#because i’m not a violent person
koushuwu · 11 months
superior being extra annoyingly loud with the typing today, and i am being so brave about it.
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your-enby-antihero · 2 months
Imagine you’re Kipperlilly Copperkettle, you’re in the forest that you’ve been training in since freshman year, something happens you and your entire party die. You all get the choice, die or accept a god of rage and conquest and become something bigger. You’re Kipperlilly and you want to be interesting, you hate Riz Gukgak because why couldn’t your parents be wrapped up in a world ending conspiracy so that you and your friends are destined to save the world too. You hate Kristen Applebees because no matter how hard you try you know that people in this stupid school will choose something because it’s funny, because on a grander scale than you can’t understand you are in a comedy series about magic high schoolers not real life so the funniest choice will become true. You are trying to work on your anger you see the guidance counsellor all the time to put in the work, but on spring break you change and now whatever fuels you tells you that you just hate The Bad Kids because why do they get to be Arthur Aguefort’s favourites? You hate your new party name, you hate the perceived unfairness of the school, you hate your stupid boring life and you hate The Bad Kids because everyone there is best friends and your friend is dead.
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pierregaslays · 30 days
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fingertipsmp3 · 18 days
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This is the spiritual successor to Four Seasons Landscaping. To me.
#the political career of rishi sunak over the past two years is something that is absolutely fascinating to me#mans kicks off the mass resignation of virtually everyone of relevance in the johnson government just for a shot at power#manages to climb over everybody else in the leadership campaign; loses at the last hurdle to liz truss#(the human embodiment of a soggy ball of iceberg lettuce you left in your fridge and forgot about)#when truss’s premiership imploded he was right there to… further cock things up?#his highlights include hiring back a cabinet minister who had literally been fired the previous day#after 18 months; his party finally got sick enough of him violently hydroplaning down the highway to hell that they threatened him#with a vote of no-confidence#so he went out in the rain and went straight to charles iii of all people to ask him to dissolve parliament. as you do#and called a general election WHILE STILL IN THE RAIN and while the most unserious music imaginable played in the background#because i guess he thought ‘if i’m going down i’m bringing all of you with me’ ?????#knowing that unless something absolutely bananas happens; he is essentially handing over the country to keir starmer mind you#and then today someone placed him in front of a morrisons sign in such a way that his big head makes the sign look like it says ‘moron’#and photographed him as such. i’m obsessed. no notes#i will not miss this idiot but i can’t say i haven’t been entertained. because i have#i’m like genuinely impressed with how much the tories have managed to fuck up in so many different ways#to be honest ever since david cameron resigned and walked off humming; nothing has been normal here#i mean things were bad before that but good god#personal
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halfelven · 4 months
but whyyyyyy does so much of ‘it ends with me’ have to be still awake at 4 in the morning crying from griefs you didn’t have the time or space or safety to feel 20 years ago?????
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If you could relive any of your memories, which would it be?
Okay I really had to think about this and I’m a bit torn, but I’ve settled for one of the two memories that have been contending for first place. I’ll tell you both of them anyway.
The one that has NOT won first place is from 2021, me playing skribbl.in with my discord friends late in the night. I think this will always be one of my most cherished memories because I love skribbl.io, and I’m not allowed to stay up late and I had done it anyway (by sneaking), and my parents are constantly paranoid that I’ll end up talking to someone on the internet (I’m not allowed to speak to people on the internet. Which I do anyway. That’s the only way I can network as an artist who rarely goes out in public.) and getting whisked away and kidnapped and sold for body parts, so I was basically breaking a lot of rules that I didn’t agree with AND I was having a wonderful time with people that cared about me and listened to me and it’s yeah honestly such a cherished memory.
