titisitiaisyah · 10 months
Rabu 07 Juni 2023 - Behel
Setelah penantian panjang, alhamdulillah akhirnya kupakai behel. Kalau tidak salah keinginan pakai behel sudah dari tahun 2014/2015, tertunda karena takut sama dokter gigi dan takut sama sakitnya, mikirin biaya juga, terus permasalahan di gigi banyak sekali yang harus dituntaskan satu per satu.
Rasanya setelah pakai behel: I'm living my dream~ It's something I've wanted for so long, akhirnya mimpiku terkabul juga, hatiku bahagia~ walaupun harus menghadapi rasa sakit untuk beberapa hari dan susah makan.
I hope I will always remember this day- a sense of happiness. Walaupun harus nunggu lama, tapi pada akhirnya sampai juga pada apa yang diinginkan, that He does not abandon us. Alhamdulillah.
Penantian panjang ini, tak jarang kumenggalau, kadang hati mantap kadang tidak, sehingga sempat mau melupakan keinginan pasang behel. Namun, dua tahun belakangan ini kalau diperhatikan gigiku makin maju dan rahang juga tak simetris, akhirnya dimantapkan lagi niat berbehel seiring membereskan gigi-gigi yang harus dicabut dan ditreatment.
Perjalanan behel ini adalah perjalanan antara aku dan Tuhanku melebihi perjalanan aku antara dokter yang menanganiku, karena dengan permasalahan gigi yang kuhadapi ini, jadinya lebih sering mencurahkan isi hati dalam do'a, merasa terkoneksi begitu.
Hai, Siti Aisyah, terimakasih telah berani sering-sering menghadap dokter gigi, yang dulu punya pengalaman tak enak, sampai tak mau ke dokter gigi lagi dan rela nahan sakit gigi tiga tahun, buka mulut sakit juga makan pun susah 😅.
Semoga selalu ingat bahwa, walaupun penantian panjang, akhirnya terwujud juga kan?
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zephyrhayfield · 4 months
My Braces Journey (Begin on 5 October 2023)
Dari berbagai keluhan kesehatan yang kurasakan selama 31 tahun ini, memiliki mulut yang nyaman adalah cita cita. Berawal dari gigiku yang berantakan dan ga rapi sejak kecil, pakai behel kupikir adalah salah satu solusi. Dulu waktu masih sekolah, tepatnya waktu aku kelas 13, mamah papah sempet akhirnya mengabulkan permintaanku, pake behel, walaupun pada saat itu masih di tahap awal. Skrg…
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nhadiyati · 2 years
Oktober 2021, udah hampir setahun tapi baru sekarang sempat nulis tentang pengalaman memakai behel. Dari awal dulu pas tinggaldi Jakarta sekitar 2017an pas scalling di Poliklinik UI dan di rontgen yang mana hasil rontgennya jadi diskusi kayaknya Mahasiswa Baru FKG dimana ada 2 (dua) bibit gigi yang gak tumbuh alhasil udah disarankan untuk pasang behel tapi tak pernah dieksekusi. 
