#been too busy with work to respond yet but OOOH MAN AM I EXCITED TO
aurosoulart · 1 year
Beam Saber update: here’s the first draft of Sunlith’s frame! I still need to add weapons and design the hatch mechanism that accommodates and connects to his exopod (the floating ‘suit’ some uplifted dolphins wear to get around outside water - if you look closely you can see Sunlith inside the pod!)
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cloud-acee · 5 months
[ breakfast bunch ]
office crush to lovers. wotakoi inspired. wc: 2757
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the city was bustling with busy as per a usual weekday. heels clacked and leather shoes hurried on the sidewalks, navigating their way to work. that wasn’t the case for you. today was a day off work because of some event in another department that did not concern yours and sunwoo’s, allowing a day of rest.
it was past 9 am and you have just woken up feeling quite a bit mislaid, not knowing what to do. usually around this time you’d be in front of your computer, typing away your work reports while taking bites out of the breakfast sandwich sunwoo always got you.
not having the energy to figure out what to spend today for, you mindlessly scrolled through tiktok curled up in your bed until a message dinged your phone.
nunu: morning
nunu: u up?
two messages sent after the other popped into your screen and you immediately clicked on it, not quite eager, but excited to know whatever sunwoo has planned for the day just so you could join in. hence, you responded and exchanged messages after so.
y/n: yea why
nunu: bfast?
y/n: let usssss
y/n: but where?
nunu: hb that sandwich place where i buy our usual?
y/n: oooh bet i’ve always wanted to try dining there
nunu: aightt, you know my place just message me when ure near so i can wait by the bus stop
y/n: got it 🤝
y/n: i’ll get ready now bye bye
nunu: you be careful, see u !!
acknowledging his last message with a heart reaction, you locked and threw your phone to the bed as you stood up to get ready, your face planted with an unconscious smile. you didn’t really know if you were happy with the idea that you won’t be couch potatoing for the day, or because you get to see sunwoo.
he’s part of your everyday now, not only on work days but even on weekends where you usually meet out to eat and hang, having been alone in each of your apartments. the friendly company of each other brought you both comfort. at work you got to play adults, but outside work you both get to act like teenagers with your endless playful bickering, midnight ice cream runs, and tv marathons whether it's an anime or movies or series. you loved being with sunwoo.
not further delaying your movements, you hopped into the shower preparing for whatever is to come today.
sunwoo, on the other hand, was all dressed already. he opted to message you after he's ready to go out just to avoid the possibility of you arriving in the meeting place earlier than him, not that it was a chance at all, but he wanted to make sure anyway just so he knows you wouldn't be waiting all alone. he meant to ask you to breakfast last night but argued within himself, not wanting to appear too clingy. sunwoo has always been careful about how you might see him. he wanted to be around you, but not always, not too pushy to scare you away. he didn't want to be too obvious, especially not when he's had some feelings he himself is yet to confront.
he saw you as a colleague at first, he respected you as a workmate. sunwoo saw your brilliance and wit, and he found you admirable. he didn't even notice when he started to feel.. things, he thought for sometime he just saw the good things in you, not realizing it's past mere compliments about you that he kept himself. the man was falling, oh he fell quicker than he could keep track of his feelings.
but he would never admit them. not even to himself, perhaps to sunwoo, acknowleding the heart is followed by rejection. and he enjoyed being with you too much to waste the bond, so he settles with your friendship. not that he was complaining, if anything, he was grateful to even be close to you, and much happier that you two were the closest among your workmates. sunwoo was contented but he'd be lying if he says he wouldn't want anything more.
the walk down the bus stop didn't take long enough for the thoughts that preoccupied his head. anyway, sunwoo already got to the meeting place just before you messaged to tell him you were around 5 minutes away.
basking in the morning air, sunwoo was glad the traffic had died down, allowing him to enjoy watching the vehicles that drove by. each one of them dropping and picking up new passengers, until it was you coming out of the bus.
sunwoo stood up with a small smile as soon as he saw you and you shoot him a smile back as you observed his clothing, he was dressed in a hoodie and jeans, just as you expected.
"do you even wash that hoodie? didn't you wear that last week?" you asked teasingly as soon as you were in front of him. the small smile on his face that welcomed you fell into a playful annoyed face, “at least i wash my hair everyday.”
he likes teasing like this, “hey, you’re not supposed to wash your hair everyday because it’s going to keep the natural oil and stuff,” you huffed as you followed him walking. “so you’re supposed to stink?” he joked even more.
“no i do not stink!” you said loudly laughing in between. “you have got to stop believing everything you see on tiktok,” sunwoo exclaimed laughing along with you.
the teasing and the tiktok banter kept going until you were a crossroad away from the small sandwich shop marked with a logo familiar to you.
as soon as you entered the sandwich shop, you heard the old lady stood behind the counter chirp a greeting to the man who held the door before you, “oh sunwoo, good morning!”
sunwoo kept his hand on the door as you took your steps but his eyes immediately went to the old lady, greeting back to her with another “good morning” paired with a gentle smile.
she had went back to cutting the ingredients as you walked towards the counter with sunwoo, checking on the menu. you observed the store and it felt like a subway but homey, maybe because of the seats and tables that are not too fancy but neat and pretty in color. seeing the freshly cut vegetables reminded you of your hunger and the smell of the sizzling meat didn’t help either. you continued scanning the menu when a conversation between the two started.
“are you getting your usual?” asked the lady as she looked at sunwoo. “yes but i’ll be dining here this time, you don’t need to rush preparing it,” sunwoo answered in a chuckle. apparently, sunwoo’s habit was no different to yours, always rushing in the morning.
the lady took note of sunwoo’s additional coffee order before turning her head towards you, “how about your order, dear?” she was sweet. you felt no pressure choosing a sandwich for breakfast but you didn’t feel adventurous today so you went with the order sunwoo always brought you.
“i’ll just have the regular sandwich with mayo, onions, and cheese, but without the pickles and tomato please,” you answered politely as you pulled your wallet out of your bag to prepare payment. just before you looked back up at the lady, you added, “i’ll also have the same coffee sunwoo’s having.”
this time you looked at her and she had this quizzed look on her face, as if solving a math equation stamped on your face. you only looked at her with both your eyebrows raised, mirroring the same look of confusion as you wait for a response.
“oh it’s her!” she exclaimed with her face lit up. you couldn’t understand what she meant but sunwoo seemed to get it when his eyes squinted then grew bigger as soon as the thought registered. “you’re sunwoo’s girlfriend aren’t you!? the one he always buys this breakfast sandwich for!” the lady said excitedly, wrinkling the corners of her eyes.
sunwoo looked as speechless as you did, perhaps you were as red as each other too.
the lady smiled so big you didn’t have it in you to burst her bubble, so you just pulled your lips in a warm smile as you bobbed your head slightly. “he always did get me my breakfast sandwich,” you responded as an agreement to the sandwich part, glossing over the girlfriend bit.
“what a sweetheart you have here, kindness in love goes a long way!” she said with the same level of excitement as she turned to sunwoo and talking once more, “and you have got a girl so pretty! how did a clumsy sunwoo score such a lady!?”
sunwoo only laughed in embarrassment as he scratched the back of his head. the mood was lighter and you laughed with him too. he didn’t look at you but he played along ignoring the statement that made him blush, instead clearing his throat before speaking to you, “you can take a sit now i’ll take care of it.”
not wanting to protest, you only nodded your head and smiled once more at the lady before pulling yourself out of the counter. you chose a table just next to the window and settled your bag on it, with sunwoo following not so long after.
he slipped into the chair opposite to yours quietly but spoke eventually, “i’m sorry about that,” he chuckled awkwardly. “i knew her since i moved here for work and she suspected the extra sandwich i was buying with my usual order was for a girl,” sunwoo laughed at the memory.
rushing through the streets, sunwoo held his leather bag in his left hand before he got to the front of the sandwich shop near the corner of his apartment, pushing the door with his right hand. the old lady recognized him, he’s been a regular since around three months ago— right when he moved to the area.
just as sunwoo approached the counter, the lady beat her to it and asked, “your usual in 5 minutes?”
he laughed lightly answering, “yes, please. but with the regular sandwich too minus the pickles and tomato.” he says as he pulls some cash out of his wallet. this was when the lady noticed it, of the three months sunwoo’s been a regular, the last three weeks of his order included an extra sandwich on some days.
she couldn’t stop her tongue when she asked, “so your girlfriend doesn’t like pickles and tomatoes?” sunwoo was quite shocked, but he liked what he heard.
you were both new to the company but you came a bit later, resulting in the two of you working on some stuff together and sticking together during lunch breaks, having not much friends from the older employees. sunwoo found you so easy to be with. and quite frankly, you could say the same. you talked about a lot of things, especially anime. but besides your similar interests, sunwoo also learned about the absence of breakfast in your daily routine having such a shit sleep schedule that you wake up late and miss the time to prepare or buy anything to eat most days, if not every single day.
so one morning when he was getting his sandwich, he decides to buy two to give you the other one. he ‘accidentally’ ordered two so you got to eat it now because one was enough for him and it would’ve gotten stale if he keeps it for lunch. you do anyway, but you fish out the pickles and tomatoes before doing so. sunwoo mentally took note of the abandoned bits of vegetables and ordered one without them the following day.
you didn’t really think much of it then, just glad sunwoo was generous enough to share his food with you. sunwoo, on the other hand, was relieved. he wouldn’t really know how to explain if you ask him why he gets you breakfast.
claiming the paperbag containing the sandwiches, sunwoo thanked the old lady for always getting them done in 5 minutes. “oh don’t worry there’s not much customers anyway. you go now, you lovebirds have a nice day,” she grinned warmly.
it has become his routine since then, the lady’s too, that he had completely forgotten about the assumption she made months ago.
you intently watched sunwoo as he spoke of the memory so fondly. “i would’ve warned you about it but it slipped my mind, i didn’t really explain anything to her and just let her think of it like that, i’m so sorry,” he finished.
“no, no problem at all, it’s fine!” you answered wavering your hand in quite a panic, not wanting to make sunwoo feel bad.
you really didn’t want to sadden that lady with the information that you two, in fact, were not dating. but admittedly, being called that made your heart flutter. oh, who were you kidding? anything sunwoo did— anything related to sunwoo, made your heart flutter.
the lady was right, he was such a sweetheart. always so mindful when he was teaching you about the work stuff he learned about some months earlier than you, accompanying you to non-work events (who knew sunwoo would join you to a sticker convention), sending you tiktok edits of your favorite movies, looking after sickly you in your apartment, making sure he's got an extra hair tie in case you lose yours— the list could go on but it’s that sandwich that you look forward to most days.
upon having this surge of realization, you felt your cheeks heat up as you spoke shyly, “i mean, it wouldn’t be so bad, would it?”
sunwoo only looked at you surprisingly with his eyes looking even bigger than they already do, but he also looked confused as his brows raised and furrowed quickly as if he was figuring a puzzle out. his head jumbled with words to form whatever question was meant to be asked in a situation as such, which he had never been in. did you mean what you said? did it mean you felt the same way he did?
his brain was racked with so much thoughts that before he got to ask what you meant, the old lady had already dinged the bell, calling for sunwoo’s name instead of his order number. blinking away the moment, "hold on," sunwoo said as he quickly stood from his seat quite wobbly before approaching the counter.
you would’ve laughed at his clumsiness but you had to mentally scold yourself first, what did you just say? were you even ready for this? well, you’ll never be ready to face something this big anyway, not something as big as your feelings that caught you in those moments with sunwoo you wished would last a bit— a lot, longer. they crept up the very first time sunwoo bursted out laughing at a joke you made, it was this warmth that spread across your chest that made you realize that besides seeing him happy, you also liked making him happy.
oh this isn’t good. what a waste of friendship would it be if sunwoo found your feelings ridiculous, you would much rather choke to death instead of being rejected and having your friendship ruined.
maybe you’re over reacting, but what’s a girl got to do when she accidentally confesses?
you were so into your own thoughts that you didn’t realize sunwoo was slowing his walking still trying to absrob what you said. did you mean, it wouldn’t be.. so bad.. being his? sunwoo has always been gentle with you when talking about things in a serious light, but he didn’t find this time a good time to be slow, maybe he should just go for it?
you felt like you held your breathe until sunwoo came back, carefully placing your coffee and sandwich in front of you and his meal on his side. sunwoo's sat in front of you again wiping the pair of fork and bread knife with a napkin before handing them to you. you only quietly said "thank you," as you reached for them when he spoke.
"so you liked that, huh?"
looking up with your mouth agape, you were horrified. sunwoo had a smirk and his eyes twinkled with something that tells you this day was going to be about more than a friendly breakfast date, this one was a hole you both have been digging.
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
I love your jealous Sonic and I think the most canon one is boom, so may I ask for Boom!Sonamy with jealous Sonic? If you need a more specific idea maybe Amy gets a pet like a puppy that takes up all her attention so Sonic feels left out and in competition and feels the dog doesn't like him and doesn't want to share Amy.
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You can find me talking about this prompt at 21:16 on the Pajama Blogs!
Hehe, jealous Sonic, it would be more canon in Boom, you’re right. I agree and share your opinions lolol but I think this would be cute and I hope I do it justice!
PROMPTS ARE ON SHUTDOWN! Sorry, you missed the grand opening and will have to wait till next time :( You can still ask questions though! But they need to be in accordance to the blog rules~<3
Comedy Chimp was in a hysteria of panic, the news had just announced the most popular celebrity pet: Tinkle Dipples, to be housed in Hedgehog Village while preparing to shoot a cameo in the famous Tommy Thunder movies.
Eggman and Amy compete in a tournament/competition to win the right to take care of Tinkle Dipples for the shooting, since his manager is going fangirl over Tommy Thunder, she doesn’t want to care for him and instead, has Amy--the winner of the tournament--sign some legal documents and take off to pursue her hero.
Sympathizing a bit with the manager but more excited about the cute, idol puppy, Amy takes her job very seriously as Eggman whines and complains about his loss and plans to do something about it..!
“I knew I should have played Dynamite Dalmatian but she had Rover Clover on the field, you can’t EXPLODE ROLL WITH MAXIUM LUCK ON YOUR OPPONENTS TEAM!” he wept and tossed his arms about as they wacked against his bed.
Orbot and Cubot just looked to each other, unsure how to comfort him. “Sir, perhaps scheming against Sonic and his friends while one of their prominent members is distracted could prove useful and make you feel better?” Orbot stated, as the two held up a pen and some graph paper, “Scheming always puts you in a better mood for evil...” He encouraged again.
Collecting himself and rubbing his massive hands under his glasses, he sniffled as he took the paper and started sketching. “Ohh...hoo... hoo...oh-ho? Oh ho! Oh-ho-ho-ho-wha-hahaha!!!” with soft cries that suddenly turned manic with evil, he scribbled more furiously and immediately cranked his back and threw his arms to an angle in his signature laughter.
Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles were playing beachball when Sticks poked her head out of the local garage dump, “Heeeey, wait a minute!” she threw a banana peel off her head a second, “Volleyball and Beachball are the same things! Why are they called differently!? Do they respond to the same name!?”
“Guess you could call it Beach Volleyball.” Tails shrugged, “Though, technically, beachball is the thing you use to play volleyball...” As he continued, Knuckles spiked and knocked him down while he was contemplating it.
“Haha! Snooze you loose!” Knuckles mocked, throwing his arms down to point at Tails.
“Grr... Knuckles! We’re on the same team!” He spat out sand and dusted himself off.
“Oh.” Knuckles then gestured to himself, “Well, then I was awake and quaked!”
Tails shook his head, “Sonic, do you have to play on your own team?”
“What? I’m fast enough for two!” Showing off his amazing speed, Sonic zipped around the court to where it looked like Sonic was literally playing by himself, “I could even play all teams!” He snatched the ball from the ground and pushed--or lightly placed--Knuckles and Tails out of the field to then play the game by himself.
“Still seems a bit unfair, though.” Tails pouted, folding his arms.
“No, no. Shh!!! I wanna see which team wins!” Knuckles became excited, “Woo! Go, Left field Sonic! Ah! No! Watch out, Right field Sonic! Nooo..!!! Oh, phew... Wait-Sonic!” Knuckles went through typical spectators reactions, gripping his head, tugging on his hair, before cheering yet again, “Yeeeahhh! Good forward arm there, Left field Sonic! Rooted for your along! ... Hey, which one’s Sonic again?” he looked to Tails.
“At least you got the fields right.” Tails side-commented before stepping back up to Sonic. “Is this because Amy wouldn’t come down to the beach today?”
“Yeah, we can’t help it if I’m too good for the two of ya.” He twirled the ball on his finger, “Besides, Amy can’t--and won’t--part with that Tinkle... Dinkle... Winkle... whatever his name is!” Sonic fanned a hand out, masking his own opinions on it. “Amy’s obsessed with that thing...”
“Huh, I always thought Amy was obsessed with y-” Tails seemed to panic and jumped up to cover Knuckles’s mouth.
“Knuckles-!” he cried out, then lowered his voice to whisper down to him, clinging to his head and shoulder. “We’re supposed to pretend we don’t know anything about that...”
“Anything about what now?” Sonic was still doing tricks with the volleyball.
“N-nothing!” Tails waved his hands out and flew a moment in the air. “An-anyway, I don’t think I’m really in the mood to keep playing. I’ve got uh... some... some engineering stuff to work on! Bye, Sonic!” He waved and took off.
“Engine-erring!?” Sticks spat out a flat tire that had been thrown away that she was gnawing on to find the trapped gerbil that she believed made the car’s wheels turn and free it from it’s imprisonment at last. “Oh no, you don’t!” she jumped out and rushed after him, barking as he flew up and in a bit of surprised fright, tried to dodge her but she jumped and grabbed his foot. “You aren’t making nothing to torture these gerbils anymore!”
“W-wha-what are you talking about!? Le-let goooo!!!” The two flew off and seemed to crash somewhere.
“I-uh... better check on that.” Knuckles saw Sonic offering to share the ball with him but decided to check on his friends first. “Sticks! Wait! I’m sure that nice village of Gogobas are still safely in their pity parties!”
Sonic sighed, “Oooh...” And let the ball go to kick it, letting it roll as a Eggman spybot was hit out of a bush and flew up.
“Guess I’ll check on Amy then...” Sonic took off towards her house.
“Hehehe-huhuhu...” Eggman rubbed his hands together, sitting happily in front of his screen in his evil lair. “There we go... I’ll snatch Mr. Tinkle Dipples the second Amy’s distracted by Sonic!” He roared confidently in laughter. “My machine is almost complete! Orbot! Cubot!”
