#beloved mutual: fan
beep-beep-benny · 2 years
thiz iz what i do 2 anyone who doeznt like object zhowz /J
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Also I love how you can see floor move as well
attwntion to detal
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cthulhusstepmom · 8 months
It's dark in the cellar, has been since they were tossed down here however many days ago. Hard to tell time without regular meals. Completely windowless, there's no place to spend his usual half hour basking under the sun. It had been a matter of hours before his coldblooded body had started to slow in the cool subterranean temperatures. He'd tried to keep it to himself, deal with it quietly, but there's no way to hide it from Gid, steadfast loyal Gid. Kremy had found his sluggish form gathered unceremoniously close to the living furnace that is his right hand man.
The heat may have stabilized his body temperature but it would do nothing to improve his mood(well maybe just a little bit it's hard to be too miserable when you're so nice and warm no matter the dire circumstances). Gideon took care of light well enough too, illuminating a circle around them with dancing warm firelight, though that was extinguished as soon as Kremy saw it start to waver and flicker, can't allow his partner in crime to burn himself out now can he? And so they sit in an almost peaceful silence, have done for who knows how long.
"Y'know it's not the worst bind we've gotten ourselves into. The gang will be along soon enough to bust down the door." Gid pauses in thought. "Probably not Twigsy. Or Frosty. Or Gricko unless he's a beasty. Probably down to Torbek to do the door busting come to think of it."
Kremy grunts noncommittally.
"Ah don't be like that, can't be worse than the time we had to climb out of the window of that inn."
"The snake oil heist on the western bank?"
"Nah the one with the innkeepers daughter, Felicity? Franny?"
He remembers that particular scrap well, if only because of the god awful wig.
"Felicia. How that veil covered my snout I will never rightly know."
Gideon snorts.
"Oh yeah. Sure would've been nice to know Gricko was an ordained minister before hand but it's not the first time we've been married."
Kremy hums. "Can't say it's the worst contract I've signed."
The warm body next to him rolls with deep, hearty laughter. The room goes silent for another spell before Kremy sighs.
"I dunno Gid, you ever get the feeling that we've taken it too far? Finally poked the bear that's gonna rip our throats out?"
"Nah man, I know you'll get us out of anything 'fore it gets too serious. Even if we end up knee deep in Fae tomfoolery. And I'll punch any bear that tries to bite us square in the body till it dies, no problemo." He pauses. "I trust you Kremy Lecroux."
That knocks the speech right off of his tongue.
On a conceptual level he got that there was some form of reliance between the two of them, and sure some trust if you had to put a non-ironic label on it. He knows that Gideon cares for him, has stated it on many occasions in many different ways. And if you had to be so crass as to put it into words, of course he cares for Gid too, wouldn't have bothered keeping him around this long if he hadn't(lord knows the food bill would be enough to sway his opinion if he wasn't entirely too attached by now).
But trust?
Trusting Kremy Lecroux is a bad idea on any number of levels. He's a cheat by profession and a liar by lifestyle. Hell he's sold the souls of those around him in exchange for power more than once. There's nothing worth trusting in him, he's a coldblooded criminal and he's never gonna change, not for anybody. And here Gid is announcing it with his full chest. It's one of those things that's so endearing about him, he never holds back; Gideon Coal has never made a promise he doesn't fully mean. But since he's a man of contracts and business dealings he at least wants to give him a fair shot, a head start, a warning to keep that fiery heart close.
"You sure about that Gid? Those kinds of words have a power to em you know that."
"100% man, I'll follow you to the end of the world."
Kremy struggles to get air into his lungs, it takes a minute, two. When he finally gets enough to speak, it's frustrated and tinged with melancholy.
"Well I'll gladly let you do just that, if we ever get out of this fucking place."
"Hey." Kremy offers no response. "C'mon man don't be that way, the crew are all out there figuring their way in as we speak, fact I can smell the Torbek already."
He says nothing.
"I know what'll cheer you up."
A large, warm hand cups the bottom of his snout, gently directing his face up and to the side. Before he can think to protest, his eyes are drawn to the sudden lick of flame dancing on the tip of Gideon's finger. Not unlike when he lights cigarettes for him, except now he's pressing the pad of the digit to a small twig from the rocky floor until it smolders dully. Blowing on it, Gideon brings the small stick towards his face. It's warm but not uncomfortably so (he'd never had a doubt in his mind that Gid would hurt him). Carefully, precisely, with hands steady from working on the delicate innards of machines he can't begin to comprehend, Gideon draws the ashen tip of the stick across his upper lip in two swooping lines.
"There you already look more like yourself!" He proclaims proudly.
And god if he can't help the smile that breaks across his face.
"You're a crazy son of a bitch Gideon Coal, you know that?"
"Been told once or twice." he chuckles.
