#bertrand bell x reader
railroad-migraine · 2 years
Day 16. Grave offerings 🎃
-> Bell's Hells x GN!Reader
It's best to be prepared
~ Poet
"I have a confession to make."
The rest of the party look up from their food and drink (and in the heal bot's case, some copper pieces), and give you their full attention. With a heavy sigh, you set your knife and fork down on the table and shrug off your coat. You fold it in your lap, enough so that you have easy access to the large pockets.
"Ever since we lost Bertrand," you say mournfully, "I've kept something of his. I... If something happens and you lose me on our travels together, I wish to be buried with it."
Voices immediately raise in protest: Orym and Ashton refusing that such a thing will happen to you with them around to protect you; Imogen's hair sticks up slightly with untamed electricity while she scowls at the thought; Fearne restricts Little Mister in her lap, his arms reaching out to you while he howls miserably; Fresh Cut Grass quickly double checks their components for their resurrection spell; and Laudna - who is so comfortable with her un-death - wipes at the fresh, ichory tears at her water line.
You manage to hush them with a soft expression and a nod of your head, and they quieten in acceptance and ask you what your wish is.
You slip one hand into your coat pocket, rummage a little until your fingers curl around your future grave goods and set it on the table.
"You kidding me?" Chetney squawks, and reaches out and pops one of the Werther's Originals in his mouth - the others groan in annoyance. "I love this crap."
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randoimago · 3 years
I have a stupid request, as I just finished CritRole Campaign 3!! It's my first Campaign and I'm really excited :) So, what would be F.C.C, Ashton, Fearne, Laudna, and Bertrand's responses to S/O booping their nose. Please and Thank you~ <3
Booping Their Nose
FANDOM: Critical Role
Character(s): Ashton, Bertrand Bell, Fearne Calloway, Fresh Cut Grass, Laudna
Type of Request: Headcanons
Warning: Campaign 3 Spoilers!!
Word Count: 591
Note(s): It's not stupid! I love these requests! And I’m so excited to write for these babies! I hope you enjoy the joy that is Critical Role too ❤️
I will say I had a good chuckle when I tagged “Fresh Cut Grass x Reader”. I don’t think this is what is meant when people say “Go touch grass”
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They’d try to grab your hand when you go to boop their nose. Definitely makes a face and looks at you with a tad bit of disgust due.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” They would ask. When you mention giving him a nose boop then you’d get a scoff from them. 
If you’re in public, then they’re going to act a bit repulsed by the whole thing.
But if you’re in private then Ashton will 100% point at something behind you, say “Look over there!” and when you do they will reach over and boop your own nose.
You’re not allowed to mention them being sweet to you. They have a reputation as a bastard to hold up.
Probably ends up sneezing after you boop his nose. He turns away so he doesn’t sneeze on you, might sneeze on someone else, but not you.
Asks if he had something on his face and you were getting rid of it for him. When you mention it was to boop his nose, he’s confused.
He’s an old ass man (not that he’d ever admit that) so you might have to explain to him what “booping the nose” means.
Let’s out a triumph “Ah ha!” after you explain. Of course it’s a way to display your affections to him! Very adorable, S/O. 
But be prepared cause he’ll boop your nose now too! He’s old tho so probably forgets the whole booping nose conversation. 
Has a confused smile on her face when you boop her nose. 
“Did you mean to poke my face?” She’d ask you so you’d have to explain to her what it means. “Ooh, so it’s not you ‘stealing my nose’ then.” no Fearne.
She’s from the Feywild so there wasn’t many booping nose unless it was to yank someone’s soul out. So this is a nice change up.
Will have such a happy smile whenever you boop her little faun nose. She’ll gladly go and boop your nose too.
Probably boops your nose a lot more than you booped her nose. Just because it’s super cute. Might draw confused or annoyed looks from others but she doesn’t care.
Fresh Cut Grass
Gives you a slow blink like a cat does once you boop their nose. They’re trying to think if they’ve seen any humanoid interactions like you just did before coming up blank.