“Yes, Doctor?!” Cubot nervously saluted as Eggman turned around to face the two in his spinning chair.
“Make sure my robot pooch is fully operational!”
“Yes, doctor!” The two took off...
Sonic raced to the door, but before knocking, looked himself over in the reflection of a window and adjusted his quills, then tightened his bandana. He choked, loosening the bandana again and grumbling to himself something but the only audible line one could hear was--”Never learned to tie a tie...” before rushing back to door and knocking this time.
“Busy!” Amy cried from within.
His entire confident air deflated, and he drooped forward with his arms hanging down, “Oooh... Uh, it’s me! Sonic! ... Sonic The Hedgehog!” He puffed himself up just a little bit more, calling and leaning more towards the door. “Hero extraordinary! ... So much better than a puppy...” He folded his arms and mumbled the last bit to himself.
“Oh-oh... C-coming!” Amy seemed to scramble but Sonic could hear multiple layers of locks, chairs, wooden-door stoppers and more start being cleared away like a construction site. She peeked open the door, “Come in!” she chimed, “Quickly, quickly, quickly..!” She then rushed him in and put one single lock back on the door. “Eh, I’ll take of that later.”
“Woah, what’s with the, uh... high-end security arrangement, Ames?” Sonic thumbed-back to the door but Amy rushed over to a stool with a soft pillow on it, making the little puppy look like royalty as his tongue hung out and he drooled.
His eyes grew intensely large like in anime and shined, trying to such Sonic into his cuteness as Sonic felt the pull but leaned away.
It shone with heavenly aura as it’s eyes kept growing bigger but Sonic about-faced and turned to Amy, “Uhh... How’s the pooch-sitting coming along-” he was surprised to see she was completely captivated by the puppy and already squatting by the stool, gawking and taking pictures as her own eyes looked bigger than normal.
“Aww, cute puppy! Sweet boy! Look over hereee~” she cooed and coddled as it continued to pant, it’s eyes normal to Sonic now. “Who’s the cutest, wutest, sweetest, squishiest cheek boy ever?~” she then scrunched up his cheeks and played with them as they jiggled and wobbled to her touch, spraying drool everywhere...
“Oh.” He realized he was being ignored. “Alright, no worries, just the most dashing man of the hour in your house... No need to over-celebrate.” He frowned and pushed his arms straight down again. “Dumb dog.” he muttered under his breath.
“WHAT DID YOU SAY!?” Amy’s big, sparkling eyes went right into his face, as though a brainwashed-slave to this puppy as he shook his head in intimidation at her creepy smile.
“N-no-nothing! Just how cute the puppy iswh! Is-!” he almost mimicked Amy’s baby-talk on accident. “Ehem, Amy, I normally would never do this under typical and honorable circumstances but in this case-” He shoved her hands to his cheeks, “I think you see my point.” he beamed.
“...Uh, I guess?” Amy took her hands off his cheeks, “You hungry or something?”
He deflated yet again, his eyes just saucers of white. “N... No.”
She raised an eyebrow.
“...Yes.” He shrugged down, and as she went to the kitchen, he glared and clenched his jaw at the puppy. He zipped over to it, “Listen you, I don’t know what fame has done to your head or anything, but I’m not here to stand for your pompous treatment of my friend!”
The dog continued to drool, one eye blinking.
“But I’ll have you know that I’m the big shot in these parts! And Amy just happens to be madly in love with me!” He pointed to himself and then picked up the constantly panting dog. “Not you. So you can wag your little tail and stick out your tongue somewhere else!” He dashed to one of Amy’s bird cages and shoved the dog in, causing a minor yelp from it but it wasn’t hurt, just surprised as Sonic tarped it and headed back to Amy.
Sitting at the counter, he then crossed his legs, “So-ho-ho~ Amy~ Have I told you about the one time I-”
“Yep.” Amy continued to work on the food.
“I-I didn’t even say it.” Sonic squinted his eyes in suspicion at her.
“...Are you even listening to me?”
“All done!” she poured something into a bowl.
“Awesome! You’re cooking, might I say, is way better than Meh Burger when it comes to the ol’Sonic engine!” he rubbed his stomach and licked his chops before Amy swiped the bowl away from him as he went to bite down. “H-huh..? What just happened...” he spoke with his mouth open, mid-bite again, before he saw the puppy had mysteriously wound-up on the pillow stool again, Amy bringing the deluxe dog food over to him.
“Here you go, Mr. Tinkle Dinkles~ Yes, who’s hungry? Who’s the biggest star in Hedgehog Village and the world? And the whole wide wittle world? You are~ You are, you good boy~” she petted him as he leaned his head back, thumped his leg at her praise and loving scratches, and then flopped over her lap to gorge himself in her home-prepared dog food.
Sonic leaned against the couch, narrowing his eyes at the sight as he muttered more curses for the dog under his breath...
He had a thought bubble that then showed a chibi-version of Amy and the pooch, her scratching his belly and loving on him but the dog faded and a Chibi-Sonic replaced it. Snickering and cackling as Chibi-Amy continued her smothering but the Dog was now whining with it’s tail between it’s legs, trapped in a Meh Burger costume with a sign that read: ‘Will pee for attention’.
Sonic continued to snicker to himself before the doorbell rang again.
“Oh?” Amy lightly placed the dog back on his stool and used a finely made napkin with ‘Fuzzy Puppy Buddies’ logo on it to clean up his mouth before heading to the door. “Who could that be?”
While Amy was distracted, Sonic sped over to the dog, grabbed it, pulled back the window and tossed the dog with a under-handed swing out the window. It hung in the air a moment before going, “Oof?” like a little woof and fell straight down...
Into Eggman’s hands...
“Hehehe, hohoho..!” Eggman placed a mechanical dog down, doing the exact animations as the dumb little creature in the first place. “Now you’re coming with daddy sweetie~ Who’s a big, bright, beautiful star? You are~ You are Mr. Tinkle Dipples~ Uncle Eggy has a nice place set up just for you~” he wiggled his finger to the puppy and continued to adore it secretly while sneaking away.
“I’m gonna miss Metal Pooch.” Cubot wiped an imaginary tear from his eye. “Such beautiful destruction he caused...”
“Yeah... The steel heart mends, Cubot. Give it time to rust.” Orbot patted Cubot and helped turn him away from the sight.
When Amy closed the door again, she turned around with a shriek, panicking and tearing her house up looking for the dog. Sonic tried everything to get her to turn her attention to him, even momentarily throwing away his pride and setting up a floor-lounge with candle-lit setting with a rose in and across his mouth,... but she was too busy searching to see.
He spat out the rose and it hit her on the back of her head, “Ah! Sonic! We don’t have time for-...” Her eyes shrunk at the scene, and it might have been enough as their eyes met and romantic music started playing as he lifted up his foot and clicked a radio with his heel.
“Who’s a good boy..?” he flirted, but suddenly...
“Oh my stars!” Amy raced to the window, “Mr. Tinkle Dipples!? What are you doing out here?” she had big, anime eyes again... as though love was blinding her from seeing the fakeness of the dog.
She cradled it in her arms after reaching down the window to get it.
“BARK. BARK. I AM THE GOODEST OF BOYS.” It’s robot voice was a dead giveaway, but Sonic was amazed to see that Amy kept caring for it, spoon-feeding it as it took the food but lifted its tail to dispel it out the other end.
“Ohh~ Did Tinkle Dipples make a wittle present-mess-le?” Amy put her hands to her hips as Sonic couldn’t take it anymore.
“HE’S A ROBOT!” He spindashed the Eggman robot as it powered down.
“Ohh... Goodest of b-b-boys...” and shut down.
“NNNOOOO!!!” Amy freaked out, crying and holding him in her lowered arms.
“Amy! Snap out of it! It’s a decoy!” Sonic put his hands on her shoulders and shook her, and her eyes returned to normal. “H-huh? Sonic? When did you get here?”
He lowered his eyes in agitation, but then the news came on.
“This just came in, T.W Barker is suing Amy Rose for a violation of her contract, that’s right, MR. TINKLE DIPPLES IS MISSING! AHH!! THAT POOR, INNOCENT BOY! AHH! AHH, THE AGONY! Amy’s reputation is ruined by the way and the world will never forgive her awful crime of LOSING THE MOST ADORABLE PUPPY IN THE WOR-RL-RLD!!!” The eagle was losing himself in his grief, as Amy’s eyes twitched and she brought out her hammer, looking ready to murder Sonic.
“Wait!” He dodged, “Amy, listen to me! YIKES!” he had to dodge Amy all the way to Eggman’s, where they defeated him to get the puppy back, who was still as still and in a loop-animation as ever, but wagged its tail and licked Sonic’s face when successfully brought to the manager.
Amy’s reputation was spared and Cubot and Orbot got Tails to fix Metal Pooch, leaving him to a happy life with Mombot.
Metal Pooch continued the animation cycle, “I AM. I AM GOODEST BOY OF YOUR TWO EVIL SONS. BARK. BARK.”
Eggman frowned, watching from a window, “Ohh... Wait, how’d he end up there!?”
Cubot still visits to give him screws as a treat.
Amy looked to her friends, “Huh, I guess the moral here is to not let celebrities take over your lives and make you forget about your real friends...” She opened her arms up to everyone but instead, T.W Barker popped up, shocking everyone.
“And always keep your contractual obligations~” he winked to the camera with a sly grin. 
he muttered under his breath as though the legalities at the end of a radio or t.v commercials.
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prettytoxicrevolver · 4 years
Instagram IRL | Jonah Marais
Warnings? None? Except I changed the prompt a little bit. oh and I guess I’m back? 
Requested? Yup! Hope you like it! 
Summary: You and Jonah were love at first instagram caption. But haven’t met until a certain blue eyed band member helps you get together irl
Word Count: 2,547 (we back with a long one) 
“(y/n)!!” Your best friend Daniel yells out as he walks through the door. 
“Living room!” You respond. You put your phone down just as Daniel walks in and you offer him a smile. 
“Have you been sitting there all day?” He asks taking a seat next to you where you throw your legs over his. 
“Maybe,” You shrug and Daniel shoves you lightly. 
“You need to get out of the house more,” He tells you and you roll your eyes. 
He was kind of right though. For most of the summer you had spent it either at work or inside switching between the same three apps for hours and binge watching your favorite show all day long. Considering your best friend was off touring and making new music you were bored all summer long. 
“School starts soon,” You remind him. “I’ll get out then.” 
“Not what I mean,” He says tapping your legs. You sit up and follow him into the kitchen as he goes to make dinner so you can continue the conversation. 
“Oh! By the way I think your band mate Jonah followed me on Instagram today?” You say sliding up on to the kitchen counter. 
“He did?” 
Even though you and Daniel have been best friends since middle school, you still haven’t met his band mates. Your schedules had yet to line up so you had only heard stories about Daniels four best friends. 
“Yeah. Did you tell him to follow me?” 
“Nah. He might have just seen us on my Instagram,” He responds and shrugs his shoulders. 
The two of you drop the conversation and you don’t think much of it until you get a dm later that night. You and Daniel were watching Parks and Rec together when your phone rang. 
“Who’s that?” 
“Jonah?” You say looking at the direct message confused. 
“What did he say?” 
“Hey!” You say starting to read the text out loud. “I saw you’re friends with Daniel and wanted to introduce myself.” 
“Oooh he likes you,” Daniel says and you roll your eyes. 
“He’s just introducing himself. You guys are band mates and best friends he’s being polite,” You insist. 
“Whatever you say,” He responds. He turns back towards the TV and you pull up the text and type up a response and send it to Jonah. 
The next day was spent how most of summer was spent, relaxing at home. However, Daniel actually had the day off and so you two planned to hangout. Right now you were just about to head out to run a few errands. 
“Ready to go?” Daniel asks entering the living room. 
“Mmm,” You murmur not looking up from your phone. You’re so distracted that you don’t hear Daniel cross the room, until he grabs your phone and starts reading your messages. 
“Daniel,” You whine out and stand trying to get your phone from the taller boy. 
He holds the phone above his head, and reads the conversation between you and his band mate out loud. For most of last night and today, you had been texting Jonah. 
After an initial introduction conversation, the two of you swapped phone numbers. You were quick to continue the conversation and it hasn’t stopped since. Which Daniel was now reading a conversation about your shared love of music. 
“Aww you two both like the same artists!” Daniel exclaims. “How cute.” 
“Shut it,” You tell him before snatching your phone back. 
“Come on I don’t wanna spend all day running errands.” 
It had been a few days since you and Jonah started talking and you already felt like you had known him forever. You made a mental note to punch Daniel for not introducing the two of you sooner. The two of you even decided to FaceTime tonight and you were hella excited. 
“What are you doing tonight?” Daniel asks as he walks into the room. 
“Nothing,” You respond and Daniel gives you a look. 
“Nothing includes FaceTiming Jonah?” He asks and you sigh.
“You know?” 
“You do realize I’m both of your best friends. I was gonna find out eventually,” He shrugs and you roll your eyes. 
“I’m going out,” He says picking up his keys off the counter. “Don’t stay up too late.” 
“Bye love you.” 
Once Daniel is gone, you start up Netflix until Jonah is free to call you. You felt like you were back in high school, waiting for your crush to call but you didn’t want it to be like that. Well, not yet anyway. 
You’re zoned out completely when the familiar ring of your phone sounds. You scramble for it on the coffee table next to you and when you finally get a handle, you see it’s Jonah. You pause your show, sit up straight and fix your hair before pressing accept. 
It takes a second to connect but soon you see Jonah’s smiling face on the screen and your nerves slow down. He was clad in a navy blue tie dye shirt and black basketball shorts. 
“Hey!” He greets and your smile widens. 
“Hi! What’s up?” 
“Just relaxing, watching Netflix. You?” 
“The same. What show are you watching?” You find out the two of you have both been binge watching the same show for the past three days and you get into a long discussion about it. 
“But that plot twist at the end!” You exclaim. 
“Excuse me what plot twist?” He asks and your face drops upon realizing you probably just spoiled something. 
“Nah I’m messing with you,” He says 
You roll your eyes and Jonah smiles wider making you smile out of reflex. This boy was truly a work of art. His smile went on for days and his eyes lit up a beautiful green making you go aflame. Every inch from the tips of your fingers to the ends of your toes felt like fire in the best way possible. 
You talked and talked and talked until it was way too late at night and Daniel had opened the front door. He walked into the living room and upon seeing you talking to Jonah he pops into camera view. 
“Hey man!” He greets and you can tell that Jonah isn’t sure whether he wants to smile or frown at the sight of his band mate. 
“Hey,” He says after a few seconds. “What’s up?” 
“Have you two been talking all night?” Daniel asks ignoring Jonah’s question. He’s leaning over the side of the couch so he’s in frame and you’re surprised he doesn’t see you lowkey rolling your eyes. 
“Maybe. And that’s your business how?” Jonah sasses and Daniel backs up. 
“Okay you right. I’ll leave you to it,” He says before walking towards his room. He pauses just before the hallway and turns towards you. He throws a thumbs up and mouths “good job” and you end up laughing. 
“He’s a clown.” You say and Jonah nods. 
The two of you end up talking till 4 am when your eyes are too heavy to bear and Jonah is yawning every two seconds. You end up calling it quits when Jonah nods off for a bit and you’re smiling as you fall asleep. 
The next day, Daniel shakes you awake from your position on the couch. It takes you a second to register where you are and when you remember how late you were up, tiredness hits you like a truck. You groan as you sit up and run a slow hand through your hair. 
“What time is it?” You ask as Daniel hands you a glass of water which you happily sip. 
“Almost 1,” He responds and you’re surprised you slept so late. However you didn’t have work or class so it didn’t bother you too much. 
“Have fun last night?” Daniel asks and you roll your eyes. 
“I should ask you that,” You respond and Daniel places a hand on his heart and feigns innocence. 
“I was having nice responsible fun do not judge me,” He responds and you ignore him and instead stand and stretch. “I’m going out to grab groceries do you want to come?” 
“Give me like 10 minutes.” 
“So Jonah?” Daniel asks and you shake your head. You stand up straight on the cart as Daniel wheels it around and swivel your head to see what aisle he lead you in. You jump down just as he stops at the iced tea and turn to face towards the selection. 
“Nope. Who were you hanging out with last night?” You respond as you stand on your tip toes to look for more Arizona lemon tea. Just as you’re about to start climbing the shelves to grab some, Daniel walks around and easily reaches above you to grab the sweet drink. 
“Answer my question and I’ll answer yours,” he winks sliding the drink into your hand and you pull away. 
“Okay Jonah. I think he’s really sweet and super funny and I kind of already have a tiny crush on him. Happy?”
“Very,” He smiles wickedly and you climb back onto the cart as he pushes down the aisle and into the next. “And I was at Kian and Jc’s party.” 
“Responsible fun my ass,” you joke and Daniel jostles the cart, trying to scare you. 
“You gonna call Jonah again tonight?” 
“Maybe. Beats watching ``How I Met Your Mother'' reruns.” 
You and Daniel shop around for a little while longer before checking out and heading back home. As you’re putting the groceries away, you hear your phone ring loudly and you tell Daniel to grab it for you. You don’t recognize who’s on the phone until he walks back into the kitchen, talking excitedly. 
“It was crazy man, Dom was there so of course things got out of hand,” He says and you turn your head to look at him. You mouth the question, “who is it?” And when he responds with “Jonah”, your heart skips a beat. 
“I’ll let you talk to (y/n/n) though," He says before handing  you the phone.
"Hey!" You greet him. "I thought we were gonna talk later?" 
"We were, but I missed you so I called. Was that too much? Are you busy?'' He asks, concern lacing his voice.
“Never too busy for you,"  You smile and Jonah reflects it. 
You head to your bedroom and out of the corner of  your eye you see Daniel smirking at you. You roll your eyes and flip him off causing him to laugh. When you get to your room, you flop down and turn your attention onto Jonah.You end up talking for the rest of the night, only pausing for a second to say goodnight to Daniel. 
"Ya know, we should really meet one day," Jonah says during a pause in the conversation.
"I would love to," You say smiling wider than usual.  After a few more tired pauses, you decide to call it a quits for the night.
The next morning when you wake up, the conversation with Jonah still rings in your ears. For once, you're awake before Daniel. You decide to start making breakfast, a bacon egg and cheese for yourself and bacon and eggs for Daniel. When he wakes up and sees all the food, he pauses for a second, no doubt about to make a joke.