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monimolimnion · 8 days
Are you excited by the prospect of drawtectives season 3 soon. Bc ive been vibrating all day fhsjfhsjch
I'M SO EXCITED OH MY GOD. i know they've been sitting on the first few episodes for a little while and i've been biting things the whole time like PLEASE!! BRING MY CHILDREN BACK I MISS THEM TERRIBLY (but also im glad they took so long because i want julia to protect her damn wrists)
for anyone reading this that fucks w drawfee but hasnt seen drawtectives yet, please watch the supercut they just released, it doesnt have any major spoilers and it's a great taster of just what's so good about the show, including but not limited to:
found family
a nonbinary character cracking their egg in real time
improv storytelling and worldbuilding+callbacks that resolve satisfyingly (in a way similar to a D&D show) but told in a unique way with VN-style sprites
bisexual panic
drawing challenges that are beautifully stupid (i feel like people can be intimidated by the show - or at least i was - bc it doesn't seem like drawtectives will be very drawfee but trust me the DNA is all there and it's less of a buy-in to start watching than you might think)
plot relevant cat
please it's everything good about d&d shows and drawfee rolled together and i love it so much please watch it please please please
If you watched the supercut and still aren't sure, please watch the ep they did with ProZD that genuinely nearly made me asphyxiate it was so funny and doesn't require any context going in.
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oooooo you wanna 🅱eeze 🅱izza so bad ooooooo
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aroacehanzawa · 1 month
whats ur beef?
My favourite manga lost the plot so now i cope by being a hater 👍
#long answer is i have beef with the direction that the bsd manga has taken#it only superficially resembles the beloved mystery and character-driven detective agency story with atsushi as the main character#i'm dissatisfied with major developments like killing off fyodor and reviving him and pulling this#PSYCH his ability wasn't what you thought it was. with zero foreshadowing or buildup#because the manga has become full of marvel-movie type plot twists that serve little to no coherent narrative purpose except shock factor#it cheapens the story and it cheapens the development of characters and it cheapens the reader's experience#because we can't speculate and we can't draw connections and parallels and engage with the story on a deeper level#what connections there exist (for example between manga and anime) are shoehorned in after the popularity of the anime and#specific characters (e.g. fyodor who was shoehorned into untold origins in the anime) and mostly the characters who bring in money#i.e. fyodor and dazai and chuuya and their relationships especially soukoku. all this at the expense of characters like atsushi or#the majority of the female cast. who have been MIA for god knows how long and who were barely given frame each in the anime's finale#bsd treatment of its female characters has been subpar shounen level at best and now they're completely sidelined#as with most of the original cast and the original themes of the story. in fact i struggle to identify a coherent overarching theme#for the current arc. other than military action scifi movie go brrrr#compared to early arcs where each chapter had a meaningful message to say about the importance of living and what it means to stay alive and#keep going and why we are fighting to keep important people in our lives and to keep ourselves alive#and what it means to belong somewhere and what it means to be good or bad and how your place of belonging affects that#as a long term reader i just feel betrayed and disappointed. by how a story with complex and vibrant characters has become another#generic cashgrab shounen. and i mourn for the lost potential it had and everything the series has build up#only to have plot points abandoned at a whim.#so that's why i'm a hater now 👍#i know a lot of my bsd mutuals are still big fans of bsd so i try not to be obnoxious about it and mainly keep it comedic#like i don't actually hate the manga. because it's so important to me. and i respect the creators of the manga and anime#but it's frustrating to watch a train wreck in real time. and it's my blog i can hate what i want 😔#sorry if there are typos i wrote all this on mobile and can't edit the tags. i didn't wanna put any of this in the main post
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locoier · 7 months
i love qsmp because it forces me to like. actually work on my language skills. like so often i find myself watching content in portuguese with spanish translations. so im watching content in the language im trying to learn with subtitles in my second language and i know that my brain is actually working and learning yippie
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widevibratobitch · 5 months
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do you guys ever think about fitzconte
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lovearsonist · 1 year
i love mcr fans because it could be 7:45am and someone will post “i love frank iero so much i want to eat him and feels his bones crunch between my teeth” and itll get 3,000 notes
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meadowlarkx · 10 months
people online who are themselves fans creatively adapting and innovating with their source material are getting so comfortable making posts like "fandom generally is sooo crazy when they make their blorbos kiss" "fanon is shitty (and whatever i hate counts as it)" and i'm getting 🛌🛌🛌 about it. what fandom. who in it. which fanons? i like meta discussions about the text/characterization/etc, but what's the point of looking down your nose at fans and fandom generally? i saw you at the devil's sacrament!
