#beelejuice musical
outregeneration · 1 month
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Beetlejuice 2 will be here before you know it! Grab your Beetlejuice inspired octopus hat so you'll be ready! Available in my Etsy shop!
Pattern via https://www.thetwistedhatter.com/
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ohpsshaw · 5 years
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And I do it for the love of it Money? Ah, who gives a shit I think we’re a perfect fit! C'MON, LET'S MAKE OUT A BIT!
I’m absolutely falling in love with the Alex Brightman take on the Beetlejuice mantle, this rotund earnest feral pervert with chipped nail polish. YOU’RE DOING GREAT, BRO.
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laurendomo · 5 years
Starkid in beetlejuice the musical fancast
Beetlejuice: jeff
Lydia: mariah (or lauren)
Delia: jaime
Charles: joey (or dylan)
Adam: robert (or jon)
Barbara: meredith
Thanks to @andykarlsnemesis for the validation
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marchingfishes · 6 years
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obsessive-ego · 3 years
Ego’s master list
just writing for fun, and if others can enjoy it, thats a bonus
i started doing this cuz i wanted a certain type of fic content lol
musical beetlejuice x reader fics
small possession drabble
teasing tw spiders
beej being jealous of the cat 1
Small random acts of kindness would give beej an erection
hand lotion nsft
ringfit slightly nsft, i guess?
An unfortunate coincidence nsft
sleep talk
Beelejuice finds your vibe nsft
spying nsft
home early nsft
beetliejuice caught with your vibe (prequel to geen vibe)
Green vibe nsft
get in the shower nsft sorta
Naptime during movie night? more likely then you think
Younger me screwed current me over
reader pinches bj’s bum
period comfort
morning ramble
hot and sweaty nsft
Disappointment nsft
Petty Jealousy Beej being jealous of the cat 2
Apologize with spiders
musical beetlejuice is attracted to kindness
Falling asleep at your desk
Coming home late
sweet dreams part 1nsft
sweet dreams part 2 nsft
You own 2 bras sorta nsft
summer nights suck
Beetlejuice jerks it while watching you sleep nsft
clones ramble
Oh how the tables have tabled
Pillow humping nsft
fell in the shower sorta nsft
short shorts nsft
late night walk
beej is attracted to kindness
growling ask nsft
ball gag ramble nsft sorta
getting a head of yourself part 1
it’s getting colder at night
Just a little spit nsft
Beej with a s/o who’s never slept with someone in their bed before
Beej is unable to figure out technology
 goodbye kiss? ramble
gone for a few days ramble
plan c part 1
beej finds out reader drew him
Beej reacting to reader getting kissed by one of her friends part1
beej is a lair about hating your cat
beej talks you into playing hookie
A late night hand nsft
just go with it part 1
wait demons go into heat? NSFT
soft confession
Little Valentine’s day ramble
Beetlejuice cant tie a tie nsft
serious first kiss ask
Reader going on a date with some guy ask
Talking in you sleep (reader banished bj)
saying i love you first ask
love me, love me, say that you love me NSFT
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chemicalcindercat · 3 years
It was then Beetlejuice realized that the blankets weren't vibrating at all; Lydia was shaking uncontrollably. Beetlejuice wasted no time in scooping Lydia up into his arms and juicing them back to his house. He gently set her down on his bed, before darting around his house, desperately searching for a thermometer. Finally he found one buried deep in his dresser; Beetlejuice was already dead, so he didn't get sick, and therefore had no use for a thermometer very often. He ran back to Lydia and took her temperature.
Chapters: 1 (2,420 words)
Fandom: Beetlejuice (mostly based on the 1989 cartoon, but can be read for the movie or musical as well)
Rating: T (not entirely consensual, non-sexual nudity)
Relationships: Beetlejuice & Lydia, Beetlejuice/Lydia, it could be read as romantic or completely platonic
Additional Tags: Sick, fluff and angst, fever, angst and hurt/comfort, Lydia feels like she’s dying, BJ to the rescue, nudity, but I mean it’s a story, so it’s not like you can actually see anything, slight beetlebabes, if you squint, mt. Blanket, drink the damn water, twist ending, older Lydia AU
Beetlejuice was bored.