"What's all this?" He asks and you smile nervously.
''Breakfast and a bribe." He returns the smile as he sits down to eat and you join him.
"What's up?" He asks taking a bite of his eggs.
"I wanna meet Jonah. But I want it to be a surprise and that's where you come in," He nods along and you decide to continue. “I wanna surprise him at the airport the next time he flies to LA."
"I love it."
Over breakfast, you and Daniel work out the details. When Jonah flies back to LA so the boys can  Hartworking on the new album, Daniel will find out his flight info and help you surprise him. It was the perfect plan and you became more and more excited as it grew closer. You were surprised you were able to keep the secret from Jonah for so long considering you two had grown extremely close and Facetimed almost every night.
"I'm headed back to LA tomorrow," He said the night before.
"Oh really?" You ask flipping over on your bed and propping your head up with your hand.
"Maybe we can meet up?" He asks and you smile, half knowing, half genuine.
"Name a time and place."
The next morning, you wake up early and run over to Daniels room to wake him up. You practically haven't slept all night, way too excited to finally meet Jonah. The boy you had started  to fall for. Daniel wakes up slowly, and you decide to make breakfast again as he gets ready.  Jonah's flight doesn't land until noon but it was a two hour drive to the airport.
The entire time driving there, you're antsy clutching the sign you made for him. You were excited mostly but couldn't help but worry about whether or not Jonah would still Iike you in real life.  You're almost certain DanieI can sense your worries because he reaches out and squeezes  your hand.
"Trust me, he's just as excited as you."
Once we're at the airport, we head to the baggage claim and I can feel extreme butterflies kick in. I bounce on the balls of my feet and every time I see a group pass, my heart speeds up.
And then I see him.
 He moves slowly down the escalator, a tired look in his eye. Adorned in sweatpants, a gray sweatshirt, and a snapback, he's taller than you thought. As he comes down, you hold the sign embroided with his name in front of your face. Daniel hangs back, and as Jonah grows closer, you feel an extreme sense of calm. 
"I didn't order a driver," He says and your heart skips a beat. 
"No but you did order a surprise,"  You say and move the sign to finally face him.
"(y/n)?"  He asks and your smile breaks open. 
"In the flesh.'' 
He sighs happily before dropping his stuff and wrapping his arms around your waist. Yours find their way around his neck and he spins you around causing you to squeal  happily. When he sets you down on the ground he holds you tight and rocks the two of you back and forth. 
"I can't believe you're here!" He says and your heart could burst. He squeezes you tight once more before letting go and stepping back to look at you. 
“How did you get here? How did you know?” He asks holding your hands in his and swinging them slightly. 
“Daniel helped me. He’s around here somewhere but I wanted to surprise you when you got here.” His smile widens and it sends and electric shock through you at the sight of it. 
“Thank you,” He says leaning down to place a swift kiss on your cheek. 
“Come on you two I wanna make some music!” You hear Daniels voice again and it snaps you out of your daze. You step back from Jonah but he keeps your hands intertwined. 
“Let's go!”
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minnuet-archive · 4 years
I’m Sorry, Logan
Rating: PG-13
Trigger Warnings: Alcoholism, suicide, abusive family, homophobia (let me know if there are any more i missed!)
Word Count: 3,754
Fan-fiction or Original Work? Original Work
Story Type: Short Story
Notes: I wrote this a while back for a book that was going to be made, but didn’t end up happening. It was about suicide awareness and the different reasons for it. There was to be informative writing about the topic and cause and then a short story. This is the short story. Also, I spent a solid hour or two revamping and editing this for you all today since I couldn’t post much about my soon to be posted book. I hope you enjoy!
I wake up to my alarm blaring in my ears. My eyelids refuse to lift, the world a blurry mess.  I stumble into my uniform, the alarm still blaring.  Eventually, my patience runs out and I shut off the alarm. I snatch my backpack out from the corner of my room before hastily grabbing a granola bar and running to the bus parked outside.
I jump into the bus and walk down the aisle, all of the noise, ranging from random conversation to yelling and fighting, filling my ears and overwhelming my mind. I almost want to put my hands to my ears and drown out the noise, but someone’s bound to take offense. As I sit down in a seat next to the seemingly quietest kids, the horrible stench of what are probably 10-year-old raisins with a generous side of sweaty gym socks permeates my nose. I hate the bus. I decide to try spacing out. 
Arriving at school, I go into the girl’s bathroom and wait until everyone leaves. I look really weird waiting for people to leave, and I don’t care. Actually, that’s not true. I definitely care. 
Once everyone’s gone, I slip out of my catholic school skirt and into far more comfortable slacks. My mother had refused to get me anything but the “girl’s” uniform which consisted of a tight, long skirt and a blouse. 
I hear the bell and run to class, bursting into the classroom and sliding into my seat directly after my name is called. 
“Late.” I  groan and get out my homework. Why does it have to be me?
Vanessa and her friends snicker across the classroom. “Hey look, the plant’s here.”
My ears burned and I clenched my teeth. Those obnoxious jerks. I’m not a plant. “My name’s E-” My eyes widen as I catch myself. “-Ellie.” 
Vanessa gasps dramatically and then says, “It can talk?!”
I don’t respond and give her what she wants, but it takes all of my strength not to. God, how am I so stupid? I don’t care if I’m using the Lord’s name in vain. I already let them know I was asexual! And if I let it slip? “My name’s Elliott.” I can only imagine the crap they’d do and say to me. What would I tell them? “Oh yeah, by the way, I’m nonbinary.” That would totally work. 
I take deep breaths. I look at the teacher and then to the board, and suddenly, zoning becomes much easier. The lunch bell rings after a while and I walk towards the courtyard, finding one of the trees in the corner that no one ever sat by. It’s sad and droopy. I wish I couldn’t relate.
“Hey, Elliott!” I flinch at the noise. He smiles and sits down next to me. 
I relax and say, “Hey, Logan. How was the class?”
“Class was crappy,” I crack a smile and when I do, he adds “as always. I love how you did your hair today. It’s pretty.”
My mouth goes dry and I fidget with my hands, forcing myself to smile. I shove my (sadly, homemade) peanut butter jelly sandwich into my mouth and then spend a ridiculous amount of time trying to swallow enough of it to even be able to chew. 
We talk and smile, though he does most of the talking, and I force myself to listen, because he always has great things to say.
The lunch bell ringing is jarring and sudden enough to make me jump, but that isn’t saying much. I grin at Logan. “ I’ll see you tomorrow, man. Bye!” 
He high fives me and starts walking towards his classroom. I walk towards mine. After Mr. Simon takes role call and I raise my hand and answer a question once, I figure I’m safe and promptly space out for the rest of the day.
The bell rings and right as I’m about to walk out of the door, I heard Mr. Simon say, “Eleanor, may I speak to you?” A collective ‘oooh’ sound comes from what’s remaining of the class, suggesting I’m in trouble, as I walk up to his desk.
“Can I help you, Mr. Simon?” 
“Do you remember the dress code guidelines we went over at the beginning of the year?” 
I start to panic. “Uh, yeah.”
“Then you remember that girls are to wear skirts and a blouse and that boys are to wear a button down and slacks.” 
I mutter that I might remember something like that. “Why can’t I wear pants? I’m not wearing anything completely out of school uniform.”
“Yes, but we have a strict dress code and you, as a girl,” I flinch at the word girl. Of course, I can’t correct him. “are to wear a skirt. If you come to school tomorrow wearing pants, I’ll have you change back into a skirt, confiscate the pants, and then call your parents.” 
I nod my head as if I understand, which I don’t, and then walk out of the classroom. I know he hates me, but I had no clue he would go to these lengths to get me in trouble. What the hell kind of person would go to the lengths of confiscating pants? None of my other teachers cared! He’s just an asshole!
I really don’t want to wear a skirt and that was only the first time I wore pants. On the other hand, I don’t want them to get taken away because I had to save up for months to get them and I really want to avoid having to deal with my parents.
As I walk home, I approach the entrance to the Golden Gate Bridge and smile. It’s so beautiful. Late afternoon fog is quite unusual this time of year and most people don’t like it, but I’m secretly happy about it. 
I love walking along the bridge in the morning because it’s so easy to clear my mind. The wind can make my hair clothes flap wildly in the wind which is annoying, but the feeling of the cold wind can be comforting. The smell of saltwater in the air fills my nose as I approach one end of the bridge.  I start to cross the bridge, right into the fog. It’s peaceful and the moist air feels cool and nice against my skin. 
After around 45 minutes, I come out on the other side of the bridge. 
As I walk, I fantasize about laying down on the couch and not worrying about homework.  Not because I finished it, but because I’m planning on procrastinating. 
I turn down my street and see my house. As I approach it, I realize that my house has been egged. I see a note on the door and run up and grab it. Get out of here, fag. You don’t belong here. 
Vanessa, her boyfriend, and their horrible friends were right about the last part. I don’t belong here. I wish I could leave, but it isn’t exactly possible. I rip up the note and look up at the eggs that are covering my home. 
I don’t want to clean this up… but my parents will ask why it happened if I don’t. Plus, they’ll make me do it anyway. I sigh as I trudge inside to grab a mop and some other cleaning supplies. 
Opening the closet door, I grab everything I think I might need, which is a lot. I’ve never cleaned up eggs, so I’m just guessing. 
I turn back to trudge outside again and start to wipe the door with a random rag that I found. Once I finish cleaning everything that I can reach from the ground, I place all my supplies on the roof overhang, awkwardly climbing onto it. 
I get on my knees shakily and start to clean the roof. Damn, can these kids throw. It takes what seems like years, but is probably just a couple hours to finish cleaning the house. 
Taking a risk, I jump from the overhang. I didn’t break any bones! Yay!  I grab all of the cleaning supplies and shove them back into the closet as I walk to my room. I get changed into some paint-stained jeans and a band t-shirt that my parents begrudgingly bought me for Christmas. 
I walk back out and throw myself on the couch. I log into the only social media my parents let me have and open a chat with one of my best friends,  AchillesIsTheTrueGayIcon, also known as Bentley (or Ben). Sometimes I call him Benjamin just to annoy him.
Me: What’s up, Benjamin?
He responds almost immediately.
Ben: Asshole. But not much. You?
Me: You want to know who the real assholes are? The jerks from school who egged my house.
Ben: Oof. That sucks, dude.
Ben: Hey I gtg do homework. Talk later?
Me: Sure.
I turn off my phone and put it down. I hear my mom pull up so I sit up and take out my school binder. I place my homework from yesterday in front of me so I look like I’ve been doing homework since the second I got home.
As soon as I finish setting up my fake homework station, she walks in. “Hey, mom!” No. Too cheery. Calm down. 
She smiles happily, “Hi, Ellie!” I cringe at my old name. At least she didn’t notice my overly excited greeting. “How was your day?” My little sister, Adia follows her in and then runs to our room. 
I consider telling her that my day hasn’t been great, but decide against it. There are only two outcomes. The first is that she wouldn’t care and tell me to suck it up. The second is that it would just invoke a flurry of questions. Neither sounds particularly fun. “It was good. Yours?”
“It was fine. Busy as always,” I give her a knowing nod and then I see her smile slowly fade. “You didn’t make yourself dinner, did you?”
“No, not yet.” I smile sheepishly and she sighs loudly in annoyance.
“Alright. Dinner will be ready soon.”
I roll my eyes and she scoffs as she walks into the kitchen, tossing her bags onto a chair at the table. I hear Adia’s footsteps approaching before I see her jump onto the couch beside me.
“Hi, Adia. Did you have fun at daycare today?”
”Yeah! I played with Sammy!” 
“That’s fun.” She smiles proudly as if having a friend is something to be proud of, which in my case, is true, but in her case, not so much. She has a lot of friends. 
“I got to see all mommy’s friends, too! They’re so nice!” 
I’m contemplating how untrue that is when I hear my mom start to reheat leftovers from last night. She tosses all of the food on three plates the same way she did her bag. 
Wow. Soon really did mean soon.
My mom presses the power button on the remote and we pretend to watch a sitcom as we shovel food into our faces. Eventually, the episode ends. Too lazy to change the channel, we leave it alone and ignore it.
My mom is seated facing the screen and I watch her chuckle. I turn to the screen and freeze. It's a pride parade. All of a sudden I hear Adia’s excited voice.
“Ooooh! Rainbows!” I look at her and smile a little bit. She doesn’t even know. Sometimes I wish I don’t know what LGBTQ+ means. But that’s not really true.
“Those rainbows are for gay people.” She says gay in disgust as if it’s the worst thing you can be. 
Mom continues, “You don’t want to be gay. Being gay is bad. You’ll go to hell if you’re gay.”
Now she just looked confused. “Why is it bad?”
“Because a man is supposed to marry a woman. That’s how God created us.” Mom says.
I finish eating my food as fast as I can to escape this horrible conversation and then interrupt. “Can I be excused? I’m getting tired.”
Before my mom can respond, my father swings open the front door.
This time, it’s not just me who’s frozen. He’s holding a beer bottle. His tie is loose. The top button of his shirt is unbuttoned and it’s stained.
What makes it most obvious that it’s happened again is his eyes. They’re huge. And not in the caring way.
He smiles goofily and stares at Adia and I. “No hug? No ‘Hi daddy!’ or ‘Thanks for working your ASS off every day to provide for us’?” 
My first instinct is to pull Adia closer to me and step one foot in front of her, which I follow through on. My second instinct is to throw something at him so we can all run.
I hold back. Mom’s too close to dad. She would never be able to run away in time. He could hit her. Hurt her. Even kill her, if he wanted to. She’s not a good person, but she doesn’t deserve that.
“Go. To your rooms. Now.” I turn to my mom in utter surprise.
“But mom-“
“Now.” Her voice is sharp and cold, but filled with fear. The most confusing part is that I know the fear isn’t for herself. It’s for us. 
I grab Adia and make sure she’s safe and locked in her room before running to mine. I press my ear against the door because I might be able to get an idea of what’s happening. I can’t hear anything. 
I slump down and hang my head in my hands. Holy mother of God. What is wrong with my family? Why doesn’t she just kick him out when he’s hungover? Why don’t we leave?
I can't deal with this.
I'm sobbing now. I clench my teeth to trap the noise in my mouth.
Over the course of a few minutes, I draw myself up onto my knees and stand up, walking over to sit down at my desk. I start to scribble words that seem right on a paper. After a minute of writing, I reread it. It's not good enough. I crumple up the piece of paper and throw it in the trash.
I hug my knees tightly, trying not to make any form of sound. My breathing slows to its normal pace as I continue to sit there and I grab another piece of paper. I start to write once again, this time neater.
In the morning, I wake up the same way as yesterday. I put on my pants and even throw on a t-shirt instead of a blouse. I don’t care if Mr. Simon tries to force me to wear a skirt. I’m not taking anyone’s crap on my last day of school.
As I look in the cracked medicine cabinet mirror, all I can think of is my hair. I chew on the inside of my cheek for a minute while I go over all my options. I finally tug open the drawer and grip my father’s razor in my hand. There are lots of those weird plastic protectors that I think make sure you don’t accidentally shave off all your hair. I choose the one labeled number 4 at random and push it onto the top of the razor.
My heart starts to beat faster as I push it gently against my scalp, running it down my head in different places until my entire head is buzz cut. For the first time, I feel alive.
I peek out of the crack in the door and watch my mom walk into the kitchen. I run to my room, grabbing my backpack and binder.
I do this again and again until I’m out of the door. 
I step into the bus, a huge grin slapped on my face. The other kids stare and I don’t even pay any attention to them. For the first time, I don’t care. I hear a kid yell “Get off, queer!” and I resist flipping him off… well, I try to resist flipping him off. 
Taking my time, I walk into the classroom and sit next to Logan. He stares at me, dumbfounded. “What the hell did you do?” he whispers.
“I buzz cut my hair. I don’t even care anymore. I’ll deal with the consequences,” 
“I just needed to do it,” I finish.
His face is contorted into a mixture of dumbfoundedness and horror as he slowly shakes his head. “Yeah. Alright. Tell me if you need anything, I guess.” He can’t stop staring at me and I honestly find it kind of funny.
A kid walks up to me sitting at what is most likely his desk. 
“You’re sitting in my seat.”
“Yeah. I know. My seat’s over there. Feel free to take it.” He looks as if he’s about to say something more, but he turns to walk towards my actual seat. 
Logan looks at me. I wonder if he knows something off. That taking some other kid’s seat isn’t something I’d normally do. 
If he notices, he doesn’t mention it. “Anyways, how was your day yesterday?” He laughs and then adds, “Holy crap. That was such a mom question.”
I snort and answer, “Oh my god, you’re right. But it was good. I’m tired as hell, though.”
“No kidding.” I grin at him as the teacher looks at us again. I don’t really pay attention in math. I just talk to Logan. It’s relaxing to not have to care. To not have to worry about the consequences of my actions. 
When we walk to lunch, I start complaining to Logan about how much of the day we have left. 
“Uh, you know that we have an early day, right?”
“Oh! I do now.” He chuckles and smiles. I feel my cheeks warm up slightly at his smile. It’s a beautiful one. He starts to talk about some fandom of his and I try my hardest to pay attention. 
I don’t really know what triggers this, although I have an idea, but I realize something. I’ve never kissed someone. Okay, this needs to change. I feel weird thinking about it, but I know exactly who I want to be my first and last kiss.
He’s about to start another thought, but I interrupt him. I don’t care. “You’re amazing.”
He looks at me as if I said the strangest thing he’s ever heard. “I mean it. You’re always there for me and you talk to me about things we like. I feel I don’t thank you enough for that.”
He still looks confused and a bit weirded out but he just smiles calmly. “Right back at you,” he responds as he fidgets with his hands and looks down at his shoes. I gesture for him to continue and, without hesitation, he does. 
Logan sighs and packs up his lunch as the bell rings. 
“Hey, will you walk home with me? I know you normally hang out here for a while but I want to talk to you.” I know this is a risk. 
Just like before, he doesn’t say anything, but now I’m sure that we both know something’s wrong. “Yeah, of course.”
We grab our stuff and we start walking. He starts walking faster and gets ahead. This is not acceptable. 
I break into a full sprint and he starts to chase me. My breath is short and raspy as I laugh all the air out of my lungs with him. When we reach the bridge, we’re both out of breath. We start panting like dogs on a hot day as we bend over and try to distribute our body weight evenly.
I stand up straight again and look at him. His face is glowing and his brown eyes are big and happy. He runs his hand through his slicked-back (with both gel and sweat) hair and adjusts his glasses. What a dork. 
