#big sister yosano
dapperenby13 · 10 months
Headcannon time
One time Yosano brought some nail polish to work cause she was bored, and Kenji saw and asked if she could do his,and then he showed Kyouka and she also thought it was cool. So now they paint their nails together whenever they all have a little free time during work. (Kenji really likes the sparkly nail polish that Yosano got for him, Kyouka likes hers to have little flower designs.)
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ukumiii · 10 months
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Chuuya's delivery service!
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walmart-miku · 8 months
I think we should get more Kyouka and Yosano content. I wanna see them interact. Like there's a lot of Kyouka and Kouyou stuff because of the parallels between them, but have we considered Kyouka and Yosano?
Both Kyouka and Yosano are children who have been exploited by Mori. Both dealt in death, one causing and one preventing. Both had their abilities used against their will. Both got away from Mori and were saved by the ADA.
After Kyouka joins the ADA Yosano would just look at Kyouka and see herself, 13 years old, fresh out of the institution she was in after the war and relearning how to live in the light. I think that Yosano would take Kyouka under her wing. I think Yosano would know how to deal with the demons that plague Kyouka better than anyone in the ADA (Atsushi would probably try his best when Kyouka wakes up at night from a nightmare but I don't think he would know how to help her properly simply because he too is traumatized and never learned how to deal with it. Also because Atsushi is also a child)
But yeah, I think that Yosano would look at Kyouka and go "This is my child now"
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elvestoneanzelote1 · 3 months
Hi! I absolutely love your work! Please take your time and feel free to ignore this!
So I was hoping to request dad Fukuzawa and big brother Ranpo with a teen reader. Basically the port mafia found her when she was like 6 and took her in cause of her ability. But she never obeyed them cause she didnt want to hurt anyone. But then when she was 10 she was put under Dazai and I think we can all tell where that went. So then she’s like heavily traumatized and won’t do anything without someone telling her, won’t even eat.
So then fast forward Dazai leaves the port mafia and takes her with him but since she hasn’t committed any actual crimes that would cause her to go into hiding the government office guy put her with Fukuzawa while Dazai went into hiding. Basically the two are neutral to her at first then get really protective.
(I had the idea that they try to work up her confidence but not too much so to keep her as their sweet obedient little sister/daughter)
Feel free to ignore this! I know it’s a lot. Again love your work and take your time! Don’t over work yourself too!
A:n; thank you for the request and sorry for the late as some work came up pilling.
Either way, it's Platonic Yandere Fukuzawa x Teen fem! Reader x Platonic Yandere Ranpo x Platonic Yandere Yosano The agency members present during the time
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The first thought for Fukuzawa was... Why?
He never thought of babysitting I mean you might be around 13 when he was given the responsibility more likely by Takeda (I think that was the guy's name?)
Your e/c dull eyes bored at him contemplating on what you have gone through... Only to find out who you were and why you were brought By later on the years.
Ranpo often pokes you as you stay still like a robot unless told. He whined about how you were so quiet and tried to send you for errands on his part.
Though he kinda feels guilty whenever he sends you out it is like he was ordering you.
Maybe he was but later on he try to be less ordering for sweets errands and tried to talk to you by showing the new sweets and share it with you.
The first time he ever felt a sense of proudness when you smile while eating one of the special sweets he brought during his out case.
A sense of understanding was there of the fact your mother died before you even saw her face and your father had an accident meeting his demise.
Unlike Kyouka you don't even speak unless told! This was overwhelming.
Like an elder sister Yosano was who talk to you and ask about your health and even treat you well.
She knows how it is to be traumatized and she wonders what and who has pushed you to be completely out of emotions.
Instead her most concerns was you didn't even felt pain when your hand was burn not a well nor flinch.
Truly you were completely out of emotions or sort.
But don't worry Yosano will always be there to treat you and make sure you take care of your health.
Ranpo on other hand sometimes ask about your ability which your gaze often fall to the side.
But after a year of been together you somehow open up. You can talk more likely small talk or a nod or shook but it was a progress!
You also smile a bit! It was not a waste of efforts.
But... One time your tears fall from your eyes as your quivering hand holds the hem of the sleeves of Fukuzawa.
You almost thought you would lose another happiness when he brought up that it would be better as he mention about you getting adopted.
You eventually spoke your mind to Fukuzawa was taken aback by your words.
"Please... I will obey every command please don't take my happiness away"
So you do find the agency your happiness.
Fukuzawa pat your head as he went to your level and nod.
"I won't take away your happiness... But staying in agency will risk your life"
"My life has always been"
"...why do you want to stay for?"
"What is it that you find happiness from?"
"My happiness... I found from Yosano-san... Edogawa-san, Kunikida-san Kenji-san and you"
From that day onwards you ought to never leave the agency even if the certain someone told you to leave.
Even though it was shocking for Fukuzawa to hear it on your part some part of him was happy that you finally found happiness... And it is from the agency.
You could say... You are now apart of the agency as a whole now.
You start to open up and do stuff on your own. It was a good progress but... Ranpo make sure you also listen to them so that you will depend on them especially him!
After all you call him, Ranpo-niisan! And he promises to be your number one brother and make sure no one take his place.
It took him years he can't let someone just pop up in your life and take the place of being an elder brother.
Yosano often brings you along from cooking to shopping to you sharing apartment with her.
After all she finally have someone to dote on and the fact you (she insist after Ranpo pressuring and succeeding in calling him big brother)
So she ought to be look out on whatever you have to learn and the day when your first period come she will be first to reassure you and take care and explain to you.
Fukuzawa well he is like your father figure I mean he literally adopt any Orphans by now so yeah.
He does make sure your ability is not misused or misinterpreted by people.
You can reassure yourself that you have a family on your back to look after you.
Despite the fact you can protect yourself with your ability.
They just want to make sure you are okay.
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A:n- t-ats all take care!!
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various, just a few hcs! a few x reader things in there too
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atsushi is a pretty easy-going guy and not many things seem to piss him off. the biggest exception to this is bad breath. maybe its because his ability grants him heightened senses, but his face scowls in disgust whenever someone dazai has an off smell while speaking. on the flipside, atsushi can also smell his own breath. sometimes late at night when he comes home you find him scrubbing his teeth, with soap if he uses up all the toothpaste. buy him lots of mints! he’ll probably end up offering them to people dazai
much like atsushi, tanizaki isn’t easily bothered. however, if he is rushing to return home to his dear sister, or walking by her side on the street, he hates slow walkers. his patience wears thin whenever someone on the sidewalk is meandering with 0 spacial awareness. he doesn’t often act on it, leaving you to squeak by an excuse me! to make way for you and him- and he loves you for it.
yosano has many, many pet peeves- but the biggest of these is leaving the toilet seat up. poor girl has to share an office with so many boys- and it doesn’t help that she already has a strong distaste for the opposite gender. she will either use her leg or will call you to come fix it for her- and afterwards she’ll lecture you on all the harmful bacteria you can contract illnesses from in bathrooms. shes a doctor and she means well <3 just fix the damn toilet seat
ranpo, being a lover of sweets, hates overly priced candy. he is childish and isn’t too financially literate, but he knows that a pack of gum should not be $6. he especially hates gas station candy- one, for the quality, but two for the fact that they cost you an arm and a leg. take him to a regular grocery store- or better yet- make him some sweets yourself! they taste better when you make them and when they’re free
kenji is a sweet, easy going, ray of sunshine who hates the sound of stomachs growling- especially his own. perhaps its because of his strong feelings toward poverty, and the sounds of hunger sends shivers down his spine, but he especially can’t stand it if its from his or your tummy. make sure he (and yourself!) are always fed <3 unless he needs to pick up some cars and lift stop signs from the ground
kyouka hates knuckles cracking with all her being. really any body part casually being cracked in public annoys her. i say this because i hc atsushi to be a big knuckle cracker, and can imagine kyouka silently quaking with rage next to him with demon snow prepared to strike. please don’t crack anything around her!
lord, kunikida’s list pf annoyances probably take up 3 pages. gum chewing, interruptions, tardiness, misspellings- but the biggest of these is giving and not returning. and this is SPECIFICALLY for his precious fountain pens. he has a written list of every time and every pen dazai has borrowed and has never gotten back. i imagine dazai does that purely because he knows it pisses kunikida off, and just has his pens lying around in a drawer somewhere. please always return his things! and give him a peck on the cheek too <3
dazai isn’t on this list because dazai is the pet peeve of the whole agency
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elizais · 4 months
hey elizai!! can u do smthn like what event starts the topic of kids and whether they want them or not with bsd boys? (pref dazai, chuuya, and tecchou! they are cutiesss) thanks !!
featuring.. dazai, chuuya, nd tecchou! warnings.. ?? i don't get to like reader x ----- talking ab having kids, jst bcs i feel like that would set me up for "blah blah blah wouldn't want kids, but blah blah would!!"
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in all honesty, osamu and you had never truly thought about kids. maybe intense debates on what names you hated, compared to ones you thought were cute - but other than that? not really.
so, on an average day at the agency a married couple were brought in to talk about something they witnessed the other day. kunikida and tanizaki were going to speak to them and they had to bring along their small children as they didn't have a babysitter for that moment.
it was honestly no biggie for anyone at the agency, a pair of twins might lighten up the dreary wednesday anyways. when they walked in, everyone greeted them (aside from ranpo, who was in another city for a few days.)
a boy by the name of isamu and a girl by the name of hana were left under your supervision with the help of atsushi. their parents were whisked away to the conference room to explain what happened the other day.
