#besties forever !!
sorala · 2 months
personally think it's very fitting that riz takes on stress tokens for kristen just as she takes on a nemesis who is supposed to be his narrative foil. using their strengths to cover each others weaknesses and have each others backs I'm NORMAL about this
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libertastandem · 1 year
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Does it ever drive you crazy...
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...just how fast the night changes?
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mayhaps-a-blog · 21 days
So Niko learned detective-ing from Scooby Doo and anime
And Edwin learned detective-ing from the Max Carrados stories
So they're both figuring it out from mystery stories XD
They really are the perfect detective duo!
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remembersunflowers · 9 months
Really love when there’s a new bro to the suitor squad and they vouch for each other by going oh yeah he saved my life once, out on the prairie, or out in this adventure or sucked gangrene from my wound, besties forever
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shieldofiron · 2 months
Set You Free
Threw this up on Ao3 too
It sounds like a joke. That thing was in his head, speaking in that stilted voice and once it was gone Billy couldn’t stop talking. Couldn’t stop fucking talking, partially because he was scared that it would turn into the wrong voice, partially because he almost couldn’t believe he had survived.
“I don’t want him here, he hits me,” He told the nurse when his dad came to visit.
And just like that they’d barred his dad from the hospital.
Max had come by with her little boyfriends and he’d talked their ears off, half crying, about the year before, about the monster, making no fucking sense, until the littlest one with the creepy haunted doll look sat beside his bed and patted his hand.
He just couldn’t stop talking, but he had to because Harrington was apparently visiting today with his girlfriend or something.
And so he sat silently as Harrington rambled on about the mall, about some freako sounding Russians and fireworks.
“Anyway. I guess what I mean is I’m sorry, cuz I hit you with that car. And if Mike hadn’t pushed you out of the way you’d be dead, and… I’m real sorry, Hargrove,” Harrington said, “For all of it. Mike and Will are like obsessed with telling me how you saved all of us so, I just wanted you to know that… thank you. And I’m sorry.”
Billy nodded, glancing over at the girl who hadn’t said a peep.
“So you forgive me?” Harrington glanced up with those pretty puppy dog eyes.
Billy nodded again, biting his tongue.
“Great!” Harrington nodded, “I’ll go down and get us some coffee or something, and then we can all catch up. Robin, coffee?”
“Black,” Robin nodded, “And get something that won’t make Billy hurl chunks, please.”
“Got it… uh… ginger ale?” Harrington looked at him.
“Just water. I’m missing like ten miles of intestine or some shit,” Billy grumbled.
Harrington blinked, startled, “Right.”
He left with a few of those kicked puppy dog glances, and then Billy was alone with the girlfriend. Robin. The thing is he kind of liked her before she became Steve’s girlfriend.
“I liked you too. And I’m not, by the way,” She folds her hands in her lap, “Steve’s girlfriend.”
Stupid talking thing.
“You’re kind of interesting, Billy Hargrove,” She smiled, and then she frowned.
They just kind of stared at each other, until sweat started to form on his brow.
“Don’t tell him I’m gay,” He blurted out at last.
He knew it, she knew it. Caught him and Tommy having a… moment under the bleachers a million years ago. Billy used to see big poufy band geek uniforms in his nightmares for weeks, but she never said anything.
“I wouldn’t,” She shook her head.
“But I might,” Billy growled, “You gotta keep him away from me, girlfriend or no.”
“Why?” She wrinkled her nose.
“I’m… gay?” He almost scoffed. What was she not getting?
“Okay. Again. Why would Steve have to keep away from you?”
“It’s fucking… wrong. Wrong to have feelings for him. Disgusting pervert shit ok,” Billy frowned, “I told Max he shouldn’t come.”
“I don’t think it’s wrong.”
Billy bit his lip so hard he thought he might draw blood.
“The kids too. Everyone should just stay away.”
“Even me?” She shuffled in her seat, “Is it dangerous for me?”
He glanced at her, not sure what she was saying. Why didn’t people just say what they meant?
“Listen, I don’t really know what happened to you, but I think you staying away from everyone and everything is kind of what got you into this shit in the first place,” She shrugged. “Just sayin’”
“That’s not why it happened,” Billy muttered.
