#black crab
cinemajunkie70 · 1 year
A very happy birthday to the very cool Noomi Rapace!
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busylazy · 8 months
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Noomi Rapace ❤️
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Santoña, Victoria and Joyel Marshes Natural Park, Spain (No. 4)
The most abundant mammals are those that have their habitat in holm oaks, bushes and meadows; More than thirty species have been detected, among which are the wildcat, wild boar and roe deer.
The chapter of the avifauna is undoubtedly the greatest wealth of the park: in total, you can observe more than 130 different species. It is an important point for the migration or wintering of numerous species of waterfowl, waders (common sandpiper, curlew, grey plover, bar-tailed godwit ...) and gulls. Highlights: the European whistle, curlew, curlew, little egret, common goose, Eurasian oystercatcher, fat sandpiper, common sandpiper, black-tailed godwit, common archibebe, laughing gull, black-necked grebe.
It is also an important migratory resting place for the common spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia), a bird with white plumage, which migrates from its breeding colonies in Holland, south flying over the coasts of France, to reach the Santoña Marshes, where they rest for a few days, before continuing their journey to Africa where they winter. Expanding, with some individuals wintering. Thus, SEO/Birdlife estimates that a third of the European population of the species passes through Santoña at each step.​
Two other species that are very rare wintering in the Iberian Peninsula, and that in the marshes of Santoña are regular visitors, are the eider (Somateria mollissima), a large sea duck, and the snowy bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis), a stubby passerine that inhabits the mountains of northern Europe.
Birds can be observed in all seasons of the year, although the best months begin in August and September, with the arrival of herons and waders. Then the first geese and ducks begin to arrive in October and November, until at the end of December and beginning of January, the highest concentration of birds occurs in the Marsh. It is then that the marsh hosts a population of 10,000 to 20,000 birds, of 50 different species.
​ Source: Wikipedia  
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moviesandfood · 2 years
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Svart Krabba (Black Crab)
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americasuits · 1 year
Embrace Edgy Elegance with Noomi Rapace Black Jacket by Black Crab
Introduction:When it comes to fashion, one name that continues to make waves in the industry is Noomi Rapace. Known for her captivating performances on-screen, the Swedish actress has also become a style icon off-screen. One particular item that has caught the attention of fashion enthusiasts worldwide is the Noomi Rapace Black Jacket by Black Crab. In this article, we will explore the allure of…
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brt-corner · 1 year
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cyruspavels · 1 year
Black Crab
A pretty shell Isn’t a sign of an unfrozen core. 
The more profound the pain The harder it becomes to warm up that core. 
So don’t go fooled by pretty shells.  The shell has zero do with the temperature of the core. 
In fact,  Nowadays—they’ve began using other shells and even making fake ones. 
Who knew.
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johnryansullivan · 1 year
Films and Shows I watched in 2022 - The Good List
Films and Shows I watched in 2022 – The Good List
This has been a unique year of watching. I’ve seen many things I’ve loved and many I have hated. I have quit watching more television shows and movies this year than I can count. I have rewatched more movies and television shows this year than any other year I can remember. For the life of me I do not know why. I’ve considered the possibility that I have gotten older, that I have seen and read…
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 197
“Guys look, I got us pet rocks!” 
“That’s nice- Danny, why are the rocks moving?” 
“Ectoplasm. Obviously. They eat bad emotions, isn’t that cool?!” 
“They aren’t going to get that big though, right? I mean, we’re moving to the countryside but still.”
“I mean, they shouldn’t? Dang, maybe I should have asked Dora more questions…” 
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catfindr · 6 months
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orofeaiel · 1 month
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Dogwood Lake Collection Tin: snail shell, feather, deer fur, leaf with black tar spot, crab, Douglas fir with pollen cones, piece of wasp nest, cool rocks.
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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National Crab Meat Day
National Crab Meat Day is celebrated on March 9 every year. This holiday celebrates the tasty goodness of crab meat and the delicious recipes that include this ingredient.
There is a large market for crab in America and an even larger market for imitation crab meat, which is used as a replacement for actual crab in many recipes. Imitation crab is preferred by a lot of people, but when it comes down to it, people love the soft, sweet flavor of crab meat, and nothing can replace the original.
Crabs are so popular because not only are they super delicious, but they are great for health too. And guess what? There are tons of ways in which a crab can be cooked. This means even if you don’t like one recipe, you can easily opt for another one that is more of your flavor. So grab your wallets, call a couple of friends, and get ready to celebrate National Crab Day with a crab-eating fest. We promise it will definitely be worth it. 
History of National Crab Meat Day
National Crab Meat Day pays homage to the deliciousness of crab meat and its popularity across the country. People across the world love seafood— especially crabs. People, on the other hand, appear to be more concerned with the flavor of crabs and how delicious they are rather than the health benefits they give. Crabs, according to the study, are abundant in protein and contain high quantities of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins B12, and selenium. Omega-3 and protein supplements are in high demand around the world because they play such an important part in keeping people healthy and fit. But the truth is that none of these supplements can compare to the real nutrition you’ll get from eating a crab.