"so, what are your names?" atsushi smiled at the pair as you walked over to osamu at his desk. the two didn't seem to respond to the boy who was crouched down at eye level for the children.
hana and isamu wandered over to your boyfriend and you and asked quite a few questions. chipping atsushi's pride slightly at the kids not wanting to speak to him.
hana pulled on your boyfriend's sleeve before asking him "what's your name?" quietly. osamu looked at her, smiling and ruffling her hair, "osamu dazai, and you both?"
"isamu! he's almost got the same name as you!" the girl giggled at her shy brother. the boy seemed to gravitate towards you more than your boyfriend. "hana.. they told us to be quiet whilst they speak to the detectives!" isamu scolded his sister.
"oh, we're not actually detectives!" osamu begun, shocking you with how good he was with kids. "we're superheroes.." he whispered to the two kids.
you giggled as he began making up stories for the two, and them asking off topic questions.
"how is the moon still in the sky when it's daytime, dazai?"
"because i put it there. duh."
"do you and that lady have kids?"
"not right now."
"why are some people blonde and others brunette?"
"because blonde haired people control the weather and brunettes control night and day."
and soon enough, they went home with their parents. but that 'not right now' lingered until you arrived home with osamu. laying on the couch with his arm around your shoulders, he whispered into your hair.
"today was fun with those two." a sentence that he kissed into the crown of your head, a simple hum in response from you. something was on your mind.
"what are you thinking about, love?" he flicked your forehead. "if we had kids.. y'know?" you whispered.
"well i think kyouka does look up to you an awful lot, do you not see that?" he readjusted to face you. sitting cross-legged on the couch facing each other, hands in his, you spoke. "yeah, i do. 'm just thinking. i do love the family at the agency though."
dazai elaborated for you.
"fukuzawa's the grandad with like the secret lore he doesn't tell anyone about.. yosano's the wine aunt.. ranpo is the uncle that gets too into board games.."
you interrupted him, "atsushi's the housecat that racks up a fortune in medical bills."
as dazai was laughing, you added on, "and you and chuuya are the in-laws that end up drunkenly fighting." to which he nodded through laughter.
"yeah but chuuya makes a fortune so we can't frustrate him too much.. he has to pay for the family get-togethers.." he giggled.
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chuuya was no stranger to young parents in the port mafia. today was one of the most important days of the year for the port mafia, a big deal was being signed today so all hands had to be on deck to make sure there was no funny business.
he called you in to keep him company while he was bundled up in his office reading over hundreds of pages of paperwork. you were lying on the couch, helping him by rereading what he had read to make sure he hadn't missed anything.
"chuu? do you want a drink?" you asked, finishing another dozen pages.
"if it isn't too much of a hassle, doll." he sighed, looking thankful at your offer. promptly, you stood up and closed the office door behind you and made your way to a staff room on whatever floor his office was on.
you nodded to the stressed workers that saw you, knowing how much chuuya speaks about you to them. you walked into the staff room and saw a young child.
"hello, can you help me, please?" the young boy spoke. chocolate brown hair covering his forehead - he must have not been older than seven. "of course! what do you need, kiddo?" you asked him as you made a cup of coffee.
"my parents work here but they are very busy today so i had to come in, but i don't know where they have gone. can you please help me?" he asked politely, shocking for someone raised with the mafia.
"of course! do you know who their boss is? i can find their boss with you and find your parents." the child thought for a moment at your question, brows furrowed in concentration.
"they said that he's not tall.. orange hair and a hat. i think." he spoke. you snorted in laughter at the description, the child not knowing he was describing your boyfriend.
"yes.. i know him..!" you giggled, offering a hand to the child. you grabbed the cup in your other hand and walked to chuuya's office. you arrived and walked in, opening the door with your back due to both hands being full.
"hey chuu.. i made a friend! do you know his parents, they work under you, love." you asked as you put down his coffee and ruffled his hair. he looked at the kid and laughed at the situation you were in.
"hey shoyo, your parents brought you in today?" he asked, clearly having met the kid before. shoyo nodded and chuuya looked back to you.
"his dad should be in office 17f." he smiled at you, he looked at the kid again, still holding your hand. "do you want me to check where your mother is, she might be with kouyou?" he asked the boy.
"no, thank you mister. i'll hang out with my dad. he thinks you're really cool, by the way!" the kid smiled up at your boyfriend, the interaction made your heart melt.
"does he now? let him know i will approve his vacation request then." chuuya winked, chuckling at the conversation.
maybe when you two go home you are both laughing a little harder at videos of kids, or smile a little brighter at cute photos.
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your boyfriend, tecchou, has a day off today. and you had promised your friend that you would watch over her kid for a few hours. koushi was a quiet kid and already knew you, so it would be dead easy.
however, you didn't want to miss out this day with suehiro. so, he came along with you. you explained to him koushi didn't talk much but was sweet, so it would just be making sure that he doesn't accidentally hurt himself whilst his parents aren't home.
"how old is he?" suehiro asked, driving the car towards their house. "eight, i think. you two will get along, don't worry." you reassured him.
you decided to not tell him yet that the kid was very similar to him and had his own ant farm. koushi also adored the hunting dogs, so you knew once you got the two quiet boys talking they would get along brilliantly.
once you arrived, you opened the door with your spare key and greeted the kid, your slightly timid boyfriend following you. "hey koushi! i brought 'hiro!" you chimed, the blonde boy holding out his hand to shake suehiro's. his parents had already left, knowing you would be just a few minutes behind them. you watched over koushi every couple weeks anyways.
suehiro did not expect the boy to be this polite yet he shook his hand nonetheless. "hello" your boyfriend spoke. you decided to ease up their awkwardness as you took off your shoes and put them in their respective caddy.
"so.. koushi.." you began, both of the boys looking at you as you walked to the living room that belonged to your friend, who wasn't here right now. "still got that ant farm?" you asked. knowing your boyfriend's face just lit up even though you weren't looking at him.
"yes!" koushi gestured for the two of you to sit down as he ran to his room to get his ant farm, clearly excited with his interest on the insects.
'hiro turned to you as you sat down. "you didn't tell me he likes ants!" he whispers, eyes wide. you nodded with a grin on your face, "he also thinks the hunting dogs are the coolest people ever.." you sang, knowing the kid will freak out when tecchou starts talking about his job.
when koushi carefully comes back down, holding a kid's ant farm, tecchou speaks up. "you know, ants have two stomachs. one is to hold food for themselves and the other is for sharing food with other ants." tecchou says, admiring the colony of ants the boy has brought downstairs.
then, the pair continue talking about ants for hours until koushi's parents come home. his mother thanks you and his father asks tecchou about any upcoming missions.
"just a lot of paperwork left over from the last one." tecchou smiles at the older man. "the less fascinating side of being a hunting dog, i suppose!" the father jokes. koushi gasps.
"you've been here, for five hours.. and i didn't know you're a hunting dog?!" koushi stares up at him with wide eyes. your friend invites you to stay for dinner, koushi not wanting you to leave because he wants tecchou to tell him everything about being a hunting dog.
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snows-2am-thoughts · 9 months
PM and ADA deal Theory
Hey guys, friendly reminder that Mori is likely still gonna ask for someone from the ADA to join the PM. It honestly hurts my soul to think that the ADA will lose someone this soon after all the shit in this arc went down but Mori isn’t one to care about that kind of stuff. 
This is about 1.7k words so be warned
I know a lot of people are sold on the theory that it’ll probably be Tanizaki since Asagiri is big on foreshadowing and Tanizaki does have a homicidal side but I don’t think he’d let himself be put in a position to where his sister might be in danger or get a target on her back. He’d probably run away or kill the people in question before that happened. Not to mention since his run in with Akutagawa and the black lizard that he sort of hates most if not all of the mafia members. He was so ready to go to war with the PM to defend the agency and someone like this would be super hard to control, deal with the ADA or not.
Mori isn’t stupid, in fact he’s very calculating and very cunning and who are his biggest obsessions? He’s always so focused on Dazai and Yosano but both of these are off limits in his eyes. Yosano is off limits because of the terms of the deal with Fukuzawa and Dazai is off because Mori wants him to come back on his own. Now we have Kyouka, Atsushi, Kenji, Ranpo  and Kunikida left to choose from. 
Kunikida is off the table I think because he’s a child bombing away from just completely breaking. There is a part of me that believes Mori could pick Kunikida solely to break him and watch Fukuzawa and Dazai suffer but Mori is also the type of boss that doesn’t want to waste powerful allies if he doesn’t need to. I mean, he’s literally letting Tachihara choose his loyalties, he’ll probably still get punished severely but Mori isn’t one to just waste men unless it’s for good reason or worth the risks. Also Kunikida is Fukuzawa’s successor and something tells me that Mori doesn’t wanna deal with the strict moral types. 
Ranpo is definitely off the table. Fukuzawa would go batshit if Mori picked him. He just lost his childhood best friend. Do you think he’s gonna let Mori take his son next? No he will not. Also Ranpo would blatantly refuse to work with him. He’s smart enough to survive but Ranpo is disinterested in most things and Fukuzawa is really the only one who can make him do something. I don’t think Mori would want to deal with that either. 
Now we have Atsushi, Kenji and Kyouka. Mori usually chooses children to take under his wing because they’re easy to manipulate and easy to mold into his ideal subordinates. However Kyouka was already in the mafia once and Kouyou even used up her slight favor with Mori to let her leave the mafia with no consequences. I don’t think he’d want to deal with the hassle of internal conflict since Kouyou would be pissed if he took Kyouka away from the light that she enjoys so much. However much Kouyou wants to deny that she can’t help Kyouka anymore, she’s only human and she’s very much attached to the Kyouka who shares a similar past and ability. 