The memory that WON FIRST PLACE tho, is not so glamorous. It was in 2018, I think, and I was in India. I had twisted my ankle a few weeks prior to this memory, and it was raining as I was walking out from school to the bus. I was limping and I had an umbrella with flowers on it. These three guys (from school) behind me poked my umbrella and at first I thought it had been an accident so I ignored them, but then I heard them laughing at me. And making fun of my limp. I ignored them because I was limping and I couldn’t really do much if they all decided to get physical. But they actually followed me quite a ways and eventually they also started making fun of my British accent, and I was getting REALLY fucking worked up. I don’t actually remember what the trigger was, but suddenly I just turned around, limped over to the three guys, and just straight up punched them. They were just standing there while I limped over to them. The one that was in my class turned on his heel and ran in the opposite direction the moment I started limping towards them because he’s seen me in action but the other two guys just stood there like Tf is this little girl gonna do. So I went over, and punched them good. And the look on their faces? I want to see that look again. That day was the day I incited fear in guys from all across my year-group because until then it was only within my class. After that day no one bothered me again, everyone was respectful to me. I really really want to see that look again because the memory of their expressions has all but faded and I really want to just cement that into my brain to cheer me up with I’m feeling low and useless. Btw after I punched them and saw the look on their faces I just turned right around and headed for my bus and they didn’t follow. That adrenaline was coursing through my blood vessels and my heart was thrumming. I only processed what I’d done when I was sitting in the bus. It was a great feeling.
So yeah you’re welcome for the enormous answer.
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ohitslen · 1 year
Vash attacks when he defends himself or others will resort to be a bit more aggressive and violent in nature in the timeskip meisthinking
Imagine going from “no need to shoot to this person that is not acceptable” to “maybe shooting this person on the knees is the most viable option right now”. Wouldn’t that be amazing
I mean. That’s terrible. But wouldn’t that be amazing
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probably not going to be active a lot for a while, trying to not be so chronically online for once. Might check once a day but I’m going to try to take a break for a bit. I have some personal stuff to sort out. I won’t be completely gone, but I’m going to try limiting myself from checking Tumblr to about once a day.
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ask-cloverfield · 8 months
I know nothing about Spider-Man 2 Insomniac so I don’t know if it does. But I think it would be fun for a take where an older nicer Spidey gets the symbiote and it doesn’t just like make him more violent,
but is also used to highlight that Peter in his younger years was a very very angry Teen and young adult who has through a lot of work become the significantly more approachable and friendly modern Spidey that gets portrayed nowadays.
Its not that the symbiote just makes Peter mean and angsty but it like interferes a lot of the effort and conscious thought he has made into not being that very very easily agitated young man.
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age-of-moonknight · 8 months
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“An Unquiet Grave,” Moon Knight: City of the Dead (Vol. 1/2023), #4.
Writer: David Pepose; Penciler: Marcelo Ferreira; Inker: Jay Leisten; Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Cory Petit
#Marvel#Marvel comics#Marvel 616#Moon Knight: City of the Dead#Moon Knight comics#latest release#Moon Knight#Marc Spector#when I tell you that I am so endlessly fascinated by the largely uncharted narrative territory that is Marc’s#(potentially quite short if we’re going with Lemire’s more recent timeline) combat service#and what that could mean for the character as a whole#because according to earlier works#and even in the opening issues of McKay’s run there’s textual evidence indicating that Marc -#before any environmental factors such as combat service#and definitely not in conjunction with him developing a better understanding that he is part of a system -#viewed himself as a near inherently violent person#[Mainly I’m thinking of bits of Moon Knight (Vol. 1/1980) no. 37 + Shadowland: Moon Knight (Vol. 1/2010) no. 1#and perhaps most definitively Moon Knight (vol. 9/2021) no. 5’s ‘there was /never/ anything kind or gentle in me’]#but no individual leaves close combat experience such as this unchanged#obviously taking a man’s life had an impact but what I wouldn’t give to know more about what Marc thought this revealed about him#was the fact he could actually take a man’s life a revelation for him or#(closer to what I’m leaning towards) was it a confirmation of his worst fears about himself#that there’s no other factor to blame -neither environmental nor psychological - that he himself was always capable#of great crimes against life#plus (sorry I know I know I’m going on) but I would give a good amount of my personal resources to see Marc’s DD-214#because otherwise I will hold onto with both hands Lemire’s perhaps unintentional indication in Moon Knight (vol. 8/2016) no. 11#that Marc saw combat in Operation Phantom Fury/al-Fajr (‘the second battle of Fallujah’)#because it could just…mean so much for the character#As perhaps first indicated in Lemire’s run the implications surrounding ‘marine combat service’ are drastically different#between the present day and the 1980’s when Moon Knight’s origin was being solidified so yeah…
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xieyaohuan · 9 months
First conference that includes a self-defense class
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An old lady got stabbed on the train in my city and now I’m spiralling lmaoooo
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lostangel2006 · 1 year
No but going over my point again, it’s so obvious how much sympathy men get in comparison to women when you see how the internet has treated Chris Chan compared to J.K. Rowling. Both get constant harassment, but liberals CONSTANTLY will dispose their understanding and sensitivity to Chris Chan’s situation but if any nuance or critical thinking is allowed to J.K.’s situation, just any reaction other than ‘fuck that b*tch’ is an automatic spot on the terf blocklist. Mind you Chris Chan is a literal fucking rapist.
