#beeta bag
happyfoxx-art · 8 months
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Friends, I have a potential way of funding this. What we need to do to make this happen is get her shared EVERYWHERE. I need big numbers. I need to see this is wanted. Get CRAZY. SHARE HER!!! BEE BAG BEE BAG BEE BAG!!
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sosuperawesome · 1 year
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Beeta Bags // Mindy the Turtle on Etsy
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figdays · 1 year
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Beeta Bag // MindytheTurtle
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beetatissuesonline · 2 months
The Ultimate Convenience: Tissue Pocket Packs by Beeta Tissues
In today’s fast-paced world, convenience is not just a luxury; it’s a necessity. Beeta Tissues understands this need and offers a solution that combines practicality with premium quality: tissue pocket packs. These compact, easy-to-carry packs ensure you're never without a tissue, whether you're commuting, traveling, or simply out and about. Let’s dive into the world of tissue pocket packs and explore how Beeta Tissues stands out in providing this essential everyday item.
Why Tissue Pocket Packs?
Tissue pocket packs are not just a modern convenience; they are a testament to how small details can significantly impact our daily lives. From wiping away spills to managing colds, these portable tissue packs offer a hygienic solution at your fingertips.
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Beeta Tissues: A Mark of Quality
When it comes to tissue pocket packs, Beeta Tissues is synonymous with quality. Their products are designed to offer both softness and strength, ensuring they are gentle on the skin while durable enough for any task.
The Versatility of Tissue Pocket Packs
Whether it's travel-sized tissues for long journeys or miniature tissue packs for quick errands, Beeta Tissues has you covered. Their range of pocket tissues is perfect for every situation, making them a must-have in every bag or pocket.
Eco-Friendly and Sustainable
Beeta Tissues is committed to sustainability. Their tissue pocket packs are made from environmentally friendly materials, ensuring that your convenience doesn't come at the earth's expense.
Perfect for Every Occasion
From on-the-go tissue packs for travelers to compact solutions for daily commuters, Beeta Tissues offers a versatile solution for everyone. Their tissue pocket packs are an essential accessory for any event or occasion.
In conclusion, Beeta Tissues provides top-notch tissue pocket packs that blend quality, convenience, and sustainability. These portable tissue packs are designed to meet the needs of the modern consumer, offering a practical solution for everyone. Whether you're traveling, commuting, or just stepping out for an errand, Beeta Tissues ensures you're prepared for any situation. Experience the blend of quality and convenience with Beeta Tissues, your go-to provider for premium quality tissue products.
For those looking for the ultimate solution in convenience and quality, visit https://beetatissues.in/ and discover the perfect tissue pocket packs for your needs.
Get your pack now and experience the difference!
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elisajdb · 4 years
BadaGine Week 2020: Day Three
The Life We Share @bardineweek
 Day 3: Welcome Back
  “So, when is Bardock coming back?”
 “He was due back a week ago but I got confirmation it’s tonight.”
 Gine’s day at the meat factory was coming to a close. She and Basi were cleaning their work stations as they generously talked. They were acquaintances more than friends. Basi fought alongside Bardock a few times but an injury and not reaching a healing tank in time cut short her fighting career. So she built a second one at the meat factory where Saiyans not equipped for fighting worked.
 “This is the first time Bardock’s been away since you started courting,” Basi remarked. When she noticed Gine blushing, she asked slyly. “Any plans?”
 Gine had them but she wanted to keep it to herself. However, she knew Basi wouldn’t stop asking until Gine told her something. “He’s coming by my place tomorrow. I will make him a yummy meal.”
 Just eating. Sounded weak but Gine wasn’t like other female Saiyans. There was also something else that bothered Basi. “Tomorrow?” Basin questioned. “But Bardock’s coming home tonight.”
 Gine wanted to celebrate tonight, too, but this is what Bardock wanted. “I wanted to see him tonight but Bardock said when he comes back from those missions he’s tired and wants to sleep.”
