negative culture indulgences, Black women have not kept up with turns in the economy and failed to adjust for the future. We unfortunately are held back by doing what’s familiar or comfortable, instead of breaking barriers or floating to careers that bring political influence and higher incomes. The best thing we have is that we are also one of the fastest growing groups of property owners and land, is a wealth building tool.
As one person, you should research what STEM career would fit your personality. How much schooling are you willing to go through to secure this future? Have you looked into the various free resources available to get into tech or medicine? Which jobs are not going to be replaced by AI?
Prepping and investing is one of the best ways to prepare for the upcoming economic depression. Buying gold, silver, and other assets that increase in value when the value of the dollar continues to decrease. Anyone that hasn’t started prepping now is already late. I personally started prepping around 2020 and the price of the items I got now has doubled or tripled. Buying toiletries, canned food, long lasting food like rice and beans, is the only way to ensure you have food in your belly when everyone else is scrapping together $20 for a piece of bread in the near future. It’s important to also prepare for the civil unrest and crime hikes that follow high prices and chaos. Everything you prep and collect should be protected by a firearm. The Black American woman’s way for hundreds of years has been to petition the government and protest when things go wrong but this will do absolutely nothing to stop you from sliding into the underclass. The normalcy bias everyone has in their brain conditions them to think everything will be fine and stay normal, this prevents people from acknowledging problems and taking proper steps to jump over hurdles. The growing Black femicide rate that’s also been largely ignored by Black women will be the biggest jump in crime in this country, and most Black women will be too late in their responses to this. Black women have been unwilling to protect themselves from the terrorist of their communities and mostly refuse to protect themselves financially. This is a guaranteed ticket to the underclass and being the biggest targets for criminals.
Unfortunately some Black women have allowed themselves to fall for distractions and social media propaganda to engage in discourse about celebrity gossip and marriage. Some of these women seem to think getting married and just having a “father in the home” will fix all the issues they have. The truth is, when Black women marry males who look like them, they lose wealth. Unless you are marrying a man of means in a community that actually has resources, your focus should not be on marriage or males. Dating and marriage is not all about money but you also have to worry about abuse and what values you want your children to learn. Even still, other people are not your heroes and your priority should be helping yourself first and other likeminded Black women. Depending on others is not an acceptable solution.
#2 Don’t let yourself be chained and dragged down
You can’t separate yourself from your demographic, but you can’t rely on other Black women to do better for you. If you are the only Black woman you know aware of what’s going on and taking proper steps, you can try to educate others but understand this journey will be lonely. You cannot control the actions of other Black women. As Edna Mode from the Incredibles would say, “No capes!” You have to burn the cape if you want to move forward as yourself. Not as a woman, Black person, or an American. Allowing your group or other groups to grab onto you is detrimental to not only your financial success, but also your safety and social mobility. Black women let their empathy for others and desire to be needed be their downfall and you should be mindful of not participating in this. You are the target for people in need, the one group people go to, knowing Black women have a history of putting the needs of others before their own. They need attention, clout, money, protection, or defense and you should provide none of that. Only providing for yourself, your daughter, and other likeminded Black women in your immediate circle is the proper way to move forward.
You have to do what you can as an individual, while being mindful that as a Black woman you are treated by others as a monolith. You can walk into an interview being perfect, and that could not stop a hiring manager from throwing every stereotype onto you and not giving you the job. But before dismissing your image or collective reputation as a factor in your finances and social mobility, understand your “community” can provide nothing to you. Has never and will never. The hospitals, jobs, first responders, grocery stores, banks, etc that you interact with are all owned by people who don’t look like you. To me, respectability politics is just a buzz word used to dismiss uncomfortable conversations and truths. But there’s nothing more uncomfortable than starving and having no resources in your reach.
#3 Work towards building YOUR own community, a real community this time
What do you do with this knowledge now that you know what’s coming? Do you get on the internet and complain and urge fellow Black people to get it together? No. Do you persist that something needs to change in your community and talk about “building together?” No. You’ve already done this for hundreds of years and look where you are. Learn from mistakes or be insane and continue doing the same thing. You need to accept that the Wakanda in your head will never be built and the vast majority of people that look like you will never wake up. Some of them have already woken up and the way they behave is the way they choose to be. In 2023, some Black women have already been smart enough to separate themselves from a community that has failed them in every way and seems persistent to continue to. There is no reason to continually pour your energy and time into a group that does not serve you. Understand that you are an individual and serve yourself. People that look like you understand they are done as a collective and will try their hardest to pull you down with them. Or they can attempt to step on you to place themselves above you, but that won’t work so you don’t have to worry about them. Become indistractable.