I know this is the moment. I move closer to him and press my lips against his own, my own brain not having a say in it. 
The salty air blows through my hair and I feel on top of the world. After a couple of seconds, I step away. He looks confused. He wasn't okay with it. Oh, God. What have I done? I'm about to keep running down the bridge when he hugs me.
This time, I'm the unprepared one. After a minute, he lets go and slides his hand into mine. We continue to walk across the bridge. There's nothing we need to say and it feels amazing. 
We don't have to explain ourselves. We can just walk quietly together. And it's not awkward.
My happiness fades away as I realize this is the first and last time I’ll be able to do this. I couldn’t change my mind if I wanted to. I already taped the note to his backpack when we left school. 
Today was the best day of my life, but the rest of my life will be a living hell if I go back home right now. Today was a good day. One in a million.
This has to be the last time. Nothing good can last forever. Nothing can last forever.
We reach the other side. “Goodbye, Logan.” 
He laughs. “You say it like this is the last time I’ll ever see you. I’m going to see you tomorrow.”
I feel my heart shatter a little bit more than it already had but I cover it up with a soft smile. “Yeah. It’s just goodbye for now.” He leans in and kisses my cheek and then twirls around like a ballerina. I choke back a sad laugh.
He starts to walk towards his house, but I just turn towards the water. 
Tears spill silently down my face. I put my hand over my mouth to muffle my sobs. I want to run to Logan and scream his name, but I can’t. This has to be done alone. 
I lift one foot onto the railing and then the other. This is it.
One last tear slips down my face as I whisper raspily, “I’m sorry, Logan.” I know it will be peaceful. A quiet ending. Not that I deserve one, but I guess it’s a favor to myself. I let go of the pole that I had been holding onto.
And then I’m falling. 
Tagging: @sunandshinee @writingamongthecoloredroses @ettawritesnstudies @rhycantspell @just-perhaps @etddivine @antisocialdragonenby  @crabsthinkfishfly @holdup-pause @gaydemiboy 
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Buckle your seat belts and get ready for our shit! If you are coming from either my main blog or Admin Ani’s then you would already know us!
But if you’re new, then welcome!! I am Admin Atlas~!! A novice writer that just wants a good hug and some fuckin coffee-
And I'm Admin Ani~! Someone who's too nice for her own good and shall probably give you that hug!
Well, gee! Thanks!! But-
This is just a snippet of what me and Admin Ani plan on doing, a story for our characters. We also plan on making a lot of jokes and messing around on here!
And you guys can ask our characters questions! Doesn’t matter what you ask- it can be literally anything- there aren’t any rules! Or well, not until we find a reason to add them....
But we hope you enjoy this as much as we enjoyed writing it! And be prepared for more- way more~!
Chapter One - Three New Freaks
“On it, mom!” the young teen ran off to get the door for his aunt.
The family of friends were in an empty cafe, the shop not having been opened for the day yet. It was early, as it was the only time the busy group could really get together anymore, but Nora and Ania were determined to have at least one hour with everyone.
It was normally casual, with Ania bringing some type of breakfast food and Cybele would make everyone their favorite drinks. It was peaceful and each person tended to enjoy the simple get togethers before their busy days.
“Quit smoking in my cafe,” Cybele glared at Castiel as he pulled a cigarette out of his mouth, “And get off the table. Sit like a normal person.”
Altair chuckled as he leaned back in his chair, “Oh, but don’t ya know sis? Gay’s can’t sit like normal people~!”
Cybele rolled her eyes, muttering something under her breath as she set the tray of coffee and other drinks down. She crossed her arms at the two men, “For one moment, can either of you be serious?”
Castiel chuckled as he flicked his cigarette out the window. "I don't think that's possible." He laid his chin in the palm of his hand. "No gays are ever normal, even in the slightest! Especially this gay!" He points to himself with pride.
Nevier shook her head as she poured vodka into her black coffee, “I’ll be dead by lunch…”
Beau came back with a smile as he took a seat by his mom, “Got Aunt Ania!” he said proudly towards Nevier.
“Good job, kid.” Nevier muttered, making Beau even happier.
Ania smiled softly as she sat down at the table Castiel was laying on. "I have pancakes!"
“Oh! Are they the ones filled with chocolates chips and made with-"
"Buttercream?" She chuckles, seeing her friend so excited. "Why yes, yes they are."
The blonde man practically dove for the container. "I call dibs on the biggest one!"
Beau pouted, “B-But I want that one!”
“Eh, just have more than one,” Nevier shrugged as she drank her loaded coffee.
“Right!” Beau smiled, “More than one! HA, beat that Cassie!!”
"... Fuck you, kid."
"What!? He knows curse words! He's a teenager!"
"He's a baby!"
“Don’t fucking curse around my kid,” Nevier glared, “Bitch.”
"But you just-" He stops. "... Fine. Whatever." He pouts, eating his pancake from hand.
“I brought syrup!!” Nora giggled as she came in late with the sweet topping.
"Thank you, darling!" Ania smiled, watching the woman come in.
"... I had sex with a man covered in syrup once."
"Could you keep your sex-life to yourself for one minute?" Ania pleads.
“Yeah, there are innocent souls here,” Altair teased, “But please~ That all you got?! That’s nothin- one time-”
“How am I related to you?” Cybele glared in judgement, “And how the hell do I know you? Oh wait, I don't.” she turned away from Cas and went to the back to clean a bit before she had to open the doors.
“... Because I'm fucking your brother like, twice a week?"
"And ok!" Ania laughs nervously, thankfully covering Beau’s ears the entire time. "Enough of that, thank you Cassie!"
Nevier leaned forward on the table, a small chuckle at her son’s disappointed face as he threw his pancake back on his plate.
“Even with Aunt Ania’s hands covering my ears, I know what they said. They never seem to talk about anything else….”
“Don't worry,” Nora sat down and got a pancake, “I heard some new people are coming to town soon, maybe they will have something more interesting to listen to?”
"Oh! Then I have to get to the bakery right away!" Ania stands, grabbing her bag. "I want to give them a warm welcome!" She gives Beau's head a soft kiss as well as Nevier’s. "I'll see you all later!"
"How come THEY get a kiss and not me!?" Castiel pouts. "I'm the better friend!"
Nevier had smiled at Ania, but nearly snapped her neck to glare at Castiel. Her eyes were dark, “You’re on thin fucking ice, pal.”
“M-Mom, you two are still doing this?” Beau tilted his head with a nervous chuckle.
“You bet your ass they are,” Altair chuckled, “They have been like this since our first year in college! It’s their own little bond… fighting over who is ‘best friend’ to Ania!”
"That's because I'VE known her longer! I took her to homecoming! AND prom!" He boasts. "I deserve best friend kisses!"
Nora shook her head with a chuckle before standing up, “I-I’m gonna head out-”
“And what?” Nevier shrugged, “I helped her through college while you completely disappeared, and what- you dressing up like a little girl is supposed to top that?” she smirked as she took another sip of her alcoholic coffee.
"I've literally told off ALL of her bullies, kindergarten through twelve grade! Do you know how many times she's had to come over to MY house because she was cornered on her way home from school!? And-"
“Oh god, Nevs,” Altair groaned, “Why must you two always do this!?”
“And were you the one that lived with her for nearly four years?~” Nevier muttered proudly as she took a drink.
He opens his mouth to retort back but just sighs and stand up. "Fuck this." He makes his way over to Altairs and kisses him heatedly, this was surprisingly normal for the two. "Don't think this isn't over." He growls out when he pulled away.
Beau looked away with a frustrated glare and Nevier slapped the two, which wasn't new either, “Stop being sluts in front of my kid!!”
"I can’t! It's impossible!" He argued, kissing Altair’s cheek before walking out. "See you during lunch, Babe~!" He purred out, as if nothing happened.
Altair smiled knowingly, about to respond before seeing his sisters’ glares. Cybele had come out when she heard Nevier shout. The man nervously kept his smile as he tried to ignore them and nods at Castiel.
“You’re not having a lunch break.” Nevier growls.
“W-What!?” Altair stood up quickly, “Y-You can’t do that-”
“And you’re going to fight me?” Nevier glared.
-:< Inside Anias Bakery >:-
The tiny woman was already hard at work making cupcakes for the newcomers. They lived in a small town, the kind of town where everyone knew everyone. It was small, peaceful, nothing really exciting ever happened there. And they hardly got any new people, so word got around quickly.
The small bell that hung above Anias door rang, signaling that someone had opened the door. "Oh! Hello! You must the new comers!" She smiled softly, walking over with a tray of cupcakes.
“Hey-” a short woman with dark skin waved casually as her other hand was stuffed into her hoodie pocket.
“Salutations!!” a lanky tall person with dyed red hair smiled wide, their teeth unusually sharp.
The shorter woman glared at the pale person for interrupting her, “Excuse-”
"Bonjour Mademoiselle~!" A loud voice called out.
Ania simply blinked and suddenly a women's lips were on her hand, "Allow me to introduce myself, I am Angelique~! It is a pleasure to be in the presence of such beauty~!" The woman, who announced herself as Angelique, continued to kiss Anias hand all the way to her arm.
“O-Oh my." Ania laughs nervously. "Hello?"
Rowen rolled her eyes at the woman, “I’m Rowen-” she looked towards the distracted tall person that was cooing at the nicely decorated cup cakes, “And this idiot is Bell.”
"It’s a pleasure to meet you three!" She takes her hand back, clearing her throat. "Cupcake? They're a family recipe!"
"Thank you, beautiful lady, I shall cherish these delicious confections, knowing that they were made by your delicate hands~!" She announces, holding one hand to her heart and the other holding a cupcake proudly.
“Can you not…” Rowen complained as she took a cupcake.
“OOOH!” Bell shouted, “Can I have this one?” it was a cupcake decorated as a little shark.
"Of course! Take as many as you'd like!"
"Thank you, mademoiselle~ Your kindness is like a breath of fresh air," She stops and sniffs the air. "... Or fresh Lavender."
Beau came in, “Hey- oh… Hey…” Beau looked at the newcomers, “Umm..?”
"Oh! This is my nephew, Beau. Beau, this is Angelique, Bell, and Rowen. They just moved in." She smiled
“Oh!” Bell gasped, “How cute~!”
Beau deadpanned with a small blush, “I’m 16, damnit.”
Rowen chuckled, “Sorry, did you need something from Ania?”
“Huh, oh yeah, mom wanted to know if you wanted to eat dinner with us?” he asked with a smile as he leaned on the counter, “She wanted to ask before Cassie could.”
Ania laughed softly, knowing her two friends did this all the time. "Of course."
"You have a sister!? Is she as gorgeous as you~?" Angelique asked with a charming smile.
"Oh yes, very pretty." She nodded, she was never one to 'set up' Nevier with anyone, knowing they'd be terrified of her in a second, but she'd also rather Nevier be flirted with than herself. She always felt uncomfortable when it happened.
Beau chuckled, “Are you trying to get someone killed, Aunt?” he whispered nervously.
"No. I just really want her out of my bakery." She whispers back, nervously.
“Let’s go check out the apartment!” Bell slouched to talk to Rowen and Angelique with a smile.
“Don’t- just don’t-” Rowen glared at Bell, “I am not that short…”
The three women leave within a few seconds and Ania sighs a breath of relief.
Beau frowned as they left, feeling as if something wasn’t right. Newcomers were rare to have in the town, but for them to permanently move here was damn near non existent, but he chose not to dwell, “See you at 6?” he smiled at Ania.
"Of course!" She kisses his temple. "Wouldn't miss it for the world!"
-:< Night Time >:-
Nevier, Ania, and Beau all sat around a small table, the three sharing jokes and talking about their day. Nothing was out of the ordinary, but yet Beau could not shake an odd feeling.
“Hey mom,” Beau chuckled a bit after Ania told them about how Mrs. Anderson wouldn't accept a gluten free cake because it wasn't gluten free enough, “Had you met the new people?”
“No, anything notable?” Nevier took a sip of her beer as she leaned on the table.
"You have no idea." Ania laughs softly. "They are nice people, but very loud. Well, the two tallest ones were. Very eccentric, and dramatic. It will be nice to have such outgoing people in our town for once."
“I don't know…” Beau frowned as he played with a few peas left on his plate.
“Don’t be so worried, kid-” Nevier muttered as she stood and grabbed the plates, only for her phone to start ringing, “Shit…” she whispered as she looked at her full hands, “You mind-”
"Not at all!" Ania smiles softly, picking up the woman’s phone. "Hello!" She answered with her usual kind voice.
“Ania-” Altair’s voice sounded confused and worried, “Doesn't matter- have you seen the news?”
"No, why? Did something happen?" What could have happened in their town? Nothing ever happens. It's been the same as it's been for decades.
“J-Just turn the tv on…” Altair was uncharacteristically nervous and worried, “I can’t say it’s anything good…”
Ania, though sceptical, did as her friend said, turning on the small television Nevier had in her kitchen.
“What-?” Nevier looked confused as she dried her hands from cleaning the dishes.
The tv flickered on, the news woman’s forced smile seemed far more forced, “Good evening people of -Town Name-, I am afraid to inform you all of the unfortunate death of Mayor Juneberry. Murdered in her own bed.”
Beau’s eyes widened as his face paled, Nevier’s panicked curse falling on his deaf ears.
“Her cause of death is still unknown,” the newswoman shuffled her papers, “But from reports- it couldn't have been anything natural.”
Ania blinked in shock. "Why… oh my… that poor woman." She held her hand over her mouth. "Everyone loved the mayor, who could have done this?"
Nevier quickly shut the tv off, “Doesn’t matter. Whoever it is, the police will find them.” she glared, “Time to head to bed, bud.” she muttered as she gently pushed Beau towards his room.
Ania sighed. "Good night, darling," she smiled softly to the boy. "Get some sleep, I'm sure this will all be sorted out in the morning."
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plane-lord · 5 years
32 Days Since Titan
So, here’s the finished fic I was working on before I saw Endgame. I’ve done a little tweaking, but it’s canon compliant. Still working through my feelings, this helped a little...
Thirty Two Days...
It’s been thirty-two days since Titan. Nine since Tony Stark returned to Earth, and the Avengers compound, half dead, starving, and dangerously dehydrated. Three days since he was released from medical. He isn’t up to full strength yet, and tires easily; which is how he’s found himself waking up from yet another nightmare, this time on his sofa. Part of him wants to blame Pepper, for being so blunt and telling him he needs to face his feelings, honor Peter, not hide the memory of him away.
Leave it to Pepper, to hit him with the hard truth — Lord knows she’s the only one he will listen to, even though he won’t always admit it. Ever since he’s returned to some semblance of health, he’s been trying to “forget” the kid, well avoid really, he doesn’t think he can ever forget. He hasn’t returned to his lab, because he knows he’d see the last thing he and Peter were working on — the kid’s unfinished project spread across his designated table.
Tony is desperately trying to hold on to what he does have left — Pepper, Rhodey, the remaining Avengers — though he’s kept the latter at a safe distance, not interacting with them much after their brief reunion. He thinks maybe if he focuses on the things he does have, he’ll be able to have a life, make things better for the people who are left.
Tonight though... well, Pepper, aided by a couple glasses of wine, managed to get Tony to talk. He told her every horrid detail. Fessed up to his feelings of total inadequacy, how he was so desperate to hold on to what he did have left — her, Rhodey, Happy — that he didn’t dare think about how he might fix things, bring them all back. He didn’t think he had it in him to face another loss, another failure — because losing again might mean losing Pepper and he couldn’t do that. Ever.
Tony pushes himself into a seated position, elbows on his knees, head in hands, and tries to catch his breath. God he was getting sick of this — Peter (and Thanos) haunting his dreams. He must have fallen asleep soon after Pepper left him to stew in his thoughts.
It was a variation of the same nightmare that has been haunting him since he left that god forsaken, hell hole of a planet, with Nebula. This time they were at Peter’s graduation party. They were all having a good time, Pepper with their future baby. May, Happy, everyone there bursting with pride for Peter and celebrating the momentous occasion. And then like every nightmare since that day on Titan Tony hears a quiet, “Mr. Stark…” When he turns to find Peter, he watches helplessly as every single person disintegrates, turning to dust. The plates of food and drinks fall, the sounds of shattering porcelain and glass echoing as they hit the floor, mixing with the dust — leaving Tony alone and screaming in horror.
Tony squeezes his eyes shut, “It’s just a dream. Just a dream.” He says it out loud to reassure himself, trying to get his breathing under control, trying to stave off a panic attack. He hates this. With a trembling hand, he wipes the sweat from his forehead and stands up. He needs a drink.
The wine glasses and bottle from earlier are on the counter, where Pepper left them. It’s not quite the potency he needs, but there’s still some Malbec left in the bottle. He pours himself half a glass and downs it quickly.
After a few minutes, when the tremors in his hands lessen — he decides to start cleaning up the kitchen, to give himself something else to think about. Tony’s focus on the mundane task slowly work to calm him. He takes his time washing the stemware and cheese plates. He is careful and precise as he dries each dish, before putting them away. He throws away the empty wine bottle and wipes down the counter, just like he'd seen Pepper do. Satisfied with the now spotless kitchen he notices the wine opener still sitting out. He opens several drawers, trying to remember where it’s supposed to go. He really wishes Pepper would stop rearranging the kitchen, he can never find anything.
Opening the third drawer, which he quickly realizes is a junk/mail drawer he spots a rectangular object. He pulls out a black 5x7 picture frame and flips it over. His grip tightens and his eyes get a little cloudy when he sees the photo of him and Peter, each throwing up bunny ears behind the other’s head.
Tony remembers the day clearly, nearly eight months ago...
Sometime in early August 2017
Tony’s phone dings several times in a row, notifying him of incoming text messages. He picks it up with a scowl, there is only one person that would blow up his phone this early in the morning. “I’m beginning to regret giving the kid my number.” He grumbles to Pepper, who's sitting in the stool next to him at their kitchen island. “I haven’t even finished my first cup of coffee.”
Pepper rolls her eyes, as she finishes her last bite of yogurt, “Oh please, you love the attention.”
“I do not,” He scoffs. Opening the phone he scrolls through the texts. “Pepper, this kid — he wants to know what I’m wearing!”
Pepper laughs and stands up, picking up her bowl. She pauses on the way to the sink to kiss him on the cheek, “So, tell him. He’s just excited, Tony. Today is a big deal for our interns. I thought you were all about encouraging young minds.”
“Uh, yeah, in the abstract, hands off, pat on the back, move along sense. Not this, teenage — tell me what you’re wearing to the dance — nonsense.”
