#best red onion hair oil
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hairfall · 7 months
A Brief Guide on Onion Oil for Hair and its Benefits
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If you’ve been struggling with hair fall and dandruff for a while now, then look no further when you have got onion in your kitchen. Rising hair concerns has been affecting almost everyone, without being gender biased. Maintaining a healthy mane takes a lot of perseverance and effort. But with this kitchen ruling ingredient, you can experience the ultimate difference in your hair. 
The science behind how red onion oil helps hair to flourish
Ancient Ayurveda had recognized the commendable benefits of onion as a universal hair care long ago. The nourishing elements of red onion oil multitask on the scalp and hair strands to deliver natural results. 
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bitchylandtyphoon · 5 months
Important to me
Sam Winchester x Reader
(Y/N): your name
(E/C): eye colour
(C/C): celeb crush
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Sam and Dean slowly descended the rusty black stairs, trying not to trip from exhaustion. Every nerve ending in their body was hypersensitive; their fingers and toes were cold; their eyes and heads pounded from lack of sleep; and a rotting stench was secreting from their overworn clothing. “Hey guys, how was the hunt?" you asked in a gentle voice to avoid elevating their migraine pain. Dean mumbled under his breath as he walked to his room; even Sam could only give a small smile and “tiring” as a response.
You’ve noticed how the boys have become more tired after their hunts. Maybe it was because you did all the research while they did all the dirty work, or simply because they were getting older. Either way, it’s been taking a toll on their health, and you know it wouldn’t be good in the long run.
Judging from their clothes, you assumed they’d be taking a shower before getting some shut-eye, but you didn’t want them to go to bed hungry.
Walking to the kitchen, you opened the white door of the fridge, which consisted of a few eggs, lettuce, and beer. Wow, no wonder these guys only eat out. Groaning, you grabbed your keys and coat, texting Sam and Dean that you'd be heading out, knowing disturbing them wouldn’t be the best idea.
——————————————————————— Sam walked out of the steaming shower, wrapping his lower body in a towel. Taking another to dry off his hair. He ran his long fingers through his hair, noticing it had become very coarse over the past few months. Sam thought back to a hunt when shards of a monster's guts managed to get stuck in his hair. He felt like it was a personal attack; a shower didn’t help as much as he wanted to either. He spent hours trying to get the red and black hard goo out, even asking Dean. Unfortunately, Dean was not very gentle and made Sam partially ball. He remembers how you saved the day with coconut oil and a small brush. You had to sit on a chair while Sam sat crisscrossed in between your legs. You guys were still getting to know each other, so it was an awkward moment, but after Sam felt your gentle nails and euphoric massage, he melted. His head rested on your bare, soft thigh as you worked on the sides of his head. He felt so much at peace that he could’ve slept right then and there. He chuckled as he ran his hand through his hair, wishing he could have some of that magic right now. He wanted the comfort you gave him.
Putting on his comfier clothes, he slid into his bed, falling soundly asleep with a fond yet tired memory passing through his head once more.
——————————————————————— You slide open the door, balancing heavy bags of groceries, a special box containing a slice of heaven for Dean, and the boys’ favourite drinks. You dropped the bags in the kitchen, unpacking them away into the cupboards and fridge. Knowing it would be a long night, you pulled out your phone and put some music on low. You then turned on the gas stove, grabbing the lighter out of the drawer to start the fire. Begin by taking out mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, and other foods, washing them before finely chopping them, and cooking them on low heat. You added seasoning and eventually smelled the delicious aroma emanating from the dish. Now you need to cook the meat.
————————————————— Each boiling drop from the shower head felt relaxing and painful as it fell onto Dean's hunched back. The heat soothed his ache, yet, the new bruises were sending another sensation of pain throughout his back. He groaned as he faced the shower head and allowed the pellets to hit his face, giving all his might to scrub away the dried-up blood and sweat embedded in his freckled skin. All he could think about was sleep, hoping to sleep as much as he could yet, knowing another case would cut his rest short. He took the white soap bar and breathed in the rose aroma it released, it reminded him of you. Dean was glad he had a girl like you in his life, no matter what was bothering his thoughts or physically torturing him, he knew he’d have you to patch him up. You were always there for Sam and him. Every time you carefully did his stitches, gave him a needed hug, fixed his tie or walked into your room, the smell would give him a sense of comfort. It reminded him of his younger days spent with his mom. It reminded him of home.
——————————————————————— You put on the blue oven kits cautiously taking out the crispy chicken from the oven. The meal was finished and so were the other dishes you made. You even had time to prepare healthy snacks and some of Sam’s favourite protein drinks. From a young age, you hated the thought of being a housewife and having to complete all the duties at home, but you knew it was the least you could do to cheer them up, adding much-needed order to their already chaotic lives. Plus, it was nothing compared to all they did for you after they took you in. You smiled as you admired the dinner table, for once looking like a normal family’s dinner table and not used as a summoning ground.
You knocked on Sam’s door to get no response, knowing the younger Winchester might’ve fallen asleep you went to go check on the other one. Knocking once again to hear a low “yeah…”. Pushing the door you see a half awake, now clean Dean, lying against the headboard watching TV.
“Hey,” you gently said. “How are you feeling?”. His eyes were still heavy with sleep but pupils dilated from insomnia. You could tell he tried sleeping but to no avail. “Listen,” you sit on the bed and see him smile a bit. “I know you’re tired but I made some food for you and Sam and you should eat. You’d sleep better with a full stomach. And I might have some pieee”. With that Dean jumped into his bunny slippers and strutted towards the kitchen in his pink nightgown. Chuckling at Dean's cuteness, stopping before leaving the room as you saw the big pile of bloodied clothes on the floor.
“Hey Sam, I’m coming in.” You announced, entering the neat room, smelling a mix of pine trees and cheap cologne. You saw Sam’s large body lying on his stomach, a soft snore coming from his peaceful slumber. Quietly entering the room, you searched for his hamper, unlike the other one, Sam kept his dirty clothes in one, making it easier for you to take the clothes out of his room.
As you passed by Sam, you stood there watching him, taking advantage of the sliver of peace he was given. You put the hamper down slowly to not wake up Sam, getting on your knees, face level with Sam’s. You watched as his lips laid in a pouted style, opening once in a while to exhale, you took notes of the small moles, birthmarks and faint freckles scattered over his face like stars, noticing how perfect his nose was; never have you ever seen a perfect natural triangle. His thick dark brown eyebrows arched over his forehead symmetrically and his lashes fluttered gracefully as butterflies. His hair was your favourite part, ever since you helped take the guts out of his hair you missed the proximity and softness. His soft hair tickled the inside of your thighs and reminded you of a dog’s overgrown mane. It was beautiful to touch.
You then noticed the crevices appearing in his forehead and eye sockets. He starts to stir in his sheets, the peaceful expressions disappearing, turning into a pained one. He began making uncomfortable noises. He was going into a nightmare.
“Sam, hey wake up! Sam come on, wake up. It’s just a dream!” Sam’s head started moving side to side, the veins in his temple and neck protruding. His eyes were tightly shut and beads of sweat formed across his forehead. His hand gripped firmly onto the arm shaking his shoulder, the other gripping the the brown sheets. “SAM WAKE UP!” Shouting wouldn’t help anymore, looking around you see a cup of water on the nightstand.
——————————————————————— Sam jolted up with a gasp, cold water on his face which soaked most of his hair and nightshirt. He grasped onto as much air as possible, eyes wide trying to familiarize his surroundings. A sense of relief overcame him when he saw your concerned (e/c) eyes.
He saw how your eyes travelled over his face searching for an answer, too shocked or scared to say anything. He sighed, “Don’t tell Dean, please.”
“Ok, I won’t.” What was that, you thought to yourself, you’ve never seen this type of behaviour from him. “At least talk to me about it. You’ve been more tired than usual and it’s worrying. If you’re not gonna tell Dean, tell me.”
