#bent spoon
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jmrothwell · 2 years
Am I seriously considering starting 2 more long fics when I have 2 to 5(dependent on how you count) WIP’s already?
Why Yes, yes I am. 
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sysig · 11 months
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Little guys (Patreon)
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ilyuu · 6 months
or as i like to call it
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spoonmoment119 · 1 year
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i trapped him with a bent 5 classifier
OUGH!! oh look at him!! hes scared for his life!! :( absolutely terrified :(
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chipped-chimera · 10 months
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Venatrix, Tiefling Arcane Trickster
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shadow-pixelle · 7 months
Oh wise Pix of the pool, I have questions for you!
10, 14, 20, 21, 25, and 29!
Have fun!!
(In regards to this post)
Mmmm I dunno about wise but I do have answers for this, so.
10. Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
Hm, this is a hard one, cause a lot of times I don't really have expectations for responses? Or when I do it's usually fairly on the money. I do remember being a bit surprised that A Star-Lined Path got as much interest as it did, given that my tagging on that was... kinda awful, lol.
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
Ah fuck me that's a really hard one, nevermind. I mean, A Shadow, an Eon, and a Worm could be fun, given that that's my biggest megafic. My other option is my current biggest WIP, Maskless, because it's got some really nice scene imagery in there and seeing that adapted could be super cool. (One scene in particular...)
20. What’s a favorite title for a fic you’ve written?
cracks open my AO3 works tab ok, I really like Second Sun, if only for the punnage of it all, and same with A Credit To The Order. But I think my absolute favourite is either Tempering Steel (Transformers fic), or Light in a Storm (Star Wars).
21. Have you ever deleted an entire scene after spending hours laboring over it? If so, why?
I am in fact currently in the process of doing that! I have about 10k of Maskless that I need to delete, because I don't like one character interaction that I have in it. Unfortunately, at the time I wasn't too bothered, so I kept writing!
And then I got writer's block, took like a four month break, and came back to it. Looked at the segment, went 'no actually I dislike this immensely', and am now having to delete pretty much that entire 10k because the way I want to rewrite this section also means needing to adjust the course of the entire rest of the conversation to keep it flowing well, so yay that.
(Technically I guess this isn't a scene? It's a big section of a scene to be deleted, it's just that I've then gotta rewrite the rest of the scene and the next chapter probably as well...)
25. Have you ever upset yourself with your own writing?
Oh hells yes. Writing Shattering Point was a nightmare, because I did that one in class and made myself upset, very fun to try and explain. Surprisingly, the one you'd think upset me- Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow- didn't all that much? I think it's cause I wrote it in a speedrun more than anything and got caught up thinking about the reactions more. Like I was sad but it wasn't that bad?
I think if I reread it now though I'd start sobbing.
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
...Hm, ok, this could be fun. Dooooo I have anything like that right now...
(The endless issue of 'if I wrote it with the intent to post it it probably got posted', lol. I have a lot of practice pieces that'll never be posted, but I don't think I've got much actual fic content...?)
Oh! I have an idea! I was, once upon a time, thinking of expanding on Revelations of Monsters, an MCU fic I wrote in the early days of me being on AO3. I never actually figured out how I'd expand it, though, so while I did write a scene for a potential sequel/expansion piece, I'll likely never use it. Soooo here have some of that I guess.
Even for Ultron. (Not the monster she’d created, no. But for the AI that would have been ULTRON, if not for her interference. ULTRON would have been different, would have grown up with a family of AI siblings and a father who adored his creations so brightly it burned, would have been taught love and compassion and to protect… Wanda had murdered that child before they could even be born, using her powers and the Sceptre, and created a monster in their place, and she wasn’t sure if there was enough grief and regret in all the worlds to atone for that fact. She wasn’t sure she wanted there to be.)
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thewhimsyturtle · 2 years
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Mom spent yesterday afternoon at Princeton University and came home with mini cupcakes!  After all these years, The Bent Spoon still makes the BEST buttercream frosting in the world!
Or so Mom tells me because she didn’t let me get so much as a single lick . . . .