“Oh stop being such a grump and just tell him. He adores you, Tony. Peter’s just nervous and wants to make a good impression.”
And God did that statement terrify him. Tony Stark was not meant to be a role-model or adored — especially by young, impressionable teenage minds. He was a fuck-up of monumental proportions and he was certainly not cut out for this. He was fumbling through this mentorship and terrified of messing up.
“Fine. I’ll tell him, but know that I am doing so under extreme duress.”
Pepper poured herself another cup off coffee, ignoring his dramatics, she says sweetly, “Yes, dear, whatever you say.”
Tony shoots her a disapproving glare, letting her know he does not appreciate her sass. He types out a quick text.
A black cotton t-shirt and gray sweat pants. You?
A few seconds pass, before Peter’s reply comes through. Hahaha… I  MEAN for the luncheon today!
Tony taps out a reply, a mischievous smile on his face. God, he loves teasing this kid. Oooh…dress is formal. I’m wearing a tux.  
Uhh, would you believe my tux is still at the cleaners? ? 😳😳😳
Oh well, guess you’ll have to skip it then. Very strict dress code. NO EXCEPTIONS.
The reply from Peter is immediate, Dang, guess I’ll let Aunt May know… she’s going to be so disappointed. 😿
Oh? Don’t want to disappoint Aunt Hottie. Guess we can make an exception, this once... Dress is business casual. I’m wearing jeans, T-shirt, blazer.  
Haha, thanks Mr. Stark! I think I can pull something like that together. Happy is picking us up? 10:30?
Yup. See you soon. Tony replies.
Clicking the screen off he sets the phone on the counter and looks to Pepper, who is putting the dishes in the washer. “How long does this thing last, again?”
“I think a couple hours. I usually only stay to finish lunch, which is longer than your usual 30 minute drop-in, slash meet and greet.”
“Okay. Maybe I’ll stay for lunch, too. You know, inspire and encourage those bright young minds.”
“They’ll love that, Tony. Everyone is always so excited when you make an appearance. And it's a really good group of kids.”
Pepper walks around the counter and wraps her arms around his shoulders, pressing a soft kiss to his right temple, she says, “I’ll see you in a couple hours. Don’t be late.”
“Uhh, I’m never late!”
“Hmm, I literally have documented hundreds of missed appointments, engagements, and appearances over the last twenty years that say otherwise, but sure, Hon, you’re never late.” Pepper pats him fondly on the back and leans over to pick up her purse sitting on an empty barstool. As she makes her way to the door, she says, “FRIDAY, remind Mr. Stark to be out the door by eleven. Luncheon starts at noon.”
The AI responds with an obedient, “Yes, Miss Potts, I’ll make sure boss doesn’t forget.”
“That’s so not necessary — I can tell time!” Tony yells in protest, to her retreating back.
“See you in a few hours.” Pepper replies, as the doors to the penthouse elevator doors close.
“FRIDAY, remind me to get ready at 9:45.”
"Yes, boss."
The luncheon is held at Stark Industries offices in Mid-town Manhattan. For once, Tony is ten minutes early. When he saunters into Pepper's office, to escort her downstairs — he makes sure to point this fact out to her.
High School and College-age interns from every applicable department, and two of their guests, are treated to a catered lunch, presented with certificates of participation. The more outstanding interns of each department are recognized with their own official Stark Internship plaques. The afternoon also includes a quick meet and greet with CTO Tony Stark and CEO Pepper Potts, both of whom give a short speech to the attendees and present the awards.
Tony is just a little pleased to see Peter is given special recognition by the Science and Technologies Department. He had decided that Peter should officially join the high school summer internship program, get the kid some real world experience to add to his college applications. Somewhat to his surprise, the kid had jumped at the chance, offering little protest to the proposal, even though it might take away some time from his patrols. Maybe it was because Peter knew that Spider-man is never going to pay the bills, and perhaps, he really did take Tony’s advice to heart.
Tony tried his best not to show favoritism and mostly left Peter under the tutelage of the department’s internship program head. He would never admit to anyone, that he may have, discreetly, checked up on him multiple times a month. And he can’t say he didn’t, occasionally, pull him away for some ‘special assignments’ in his private lab — days spent working on their own projects and consuming copious amounts of pizza. And maybe, just maybe, he brags a little to Pepper when he reads a glowing review from Peter’s supervisor. Yeah, he’s man enough to admit — the kid is doing him proud.
The luncheon passes without a hitch. The awards are handed out, photos are snapped, and Tony gives his off the cuff speech, a mixture of humor and inspiration for the future. Pepper gives her brief introduction and a message about how important Stark Industries views the Internship programs and all their young bright minds. Most years Tony ducks out after the speech and certificate presentations, but this time he stays for lunch, while Pepper takes the opportunity to get back to her office.
Tony assembles a plate of food and makes his way to where he sees Peter sitting with his Aunt, and to his surprise, Happy, plus a couple interns and their parents. He tries to ignore the shocked faces of the other interns when he approaches the table, “This seat taken?”
Peter raises his eyebrows in surprise, “Uh, yeah. I mean, no, all yours, Mr. Stark. I mean, of course it is because you own them—”
Peter stops his nervous rambling at the pointed look Tony sends him. He wonders if the kid will ever not be nervous around him. He sets down his plate and sits in the empty chair next to Peter. He is mildly amused to see Peter wearing a corduroy sport coat, jeans, and a black t-shirt, nearly matching Tony’s own sartorial choices. He says a quick hello to everyone at the table and tries to give them his attention. He’ll never admit he relishes just sitting next to the kid and spending a little more time with him, sharing this day, celebrating his accomplishment.
The longer he sits the more relaxed Peter gets, even cracking a few jokes at Tony’s expense. Something he never would have done a few months ago. He doesn’t miss the way some of the parents, and teens, at the table look between the two of them, surprised by their easy banter and familiarity.
Lunch soon finished, Tony lingers for a little longer — taking more pictures with the interns and their familes. It’s well into mid-afternoon, when he tries to make his exit. He and Pepper have dinner reservations and he needs to get some work done before then.
Before he goes, May Parker pulls him aside. “Tony, would you mind me getting a picture of you and Peter, before you go?”
“Anything, for you Mrs. Parker.” Tony replies, giving her his most charming smile.
Handing his own phone to Happy, who for some reason, which he’ll have to investigate later, is still hanging around, he says, “Take a couple for me too, Hap.”
Tony throws an arm around Peter, who has his award in hand -- at May's insistence -- and pulls him in close. They smile and take multiple pictures with the award, both getting increasingly irreverent, much to May’s amused frustration. Peter even tries to sneak bunny ears — “Bunny ears? Wow, you are a nerd!” Tony teases, while throwing up two fingers behind Peter.
When Tony does finally leave, he is all smiles, with an extra swagger in his step. He’s not sure when spending time with the kid became so important to him and he’s a little frightened by the implications.  
The sound of bare feet on the hardwood floor, pulls him out of his memories. He looks up to see Pepper wrapped in her robe, her hair askew from sleep — it’s nearly one in the morning, way past her usual bedtime.
“Tony? Are you coming to bed?“ Pepper asks worriedly from the threshold of the living room. She hesitates when she sees him and steps forward cautiously, into the kitchen. “Hey, you okay?”
He watches her walk toward him, feeling lost and overwhelmed with sadness.  He thought he could move on, he told himself he could, but he knows now that he was lying to himself. This isn’t something he can just shove in a drawer, like the picture. He loved that kid and no amount of denial will lessen the pain he feels over his loss.
“Hey…” Pepper’s hand is on his cheek, wiping something wet from under his eye. She takes the picture from his hands and wraps one arm around his waist, holding it for both of them to see. “I forgot about this… It arrived the day you left. There was a card…”
She reaches into the drawer and pulls out a bright red envelope addressed to “Mr. Tony Stark”. She hands it to him, the envelope already open.
He opens the card and sees Peter’s sloppy scrawl:
Dear Mr. Stark, Thank you for everything you do for me. The Stark Internship made my summer and I cannot express how grateful I am for the opportunity. I know how "excited" you were to come to the luncheon and I thought you should have something to remember it by.   Sincerely your biggest fan, Peter
The card blurs and Tony tries to blink away the threatening tears. He drops the card beside the photo and pulls Pepper into a tight hug, burying his face into her shoulder. “I miss him,” he whispers. “He was such a good kid... and I didn't, couldn't —“
Pepper runs a soothing hand down his back, feeling the outline of his ribs, he's still so skinny. “I know. You did everything you could, Tony. I know that, he knew it… and he knew how much you cared for him. Believe me, he did.”
And Tony does know it. He could see it in the way the kid looked at him, the glint of awe in his eyes, that always made him a little uncomfortable because he didn’t know what to do with that kind of admiration. It kills him a little more to know he may never see that look again. He lets the tears fall freely this time, wrapping both arms around Pepper, holding her closer, clinging to one person he still has left…
The next morning he wakes up to find Pepper already gone from their bed. After his momentary panic, he remembers she had several meetings planned for the first half of the day. He stumbles groggily into the kitchen, seeking espresso and a bite to eat — he’s still feeling as tired and worn as he did the night before.
He’s well into his first cup of espresso, and the breakfast smoothie Pepper left in the refrigerator, when he sees it. The picture of him and Peter is propped up on the counter, next to one of him and Pepper. He’s tempted to put back in the drawer, but he tries to recall what Pepper said, about remembering and honoring. Moving on, but not forgetting because Peter Parker is not to be forgotten. Peter Park is loved.
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clownsgobeepbeep · 6 years
A Musical Valentine's Day
@lizzy-chan24 There chu go, your Coswel Valentine drabble~
The young man cleared bit his lip as he carefully added the last piece onto the small and glittery object, trying his best to not mess it up like the previous times he surprisingly had due to his shaking hands. He had been somewhat nervous due to not knowing how things would turn out in the end. After a while, he was finally able to place the trinket onto the rest and when placing everything down, he leaned back into his chair with a loud sigh as he looked up.
"Oooh Cosmos did you finish it?! Let me see it!"he heard, and all of a sudden he jumped up before slamming his hands and arms down onto the table as he shielded the object from his brother who now ran into the room. "Moo-Moo let me see it!"
"No! Get away Pepper, I worked too hard on this and you're not going to ruin it for me! Especially not today!"
Cosmos saw as his brother leaned his chin on the opposite edge of the table, then placing his hands onto it as he smiled.
"Why would you think I'm going to ruin it? I'm-"Pepper saw his brother furrow his eyebrows in an angry manner before he let out a nervous laugh. "Heheh...I guess you're right...but hey! Can i help you wrap it? I'm really good at wrapping gi-"
"if you leave me alone for now, I promise to let you wrap it yourself."Cosmos promised which brought a grand smile on his brother's expression, right before he removed himself from the table and jumped up in glee. Soon enough, he ran out of the room as Cosmos got off the table and stared at his little trinket, then letting out a content and impressed hum.
Nathalia looked into her camera as she snapped a picture, and she then lowered it to look at the image that appeared on it. It held the portrait of a couple of birds, sitting on their nest as they cared for eggs which made her grin in pride, but she lifted her camera up again to take another picture of the same birds. Although, she jumped a bit when hearing a voice behind her.
"What a nice picture, though I do believe taking a picture of that lovely couple over there would look somewhat better."she instantly turned around with wide eyes, clutching onto her camera before she let out a smile. Nathalia caught sight of Cosmos, or Stellar, who stood behind her and looked down at the camera she was holding as one of his gloved hands pointed at a couple sitting on a bench.
"Stellar? I thought you would be with your mother!"she exclaimed before smiling, then placing her camera down.
"Meh, I decided to give her a break this year. Besides, she was too busy sleeping and I prefered to not bother her."he replied before leaning down to place a gentle kiss on Nathalia before she let out a giggle and held his cheeks to kiss him back."Happy Valentine's Day my dear."
"Oh yes!Happy Valentine's Day!"Nathalia said before she pulled him closer towards her face, then placing a kiss onto his cheek which made him let out a chuckle before he wrapped one arm around her waist, and she noticed that his other arm hanged at his side as it held a small box."What's that?"
"This? It's just a little surprise for you, that's all."Stellar replied as she pointed at it, and soon she tried reaching out to grab it."Not now my dear, you'll have to wait."
"Stellar! Don't be such a tease!"she exclaimed, huffing as Stellar raised his arm high enough so that she wouldn't be able to reach the gift. "Stellar!"
"Stellar?" They stopped their playing and turned around to face a blonde woman practically Nathalia's height. She had her arms behind her back and wore quite the simple outfit with her hair in a ponytail. Despite this, Nathalia felt that she had seen her somehow or somewhere. Though, she wasn't able to place her finger on it and turned to Cosmos who bit his lip.
"Coraline." he said, and Nathalia now recognized her as his sister who she had seen on a picture Stellar had shown her, but she looked so unlike what she was described and shown as as.She wasn't even wearing heels or her hair down like in the picture she saw.
" What are you doing out here?"Stellar asked as he stared at his sister who let out a shrug.
"Does it really matter? The real question is why are you here? You never go out and just stay at home with mom."she responded, right before her eyes trailed to the side and she caught sight of the other young woman. "Who is this?"
His sister brought her arms from behind and he noticed that in one hand she held a small box, obviously adorned by his brother who was most likely the one who made whatever it contained inside. Coraline's expression immediately turned into a stoic one as she crossed her arms with the box in hand, never taking her eyes away from Nathalia.
"This is-"
"She has a mouth, Stellar. She can speak on her own." Nathalia slightly gulped before feeling her nerves worsen. If it already wasn't nerve wrecking just being in the presence of her lover's sister. "Who are you?"
"M-my name is Nathalia."she spoke up with a shaky voice, and she bit the inside of her cheek when noticing Coraline's eyes squint at her. Nathalia knew that she was like this, but it was worse meeting her. Now she knew why Stellar had not introduced her to the family yet, Coraline seemed to be quite the judgemental one.
"And you are who to my brother?"
"Stellar's girlfriend..."she whispered as her hands now began to fiddle with each other's fingers. "I 've been wanting to meet you for a while now, Coraline."
"Have you now? I kept wondering who Stellar's little doll may have been, I asked myself who in the world was it that he was shaping into his music boxes."Coraline mentioned as Nathalia's eyes widened, as she turned to Stellar who turned his head to the other side in embarrassment. "I have wanted to meet you too, Nathalia."
"Ah Coral come on, cut the act already."Stellar said before Nathalia glanced at him and then the woman again, then seeing that smiles appeared onto their features before Coraline let out a giggle. Now that was...surprising.
"Alright, alright. Just because I have to go do something else."she chuckled out as Nathalia was confused, but then they looked at each other. "I'm just pulling at your leg Nat, you seem alright. Stellar has spoken of you quite the few times and from what I've heard, you got Miss D'Vitt's approval.
"My dear, Coraline just likes to play this stupid game when meeting people. She does whatever in her power to, well, make them feel pressured."Stellar commented before Nathalia looked away, and then let out a nervous laugh as the siblings stares at each other.
"Wow,um,okay! Thank god, for a moment I thought your sister was going to throw me out or something."she said with a chuckle as she felt Coraline pat her shoulder before she leaned in to whisper into her ear. Nathalia listened to her attentively as Stellar raised an eyebrow in curiosity, right before the women parted from each other.
"Well, I guess I'll be going now. I don't want to bother you two anymore, besides the fact that I have something else to attend to."
"Let me guess, you're going to the library and you're going to give your boyfriend what is it,cookies baked by Roger?"
"Bye, Stellar."Coraline interrupted, then turning to walk away as she raised her free hand to wave."Bye Nathalia, I hope to talk with you some other time. It was a pleasure meeting you."
"It was a pleasure meeting you too!"Nathalia shouted back as Coraline walked away, and Stellar laughed to himself before he grabbed Nathalia's hand.
"Come over here my dear, now is when I give you my gift." he mentioned as she followed behind him, then placing her camera around her neck.
The pair had walked for a while until they eventually reached the family toy shop which made Nathalia giggle.
"What exactly do you have planned out, Mister D'Vitt?"she asked before Stellar let go of her, then reaching into his pocket to pull out some keys. He looked through them before choosing one, and he unlocked the doors before allowing Nathalia to walk in first, bowing slightly as he held the door open.
"Not very much really, I just have another gift in here for you."he said before closing the door after he had gone inside, making sure to lock it as he followed behind the woman and motioned for her to take a seat on one of the nearby chairs.
Nathalia sat down as she watched Stellar walk towards the counter, and he reached into one of the drawers before he came back to her with another box that was slightly bigger than the first one. He pulled a chair before he sat down in front of her, and he grabbed the first box before handing it over to her.
"Here, open this one. Then you can open this one which I think you'll like a lot more."he said. 'I sure am hoping she does.'
Nathalia took the box, and untied the ribbon that was on it before opening its lid, then squealing when she found a beautifully decorated cupcake.
"Stellar this is so cute! Did you make this yourself?"she asked, staring at him in excitement.
"I,well...I wouldn't have been able to make it without Roger's help...he's the one who knows all about cupcakes and whatever."he said with a shrug, then bringing his free hand up to scratch the back of his head. "But um, here. Open this one now."
"Okay!"the woman explained as she placed her boxed cupcake down, then reaching out to grab the next gift she was presented with. She repeated the same process from before, but reacted differently once her eyes had landed on glittery jewels.
She reached into the box, then pulling out what looked like a small box covered in diamonds that shined with the rays of sun that got in through the uncovered parts of the shop's windows.
"It's a...it's a music box, I made it myself."Stellar said with a gulp, and he extended his arm to grab at it's top before he opened it. "Look at the doll there."
Nathalia took a closer look into the box, now peering at the ballerina that obviously resembled her in every way.
"Oh,Googly-bear!"she exclaimed before throwing her arms around Stellar after she had placed the gifts down.The man felt his eyes widen behind his shades just as his cheeks flared up, and his own hands went down to grab onto the girl's waist. Nathalia continued to kiss him before Stellar closed his eyes, and he kissed her back as he brought her even closer to his body. After a while of kissing, he felt Nathalia pull herself away as she stared down at him with half lidded eyes.
"Thank you so much, I love you Stellar."she whispered as she fixed her body, then seating herself onto his lap, keeping her arms around his neck.
"I love you too, Nathalia."he whispered back as he pulled her into another kiss, keeping his hands on her hips as she placed hers on his chest. Her hands trailed lower as she detached herself from his lips, then placing them onto his jaw. Stellar gulped as he felt her kiss his neck and her hands tug at the hem of his shirt before going lower which resulted in him pulling away.
