#become a total asshole
squipy · 4 months
So with the whole Wilbur situation going on (seriously wtf) I just wanna say this....Ghostbur? Oh you mean MY sona!!! What you mean that's Wilburs character I don't know what your talking about Ghostbur is my silly minecraft sona!!! And doesn't belong to am absolut peice of garbage of a human fucking being :3
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noahmullariii · 26 days
the rage I feel when reading Blood of Olympus chapters 45-56 is almost equivalent in magnitude to the absolute joy I experience when reading The Last Olympian chapters 1-23.
remember when percabeth was good? when they meant the world to each other but had other people they cared about (nico, for one. both of them. so much), other worries and other storylines aside from their romantic plot? and when nico's completed arc wasn't repeated for no reason other than to dump more trauma on the youngest character in the series? when background characters were included in the story not for all the unnecessary last minute romantic subplots but because they were fun and fascinating to learn more about? and were actually friends with main characters? remember when grover was percy and annabeth's best friend forever? and antagonists were actually interesting and intimidating and had compelling goals? and the story revolved around friendship and family and loyalty? and death was definite and loss was palpable and battles were thrilling?
yeah. good times.
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bicryptide · 26 days
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Missing yourself
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crabs-brencil · 5 months
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human connor headcannons (apart from him being a total workaholic and smoking like a chimney and drinking enough caffeine in a day to kill any normal person)
also i recently read this fic where he had gastrointestinal issues because of his caffeine intake and honestly yeah. he would.
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ocarinaofpride · 9 months
sometimes the popular interpretations of a character can be very wrong/kinda boring. maybe referring to sephiroth here….
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blurrymango · 4 months
Antis who say 2Doc is "a proship" vs antis who ship 2Doc but "don't fetishie the abuse" fight or get off the internet or something.
#mango man speaks#2doc should only be for freaks and weirdos and people against harassment.#but no. antis everywhere.#unfortunate.#please step into the bottomless pit.#gorillaz fans just arent edgy anymore. gorillaz is also not edgy anymore.#gorillaz has become the one thing they swore to destroy- vapid pop music.#noodle grew up into a basic bitch.#russel is just. hes practically not even a character anymore.#murdoc is. just. hes. how do i describe it.#murdoc is no longer the edgy satanist.#hes only using the aesthetic of edge like some kind of tumblr user.#he used to be the opposite of a role model-#satanist. degenerate. nazi symbol lover. total asshole.#but now- hes. hes just not. THEY NEUTERED HIM.#as for 2d.#well. if i said i didnt like the current ''pure bby idiot'' 2d then id be lying.#but hes also lost his edge.#hes gotten. well. hes lost his weirdness.#hes so. sweet little flowercrown uwu boy. now.#and i can only accept that if it were the result of hypnosis or mind control or something on purpose character-wise.#but no.#i dont think they've got him like this on purpose.#i think he was dumbed down so much on accident.#now. he has brain damage. so that could be used#just killed a bug btw theres bug guts smeared on my laptop screen#anyway that could be used as an explanation for his increased stupidity. that brain damage is progressively making him dumber.#but i just.#i dont know man.#let murdoc dress as a nazi and say slurs again. let 2d be a little miserable perv again. let russel be a character again.