The Ghost With The Most was currently channel-surfing, trying to find something to do. Maybe bored wasn't the best word, but he really wanted something, anything to entertain himself. Sadly, nothing was on but ghost soap-operas. They could be hilariously dramatic sometimes, but Beetlejuice didn't feel like watching them without someone (*cough cough* Lydia! *cough*) to laugh with him.
Really, Lydia was the reason Beetlejuice was bored. It wasn't her fault or anything, she didn't do anything wrong. It was just that nothing seemed appealing to do without her. He hadn't realized just how much he enjoyed her company until he was without it. Sure, they were best friends and all, and they hung out practically everyday, but Beetlejuice hadn't so much as heard from Lydia all day, and it bothered him. He understood if she was busy, she had a life (unlike him, being dead and all), but she usually at least said checked in on him to make sure he was doing fine without her, or just for a quick chat. Today he hadn't heard anything. Or the day before. This was the longest they had gone without talking to each other, and it made him get this feeling inside of him, something he couldn't ever remember feeling before, and he didn't know how to feel about it.
Beetlejuice was worried for his friend. Being worried was a perfectly natural thing, and it showed he truly cared for Lydia, but Beetlejuice didn't know that. All he knew was that it was a strange feeling for him, which he didn't like, so he decided to go and check on Lydia.
Teleporting into her mirror, Beetlejuice was slightly confused. The door to Lydia's bedroom was shut, the curtains were closed, and the room was dark. This in itself was a bit strange for it being 4:00pm, but knowing that this was his Lyds he was thinking about, it wasn't all that weird. What was weird was that it seemed Lydia was buried under a mountain of blankets in her bed. Now that was definitely off.
"Psssssst," Beelejuice called in a whisper, in case she was asleep. "Lyds, it's me, let me in!" The blanket mountain shifted, and Beetlejuice heard a murmur. Lydia was awake, she had called his name. He hadn't been able to hear her, but he got the feeling in his gut that happened whenever someone said his name. Then another murmur, followed immediately by the same feeling once more. Then…
That was most definitely strange, Lydia never stopped in the middle of calling him. Maybe she'd fallen asleep? While he knew it was a real possibility, Beetlejuice couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.
"Babes?" He called, slightly louder than the first time. "Come on, Babes, one more time! Don't leave me hanging!" He whisper shouted.
Suddenly Beetlejuice was pulled through the mirror and into the room. That time he hadn't even heard Lydia murmur, but obviously she had, for he was now in her bedroom. He quickly floated over to Mt. Blanket, which seemed to be vibrating. Lydia peeked out from under the covers, her eyes red and puffy and her face drenched with sweat. "Lyds?" Beetlejuice asked softly as Lydia closed her eyes. "Are you okay, Babes?" Lydia mumbled something unintelligible. "What was that? I can't understand."
"...old…" Was the response.
"Babes, I can't understand you. Please, you have to tell me what's wrong, or I can't help!" Beetlejuice exclaimed, trying not to freak out. He'd never seen his best friend in such a terrible state, and it startled him.
No, not startled. Terrified.
"... So...cold…" Lydia said, opening her eyes again, but being unable to focus on anything in particular. Beetlejuice's heart sank, realizing that what he had first suspected was true. He placed his hand on Lydia's forehead, feeling how hot her skin was. Lydua had a fever, and a very high one at that.
It was then Beetlejuice realized that the blankets weren't vibrating at all; Lydia was shaking uncontrollably. Beetlejuice wasted no time in scooping Lydia up into his arms and juicing them back to his house. He gently set her down on his bed, before darting around his house, desperately searching for a thermometer. Finally he found one buried deep in his dresser; Beetlejuice was already dead, so he didn't get sick, and therefore had no use for a thermometer very often. He ran back to Lydia and took her temperature.
As long as it had been since Beetlejuice was alive and had to deal with sickness, even he knew that a fever that high was extremely dangerous. It angered him greatly that Lydia's fever had been left untreated long enough for it to get so high. He was pissed, but as much as he wanted to go and make her parents pay, Lydia had to be his top priority at the moment. Bringing down her fever was all that mattered.
The first thing Beetlejuice did was get a nice, tall glass of water, and take it over to her. He propped up a few pillows behind her, sitting her up enough to not choke on the water, and tried to get her to drink. The stubborn teen refused, shaking her head no and looking away.
"Lydia," Beetlejuice practically begged. "Come on! You need to drink this water, please! Of the things to fight me over, now is not the time!"
