#because i can watch carol all day every day and yet
cultofdixon · 7 months
Falling for you…wasn’t meant to hurt
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • The two of you grew close because the universe thought you were meant to be. But Daryl agreeing to let you help him find Carol’s daughter, he didn’t expect anything bad to happen • ANGST/SFW • TW: Impalement / Injuries / Anxiety / Restlessness
Requested by: Anon
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“If you’re gonna go search for the kid, don’t go alone.”
“Fine” Daryl made his way toward the camp outside the farm house as Rick gave him a confused look.
“Who are yea takin’?”
“Y/N” He states without a second thought in mind as Rick quickly grabs his shoulder stopping him.
“You sure that’s your best option?”
“I trust her more than you, Rick. She’s more than the best choice” Daryl retracts from the man continuing his way over to the tent city they have going on as Y/N’s was on the side closest to Daryl’s.
“Who’s that?” Merle elbows his brother to look at the woman seated on top of the RV.
Daryl looked over trying to get a good look at her face but when he couldn’t. He gave up and told Merle not to go there knowing damn well his brother was going to holler at her.
Then later in the night, Daryl went over to the camp fire they always have going when dinner was made from whatever he and Merle caught. He went to get him and his brother some dinner only for the woman from the roof of the RV to hand him two prepared plates before he could ask somebody to.
“It’s Y/N by the way”
“My name. I’m the “who’s that” from the other day” Y/N gave him a small short lived smile before looking down at the book laid in her lap.
Daryl stood there a bit awkward while holding the plates as he cleared his throat to get her beautiful E/C eyes to look up at him.
Her smile shot back instantly making his heart beat quicken.
“Don’t be a stranger, Daryl”
“Do you trust Rick?” Y/N asks Daryl as he was getting one of the Greene’s horses strapped with a saddle.
“Don’t know yet, more than Shane if it came to that though”
“Ugh. In those terms I agree…I just. Don’t understand how he’s so blind to their nonsense” Y/N frowns looking over to the camp while Daryl did his thing but his attention seemed to always fixate on her when she didn’t seem alright.
“Ready. Least I think I got this shit on right”
“You ride a horse before?”
“Uh. No, shouldn’t be too hard”
“If we had the resources like the old world, I’d tell yea to wear boots. So your feet wouldn’t slip from the stirup” Y/N stared watching Daryl get on with ease extending his hand for her as he kept his cool when her smile practically shot him. “Don’t do anything too crazy, cowboy”
“Wouldn’t dream of it” Daryl chuckles lightly as his mind was running miles at everything she did, even if it was the smallest thing of wrapping her arms around his waist. “Alright, let’s get”
God I really hate horses Y/N thought as she held onto Daryl for dear life wishing they went on foot.
I can’t focus On the other hand, Daryl’s mind raced having her this close.
But a good thing can’t last forever in the end of the world.
Daryl cared, but he also didn’t. In the moment he didn’t care about anybody else except her when he returned from Atlanta to find out a herd was crashing through.
Not that she needed any help given every walker that came toward her, met the short end of the stick.
Once the horror show came to an end and many were mourning, Y/N dropped her axe before falling to her knees and trying to wrap her head over all the happened. Her mind was flooded until she felt hands carefully take a hold of her face. Her eyes instantly locked onto his piercing blues.
“Are yea bit?” Daryl frowns waiting for her to answer as she shook her head, bringing a whole wave of relief. “Alright, c’mon. Let’s get yea cleaned up”
They can handle anything
Daryl jolts awake in a bit of a haze feeling the pain in his side realizing he was impaled by his own arrow. But given the racing situation at hand, it didn’t remain in his side as he quickly pulled it out while scrambling to get his crossbow in order to shoot the walker getting dangerously to Y/N’s unconscious form.
The second he landed the shot, Daryl dropped his crossbow rushing the best he could over to Y/N and rolling her onto her back noticing the branch embedded in her side.
“Fuck” Daryl frowns removing his shirt wincing when he agitated his injury and wrapping it around her middle to secure the branch. “Wake up, wake up, WAKE UP” he didn’t meant to shout so loud at the last part but it got her to jolt awake wincing in pain immediately. “Sorry. I’m sorry”
“W-…What a way….t-to wake a dying p-p…person” Y/N scoffs wincing more feeling the branch move when she took a breath.
“Y-Yea ain’t dyin’”
“H-Hurts…though” Y/N finally got a deep breath in, exhaling slowly feeling his fingers press against the pulse point on her neck. “Mm still here…”
“Yea better be by the time we get back”
Y/N couldn’t even wrap her head around that thought. Of making it back alive. She thought she was going to die there or on the way back, but given how hard Daryl was trying and the anxiety laced in his voice. Even with how much he’s talking…she’s not going to feed into the seeds of doubt and let him try, hell…she’s still trying.
“Can’t move yea too much…gonna have to go the long way”
“H…How’d we even…?”
“Stupid goddamn h-horse” Daryl winced to his pain when he tried to get up so he could help her up. Y/N carefully pressed her hand to his injured side getting another wince out of him and when she removed her hand she saw the blood.
“You can’t die for me” The first clear thing she’s said since the fall and Daryl didn’t know what to say. The anger that always laid dormant in him at times, started to peak out when his mind raced to the conclusion that he’s not going to listen to her if she starts talking about leaving her behind.
“F-Find something”
“F-…Find ah…” Y/N laid back again in the dirt looking around locking onto the walker he had killed to keep her from getting bitten. “S-Stop the bleeding. T…Ta…Take his s-shirt”
He would listen to her direction but find himself yelling at every moment she closed her eyes. They were both weak, but he’s the only one capable of getting them out of there.
Daryl took the shirt and secured it to stop the bleeding on his side. Then he decided to take the dead’s pants thinking if he could climb up from where they fell while Y/N was wrapped to his back, then they could follow the same tracks that got them there instead of trying a whole new route. But that meant having to cut the branch shorter and warning her was the easy part.
Feeling her nails dig into his arm as he used his knife to shorten the branch on either side…listening to her scream in agony and the blood continued to seep through his shirt that was supposedly secured around her. He was in hell.
Y/N tiredly watches the creek disappear as Daryl carries her on his back taking his sweet ass time climbing.
“Gonna get Hershel, to check on yea.”
“Me? Me what? Me too? Yeah no shit. None of’em out there are gonna let me walk around bleedin’”
“…s-someone needs to care”
Daryl was reaching the last stretch in climbing when she said that. He was confused on what she meant but when he finally got onto the main path pulling the rest of her up and beside him. Y/N had gone unconscious again. She wasn’t finished and he wasn’t happy seeing her eyes closed.
“Come on” Daryl shakes her at first, trying to keep the yelling at a minimum because the only thing it’s going to do is draw more sickos toward them. But he wasn’t getting anything immediately. “Y/N?” His fear started to get him as he gently brushes the hair out of the way of her face shaking her head carefully. “Please. Please. I can’t lose you. I can’t.” His voice cracked, his tears were threatening to spill over.
It took a second but she tiredly opened her eyes reaching forward and grabbing a fist full of his tank top.
“Tired…” She sighs feeling his hands rest on her face. “Sorry”
“You’re not allowed to die, alright? I’ll kill yea if you do”
Even in a weak state she couldn’t help but laugh to such.
Soon they were on their feet, Y/N’s arm draped over Daryl’s shoulders as he kept her up the best he could while they made their way back.
“Walkers!” Andrea yells catching everyone who was outside’s attention.
As Rick, Shane, Glenn, and T-Dog grabbed their guns and made their way to the walkers given there was only two. But Andrea decided to take the hunting rifle and get ready to take at least one of them out.
“Andrea don’t”
“Shut up Dale”
Y/N groaned touching her side to see the fresh blood coming out as she gave Daryl a worried look while he kept a stern one. He wasn’t stopping. Then her anxiety got the best of her right when the four approached them aiming their gun.
“That’s the second time you aimed that thing at me” Daryl huffed.
“Oh my god Y/N” Glenn frowns noticing her injury then they all were startled by both Y/N shoving Daryl off and her falling back when the shot rang through. “Holy FUCK!”
The group that rushed over surrounded Y/N as Daryl weakly looks up from his fallen position noticing her unmoving form. He couldn’t quite pick out what they were saying as he tried to get himself off the ground. Eventually T-Dog approached him with an extended hand.
“C’mon man. We gotta get you checked out”
“Is she—-“
“She’s still breathing” T-Dog reassures him as he got Dixon back on his feet bringing his arm around his shoulders. “The hell happen?”
“Goddamn horse” he scoffs feeling his anger bubble inside himself when watching Shane carry Y/N sprinting toward the house.
Daryl found himself at the dining room table letting Maggie do his stitches while the room that once had Carl, now had Y/N being worked on by Hershel with help from Patricia. He anxiously waited and winced every now and then when Maggie pulled a bit too tight on her stitches. She’d apologized immediately.
“Yer dad is good right?”
“Yes. For someone who originally only worked on animals” Maggie states applying the bandage as Daryl immediately got up leaving the house and approaching the camp.
“Who the fuck fired?”
Everyone grew tense with the tone he took as it was obvious given her avoidance to eye contact when he brought it up.
“Who. Shot. Their. Gun.”
“Andrea” Glenn blurted as Dale smacked him in the arm. The guy was nervous. He wasn’t about to lie for her.
“I’m sorry Daryl! You two looked awful and from afar—like walkers. I had to protect—-“
“FOUR OF YALL CAME TOWARD US. WE DIDNT NEED SOME TRIGGER HAPPY BITCH TAKE CARE OF IT” Daryl snaps as Rick stepped between them pushing him back gently keeping mind of his own injuries.
“Look. You’re upset. We all are. We’re worried about—-“
“Nah. She wouldn’t have gotten hurt if you had just trusted me to take care of business by myself. I shouldn’t have taken the one person I care about in this goddamn apocalypse” Daryl clenched his jaw moving his gaze to the floor. “I’m leavin’ if I lose her” he whispered.
The two quickly turned to Maggie as she kept a relaxed expression but the tension in her shoulders struck Daryl’s anxiety.
“We need you”
Daryl quickly ran toward the house and barging into the room noticing the branch was still in Y/N’s side.
“Why the fuck haven’t—-“
“I stabilized it but she woke up, screamed at us wondering where you were—-“
He didn’t say anything all he did was instantly to go to her side noticing the color that left her face from the blood loss, and the bullet graze on the side of her face.
“D-Daryl. It h-hurts” She whined with tears streaming down her face as Daryl held her hand trying not to fall apart.
“He’s gotta take it out and access yea, sunshine”
“P-Please. Don’t leave”
“Wouldn’t dream of it” Daryl states giving Hershel a look for him to get started as he watches the doc move the bandaging showing the branch that still needed to be pulled out. His heart was pounding in his chest holding Y/N’s hand knowing in a split second he’s going to have to hold her shoulders.
Which happened to be now. Hershel started to pull the branch out and Y/N tried to fight Hershel wanting him to stop but he kept repeating “almost there”. Daryl brought his hands to her shoulders pinning her down as Patricia held her legs down to keep the movement at a minimum. She clawed at Daryl’s arms crying in pain as he knew he would be hearing her screams whenever something went wrong in the future.
Once the branch was removed, the blood poured in new places that weren’t where the clamps were. Leading Hershel to apply pressure immediately while Patricia scrambled to get what they needed. Daryl relaxed but tensed instantly when Y/N’s breathing slowed…slower than normal.
“Goddamn it” Daryl frowns holding Y/N’s face shaking her slightly. “Come on come on come on!” He shouted startling everyone as Hershel took notice and quickly checked her pulse while Patricia kept the pressure.
“Son, you know CPR?!”
“What?! Nah. No she don’t need it. She’s just—-“
“You need to do it or she’ll die”
Then the sound went out in his head. Daryl instantly started to do CPR and tried his best not to instantly break her ribcage with the pressure he was building up to. His shoulder was grabbed when Hershel finished his work and checked her pulse. He did good. Daryl did good.
“She’s gonna be unconscious for a while” Hershel states, about a few hours later as it was now the evening. Daryl hasn’t left her side and he mainly said that in hopes he’d get up to walk around a bit. But he didn’t want to face anybody. “She lost a lot of blood and it’ll take a while—-“
“Use mine”
“I’m fucking universal. Take some of mine to help her”
“He seriously did that?” Y/N questions Daryl as the two were sitting alone in the room they were sharing at the CDC.
“Got a lot of money out of it”
“But that’s not safe. Taking three pints? How did you not go into shock?”
“Who said I didn’t?”
“Daryl, I’ll fucking kill you if you ever gave me your blood”
“Huh?” Daryl was confused on what she meant and Y/N was getting at, if the situation asked for it. She wouldn’t want him to bleed himself just for her to live. “You ain’t gonna lose a fuckton of blood. Won’t let it happen”
Three pints. Fucking moron.
But Hershel only took one a day and gave it to Y/N, letting Daryl take the couch in the living room to recuperate after each transfusion. He had to be a human blood bag, Hershel couldn’t calculate a pint so he had a cut off period. Meaning 3 pints could’ve been less than what was taken.
Daryl didn’t have to give anymore and found himself back in the chair beside the bed staring blankly at the window seeing the group take advantage of the luxury of the Greene farm. Part of him knew it wasn’t going to last. Something in him was leaning toward that, but he wasn’t going to lose her if something bad were to happen.
He flinched to feeling something as he brought himself to cross his arms turning toward her thinking it was just a breeze. But when he noticed her open eyes and extended hand, it was her.
“Holy shit. Holy SH—“ Daryl cut himself off when Y/N brought her finger to her lips to shush him as he leaped out of the chair dropping to his knees directly beside the bed dropping his head onto the bed. She instantly wrapped her arm around his shoulders as her other hand carefully reached over to run her fingers through his hair. “Thank god. Thank fucking god”
“Dar…your arm is bruised”
“Don’t…don’t worry about it, sunshine. I had to do what I had to do”
A sigh escaped her lips making him turn his face toward her as she gently caresses his face watching him relax to her touch.
“I’m always going to worry about you”
“Y/N…you almost died” His voice cracked as her expression saddened gripping the back of his shirt tugging at him. Daryl got the idea as he pulled himself up letting Y/N wrap her arms around him as they both kept in mind their injuries.
“I’m not going anywhere…has to take a lot to take me away from you”
“I love you…I loved yea since I first met you…”
Y/N held onto him with the strength she had feeling Daryl hide his face in the crook of her neck.
“Falling for you, wasn’t meant to be literal” She giggles feeling him pull away so he could get a good look at that smile of hers that he missed so much. “I love you Daryl”
The tears came back when he brought his lips to hers feeling her gently wipe away his tears not breaking the kiss they shared. She returned her arms around his shoulders parting from him to bring him close once again.
“I ain’t letting go, sunshine”
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dixons-sunshine · 3 months
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(Masterlist updated 2024/06/02)
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★ You can just call me Krys.
★ I'm a woman and I go by she/her pronouns.
★ I like to read and I write stories, although I feel like they're not that good.
★ I love a lot of things, including The Walking Dead, Supernatural, Marvel, Stranger Things and a lot of other things.
★ My comfort character is Daryl Dixon.
★ My favourite seasons in The Walking Dead are seasons 2 and 6.
★ Richonne is my favourite TWD ship.
★ Snakes and spiders can go to hell.
★ I have kinemortophobia, which is ironic, considering my love for TWD.
★ Proud owner of one hyperactive, annoying, loving dog and a couple of cats who love me one minute, then hate me the next.
