#because nothing like the holidays
illiana-mystery · 1 year
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cerise-on-top · 4 months
Fasching with König
Because today is Faschingsdienstag, I just had to write something for him on that day! Today is the only day I can post this, afterwards I'll have to wait over a year again! Fasching is an Austrian holiday that is essentially the last day before fasting for 40 days, so people go all out with food and drinks and festivities, they even dress up in costumes! It's not nearly as fancy as what some other countries have, but it's tradition! Besides, who am I to say no to a Krapfen with König!
Mentions of alcohol, but König is Austrian, so what did you expect?
First off, he hates going to the city during that “holiday”, there are far too many people, the crowds are way too big and it’s too loud for his liking as well. The only reason he’s taking you to the city on that day is so you can experience more of Austria with him. At least that’s what he tells you, in reality he just really wants to go eat a Langos or two and drink a few beers. No one would judge him for that on Fasching, there are crazier bastards out there than him. He’s never been a fan of Fasching, not even when he was a kid. The only reason he looked forward to that day was because he could go home from school earlier than usual. But other than that Fasching had always irritated him. He was never one for playing dress up either.
He couldn’t say he was surprised when you came up to him, demanding for the two of you to dress up as something. The most König would do on his own would be to put on a pair of bee feelers on top of his head, but he would never consider putting on a full costume. Not only was there a chance people would stare at him, but he’d feel awkward as well. Besides, which place would actually sell a costume in his size? Not a common one. You’d need to be a bit annoying for him to put on more than just bee feelers. He’s more willing to play dress up with you as long as you put on something as well, though, even if it still wouldn’t be anything too fancy. If he can find one, he might put on a Winnie the Pooh onesie, but only because it’s somewhat comfortable, somewhat warm and because there are weirder people than him out there.
He’d hate seeing the Faschingsumzug, but he’d tolerate it just for you so you can see all the wagons together and comment on all the costumes. The music is far too loud, there are people surrounding him on every side and he still hasn’t had a single drink yet. Tragic. You might wanna hold onto his arm before you’re being swept away by the crowds. Although König usually isn't one for PDA, in this case he’d prefer to keep you close. It keeps him a bit calmer and you’re not getting lost in a city or town you barely know. You can drag him around all you want, though, he’ll comply, even if he might roll his eyes a bit whenever you wanna go take a closer look at some of the other costumes and wagons. However, get ready to be dragged to one of the nearest stands for a few Langos. They’re not amazing, nothing special in the slightest, but they’re not bad either. He’ll pay for them, naturally. You can choose between a regular Langos, a Toast Langos or even a Käsekrainer Langos. König will likely have eaten all three due to his massive appetite, but you’re more than welcome to take a bite out of them as well.
Once it’s finally getting a bit later and the masses are starting to disperse, that’s when König will be a bit less grumpy. He gets to finally go to a bar with you and drink to his heart's content, his highlight of the day. You can drink whatever you want, from soda to Pago, from Spritzer to Jägermeister, he’ll always go for a few beers. While he might seem a bit grumpy at first, once he’s had his first beer he’s a bit more cheerful, König just really hates big crowds. However, he got to spend another day with you, which is all he could ever want. While you’re sitting at the bar he might take out a few Krapfen for the both of you to enjoy as well. Might joke about getting some Heringsschmaus with you the next day, even if you don’t like fish. It’s tradition, it’s part of the Faschingszeit, but that doesn’t mean he’s a big fan of it either. No, he much prefers the Krapfen you can eat during Fasching. Not big on fasting, he loves beer and meat too much to give up either of those things and won’t even do so if you ask him to. He’s a simple man, he knows what he wants and he knows what he likes. You can pry his Schweinsbraten from his cold dead hands, and even then he’d put up a fight.
Although König loves spending time with you, he will be glad once Fasching is over and once you finally voice the thought of going home. He’s tired from all the people and the alcohol makes this situation only slightly better. Even so, despite all of that, he’s looking forward to the next holiday, proper or not, he can spend with you. Due to him having drunk some beers, he’ll likely stay in bed a bit longer the next day. A perfect opportunity to snuggle up to him for a bit. Afterwards you can discuss what you would like to eat together.