Lydia flinched, starting to cry. Beetlejuice's eyes widened as he saw he made her cry.
"Oh, no, Lyds, please don't cry. I didn't mean to yell, I just… I need you to drink this. It will make you feel better."
"M-my head… hurts.. so much…"
After a few minutes of persuasion, Beetlejuice finally got the half-conscious girl to drink some water. Then he had her take Ibuprofen for the headache, and put a cool, damp washcloth on her forehead. After about 20 minutes, her fever had gone down by a few tenths of a degree, but wasn't enough to satisfy Beetlejuice.
(A/N: He will never be satisfied, I will never be satisfiiiiieeddddd!! Sorry, I had to let out my inner Angelica.)
Beetlejuice thought for a second. If a cold wash rag was the answer to helping with low fevers, it didn't take a genius to figure out that a cold bath should help Lydia.
However, even if he could get her to focus enough to get into the bath, he definitely didn't trust her to bathe in this state. It was bad enough that she couldn't walk right, and could slip and hit her head while getting into the tub, but the fear that she might pass out in the tub and drown was a whole other story. It was too much.
Beetlejuice was torn. He loved Lydia. You can't have someone you care about in your life for that long and not love them. He wasn't entirely sure just how Lydia felt towards him, (whether she thought of them as friends, or something more,) but either way he didn't want to be creepy, or make her feel uncomfortable, and most of all he didn't want to betray her trust.
In the end, Beetlejuice figured it out. He did love Lydia, which meant he would do what was best for her, and risk how it would affect their friendship. He left Lydia's side to go to his bathtub and scrub it out fairly quickly. It was filthy, and would've taken much longer had it not been for his juice. Then he filled it with cool water.
Beetlejuice approached Lydia slowly, not quite sure how to go about this. "Hey, Lyds?" He called softly as he got closer.
"Hmm?" Lydia murmured, still in a confused state of mind.
"We gotta get you in the bath, alright?" Beetlejuice continued as he returned to his spot right by her side. "Can you help me take your clothes off?"
Beetlejuice sat Lydia up, causing her to wince and clench her head in pain. He helped her stand up, and she stumbled a bit, so he put her arm around his neck, supporting her weight so she could get to the bathroom.
As they got to the bathroom, and Beetlejuice started to help Lydia out of her clothes, she suddenly pulled away from him and stumbled over to the toilet, throwing herself over it just in time to vomit. She started crying and trembling, and Beetlejuice just stood behind her and held her hair out of the way. Once she finished, he ran back to the bedroom and came back with her water, so she could get rid of the awful flavor.
After a little bit of struggling with the clothes, (Beetlejuice only struggled because he didn't want to take off her panties, and instructing a sick,lethargic sick person to take off their underwear isn't the easiest thing to do.) Lydia was finally in the bath. Beetlejuice sat nearby, facing the wall of the bathroom so that he wasn't seeing Lydia naked anymore than necessary, but he kept her in his peripheral so that he could make sure she stayed awake and safe.
It was hard to admit, but even Beetlejuice knew that if it was any other girl, he wouldn't stop himself from admiring her beautiful body- Wait, did he just think that out loud?- but he respected Lydia way more than that, so this was how it was.
After letting her sit for around 20 minutes, he helped her out of the tub (while specifically not staring at her), and gave her one of his old towels to dry off with. Then, he shut the door to the bathroom and stood right outside it, giving her privacy but staying close in case something happened.
By the time Lydia was back in bed, Beetlejuice was taking her temperature again.
It was still a high fever, but it definitely made Beetlejuice feel better about helping Lydia get undressed to bathe. He made her drink some more water, and then replaced the cool rag to her forehead, using it and his juice to help her fall into a peaceful sleep. After a few moments of hesitation, Beetlejuice climbed into his bed next to her, wrapping his arms around her. Soon enough, both the doctor and the patient were in deep sleep.
Lydia woke up feeling groggy. What a great night's sleep! She thought with a smile, yawning as she rolled over. Her smile vanished instantly when she saw Beetlejuice in bed with her.
What is he doing in my bed?? Lydia thought in a panic. Sure, she had been feeling a bit weird towards the Ghost With The Most lately, but surely nothing had happened! Then, she realized that Beetlejuice wasn't in her bed.