★ I tend to stay up late. I'm a night owl.
★ I started watching TWD for Glenn, but I stayed for Daryl.
★ Rick was the first TWD character I ever saw. Briefly saw him on screen a few years back, long before I officially started watching the show.
★ English and Math nerd.
★ I have a huge tendency to ramble, so I apologise in advance if I do.
★ I love to interact with everyone online, but I'm too awkward to reach out first.
★ I'm always down to discuss theories, headcannons or anything else. Just inbox or DM me!
★ I write whenever I have time, so I might post very frequently or every once in a while.
★ I don't tolerate any racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, hate language, DV, etc. This blog is a safe space for everyone!
★ I edit on TikTok. My username is @/dixonssunshine.
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★ I'll keep on adding as I write.
★ This does not include my stories written in 2022.
★ Fluff—❤️ Angst—💔 Smut—🔥 Suggestive—👀
The Walking Dead
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Scooby Snacks With Your Whiskey ❤️
You Are My Sunshine ❤️
In SICKNESS And In Health ❤️
I Found You 💔❤️
Sleepy Time ❤️
Something To Prove 💔❤️
Hazelnut ❤️
Daddy's Little Girl ❤️
Night Terrors ❤️
Pregnant Pause 💔❤️
Spot Of Tea ❤️
Feel The Rhythm In Your Soul ❤️
I'm Right Here 💔❤️
Holding On To You ❤️
Just A Bad Dream 💔❤️
Two Plus Two Makes Four 💔❤️
I Never Lived For The Applause 💔❤️
Cleansing The Mind, The Soul And The Body ❤️
Just Try It ❤️
Run Away With You ❤️
Spa Day ❤️
Observe ❤️🔥
His Motorcycle Princess ❤️
That's What Makes You Beautiful 💔❤️
Sleepy Head ❤️
His Little Girl ❤️
Bloodthirsty 🔥
All The Love ❤️
Punishment Enough 💔❤️
The Importance Of Secret Keeping ❤️
Daryl Dixon x Pregnant!Reader headcannons ❤️
Daryl Dixon x Mom!Reader With Baby Headcannons ❤️
Daryl Dixon x Former!Celebrity!Fem!Reader Headcannons ❤️
Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader—Daryl With A Kid Headcannons ❤️
Vampire!Daryl Dixon x Reader Headcannons 💔❤️
Shopping Spree, Hangout Dreams AU:
Shopping Spree, Hangout Dreams ❤️
Dyeing For The Haircut ❤️
Snitches Get Stitches ❤️💔
Third Time's Not Always The Charm ❤️
Through The Good Times And The Bad 💔❤️
Mouth To Mouth ❤️
Breathe With Me 👀💔❤️
Headcannons ❤️👀/ Part Two ❤️👀/Part Three ❤️💔
A Trip Down Memory Lane ❤️
Selfish 💔❤️
The Archer's Girl 💔❤️
Beside The River ❤️
Someone To Love ❤️
The Morning After ❤️
Study Buddy ❤️
Yielding Isn't My Middle Name:
Chapter One ❤️💔
Chapter Two... Loading.
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Because Of Her 💔❤️
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The One That He Wants ❤️👀
Blade 2:
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Stay Quiet, Pretty Boy 🔥
Apologies, Baby 💔❤️
Cuddler ❤️🔥
(More coming soon!)
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★ Done with it. ★ Almost done with it. ★Working on it. ★Haven't started on it yet.
★ Yielding Isn't My Middle Name: Chapter Two—Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader.
★ Inner Fury—Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader.
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★ My requests are: OPEN.
★ I'm taking requests for:
→ Daryl Dixon
→ Scud Frohmeyer
→ Rick Grimes
→ Michonne Grimes
→ Rosita Espinosa
→ Glenn Rhee
→ Carol Peletier (Platonic only.)
→ Negan Smith
★ My default is Fem!Reader. However, I'll write for any gender, skin type, culture, etc. Just specify it in your request!
★ I'll write any tropes/kinks I'm comfortable with, and if I'm not comfortable with it, I'll let you know!
★ Some tropes/kinks I'm not comfortable with writing is non-con, dub-con, incest, stepcest, pedophilia, pervert!(character), piss kinks, mommy/daddy kinks (won't write it myself, but love reading it in other fics), hardcore degradation, spanking/any bodily harm, cheating (if it's on the reader with the person I'm pairing them with), rape and abuse unless it's in the past, and fetishes, like foot fetishes for instance. There are a few others as well, but these are the main ones I don't feel comfortable writing.
★ I won't write character x character. I obviously have my favourite ships and characters I feel should get together, but I won't write for ships. It's not something I'm comfortable with. I'll include canon couples in my works, but not ships that haven't gone canon yet.
★ I'll try my best to write every request I can, but remember I have a life outside of Tumblr and it might take me a little while to get to your request.
★ Tumblr has a tendency to delete asks sometimes, so if I don't get to your request, there's a huge chance that it got deleted.
★ If it's been a while since you've sent it and I haven't gotten to it or you feel I've forgotten about it, feel free to remind me about it.
★ Other than that, request away!
©dixons-sunshine 2024. I do not give permission for my works to be copied, modified, adapted or translated to any other site or platform without evidence of my given consent.
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thegratefulsouth · 2 months
TWD Caryl - A Tree Fell in the Forest
I just finished watching TWD and searching a bunch tonne of stuff on this here Tumblr which I'm brand new to, and I have thoughts.
I am strangely drawn to imperfection, its beauty, and TWD sits in this place, hovering near almost faultlessness (characters), to being nearly unwatchable (where did the characters go), sometimes within the same episode. It's utterly fascinating! I am hooked! A little late, yes, but isn't that the story of my life.
I honestly have not felt this way about characters since the late 90's, when my 17 year old Willoz shipping heart waited desolately for Oz to return, and ... we all know how that turned out. Ah, shipping. I literally had not shipped a single ship since that day. Until I watched The Same Boat. TWD has some pretty special characters. Though I love Bojack and Ozark and Travis Fimmel's Ragnar, I did not feel compelled to examine the inner workings of those beautiful humans/humanoids beyond the show.
There I was, happily not shipping a ship, apart from my own relationship with my own beloved, which I ship ecstatically every day. (This is the kind of ramble I can indulge in when I think readership will be non-existent). Got another ship in!
Anyway, my point is that a Caryl romance is clearly canon, even though the relationship isn't (yet?).
I didn't actually fall in love with Carol until she listened to my urgent pleas to take care of the Wolves at the start of season 6. I should point out that I have ADHD so I didn't always have the dopamine? Emotional regulation? Focus? To listen to all of your speeches, Rick, or to watch entire episodes devoted to new characters, Tara, Magna, Alpha. So, apparently, I missed entire stuff.
Even after "C'mere", I just thought Carol and Daryl had this extremely unique soulmate bond, like that of Ragnar and Athelstan in Vikings. It is an extremely rare and unique portrayal of a transcendental devotion that cannot be likened to any other kind of relationship, because there are no other relationships like it. The bind encompasses every aspect of love and support needed to utterly fulfull and complete someone.
At this point I had stumbled onto Tumblr because I realised I needed pro-Carol recaps from Carylers, as they seemed to best understand and grasp this very special character. I went back and rewatched from the beginning and I was shocked. I rewatched (and noticed for the first time) the flirting, the hesitation, the banter, the unspoken LOOKS, oh so many. Drew the links from Consumed ("I kinda like it." "Stop.") Watched interviews, waded through the mass of gaslighting that abounds, which seems to wrap itself around every subtle, telling moment.
Why? Because it's fascinating. A mystery. Pretending something that happened, did not? A tree fell in the forest and some people did not hear it. Well I didn't hear it either! But I went back and found the tree. That tree is on the damn ground.
Carol and Daryl are so in love with each other it hurts. Their romance exists. Therefore, I'm gonna ship it.
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close to home | chapter fifty seven
close to home | chapter fifty seven
plot: the reader and Daryl work on the bridge
series masterlist
Pairing: Eventual Daryl Dixon x f!reader Word Count: 3,586 Warnings: violence, blood, typical twd A/N: thank you for reading!!!
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As much as you were hoping you and Daryl earned a bit of downtime for all the work at the Sanctuary, there was apparently no such thing in this world. With the bridge out, work needed to be done. With Maggie’s deal with Rick, the saviors supplied most of the workforce. Still, Rick needed support. 
Setting up camp was the most annoying part, because each collective community was brought together for the first real time. There’d been smaller gatherings for trade, but nothing like this. And then there was the perimeter and setting up guard duty and watch rotations for the herd. It was a lot of work. Thankfully due to the amount of bodies you had, and because Rick wouldn’t task you with anything that would take you out of the camp, you were to help run it alongside Daryl, Carol, and Ezekiel. 
You still didn’t know if you were pregnant; Jesus hadn’t been able to find a test and you were too afraid to know the answer anyway. So you pretended the problem didn’t exist, and wouldn’t let Daryl go find a test. You knew it was ridiculous, but you just didn’t want to know yet. 
Luckily for you, two weeks after working on the bridge, you got your answer. 
“I’m not pregnant,” You said to Daryl. 
He was getting dressed for the day, and froze at your words. “Ya sure?”
You sighed softly and slide your hands around his waist and into his back pockets. “You’re upset.”
“You can tell me the truth, I won’t be mad.”
Daryl looked down at you and nodded. “‘M upset. Was gettin’ used to the idea, is all.”
“Okay…” You trailed off. “I’m sorry you’re upset. But Daryl I don’t think you should get your hopes up for something like this. If I’m infertile cause of the miscarriage-”
“I don’ blame ya for that, ain’ mad ‘bout that.”
“I know,” You pressed a hand against his chest. “I know you aren’t, honey. But if I am, kids aren’t going to happen with me. If that’s something you want…” You trailed off, not able to finish speaking. 
“Ain’ want ‘em enough to not be with ya.” Daryl said, grabbing your hand. “If it don’ happen, it don’.”
“But if it does,” You said, “If it does, it does. I was a little disappointed too.”
“We take whatever comes at us then?”
You nodded and stood on your toes to kiss him. “Yes. And right now, we’ve got to build a damn bridge.”
Another week passed by quickly, and the building of the bridge progressed nicely. Spending so much time around family was nice. You saw Carol and Ezekiel every day, Aaron, Tara, and Enid. Siddiq was at the camp, and even Henry. With the exception of the saviors, you would’ve been the happiest you’d been in a long time. 
Despite the long and grueling days, you and Daryl came together at the end of every night. It was always slow, and he had to keep you quiet. To you, it seemed like he was purposely trying to get you pregnant. But you didn’t care; he was your husband, and you loved being with him, you wanted it every night just the same, and you knew this was him coming to terms with what you already expected. You were most likely infertile, and children were out of the question. So you opened your legs for him every night and let him make love to you because you needed the reassurance, and he needed to know. 
And it made your days more interesting. You began to play a little game with him, and although he told you to stop every time, you knew he loved it. 
So you smiled as you passed him that morning, and grabbed his hand and pulled him down so you could whisper in his ear. “I was thinking tonight you can put me on my knees, bend me over. Might not be able to keep me quiet, though.” 
His face immediately turned red and he shook his head. “Get outta here with that crap,” He gruffed, which only made you laugh, and his blush worsen. 
You didn’t see him again until a group of saviors showed up, ones to replace a few that had walked off. When you saw Justin in the group you wanted to scream and demand Rick send him back. But you needed the people, you needed the bridge, and everyone was putting up with crap like this. 
Still, you found Daryl quickly in the med tent.
“Daryl?” You asked as you stepped in. Enid was wrapping his hand. “What happened?”
“Fuckin’ smacked it with the hammer.” 
You chuckled and walked over to him. “We can go to the bank after lunch and you can dip it in the cold water for a while.”
He gruffed and didn’t say anything. 
“All set, try not to hit it again,” Enid said, which made you laugh. 
As you and Daryl walked out, he turned to look at you. “What ya need, darlin’?”
You smiled at the one and only pet name he called you, but then remembered why you were there in the first place. “Justin is here. I’ll be fine with him here. I can handle it. But I figured I’d let you know so you don’t fly off the handle.”
Daryl sighed and looked around. “I can send him back.”
You shook your head. “We need the help. Besides, I’ve got my machete know. If he fucks with me, I’ll take his balls.” 
Daryl chuckled and shook his head. “Crazy girl.”
“I’m gonna head back over to Carol. Come find me when we break for lunch. I wanna eat with you, old man.”
For the first day, Justin left you alone. He stared, and sent you a few winks when you met his eyes, but it was just that. You didn’t tell Daryl because you knew he’d freak, and the bridge was more important than an idiot sending you a few winks. 
He’d only been here three days when he finally approached you. 
“Rumor has it you married Dixon,” Justin said, pointing towards your ring. “Tell me, how does divorce work in this world? Or do you technically have two husbands?”
You grimaced and turned around to face him. “Hello Justin, such a pleasure seeing you again.”
“Bet the only pleasure you get. Where is Daryl anyway?” He looked around. “I don’t see him around to help you.”
“Think again, asshole.”
You turned when you heard Daryl’s voice, who immediately put himself between you and Justin. You grabbed your machete handle, your other hand on the gun strapped to your leg, just in case. 
“Ah, there’s the big man,” Justin said. “I was just having a chat with (Y/N).”
“Yeah, heard it all.” Daryl said. “I don’ wanna see ya near her again, ya hear me? Ya don’ look at her, ya don’ talk to her, don’ even think about her!”
Justin smiled and looked back at you. “That’ll be hard. I think about her every night. Ironic, don’t yout think?”
Daryl grabbed Justin by the shirt and before he could throw the first punch, you grabbed his arm. “He’s just doing it to get a rise out of you, Daryl.” You said. 
“Don’ fuckin’ talk to her, ya hear me? She won’ be able to stop me next time.”
“But I’ll be able to think about her, right?”
Before Daryl could hit him, you put yourself between the two and pushed Justin backwards. He hadn’t been expecting how quick you were, and he stumbled slightly. 
“Yeah, sure,” You said, pushing him again. “You could think about me all night long, Justin. You could think about fucking me all night long,” You pushed him for the last time. “But it won’t be the real thing. Someone else will be doing that to me. Now get back to fucking work!” 
Justin smiled with annoyance and then walked away. You shook your head and turned back to Daryl. He was visibly angry, and you knew he had a lot of steam to blow off. You grabbed his hand, rubbing the tension away before bringing it up to your lips. 
“I know it’s hard but you have to ignore what he says.” You said. 
“Nah, not when it comes to ya.”
You kissed his hand again. “Wanna go blow off some steam? Bet no one will notice if we sneak off for a quickie.”
At least, he cracked a smile and you were sucessful. “Ain’ ya got work you could be doin’ right now?”
You stood on your toes to kiss his cheek. “Yes, but I would much rather play.”
Justin left you along for the next few days, but you knew he kept his glances. And you knew he was talking about you to the saviors. You heard a rumor of yourself about having a threesome with Negan and Sherry, which made your heart ache in more than one way. But of course you ignored it, and prayed Daryl hadn’t heard it. 
Whenever the two of them were in the same vicinity, you made sure to keep an eye on them. But other than a few gestures, Justin didn’t say much to Daryl, and your husband kept his distance. But you knew he was dying to kick Justin’s ass and as much as you wanted to see it, you would rather it didn’t happen. 
On one particularly hot morning, you were helping Henry hand out water. He had asked you too, because when you were at the Kingdom you taught him how to use a machete, and you’d been close ever since. He reminded you a lot of Carl, which was both beautiful and agonizing. 