#cod#cod x reader#könig#konig#könig x reader#konig x reader#I was so unhappy when I had to go through town today and there was no way through so I had to go around town to get home#I was so incredibly pissed about that#but hey my father made Gulasch today! and he put a blueberry quark strudel in the oven! it was so creamy and good!#so food wise today was amazing for me!#I even wore some cat ears at wok. the other apprentice and me were the only ones who “dressed up” today which was a shame#even though he only wore devil horns and that's it so nothing big either#but there are people who dress up entirely! but you barely see couple's costumes here. I saw none today in all honesty#I saw a lot of ladybugs though! a few bees! piglets! sunflowers!#it's a colorful festival! but a lot of people drink on this day so not a lot of them will be at work tomorrow! good#the only reason König would love this holiday would be because of the beer#you guys don't understand just how much alcohol Austrians drink we're far far above the EU average#the state I live in is far above the Austrian average as well my father told me today#so yeah we drink lots and lots of alcohol. beer for the most part but Spritzer is also really popular. Spritzer is superior though#beer is just disgusting and gross. I've tried it once and it was so bitter. but this is coming from someone who likes Jägermeister haha#I didn't get a Krapfen today though which is so incredibly sad :( Maybe some other time but it won't be a Faschingskrapfen :(
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daily-hanamura · 8 months
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puhpandas · 8 months
i feel the warmth in my chest (and the chill on my skin makes it that much clearer)
(1,964 words)
Evan and Gregory, while waiting those few agonizing hours before Halloween can truly begin, go outside into the chilly weather and play in the leaves.
It's a crisp Autumn afternoon when Evan steps out onto Gregorys porch. The screen door slams behind him, and the air transitions from warm to chilly in only seconds. The breeze washes over his face like a wave, and Evan finds he dosnt mind the cold that much in this moment.
It makes his nose numb and his fingers freezing, but unlike how he usually feels about the cold, he welcomes it. He takes a deep breath, smelling the scent of fallen leaves and crisp air and the pumpkins Evan had carved with Gregory last week sitting by his feet next to the stairs. It fills his lungs, and alongside the aftertaste of Aunt Chicas cookies on his tongue, the chill is pleasant, unlike how its usually so unbearing and biting in his own home.
It doesnt take long for the temperature to wash over him fully. By the time hes stepping down the stairs, his thin,white overcoat flowing behind him, its left his shoulders shaking and his teeth chattering.
But so like he's not used to, the deep, bone chilling cold only adds onto his excitement. It's that type of chill you can only get during Halloween, with that specific vibe and feeling coming along with it. Evan has never liked that unmatched feeling. All it ever told him was that Halloween was on it's way, and along with it, Michael and his pushing and pulling and jabbing and messing with. With the addition of the neighborhood kids jumping in if they'd see him walking down the street on the one night of the year it would be acceptable to scare him with scary masks and bloody fingers and camouflaging cloaks, it made for a pretty dreadful day.
He takes another look at his costume, a ghost, with white flowy sheer fabric that makes him look like he floated right down from the clouds. Underneath is a white sweater and pants, and his makeup is done to make him appear ghastly and, well... dead. Eyes sunken in with deep shadows and complection pale.
Gregory is matching with him, kind of. Gregory's costume is of a murder victim. Hes wearing sort of varsity jacket with a plastic knife stabbed in his gut, and his face is painted with bloody makeup and a faux black eye. Gregory hadn't explained the specific costume he called a 'Zombie Murder Victim High School Football Star', just gotten excited over the fact that they matched with their undead themes.
Its Evans first year matching with someone. His first year having someone to go trick or treating with. Theres something about this year. It doesn't leave him guessing. It doesn't leave him on edge, wondering who will strike first, all while being so uncertain but sure at the same time that something will go wrong. This year, he has Gregory and his family. This year, he has people who actually care about how he feels, and understand how to have fun.
This year, he knows Michael will be across town with his friends, and that his father will lock himself in his workshop. He knows that the neighborhood kids wont dare mess with him now, because of how many times Gregory has shown them a thing or two over the better part of this year.
