#because it STARTS OFF in the aftermath of a lot of this bullshit and so can't handwave it away as easily
variablejabberwocky · 7 months
...i have learned more about the batman canon/dc universe against my will and i think i get it now
i think i get why everyone is angry
because right now?
right now i'm furious
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locker42 · 1 year
Hey hey what’s up
Just wondering if u could do one where Luke comes back and is furious that jj trashed the pills. After jj has to feel the aftermath of Lukes rage, Y/N finds  him hurt and angry and they get into a really bad  argument.  to which Y/N goes to Lukes place without JJ or the others knowing to confront Luke/ or secretly get Jjs stuff and ends up getting beaten up?
Something into that direction would be great 
Shitty Father
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Warnings: swearing, violence, abuse, injuries.
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Kook!reader.
Word count: 4702.
Sorry it took me so long, had quite a lot going on. Gonna start posting again!
It wasn’t unlike JJ to disappear for three days but it still worried you every time. Because you knew it had something to do with his dad - it always had. All the times he came to your window, face all bruised up and bloody, holding his tears in. There were too many times. You wanted to go to his house and check on him, however after remembering his warnings about coming anywhere near his house, you hesitated.
As you drove towards the Chateau the only thought in your head was if JJ was alright. You hated the feeling in your stomach, because you knew something was wrong. You haven’t seen your boyfriend in three days, and with every passing hour your worry grew.
After locking your car you walked up the stairs to the porch of the Chateau. What you did not expect to find there was JJ, sitting on the couch with his hands in his hair. You walked towards him slowly, careful not to make any loud noises. “JJ.” You called quietly, but it was enough for him to lift his head up.
You almost gasped when you saw the purple bruised around his swollen eye, the dry blood on his nose and the cut on his lip. There were dry tears on his cheeks and the sight made you want to pull him into your arms and never let go, but you knew better than that.
“Hey,” you started as you slowly knelt in front of him, “can I take care of you?”
He didn’t seem to hear your question as he stared at the floor beneath you. You could hear his rapid breathing and his hands that were gripping his hair to hide the shaking.
“JJ, please.” You tried again, gently bringing your hands to his wrists and pulling them away from his face. He didn’t object and let you lift his head, but his eyes refused to meet yours.
“Let me take care of your injuries. You don’t have to talk to me, just let me help you.”
Still not making eye contact with you he nodded, allowing you to pull him up and lead him towards the bathroom. You already had a first aid kit ready there for when him or John B or any other Pogues would get into a fight. JJ took a seat on the toilet and you knelt on the floor before him. Grabbing the slightly wet gauze you started cleaning his face.
“I’m sorry.”
He whispered, so quietly that you almost missed it.
“Sorry for what, love?”
He lifted his eyes and finally met yours. And it hurt. Because you saw how much pain and sadness were in them. And it hurt you, to know that the person you love most in the whole world was treated the way he was. If just you to see him hurt.
“For disappearing on you, again. You don’t deserve the way I treat you, Y/N. God, you’re so good to me and I’m-“
“Im gonna stop you right there.” You cut him off, stopping your work to clear your hands and to cup both sides of his face, careful around the bruises. “I’m gonna stop you right there because whatever more you are going to say is bullshit. JJ, you are everything to me, and that’s not a small amount. You are the light in my life, the laughter, the happiness. Without you, JJ, we’re all doomed. All the Pogues. You don’t need to apologize about this nor do you need to explain yourself. I love you, that’s why I’m good to you. Because love isn’t about deserving, it’s about giving. And I’m choosing to give you everything because you give me the love that matters the most to me.”
He stared at you for a few second before one tear fell from his eye and down his cheek. You quickly wiped it away with your thumb. He leaned in, placing his lips against yours in a soft yet passionate kiss that delivered all the love he felt toward you.
“I love you so fucking much, you know that?”
“I do. I love you, too, JJ.”
After you cleaned him up you laid on the bed beside him, his head on your chest and your hand in his hair, playing with it. His hand was holding your free one, tracing circles on the back of it. You could hear his breathing, no longer fast and panicked but slow and relaxed. His whole body relaxed against yours and you felt relief at that. Relief that your JJ was right there, with you, safe and protected from all harm. You pressed your lips to his forehead, a small smile rising on your face as he hummed to the little act of love. At that moment you knew that no matter what or where, everything was alright as long as he was by your side.
As the sun rose, you were already awake, drowning in thoughts. Although JJ was back you were still haunted by the thoughts of what went down with him in those three days. He’s already agreed on staying at John B’s or yours when things got rough so why was he back home? And why did it take him three days to come back?
Before you could drown yourself in your worries, JJ walked into the kitchen. He was shirtless, all the bruising on his torso exposed. His hair was a mess, part of it because you played with it all night. He walked all the way beside you and hugged you from behind. You smiled, leaning back against him and reaching to rub his arms.
“Good morning, baby. How did you sleep?” You asked, turning in his arms to face him.
“Good, only because you were beside me all night.” He answered with a soft smile and placed a light kiss to your lips. “What about you? What are you doing awake so early?”
“Noting, just thinking.” You shrugged, placing your head under his chin.
“About?” He asked, running his hand through your hair.
“What happened, JJ? When you were gone, what happened?” You dared ask him, lifting your head to look at him. He sighed, letting go of you and running his hand through his hair, leaning on the counter behind him.
“I came back home to get some clothes, but when I was leaving I saw a bottle of pills on the coffee table and I just- I don’t know what I was thinking but I just knew that I didn’t have the energy to deal with one more relapse of his. So I through the pills away and I walked out of the house when he arrived. He noticed the pills were gone and, well..”
He trailed off, and you didn’t need to guess to know what happened next. But it angered you, it angered you that he was still going back there and looking out for him. But most of all, you were burning with hatred for Luke. What kind of father beats their own child? And then he claims to love him.
“I still can’t understand why are you always going back there.” You said, and he immediately sighed, knowing what conversation was ahead. “No, I mean, seriously, JJ. And why didn’t you tell me? God, I could just kill him.”
“You’re not gonna do anything, okay?” He said sternly, grabbing you when you tried to turn around. “Look, I know it’s fucked up but, he’s my dad, Y/N. I can’t just ignore that.”
“He’s you dad? What has he ever done for you?” You challenged, letting your anger and frustration overflow.
“I’m not having this conversation with you right now.” He refused, but you were not done.
“Answer me, JJ. You say he’s your father but what kind of father does this? You keep justifying his behavior and standing up for him when any of us say something bad about him. But it’s all true. He’s a no-good, low-life, shifty asshole. I just don’t-“
He didn’t let you finish, grabbing your shoulders tightly.
“Just shut up, okay? You’re not making things better or easier by saying those things. You will never understand it, Y/N.”
You wiggled yourself out of his grip with a frown on your face. “Then help me understand, JJ. Because I can’t stand watching you get hurt all the time, and then you only come back for more.”
“We’re different, okay?” He raised his voice. “You and I,” he pointed, “were different. We come from different worlds. You’re a Kook, as much as you don’t like to admit it, you’re a Kook. You don’t have to deal with this type of shit I deal with. That’s why you will never understand this.”
“Really? You’re pulling the Kook card on me? Why, ‘cause I was born on a different side of the island?” You said, feeling yourself grow angrier.
“Yes!” He yelled. “That’s exactly why. Ever since you’ve been born you’ve been been fed everything with a silver spoon. You have parents who will do anything for you and you have a roof to live under without having to worry about who pays the bills or whether we have water and electricity this month or not. That’s not how people like me live.”
“I know that, JJ.”
At this point, you’ve created a space between you, not wanting to get close to him at the moment.
“I know that there’s an obvious difference between us. But first of all, my parent will not do anything for me, they have proven that the second I started hanging out with you. I’m not saying that we’re the same, I’m saying that I am able to understand what you’re going through-“
“No, you don’t!” He cut you off, making you jump at the raise of his voice. “You don’t understand, Y/N. You know why? Because all your life you’ve been a spoiled Kook who didn’t have a clue that in order to live you have to work. I mean, why would you? Your parents are a pair of arrogant assholes who probably fed you some shit about the low-lifers and about the fact that it’s our fault that we’re living in poverty. Because, admit it, you’ve never really gave a fuck about us Pogues until you met me, is that right?”
You were face to face, closer than you’d like. Your eyes were burning with tears of anger, hurt and frustration. You couldn’t believe he was saying those words. You really thought that he didn’t care about Kook or Pogue, that he cared about your relationship over your status.
“Well, I’m just some spoiled Kook, how would I know?” You said, your voice shaking slightly but you didn’t let it affect the glare you sent him as you moved across to the guest bedroom to get your stuff and get the hell out of there. You were sure John B had heard everything from his room but you didn’t care, all you wanted was to get out of there and far away from JJ.
You walked straight past him as he tried to talk to you, heading to the front door.
“Y/N, please, just let me talk to you.” He continued, but you ignored him. You opened the door and walked to your car, not sparing him a glance as you pulled out of the driveway.
You didn’t really believe in hate. You never believed that hating someone would benefit you. It was just intoxicating yourself to the point where you think more about the person you hate than they think about you. You found the whole thing pointless. Luke Maybank, however, was an exception. You hated that man with all your heart. Having witnessed all the pain he had caused to the man you loved most in the world. So when you walked into the small market by your neighborhood, your eyes immediately located Luke. He was standing in front of the alcohol isle, browsing through the different kinds with his eyes. His eyes, that were red from whatever drug he took this time. Unfortunately for you, you needed milk, which was right by the end of that isle. So, instead of going straight you turned right and made a detour to get to the fridge. You opened the glass door and sighed as the coolness seeping from the fridge, which was the total opposite of the weather outside. You picked up one gallon of milk and put it in your basket.
“Y/N L/N, there’s a girl I thought I’ll never see again.”
You heard a hoarse voice from behind you, sending chills down your spine as you immediately recognized it to be Luke’s. You slowly turned around, having no intention of starting a conversation with the man.
“What do you want?” You asked sharply, sending him a glare.
“Well, aren’t you a feisty one?” He said with a smirk, and you felt nauseous just by looking at him.
You moved to walked past him but he was quick to grab your arm, pulling you back.
“Where are you going? I need to ask you something about that little shit.”
You rolled your eyes.
“First let me go or I’ll scream.” You threatened, but the only response you got was a chuckle.
“Where is JJ? He hasn’t been home in a few days.”
You shuddered at the thought of him ever reaching JJ and very much possibly putting his hands on him.
“I don’t know, and even if I did why would I tell you?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re a shitty excuse of a father, Luke. Or moreover, you’re a piece of shit. You don’t deserve to have JJ as your son because all you do is hurt him. So no, I’m not going to tell you where he is.” You pulled your arm out of his strong grip and pushed past him, leaving him behind as you quickly paid for your things and walked out of there to your car, desperate to get as far away from him as possible.
You prayers weren’t answered, as Luke opened the passenger door and got inside the car. You heart started beating fast and you gasped as you saw a gun in his hand - aimed at you.
“You think you can just talk to me like that and I’ll let it happen? Who do you think I am? Some bitch like your little boyfriend?!” He raised his voice, pressing the gun to your stomach.
“Luke, this is ridiculous. Just get out of the car and I’ll leave, I promise.” You said, trying not to let your fear show.
“No, I got a better idea.” With his free hand, he put the car in drive, forcing you to press on the breaks. “You and I are gonna take a little trip back to my place, and there we’re gonna wait for JJ to come back. I bet he’ll run straight home once he found out you’re with me.”
“Okay,” you said, handing gripping the wheel tightly to prevent your hand from shaking, “I’ll go there, just put down the gun, please.”
“Why, so you could do whatever you want? Nah, this gun stays on you until you’re sitting on my couch in my living room.” He said and pressed the gun even harder against your side, making you clench your jaw. “Now drive, bitch.”
Your drive slowly, trying to stall as much as you could but he quickly noticed and aimed the gun to your head to make you speed up. You have never been more terrified in your life. This was your longest interaction with Luke, and you had no idea what he was capable of, especially under the influence.
After you parked the car in the driveway Luke got out of the car and walked to your side, opening the door and pulling you out of the car. He dragged you up the stairs and opened the front door, pushing you inside the house. You fell onto the floor, trying to get up but he kicked you, pressing his boot down on your back, making you yell out in pain.
“Where the fuck do you think you’re going, huh?!” He yelled. He then grabbed you from your hair and pulled you to the couch. “Now, you’re gonna sit there and shut up.”
He walked over to the kitchen counter, opening the cupboard and pulling out a bottle of cheap whiskey. He poured some into a glass and then turned to you. “You want anything to drink?”
You shook your head, refusing to talk to him.
“Hey, use you goddamn words.” He said sternly, grabbing two glasses from the counter and walking over to you. “You’re almost as bad as JJ.”
As much as you wanted to shut up and not make him even angrier, you had to control your own anger. Because nothing made you angrier than the man that was sitting next to you.
“Here,” he said and handed you a glass of whiskey, “be a good girl and drink.”
“I don’t want to.” You said calmly.
“Well, I didn’t quite ask you. And when I did you didn’t answer.”
You swallowed thickly before taking a small sip from the glass, feeling the burning sensation down your throat.
“That a girl. You know, I will never understand what you see in that boy.” He said and took a sip of his own beverage.
“Maybe that’s ‘cause you spend all your time with him beating him.”
You knew you shouldn’t have said anything the moment he grabbed your neck, but it was too late.
“What did you say to me?!” He asked and tightened his grip on your throat.
“What? That a surprise to you? I saw your knuckles, it’s no secret that you’re an abusive asshole.” You said, voice straining as he choked you.
“Fucking bitch.” He muttered before pushing you down go the floor, the glass falling from your hand and shattering into the wooden floor. He turned you around, and before you could comprehend what was happening he sent a punch to your jaw.
“You don’t talk to me like that, understand?!” He yelled before dragging you up and slamming your body against the wall. “There will be a price to pay.”
The sent another punch to your stomach and you bent forward from the pain, all the air leaving your body.
“Pathetic slut, can’t even take some beatin’.”
His words fueled you and you finally found the power to fight back. You used all your momentum to push him away from you, and then you tried running for the door. But he was too quick and you were too slow. He grabbed you hair and spun you to face him, his face inches from yours.
“You think you can just run away? Well then let me tell you something. You ain’t leavin’ til my son gets here. And when he does I’ll let you go, but he stays here.” He was gripping your face with his hand, making you wince as his nails dug into your skin.
“Why? So you could hit him a little more? You’re just a sad, lonely man who takes his pain out on his son - the only person he has left.” You snapped. “You think I’m pathetic? Just look at your own life, man.”
He laughed, another hand now gripping in by you hair, pulling your face closer to his. “You’re gonna regret that.”
His psychotic smile was the last thing you saw before her dropped you to the floor, slamming your head against the coffee table.
You work up at the sound of glass shuttering and yelling. You sat up, your hand going to the cut you had on the side of your forehead. You winced at the headache, looking down at your hand and seeing blood on it. You looked around the room and figured you were in JJ’s room, on the bed.
“You fucking no-good piece of shit.”
You heard from outside the room. You stood up, leaning on the wall to not fall down from the dizziness that flooded your head. You slowly walked towards the door and opened it, the noises getting louder. You peeked down the hallway, and almost gasped at the sight of JJ pinned down to the floor, Luke above him, delivering punch after punch. You started walking towards them as quietly as you could, picking up a beer bottle from the kitchen and slamming it onto Luke’s head. He stopped his punching, and you took it as an opportunity to push him off JJ. You crouched down next to him, cupping his face in your hands.
“JJ, are you okay?”
He looked at you in utter surprise, clearly not expecting you to be there.
“Y-Y/N? What the hell are you doing here?!” He asked in a panicked voice.
“Long story. Come on, we need to leave.” You said and tried to pull him up with you, but he stopped you. “JJ, come on, we need to-“
You were cut off by two arms pulling you away from JJ and pushing you against the wall.
“No!” JJ yelled, trying to stand up. “Don’t you fucking touch her.”
Luke didn’t listen to him and turned to you.
“Well, look who’s awake.” He said with a smile.
“Fuck you.” You spat, trying to get loose of his grip.