Kenji’s situation is kind of hard to determine. As stated, Mori does prefer to mold and manipulate children rather than adults but Kenji is kind of an oddity among humans. Not because of his ability but because of his personality. He’s very much a “you fuck around and find out” type of guy is willing to believe the best in people despite what they may do or have done. I don’t see many reasons why Mori wouldn’t choose him other than there are better options than Kenji. Sure Kenji is super powerful with a very useful gift but there are other members that would fit his goals better. 
Now Atsushi, he’s the biggest contender for the mafia recruit in my mind for a few reasons. Now we saw in the series that there were gonna be three main villains (The Guild, the Decay of Angels and the Order of the Clock Tower) and now we have finished out with two of them. This means that we’re possibly getting into the last major arc or two of the main plot of the story and there are still so many unanswered questions about Atsushi. 
Atsushi was deemed the envy of all ability users by Fyodor which was why Shibusawa originally held an interest in him. My question is why Fyodor was interested enough in Atsushi to know of him and what is their connection that Fyodor was even able to know of him. Fyodor is a genius but the orphanage headmaster said that he was a randomly dumped toddler and he lived most of his life in a cage in the orphanage. This in itself is fishy but I’ll get to that in a second. Moreover, Atsushi’s ability seems like it just resists almost all other abilities with the ability to cut through space itself and high regeneration abilities that causes most wounds to go away instantly when he’s in his full tiger form, most other abilities don’t affect him when he’s fully a tiger. 
Who is called the most powerful ability user? Natsume is, and he is able to turn into a cat. Seeing the pattern here? When did the headmaster die? When he was trying to find Atsushi and talk to him again. It’s very suspicious timing and I wholeheartedly believe that he was silenced by someone who didn’t want Atsushi knowing something important about himself. And then we have the seven billion bounty that was put on his head because of his ability. I don’t think that it’s a coincidence that Fitzgerald, who wanted to find The Book, wanted the tiger so badly that he was willing to spend that much. 
Asagiri is a beast at foreshadowing and he doesn’t do anything for kicks, all of his moves are deliberate. There is something about Atsushi that we’re missing and I’m willing to bet that Mori, who was going to accept the bounty, wants to know what it is as much as we do. Atsushi’s strange ability, the holes in his past from before the orphanage, Fyodor and Shibusawa’s interest in him, his correlation to Natsume, his probable connections to locating the book and the fact that Dazai was coincidentally there to save him when he came to Yokohama? Yeah, there’s definitely something up with Atsushi and the poor kid doesn’t even realize it. 
So yes, I do think that Mori either a) wants to figure out Atsushi’s situation in relation to everything or b) he knows something and wants to exploit it out of him. My second point is that Mori wants to break Dazai down and build him up as the perfect PM boss. Mori is someone who manipulates and breaks from the sidelines then watches conflict and in the aftermath, glues the pieces of what once was back together in a collage of his own liking. He knows he can’t beat Dazai but he can make him suffer. Who is Dazai the closest to at the agency? Atsushi. 
Dazai always says, “Atsushi and the others” while making sure Atsushi makes it out alive in any situation that he is in. Dazai has a big soft spot for Atsushi, the kid he took in as a mentor and the kid who wholeheartedly believes without any hesitation that he is a good person. He brought his own chair and made a home in Dazai’s heart without his permission. Atsushi knows he was in the PM, knows he’s the reason for a lot of Akutagwa’s issues, knows about some of the atrocities he’s committed but still smiles genuinely at him. Of course he doesn’t know everything but Atsushi is probably Dazai’s biggest apologist (It’s not Akutagawa but that's for a different post). Atsushi is the personification of Oda’s last wish to Dazai and Mori definitely knows that he can hurt Dazai by hurting his beloved mentee.
Mori is also very aware of the new generation of soukoku. If he’s able to wrangle and manage Akutagawa (he’s alive shut up) a little more because Atsushi is his partner then all the more reason to choose him. Atsushi covers all the bases, a mysterious power that could make his organization that much more untouchable, mess with Dazai, mess with the agency and manage his own employees better. It doesn’t help that Atsushi’s mental state isn’t the best. He’s not a kid but he’s traumatized and doesn’t have the same development other 18 year olds do, and that can be just as easily to manipulate as a child. It would be difficult because Atsushi genuinely believes in Dazai with everything he is but every person is able to break and Mori is especially good at that. 
I know that Fukuzawa’s ability is the reason we don’t see any more late night weretiger situations but Atsushi has so much more control now than when he did at the beginning of the series. It’s also very much possible that Mori is looking for a degree of uncontrollable tiger to help him with his goals. It’s also been confirmed that pain can manage his transformations as seen with his collar in BSD BEAST. 
It also doesn’t help that Asagiri tends to go through the trauma route to have his characters develop and experiencing the “darkside” of Yokohama just may be what he thinks Atsushi needs to develop more. 
So yeah, I think Mori may choose Atsushi as the new PM member but don’t quote me on this if I’m wrong, it’ll be embarrassing. They also may just throw this plotline out the window since both sides suffered this past arc, they may find it illogical to go through with the deal when the truce between the PM and ADA is still sensitive but I doubt it. Mori isn’t one to care for those things. 
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catmelonwriting · 1 month
Key: ♥︎ - Smut ☆ - Fluff ✦ - Hurt/comfort ∇ - Angst * - Unethical content
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Armed Detective Agency
Nakajima Atsushi
Atsushi Incest Headcannons ♥︎*
Atsushi Babysits You ♥︎*
Atsushi Eating You Out ♥︎
Osamu Dazai
Dazai Incest Headcannons ♥︎*
Jealousy Sex With Older Brother! Dazai ♥︎*
BSD Men With a Bulimic! Reader ✦
Edogawa Ranpo
BSD Men Stepcest Headcannons ♥︎*
Older Brother! Ranpo Teaching You How To Masturbate ♥︎*
Doppo Kunikida
Nothing here yet!
Akiko Yosano
Nothing here yet!
Miyazawa Kenji ☆
Nothing here yet!
Yukichi Fukuzawa
Nothing here yet!
The Port Mafia
Ryunosuke Akutagawa
BSD Men Stepcest Headcannons ♥︎*
Telling Akutagawa About Your Incestual Relationship ∇*
Older Brother! Akutagawa Bathes You ♥︎*
BSD Men With a Little Sister Who Doesn't Want a Relationship ∇*
BSD Men With a Bulimic! Reader ✦
Nakahara Chuuya
Chuuya Incest Headcannons ♥︎*
Chuuya Hitting You During a Fight ✦*
BSD Men With a Bulimic! Reader ✦
Ogai Mori
Arguing with Mori / he hits you ✦*
Decay Of Angels
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
BSD Men With a Little Sister Who Doesn't Want a Relationship ∇*
Fyodor Incest Headcannons ♥︎*
Sucking Off Big Brother! Fyodor ♥︎*
Nikolai Gogol
Nikolai Incest Headcannons ♥︎*
BSD Men With a Little Sister Who Doesn't Want a Relationship ♥︎*
BSD Men With a Bulimic! Reader ✦
Nothing here yet!
The Guild
Edgar Allen Poe
BSD Men With a Bulimic! Reader
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mncxbe · 10 months
Platonic Dazai x younger sister! Reader who's sassy
Oh yes this is so sweet I cannot. He would defo be such a sweet/ annoying brother tho. Also this takes place after the Ada finds out that Dazai worked with the Mafia. Enjoy♡♡
𝑫𝒂𝒛𝒂𝒊 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: fluff♡/ Kunikida's pov to enhance the silly
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Kunikida entered the office that Monday morning only to find everyone gathered in a big circle around the couch.
"What the...?" he mumbled to himself as he approached his colleagues, half hoping that Dazai didn't have anything to do with whatever was going on.
But of course he did. The young detective brought you, his little sister, to work with him.
"Isn't she absolutely adorable?" cooed Dazai as he pinched your cheek, causing you to frown.
"What am I, twelve?" you replied in an annoyed voice, rolling your eyes.
Kunikida stopped right next to Dazai, shooting him a death glare.
"I wasn't aware it was 'bring your little sibling at work day', Dazai"
"Aww Kunikida san but she asked me to take her with me. She wanted to see you." he said with a wicked smile.
"I never said that, flat ass" you snapped, a pink blush tinting your cheeks. "I just need help with my Maths homework that's all."
"But I could've helped you"
"As if. You didn't even go to school" you said with a provoking smirk but your brother didn't reply, instead turning to Kunikida.
"So can you help her? I'd be most grateful"
Kunikida looked at you for a brief moment. You looked almost like Dazai: the same wavy chestnut hair and brown eyes, but you were a bit thinner and shorter and your arms weren't covered up by bandages.
"Sure. I guess I could. I have a small window in my schedule and-"
"See little one?" chimed Dazai in as he ruffled your hair "Told you he'd help"
"I'm 17, flat ass. I'm not little anymore" you cried out, causing Ranpo to chuckle.
"Hey my ass is not flat" said your brother in the same tone as yours.
"I'd agree with you but then we'd both be wrong"
"Wow she's a feisty one" spoke Yosano between chuckles "I like her."
Dazai's eyes narrowed playfully upon hearing your remark "Very well then, so be it. If you think you're such a big girl why don't you recite the 26th page of your diary? It's about your crush on-"
All the blood in your face drained when you heard your brother talk and you quickly jumped off the couch, covering his mouth with your hands.
"You wouldn't dare."
He smirked, removing your quivering fingers "Oh I would"
"Then I'll hide your bandages"
"Then I'll take your laptop for a day" he said back
"I'll pour soy sauce in your shoes and wet all your socks every morning" you pressed, a glimmer of mischief in your eyes.
"Then I'll tell your Physics teacher about how you cheated on your finals last year."