“Did you cast a spell on me?” They would ask. They know some spells are touch based so that’s the conclusion they have. 
You explain to them about booping their nose, which they interrupt with how they don’t have a nose, and that it’s a way of showing affection.
They will give you a smile once it processes in their mind. They will then hesitantly reach up and touch your own nose with their finger.
“I technically can’t feel cause I’m an automaton, but I think that was nice.” They are adorable.
Gives you a slow blink, but like an owl does when you boop her nose. Then she begins to slowly grin, it’s kind of creepy.
“That’s a couple thing right! That’s what couples do?” She is cackling at that. Again, kind of creepy but she’s not trying to be! It’s her aesthetic.
Will gladly boop you on the nose back. 
She does it a tad harder than she meant to but she lets out a laugh when she does and then goes to boop your nose again.
Honestly, Laudna is thriving from the physical affection and the idea of doing a normal couple thing with you! 
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
Thanks for doing my Vampire request with the Mighty Nein! Now to cover the last of the basic Vampire hcs, can I get Vampire reader meeting the Bells Hell’s please? I’ll probably have more Vampire and non-Vampire hcs in the future given time, but for now would love to see reader bonding with Laudna and finding a bunch of moon related + psychic power control books to help Imogen, and shows Chetney a wood carving they made over 1000 years ago from the wood of a tree that’s now extinct.
Awww!! I can vamp seeing Laudna like “who did this to you?? 🥺”
The Bell’s have seen many things, but this is a whole new level of new.
Troves of treasure, riches, books and other collections that were rare across the continent.
Truth be told, the vampirism doesn’t give them as much of a shock as yours expected. At least it’s a conversation starter
Imogen and Laudna are fascinated by your books, spells and cures for what ails their magic and what can help them get their power back
When you sense the implication that Delilah is still at work you’re thinking “really? That old bird still thinks she can outbeat 1000+ magic?”
The name Bertrand is also mentioned and you recall how the old man amused you, keeping his records in top condition to preserve his stories
Dorian and Chetney are nerding out over the music sheets, carved instruments, and woodcarvings you keep. The garden and orchards are lined with trees long thought gone but you persevered the seeds
Orym admires the small planetarium you’ve made to study the sky’s science, admiring the moon and stars with the group when they take breaks
FCG sees that you keep advanced machinery systems, meant to keep the house cooled, heated and to use for other basic utilities. You offer to create an automaton friend for him but he politely refuses (although he may remember later 👀)
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randoimago · 3 years
Awww happ birf Rando! I'm sending all the love to you!
If I may, could I please request how the C3 squad would celebrate their s/o's birthday? :3
Have an awesome day, love ya!
Celebrating S/O’s Birthday
FANDOM: Critical Role
Character(s): Ashton Greymoore, Dorian Storm, Fearne Calloway, Bertrand Bell, Laudna, Imogen, Orym, Fresh Cut Grass
Type of Request: Headcanons
Word Count: 391
Note(s): Thank you so much, sending love back! You can't see me but I clutched my heart at the super cute request. I already know that writing this is going to make me either cry or feel super warm and bubbly.
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Ashton would suggest doing some crime together, see if you like it. Also making others look like idiots is an adrenaline boost. If you don’t like that then you can bet he’s going to try to get some nice ale for less than the actual price because it’s your birthday.
Fresh Cut Grass would like to go on a walk with you to the nicer places in the city and just look at things. Meanwhile, they had asked Ashton if they could use their money to buy you something nice. Might pick a flower for you that’s actually a weed, but it’s pretty!
Imogen would happily make you breakfast in bed. She’s not the best cook so she asks for some help from the land lady, but breakfast in bed for you! Then the rest of the day can go at your pace. Would like to cuddle next to you for a good bit though.
Laudna has a whole puppet show planned starring Pate. Pate is talking about how amazing and beautiful you are, which causes Laudna to cut in and state that you’re taken and for the dead rat to stop flirting.
Bertrand is telling you about all the grand and glorious things he has planned for your birthday. Honestly, he probably forgot due to his old age, but he’s going to improvise! Might see you eye a necklace in a shop, point and yell at some other location to get you to look away and he’ll quickly move to try to buy said necklace.