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writhe · 1 year
once my coworker came across something really similar in the woods, a bunch of test tubes and containers and what looked like a bunch of chemistry equipment. she thought maybe a professor from the nearby university was just getting rid of it in an irresponsible way, maybe that’s what you came across too
seemed really weird, there was a ton of it. a lot of different vials and a lot of em were marked. bunch of things i didn’t recognize. a little glass container too with something either crystalline or rusted in it, which i didn’t touch. given the spot i found it in, id be really, really surprised if it was from a professor - you’d have to haul it either through the woods, or down a hill after jumping a barrier, or best case down the tracks for a while after accessing it from an abandoned road (closest) or neighborhood road (cop presence / being seen)
here are more pics:
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sleepknoot · 9 months
I was thinking that I didn't have a homoerotic female friendship as a youth and then I remembered I did.
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mittensmorgul · 2 years
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jmrothwell · 2 years
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It wasn’t the kind of place Sunset Curve would usually choose to frequent. However, they had established a rotating system for deciding dinner after the night they’d argued so much about what to eat they had to perform starving. Tonight was Reggie’s turn to pick, and he always picked The Bent Spoon.
The first night had clearly been because he found the name funny, or was fascinated by the theme. The second time, the guys weren’t as sure, but they figured maybe Reggie was more fascinated by the odd decor than they initially thought. After that point the boys knew there was something else going on.
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tojisdove · 1 day
"TW1TTER P0RN LINK5: PT4" — jjk men.
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☆ cw : nsfw twt links w your favorite jjk men. afab reader. minors do not interact. ( make a request here! )
☆ note : kinda done with tumblr fucking up my posts, but wtv,,, comments and reblogs are appreciated!! mwah <3
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cw: unprotected sex, creampie, size kink, fingering (4).
adores seeing the mess he's made inside of you
he's just so, so fucking big compared to his love
guess he gotta prep you nicely for both of his cocks
finally getting pounded like his darling deserves
"would you take it all?"
cw: fingering, spanking, size kink.
"relax and let daddy take care of all your needs"
"ever so pretty when I leave you red"
gotta definitely brag about his new watch
ever so comfortable bent over his lap <33
another one just bc my size kink is going crazy
cw: riding + yourself on the shelf, jerking off vid.
always gonna make you work for it
he loves showing you off to the camera so much
little things he likes to send you when he's away ♡
better keep that arch deep for him
"bend over and take it like the pretty girl you are"
cw: unprotected sex, oral, jerking off, body worship.
eating you out oh-so-slowly and oh-so-nicely <3
pretty boy will never be able to get you out of his mind
will ask to worship you every single morning
maybe spooning it's even better than you'd think
his princess always tastes so, so sweet on his tongue
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© tojisdove 2024. please do not copy, modify, translate, or repost my works on any platform without my permission.
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unfyoutubers · 9 months
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Bent Spoon cupcakes and Wii
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traumatas · 10 months
If anyone knows any useful tips to making your brain shut up for once, I'm all ears.
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nanaslutt · 5 months
The JJK men’s fav cuddling postitions <3
incl: Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Choso, Sukuna, Toji, Megumi, Yuuji, Yuta
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cont: fluff :3, suggestive on Toji’s
note: i think this is my first full fluff fic…lol
I know Gojo absolutely loves every position he can get you both into where you are physically as close as possible. Gojo's infinity is on automatically most of the time, the only touch he receives being from his students occasionally or from you. So when the time comes around for Gojo to be cuddled up with you, he needs to make sure every part of his body is touching some part of you.
I can see him being a fan of face-to-face cuddling, your limbs intertwined with one another, either his or your face pressed into the other's chest, your soft breathing tickling the skin of the other. Maybe something like the 'attack of the sloth' sleeping position. You on your back, Gojo's arms and legs wrapped around yours, leaving you completely enabled, his weight crushing you when you sleep; but you never complain.. well.. sometimes you do, Gojo's body is like a furnace.
Sometimes though, Gojo wants you to spoon him from behind. Of course, he loves it the other way around but theres just something so comforting about your small frame wrapped around his back. He feels so safe in your arms like this. He gets the same feeling one would when they were a kid, afraid of what was lurking in the dark, but the moment they pulled the blanket over their head, they were safe. Gojo felt untouchable, even more so than when he had his infinity on.
A classic man, a simple man, a man of taste. I can see Geto loving the pretzel position. Him lying on his back, his toned arm above his head while his other wraps around your frame resting against him. His leg closest to you is bent, enabling you to interlace your leg with his, the appendage thrown over his thigh. He relishes in the feeling of your arm wrapped around his midsection, feeling safe and secure when you tuck you curl your fingers into his t-shirt on the side of his body.