Your face contorted in a pained expression but you still wouldn't back away. "Then... I'll invite you know who (us, the readers, know it's Chuya👀) to dinner at our place."
Your brother opened his mouth to say something but then immediately closed it, a smile rising to his lips. "Alright smart ass, you won. Now go at my desk and do your homework ok?"
With a proud smirk on your face you nodded, taking your tote bag from the couch and languidly making your way to his desk. You opened your English books, turned on your headphones and began working on your assignments; from time to time, you tapped the sleeve of your mechanical pencil in the rhythm of the song you were listening to.
The others went on with their duties too, leaving only Dazai and Kunikida next to the couch.
"She sure is a lot like you, Dazai." said the latter as he arranged his glasses.
"Well, what can I say." replied Dazai. "I tried to keep her away from the Port Mafia as much as I could, you know. To actually give her a chance in life but I guess she did end up a lot like me in some ways." He sighed "I'm really proud of her tho."
Kunikida only chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest.
"You know, maybe that's not a bad thing. That's she a lot like you. Plus, despite you she's hardworking."
"Aww Kunukida san did you just compliment me?" With that, Dazai was back to his normal self and the other man frowned, turning on his heels and marching towards his desk.
"I'll help her later with the homework. Go take care of your missions now"
"Suuure Kunikida san" added the brunette. His eyes slid to you again; you'd already written half a page. When you looked up to meet his gaze, you mouthed a silent "What, flat ass?", which made him chuckle. Waving you off, he walked towards the door, his heart swelling with pride and love for you. Dazai never had much of a family, but he sure was happy that you wound up being his little sister.
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chuuyrr · 1 year
bsd characters receive love letters from scarlet witch! baby fushiguro! reader — a valentine's day special
jujutsu kaisen x reader x bungo stray dogs
masterlist of the series
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╰➤ CW(s): possible spoilers for bungou stray dogs and jujutsu kaisen, fluff/comfort content
╰➤ PAIRING(s): platonic! bungo stray dogs & jujutsu kaisen x child! reader
╰➤ SYNOPSIS: in which our beloved bungo stray dogs characters, especially dazai osamu, receive valentine's day love letters and discover that they came from you, the dimensional traveling scarlet witch who happens to come from a world of curses and sorcerers they knew and loved like a little sister or niece. click to view the full request here !
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there wasn't much work in the armed detective agency office, but dazai, being dazai, was exaggerating how it was february 14—a day of love and romance while also throwing in some comments about having someone to commit double suicide with, much to atsushi's dismay.
being the armed detective agency, they just weren't ones for holidays. duties calls given their line of work. it just so happened that today was miraculously not loaded with investigations and such.
while everyone else was just getting through the day, kunikida had returned from his own work, much to everyone's and dazai's surprise, carrying a large bag in one hand and a smaller bag in the other. it was quite amusing to see the young blonde man was struggling.
"woah, what'chu got there kunikida-kun?" ranpo inquired, poking at the large bag on the floor next to the blonde man.
"t-they're.. letters.." kunikida managed to say as he gasped for air with hands on his knees.
"letters? you mean work for us to do?!" exclaimed atsushi, whose mortified expression was mirrored by tanizaki.
"huh? no!" kunikida exclaimed, furrowing his brows, "they are love letters to dazai!"
everyone in the armed detective agency froze and practically screamed, "WHAT?!"
dazai's eyes lit up as he clasped his hands together, watching kunikida practically shove the massive bag of love letters towards him, "they're all for me? really?!"
"ugh, even until now, i still have the charms to lure ladies and gents!~" dazai exclaimed as he leaned back dramatically.
"that's an unusually large number of love letters," yosano's sweat dropped as she watched dazai open the bag to reveal more of the letters that were peeking out.
dazai chose the first envelope in the bag that had a "read me first!" note attached to it, and just by looking at it, he noticed that the handwriting was quite messy, which was appropriate for a child's handwriting.
he opened it right away and found his eyes widening in surprise, which somewhat alarmed everyone.
"what is it, dazai-san?" atsushi furrowed his brows in concern.
"it's from [name]-chan!" dazai exclaimed, his face bright and happy, waving the letter in the air as if he had won a million dollars.
"letters from [name]-chan?" kenji commented with a closed-eye smile, "aww, how sweet!"
"h-how?! [name]-chan wrote all of that?!" atsushi was in complete disbelief.
"happy valentine's day dazai-nii! sorry for not being able to go there to greet you and everyone myself," dazai read out the letter with a smile, everyone smiling in awe, "i've got you everyone letters though! the big bag is all yours dazai-nii, while the small bag contains everyone else's. all of the letters are written with love!"
"wow.. talk about favorites.." tanizaki chuckled softly and held the nape of his back as kunikida opened the smaller bag he was holding to reveal ten envelopes, each sealed with a barbie, baby shark, or pokemon sticker.
"of course, dazai-san would get more letters..." atsushi commented and patted tanizaki's shoulder as kunikida handed out letters to him, tanizaki, kyouka, kenji, yosano, ranpo, fukuzawa, naomi, and kirako.
"what else does the first letter say, dazai?" ranpo inquired, peering over dazai's shoulder with the others.
"[name]-chan said that the reason she couldn't come here was because her father had given her a temporary ban," dazai explained, his sweat and tone of voice dropping at his next words, "apparently [name]-chan had accidentally teleported to a world of human eating giants."
"is she okay?" kyouka clenched her fists, clearly worried about you, her little sister figure.
"[name]-chan is safe," dazai reassured the young girl as he read the letter, "her father just made her promise not to use her wiggly-woos magic for a little while, so she just sent us love letters instead."
"that's a good to hear, dazai," fukuzawa sighed in relief and placed a closed hand on his chest.
you expressed your heartfelt gratitude to dazai for looking after and loving you in the same way your adoptive father, gojo satoru, would, and as a result, you've always felt at ease with him and the rest of the armed detective agency. as dazai read your special valentine's day message for him, he couldn't help but giggle in delight.
dazai opened another envelope from the large bag meant for him and read its contents to the others, "hi dazai-nii! i'm at school today again but daddy's training gumi-nii, yuuji-nii, and nobara-nee today so i'm watching from the sides. i just saw gumi-nii faceplant and i can't stop laughing about it! it was really funny!"
"gumi-nii?" naomi cocked her head at the mention of an unfamiliar name.
"oh, that's [name]-chan's actual older brother," dazai explained, remembering you telling him everything about your family. "his name is megumi, but [name]-chan likes to call him gumi for short. yuuji and nobara, on the other hand, are megumi's classmates whom she sees as older brother and sister."
"oh! i didn't know [name]-chan had an actual older brother," atsushi commented, blinking.
dazai picked up another letter and read it, laughing, "hi dazai-nii! something funny happened today! i accidentally made yuuji-nii butt naked in front of the higher-ups with my wiggly-woos. i got in trouble though, but it's not too bad. daddy didn't give me kikufuku as usual for dessert after dinner as my punishment."
"she what?!" atsushi screamed as yosano, ranpo, and the others laughed and snickered.
"sometimes i forget just how powerful and funny [name]'s abilities can be," yosano continued to giggle at the story.
"but that is quite unfortunate however.." fukuzawa's cleared his throat, his sweat dropping at the mere thought of it.
dazai kept opening more of the letters you'd given him and reading them to the rest of the armed detective agency.
the next one after the wiggly-woos magic error was you telling him about the mama duck and her baby chicks you saw while strolling through the forest part of the school, or more accurately, running away from the sight of gojo satoru and his students because you did mention that everyone was frantically looking for you while you were simply watching the ducks. you even drew those ducks on your letter, or at least attempted to. it was completely unrecognizable, but you tried, okay?
"are you sure those are ducks?" kunikida squinted his eyes and adjusted his glasses, his sweat dropping.
"hey, now! don't shame [name]-chan's art! they're ducks if you look closely, kunikida-kun!" dazai elbowed the young blonde man before turning to kyouka, "it's a very good drawing, right kyouka-chan?"
"mhm," kyouka gave dazai a thumbs-up as she hummed in agreement.
"ah, kids," kunikida sighed, stifling a soft chuckle as he shook his head.
the following letters followed suit. you told dazai about the cartoon shows you watched, the food you ate, and the toys and clothes you received from your father and family members.
in fact, you told him everything that happened in your life, including you tripping and using your magic to help people in secret, and as dazai opened and read through them all, he soon realized that the reason you had sent him so many letters was because you'd been writing for him since the beginning of february, and it was exactly as you quoted,
"it's not everyday that i get to be in your universe to know yours, so i want you to get to know what being in mine is like," was what you wrote in the last letter that was in the bottom of the bag, "i've read your mind once dazai-nii, and well, i figured it would be a good try if i were to show you what living is like through my eyes. to get you to know what life is like for me here."
the next words at the bottom of the letter softened dazai's eyes, which were accompanied by hearts and a doodle of you and him together.