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angstydiaz · 18 days
-kinda opinionated shit under the cut relating to new fandom ppl,only vaguely related to bucktommy dw my dear mutuals I would never slander
dk if this is cancellable but if you came into the show post bi buck+buck/tommy I do not wanna hear your negative buddie thoughts lmao
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beep-beep-benny · 2 years
my beloved little phone boy who overheatz everytime i compliment him . he iz zo pathetic /poz
Aww how sweet
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magnuficent76 · 23 days
Hi! Do you mind if you tell me more about Melaine? Ze seems really cool!! :D (And I'd love it if our ocs interacted sometime! All of yours are so interesting! <3 )
HOWDY !! Tysmmm :D AND I WOULD LOVE TO SEE OUR OCS INTERACTING OMGGG !! YOURS ARE SUPER COOL AS WELLL just hmu and we can set. A playdate for them /silly And2 Of course ! I would love to tell you about herrr <3
Doctor Melaine T. Curatella Malpratti (She/Ze) is a notorious name within the medical community for zir larger than life goals and aspirations, always looking to the brightest possible future and doing everything in zir power to attain it. Her most notorious projects as of currently are her mutagen research, in which she questionably puts herself as the main subject for its trials, and advancements in fields of biology and evolutionary studies. Ze is known for being incredibly impulsive, easily excited when it comes to her fields of interest (Namely insects and anatomy), and very, very, Incredibly stubborn. Ze is set in zir goals and it takes very major interference to get her to stop once she's onto something, and even then it might not be enough because she's reckless wnough to go through it anyway. She is my special blorbo who has never done anything wrong in zir life (aside from the unethical experiments maybe)
Melaine has been mutating herself with insectoid mutagen of her own creation (specifically Mantis mutagen), and it's really just a topic of joy for her. Ze believes in the ever changing nature of things, and trusts zir abilities to be able to interfere with nature with how ze is currently doing it without causing disaster, and... well, so far she's succeeded with every experiment. Her passion has allowed for massive discoveries in DNA studies, evolutionary possibilities for human beings, and cell regeneration, but ze's pretty uninterested in success given ze has been missing from public eye for nearly two decades now, stuck in her reclusive state for studying and... not much else. After the death / disappearance of her husband, it's pretty hard to say where ze went exactly. But there are always rumours.
When she isn't just being Strange and Sciency however, she's generally a very friendly person who is intensely compassionate to everything, even if zir workaholic behaviors keep her from showing that side to people most often <3 Once you have zir invested in a conversation, ze can talk for hours on end, but as a whole ze tends to stay mostly quiet and mysterious in some corner (She doesn't know her turn to talk and is avoiding embarassment). If you ask her about her interests she'll talk your ears off BUT ze will also want you to infodump back as a form of friendliness. Ze's everything ever to me here's a bunch of her <3
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foundfamilyhq · 9 months
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What's YOUR favorite scene(s) in the tremors series?
I’ll do a top 5!!
5: Can you fly you sucker?!? CAN YOU FLY??!!! (Tremors 1, basically the whole ending)
4: When the graboid breaks into the Gummers’ rec room and gets blown to bits in Tremors 1, specifically when it first pans over to the absolutely cartoonish amount of guns on the wall.
3: “I’d Prefer… *puts on sunglasses* that we keep this to ourselves” *steps up out of graboid* (aka the vore scene in Tremors 3)
2: “It’s a whole new ball game! It’s a whole new goddamn ball game!!” (Tremors 2)
1: The scene where Dr. Jim and Megan get grabbed in Tremors 1, I’ve posted about it before it’s like a perfect little horror short all on its own.
I haven’t watched 4 in ages I need to watch it again
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kingofpeacows · 8 months
can we get some tim headcanons... im just. curious (<- guy whos getting autistic about tim again)
Tim shouldn't be cis in my opinion and I've seen so many great headcanons about this, but I always lean more towards transmasc Tim. I don't think he puts much effort into "passing," because honestly?? He has more important things going on than scheduling top surgery or getting a haircut and he's pretty happy with that.
He's definitely a sensory-seeker. Nothing can just be something- it has to be too much. His food has to be too hot, his weighted blankets have to be too heavy, and all his hugs have to be too tight.
He was super secretive about being autistic during his YJ days because he thought it could somehow lead back to his identity. This was until Bart picked up The Vibe from him and said "it sure is cool we're both autistic superheroes :3" Tim spent weeks making sure his identity was safe and when he realized it was, he was more open about it.
Tim cleans his room by shoving all the clutter into his closet or under the bed, which ultimately makes it worse for him.
Tim will laugh if someone makes a mean joke about him, but the second someone says something about one of his friends, he's plotting their death.
Not a headcanon, but it's really important to me that Tim is the youngest out of all his friends <3
I also think he should be the shortest of all his friends.
The reason he didn't come out as bisexual sooner was because his first kiss was with Ives and it was REALLY bad. He just assumed he didn't like boys.
He's so Little Brother- he's annoying and asks too many questions and kind of drives you insane, but then he sends you a funny thing at 2 AM and slips a note under your door when he accidentally made you mad and will always say yes to a midnight snack run. He just likes being involved in things.
After a while, he starts growing out his hair to put it up. It's always at that awkward length of being able to brush it back into a bun but most of it still falls out in the front.
And I probably have way more Tim headcanons I can share later after I'm home from practice <3
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dormont · 4 months
emery was just telling me on how he joined a pmd server and someone was spouting bs about "unionizing against chatot and his wage abuse" so she sent them my post explaining the system put in place by the exploration federation and it IMMEDIATELY got accused of being a romhack like girl are you fucking fr. people really are just this stupid about his character on purpose huh
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aroace-poly-show · 6 days
🍓?! 😅 (also, congrats on your school ending regardless of the summer school )
i stick around following you bc i just think you’re very cool tbh ldkjfhd and thank you!!!
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