Daryl and Aaron were working together on a part of the bridge, and you overheard Aaron telling Daryl he would be a great dad someday--which meant Daryl must’ve told him.
“Hey handsome,” You said as you approached Daryl and Aaron. “And double handsome. I’ll let you two figure out which one is which.” 
Aaron laughed as he stood up. “I’ve missed you at Alexandria, when are you coming home?”
“Probably after the bridge, but we haven’t decided yet.” You said. “How’s Gracie?”
Aaron smiled widely and launched into a story about his daughter, and you loved the shining look in his eyes. You wondered if Daryl would have that look one day. But then you shook that thought from your head. He wouldn’t. He said he was okay with it. 
“You guys want some water?” Henry asked after Aaron finished his story. 
“I’d love some,” Aaron said. 
Henry filled the cup up for him, and then you made him fill another one up for Daryl. If you didn’t make sure he was taking care of himself, who would?
“I’ll see you guys later,” You said, reaching down to ruffle Daryl’s hair--which he promptly swatted your hand away. 
You and Henry walked down the line, offering some water and chatting with a few other people. You switched off so he could carry the jug off water on his request, because it would help him get stronger. So you couldn’t exactly say no to that, even if you felt bad for having a kid carry it. 
Sadly for you, you didn’t notice Justin until it was too late, and Henry was tapping him on the shoulder. When he turned around, he smiled immediately when he realized it was you. 
“Want some water?”
“Yeah, thanks,” He said, taking the cup. He drank quickly and when he finished he looked at you as he licked his lips. “Hmm, so wet.”
You cringed and wrapped your arm around Henry, thanking God the little boy didn’t understand Justin’s crude remark. 
“Wait, hold up, I’m still thirsty.” Justin said. 
“No, no. There’s not enough. You can’t.” Henry said. You tried to jump in before Justin could do anything, but you weren’t fast enough. 
“Give it a rest, kid,” He said as he shoved him to the ground.
“Hey!” You yelled, “What the hell is wrong with you?”
But Henry was up quick with his stick, and in a second, Justin was lying on the ground. You couldn’t help but laugh loudly. You and Henry grabbed the water jug and went to move away, but you heard footsteps and felt a hand wrap around your arm tightly and tug you backward. 
“Ow, let go of me!” You yelled, trying to get your arm out of Justin’s grasp. You heard Henry yelling to defend you when you saw Daryl coming up behind Justin, and grabbing the same arm that held yours. 
“Let her go, now.” Daryl said. 
Justin snorted and shoved you away. You tripped over Henry’s stick and your head hit the wood with a smack. 
You didn’t need to look to know that Daryl threw the first punch, and you grimaced as you stood up. “Henry, back up, now.” You told the kid. Justin was on the ground in a pile of sand and you walked over to Daryl. 
Your husband grabbed you and tried to block the sand from hitting your face, but it hit you anyway and your eyes stung. You shuffled a little bit at the loss of vision and started wiping them with your shirt sleeve. You heard a body slam into the ground and through teary eyes you saw Daryl and Justin in a fight. 
“Hey!” Aaron yelled, trying to push through but one of Justin’s friends was blocking him. 
You grabbed a spare piece of wood and lined up your shot to hit Justin with it when an arm wrapped around your waist and dropped you to the ground. Your face hit the a pile of wood and you felt blood flow from your nose and from somewhere else. It was some other savior, one you didn’t really recognize and you glared as you stood up, watching as he was going to help Justin. 
Before the man could take two steps, you jumped onto his back and wrapped an arm around his neck. You used your other hand to grab a fist full of his hair. 
“Stupid bitch,” The man grunted and you pressed your arm further into his neck. 
At this point, Daryl and Justin were on their feet, and Aaron and the savior were about to start a fight of their own. Your fingers twitched in anger and you dropped your feet down from around his waist, pulling his body backwards with your weight until he fell. You pulled out your machete and dropped so that one foot pressed against his right wrist, and you had your knee digging into his chest. You pressed the machete against his neck. You had him pinned. 
“Stop! Everybody stop!” Rick was yelling. “Enough! Brother, enough!”
You took a second to glance at Daryl, who must’ve had Justin pinned by the neck due to the color of his face. But now Daryl had his hand wrapped around Justin’s shirt, and another fist ready for a blow. 
“Let them go. Daryl, (Y/N), now.” 
You sighed and pulled back the machete. But you leaned down close the man’s face. “You fucking touch me again I’ll kill you. Just like all your other little fucking friends.” You spat blood onto the man’s face.
You got off the man and put your machete away, ignoring the way that Rick was glaring at you. You wiped blood from your face onto your arm and you looked at Daryl, who was still fuming and pacing back and forth. 
Someone grabbed your arm and you looked to see Carol, who was looking between you and Henry. She mouthed a thank you before wrapping an arm around her shoulder. 
“We need to get her to the med tent, now, get out of the way.” She snapped at the people still on the bridge. 
That got Daryl’s attention, and he finally turned to you. “Shit,” You heard him mumble as you passed him.
“I’m fine,” You reassured him, but he followed you anyway. 
Enid was waiting for you when you got there, having heard the fight and knew someone would need help. Carol helped you sit down and Enid worked away at cleaning off the blood from your face. “You’ll need a few stitches by your eyebrow, your nose looks okay and so does you lip.” She told you. 
“Who was it?” Daryl asked no one in particular. “Who fuckin’ did that to you?”
“The guy with the red hair, Johnny, or something,” Carol said with her arms crossed. Daryl sighed and headed towards the tent opening. 
“Daryl! Get your ass back here, now!” You yelled. 
“Nah, Imma go beat the shit outta him.”
“Daryl Dixon I said get back here now!” You yelled, pushing Enid’s hand away and standing up. “Your wife is bleeding and needs stitches, so you’re going to sit next to me until it’s done!”
He finally stopped and shook his head, but turned around regardless. You heard Carol chuckle as you sat back down. 
“Take my hand, thank you very much,” You said as Daryl sat next to you, doing as you told him. “You’re welcome for taking on Johnny or whoever the hell that was. It would’ve been them against you.” You said before looking at Enid, giving her a nod. 
Carol laughed lightly and shook her head. “You two are ridiculous.”
Daryl grunted and you ignored his grump attitude as you squeezed his hand while Enid started stitching the gash above your eyebrow. You felt him squeeze your hand back. 
Enid was halfway through the stitches when Rick walked into the tent and came up to you. “Are you okay?”
“Better than when I got stabbed.” You said, lightly wincing. Enid reassured you it was almost over. 
“What happened?”
“Fuckin’ Justin. I told ya the asshole was no good!” Daryl said, dropping your hand to stand up. “Been harassin’ (Y/N) since day one, and pushed Henry to the ground. Pushed her too. I want him gone!”
“Daryl, we only have a few more days.” Rick said.
“So that asshole get a free pass? Is that it? What about the man that did that to her?” Daryl pointed at you. Enid was layering on an ointment over your cuts, and a few bandages to help pull the skin back together. 
“I don’t like it either, but we’re in a rush to get the work done. He’s strong. The saviors are half our workforce and we’ve had too many walk off already.”
“Yeah, cause that’s who they are. Some of them ain’t ever gonna fall in line just cause ya say so.” Daryl spat back. 
You and Carol shared a look as Enid finally finished fixing your face.
“Daryl’s right,” Carol chimed in. “These people have never had to live together. We can’t expect them to just forget what’s happened.”
“It’s hasn’t been easy. I know. It’s won’t be, not for a while, but it’s not about forgetting. It’s about moving ahead, all of us, together. We keep doing that, they’ll see we’re all on the same side.” Rick said. 
“Are we, though? Are we on the same side, Rick?” Daryl asked as he came over to you, helping you stand up. You took the water Enid offered you, and drank it quickly. She then handed you some bread from Alexandria. 
“Well, you tell me.” Rick said. 
Daryl’s arm wrapped around your waist and he took the water canteen from you. “Thing is, man, I’ve been tryin’ to. But ya don’ seem to want to hear it. And I ain’ lettin’ my wife pay for it. Any one of ‘em touches her again, I’m killin’ ‘em. You won’ be able to stop me next time.”
Daryl forced you to talk forward and you followed him out of the tent and into the hot air. You glanced at him as he led you over to your shared tent and followed him inside. He was pacing immediately and chewing on his fingernail. 
You chewed slowly on the bread Enid gave you before you split it in half and offered the other piece of him, which he refused. You set it aside for him to eat after. He never ate when he was hungry. 
“Sit. Let me look at your face.”
He sighed but sat down next to you, and you carefully looked at the bruises on his face. Justin only seemed to get one good punch right below his eye, and you carefully touched it to. It didn’t seem too deep, and there was no blood. But it would leave a nasty bruise.
Daryl grabbed your face with his hands. “‘M so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“Shoulda dealt with him a long time ago, first time he said somethin’ to ya.”
“That’s very sweet, honey, but I asked you not to and you were respecting me.” You told him, letting him look over your face to make sure you were okay. “You were just looking for an excuse to knock him on his ass, be honest.”
He snorted and gently pressed his finger to the cut on your lip. “It hurt much?”
“Stings. I’m okay. I’ve been through worse.”
“Don’ remind me.”
You smiled and kissed his hand before it left your face. “Thank you. For what you did. You didn’t have to, but thank you.”
He shook his head. “Don’ gotta thank me, darlin’.”
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midnightmayhem13 · 10 months
Hey idk if you're taking requests but if you are can I request (the marvel girls) x fem!reader? And if someone started hitting on reader (and like reader flirted back) but (the girls) and fem reader aren't dating yet, they just have a crush on reader but reader doesn't know that, sorry if this is confusing my English isn't so good
I'm the one who understands you
AHH love this! and dw abt your english babe mine wasn't very good a while back either🩶🩶
carol danvers
even before you're dating carol is very protective over you. and while everyone asks why she protects you but won't ask you out she can't answer. but when she sees you flirt back with someone all her pride is gone. she can't act like you're hers if you literally just flirted back. she'll try to coward away but she genuinely doesn't want to use you. if shes feeling up to herself she'll go up to you two and try to assert dominance. she'll let out a "who's this?" but way less confident than she wanted to. when she sees you don't seem uncomfortable with the presence of the other person she loses a little confidence. she won't directly tell you about it, but shell ask if you're dating the person later.
sharon carter
sharon watches from afar. she watches your every move and is suprised when she sees you flirt back. she's made it very known to you that she likes you but if you just don't realize it. and while she will definitely be a little hurt, she doesn't know how to react so it turns into silence. she'll give you the silence treatment and will honestly be a little mean. not enough to hurt you or intentionally make you cry. her flight or fight almost goes off but when she realizes that she genuinely wants to build a life with you, she eventually confess. after a few days she'll want to confess. she's realized that maybe ignoring you will drive you away and attract you to her 'competition'
darcy lewis
i feel like darcy would lowkey cry:(. like when you like someone so much that seeing them flirt with someone just hurts as if they cheated on you. that's what happens. she'll not want to confront you about it in the moment but later she will question. and jane will be hearing it all. you go to comfort her not knowing you're the reason for her state. in these moments she'll hold on to you tight and pray you want her. she'll be clingy. when you realize why's she's upset she might b a little mad but will eventually forgive you. when you take her out and cheer her up she'll slap you're head and scold you to not do it again
oh lord you're dead. i feel like nebulas either really mad or gets shy. of course you wouldn't want her. or you're mine and no one else can have you. a mix of both. when she sees you flirt with someone she'll get mad a drag you away from them. asking what the fuck you were doing. when you don't realize it's because she's jealous you'll be a little confused, wondering if you offended her. and shit you damn well did. she'll be mad at you for a while and won't let anyone near you for a few days after. then as you try to calm her down you here an almost inaudible "you're mine".
maria hill
seeing you flirt with someone else hurt maria. and she'll let you know. not in a toxic-try-to-make-you- feel-bad way. but a more mature way. she'll ask to speak to you in private and state things like 'i'm not sure we want the same thing' or 'i thought we had something' something along those lines. but she'll be very sincere and sweet. it's okay if you don't like her but she'd like to know. and sure she's pretty closed off about her romantic feelings, but she'd want you to know. if there's a chance that the feelings are mutual, she's going to take it.
kate bishop
kate would just be baffled. okay you're incredibly beautiful but she always looked away so she wouldn't see if you flirted back. and watching you get flirty and touchy with another person hurt. you always touch her arm like that and she's the only one who gets to make you laugh like that. shes confused because she genuinely thought you two were thingy thing. and afterwards when you get time alone she's asking you all the questions. are you going on a date with them? you like them? when did you meet? you sure you can trust them? but she'll just ramble trying to convince you not to be with them, but with her.
a/n W request bro. got so into them for no reason
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rheasonly1 · 11 months
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Daryl Dixon imagine ~
This content is 18+ and is more for mature users. But if you can handle it read till ya hearts content.
Also I used pronouns ‘I’ and ‘me’ to make it feel like it’s about you and him when you are reading it.
Lots of love x
It was the crack of dawn when Rick decided to call everyone for a group meeting. These big wake up calls had been happening for around two weeks now, and I had become accustom to his short notice. As per usual Rick had sent Carol to ‘politely’ wake everyone up instead of her usual ‘shout until they sprout’ tactic.
Well, this time if he was going to call her bashing pots and pans against the cell doors ‘polite’ then I would happily go around telling everyone that we weren’t in the middle of an apocalypse.
Not that I needed to state the obvious but clearly wasn’t going to fuckin’ happen.
Besides the point, it was around the time where everyone was stood around the room yawning and groaning to try and diffuse the awkward silence that bounced off the walls, before Rick decided to use words and tell us why we were gathered here for the hundredth time this week.
Oh and it was the same boring shit every time.
“We need to come up with a plan-“
Blah blah.
“Someone needs to go on watch-”
Blah blah blah.
“We should clear more walkers from the yard-”
Blah blah mother fuckin’ blah.
I was at my wits end with this bullshit and in all honesty, I was so close to callin’ it. However I had to remember how if I did, I’d have to deal with a very VERY pissed off daryl. And despite his tantrums nearly giving me the biggest orgasm I had ever had, (mainly because I wouldn’t be able to stop staring at the way his muscles bulged when he became angry or how that one vein in his neck suddenly made me want to become a vampire) the shouting and silent treatment wasn’t a pleasant experience to say the least.
But In this moment I had locked eyes with the blue eyed redneck and I could instantly tell that he was as sick of Ricks crap just as much as I was and that sent tingles electrocuting around my body.
A form of excitement I couldn’t contain.
And just as I thought that it was the only piece of him I was going to get today, my attention was snatched by Daryl suddenly leaving the room and I could see the smirk slowly creeping on his mouth, only one that was made for me to see.
It felt like my ovaries were about to explode. This man made me feel things like never before. The things I could fantasise him doing to me, he made me squirm when he stared at me, his piercing gaze sending flutters in my stomach. And it was no secret how he made me feel, I had ranted to Maggie numerous times about how I just wanted him to total me into the ground.
He made me feel special in ways I’d never imagined possible.
He made the impossible, possible.
I snapped out of my day dream and remembered how he hadn’t long left the room. I definitely did not want to keep him waiting, so quietly I sneaked out the room unnoticed.
I followed his soft whistles guiding me to his exact location. And I ended up in the boiler room underneath the prison, we hadn’t long cleared it from walkers so it was as good as knew. Whatever that meant these days.