 “Sleep?” Basi rolled her eyes. If that wasn’t the weakest excuse… “He’s a Saiyan. If he’s sleeping, he’s not doing it alone. When our warriors come back, they want to party and sex and you’re not doing either.” Basi had her skepticism when she heard about Bardock and Gine. They were complete opposites but they seemed to make it work. “Have you two fuck yet?” Gine’s face turning beet red answered her question. “Seriously?! You’ve been together for three months and you haven’t fucked that walking sex machine yet?! What the hell’s the matter with you?”
 Gine wanted the ground to open and pull her in. She never talked about intimacy with anyone. She’s never done it and didn’t know how to broach the topic. She and Bardock shared kisses and light touches. Bardock touched her breasts sometimes through her clothes but they never went there yet.
 “It’s been six months,” Gine corrected her.
 “And Bardock’s been gone for three. Do you want him to fuck you?”
 Yes. No. Maybe. Definitely but Gine was mixed up. Gine loved kissing Bardock. Part of her wanted to experience sex but another part of her was nervous and not sure how Bardock felt. He never voiced it.
 Gine didn’t answer so Basi made the decision for her. “Tonight you will. If you want to be Bardock’s woman, you are going to be at Bardock’s home when he returns tonight. Cook him dinner but when he steps in his home, you need to be the first thing he sees: naked, wet and waiting for him to fuck you until you both can’t move.”
 Until they both can’t…..?? “I…. I can’t do that.”
 “Why not?”
Because I don’t have any sexual experience. “I…. I don’t have a key to Bardock’s home.”
 “Then break in! It’s not that hard. Pry open a window, knock the door down. Whatever you do, just get inside his home! If you want to be Bardock’s woman, you’ll do it!”
 Gine could not believe she was doing this but here she was climbing in the window of Bardock’s home. Knocking the door down was too obvious and Gine didn’t think she physically could do it anyway. Gine thought of asking a neighbor if they had key access but remembered all of Bardock’s neighbors were soldiers and were gone on their own missions. Gine left her bags of food on the porch while she struggled to climb in through the window.
 Height wise, the front window reached her head so Gine jumped on the ledge and using a glass cutter, cut a hole small enough where her hand could reach in and open the latch. Bardock will complain about the window but once Gine explained, she knew Bardock will understand and happily replace it and give her a key so she didn’t have to do this again.
 When Gine opened the window, she lost her balance and fell in Bardock’s home. A end table with a lamp on it broke Gine’s fall.
 Gine worried while Bardock will accept the broken window, he would not be happy about his broken table and lamp. “I hope my food and body will be enough.”
Gine hurriedly prepared dinner for Bardock. While dinner finished cooking, Gine showered and called the base Bardock would return to after his mission. She just missed him. He left the base five minutes before she called. Gine didn’t waste time removing her clothes in Bardock’s bedroom and laying out in waiting for him on the sofa.
 “Maybe I should be like this,” Gine told herself as she sat on the sofa naked with her legs crossed. “No. Too tame.” Gine laid back with one foot on the floor and the other prop on the sofa blatantly showing her spread legs. “No. No. That won’t work.” Gine laid on her stomach with her head looking over her shoulder so when Bardock walked in he will see her cute butt greeting him. Well, she thought it was cute but will Bardock?
 Five minutes passed and Bardock hadn’t come home. The longer she waited, the more time Gine thought of her situation. Ten, twenty then thirty minutes passed. The more nervous Gine got reality set in this was the dumbest thing she ever did. Bardock wouldn’t appreciate her breaking in his home, have a home cooked meal and see her waiting for him naked. He would be angry she broke in and think she’s a psycho. He gave her a reason why they couldn’t meet when he returned and she let her own insecurities and Basi poison her mind.
 Why did she listen to Basi? Yes, she has experience with men and relationships but no one has taken her as a life mate.
 “Oh,” Gine groaned with her hands in her head. “I’m so stupid.” What to do, what to do, what to---- Gine clapped her hands suddenly. She will fix this. She’ll get dress, leave a note for Bardock apologizing for breaking in and hope the meal she left will make up for it.