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Ada beberapa alasan yang bikin malas pakai behel : 1) mahal; 2) sakit/gak bebas makan; 3) harus rajin jaga kebersihan. Alasan pertama kemudian gugur ketika ketemu klinik gigi yang menawarkan harga promo, alasan kedua gugur karena ternyata aku tipe yang cukup bisa menahan sakit atau mungkin faseku belum sampai ditahap sakit, dan alasan ketiga kupaksakan gugur walau sama dokter gigi sekarang sering diomelin hahah. Ini ceritaku pasang behel. Ada 1 alasan kenapa ingin pakai behel, ingin lebih rapi dan senyum pede, dan Alhamdulilah lagi ada rejeki kemudian didukung terutama pasangan hehe
Cocok dengan dokter itu penting karena sama dokter gigi pertamaku oke biayanya memang murah, bayangin aja harga behel yang normalnya dikisaran 6jt-10jta untuk harga kontrol bisa dikisaran 300rb-700rb bahkan ada orang yang lebih dari itu, aku bisa dapat 3jt saja. Tapi karena dokterku ini sepertinya emang punya prioritas sendiri aku cukup shock ketika gak banyak penjelasan tiba-tiba langsung cetak dan pasang behel hehe kirain dikasih waktu mikir.Jadi sebenarnya dari 5 bulan aku kontrol di dokter pertama sebenarnya tidak ada hasil yang signifikan, ilmu yang aku ketahui pun dapat diartikel - artikel di Internet ini ada beberapa kumpulan artikel yang aku baca atau video yang aku simak
funfact sebelum pasang behel
prosedural pemasangan behel
manfaat pemasangan behel
Do and Dont’s saat pemasangan behel
makanan yang cocok setelah pasang behel
Playlist video COVIS UI tentang Behel
kasus emergency terkait behel dan penanganannya
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Gigi yang bawah walau blur itu progres ketika udah di Dokter Gigi yang baru, jadi prosesnya dijelasin mulai dari gigiku akan dilurusin dulu, kalau udah lurus baru akan merasakan sensasinya ditarik, dan enakknya aku juga dijelasin tiap tahapnya kayak pergantian tingkatan kawat dll. Oh ya kenapa aku bilang harus cocok-cocokan dokter, karena kalau misalnya kamu pindah dokter gigi dalam masa treatment behel maka kamu akan dikenakan biaya bisa 1/2 dari biaya pemasangan di klinik baru yang kamu tuju atau bisa lebih sesuai dengan kebijakan klinik penerima, dan bisa jadi behel mu dirombak ulang 
Oke jadi di Dokter barulah aku diberitahu kalau idealnya bagi pemasangan behel itu harus scalling setidaknya 1 bulan sekali karena orang dengan braces lebih mudah mengalami penumpukan makanan. Sedangkan untuk sikat gigi itu bisa dilakukan seperti orang normal, gak mesti pakai sikat khusus yang penting lembut tapi kalau mau optimal bisa pakai interdental brush sama floss/benang gigi.  Nah dilink shopee ini ada interdental brush favoritku karena dia udah sekalian ama tusuk gigi/toothpick
Kalau mau full gear biasanya dokter bakal kasih kalau dokternya baik hehe atau kamu bisa beli yang kayak gini , tapi buat aku yang pernah mengalami fase super rajin nah kit ini kurang odol atau obat kumur jadi aku bakal punya pouch lebih gede, enaknya dapat 2 sikat gigi jadi 1 bisa buat travel nah 1 lagi buat dirumah (walau sikat giginya gak lembut-lembut banget sebenarnya), cermin sama jam pasir hampir selalu tak tinggal dirumah karena gak kepakai dan tidak serajin itu untuk mengukur lama waktu menyikat/menggosok gigi. Oh ya lemahnya kit ini kadang nasib wax/gum behel itu kadang dapat keras jadi susah nempel, akhirnya aku suka beli terpisah disini, fungsinya wax/gum ortho itu opsional kalau merasa ada kawat/bracket yang tajam atau buat kalau emergency jadi kadang orang-orang gak merasa begitu butuh. Kayaknya rata-rata gear buat pemakai behel hasi rekomendasi Dokter yang baru beli di Alice Dental 
Tambahan obat kalau emang luka/sariawan menganggu ada 2 alternatif yakni salap ketricin yang dalamnya mengandung  Triamcinolone 0.1%., atau bisa juga pakai obat kumur minosep yang cara pakainya kumur selama 20 detik 2x sehari dan jangan makan 20 menit setelahnya. Sakit itu wajar pas pasang behel dan tidak bisa dihindari jadi ya kalau emang berdenyut2 tak tertahankan maka paracetamol bisa menjadi alternatif, obat-obat yang masuk dalam kategori NSAID ada yang bilang tidak dianjurkan karena akan menghambat pertumbuhan/pergerakan gigi, tapi dokterku masih ijin pakai asam mefanamat, selengkapnya tentang NSAID ada disini 
Untuk masalah makan sebenernya tidak ada pantangan tapi yah kemampuan mengigit gigi pemakai behel gak secakep dulu menurutku, gigi kita juga lebih goyang karena dilakukan penarikan. Jadi sebaiknya jangan coba-coba kunyah/gigit permen dan es batu, makan jagung tanpa dipipil, narik sate langsung dari tusuknya, makan permen karet. lebih baik dihindari biar ga repot sendiri. Kenapa disaranin makanan bertekstur lembut ya biar gak lasak/grasak-grusuk makan dan bracket lepas aja, atau kalau lagi abis kontrol biar gak sakit. Aku punya trik kalau tiap abis kontrol makan es krim atau yang dingin-dingin biar enakan