You don’t have to waste time and energy arguing with other people, trying to convince others to see your way, or trying to shame people that have no pride or shame. In your journey of putting yourself first, don’t get stuck in this phase.
There’s many important steps to take on this journey and one of them is sisterhood. Coming together with likeminded Black women not to rant about the black community and gossip but to support each other on your journey to saving yourself as a Black woman. There should be a concerted effort to seeking out Black women who have similar goals to you and helping each other in any way you can.
As common sense and more successful cultures have shown us, no one is superhuman and able to do everything by themselves. Something I’ve noticed about the soft life movement and frequent social media comments is, Black women have no aspirations or intentions of doing very difficult things by themselves. There is no nobility in struggling. If you don’t pass on wealth, land, and self sufficient knowledge to your daughters, you are setting them up to be a slave.
A woman of no color on TikTok recently went viral with a video proclaiming she was looking for another woman to marry so they could share benefits with each other, help each other with their children, and split bills. Despite the fact that Black women will suffer the most in this upcoming depression, I haven’t seen any similar solutions or attempts to come together from Black women.
A lack of support will usher in a new wave of untreated mental and physical illness that comes with stress and a lack of access to healthy food and healthcare.
Why are Black women going into the permanent underclass?
To put it plainly, every demographic outside of Black women benefits from and has a vested interest in seeing another group beneath them. It helps them feel better about their failures, it helps them exploit, and to get away with harm and abuse. Even as migrants take over the majority of the working class, you can still be used and exploited. Black women were brought to America to breed more slaves and what better way to make sure that can happen than Black girls and women being stuck in a major city surrounded by sexual predators, being inundated with hypersexual propaganda, illegal abortion, and no money to get themselves out of the situation. Every cry for help will be met with people screaming how it’s your fault and you need to stop crying victim all the time. No one will come to save you or your daughters. Your sons will have a swift and open entrance to prison. If you are not proactive in staying out of the underclass, you WILL end up there. Once you safely avoid the underclass, the next step is to learn how to maintain wealth. Pass it to the next generation while navigating society being apart of the demographic now tied to the bottom.
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papirouge · 5 months
NOT Argentina trending for them beig mad at their deranged new president 👀
Weren't you guys flexing about being a nOt like a DisneY mOviE🤪 White country that successfully managed to outbreed its mulattos and Blacks, and how your football NT was 'purer' & represented more authentically its country unlike France NT and its "African" players?
See how deep that demonic racist energy shit dragged you in?
that's karma
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edit: removed the reblogs because ugly & hateful Argentians started being mad at me for spiting truth 🥰
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comrade-onion · 1 month
A Critique of the Western Left
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The Western Left has been marred by infighting in recent years, effectively crippling any capacity it has to fight back against the vicious capitalist system it rightfully opposes.
In my eyes, I see two main contributing factors to the general incompetency of the Left in the Western world. Infighting and ineffective campaigning.
Infighting between sects within the left along niche ideological lines stunts its ability to grow its membership and influence by making the movement look irrelevant, hostile, and elitist. The right isn't divided along small ideological lines. They can and will cooperate to spread their collective hateful ideologies. To combat this effectively, we need to put our differences aside and unite along our common enemy: the capitalist system. Only when the abolition of capitalism has been undertaken can we afford to disagree on minor policy and theoretical differences.
Secondly, Leftist campaigning is so focused on ideological niches that it no longer appeals to the working people. The average worker is not concerned about who Gonzalo was. They are too busy worrying about food, about rent, about utilities and education, and safety. We need to campaign issues that are affecting the people the most. We NEED to appeal to the masses and embrace left-wing populism to garner the popular support needed to oppose fascism if we want any chance of facilitating positive and lasting change.
We have a common enemy, and we must not fight each other. Instead, we must work together for the good of the people and for the good of the planet.
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springphile · 3 months
Never understood why black women are so determined to play superhero for every demographic but themselves. Why do we as black women never prioritise our needs, yet we cape for people who would call us the hard R behind our backs lmao. Like do you think other people are doing this for us? No, they do not care! They have other things to be worrying about.
In America, black women experience some of the highest rates of homicide at the hands of their male partners. And I guarantee that black men kill black women far more often than police kill black males. Yet there’s no movement focused on that, is there?
It just shows where black women’s priorities lie really. In male worshipping. Preaching about intersectionality, yet not advocating for yourselves. Speaking for other people will get you nowhere. That’s a dumb thing to do anyway. Focus on yourself.