This year, Evan isnt dreading the coming hours. He isnt hiding in his room, celebration or joy for the Holiday nowhere to be found, because he has to watch his back and sides. This year, he isnt considering running away for the night, even though he had always known he would never be brave enough to do it.
Instead, he's going trick or treating with his best friend, and he only feels excitment and anticipation, compared to the stark contrast of last year where all he felt was on edge and trapped in his own house.
The sun is only just setting by the time he steps onto that little pathway leading to the backyard from the front porch. Waiting for it to get dark has been agonizing. It had only gotten too much when he and Gregory were sat in front of a movie they'd seen a thousand times, makeup and costumes done, and unable to sit without wiggling or fidgeting, and Gregory had jumped up and gone "That's it! I can't just sit here anymore!"
That's why Evan's followed him outside. For the better part of the day Gregory has been more restless than a bored puppy.
Evan thinks the description fits when he finally catches up to Gregory and finds him digging through the shed in his backyard. Evan doesn't really know why he came out here. Theres much less to do outside than there is inside, but his intentions become clear when he moves to stand by Gregory's shoulder, and he goes Aha! while retrieving something.
Evan stares blankly when Gregory pulls out a rake, turning to face him and grinning at him. "Want to build a leaf pile and do cannonballs in it?"
He doesn't even have to ask.
It's not long before they're trekking through backyard, browning leaves crunching under their sneakers as they head to that big tree in the middle of the yard. When they get there, they waste no time grabbing the big rake and making the inklings of a pile on the flattest bit of ground.
The rake is heavy, and Evan can barely control it, if how it swings around and almost hits Gregory in the face is any indication. The handle is ice cold on his fingers, but it only makes Evan that much more aware of the excitment thrumming through his veins.
With Evan using the rake, Gregory takes to getting on his knees and shepherding the leaves to the pile with his hands. Gregory laughs over the dirt under his fingernails and how the still-damp leaves from the light shower earlier are chilly on his hands, and it makes Evan abandon the rake and get on the ground with him.
It takes longer than it should to finish the pile. They keep getting caught up in throwing the leaves at eachother like snowballs and using their hands to push waves at eachother like they're in a pool. The leaves end up more scattered than the were originally, and Evan has to get the rake again.
By the time they finish and theres a huge pile of damp leaves sitting in front of them, the sky is a dark, deep blue with the horizon a yellow. The sun is only barely peeking through the trees, and it's enough for the automatic porch lights to come on.
With the lack of sunlight, it's gotten that much colder. Evan's shivering enough that it makes his laughs warble, but he doesnt care. He doesnt care about the cold.
They only take a short break before they jump in. Evan lays flat on the ground, damp excess leaves and ice cold dirt underneath him. His throat is dry from the chill and how much he talked, and laughed, and his cheeks are sore from smiling too much. His nose is numb, and the thin, cheap Spirit Halloween costume does nothing for keeping him warm, but he doesn't need it.
Through the cold, it makes the warmth blooming in his stomach that much clearer. It makes the laughter bubbling in his chest and the excitement that the fun isnt even over, yet, he still gets to go trick or treating with Gregory after this, that much more apparent.
He has the warmth that spawned inside of him from spending time with his best friend and having fun with him to keep him toasty. So unlike his own home, where the chill is all there is. No warmth or comfort to adhere for that fact.
It's only now that Evan thinks that maybe, he doesn't really dislike the cold. Just how the cold is what comes with his unfeeling house and unpleasant family members and uncomfortable atmosphere.
Because here, right now, as he lays on the freezing ground, sky darkening above them and the last bit of leaves on the big tree in Gregory's backyard fluttering in the chilly breeze, he realizes he likes what comes with the cold, and not what the cold comes from.
With the cold comes the awareness of the warmth unfurling in his stomach. With the cold comes drinking the delicious, steaming hot chocolate Aunt Chica made. With the cold comes bundling up with his favorite sweaters, cuddling up under a fuzzy blanket, and watching a movie with Gregory.
With the cold comes those agonizing few hours before Halloween truly begins, and making a leaf pile with your best friend.