She was in Beetlejuice's bed!
Lydia couldn't decide if that made it better or worse.
After a few moments of calming down, the events of the night before, or at least, what Lydia could remember of it, started to come back to her. She had felt terrible, constantly freezing no matter how many blankets she hid under, and the headache was the worst! And then Beetlejuice had come, and he took her to his bedroom, and he made her drink water, and he took her clothes off so she could bathe, and he held her hair back while she threw up, and he helped her go to sleep, and-
…Beetlejuice… took off… her clothes??
Having just woken up, this was a lot for the teen to handle. She felt her face blush bright red, imagining him taking her clothes off, (in reality it was nothing like how she was imagining) and she gasped as something hot reached over and touched her forehead. Realizing it was just Beetlejuice's hand, she was able to calm down a little more.
"Heya, Babes. Did you sleep well?" Beetlejuice asked, his voice a bit rough from having just woken up. He reached for the thermometer as Lydia thought of how to respond. "You feel normal, but this thing is more of a doctor than I'll ever be." He explained as he took her temperature again.
"Well, you still got a fever, but it's gone down quite nicely through the night. With a few days rest and plenty of water, you should be fine."
Lydia smiled. "Thanks, Beetlejuice. For everything. But...Why did you sleep in the bed? You could've gotten sick yourself!" She scolded.
"Geez, who are you, my mom?" Beetlejuice joked. "Besides, there's no reason to worry, Babes." He stuck his thumb out and pointed it at his chest proudly. "The Ghost With The Most never gets sick!"
"Well, alright, Beetlejuice. If you insist." After a few moments of silence, Beetlejuice started, "About what happened last night? You know, with the bath?" He chuckled nervously.
"Don't worry, BJ," Lydia reassured. "We'll never mention it again. I understand what a bad position that put you in, and all I can say is that I trust you, and you didn't really do anything bad. So… as awkward as it is, there's no weird feelings, right?"
"Of course!" Beetlejuice exclaimed, his face as bright red as Lydia's dress she loved to wear in the Neitherworld. "Thanks, Babes, for understanding. You really are the best."
Lydia couldn't stop herself from throwing her arms around Beetlejuice. "Of course, Beej, you're my best friend! And thanks!"
The next day, Lydia's fever was gone completely, and she hurried through her chores so she could go to thank Beetlejuice. After going through the completely normal, everyday ritual of chanting magic words to a vase, magically changing into a blood red, spiderweb-patterned dress, and saying hello to her bat friends who were always included in the intro, Lydia was knocking on the door to Beetlejuice's house. Nobody answered. This wasn't that uncommon, and after years of going through this Lydia just let herself in without hesitation.
Beetlejuice was laying in his bed, huddled under a mountain of blankets, shivering and sweating immensely. As bad as she felt, knowing what it felt like from having gone through it herself only 2 days before, Lydia leaned against the doorway to the bedroom, crossed her arms, and laughed, shaking her head. "Oh, Beetlejuice," She said, giggling. "What was that you were saying about never getting sick?"
"Shush it, Babes. You know how much I hate it when you're right."
"But Beetlejuice," Lydia laughed. "I'm always right!"
And even Beetlejuice couldn't deny that.
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absolutely do not reblog this post because i’m not in the mood to start shit with mt tumblr lol
okay here’s what i’m saying. almost every single musical on this list is either bad or *~smart~* 
smart: Fun Home, The Visit, Hamilton, Natasha Pierre, The Band’s Visit, Hadestown. these are shows that make you feel cultured and intellectual on some level. 
bad: An American In Paris, Something Rotten, Bright Star, School of Rock, Waitress, Dear Evan Hansen, Frozen, Mean Girls, Spongebob, Ain’t Too Proud, Beelejuice, The Prom, Tootsie. these are shows that are majorly disappointing on some level, whether it’s lazy lyric-writing, messy plotting, offensive and actively harmful content, or just bad music. and with the exceptions of Dear Evan Hansen and Waitress, absolutely none of them are thought of as an intellectual beacon. (if you love a musical on this list, sorry xoxoxoxo)
all I’ve left out is Groundhog Day and Come From Away, neither of which I have much familiarity with.
now i’m not trying to claim this is definitive research or whatever but like??? do you see what i mean??? broadway musicals have to either be lazy entertainment or Smärt Wrïtïñg. rarely is a broadway musical allowed to just be smartly-written entertainment, which used to be the entire goal. 