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triggerblaze345 · 6 months
The BDS (Boycotts, Divestments and Sanctions) movement is calling for a boycott of three companies on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The boycott is being called for the companies complicity in the Israeli government’s genocide of the people of Gaza.
The three companies are Marvel, HP and Puma.
Here are the reasons why, as stated by the movement.
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Please Do Not Buy from these Companies on Black Friday or Cyber Monday.
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aaliyuhh · 13 days
I want to say something but I feel like I’ll upset a demographic of men 😅 But they need to hear the truths about themselves sometimes lol
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noirsisterhood · 2 months
How NOT to move strategically as a Black woman. It should be obvious at this point.
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brunelsblog · 6 months
"Americans are just broke in 2023"
"The economy is just in a recession right now"
"The deals just weren't that good this year😕"
They will literally give ANY excuse than admit the boycotts are working.
The Americans been broke and in a recession for a while and made Black Friday work somehow until now. The boycotts are working.
Black creators have been SCREAMING in the void trying to remind people this is how they discredited the impacts of Black Friday protests against police brutality a decade ago, so remember THE BOYCOTTS ARE WORKINGGGGGGGG
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radfemsouthy · 1 year
Chrisette Michele vs Kanye West: Why don’t black women get the same grace?
Kanye West has been spewing garbage for years and only now is he facing the consequences. In fact, he still has a cult following that’s convinced he can do no wrong.
Chrisette Michele performed for Donald Trump ONCE & was completely cancelled. Unlike Kanye, she didn’t actively campaign for him & neither was she anti-black or anti-Semitic. Her life has spiralled out of control since that moment in 2016.
Why aren’t black women afforded the same grace as black men?
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hussyknee · 4 months
I do, in fact, hold the Jewish community collectively responsible for Zionists.
Individually? Of course not. Anti Zionist Jews exist as individuals. Many individuals are shut out of their own religious community, especially those of colour.
But as a community where Zionism is so socially and institutionally entrenched that the minority of dissenters are disowned and ostracized?
The global community of which only a handful of organisations openly advocate for Palestine, and even most of those paternalistic and co-opting Palestnian voices with liberal Zionist sympathies?
The western majority that institutionally benefits from white colonization and imperialism and silences its non-Jewish Black and brown critics?
The same majority that will never own their privilege or culpability or complicity in the colonial project before and after the Holocaust?
That helped the West exceptionalize it to cover up their exponentially larger and more enduring colonial crimes?
That distanced themselves from their white colonial privilege at the expense of BIPOC by insisting theirs was not a religious marginalization but a racial one, and continues to punish us for not treating them as racially oppressed?
Whose very demand to be automatically exonerated from the Palestinian genocide is reflective of their white and Western privilege?
That successfully broke the ties Jews of colour have to their own racial communities through Israeli ethnic cleansing and Zionist propaganda?
That uses JoC as shields, tokens and weapons against all the above charges?
The JoC that have purchased the privileges of Zionism and enfranchised themselves by betraying their own races?
The community that has used the charge of antisemitism to police Black and brown folks for decades, making it a knife against our necks?
I absolutely, 100% blame the global Jewish community.
The Global South will not forget. We will not forgive. All people with white skinned European descent are our oppressors. All people nourished on the teat of the imperial core are the foot soldiers of white supremacy, no matter what their race. We owe you no exoneration.
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lady-conjuress · 6 months
I’d like to let it be known that my views on racial politics (particularly Black women’s image) and female sexuality are different. I am all for sexual liberation (in my case, guarding my body from those I deem unworthy in addition to being unrestricted without sleeping with every man that shows the littlest bit of attention or even major attention), but this particular sexual “liberation” that Black women collectively have been force fed and now many act as willing participants is in no way “liberating” or helpful for our image.
And yes, I know that other groups of women do the same as well, but they have more than enough images that counterattack any that would deem them “not respectable” by a sexually frigid (despite it simultaneously being hyper-sexual) society. So to all of you “Black people/women are not a monolith” people who like to contradict your “message” when it’s in your favor, I agree with you. Black women are not a monolith, and I’m sticking up and standing with Black women who hold the same sentiment as I do.
Dolores C. Tucker tried to warn you. And the Black “community” trashed her for it. This is why classism has some place in society despite it needing to be transcended. This hip-hop/gangster/thug culture is a SUBCULTURE of Black culture and it started because of the Black underclass. I’ve stated in a post in the past about how the upper and even middle class Black people didn’t want the underclass moving into their spaces and neighborhoods. Why? Because they knew this would happen. Then came the “we are all Black people at the end of the day” crowd guilt-tripping and “revoking” the “Black cards” of Black people (especially the women) who did not agree with their nonsense.