"it's the little things that makes life worth living, and i hope you know that me learning i can travel and going to your universe, meeting you and everyone there, and the rest of your other selves makes life worth living because i got to meet a family i never thought i'd have. it makes me feel like i'm never alone and that it is fate that made it happen. oh, and dazai-nii? i love you in every universe. happy valentine's day!"
dazai would be lying if he said he wasn't emotional. as expressive and comical as he was, it was unusual for him to be emotional, just as it was rare for him to be caught off guard.
nonetheless, dazai leaned back further in his seat, closing his eyes as he smiled and took in your final message in the last letter, and softly whispered, "happy valentine's day, [name]-chan. i love you too in every universe."
it wasn't just dazai who was overcome with emotion. the rest of the armed detective agency was, too, as they opened the love letters they received from you next.
as you thanked fukuzawa for looking after you, he was soft with how you see him as an uncle or grandpa figure. you even drew cats on his letter and told fukuzawa about the cats you saw in the park when you returned to your world. he did, however, started sweating with worry when you told him you would summon an army of cats if he so desired because you love him that much!
yosano thought it was very sweet that you saw her as a very cool auntie figure with whom you enjoyed hanging out and talking about girl-stuff. you also thanked her for tending to your minor injuries while visiting and playing in their universe, and you expressed your love with doodles of butterflies because they remind you of her.
ranpo, like dazai, was smiling the entire time he read your praises for him being the best uncle detective you ever had and how much you enjoyed solving mysteries with him. you even sent ranpo some of your favorite candy and chocolate with the letter he received from you.
the tanizaki siblings were in awe by your valentine's day letter. naomi and junichiro were both happy to read your appreciation for them caring for and loving you as if you were their little sister.
kyouka became shy when she discovered your letter for her littered with doodles of bunnies and hydrangeas. even if it was barely recognizable, she still loved it because you remembered her, and most importantly, she's extremely glad you see her as an older sister figure whom you admire and look up to. kyouka became timid of your compliments about her beauty and coolness too, however.
kenji thought it was very sweet of you to look up to him as an older brother figure you admired. you drew a bunch of farm animals like cows and chickens on his letter, similar to kyouka's letter, even if it was barely recognizable due to your exceptional drawing abilities as a child.
kunikida was flustered, caught off guard by your sweet words of love and gratitude for him, but he was extremely proud of being the uncle figure you could look up to and rely on.
atsushi was beaming brightly as he read your valentine's day letter to him. you thanked atsushi and expressed your love for him by drawing a tiger and many hearts on his letter. he reminded you of your yuuji-nii, so you told him how grateful you were to have a yuuji-nii in this world, and not than just a gumi-nii :)
last but not least, kirako was surprised that you gave her a valentine's day letter despite not being as close to you as the others and was merely a clerk there, but she was extremely grateful that you acknowledged her presence and her caring for you alongside naomi.
the armed detective agency fell in love with your personal letters for them and couldn't help but wish you were here with them so they could personally thank you and tell you how much they love you, their little sharpest detective.
however, it wasn't just the armed detective agency that got love letters.
the port mafia was no exception.
"uwaaah! a love letter from [name]-chan, my best friend!" exclaimed an ecstatic elise as she admired the pink envelope chuuya handed her.
as amusing as it was, the port mafia truly believed they were receiving death threats from an organization when a bag of letters was mailed. they were shocked to learn that you had sent them love letters—as if they weren't already criminals. goodness, you truly were an angel sent from above.
"i've got a letter from [name]-chan, too?" koyou cupped her mouth with her kimono sleeve as chuuya handed her an envelope, blushing.
"apparently so, ane-san," said chuuya, shrugging his shoulders and casting a glance at the siblings under the black lizard who was in the office with them, "chibi also wrote letters to tachihara, hirotsu, gin, and akutagawa, even higuchi was no exception."
"my, my, isn't that sweet of her?" koyou's eyes softened and she smiled as she opened the envelope and read your letter towards to reveal your valentine's day message for her, which was you thanking her for looking after you when chuuya was busy—for being an older sister or mama-figure you could look up to and love.
as they read your letter, the akutagawa siblings remained silent, not daring to say anything. gin was blushing behind her mask. she clearly wasn't expecting your kind and sweet words. in contrast, akutagawa ryunosuke was more surprised than impressed by the revelation that he resembles your actual older brother, fushiguro megumi.
"whaaat? all of you received letters from [name]-chan?" mori inquired in a dramatic tone as looked at his subordinates, "i don't have one!"
"serves you right, rintaro!" elise laughed as she pointed at mori mockingly.
chuuya shrugged off the port mafia boss and turned your letter towards him, and it wasn't long before he began to smile in awe. you wrote him a poem, or rather tried to because some words didn't exactly rhyme, but it was very sweet—how much you looked up to him and loved him as your chuuya-nii! what really made chuuya happy was when you declared him your favorite over dazai. chuuya was going to blackmail that idiot vagabond with this.
"happy valentine's day, chibi," chuuya murmured to himself, his blue eyes softening and adoring the doodle you made of him and you, "heh, i'll make sure to give you a small bouquet of your favorite flowers and chocolates when you get here as my thanks."
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[ author's notes ! happy belated valentine's day everyone. hope you enjoyed reading this, i had fun writing it even though it took me a while due to my hectic schedule lol. PLEASE i literally have midterm exams tomorrow and had to insert this fic in my schedule since it's no longer february 14 and i have to get it published soon. thank you for requesting dear anon, i hope you didn't mind me bullying mori here 😆]
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robsterskellington · 1 month
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Shin Soukoku again being the more popular vote, huh? This snippet has Vanitas being more of a side character, but he's still involved.
Context: "In six months time, I'm going to kill you." Akutagawa never breaks his promises, right?
*It's time.*
That text had frozen Atsushi's heart, and made him feel sick. After getting the date confirmed, he realised that it had been exactly six months since the end of the Cannibalism Incident, and thus it was time for Akutagawa to fight Atsushi to the death.
*Why? Why did this have to happen? I thought we were getting along, I thought we finally understood each other!* His thoughts weren't helping matters in the slightest- he felt betrayed, but how could he not? Akutagawa had been hanging out with him a lot; sometimes they sparred and fought, sometimes they simply met for tea, and sometimes Akutagawa would simply be there whenever Byakko needed to run around in that beautiful forest.
But clearly it was all for nothing. Akutagawa would never break a promise, especially not for an *enemy*. That's all Atsushi was, in the end. And it hurt, oh God it hurt. He had to excuse himself and run to the bathroom, crying his eyes out. This was always going to happen, Atsushi knew that, but... knowing that the time had come, knowing that Akutagawa was ready to kill him, it made him throw up.
Eventually he emerged, and simply texted back to ask where to meet. Maybe Atsushi would beat Akutagawa? But then would Akutagawa stop if Atsushi defeated him, or would the fight only stop when one of them died? Atsushi had to come to terms with the fact that it was likely Akutagawa had only been so kind, so good to him, to soften him until he refused to fight him, which would just give Akutagawa an easy win.
His sour mood didn't go unnoticed, but nobody spoke to him. Vanitas seemed keen on keeping everyone away from him, and Ranpo was helping. Dazai wasn't in the office, he was likely bothering Chuuya. Atsushi suddenly growled and faced them, "What's the deal with you all?!"
"Atsushi, just calm down." Vanitas spoke softly and looked at him, "Just go meet Akutagawa, and we'll talk later, okay?" Vanitas had been informed of the promise, but he didn't look nervous. If anything, there was a slight smile hidden on his face, and Atsushi noticed a twinkle in Yosano's eyes. They were up to something, obviously.
Atsushi was texted a bunch of coordinates- he still struggled to read them, so he showed Kyouka, who instructed him to go to the Port, and to an abandoned warehouse that had red paint, crumbling off on the outside. She then gave Atsushi a big hug, since she clearly wasn't in the same know-how as Ranpo, Yosano and Vanitas, and whispered softly, "Even if he begs you, don't kill him. And please don't die, I can't lose you."
He held her tightly, then kissed her forehead. She truly was the little sister he wished he had. After taking a breath, he left, his tears dry and his heart hardened.
After a walk that took entirely too long as a result of Atsushi dragging his feet, he arrived at the designated location. The whole area was barren, save some dilapidated buildings. The warehouse he was sent to was empty, just the main structures and some railings remained.
Akutagawa was stood leaning against a pillar, scrolling on his phone, not even dressed in his usual gear- his iconic coat was nowhere to be seen, he was wearing black jeans, black converse and a sky blue hoodie. Only a select few people, (meaning Dazai, Gin and Atsushi), knew that Akutagawa's favourite colour was actually lighter shades of blue.
The outfit was... inappropriate. Not because of the clothes having anything wrong with them, but because Rashōmon wouldn't have a good reach with them, though Akutagawa obviously didn't care. He looked completely relaxed, as if he hadn't just summoned Atsushi for a death match. That sight completely enraged him and he clenched his fists.
Atsushi jumped down, shaking with fury, but Akutagawa looked calm. In fact, after seeing Atsushi, he grew a warm smile, one that made Atsushi's heart skip a beat, "Greetings, Weretiger."
"...*greetings*?! That's all you can say right now? Fucking *greetings*?!" What was Akutagawa's play? This was insulting and ridiculous, and Akutagawa had the audacity to downplay his feelings?!
Akutagawa stood up properly, and walked calmly towards Atsushi, keeping his hands in his pockets, "You're upset, but you shouldn't be." Before the younger man could shout again, Akutagawa gently continued, "Jinko. I've spent my entire life making and keeping promises. I've never broken a promise. Only now do I realise just how idiotic that is."
That wasn't what Atsushi expected. It wasn't stupid to keep promises, was it? That was when a horrible image flashed in Atsushi's mind- Fukuchi and that cursed sword, slashing Akutagawa's throat. If Atsushi hadn't made Akutagawa promise not to kill, they might not have even gotten to that point. They could have killed the bastard before he could summon the sword. He couldn't speak, and he couldn't look at the man in front of him.
Akutagawa saw Atsushi's expression, and took that as a sign to continue, "These past six months have taught me so much. Finding ways to resolve situations without killing is certainly a good alternative, and it's less paperwork." He was only half-joking, but saw that Atsushi didn't even crack a smile. Taking another breath, he got to his point: "I can't kill you. I don't want to, so I refuse. This will be the first promise I *break*."
"...what?" This wasn't real. It couldn't be. But he hoped it was, that he wouldn't wake up and find out that this was just a dream.