“You have a really dirty mouth, sweetheart. Time to clean it up, don’t you think?”
Before you could object he was already punching you, blood running down from your nose. He raised his hand to deliver another one but JJ caught it.
“Let her go.” He said through clenched teeth. “Get the fuck off her or I’ll fucking kill you.”
He wrapped his arms around his father’s neck and choked him. You took the opportunity the slid away from his arms. You ducked down and picked up a big piece of glass from the floor and pressed it against Luke’s throat.
“You let us both go, right now.” You demanded, but he only laughed.
“I don’t think you have the guts to kill me, baby girl.”
From behind him, JJ squeezed his throat harder. “Don’t even fucking talk to her.”
He dropped him to the floor and slammed another beer bottle to his head, knocking him out cold. He turned to you, the glass was still in your shaking hand and your face was frozen. He walked to you and took the glass out of your grip, discarding it to the floor. He pulled you into him, whispering ‘you’re okay’ over and over again and you were pretty sure those words were meant for himself. He pulled away and grabbed your hand.
“Let’s go, we can talk about this at the Chateau.”
You both walked out of the house and to your car. You let him drive to John B’s place, knowing you couldn’t drive at the moment. You were both silent the whole drive, however a hand on your thigh kept you calm. He parked the car, but made no move to get out. Instead, he moved his gaze to you. Your gaze was focused on the Chateau rather than on him, hand fiddling in your lap.
“Y/N…” he said quietly, hesitation clear in his voice. “Let’s get you inside so I can take care of you, okay?”
You knew it wasn’t what he wanted to say, your current state was probably the reason he changed his words. You nodded your head, opening the door and getting out of the car. He was by our side after only a second, wrapping his arm around you and telling you that you could lean on him if you needed. As you made your way inside the Chateau, the pain in your stomach and all the other places Luke hit you started to hurt more and more. JJ opened the screen door, stepping aside the let you walk in first. You saw John B sitting on the couch, a questioning look on his face as he saw your face. You didn’t pay him any mind and just kept walking towards the bathroom, JJ right behind you. You sat on top of the counter and waited silently as JJ began taking care of your cuts.
“I know it’s usually you who’s in this position, so I just hope I’ll do a good job.” He tried to joke with half a smile, but you didn’t respond.
He sighed. “Look, Y/N, I know you probably don’t want to talk about this but, baby, I need to know what happened. You had me so fucking worried when I saw you there.”
You took in a breath, trying to find the words to describe what happened.
“I was at the supermarket, and he was there. I tried to avoid him but he saw me anyway. He started talking to me and he mentioned you and I just-“ you paused, running your hand through your hair. “I just couldn’t let him. I got so mad, J. I told him that he was a piece of shut and walked out of there. I got inside the car and he got in after me, a gun pulled out and aimed at me.”
“Fuck.” He cursed, dropping his head low. He couldn’t believe his father did that to you - that he dared aiming a gun at you.
“He told me to drive to your house so I did, and there he told me to sit on the couch. He offered me a drink and told me to ‘be a good girl and drink’.” You quoted, noting how JJ’s face stayed still, jaw clenching in anger and eyes fixed on the wall behind you. “I drank. And then he started talking about you again and how he didn’t see what I saw in you. I muttered some response and then he- well, started hitting me. Then he banged my head against the coffee table and I passed out.”
JJ stepped away from you, running his hands through his hair and down his face, leaning on the opposite wall. He cursed quietly before leaning back and punching the wall.
“JJ.” You tried, but he paid no mind, throwing another punch to the wall. “JJ, stop, you’re just gonna hurt yourself.” You raised your voice a little, standing up and pulling him towards you. His eyes were filled with tears, reflecting the anger behind them. “Calm down, please.”
“I can’t, I can’t, Y/N. I can’t just calm down when I know what he did to you. I’m gonna fucking kill him for even touching you.”
He tried to pull away again but you didn’t let him, cupping his face to make him look at you. “JJ, I’m okay, I’m fine. He didn’t hurt me that bad.”
“But he hurt you. He hurt you and he knew how much you fucking mean to me. I can’t just let that go.” He explained, cupping your head, looking at you like you were his life. “I can’t deal with the thought of him hurting you.”
“I know, trust me I know.”
You actually did know. You knew exactly how he felt because you felt the exact same thing whenever you saw the damage Luke did. You felt the same anger and the same urge to kill him for even touching him. But you couldn’t let him spiral out of control - not now.
“I love you so much, you know that?” He said, placing a kiss to your cheek. “And I’m so fucking sorry for what I said to you. I had no right to tell you those things. Baby, I’m so sorry.”
“I know, J. It’s okay, I forgive you. And I love you, too.”
You rose to your tiptoes and kissed him gently. He grabbed your waist and deepened the kiss, running his tongue against yours. You hummed in delight, running your fingers through his soft hair. You were truly lucky to have found someone that you truly love, and that he truly loved you.
“It’s all good now, J.”
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maddyguru · 8 months
The Aftermath cp.2
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Synopsis: the night Suguru turned his back against the society is an unforgettable night. As everyone mourned the loss of one of the strongest sorcerers, Yaga came to deliver a distasteful news aside from his student's betrayal; Suguru Geto is not just a mass murderer but has also become a rapist.
To read the previous chapter (s), you can go to my masterlist on my pinned post.
WARNING! this fic contains non con, incest, dark content, murder, aged up suguru and of course the reader is 18+, ptsd topics, angst, and fluff. More to add if there is. Proceed with your own caution and MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
One could argue that it was a hideous miracle that she had survived. It wasn’t like they wished she didn’t, but to survive Suguru’s wrath? It was uncalled for.  
They know that if they were her, they would say that they’d be better off dead. No one in their right mind could ordinarily see themselves living through such an uncultivated betrayal. No woman could ever fathom what she had gone through.
Staring at the young lady, Shoko let out a sigh. She was contending that because of the examination a day ago (although she did cheat on the darn exam) and had gotten little sleep because of it. Afterward, at 3 a.m., Yaga called her in for an emergency; that’s when she knew. That Suguru betrayed them and y/n...
The only procedure Shoko had done for her was to clear the blood off her busted lip, and nothing more. Yaga and the others questioned her actions as to why she wouldn't further examine y/n, but she must follow procedure; to study her body further, Shoko needs consent. She doesn't want to violate a rape victim’s privacy- that’s how she was trained.
The silence from Utahime, Nanami, Mei, and her teacher was not what she expected; she thought at least one of them would dash out the door and start looking for her ex-classmate, ready to behead the man (Utahime fits the role)- but it seems they’re in shock. Who wouldn’t? Suguru was one of the world's greatest sorcerers and a genius prodigy. His actions were completely out of the box.  
But regardless, it was done. And she was the only survivor.  
Either way, you can hear a fucking pin drop— how unsettling this situation really is.
“I know things are tense, but we shouldn’t show any aggression in front of the patient. This time, she needs rest among other things.” Yaga was right; having to stop another’s wrath is not the ideal thing to do at this moment. Besides, Shoko is on her own in this as the only reversed curse user.
But what’s coming after his suggestion is not what any of them expect; and like everybody knows Shoko, she doesn’t like fights— she rather walks away and minds her business. Although today doesn’t seem like fate is not on her side. 
“Bullshit! Are you just gonna sit here while that... that monster is out there, getting away from the things he did?!”  
“I know you’re only thinking of y/n-”  
“Yes! Yes, I’m only thinking of y/n, and clearly, you and everyone in this room are not!” Utahime spat, staring into Yaga’s eyes with a lot of hatred. No, hatred wasn’t the word for Shoko’s teacher- Utahime didn’t loath Yaga, she only hated Suguru. 
This is where Nanami starts to butt in, “I know you’re angry, but we need to remain calm Utahime,”  
“That’s easy for you to say! You're not her best friend so of course this doesn’t affect you!”  
“What? Who said this doesn’t affect me?”  
“You, Nanami! You did from the way you’re acting!”  
“Can you all please remain calm? She’s right over there.”  
Y/n is right over there, sleeping peacefully, hadn’t it been for Shoko.  
“I know we all love y/n, but this is not the right thing to do right now. Let’s all just give her rest, and you guys can sit outside and plan what’s the next step. I need to prepare some things and monitor her. When she wakes up, I need to ask her a few questions for further examination.” She was tired, truthfully speaking, but she knew y/n needed her.  
“But Yaga sensei, before you leave, can I ask something?”  
Her teacher was silent when he looked at the aspiring doctor.  
“Where did that maggot run off to?”  
A groan escaped from Yaga.  
“Leave him be. He’s off, running away from reality.”  
Everyone thought it was easy once a doctor or a nurse got to their patient—they arrived, registered, and told the receptionist about how people or nature hurts them; either way, people can only judge because they don’t know the behind-the-scenes of their line of work. During these times, Shoko could only wish that they were right – that she could just get things done right now and go about her day.  
2 hours have passed, and there’s no sign of y/n waking up anytime soon. It was normal, considering she injected the poor kid with midazolam, the kind of drugs health care professionals would utilize if the situation calls for it- there were a few choices, but this one is ideal for patients such as herself; the ones who are, upon waking up and after trying to verbally calm her down didn’t work. The drugs would wear off for a few hours more if her calculation was right. For now, Shoko has been diligently monitoring her one and only patient.  
Man, there’ll be tons of paperwork after this, she muttered to herself, taking notes in her notepad.  
Taking a few steps to y/n’s bed, it’s time to check her breathing. Thank God she had set up a digital timer earlier to make things easier and washed her hands after that argument with the rest of the gang. Closely sitting by y/n’s bed, she sharply monitors the young girl’s chest movement.  
Shallow breathing. Although, Shoko had expected that from the young lady’s condition.  
Flipping the paper to the next page, she starts writing.
Patient’s history – none for the last 18 years until two days ago; the patient has a black and purple bruise on her neck.  
Cause – A possible reason could be that the patient was strangled during her assault. 
Shoot, for further physical examination Shoko needs her verbal consent. For now, she needs to wait for her to wake up.  
But still, these records are heartbreaking to read. How sorrowful, she quietly leaves the room.  
"Suguru, I was right about you. You're a jerk until the end." 
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Lucille x Jo (@radioactive-dragonlover) vs Amaro x Calamari (@hottopicabbacchio & @corpsoir)
who makes up your ship?:
Lucille and Jo
why does your ship deserve to be considered the most toxic?:
Lucille is a rich woman who has nothing to do in her life, she's eternally bored and wishes for something new— something fresh to happen. Jo is a quiet woman with some repressed violent tendencies and who works minimum wage bug is struggling to make ends meets. One night, Jo decides to rob Lucille's mansion and kills her without meaning to in the process, escaping the scene anxiously thinking she's going to go to jail once the body is found. However, Lucille wakes up the next day, with the events of the murder burnt into her mind but her body spared of any wounds. Turns out getting killed is EXACTLY the spice in life she was waiting for! So she decided to track down and knock on her murder's door— not to rat her out, but to ask her to do it again. Jo wasn't really for murdering again, especially with how anxious she ended up getting in the aftermath, but begrudgingly accepts. And it seems that Lucille IS actually very fun to kill for her, too. Cue to Jo murdering Lucille on a Weekly basis, getting very Gay about it each time. Lucille get the thrill of death she wanted, and Jo gets an outlet for her violence. A relationship starting as purely transactional at first slowly turns into a murder romance. They're both kinda fucked up in isolation to one another but complete eachother awfully well. Like "you two are perfect for eachother but never pull anyone else into your bullshit" kinda deal. They keep eachother contained. You feel me.
ship tags/playlists/pinterest boards?:
Ship tag on my art blog ( nihonium-art ) : Undying love ( although fair warning for gore ) Playlist : https://spotify.link/TPbt2y12Syb
who makes up your ship?:
amaro (he/him, by hottopicabbacchio) calamari (he/they, by corpsoir)
why does your ship deserve to be considered the most toxic?:
Amaro used his stand (make you fall in love) on a lot of people, Calamari came around and he used his stand on them for one night too, but Calamari kept coming back after the effect wore off so Amaro continued to use his stand for a bit being afraid of him leaving/because he thought it would be fun. Eventually, Amaro realized that he had stopped using his stand on Calamari and actually fell in love with them. They have a good 3 year run where they're together and fine and in love UNTIL. one day going on a job for information (mafia business), Amaro is talking/flirting some of the information out of the guy theyre after and Calamari over hears some guys talking about how "Amaro is after another one" and how they had been affected by his stand power before. It gets Calamari thinking if Amaro had used his stand on them before (yes, but only at the beginning) and they start thinking that the whole relationship had been a lie. They get in a big argument - Calamari confronting Amaro while Amaro desperately tried to prove to Calamari he hadn't been using his stand for years - and they end up breaking up. After about a month, Amaro gets worried about not seeing Calamari around and goes to their apartment that he still haa the spare key too and goes inside to find him. Instead, he finds a mess and Calamari eating cold pizza in an empty bathtub alone. Calamari half agrees for Amaro to stay and help them clean, which they assume and know thats the only reason they would have come, and doesnt believe Amaro about their relationship no matter what he tries to say. Over time - a cleaning session maybe once a week or so with Calamari making as little talk to Amaro as possible and Amaro just wanting to make things right again - Calamari suddenly realizes that he might be falling in love with Amaro again and confronts him about using his stand again and tells him to show her to them. Amaro had made a vow to himself to not use his stand around Calamari ever again, but caves and shows Calamari that the swords (where his stand power is) are all still there. Currently, they are working on getting back to how they were before, but there is still Issues and Problems <3 They both want it back but Calamari still cant trust Amaro but Amaro had never been in love with someone like that before
ship tags/playlists/pinterest boards?:
https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4AcBeDHX48BYcmdda13KNL?si=fkg9IR4NT5Klw4bUt-0QoQ&utm_source=copy-link playlist by hottopicabbacchio, character tags on both op blogs under amaro avvoltoio and calamari pavone
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jksprincess10 · 8 months
Exile 6. You call the shots, babe
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After Steve Murphy's unforgivable death in the never-ending fight against Pablo Escobar, Javier Peña finds himself stuck with a new partner. A girl that they brought from Miami. Smart, devastating, strong. Nothing he would have thought her to be. Their rivalry builds up to something intense, destructive. CW: canon violence, mentions of death, smoking and drinking, language, bullshitting my way through the Narcos plot, no y/n (3rd person), no physical and racial descriptions of the girl, explicit smut. Divider by @cafekitsune Masterlist for exile Notification blog
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They don’t have to reach for reality when work starts on Monday. It crashes on them, violently, and they’re too busy with the current crisis to even think about all the unsaid words.
It starts with a call. And then, everyone’s moving, heavily armed, wearing their bulletproof vests. She ignores the way the green fabric struggles to stretch around Javier’s body. She ignores the fact that she knows just how pretty he is under.
He asks her if she’s sure, and she says yes. But he promises that the sight will be rough. She’ll get used to it.
Carrillo is on the scene, visibly upset. It’s a carnage. Three of his men, disfigured. The violence had kicked up a notch. “For Gustavo” carved on their bodies. She doesn’t vomit this time. She just takes pictures of the scene to bring to the office for evidence, while Javier is cursing somewhere else. The polaroids coming out of the camera don’t even do the scene justice. The blood isn’t tangible enough. Here, she can almost taste it on her tongue.
She lets the men communicate amongst themselves while she keeps photographing evidence. The bodies aren’t warm, they have been here for at least one night. She helps cover them up, and let the Columbian police deal with the aftermath.
When they go back to the office, they have an emergency meeting, and she does her best to listen. They try and plan out their next moves, but it’s hard when the violence has already gotten out of hand. They have to find where Pablo is hidden and fast. They look into what else they can do to spy on their communications. But technology isn’t on their side.
They don’t count the hours and it’s already night when they decide to head out. On the ride home, Javier clears his throat finally talks, with a cigarette hanging from his lips.
“You’ve been good today.”
Good girl. Fuck.
“Because I didn’t vomit?”
“Hmhm. It was a lot.”
 “It was.” She agrees.
In the quietness of the vehicle, without the buzzing of the office, what happened between them has the time to creep up their minds.