Orym is going to ask you what you want to do for the day. It’s your day and can be taken at your pace. If you want to just stay in bed then he’s happy with that, if you want to go on a walk then he’s also happy. Just whatever you would like, he’ll help you achieve.
Dorian is fumbling and a nervous mess as he wrote you a song. He does his best to play really well but I mean this is a song for you so he misses a couple notes. He tries his best for you.
It’s your birthday! Well lucky for you, Fearne got you an earring, or a belt. Or she did get you that present but it’s gone right now. She’ll gladly steal you many other presents today.
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randoimago · 3 years
Hello! I'm still stuck on episode 1 so no spoilers pls, but can I request this scenario:
Ashton Greymoore, Laudna and Imogen, and Bertrand with a child who's too excited about adventuring, so the characters have to be extremely protective when said child tries to do something like pet an owlbear or play with living furniture?
Characters Keeping Their Child From Doing Dumb Stuff
FANDOM: Critical Role
Character(s): Ashton Greymoore, Laudna, Imogen, Bertrand Bell
Type of Request: Headcanons
Word Count: 468
Note(s): Got it, I'll hold back my bad jokes just so I don't accidentally ruin things for you! Okay but parental characters are adorable so I'll love doing this for you!
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Ashton Greymoore
I mean Ashton definitely isn't a good influence on you. They're probably the reason you're so obsessed with adventure.
I can see him acting like he doesn't care what you do. Like telling you to go pet a bear and see what happens but when you start to go he's just, "Aw shit." And has to save you
Might get a child leash and make Letters take care of you. Ashton doesn't have the energy to constantly keep you out of trouble.
He constantly threatens to tie you to a chair or something if you keep trying to jump at dangerous things. He does it and get paid, you're a tiny child that gets nothing for doing dumb shit.
Bertrand Bell
Curses himself when you try to go on adventures yourself because this is 100% his fault, not that he’d ever admit it. 
I mean he always tells you his grandiose stories about adventure and the beasts that he’s slain so he should’ve known it would make you want to achieve these feats yourself.
Bertrand is more of a “you know what, go ahead and try it” in hopes that you learn from your mistakes. 
He’ll come in to help you out of trouble or if it’s something particularly dangerous then he’ll stop you, but mostly it’s just letting you do dumb shit and then realizing how stupid it was.
“No no! Don’t do that!” She is such a mother hen when she sees you starting to wander off. She doesn’t stop you right away, wanting to see where you’re going, but she quickly stops you.
Has absolutely used her detect thoughts to listen in so she knows when you’re thinking of going off and doing something dumb.
To most she’s a sweet southern belle, but she will absolutely have some words for you if you tried to do stupid things. She cares about you, you’re her kid, so why are you going off and trying to get yourself killed?
You want to pet an owlbear? She’ll buy you a toy, pet that all you like. You want to play with the furniture that tried to kill her? Go play with a stick.
Laudna has a hand on your shoulder most of the time to keep you from running off. She knows the mischievous nature that you got from her.
Of course, if you want to do something small like fight a chair then she’ll let you. Give that chair hell! Laudna would go in and save you, but she’ll let you realize how dumb your idea was first.
Your a kid, she understands that your attention span is minimal. She’ll gladly throw a puppet show for you! That should keep you entertained.
Might buy you a puppet. Hopefully it’ll keep your attention. She thanks it was a good idea.
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randoimago · 3 years
Can I request Dorian’s kid sister traveling with the others to Marquet? Like how would Laudna, Imogen, FCG, etc react and stuff like that?
Sister Traveling with Characters
FANDOM: Critical Role
Character(s): Dorian Storm, Laudna, Imogen, F.C.G., Bertrand Bell, Ashton
Type of Request: Headcanons
Word Count: 273
Note(s): Absolutely! The whole concept of character’s siblings tagging along is just too much fun to write.