Sam smiled, his heart swell when he heard your confession. For once someone was listening to his struggles without ratting out to Dean.
“Um Sam…” Sam shares a confused look until you look down at your now red and numb arm. “Sorry!” Sam immediately retracts his arm away, allowing the blood to rush back to the area.
“It’s like you’ve never touched a girl before or something” you joke trying to lighten up the mood. He laughs under his breath. “Come downstairs and eat something.” You demanded as you rubbed your sore arm.
“It’s okay-“
He grins his teeth as he sees your serious face. Cute, he thought.
You grab onto his large calloused hands and attempt to pull the giant out of bed, barely budging. “Oh my god, you are so friggin heavy. How are you built like a god with all that junk food?”
He jumps to his feet almost falling on top of you, your nose meeting his chest as the scent of fresh soap fills your nose. A blush rises to your skin at the proximity, looking up you see his brown eyes already staring down at you. You felt his thumb glazed over your smaller hands, which you both held onto each other. “So you think I’m built like a god huh?” Sam suggestively asks with a raised eyebrow.
Taking a quick step back, you playfully shove him away. “Haha very funny Indeed Winchester, get your ass downstairs.” Crossing your arms you wait till he exits his room, him and his footsteps disappearing into the hallway.
“(Y/n) THINKS I HAVE A HOT BODY” Sam shouts from the hallway; your eyes widen as instant embarrassment runs through your body. You hoped to god Dean didn’t hear or you’d never see the end of the teasing.
You return to the kitchen to see two big babies chowing down on the meal you made, acting as if they hadn’t eaten in ages.
“(Y/n), THISH FWOOD ISH AMASHING” You barely make out the words as Dean continues to stuff his mouth with food. “What he said,” Sam says as he adds more food to his plate. You giggle as you sit next to Sam, glad to see them eating a proper meal. “Where did you even learn how to cook like this?” Dean asks. “My mom used to teach me the basics but then I picked it up more when I moved out. Haven’t cooked like this since University actually,” you answer. “So you’re gonna tell me we could’ve been eating like kings but you decided to torture us with takeout.” Dean jokes while dropping his fork on his plate. “I never hated you more.”
You burst out into laughter throwing your head back, “Please, you love me.” You say rolling your eyes. You noticed how Sam became quiet, twirling his food around a fork.
“Not as much as Sammy does,” Dean says with a devious smirk. Sam chokes on his food as you roll your eyes. “Very funny Dean” Sam glares at Dean.
“Sorry Sam but I’m off limits, too committed to (c/c).” You giggle as you jokingly twirl your hair. “He’s such a daring man dramatic sigh”.
“I’m gonna puke my food up if you keep acting like that,” Dean says with a disgusted face while trying to put even more food in his mouth.
You cheekily smile and see as Sam scoffs, taking note of the weird action. Dean gets up to put his plate away, you take this as a cue to start cleaning up the kitchen.
“Goodnight” Dean yells as he walks out the door. You and Sam both say goodnight. Then it hits you, that rascal. He left you and Sam in the kitchen alone. You can already feel the blood rushing to your ears, instead, you try to distract yourself by doing the dishes.
“Do you need help with anything?” His eyebrows knit together as he asks “Let me help clean at least.”
As much as you wanted him to rest, you couldn’t say no to him and his persuasion. Or maybe he had you wrapped around his finger. “Uh yeah, I’ll wash and you dry?” You offer pointing to the load of dishes. “Yeah, that’s great”. You grab the yellow sponge and begin scrubbing the sauces off the pots, leaving Sam to get the towel. Unmindful of you, you forget where the towels are, right in the cabinet in front of you, the towels stacked on the higher shelf. As you were about to move you felt Sam’s figure hover over your smaller frame. You freeze as you feel his body’s heat mingle with your cold body. His large hand rests on your lower back.
To another person, it could be a simple gesture, but to you, deep down you were screaming from the closeness of it all. Somehow Sam had always made you shy in his presence, you didn’t know if it was because of how smart and skilled he was that made you feel inadequate to him or how he made you weak in the knees with his beautiful…well everything. You’ve been close with other men like Dean, yet Sam’s touches and glances manage to get your cheeks red and heart pumping.
You mindlessly scrub a knife, hoping to finish the chore as soon as possible. “Ow ow ow…” you grimace in pain as the knife slices the side of your finger. You see Sam reacts quickly. Grabbing your hand and putting it under the faucet, turning on the cold water. “This looks pretty bad,” he says as he takes your hands in his. One hand holds on to your wrist while the other gently presses the cut, attempting to get as much blood out.
You could not imagine a more embarrassing moment, the one time you’re alone with Sam you embarrass yourself like a child. Yet you couldn’t ignore how Sam’s body was pressed against yours, you could feel the rough outlines in his body. The front of his leg pressed up against your butt.
“Does it hurt?” Sam asks, not looking away from the cut.
“It just stings but not too much” you reply, noticing the decreased blood spillage.
He takes your other hand and guides your fingers into mirroring his previous actions. “Don’t move I’ll be back”. His warmth fades and you stand still, waiting as the cold water cleans up your cut.
You throw your head back, groaning at your clumsiness.
——————————————————————- Hissing in pain, Sam dabs rubbing alcohol into your new cut. You’re now sitting in his room as it was the closest place with a first aid kit.
“There, all done. How does it feel?” Sam finishes wrapping a large bandaid around the wound.
“I am so much better now. Thank you, Sam.”
Sam gives you a soft smile and he cleans the area up, you watch as he picks up the remote and turns on the TV.
“I thought you were tired”
“Come on, it’s only like 10 pm. We’ll be fine.” Sam defends himself as he sits on the other side of the bed. “Come closer.” He pats the empty spot beside him.
You look stunned at what the Winchester is implying until you realize he means to lay against the headboard. You slowly get up, sitting beside Sam but leaving a good space between both your bodies.
“So what do you want to watch?” Sam asks as he starts surfing through movies on his TV.
“I’m okay with whatever.” ——————————————————————— You turn to Sam to talk to him about the climax when you realize he has dosed off. His head leaning back on the headboard, from the side it looked uncomfortable. Not knowing what to do, you decided to wait until the movie finished. ——————————————————————— You yawned as the movie neared its end, all the characters looking over the bleeding horizon as the camera zooms out. From the lack of movement, you assume Sam is still asleep. You take his phone off the nightstand and turn the do not disturb mode on, if other hunters need you, you’ll handle the case for them. He deserves some rest.
You pull out your phone to scroll through your private socials. Seeing a few edits of your (c/c) and quietly giggling to yourself. You take a glance at Sam, still dosed off. He looks better now. Wait, you look between your (c/c) and Sam. Omg, how did you not see it before? You groan internally as you stare at your phone; the long-haired, smart, well-mannered, and tall golden retriever guy. They were honestly so alike. You hoped the boys wouldn’t be able to see the resemblance.
You thought back to the moment at the table when you were gushing over (c/c) and Sam scoffed. Do you think he was jealous? No, no way. You calm yourself down before the redness reaches your face.
You felt a heavy weight shift onto your shoulder, his hair tickling the crevice of your neck. You didn’t want to wake him up by checking but it was very evident that Sam had fallen asleep on your shoulder. You could smell the sandalwood scent coming from his hair, wishing you could get more of the comforting smell.
Sam was tired and you knew it would be a big fuss if you woke him up. So, you stayed there, looking at the TV screen, trying to hold in any excitement or scream within you. The butterflies are swarming their way around your stomach. That is until you felt Sam’s arm wrap around your torso.
You stay still, unlike your body temperature which skyrockets at the sudden touch. You feel yourself being pulled towards him even more, his head snuggling dangerously close to your neck, his lips close to your skin. Sam’s hot breath created a burning sensation, your heat causing them to burn tenfold.