Durasi pemasangan behel itu idealnya 2-3 tahun tapi bisa lebih tergantung kerajinan kontrol, kondisi gigi, atau apa ada bracket yang lepas atau tidak (aku ngalamin yang awalnya rencana ganti kawat eh gara-gara bracket lepas batal deh). Tapi belum selesai sampai disitu, masih ada proses yang namanya retainer yang akan memerlukan biaya lagi disekiar 1.5jt-5jt kembali lagi ke dokternya, Makanya kalau sekarang misalnya masalah gigi ga riweh atau tidak ada pencabutan gigi ada yang memilih memakai klairs, Dokter ku yang baru nyesel banget baru ketemu katanya aku kalau pakai Klairs itu paling cuman 3-5 bulan kelar tapi ya biayanya juga lebih mahal, untuk masalah Klairs kalian bisa cek ke laman IG dokter gigiku yang baik hati Drg. Fitriyantinie
Katanya manusa itu makhluk visual, jadi buat lebih kebayang masalah perbehelan, aku share clip dari temenku yang juga dokter gigi di Batam, bisa disimak disini (aku gak jadi di winda karena biaya pemasangan sekitar 6jutaan, padahal sebenarnya itu harga normal, alhasil ke dokter yang murah pas di jakarta terpaksa rombak ulang. jangan pasangan behel sama tukang gigi bakal lebih parah hasilnya). dan juga ada seniorku Mbak Nabila yang punya pengalaman dan sharing-sharing sebagai pasien pemakai behel behel disini
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ini progres terbaru dimana gigi depanku udah mulai rapat, Salam semangat dan senyum sehat 
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leehallfae · 6 months
“in the early days, still getting used to your eyes / on me, the newness not of the eyes but the on, / the flung-open door of every inch of my body / in light”
— ali beheler, “thresholding,” up the staircase quarterly (x)
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The twenty-one artists in 34 Orchard Issue 9 examine all aspects of waiting: its ups and downs, its held-breath nature, its power. A dead girl languishes instead of going towards the light and a predator banks on his next meal. One mother is driven to pursue a reunion with her daughter, another’s moment for revenge finally arrives, and generations of sons resist—yet compulsively anticipate—the…
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WA 0852-9000-9353 EKSKLUSIF LEVISAV Pasta Gigi Formula Proteksi Dan Charcoal di Cibuntu Bandung
Gigi Hitam Jadi Putih, Menghilangkan Plak Gigi Cara Alami, Menghilangkan Plak Gigi Dengan Cepat, Cegah Plak Gigi, Plak Gigi Dan Karang Gigi, Plak Di Gigi, Menghilangkan Plak D Gigi, Plak Gigi Hitam, Menghilangkan Plak Gigi Hitam, Agar Plak Gigi Hilang
Selain memberikan kebersihan menyeluruh, pasta gigi herbal ini juga membantu memutihkan gigi secara bertahap. Dengan bahan-bahan pencerah alami, senyuman Anda akan terlihat lebih cerah dan bersinar seiring waktu. Tidak hanya itu, aroma segar dari ekstrak mint memberikan kepercayaan diri dalam setiap interaksi sosial.
dapatkan levisav di marketplace pilihan anda,untuk informasi lebih lanjut kunjungi levisav.com dan nomor 0852-9000-9353
Nagekeo, Rote Ndao, Sabu Raijua, Sikka, Sumba Barat, Sumba Barat Daya, Sumba Tengah, Sumba Timur, Timor Tengah Selatan, Timor Tengah Utara
Karang Gigi
Karang gigi adalah kondisi di mana terdapat lapisan seperti kotoran yang terletak di gigi dan sulit dihilangkan meski telah dibersihkan atau disikat. Karang gigi disebabkan oleh adanya plak yang mengeras dan tidak mendapat penanganan. Plak itu sendiri adalah lapisan licin dan tipis pada gigi yang terbentuk akibat adanya sisa-sisa makanan yang tertinggal di gigi. Penanganan karang gigi hanya dapat dilakukan oleh dokter gigi. Meski karang gigi tidak menimbulkan gejala yang mengganggu kesehatan secara menyeluruh atau fungsi gigi itu sendiri, karang gigi yang tidak ditangani dapat memicu munculnya kondisi lain, seperti gingivitis atau radang gusi. Gejala Karang Gigi Karang gigi dapat dikenali dengan adanya lapisan seperti kotoran berwarna kekuningan, kehitaman, atau kecokelatan pada garis gusi, dan sulit dihilangkan meski telah dibersihkan atau disikat berulang kali. Karena karang gigi merupakan dampak dari plak gigi yang tidak ditangani, maka penderita karang gigi akan merasakan gejala lain berupa mulut kering dan bau mulut. Secara umum, terbentuknya karang pada gigi tidak menimbulkan gejala yang mengganggu fungsi gigi itu sendiri atau kesehatan tubuh secara menyeluruh. Namun, jika karang gigi tidak ditangani, kondisi ini dapat memicu munculnya gingivitis. Gingivitis adalah kondisi di mana terjadi peradangan pada gusi. Ketika karang gigi telah menyebabkan gingivitis, maka gejala yang muncul dapat berupa:
Gusi bengkak.