I slowly walked into the middle of the room and stood there for a second until I felt his undeniable presence enter.
I heard his footsteps behind me and his shadow appeared over mine. I could hear his feet dragging against the ground, as I hadn’t bothered to turn around to face him yet. Suddenly I felt these strong, tense arms snake around my waist, holding on tight and then a head rested upon my shoulder.
“Oomf.” A raspy voice let out.
I leaned my head back onto Daryl’s shoulder allowing him to bury his head into my neck.
All of a sudden I felt a sharp, biting pain going all the way down on the side of my neck and into my collar bone. I moaned softly and lowly at the satisfying feeling of Daryl nibbling on me.
He bit down harder at my response, I felt my eyes grow heavy and not in the tired kinda way. I let my hand travel to the back of his head, taking a handful of his hair and gripping it tight.
The purr which escaped from his mouth sent butterflies swarming in the pit of my stomach. Slowly, Daryl turned to stand in front of me, pushing hairs out of my face. His eyes were locked on mine but often quickly glancing at my lips and then back to my eyes again.
leaning in, he places small tender kisses on my lips and cheeks whilst cupping my face in his big calloused hands.
Along with more gentle and loving kisses, his arm slides around my waist pulling me closer to him. He hums lightly whilst rocking me slowly against him. I felt him harden against my pelvis.
I push my self further into him, and he chuckles huskily as he slides his hand down my back and rests it on my ass.
“a bit needy this morning, aren’t we?” He growls.
“Mhmmmm” I hum.
With one hand now squeezing my ass and the other wrapped around my neck, he leans closer to my ear and whispers.
“don’t worry you’ll get what you want sweetheart.”
His eyes were fixated on my lips and body. He leaned in, and for a moment it felt like time was standing still. The tension in the air was so thick I could feel it pulsing between us. He was close…so close. And my heart was racing, pumping a million beats per second.
Before either of us had chance to move, our lips crashed together and all my thoughts were blocked by how intense and passionate the kiss gradually became.
I pushed him hard up against the wall he hadn’t long appeared from behind, he groaned loud in response. And I continued to run my hands up his shirt feeling his chest.
His hands moved to my hips which were bare from the low waisted jeans I was wearing and he harshly pulled me into him. Then his hands traveled to the back of my thighs when he lifted me up into a sitting position with my legs wrapped right around his waist.
Gently and slowly he knelt down onto both knees and lowered me onto the ground, with my legs still around his waist. Quickly he slid his shirt over his head and threw it into a corner far from the room.
“I won’t be needing that anymore.”
I chuckled as he leant down towards me and his big broad body hovered over me. He stared at me for a few seconds while tracing my lip with his thumb, wiping the saliva away and then proceeding to lick his fingers afterwards.
Placing both hands either side of my head, he leaned into me and started to give wet, passionate kisses on my neck and down to my collar bone.
He stopped at the hem of my vest and then looked up at me. Tugging at the bottom of it, he gently lifted me up into a sitting position and brought the shirt up over my head and chucking it into the same corner as his.
I was left in my pants and bra. He admired my breasts for a few moments and then hugged into me whilst sneakily un-clipping my bra at the back.
Letting it fall I felt my boobs against his chest, and softly groaned at the feeling. He leaned back to admire them again in full view. Gently pushing my chin upwards, he placed kisses at the tip of my chin all the way down onto my stomach. Harshly, he sucked in a breath and at first I had no idea why.
Until suddenly I felt his big erection grow underneath me. I couldn’t resist. I turned him over so he was now laying on the floor and I was on top straddling him.
Daryl let out a deep moan as I rubbed myself against him and his eyes widened as his body began to respond.
I started grinding against his now giant erection and I could see it bulging through his pants.
“Just say the word.” I whispered.
He was breathing heavy and so was I. And oh we were not even half way through. He let out a controlled breath and that was him telling me he was ready.
I started to unbuckle his pants and then he took over pulling them the rest of the way down. I could tell it was throbbing by the look on his face he was yearning for me to help him release.
I’d give him more than just a release. I’d tighten him back up just so I could make him release again, again and again.
He couldn’t bare it anymore, he ragged off his boxers and he laid in his birthday suit underneath me.
“Happy birthday to me.” I chuckled.
I slowly and teasingly edged my way towards him, he was too impatient so he grabbed me by my hips and practically placed me on top of it. Just so I was hovering over the tip. It was pulsing like my heart beat and I couldn’t wait to give him what he wanted. My Daryl.
And just like that, I pushed myself into him.
A loud, deep moan escaped my mouth and echoed throughout the room. I had forgotten the amount of pleasure it would give me just as much as it would give him. Only now my plans were discarded as I could barely contain my bodies reaction to him inside of me.
I could feel it pumping inside of me as I slowly moved up and down.
“Fuck. Are ya really gonna do me like that?” He growled.
“Oh I’ll do ya, don’t you worry.” I cheeked.
I knew exactly what he wanted. My pace wasn’t fast enough for him. Not enough him to release. It was still pulsating and it was getting worse and he was closer to his limits.
I quickened up my pace, moving back and forth faster. And faster. And faster.
All of a sudden I felt his hot sticky cum erupt from his cock. We both moaned in unison, and loud. I wouldn’t be surprised if the group heard us up in the cell block. Not all the walls were sound proof. He was whimpering like a dog as I didn’t stop grinding on him, giving him more than what he asked for.
He leaned up and wrapped one arm around my waist and leaned on the other for support. His breathing had calmed down and he was staring into my eyes appreciating everything I had gave him.
“Time for me to return the favour.” He said sternly.
I Held my hands up in surrender. He looked up at my hands and slowly intertwined our fingers and brought them down so they were resting on his lap. He effortlessly lifted me off him and sat me between his legs, and then ran his hands under neath my thighs making me bend my knees up to my feet were pressed against the ground, and my legs were open wide.
He let go of my hands and traced both of the inside of my thighs coming closer and closer to my sweet spot. I had beat him to it, as I went to reach and down and release my throbbing slit, he snatched my hands away.
“Ah, ah, ah. No.” He said.
He pushed my hands behind my back so I wasn’t able to free myself from his grip. Teasingly his rubbed the sides of my clit, tickling my lips every now and then. Eventually he ran one finger down the middle and put his finger in-front of my face.
“Already wet. All this for me?” He whispered.
I nodded, confirming his statement. My breathing was now shallow and I didn’t know how much longer I could take his stalling.
However I was shocked to feel that I didn’t have to wait any longer as he harshly slid his fingers inside of me. Once again moans were abruptly escaping my mouth and it made him excited as his worked his fingers in and out of my cunt. He could tell how desperate I was for my release and he was going to give it to me.
“nearly there darlin’.” He spoke softly.
Finally his magic had payed off and now his fingers were covered in my hot and sticky cum. He played with it between his fingers whilst smiling and laughing.
“Open.” He demanded.
I opened my mouth, as he rubbed his fingers all around my gums and tongue.
Soon enough we were both back to our original state. And we were both dressed.
“I think it’s about time we get back, don’t want their minds wandering to far about our absence.” I joked.
“Shut up.” He said as he draped his arm over my shoulder whilst we walked back to the cell block.
Prompt: “Happy birthday to me.”
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creedslove · 9 months
marcus p would’ve been so scared of the nun he does not seem like a scary movie typa guy😭
Javier Peña, Joel Miller, Marcus Pike, Dave York, Javi Gutierrez x f!reader
A/N: I don't think so anon, I think he would like it 😭
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Javier Peña: didn't want to come in the first place; he is tired and he would much rather spend his time having a few drinks at home and you bouncing up and down his cock instead of watching a trashy horror movie. The fact he's gotta go two whole hours without smoking isn't appealing to him at all, so he holds onto the hope of maybe getting a blowjob or something like that, but that doesn't happen because the movie is actually a lot more interesting than he thought it would be and he's entertained by it, even if he doesn't admit it
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Joel Miller: Joel doesn't go to the movies as often as he used to when he was younger, he simply lost the habit as his couch and tv got more and more appealing to him over the years and yet, he's excited to go with you. He isn't a diehard fan of horror movies but he watched his fair share of it back in the day, and of course he enjoys the fact you very often cling to him because you got scared. When he gets there, all the thrill he felt for being at the movies is back and he's suddenly very excited, but don't forget he's a dad™ and as every dad, he'll complain about the prices and how things were cheaper when he was younger
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Marcus Pike: Marcus loves going to the movies, and he doesn't do it more often because he's too tired after work, horror movies aren't his first choice, but if you wanna watch it, he'll be there for you, he trusts your taste and maybe it will be a good movie. He'll always be touching you, arm over your shoulder, or hand resting on your thigh and he loves how close you are to him, he doesn't jump during the scary scenes because he's too busy staring at you to see if you are gonna jump and offer you his touch so you can calm down
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Dave York: just like Joel, Dave used to love going to the movies when he was younger but he simply lost the habit over the years; when he was still with Carol, her idea of dates were always bars or restaurants that cost WAY MORE than movie tickets and popcorn, so it is a nice change for him to watch a movie with you. It reminds him of when he was younger and life was easier, he doesn't get scared at all, he knows that shit is all made up of latex, bad makeup and fake blood. Speaking of fake blood, it bothers Dave how highly inaccurate the death scenes are, people just don't die like that in real life, but he doesn't bring it up, he doesn't want to kill the mood
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Javi Gutierrez: okay, if you wanna go to the movies with someone, this is the man you've been looking for!!! Let's start with the fact that if you want he will literally rent an entire movie theater for the two of you as I've already said many times here, but he doesn't mind if you wanna go to a regular session. Perhaps Javi G's favorite isn't horror but as someone who's passionate about the fine art of film™ like himself, he will give it a try, after all, one of the best movies of all time is a horror movie!!!! The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari!!!!!!!!!! So yeah, that man is attentive, he is quiet, he is focused on that screen and he barely blinks. I have a feeling he would even avoid eating and drinking during the movie because that would distract him. At the end of the exhibition, he will love discussing technical details with you and he will ask you to pick more movies for the two of you to watch, as he thinks it was a very good experience you both shared
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lives-in-midgard · 6 months
🎄You're Perfect🎄
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Pairing: Yelena Belova x reader platonic
Summary: Your best friend Yelena wants to celebrate the best Christmas season with you.
Word Count: 970
Warnings: slight mention of the death of readers family
A/N: A speacial thank you goes out to the lovely @yelenasdiary for helping me come up with this idea! I hope you and everyone like how this turned out!
Divider made by @saradika
Prompt 2: "You're perfect in my eyes."
(prompt from @buckys-wintersoldier )
Masterlist | Fluffcember Masterlist
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It’s December now, which means everyone is in the Christmas spirit. There are Christmas decoration everywhere, Christmas carols are playing, and everyone is happy with their family and friends. Everyone except you. You don’t like Christmas, it’s not that you hate it. There were times when you even loved Christmas. It was your favorite holiday. But now it just reminds you of your family and how much you enjoyed celebrating with your parents and siblings.
A few years ago, in December, your family died in a tragic accident. When you lost your parents and siblings you had to suffer alone, but now you have your best friend Yelena who is there for you when you feel alone and miss your family. She is the light in your life, and you wouldn’t know what to do without her. When Yelena isn’t on a mission, she spends most of her free time in your apartment. Sometimes you thought why she hasn’t moved in with you yet.
You haven’t celebrated Christmas in the last few years. When you met Yelena, she was really understanding and reached out to you, so you weren’t alone. You watched movies and cooked together. When you were sad, she would hug you and reassure you that she would never leave your side.
But this year it would be different. In November, Yelena asked you if you would like to celebrate the Christmas season and of course Christmas Day with her. After thinking about it for a few days, you agreed, and Yelena started smiling when you told her. She made sure that she didn’t have to go on missions and then began to plan activities and traditions to do with you. Yelena wanted you to have beautiful new memories and that you enjoy the Christmas season again.
One day she came over and showed you a list on her calendar.
“You want to go to a Christmas concert with me?” You asked and she nodded.
“I read somewhere that this is a tradition among the people, so I thought we could go to one. Of course, only if you want!” Yelena told you and you smiled at her.
“That would be great, I’ve always wanted to go to one.” You said which made Yelena smile.
“Okay, I’m glad.”
“Now let’s see what else you have on this list.” You said and made Yelena happy. You looked through the list and your smile widened because Yelena had thought of everything. You were happy to be able to do all of these things again, but a sad feeling also came over to you. You would do all of these things without your siblings and your parents. Yelena immediately noticed your change in mood and placed her hand on your back.
“Hey, we don’t have to do all these things, okay?” She said as she rubbed your back.
“If one day you don’t feel like doing something, please tell me and we can just stay here and do whatever you want instead, okay?”
“Okay, thank you Yelena. You’re the best.” You rested your head on her shoulder while she rubbed your back.
The days passed and when the first day of December came, the two of you were in your apartment baking cookies together. It didn’t go the way you expected because the first few cookies burned, but you both had a lot of fun and enjoyed your time together.
Almost every day you did something special with Yelena. You went ice skating, to a Christmas market and watched Christmas movies. You also decorated your apartment and hers too, even though she was rarely there at the moment. Once when you didn’t feel like going out, Yelena came over and was there for you. She hugged you and later made you some mac and cheese for the both of you.
That day it was time to go to the Christmas concert. You heard a knock on your door and opened it with a smile.
“Hey Lena.”
“Hey.” You both smiled at each other, and Yelena walked in.
“We still have a lot of time, how about we watch a movie before we have to leave?” You suggested.
“Sounds good. Which one do you want to watch?” Yelena asked as she walked to the couch. You sat down next to her and chose your favorite Christmas movie.
When the movie ended, you got up from the couch.
“Now we really have to go.” Yelena said and you nodded. As you walked over to put on your jacket, you looked out the window and saw that it was suddenly snowing very heavily. Yelena followed your gaze and saw it too.
“Oh no, shit, this can’t be happening. We have to go to this concert!” Yelena began to panic out of anger.
“Hey Lena. Hey, you need to calm down.” You tried to calm her down.
“I can’t calm down! I wanted it to be perfect.” Yelena said.
“Don’t worry, this is perfect. You’re perfect in my eyes.” You confessed and Yelena had a confused look on her face.
“You didn’t have to make all this effort for me, but you did. This means so much to me and I couldn’t be happier to have you as my best friend.”
“Of course, I’m doing all this for you, you’re my best friend and you deserve to have a great Christmas again, but this concert was part of it.
“Lena, I don’t care that we can’t go to the concert today, we can go to another one someday. And maybe we could go outside and enjoy the snow?” You finished and smiled at your friend.
“Are you sure?” She asked with a worried look.
“I’m sure.” You promised her.
“Okay, then let’s go outside.”
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@marvelogic | @yelenasdiary | @youralphawolf72 | @severelyuniquereview | @mrs-bucky-barnes-73
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d1xonss · 6 months
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Desert Rose
Chapter 12 ~ Cherokee Rose
✧ Pairing : Daryl Dixon x Rose
✧ Era : Season 2
✧ Word Count : 3.1k
In this chapter ~ When the rest of the group was informed about all the recent events, it was clear they became fearful, wanting to formulate some sort of plan. After reuniting all together at the farm, they are left with the anticipation if Rose would pull through. Meanwhile, the search for Sophia continues.
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~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ THIRD PERSON POV *~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Lori and Maggie eventually made it back to the farm safely and the woman jumped off the horse in a flash, rushing inside to see her son and her husband. Unimaginable relief filled Rick's chest the moment she walked through the door, safe and unharmed. However he quickly informed her that she needed to give a blood transfusion in order for them to perform the surgery Rose needed. To keep her alive.