 That was Gine’s new plan until she heard a vehicle slowly come to a stop. Gine raced to the window and peeked.
 He was home! He couldn’t see her like this! Panicking, Gine started to run but stubbed her toe on the end table next to the sofa. When she stubbed her toe against the table, it wobbled and the lamp on it crashed on the floor.
 “Eek! Not again!”
 Her heart thumped wildly in her chest as she heard footsteps approaching the door. “Oh, no!” Gine squealed and ran out of the room.
 Bardock was not in the best mood. He was returning a week later than expected. One of the people on this mission got injured and delayed their return. At the base, Bardock called Gine. He wouldn’t see her until tomorrow but he wanted to let her know he’s home. He was disappointed she didn’t answer. It was evening. Gine should be home. He thought she’d be waiting for his call but now thought it was too much to hope for.
 Against his better judgement, Bardock drove to Gine’s home. He didn’t want to see her now. He wanted to wait until tomorrow.  When he arrived at Gine’s home, he knocked and waited before looking around her property. All the lights were out. Gine wasn’t home.  
 Bardock wondered where could Gine be. She knew he was returning home today. Was she upset his return was delayed? No. That wasn’t Gine but something must be bothering her. He hadn’t heard any accidents happened while he was gone so he knew Gine was safe; just not home.
 Resigning himself to not speaking with Gine at all, Bardock went home. All was well until he approached his home and noticed something amiss with his window. There was a hole circled in it.
 “What the hell?”
 He’s gone for a three month mission, he can’t talk to his girlfriend when he returns and someone breaks in his home?!
 His sharp ears picked up the sound of something breaking and footsteps running.
 They were still in his home?!!!
 Bardock saw red. He punched a fist in his hand. All right. Time to face this intruder and kick his ass! Bardock wished he had his scouter to measure the power level of the intruder but he left it at the base. Still, the way he was feeling, they could have the power level of Freeza and that wasn’t stopping Bardock from beating his intruder’s ass.
 When Bardock stepped inside his home, he noticed three things. 1. The end table and lamp in front of the window were gone. Bardock figured the intruder broke that both when he climbed in. 2. The end table by his sofa was toppled over and the lamp on it was broken. 3. Something was cooking in his kitchen.
 When Bardock entered his kitchen, he saw it was very clean; cleaner than it was when he left and there was food; lots of food on the table. His intruder cooked him dinner? Bardock crossed his arms over his chest. So the intruder didn’t have wicked intentions of robbing him but something was wrong.
 Who did this?
 Bardock’s first thought was Gine but that wasn’t possible. Gine didn’t have key access to his home. Gine would never break in his place. Eliminating Gine, Bardock thought of who else could do this. Only one name popped up.
 Beeta. His ex.
 Beeta couldn’t cook to save her life and this food on the table looked edible. She would break in. She was that crazy but they were over for months. He ended it even though Beeta wanted to continue.
 Bardock started thinking. Was it possible Beeta broke in his home and cook him a meal in hopes they get back together? Bardock didn’t want her. He wanted Gine. He had Gine but if Beeta want him back…..
 “Ah, hell,” he groaned.
 He had to deal with this before Gine finds out. He didn’t want her thinking he was back with his ex.
 “Beeta, I know you’re here. Come out!” He waited but no response except he heard something in his bedroom. Angry, Bardock marched to the room. “Dammit, Beeta! I know you’re here!” He pushed the door open. “Now come….!”
 Bardock froze.
 Beeta wasn’t the intruder.  
 It was Gine and she was naked with her clothes crumpled in her arms.
 “Gine?” Bardock stepped in the room  “What are you doing? Why are you naked?”
 “Who’s Beeta?” When she heard Bardock entering his home, Gine thought he would call her name but he calls someone named Beeta. Who was she? Was she an ex or was she the woman Bardock planned to meet today instead of her?
 “Never mind that,” Bardock ignored the question. There were so many questions running in his mind and he needed one answered now. “Why are you naked?”