He loves this position because he loves how close to you he feels, he also likes to see the size difference between the two of you when you're scooted down, your head on his chest. Another plus is he can scratch your back gently this way. His hands always find their way under your shirt, gently tickling and scratching the skin of your back, shoulders, and waist. He adores hearing you hum softly into his chest in approval at the relaxing caress.
You love this position for a variety of reasons as well. With your head on his chest, directly placed over his heart, you have free, unlimited access to the soothing rhythm of his softly beating heart, never failing to lull you into a peaceful sleep. You yourself were also guilty of slipping your hand under his shirt to feel up his abs. Running your fingers over the strong indents, counting them carefully in your head over and over, was the same to you as counting sheep. His skin was always so soft and warm, how could you resist?
Nanami's go-to is having you lay fully atop him, your head on the center of his chest, your bodies resting against one another while he strokes your hair. softly running his hands along your head, raking his fingers on the back of your neck, massaging your head, the whole nine yards. Nanami doesn't stop until he hears you lightly snoring on top of him.
Another thing about Nanami--if you drool or snore in your sleep, Nanami thinks it's the cutest thing in the world. You're always so embarrassed when you wake up and see the wet patch on his shirt after you had a particularly deep sleep, but Nanami finds it endearing; it means you felt safe with him, your body fully relaxing and letting go in his presence.
Another favorite is good ol' spooning. Nanami loves to be the big spoon. With both of your jobs as Jujutsu sourcerers, comes harrowing losses and injuries one cannot prevent, no matter how hard they try. So when Nanami gets the opportunity to completely encase your body in his strong, protective arms, it eases his nerves. He is constantly worrying about you, but in this moment he knows, nothing will touch you, nothing will get past his loving embrace.
This position gives Nanami unlimited access to the back of your neck. His lips instantly connecting with the soft skin, pressing soft kisses to the skin there, peppering down your shoulders, his fingers moving your nightshirt out of the way to touch your skin directly--god he loved kissing you. Your skin was so sweet and warm, how was he not supposed to kiss it? It was right in front of him after all.
I have said this about Choso countless times, but he is a titty man.. so of course he's going to lay his head on top of your chest. He loves to feel the softness of your breasts agaisnt his cheek--if you have bigger breasts, you better bet he will lay face down and squish your tits around his face, holding his breath while he presses the fat against him, relishing in the feeling of your soft tits on his face.
His hands are without a doubt, on your chest as well. His large, warm hands engulf your tits in his grip, unconsciously feeling you up in his slumber, making you smile and laugh to yourself. He also loves wrapping his arms fully around your body too. The curse nuzzles his head against your chest while he slides his hands under the small of your back, his hands tickling the sides of your waist and back softly with the little mobility he has like this.
He has never felt love like this before, so when he feels your hands wrap around his back like it's the most natural thing in the world, it has his face heating up, a deep crimson blush spreading across his face while you rub his back, your nails raking over his back, over or under the thin material of his shirt. No matter how often the two of you cuddle together like this, he never fails to mumble how much he loves you into your chest, occasionally raising his head to look at you with a pout, still embarrassed even after all the time you spend together.
When you lean forward to press a kiss to his forehead, your fingers caressing his cheek before he drops his head back down to your chest to welcome the embrace of your arms around his body, he swears he's the luckiest man in the world.
Your wrists and ankles are bound in chains while you sleep at the feet of his throne completely naked. <3
I can see Toji being a fan of the 'pretzel' as well, same as Suguru. He gets a little more handsy most times, the hand he has wrapped around your back will creep down to the waistline of your night shorts. His thick fingers slip underneath the waistband, sliding under the band of your underwear as well as he grips as handful of your ass, massaging the fat in his hand, squeezing and rubbing it with his fingers.
At first, he did it as a way to tease you, and it worked, you always lifted your head to give him a stern look while he continued to massage the skin. Over time though, It became a comfort thing for the both of you. Whenever you're tired but Toji isn't, he'll turn down the volume of the TV in your shared bedroom and let you get comfortable on his chest, your ear resting where his arm and torso meet. He slides his arm around your frame, smiling to himself when you nuzzle and cozy up to him, his hand sliding down your back, rubbing up and down a couple times while you get situated.