Upon hearing that, Lori gladly went over to have her blood drawn as quickly as possible. Just seeing how pale she had gotten, how terrible this all escalated in just a few hours, it was a lot to process.
Although Lori hadn't interacted much with Rose she was still a part of the group, and had kept her son safe countless times since she stepped foot in their camp. And because of that, Lori knew she could trust her, and if giving her blood helped her stay alive, she would do it in an instant.
Carl never left Rose's side the entire time she laid there so still in the bed. All he wanted was for her to be okay as he constantly watched Hershel work and check on her more times than he was able to count. He just wordlessly sat there holding her hand, hoping Shane would be back soon so they could use the supplies they found to save her.
The two men hadn't come back yet even though it had been hours, but all the rest of them could do was wait and hope for the best. Even if the minutes were slowly ticking away at her fate.
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"Shot? What do you mean shot?" Dale asked the group as they made their way back over to the RV, explaining why only a third of the group emerged from the woods.
"God, I don't know Dale. All I know is that this girl rode in on a horse, telling us my best friend got shot and took Lori so she could give her a blood transfusion, I think. It all happened too fast, they kept talking about blood types..." Glenn rambled.
Dale just stood there with wide eyes and his mouth slightly parted, not knowing what to say as they all dumped this information on him. But he couldn't get a word in even if he tried, Daryl already beating him to the punch as he gathered himself.
"I dunno about y'all but m' headin out. Gonna make sure she's okay." he said while heading to his bike, not sparing them a second glance.
"Right behind you." Glenn muttered, walking with him as he too couldn't stop worrying about what was happening to her.
Carol stuttered, "W-Wait! We can't leave, my daughter is still out there." she said before they were able to take off.
Carol was concerned about Rose, of course she was. But she needed to find her daughter and didn't want to just leave the highway in case she somehow came back.
"Yeah, well y'all can stay here and wait but m' not." Daryl argued.
"Okay, wait, hold up Daryl," Dale said to catch his attention, "This group is split enough as it is, we have to plan this. How about we wait until tomorrow morning and if she's still not back we'll leave her a sign, some supplies, and come back every day to check and see if she came back before heading to this... farm." he ranted.
"Great, you guys do that. I gotta get to Rose." Daryl responded.
"Jesus Christ Daryl, she's going to be okay. Why are you so persistent about getting to her anyway?" Andrea asked with a hand on her hip.
Daryl's eyes narrowed at her as he seemed to clam up, not knowing what to say. He knew the reason he wanted to get to her so badly, but he didn't want to admit it out loud. At least not yet. He could barely even admit it to himself. It was a tough pill to swallow that his redneck ass had actually formed a schoolboy crush on her.
Andrea scoffed at his silence, "Oh okay, yeah I get it." she said in a tone that got under his skin.
"Look, she's a few miles away from us, dyin for all we know, why aren't you people more concerned?!" Daryl snapped.
"We are!" Dale defended, "But someone has to be thinking clearly right now, and I think splitting us up even more isn't going to do us any good."
Daryl only scoffed, fed up with the whole conversation and the constant back and forth that was only wasting more time.
Though Glenn stayed quiet as he listened. Both of them had good points and although he didn't want to be clueless of what was happening on that farm, in his head he made up his mind. After debating back and forth for a few lingering seconds of silence that was spared, he figured they could wait just one more night.
He dreadfully walked closer to Daryl to speak quieter to the man, hesitant on what he was about to say, "Listen they...they might be right."
"What?" Daryl asked sharply.
"Look, I want to get to her just as bad as you do," he stated, causing the man to glare daggers at him from the subtle assumption.
But Glenn scoffed at his expression, "Don't look at me like that, I've seen the way you treat her versus how you treat anyone else around here. My point is...I want to get there too, but let's just wait one more night and then first thing tomorrow we can head to the house all together. Let's just avoid the fight."
Daryl was taking in his words carefully. Had he really been that obvious that he was growing to care for her? Did the others know like he did? Reguardless, he was about to protest further but then Glenn cut him off.
"Do you really want to sit there and watch her be in pain? Hear her scream? I don't know what they have to do to help her but it must be pretty bad if she needs blood. I don't want to watch her go through that." he admitted.
The truth was, that's what scared Daryl too. Genuinely scared to go there and see her because he didn't want to see what had happened to her, he dreaded it in fact. He just wanted to picture her like the last time he saw her. Having a small smile on her face, and a light behind her eyes which he could only assume was hope to find Sophia, before she headed off with Rick.
He didn't say anything, but he nodded once, finally giving into staying one more night.
Carol saw him get off his bike and sighed in relief, "Thank you, thank you both." she said to the men.
Daryl just nodded again, hoping she couldn't see the slight annoyance that filled him at the idea of waiting. He hated waiting. He didn't have enough patience to wait around for something, and his mind almost couldn't handle it with the number of thoughts that constantly clouded over his head. And this was no different, in fact it might be worse.
But he swallowed his pride for once in his life and respected Carol's wishes seeing as she was going through enough already. He just silently headed into one of the nearby abandoned cars to sleep, hoping that tomorrow would come faster that way.
However, the truth was, the next morning couldn't come soon enough and both Glenn and Daryl were itching to get there as fast as possible. Daryl didn't sleep hardly at all that night, and it felt like days before the sun finally began to rise. But the second everyone was awake, they all gathered their things, left a sign for Sophia along with some food and water, and headed towards the house.
They raced down the many dirt roads in the limited vehicles they had left before taking a sharp turn towards where they were instructed. Daryl kept repeating the directions in his head, the woman's voice playing like a broken record as he kept an eye out for the mailbox that she mentioned. Once they had finally passed it, it wasn't long before a big white farmhouse came into view, only causing him to pick up speed.
Once the remainder of them finally arrived and pulled through the metal gates towards the entrance, they all squinted to see Rick and Lori, standing on the porch waiting for them to come up. They all collectively raced out of their vehicles and Daryl nearly ate shit trying to get off his bike, jogging up to the couple before anyone else could.
"How is she? She okay?" he asked them, trying to hide the panic in his voice.
Rick smirked slightly to himself, "She's okay, she's going to be okay." he confirmed.
Daryl sighed a bit quietly in relief though he heard Glenn do the same from just a few inches behind him, a pressure being lifted from his chest at the news. The rest then started to come up and greet them on the porch with hugs and relieved smiles, but Daryl just stepped aside. A part of him wanted to go inside and see her, but he was nervous. He wanted to prepare himself to see the state she was in. His mind could only imagine so much as to what she looked like after everything that had happened to her.
But it seemed his decision was made for him as Hershel then came outside to introduce himself to the new people and explained a little bit more of what happened to Rose. He said she was resting but he didn't expect her to wake up for a little while longer, as he only finished the surgery a few hours prior. Maybe that was a good enough excuse to stay away for a while longer.
The older man then asked everyone if they would want to gather around to have a small ceremony for a man they lost. Otis had sacrificed himself in order to save Rose according to what Shane told the group, died from a herd of walkers that somehow tore through the high school. Everyone agreed instantly and slowly trailed out to an open field, standing quietly while Hershel said a few words about him and read from the bible. Patricia, Otis's wife turned towards Shane after a few moments of silence, asking if he would tell the story of how it happened. And he did, not wanting to deny as he felt he didn't have a choice.
The story that he told was long and drug out, as the man wasn't able to look at a single person in the eye when speaking about what had happened. Though everyone seemed to believe his words and sympathized for the family...everyone except Daryl.
He knew Shane was lying straight through his teeth, but kept his mouth shut about saying anything at all about the fairytale he told. He knew in the back of his mind that no one would believe him if he were to speak up about it anyway. And the only person who would, was currently unconscious.
After the service for Otis, Glenn didn't waste anymore time as he rushed into the house to find the room she was in, seeing his friend lying almost lifeless on the bed looking deathly pale. His eyes widened drastically as he sped over to her on the right side of the bed and grabbed her hand with tears in his eyes, moving some of the hair from her face.
He started to whisper things to her as if she could hear him, getting everything off of his chest as he began to feel guilty for this happening to her. He didn't know why, the events had nothing to do with him, yet he still felt terrible that she was put in this position. Perhaps he should've protested about her leaving to begin with. Though he knew it was wrong to think like that, he almost couldn't help it.
"I'm sorry about your girlfriend."
Glenn's head suddenly snapped back up towards the doorway, seeing a younger shorthair girl standing there with obvious sympathy.
He was taken off guard at the assumption as he quickly shook his head, "Oh no, she's not my girlfriend. We're just friends. Well... I think she's my best friend, but she might disagree with that one." he said jokingly.
She laughed a little with a slow nod in understanding, "Well, sorry to assume. I just saw you and the guy with the crossbow were both real worried about her."
Glenn thought back for a moment at the obvious concern Daryl was showing for his friend, smirking to himself about the possibilities. But he just silently nodded to the girl in appreciation before turning back to Rose.
Back outside the house Rick, Daryl, Shane, and Hershel were all looking at a map on the hood of a car, trying to figure out the best plan for finding Sophia. They all quickly realized there was a lot of ground to cover, and with how long she had been missing, it would probably take a lot longer to track her down than they had hoped.
"How long has the girl been lost?" Hershel asked.
"This is day three," Rick responded, then looked back towards the map, "This is perfect, we can finally get this thing organized."
"We'll grid the whole area and start searching in teams." Shane said.
But Hershel was quick to shake his head, "No not you, with the way you hurt your ankle, push it now and you'll be laid up for a month. No good to nobody." Hershel told him.
"Alright then it's just us today." Rick said to Daryl.
"Nah, we should split up. I'll go east a little ways and you check around this area." he said pointing north.
Rick furrowed his brow, "Are you sure?"
"Yeah. M' better on my own." he responded.
Rick nodded his head before they continued discussing about how more people would go out tomorrow so they could actually start doing this right. The large setback they had was bad enough as it was, but now knowing that the girl could've gone farther was the thing now weighing them down.
But Daryl found himself volunteering to go out on his own simply because he needed the distraction. He couldn't bring himself to go in and see Rose just yet, he had no idea what he would be walking into. So he decided to make himself useful and help look for Sophia for the time being, wanting to be able to finally bring her back safe.
Rick noticed however, how frantic Daryl was the second he saw him, how so clearly he cared without even fully realizing it for himself. But he was since left confused as to why the man hadn't just gone up to see him for herself, not even to check on her once.
So when the group eventually split after they were done talking out the details, Rick took the opportunity to get some answers out of him.
"Hey," Rick called after Daryl before he had a chance to get away. "Did you go in and see Rose yet?" he asked.
Daryl shook his head, "Nah."
"Well, why not? You seemed pretty concerned when you first got here." he said.
Daryl shrugged, "Just wanted to hear she was okay. Now come on, we ain't got all day, we got a little girl to find." he said bluntly before walking away a bit quicker than usual.
Rick smiled to himself knowingly, but turned around and went on pretending like he didn't know a damn thing.
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The minutes had slowly turned into hours since Daryl went out on the lookout for Sophia, and since they hadn't found a thing. He was searching high and low for any type of sign that she could be nearby or maybe passed through recently, but was left with nothing as he continued his search. He felt defeated under the scorching sun, growing more tired than he was ever willing to admit as he continued to push himself to the limits.
But suddenly, he came across an older white house, barely coming into view across the large field and decided to check it out just in case she could be hiding out there.
He walked up to the front door, trying to listen for walkers before kicking the door open with a loud bang, signaling the corpses towards the noise if there was any in there to begin with. When there was only silence, he slowly stepped in and down the longer hallway, searching room after room he came across. Nothing quite caught his eye as he scanned around every inch throughly, just a trashy house that was abandoned a long time ago.
Even the very last room towards the end didn't leave him with a lot of hope, just a bunch of cans and trash surrounding the floors. That is until something managed to catch his eye. A larger cupboard tucked in the corner was left open just enough for him to catch a glimpse at what was inside. It was small, maybe nothing, but a pillow and a blanket on the floor along with some opened food that had been picked apart recently.
To him it was a sign. Maybe it wasn't Sophia that was hiding in there, but it was a sign to keep looking. After checking the whole house, with no other sign of the girl, he hesitantly walked out the back door with the intention to head back to Hershel's farm. That is until something else caught his attention out of the corner of his eye.
From a good few feet away, there sat some flowers blooming fairly close to the house he just cleared. He began walking over to them slowly, only to find out that they were Cherokee roses, to which he knew quite well. These flowers were very beautiful and had a backstory behind them that he would never forget, which only caused the wheels to turn faster in his head. He thought of Carol, how these flowers must have bloomed for Sophia, and decided to pick one off to take back to her and share the story he had come to know. To give her a little bit of hope that she needed.
He turned around with the intention of leaving to head back, but then out of the clear blue, Rose suddenly crossed his mind. He turned to look back at the flowers again, debating if he should take one to her too, or if he should just leave it be. Maybe she would appreciate it, love it even. Or maybe she didn't even like flowers at all, thinking it was pointless to receive something that would only die in just a few days. Daryl didn't know her thoughts behind something like this...but he knew her. And that was good enough for him.
So, after overthinking it for far too long, he walked back over to quickly pick another one and headed towards the farm again, before he changed his mind.
~ Thanks for reading!
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sadhours · 1 year
simmer down - 2
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masterlist • requests are open • read on ao3
previous chapter
warnings: 18+ minors dni, reader x steve, smut, p in v, oral (f receiving), swallowing, slow burn, angst, this is end game Billy x reader I promise
summary: you think maybe you can fall back into secretly hooking up with Steve, even if Billy knows. you find that he isn’t going to tell your brother, Tommy. but he’s sure as hell gonna tease you about it.
By some weird force of nature, Billy hasn’t spilled your secret. It’s stressing you out that he even knows at all, because he doesn’t know much of anything about you. And now he’s the sole holder of that secret. You don’t know Billy so you’ve got no clue if you could really trust him to keep his mouth shut. The other night at dinner, Tommy announced that Billy had joined the basketball team and you panicked because Steve is on the team. The possibility of Billy saying something makes you absolutely sick to your stomach.
You used to fuck off with Carol during practice but since Billy’s joined, the two of you sit in the gym and watch now. It’s tough to watch, Billy has this need to antagonize Steve and you end up feeling sorry for Steve. He’s not as good on his feet as the Californian. And Billy’s a fucking show off. He dribbles the ball between his legs and is constantly attempting trick shots. What’s worse is he makes them ninety percent of the time and everyone cheers. You can see the annoyance on Steve’s face, his comebacks aren’t as well executed as Billy’s. Also, how Billy always ends up on skins while Steve ends up on shirts seems intentional, like either Billy asks the coach or the coach really likes to see them compete.
“It’s insane to see Steve like this,” Carol mumbles to you, nudging your shoulder as she does so. “He used to be such a hot shot.”
You wince, watching Billy knock Steve onto his back and grin wildly down at the brunette. It’s definitely a foul, yet the coach doesn’t call it out. No, instead he yells for Steve to get up.
“Billy’s kind of a dick,” you admit, your face scrunched up in secondhand embarrassment for Steve.
Carol shrugs, “He’s just a better player. Steve’s so pathetic, it just looks sad.”