 “Who’s Beeta?!” It was rare for someone as happy-go-lucky and kind as Gine to yell but she was mad!! Never mind she broke in Bardock’s home and spent hours making a wonderful homecooked meal for Bardock and even cleaned his place. He let her think she is his only woman but he was sneaking around with someone else! Gine decided she had every right to know who the other women is!
 “Put on some damn clothes!!” Bardock roared back.
 Bardock never raised his voice at her. It was as if he slapped her! She knew her body was not warrior like the many female Saiyans Bardock fought alongside with but she didn’t know she was so unappealing to him Bardock couldn’t stand to see her naked.
 “Am I that ugly you can’t stand to see me naked?!”
 “Stand to….” Where was Gine getting these thoughts? Why did she think he found her ugly? Frustrated and still confused on why Gine is here and naked in his home, Bardock grabbed her hand. He yanked Gine forward. The action cause the clothes to fall out of Gine’s hands. Bardock put Gine’s hand between his legs. “Feel this? Does that say I find you ugly?!”
 No. No, it did not. She never felt one before and this, he, was hard and large.
 Gine jerk her hand away as if it was burned. She stumbled back a few steps until the back of her legs touched Bardock’s bed. With a shriek, Gine fell over.
 Gine, naked and sprawled on his bed, was not something Bardock needed to see right now. His pants was already tight enough. “Could you put on some clothes?” Bardock strained out the words. “You’re really distracting right now.”
 Embarrassed for multiple reasons, Gine put on her clothes. She sat on the bed and waited for Bardock to speak again.
 Exhaling, Bardock sat beside Gine but kept a respectable distance. “Wanna tell me what this is all about?”
 Even sitting, Bardock’s figure was large and intimidating. Not in a bad way, Gine reasoned. He was so powerful and large and she so petite besides him. One didn’t cross him and one didn’t betray a man of his physique.
 Gine licked her lips nervously; her sweaty hands kept rubbing her knees. How could she tell Bardock what she did and why? Would it make sense to him? Would he laugh at her? Break up with her?
 “Gine,” Bardock put his hand over hers. “We’re not leaving this room until you explain yourself.”
 His voice was so rich and thick with masculinity. It left her heart beating faster and her body reacting between her legs.  
 “I hadn’t meant to break in. I was going to wait until tomorrow to see you but I talked to Basi and well, she told me about you and what you usually did after you returned…..” Gine kept her eyes on Bardock, waiting for him to say anything; dispute Basi’s claims, but he didn’t. Disappointed, she continued, “And it’s your first mission since we started courting and you didn’t even want to see me today! Three months and you didn’t want to see me. You wanted to wait until tomorrow. Basi told me if I wanted to be your woman, I’ll break in here and wait for you naked.”
 With her story explained, Gine waited for Bardock to say anything but for several seconds, he was silent.
 “Why weren’t you waiting for me?”
 “Hmm?” That wasn’t what Gine expected Bardock to say.
 “Why weren’t you waiting for me?” Bardock repeated. “You were in here with your clothes in your hands like you were trying to escape. So, why weren’t you waiting for me when I walked in?”
 And the embarrassment continues. “You live ten minutes from your base. I called and was told you just left. I waited for you and after thirty minutes, I started thinking how crazy I would look waiting for you. When I came in here, I started thinking you were celebrating your return with other Saiyans and women…… and I didn’t want to be here if you came home with one and…..”
 “That’s enough.” Bardock squeezing her hand silenced her. “I heard enough.”
 What did that mean?
 “When I was unattached,” Bardock explained, “I did party when I came home from missions. If a woman approached and I was attracted to her, we did what came natural. When I’m with someone, I unwind with her.”
 Gine flicked his hand away. She heard enough, too. “You didn’t want to unwind with me. You wanted Beeta.”
 “Beeta is the last woman I dated before I met you. We’ve been over months. I ended it but she still wanted me. That’s why when I thought you were her. I never thought you would do this.”