Evan knows his all-white costume is dirtier by the time he finally gets up, the knees of his white jeans brown and dirtied, but he doesnt have time to dwell on it when all he hears is a breathy laugh before hes shoved face first into the leaf pile.
Even through the leaves submerging his head, he can hear Gregory cackling. He sputters when leaves get in his mouth, and while regaining his footing after rolling around a few times, he wastes no time shooting up and grabbing Gregory by the shoulders.
Gregory yelps when hes yanked down with Evan, and all Evan is aware of when his eyes shut in glee from how hard hes laughing is the soft, scratchy, earthy leaves beneath him, the breeze in the air that just screams Halloween, and Gregory's body fallen on top of him.
Gregory grabs some leaves and smushes them into his hair. All Evan can do is screech at the wet chill before grabbing his own fistful and doing the same. Leaves fall over them like a wave when they roll around, wrestling in the yard.
They only stop when they get too tired to keep going. His costume is definitely dirty by now, damp like the leaves and dirt. The scent of wet earth and the cold and Halloween washes over him, and all he can find in himself to do is grin, and giggle breathlessly and chatter with Gregory as he lies on the ground, shoulder to shoulder with him.
Its almost pitch black by the time Freddy opens the door leading to the backyard, stepping outside, Frankenstiens monster costume and all. "Kids? Are you two ready to go? Its almost time for trick or treating!"
Evan only shares a fleeting look with Gregory before they both shoot up, previous exhaustion from their little fight completely gone. Evan runs side by side with Gregory to the door, his costume with the mud stained hem flowing behind him, and all Evan can feel in this moment is warmth, despite how his nose is numb and his shoulders are shaking and theres this chilly, floaty feeling in his chest.
He knows that there are definitely leaves in his hair when he steps inside after Gregory, and when the heat of the home blasts him in his face, making his freezing face tingle, the warmth prickling and sharp, Evan finds that with the cold can come the warmth, and maybe it isnt so weird that Evan feels nothing of the sort when it comes to his own house, and his own family.
It was never about the cold.
Just like how the warmth with Gregory and his family has never been about the temperature.
He only has time to grab his candy bucket (shaped like a mummified teddy bear) before he and Gregory are shooting through the front door, racing to Freddys car. He smiles even wider when the cold air rushes across his face again, and he can hear Gregory's footsteps next to him and Freddy and the others' voices behind them.
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girl help the content about palestine on tiktok is turning from actual journalism content and educational resources and organized ways to help to "boycott everything or you're a bad person and if you don't use a game filter that generates 0.00001 cent you're personally the problem"
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ohworm-writes · 8 months
When the girls say to treat yourself, they mean treat yourself.
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I really want Christmas season to feel like Christmas season again this year. it hasn't for a couple years, I've kinda breezed right through it, but I want to try and focus on it this year.
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upsidedog · 7 months
a little over a month after max ended things with lucas a girl in her spanish class aproched her and asked if “lucas sinclar” is single. apparently she thinks he’s cute and has seen them hanging out. “no, he isn’t single” is what max wants to say because if she sticks to her plan of mourning their relationship for the rest of high school so should he, even if max was the one who broke it off. but max is a good person so she says “yeah he’s single.” but not that good so she adds “he just got out of a relationship though, and he’s not over her” and since she’s already crossed that first line “i actually wouldn’t even try.”
max only lasts an hour or two before she feels so guilty she tells lucas there’s a girl in her spanish class that he should ask out cause she thinks he’s cute. lucas is a little offended that his ex is trying to play matchmaker on principle but also because he was sort of planning on mourning his and max’s relationship for the rest of high school
#stranger things#max mayfield#lumax#i honestly could’ve gotten a whole season of max and lucas on unstable kinda ‘bad’ terms i live for the drama#like i mean i could go into character analysis mode but it’s a holiday#i know in lucas on the line there was a girl at the party after the basketball game lucas thought was cute and i think if he had the time#it would’ve been healthy and normal to move on but also max would be eating drywall out of jealously#like obvi lucas would be doing nothing wrong they’ve been broken up but max deserves a little toxicicity she deserves to passive#aggressively ask what his new girlfriend’s high score in dig dug is then celebrate to herself when she says she doesn’t play video games bc#max is an awkward dork 15 y/o who thought a core reason why lucas liked her was because she would beat the hard arcade levels for him#max wants to be with him so bad but feels like a monster and she’s so in her grief she doesn’t even know how to ask for help so their#relationship is over even as max is still hanging on. conversely lucas has no clue what’s going on over than a vague idea - he wants to be#with max he wants to support max but he doesn’t know how and he also wants to feel normal and be cool and forget the past few years and max#is by far the most resentful of his attempts to leave the past behind because THATS WHERE SHES STUCK#i said i wouldn’t do analysis then i did. middle ground is i won’t rewrite it 2 not be a scrambled train of thought because it is a holiday
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I am as a personal favour begging HFOD to stay close to the outline for once, please
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illiana-mystery · 11 months
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Author's Note: This is an old fic that I recently shelved. I might come back to it, but I figured I could post it here so you can enjoy it.