You weren’t gonna move, you couldn’t leave, you were stuck beside Sam for the rest of the night. You exhale trying to calm yourself; he’ll forget all about this tomorrow. This is totally what friends do. You cuddle and panic internally with Dean all the time. You couldn’t be lying more at this point. You shut your eyes, you carefully reach over to turn the nightlight off.
The only light was emitting from the faint blue light on the TV. Its light began to shut off as the room welcomed pure darkness.
So you lay there in the dark as you feel Sam’s body snuggled right up to yours, his arms holding you captive as his fingers twitch and graze you ever so often. This would be a dream if you guys were together. You’ve liked Sam ever since you knew him, and you love both him and Dean very much. Doing everything in your power to show how much you care for them. You just wanted Sam to love you and adore you the way you did.
You felt a wave of exhaustion hit you, and your own eyes became heavy with fatigue. Blinking slowly, you succumb to Sam’s comfort and allow your heavy head to lay on his.
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lisbeth-kk · 9 days
May Prompts (27) Jealousy
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The Luckiest Girl in the World (chapter27)
Summary: Rosie and Timothy travel the Greek islands. An intriguing experience on Santorini, puzzles and irks Rosie immensely. When Timothy doesn't react to her liking, there's only one option on how to move forward.
Twenty-Seven Years Old
To celebrate my birthday and my new fulltime job as a political risk analyst, Timothy and I went island-hopping in Greece. Liwia and her girlfriend had done it last year, and it appealed to us both. Having nothing but the flights planned, made me feel a bit reckless but it was quite freeing as well.
The only thing we’d decided on was to stick to the Cyclades and we started our journey by taking a ferry to the small island Antiparos. Several people who let out rooms stood waiting on the quay as we disembarked. An elderly and friendly looking man caught our attention, and the room he had to offer was more than sufficient.
Our first breakfast is one I’ll remember forever. The small restaurant was situated by the seafront where the fishing boats came in with their catch. Faded coloured fishing nets hung to dry in the sun, the scent of salt weaving its way to our nostrils.
Freshly pressed orange juice and the fluffiest omelette I’d ever come across, ensured the perfect start of our day.
We hired a moped to explore a little. The trip took us through a landscape of olive trees and flowers we didn’t have in the UK. Our destination was the famous cave with stalagmites and stalactites. The stalagmite at the entrance is apparently 45 million years old, the oldest in Europe. 
We were warm and a bit sweaty after standing out in the sun, while we waited for our guide. The air inside was pleasantly chill and got even colder as we descended the 411 steps to the heart of the cave. It was a mesmerising sight, and knowing that this was the nature’s own doing, left me amazed and humble.
At a cosy taverna we ate the best Greek salad to date. The ripe tomatoes paired with the salty feta cheese, olives, onions, the rich olive oil and the homemade bread, almost made me religious for a moment.
The beach close to our quarters, was small, secluded and blessedly free of crowds. We had taken a boat to a famous beach the day before, but we’d barely found a free space to lay down our blankets, so this felt like paradise in comparison. 
Another short boat ride away was the bigger island Paros. We took the bus to the other side of the island. I don’t remember anything else from that trip than the hours we spent in Naoussa. Several boats painted in bright colours lay bobbing in the water close to the restaurants that encircled the bay. It may sound simple, but it was the most beautiful view, and I couldn’t take my eyes off it. We sat there for hours, eating seafood and drinking Greek white wine. 
So far, it had been a “normal” vacation, or tedious as Papa would’ve called it. That all ended when we sat foot on Santorini. Getting a room was easy enough, and relieved of our heavy rucksacks we went for a stroll in the main street of Fira. Every other shop was a jewellery shop, and the necklaces displayed bore the resemblance to what pharaohs and Cleopatra wore. Heavy, massive and ridiculously expensive. For each shop they seemed to grow bigger and uglier. We had quite a laugh at that.
The most peculiar thing happened at the restaurant we had lunch. It was a terrace with a breathtaking view over the Aegean Sea. We’d decided to stay for a while and ordered more iced tea, making ourselves comfortable under the big parasol. We had both brought a book, and for a while we read in silence. A repetitive sound of paper being ripped, caught my attention.
An elderly woman had taken up residence at the table next to ours. She had short frizzy hair, more grey than brown now, her glasses were round with a white frame. The summer dress she wore had big patterns in green, red, white, and orange. On her feet were white flip-flops. 
“Stop staring,” Timothy whispered.
He startled me and I looked annoyed at him, but averted my eyes and took a sip of my drink. The moment the sound of ripped paper reached my ears again, my eyes were drawn to the spectacle at the other table.
The woman read a book too. A paperback. The curious thing I almost couldn’t fathom, was that whenever she finished a page, she ripped it out and placed it in a pile under her plate. Why would anyone want to do such a thing? What if you needed to go back some pages to look up something you’ve missed. It could never be read by another person, since she apparently left pages wherever she sat down to read. It bore no logic, and it irked me.
“Aren’t you curious about why she does it?” I whispered to Timothy.
“Not particularly. My book is far too interesting, and you won’t get an answer unless you ask her, and I guess you aren’t inclined to do that,” was his phlegmatic answer.
Timothy’s ability to turn off the world and disappear into his reading or writing, was admirable, but now it almost made me jealous of his book. I wanted to speculate with someone, solve this odd conundrum. There would be no more reading on my part after this, so I took out my phone instead.
Want to solve a mystery for me?
Pray tell! I’m bored to death and about to shoot the wall. P
Also available on AO3
Friendly warning: after 25 years the mystery is still unsolved. Don’t be shy about suggesting what the meaning of this appalling behaviour could be 🤭
@calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @helloliriels @raina-at
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feverinfeveroutfic · 4 months
”poison ivy”
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Eric always made the best tacos, especially on the days when I just wanted to get out of the house for a bit and yet I had very little money to spend so to speak. It may have seemed odd considering I had married and ascended into the realm of royalty, but that was my reality, though. I couldn’t find any spare change left behind after I had broken a dollar, and yet I needed to get out of that big house and head on over to Eric and Lou’s place, especially with it being Tuesday and everything. Those decadent homemade tacos the size of my fist so I could have more than three if I so wished. Four tacos and a slice of pie, and then maybe I could spend the night if they would allow it.
They weren’t really the party type but I knew that if I wanted to, I could have a little party with the two of them. The three of us with a couple of drinks and a couple of pairs of jewel-encrusted handcuffs, and we were going to have a little fun with each other for the whole duration of the night. I wasn’t planning on playing guitar with a drink in my hand but I did want a little blurring of the lines. 
I got there at about five-thirty right as the rain looked to be coming in for the evening. I was definitely going to have to stay the night as I never did like the idea of walking all the way back to the house in the thick of the rain. I reached their front step and knocked on the door three times.
No reply.
I rang the doorbell.
That time, I caught the sound of the door unlocking, and I was greeted by Eric in his black silk bathrobe lined with rich dark red at the lapels and the sleeves. His long jet-black hair was smooth and shiny, as if he had just brushed it, and his thick stubby body looked plusher than usual. His face lit up at the sight of me, and I partially expected him to have a smoking pipe in one hand.
“Hey! I’m glad you were able to show up,” he greeted me, and he let me in.
“I just needed to get out of the house for a little while,” I confessed to him as I took off my jacket and ran my fingers through my hair. “And Chuck’s having some people over, and tacos sound delicious, too. It was bound to happen, me coming over here.”
“Well, and you’re in luck, Alexander,” Eric told me as he brushed past me towards the kitchen. “It’s just gonna be you and me tonight. Lou’s out and about on some errands so we have the house all to ourselves.”
“Wonderful!” I flashed him a wink and followed him into the kitchen for those tacos fresh off the griddle, but I couldn’t smell anything in the kitchen as of yet. I posted up there at the bar with my arm rested on the counter’s edge, and I watched him wash off a lime as well as some fresh cilantro and an onion.