Gusi berwarna gelap.
Gusi terasa nyeri saat disentuh.
Gusi mudah berdarah.
GigiHitamJadiPutih #NafasBauTakSedap #NafasBauTahi #NafasBauTerasi #NafasBauTerus #NafasTerasaBauBusuk #NafasBauUrea #NafasBauUrin #NafasBauUreum #BauNafasWanita
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jasadigitalmarketing · 9 months
Mengunjungi klinik gigi yang berada di pusat perbelanjaan memberikan banyak keunggulan bagi para pasien. Selain aksesibilitas yang mudah, Anda dapat menikmati suasana yang menyenangkan, fasilitas modern, dan perawatan gigi yang profesional.
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doktergigikendal · 2 years
KONSULTASIKAN Telp/Wa 0821-3483-6786 Praktek Dr Gigi Di Kendal Batang Epza Clinic
KONSULTASIKAN Telp/Wa 0821-3483-6786 Praktek Dr Gigi Di Kendal Batang Epza Clinic
Dokter Gigi Anak Terdekat Dari Lokasi Saya Sekarang, Dokter Gigi Anak Usia 2 Tahun, Dokter Gigi Anak Yang Bagus, Dokter Gigi Bagus Buat Pasang Behel, Dokter Gigi Cantik. Dental Care Kendal, Dental Care Klinik, Dental Care Terdekat, Dental Care Terdekat Dari Lokasi Saya, Dental Clinic Anak https://wa.me/6282134836786 EPZA CLINIC KENDAL BATANGKlinik Spesialis Kulit Kelamin dan Estetikaby : dr.…
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tassjis · 3 months
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Small Copper - 10 lion Medium Copper - 100 lion Large Copper - 1,000 lion Small Silver - 10,000 lion Large Silver - 100,000 lion Small Gold - 1,000,000 lion Large Gold - 10,000,000 lion
30 Fruit on the market <100 Payment for ordinary handiwork
100 Shumil Feystone 100 Effa paid Lutz 200 Payment per flower part of a hair stick 500 Payment for making a mass-produced hairpin
1,000 2 mugs of Behelle and some sausages in Ebb's bar 1,100 Hair ornaments with an express fee 2,000 Stone slate and one slate pencil 3,000 Initial price set for a mass-produced hairpin 6,000 A used calculator 8,000 Myne took home after selling her first sheets of paper 8,000-10,000 Ralph's monthly salary
10,000 10 cookies sold at the Harpsiel concert 10,000 Given to each soldier escorting grey priests to Hasse 10,000 Cost per hair stick arranged for the girls in the Ehrenfest dorm to wear as a promotion 20,000 postcard-sized parchment 20,000 postcard-sized Volrin paper 30,000 profit from Frida's hair sticks (split between Lutz and Myne) 40,000 postcard-sized Trombe paper 40,000 A bottle of writing ink 40,000 Initial price for one of Freida's hair sticks 50,000 registration for the Myne Workshop 50,000 - 70,000 planned price for Reversi and Playing cards 60,000 Frieda's twin hairpins
100,000 An apprentice uniform for Gilberta Co. 100,000 contract-sized parchment 100,000 contract-sized Volrin paper 100,000 minimum monthly wage for a Math and Writing Tutor - Three 1 bell lessons per week 100,000 Monthly salary of a gatekeeper (Gunther's Salary) 160,000 Myne's share of the 5 small gold donated to the temple 200,000 Given to the guards for handling an unexpected Clarrisa correctly 300,000 Monthly travel allowance paid to Italian restaurant chefs 300,000 Price for a Concert Program 300,000 Single colour poker set 400,000 Premium Reversi and playing cards 500,000 contract-sized Trombe paper 500,000 Monthly rental fee of an Italian chef 500,000 A Ferdinand portrait sold at the concert 500,000 Price of Karuta sold at the castle 500,000 - 800,000 Ticket price for low seats at the concert 800,000 Final price for a picture book