Plot: You are a loyal shopper at Edy's Bodega, but not because you like his merchandise. No, it's because you like him. And you like teasing him and flirting with him too, which he begins to notice. However, this particular day he beats you at your own game and you end up agreeing to a date with him at your place over a traditional Puerto Rican meal.
Disclaimer: Edy isn't married in this fic and doesn't have children. He's still a flirt and likes to date younger women. Reader is in her late 20s, Edy is in his late 40s, early 50s in this fic.
SFW, Flirting, Mild Touching, Teasing
His eyes were on you as soon as you walked into his Bodega. His focus angled right at your hips as you purposely twisted them in his line of sight.
You knew he was looking closely at your curves, imagining all the things he could do to your body, so you didn't mind giving him a show.
It was nothing new between you two. Ever since you became a regular at Edy's Bodega, it was always the same thing.
You picked up a couple of items, teased Edy for looking a little too hard at you, then you left him with a kiss you blew his way.
But today you wanted to switch things up. Today, you wanted to give him a show and be a bit more flirtatious.
You just felt emboldened to do so after he stopped dating another young lady, Juanita.
She was such a bitch and you hated seeing him kissing all over her and lovingly stroking her silky curls. It drove you insane.
But you would always notice him still stealing a glance from you and still watching your every move.
It was like he got off on teasing you, but this time you were gonna be the one teasing.
Purposely, you bent down to get a small bag of yellow rice, poking your ass out as much as you could.
But alas, he didn't see you.
He was too busy talking to someone trying to buy a lotto ticket.
You cursed to yourself, but slowly stood back up. Your breasts jiggled a bit in the process, which he did notice.
You saw him smirking your way and seductively licking his lip as he counted the money he just received.
You smirked to yourself before you went over to the canned foods aisle to pick up a can of pigeon peas.
You were not familiar with pigeon peas, but you still picked them up because you were planning on trying to invite him to your home for dinner.
Tina, your favorite cashier at the Bodega, was fully aware of your little cat and mouse game with Edy so she immediately told you his favorite foods.
That being jibarito, arroz con gandules, and for dessert (other than you possibly), caramel flan.
You didn't know the first thing about Puerto Rican cuisine, but that didn't mean that you weren't gonna try to impress him any way.
However, your plan to stay both seductive and cool basically failed when you made some other cans fall off the shelf.
You cursed at yourself for doing that before you looked up and saw Tina trying to come over to help you.
But before she could, Edy told her that he had it. She smirked and looked over at you before she told Edy that's fine and went back to her cash register.
You gulped nervously seeing him confidently walk over to you.
So much for you teasing him today because he was driving you insane with his overpowering aura.
And his beautiful brown eyes never left yours, even when he purposely brushed your hand to pick up the same can you were trying to put back.
Your heart started to race when you realized how close he was to you.
Your eyes moved over to his groomed salt-and-pepper beard as you resisted the urge to kiss his plump lips right then and there.
But instead looked at his gorgeous, soft locks, wishing you could run your fingers through it like Juanita used to do.
"You need to be more careful, mamacita," he softly said. "I don't want you to hurt yourself...especially that beautiful face of yours."
You felt like you were gonna burst at his comment and little pet name for you, but instead you just replied,
"It's actually Diana."