“Listen, about what happened Saturday…” Javier starts.
“Nothing happened.” She cuts him, even though she still fantasized about the way he talked to her during that time. She bites her lip and looks out the window, streets passing them by as he drives to their building.
“Right. Nothing.” He swallows.
And then, they’re both in front of their respective doors. Javier wants to invite her over. Wants to ask her to stay. But they just give each other a knowing nod, before going their separate ways.
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They both keep their minds and their hands busy for a few days, and with the matters on their hands, it’s not too hard. She stays far from his body, not to get reminded of the electric feeling of his lips.
But things escalate when she has gun training with him as her private teacher. He’s so close, and they’re both alone and it’s so late that everyone had fled the office.
“I noticed that your hands are a little shaky when you hold your gun. You need to be steadier.”
She nods. For once, he’s right.
“Show me your grip.”
She holds the gun the way she usually does, and he easily takes it from her hands. She tries to ignore his proximity, and he does the same.
“Let me demonstrate.”
She watches as he holds the gun and shoots almost in the middle of the target. She jumps a little at the loud sound in the silence of the room.
“Show off.” She rolls her eyes.
“Yeah? Try to take it from me now, princesa.”
The nickname produces a reaction that she wants to muffle until it disappears. It rolls off his tongue so deliciously. She can almost taste the word from his lips.
She, of course, struggles with it, and of course, he has to play with her. With a cocky smile, he lifts up the firearm too high so she can’t reach it.
“Unfair.” She groans. She hates how arrogant he is, she hates how he keeps teasing her. Since his mind is set on keeping the firearm away from her, she opts for the best strategy she knows, lifts her knee, and hits him right in the groin. Javier folds in half, the weapon flying across the floor, as he holds his balls in pain.
“You’re a fucking psychopath.” He growls.
“It worked.” She shrugs. She almost fucking skips to get the weapon, like a happy and arrogant little girl. She bends to grab it and he looks at the sweet curve of her ass in her work slacks, at the unmistakable silhouette of her panties.  She shoots as she holds the firearm in a firm grip, hitting a few stripes away from the middle.
“Better?” She asks as she turns around. Javier is still bent in two, but his gaze isn’t on the target. It’s on her.
“Were you looking at my ass, Agent Peña? How unprofessional.” She reprimands him, coming closer to his body. She puts the safety on and makes a show of putting it back in Javier’s pants.
“You’re so fucking full of yourself, princesa. Always think everything is about you, huh?” He straightens up, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in his groin.
“I don’t know, Javier, you’re the one who jumped on me at the office party.” Her fingers trace the slightly open collar of his shirt, barely brushing his golden skin.
She remembers the way he felt against his lips, his hypnotizing taste. She wanted to drown in him.
“You’re fucking crazy.” He breathes, but his lustful gaze says otherwise. He eventually gives in, lips crashing against hers. His kiss is bruising, almost angry. He exchanges their positions, and her back hits the solid wall. She moans against his lips, his mouth and tongue swallowing the sound.
“Oh, you love it.” She finally breathes against his lips. Her hands trail down his shirt, to his brown leather belt, that she opens. She gives him a mocking laugh as she sees the sees the prominent bulge in his tight jeans. “How can you be aroused after I literally destroyed your nuts, hm?”
“I love a feisty woman.” He smirks.
She bites on his bottom lip as she unzips his pants to free his hard member. She wraps her hand around him, hers can’t grasp him fully unlike his. He just watches, admiring how she holds and squeezes him slightly.
“Touch me or I’m stopping everything.” She orders against the shell of his ear.
“Beg for it.” Javier bites back.
And she stops moving, leaving Javier to desperately thrust his hips in her grasp. “Touch me, Javier.” She repeats.
The control she has over him is exhilarating. He loses all self-control, loses the way he wants to make her beg instead of barking orders at him. His hand unzips her work pants and plunges in her wet panties, feeling her warmth. He could cum in his pants right here and now. She pumps him slowly, delighted in the way he groans and curses lowly. After cupping her sex, his fingers start moving painfully slowly, teasing her little ball of nerves. Electricity fills her veins, she could explode. Her forehead rests against his shoulder as she moans softly. The asshole knew what he was doing.
“Faster.” She demands breathlessly.
And for once, he obeys. She mimics his speed, lewd sounds filling the training room.
“F-Fuck, Javier… I’m gonna…”
And she explodes, her whole body shaking so much she lets go of him. He holds her as she calms down.
“Eres tan fácil de complacer (You’re so easy to please).” Javier teases.
“Usted también, señor. (You too, sir.)”
And when she falls to her knees in front of him, he loses his grip on reality. Her lips close around his hard member, her hand holding the base. She’s incredibly dirty with it, slurping and sucking like she wants to swallow him whole. His back hits the nearest wall and his eyes close as he pants softly. He never felt anything this good before.  And when he cums on her tongue, she lets go of him with a smirk.
“So easy.”
“Stop being so humble.” He rolls his eyes and clears his throat.
They both adjust their clothes and leave work after a “good training session”. His taste is on her tongue, and she’s not sure if she ever wants to taste another man in her life.
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ethereal-engene · 1 year
just like spring snow | youngjae
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pairing: bf!eric x gn!reader
genre: fluff, angst, and slice of life // warnings: mentions of food, dealing with sadness and longing, and depression (not super in depth for the most part) & not really proof-read
summary: A story of coping with Eric’s hiatus and the aftermath. // word count: ~3.5k
note: I know he’s been back for a little while now but wanted to commemorate it in writing because I became a deobi while he was on hiatus and am super happy he’s back! 
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They say that distance makes the grow fonder and you agree but that doesn’t mean that the distance doesn’t make you miss them.
You understood why Eric was taking a hiatus and actually helped him decide on it. With everything that happens in the industry, you know it’s not easy to deal with given the myriad of challenges. It made you quite proud that he was doing this.
Of course, you didn’t want him to leave but you knew he’d be back and that it was for the best. He spent a lot of time with you and the members before he officially left for the states. Seeing him off, he cried a lot and told you that he’d still keep in touch. Along with his iconic line of “Always remember Eric loves you” all of the while him saying it with tears streaming down his face.
Wiping them away with your free hand as the other was holding his hand. “I love you too, my love. Don’t forget to text me when you land and don’t worry about me too much. Take care, my lucky clover.” You give him one last tight hug and kiss.
Honestly, you were trying your best not to cry as hard as him. Eric being who he is, noticed that and wanted to stay just so he could give you more comfort. He feels bad but you know if he told you, you’d smack him. Because you don’t want to be the reason why he holds back on getting the much deserved break.
You both know if he stays then it wouldn’t really be the hiatus and break that he worked to set up with the company. So when you two hear an announcement from the speakers about how this is the last call for his flight, you pull away.
Eric kisses you once more but waving goodbye. Once again, the tears from his face start to fall. You wave goodbye and walk away. Knowing that if you turn around, you won’t go back. People would assume that you two were breaking up given all of the crying. Quite the contrary though, yours and his relationship is strong.
This was simply another test of the time and strength of your relationship. And besides you and him both know the real reason behind his hiatus. There’s no bullshit reason as to why he’s doing it.
Anyhow, you had to have one of the other members pick you up from the airport. They tried their best to console you and you appreciate them for it. Jacob, Kevin and Sangyeon were most notably the ones who helped you the most during this moment.
When they dropped you off at your apartment, just as you had given Eric a tight hug, they gave you one just as tight too. If they could, they’d spent the rest of today with you but they had their schedules. Obviously you weren’t going to keep them from that so you told them you’d text them if you needed anything.
Besides you weren’t a stranger to the whole busy schedule they had to follow. Waving them goodbye & thanking them again, you went into your apartment. It felt emptier without Eric’s things taking up tiny spaces.
Taking a deep breath to remind yourself of why this was happening again to ground yourself. Repeating the words “He’s not leaving me, this break is to help him get better.”
In an attempt to soothe these feelings, you decided to clean. But it was quite hard to do so when Eric basically did that before he left so you went to work on your assignments. Unfortunately, even the departure of your love couldn’t stop time for you to work on school.
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With time passing by, you and Eric still kept in touch. Whether it was through FaceTimes or text messages. It was always fun to catch up and see what he’s been up to. As well for him to see what you’re doing and the other members.
It can be challenging with the time difference but you two make it work. If you’re lucky enough, you two will video call as you’re working on assignments and him doing his own things. Kind of strange but you’ll take any time you can get to spend with him, even if it’s virtual.
Every so often, when you think about how he’s not currently with you. The tears flow freely down your face. Almost like a never ending stream. Hugging your pillow and wishing it was Eric. Waking up to an empty bed is really when it hurts.
After always being woken up by a kiss from him, you long for the moment; it's no longer a dream but a reality instead. How can a bed feel so cold without the presence of him? It’s like it doesn’t matter how many blankets or layers you have, the breeze will find a way to greet you.
There were some days where you didn’t want to leave the bed or do anything. Hoping that sleeping would take the pain away. When you didn’t respond to text messages coming from everyone, they got worried. As one would.
Eric would send small messages to you when this happens. He knows that you’ll be okay but it definitely hurts him too. Making a mental to shower you in his love and affection when his hiatus is over. In the meantime, may this period of time where you two are apart allow you to still grow with each other.
You just forgot how to live without Eric and it sucked ass. To be in love and a relationship shouldn’t mean you lose total sense of who you are and the life you lived before them. It took a while for you to get back on your feet.
Starting off small by rebuilding your daily routine. Things like setting up what time you’d go in for work, start and finish homework, attend class, and eat your meals. In due time, your mind was occupied with the present and sometimes inevitably floating to Eric.
Wanting to know what he was up to or sharing stories about your day to him. However in the back of your head, you knew that if he wanted to tell you something he would. Eric would not hold back on anything to you. All is good though because you may or may not have been writing in a journal to keep track of all the little and big things you want to tell him. If not a journal then a letter.
It helped you cope with him being away. Making you feel like you’d one day just mail all of these to him as if y’all are two long lost lovers or something. You would be lying if you didn’t think about sending these to him but for some reason, you felt like it was better for him to just have them when he came back. Plus you didn’t want to pay to stamp all of them or didn’t want to flood his mailbox with these.
Another way you worked through this period of time was with the boyz.
Whoever had an off day in the boyz would offer to spend the day with you. Going with places for Chanhee to take pictures. Going to their dorms to play games with Juyeon or watching movies with Sunwoo, Younghoon, Jaehyun and Changmin. And last but not least going to their studio to watch them practice and record for their upcoming songs.
It was super fun to see the creative process behind them building a song. Especially with Jacob and Sunwoo. Seriously super talented and lovely songwriters. If you weren’t spending time with them, you were on campus studying & being a student.
You met up with old friends who attended the same college as you too. Taking the time to build more meaningful relationships with them and sharing stories about your struggles with classes. It felt nice to be able to talk to them about “normal” things.
Lastly, you were also working so that took up a good chunk of your week to focus on. The number of stories that accumulate just from one day at work is crazy. Ranging from horrible customers to hearing juicy stories about the town to playing along with little kids. This would have to be the final piece in cementing back the normalcy you had again.
God, it felt so liberating. Of course, you still missed him but with everything going on, it was easy for it to slip out of your mind. A gentle reminder that with and without Eric, you’re still your own person with dreams and goals.
With the time passing by, and before you knew it. You received the text that you were waiting for this entire time. The text read: “I hope you haven’t been missing me too much but I’ll be home soon. Can’t wait to finally see you again. I love you!!”
It took everything in you not to scream. You re-read it multiple times before calling him. Just to confirm and hear his voice again. “Are you being serious right now?”
“Babe, why would I lie about that?? Don’t worry, I promise it’s real and in fact the announcement should be going to the fans soon. God, I can’t wait to hug and kiss you again.” If it were possible to hear the joy coming from him, you were hearing and feeling it full force.
You couldn’t help but silently sob into your phone. Almost forgetting he was still on the phone with you, he started to bombard you with questions. Traces of worry laced in his tone. Asking if you’re okay or need something.
You responded in between sniffles and wiping your nose. “Y… yeah I am my lucky clover. I just can’t believe you’re finally coming back. Please let me know when your flight is and I’ll be there. I love you too!”
Eric almost forgot how much he hated hearing you cry. Wanting nothing more than to fly right away so that you wouldn’t be alone anymore. Alas he left you with more comforting words and texted you his flight information.
It was actually a lot closer than you were expecting. Setting a little countdown and you carried on with your day but carrying bits of more happiness than before. Everything about that day and forward seemed to go by faster and smoother than before. It gave you more strength to get through these last couple days.
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When your phone went off to remind you that the countdown was over, it awoke you. Not the worst way to wake up but we all know the best way was with Eric next to you. So you got up and made your bed.
Today seemed to shine brighter today. As if the universe knew that Eric was coming back. After a while, you got a call from Kevin that they were here and ready to go!
Having already dressed up and all, you bid goodbye to this apartment. Telling them that soon it wouldn’t feel as empty anymore but also thanking it for keeping you safe during this time. You got into the car and chatted about anything with them all until y’all arrived. They totally didn’t place a bet on who was going to cry today.
When you guys arrived, it was almost hard not to get lost with the normal traffic at an airport coupled with reporters/paparazzi awaiting his arrival. Not even being able to see anything, it dampened your mood a bit. However after getting through all of the cameras and waiting, seeing him again made it all better.
Also Younghoon definitely cried but everyone knew that it would happen. To be fair, you cried as well and Eric. After reaching a more private space, you had run so fast into his arms and as one can only imagine he spun you. Both of you held eye contact until crying into each other’s shoulders. Eric had whispered so many I love yous and thank you for waiting. Shaking your head to reassure him that it was fine.
“I’m just glad you’re back, my lucky clover. I love you too and if you ask me it was worth the wait.” You whispered back and leaned your head against his forehead. So his and your eyes could meet. Maybe a couple minutes passed and you two hear fake coughs. “You know, Eric we’re here too.”
And right then and there laughter comes out of everyone. “How could I ever forget my oh so handsome and caring hyungs?” A playfully annoyed tone coming from Eric along with a roll of his eyes. All the while, his arms opened up so that they could hug him. You slowly back away because you’ve seen them run at full force and let’s not lie here, it’s kind of scary. They don't just hug him but almost tackle him to the ground.
You’re laughing as it happens and helping them get back up with the help of their manager(s). 
“Welcome back, our energetic maknae! It really hasn’t been the same without you here and we love you.” Sangyeon welcomes him. All of them go around giving him a hug and maybe even a noogie. When they’re done, Eric returns to your side and slightly unaware of just how much they messed up his hair, you take a selfie/selca together. Only then does he notice it and leaves out a groan as you laugh. Eventually you help fix his hair and you all head back to the dorms to celebrate.
Sitting with him reminds me of when you two started going out. Both of you were quite shy and it may have taken the members giving y’all encouragement to be more comfortable with each near them. Besides they were fucking tired of hearing Eric talk about how he was scared that his members would get annoyed at you two for doing anything with public display of affection. They told him that it was fine just don’t overdo it or anything inappropriate. Ever since then, you two slowly got used to it.
You two were so young then but nothing about your love for each other has changed. Even anything, your love for each other got stronger especially after reuniting. The day was spent talking and enjoying everyone’s company. At the end, as they dropped you two off at your apartment it felt a bit odd. Walking up the stairs holding each other’s hand and the other carrying a luggage, it really did remind you of the first time you ever brought him to your place. It took a lot of convincing to the members and the company that nothing would happen to him.
Welcoming him in you, you let him know that you were going to shower and probably head to bed. Eric nodded and was putting back the things of his that used to belong there. He was taking in the view as if he didn’t know what it looked like before. Seeing his trinkets be placed, it helped the place feel more like home. After he was done putting them in their respective places, he was taking his sweet time observing the photos of you two together.
He was entranced by them so much that he didn’t hear you come out of the shower. For some reason, you didn’t want to disturb his peace so you let him indulge in it. Besides, you had done exactly what he was doing when he was gone. Looking at the pieces of your memories together and remembering that moment. When he’s done, he feels your eyes on him. Looking at each other with smiles growing.