Liberal’s common detraction to give any support towards that she’s a rich white woman that has threatened a minority, so it’s open season to launch any attacks on her. Wait, isn’t Chris Chan also a:
-White ✔️
-Rich (obvious not a billionaire but has been able to live out of a basement playing video games for over 20 years, so atleast comfortable financially to my knowledge, by the way I know very little about this person by the way because I don’t not fucking care about his life, so any working class lens of discussion is void.)
-Woman (when I was 12 he was still calling himself Christine so by tra terms, yes.) ✔️
-Threatened a minority (assaulting an elderly woman) ✔️
And the common defense given to Chris Chan is that they’re a neurodivergent minority that’s been constantly under attack for just living their life so back off you monsters. Yeah attacking an autistic person for their interests is shitty but when this weirdo commits literal crimes and gets backlash for it that’s when y’all are on the defense squad, but when a woman who gets bomb threats while not physically putting hands on anyone to harm them, she isn’t the one getting the babying because she ‘deserves it’, and so many people have no regards or morals when doxxing and suicide baiting radfems and problematic women who fit the exact same neurodivergence card because in that situation ‘it’s not an excuse actually’ but for a male it is. Hmmmm
It’s literally that the average person has more empathy for a socially unadjusted nerd that just so happens also to be a rapist and domestic abuser than a politically problematic woman, yay wow amazing I love it.
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monster42069 · 7 months
Thank you for apparently saving my life while I couldn’t cope with abuse as a toddler/very young child, Turner Classic Movie Channel. 🫡
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these violent delights is actually kind of ruining my life because i’ve never read something that portrays a characters self hatred so thoroughly and unavoidably and entirely Needlessly. it’s tearing me apart if i’m being quite honest
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Okay someone fact check me if I’m wrong but I feel like Lottie’s the only Yellowjacket we’ve never seen lie, she’s just out here being entirely honest about what she’s feeling and what vibes she’s picking up and she so genuinely wants to help people because if she can feel comfort in the wilderness or the cult intentional group she wants others to help others feel it too
So she sees that Shauna needs to be angry and for her then that means violent so Lottie volunteers to be the punching bag
But Lottie only ever does what feels honest and true to her so on some level she feels she deserves that beating
This is fine this is fine this is fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine
#yellowjackets#Lottie matthews#is fascinating I want to study her like a bug#shauna shipman#as well like. ohhhh I fucking Love when characters lose their shit#obviously people in real life should not be violent so not come for me#but like. as a narrative device??? a character who gets so fucking betrayed by the plot and so fucking hurt#that the only way she can feel not even better just like not worse is violence??.#inject that shit into my veinssssssssss#this trope applies only to non men#but oh I do love it#a character who is so fucking broken down that she absolutely loses her shit on someone that everyone around her trusts??.#but she’ll never trust again because all that trust and care didn’t save them or protect them in the end?#I fucking Love it#like. we never see shauna tell anyone she wanted the baby. we never her see her say anything positive about it#which valid. it was a fucking miserable terrible situation#but everyone heard Lottie be positive about it! and hopefully! and loving and wanting it!#and now it’s gone and now shauana can never tell anyone she wanted it! she probably never has!!!#so she beats the ever living shit out of the only person who exprssed the feelings she never got the chance to!#I’m fine! this is fine!#god this show is so gooooood there’s so many dynamics with all the characters#plus the way adult shauna and adult Lottie are fine with each other#the way shauna beating Lottie half to death is followed by them dancing together and genuinely havin a nice time#that’s fucking Art. poetic cinema
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