With a sigh you can’t help but agree. It’s only solidifying Steve’s fall from grace. You can’t really imagine Billy taking his place though, he’s in a far different league of his own. He’s exotic in ways Steve isn’t. Billy’s not rich but he has a way cooler car than Steve. He hasn’t spent his entire life in Hawkins and you make a internal note to ask him more about the west coast. Talking to Billy was surprisingly easy. Sometimes you’d catch yourself rambling on and repeating yourself because you’d get so excited about whatever you were talking about and he was an amazing listener. He asked questions, nodded along and laughed when you apologized for talking too much. The crush was kind of growing, but you were pretty sure it would pass. He was pretty regularly hooking up with Tina, she’d tell you and Carol all about it and you pretended not to picture yourself with him while she described their encounters.
You’re brought out of your thoughts by Billy’s maniacal cackling and Steve whining, “Coach! Come on! That was totally illegal!”
Carol’s laughing along with Billy, but you can’t help but agree with Steve. He plays dirty, it’s obvious to anyone with eyes. It is also glaringly obvious how sexy he is. You find yourself thinking about licking the sweat off his chest. Why did he always have to be skins?
This was torture but you enjoyed it enough to keep following Carol into the gym every other day. And after practice you’d walk with Billy to his car if Tina wasn’t around. Today she wasn’t, so here you are standing next to that pretty blue Camaro looking up at even prettier blue eyes. Billy’s hair is still wet from his shower. He shrugs off the compliments from Tommy and Carol while he lights a cigarette. He gives you this look when Steve walks to his car and your eyes linger, watching Steve’s tall legs as he strides past the four of you.
“So what’s the move?” Tommy asks, “You wanna come over and listen to records?”
Billy shakes his head, sucking on the Marlboro before frowning, “Gotta watch my step sister.”
“It’s Friday,” Carol points out and Billy scoffs, though his lips are turned up in a slight smile.
“I’ll be free around nine,” he says.
“We can go to quarry,” you suggest, raising an eyebrow up.
Tommy grins, “That could be fun. You down, Hargrove?”
Billy smiles, “Sounds like some hick shit. Count me in.”
Your head turns as you hear polyurethane wheels against the gravel, seeing the redhead barreling towards the Camaro. She’s got this pissed off look on her face and Billy’s smile quickly falls as he hands you the rest of his smoke.
“See you then,” he says, looking at you before tossing his bag in the backseat and climbing in the front seat. His step sister doesn’t even spare any of you a look as she climbs in the opposite side. Billy pulls his sunglasses down and shoots you a wink before he reverses out of his spot and speeds off. Carol squeals and slaps your arm.
Tommy groans, “Absolutely not. Do not fuck him.”
Carol pushes him gently, “He totally likes her, who are you to get in the way of that?”
You shake your head, “I’m not going to fuck him. Let’s go.”
Carol insists you ride with Billy, so you can give him directions. Tommy doesn’t protest but you can see it on his face. Billy’s car is very clean, it’s the first thing you notice. You know he smokes in the car, he’s doing it now, but there’s no ash lingering on the dash and it smells like leather and well… man. It smells like a man. His cassettes are organized alphabetically in the glove compartment, you notice it when he asks you to pick one out. You settle on a Def Leppard album and he doesn’t have anything to say about it but he drums his fingers against the steering wheel along with the music. He’s got a six pack of beer, placed neatly next to your feet and he drives slower than you expected.
“So…” he muses, passing the cigarette to you, “Is King Steve a good lay?”
“Oh my god,” you flush, dragging your hand down your face.
Billy cackles, “That embarrassment tells me yes. If he were shit in the sack, you wouldn’t be so fucking red.”
“Why do you even want to know?” you grumble, taking a hit of his cigarette and passing it back.
He takes it and drags his tongue across his lower lip, “I guess I don’t. It’s just funny to see you turn that color.”
“Is Tina good?” you try to make him feel as embarrassed as you are.
You don’t know what you anticipated, though. He just grins big and wide, leaning his head back to look at you while he says, “She’s alright. I do most the work so I don’t know if I’d say she’s good. But I get what I need.”
“Gross,” you roll your eyes and snatch the Marlboro back from him. “That’s not how she retells it.”
Billy hums and then purses his lips, “She does have a big mouth. She tell you anything you didn’t wanna know?”
You scoff, “Yeah, everything.”
“She describe my dick?” he asks, eyes crinkling up with his cocky grin.
“Feel like I’m old friends with it,” you exhale, trying not to picture it.
Billy laughs, it’s loud and genuine and you hate the way it makes you feel all warm inside. A part of you wants to open the door and roll yourself down the cliff he’s driving along.
“I always knew girls talked about that stuff.”
“It’s all she talks about. You better be careful, I think she’s obsessed with you,” you reply, “Most girls don’t do that, by the way.”
“That…” he starts, “Or you just haven’t had it good enough to brag about.”
“Oh, I could brag,” you say, tossing the cigarette butt out the window.
Billy scoffs, “Then why don’t you? Why not shack up with King Steve? Make it official.”
“Neither of us want that. We’re perfectly fine with no one knowing.”
You don’t dare tell Billy that all you want is for Steve to make it official. You can’t admit aloud that Steve is using you and you’re fully aware of it and so deeply hurt by it but you like him too much to do anything about it. Unfortunately, Billy’s smart and he can see deep into you somehow.
“You mean Harrington’s fine with you being a secret.”
“Tommy wouldn’t take kindly to me hooking up with his childhood best friend,” you supply with a shrug.
“You hook up with him since? Or was it a moment of weakness?” Billy asks, the question makes you squirm in your seat. You don’t want to answer it so you don’t. And you don’t have to.
“Take the next left, it’s like maybe half a mile and then it’s like a grass field you can park on,” you instruct him.
“Yes ma’am,” he purrs, peering in his rearview mirror to see Tommy and Carol behind. “You secretly fuck all your brothers friends or is the King just special?”
“Shut up.”
He does, shocking you as his lips straighten up and he looks ahead intently. You don’t know why he seems upset but you’re not trying to figure it out either. You’re not gonna get your hopes up and assume that was his way of propositioning you.
You’re three beers in and you feel it, you skipped dinner because you were nervous about tonight. The happy buzz spreading through you is exactly what you needed. It’s kind of dampened when Carol and Tommy sneak off and you’re left sitting in the grass with Billy, staring over the edge of the cliff down to the water.
“Tina’s just… there,” he says and it surprises you. There’s a slur to his words and you’re sure Billy’s just as buzzed as you are. “Like I don’t know she kind of just forced herself on me and it was easy and I’m fucking bored in this stupid town.”
“We’re all bored here,” you admit, “nothing to do but get drunk and fuck.”
“Like she’s pretty and all, but she’s kind of trying to box me in and I’m not into it,” he keeps ranting and it’s odd, Billy let’s you talk and talk and talk but he doesn’t usually do it himself.
“Aw, is Billy Hargrove not a one woman kind of guy?” you fake a pout.
He chuckles, “What’s the point? I’m young and love is bullshit. It’s not real. It’s just what people say to manipulate you into doing what they want you to do.”
You can’t help but think about the way Steve looked at Nancy, like she was the reason the fucking sun shines. He doesn’t look at you like that. You’re an end to a means. Something easy for him to get his rocks off. Either Billy’s been burned or he doesn’t think too highly of women.
“Someone break your heart?”
He shakes his head with a scoff, “No one can break it if they don’t have it.”
“That’s smart, I guess…”
“What about you? Anyone break yours?” he asks, laying on his back but turning his body to look up at you.
“I’ve never had a boyfriend,” you admit, laying on your back and turning to meet Billy’s eyes.
He smiles, it’s warm and fuzzy and you can stare at him all night. “I’ve never had a girlfriend.”
“We’re a couple of losers,” you joke, giggling softly when he laughs.
“As long as we’re not idiots.”
“Love makes you an idiot?”
“Oh, it’s not a real thing, but believing you’re in love makes you an idiot,” he mumbles, turning to face the sky. “You know anything about stars?”
You follow his eyes, looking up at the sparkles illuminating the backlit canopy that is the night sky. You don’t but now you wish you did. “They blink when they’re dying apparently, and like… when we see that, we’re watching the past or something? Like the star itself has died but we’re light years away and so it hasn’t happened yet? I guess? I have no idea what I’m talking about.”
Billy laughs softly and goes silent for a beat, “Can’t see this many stars back home. There’s too many lights.”
You hum, “What do you miss most about home?”
He sighs, “The ocean, for sure. I surf.”
“You surf?” you ask, a little shocked but you can picture it, the salty water soaking his hair and you wonder if maybe there’s a chance you could still smell it on him.
“Or I guess I used to. No waves here,” he muses, sounding more melancholy than you’ve ever heard.
It makes you sad. You imagine what he was like back home. What else he got up to besides surfing. You have no idea what to say. You want to comfort him but how could you?
“Oh, food too. The food here sucks,” he laughs, “The only Mexican food you fucks have is Taco Bell.”
“I like Taco Bell,” you knit your eyebrows together and Billy giggles.
“I want tamales. I want menudo.”
These foods are foreign to you but you know Taco Bell doesn’t offer them.
“My best friend, Argyle, his mom made the best food,” he says, sounding nostalgic and happy while he reminisces. “I was over at their place like every night for dinner. My dad didn’t cook. We had like TV dinners before Susan came along and she can’t cook for shit, but I mean, she tries.”
“You can come to ours for dinner,” you offer, “Might not be Mexican food but my mom cooks well.”
Billy giggles, again, and you start to feel light headed, you want to say fuck it and pounce on him. But there’s no way he wants you to do that.
“I like your moms cooking, yeah…” he trails off and then points up at the sky. “Did you see that? Shooting star!”
You nod, you were just in the middle of wishing on it, wishing Billy would kiss you. Before the wish can even come true, Tommy and Carol come stumbling back.
“Good fuck?” Billy asks as he remains laid on his back.
You sit up and gag as Tommy answers, “Yeah it was! She let me stick it—“
He’s interrupted by Carol forcing her hand over his mouth, “Tommy! For fucks sake! Shut up!”
Billy lets out a cackle, lacing his fingers together over his stomach as he continues staring up at the sky.
“What did you two get up to?” Carol asks in a sing-song voice as she sits beside you.
“This,” Billy deadpans as you turn to glare at her. “You two fucks know anything about stars?”
“No,” Tommy admits almost sheepishly as he lays next to Billy. “Like I know the Big Dipper and shit but that’s it.”
The blonde hums in response and Carol nudges your side.
“I have to pee, come with,” she says as she stands up, reaching for your hand and helping you stand with her.
When you turn to look at the two boys, Billy turns his head to look at you. His expression is unreadable but there’s something in his eyes that makes your stomach do flips. You wish you knew what he was thinking. You follow Carol’s footsteps away, a spot hidden by trees but too far away. Carol pulls her pants down and squats, looking up at you with her elbows resting on her knees.
“Did you guys kiss?”
You laugh, rolling your eyes before you answer, “No. We talked.”
“Ugh,” she groans, “That’s all you guys ever do.”
“Maybe Billy isn’t into me, did you ever think about that?”
Carol shakes her head, “No, that’s stupid, he totally is.”
You wonder how she could possibly know that, if maybe Billy’s said something to her and Tommy when you weren’t around. But that seems unlikely. You think that if he was interested, he would’ve already made a move by now. And besides, you’re still so wrapped up in Steve. Anything you’ve felt for Billy has just been because he’s extremely attractive and that doesn’t mean you like him, it just means your eyes are functioning.
“How do you know?”
Carol pulls her pants up and shrugs, “Just a feeling. Come on, I’m so exhausted.”
“Gross,” you shake your head but follow her back. The boys have gotten up and Billy’s standing beside his car.
“I’ll see you guys later,” he calls out before climbing in and driving away. It’s strange how quickly he left but you try not to dwell on it. You can’t help but wonder what him and Tommy talked about.
Steve looks to you, his elbow is a little close to your face but you don’t mind. How could you when you just swallowed his cum? Not to mention how soft and handsome he looks. His eyes are so big and brown and pretty.
“That was awesome,” he says and smiles around the last word, his teeth on display.
You giggle and lean over, cupping his face in your hands as you kiss him. He welcomes you in his arms, smiling against your lips and pulling you closer. His hands feel nice on your waist, you melt against him and you can’t help yourself as you deepen the kiss.
When you pull away he says something that makes your head spin, “You’re so easy to be around.”
“I’m glad you feel that way,” you tell him and stroke his cheek with your thumb. “I like looking at you.”
He laughs, smoothing his hands up your back, “I mean it… with Nancy, there was like all this pressure and she’s so kind and smart but I felt like I was disappointing her.”
You hate when he talks about her, when he compares the two of you because you’re so fully aware of how different you and Nancy are. You hate the knowledge but you know Nancy wasn’t as eager in bed. You’ve got more experience than her in the field. You think maybe you should be ashamed by your sex drive and how hungry you get when it comes to Steve. But then you think about the sweet and whiny sounds he makes when he’s about to climax and you don’t care, you love to make him feel good.
“Well… I know you. I’ve known you almost my whole life,” you reply, combing your fingers through his hair. “I don’t want you to be anyone other than yourself, Steve.”
“Remember when I used to play Barbie’s with you?” he asks, grinning up at you.
“Remember when you taught me how to kiss?” you smirk, leaning down to brush your lips together.
Steve moans softly, allowing your tongue past his lips and he deepens it, grabbing onto the back of your neck. With that, you’re ready for round two as you reminisce on the night Steve snuck into your room and asked if you’d ever been kissed, how you told him no and he said he’d show you. The way he held you gently and licked slowly into your mouth. You remember how turned on you got and how you could feel Steve’s hard on in his pajamas but the two of you didn’t do anything but kiss until the sun came up and then he snuck back into Tommy’s room before anyone woke up.
He pulls back from the kiss with a loud pop and says, “Remember how I took your virginity?”
You roll your hips against him at the memory. It was your fifteenth birthday. Steve was there for the family party and insisted he threw you an after party at his house. Late into the night, after everyone had left and Tommy and Carol had passed out, Steve lead you up to his room. He slowly undressed you, kissing all over your whole body and asked if you were ready for your present. It was gentle and so wonderful and you were so sure you were madly in love with him by the end of it. He kissed all over your face and kept saying, “Happy Birthday, beautiful.”
Now, in this moment, thinking back, you want to cry. How could he just leave you for Nancy like that? Steve had made you feel so special like he loved you or something. But what sucks… is you feel it again. Looking down at him, naked in his bed all this time later. Well, it hasn’t been that long but still, a lot has happened.
“I’m happy it was you I gave it to,” you say, smiling.
“Me too…” Steve mumbles, pulling you back for another heated kiss.
He’s hard again, you feel his cock fill out against your thigh while you lick into his mouth, tongues meeting and swirling together. It’s so easy, falling back into the routine of secret rendezvous with him. As long as Billy stays under the impression it was one time, you’re safe. You can keep this up, you can keep getting this little piece of Steve.
“Baby,” he whines when you angle your hips so his cock brushes against your aching center.
You love when he calls you that. You can almost pretend he’s your boyfriend.
“Can’t believe you already wanna go again,” he mumbles, grabbing onto your hips so he can help you get him inside. You gasp when you do, wriggling your hips down and grinding against him. You keep your hand on his face as you bounce on top of him, aimlessly stroking your thumb against his cheekbone. He keeps licking his teeth and lips while his eyebrows knit together, eyes locked on yours.
You sigh softly, “S’your fault. You get me so worked up.”
“Uh-huh… me too,” he replies, eyes falling down to where your bodies meet, watching the way your pussy swallows his cock up.