If love was in the form of a person then it was Eric for you. Both of you couldn’t imagine a life without each other, much less a future too. For him, his future was with you. Walking over to you, he wrapped his arms around you. Peppering you with kisses and pretending to slow dance in your living room. “Thank you again for waiting for me. I know it was hard but I’m proud of us for surviving it. I can’t promise that I won’t hurt you again but I will promise that I’ll always return to you.” A promise sealed with your pinky fingers interlocking and a kiss to the lips.
“Don’t thank me for doing the bare minimum. I could and would wait however long it took for you to feel your best and better. It might have hurt but it’s not like I didn’t know what I agreed to when I told you to go for it.” You detached his hands from you and held them to move to the couch before continuing.
“You left in the spring and returned with the snow. I truly believe that these eight months apart proved that our love can withstand whatever comes our way. Thank yourself for being strong enough to admit that you needed a break. You know that everyone can’t do that but you did and I’ll always be proud of you for that.”
Eric really thought he had cried it all out today but hearing your sweet words attested to that statement. Just as you were wiping his tears when he left, you were doing the same now. A sense of relief washed over you when you realized how similar it was. Because now he was back and better. Rubbing his back and whispering sweet nothings helped soothe his pain.
One of the things that you will always love Eric for is not holding back on his emotions. During their concerts and fancons, he was known for also crying his heart out with Younghoon. He was comfortable enough to let it out. In a world where men who get called mean names for simply being in touch with their feelings and expressing them, it was a shock to you. Over time, you learned to appreciate that quality of him.
Giving him a forehead before playing the song spring snow by the boyz. While this song is a fan-song, the lyrics are very touching and a message you’d like Eric to receive. Some of the lines for reference:
At the end of the cold winter, it’s you who’s waiting for me
Everything changed after meeting you. The time when it was cold, as if it was decided, towards me. You approach with a warm smile and embrace me
I’m always grateful for you who came to me
Even if the moment of you and me passes by. Even in those lonely moments It’s fine now as it’s no longer cold
As he calmed down, you gave him a glass of water. You had one more thing for him before this day came to an end. Finding the letters or journal for him, you handed it to him. “It’s all of the things I wanted to tell you when you were gone. You can read them all another day but please shower. So we can sleep, I am beat from today.”
Eric laughed before wrapping you up in another long hug. “Yeah yeah I will. Thank you, my love. I love you again. I feel like I have to make up for the time I was away and I’ll read these with all the love in my heart.” He got up first and held out his hand for you to take it. Placing your hand in his, he kissed it and made his way to the bathroom.
While he was in the shower, he kept thinking about you and all of the things he wanted to do with you now that he’s back. There weren’t enough words to fully capture how he felt. All he knew was that he loved you and you loved him back. Knowing that gave him enough strength to carry on.
With him in the shower, you started to get cozy with the bed and told yourself to not sleep until he was out. Unfortunately, the tiredness got to you first before he did. So when he came out ready to spend the last few moments left in the day, he was greeted with you sleeping. He couldn’t blame you. Today was an emotional rollercoaster. 
Before he slept with you, he wrote a letter to you. In case that he had to leave in the morning for his schedule. Oh and of course he gave you a forehead kiss, wished that you slept well, and to have sweet dreams.
The season of Spring usually is the season of hope, blossoming of flowers, and the warmth returning but this year it brought the opposite. On the flip side, the season of Winter usually is the season of sadness, heartbreak, and the loss of warmth but this year it brought the opposite. 
The Spring Snow will always follow each other to give what the other season was missing. Like Spring Snow, you and Eric complete each other in ways people don’t understand because they are not you and him.
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wow ash the boyz debut fic :)) 
I hope you enjoyed this and if you did please interact with it by reblogging it (preferably with tags and what you liked about it or what you didn’t like), sending in an ask or dm to me, or even leaving a comment in the notes section. I appreciate you and hope you remember to take care
signing off with love to eric,
- ash
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onewmin · 1 year
the perfume on the shelf. pt. 6 | bangchan
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Pairings: Bang Chan x Fem!reader, Kim Yugyeom x Fem!reader
Summary: Falling in love with your best friend was never a part of the plan. So you end it up. But does he want to put a stop to it, too?
Warnings: AU, Smut (minors dni), it’s not specified but the seggs is protected, a lot of kissing, oral (f. receiving), profanity, angst, a brief mention of self-harm, the reader and everybody else is mentally unstable (who isn’t right), mentions of alcohol and drinking, mentions of smoking, Lee Know flirts with a girl, another shitty cliffhanger in the end, typos
Author’s note: originally, this part was planned to be longer and cover the period after the ending, but I felt like it would’ve been too much. It’s not as long as I wanted it to be and maybe not that heartbreaking, but the pain still awaits you later hehe hope you enjoy the chapter!! Let me know what you think!!
Disclaimer: the names and appearances of real people are used for inspiration and writing purposes only. I do not claim anything, everything belongs to its owners.
Part 5 | Part 7
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Despite Chan’s constant doubts and destructive thoughts about you still being in love with Yugyeom, that was far from the truth.
Yugyeom was a lingering memory, a bright sun ray that shone to you many years ago. Now he was just there, in the past, while Chan himself had occupied the pedestal inside your heart.
However, you really wanted him to fall down from it this time.
It’d been three weeks since he pushed you off the cliff of love and hope, leaving you to an inevitable, gruesome fall. You fell down from the highest peak into the lowest pit, and there was nothing. Just darkness and loneliness. Although the latter was not for long.
A couple of days after Chris broke up with you, Minho showed up at your door, bottles of beer in his backpack. You got drunk while watching another stupid reality show and ended up crying on the floor, the two of you sobbing in unison.
“He said to me”, Lee Know hiccuped, wiping the tears from his cheeks, “he said, ‘You’re an asshole, Minho’”, his imitation of Chan’s voice was so on spot, you let out a half-laugh through your tears.
“I’m an asshole? For putting up with his terrible dancing and constant nagging that his feet hurt?” Minho was hitting his chest with the fist, the two of you now sitting on the couch. “For sticking with him when his first album flopped? For investing my time, my life in his fucking career?”
You were nodding frantically, chewing the chips, the cheese taste mixing up with salty aftermath of the tears, streaming down your face.
“Never have I ever been an ass to him! Ever!” The tone of his voice rose, cracking when he started sobbing again. “And now he basically fires me! Me! His best friend!”
“No fucking reason”, Minho was lying on the floor again, with you sitting next to him. “Just this sudden bullshit. Why would he do this to me? To you? To us?”
You shrugged your shoulders, taking another sip of beer from another bottle. Was it your third? Fourth one?
“I can’t understand what’s inside his head”, he sighed. “Is it the concussion speaking for him or was he like that the entire time?”
You took a deep breath and exhaled in response. Weeks spent crying and drinking with Minho at both yours and his places, talking shit about Chan and how unfairly he treated the both of you. And neither you, nor Minho had come to any sort of common conclusion. He stood his ground, stomping his feet drunkenly, his words slurring, saying Chris might’ve hit his head so bad that all of the common sense flew out of the window.
You noticed a slightly hilarious pattern: Minho was ready to come up with any bizarre theory in order to excuse Chan’s behaviour. He pushed the both of you away because of the concussion, Lee Know was confident that was the truth. You, however, couldn’t agree with him.
The more you drank after work, the more you threw up afterwards, sitting on the dirty tile floor of whatever bar you were in, the less you could excuse Chris. Sure, he suffered from the aftermath of the accident, this you could understand. But his sudden change of demeanor? Beyond your comprehension. No therapist in the world could’ve explained this to you. Yours included.
“Don’t you think this is a sign you’ve been waiting for? The sign to leave this guy and move on with you life?”
Ah, crap. Could this woman not memorize everything you say? “I don’t think so”.
“Why’s that?”
“Because, I think, he’s just hurt. And he’s trying to push everyone away so that… So that we don’t see him… like this”.
Oh wait, was it your savior complex hitting up again? How mysteriously hurt poor Chan must have been! Pushed everyone away, humiliated his best friends in their own eyes, and told you he lost interest the second his love stopped being unrequited! Poor Chan! How must he suffer!
Oh yeah, he must. Sitting at another bar, Minho’s drunken ranting as the background music, you wished with all your heart Chan was suffering. He put you through so much, making you love him, care for him, and then he made you hate him. To be honest, though, “hate” was a strong word to use; hating him was still impossible. You despised the man he turned out to be, even if he lied to you about ‘falling out of love’ for some reason.
“What fuckin’ reason there has to be to say that shit? What’s the fuckin’ fuck?”
The look on your therapist’s face gave away her genuine surprise at your sudden loss of composure. In over than two years of therapy, you had never even cried during sessions. You’d curse, get slightly angry, but never too emotional. You called this an ‘emotional constipation’, just to make your therapist crack a smile. A clown is always a clown, you’d say, taking pride in getting her to laugh. Although the fun would always wash away when she immediately started writing stuff down.
“Go on”.
Two simple words would bring you to the literal edge of glory: you jumped from your seat, aggressively walking from one corner of the room to another, curse words spilling from your mouth; also, of course, you blamed god for everything — if you could, you’d include your religious trauma in every conversation possible.
“If God was real”, you’d keep on, “would he ever allow Chan in my life? Would he ever let that happen?”
“Did God choose to be in a relationship with Chan, or was it you?”
How dare she? “How dare you?” You stood up, snatching your bag from the floor. “Am I the bad guy here?”
“No”, she said softly, not even moving a muscle during your tantrum, “you’re not, but you desperately want someone to be the bad guy. You cannot paint Chan as a villain because you love him”, you huffed at her words, “but you don’t love the God. So in this case, the latter has to be the bad guy. Correct me, if I’m wrong”.
She was not indeed wrong. But you were resisting therapy: if not, you’d have to face the truth — there were no bad guys. Everyone was just human, making human mistakes. The ones you’d been constantly making while choosing to stay in this relationship with Chan over and over again.
Like him fixing your dinner three months in a row after he came back from tour. Or him helping you take showers when your leg was broken. Or taking care of your cat when you went to see your parents.
He was doing basic shit! Basic shit every decent human being would do when their close friend needed that! Although it’s pretty hard not to praise men when they do the bare minimum, right? ‘Cause it’s so rare. Rare for you specifically, as every man in your life — apart from Yugyeom and Chan — was a self-centered piece of garbage.
And you could take Yugyeom for granted, as he wanted you to have it that way, because he saw the way your father treated your mother — “You’ve got to have an example of a healthy relationship. And I will give it to you”.
Why did he leave then? Why did you leave and led me to keep on falling for the mere shadows of you, Yugyeom?
You shook your head, trying to get rid of the thought. Lately you’d been remembering a lot of things about Yugyeom — probably because you met him all those weeks ago. The most disturbing thought? Oh, it wasn’t that good. It was horrible, so horrible that you had to physically distract yourself.
“Why did you order more drinks?” You looked at Minho, who leaned back in his seat, eyes wandering around the bar room. “Earth to Minho”, you waved your hand in front of his face, while he was staring through you. “I’ll cancel it”.
“No!” Your eyebrows raised in question, as he jumped up from his seat. “This bottle will be the last one, I swear”. Minho grabbed your hands in his, silently begging to let him have the last drink. However, you were not going to indulge in; you found yourself getting accustomed to drinking, to drowning your sorrows in the alcohol. You were tired of it.
You were never the type to get addicted to some bad habits: smoking never stuck to you; you did smoke for a couple of months after your breakup with Yugyeom and you did it occasionally during your latest relationship, but it was never something you couldn’t live without. Drinking, on the other hand, could become addictive if you just didn’t quit it.
How easy it was, to sit around the table with your friend, sipping on alcohol, empty bottles creating a circle on the surface. Eventually you’d run out of space, and that was the reason to pay and leave. Same thing happened to you several years ago, when Yugyeom and you put an end to your relationship; Chan had to drag you from bars and hide alcohol from you so that you wouldn’t have drown in pain. Yeah, you couldn’t get an addiction, as you thought. But you were becoming quite a regular at a broken hearted people pub.
Amidst your verbal fight with Minho, whose retorts consisted of non-comprehensive drunken blabbering, his hands gripping the beer bottle while you were trying to tear it away, you heard a familiar voice behind you. As happy as you were to hear her, the sound of her high-pitched, usually matter-of-fact voice somehow brought chills down your spine.
“That’s enough”, Eunjoo moved you to the side, the grip of her hand on your shoulder making you squeeze your eyes shot. Has she been working out? “Give me that”, she took the bottle from Minho’s hands with almost no effort, as he seemed to oblige to her mere presence. His eyes followed Eunjoo, when she put the money on the table, her fingers tucking a strand of black hair behind her ear. You might have been tipsy, however, the way Minho stared at your best friend couldn’t escape from your attention.
“What’re you doin’ here?” You frowned at her, while Eunjoo observed Minho. Oh right, it was the first time you old best friend and your new bestie met; before that you had no idea whatsoever, but now you thought that they kind of had the same vibe to their personalities.
“Came to collect you”, she replied. What? First she uses a contraction, and now she starts a sentence without the subject in it? Is it really Eunjoo?
“To be honest”, she continued, “I’m really tired of your regular hangovers. Especially I’m tired of your absolutely fucked out look at our job. Where you need to work, and not nap every two hours”. What the literal fuck? Did Eunjoo just curse? Wha-a-at? “I wonder, why you’re still not fired. Oh wait”, she pointed a finger in your direction, “it’s because I’ve been covering for you”.
You sighed. Knowing that it wasn’t the best thing you’d done, you felt the wave of embarrassment rush through your body. Eunjoo had to cover your hangover in front of the boss, and you were forever grateful. If only you had actually thanked her for that.
“Anyways, I’m here to take you home”, this time, her touch on your shoulder was gentle. “And this… friend of yours, too”.
“I’m Minho”. He suddenly appeared in front of Eunjoo, almost pushing you away. You grimaced at his awkward attempt to get her attention.
Eunjoo nodded in response to his words; she didn’t look as if he’d interested her in any way. Hopefully, he won’t, you thought, fastening the seatbelt on the passenger seat of her car, Minho might be a good friend, but his dating history is pretty ugly.
Oh yeah? And Chan’s dating history is all about rainbows and flowers? Isn’t he the one to toss girls away when they reciprocate the love?
You let out a deep sigh, Minho’s drunken flirting with Eunjoo serving as a background for your thoughts. With all the love you had for Chris, either as his friend or failed lover, it was impossible to wrap your head around the bullshit he told you. You wished you could talk it out, spill your secrets and unsaid words, but he didn’t want to. He went radio silence for weeks without any warning, so he wasn’t interested anymore, right?
It isn’t like you could text him, yeah? It isn’t like a dialogue requires two people for it to happen, is it?
After dropping off Minho at his place — and his unsuccessful attempts to get Eunjoo number — she drove you to your apartment. The ride was accompanied by a midnight radio program with the very familiar host to the both of you.
“How’s Youngjae doing?”
“Fine. As far as you can hear, he enjoys his job very much”. Ouch. Your attempt to break the silence was a failure.
“Shut up”, she hit the brakes at the red light, her sharp knife voice cutting through you. “I get it, okay? You’re going through a tough time”. Youngjae’s contagious laugh filled the car, but this time, none of you smiled. “But you’ve got to move on too. If you keep on drinking, you’ll lose your job. And what are you going to do, huh? Is this Minho going to give you money? Or, d’you think Chan will do it?”
You shook your head, eyes squeezed shut, head low. Felt as if your mother had been scolding you. Only Eunjoo knew you better than your mom did, and Eunjoo was actually sincere and worried about you. She was your best and only real friend, after all.
“You’re smart”, she took a turn to your apartment complex, “smarter than all of those guys. Smarter than Chan”. The car stopped at the parking lot, both of you sat in silence for a moment.
“Don’t waste your life on chasing someone who doesn’t want you”, she covered your hands with hers. “Don’t drink your life away because he decided you weren’t good for him. You might be not enough for this asshole, but you’re certainly enough for everyone else, for me, for yourself. He’s not worth your suffering”.
Your eyes welled up at the words. Pulling her in for a hug, you had to blink rapidly to avoid another crying session.
“Thank you, Eunjoo. Thank you for everything you do for me”.