1,000,000 price per Italian restaurant recipe 1,000,000 Highest seats in the concert 1,000,000 A picture book sold at the castle 1,000,000 Coloured playing cards sold at the castle 1,000,000 Price paid on Brigette's dress 1,000,000 Damuel's reward for the raise angelicas grade squad 1,000,000 Previous Grey Priest price 1,000,000 Royal Academy's Library Registration fee 1,800,000 Initial price of the Children's Bible 2,000,000 Laynoble price for Rozeyne's Mana Compression Method 2,000,000+ A faulty magic tool that will break 2,800,000 Cost of the mana tool to save Myne 2,800,000 2.5 years of Gunther's annual income 3,000,000 Information Fee to improve Rinsham 3,000,000 Used Mana draining tool that has been overwritten twice 5,000,000 Commission for a new mana-draining tool (estimate) 5,000,000 Average price for a grey priest 5,000,000 exclusive rights to pound cake for a year 6,000,000 Production method for plant paper 8,000,000 Mednoble price for Rozemyne's Mana compression method
10,000,000 Mynes initial donation to the temple 17,000,000 Production method and rights to hair sticks 20,000,000 Archnoble price for Rozemynes Mana Compression method 22,000,000 price of grey priest Volk 30,000,000 deposit to borrow a book from the Royal Academy's library 30,000,000 Donations from the Tea Party 40,000,000-50,000,000 Price of a book 50,000,000 250 Trombe Paper (The size of a holy book) 128,600,000 profit from Ferdiand's concert (an undisclosed portion of this is considered "loose change" to Ferdinand) 180,000,000 estimated cost of transcribing and translating Dunklefelger's history
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margaretoakgrove · 9 months
Darkest mystery of soul
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Any ordinary person who saw lord Heisenberg for the first time in their life could surely say that he gave the undelible impression of a tough, self-confident and fearless man.
And indeed, on his long and rather difficult life path Karl, willy-nilly, was forced to witness countless bloody horrors and endure excruciating tortures on his own skin, so now it seemed that absolutely no one and absolutely nothing was capable of shaddering his steely spirit in an utter terror.
But in actual fact, any single living soul on earth was not aware that the slightest thought of you, the lord's true and only love that he appreciated more than his life itself, seeing him in the given by Cadou parasite monstrous mutated form instantly made the warm blood freeze within the veins of his.
From that very moment when unpredictable fate forever tightly bound the two of you with the unbreakable chain of love, Heisenberg, inside himself, felt a strong irresistible desire to be completely and utterly honest with you always and in everything because exactly in you he finally found that same soulmate his heavy lonely heart had been desperately craving one day to meet especially at the times of long-lasting sleepless nights.
Fully trusting you, Karl, little by little, revealed you the innermost mysteries of his not so easy living that he had been keeping securely hidden for many years from everyone within the tormented soul of his. Your beloved clearly explained you that, perhaps, to all local villagers he was very well known as one of the four great devoted lieutenants of mother Miranda herself, but, in reality, he fiercely hated her for the cruel and creepy sufferings she ruthlessly put him through for the purpose of achieving of her own selfish goals.
Upon confessing you that already long ago he had begun to plot a secret rebellion against the woman who took his right to be free and independent away, the lord demonstrated you, located deep down underground, the lowest areas of his old factory where day by day and night by night for long decades he had been doggidly and hardly working on constructing of a rather considerable army of cyborgized reanimated corpses that would be supposed to help him to annihilate the obssessed with the idea of reviving her long-dead child insane witch.