"Right now my dear?"he said in a breathy tone.
"Well, I do have to give you one of my Valentine's gifts to you my love. Or would you like to wait for us to go somewhere else?"Nathalia replied with a pant, then seeing as Stellar bit his lip.
"You're right...please, do continue then."
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Oooh loved your voltron!!! Would you consider writing more sneezy lance??
(definitely considered!! this really should’ve gone up on his birthday but what do u know I fail at life!! anyway here’s more lance bc I love Voltron and I’m still pretty new pls forgive me!!)
Lance felt like he had bonded with Blue pretty well.
As much as he missed home, Blue allowed him and his friends to go beyond Earth and discover alien life they had no clue had existed. Growing up Lance always wanted to save people and be a hero, and Blue helped him do that. Blue felt extremely connected to the water, thriving the most when she was in it, and Lance felt the same way. He had grown up by the water, and had obtained his fondest memories by the ocean, with his family and friends back home.
However, one thing him and Blue did not necessarily connect on too well, was the cold.
Blue had ice capabilities, which Lance found cool and useful to saving the day, but the cold was something Lance just simply wasn’t accustomed to. He had experienced snow for the first time at the Garrison, and it truly was an enchanting experience, but shortly after he took ill with a cold and couldn’t perform to his best standard. He absolutely loathed this, because of course due to his impaired performance, he’d be compared to Keith again, and how much lesser he was than him.
Needless to say Lance absolutely hated this past mission.
They had received a distress signal at the Castle from a planet about a galaxy away; and of course they had to go check it out. That was how the Paladins ended up landing their lions on an icy, snowy planet the equivalent of Antarctica, but an entire planet of it. There had been a Galra ship forcefully taking some resources from their land; scaring the innocent civilians away into the shadows.
While the mission was a success, Lance did not have a good time in the slightest.
Lance did not like the cold at all. He preferred the glorious warmth of the bright and blazing sun, the sunshine that reminded him of home and the people who loved him. The cold was a harsh, bitter cold (ha) reminder that he was far away from his home and family, that they were many many galaxies away from him.
The cold was extremely uncomfortable, making his nose run consistently, distracting him from operating Blue to her full potential as they battled yet another Galra robot. As Lance shot out an ice beam, it was only reflected back at him, turning the operating room into what was practically a freezer. Lance desperately wanted to call out to Keith to thaw him out, but something in his brain seemed to be blocking him.
Lance had always had trouble connecting with other people, and asking for help. A lot of the time, there were people available and willing to extend an arm no questions asked, but Lance couldn’t find the heart to actually ask for it. He hated to appear weak and fragile, or a burden of any kind, and his pride prevented him from reaching out. So instead, he wallowed shivering in misery until one of the power beams from the robot had thawed him out. Besides, the whole team was busy trying to take down this thing, he could wait.
Eventually, victory was theirs and they exited their lions to greet the extremely joyous and happy civilians.
“O’ great Paladin! We are ever so humbled as to have been freed by thou,” One of the alien civilians praised, clinging onto Lance’s side gratefully.
Lance beamed, flashing a sparkly grinning as he returned their hug, winking, “Any time, dearest!”
“Lance,” Pidge groaned, rolling her eyes.
“What?!” Lance giggled, trying to mask how cold he felt. He tried to repress his shivers, holding himself, trying to insulate the remaining warmth in his body. He badly wanted to cuddle someone in this very moment, someone like Hunk, who was the best human furnace ever. However his eyes drifted over to Keith, his mind wandering off into a daydream where he could cuddle Keith instead. His strong arms wrapped around him sweetly..Lance blushed as he realised what he was thinking of, and looked away.
“Great Paladin, why are thou convulsing in such a manner?” One of the aliens questioned, tilting their head with curiosity.
Lance tensed, growing defensive as he put his hands on his hips, striking a heroic pose although he shook with the cold, “I’m just excited for your new lives to begin!”
His heroic stance was interrupted by a tickle brewing in his sinuses, his nose twitching as he inhaled sharply, frantically covering his nose and mouth with a hand. He pitched forward with two forceful, but kittenish sneezes. He recovered quickly, looking around hoping no one had noticed, and thankfully no one had.
“What is the significance of that human action?” One of the aliens asked quizzically, looking thoughtful as the other aliens nodded in agreement.
Lance blushed, eyes widening as he racked his brain for an answer, rubbing his nose quickly before sniffling, “Um, uh, we humans do it when we are humbled and flattered!“
The civilians’ eyes lit up, beaming and grinning. Lance winked and flashed a toothy grin at them, before he looked over to his right where he saw Shiro wishing the civilians well, bidding their farewells.
"Farewell Paladins!” The civilians waved, as the Paladins began to retreat back into their lions, waving back at them fondly and brightly.
“Farewell blue Paladin!” He heard one call out.
Lance grinned, before yet another unexpected tickle had him sneezing before he even knew what was going on. He had barely managed to turn his head to the side, sneezing two blessedly soft but extremely ticklish sneezes.
“The Blue Paladin appreciates us!” One of them yelled out.
Thankfully his friends couldn’t hear his quiet sneezes over the loud cheering of the alien civilians. He returned to Blue, sitting down and finding that she had warmed up considerably but was still a little chilly to his dismay.
“You did well today Blue,” Lance muttered lovingly as he began to fly her into the air with the rest of his friends. They soared through the sky, aiming to head back into space, and back to the Castle.
“Well done team,” Shiro said fondly, his face camera projecting onto all of their screens.
“Yeah guys, we did it!” Pidge beamed enthusiastically.
Lance opened his mouth to reply, however his breath began to hitch yet again, eyes watering as he disabled his communication to the rest of the team. His nose twitched, twisting his body to the side as he two forceful and pitched sneezes into his cupped hands.
He groaned softly, sniffling. He turned to enable his communications again but his reddened nose began to quiver yet again. He rolled his eyes in annoyance, turning to the side again and sneezing four kittenish and ticklish sneezes into the crook of his arm.
Once his nose felt clear of any tickles, he enabled his communications again.
“What the heck was that, Lance?! Are you okay?!” Keith yelled worriedly as Lance came back online.
Lance chuckled nervously, “Heh, just accidentally clicked disable, I guess.”
“How do you accidentally disable..oh never mind,” Pidge stated, deciding to pass it off as just another one of Lance’s silly shenanigans.
“Well, at least you’re okay, Lance,” Hunk responded as the team landed their lions into the Castle.
“Well done Paladins!” Coran greeted as the five of them came in to the bridge.
“I think this calls for a celebration dinner?” Hunk grinned, rubbing his hands in anticipation.
“Great! I’m starving,” Pidge added.
Lance sniffled softly, feeling fatigue slowly but surely ease its way into his bones, slowly leeching at his energy. The familiar feeling of heat beginning to rise in his face was a sure sign to him he could be coming down with something. Lance could not afford to be weakened, and needed to be working at a high standard constantly. He had to nip it in the bud.
“You guys go ahead! I’m going to go catch some Z’s,” Lance yawned, stretching to prove his point. He tried to hide his cringe as he heard his voice start to become laced with slight congestion and become a little scratchy.
“Um, you sure Lance? You have to be hungry, no?” Shiro questioned.
“Nah, I’m missing out on some well deserved beauty sleep, how else am I supposed to captivate our foes and strike them when they least expect?” Lance joked.
Keith blinked, raising an eyebrow suspiciously, “Hm. You..don’t sound too hot, Lance.”
Lance huffed, “Well of course I don’t, Keith. We were just in a snow planet, in case you haven’t noticed? Also, I don’t sound hot, because I’m super cool, man.”
Keith rolled his eyes, “Sure. Just..uh..don’t die.”
Lance couldn’t help the smile that crept onto his face, as he retreated out of the bridge and towards his quarters.
Once he arrived there he pulled on his pyjamas before pulling on some socks, his feet freezing. He jumped onto his bed, a soft moan escaping his lips as his muscles relaxed against the mattress. He pulled his covers over him, wrapping himself up to insulate the heat. He snuggled up against his pillow, yawning. Just as he began to nod off, he was pitching forward with an unexpected sneeze.
He coughed lightly,  the sound resonating from his chest. He frowned, a sinking feeling telling him that this was something he couldn’t just sleep off.
But he was an optimist; and hoped sleep would take this away anyway.
Lance woke up the next day to an intense tickle in his nose. He gasped involuntarily, nose twitching similar to a rabbit and eyes, falling into a prolonged, intense sneezing fit. Each sneeze was ticklish and forceful, but still quite kittenish. Times like these he wished he had a Dad Sneeze because that would mean he could just get the tickle out and not have to suffer and endure this for a long amount of time.
Once he finished, he sniffled liquidly, rubbing his nose on his shirt sleeve. Now that he had fully woken up, he was now becoming aware of a throbbing headache, hot air coming out when he exhaled and an overall groggy, sickly sensation throughout his whole body. With all of this in mind, Lance was confident in saying he was sick.
He got up, eyeing his alarm and eyes widening as it had been a whole 30 minutes after his regular waking time. For some reason his alarm hadn’t gone off today, when previously it had rang religiously at the same time every day.
He started to rush to get dressed into his usual attire, before speed walking out of his quarters only to be stopped by a chesty little fit of small coughs, stifled by his sleeve.
He groaned, inhaling involuntarily as he brought his hands up to his face and sneezed two, slightly wet, congested sneezes yet again. He sniffled frustratedly, rubbing his nose vigorously as an attempt to force the insistent tickle out of there.
When Lance made his presence known to the whole team, they were all stunned.
Hunk dropped his spoon into his food, mouth hung open as he took in Lance’s sickly appearance. He was quite a few shades lighter, dark circles lining beneath his eyes, nose reddened as well as his cheeks flushed with what he suspected was a fever. His eyes didn’t exert his usual cheer and energy, they looked drained and dull. All in all Lance looked exhausted and sick.
“Good morning!” Lance tried, forcing himself to try and feign a joyful timbre to his now scratchy and congested voice. It did not work in the slightest.
“Are you switching career paths to that movie trailer guy once we get back to Earth because your voice is very much lower or..?” Hunk questioned, still shocked by his friend’s sickly exterior.
“What? I’m on top of the world, Hunk,” Lance insisted, taking his seat next to Keith. He inhaled sharply and sneezed to the side.
“You’ve got a cold,” Keith observed, almost accusingly.
“Huh? I always sneeze in the morning,” Lance pointed out, dismissing him.
He just sat there for a few minutes uncomfortably playing with his food as everyone ate, but still stared at him.
“Are you going to eat, Lance?” Shiro asked calmly, a gentle tone to his voice.
Lance flashed him a grin as he slowly lifted some food into his mouth, really no appetite to eat much. He continued to fill his face very slowly, until the burning tickling sensation that began to twinge in his sinuses returned with a vengeance.
Lance tried to scrunch his nose and discreetly rub at the sides of his nose to try and coax it away, repress the itching sensation but eventually, the tickle built up and up until he knew it was impossible to keep in. He turned away from Keith, raising his cupped hands and steepled them over his nose and mouth, sneezing twice in a high pitched manner.
“Oh my god, your sneezes are adorable!” Pidge commented.
Lance sniffled, looking up with her with a doe-eyed, deer in the headlights kind of look in his eyes, “Huh? Oh, that’s an odd thing to remember, Pidge. But thank you!”
Keith blinked, unsure if this was real, “..what do you mean, you just sneezed–”
“Keith? Are you feverish? I didn’t sneeze. Hm, you should go to the Cryo pods perhaps,” Lance cut him off. Keith gave him an incredulous look, looking extremely stunned.
As the team continued to eat, Lance’s breath caught, eyes fluttering shut and Lance sneezed twice again irritably.
“Bless you,” Shiro said.
Lance completely ignored it, continuing to eat. Then a few minutes later, Lance put his fork down as his nostrils began to flare again, raising his arm to catch his two forceful, congested sneezes.
“Bless you,” Shiro said yet again. Lance looked around, as if trying to see who had sneezed. Keith blinked, getting a little frustrated.
This process went on and on, this repeating cycle of Lance sneezing and Shiro blessing him, and Lance pretending nothing had happened. Until finally Lance sneezed four powerful exhausted sounding, sickly sneezes into his arm and Keith burst.
Shiro, Lance, Pidge and Hunk fell uncomfortably silent, and then everyone’s faces crumpled and they all started bursting into hearty laughter. It was the kind of tear-jerking, knee slapping, wheeze inducing, stomach hurting kind of laughter that had them gasping for air because they couldn’t stop. Keith couldn’t even help but join in a little, a smile creeping onto his face as he discreetly covered his mouth to keep himself from laughing.
The laughter stopped when Lance started hacking, choking as he fell into a coughing fit, tears stinging his eyes. Keith widened his eyes in alarm, instinctively patting his back as he coughed ferociously. Once Lance was done, he was exhausted, a few tears streaming down his face, breathing heavily as he struggled to regain his breath.
“Lance..” Shiro started.
“Well that was some good breakfast, I’m off to the bridge now!” Lance cut in, quickly getting up and pushing his chair back, heading off to the bridge.
The remaining Paladins exchanged an exasperated look.
“Good morning–LANCE?! What’s wrong?!” Coran gasped as Lance entered the bridge looking like a ghost. The younger boy erupted into a little chorus of congested little coughs into his arm. He cleared his throat, flashing him a weak grin, but before he could speak the rest of the Paladins were piling into the bridge.
Allura eyed Lance suspiciously, knowing full well he was sick but knowing he would not give in without a fight. She quickly exchanged a knowing look to a worried Shiro, as if to try and reassure him that she had this.
“So, let me give you a run down of today’s plan..” Allura started to explain, but as she spoke her words faded out into an inaudible slur that Lance couldn’t even hear. He began to lose control of his own senses, his hearing fading out and vision blurring, but at the expense of that came heightened feeling. His head hurt bad, but Lance continued to struggle and force himself to try and make out what Allura was saying, but to no avail.
He could hear a faint ringing in his ears as his palms began to excrete sweat, a sure sign he was beginning to panic. Lance felt extremely overwhelmed by this all, not wanting to fail anyone and ruin everything but his brain was turning everything to a inconceivable mush. He balled his fists with frustration, breathing heavily as he grew even more and more angry with himself, his chest tightening.
“Fine. I’m fine!–” Lance cut himself off with a forceful sneeze he forgot to cover, the expulsion loud and exhausted compared to his normal kittenish fits.
“Listen, Lance..you don’t have to–” Shiro started.
The words were spoken with a soft, caring and gentle timbre to them–but his fevered brain decided to filter it and the words sounded harsh and belittling to him.
Lance hissed, nails digging into his hands aggressively, tears pricking his eyes, “Im fine! I’m fine!”
He crossed his arms aggressively, biting his lip as to stop himself from getting overly emotional over nothing. He knew no one was being mean to him–rather, he was being mean to himself and his fever was clouding his perspective and upping his emotions. Even then he couldn’t help the little heads of tears, that thankfully never fell. Lance inhaled sharply, turning away and forgetting to cover a fit of ticklish, exasperated sneezes.
When he finished, he sniffled pathetically, and though he looked sick and horrible, Keith thought he looked cute.
Keith sighed fondly, “Okay, that’s enough.”
“Enough what?” Lance challenged.
Keith didn’t say anything else and simply approached the boy and picked him up with ease.
“Keith!” Lance protested, struggling to get out of his grasp as Keith walked onwards to the quarters. The others let out a breath they had no idea they were holding, glad that Keith took the initiative to call Lance out.
Keith grinned at him, “You’re sick, Lance. C'mon, look, you’re so hot.”
Lance finally relaxed, and wiggled his eyebrows, “Keith, listen, if you have to tell me something..”
Keith blushed a deep crimson and looked away in embarrassment, “Nothing like that, Lance, you little..”
He cleared his throat, “Anyway, im sick of watching you struggle like this, so you are going straight to bed. I wish you had never left anyway–I turned off your alarm for a reason, Lance..”
Lance blinked, “..you turned off my..?”
“Yeah, I did. When you said you were heading off to bed super early without eating we knew something was up. We all agreed to give you a sick day and let you rest, we just didn’t think you’d..be so determined,” Keith explained.
Lance smirked, “Awh Keith, you watched over me as I slept..”
Keith flushed a deep hue once again, the heat in his cheeks nearly as intense as Lance’s fever, “No I didn’t! I barely even was in your room!”
“Alright, Edward Cullen,” Lance slurred feverishly, gazing at Keith fondly. He lifted his hand up to his face to cover his soft little sneeze and effectively not spray Keith’s face.
Keith mumbled his bless you and entered Lance’s room, setting him down onto his bed. Lance’s face was scrunching up again, pitching forward as he fell into a short fit of kittenish sneezes yet again.
He couldn’t help his little smile, “Pidge was right, you do have a cute sneeze.”
“Yeah? Well you’re just pretty cute overall,” Lance said feverishly, closing his eyes and snuggling up against his sheets and pillow.
A surge of warmth rushed through Keith’s body, butterflies cheerfully fluttering about in his stomach. He felt all warm and tingly, a childish smile playing on his face. Keith pressed his lips together to stop himself from looking like a fool, and cleared his throat.
“You’re not too bad yourself,” Keith choked out.
“I’m cold, Keith,” Lance whined before coughing softly.
“I’ll get you another blanket,” Keith promised as he turned to leave, until Lance’s arm shot out from beneath the blanket and grabbed at his arm.
“No, Keith. Come here, please?~” Lance pleaded, eyes sparkling with hope.
Keith couldn’t give in to that face. He couldn’t give in to this boy no matter what he did. He nervously climbed into the bed, slipping himself in between the mattress and the covers. Immediately Lance clung on to him, his breath hitching as he stifled two high pitched sneezes onto the soft fabric of Keith’s t-shirt. He nuzzled his nose into his shoulder lovingly, snuggling with Keith.
Keith blushed further, his heart racing. There were voices in his head screaming, as his brain went on alarm, going on high alert like he was a preteen again. He let out a shaky breath, and managed to relax himself, wrapping an arm around Lance lovingly. Surprisingly, it all came naturally to him. It felt so right, like they were meant to be like this. Both of them, just like this.
“..I’ve wanted to do this for a while now,” Lance murmured softly.
Keith smiled softly, breath slightly shaky, pressing a gentle kiss against Lance’s pink nose, “..y-yeah, m-me too.”