Akutagawa took a step closer and smiled at Atsushi, "I... wanted to know what my actual feelings were. So during the time limit I set for us, I decided to spend time with you. I've been alive for nearly 21 years, and I swear that I've never laughed, cried, or enjoyed myself as much as I have when we're together. Being around you simply feels right. If I kill you, then that's all gone, and I cannot allow that."
He couldn't ignore his emotions anymore, and he didn't even really understand his jealousy in the first place! Sure, Atsushi got all of Dazai's attention and praise, but one, he'd earned every word of encouragement and kindness, and two, Akutagawa was dealing with a version of Dazai that was toxic and cruel. The facts of the matter was that they were a great team, the New Double Black, and knew that they could trust each other in any life or death situation. Akutagawa was done being cold to Atsushi, the man he willingly gave up his life for.
Atsushi was shaking, he felt more emotional than he'd done in a long time. Without thinking, he hugged Akutagawa tightly, sobbing into his chest. The tears fell more when he felt the other wrapping his arms securely around him, the two of them just embracing. After a little longer, Atsushi sniffed, "...Ry��? Is this really what you want?"
"I want a lot more, but that'll come later." He chuckled weakly, stroking the back of Atsushi's head, his eyes closed as he enjoyed the Weretiger's warmth, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I wanted to, but I was so scared you wouldn't believe me. I didn't want you to hate me again, we've come so far from when we first met."
"Still, I'll get you for scaring me like that, you lunatic." They both laughed a little, and Atsushi finally calmed down, pulling away and wiping his eyes. They needed to talk things through properly, but while his emotions and mind were a bit fried, Atsushi looked up at Akutagawa, "I was scared. I didn't wanna die, I didn't wanna hurt you. Seeing you die on the ship..." he frowned then tilted his head, "You never answered my question. Why did you save me that day? Was it because of Dazai's orders, or because you wanted to kill me yourself back then?"
"Actually, when he ordered me to protect you, I initially refused at the time, like a fool." Akutagawa reached out and stroked Atsushi's cheek, "I saved you, simply because I wanted you to live. I wanted you to see that even if you thought you had no right to live, other people like myself disagree. You have every right to live, and I'm so grateful every day I see you, alive and well. No more suffering or pain."
He'd never heard those words before. Atsushi had never been told that others wanted him to live. Sometimes implications weren't enough. Sure, Kyouka had asked him not to die, but it wasn't quite the same. Someone being grateful that Atsushi was alive felt so foreign to him, so alien. Coming from Akutagawa, it felt sincere. Leaning into Akutagawa's touch, he felt tears well up again, but he didn't fight to keep them, just letting them fall.
Once he regained his composure, Atsushi assumed that maybe they could go out for tea or something, but Akutagawa looked nervous suddenly, "Actually, would you mind taking me to the Agency? I believe your head detective will have figured out that I'm not keeping this particular promise, so there's no need for hostility."
"I mean, sure. I can bring you." He knew now that after six months of not killing, Akutagawa had changed. There was no way he'd flip like a switch now, especially when Akutagawa had since acknowledged that Dazai belonged at the Agency. Akutagawa was in the Port Mafia, so killing was unavoidable, but Akutagawa would *try* not to, so that gave Atsushi some peace. But still, "May I ask why, first?"
"You may, and I shall tell." Akutagawa looked uncomfortable for a moment, then looked at Atsushi with a soft expression, "As you're aware, I have a lung disease that's slowly but surely killing me. However, five months ago, Vanitas had given me a medicine to soothe the pain, and allow me to breathe properly. Because of it, I have grown physically stronger, and I feel healthier."
Atsushi knew all this, of course. Vanitas had given Akutagawa the herbal remedy he'd concocted while the Port Mafia were still Vampires, and he'd been taking it for so long that his coughing was a rare occurrence now. The problem was that lungs, once damaged, tend to remain that way. The medication helped with the breathing difficulties, and helped Akutagawa do more with his body and life, but the lung disease would kill him in the end.
He felt his heart fill with light when Akutagawa continued: "Before, I was so weak that if your Doctor Yosano tried to use her Ability on me, I would have died before Thou Shalt Not Die could activate, which is one Hell of a feat, considering it can cure death in certain circumstances." He cleared his throat, "Now... I'm not that weak anymore. I can survive. So, please take me to her... so I can get rid of this cursed illness once and for all, and live for as long as I can."
Atsushi was having a day of emotional whiplash. What started off with pure fear, was now a situation that filled him with so much joy that he couldn't see straight. Acting without thinking, Atsushi threw his arms around Akutagawa, who held him securely and swung him around using the momentum created, laughing! It was so ridiculous, but they were both happy and clearly doing things in the heat of the moment. This was completely verified by Atsushi, slamming his lips onto Akutagawa's.
The Black Caped Beast, the Rabid Dog of the Port Mafia, was stunned silent and completely red in the face as the infamous Weretiger of the Armed Detective Agency kissed him like he needed Akutagawa's lips in order to breathe. In that moment, Akutagawa felt the same way, his arms holding Atsushi close, both of them aware of Byakko and Rashōmon purring within them, also happy.
Once they pulled apart, Atsushi grabbed Akutagawa's hand and practically dragged him to the Agency; it was a good thing that Akutagawa's lungs were already on the mend, at least now he could keep up without losing breath too fast and feeling like trash! He didn't want anything to ruin the moment they just had...
Vanitas and Ranpo had smug looks on their faces when they saw the boys return, and Akutagawa glared, "...you both really did call it."
"Yep!" Ranpo grinned as Vanitas explained, "However, we didn't want to risk anything going wrong, so we kept it to ourselves. The only other people who figured this out was the President, and Doctor Yosano."
As if summoned, Yosano came from the infirmary, looking surprised when Akutagawa bowed to her, "Doctor Yosano, after everything I've done, I understand if you refuse, but... I'm in desperate need of healing. Even with Vanitas' medicines, I'm not going to live too long with my lungs in this state. I'm willing to pay any price-"
Yosano cut him off by raising her hand, and looked at him, "You're a patient in need of help, and I'm aware that Vanitas' medicines can only do so much, while Mr. Mori is useless when it comes to diseases. You don't need to pay me anything, I'm just proud of you for finally admitting that you need help." She looked towards Atsushi and smiled, "You can trust me with Akutagawa's health."
It wouldn't take long, but Atsushi was still nervous at seeing Yosano drag Akutagawa into the infirmary. Kyouka had to hold him back when he heard the chainsaw whirring and Akutagawa's scream- he'd never heard Akutagawa scream with utter fear before, and he silently vowed that he would never let Akutagawa scream like that ever again. Kyouka hugged Atsushi, and he leaned into her. Obviously he knew that Yosano would cure Akutagawa completely, but it was still nerve-wracking to wait.
It was only a couple of minutes before Yosano came out, with a satisfied look, "Okay, that lung disease is all gone! And *yes* Atsushi, you can-" He zipped right past her before she could finish her sentence, but she found herself still doing so, "...see him now."
Vanitas laughed and went to make Yosano some tea to help her recover, "How bad?"
"If you hadn't given him that stuff, Akutagawa's lungs would have gotten worse. That boy hasn't smoked in his life, but his lungs were in a similar state to a chain smoker." She looked tired, but it was obvious that she thought it was worth it. "He probably would have died before meeting the six month deadline he'd set for Atsushi."
That was depressing, but unfortunately that was how unlucky life could be for some people. Akutagawa was already sickly, prone to infections and illnesses of all kinds. It was good that now he had support, and was able to trust people enough to help him. After giving Yosano the tea, Vanitas and Kyouka peaked inside the infirmary to see that Akutagawa was sound asleep in the bed, with Atsushi holding his hand and resting his head on the edge of aforementioned bed.
Vanitas smiled and grabbed an extra blanket, covering Atsushi's sleeping form before taking Kyouka's hand and leading her to the café to relax for a while. He'd already taken note of the fact that Akutagawa's breathing sounded steady, and he didn't look uncomfortable anymore. His chest no longer rattled, and he didn't cough himself awake.
Akutagawa woke up an hour later, and he could immediately feel that he was *better*. It didn't feel like smoke was filling his lungs, and he couldn't taste blood in the back of his throat anymore. He felt someone squeeze his hand, and turned to smile at Atsushi taking a nap close to him. His heart hammered at the memory of that kiss, and he blushed to himself.
Maybe this partnership had more similarities to Chuuya and Dazai's than he thought. Working together, capable of destruction, and at the end of the day, they completed each other. Akutagawa and Atsushi weren't a single soul in two bodies, but their Abilities in the form of Kokko Zessō absolutely was.
Akutagawa smiled to himself as he watched Atsushi slowly awaken from his nap, and he couldn't help but stroke Atsushi's face when he saw that sleepy smile, "Ryū... how you feeling?"
"Healthy." That was honestly the best way to describe how he felt at this moment. Akutagawa leaned forward and pressed his forehead against Atsushi's, the pair of them holding each other like that for a moment.
It felt like now or never, so Atsushi spoke softly, "I... Ryū, I think I've made my thoughts clear, but I'm still gonna say it. I don't want us to be enemies anymore, or rivals. You may be in the Port Mafia, but that doesn't matter to me. I just... I just want to spend my life with you..."
That was something exceedingly dangerous to ask of a Mafia member, however Akutagawa completely returned that sentiment. He'd known Atsushi for months now, and they'd been through so much together. All Akutagawa wanted was to watch Atsushi live his life, while standing beside him the entire time. He'd never attack Atsushi, and he didn't particularly have any beef with the Agency, so a feud was pointless in his opinion.