Should make it clear this was written before episode 3 😬
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Imogen finds you to be such a joy. Your brother has been rather sweet to her so she likes you too by association. She can't help but worry though since all of them are getting into trouble and you're just a kid.
Laudna is smiling and asking you all kinds of questions. I mean you're a kid and kids love her. Will happily take her dead rat puppet out to try to entertain you, getting pulled away by Imogen.
Orym treats you as his own little sister. He is close to Dorian so he's going to do his best to protect you and keep you safe.
Ashton thinks it's cool that you're so young and already traveling and doing stupid shit with the rest of them. Will happily tell you secrets and tips on how to mug someone without being caught.
Fearne has already given you pickpocketing advice so she'd join in with Ashton on what to do and what to avoid when it comes to crime.
Fresh Cut Grass is always checking on you and making sure you're okay. You're a kid so they'd be glad to switch out limbs or do cool robot things to fascinate you.
Bertrand is the one that goes "Back in my day--" as he tries to tell you stories about his exploits and how amazing he wa- is!
Dorian needs a drink dealing with everyone (although he appreciates Imogen and Orym's help). But he is slowly growing to trust this ragtag group and hopefully they're able to be a nice second home to you while he tries to find a better place so you'll be safe.
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randoimago · 2 years
What if Opal’s sister tagged along with the rest of the EXU party to Marquet? Other party members reactions?
Opal’s Sister Tagging Along to Marquet
FANDOM: Critical Role, Campaign 3
Character(s): Dorian Storm, Orym, Fearne Calloway
Type of Request: Headcanons
Word Count: 257
Note(s): You got it!
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Dorian and Orym are definitely keeping an eye on you just to make sure you're doing okay. I mean a lot happened to your sister and they need to make sure this isn't just you running away. Like Dorian has anything to say about that.
Fearne is happy to have you along, stealing things with you distracting. Has gotten a few interesting gifts for Opal.
Laudna is definitely trying to hear about your sister when she learns you left her behind. I mean there has to be a reason right? Bad family stuff? Something with an ex boyfriend? She wants all the gossip.
Imogen is doing her best not to pry but just let's you know that if you need to talk, she'll do her best to listen. Does distance herself a bit though because you have a lot of thoughts going through your head and she doesn't need your weird Florida woman thoughts going through her mind.
Fresh Cut Grass definitely wants to hear all about where you come from and your family. If it's difficult to talk about then you have a friend in them.
Ashton will ask you many times how to wrestle an alligator or crocodile or whatever giant reptile you know how to wrestle.
Bertrand is telling grand stories about whatever dragon or whatnot he wrestled when he was in the land down under, whatever the hell that means. He is trying to one up you with your tales of Tal'Dorei as well but tries (and very much fails) to be subtle.
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randoimago · 3 years
CR Campaign 3 Masterlist
I write for all the characters (player ones and NPC’s), I’m just including the characters that I have already done requests for. So if you see a character missing then I just haven’t had anyone request anything for them yet.
For Now I will add the “Keep Reading” tab just because the show is still relatively new and to avoid spoiling others.
❄️ winter // 🎃 halloween
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Bell’s Hells
Reaction to Dorian’s Kid Sister Traveling to Marquet
Celebrating S/O’s Birthday
Bertrand’s Daughter Confronting Party 
Opal’s Sister Tagging Along to Marquet, Party Reactions
Learning that Child Druid is from Real World Through WTF Is Up With That
Reader is Secretly a De Rolo
Ashton Greymoore
Bertrand Bell
Chetney Pock O’pea
Dorian Storm
Fearne Calloway
Fresh Cut Grass
Imogen Temult
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Ariks Eshteross
Cyrus Wyvernwind
The Shadow Baker
Parental Headcanons
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railroad-migraine · 2 years
Not me sobbing because Robbie finished Dorian's Song for Bertrand ;^;
Just when I started to think I've healed from blue bard boi leaving the party too. I guess I have no choice:
Back at it again with Dorian Storm Brain Rot™ 💙
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
Bertrand’s child confronting the party and Lord Esteross about their father’s death
Ohh 🥺😭💔❤️‍🩹 I could them being really sweet and patient about it
It was a solemn ceremony, but the rest of the group were at least glad to have you here. A living reminder of their dearly departed friend.