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jrueships · 1 year
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theyre so beautiful bro
#i had to crop out bobby portis to say this#SORRY 😭#the unlikely to be a couple but become a final girl power couple in a horror movie#soft funny not fit to be in the clique but too good at sports to kick out jock who saves his asshole jock friends from the monster#and gives the popular mean girl cheerleader his coat when shes cold (shes cheating on him & just using him for status#but ultimately gets left to die by his friends giannis#and nerdy 'got invited as a joke' total virg jrue#he brought his boyscout compass and most fashionable single feather adorned hiking hat to the cabin by the woods#and cartoon dino bandaids he keeps in his fannypack where a trex says rawrsome on it#grayson one of the asshole jocks gets severely injured from a close encounter but refuses jrues dino bandaids bcs theyre lame#and he dies lol#giannis is covered in them and excitedly shows them off when theyre home safe to the reporters#pointing very happily at a giant gash in his arm desperately covered in dino & easter themed bandaids (YES jrue had to bring out the SPARE#'LOOK!!! LOOK :D!!! JRUE DID THIS!!@!! hes so talented <3 ! my boyfriend is so talented <33 i mean my BUDDY i MY BESTFRIEND!!!..boyfriend😼#hes gonna be a nurse one day THATS SO AWESOME i never heard of a boy nurse before HES BREAKING GENDER BARRIERS!!!!!'#cut to jrue with giant portis esque eyes smiling but also still anxiously patting giannis's arm ' UM.'#throughout the movie ( bcs they arent expected to be the ones living) small background events foreshadow their bond#b4 the whole monster climax where giannis and jrue go sicko mode on it#jrue stands up for giannis when his gf says shes just in it cus hes 'an exotic foreign guy' n infantalizes him#giannis thinks jrues hiking hat is the coolest shit ever and jrue helps him make his own to wear with mud and sticks#they both get left behind on the hike bcs others came to actually hike and take sunset heart photos#while jrue n giannis stop to oo and aw and watch random bugs n wildlife exist for five hours#giannis refuses to let the others bully jrue jrue refuses to leave giannis etcetc#horror movie powercouple 🥰#jrue#giannis#them emerging from the wreckage victorious then ends on them having started a beautiful family together#taking them out to a hike where they all stop to oo at a caterpillar with no one rushing them#fakeout monster return jumpscare while their backs are turned but it turns out giannis just accidentally punched a bear n scared it#the family mourns forgiveness together and it ends happily forever after <3
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gregmarriage · 1 year
idk talkin’ i guess
having a bad day™️ (one of many this week) where i’m basically bedridden for the foreseeable future, because i can’t move without the possibility of my legs giving way and me injuring myself. this is pretty much constant, but sometimes it’s particularly bad, as it is this week. if it’s not this, it’s pain. if it’s not pain, it’s dizzy spells. it’s an endless cycle.
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2kyears · 10 months
council: it’s treason to ignore a summons from us
Maurice: FUCK the council I do what I want 😎
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sunnibits · 2 years
I know you only mention Stede, Ed, and Izzy on that "everyone on the pirate show is some kind of asshole and that's fine" because it's what the wank is about on the Izzy's Fans Corner of the fandom but I'd also like to add: this applies to every crew member. And pretty much any other character with lines. It's part of the comedy! I'm baffled! Every time someone who watched the show and liked it enough to do fandom about it doesn't seem aware of this!
(Im also on the What We Do In The Shadows fandom and over there it's less usual to find someone like this, but it's also even more baffling when it comes up. The pirates are dicks but the vampires are on a whole other level lmao)
Exactly!! Literally everyone on the crew was super excited to Do Murder (in the first and second episodes especially) they are not pure little babies lmao
Although to be fair I think when it comes to fandom, people tend to get a lot more bothered about characters who are Mean Bullies than characters who are actually killing people, which I totally understand!! I’ve always thought of it like, we can’t really comprehend someone we know actually killing people, so it stays well within the fictional state that doesn’t bother us. However, everyone knows someone in real life who’s just an asshole, so it’s a lot easier to hate a character for being a dick rather than for being an actual murderer, you know? Because you can actually look at them and say ‘GOD he’s just like Mark from accounting I fucking hate that bitch Mark’. So I do completely get why a lot of people dislike Izzy, but are totally fine with everyone being murderous pirates. (This is just my theory bc I also often feel this way about fictional characters, but I could just be projecting lmao).
However, the problem comes when people start to actually debate about the morality of all these characters, and by extension the morality of the people who like them. I’m fully convinced that most of the Izzy antis just dislike him bc he’s mean and annoying but they somehow aren’t satisfied with just admitting that and moving on with their day, so they make up bullshit about how it’s wrong to like him because he’s sooooo threatening and evil lmao
Again, I could be totally wrong about all that tbh but that’s just my assumption!
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khuukhurii · 11 months
i dont think people get how fucking. stressful being a high school dropout can be
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ordinariums-a · 1 year
days like today where i wanna bring back peter's descent verse.
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hell-garden · 2 years
just finished The Darkness Within and i cannot bELIEVE that Shadowclan looked at Shadowsight, who suffered through horrific seizures, purposely poisoned himself, and got groomed from kitten onward by Ashfur and said
"Yup, it's your fault, you should have known the visions weren't real"
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singinprincess · 2 years
This movie’s number one problem was that Andy chose the friends that refused to stick by her over a career that she was good at and passionate about. Like, as someone who takes calls and hears that awful pager noise at all hours of the day and night, and has to miss family functions and things... my family would never and has never treated me the shitty way that Andy’s friends have. This is making me absolutely insane, actually.
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secattention · 2 months
in the first 30secs. of this video FOX News says that there is going to be an ''Eclipse Earthquake'' on April 8th.
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fruit-jpg · 7 months
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