All Akutagawa could do in response was pull Atsushi onto the bed with him, hold him close, and kiss him again. Atsushi squeaked, but wrapped his arms around Akutagawa and let them both sink into the bed, staying there for what felt like hours.
This was trust. This was loyalty. This was *love*.
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dapperenby13 · 10 months
I know people are talking about giving Aya a good father figure and stuff. But what if yosano just straight up became her legal guardian. I am here for big sister Yosano. Aya could just go beat up her dad and Yosano would be cheering her on and videoing it
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idiototheinternet · 2 months
Would y'all like me to write a BSD highschool AU? Ideas i'm thinking of using include
ooc mori who takes okay care of dazai and is just overall really stressed and tired with being a surgeon
chuuya immediately thinking of dazai as an asshole because dazai is wearing a turtleneck under a hoodie from late August to the beginning of the school year, as well as having a blond 'sister' (in chuuya's mind, people with blond siblings are no good)
Old man yaoi between Fukuzawa and Mori
Late night conversations hanging out on the roof
Big sister Kouyou
Dazai is obsessed with sonic and may or may not force his friends to make what is technically the snapcube fandubs
Ranpo gathers information for both the school paper and the forensics club
Oda isn't dead and he and Ango are both newfound restraints for dazai
Poe edits the school paper and plays(loses) against Ranpo at clue on fridays
Atsushi has a striped ragdoll cat that follows him around
Akutagawa tries to kill Atsushi on a daily basis by now
Chuuya has a big fluffy dog named Daisy Bell
Dazai somehow found a male calico and named it pickles
Yosano runs the forensics club and gets the ada gang together
Karl is judging and is co-writing this fanfic with me
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glitch-karma · 1 year
~Bungo masterlist~
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
-Drawing them
-Flirting drunk
-Forgetful Reader
-Playing Genshin
-Chill but badass S/o
-Dazai and reader double suicide
-Them as Spiderman
Tumblr media
-Drawing them
-Flirting drunk
-Kida relationship hc's
-Kunikida if you had a rough day
-Forgetful Reader
-Playing Genshin
-Chill but badass S/o
-Them as Spiderman
Tumblr media
-Drawing them
-Playing Genshin
-Chill but badass S/o
Tumblr media
-Drawing them
-Playing Genshin
-Chill but badass S/o
-Them as Spiderman
-oblivious reader
-Forgetful Reader pt2
Tumblr media
-Drawing them
-Flirting drunk
-Playing Genshin
-Them as Spiderman
-oblivious reader
Tumblr media
Kenji (/P):
-Drawing them
-Big sister reader
Tumblr media
Kyouka (/P):
-Drawing them
-Big sister reader
Tumblr media
-Drawing them
-Happy Flirty Reader
-Forgetful Reader
-Playing Genshin
-Chill but badass S/o
Tumblr media
Lucy M. Montgomery:
Nothing here yet! Request~
Tumblr media
-Drawing them
-Flirting drunk
-Playing Genshin
-Chuuya Birthday oneshot
-Chill but badass S/o
-Them as Spiderman
-oblivious reader
-Forgetful Reader pt2
-Chuuya hat fluff
-Chuuya gives you a bath
Tumblr media
-Drawing them
-Forgetful Reader
-Playing Genshin
-oblivious reader
Tumblr media
Nothing here yet, request~
Tumblr media
-Drawing them
Tumblr media
-Drawing them
-Playing Genshin
-Forgetful Reader pt2
Tumblr media
-Drawing them
-Flirting drunk
-Playing Genshin
-Chill but badass S/o
-oblivious reader
-Forgetful Reader pt2
Tumblr media
-Playing Genshin
-Chill but badass S/o
-Forgetful Reader pt2
Tumblr media
Bram Stoker:
Nothing here yet, request~
Tumblr media
-Drawing them
-Flirting drunk
-Playing Genshin
-General Ango dating Hc's
-Taking care of Ango One shot
Tumblr media
-Drawing them
-Playing Genshin
-Chill but badass S/o
-oblivious reader
-Forgetful Reader pt2
Tumblr media
-Playing Genshin
Tumblr media
-Playing Genshin
Tumblr media
220 notes · View notes
elvestoneanzelote1 · 2 months
𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘐 𝘱𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘩 𝘢 𝘭𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘰 𝘐 𝘢𝘮 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘱𝘦𝘰𝘱𝘭𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘤𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘨𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘯.
𝘍𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘧𝘧. 𝘈𝘭𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘠𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳.
𝘐𝘯𝘤𝘭𝘶𝘥𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘦, 𝘍𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘯𝘦𝘶𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘭 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳.
Bungou stray dogs.
Port mafia.
Tumblr media
Ougai Mori:
My lover part one (yandere)
My lover part two. (Yandere)
Yandere Ougai mori x dazai mother reader x yandere Fukuzawa Yukichi + Platonic yandere dazai part1
Yandere Ougai Mori x dazai mother reader x yandere fukuzawa Yukichi +platonic yandere dazai part 2
Chuuya Nakahara:
Liar: Yandere Chuuya Nakahara x Guild! Male reader.
Smile for me: Yandere chuuya nakahara x fem reader, past sheep member
𝘒𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘪 𝘒𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘢 (𝘰𝘤 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳) 𝘹 𝘺𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘊𝘩𝘶𝘶𝘺𝘢
Platonic yandere chuuya x younger brother Male reader
Habit yandere Chuuya x clean obsessed fem reader
Yandere port mafia boss Chuuya x fem reader
Ryounosuke Akutagawa:
I love you: Yandere Atsushi x fem reader x Slight Akutagawa
With s/o And him (fluff yandere)
Kouyou Ozaki.
Smile: slight yandere fem reader x Kouyou Ozaki
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Yukichi Fukuzawa:
Yandere Ougai mori x dazai mother reader x yandere Fukuzawa Yukichi + Platonic yandere dazai Part 1
Yandere Ougai Mori x dazai mother reader x yandere fukuzawa Yukichi +platonic yandere dazai part 2
Osamu Dazai:
Alchemists pm teacher! male Reader x Osamu Dazai (yandere)
My pretentious friend - Yandere Beast au Osamu Dazai x Yandere male reader.
A Goal--- Older fem p/m! Reader x yandere Dazai
Adopted bond: Platonic yandere Dazai x big sister reader
Adopted bond: Platonic yandere Dazai x big sister reader.
Yandere Ougai mori x dazai mother reader x yandere Fukuzawa Yukichi + Platonic yandere dazai part1
Yandere Ougai Mori x dazai mother reader x yandere fukuzawa Yukichi +platonic yandere dazai part 2
Yandere: trio dazai, Kunikida and Atsushi (separate) with fem reader with a very low self esteem
Yandere Dazai x Male inumaki reader x yandere Ranpo
Yandere Platonic dazai x twin sister reader x Fyodor
Broken lovers yandere dazai x male guild reader
Ranpo Edogawa:
Cursed speech: Yandere Ranpo x male reader x Yandere Poe
Cheater female reader x Yandere Ranpo Edogawa
My silent love- Port Mafia yandere Ranpo x male reader
Yandere Dazai x Male inumaki reader x yandere Ranpo
Doppo Kunikida:
Yandere: trio dazai, Kunikida and Atsushi (separate) with fem reader with a very low self esteem
Atsushi Nakajima:
Beast au, Yandere Atsushi x Male reader.
I love you: Yandere Atsushi x fem reader x slight Akutagawa
Yandere: trio dazai, Kunikida and Atsushi (separate) with fem reader with a very low self esteem
Akiko Yosano:
Memory: Yandere Akiko Yosano x fem reader.
Overall duo organizations.
Platonic Yandere Ada x child male reader x platonic yandere Port Mafia part 1
Platonic Yandere Ada x child male reader x platonic yandere Port Mafia part 2
Platonic Yandere Ada x child male reader x platonic yandere Port Mafia part3
Yandere BSD various x Zhongli/albedo (male)reader, pet favour
Yandere BSD various x Zhongli/albedo reader (male), Assistant Suhu
Yandere BSD various x Zhongli/albedo reader (male) initiative game.
Yandere BSD Port mafia various x Zhongli/Albedo reader (male) Barge into the room unnoticed.
Yandere Platonice Francis x son reader x yandere ada
Yandere platonic Ada x teen fem reader
Tumblr media
Nikolai Gogol:
Yandere Nikolai Gogol x fem reader
Fyodor Dostoevsky:
Yᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ Pʟᴀᴛᴏɴɪᴄ Dᴀᴢᴀɪ x ᴛᴡɪɴ sɪsᴛᴇʀ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ x Fʏᴏᴅᴏʀ
Cult au, slight nsfw (yandere Fyodor x raiden shogun fem reader)
· · ───── ·✧· ───── · ·
Special Division for unusual powers.
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Yukito Ayatsuji.
Obessesion, Yandere Yukito Ayatsuji x male albedo/zhongli reader.
Birthday special, Yandere Ayatsuji x male albedo/zhongli reader
Hunting dogs.
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Yandere tecchou x Oc (kiana Komori) x yandere Jouno
Tumblr media
Edgar Allan Poe:
Curse speech: yandere Ranpo x male reader x yandere Poe
Louisa May Alcott:
Letter: Yandere g/n reader x Louisa
Francis Scott Fitzgerald
Platonic yandere Francis x son reader x slight yandere ads
▃▃▃ ▃▃ ▃
Mashle: Magic muscle and power.