“It’ll be some time before they’re made, so you may as well chill out for a bit,” he told me.
“Nah, I wanna watch you,” I told him. “I don’t know the first thing about cooking, so I’m interested.”
He showed me a smile and then I watched him zest the lime and slice it into quarters. He rolled up the cilantro and chopped it with the same knife; I squinted my eyes when he sliced and diced the onion. He sliced it in half and then lay one on the flat side, and he kept one hand on top as he slid the blade through for rings first.
“How do you do it so well with such thick fingers?” I asked him.
“The same way you and I learned guitar with such thick fingers,” he replied as he turned to the stove with a big jug of vegetable oil in hand: I glanced down at my own hands, at my long and lanky fingers that seemed to creep and crawl like the legs of a spider. I craned my neck for a better look at what he was doing in preheating the pan. “Onions in first, then the ground beef.” He wagged his finger at me when he said that.
“I’ll remember that,” I vowed to him, and I wondered if I would ever find a chance to cook at some point in the future myself. Indeed, I caught him sort of gyrating in the hips when he stirred the diced onions in the pan with the wooden spoon, and he seemed a lot lighter on his feet when he moved about the kitchen, even if it was take salt and pepper out of the cupboard or to rinse off the knife blade. Light on his feet and he made it all come together, as if I watched a babbling brook right before me.
When he returned to the counter before me to fetch the ground beef, I had this odd flush in my face from watching him for as long as I did.
“Cooking is weirdly hot,” I blurted out.
“It really is,” he said with a straight face.
But I meant it, though. I drummed my fingers on the edge of the counter and let out a low whistle from the feeling. I needed to be away from there for a minute or two.
I peered over my shoulder and I wished Lou was there so I could have a little bit of release of sorts. But he wasn’t, and thus, I had to improvise. When Eric’s back was turned again, I ducked out of there and made my way to the bathroom. I shut the door and leaned against the panels with my hands down by my sides.
I closed my eyes and tried to think of something else instead. But I couldn’t. Not without doing something for myself first.
I unzipped and fondled myself with my left hand to change things up a bit. It was tricky given I had acquainted myself more with my right hand as well as my pillow but I relaxed and let my lips hang open from the feeling. I just let myself breathe as I used my index and middle fingers to tickle my head.
Like playing bass when I thought about it.
Nothing too fancy, but it was enough to bring me back down to earth again as I knew that those tacos weren’t too far out as far as I could tell.
I shook my hand about and examined the fingers. Maybe at some point I could get myself to come a little bit more should the feeling ever call for it again. I zipped up when the phone rang downstairs, and I hoped that Eric wasn’t letting those tacos burn when I washed my hands and bowed out of there to the hallway.
Not a sound emerged from downstairs, much to my surprise. Before then, he had put the meat into the pan with the onions, and that definitely made some noise. It certainly smelled of cooking beef and onions, however.
I turned my attention to the guest room, and I walked on in to find a pale ivory white telephone on the nightstand: when I came closer, I spotted some swirled dark green markings all over the top of the receiver. If nothing else, I could call Chuck and tell him where I had gone as I left the house without telling him where I was going beforehand. I picked up the receiver and held it before my ear when I caught the sound of Eric’s voice on the other end.
“So you’d do that?”
“Yeah, I would totally dip my dick in some sugar and let you lick it off for me,” a strange boy said to him in a husky tone of voice. I silently gasped at that, and I covered my mouth with my free hand. He was in the next room over and I hadn’t heard a thing from there, either.
That wasn’t Lou, and it sure as hell wasn’t Chuck, either. He had this almost nasally tone to his voice, and yet he was more than able to lower it down to a near whisper, the exact same way that I would whenever I wanted it with any one of them. Something about him kept me listening in on it, though, especially when he didn’t sound like anyone who I knew. Who was this mysterious boy and what did he want, and moreover, what did he want from Eric?
“If I kiss you, would you come down on me?” Eric asked him, and the way his voice sounded made me think of velvet.
“Oh, you know I would,” said the boy. “I would also let you come away with me in our getaway car.”
“‘Our’ getaway car?”
“Courtesy of Mike and Tré, baby. We’d get in and take a little trip over to Yosemite for a good time and a half.” He cleared his throat and made a sound that made me think of a tire losing air.
“I’ve been meaning to ask you this, too, Will,” Eric began again, “are the three of you at royalty status yet?”
“Not yet. We’re trying to sort things out with all of that, but hopefully, we can find a way to become princes adjacent to… this little dark prince here.”
“That’s prince o’ darkness to you,” Eric retorted. “Prince o’ darkness and the dragonlord ready to take you away and give the three of you a good time with some sugar and a baseball bat in the men’s room.”
I brought a hand to my mouth at the sound of that. I always knew there was something more to Eric, but nothing like this, though.
“Would, uh… your prince-to-be or those other princes join us in the fun?” Will sweetly asked him.
“Lou? I’d have to ask him first. As for Alex and Chuck, I think they’d be open to interpretation. Same with Joey.”
“So, we could have a little party in Yosemite. A little romp in the snow and the woods, if you will.”
I raised an eyebrow at that. Even though I was merely eavesdropping, I figured that it was a wild idea and a little something or other to change things up a bit.
“We could have a party, yeah,” Eric assured him, “and you and I could have some time to ourselves together up by Yosemite Falls. Things could get all wet n’ wild as it were. I reckon there’s a loophole in the whole royalty agreement, too—there’s loopholes all over the place, like we’re arranged into the marriages but nowhere does it say that we can’t have more than one person in the union.”
“So you guys all like to take advantage of that?” Will chuckled.
Eric never said anything, but I could sense it, though.
“You guys like to take advantage of these things?”
“Dragonlord knows all, baby boy,” Eric breathed into the phone. “Knows how to dig in and find the truth so you can have a little fun, too.”
“And would I bring the sugar with me to the veil beyond Yosemite Falls?”
“Nah, I see that melting before we hit the trail. Bring a pot of honey, instead. Some honey on your dick and I’ll lick it off for you.”
I closed my eyes as I pictured Eric doing that to me.
“Gimme some of that and I’ll pour some on you,” Will retorted.
“Ooh, now you’re asking for some trouble,” Eric teased him, once again in that husky tone of voice. I opened my mouth but no sound came out. I could feel my pants tightening at the sound of that. “We dance with the honey and then make out under the waterfall.”
“Make waterfalls happen as well,” Will sputtered.
“Some waterfalls on the back of my dragon lotion—”
I coughed right then, and I quickly hung up the phone. I panted from the feeling and I spread my legs apart so I wouldn’t have to take off my pants again.
I knew I was going to have to go back down there to the kitchen again for the tacos and to tell him where I had gone, but I didn’t feel like it at the moment. I reclined back on my hands with my legs still open wide.
Who was that boy, and was I going to meet him at some point when Lou’s back was turned. I looked on at the phone, at the poison ivy design on the back, and there was a part of me that wanted to eavesdrop some more on the two of them, even though it clearly was none of my business.
“Alex, dinner’s ready!” Eric’s voice floated up the stairs, and I let out a low whistle at the sound of that. I could stand up and walk, but it was a bit tricky, and more so when I went down the stairs. I ran my fingers through my hair again, and that time I could feel myself just beginning to ease up inside of my pants.
I took my seat at the counter again as he took the tacos out of the oven and placed them on the counter before me. I let out a whistle and rested my hands on the counter’s edge.
“You baked them a bit?” I asked him.
“Nah, it was to keep them warm,” he explained, and then he looked on at my face. “You okay? Your face is flushed.”
“I just… got a little warm is all,” was all I could say. It was the truth: I left the room because I got too warm, and my listening in on the phone call was only a small part of it. But there was no way I could pull into that, though.
At least not when it should actually happen.