Speaking with all sincerity, by the frightening appearance of the mechanical soldiers, that were staring at you with the unblinking lifeless eyes, you were not repulsed nor terrified at all. Quite the opposite, to their brilliant creator you fervently stated that you were very proud of him for taking courage to rise up against the cold and calculating ruler of the village and fight bravely for his liberation until the very last exhale, and also that you were wholly certain that for these resurrected by him back to life dead men it would be the greatest honor to serve under his command to take brutal revenge on Miranda for once immersing their and their loved ones' lives into a real pitch-black nightmare.
Nonetheless, the darkest of his secrets about the ultimate transformation of his body Heisenberg could not ever bring himself to uncover to you, inwardly acknowledging he was afraid that as soon as you found out the horrifying truth that he, actually, was a dangerous appalling monster, you would run away from him in dreadful horror and never return. But Karl could not lose you... Heisenberg simply couldn't lose the only dear to him person without whom all the life of his even in so much desired freedom would be thoroughly imbued with darkness, emptiness and loneliness...
But at this late rainy evening of the judgment day he did not suspect one bit that you, worrying beyond belief about him, disobeyed his strict order not to come out of the factory in any case because the situation outside was getting too unsafe. Through the semidarkness of the long corridors were you walking slowly and wary to the main exit of the building where, eventually, you beheld an incredibly gigantic, never seen by you before, unimaginable creation, which represented itself a peculiar amalgamation of human flesh and metal scrap, but, realizing in a blink what human was trapped inside this robot-looking creature, without hesitation you quietly called out.
"Karl? Is it…is it you? Is it really you?"
Having heard his name pronounced by your voice, the transformed lord in an instant froze. In his grand steel glory he stood unmoving and unbreathing paralyzed by the horrid thought of that everything he had been so much fearing for all this time now became a tough reality for him.
"Yes, it's you. Of course, it is you. Who else can it be? I recognized you." A small step you took towards the beloved one of yours.
"No! Stay back! Don't come any closer!" All of a sudden Heisenberg wildly exclaimed, making all your body flinch.
"W-Why? Why not? Are you hurt?!"
"No, i am not hurt! I…i just…i just don't want you to see me like this…" Heavily Karl sighed, in total desperation lowering his head. 'I am a monster, Y/N, as you can see it for yourself. I am so sorry...I know, i should've told you about this much earlier. Forgive me for not doing that, if you can. Miranda…That goddamn bitch stole my humanity, by her fucked up experiments turned me into this disgusting abomination, and for this unforgivable deed, from minute to minute, she is going to pay by the cost of her miserable existence! As for you, my darlin', well...Now when you understood who or, heh, should i say, what i really am, i don't even dare to hope you will stay with me, let alone beg you to do so. You do remember, Y/N, that for you i wish nothing but the best, and therefore after Miranda's bloody demise you must leave straight away and forget about me once and for all. You shouldn't be anymore with a damned monstrosity that, unfortunately, will never be able to provide you with a happy normal life which you, my precious, have always been deserved…"
These bitter words pierced your entire being with a sharp arrow of unbearable pain, but it did not stop you from approaching your beloved and standing right before him without any fear.
"You can call yourself a monster as much as you wish, Karl, but…but i can't see any monster in front of me. All i can see right here and right now is the man who i love too much with every cell of my heart and each fiber of my soul, and neither mother Miranda nor this inhuman look of yours, you've never desired to possess, and no other power in the world will ever manage to change for you my feelings and push me away from you!"
When large tears uncontrollably flowed from your eyes, the lord raised his glance and looked at you in the greatest of astonishments, unable to believe in everything you had just said. With both your hands carefully you touched the skin on his face and placed a light gentle kiss on the bridge of his nose.
"I don't want to leave you! But...but if it's only possible-i am sure it is!-i would like to spend all eternity with you and you alone for without you, my dear, my life simply cannot be normal nor happy!"
And in a loving manner you leant your forehead against the lower jaw of the beloved one of yours.
"I am staying with you, Karl! I have made my choice. And i have made this choice consciously of my own free will. I am staying by your side, my love, no matter what happens, even if it means to inevitably die tonight!"
"Haha! Like hell we are going to die tonight, sweetheart!" Confidentely chuckled Heisenberg. "I am sure as hell it's too soon for us to die as right after me with my huge metal horde and our trustworthy allies burn Miranda's kindgdom to the fucking ground, our true breathtaking journey through life will only get started! So, what will you say, hm? Do you agree with me?"