“Then what happened?”
“I was… trying,” Billy’s throat felt right but he pushed through it, “To be normal. And it didn’t work, because I’m fucked.”
“I don’t think you’re fucked. And I don’t think…” Robin scooted forward, taking his hand, “Look. I don’t think you’re evil or anything.”
“I killed people and I have a gay crush on your friend.”
“Okay, that fucking thing killed people and people get fucking crushes every day,” She shook her head. “It’s not a crime.”
“It kind of is.”
“Only to cops,” She rolled her eyes.
He exhaled, “fine. I still kind of like you.”
“Same to you, Billy Hargrove,” She patted his arm, “just remember. The truth will set you free. Maybe Steve won’t think you’re evil either, you know.”
Billy was about to answer when Harrington swung into the door, “The nurses said you could have one of these dinner rolls too.”
“Course you fucking charmed the nurses,” Billy grumbled, “They fucking hate me.”
Harrington just laughed, gamboling in like a happy puppy and setting up Billy’s table.
“The truth,” Robin mouthed over a fluffy cloud of brown hair, “Will set you free.”
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barzyhughes · 3 months
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quinn and brock reposting peteys extension is so special to me
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har-rison-s · 4 months
they're my dearest ones actually
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my heart is bursting
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frnkiebby · 5 months
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hyperfixated-gvf · 1 year
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I believe it goes:
“You know it’s not the same as it was”
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headshrnker · 2 months
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moonflowerentity · 1 month
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Can someone please redraw this as Tobi and André
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taringill · 9 months
Yes... I was gone for a long time... Study, homework. It is also necessary to get used to it. It's hard so far. But it's okay, then I'll get used to it, I'll have to. But I also drew
Да... Меня долго не было... Учёба, домашка. Надо к этому ещё и привыкнуть. Пока тяжело. Но ничего страшного, потом привыкну, мне придётся. Но я ещё и рисовала
I present to you the best friends: Lizard Lady and Turtle Lady🦎🐢
Представляю вам лучших подружек: Леди-ящерица и леди-черепаха🦎🐢
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Miwa:"If you lay a finger on my best friend, trying to harm her, I will break all your bones or kill you! Is that clear?"
Miwa and Mona Lisa spend time together/Мива и Мона Лиза проводят время вместе
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My baby girls🩷🤧
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(у Миве на футболке написано:"Хорошая, но это не точно")
Miwa is very hard on the outside, but sensitive on the inside. Well, it's a base. And she really appreciates those who appreciate her. But at first, at the first meeting, she may not trust. She didn't have much friends before the Mona Lisa, unlike our sociable lizard. After the mutation, Miwa's life changed a lot. It's not just about mutation. Miwa has found those who care about her. This is Leo, her future boyfriend, and her best friend Mona Lisa. The fact that Miwa and Mona Lisa are bf, I mentioned in one of the answers to the question.
Мива очень твердая снаружи, но чувствительная внутри. Ну, это база. И она очень ценит тех, кто ценит её. Но сначала, при первой встречи, может не доверять. Друзей до Моны Лизы у неё особо не было, в отличии от нашей общетильной ящерицы. После мутации жизнь Мивы поменялась сильно. Дело не только в мутации. Мива нашла тех, кому она не безразлична. Это Лео, в будущем её парень, и лучшую подругу Мону Лизу. То, что Мива и Мона Лиза - лп, я упоминала в одном из ответов на вопрос.
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unleashthelion · 1 year
Daniel girlies that hate Max and Red Bull in general… I hope y’all fucking suffer this season. I hope y’all go through hell and back. Dan loves Max, Max loves Dan. The team loves him and they love him back. HE IS BACK HOME! Fucking deal with it. Peace out! ✌🏻
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idkisaccmoon · 5 days
Us core♥︎ Bestie doesn't have Tumblr:(
It is my video
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iitwasmaroonn · 3 months
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<3 i love you
me n you forever🫶🏻
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frnkiebby · 2 months
hi yes this is the annoying dyke in ur phone again look at my fray pics
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id love to remind everyone that ray has a whole 17cm on frankie. truly the babiest of bbgs
look at you go. i love those two assholes so fucking much~🎃
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