Crabs are crustaceans found in all the oceans of the world. They are covered with a hard shell, known as an exoskeleton, and usually have two claws known as pincers. One of these pincers is usually larger than the other. The claws also have meat and are one of the most flavorful and meatiest parts of the crab. 
Crabs were first consumed in ancient Rome by persons who lived near the sea or frequently went by sea. These individuals introduced the dishes to Britain and the trend of consuming lobster, crab, shellfish, etc. began to spread. In the mid-fifteenth century, crabs were boiled and eaten cold with vinegar. But it wasn’t until  Victorian times that different dressings for crabs were created by cooks. Archeologists have also discovered that blue crabs were a vital source of food for Native Americans, Euro-American colonists, and African Americans. Crab remnants dating back to the 17th century were unearthed in Maryland, revealing this.
Some species of soft-shell crabs are eaten whole, including the shell, while with others only the legs and claws are edible. The roe or crab eggs are also a delicacy across the world, particularly in Southeast Asia. In America, Chesapeake Bay is the area where crab roe is primarily consumed. 
Crab meat is known for its delicate, sweet flavor. So while there are recipes, particularly in Asia, where the meat is used in recipes that use a lot of spice, most American recipes for crab rely on the flavor of the meat itself. Alaskan crab, for instance, is cooked by boiling it with garlic and butter and not much else. 
Crab is also a popular ingredient in American sushi, but because of the expense, most restaurants prefer to use imitation crab rather than actual crab since the flavor isn’t central to the experience in these recipes. When it comes to fishing and fisheries, crabs account for 20% of all the crustaceans caught, farmed, or consumed. They are eaten all over the world in many different preparations, recipes, and methods.
Crabs are so popular amongst health experts because they can help reduce blood clotting, prevent anemia by producing red blood cells, and most importantly, the delicacy can decrease the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Of course, the benefits of crab were not so well-known till much later. In fact, crabs took a while to reach the U.S. food market.
National Crab Meat Day timeline
The Creation
Thomas J. Murrey's book ”Cookery with a Chafing Dish” mentions a crab cake recipe.
Singing Along
A 1910 poem, named “Summertown,” appreciates crab cakes.
Crab Fisheries Develop in Alaska
Japanese fishermen develop crab fisheries in Alaska and start bringing in small catches.
Cooking It Up
Crosby Gaige makes the term popular in the New York World’s Fair Cookbook.
Crab Fisheries Become More Established
Having started in Alaska, the fisheries are now monitored and the catches are recorded in a more formal way.
A Decline in Crab Fisheries
Over time, the catches slow down, crab populations decline, and fisheries begin to shut down.
Crab Populations Recover
Although the populations can never go back to the same levels, crab populations in Alaska recover enough to allow for small fisheries.
National Crab Meat Day FAQs
Which state has the most crabs?
Maryland is the state with the most crabs in the country.
Why is crab fishing so dangerous?
Alaskan crab fishing is particularly dangerous because of the temperatures and the risk of hypothermia to the fishermen. 
Can I eat crab every day?
Eating crabs on a daily basis can improve the zinc in your body. 
National Crab Meat Day Activities
Cook some crab cakes: Nothing embodies America’s love for crab meat as much as crab cakes, so get your ingredients together and make some.
Eat crab at a local seafood restaurant: Head over to a seafood place known for their fresh catch and get yourself some delicious Alaskan crab served with the simplest ingredients.
Go crab fishing: Catching crabs in a pot is a time-honored way of fishing for them, so head over to Florida or Alaska and catch yourself some crabs.
5 Incredible Facts About Crabs
There are different grades of crab meat: In the U.S., the grades of crab meat depend on the size of the crab, and the location where the crab comes from.
Imitation crab was invented by the Japanese: Almost 800 years ago, the Japanese invented the technique of mincing fish, which is used to make imitation crab meat today.
Crab exports are a big deal: The total value of crab exports from America comes to over 250 million U.S. dollars.
Some fisheries declaw crabs: This controversial practice involves declawing crabs and putting them back in the water, and is justified because some species of crab can regrow their claws.
Crab meat is very healthy: Crab meat is low in fat and high in folate, niacin, and zinc, which are all necessary nutrients for the human body.
Why We Love National Crab Meat Day
We love crab meat: We love to eat crab meat because it is sweet and delicious. This day is a great excuse to eat all the crab we can.
It talks about the importance of consuming crabs: The day focuses on why crabs are so important to consume and the myriad health advantages they provide. Crabs are high in protein and have a high nutritional value.
Introduces different crab specialties: On this day, several crab specialties are brought to the forefront so that crab lovers have a variety of options.