It makes you smile and you want to look as sexy as possible for him, so you press your hands on the bed and lean back to give him a better view. It quickly progresses to you placing your feet on the bed so you can move faster and easier. Steve props himself on his elbows to watch, this needy look on his face; his eyebrows scrunched up with his eyes wide and his kiss stained lips parted.
“Fuck, that’s so hot,” he tells you, voice low.
His words encourage you to work harder, his bed springs squeak and the headboard starts hitting the wall with rhythmic, satisfying thuds. After a moment, Steve can’t help himself and starts jerking his hips up to meet your thrusts. He keeps whimpering and whining, it has you so hot and tingly all over. He wraps his hands around your ankles, watching intently as you ride him.
“Baby, that’s so good,” he babbles, blinking rapidly and it’s one of the tell tale signs that he’s about cum.
You double down, though your thighs and calves are burning from the exertion. It’s all worth it to see Steve fall apart. Once he squeezes his eyes shut and you can see the strain in his neck and jaw, you pull off of him and quickly get your lips wrapped around his cock, closing your eyes tight as you take him as deep as you can and using your hand to stroke what you can’t fit.
“Fuck, fuck, I’m—“ he cries out and then empties down your throat.
He tastes sweet, you’ve always found that strange because you’ve been told that cum taste depends on what they eat and Steve doesn’t eat all that healthy, mostly junk food. Maybe it’s the fruit, he does eat a lot of fruit. You swallow it and pull off him with a loud pop. He’s breathing heavy, eyes still closed tight as he recovers. You rub soothing circles against his thighs as you watch, smiling too yourself.
“C’mere…” he breaths, opening his eyes and looks down to you, “sit on my face.”
He doesn’t have to tell you twice. You straddle his head and Steve wraps his arms around your thighs, pulling you down on his mouth. He eats you out sloppily, tongue all over and shaking his head while he does it. You whimper and knot your fingers in his hair, trying to keep your body from tipping over at the pleasure. He digs his fingernails into your thighs, moaning while he licks your pussy. The vibrations of it feel immaculate, your eyes start to roll back and you grind against his face, chasing the high that’s so close you can almost grab it.
“Steve,” you whine out, “right there, oh fuck, yes right there.”
He listens, working his tongue harder against your clit until you’re shaking above him, fingers pulling at his hair while your orgasm crashes through you. You try to hold yourself upright but fail, bending over and muffling your cries in his pillows. He lets you ride it out and when you pull off of him, he’s panting with the widest grin you’ve ever seen. You can’t help but kiss it, tasting yourself on his lips and tongue.
He pats your thigh, “Why don’t you stay a little longer? We can watch a movie or something.”
You nod slowly, “Okay… that sounds fun.”
He kisses you again before climbing out of the bed and pulling on a plain t-shirt and his briefs. You also get dressed but you don’t put your pants back on, just your underwear and then you follow him downstairs into the kitchen. You sit up on the counter as he opens the fridge and pulls out two water bottles, offering one to you. You take it graciously and the pair of you swallow them down quickly, smiling at each other as you pant afterward. Steve chuckles softly and then makes his way back to the fridge.
“Ya hungry?”
“I could eat,” you admit, watching as he picks through the groceries. He pulls out fruit. All kinds. Some you’ve never had before. He places them on the counter and you point to one.
“You just eat limes?”
Steve giggles, picking up the fruit and extending it towards you, “It’s guava.”
You hum, looking over the fruit, “I’ve like had it in juice form, I never knew what it looked like.”
Steve takes it back, places it on a cutting board and reaches in the drawer for a knife and spoon. He cuts it open and scoops a spoonful out, passing it to you. You wrap your lips around the spoon and suck down the fruit. It’s very sweet, kind of like a strawberry but also like a pear. You knit your eyebrows together as you chew.
“You don’t like it?” he asks, smiling as he slides between your legs and places his hands on your bare thighs.
You shake your head and say around the mouthful, “No, it’s good.”
After you swallow, Steve kisses you and slides his tongue along your lower lip before pushing past and rubs his tongue against yours. He pulls back and licks his lips, like he’s savoring the taste of the fruit.
“It’s really good,” he says, smirking at you and you flush all over, wanting to kiss him more but he pulls away and starts cleaning the fruit before cutting it up and arranging it on a plate.
“Come on, let’s pick a movie,” he says as he walks out into the living room and you jump off the counter to follow him.
The movie doesn’t matter, you can’t help but watch Steve instead of the TV. He looks so obscene while he’s eating it, sucking the juices and licking them up from his hand and wrist when they drip down. He seems fully interested in the film, even pauses it when you’ve finished the plate of fruit and he goes to wash his hands. You figure you should wash yours too.
When you get back to the couch, he’s laid on it and he makes grabby hands at so you lay in front of him, getting butterflies when he wraps his arms around your waist and presses kisses to your neck. This is by far the most domestic you’ve ever felt with Steve and it makes you feel dizzy and so so warm. You end up passing out on the couch.
“Hey, sweetheart,” his voice wakes you up and you panic, sitting upright.
“Shit,” you gasp, “What time is it?”
Steve shrugs, “Like nine. Why don’t you…” he shakes his head, “No, never mind.”
“No, what?”
“Why don’t you just spend the night?” he asks, shyly as he scratches the back of his neck.
“I… okay,” you can’t believe Steve thought you’d say no to that. “I should probably call home.”
“Yeah, no, totally,” he smiles at you, “You know where the phone is. I’m gonna just clean up the kitchen really quick.”
“Okay,” you tell him and then make your way to the phone. You pick it up and dial home, pressing the phone against your ear.
After two rings, Tommy picks up, “Hello?”
“Hey, it’s me,” you say, twirling the chord around your finger, “Can you—“
“Where have you been?” he asks, sounding concerned.
“At a friends. I accidentally fell asleep,” you explain, “Can you—“
“What friends?”
“Becca’s,” you quickly lie, you can tell her at school tomorrow to back you up. “Can you tell mom and dad I’m gonna crash here tonight?”
“Sure you’re not with a guy?” Tommy asks and you scoff.
“I’m not at a guys house. Can you tell them please?”
“Fine. But tomorrow we’re all going to hang out at Skull Rock. Carol wants you to come,” he says.
“Yeah, cool, I’ll be there,” you say, turning to see Steve leaning against the doorway and smiling at you. “Thanks, Tommy. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You hang up quickly and turn to smile back at Steve, “You’ve got me until the morning.”
Steve steps closer and wraps his arms around your waist, “Oh, that’s a long time. I wonder how we can spend the time…”
You giggle, melting at his touch.
“Wanna listen to my Abba record?” he asks, tilting his head as he looks down at you.
“Jesus, Steve, again?” you blush, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I bet I we could listen to it like three more times,” he grins and picks you up. You squeal and wrap your legs around your waist, giggling as he carries you up to his room.
“This is her place,” you tell Steve as he drives, pointing to Becca’s place. He pulls closer to the curb and shifts into park.
“I had fun,” he smiles at you, reaching over to tuck your hair behind your ear.
“Me too,” you gush, “My legs are still like jello.”
He blushes but leans close to kiss you, pressing his palm against your cheek as he deepens it, licking into your mouth. You melt into it, moaning softly as you feel tingles rise up your thighs and heat surges to your core. You pout when he pulls away.
“I’ll see you later,” he whispers past a smile.
You nod, smiling shyly before you open the door and wave as he drives away. You make your way up the steps and knock on Becca’s door. It takes a while before her mom answers and she smiles around her cigarette, letting you inside and you walk to Becca’s room. You knock before opening the door and Becca’s doing her makeup. She gives you a look up and down before smiling smugly.
“You spent the night here last night?” she asks with a laugh.
“I certainly did,” you giggle and open her closet, looking through her clothes for something to wear.
Becca turns to you, “You look absolutely fucked, like you haven’t had a blink of sleep. Who is he?”
“It’s a secret,” you smile, settling on a pair of jeans and a white blouse. “And I slept like maybe four hours.”
“No way! Who?” she gushes, throwing her mascara down with her eyes wide and mouth open.
You want to tell her so bad. And Becca’s a close friend, but you know she can’t keep her mouth shut. But you really want to tell someone. Carol wouldn’t tell but she’d be mad. Billy already knows but something feels incredibly wrong about telling him the juicy details of your sex life.
“He’s in college, I can’t tell anyone,” you lie as you get dressed.
“Ugh, you lucky bitch!” she squeals and hands you her mirror and makeup bag. “Give me the juicy details, spare his name.”
“I went over there at like four yesterday and he just dropped me off. We had sex seven times. Seven!” you gush, using her concealer to cover up the bags under your eyes.
“I hate you! Is he big?” she asks, leaning against her chair.
You blush, picturing Steve’s cock and immediately feeling aroused all over again, “It’s long. If I had to guess like I don’t know… close to nine inches.”
“How are you not split in half?!” Becca squeals.
“Trust me, I am,” you exhale sharply.
Billy’s offering you a cigarette as you and Becca walk up to the group. You take it, letting him light it and greedily inhaling the smoke. You need it after the night and morning you’ve had.
The blonde leans close to your ear and whispers, “So how was King Steve last night?”
You glare at him before turning to make sure no one is paying attention to the two of you. You whisper back, “I have no idea what you’re talking about?”
Billy chuckles, “Look at you. Either you were with Harrington or you’re lezzing out with Becca, and by the looks of it, she’s good.”
You flush, your fingertips shaking as you bring the cigarette back to your lips. The lowness of his voice and the implications make you feel warm all over. You’re fucking turned on by it. By Billy knowing. You wish you had the guts to tell him Steve made you cum seven times and by the morning you forgot your own name with how fucked out you were. Wish you could tell him about riding Steve’s face and how you’d almost fallen off the bed with how Steve had positioned you and fucked you relentlessly. Maybe you don’t need to, perhaps he can see it.
He grins wolfishly at you, “Guess that’s how he got the name King Steve.”
You choke on the smoke in your throat and everyone turns to look at you. Billy slaps your back like it’s gonna help, like you actually choked on the smoke and not his words.
Tossing the cigarette you ask, “So what time are we meeting up tonight?”
“Eh, around eight or so,” Tommy says, eyes slanted like he sees something he doesn’t like. Billy quickly shoves his hands in his pockets and inches away from you. That’s suspicious, that makes you feel weird all over. Immediately, you're sure Tommy’s said something to him and it makes your blood boil. It could all be wishful thinking, though, you remind yourself. Maybe Tommy didn’t say anything and Billy assumes he’d be upset. You don’t have much time to think about it when Steve walks by and your group of friends, his old friends, start berating him.
Billy calls to him, “Long night, Harrington?”
Steve stops in his tracks, turning to see you and Billy leaning up against the Camaro and he gives you this look like he’s been betrayed. He exhales, looks like he’s about to say something but stops himself.
“Crying over the princess all night?” Tommy chides, grinning from ear to ear.
Steve steps closer to him, chest puffed out, “You’d fucking die if you knew what I was up to last night.”
You hold your breath, beside you, Billy cackles and elbows your side. You widen your eyes and step further away from him.
“Oh yeah?” Tommy asks, “Try me.”
Steve meets your worried eyes with his own, chews on his bottom lip when he looks back at Tommy. He shakes his head, “You're not worth it.”
He walks away, not turning back to look at any of you. The group stands stunned, but Billy looks at you with this sly smirk and Becca looks at you with persistent eyes and her mouth hanging open.
“The hell did he mean?” Carol asks, her face contorted in confusion.
You stand there, a mess of nerves like everyone knows before Billy speaks up and you don’t expect for him to be the one to save you. “I bet you hit the nail on the head, Tommy boy.”
“Yeah,” you agree, trying to save your own ass. “Bet he was crying over Nancy all night.”
When the herd of you start walking towards the school, Billy leans into your ear and says, “You’re welcome.”
You fucking hate him but also, you kind of love him for it.
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bee6r · 1 year
How Could I Ever Stop Loving You
A/N: A short Carl fic for a nice sunny day 🌻 how could *eye* ~ get it?
Summary: You see Carl for the first time after he gets his eye shot out.
Warnings: Normal TWD gore/violence, angst with fluff at the end
~ !gn reader! ~
Abraham had told you to stay in the car when he, Sasha, and Daryl had begun shooting the walkers from the fence. So, laying on the floor of the old, rusted truck is where you stayed, fiddling with your hair and fingers, thinking about what was going on outside, and listening to the gunshots that were echoing around your head.
You hear the others yelling over the noise but can't understand what they are saying. You want to be a part of it, because you know that you are strong enough to, and that, knowing him, Carl would be at the center of it all.
And so, after a few more moments of listening to the gunshots ring out from outside the truck, you decide that outside the truck is where you should be.
The sun hits you almost immediately, and it takes you a moment to adjust after hiding yourself in the darkness. After looking around and narrowing avoiding a walker that had its eyes set on your neck, you spot Abraham and Sasha up in one of the watch towers.
Creeping closer to the fence only enhances every shot from the large guns that the others were using, and you fight the urge to cover your ears with your hands or shoulders and you climb up a tree on the edge of the fence.
"Sasha!" You call out, once you are within shouting distance. "Help me over!" She looks back, startled at first, but her face relaxes.
"Didn't want to miss the action huh?"
"Never," you respond, and she grabs your arms, allowing you safety as you push off the tree and onto the guard tower with her and Abraham.
"Hey shortie," Abraham greets you, not taking his eyes off the houses. As you follow his gaze, you notice just how many walkers had gotten through the fence. Most lay motionless on the ground, but clusters of them still roamed through the streets of the once spotless Alexandria, groaning and dragging their broken feet as they did so. You scrunch your nose, the smell hitting you abruptly. "Pretty nasty huh?" You nod,
After Daryl sets the lake on fire (I'm sorry I feel like that was so casual), it didn't take long for the rest of the walkers to die, their bodies decomposing before they hit the pavement.
You walk with the others through the gates, and as you look around the burning, but still intact, Alexandria, you feel at home again. Thats when you begin looking for HIM. You had expected him to meet you at the gate like he always did when you went on runs without him, but he was nowhere to be found. Rick is standing with Michonne, and the others are spread out around the town square, catching their breath and talking amongst themselves.
After a few minutes, Sasha goes to Tara, Daryl to Carol, and Abraham to Rosita, which leaves you alone. You walk over to Rick and Michonne, and as you near them, you cock your head to the side, signaling that you want to know where Carl is, but when Rick can't meet your eyes, your stomach drops.
"Where is he?" You ask, you voice faltering and low, "is he okay?" Michonne steps away from Rick, giving him a small nod, and turning towards you, pulling you by the shoulder so that the two of you can talk in private.
"He was-" she pauses, "shot." A cry escapes your lips, which you just barely manage to catch with your hand, muffling it.
You wake up on the porch swing outside Denise's office, tired and your cheeks stained with tears. Denise had told you to wait until he was awake to see him, because he wasn't stable yet, which only made the pit in your stomach worse. And so, you had waited through the evening until you fell asleep, hoping that you would be able to see him in the morning, but as Denise walks across the porch towards you, you know that you won't be able to.
"Come back tonight," she says, "he should be awake by then." You nod, standing up.
"I'll be back."
You busy yourself with mindless activities throughout the day. Shower, eat, wash the dishes, play with Judith, go for a walk, clear the walkers, shower again. By the time evening rolls around, and Michonne forces you to eat something for dinner, you feel as if you have lived a hundred years, just waiting for something to happen.
You almost run to Denise's house, knocking quietly at the door, and waiting very impatiently for her to open it. When she finally does, you notice she has a smile growing on her face.