"Yes, i agree with you." A genuine warm smile appeared on your lips. "I do absolutely agree with you..."
"Heisenberg!" To the unexpected sound of a loud male voice you turned around in order to see extremely tired yet determined to keep fighting to rescue from the tenacious claws of evil his little daughter Ethan Winters with the armed to the teeth Hound Wolf Squad team members led by captain Chris Redfield behind his back. "We're all ready! Are you coming?"
"Yes, hero-dad! I am already coming!" The freedom fighter responded lively, anticipating a forthcoming victory over his oppressor. "Haha! Just you wait, Miranda! Better start praying because the long-awaited moment to beat your crazy ass from the pedestal has finally come! Haha! I feel so alive!"
But before going and together with his comrades-in-arms participating the final tremendous battle against the leader of the Black God cult, Karl gave you the small vintage compass, he usually liked wearing on his neck, as a sworn promise that he would come back, come back to you, come back alive to begin to live the way both of you had always been vividly imagining in the wildest dreams of yours.
And pressing firmly his necklace to your chest, you didin't have the slightest doubts that Heisenberg would definitely fulfill this promise for you, for himself and for your brighter common future no matter what.
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ghosts0ap · 8 months
Marvel Self Inserts ‼️‼️
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Orion - Witch - Agatha Harkness kisser
Behel - Intergalactic criminal - Peter Quill kisser.
Sal - Sorcerer supreme - Shang-chi kisser
SPICE - Eldrich being - Bruce Banner kisser.
Marion - Stark industries scientist - Scott Lang Kisser.
Peter - Spiderman - Deadpool, Peter B., Miguel O’Hara, Spider Noir, Huntsman, and Webslinger kisser.
D-26 - TVA minuteman - Mobius, Loki (NOT MCU) and D-90 kisser.
Nikki - Historian - Steven Grant and Marc Spector kisser.
Unnamed - Biologist - Matt Murdock kisser.
All of them :)
If u wanna ask questions about them it’s very welcomed I love them all so much
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slookaa · 10 days
Dan terjadi lagi
karna ga ada yg mahamin jadi mahamin diri sendiri, biasanya selalu ngerti sama reaksi dan pola sendiri, cuma beberapa hari ini agak tantrum ga jelas
penyebab umumnya
mau haid atau lagi haid
masa subur
terluka hatinya
butuh dipeluk
lagi kangen
tentu nya beda sebab beda treatment, masalahnya ga jelas penyebab nya apa, sudah dilakuin semua hal yang biasanya manjur.
scroll sosmed
nulis di notes
nelfon temen nan jauh disana
baca buku
ngemall ampe shopping :)
dan ternyata baru saja enakan hati nya, pulang dari control behel ku ajak diriku jajan dan makan dalam mobil depan unri mantengin hujan rintik2:)
ternyata pen jajan diluar aku tu woii
Allahuakbar, pen nangis,, pen jajan doang,, sampe 4 hari tantrum nya -_-
apa nyari pacar aja kali yak, sepertinya berguna, kek nya lawan jenis lebih paham menangani cewe yang tantrum 🥹
capee ngertiin diri sendiri, jadi pasien dan dokter sekaligus dalam satu tubuh tu ga enakkk
dulu pernah juga kejadian yg sama, padahal lagi pen checkout shopee doanggg😭
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twixedworlds · 8 months
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Demon Heart and Behel @blueberrybanee ‘s lovely character talking about old men
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Is duniya ke bheed mein jab tumsa koi mil jata hai,
Kuch baate ho ya na ho, dil jarur behel jata hai.
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Announcing 34 ORCHARD’s Spring 2024 ToC!
The ToC for 34 Orchard Issue #9, Spring 2024, is here! In this issue, twenty-one artists take stock of the nature of waiting: its anxiety, its despair, its loneliness. Its hope, drive, and passion. Its anticipation … and its futility. Featuring work from not just the US, Canada, and the UK, but also Argentina, Bangladesh, India, Japan, and the Philippines. You won’t want to miss it! Cover Art:…
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neilperrysme · 1 year
tere seene pe har ek raat ki seher ho bas
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teri baahon mein mera dum yunhi nikal jaaye
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kya pata phir se yeh sambhal jaaye
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tere aane se dil behel jaaye
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dil behel jaaye, mukhbir (2022)
abhishek nailwal | vaibhav modi
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