 Maybe he had a point there. Gine wouldn’t have done this if Bardock wanted to meet tonight. “That doesn’t change the fact you didn’t want to unwind with me when you came home. You wanted to wait until tomorrow. Did you make Beeta wait a day?”
 “No, I didn’t.” Bardock didn’t lie and this admission crushed Gine. “But…. Beeta and I were together. We’ve been together since our second date.” It wasn’t hard for Gine to understand what ‘together’ meant.
 “Why not me?” Gine asked. “We’ve been together for six months, including the three you were gone. “You’ve touched me sometimes but never enough to….” Gine couldn’t finish. This was too much for her. Bardock found her attractive but not enough to want to bed her. “I need to go.”
 Gine tried to rise but Bardock’s firm hand held her in place. “You had your say explaining. Now it’s mine.” Bardock exhaled as he struggled to find the right words to speak. “When I return from my missions, I’m still pumped. I used to drink and party with others. If I had a woman, I’d go home to her. I’m….. very charged, Gine. I knew if I saw you, I’d want to mate with you. That’s why I wanted to meet tomorrow. I need a day to cool off.”
 “So, you wanted to stay away because of me?”
 Bardock confirmed with a nod. “We haven’t reached that point in our relationship and you’re not experienced. I didn’t wanna pressure you.”
 With that, Bardock released her hand. Gine suddenly felt cold without his touch. Bardock gave his reason why he didn’t want to meet tonight. She understood except….. “It’s not pressure if I want it, too.”
 “Gine,” Bardock sighed, “you’re only saying that because of what I told you. You think you’re ready and you want it to please me.”
 “That’s not true. I wanted to. Before you left my answer would’ve been no because I was unsure, but while you were away, I realized I wanted to. I didn’t know what to say or explain what I want because I’m not experienced, but I want you, too.”
 Gine rose and stood before Bardock. Basi was wrong suggesting Gine break in, but she was right about one thing. Gine needed to take charge and show Bardock what she wanted. “I now see I should just ask for what I want.”
 Standing before Bardock, Gine removed her clothes until she was naked before him. Taking Bardock’s hand, Gine placed Bardock’s hand between her legs. She rubbed him inside her before pulling out. Moisture glistened on his fingers. “See this? Doesn’t that say what I feel? What I want when I think of you?”
 Unable to resist, Bardock licked his fingers. Damn. He shouldn’t have done that. “Gine,” he warned her, “you better go.” If she didn’t leave….. if she insist on staying…..
 “Why?” Gine refused. She saw the look in Bardock’s eyes. Lust. Desire. He didn’t want her to leave. She pulled at his uniform. “It’s not what you want. It’s not what I want either.” He didn’t resist as Gine removed the top of his uniform.
 “Gine,” Bardock warned her again. She was so close and her scent was so intoxicating. Gine placed a knee between Bardock’s legs. Leaning over, she kissed him tenderly. With Gine’s kisses, her hands on his bare chest, and her scent filling his nostrils, the last reserve of Bardock’s control snapped.
 He grabbed Gine, flipped her over so she lay beneath him on the bed. “Gine,” he repeated again in a hoarse voice.
 “Bardock,” Gine whispered as her hand caressed his face. “Let us both have the welcome back we both want.”
 Nothing else needed to be said.