You had received word that your father had passed, but were also grateful to have learned that he wasn’t alone in the last days of his life.
They looked at you with such a sad fondness, especially the bard called Dorian. You spoke a few words but it was not enough to soothe the fresh pain just yet.
“I’m glad he met you all. There were those in the past he called friends,
Lord Esteross even felt a pant of guilt at your words, hoping there could’ve been enough time to make amends with Bertrand and to have known you as well.
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randoimago · 3 years
Angsty headcanons/Drabble idea but Bertrand Bell’s daughter confronting the party about her father’s death? Lots of angst please because maybe the daughter was upset about Bertrand leaving her behind for the party and how they had a rocky relationship and the daughter wanted to fix that but now her father is dead?
Bertrand’s Daughter Confronting The Party
FANDOM: Critical Role, Campaign 3
Character(s): Laudna, Imogen Temult, Ashton Greymoore, Fresh Cut Grass, Fearne Calloway 
Type of Request: Oneshot
Word Count: 592
Note(s): I did my best with this request and I did try with the angst but it was difficult since the party doesn't know how to act around sad people so I hope you enjoy it.
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You easily recognized the group of unusual individuals as you ran through the streets of Jrusar to them. You heard rumors of a murder but didn’t know what was true. Your heart was painfully tight when you didn’t see the residing white hairline of a certain someone.
You felt out of breath as you made your way in front of them. You saw some of them looking at you with sadness and it made things hurt more. You hadn’t even asked them anything but the looks they gave you...
“Congrats! You get your inheritance early!” You just stared at the spooky lady, Laudna as she exclaimed that with an eerie smile. The softer-spoken Imogen gave you an apologetic look as she took Laudna away to talk to her.
“It’s not true. Is it?” You looked to anyone else that would give you answers. Mostly looking to the Faun and the Earth Genasi as those two seemed like they weren’t affected by the news at all.
“Oh it’s true. He’s dead as a doorknob.”
“What I don’t owe him anything. He was useless and I mean, he left you behind to be an incompetent jackass,” Ashton replied to the disapproving gaze of the automaton. He motioned to you and the robot replicated the noise of a sigh as they looked to you.
“I am terribly sorry for your loss.” They then grabbed Ashton and rolled away, leaving you with the faun, halfling, and air genasi. The faun still just looked at you with curiosity while the other two had looks of sympathy. Honestly, at this point you felt anger. Especially with what Ashton had said.
“I am sor-”
“No you’re fucking not,” you cut off the air genasi, not caring about him wincing. “My dad joined all of you for some grand adventure and he ends up dead. He died and where were all of you to help him?!” You felt tears starting to fall.
“I tried to stop him.” Your anger subsided a bit when you noticed how genuinely upset Dorian looked. You felt some guilt at his expression.
“He was a good man, he said he wanted to be a man you’d be proud of. I think he succeeded.” You were a bit surprised at Fearne’s words. You expected her to say something close to Laudna or Ashton. Instead her words caused you to cry more. “Oh did I fuck up?”
“N- No. Sorry, I just... I wanted to apologize to him and...” You couldn’t finish your words. Orym walked over and gave your leg a tap. You looked to him.
“We asked that he be returned to you. He’s been dressed and his body taken care of,” Orym told you and you nodded at that.
“Thank you.” Honestly with this group, you half expected them to leave his body where he was killed. But you appreciated this greatly.
“We will find the person that did this and they will pay,” Dorian promised and you nodded at that.
“Thank you.” You received nods as they walked off to make plans for revenge while you went home to meet whoever was going to deliver Bertrand’s body to you. There was a note saying “I’m sorry” with the body and you made quick arrangements to bury him.
After you were done faking being normal, you allowed yourself to break down. Your relationship with him was rocky and you wanted things to change and now they won’t. Fearne’s words stuck with you and you hoped that was the truth and not another lie.
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