She hugged you tighter. “You’re always welcome. I know how hard it is for you to say this, and I’m thankful, too”.
“You may take all of the time in the world to overcome this pain”, the two of you were face-to-face again, “you shouldn’t bottle your emotions up. Just… Just talk to me instead of drinking, okay?”
You nodded, a smile creeping up on your lips. Eunjoo’s cousin laughed again, his radio program turned into another comedy show, and the two of you giggled at him. Never in your many failed friendships and toxic friends would you think a girl with a rigorous attitude with whom you had to share the same space at work, could be your closest friend.
Your cat greeted you with serious complaints and loud purrs, obviously demanding food and attention. Several minutes passed before you took your clothes off and stepped into the shower.
Chan used to say that showering together would help saving water, and you always chuckled at his proposals. It’s not like you ever rejected his shenanigans; you didn’t indulge in shower sex, but being naked with him under the water was another intimate moment to cherish.
You hated how everything was about him. Every surface of your flat was interwoven with the memory of him, his fingers squeezing your hips, lips brushing over yours, head in the crook of your neck. He was with you in the shower; he was cooking in your kitchen; he was sprawled on your couch, watching another episode of that dating reality show; he was snoring in your bed, his legs atop of yours. There wasn’t a single place in this apartment that he hadn’t graced with his touch. And you despised yourself for still craving his presence, even after all the pain he caused you.
Brushing your teeth, your brain visualized Chan behind you, a toothbrush in his hand, the other wrapped around your waist. Every little action of his was engraved in your head, not letting your breathe even for a second. How were you supposed to move on when the only thing you see was Chan?
“Do you want to move on?” Your therapist asked you.
“I don’t know”.
“Let’s put it into a different perspective. During your last conversation, he stated he’s been in love with you. Correct?”
“He also said he liked the process of ‘chasing’ his potential partners. Correct?”
“And he added that whenever someone reciprocated, he’d lose interest. That includes you. Correct?”
“Uh, yes”.
“After all of the above-mentioned, do you still believe he’s in love with you?”
“Yeah”, you breathed out, the voice of yours being unsteady. “I guess”.
“Because… Because”, you almost choked on your words, “he couldn’t fall out of love with me just suddenly. He couldn’t”.
Coming back to that conversation over and over again, you sat on the floor in your living room, tears falling down your cheeks. Was he ever truly in love with you, or was it another projection of yours? And if he was, how could he be so cruel?
A phone call distracted you from yet another sobbing section of your ‘pining over Chris’ daily program. Of course, only Han Jisung would call you at 1 A.M.
“Sorry for the late night call”, he said after countless apologies, “I just thought I should tell one of you”.
“Tell us what?”
“He’s insufferable”, Han whined, “I dunno what to do to bring him back to his normal self. He’s sulking, keeps being silent and just-“ You heard him sigh. “He’s constantly in his bed. Either sleeping or napping. Or he just lies there, watching the ceiling”.
You kept quiet for a swift moment only. “What d’you want me to do? Call his therapist or something”.
Jisung let out a nervous laughter. “Yeah, like his parents haven’t tried that already. He doesn’t speak to therapists”. Han’s heavy breathing signaled at him being on the verge of crying. Shit, Chan had fucked everyone over.
“He falls asleep quite often”, Jisung continued. “And he sleeptalks, y’know that. And when he does that, he only says your name”.
No. Ah-uh. No. Just no. Why would Han say that?
“So please, if you can, just come and see him. You want him to get better too. I know that”.
Your phone was on the floor next to you, as you scratched you nose to avoid crying. But your lip began to tremble, tears collecting in the eyelashes and everything turned into a blur — there were just your tears, and your wails muffled as you hugged your knees tightly. You used to get noise complaints for your loud moans of pleasure; however, now you’d get some more complaints for your almost-howls and incredibly hurtful sobs. Your chest was aching from the heavy breathing mixed with cries, and your jaw was in pain from open-mouthed inhaling and exhaling. That was a breakdown, such an extreme and terrible one that you couldn’t even see anything because of the amount of tears collected on your eyelashes.
If he was so hurt, why, why would he bring you so much pain? If he was so pathetic afterwards, why break up with you in the first place? Why? Why? Why?
Because he’s an asshole, your inner voice interfered, and because he doesn’t know how to express basic human emotions. You did your best for him, tried your hardest to overcome the most difficult thing — inability to express your emotions. You were there, on your knees in front of him in that hospital room, begging him to love you. Begging him to give the two of you a chance. But he rejected you back then. And now, what? He was mournful? Pining over you?
Ah-uh. He lost the right to it the second he shitted in your ears with that ‘the thrill expired’ bullcrap. He should’ve had a normal fucking conversation with you, talking about his feeling, working it out. But no, this asshole decided to leave you with a plate of shit and run away from human communication just to, what seemed like, die in complete loneliness. The loneliness he created himself. It was nobody’s fault but his.
“I hope he feels what I felt”, you mumbled while washing your face in the bathroom. It was still puffy, under eyes and lips red from all the crying you did; you cursed Han and his damn phone call. Why was he such a good friend? Oh yeah, probably because Chan hadn’t been a fucking butthead to him. Smart choice; otherwise, Mr. Bang would have no more friends left in his life.
You wouldn’t go and see him, right? “Right, of course I wouldn’t”, you stated out loud when raiding your closet in search of that lingerie set Chris loved. Just in case, you kept on telling yourself, I’m looking for it just in case.
You sat on the bed, wearing the said bra and panties, facing the mirror. Disheveled hair, a puffy face, your neck and chest red from all the nervous scratching you did in the last few minutes. It wasn’t like you were going to actually see him, right? And, what’s more important, you weren’t going to let him touch you again, were you?
“I’m not”, you were, as always when alone, talking to yourself; now, as you ran from the bedroom to the living room, dressing up, brushing your hair, you abruptly stopped mid your shenanigans.
Right in front of you, in your bedroom, on that bookshelf with all the books you’d bought but never read, was that damned perfume. Gently kept in between the books, so that your cat wouldn’t throw it on the floor, that perfume bottle was the most vivid proof of your and Chan’s relationship. The only thing, besides photos and gifts, that could transcend you to every moment spent with him. You hated this fucking perfume.
Spraying some on your skin, just on the back of your neck and your wrists, you put it in the bag. You petted your cat, promising you’d come back just in a couple hours, and then the lights in your apartment went off, keys turning in the door.
What the hell were you doing? One call from Jisung, swearing Chris was suffering without you, and? You were wearing that lacy lingerie under your clothes, clean-fucking-shaved, smelling like his favourite perfume, riding in the cab? That’s how easy it was?
You shook your head, disagreeing with your own thoughts. You were desperate to feel him again, to wrap your hands around him, to kiss his plushy lips, to run your hands through his hair. You needed that more than air, but you also couldn’t keep this up just in the name of love.
He was your temple, taking up all of the space in your life. Everything was about Chan, every day of yours accompanied by the presence of him. In those several months of being with him, you found yourself behind the closed doors; you locked them with your own hands. Cancelling plans just in case Chan called? Done. Not communicating with some of your old friends just because they didn’t like Chris? Do-o-ne. You practically had no hobbies by now, because your only hobby had been Chris, and how to keep him interested, and how to make him laugh, and how to make him fall in love with you.
How unhealthy was that?
So now you were going to end it. For good. You were ready to take the last leap and jump, just to get it over with. ‘Cause no matter how much you loved him, you were exhausted. And no amount of love could outweigh the tiredness this relationship had brought you.
And you were there. Staring at Chan, who was wearing his gray pajama pants and nothing more, dumbfounded look on his face. You couldn’t but notice a slight bulge, and you swallowed, images of him floating around your mind.
He let you in, still not a word said. You put the bag on the drawer, quickly putting the perfume bottle on it. You’d leave it here; if he was so desperate to see you, next time he could just spray some perfume around to pretended you were there. You were going to leave this perfume to him, because to you, it was too hurtful to even look at.
You turned around to face him. In the dim light of his apartment, Chan looked pathetically beautiful, as if he’d been a God, sent to Earth just to become your fatal personal tragedy.
One step further. You were right in front of him, hands carefully cupping his cheeks. He watched you with caution, as if you’d been a hallucination, destined to turn into air the moment he dared to touch you.
Today would be the last time he ever lands his hands on your body. The last time you ever let him this close.
No words exchanged between the two of you, when he leaned in, his lips lingering over yours, just slightly touching. Your eyes darted from his lips to his eyes, and there it was. With that simple look, he squeezed your waist and pounced on your lips. You dived in, letting his tongue meet yours in a passionate, i-missed-you-so-much dance. You kissed and kissed, and the only thing you could taste on his lips was betrayal. Because no matter what he was doing now, the memory of him torturing you with his words would forever be engraved in your mind.
When you finally broke the kiss, he was looking at you with a wide smile on his face. Oh, darling Chris, you thought, insinuating yet another heavy kiss, this is not a make up type of situation. You’re getting dumped tonight.
Your back was against the wall, his hands under your shirt, dancing on your bare skin, but not touching where you needed him. Between lips nibbling, him trailing kisses down your chin, teeth grazing down your neck, you could feel the pool of arousal in your panties. Chris could feel it too.
Now your back was against the mattress, his silky sheets welcoming you back in their embrace. Chan was hovering over you, looking you deep in the eyes, touches lingering all over your body, as if you were made out of porcelain, as if he was scared to break you. Too late for that, the inner voice stated, while you roamed your hands all over his body, you already broke me, Chris.
Withholding this intense eye contact while taking off your jeans, Chan let out a gluttural sound, almost a growl, when he saw black lace panties — the set he bought you himself. He trailed kisses from your knees up to inner thighs, humming into your skin. He sharply sucked the same skin into his mouth, marking you as always. Some of the bruises looked like stars when fading away, and you used to think your thigh scars, left there by your teenage self, were vanishing under the love bites Chris was leaving.
But the stars did fade away, and the scars stayed. Under the stars, you were still bleeding — but this time it seemed to be unstoppable; you felt as if you could die from all of that internal bleeding.
A tender kiss Chris left on your yet closed core got you arching your back, your hand immediately landing on his head, fingers in his soft curls. You knew he was smiling when taking off your panties, and you felt it when he left soft kitten licks on your now dripping pussy.
He responded to your moans with a hum, sending vibrations all over your body. You tugged on his hair.
“Are you going to actually fuck me tonight?”
These were the first words uttered tonight. Chris grinned and took his pants off in one swift movement. His dick, hard and leaking with pre-cum, seemed to hypnotize you. You briefly noticed saliva running down his chin from all the excessive sloppy kisses he’d been giving your folds and a smug smile on his face — all just ‘cause he got to taste you again.
“I’m going to”, his knee was between your thighs now, “fuck you senseless”. He tugged on your earlobe with teeth, making you moan into his shoulder.
Slipping a finger inside your slit, Chris caught your whimper by his mouth, covering your lips with his. His thumb pressed to your clit, drawing circles around it, and you almost lost the thin thread connecting you to the harsh reality. It was your last time with Chris. Last time kissing him. Last time being his girl.
“Oh, fuck”, Chan groaned, when you reached for his cock. The mere touch of yours made him twitch and stop all of his movement to keep his composure. “You’re killin’ me, baby”, he rasped, head buried in the crook of your neck.
No matter what he said, you still battled with your reasonable self: she told you not to lose focus, to get pleasure but to never forget — you were leaving him for good. Your emotional side, however… She was already on the cloud nine, willing to obey to any command Chan requires from you. But even her, this bubbly and sweet self of yours — even she knew this pleasure would turn into pain later. Although she didn’t mind loving Chris, even she couldn’t be in love with him any longer. Even your tender persona had found out how much pain Chan inflicted on you.
Pushing in his girthy cock into you slowly, Chris stared right into your soul, observing the way your face expression changed. Your mouth fell open, eyes hazily watching him mirroring you, his grip on your hips tightened. You’d have crescent marks in the morning — the last signs of your love with him ever existing.
Finally, swallowed by warmth, Chris bottomed out, letting you adjust, as you gripped him, head thrown back. He peppered kisses all over the side of your neck, hands massaging your breasts slowly, pinching nipples to make you gasp.
As he sluggishly thrusted into you, Chan couldn’t take his eyes off you. You knew he was watching, as he always did, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to stare back at him. You wanted to cum, not to cry.
As he felt you getting comfortable enough, Chan set a pace, massaging your inner walls in a frantic tempo. You squeaked every time he hit that spot, burying himself deep inside of you. You grinded against him, begging for more friction, as your nails left marks all over his shoulders.
“This is what you want?” His thumb started drawing circles on your clit, your composure long lost under the thick layer of pleasure.
Except for your mewls and Chan’s groans, the sound of skin on skin clapping was filling in the room. Although the way your pussy squelched every time Chris pounded into you was the only sound you could hear.
“Shi-i-i-t”, he hissed, his cock throbbing inside of you, “I can’t g-get enough of y-you”, Chan stuttered, your walls fluttering around his cock made him lose his mind little by little.
“I love you”, he huffed, forehead pressed to yours, “I love you so fucking much”.
Savoring his words — words you hoped to hear every time you were this close, you couldn’t bring yourself to reciprocate. You wish you could give in and forget all of that like it was a bad dream. You wish you could. But you never would.
“Shut up”, your breath hitched as you pulled him in for another sloppy kiss.
You’d yield to temptation one more time, to feel his hot breath on your skin, to feel the shockwaves gripping your body as you saw the stars while he chanted your name, reaching his high. The sheer layer of sweat covering the both of you, Chris watched as your breath steadied and you got up on the wobbly legs.
“Wait for me in the shower”, he puffed, still laying on his back, eyes shut.
“I’m going home”.
You stepped out of the room, collecting your jeans from the floor when he appeared behind you. “What? Why?”
You sighed. “Do I really need to explain this to you? After everything you’ve done to push me away?”
“But I-I thought… You and I, we…”
“What? Fucked?” You put your jeans on and huffed at his words. “Doesn’t mean anything. Doesn’t mean I’m going to stay with you after you pushed me away”.
“I’m so sorry”, he whispered. Chan screwed up his face and sniffed, and deep inside you felt like shit for making him feel this way. “I’m an idiot, baby, I have no excuses. Just if-“
“No”, you retorted. “No. You’re only interested now ‘cause I’m out of reach again, aren’t I? ‘The thrill of chasing’, that’s how you call it?
“Baby…” His eyes were closed as he let out a deep sigh. Yeah, you fucked up big this time, Chris. There’s no way out.
“Is there anything, anything I can do for you to forgive me? Please?”
“Yes, there’s one thing. Disappear from my life forever”.
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@heylookwhoitis @amaranth-writing @itstorimf @tenshimara
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stopthatfool · 9 months
stop-that-fool's ICEMAV timeline for Your jeep. Your Teeth. The coffee that you bought me.
AKA where my icemav's story sticks to canon and where it diverges/changes-- all while trying to make it align with real military/historical events.
Also, thank you @sliderkerner for indulging me and saying that you wanted my timeline posted here!
DISCLAIMER! I am in no way an expert of the US Military. This whole 'timeline' should not be taken as fact or canon regarding TOP GUN. I am making this for my own understanding of my icemav story and to help myself and anyone reading keep track of the timeline. This is just for fun and mostly for me.
Quick note about the time off US Military members get. According to this website, people accumulate leave-- 2.5 days per month of work. I don't think that either Mav or Ice are eager to take time off. I can only see them wanting to take time off to visit Carole and Bradley (as Val Kilmer stated, I also believe that Ice does not have the ideal family). That's why a lot of their work seems back-to-back/never ending.
-The movie stays the same (Goose dies, intense amounts of sexual tension between Ice and Mav, "You can be my wingman anytime" etc., etc.)
-The FIRST change in canon is when Mav states that he's going to try teaching at TOP GUN. In TGM, Mav said he barely lasted one class. Within my story, Mav lasts until 1988.
Between '87 and '88-
-Ice comes to teach at TOP GUN (entirely for the purpose of his career/'resume' for working his way up for promotions etc., etc.)
-While Ice is there (for around 2 TOP GUN classes) that is when Ice and Mav start getting involved romantically.