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new2otomelol · 7 years
Dracula - A KBTBB Fanfiction
Again, totally not a writer, just doing this for fun! Voltage owns the rights to its characters and games. This is a fan fiction. I seriously thought it would be fun to combine an old story with a new one, re-invent a little, since we’re close to October. Soooooooooo I figured I'd give it a shot to write a vampire story 😉 here's my fantasy, LOL! The story begins the day MC is sold to the bidders. Her name is Elizabetha and she has just been introduced to all of them.
ELIZABETHA'S POV I'm so nervous right now, but I won't be scared, I have bigger problems than the men before me. "Choose who will buy you!" they said... ugh, I need to get this over with, but before I have a chance to really think things through, I am taken by Eisuke to his suite. Ignoring the conversations from the other bidders as I am being thrown over his shoulder, I let myself fall limply and I let out a sigh as if I'm bored.
Once inside he drops me on top of one of his designer couches. "You will be staying here in the penthouse in the empty suite across the hall from mine. Baba will take you to your dorm to pick up some necessities. Here's a key card and a pager. Always respond to my pages immediately... you are now the maid for the penthouse." I stare at him and don't say a word, what good would it do? He sighs as if annoyed "do you speak much?" I smile wryly, "only when I need to." And with those words he disappears to his office.
THE FOLLOWING DAY – ELIZABETHA POV: I collect my things from my locker and begin to head back to the penthouse as my shift just ended. Today was insanely busy, especially with Eisuke paging me constantly for little things... "I need coffee, bring me juice, clean this, clean that, yadda, yadda..." uggh... But I appreciate the busywork, it helps me keep my mind off from what has been happening to me. I only hope that tonight will be just as crazy so that I don't hear that strange voice again in my head, "come to me Elizabetha, you belong only to me.” That voice and those words, who is doing this to me?  And why does this man’s voice sound so familiar.  I walk forward and almost lose my balance from feeling lightheaded. What is going on?
EISUKE'S POV: That maid is a strange woman; I've read her file, nothing out of the ordinary, but something about her is mysterious, she didn't even flinch when she was bought from the auction. I enjoy watching her defiant stare, her long wavy black hair that she always wears in a ponytail, her beautiful light blue eyes, curves in all the right places... she looks like she's of European descent. I think I'll use her as my girlfriend to get Mr. Bucci's daughter off my back.
ELIZABETHA’s POV: I reach the penthouse and as soon as I set foot inside, I'm greeted by all the bidders who are sitting around the lounge area without a care in the world. "Princess! Come on over here and join us!!..." yells Baba as I begin to make my way to my suite. "Another time perhaps?" I smile and continue to make my way to my desired site, but alas, King Jerk pipes up "you're coming with me... I found use for you and you're getting ready for a party tonight." I stop dead in my tracks and sigh, I turn around and face him. I kneel on the ground, just like one of my all-time favorite movie characters "what is thy bidding, my master?" and with that I see Soryu and Mamo chuckle a little, Ota gets way too excited "Oooh, ooh, Koro has a sense of humor"
I look up at him, roll my eyes and stand back up. Eisuke, looking not all too pleased, makes his way over to me, slides his arm around my waist and pulls me to him. "You're my fake girlfriend and if you do your job right, I'll set you free." My eyes widen and I look up at him. "Not like I have a choice, right?" he smiles and lets me go... "So you're looking to make a deal with Mr. Bucci?" asks Soryu. I can't help but feel my inner geek scream inside and I take my opportunity and seize the moment. I kneel again, just as I had done earlier and deliver my line "he will join us or die master!" I raise myself again and with that Mamoru and Ota laugh hysterically, Soryu looks away to hide his laugh and Baba looks confused... sigh, a non-believer. Eisuke takes a hold of my arm and takes me with him to the elevator "you're starting as of right now comedian! Don't underestimate me!" I decide to keep my mouth shut.
A new outfit and makeover later I am at a party with my supposed boyfriend. As soon as we enter I notice a group of women begin to crowd Eisuke and I'm pushed away from him. Crap, if I'm to keep up appearances I need to do something. I push a couple of the "ladies" out of the way and slide my arm around his. I pull him close and kiss him as passionately as I can... I include a little tongue action for good measure... ewwww, but I have to sell it. I let go of him after a minute and glare at the ladies, "he's taken dearies, now run along!" Man, if looks could kill, but I did my job. Eisuke looks at me with a confused look, so I lean into his ear and whisper "you wanted me to act as your girlfriend, I'm doing it" and with that I kiss his cheek and smile to our audience. He smiles and holds my hand and then whispers in my ear, "honey, don't mess this up for me!" We met with Mr. Bucci right after and things went smoothly.
EISUKE'S POV I need to get this deal with Mr. Bucci, I hope she can act her part accordingly; this is going to be fun. We walk in to the party and the usual crowd of girls begins to form around me, sigh, fake smile on and deal with it, that's all I ever do. I then feel and arm slide around mine and Elizabetha pulls me in for a very passionate kiss... I was lost in it, almost entranced by it, by the gods, I've been kissed passionately before, but this was different. She suddenly pulls away and sends all the other women away with great confidence. She whispers something in my ear about acting the part, but I'm just trying to calm myself to get ready for the meeting. I whisper into her ear to not mess things up for me... I'm the one in command. In the end, Mr. Bucci's daughter will be coming for a visit and we'll have to keep up this charade for a while longer. Can't say that I mind, but I will take charge next time.
TWO WEEKS LATER – ELIZABETHA'S POV I'm so tired. This Carolina girl has been a hassle to deal with, but I've done my part and have acted like a saint around her, even after she tried to make it look like I was cheating on my "boyfriend." I just know she's up to no good. But no time to think about that, I need to come up with new security measures for myself. The more I'm with Eisuke, the more I feel a connection with him; however, that seems to make the voice that calls to me stronger... it's as if something is coming for me. It doesn't call me just at night anymore, it slowly creeps up during the day sometimes... it feels as if my soul is being pulled and an immense sorrow grabs a hold of my heart. All the strength that I have is quickly used to keep me from crying. At night sometimes I wake up to find myself standing by the door as if I'm trying to go somewhere, but where? One night as I am finishing my shift and I decide to take a quick brake outside in the back of the hotel. Before heading back to the penthouse, a couple of men come up to me, spray something in my face and seconds after, everything fades to black. I wake up to find that I'm tied up, in a warehouse and Carolina is the one behind it all. "Leave my Eisuke! You're not good enough for him." She yells at my face and slaps me a couple of times. I know she's trying to scare me, but it's not going to work. "Carolina sweetie, you have so many good qualities about you, you'll find the right man that will worship you. I love Eisuke, with all my heart and can't leave him!" As soon as I said those words, I realized that maybe there might be some truth to them. However, at that precise moment I notice a mist form all around the warehouse and I begin to feel dizzy. An immense pain shoots from the space between my neck and collar bone "unghh.." so many feelings rush through my body... love, pain, sorrow, joy, fear, an overpowering fear... "What's going on?! Um... Elizabetha?" As soon as Carolina speaks, the mist dissipates and I begin to regain my composure. I look down to my chest and notice that the front of my uniform is soaked in blood, then a loud bang is heard around the room and Eisuke and Soryu both step in. Carolina shrieks and begins to apologize for having kidnapped me. Eisuke pacifies her and tells her that everything will be alright... good, he hasn't seen the right side of my uniform yet. I try to angle my body further to keep the sight of my blood away from them, at least temporarily, until I stumble and Eisuke's eyes widen in horror.
EISUKE'S POV I can't believe it when I see Elizabetha stumble forward and as she looks up I see a trail of blood that has soaked through the front of her uniform, nobody touches what is mine! "Carolina, what happened to her?" I try to keep my cool, but it takes everything in me to do so. I run to Elizabetha and begin to undo her restraints... "Eisuke, she didn't do this to me, trust me... it feels like a bite of some sort, but I'm alright." I help her up and look at Carolina "I, I don't know what happened to her, one minute she was okay then she was bleeding the next; I swear I didn't do that!" I smile back and calmly reply "It's okay, I believe you Carolina, but I have to take her to a doctor now... we'll see you off tomorrow before you head back home, okay?" Carolina smiles and says "yes! Hope you feel better Elizabetha, sorry for what I did, but I know that you really love Sukee here and will leave him in your hands!" Elizabetha looks up and smiles at Carolina.
We rush to the penthouse were Luke is waiting for us. Elizabetha will not remove her hand from her collar bone. "Sexy bones, let me see, you're still bleeding out a little." Elizabetha finally removes her hand and reveals a very large wound. It looks like an animal bit her and tore her skin apart. Luke sighs and says he'll have to stitch it up, but forgot to bring anesthesia with him. "Luke, I can take it, just do it now before I bleed out any more." Elizabetha looks at Luke straight on and urges him to continue. "Kid, 'ya got balls." Mamoru says as he settles himself on the couch to take a nap. Ota and Baba are just standing there looking at her with their mouths agape. What the hell happened?
ELIZABETHA'S POV Luke is working on stitching me up... honestly, I don't feel much pain anymore. Eisuke is looking at me with worry in his eyes... could he care about me? Ughh.. no, focus... that fog had something to do with all of this. "Elizabetha, what happened?" Eisuke can't stand my silence much longer. "I don't know, but maybe a rat did this while I was unconscious?" I lie, but I can't explain the unexplainable right now. Luke sighs "I'm done sexy bones. You will have a small scar, nothing major, but something did take a bite out of you." Baba kneels down in front of me and holds my hand "I'm sure it must have been an animal from the warehouse pretty lady, but don't worry, you're safe now!" I smile at all them. "I'm fine guys, really, just tired and need some rest." I stand up and head to my suite, but Eisuke catches me at the stairs and carries me ... "don't make a big deal out of this, just making sure you don't make a mess of my stairs." Yep, still a jerk. Finally alone in my suite and I try to process it all. That fog wasn't natural. I've heard from my aunt before, when she used to read my cards, that I seem to have been reborn a few lifetimes. The woman was a gipsy extraordinaire and loved to read fortunes. Before she died, she told me that a man, almost creature-like, was looking for me, that he would find me. As part of my inheritance, she left me a box that I was told I could not open until it was needed. I just took it as her leaving me one final riddle to solve. Maybe I should open it tomorrow? As I continue to think things through in an attempt to relax, the voice calls out to me again... "Elizabetha, my love, I found you."
THE NEXT NIGHT – ELIZABETHA'S POV Eisuke, Soryu and I see Carolina off in the morning. Mr. Bucci is extremely satisfied with Eisuke and instantly strikes a deal with him. In honor of our success, we all gather around to celebrate at the penthouse pool with a little bit of alcohol and snacks. After a couple of drinks, I depart from the guys and head to my room with the excuse that I still need to recover a bit more from the night before.
As I turn on the lights to my room, I notice a beautiful white night gown laid out on my bed. It had a very revealing neckline (one that would require the assistance of my lacey push-up bra) and long flowing material with intricate lace designs, simply stunning. I thought that maybe one of the guys bought it for me as a gift. I took a bath, blow dried my hair and put it on. As I looked in the mirror, I felt regal, different... my muscles started to relax and I felt entranced. I felt a pair of arms encircle me from behind, but couldn't see anything in the mirror. I tried to move my head to look up, but felt frozen in place, I couldn't move. "My lovely Elizabetha, my second gift to you..." I then feel a sharp pain on my neck followed by a feeling of heat radiating from the spot. I begin to pant and feel my blood draining away... two minutes later, it stops... "I'll return for you my love, don't try to fight me... you know that we are meant to be together for eternity." My eyes widen and finally regain the feeling of my limbs and turn around... I see a man with incredible features, truly a site to behold, but his smile was wicked and blood was dripping from his chin; his eyes were yellow and animalistic in nature... He seemed familiar. Before I could utter a word, he disappears. I feel a flood of memories pouring in and I can't control the feeling of despair that follows. I look at myself in the mirror and see blood that has trickled from my neck down to my chest, beginning to soak my gown, but this time, it wasn't as bad as the night before. I feel light headed, but I try to speak... it seems so hard, but I finally muster enough strength to whisper a name... "Dracula" ... The visions I see are memories of a distant past... I was his and he was a tyrant. I begin to walk out of my room as I continue to process it all, I feel hypnotized as I stare straight ahead at nothing "I need you my darling, my one true love." Someone, please make him stop talking to me! I can still feel his arms around me. I walk down the stairs not noticing anything or anyone, I'm in my own world.
EISUKE'S POV The guys decide to go back to the Lounge after we clean up from the pool. I kept thinking about Elizabetha and how I want her to stay with me. I can never admit this to anyone, but I've fallen for her. These past couple of weeks with her have been amazing. She's kind, hard-working, so different to all the women I have ever met. I feel like we've become closer... I always get what I want and she will be mine.
I turn around and notice something coming down the stairs out of the corner of my eye. "ELIZABETHA!!!" I yell as I see her walking aimlessly in a beautiful night gown, but my eyes go directly to the blood coming from her neck. "BABA, CALL LUKE, NOW!!" I run to her and try to get her attention, but she doesn't move her eyes. She looks pale and frail, she keeps walking forward and I grab her from behind to try and hold her in place. "What the..." Ota doesn't even know what he's witnessing either. "Yo! Kid! Wakeup!" Mamoru tries to clap his hands in her face, but she doesn't even blink. Baba runs back to us as he hangs up the phone "Luke is on his way Boss, he's downstairs in the casino, so it shouldn't be long...... Princess, what's wrong?!" But Elizabetha does not respond to any of us. I get frustrated with worry "DAMN IT ALL, wake up woman!" She begins to move forward and drags me behind her.. Soryu and Baba help me hold on to her arms to pull her back, but she continues to move with all of us in tow. "What the hell?!" Luke yells and runs towards us. He flashes a flashlight into Elizabetha's eyes and checks her neck wound. He finally takes out a syringe with liquid and injects it into her arm. She begins to lose strength and falls back into my arms. I lay Elizabetha down on my bed and Luke tends to her wound. "Luke, what the hell is that on her neck." Luke looks frazzled and lost "I.. I don't know Eisuke, I've never seen this before. She's lost so much blood, I need to make a blood transfusion..." Luke leaves to call a colleague to get the equipment he needs and some blood for her. "mmmnhh..." Elizabetha seems to be trying to wake up. "nnngghh... Vlad... Dragoste eternă.. " "Elizabetha, speak in Japanese, what are you saying?" Soryu looks to her in confusion. In fact, I notice that all of us seem to be quiet for once, unsure as to what is going on. "I can't do thisss... Vlad... you killed them all... all..." Elizabetha is talking in her sleep. I reach out to her and touch her cheek... "you're safe, you're with us. Wake up Elizabetha!" she begins to move as if she's stuck in a nightmare and begins to reach out with her hands. Soryu and I try to restrain her arms as she begins to panic. "Hang in there pretty lady, doc will be right back..." Ota and Baba take a hold of her legs to keep her from kicking. Elizabetha continued "nnngh... you did... I... I threw myself into the ravine... the water... my grave... you became a demon..." At this point, tears begin to stream from her eyes "let me die... I will take you with me..." right at that moment, Luke walks in with blood bags and begins to inject her with an IV... she immediately settles down. In a few minutes time, she begins to regain some color in her face. But what the hell is going on? Who is Vlad? Why was she saying such weird things?
ELIZABETHA'S POV My eye lids feel heavy, but I need to wake up. I need to warn them all. Soon, a room comes into view and I notice Eisuke, Soryu, Baba, Ota, Mamoru and Luke all sitting around the room. "Wha, what are you all doing here?" I slowly speak. "koro! You're awake!!" Ota yells ... "Kid, ya took a couple of years out of all of our lives"... "princess, what happened?" ... "who the hell did that to you?" So many voices and questions all at once. I slowly sit up and notice that it was still nightfall. "Guys, please listen to me carefully. Baba, can you bring a box that's under my bed to me? It's heavy... Mamoru, I know you have at least one set of handcuffs on you, handcuff me to the bed, NOW!... Soryu, take out your gun and keep it aimed at me..." Baba runs out of the room immediately. Mamoru hesitates as he takes out his handcuffs "kid, what 'ya doin'?" I sigh and look at him "Mamo, I don't have much time, do it quickly" he cuffs one hand against the bed post. Ota and Eisuke are staring at me looking bewildered. "Elizabetha, what happened? Explain woman!" Eisuke yells at me with worry in his voice... I sigh... "I will in a minute... just need to save you all, from me."
"Koro, you're not making sense..." Ota chimed in. "Sexy bones, you've already taken two pints of blood into your system, don't strain yourself." Luke takes out the IV from my arm and places a bandage on it. Soryu remains seated with his gun in his hands, he doesn't want to point it at me. "Soryu, it's okay. If I get loose from this bed, don't hesitate to shoot me, understand?" Baba walks in right in as I finish speaking to Sor.
Good, you're all here. "I may not have much time before I begin to lose my senses. Keep your minds open to what I'm about to say. Do you all know about the Impaler?" Ota's eyes widen... "yes! He impaled thousands of people...he was a fierce ruler." I smile "that's right Ota, his name was Vlad, but others called him Dracula... he was, I was... his wife" I hear gasps and then I hear Baba laugh "but that was several hundred years ago." I smile sadly. "Yes Baba, it was and he is no longer human... he's a ..." Luke interrupts me and finishes my sentence as if he had a sudden realization "vampire!" Eisuke looks at me as if he's in disbelief "vampires are just made up stories, they're not real" I glare at him "well, you'll soon find out the truth... Vlad was my world, my soulmate, until I could not take the bloodshed any longer." I cry as if the memories of it all were occurrences that had transpired just yesterday... "you don't know what it is like to live in a castle that has a garden filled with impaled corpses, some people still alive, slowly and agonizingly dying...the smell of blood, the flies and my husband sitting there watching them... smiling, drinking their blood as if it were champagne and eating parts of their bodies in front of them... his intent was to strike fear to ward off enemies, but his bloodlust new no end and he became something else.." they all look at me with shocked faces. "I killed myself because I couldn't bear to live with the screams, the pain, knowing that I would bring a child, his child into this world... I couldn't and I selfishly threw myself and my unborn child into a ravine." I bite my lip and cry hard, so much sorrow is filling me up right now.