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silentwords-4-blog · 4 years
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Bass uh do din phle ki baat hain.. Uhi safar par nikla tha Mausam toh barish ka tha par us din dhoop khili thee.. Ek nazar ghadi par dalte huye bus ka intezaar ho raha tha tabhi bus aaye aur hum chal pade... Kuch 2 - 3 ghante ka safar tai kar na tha... Khidki wali seat mili aur hawaye bhi mast chli... Mere bagal wali aunty ne pucha ' kya hum pohoch gaye hain' unki awaz mujhe badi meethi si lagi thee... Mera jawab tha 'no' hum bass abhi aadha rasta paar kar chuke hain... Kuch Waqt beeta phir se unhone awaz lagye... 'kya tum mujhe mera uppar rkha huwa bag nikal kar de skte hon' Main thoda soch me pada, soch ne lga kya mujhe ab inke sare kaam kar ne padenge... Kuch jyada badi baat noi thee maine un ka bag nikal diya... Unhone ek garm bottle nikali jo ki chai se bhari thee Mera Bharat mahan ab kuch uh huwa ki ek speed beaker aaya aur chai mere shirt par aa giri... Main chilaya aur man me soch ne lga kahi ye pagal toh noi... Mere pure shirt pr chai ke nishan the... Safar ka maza kuch kir-kira sa ho gya Ab intzar kar ne ke alawa koi chara bhi kha tha... Kuch samay baad Aakhir kar safar khatam huwa... Aunty ke bol ne ke phle Unhe kehe diya ki wo kisi aur se help mange aur Main aapni chize nikal ne lga.. Log to aapne me hi the kisi ne help noi ki... Aur agle hi pal conductor bina tikit baith ne ka us par chalan lgaya ... Main man me kuch sawal liye yeh sab dekhe ja raha tha Aunty ne chura-muda sa 2000 ka note  us conductor ko diya Ab mere maan me yeh conform ho gya tha ki wo pagl hain.. Conductor bhi maan hi maan muskurate huye chal diya Bus se niche utar ne se phle uss ne mujh se isshara krte huye pucha "kya mujhe tum wo walking stick doge jo waha rakhi hain" Mere chehera peela sa pad gya jab maine ussey walking stick se chalte huye dekha... ~Piyush Gajbhiye @piyusshh__x . . . Do follow :@silentwords_4 Tagl Comment |Share And be a part of my family #piyusshh #Silentwords_4 #piyusshh_x #writing #poetry #writer #writersofinstagram #love #quotes #poem #poet #poems #art #poetrycommunity #poetsofinstagram #words #quote #life #writersofig #quoteoftheday #wordporn #writingcommunity #writers #writerscommunity #sad #lovequotes #inspiration #follow #instagood #photogra (at Nagpurian Orange City - NOC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CETsnv9JDNV/?igshid=1k51swyaa19f5
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mindofhills · 7 years
Night In the Woods // Isaac Lahey Imagine
Pairing: Isaac Lahey x reader
More characters: Scott McCall
Plot: Isaac is the bad boy next door. One night he jumps to your roof and you have an amazing night.
Warning!: basically none..
Age (recommended): 13+
A/N: This is new to me so bare with me pleade. Also I didn’t read it over or anything so there might be some spelling or grammar mistakes, but it shouldn’t bother you. I hope you like it and tell me if tou want a part 2, I would love to write it for you guys to read. Enjoy x
I’ve lived here in Beacon Hills for as long as I can remember, because I was born here. My neighbour, his name is Isaac, is hot as hell. He moved here a few years ago and since then he has been nothing, but trouble and that sounds good to me.
I’ve never actually talked to him. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t even know my name or the fact that I even exist. We go to the same school. Beacon Hills High School. I’m not very social, as the matter of a fact I do not have any friends.
My mom is dating the Sheriff here so his son basically lives with us, but I’ve always been abel to avoid him. i’m good at avoiding people, the last time I saw Stiles was 3 months ago. Never have I ever said a word to him.
*** I got up my bed, put on my clothes, brushed my teeth and crabbed my bag. I looked myself from the bathroom mirror and said: “Another day being invisible.” I live in a house with my mom and the Sheriff and his son. Our house is huge, it has 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 3 floors. My room is on the last floor and I own it. No one else lives there or even goes there. I’m alone.
I crabbed my phone and put it to my backpack. I opened the window and jumped to the roof. To avoid being social I don’t use any doors. My classes start at 8AM and it’s 2AM right now. I don’t sleep at night. I just sat there and watched the sky, it was clear and I saw all the stars. It was beautiful.
Maybe it would be good to have some friends, but I don’t like people in the way normal people do. You see, I’m a vampire. I like peoples blood, but I don’t want to be around them. I don’t drink human blood, it’s gross. I like deer, it’s sweet and tasty.