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canthebest1 · 5 months
It’s better to not merge interracial dating with divestment. It’s really not about dating or switching from one male group to another. It’s about Black women prioritizing themselves and removing themselves from toxic situations and people that don’t serve them.
Yes I agree! The two comments I was replying two were on the topic of dating. But you can be single and be divested. Not all of us have the goal to be partnered up.
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titus-androgynous-87 · 3 months
Almost all caught up with Love is Blind (just a bit left in the last newest episode). And all of these men are garbage. Like these women made a wish over a bunch of overflowing dumpsters and now they have to teach these trash monsters how to be humans
The women have their own flaws and issues, for sure. But these men make my butthole pucker, as my mother likes to say. None of them ever have anything positive or kind to say about ANYONE, let alone their partners. And constantly trying to fuck other people from the pods
Lying about being engaged, lying about their jobs and looks and goals. And for what? A few hundred more IG followers and a damp dick that don’t work because you drink more vodka than water?
A half-baked reality circuit career where no one falls for your shit because you can’t act to save your fucking life (y’all can’t even gaslight effectively, how you gonna sigma alpha bro your way out of situations of your own making)? An ego boost you clearly don’t need? External validation because your dad never hugged you or said he was proud of you? Forcing people to spend time with you because your toxic personality has alienated everyone around you, but it can’t be YOUR fault! No! It’s not YOUR fault you’re a raging narcissist fuckstick who only views women as holes to pathetically fail stick your aforementioned broke wet rope dick into and then cum on her knee and tell her she should feel grateful you fucked her because she’s ugly (all while looking like a melted tickle me Elmo with your coke-and-alcohol flush and botched chin implants)
I’m sorry I just really hate straight men, and fuck these assholes in particular. This season is a disaster, and not in a fun way
Between this and the Sandoval Apology Tour 2024, I’m so tired and done with reality TV
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cinematicbookworm · 29 days
I find it highly ironic that both my former undergrad which is now cal poly Humboldt and my current Graduate universities have both been sending out messages saying they support free speech while also calling the cops on student protesters and also trying to deflect responsibility like I’ve been part of protests at Humboldt in the past the admin then barely tolerated what was also a peaceful protest like the professors for the most part usually support the students but the higher admin have never supported the students rights they just wanted to line their pockets then and I doubt things have changed now
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bmpmp3 · 7 months
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more fashion dreamer pics! more Dave plus I made my OC Meena (that one of many OCs i made off a dream LOL) as a second muse! i dont have a very close hair colour for her vaguely pinky creamsicle colour i usually paint her with rn so she just has fully pink hair for the time being jhkfldskjrf also raven showed up at my showroom! and some isaac fits because they say shit like %#^[#!{%#% so i always wanna talk to them LOL
can u tell "flirty" was my favourite style in style savvy DS vhjbelkfrfe
#fashion dreamer#the very first game the original DS game. i miss u flirty. i know it got like#divested into mostly bold and a bit of girly and pop#irl i think its supposed to be inspired by like gyaru-ish stuff and a lot of general 2000s hot pink shenanigans#looks like jirei kei but more tube tops and fur and a more saturated pink LOL#it was a bit redundant of a style so it makes sense they got rid of it after the first game#but listen. black and hot pink and bows and lace. i just love it HJKDLSJFKDS#attempting to single handedly make as much flirty esque clothes as i can now#thats one thing thats nice about the clothing making aspect of this game. its a bit more limited than i would like rn#but now i can make ALL the flirty style. i can even make type b flirty.... im unstoppable#like everyone else i expected but am still a bit bummed by the genderlocking in this game#i expected the clothes but the socks and shoes being locked is a bit of a killer sometimes..#i want type a's in dress shoes and type b's in heels is that so much to ask#also i want fishnets for type b so so desperately#let dave wear fishnets. please#what was a bit of a shock tho was the npc poses u unlock are also type a or b only#which SUCKS because NOW type a's cant look half asleep like sleep deprived simon#and type b's cant do a tadaaa pose like woodland whateverhernamewas#its so sad because my oc dave would be perfect for the tadah! and my oc meena would be perfect for the half asleep#THAT i hope they update especially cause like yeah u need to alter things for the different rigs but its an animation man#pwease. pwetty pwease i want those poses to be universal ;-;#still playing like daily tho LOL intensely addicting gameplay despite the many flaws
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