-But Ice hates teaching. He leaves mid '88 and joins the Iran-Iraq War aboard USS Enterprise.
Late 1988-
-Mav completes one last TOP GUN class after Ice leaves and follows Ice to the USS Enterprise (a happy accident that they were stationed on the same ship). This then allows them to continue their 'involvement' and allow them to fly together again ("Bullshit, you can be mine" blah blah blah).
-The Gulf War. According to Fandom Wiki both Mav and Ice have the Kuwait Liberation Medal-- meaning they both fought in the Gulf War around this time. (Btw they are no longer on the USS Enterprise as she was no longer involved in the Gulf War past 1989 (I think))
-In my TOP GUN universe, Mav gets another 'kill' during the Gulf War (I have no idea if any naval aviators did this in 1990 (Mav didn't do this canonically) but it happens within the stop-that-fool fanfic universe). Merlin is also Mav's RIO throughout the the Gulf War.
-BUT Ice has the Kuwait Liberation Medal (Saudi Arabia) while Mav does not. Mav has the Southwest Asia Service Medal. So, for my story this time in between 1991-92 is when Mav pisses someone off and is moved squadrons/carriers to somewhere in Southwest Asia.
-Both of them, according to these medals, participated in Operation Desert Storm. (Mav also could have participated in Operation Desert Shield due to his Southwest Asia Service Medal.)
-Throughout 1991 they are able to see each other a couple times, but the fact that Mav keeps pissing people off makes it difficult. This is also because Navy deployments on average last between 6-7 months (according to a quick Google search) and for the sake of the story, their deployments and time off in between rarely overlap.
-This difficulty continues into 1992 where it all comes to a head on Dec. 31st 1992 (Ice's birthday! (Ice does not have a 'canon' birthday, but Dec. 31st is Val Kilmer's and I thought that bday also made sense for Ice)). Que the car scene in ch.4 and the aftermath the next morning.
-Throughout '92, Mav was in Iraq participating in the Iraqi no-fly zones. (I think. I find this UN mandate difficult to understand, especially whether or not the US Navy was involved or not.)
-Mav and Ice do not see each other in person at all in '93. But as said in ch.4 they-- "...talk about nothing on the phone. Ice never picks him up from the airport again."
-The US Navy also provided air cover for cargo planes that were bringing relief supplies during the Bosnian War. This is where Mav was placed in '93 (pissed off some captain or higher up or something).
-Ice and Mav don't see each other (in person) until '94.
The UNITED NATIONS MEDAL- In the TOP GUN fandom wiki page, both Ice and Mav are listed to have a United Nations Medal. What it does not state, and what I cannot find anywhere online, is what conflict they were a part specifically of for them to receive this medal. There are multiple options throughout the 1990's and 2000's that could have led to this award. BUT for the sake of my story, I will only be considering/applying conflicts that took place between 1994-98.
Between 1994 and '96-
-I think Ice received the UNPROFOR United Nations Medal for his service during the Yugoslav Wars. This is where he was between 1994-95. As I stated in ch.3 he was stationed somewhere in Europe after he and Mav 'break up' (I can't figure out what United Nations Medal Mav could have received-- it's difficult to figure out US Navy specific peacekeeping missions he could been involved in besides UNPROFOR.))
-It's around this year that Mav uses some of his accumulated vacation days to spend a longer period with Carole and Bradley. Ice is still stationed in Europe (workaholic).
-After Mav's time off, he's deployed again to Iraq.
As I mentioned in a previous post, not a lot of things happen in early to mid 1998 in regards to military conflicts, BUT Operation Desert Fox happens in December of 1998. I think the military would need to have people around before the operation before completing something of that scale. AKA that's why Mav is there in June.
-Then on an undisclosed date in early June, Mav crashes as stated in ch.1 (“You dodged some crazy bastards up there, then hit a bird. The plane crashed into the ground, and you ejected and landed on some rocks...").
-Mav is transferred to a hospital in California as he needs special surgery for his shattered knee cap.
-Ice has been in California for a couple days when Mav gets there because his paternal grandfather is dying (another happy accident that his grandfather is in the same hospital as Mav (god i love plot armour)). Ice had previously been permanently stationed somewhere in Europe (to get away from his family, Mav, and to work up to a promotion).
-Carole dies a couple days after Mav is released from the hospital. Bradley is now under Mav's legal guardianship. They move into military provided family housing on the Lemoore Naval Air Station with Mav teaching at the SFWSPAC (Strike Fighter Weapons School Pacific) once his injuries heal.
-Ice then reveals that he has requested to be stationed in California with Mav (the request was approved, Ice is now near both his family AND Mav... he's so silly).
-On June 21st 1998, Mav, Ice and Bradley drive out to West California to the beach cottage Mav rented (courtesy of Viper) with the plans of celebrating Bradley's birthday on June 27th (finally someone with a canon bday thank u Bradley).
Anyway, that's all we got so far! I would just like to say again that I am in no way claiming that this is accurate or canon. I also can't guarantee that I understand all of the wars, conflicts, operations, and details of the US military that I stated previously. So if I got something wrong; any of the language I used, details of the wars and conflicts stated, I apologize! Very deeply. From the depths of my soul.
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chasingfigments · 2 months
So here's what I've been up to
Despite the years of relative silence, I actually HAVE been writing, and writing a lot. Most of it just isn't public yet.
September 2021 to January 2023: Planned and outlined a FFXV alternate universe collab with @crazyloststar. (~20,000 words)
January 2023 to present: Started writing the FFXV alternate universe collab. (~76,000 words; 21/36 chapters written; no chapters posted)
January 2023 to August 2023: Took notes for and outlined a FE3H fic about Lysithea returning to Ordelia and dismantling her house, while also being in a long-distance relationship with Claude. (~9,000 words)
September 2023 to present: Started writing the FE3H fic. (~20,000 words; 6/14 chapters written; no chapters posted)
February 2024 to March 2024: Outlined For Some Desperate Glory, a Batman fic where Red Hood kidnaps Bruce Wayne instead of taking over the drug trade. (~7,000 words)
February 2024 to present: Started writing For Some Desperate Glory. (~5,000 words; 1/12 chapters written; 1 chapter posted)
More detail about each of these projects after the cut.
FFXV collab with crazyloststar
If you liked all of our Borders of Divinity bullshit, expect More but also Different. It's another alternate universe/canon divergence, and it's going to be half again as long as BoD.
We're nearly done with Act 2 (chapter 25), which we're scheduled to wrap up next month. We'll be doing a massive continuity edit at that point (it's been well over a year since we wrote chapter one), and once that's finished, we're likely going to start approaching artists for commissions.
According to our writing schedule, we'll be drafting the final chapter sometime in November 2024.
We'll likely start posting before then, but that's going to depend on art and how closely we stick to the writing schedule. We liked being able to post every week with BoD and don't want to risk having to delay a chapter because we're behind.
You'll likely start seeing chapters this year, though it's incredibly likely we'll still be posting in 2025 given its length.
FE3H Lysithea dismantles her house
I'm obsessed with Lysithea's canon ending with Claude, couldn't find anything on AO3 that addressed it, and so here I am, writing it myself.
Also stealing other shit from other endings, but please note--this is essentially the aftermath of a no-recruitment run. It's Golden Deer, with cameos and occasional mentions of other Church-aligned folks.
Claude is off in Almyra for almost the entire fic; here's hoping you're into long-distance relationships when mail delivery takes ages and is not as reliable as the USPS.
I need to get through Act 2 (chapter 9) and do a continuity edit there before I feel comfortable posting.
You'll start seeing chapters this year; maybe late summer-ish. I should be able to get this off my plate this year.
For Some Desperate Glory (Batman fic)
The first chapter is up because I was extra excited and feeling reckless and wanted to get something up the first half of the year when everything else is still months out from being public.
I've gotten my hands on the deluxe version of the UTRH comic; aiming to read it this month. This is likely to cause some additional outline revisions; the chapter count may actually go down--we'll see.
This is the one fic I plan to post chapters as they're finished; the narrative structure is different from the two other projects and won't require continuity checks/overhauls at a specific point.
Hoping to have the entire fic done and up this year. Wish me luck!
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lord-squiggletits · 8 months
On my Pharma apologism bullshit again
So like, I've made posts in the past about how Pharma's trauma at the hands of Tarn/the DJD and his refusal to call for help makes sense given what we later learned about Tarn/the DJD's capabilities for isolating and brutally murdering targets. Basically, I said that it makes sense that Pharma is largely treated as a villain by the narrative because the present-day of the story takes place entirely during Pharma's madness/villain arc and that's the only function he has in the story: as a super tertiary villain that's not meant to be Super Deep. Since a lot of Pharma's character is stuff that you can only infer via retroactive lore scattered throughout future series, and the narrative never brings it up so you have to put the lore together yourself, it makes sense that Pharma's first/present-day characterization as a "mad doctor" is how he's primarily remembered.
But honestly, I still have to call bullshit on Ratchet immediately assuming Pharma was evil and working for the DJD. You don't have to sympathize/apologize for Pharma based on later lore that only we as the reader are subject to; you can find signs of it literally throughout MTMTE 5-6, the same issues that introduce Pharma and treat him as if he's simply a mad doctor/evil Autobot.
We establish that the facility of Delphi is on "the edges of DJD territory"
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As characters introduce more details about the DJD, we find out a lot of "fun" facts about them:
They specialize in "extreme punishment" aka torture, as wee see a mech who looks like they've been completely stripped of armor and literally has their guts hanging out
They punish Decepticons who defect or turn traitor
Just witnessing the aftermath of what they do is enough to traumatize people (the Swerve line is played as a joke of how he was upset he couldn't talk, but the root cause of him not being able to talk was being traumatized by seeing the DJD's work)
Multiple Decepticons, including Drift who just earlier in MTMTE 5, tried to play off his fear of the DJD, say that they would rather be killed or euthanized than face the DJD
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And, most importantly in regards to Pharma... the DJD were literally going to kill everyone at Delphi and destroy the whole facility if Pharma didn't comply with Tarn's demands.
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And also: Delphi is harboring an ex-Decepticon who defected to the Autobots, aka one of the very people who the DJD are employed to track down and kill in the most gruesome of ways.
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So in other words, not only would the DJD have wanted to kill everyone at Delphi simply for being Autobots, it also stands to reason that they would have inevitably come to Delphi at some point in time because they would've come for Ambulon and, presumably, Pharma's deal with Tarn was the only thing keeping Ambulon safe (as we can extrapolate since his t-cog deal was keeping everyone at Delphi safe).
Though of course, the characters in the story (I'll focus on Ratchet for now) aren't privy to all of this. But I still find it rather callous of Ratchet to react the way he does
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Considering that before this conversation, he already knew the points mentioned above (including having the personal experience of Decepticons/Drift telling him they'd rather die than meet the DJD)
And what rubs salt in the wound is that later on Ratchet acknowledges that
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For most of his life, Pharma was a fantastic doctor.
Later on in certain flashbacks we also find out that Pharma and Ratchet worked together at the DMF before the war even started and continued to work with each other throughout the war (such as when they saw all the dead Wreckers cadets), dating their friendship as having lasted at least 4 million years long. So basically, Ratchet has an intimate knowledge of Pharma from them being friends virtually their entire lives.
Then Ratchet sees Pharma go from "a fantastic doctor" to a raving lunatic killing his patients and just....... doesn't notice anything amiss with this? The ONE PERSON IN THE UNIVERSE who was closer to Pharma than anyone else just didn't question this sudden, radical change in Pharma's demeanor? Even after knowing about the DJD being on Messatine? Even after being personally told that people would rather die than face the DJD? And Ratchet's first reaction to the whole situation is to say angrily to Pharma "You harvested organs on behalf of the DJD?!" as if it was some sort of choice Pharma did willingly.
It's not so much Ratchet being mad about Pharma killing people that gets to me, it's the aspect of how Ratchet was Pharma's best friend for 4+ million years, used to be inseparable from him at one point, and should therefore have known Pharma well enough to understand when he was acting out of character, both in regards to betraying his medical ethics and in regards to behaving erratically and acting stark raving mad.
Like really, this is just a personal thing, but as someone who HAS a best friend that I've been friends with for almost half my life at this point (and soon we'll have been friends for longer time than we didn't know each other), I can't fathom treating her the way Ratchet treated Pharma here. Anger and a feeling of betrayal, sure, but assuming the absolute worst of Pharma and not giving a single lick of care towards the circumstances all pointing flaming arrows to a sign that says "PHARMA WENT INSANE FROM BEING BLACKMAILED BY THE DJD"? That's just low, man.
TLDR: I thought that the sympathetic Pharma lore wrt his fear of/paranoia about the DJD was only established retrospectively, but it turns out the signs of Pharma being forced/driven mad by the DJD were there literally from the start of the Delphi arc and Ratchet just didn't give a shit about it I guess.
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loosingmoreletters · 10 months
"Court Drama, where Wei Wuxian fakes his death just so that people end up assuming he was murdered and pin the murder on his new identity."
My first read of that sentence was that he set up the whole thing - and I was trying to figure out what the end game would be. He wants to infiltrate a prison? Trying to uncover some other plot? Then I reread it and...now I think it was unintentional? He tried to fake his death but it got all messed up and now he's on trial for his own murder?
The latter yeah. Also an entirely self-indulgent omegaverse fic though I suppose you could technically write it without.
Uuuh essentially, due to some bullshit kinda shaped like the Wen starting their campaign, we get a wangxian arranged marriage. And Wei Wuxian goes into this under the assumption that he'll have shit to do. Meanwhile, we got LWJ and a guilt complex over landing WWX in this position so he just leaves WWX on his own? Just a whole lot of miscommunication.
And when the Wen do attack, Wei Wuxian decides "okay fuck this actually" and gets out because he's got better things to do than sit around doing nothing all day. So he runs off v much with the intention of faking his death in some form, but also the Wen very much did attack and there's a whole lot of blood and strange-looking talismans so the assumption is that Wei Wuxian is brutally killed, which ends up escalating the war.
And WWX, never idle, decides not to fuck with that perception and hide his identity. He comes across Wen Ning and Qing, some others, and kind of decides to pull a YLLZ.
Sunshot Campaign goes down, and the other sects/kingdoms/dukedoms idk gotta figure that out, are a little sus because WWX did take in Wen, even if he was fighting on their side. And then he pulls something that reminds people of the aftermath of his 'murder' so they end up thinking that the fearsome YLLZ murdered poor Wei Wuxian.
Self-indulgency featured into it because I was fucking around with the thought of a-Yuan as a wangxian baby and WWX partially staying away bc the whole miscommunication left him with the assumption he'd gonna end up like Madam Lan and well, better to run off when nobody knows and is on his case yet about potential heirs, right?
So yeah, idk if I'll ever actually write this bc sometimes my brain shelves anything vaguely omegaverse miscommunication mpreg plot into "this is so cringe, nobody wants to read this Letters, this is daydream material only" category and I feel guilty. Anyway, the summary in my notes is something like:
When the dust settles and the Emperor declares war, the entirety of the jianghu knows this: the Yiling Laozu killed Consort Wei.
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Actually, how I'm imagining Natsuo telling Enji - Enji is struggling to explain & apologize, Natsuo calls him a hypocrite for [insert incident here]. Enji's head snaps around so fast he gives everyone whiplash by proxy, "They fucking WHAT!?"
No I need to go into this for a hot minute because like.
(quick disclaimer I have to put on for the general 'I'm not excusing things' bit: Enji /did/ do some shit that he needs to answer for, but there's a lot of surrounding circumstances and miscommunication that made it a lot worse but he didn't know about/it was out of his hands.)
Anyway! This got a little long so
For /years/ Natsuo thinks that Enji is aware of this situation. That Enji was the one who sent the PR jackals after him. As angry as Natsuo was in the first place, justifiably so, he's even more angry after this. It also intensifies the 'oh you don't actually care about me' because he already got that in general being the middle child and being the one that didn't really have a 'purpose' in the family, but thinking Enji sent guys who would threaten him? Wow he must really not care about him and only keeps him around because he can't exactly get rid of him. (another reason Natsuo leaves the second he can. He expected to get kicked out the minute he was 18.)