When you get yourself to your desired position, throwing your leg over his hip; which meets his hand as he grabs it and pulls you over his pelvis more, caressing the side of your thigh soothingly; he slides his fingers into your underwear and stares groping you, his warm hands bringing you instant comfort, and familiarity. He'll continue to absentmindedly feel you up while he watches his show, his eyes occasionally darting down to look at you with softness in his eyes before he leans forward to press a kiss to the top of your head, drifting off soon after, leaving the TV running all night, as usual.
I imagine Megumi being super touchy with his significant other in private once he gets comfortable with you, but I still see him being a little awkward and shy about cuddling with you. It's so intimate after all. The two of you probably started with you lying on his chest with your hand resting on his tummy, you would have to make the first move because Megumi would rather die than initiate something like that at first, no matter how badly his body was itching to feel your warmth against him.
His body would go completely rigid when you laid on him out of nowhere. Megumi would hold his breath, not daring to move even in inches in fear you would move off of him. The weight of your head and your hand that was softly rubbing his tummy felt so comforting, although it did make goosebumps rise all over his body in shock. You would have to tip your head down to avoid him seeing your smile from hearing his heartbeat race out of his chest, the organ taking a significant amount of time before he gets used to your embrace, the rhythm slowing.
After a while of being together and countless cuddling sessions, I can see Megumi being more confident in initiating cuddle sessions when the two of you are watching TV or getting ready to go to sleep. His favorite positions are all of you cuddling him. You spooning him, him lying on your chest while his legs intertwine with yours--any position where your hands are wrapped around him and constantly caressing him in some way he is a huge fan of.
He also loves listening to your heartbeat. He didnt understand how you were always so calm, the soft lulling rhythm never failing to take him away to dreamland. He felt like he was going to have a heart attack every time you even smiled at him, but that was one of the things he loved about you--someone had to initiate the intimacy in the relationship and it sure as hell wasn't going to be him. If you weren't so forward, it probably would've taken him a year to even hold your hand on his own, so he was grateful you were more forward and verbal with what you wanted, because internally, he wanted the same as you, it just took a little coaxing to get him there.
Yuuji has no preference! He loves each and every position, he just loves to cuddle with you. If he could always be touching you in some way, he would, and he sure as hell tries. You want to lay on his chest while he rubs your back? done. You want to spoon his large frame and wrap your leg over his waist while his fingers tickle your calf? done. Yuuji is ready for each and every cuddle position you propose to him, and he is not afraid in the slightest to initiate the cuddle sessions either.
I think Yuuji would find great joy in lifting your shirt up and crawling inside as much as his body could fit. His head resting on the soft skin of your tummy while your shirt blocks out most of the light emanating from the TV. "It feels like I'm a baby again." He would say, holding your hips in his hands on the outside of your shirt, his fingers tickling unconsciously along your sides, making you giggle.
I think Yuuji would really like coming home exhausted from training to sit in your lap and lay his head on your shoulder, his back arching slightly from the height difference between the two of you. He would hum into the crook of your neck while you stroked his back, raking your nails along him. He would smile to himself and close his eyes when you lift his shirt, scratching his warm skin directly while he falls asleep on your lap for a midday nap.
He was quite heavy and you're unable to breathe very well while he sleeps, but luckily he never naps long, and you do admit his weight crushing you felt weirdly nice, along with the ticklish puffs of his breath against your neck--it makes you feel close to him.
Yuta is a big baby. He handles enough in the Jujutsu world, trying to keep up his tough, strong persona while fighting, all he really wants when he comes to you is to relax completely in your embrace. Another man who loves it when you cuddle him from behind. He loves feeling your leg wrap over his waist, he knows he's not small, but he loves to feel like it sometimes, it's comforting.
One of his favorite positions to cuddle with you during the day is his head on your tummy/pelvis, his hands stroking along the length of your waist while you tangle your hands in his hair, running your nails over his sensitive scalp, down the back of his neck, reaching as much of his back as you can. It lulls him right to sleep, and he loves it. I think Yuta would struggle with falling asleep/sleeping through the night from insomnia, but when you're touching him, your warm embrace engulfing his body, he almost forgets about all the sleepless nights he spent without you by his side.
I can also see him loving to cuddle while facing you. Your head in his chest while he wraps his arms around you, and you likewise. Your legs tangled together, your bodies pressed as close as possible. During the summertime, this position is not the most comfortable because of the heat and the somehow awful AC Jujutsu high has. So during the colder months, the two of you constantly find yourselves in this position. He keeps his hand pressed snugly to the back of your neck, making sure your forehead stays pressed to his neck at all times.
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