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aadhunikayurveda · 1 year
Hair care product manufacturer in India
Aadhunik Ayurveda is the leading Private Label Manufacturing Company in India for Hair Care Range and is the foremost industry leader in international custom formulation & private label supply of hair care, skincare, wellness, and other personal care products. For this reason, we have established our own production facilities where we produce products that serve to improve the state of the hair.
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Aadhunik Ayurveda manufactures private label and wholesale organic hair care products in addition to other organic cosmetic and personal care items as a premier natural and organic hair products manufacturer. We carry both well-known brands that are available for rapid shipment and private labeling, as well as specialized formulations created in our on-site R&D facility. We can make your concept for an organic shampoo product a reality. Come work alongside our formulation specialist in our lab on your own unique formula for your own organic brand.
To set apart your luxury product line from the competition, we give you the ability to produce Hair care products. You will be able to specify desired product attributes and substances to include in the recipe created especially for your business while working closely with our laboratory. With the same degree of attention, professionalism, and expert technology that we use in our Hair Oil products, your new product will be manufactured precisely to your specifications. Aadhunik Ayurveda provides many custom products for our established customers and can assist you in every phase of product development.
These high-end personalized items may be as simple as having one component or as complex as having several ingredients. This procedure could entail altering an already-existing product or creating a brand-new product "from start" in our lab. Aadhunik Ayurveda currently provides many custom products for our established customers and can assist you in every phase of product development.
We know that shampoo doesn't need to lather to work, but customers enjoy it more if it does. We are manufacturers of hair products and also offer R&D and marketing services. Shampooing is a peaceful, calming, and pleasurable process that goes beyond simply cleansing the hair.
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Private Label Manufacturer of Hair Care Products - Private Label Hair Growth Serum Private Label Onion Hair Oil. Private Label Anti-Hair Fall Shampoo. Private Label Hair Growth Serum. Private Label Leave Conditioner for curly hair. Private Label Conditioning Hair Care Kit. Private Label Champi Hair Oil. Private Label Red Onion Shampoo for hair growth. Private Label Deep Nourishing Conditioner. Private Label Hibiscus Brahmi Hair Mask. Private Label Protein Nourishment Hair Mask. Private Label Frizz Perfect Hair Serum. Private Label Argan Oil Hair Conditioner. Private Label hair styling and Setting Spray. Private Label Curry Sesame Ayurvedic Hair Oil. Private label japa - heal & nourish oil and many more.
Why Aadhunik Ayurveda?
Aadhunik Ayurveda is the best certified and licensed private labeling- white label of hair care products manufacturer in India. Aadhunik Ayurveda stands unique with its 100% transparency in each step which works best in the long-term interest of both seller and the buyer and also manufacturer compliant with global standards and environmental regulations. When it comes to producing hair products, we work right for your requirement to cater to your specific needs, like target concern, consistency, colour, aroma, functionality, target market, etc.  
We seek perfection in our hair products: they are formulated and manufactured under the guidelines of USDA, GMP & ISO, and other mandatory regulations. Our manufacturing plant is set up with advanced technology and examined natural resources to formulate a world-class range of hair care products
Click Here:- leading Hair care product manufacturer
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cossouq · 2 years
10 Best Hair Oils for Hair Growth in India - Cossouq
10 Best Hair Oils for Hair Growth in India - Cossouq
We've conducted and completed a lot of research, then compiled our top choices from the top oil for hair growth. We give you the most comprehensive and useful details. If you're planning to purchase an additional one for yourself, examine our top picks to help you make the best choice. They are highly suggested hair growth oils and are worth a look before purchasing the latest one.
It will assist you in deciding which oil for hair growth you wish to purchase logically. Let's look at the top hair oils in India in various categories that include the most effective overall price, the most effective Ayurvedic, and more.
Best Hair Growth Oils In India
Hair oil is among the most effective natural treatments for hair care, enhancing the smoothness, shine, nutrition and hair growth rate. There are various top products for hair growth available from various brands, and each has its advantages, ingredients, and uses. You can also purchase the best hair growth oils on the internet from well-known brands or buy the most effective products from local stores. It's your choice.
Hair oils are an essential element of our routine. It is possible to apply them directly on your scalp or mixed into shampoo to make a thick lather. The most effective hair oils are made up of organic ingredients like coconut oil, olive oil, Jojoba oil, almond oil, and so on. They penetrate the root of your hair follicles and nourish the hair by nourishing them from the inside. This promotes the growth of healthy hair.
Which Oil Is Best For Hair Growth?
Hair loss could be caused by various reasons, such as hormonal changes, genetics, diet, stress and environmental factors. The most frequent reason for lost hair in men is called male pattern baldness, also known as Alopecia areata. The condition affects around 50% of males older than 40. Women can experience hair loss as they age, but it's more likely caused by the birth of a child or pregnancy.
List of Top 10 Hair Growth Oils
WOW Skin Science Onion Black Seed Hair Oil
Wow Amazing Skin Science Onion Black hair oil made of seeds is an incredible natural product that can give your hair an attractive shine and protect hair from damage caused by chemicals or heat styling treatments. This exclusive formula includes a mixture of natural oils, including avocado oil, olive oil, coconut oil and Jojoba oil.
Product Features: -
It protects hair from chemical and heat styling tools.
Helps prevent breaking and split ends.
Moisturizes and conditions hair.
It leaves hair shiny and silky.
Mamaearth Onion Hair Oil
MamaEarth Onion Hair Oil is an organic hair oil made of all-natural ingredients, including onion juice, olive oil, vitamin E, and rosemary extract. The result? Shiny, soft locks which are easy to maintain.
Product Features: -
It hydrates and protects your hair.
Hair - Suitable for any hair type.
A little bit gentle for daily use.
There are no parabens or sulfates.
- Vegan friendly.
Indulgeo Essentials Onion Pepper Hair Oil
Indulgeo Essentials is a distinctive hair oil made from organic ingredients like onions, garlic, pepper, and rosemary. The fragrant oil gets deep into your scalp and locks, leaving your hair feeling soft and well-nourished.
Product Features: - Highly aromatic oil.
- Deep penetration.
Conditions and nourishes.
- Helps to prevent breakage.
Moisturizes and helps protect.
Hair is left silky and shiny.
Khadi Essentials Khadi Red Onion Hair Oil
Khadi's natural hair oil is composed of 100 100% pure neem and vera extracts, which are well-known for their incredible qualities to help encourage healthier hair growth. Wheat germ oil used in this product can help strengthen your hair's roots and stimulate hair growth. This is a great conditioner for both women and men.
Product Benefits Helps prevent the growth of dandruff and keep your scalp healthy.
Moisturizes and conditions your hair.
It contains neem and other extracts that are well-known for their ability to stimulate hair growth.
Ideal for all types of hair, including curly, straight or wavy.
Vagad's Khadi Amla And Bhringraj Mineral Free Oil
Vagad's Khadi Amala and Bhringraj mineral-free oil is a herbal product utilized for centuries as a natural cure for many health issues. The oil is made using the seeds from the amla and bhringraj plants. The oil is pure and does not contain any chemicals or preservatives.
Product Features: - The oil is a natural herbal.
- No side effects.
Excellent for skin care.
Improves general health.
Children are safe.
It is easy to apply.
Himalaya Hair Oil
Himalaya Hair Oil is an oil-based treatment for hair that aids in nourishing your scalp and hair. The product is made up of natural oils such as almond, coconut olive, sesame seeds, olive, and castor bean oils. This oil-based hair treatment is suitable for use as a leave-in conditioner, shampoo or.
Product Features: -  It helps to replenish your hair and scalp.
It is a natural oil that includes coconut almonds, olives, sesame seeds, and castor beans.
It can be used as a leave-in conditioner or shampoo.
Biotique Hair Oil
Biotique Hair Oil is an organic hair oil made of only natural ingredients. The oil is packed with essential oils stimulating the scalp and encouraging healthier hair growth. This product leaves your hair soft and smooth. It also smells fresh and fresh.
