#best headlights
xenonpro · 10 months
Our First Blog Post!
Hey guys!
We are XenonPro.com, a specialist in automotive lighting technology since 2010 🏆
We specialize in LED Headlights and HID Conversion Kits for all vehicle types, makes, and models 🏎️ 🚙 🛻 🚚 🚜 🏍️
We'll be publishing awesome content on everything lighting. If you want us to cover a specific topic, give us a shout and we'll get right on it 😎
Looking forward to interacting with the Tumblr automotive community 🤘 If you're looking to upgrade your headlights from halogen to LED or HID, check out our store 👇
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mrsgumby · 2 years
Black Out Your Headlights and Stand Out From the Rest Of the Crowd
Could it be said that you are attempting to find something that will separate your vehicle from all others like it, are you open to working for certain essential devices and dismantling your vehicle? With a smidgen of arranging and time you could shut down your headlight lodgings. Common headlight lodgings comprise of the reflector, which will be silver for ideal reflection and rest of lodgings white. The thought behind shutting down the lodgings is to make a particular difference between the reflector and the rear of the lodging.
The initial step to this interaction is to do an exploration to decide the right method for eliminating the headlight lodgings from your vehicle. This cycle can be essentially as basic as eliminating a couple of screws or as confounded as eliminating your guard cover or even the bumpers. A brief period spent looking around some web gatherings for your particular vehicle could save you hours when it comes time to begin the work.
Things get fascinating once the headlight lodgings out of the vehicle as you should warm the lodgings to isolate the two bits of the lodging so you can get in there to paint. The most widely recognized approach to doing this is to prepare the headlight at 200 degrees Fahrenheit for 15-20 minutes to warm up the sealant and permit you to eliminate the focal point. When the focal point is eliminated you will need to veil off any areas that you won't paint. Presently daintily sand the regions that will be painted to give a harsh surface for the paint to stick to. Wipe or utilize compacted air to get out the residue to forestall an unpleasant paint finish. Next you will need to utilize little brushes and your preferred paint shade and afterward permit the paint to dry. Apply another coat or two if necessary.
Whenever that is done you should return the two parts of the broiler for 5 minutes at 200 degrees Fahrenheit to mellow the sealant. Eliminate the two pieces and apply some new butyl elastic paste around the lodging and press the two pieces back together and utilize a cinch to keep the two pieces intact until the butyl elastic paste sets up.
When the lodgings are prepared returned them to the vehicle in the converse request of how they were taken out. When everything is all back together another significant step will be to adjust the headlights on your vehicle appropriately. Whenever that is done you are prepared to raise a ruckus around town with just the right amount of more style and singularity.
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rigorwhoretis · 9 months
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forecast0ctopus · 8 months
Have you ever drawn the THIS IS A COMPANY CAR, SHAWN scene? It would go so hard in your art style
haha thanks!! haven't drawn any scene redraws of it, but I did to this one a while back!
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m-for-now · 1 month
I love it so so so so much when a character is like the Smart One in the group, who is always the one who remembers the details, analyzes every piece of informationen, makes the plans and is always the first one to understand or notice something. And then I love it when that same character is so incredibly oblivious to one thing. (Especially people being nice in any way.)
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wyrddogs · 3 months
Here is my usual post-event reminder to treat volunteers at dog events kindly. We were at the trial for 12 hours on Saturday and 14 hours on Sunday and are exhausted. That's set up, working, showing our own dogs, awards, and take down.
At no point on Saturday was I not working. I even ate lunch while hunt mastering CAT runs. On Sunday I got a bit of time to rest while waiting to take my dogs into the ring, but even then I was doing something. And when I was not actively showing my dogs, I was working.
So if you are at a dog event and things are going a bit slow, please keep your frustration to yourself and be gracious and patient with the volunteers.
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One of my all-time favorite comic book images...Chamber of Chills #19 by Lee Elias
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faytelumos · 1 year
Until the Justice League becomes popular, basically nobody outside of New Jersey cares about Batman.
He's specifically a Gotham hero. He's about as relevant to people in Nebraska or France or India as the Chupacabra.
Like… yeah, people have heard of him? But it sounds made up, to be honest. /: But their uncle's friend's mom saw Superman once!
For years you only care about Batman if you're from Jersey, and you only think he's real if you've been to Gotham.
That scene from that one movie where Green Lantern mentions Batman, and Flash replies, "Wait, Batman's real?"
That's 100% how it goes. Even as the Justice League continues to get famous, people are still repeatedly surprised to see Batman standing up there with them. If they even recognize him.
Unless you're an international criminal or an assassin or something; they know all about him.
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bewilderedbunny · 3 months
Sorry for thinking my life would be better in every conceivable way if my nipples were pierced. as if I’m wrong
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im-smart-i-swear · 6 months
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Stickbug and his awkward i-didnt-even-want-to-be-in-this-photo smile
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gromboy · 2 years
people with good sight take it for granted. i'm 100% serious.
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lelianaslefthand · 2 months
guy that im steam friends with who was in my major bought bg3 last week and has played almost everyday since im like yup exactly!!
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doppel-dean-er · 4 months
Rip to my seamoth Betsy. She got stuck in a wall and now I can't get her out but I still see her headlights when I go into the mouth of a cave with Betsy II. She's with the stalker teeth now
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so you can hear it and hear it and hear it and hear it and
i blame @meat-wentz for this tiny sketchy comic because i’m hooked on this song. the lyrics make me cry so thanks meat
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prapuna · 5 months
im starting the year by keeping in touch with my brother so this is already a thousand time better than the previous 10 years
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mo-ok · 6 months
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finally watched the kakuranger movie and this tiny little miata fucking killed me
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