As I’m looking to the sky I hear a window open and I know it’s not mine. “Hey, Lola.” I turn my head around and there he is. Isaac Lahey. HE KNOWS MY NAME!?!? Am I dreaming? “Hey.” I respond, trying not to be creepy. I know that Isaac is a werewolf. I know it, because he smelld differently. “What are you doing?” asks me and jumpes to his roof. “Looking at the sky. Why aren’t you sleeping?” I asked him and looked at the sky again. I was hungry and I needed to hunt. “I could ask you the same thing.” he said smiling. “Well you didn’t.” I respond and smile back at him. “Can I join you?” he asks. I nod “Don’t kill yourself, when you jump.” I say, he laughs and jumps to my roof. “I practice a lot.” he says, trying to explane, why he just jumped like 2 feet without any struggle. I look at him and laugh. “What?” he asks. “Nothing.” I respond and look at the time. “Okay, well I should get going. It was nice talking to you, but I gotta run.” I say and slowly start packing my things. “Where are you going? It’s 2 AM. And why do you have your backpack with you?” “You ask too much questions, Lahey.” I say and I take my knife from inside. “Can I ask you something?” he asks me and I look at him. God he is hot. I smile and sit beside him. “Go ahead.”
“Why do you avoid people?” “The same reason, why have to keep your heartbeat low.”
He looks very suprised and tries to come up with something, but he’s lost for words. “I know, Isaac. Don’t worry about it.” I say to him, pat his shoulder and jump over to the lower roof. “That’s way too high, you’re fonna break your leg!” he shouts at me. I laugh and jump beside him. He looks scared. “I trust you. Come with me.” I say and jump directly down to the grass. I look back at him and start walking.
Next thing I know he’s right next to me. “What are you, Lola? I’ve always known you’re different, but this is oddly strange.” I smile. Maybe this was a mistake, playing with him. When I’m hungry I often do things I’m not proud of. This could possibly be one of them. “Show me your eyes.” I say and he shows them to me, but not his werewolf eyes. “We’ve been through this beeta. Don’t be afraid.” and then he shows me his yellow eyes. They shine so bright. “How the hell do you know? Do you spy on me?” he asks me being kinda annoyed.
“I can smell you, wolfie, from a mile away.” I say and turn my head. “Are you supernatural?” he asks me and I start laughing. “I’m a vampire.” I say and he laughs. “Yeah right and I’m Edward Cul-” I cut him off by showing him my black black eyes. “Don’t play me buddy, I’m hungry.” I say and he steps back. I laugh again. “Don’t worry. You need to relax. I’m not gonna hurt you. I just need to hunt and I could use some company. I don’t know why, but you don’t make me that kind of nervous.” He looks at me with a spark in his eyes. “So. You ready to run, wolfie?” I ask him and he turns around full-on werewolf mode. I smile and start running. He comes right behind me.
I jump up to the trees and stop to look around. “You need to slow down, Lol. I can’t believe that I’m saying this, but I’m not as fast as you are.” I giggle and jump down facing him. “Slow down even more? Okay then, but wait here. I’ll go and catch a deer.” I say. “I want to see you do that.” he says, I smile. “Okay, but keep up. We’re not going to catch anything if we jog like this.” I say and he looks kinda dissappointed. I place a soft kiss on his cheek. “Don’t you worry, beeta. I’ll be as slo-” his lips cut me off.
Isaac Lahey kissed me, I pull off. He looks suprised. “Sorry, I didn’t mean-” “Relax, babe. I need to hunt.” I say and run off, but slow so he could catch me. I look at him, wink and then add more speed. He stays a bit behind, but keeps up with me. I jump up to the trees and see a deer 6 feet away from me, I whisper. “Stay here and be quiet. I promise you can see.” He hears it and stops. I keep running and climbing on trees then I jump off my fangs are out and I bite into deers neck and drink. I see Isaac looking at me.
