#begging and praying to god
hawkssucks · 1 year
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BNHA Jordan’s REAL??????????
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wolfythewitch · 6 months
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Thinking about this constantly I hope you know
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scalefeathers · 10 months
Today, in ‘Astarion casually saying the most gutting shit imaginable’, this bit of act 3 banter:
Gale: Mystra has a shrine within the city. Located in the Stormshore Tabernacle, if my memory serves me.
Astarion: Do whatever you need to, but I shan't be paying my respects to any of the gods on show.
Gale: You never felt the call of the divine, Astarion?
Astarion: Oh, I tried them all. None of them answered.
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rusmii · 2 months
ohohooho.. puppy chuuya in heat you don't even wanna get me started.. 🤭🤭
watching him nuzzle into the crook of your neck soon as you get home from work and hearing those little high pitched whines as he ruts against your thigh that he tries so hard to hold back ... his tail wagging as his hands gently grasp onto your shirt, his eyes hazy as he looks up at you with such beautiful big eyes and pleads you for "-just one round.. please.. i'll be good-.."
HE WOULD WHIMPER AND WHINE INTO THE CROOK OF YOUR NECK…. your scent so exhilarating and making him high :(( he’s so out of it, he trembles and shakes as he cums everywhere, marking you in his load. every time he gets a look at you, smells you, or touches you his dick gets so hard he has to beg for another round of humping :((
puppy chu, like the usual dazai, would be such a perfect sub for u🤭
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capriciouslyterminal · 8 months
Listen Jon Matteson’s first note on the line “I’m not a loser” in the titular song of Nerdy Prudes Must Die was worth the price of the digital ticket and was worth it again that shit’s staying with me.
If you haven’t seen the show on YouTube PLEASE do yourself a favor and let the note enter your mind and stay there. It’s haunted me since!
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fizzy-dizzie · 6 months
Trans Sam headcannies blink blink batting eyelids (BC I don't talk abt the TRUTH enough)
Binders wouldn't have been super accessible in the 90s-00s so I imagine he used some less safe methods.
He'd bind for wayyy longer then he was ment to
If he was on a hunt he kinda didn't have many options
He'd sit on the bed finally when they got back to a motel and just breathe deep breaths for a while
His ribcage just perpetually hurt, he was used to it
He started T in college and got top surgery not long after
Dean had known about him being trans long before Sam left for college but he didn't really understand how serious Sam was about it until he came to get Sam to find his dad and 'oh my god that's a whole ass man'
Dean helped him cut his hair real short tho when they were young
John was not very impressed when that happened
John didn't know until they saw eachother post college
John didn't really get it. He was a very 'your ruining your body' type dad but honestly I think he would have had bigger problems on his mind to make a big fuss out of it (John winchester makes a big fuss out of everything so maybe more, he wouldn't make a MASSIVE fuss)
Sam was disappointed about his dad's lack of support but it was expected
Dean was very impressed by the top surgery job. Actually, considering he had never even seen one before, he was probably amazed.
Sam used to do research about what a trans person was in libraries on the computers
Most of his gender envy (/jealousy?) would have come from dean
Sam didn't really realise till he hit his pre-teen years
But he only found a name for how he felt at like 13-14
He told Dean about a year later
"I don't really understand much of what your saying, but if that's how you feel I just want to know that if that's what makes you happy.. I can get behind that, okay?" -Dean
Sam didn't cry but he gave Dean a massive hug. Emphasis on DID NOT cry those little water marks on Dean's shirt must've already been there.
Sam could only get so much from the internet so when he met another trans guy at college he was super excited and was able to learn a lot
He hated it when the showers in motels had mirrors right across from them
He'd leave the fan off intentionally so the mirror would fog up
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kindahoping4forever · 10 months
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Luke IG Story
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5-pp-man · 7 months
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wait does this mean you’ll be able to explore the update when it drops now? because of the new date? or is the case still the same?
no ok this answer is sooooo Funny bc uh
well apparently due to a Christmas Miracle i don't start working this week, today was just orientation. so i Would have been able to actually make it.
but now? WHO KNOWS!!!! WHO FUCKING KNOWS!!! i dont have my schedule yet!!! i'll get it by wednesday!!! so!!! with my continuously Dogshit luck! the case is still very much the same!
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movedtodykedvonte · 9 months
See if Simon started a religion around Golb again I’m sure he could get enough people to summon GolBetty so he could kiss hard with his wife.
But dude would probably see someone else praying to her and immediately be like “Sacrifice that motherfucker” cause that’s his god wife.
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tired-demonspawn · 3 months
words do not describe how much im looking forward to dallas liu's teaboy arc in book 2
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Sidney Sime - The Ultimate God. From Lord Dunsany's 'Time And The Gods', 1906.
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lightningtitties · 6 months
crying over this forever
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bylertruther · 8 months
people on sttwt are saying noah is actually bi bc the way he poses on photos "isn't giving fruity"....... also bc of how close he seems to be with this one girl
me when i've never gone outside and interacted with irl gay men (but honestly queer people in general) that are not chronically online gen Zs and have been hindered by having my most important socialization years occur during the covid era.
L + electric chair + stomping them with my hooves + gatekeeping them from the queer community even though exposure is exactly what they need but i can't allow it because they infuriate me so so sooo bad + what part of him saying "gays, girls, all the same ☺️🤭" did they not understand + spitting on them like a llama + eldritch blast + magic missile + fireball +
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art-crumbs-main · 6 months
🪄✨ ADHD cleaning hyperfixation spell! ✨🪄
Like to charge, reblog to cast! (This is mostly for me, but I'm manifesting so hard. Pray for/with me. 🙏)
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💧 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🌿
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antiquatedsimmer · 1 month
I wonder who that is...👀
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I don't want to count my chicken before they hatch but, perhaps I spoke too quickly making that goodbye Doyle Legacy post.
While cleaning out my folders preparing to leave everything behind I found a VERY VERY OLD gameplay save, a save where Lucile was barley an infant.
I've aged her up manually hoping to avoid the infants bug she got that caused her to corrupt my game so horribly.
So I took that baby Lucile & replaced her with a doppelganger & aged her up through CAS.
I'm not making any promises but, at least while I'm testing on a new save.... Everything seems to be running smoothly.
Cross your fingers for me & play to that big plumbob in the sky that I can still save her!(and my Legacy)
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