And Natsuo /kinda/ brings it up, but never quite so explicitly because he thinks Enji knows what he's talking about. Enji does not, in fact, know what he's talking about, and is not always the best with subtle things, so he doesn't pick up on the situation.
Anyway. Skip ahead to how in Chaos Children they find out about Toya a little earlier at the end of the Hideout Raid arc and that kinda just decks Enji in the face with what all he's done and he starts trying to fix this shit as best he can.
And Natsuo has two reactions to this. Firstly, calling bullshit on Enji 'seeing the light' and wanting to change because clearly he doesn't actually care because of the previous incident with the PR Team this is just manipulation and he's not falling for it. And a secondary 'what if he /is/ realizing he fucked up, but ofc my attempts to point this out meant nothing he doesn't care about my opinion but when /Toya/ goes finally tells him to fuck off once.....'(reminder that Toya, pre-death, was only barely unpacking the 'bad' parts of the family dynamics and still very much looked up to Enji and adored and idolized him).
This confusion lasts until the Agency Arc where he got a little bit kidnapped and held hostage(as is typical for this family). And I make this a little bit worse in the fact that he almost dies which is a Big Problem. (This also involves how Enji finds out that Natsuo is actually fireproof haha....)
But like during that whole thing Enji is very fucking concerned about him which has Natsuo like '??? You care about me? The fuck??'. And it's in the aftermath at the hospital where Enji properly sits down and talks to Natsuo about some things and really like. Not only does he apologize but he also opens up about how much he thought what he was doing was totally normal and that, if he knew, he wouldn't have and wishes he could fix it. And how it doesn't excuse things, but still. He loves his kids, all of them including Natsuo, and he never intended to hurt them the way he did.
Natsuo is still very much not ready to 'forgive' (I don't think any of the kids truly 'forgive' in a way), but he's really seeing the sincerity of this situation.
But that's.... at odds with the incident with the PR team.
And Natsuo is looking at this like 'one of these things is wrong here' and the more and more he sees Enji genuinely /try/ with him and with the other siblings and even with Rei and with Rei backing up what Enji says..... he realizes the PR Team thing is weird as fuck.
So yeah just. Spills the beans.
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sapphire-weapon · 10 months
Do you have an headcanons on the direct aftermath of RE4R? I imagine there would be a lot of activity once they're both back on American soil, but I also feel like there's probably time for them to kill between getting off the jet ski and getting back home.
So an idea I've really been enjoying is that Leon takes the jet ski back to the village, takes the police cruiser that dropped him off (because this one doesn't go off of a bridge and fucking catch on fire like the one in OG lmao it's still just waiting there near the farm house), and retreads the road he took coming in in order to get back to the town he started in and, specifically, to the police station that was initially helping him out.
Because my thing is, like. They end up literally in the middle of fucking nowhere. I can't even tell what type of body of water that's supposed to be -- and, if it is actually the ocean, how the hell would Leon be able to get his bearings out there? Hunnigan's transmissions still aren't coming through, and it's not like he's able to connect to some sort of satellite navigation system. The only thing that makes sense to me is for them to not go very far at all and just sort of stay in terrain that's still familiar.
Of course, that then runs into the issue of the white American guy who's caked in mud and blood and literal shit and has like 20 guns strapped to him stepping out of a stolen police cruiser with the daughter of the US President. They would have to get hidden from public view as quickly as goddamn possible, and they'd have to get in touch with US military officers or other officials who have been looped in on this whole thing.
So, that's a whole thing that's like "this is the only thing that makes sense to me in terms of the logistics of how they get out of there and get back to civilization."
And now I'm going to tell you my purely self-indulgent headcanons of what happens after that, all of which have no basis in reality at all and fuck you I do what I want.
Once they get back to actual human society again and US authorities are notified of their safety and their location, the next thing to deal with is the fact that Leon has not slept or eaten in over 24 hours (well... proper slept; the 3-hour nap he took after the Del Lago fight is the only real rest he's had in this time), and Ashley isn't faring much better. Not only that, but they both had fucking radiation surgery just a few short hours ago, and Leon just basically fought an entire goddamn war all on his own.
They're both also probably coughing and hacking up bug parts at random intervals, but that's like a whole thing on its own.
There's an urgency to get them back States-side, sure -- but, considering the condition that they're both in, it's probably unsafe to actually put either of them in a plane right now. So, that means that they remain in the custody of/the responsibility of the poor, unfortunate, unlucky local Spanish chief of police that got tasked with being wrapped up in this bullshit in the first place.
So there's not much he can really do other than take both of them home with him.
His wife is thrilled (not). Thankfully, there's a spare bedroom in the house, because their kids are already adults and have long since moved out.
This gives Leon and Ashley both a chance to shower and eat something and sleep in an actual bed in an actual house. They're both also gifted a change of clothes, which makes Ashley break down and cry briefly with relief and gratitude -- and the sight of her doing that makes Leon choke up a little bit, too, but he maintains his composure.
And if you really didn't think I was going to "there's only one bed" this shit, like... what the fuck are we even doing here, man.
Leon tries to be like "I'll just sleep on the floor" at first because he's a dumb idiot boy, but Ashley's basically just like "if you don't lie down on this fucking bed I swear to god I'm going to start screaming and I don't know when or if I'm going to stop." because her nerves are shot and she's had her fill of Leon being the self-sacrificing hero and she just wants him to be comfortable and sleep on a fucking mattress that's dressed in clean sheets.
And despite how physically exhausted they both are, neither of them can seem to stay asleep more than an hour or two at a time. Every little bump and noise jolts them awake and puts them both on hyper alert, and they both have to remind themselves where they are and that they're safe and that they're jumping at shadows. And when they do finally drift back off again, it's not Ashley who has nightmares -- it's Leon. She, at one point, needs to wake him up from one particularly bad one that had him twitching and tossing and talking in his sleep. When he wakes, it's the first and only time Ashley can recall having ever seen him look truly afraid -- of anything.
They spend this time in between stretches of sleep having quiet conversations in hushed tones, and those conversations get deep and personal and vulnerable and intimate -- because they both feel like they're in a liminal space and none of this is really real, and when the new day comes and they're on their way back home, neither of them will remember what was said between them.
Of course, that's not true. But that's how it goes.
The best sleep they get is when they finally let go of the pretense between them and cling to each other for warmth and comfort. Leon holds her in his arms, and Ashley nuzzles the bridge of her nose into the nape of his neck, and their legs are tangled up between them. If we're feeling spicy, we can also add some slow, sensual makeouts and light-to-heavy petting also as well.
In fact, that's probably the best sleep Leon's had in years, period.
But the new day eventually breaks, and then it's off to rendezvous with some high-ranking military personnel and finally, really and truly, start the journey back home.
And that, officially, is where their fairy tale ends and reality comes back in.
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Made it through chapter 4 and talked about it with my mom. And hoo boy is there a lot to unpack 🤣
First of all, she got really mad at Crowley for leaving us at school and going on a vacation. (She legit was ready to punch Crowley when he refused our call). She did find the send off cute though but felt really bad for Riddle. She hopes that he'll become his own person and not his mother's puppet.
Then there's how she feels about the Scarabia duo. She ADORES Kalim, and calls him "that little sunshine" and thinks his Unique Magic is cool. She legit CRIED when Kalim cried omg 😂.
As for Jamil. She didn't really like him at first. At first. Though she thought he was handsome and charismatic. But after his true motivations were revealed, she absolutely hates him 😂. She literally dissed Jamil when we were pretending to praise him, calling him "Medusa and Jafar's love child". BUT when she saw his backstory, she did feel empathy but not sympathy towards him. In her own words, "While I understand where he's coming from, as being told to hold back your true skills is both frustrating and will make you envious and jealous of others' freedom, to pin it all on one person (Kalim) isn't the best or healthiest option."
She says that there are multiple people who deserve blame. His parents because they told him not to be better than Kalim. "They basically are the ones who started the fire of hate in his heart." She says. The whole class system, for obvious reasons. But the one person who deserves the most blame is Crowley for accepting a bribe from Kalim's parents and making Kalim housewarden with a bullshit excuse. All of them were really unfair towards Jamil and pretty much said the same thing "You're a smart boy, you understand right?" That line alone is enough to piss Jamil, and anyone really, off. She does praise Jamil for showing his true colors and vowing never to hold back in the end. In conclusion, my mom is kinda accepting of Jamil. For now.
She also found the Octavinelle trio hilarious but threatened to turn them into sushi when they told us to pay for the damages at Monstro Lounge and when Azul tried to get Kalim in a contract. She also expressed surprise at the Tweels and Azul's relationship.
During the end of the chapter, she actually deadpanned and said "who's this condescending Queen Bee" when she saw Vil.
Overall, she thought that Chapter 4 was the best chapter in her opinion.
Now I'm waiting for how she feels about Vil in chapter 5 cause it seems like she despises him more than she did Jamil. 😂
[I think this is the same Anon from this post and this post!]
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chksbskwbzks It’s been pretty interesting hearing these hot takes from your mom 😂 (I guess because this isn’t a perspective I hear from very often?)
I’m split on Crowley leaving for vacation and not answering his phone when Yuu tries to contact him. Yeah, it’s irresponsible for him to act like this, but I think we’re more offended by it knowing that Crowley is, in general, this level of incompetent (especially when we REALLY need him to come through for us in this very moment). Keep in mind that this is winter break, and teachers/staff usually also have this period off for the holidays themselves, so it’s normal to receive no responses or delayed responses during this time, no? I don’t think anyone really expected a super serious incident like this to unfold while they’re away as well.
The sendoff was really cute! 😭 It was nice briefly catching up with the characters we met in previous episodes!! I only wish we got to hear about the aftermath of the conversation that Riddle said he was going to have with his mother… I doubt that all of their issues went away with a single talk, but 🥲 just confronting her about the past is a good start. Maybe Riddle will have the chance to explore other career options for his fourth year internship (instead of concentrating on magic medicine like his mother wants him to). He could tackle law for one semester, then dabble in other areas for the remaining two internship periods.
xbsjwbksnwkw Why does your mom sound like such a cinnamon roll?? We could always use more Kalim appreciators 🥺
I think a lot of us have pretty complicated feelings surrounding Jamil 😂 Having empathy for the character rather than sympathy (the latter of which I think Jamil may actually take offense to, as this would be “pitying” his situation without truly understanding why it’s so awful for him) is similar to my own thoughts on the matter. It can feel so bad constantly being put down and having to hold yourself back from reaching what you know is your full potential, but it also wasn’t right for Jamil to blame it all on one person. However, it was the easiest thing for his young mind to do to cope with his circumstances, as Kalim embodies a lot of the issues Jamil has and is “soft” enough to be a convenient sponge for Jamil’s anger.
… Okay, but Jamil’s OB looks pretty ugly. I’ll give you that much 😂 It pretty much is a mishmash of Medusa and Jafar—
Mmm, Jamil’s trauma is unique in that it’s something deeply systemic and difficult to dismantle. It was definitely his parents who planted the ideas in him, but it was society that perpetuated it and kept Jamil down rather than encouraging him or recognizing his abilities. Crowley plays into this too, and I think his words are the ones that claimed Jamil’s last straw and set him plotting to overthrow Kalim. I really like that TWST didn’t neatly resolve Jamil’s issues at the end of the episode, but rather introduced it (and the start of his character growth) as Jamil deciding to live in his own way.
A lot of people tend to misunderstand Jamil’s issues with Kalim on an individual level rather than a societal one, and it sometimes leads to talking down the seriousness the Viper family’s circumstances 💦 I can’t count the number of times I’ve seen “Jamil should have told Kalim about his frustrations; Kalim is kind and would understand, he would set Jamil free” without the fans recognizing the consequences of it. (Ironically, this is also something Kalim does in 4; he tried relinquishing his dorm leader seat and even offers to leave school to appease Jamil, but the offers are all refused.) Jamil has to consider his family and how his liberation would affect them and ultimately their legacy and livelihood (which Jamil brings up in episode 4 when expositing his motivations); it’s akin to generational trauma because it can’t be resolved overnight. It requires difficult conversations, acknowledging wrongs, and working as a widespread collective to fix it. The blame is not solely on Jamil not communicating; it’s also in part on the society and the systems in which he and his family operate.
… I mean, regardless of the reason for it, it was still legitimate damage to the lounge so I think (even if it was scummy to do), Octavinelle had every right to demand compensation. Otherwise, he’d be eating up the costs for that significant damage, and that’s not smart for a money grubber reputable business owner like Azul to do. And hey, what’s an octopus to do when he runs jnto Mr. Moneybags Kalim? He’s got to take advantage of opportunities and potential suckers customers while he can!
Azul and the twins’ relationship is so complex, man 🤡 I could honestly talk forever about it if given the chance bisvsjwnzksiwjd (but instead, I’ll link this post to get the basics of my thoughts out—)
I find it so funny (?) when people call Vil a “Queen Bee” type because while he definitely comes off as one at first, I found that (in the long run), I see Octavinelle as acting more like the stereotypical high school Mean Girls than Vil does 😂 Like, Vil certainly gives off a strong first impression (and not a very positive one), but I do think he ultimately has a stronger moral compass than most of the OB boys we’ve seen so far.
(Note: If you play EN, it has cut out content from parts of episode 5 😣 so I’d recommend looking up “Minna de Yahoo” and the deleted ending scene to get the full episode 5 experience!)
Anyway!! Episode 4 was also my favorite for a long time, the writing was pretty solid and I loved all the character interactions 😌 but then episode 6 happened and that one became my favorite—
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slinket · 4 months
The Aftermath
Chapter 3
I hate this chapter. I just wasn't feeling it at all. Might be that I am currently covid positive, but I was like, I need to put something out.
A03 Link
Chapter 3
Sebastian could feel the anger rising within him.  ‘They spent a week together?  What the hell?  When?’  It dawned on him that Ominis had left Feldcroft for a week to visit with a cousin.  Seb knew how weird the family was, so he didn't ask for details, concerned he would have to hear about Ominis being forced to marry and breed with said cousin.  ‘Why were they together? What had they done?  It's only been a matter of time until Threnody and I get together.  We just haven’t yet because he is always around.   And what the hell could have possibly happened during a class?’  Sebastian was breathing harder, and moved his body closer to the opening of the stairs, he needed to hear every detail.  He felt his blood boil at Ominis’ next words.
“Do you regret kissing me?”
“No, of course I don't”  Threnody’s voice had become a whisper.
“I don’t know if I could have stopped if we hadn’t been interrupted.”  The husky tone of Ominis’s words hit Sebastian like a ton of bricks.  “Would you have wanted me to stop?”
Sebastian felt nauseous hearing Ominis ask Threnody these questions.  ‘Yes, say yes Threnody. You don’t want him.’
“Stop?  Ominis, I still think about how stupid I was for not locking the door.  No, I didn’t want you to stop, I wanted everything with you.”
‘This is a nightmare, it has to be, They wouldn’t have betrayed me like this.  Now I’m going to lose my two best friends because they want to fuck around?  Nah, I don’t think so.’’  Sebastian pleaded in his mind for the knowledge of Threnody and Ominis being intimate with each other to be false.  He heard them shifting around, and was hoping Threnody was moving away from Ominis.  An image flashed in his mind of she and Ominis laying as they were, sans clothing, shifting her hips back and forth.  He was making himself sick.
“Want, Ominis, still want, but I…I just don’t think we can.”
“Because we don’t know how he…”
“No, I will not let him dictate our lives.  Renny…”
Sebastian watched as Threnody lay her head against Ominis.  He could hear her saying something, but was unable to make out the words.  Threnody brought her hands to Ominis’ face and pressed her lips softly to his.  Sebastian was fuming.  His mouth hurt from how hard he had been clenching his teeth.  He knew he couldn’t sit there anymore, so he turned to return up to his dorm.  Throwing himself into bed, needing to look like he had been asleep before Ominis came into the room.  ‘I’ll kill him.  He doesn’t get to have her like that unless I get it too.  Keeping things even Threnody?  Bullshit.  You’ve got a lot to make up for with me then.’  He heard Ominis sneak into the room and move towards the bed.  Sebatian pulled the curtains closed, and spent the night thinking about how he could help end things between the two of them.  Ruin things between Threnody and Ominis before they took things too far.   They didn’t need to end up hating the other, they just needed to not want to be together.  He stared into the dark plotting until sleep took him.