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lasciviouspoison · 10 months
had to write this concept before i forgot it, lol. tw: toji! x chubby!reader, reader is mentioned to be bratty and submissive, use of pet names (mama, sugar, baby), breeding!, reader being cock drunk and toji is pussy drunk like a mf. per usual, i write with black women/woc in mind but all are welcome to read and enjoy. love ya!
toji fucks his pretty chubby bunny like there’s no tomorrow every. single. time.
now of course it took the two of you a bit of time to get comfortable with each other. and by the two of you, i mean you. at first, you were apprehensive to toji seeing you in a bra, much less completely nude!
but after a couple of months, the two of you grew to love each other and your guard completely crumbled to the ground. finally allowing toji to see you, whenever he wanted, however he wanted.
hence why now, it doesn’t matter the occasion, time, or place, when he can fuck you. but just how many times he can get u to cum before he does.
and right now, in your shared candle lit bedroom, he’s at a record number of three…
“jesus fucking christ baby, love it when you lemme fuck ya like this” toji says in between thrusts. there’s sweat beading at his hair line, causing his raven black hair to dampen ever so slightly.
mindless babbles and cries leave your lips as a response, causing him to chuckle and stroke you at a painfully slow pace.
“c’mon baby, talk ta me. lemme know how good i make ya feel.” he’s in your ear, but it feels like his voice is traveling all over you. at this point, you’re so delirious, it feels like he’s talking from inside your head.
“toji y’feel s’good. wanna do this f’rever” you say with a heavy tongue, glossy lips, and tears streaming down your face. if you’d have seen yourself right now, you would’ve ran away from him, but toji can only think to himself how beautiful you look right now.
beautiful hair splayed over the pillows in such a perfect way. your sleepy eyes looking up through those beautiful eye lashes. the perfect nose and full lips. silver jewelry all tangled from the movements, but he doesn’t care. how could he care when your body, that perfect and pliant body, is on display for him? so soft and pretty. smelling of vanilla, you’re like his own piece of heaven. one that he gets to build up and tear down each time you let him.
it’s why each time you let him fuck, he does it like he wants to put you through the mattress.
“forever huh? maybe you should quit that stupid job like i told ya. stay at home and sit pretty for me while i take care of ya. would ya like that mama? tell me sugar.” he’s baiting you, but you’re too cock drunk to care.
“yessss! yesyesyesyes! i’ll quit, i’ll do wha’ever toji jus please don’t stop” your eyes are crossing and your toes are curling. it’s quite shocking how toji can turn such a bratty girl like you into such a submissive and mailable mess.
but he wouldn’t want it any other way.
“‘kay baby. i won’t stop. not gonna till i fill ‘er up. make ya a mama. oh! yer lil pussy must reallyyy like that idea, she tightened up on me, hehe” he says. but his strokes are getting sloppier by the second, so you know he’s close too.
without a second thought, toji sticks his thumb in your mouth and you automatically suck on it. he pulls it out with a ‘pop’ and rubs tiny circles on your clit. it makes your legs shake while you attempt to close them despite toji’s body being in the way.
he grabs your face with his other hand and kisses you deeply, tongue swiping over your bottom lip before entering your mouth. at this point, the two of you are moaning and whining into each others mouths like some horny teens.
it’s amazing how your neighbors haven’t complained about the noise yet.
toji removes his mouth from yours and buries his head in your neck, “gonna cum baby. want it inside?” his voice is gravely and his thrusts are getting harder by the second.
“yes toji! wan’ it inside me!” you manage to whine out.
didn’t have to tell him twice, “okay baby, g’nna give it to ya- ah- fuck! there ya go baby. there ya fuckin go. take it all”. he’s cumming so hard that his jaw locked, forcing him to talk through his teeth. his hands pry your legs open as far as they can go, trying to savor as much of you as he can before the sensitivity kills him.
you can feel the warmth from his cum shoot deep into you, which triggers your fourth orgasm of the night. the two of you are mindlessly grinding against each other while riding out your highs. toji making note to not drop his full weight onto you, but hold you close, which results in you being elevated slightly off the bed.
soon after, you can feel toji set you down gently and lay on top of you. hes stroking your hair and wiping your tears away until he hears you let out a loud breath.
“ya back with me mama?” voice laced with concern.
“m’okay now toji.” you say with a slightly shakey voice. your hand comes up to brush some of his hair out from in front of his eyes.
toji sits back on his knees, still inside you, and examines your face and upper body for any signs of him being too rough.
“was scared i hurt ya. i know i can get a lil too rough at times” he says while rubbing your boobs gently.
you let out a small laugh and adjust yourself on the bed, causing your hips to move back slightly on toji’s dick. he tries not to hiss at the feeling but his brain has turned to mush again and now all he can think about is how good you smell. “you’re never too rough toji. i’d tell you if you were”. you say with such a sweet and gentle smile, meanwhile toji feels like a fucking rabid animal.
and suddenly, he’s laying on top of you again, kissing and sucking on your neck. his hands have moved back down to your thighs where they’ve begun to push your legs back.
his head knocks into your jaw and he licks the side of your mouth. his body is burning hot and he’s running low on stamina, but he can’t help himself.
“good. cause m’still hard”.
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textless · 4 months
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terabyte-teddybear · 29 days
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these are the silt verses, and i name our disciples thus
(water gifs made by me from videos by me, ftu in other boards with credit link back)
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thunderkite01 · 2 years
Lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship
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