Product Features: -  100% Natural Ingredients
-Soothing Organic Essential Oils
Helps stimulate your scalp and encourages healthy hair growth
-Smells Fresh
Bare Minimum Ayurvedic Hair Growth Oil
Bare Minimum oil is an ayurvedic growth oil that encourages healthy hair growth. It is made up of natural ingredients such as Aloe Vera extract, Neem Leaf Extract, Ashwagandha roots extract, Amla Fruit Extract, etc. The extracts are renowned for boosting hair growth and stopping premature graying.
Product Features: - Aids in the prevention of premature graying.
- Promotes healthy hair growth.
- Contains natural ingredients.
It is suitable for all kinds of hair.
Non-greasy formula.
Organic India Virgin Coconut Oil
Organic India Virgin Coconut Oil is made from coconut kernels that are carefully picked from the trees and then processed without using chemicals or added ingredients. The oil is cold-pressed and is free of preservatives. The product is completely organic and has no artificial ingredients.
Product Specifications  :- The product is pure and natural.
There are no preservatives.
- Contains no artificial ingredients.
- Non-GMO certified.
Sova Draksh & Bitter Orange Flower Luxury Hair Oil
Sova Draksh & Bitter orange flower oil is an organic hair oil specifically formulated to help nourish your scalp and hair. The unique blend of natural oils, such as almond, Jojoba and grapeseed oils, together with essential oils such as lavender, rosemary, and lemongrass, help strengthen and protect your hair. The product can be used by all hair types, including relaxed, colored, or treated with chemicals.
Product Specifications: - Suitable for any hair type, relaxed, dyed, and chemically processed.
It helps to strengthen and protect your hair.
It nourishes and conditions hair.
It is free of silicones, parabens or sulfates or petrolatum, mineral oil synthetic fragrances, synthetic colorants or preservatives.
- 100% vegetarian.
What Causes Hair Loss?
There are two kinds of hair loss: permanent and temporary. Temporary hair loss occurs as your body sheds its older hair follicles. This is usually the case during periods of rapid growth, such as puberty or following an illness. Permanent hair loss happens in the hair follicle ceases creating new hair. There are a variety of causes for permanent hair loss, including:
* Genetic predisposition
* Hormonal imbalances
* Stress
* Medications
* Chemotherapy
* Conditions like Lupus of the thyroid, diabetes and HIV/AIDS
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peru-perusals · 8 days
Day 9 - Part 2 - Trains, Butterflies & Cooking Lesson!
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Photo by Holly
We waited on the platform until it was time to board our PeruRail train to “Machu Picchu Pueblo,” also known as Aguas Calientes. As we’re visiting Machu Picchu too, I’ll use the name Aguas Calientes here for clarity.
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The entire train ride was about 1.5 hours long. We ate our lunches, but mine was pretty bad. The bread was soggy and the pork was flavorless and dry. We played more Village Idiot and another game called Speed where you are moving quickly to create sets of 4. We also arm wrestled and played table football with a cell phone, which I suppose was closer to table hockey.
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At one point, Holly fell asleep and every one of us took a picture of her sleeping from our perspective.
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Photo by Haley
When we reached Aguas Calientes, the train dropped us off not at the station but just in the middle of the city. A man with a G.F.U. Sign greeted us and brought us to the hotel to check in.
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All six of us were in adjacent rooms on the 4th floor with Holly on the second. We decided to take a bit to catch our breath or explore and Mario would meet us in the lobby at 5:10 for a cooking lesson and dinner at 5:30.
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All of the students opted to walk to a butterfly garden while Holly visited the hot springs that the town is named after. We walked down along the road until we reacted the butterfly gardens.
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We passed a statue of what can only be described as a creature.
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We only had limited time before we needed to be back, so we anxiously waited for our guided tour of the butterfly garden to begin so that we could get back on time. Eventually, the tour began with pointing out some of the plants used before moving to a room with a microscope where he showed us eggs and tiny caterpillars under a microscope. Then he showed us a wall full of Tupperware with butterflies in different stages of development. He selected two, one which he released outside and the other which he released into their greenhouse.
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It was hesitant to fly away, so it chilled on our hands for a bit. Haley got her Disney princess moment!
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We took some more pictures of butterflies before rushing back up the hill to our hotel.
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We got there right on time and Mario took us to the restaurant. They led us to a table and we were skeptical if we’d actually have a cooking lesson. The chef kept coming by and delaying our lesson. Eventually, they led us down to the kitchen where we were given masks and hair nets. They demonstrated how to make Causa.
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Photo by Holly
Potatoes: Mash yellow potatoes Add 1 spoon of lemon juice and 1 spoon of olive oil Add a yellow chili sauce Mix well Ceviche: Cube raw trout Add 2 spoon of lemon juice and 1 spoon of olive oil Add yellow chili sauce with mayonnaise Add a pinch each of garlic, ginger, cilantro, and red chilis Add thinly cut onion strips and mix well Assembly: Press potatoes into a large cookie cutter Add a layer of avocado slices Add in half of the Ceviche Add the rest of the potatoes Press well until top surface is smooth and flat Add remaining ceviche on top Add two slices of fried plantain Add blue eggplant and orange chili sauce on plate as decoration Enjoy!
Austyn and Claire went first, then Haley and Alyssa. Bernadette and I went last.
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Photo by Holly
She drew a flower with the blue eggplant sauce and I drew the Peru logo with the orange pepper sauce.
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We tried all the Causas and picked our favorites. We thought that was all the food, so we ate almost all of it!
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Photo by Holly
Then, they demonstrated how to make Lomo Saltado, but only Holly got to try her hand at it. Beef was tossed with peppers and tomatoes in soy sauce, oil, and wine.
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Photo by Holly
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We headed back upstairs and they delivered a plate of Lomo Saltado to each of us. It was delicious, the best Lomo Saltado we’ve had!
We headed from there down to Aguas Caliente’s central square. There was a live concert happening and booths were selling picarones. There was also a celebration at the Catholic Church. This community has a lot of immigrants, so the church serves as a social and community hub to recognize all their different heritages.
We headed from there back to the hotel and turned in for the night!
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bildejustesen41 · 1 month
Why is it important to learn about aging and its effects on you? Unless you are not concerned with your health or well being later in life, learning about how to deal with aging is essential. If you wish to live a long and happy life then the tips provided in this article will be perfect for you.
If you are still smoking, quit now! Smoking is never good for you, but it is even more important to quit as you age. Smoking breaks down your skin's collagen leading to premature wrinkles. Smoking is also directly linked to increased risks of cardiac problems and cancers, and the risks only multiply with age. Quit now, no matter what your age, to help your body have a healthy aging process. While your body may not feel as spry as it used to when you were younger, you will still want to get exercise to keep it working at top capacity. Exercising feels good because it releases endorphins, which makes you feel good. A quick walk around the block or even around the mall will have you feeling better in no time. It is good to grow old. Your long life is an achievement. Our commercial culture pushes us toward denial of old age. We are told we should dye our hair, try to look young. But a healthy head of white hair can be worn with pride. You worked long and hard to attain this point in your life! Learn something new. There's an old saying that says, "you can't teach an old dog new tricks"; it's a myth. Get out there and take a class or develop a hobby. Not only will it occupy your time. Your brain will get a workout from the new information you're learning. There are 19 foods that are considered to be must have items in your refrigerator and pantry, and they will work wonders for your health and vitality as you age. Write Safe Laser 1800 down and post it somewhere in your home to keep yourself reminded to stay stocked: seafood, dairy, spinach, nuts, olive oil, broccoli, oatmeal, flax seed meal, avocados, pomegranate juice, tomatoes, tofu, yogurt, red onions, garlic, beans and lentils! It may seem like a lot but it is the least you can do for yourself and the best results you can yield from your meal planning efforts! Enjoy yourself! Now that you are older, you are free to do exactly what you want, and can make anything happen! Think of new and interesting ways to enjoy life, and be sure to take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way, living life to the fullest. Don't stop "� just because you are getting older! Make sure that you keep your mind active in your older years. As you age, your brain cells will not reproduce. However, you can strengthen the network of your existing brain cells by engaging in brain activities, like crossword puzzles and trivia games. When you challenge your mind with complex activities, your brain will be healthier. A key tip to staying young and healthy is to eat nuts. Nuts are a great snack and a fantastic food to prevent the signs of aging. Nuts are loaded with anti-aging fats and are great sources of dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. Just be careful when eating nuts to eat them in moderation because they are high in calories. As you age, continue learning. It has never been easier to enroll in a community college or take classes online. You are never too old to take up a new hobby, study a foreign language, understand statistics, learn about quantum physics or learn anything of interest to you. Lifelong learning will keep your mind sharp and give you goals. Take note of how your body now responds to food and make changes in your diet accordingly. As you age your metabolism slows making it necessary to adapt your common food choices. Food impacts many aspects of overall health such as cholesterol and weight, so making proactive changes in your diet can significantly improve your health. In summary, there is little else that can help you in your older years other than having a good solid foundation on how to best prepare and take care of yourself. The advice provided to you in this article is meant to assist you and help you enjoy all of your remaining years.