The next few days passed without incident.  Threnody had spoken to Ominis about keeping their blossoming relationship quiet.  She wanted to let Sebastian know before anyone else, but neither of them knew how to share the news with him.  Both of them worried about how Sebastian would react.
“When you and I started to spend more time with each other, that's also when Sebastian really fell into the dark arts.  I don’t know how he is going to feel when he finds out that you and I..” Threnody tapered off.  
Ominis nodded and cleared his throat.  “He told me later that he felt as though you and I were getting ready to abandon him.  His parents being gone, Anne being sick, the dark arts were the only thing that offered him hope at that point.”
“We can’t tell him, not yet Ominis.”
“I understand why we need to bring this to him slowly, and I can live with that, but I will not let his feelings keep us apart.”
Time continued to pass, and Threnody found it difficult to find any time away from Sebastian.  It was as if he was everywhere.  She and Ominis had not been alone together since the night in the common room, except for History of Magic, and that wasn’t exactly the most romantic place.  They remained sitting in the back of the classroom, quietly holding hands under the table, but doing no more.  While Threnody hadn’t been planning on jumping into bed with Ominis immediately, she certainly thought they could have kissed again.  No such luck.  
Ominis had whispered to her in class one day that he could talk to Sebastian, let him know they both needed a break from him, but Threnody kiboshed that idea.  The guilt she felt over keeping this secret from Sebastian convinced her to just wait this out.  She believed that if Sebastian was this needed, something must be going on, and that it was better both she and Ominis be there to support him.  They would find time alone eventually.
A couple times a week, Threnody and her whole crew of friends had breaks at the same time and would meet for lunch.  She liked these days because with all the chaos of the group eating and talking, it allowed her and Ominis to secretly touch without anyone noticing.  Except for the days that Sebastian would sit between them, which happened more often these days.
This time at lunch, Sebastian sat across from the two, so taking advantage of the situation, Threnody had her hand resting on Ominis’ leg once again separating Threnody and Ominis, but she tried not to focus on it too much.  It was easy to do that day because of Garreth loudly making his way over to the table.  
Flexing as if his friends would be impressed, Garreth announced “Ladies and Gentlemen, you are looking at the newest member of the sex club.”
He was met with silence and darting eyes.  
Imelda was the first to respond. “Aww, did Garreth discover his pee pee for the first time?  Finally learned to touch yourself?”
“What?  No.  I had sex.  With a person.  A female to be exact.”
.  All at once, the questions started flying.  “Who was it?” “Why are you telling us this?” “Congratulations” “Give me the details.”  It was hard to follow who was saying what.
“A gentleman never tells.  It was Addie, and it was great. Well, great as a first time can be, I suppose.”
“Garreth, you just said a gentleman never tells.”  Amit looked at Garreth with annoyance.
“I thought you knew me well enough to know I am no gentleman.”   Garreth moved his eyebrows up and down.  “Now, as president of the club, I am willing to help all of our ladies here join.”
Imelda scoffed.  “Not likely Weasley.  Besides, what makes you think we’re all virgins?  you’ve got ladies man Sallow over there, he’s probably been in the club since 1st year.”
“It was my 6th year, thank you very much, Imelda,”  Sebastian countered.  
“Oh, held yourself back huh?  Anyways, I have not been innocent, but I haven’t done everything yet.  The rest of you, spill.”  Imelda continued.
Threnody was very uncomfortable with the conversation.  Usually, she wouldn’t feel at odds, but now that she was trying to hide a boyfriend, she didn’t want to slip up and share something she shouldn’t.   She followed along the table, Amit saying he was not a member, Poppy surprisingly admitted to having slept with someone.  
Finally the conversation came around to Threnody.  “I have not had sex.  I’ve only kissed.”
“As I guided you through your first kiss, I can also guide you through your first time, Threnody.”  Garreth moved a hand across the table, grabbing her wrist.
“Actually Garreth, you were not my first kiss.”
“What?  Yes I was, it was during that game, remember?”
Imelda interrupted before Threnody could respond.  “Zip it Weasley, Ominis still hasn’t told us his status.”
“And I am not going to answer, unlike Garreth, I do consider myself to be a gentleman, and things like that are private matters.”
“Oh come off it, Ominis. You don’t always have to be so high and mighty.”  Sebastian smirked.  There was a look in his eye that differed from usual.  The simple carefree humor seemed to have a darkness behind it.  “Ominis here lost his virginity this summer.”
“Sebastian!”  Ominis turned to face Sebastian, his face burning with anger.  Threnody’s hand wretched away from Ominis and moved to cover her mouth.   “This summer?  But…Ominis and I...did he sleep with someone after we met up?  We never made anything official then, but still.”
“Ominis, you sly dog, I knew you were a lady killer.”  Leander reached over to pat him on the back.
“Like you have any right to be angry with me Ominis, you’re the one who fucked my sister.”  The words flew from Sebastian’s mouth, causing the whole group to gasp.  Threnody was shocked.  At no point had Ominis ever expressed that he had feelings for Anne.  Certainly none strong enough to warrant sex.  Paranoia started to trickle into Threnody’s mind.   She had spent much of her 5th year under the impression that Anne and Ominis were together, but keeping it quiet due to her illness.  Anne had revealed to Threnody after everything went down that she had been pining for Ominis for some time, even asking how to go about letting him know.  Threnody could only assume now that Anne did have that conversation with Ominis, and clearly he reciprocated, which left her feeling empty and utterly used.  Her mind was working overtime. She looked down at her plate, focusing there to keep herself calm, she didn’t want to display her emotions here, knowing she would have so much to explain. Her romance with Ominis had barely begun and she felt foolish feeling so upset over this information.
His eyebrows dropping as Threnody pulled away, Ominis stood up and pointed his wand at Sebastian.  “That was not your secret to share, Sebastian, and it was a secret for a reason.”  Sebastian scoffed as Ominis stormed away.  Everyone at the table was quiet, not sure how they should be reacting.  
“He needs to get over it.  I’m not going to feel bad because I exposed his secret love affair with my sister.  Not fair to her.  Ominis should have let everyone know that he and Anne are together, now he is acting like he’s ashamed of dating her.”
“He and Anne are dating?  You made it sound as though he had just slept with her.  I’d say it’s pretty normal for people our age to be having sex, at least he’s made a commitment.”  Amit shook his head as he played with the food on his plate.  “Did you consider, Sebastian, that Anne is the one that wanted to keep it a secret?”
Sebastian scoffed as he got up to leave.  Their lunch time had expired, and Threnody sat still at the table while her friends got up to walk away.  She watched Sebastian go with a smile on his face, which seemed odd that he would be happy after upsetting his best friend.  
Poppy remained behind, moving closer to her.  “Threnody, something about that didn’t seem quite right, don’t you agree?  I can understand Ominis not sharing his relationship with Anne with all of us, but for you not to know is odd.  I wonder why he wouldn’t have told you.”
“Heh.  I know exactly why he didn’t tell me.”  Threnody looked up at Poppy, the tears brimming her eyes finally starting to fall.  “He and I…’had a moment’ at my brother's wedding this summer.  He made it seem like he…no, I mean he told me he had feelings for me - so why would, I just don’t understand Poppy.”
Poppy wrapped her arm around Threnody, letting her cry into her shoulder.  “Telling you he had feelings for you would not be an easy thing for him to do, and he is not the type to make something up like that.  Can I ask what happened between you two at the wedding?  Could you have misunderstood him?”
“We snogged, majorly, and then we were laying on the couch and just, I don’t know how I could have read that wrong.  Besides, he just told me again while being back at school.”  She sniffled as she wiped the tears from her cheek.
“No, he wouldn’t do that, especially not to you Ren.  I know he didn’t deny sleeping with Anne, but he was gone by the time Sebastian said they were dating - maybe Sebastian is mistaken.”
“Maybe, I’ll have to track him down and ask him.  Either I’ll end up feeling better, or he will end up with a black eye.”
‘That went better than I thought it would.  The look on Ren’s face, oh, she is done with Ominis.  Nothing like your girlfriend finding out you had sex with another woman to ruin things. Ha.’
Threnody spent the rest of the day mulling around and looking for Ominis.  She wasn’t trying very hard to find him though.  Still afraid of the conversation that they would have.  She had checked the common room, and the Undercroft, with no luck and no idea where else he may have gone.  She only began to worry as the sun was setting.  No one had seen him since lunch.  Her last hope to find him was down at the docks.  He didn’t often go near the water, but she had looked everywhere else.
She let out a sigh when she heard sniffling from around the corner.  She knew it was him.  
“I…I don’t know what to say, Ren.  I have nothing to deny.”
She walked over to him and sat down.  Her legs dangling over the edge, tempting whatever lay beneath the surface of the water.
“Was it before or after us?  That’s all I need to know.”
“Before, Oh, you mustn't think I would have been intimate with Anne after I had told you how I felt for you, I would never do that.”
“So….Sebastian said you were dating.  Is that not true?”
“Dating?  Gods no!  I don’t know why he would think that, I have no desire to be with her.”
“Maybe because most people date a person they have sex with.”  Threnody was trying to keep herself calm.  While it was a relief that she hadn't been the ‘other woman,’ the whole thing was still upsetting.
It was silent for a bit, Threnody just watching his face.  He must have been crying, his eyes were red and tired.  It hurt her to know he was hurting.  “How did it happen then?  It’s not like you could have just tripped and slipped inside.”  
Ominis brought his hand up to his face, running it across his forehead and using his hand to slightly hide himself.  “It happened because Anne specifically asked me to have sex with her, and Sebastian encouraged the…copulating.”
Threnody grabbed his hand and pulled it from his face.  When she went to let go, Ominis squeezed her hand, hoping that she wouldn’t pull away.  She kept their hands together.
“Umm.. what?  Sebastian said he and Anne had just started speaking again, how … wow.”
“Mmm, it seems they have been communicating for a while.  She wrote to me early in the summer, letting me know she was coming to visit.  She mentioned wanted to talk to me about something, but didn’t go into detail.
After she arrived and was settled, she pulled me aside to talk to me.  She told me how she had been fairing, she believed herself to be getting worse.  She said she didn’t want to die while still a virgin.  I mean, she mentioned several things she wanted to do, but the one she needed me for was…sex.”
He paused to allow his words to sink in, giving Threnody a chance to speak, should she want.  She kept silent, but ran her finger across his knuckles, encouraging him to continue.
“I said I couldn’t, but she pleaded with me.  She told me to talk to Sebastian about it, and I did.  Apparently she had spoken to him about this, and he agreed; that she would be better off with someone she cared for rather than a stranger.  So, he was pressuring me now as well.  And, I do understand where they were coming from.  The only other male in her life is Sebastian, and he wouldn’t be doing it, so they looked to me,  I agreed.  Reluctantly.  I was very clear with them that while I do love Anne, it is not in a romantic way, and I would be doing this simply as a….well, I said favor, but really, meeting a dying girl's request.   A few nights later, Sebastian went out for the night as she and I…spent the night together.”
He turned to face Threnody, his eyes trying to search for hers.  She moved a hand to cup his cheek and guide him, so that he was looking into her eyes.
“I am sorry I didn’t tell you.  It wasn’t meant to ever be exposed, and it meant nothing to me.  I don’t understand why Sebastian told everyone.”
Threnody leaned forwards and kissed him lightly on the lips.  His eyes were closed when she pulled away.  “You’re not angry with me?”
“No, Ominis, not angry.  Honestly, it's not surprising that you did something so….I guess generous would be the word?  Besides, with both of them asking, I’m sure even I would have agreed to sleep with Anne.”
They laughed softly together for a moment, foreheads pressed together, legs swinging in sync.
“So, out of curiosity…how was it?”  She scrambled to get more words out before he responded.  “I don’t mean details or anything I guess I just, like, was having sex, good?”
“No.  It was awful if I’m to be honest.  Neither of us had any idea of what we were doing, and being blind didn’t help when it came to, ahem…insertion.  I made sure that she orgasmed, I think the whole thing was more about that then actual sex.  But I….I knew I wouldn’t be able to finish, so I, gods forgive me, I faked finishing.”
“You faked it?  Oh lord Ominis!”  She was laughing harder, “I’m not laughing at you, I swear, I just…. what a terrible situation!”  
He started laughing with her.  “No, it’s okay to laugh.  It was incredibly awkward and uncomfortable.  I think it would have been better if she and Sebastian weren’t twins though.”
“Oh, how would that have helped?”
“Well, my knowledge of twins is that they are the same.  Look the same.  I know they can’t be identical as they are different sexes but, still.  I have a picture in my head of what Sebastian looks like, and I couldn't help but ‘see’ his face, but with breasts and a vagina.  It was….I could barely keep myself hard.”
Threnody couldn’t help herself, she rolled onto her back laughing.  “Oh gods Ominis, that is, I am so sorry,”
Ominis leaned over her and brought his lips down.  They first found her shoulder, and then he moved up her neck.  “I’m glad my misery is bringing you so much joy.”  When he was finally able to find her lips, he pressed his against hers, his tongue flicking against her asking her to open for him.  Threnody reached up and took his face in her hands, her fingers running through his hair, letting her tongue move with his.
“Mmmm, well, let's hope the next time you have sex, it's better for you.”  She kept kissing him as she moved back up, before pulling away to stand.
His face tracked her, standing up to move beside her.  “Oh, I think it will be,” he pressed himself against her rear, running his hand over her stomach and pulling her back, making sure she could feel how hard she had made him.  “I do wonder when that next time might happen?”
“Well, you’ll wonder a little longer.”  Threnody laughed once more as they walked together back to the school.
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syscourse-confessions · 9 months
I am genuinely so sick of how toxic certain areas of the pro endo community are- and how much so many people still act like that part doesn't exist, or isn't as bad as it is. To start off, I am pro endo. I believe endogenic systems exist, and I never have and never will tell any other system that they are wrong about being a system or any other fakeclaiming bullshit like that. Despite that, I've dealt with so much shit in the pro endo side of the community, to the point were I drifted away and stopped publicly labeling as pro endo because I didn't feel welcome or safe in the general community.
I've had my boundaries pushed more times than I can count. Especially if I had the audacity to make a post that was explicitly for *traumagenic systems*. I have had so many boundaries broken just for that. Just for making a post that wasn't for endogenic systems. Nowhere in it did I say I hated endos or thought they were fake or any other shit anywhere like that. But apparently, I am not allowed, as a traumagenic system, to make posts specifically for people like me without dealing with a literal wave of harassment in the aftermath.
On top of that, I very distinctly remember being told while more heavily in the pro endo community, getting told shit like being told I was privilaged for being traumagenic & disordered because it meant that "people don't assume you're faking". Like genuinely treated it as if DID & OSDD systems and traumagenic systems in general do not deal with fakeclaiming. Like having a heavily stigmatized disorder and a shit ton of childhood trauma was actually a fucking privilage.
And that's not even getting into the amount of bigotry I've faced in the community. The amount of ableism; people treating me like me being disordered was inherently worse or lesser than the experience of being a non-disordered system. Like trauma and disability being a core part of my experience with being a system was wrong. Outright mocking me and/or other traumagenic systems for our disabling symptoms and even our trauma. Not to mention the amount of racism I've seen and dealt with as a system of color. The amount of people who wanted so badly to treat me like shit for not wanting my *closed culture* appropriated (I'm Native American. No one better even try to argue it isn't closed). Pushing racial stereotypes on me when they didn't like what I was saying. Not to mention the amount of times I've seen and dealt with white systems, especially in pro endo circles, tokenizing poc in their communities. And the way certain spiritualities or non atheistic systems isn't great either, although depending on the situation there isn't any 1 specific name that form of discrimination falls under that I can think of.
Between all of these things, I genuinely feel unsafe a lot of the time in pro endo circles. They're not a friendly or welcoming space for me as a minority, as a trauma survivor, or even as a system specifically. And it is so, so fucking tiring.
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