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Mash Burnedead-
Sickness love hc- yandere Mash x g/n reader
Yandere Alder x venti male reader
Finn Ames-
Yandere Alder x venti male reader
Dot Barrette-
Yandere Alder x venti male reader
Lemon Irvine-
Yandere Alder x venti male reader
Lance Crown-
Yandere Alder x venti male reader
Rayne Ames-
Sickness love hc: Yandere Rayne x g/n reader
Yandere Alder x venti male reader
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Milo Genius-
Yandere Magia lupus x Venti male reader
Abel Walker
Yandere Magia lupus x Venti male reader
Abyss Razor-
Yandere Magia lupus x Venti male reader
Wirth Madl
Yandere Magia lupus x Venti male reader
Love Cute-
Yandere Magia lupus x Venti male reader
Doom x g/n reader.
General Yandere Mashle.
Yunan male reader x various Mashle yandere
Reblooged Yunan reader
Yandere Mashle x (yosano) fem reader
Genshin Impact
Eyes: Yandere g/n Reader x Lynette
Moriarty the Patriot.
Sherlock Holmes.
Observation: Yandere sherlock Holmes x male (albedo) reader
Honkai Star Rail.
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Herta space station worker fem! Reader x yandere Caelus
Yandere aventurine x rengoku male reader.
✿ ❀ ✿ ❀ ✿ ❀
𝘚𝘦𝘭𝘧 𝘈𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘎𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳.
Gᴇɴᴇʀᴀʟ Gᴀᴍᴇ Yᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
✿ ❀ ✿ ❀ ✿
Tokyo Revengers.
Takemichi Hanagaki.
G/n Reader x takemichi (angst not yandere)
✿ ❀ ✿ ❀ ✿
Venti: (as a crossover)
In Lang! Fanart
Akiko Yosano (as a crossover)
In mashle, alder (fanart)
By me, Elvestoneanzelote1, You can also follow me in instagram. It is written. In the picture.
The master list will always keep on updating when I update. You can always rely on this.
106 notes · View notes
crimson0lake · 3 months
BSD: Other Side
The Prologue
Warnings: blood, gun, knife, child kidnapping, bombs, taking hostage, kidnapping, guns, wounds, injuries,
Word keys: Japanese, thinking, English, Russian,(translations)
ADA was having a peaceful day, the cases weren't very serious and more calm such as a shop robbery and run away teens.
The work was done pretty quickly due to the easy cases and all members were relaxing:
Kunikida was filling out his book for next week's list, Dazai was relaxing on the sofa with his headphones on, Atsushi was talking with Kyouka, Kenji was watering the plants, Ranpo and Fukuzawa was talking while Ranpo was eating a candy as usual when the agency's door knocked.
The knock was frantic and rapid like someone was running away from a serial killer right after them in a horror movie. Everyone's attention was now peeked as they hadn't get a this desperate and frantic knock this past few weeks.
Most of them returned to their work as Naomi stand up to open the door. while some of them such as Tanizaki and Atsushi had focused on the desparate knock on the door.
Before Naomi reaches to the front door to open and greet this hasty guest, a voice call from the other side of the door with urgency and desperation, words were hiding a big fear and dripping despair while she keep knocking the door with a clear fear and urgency. "Привет?! Пожалуйста, люди сказали, что вы можете мне помочь!!!" (Hello?! Please people said you could help me!!!)
Naomi quickly gets up and answers the door only to meet with a teen girl all wounded, she was holding her right arm and her face was filled with fear and desperation. Her wavy hair had a white hair strands of hair mixed with her brownish hair and some of it stuck to her forehead, neck, and cheeks with dry blood. Her clothes were screaming they weren't from Japan while their slightly darker skin tone from natives proves it right. But she didn't look like a russian native as well despite speaking fluent russian.
"помощь! они поймали ее!!!" (help! they caught her!!!) Girl speaks with a desperate tone again as she holds Naomi's arms tightly, her sweats showing how long she had run till coming here.
"What happened to you?? Come on in!" Naomi speaks with worry as she gestures inside the Agency to the girl yet she shook her head and spoke with more basic words and muttered two words.
Now all members had stopped what they were doing and focused their all attention to the front door and the russian words. Tanizaki had already standed up via his sister's shocked and corcerned tone. "Naomi?"
"пожалуйста, они ее поймали! У меня мало времени!!!" (please, they got her! I do not have much time!!!)
The girl shout with the worry in her voice again. there was a slight irritation as well, probably being not understood by people..
"Yosano-san!" Naomi speaks as she gets in the office, the members are basically shocked and also confused to see a wounded teen girl next to Naomi, who was clearly not Japanese. Yosano understand why Naomi ha dcalled her right away when she saw the wounded girl she lead inside.
"On it!" she said before taking her aid kit with a quick grap and rush to Naomi and the girl next to her. she was quick and experienced with years of working as a doctor.
The girl backed away, pushing Yosano's hands aside as she speak loudly once again. The Russian words sliding out of her mouth with a quick rush and taking her fear and panic with them. "нет на это времени! Мой лучший друг в большой опасности! ты должен ей помочь! Пожалуйста!!" (no time for this! My best friend is in great danger! you must help her! Please!!)
"Hey, calm down!" Yosano speaks in confusion but also there's also a hidden irritation of her work getting blocked like this but she could see this girl trying to tell them something.
That wasn't a secret.
With due to stuation, all ADA had turned towards the girl. Atsushi went to try to calm her while Kyouka followed him with a both confused and suspected tone.
Yosano turned to Ranpo with both curious and slight concern she tried to hide after the girl had calmed down by other members. "So? Can you tell what's the problem with her, Ranpo?"
The detective nods before taking out the candy in his mouth. "It's nothing I can't solve."
"We know that, Ranpo-san. But can you tell us what happened to her?" Kunikida speaks with a serious yet concerned tone. He was the one that calmed down the girl despite the language barrier.
Ranpo takes out his candy in his mouth before speaking with his calm and his usual childish behavior "simply, her friend is holding hostage not so far from the city. still alive but I'm not sure how long the kidnappers would keep her alive yet"
each member was shocked. no voice or sound was in the room, it wasn't the first time they are dealing with a hostage case but knowing this girls language barrier and disadvantages in an unknown area, yet alone now dragged inside this kind of mess, hit hard to their human emotions..
The girl had patched up and her wounds were bandaged by Yosano by this time already, she was still nudging Yosano's or Kunikida's sleeves to take their attention time to time to say more things in russian. Which all of them still coudnt figure out what she is saying.
"She is pleading for us ta save her friend. I mean, who woudn't be scared if they were in her place after all?"
The brunette who was laying on the table break the silence. He look at the confused members innocently at first before smiling like a cat. "What? Didn't you guys knew I know a bit russian?? How terrible of you!" he had put his back of hand on his forehead like a dramatic pose.
Kunikida take a deep breath with irritation before sighing "That could have make all the situation go more faster." he rub his temples " Who would go for this case now?" he asked to his colleagues while crossing his arms over his chest.
"Don't look at me, I'm still injured from the last fight!" Dazai said while holding his newly broken arm.
"Didn't you brake your arm while trying another suicide attempt?" Atsushi speak with a hint of confusion and very slight hint of exhuastion from the brunette's actions.
"Suicide attempts are my personal missoin, A-tsu-shi-kun~"
"I'm going to visit a new candy shop" Ranpa speak before eating another candy while spinning with chair he sat on slowly.
"I need to take my cow to vet as well!" the boy says with a smile as usual while placing the plant in his hand to table. "I'm also promised to carry an elder lady's package for her today"
Yet before others can protest as well, the door at the side opened and the elder man with yukata gets inside calmly with his stern expression.
"What's happening here? What was about the shouts I heard earlier?"
"President!" Kunikida quickly replied with slight shock remaining in his voice from the things happening suddenly. "Sorry to bother you, President! A teen come here, wounded, and seemingly wanting us to find her friend who is holding hostage. Yosano-san take care of her wounds and we were talking about what to do"
"So? Why are you guys guys talking instead of getting the hostage to safety?" Fukuzawa looked down to his workers sternly and firmly yet there was a undeniable confusion was in his voice
"We.." The lime haired man paused before bowing his head slight before speaking again "We are on it, President!" Kunikida replied firmly before turning to his colleagues and start giving the orders to them firmly to find the missing friend of the girl.
It wasn't long before they find the building where he girl held, thanks to Ranpo, it was a empty factory which was used to leave the empty packages or containers.
Kunikida raised his hand stopping the others following him behind when a soft melody and song filled the half empty abandoned factory, echoing through the left to rot containers.
"To your right, two shadows.."
The agency members weren't talking, the words spoken in Japanese were clear to them. But the russian speaking girl was also frozen with the voice and if Yosano didn't shush her she would speak more as she pointed where the voice was coming but tried to calm down after realising the surroundings.
"Lingering in my mind, tell me now
If it's too late. Cause seven shadows on the left screaming for help.
Look to your behind, let the shadows ambush you"
The song continued till the owner of the voice coughed, by the time the members there were confused and curious what the song meant as it seemed dark but also familiar. The black haired detective let out a silent chuckle as he took out his glasses from the pocket in his cloak.
"Ranpo, what are you laughing for?" The doctor asked with a silent whisper as she turned to the detective with a confused look.
"Nothing. Just this missing girl is a smart fella."
"What do you mean by that, Ranpo-san?" White haired tiger boy asked as he got slightly nervous with the tension in the place.
"You guys still didn't realize it, huh? That's amusing that you guys have no idea" The detective chuckled again before holding his hands up and making gestures like they were talking about a plan in the reality he was talking with a catish smirk. "The song is a clue she is giving without getting herself exposed. Two or more men on the right, seven, less or more, men on the left. And some men are surrounding us and watching us."
A.n: sorry for the late post I was sick and couldn't even lift a finger this week. The russian words are from google translate, sorry about that. I'm still not very happy with how translations turn out, I could simply stop putting them in future.
BSD: Other Side Masterlist
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