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theindieearthin · 5 months
Miracles of Argan Oil – for skin and hair
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With millions of remedies floating in the beauty industry for your hair growth and skin care, it becomes quite complicated to decide on the best product out of all. One widely used solution for almost all skin and hair-related problem is Argan Oil – The liquid gold. Keep reading to know more about this natural super ingredient.
What is Argan oil?
Argan oil, an oil prepared from the Moroccan Argan tree’s fresh kernels, is known for accelerating hair growth and nourishing your skin. It is also known as liquid gold used for hydrating, softening, and nourishing properties. People worldwide are latching onto this natural remedy for ages and experiencing the advantages that occur without the side effects that come from the chemical-based cosmetic solutions.
What are the Beneficial Properties of Argan Oil?
Argan oil is naturally rich in the below-mentioned compounds:
Vitamins A and C
Tocopherols (Vitamin E)
Natural Antioxidants
Fatty Acids (including Omega-6 Linoleic Acid and Oleic Acid)
Here are some of the key benefits of including Argan Oil in your Hair and skincare regimen
Promotes hair growth
Vitamins, fatty acids, and other nutrients present in Argan oil are splendid for hair growth. Vitamin E creates a protective layer, protecting the hair from excess breakage. It also helps in reducing split-ends making your hair volume seem thick. People with colored or treated hair looking for healthy hair growth should use hair products that include Argan Oil
Helps in treating dry scalp and dandruff
Loaded with essential fatty acids and vitamins, Argan oil moisturize and hydrate the head scalp skin, which eventually helps in reducing dryness and itching on the scalp.
Can improve the texture of the hai
Argan oil is commonly used as a leave-in hair treatment and conditioner. It helps to detangle the hair, add shine, and create a silky texture. In addition to Red onion oil and extracts, The Indie Earth Red Onion oil, Red Onion Shampoo and Hair Mask contains Argan oil, which helps in strengthening and growth of hair. These products also help in treating dandruff and improve the quality of hair.
Helps in Hair Color Retention
Most people are using hair color either for covering their greys or just for fashion’s sake. One of the unique benefits of Argan oil is that it helps in retaining hair color. If you are using Argan oil directly or products that include argan oil; there are chances that your hair color stays for long.
It is a great age defender
Argan oil deeply hydrates, moisturizes, and nourishes the skin, as a result, it helps in eliminating fine lines and wrinkles and makes your skin firmer.
The Indie Earth Vitamin C Serum contains Argan Oil which makes this serum powerful enough to treat the signs of aging. It also enhances the properties of other anti-aging herbs and extracts to give you flawless and youthful skin.
Can treat dryness of the skin
Being rich in vitamin E, Oleic acid, and Linoleic acid, Argan oil is an excellent moisturizer that deeply moisturizes and hydrates dry skin. This miraculous oil heals dry skin from the inside out to give you a healthy and smooth skin texture.
Can lighten the scars
Argan oil is high in antioxidant properties that not just help in preventing the scar by regenerating new cells, but can also help to fade out the existing scars and hyperpigmentation.
It’s a great carrier oil
Besides several benefits for skin and hair, argan oil is a great carrier oil. Being high in fatty acids and vitamin E, argan oil is considered one of the best carrier oils for essential oils. Especially for the people who have sensitive skin, argan oil (as a carrier oil), works the best. This oil does not impact the actual nature of the essential oil and lets you enjoy the maximum benefits of the essential oils.
Closing Words
Due to the numerous benefits of Argan Oil for skin and hair, we have included it in several haircare and skincare products. We make sure that your skin and hair get maximum benefits out of our natural formulations. That is why we hand-pick all the ingredients and bring the most effective formulation for you.
Visit our website - https://www.theindieearth.com/miracles-of-argan-oil-for-skin-and-hair/
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ayurvedforhaircare · 8 months
Maximize Your Hair's Health with Red Onion Hair Oil: A How-To Guide
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In the ever-evolving world of hair care, achieving lustrous and healthy hair is a common aspiration. One product that has garnered significant attention in recent years is Red Onion Hair Oil. This non-sticky hair oil is celebrated for its exceptional benefits, particularly in promoting hair growth and effectively managing hair fall. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the incredible potential of Red Onion Hair Oil and provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to make the most of its hair-enhancing properties.
Unveiling the Power of Red Onion Hair Oil
Derived from red onions, a culinary staple known for its many health benefits, Red Onion Hair Oil offers a natural solution to various hair care needs. What sets it apart from other hair oils is its ability to stimulate hair growth and provide hair fall control. Let's delve into the key benefits of this remarkable hair elixir.
1. Promoting Hair Growth:
If you're looking to nurture longer, thicker hair, Red Onion Hair Oil may hold the key to your aspirations. Rich in sulfur, a mineral crucial for hair growth and regeneration, it plays a pivotal role in encouraging collagen production. Collagen, a structural protein, fortifies hair, reducing breakage and fostering the growth of new, robust strands. Regular application of Red Onion Hair Oil has the potential to result in a more voluminous, resilient mane.
2. Managing Hair Fall:
Excessive hair fall can be a source of frustration for many. The good news is that Red Onion Hair Oil is loaded with antioxidants that enhance blood circulation to the scalp. This nourishes hair follicles and promotes hair growth. Additionally, its antibacterial properties combat scalp infections, a common contributor to hair fall. Consistent use of this oil can effectively curb hair fall and help maintain a lush, full head of hair.
3. Non-Sticky and Lightweight:
In contrast to many other hair oils, Onion Hair Oil is a non-sticky hair oil. This makes it a practical choice as it doesn't leave your hair feeling greasy or heavy. Its lightweight nature ensures that it won't weigh down your hair, making it an excellent option for those who prefer a more comfortable, unobtrusive hair care regimen.
How to Incorporate Red Onion Hair Oil into Your Hair Care Routine
Now that you understand the potent benefits of Red Onion Hair Oil, let's dive into how to integrate it into your hair care routine for optimal results. Follow these steps for the best outcome:
Step 1: Preparing Your Hair
Begin by ensuring your hair is clean and dry. While you can use Red Onion Hair Oil on both wet and dry hair, starting with clean hair provides the ideal canvas for the oil to penetrate your scalp and hair follicles effectively.
Step 2: Application Technique
Take a small amount of Red Onion Hair Oil and warm it between your palms. Gently massage the oil into your scalp using your fingertips. Ensure even distribution, covering from the roots to the tips of your hair.