"Diana. My name is Diana."
"Oh, like the princess?"
"Yes, that's who I was named after."
"Hmm, fitting name. Although, you are prettier than she," he said with a flirty wink.
You blushed, but put your head down so he couldn't see. He did see though and just smirked at you again.
But then he noticed what the cans that you knocked over were. He held one of the last cans on the floor and cocked his thick eyebrow at you before asking,
"Pigeon peas, huh? You don't seem like the type to like these."
"I'm willing to try new things," you immediately said before you noticed him also look over to your basket.
"Yellow rice," he observed. "If I didn't know any better, I assume you're trying to make arroz con granules."
"Nothing gets passed you, Edy," you teased. "Yeah, I wanted to learn how to make Puerto Rican food. I figured that and jiberitos would be a good start."
"Jiberitos too?" he asked puzzled as he put the can back, still looking at you. "Wow, you are a woman with good taste."
"Edy, stop it," Tina said.
"Stop what, Tina? Aren't we just having some playful banter?"
"Playful banter," she mockingly said with an eye roll. "Edy, isn't it obvious?"
"What's obvious?" he asked with a cheeky smirk.
"Diana probably wants to make dinner for you. You don't find it odd that she's purposely trying to cook food you like."
"How did you know I liked jiberitos and arroz con granules?" he curiously asked you, his eyes staring right into your soul.
"I asked Tina," you nonchalantly said. "I figured I could cheer you up after your breakup with Juanita."
"Cheer me up?" he asked with a chuckle. "I broke up with her. Because I didn't like her as much as I like you."
"Wait, so you admit you like me?"
"I always have," he confidently admitted. "Although I'm sure you knew that. I can never take my eyes off of you."
"I just needed to hear that from you. I thought you were just a tease," you lied.
He chuckled.
"So, when are you planning on inviting me to dinner?"
"Tomorrow night. 7 if you're able."
"Hmm, I don't know. I'm a busy man. I mean being the most sought out bachelor in Chicago keeps..."
"He doesn't have anything going on," Tina quickly said. "Trust me, he's been waiting for a while to shoot his shot with you. He'll be there."
"Tina, must you always butt into my flirting?"
"Yeah, because I have to keep you grounded. You're not the gift to all ladies like you think you are," she huffed with a dramatic eye roll.
"Whatever," he responded before he looked back at you with a slick smile and a twinkle in his eye.
"I'll be there."
"Great," you cheered a little too enthusiastically. You suddenly felt embarrassed until you felt his big hand rubbing your back to comfort you.
"I love your enthusiasm," he suddenly said. "It's as gorgeous as your body and that lovely smile of yours."
"Oh, thanks," you said gushing on the inside. He chuckled again.
"Would you like my help finding the other ingredients?"
"For the jiberitos?"
"Yes," he said, his delightful accent even deeper than before.
"Sure, I wouldn't mind the help...or the company," you seductively said.
Edy swiftly took that open opportunity and began to help you find everything else you needed to get for your dinner tomorrow. And while he was helping you, he started to get a little nostalgic and told you about the history of the Bodega.
"You know who used to make the best jiberitos?" he suddenly asked.
"My papá. Back when I was just a wee boy, my father was known for his jiberitos. He used to hand make them and sell them at the Bodega with my Uncle Julio."
"Wow, do you know how to make it like him?"
"I mean yes, but not as good," he joked with a hardy laugh. "Edy Sr. just had the magic touch when it came to cooking. I'm a decent cook, but I could never match the skills of my papá."
"Hmm, maybe you can help me make the jiberitos and we could see."
"I like that idea," he said cheekily, purposely brushing his big hand against your smaller hand.
You giggled.
"So you grew up helping around the store?"
"Yep, it was me and my younger sister, Julia. She was named after my uncle, if you couldn't tell," he said with a slight laugh. "We used to run around the store and play too and the customers loved us. They thought we were so cute."
"I bet," you cooed before you smiled at him.
"I enjoyed working at the Bodega so much that my papá handed me the keys when I was twenty or so. I didn't really know what else to do with my life, so I took the store. He still helped around of course, this store was his life. He actually died in his old rocking chair behind the lotto counter."