You can say I’m a softy. I drink only that much so I don’t kill the animal. I drink so that it’s good for him and me. I stop and the deep runs off. “You don’t kill them?” He asks me and I shake my head. “No, I don’t want to hurt anybody. I drink only that much so it cleans their blood in an healthy way and don’t kill them. I bite so the woond won’t be huge and it’ll heel quickly.” I say and wipe my mouth. He smiles. “You suit perfectly into Scott’s pack.” He says and I shake my head again. “No. I want to be alone. If you guys ever need help, I’m here for you, but I don’t want to join. Yet.” I say and then jump to a tree.
“You coming?” I ask. As soon as I see his smirk, I jump off the tree and start running again. “I’ll speed up. You stay here, baby.” I hear him stop and I sneek low. I see a wolf, but it looks weird. I smell it. It smells like Isaac. I jump to it and I hear a small growl. I jump back and help him up.
“Sorry! I thought that you were a wolf. Not werewolf a real wolf.” Isaac comes up to me. “Hey, Scott!” he says , but Scott looks angry. “Who the fuck are yo” he asks me. “Do you ask my name or do you ask who am I?” I hear Scott giggle. “Both.” Scott answers a softer look in his face and in his voice. “I’m Lola. I’m a vampire.” I say and Isaac puts his arm around me.
“The Lola?” Scott asks Isaac and he nodds his head. A huge smile appears on Scott’s face. I raise my eyebrow. “Well it was nice meeting you, but I’m hungry so. I gotta bounce.” I say and run off. What did he mean my ‘The Lola? Is something going on that I did not know about. I hear them running behing me.
I jump up to a tree and then see an actual wolf. I jump and bite into it’s neck. As I’m drinking I see Scott from the corner of me eye. “Don’t worry. She doesn’t kill them.” Isaac says to him. I stop drinking. Wolf looks scared. I scratch him a little to relax him. “Thank you, litlle guy! Go on now, go!” I say and the wolf runs off.
“That was very sweet of you.” Scott says and I smile. Isaac hands me a towel and I wipe my mouth with it. “The Lola?” I ask them and they look at each other. “So…um…Amy. Yes, we… I..I mean I. You-” Isaac tries something and I just laugh. “Fuck it. If you one day come up with something then tell me.” He smiles.
We run up to my house. We say our goodbyes and I jump up to my window. I put mu backpack away. “This didn’t go as planned so I guess I ’ll just go to sleep.” I speak to myself. “You talk to yourself?” Isaac says sitting on my table. “No. I heard you coming in here. Why are you here?” I ask him turning around.
He has this huge amile on his face, when he looks at me. “I figured it out.” he says. I smile. “Shoot.” I say and sit on my bed. “Lola. I like you. Actually I’ve been crushing you since I moved here, but I never had the nerve to talk to you, but tonight, when I saw you sitting there again I thought fuck it I’ll give it a try and when Scott said ‘The Lola' he indeed ment you, because I’ve been talking about you non-stop.” when he said his last words he was standing right in front of me.
“That’s cute.” I say standing up. I crash my lips onto to his. This is our first kiss.
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happyfoxx-art · 5 months
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one week to Bee Bag pr3ord3rs opening :3 who will I be seein' there?
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happyfoxx-art · 3 months
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The bee pins are coming home! They're an exclusive run with the Bee Bag so if you want one... you know what to do uwu
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happyfoxx-art · 3 months
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AMAZING NEWS! They're on the way!
get yours at happyfoxxcreations.com
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happyfoxx-art · 3 months
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Not too late to start your new year off right :D Production is rolling!
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happyfoxx-art · 5 months
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Six sleeps until the Bee bag is up for pr3ord3r! Black Friday shopping, anyone?
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happyfoxx-art · 8 months
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What's this? A sneak peek? Someone's buzzin home very soon :3
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happyfoxx-art · 5 months
SURPIRSE! Preorders open now!
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ITS HERE! Things lined up faster than expected so you can now go get your bee bag
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happyfoxx-art · 4 months
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The bee pins are orderedddd :3c have you got your bee bag deluxe package yet?
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happyfoxx-art · 5 months
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Go go go!!! Get your bee-utiful little pin pal right away!
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