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disegnidipizzo · 5 years
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legally required trollsona i swear i will return to my regular fanart posting now
they cry while watching beelejuice the musical, bela lugosi’s dracula and love german expressionist movies. Poliglot, will get into arguments regarding literature. Cannot make smoothies. 
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obsessive-ego · 4 years
Ego’s master list
just writing for fun, and if others can enjoy it, thats a bonus 
i started doing this cuz i wanted a certain type of fic content lol
musical beetlejuice x reader fics
small possession drabble 
teasing tw spiders
beej being jealous of the cat 1
Small random acts of kindness would give beej an erection
hand lotion nsft
ringfit slightly nsft, i guess?
An unfortunate coincidence nsft
sleep talk
Beelejuice finds your vibe nsft
spying nsft
home early nsft
beetliejuice caught with your vibe (prequel to geen vibe) 
Green vibe nsft
get in the shower nsft sorta
Naptime during movie night? more likely then you think
Younger me screwed current me over
reader pinches bj’s bum
period comfort
morning ramble
hot and sweaty nsft
Disappointment nsft 
Petty Jealousy Beej being jealous of the cat 2
Apologize with spiders
musical beetlejuice is attracted to kindness
Falling asleep at your desk
Coming home late
sweet dreams part 1nsft
sweet dreams part 2 nsft
You own 2 bras sorta nsft
summer nights suck
Beetlejuice jerks it while watching you sleep nsft
clones ramble
Oh how the tables have tabled
Pillow humping nsft
fell in the shower sorta nsft
short shorts nsft
late night walk
beej is attracted to kindness
growling ask nsft
ball gag ramble nsft sorta
getting a head of yourself part 1
it’s getting colder at night
Just a little spit nsft
Beej with a s/o who's never slept with someone in their bed before
Beej is unable to figure out technology 
  goodbye kiss? ramble
gone for a few days ramble
plan c part 1
beej finds out reader drew him
Beej reacting to reader getting kissed by one of her friends part1
beej is a lair about hating your cat
beej talks you into playing hookie
A late night hand nsft
just go with it part 1
wiat demons go into heat? NSFT
soft confession
Little Valentine’s day ramble
Beetlejuice cant tie a tie nsft
i’m always open to ideas
this post will be updated when i post something new
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obsessive-ego · 4 years
Beelejuice finds your vibe
warning nsft content DUH
musical!Beetlejuice x fem reader
i apologize for this
You were supposed to have the day off, you had plans with beetlejuice to show him a hardcore horror game, movies were one thing but horror games amazed him. But no your incompetent coworkers called you in to cover and wouldn't take no for an answer.
You felt rotten having to cancel this, you tried to stand your ground with your boss, but it didn't work. You planned this day for a week, it was your only day off this week, you wanted to spend it with your friend.
"S'alright babes, shit happens" is what he says but his hair betrays him, streaks of purple peaking through his green hair.
You give him a small smile "I'll make it up to you, I promise, want me to text lydia to summon you back there?"
"Nah, shes in school dummy, and no matter how hard I push she wont take me, I'll just hang here, with the cat" he shrugs.
"I'll be back around 7pm if your still around, I promise, I'll make up for this"
"I'll hold ya to it sweets, I'd say a handy j would be a fair trade" is what he says, but you can tell his heart wasn't in it.
You bid your farewell, feeling awful about the whole thing, and with that the ghoul was alone.
The moment the front door closes, beetlejuice turns completely purple, as if he was trying his best not to in front of you.
You work too much and too hard in his opinion, you were stupid for it, too kind for your own good, you didnt realize how obviously your boss was taking advantage of your kind nature, but he did, not that you would listen.
He sighed, he was really looking forward to spending a whole day alone with you, maybe snooping through your stuff would cheer him up.
You have told beetlejuice multiple times, to stay out of your stuff, not that he'd ever listen, but what you dont know wont hurt ya.
Normally digging though your stuff would bring him the utmost joy, but today? It felt like a chore, he flopped down on your bed and groaned, he just wanted to crawl under the covers and mope.
Glancing up he sees your over full laundry basket, he signs maybe there was something fresh in there to get his mind off how your shitty boss ruined his day.