"But princess, that was not you, that may have been another you a long time ago, but..." I look at Baba and realize that time is slipping by. "Sorry gentlemen, we need to move this show on the road." I dry my tears and with my free hand I take out the contents of the box that my aunt had left for me. She left some wooden stakes, long silver chains, a weapon made of silver that looked like a long flute, but once you pressed a button on the center of it, a long blade would emerge with force; she also left a pendant, some sacred water and finally a beautiful silver sword. "Woah, it's like an armory!" Baba was shocked. "I still don't know if to believe all of this. I mean this is pretty insane." Eisuke looks baffled and I feel so incredibly sad because I would like to believe that someday, I can get to know him better. At this rate though, I'm no longer sure I have long to live. "I'm sorry, all of you, if I would have known all of this was going to happen... I would have run away a long time ago... but I can feel a change in me, we need to speed this up... Luke, tie those silver chains around my arms and bind me to the headboard; be sure to lock the chains in place so that I don't get loose..." oh no...I'm getting dizzy and can hear everyone's heart beating... Luke finishes tying me up and I look at Baba "please, hmmm....put the weapons in the box and take the sacred..nngghh....water...throw some at me....ahhhhh...if I get ... loose...whatever I say, DON'T BELIEVE ME!!... "Princess?"
EISUKE'S POV I still can't believe any of this is real. But she looks like she' in so much pain, as if she's lived the life she mentioned before. I don't know what to believe. I'm lost in my own thoughts as I notice Elizabetha's eye color begin to change from blue to red. We all stare at each other and everyone backs away from her in fear. This is becoming real. The silver chains that bind her begin to burn her skin a little and she writhes in pain. I begin to move to take the chains off her, but Luke stops me. "No Eisuke, she's no longer herself... we all have to be patient and take turns guarding her for a few hours... it's 1:00 a.m., sunrise is at 6:00 a.m. we have to do this." Elizabetha pushes herself against the chains... a seductive smile forms on her lips as she watches me "come on baby, don't you want me? Ha, ha, ha.... I picked this outfit just for you..." as sexy as she looked, she wouldn't normally talk like that. I back away. "Tsk, tsk, tsk... looks like the King doesn't enjoy the show..." she turns to Luke "hmm.... Doc! I think I have a fever, want to check me? Come a little closer..." she smiles and big canine fangs emerge from her mouth. I thought I've seen everything in life, holy crap, this is real.
"Come on Luke... don't you want to see my collar bones up close?" Luke turns around and sits in one of the chairs. "Boooring...are British men always this dead when it comes to the sack? Hmmm... Baba, I know you want to touch them, come and get your fill of my breasts" Baba swallows hard and sits next to Ota, turning away from Elizabetha. "Ota, don't you want to put a leash on me... I can be a good Koro and get on all fours for you..." She tries to move on the bed, but remains restrained. She growls angrily and looks at her next target "Mamo, I know you have a big one, let me get a feel for it... maybe you and Soryu together... ha, ha, ha, ha...." The guys all look flushed and can't even look at her straight in the eye.
"STOP THIS NOW!" I yell at her. She twists her head my way in such a weird manner. "Why?! All I want is to have FUN!" she yells back at me and then she slams herself backwards on the headboard creating a loud crashing noise. "I can smell it..." She arches her back as far as she can, tilting her head up as she stares at the ceiling... "I can hear your heartbeats, smell your blood, I want it, let me have a taste." I can tell that this is going to go on for a good while. "We have to remain strong tonight, don't let her get to you!" Soryu addresses all of us. Elizabetha looks at him and laughs wickedly. "The good little mobster, what do you know? You think you've seen it all?... let me show you what darkness is like... the sheer and wonderful feeling that pain can give you!" with that she bites her tongue and a drop of blood comes down her chin. Hours pass on like this. Sunrise finally comes and we are all drained from this experience. Elizabetha passes out as soon as the first rays of the sun fill the room. All of the burns from her chains are gone from her skin. Luke sedates her just in case and everyone leaves to get some rest. I stay in my room and fall asleep on the couch. I don't want to leave her side.
I wake up in the early afternoon and make my way over to Elizabetha. I touch her cheeks and she begins to move. "Ei.. Eeisuke?" I smile at her "It's alright, we're all okay." She begins to cry "I'm so sorry, I know I said such horrible things last night... I ...I..." I don't want to see her cry. "It's not your fault, you warned us it would happen. What do we do now?" She stops crying and tries to recompose herself. "Now I kill him. Let me do this alone, he can kill all of you with just a thought if he wanted to... I don't want any of you to die" I admire her strength in all of this.
"We're not going anywhere." I begin to undo the lock and release her from her chains as well as Mamoru's handcuffs. She smiles and hugs me tight. "Eisuke, I know it's only been a short amount of time... but I feel like... I know that... I, I love you. My past memories, every lifetime that I have lived, I haven't met someone like you... for the first time in a few centuries, I feel alive again and I can't lose you." She loves me... this is... "I love you too Elizabetha, I'm not letting you go, I own you remember? You're mine." She laughs and I kiss her as deeply and as passionately as I can. Soon I have her gasping for air. We stop after a few minutes. "Eisuke, I have a plan to get him. He's coming back for me tonight."
LATER THAT NIGHT – ELIZABETHA'S POV Darkness falls over the city of Tokyo. The guys are all ready with weapons in hand, waiting for Vlad to show. The plan I made with them was for me to be in the lounge area and to stall Dracula while Soryu shoots silver bullets to incapacitate him so that one of us plunges a steak through his heart and cuts off his head. I didn't mention to them that Dracula is much more quick-witted than that. That's why I hide the projectile weapon under my jacket. The clock strikes 8 and a mist begins to form in the lounge. I straighten up as I wait for my former love to solidify. "Elizabetha my love... you know I won't let anyone get in our way..." with a wave of a hand, Dracula manages to pull all the bidders together in the lounge area and drops them on the floor. They remain there, unable to move. To the bidders, their plan is failing, but my real plan is going along smoothly.
"Vlad, you want me, I'm here you bastard..." he smiles wickedly, by the gods, the man is so incredibly handsome, but been there and done that. "Your mind betrays you my dear, your heart wants me, you can feel it." My anger knows no bounds right now "Really? I want you? after all the pain and suffering you've put me through, no, not just me, all the innocent people you have killed over the centuries!" he smiles "they never mattered, just things that paved the way for me to live forever... don't you see my love?" he points to the bidders... Luke is not here; he should still be upstairs according to my plan... "they are but cattle, mere playthings that give us life." I smile and the guys stare at me mortified, they think I'm beginning to turn.
I stand in front of Vlad with my back to him, I raise my arm behind me and pull his head down towards my neck. "If you love me, make me yours." I feel bad for the bidders as they look on in terror as Dracula takes out his canines and begins to bite my neck. I need him to drink a little and begin to move myself into a certain position... he's so tall, this should be easy. I grab a hold of his neck tighter as if to urge him on and I arch my back as if he was filling me with pleasure. I reach under my jacket as he looks down on me.... I make it look like I am trying to cup my breast underneath, I can feel a smile form on his lips as he slowly drinks my blood. With one hand, he holds my head up high, his other continues to hover over the area of the bidders to keep them still. I then shift the weapon underneath me, press myself hard against chest and aim the weapon towards his heart... I press the button and the silver blade plunges through an area under my ribcage all the way through, straight to his heart. We both fall backwards as I make sure the blade stays in place a bit longer.
"Nooooooo..." I hear a scream coming from Vlad... "why? My love, why?!!!" I try to keep myself conscious and yell out... "Luke, now!" Luke comes running down the stairs with the sword in hand. I pull myself off Dracula holding the impaled weapon against my abdomen, keeping it in place as Luke instructed. The fire in Vlad's eyes begins to fade as Luke comes into view and slashes his head off in one clean strike. "Goodbye forever my love." I whisper as I lay sideways on the floor. The bidders now loose from their constraint begin to move... Eisuke rushes over me along with Luke "Elizabetha, no, no.... I won't let you leave me, I won't allow you to..." Luke yells at Eisuke "pull yourself together man, we planned for this! Help me get her to Baba's suite, now...all my stuff is there so that I can operate on her now!" those are the last words I hear before passing out from the pain.
TWO DAYS LATER – EISUKE'S POV Elizabetha knew that Dracula would know what we were up to, so, she came up with the only plan she knew would work. She risked her life to end his, to save all of us. But she made sure that she would be okay. She's been asleep for two days... but her body went through a lot. She had angled the weapon perfectly to where she would have no organ damage, however, her body still took quite a beating, especially with the lack of blood. Some of us had to donate blood that night to keep her from dying.
I sit here and look at her as she sleeps peacefully when suddenly she stirs. "Mnnnhh... Eisuke?" I lean down and kiss her as she continues to try to wake up. Her eyes widen as she looks at me with a smile, then begins to panic "is he? Did we get him?..." I stroke her hair to calm her down "yes, he's gone and all of us are safe, thanks to you." She begins to cry in relief and I hold her gently. "Finally my soul can rest" she whispers in my ear "I didn't think I could ever be happy again, not with this vicious cycle... he tried many times before to get me... each time a chance at a new life just thrown away." To her, her previous lifetimes seem to be fused together, it is incredibly sad to think of all the pain she has carried. "Eisuke, I want to be with you, with the guys, I want us all to be happy" I smile back at her "I'm never letting you go, not even if you try to make me, I own you, all of you." With those words she pulls me to her and kisses me deeply like before... this woman drives me crazy. I know that from here on out, things can only get more interesting.
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the-baddest-bitch · 7 years
Mr. Han Will See You Now - Chapter 1
Tying Up Loose Ends
Rating : 13+ For cursing
Chapter 2
“Mr. Han. I have important news.” His capable assistant, Jaehee Kang, stepped into his office.
“Can it wait?” Jumin didn't look up from the paper that he was reading.
“It can, I suppose, but it wouldn't be wise to wait any longer.” He looked at her and raised his eyebrows in a “Well?” gesture.
“I’m going to resign.” That was something he hadn't expected. He blinked, and then nodded.  
“I understand. When will you be resigning?” Jumin was quite disappointed. Assistant Kang, soon to be just Jaehee Kang, was the best assistant he had ever had. He was going to miss her. Well, he was going to miss her work ethic.
“One week from now. I decided to tell you beforehand because I wanted time to tie up loose ends.”
“I appreciate that. But, if you don’t mind my asking, why exactly did you decide to resign?”
“I finally found something I truly enjoy doing, and I’m going to pursue it.” Jumin nodded, and quietly remarked, “I see.”
“I’ll start looking right away for your next assistant with the time I have left. Now, if you'll excuse me.” she bowed slightly to him and turned towards the door.
“Assistant Kang.” She looked back at him. “...Thank you.” Her eyes widened in surprise.
“I...was only doing my job.” Jumin nodded.
“Yes, exactly. And I am thanking you for doing it with as much dedication as you have.” She blinked several times, then simply nodded to him and exited the room.
That had been 3 days ago. Jumin leaned back in the airplane seat and closed his eyes. Only 4 days left until she was gone. All he could do now was hope that his next assistant would stay at least a little bit longer than 3 weeks.
Yoosung Kim needed a job. It was almost summer break, and he was going to be graduating university soon. He needed money to be able to pay for medical school. His good grades alone couldn't make him a veterinarian.
He was 22 now, so no places should have any qualms about hiring him anymore. But he still couldn't find any places that were right for him. He briefly thought about C&R, remembering the internship application he'd sent in a year ago, but then dismissed it. They wouldn't hire someone who wouldn't even be going into their line of business.
He groaned and rubbed his eyes, considering gaming to take his mind off things. He retrieved his headset and logged onto LOLOL, his favorite game.
He played 3 rounds, but just couldn't get into any more, so he switched to his email. To his confusion, he had an email from someone named Jaehee Kang. Do I know a Jaehee Kang? I don't think so.
He opened the mail and his eyes immediately widened. C&R? What do they want with me? I was just thinking about them too, huh... He fervently read the email’s text, at first not comprehending the words. He reread the first paragraph a few more times, understanding but not believing, until he ripped off his headset and snatched his phone off the desk. He input the number listed in the email’s signature and held the phone to his ear.
“This is Jaehee Kang.” A polite, but tired, female voice answered.
“Ah, yes. I’m Yoosung Kim. You emailed me about the job offer as an assistant?”
“Oh! Thank you for calling me.” Her voice perked up a bit. “Are you interested in the job?”
“Yes!” He coughed, trying to cover up his eagerness. “I am. When can I come in for an interview?” She was silent for a moment.
“It is a bit sudden, but I would like to say tomorrow.” He sputtered a bit - only a little! - and she continued. “I’ve already reviewed your résumé, after all.”
“That’s right. Yeah I can do tomorrow, then. What time?” The woman made a small thinking noise before responding.
“2 p.m.?”
“Alright. Thank you very much!”
“Thank you. If you’ll excuse me.” With that, she hung up. Well, she seems like a very nice lady. I wonder what that Jumin Han guy is going to be like. Oooh! I should tell 707 about this!
8:37 - DuDe
8:38 - Ya?
8:38 - Yaaaa
8:39 - wo~ah. Whose assistant are you gonna be?
8:39 - Well it’s not a certainty yet it’s just an interview
8:39 - BUt I’m going in to be interviewed for being Jumin Han’s assistant
8:41 - holy. Shit. Yeah that one
8:41 - What’d he do??? He didn’t sound TOO bad from the lady’s description.
8:43 - Apparently he’s really cold and unreasonable and basically like a slave driver
8:45 - well...people exaggerate
8:45 - BRO
8:45 - Bro. This is the only job offer I’ve gotten in months. I NEED money for med school. And for money, I need a job
8:46 - alright alright alright whatever
8:46 - just be careful
8:47 - Careful of what? I’m just going to be his assistant. And I still might not even get it
8:47 - IDK man. Just be careful
8:47 - yeah yeah
The next day, Yoosung arrived at C&R at 1:45. He’d been too excited and nervous to wait any longer to leave. He stood outside the revolving doors for a few minutes, working up the courage to go inside. He finally took a deep breath, pushed through his apprehension, and into the lobby.
The lobby was actually a lot quieter and more reserved than he’d imagined in his head. The high ceiling and sleek metal surfaces gave it a very futuristic air. Yoosung saw professionally dressed people walking around purposefully. He looked down at his own clothes (namely his bow tie) and wondered how much he stuck out. He decided it didn’t matter whether he stuck out or not. He squared his shoulders and strode towards the reception desk.
The man sitting there spoke before he could. “How can I help you, sir?” He said. Yoosung didn’t think he’d ever been called ‘sir’ by someone older than him before. He almost laughed.
“Ah, hello. I’m here for an-um-interview.” The man nodded and directed him to the correct place. Now, he had to get on an elevator. Great. An elevator. I hate elevators. I hope I don’t get stuck in the middle. Please don’t let me get stuck in the middle. He hurried towards the elevator bank, and noticed - mercifully - that there was no line. Maybe I won’t even have to be with another person on the elevator! He pushed the button and stepped back, making sure he wasn’t in the way of anyone walking.
The steel doors whooshed open and Yoosung practically fell inside. The nervousness was starting to really wear him down, and he very much wanted to get the interview over with. As the doors were closing again, a hand reached through them and they opened back up. A tall, handsome man strode through them and Yoosung crept to the back of the elevator. They stood in silence for a few seconds, until the man said something unexpectedly.
“So.” The man didn’t turn towards him as he spoke. “Are you to be my new assistant?”
“I’m sorry, what?” Now Yoosung was uncomfortable and confused.
“We’re going to the same floor, you have a guest ID badge, and you seem very afraid. Was I incorrect in assuming that you’re here for an interview?” Those points all made sense, but he couldn’t quite believe that this man was Jumin Han. Shouldn’t he be a lot older? He was supposed to be the executive director, and this guy didn’t even look thirty!
“Ah. Excuse me. I forgot to introduce myself. I suppose you may not know my face unless you read those senseless magazines.” The man finally turned to look at him, and put his hand out. “Jumin Han, Executive Director.” Oh. Shit. This was the guy?
Yoosung met his eyes and shook his hand firmly.
“I’m Yoosung Kim. And yes, I am here for an interview.” Jumin nodded, but didn’t turn back around. Instead, he turned more towards Yoosung, his eyes bright, his voice a little less deadpan, and asked,
“Are you allergic to cats?” The elevator dinged over his response, and Jumin stepped out.
“If you’re to be my assistant, I hope you aren’t. This way.” He made a beckoning gesture and continued down the hallway.
Why...does it matter... if I’m allergic...to cats? I suppose I’ll find out soon.
The interview went smoothly. A lot more smoothly than he'd expected. Ms. Kang was very polite and professional. Luckily, Jumin didn’t sit in on the conversation, which would've made Yoosung feel waaay more nervous than he already was. All Ms. Kang did was ask Yoosung things like, “Are you okay with late hours?” and “Why do you want this job?” and a few out-there questions like, “Are you allergic to cats?” Ms. Kang explained that Jumin's cat, Elizabeth 3rd, sometimes required taking care of.
The day after, she called him with the good news. He'd spent the day titillating between apprehension and excitement, overthinking his behavior and wondering if everything he'd done had been a mistake in hindsight.
When Jaehee told Jumin about the good news, he didn't react with nearly as much excitement. He was glad that she'd found someone suitable, mind you, but still displeased that she was leaving in the first place.
On the phone call, Yoosung asked her why it was that she was resigning. He wouldn't want the job if Jumin was actually a horrible boss, obviously.
“Um...if you don't mind my asking, why exactly are you resigning?”
“It makes sense that you would ask that. I found my true passion, coffee, and I'm going to be opening a coffee shop with one of my close friends.”
“So it has nothing to do with Jum-I mean Mr. Han?”
“No. He's a fair boss, as long as you're willing to work hard.”
“Oh. Alright. I am definitely going to work hard!”
“I hope you will. I'll see you tomorrow at 8 a.m., then?”
“Yes ma’am! Thank you again for choosing me. I won't let you down.”
“I will hope not. If you'll excuse me.” When he got off the phone with Jaehee, he yelled ecstatically in his apartment. His neighbor banged loudly on the wall and yelled back, telling him to shut up. He looked apologetically at the wall and whisper-yelled excitedly instead. He had just gotten a job! And tomorrow he'd be shadowing to see what he'd be doing. He decided to text his best friend, 707, again and tell him the news.
7:17 - dUUUDE
7:17 - I!Got!The!Job!
7:18 - despite who your boss is gonna be lolololol
7:18 - yeah yeah whatever with your superstition
7:20 - alright alright
7:20 - YAYYY
7:21 - okay okay I'm calm now
7:21 - I'm gonna play LOLOL wanna join?
7:22 - man I'd love to but I'm working
7:22 - T_T alright
Yoosung shut his phone and booted up his computer. Tonight would be his last rage for a while, and he’d only play until 10 o’clock. He was going to be a responsible adult for the first time in his life. Tomorrow would start a new chapter in his life, and he wanted to be well rested in preparation.
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