Step 3: Allowing the Oil to Work Its Magic
Leave the oil in your hair for several hours or, for the best results, overnight. The longer you leave it in, the better it can nourish your hair and scalp.
Step 4: Shampoo and Condition as Usual
After giving Red Onion Hair Oil time to work its wonders, shampoo and condition your hair as you typically do. You may need to shampoo twice to ensure that all the oil is thoroughly removed.
Step 5: Consistency is Key
For the most effective results, incorporate Red Onion Hair Oil into your routine 2-3 times a week. Consistency is vital to unlocking the full potential of this remarkable hair care product.
In Conclusion
In the quest for ultimate hair care, Red Onion Hair Oil stands out as a powerful ally. Its natural ingredients and non-sticky formula make it a versatile choice for those striving to enhance hair growth and maintain hair fall control. With the consistent use of this extraordinary non-sticky hair oil, you can say goodbye to hair concerns and welcome the glossy, voluminous hair you've always desired. Make Red Onion Hair Oil an essential part of your hair care routine and witness the transformation in your locks. Maximize your hair's health and embrace the beauty of nourished, resilient hair with the extraordinary Red Onion Hair Oil.
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thebathandcare · 8 months
5 Best Onion Hair Oil in India, including The Bath & Care's Onion Hair Oil
Onion hair oil is a popular natural remedy for hair loss, hair growth, and scalp health. It is rich in sulfur, which helps to improve blood circulation to the scalp and strengthen hair follicles. Onion hair oil also contains antioxidants and vitamins that nourish the scalp and hair.
If you are looking for the best onion hair oil in India, here are five options to consider, including The Bath & Care's Onion Hair Oil:
The Bath & Care Onion Hair Oil
The Bath & Care Onion Hair Oil is made with 100% pure red onion oil, which is known for its high sulfur content. It also contains other beneficial ingredients for the hair and scalp, such as black seed oil, jojoba oil, and castor oil. The Bath & Care Onion Hair Oil is free of parabens, sulfates, and mineral oils.
Mamaearth Onion Hair Oil
Mamaearth Onion Hair Oil is another popular option in India. It is made with a blend of red onion oil, black seed oil, amla oil, and bhringraj oil. Mamaearth Onion Hair Oil is also free of parabens, sulfates, and mineral oils.
Kesh King Ayurvedic Onion Hair Oil
Kesh King Ayurvedic Onion Hair Oil is a blend of red onion oil and 21 other Ayurvedic herbs. It is known for its ability to reduce hair fall and promote hair growth. Kesh King Ayurvedic Onion Hair Oil is also free of parabens, sulfates, and mineral oils.
Beardo Onion Oil Concentrate
Beardo Onion Oil Concentrate is a highly concentrated onion hair oil that is effective for reducing hair fall and promoting hair growth. It is also free of parabens, sulfates, and mineral oils.
WishCare Red Onion Hair Oil
WishCare Red Onion Hair Oil is made with 100% pure red onion oil. It is known for its ability to reduce hair fall and promote hair growth. WishCare Red Onion Hair Oil is also free of parabens, sulfates, and mineral oils.
How to Use Onion Hair Oil
To use onion hair oil, simply massage it into your scalp and hair. You can leave it on for a few hours or overnight before rinsing it out with shampoo and conditioner. You can use onion hair oil 2-3 times a week for best results.
Onion hair oil is a natural and effective way to improve hair health. It can help to reduce hair fall, promote hair growth, and nourish the scalp. If you are looking for the best onion hair oil in India, consider one of the five options listed above.
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embraceayurveda · 9 months
Rediscovering Hair Care: The Rise of Red Onion Shampoo in Ayurveda
Hair is often considered a reflection of one's health and vitality. Over time, issues like hair loss and thinning have become prevalent due to multiple factors like stress, pollution, and unhealthy lifestyles. With growing concerns, people have started looking back at traditional practices to find solutions. This shift has led to the increasing popularity of oAyurvedic Shampoo, a nature-driven remedy offering multiple benefits.
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One of the standout stars in the Ayurvedic hair care galaxy is the Red Onion Shampoo. But why has this particular shampoo become the talk of the town? Let's delve deeper.
The Foundations of Red Onion Shampoo
Onions, primarily red onions, have been part of various ancient medicinal practices. Rich in sulphur, antioxidants, and vitamins, they have been revered for their ability to support hair health. The Onion Shampoo, which harnesses the power of red onions, is designed to invigorate hair follicles, reduce hair fall, and encourage healthy hair growth.
Tackling Hair Loss: Why Red Onion Shampoo Works
Hair loss can be distressing. Various factors can lead to hair thinning, from hormonal imbalances to external environmental aggressors. The Shampoo for Hair Loss, containing red onion extract, penetrates the scalp, nourishes the hair roots, and reduces hair fall by strengthening hair strands. Its antifungal properties also help battle scalp infections, ensuring a healthier scalp environment conducive to growth.
Reviving Hair Growth: A Deep Dive into Benefits
With the problems of hair loss addressed, the next big challenge is promoting faster and healthier hair growth. Hair Growth Shampoo, with its unique blend of natural ingredients, often targets this concern. The sulphur in red onion aids in regenerating hair follicles and encourages the production of collagen tissues, vital for hair growth.
Hair Fall Control Shampoo: A Multi-Faceted Approach
Hair fall can be due to breakage or weakening of hair strands. The Hair Fall Control Shampoo, like the Red Onion variant, does not merely focus on preventing hair from falling. It ensures that hair remains strong, lustrous, and less prone to breakage. When the scalp is nourished, and hair strands are fortified, there is a noticeable reduction in hair fall.
Ayurvedic Shampoo: A Return to Nature
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medicinal system, emphasizes balance in everything, and this philosophy extends to hair care. An Ayurvedic Shampoo typically blends various natural ingredients, like herbs and oils, to provide a holistic hair care solution. The red onion shampoo is a shining example of this practice, offering solutions not just for hair fall, but for overall hair health.
In the dynamic world of hair care, it's essential to find products that resonate with our needs and are rooted in authenticity. The Red Onion Shampoo stands tall as an embodiment of Ayurveda's wisdom, offering solutions to modern-day problems. Whether you're battling hair loss, seeking growth, or just wanting healthier hair, it might be time to turn to this Ayurvedic wonder for answers. After all, sometimes, the best solutions are found in nature's lap.
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naturalproducts2022 · 9 months
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Transform your haircare routine with the magic of Lotus Organics+ Hair-Fall Control Multi-Herbs Oil – a luxurious blend of 100% Certified Organic Rosemary Essential Oil, Sesame Oil, Sunflower Oil, Amla, Red Onion, Bhringraj Oil, Olive Oil, and Sweet Almond Oil, all in their purest cold-pressed form. 🌱✨
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digitalshrutijain · 10 months
The top 5 Herbal Products for Stress Relief
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Are you all right? If you ask someone this question nowadays, you can get the same response from everyone: what okay man! stressed. What are you worried about? You have the audacity to ask me this, anxious about what? Studies, employment, family, expenses.
How can I deal with my stress problem? Of course, you can practise yoga, meditate, find serenity, and use herbal products that are available on the market to alleviate stress. Many well-known and renowned brands, such as Subaxo, provide a diverse range of herbal products that might assist you.
There are numerous products that promise to solve the problem of stress, but we will discuss the top five herbal products that can truly assist you in overcoming the problem of stress.
The advantage is that herbal medications do not become habitual like other drugs containing chemicals. Stress is a widespread problem nowadays amongst all .Everyone, men and women, is dealing with it on a daily basis, therefore it is critical to understand what is best for you and how to get rid of it.
So, what kinds of herbs can help you get rid of stress, and how can they aid us?
Herbs and oils such as – Ashwagandha , Kava-Kava, Rhodiola, German Chamomile, Lemon Balm, Lavender oil ,Jasmine oil etc, they use to manage stress due to its balancing adaptogenic effects.
To read more click on the link given below- 
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