Wandering over he slumps down in front of the basket, digging right in looking for anything fresh, his heart wasn't really in the task, just doing it out of habbit rather then pleasure, until his hand hits something hard, curious, he pulls it out.
And there it was, the little treasure he searched so long and hard for, your vibrator, beetlejuice purple hue was long gone, to be replaced with a mix of electric pink and green.
It was bright pink, average sized, with a nice bulbous tip, beetlejuice was practically drooling at this, he KNEW you had one, but just couldn't find it, but what was it doing in the laundry basket?
Oh, could it be you used it earlier? Did You used it before you summoned him today and just tossed it aside? Were you so riled up to see his handsome mug you had to rub one out? The demon's mind was running wild, imagining his cute little breather an absolute mess, face flushed, hair a tossed mess, chest heaving for air, while this little treasure was buzzing and being pumped into that cute pussy, between those beautiful legs.
Beetlejuice, buzzing with excitement, gives the toy a kiss "you, my little friend are gonna fix everything"
With that beetlejuice plops down on your bed, his clothes long forgotten on the floor. "Tell me sweet stuff, are you well loved?~ do you visit my little breather often?~" he chuckles, trailing his tongue along the length of the toy. His musings were correct, the toy had a faint lingering taste, something salty yet sweet.
"Oh ho, VERY well loved indeed" he chuckles licking every inch of the toy, savoring the taste you left behind, god slash satan, he longed for the day he could taste it from the source.
"Now let's see what you can do sugar~" and with a click the vibe buzzes to life.
"Holy moly, you got some kick to ya, even on the lowest setting, ah, that little minx" he laughs.
He takes the buzzing toy, and starts circling his right nipple "Oh sugar, you know what I like~" the demon moaned, beetlejuice couldn't help but imagine you teasing him, straddling him, wearing nothing but a pair of panties and a smile.
The idea of you teasing the ghoul with your freshly used vibrator drove him wild, the man was an absolute mess, his hair as bright pink as the vibe he was playing with.
Switching to the other nipple he groans your name, moving lower, beetlejuice trails the vibe along his inner thigh and sighs, jolting when the toy meets his erect cock "oh babes, ready for the main show?~ let's see what this little toy can do~" Beetlejuice cranks the toy to max, shocked but the intensity, he removes the toy from his skin "Oh ho, sugar you're a naughty little thing aren’t you~" he sighs, teasing his cock up and down with the toy, imagining how such an intense toy would leave his breather an absolute mess, he could have came with that thought alone.
Running the vibe up and down his cock, smearing his pre cum over it, moaning and groaning your name, he was so close, fuck, the thought of you coaxing him to come for you while you drag the vibrator from base to tip was enough to push him over the edge, his cum all over his stomach and the vibe.
He sighs, proud of what he did, feeling much more content now, turning off the toy, he debates if he should clean it or chance leaving his cum on it, you were the oblivious type, but were you THAT oblivious? Probably not, but his spit on the other hand? That should be fine, it was no secret that beetlejuice was gross, gross enough to have no issue licking his own cum off your vibrator.
Clean as a whistle, with a nice thin layer of demon spit, hopefully you'll use it tonight, he couldn't help but drool from the idea.
Torn from his thoughts with the familiar clunk of you unlocking the door, you were home?! Not that you were home early, you were right on time, beetlejuice just lost track of what he was doing, fuck if you saw him like this, naked on your bed, vibrator in hands, youd never want to see him again, you'd straight up banish him for good, fuck.
"Beetlejuice? You still around?"
With a snap of his fingers he was full clothed, tossed the toy in the basket where it was found, he poses seductively on your bed waiting with one of your comics in hand.
You make your way to your bedroom "oh, you're still around, so I was thinking- what are you doing in my room?"
If beetlejuice heart was still beating it would have stopped there, theres no way you could suspect what he did, and yet he still felt a tad nervous "just reading some of those little comics you got sweets, BIG fan of that super sonico book" he chuckles
You sigh, seems like you bought it. "Okay so I was thinking, since today was payday, wanna order pizza? Home delivery?"
Beetlejuice jumps up, hair buzzing an electric green, he knew what that implies "Yes! Oh sugar you know it"
You smile, happy to see he was no longer glum, you leave to fetch your phone to make the order.
Beetlejuice sighs, then smiles, pleased "today was a good day."
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