"Oh, I'm so sorry."
"Don't be. It wasn't your fault," he assured you. "I actually didn't realize he died. He was always so quiet when he slept. Tina was the one that actually realized he was dead."
"Wow, so I guess Tina's worked here for a while."
"She started working here because we were dating. We were high school sweethearts at one time...engaged even."
"I would have never guessed you two were an item."
"He wasn't much to write home about," Tina scoffed as you both walked over to Edy's counter. She was filing her nails at her checkout counter, popping her bubblegum loudly.
"I always wonder why you're still single," Edy remarked.
"Hahahaha," she retorted. "You were always so funny."
"She wasn't always snippy like that with me," he whispered to you. "I mean why do you think she's still here?"
"I heard that, Eduardo," she sneered. "And I'm only still here because I want to stay here."
"It's because I pay you well. Just admit it."
"I'd rather choke on Clamato juice," she huffed.
You just giggled. It wasn't the first time you had heard them go back and forth like that.
They really did act like an old married couple.
"Alright, your total for today is $20.45, Mamacita. Will that be cash or credit?"
"You know I always pay credit," you said with a laugh as you retrieved your card from your purse and handed it to him.
"I still like to ask," he said as he swiped your card. "I want to make sure I'm ready if you switch it up on me."
"I probably will never do that. It's just more convenient to have a card."
"I couldn't agree more," he said before he handed you back your card with a big smile on his face. The receipt printed out after and he handed that to you as well but made sure to kiss your hand, making you blush.
"Thank you, Edy," you said with a big smile.
"No, no," he started before he moved from behind the counter. "Thank you, Mamacita. I can't wait to make jiberitos with you."
Your heart beat so hard in your chest when you saw how happy he was while he was saying that. And you really were swept away in your joy when he tightly hugged you afterwards.
He smelled of mint and mango, two contrasting scents that he managed to pull off. His heart was beating just as fast as yours and he felt so plush and warm.
You had to stop yourself from touching him. It was too soon and Tina was still standing near yall.
"See you tomorrow night," he seductively whispered in your ear before his lips met your blushed cheek.
"Yes...umm...see you tomorrow night," you stuttered, reluctantly removing yourself from his hug.
You both just smiled at each other again, until a couple minutes later. Then you left him with a blown away kiss and a wink.
And as you walked back to your apartment, all you could think about was him and what he was gonna do you to you tomorrow.
Because you were more than ready to get to know him on a more physical level.
Taglist: @freddiefredfive, @goodoldcharley, @curbitkirby, @writingkitten, @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky
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machidielontheway · 5 months
so i "did nothing" today of what i had planned (groceries, 'mental health walk') but i also : - did the laundry - put away the dry cloth of the previous laundry run - waxed (which i wanted to do yesterday so i'm glad i did it now) - practiced my instrument (twas not great as it was a bit mindless, but i finally found the source of one recent sound problem) - washed my hair - did a little callisthenics - downloaded some songs to begin making a collection - learned that even if i'm not feeling it, putting the right song WILL give me the energy necessary to do the thing. i do not need to want to hear the sound for it to work.
so even if i didn't do a "specific activity" outside i still did things and that's good !
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sk3l3t0n444 · 7 months
yk the depression is hitting hard when you dont even have the energy to watching you favorite movies :(
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houseofache · 7 months
do yall like the holidays? i feel like i get the most melancholic during that time and i try to keep myself busy with work
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teabutmakeitazure · 7 months
Found the blurbs I wrote and the worldbuilding I created in my google docs for a chrollo series and goddamn is it good must revisit this when i am out of assignment hell
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montanabohemian · 5 months
soooooo this afternoon i found out some devastating news about my current financial situation and am basically screwed. if ANYONE can help me out with rent and some recent medical and vehicle emergency bills, i would so greatly appreciate it. (or just sharing this helps i guess i don't know.)
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mildmayfoxe · 6 months
you guys would not fucking believe it but i just counted all the prints ive been doing in the past week and a half and it's 109 counting some journals i threw some cover prints on. and 43 of them were two color so really 152!!!!! no wonder i've been feeling fucking crazy!!!
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