"He's awake," she says simply, opening the door wider, so that you may come in. "And he's been asking for you." You cross the threshold slowly, and round the corner to see him, sitting upright in bed, a bandage wrapped around his forehead and right eye. When he notices you, a smile lights up on his face, and you almost sprint towards him, leaping onto his bed and burying your face in his chest.
"Hi baby," he says, the smile still on his face.
"Hi," you whimper, "I missed you." He chuckles,
"I missed you too." Crawling completely onto his bed, you straddle him, finally pulling away from his chest, only to cup his face and kiss him. He kisses you back, gently at first, but then passionately, only breaking apart a minute later for air.
"Don't ever leave me like that again; promise?" He smiles, kissing you gently again and smiling contentedly into the kiss.
"I promise."
A/N: ❤❤❤ Let me know if you have any requests! (No promises I will finish them but...)
Also... go give my ao3 acc some love >>> bee_died | Archive of Our Own
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cultofdixon · 9 months
You do what you can
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • Grimes’s Sister!Reader • This group desperately needs a home, and you need help. There’s only so much the archer and leader can do • ANGST/SFW • TW: Pregnancy / Excessive Nausea & Vomiting / Malnutrition
Requested by: Anon
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Hyperemesis Gravidarum, or severe vomitting is what Hershel said. It’s excessive nausea and vomiting that results in being unable to eat and drink because you can’t keep anything down.
Of course I had it.
Finding out I was pregnant in the prison, during the good times was of course bittersweet. Daryl, my partner, was worried about losing me like Lori but reassured that everything would be fine. Then the illness came through and he thought I had it with how intense my morning sickness was.
But Hershel reassured us and well scared us about a lot of the reactions that come with not being able to keep anything down.
“Please, what can I do?”
“Some just have this, Daryl. I’ll keep an eye on her. You gotta help the others”
While Daryl helped get medicine for those suffering the prison illness, he managed to find IV bags of fluids and that helped keep me hydrated when I couldn’t even take a sip of water without my throat burning.
Then well…a lot happened after that
Days have passed and again, a lot has happened. The prison collapsed, the group splitting, Beth’s disappearance, The Claimers,…Terminus, and now the group found themselves in the forest after barley escaping that hell they claimed as a “sanctuary for all” but it wasn’t.
After the small reunion, the group started to walk to…somewhere that wasn’t there. Eventually finding the chapel and the priest that almost lost his life if they didn’t arrive.
Before she even stepped foot into the small chapel, Y/N gripped Daryl’s arm indicating she needed to throw up again and step away to do so. Least she’s trying to inform him instead of disappearing for a few minutes to vomit in the woods. Not a pretty sight or…a pleasant sound.
Rick noticed the two coming in last as Y/N pulls away from Daryl to sit in a pew before ultimately laying down in it. He frowns trying to think of what he could do, she is his sister after all.
“How she doing?” He asks the second the archer approached him after checking on her once more.
“We better have a plan soon” Daryl frowns crossing his arms. “Doubt we’ll run into another hospital but the IV shit helped. Gotta find something like it”
“Or try to get her to drink. Just. Shit, I don’t know what else to do. Lori never had this shit”
The archer was sort of lost in his own mind, trying to plan something out that could help his partner. But every end is a dead one.
“I’m gonna keep watch, holler if?”
“Yeah, go ahead” Rick frowns watching Daryl go back to the pew Y/N was currently laid in, informing her of where he’ll be before stepping out of the chapel and Carol following behind him.
A few hours passed and Y/N jolted awake from an anxious thought only to feel the jacket draped over her which belonged to her brother. She eventually brought herself to sit up and put the jacket on entirely feeling the dryness of her hands, especially after not being able to have nutrients.
“Hey, how are you doing?” Michonne brought herself to sit with Y/N as she instantly rests her head on her friend’s shoulder. “Rick is taking watch and Daryl still isn’t back yet, just thought—-“
“He’s looking for Beth”
“How do you—?”
“Gut feeling…” Y/N frowns bringing her hands onto her small bump, feeling the anxiety bubble up inside her. “Michonne?”
“…I…I’m afraid of losing my baby” She did her best to keep the tears from coming even if her body fought her against it and worsened her headache by bringing on the tears. “or of them losing—-“
“We will find the help you need. To keep you both alive and well”
But the worse kept coming, and we kept losing.
Bob was the first because of a bite. Then it was Beth at the hospital because of a cop with a trigger finger. Then Tyreese from blood loss because of an amputation caused by a bite. Sasha lost a partner and her brother, Maggie lost the last of her family. The two were on edge, Daryl felt like he failed, and the group was slowly weakening the more they continued on this blind path given the real news about Eugene came out. So no more hope for a cure. It will always be survival for those living through the apocalypse.
Maggie grew extra attached to Y/N given her state and the group can’t take another loss if it happened. Every time Y/N had to throw up or take a breather while the others kept walking, besides Daryl, Maggie was always there glued to her side which included Glenn glued to hers.
“Rick” Maggie called out for him with a bit of venom in her voice as he gave her a concerned look while handing Judith to Carol. “We need a break”
“It’s barely midday, we have to keep walking”
“Y/N can’t keep walking any longer. She needs a break” Maggie frowns pulling him to look directly at Y/N who was struggling to keep herself up even with Daryl’s help.
“Alright…Alright!” Rick nods directing people into the tree line, out of the road, to set up camp for the rest of the day and night.
Abraham took care of checking their surroundings as Sasha retraced their steps making sure they weren’t followed by anything or anyone. Carol got Noah and Glenn to help her set a few trigger lines for those who want to sleep. As much as Daryl wanted to help secure their surroundings, he felt as if he’d leave Y/N, that she’d decline. She’s already doing so but he thought he’d accelerate the process the moment he leaves.
“Can yea try for me?” Daryl frowns giving the last of his water to his partner as she nods, accepting his help with drinking from his canteen. He noticed a bit of a skin reaction on her neck from scratching the dryness as it was the same on her left arm. “Try not to scratch anymore…”
“Hard not to…” Y/N frowns leaning against the tree as Daryl sets his canteen down with his stuff bringing himself to sit against the tree. Gesturing with his eyes for her to lay her head in his lap. “We’ll find something…right, Dar?”
“I promise yea, sunshine” Daryl reassures brushing the hair out of her face watching Maggie approach them draping the blanket Rosita gave her to give Y/N over her body. The poor girl had already fallen asleep after being still long enough. “We’ll find somewhere right?”
“If we have to take it from somebody, then yeah. We’ll find somewhere” Maggie reassures him with a smile but hell, he knew she was anxious about her state.
The night was rough.
While she was exhausted more than the others because of being pregnant and having to be a part of less than 3% of pregnant individuals with hyperemesis gravidarum, she couldn’t control her anxiety jerks that would wake her. Freaking out Daryl every time and him waking resulted in Rick and Maggie waking given they stuck close to the two. Then the almost every hour to vomit. It’s gotten bad that Y/N started to dry heave and that would wake the rest sleeping. But every complain resulted in either her partner glaring at them or her brother snapping.
“My head hurts…” Y/N whispers to herself as the group started walking again the next day, this time she was with Carol while Daryl searched around for anything to have a longer stay in. Away from staying outside.
“Is that it?” Carol’s worry came out of her tone as she brought her arm around Y/N’s waist when she noticed her sway slightly. “You’ve got the last of the water…not like it was enough…we need a miracle or something”
“Kids first…Jude needs it. Carl needs it—-“
“You and your baby do too” Her tone shifted to strict immediately. She remembered how Y/N sacrificed a lot of her things in the past to keep everyone else afloat and she wasn’t about to let her do it again when it comes to her health.
It felt like fate or a foreshadow given after that conversation, everyone surrounded a cluster of water bottles in the middle of the road about an hour later.
“Someone has to test it” Eugene went to grab one and it was immediately smacked out of his hands by Abraham. “What!”
“It could be a trap” Rosita scoffs at him. “You think we’d give a pregnant woman poisoned water”
“Not like I can keep it down” Y/N whispers as she stares at the cluster before flinching to the touch of water. Water?
The storm that Rick expected to come days later, decided to come sooner and thank Mother Nature for that. Few started to empty to bottles and fill it with rain water as it was the next best thing, then those who’ve lost so much took the “peaceful” moment to take it all in.
As Y/N looks up at the rainfall feeling the heat expel her body for a moment and a sudden wave of uncertainty take her. But before she could even be audible about such, her body had enough.
“Y/N!” Maggie yells the second her body hit the floor as Daryl instantly dropped to her aid checking her person for any injury.
But it was just her body shutting down and that thought triggered Daryl.
“I saw a barn a few yards inward. We gotta—-“
Rick didn’t hesitate another moment as he quickly picked up his sister in his arms while Daryl led the way to the temporary shelter he found.
After another rough night and sort of rude morning, Daryl protectively held Y/N close to his person the second she woke around the time this Aaron guy was discovered.
“Hey…hey” Daryl fought back tears watching her wake as she didn’t say anything but rest her head against his chest in a sense of reassurance. “You’re gonna be okay, okay? Please” his voice cracked trying to say more.
“Our community can protect her, your daughter.” Aaron tried to sell this unknown community as he glances to the situation happening behind Rick and directed toward that. “Can save her from dying—-“
Watch your words.
Rick instantly grabbed his collar forcing the man against the nearest wall glaring into his soul. “She ain’t dying and how do I know you wouldn’t kill her in this place?”
“B-Because we won’t! You don’t have to trust us right away b-b-but we have an infirmary. A-A surgeon that knows his stuff”
If his sister wasn’t in this condition, he wouldn’t have give in so easily. Not like he wouldn’t watch this total stranger like a hawk when checking her person.
Which led them to giving about five percent of their trust to this stranger and following him with his partner to Alexandria, the community he talked about. A few residents that helped with the infirmary tried taking Y/N on a gurney but her family was close to killing a few people for trying to touch her without warning. Soon Daryl along with Maggie followed the few that pulled Y/N away on the gurney they brought out after Aaron’s partner Erin radio’d in.
“If you keep glaring, it won’t let me work faster” Peter states, getting the IV into Y/N’s arm after he asked Maggie to help her out of her clothes and into a new change of clothes enough to show some of the skin lesions she had so he could take care of them.
“Don’t do anythin’ without informing” Daryl glares keeping close to Y/N’s bedside on the other side. Peter looks at him with a blank expression, tensing a bit every now and then.
“She’ll stay here until she’s hydrated enough, or least til your group gets placement.” He states hanging the bag after taping the IV on her arm. “Y’all said she’s pregnant?”
For an anxious reason, Daryl gave Maggie a worried expression thinking…yeah…when Peter was simply asking to confirm it or not.
“Yeah, she’s pregnant. Why?” Maggie frowns watching Peter’s every move as he stepped away to one of the storage closets for equipment they have and or get from runs.
“We don’t have an ultrasound machine. Just tests and one of these things I forgot the name of” Peter held a device that could detect the heartbeat of a fetus, as for checking the conditions they’d have to go full old school for that and he’d need to find a book in their library, if they have one on pregnancy. But for now they have this.
Right before Peter even moved the blanket to lift her shirt to put the wand on, Y/N flinched pulling herself away given she woke once more in the middle of all that. Daryl frowns, relieved though, as he brushes back her hair catching her worried expression.
“He’s gonna check on the peanut, Y/N. Just let’em. I won’t let him do anythin’ else” Daryl reassures as Y/N nods slowly letting the man work but kept her eyes on him while he turned the device on and guided the wand to the right spot.
A surprisingly healthy heartbeat
“That’s good. Strong” Peter states pulling the wand away before fixing the blanket over her and putting the device away. “I’ll come back in an hour or two to give her more fluids. Want me to tell your leader you’ll be in here?” He asks Maggie given the two watched Daryl drop to his knees hugging Y/N tightly her in her laid out state.
“Please.” Maggie gave a small smile letting the man leave before bringing herself to the other side of her bed resting her hand on her leg. “We’ll make this place work. To keep you both safe”
The two held onto one another and Maggie kept an eye on them for Rick before leaving to give them a minute. She kept close to the infirmary in case either of the two needed anything as she watches Rick practically run his way over to her with a worried look.
“She’s going to be okay. They both are” Maggie smiles watching the tension leave Rick’s shoulders for a moment as he instantly went for a hug with his friend.
When they parted, before the retired sheriff went in to check on his sister himself…the remaining Greene stopped him.
“We need to make this place work, Rick”
“I know…but—-“
“You can be cautious. We all are gonna be a while…but we all need this to work. For us, your kids, for them. We need this place for us”
“You do what you can for your family, and I’ll always protect mine”
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milobyelo · 2 years
Maverick is the greatest Dad (disregarding that one mistake) not only to Bradley -who he officially adopted when the other turned 16 and Carole Bradshaw passed away in a bright San Diego Hospital room- but to his unofficially adopted Dagger kids. Jake had even given him a Father’s Day card last June which is proudly hung up on his kitchen fridge.
But for as much as he loves his kids there’s 12 of them and he’s not had too great a memory since the great head bump accident of ‘89.
Aka Maverick calling his kids the wrong name for 5 minutes
“Jake pass me the salt it’s in the storage cabinet”
Javy “Coyote” Machado who had been leaning against the door way for the kitchen while he watched Maverick try and replicate one of his moms dishes- because he was feeling home sick and the older man confidently told him he could replicate it if he had the recipe- simply raised an eyebrow at the mistake.
“I hope you know my name isn’t Jake at this point in our relationship because if not it’s a little concerning”
Maverick just groaned as he leaned his head back before looking at him expectedly
“You know what I meant Javy just go get the god damn salt”
Maverick for as little as he knows about football, hosts Sunday football every season because he once caught Jake sulking on the ship because Sunday football started that Sunday and the ship didn’t have a stable internet connection so he had to miss it and since then his kids come and get drunk every Sunday at his house.
All of them were scattered amongst his living room (which used to only have one couch and an arm chair for Ice but has since been reorganized to fit 3 for his many long legged kids) watching some program Bradley had wanted to watch.
Said son was still holding onto the remote and as much as he loved him the game started in 5 minutes and Jake was fidgeting in anxiousness because of the possibility of maybe missing the game for some weird nature show about birds.
“Brigham- no shit, Billy fuck, Bob- BRADLEY”
4 heads turned his way confused at hearing their names and he just sighed annoyed he had to go through 3 different kids before getting to the one he need to talk to
“Damn it Bradley please pass the remote”
His legal son just chuckled before tossing him the remote and letting him change the channel, having been called too many wrong names to count at this point that he was very used to this name game.
Whatever it’s not his fault there are 4 different kids with a name that starts with ‘B’
“Natasha I swear to god I do not need glasses you guys are exaggerating, how could I have flown for 30 years if I needed glasses”
His daughter was currently driving him to her optometrist for an eye exam cause she swears that he needs glasses after bumping into his furniture a few too many times to count
“First of all my name is Callie, second of all bob has glasses and can go airborne, and third aging fucks up your eyesight gradually I’m sure you can see fine enough but it’s clearly getting worse and at this point you’d be a danger in the air so shut up and sit back you’re making me panic by leaning forward in the seat like that you child”
If maverick had leaned back and pouted at being scolded by someone half his age and then scowling for accidentally proving her point than that’s between him Callie and god so mind your business Ice I can already hear your loud cackle from up there.
Next time it happened may have been the most disastrous time yet because they were currently playing dogfight football and calling the wrong name to catch or pass a ball to him was just asking for a disaster.
“Hey bob, ball!”
His brain did not in fact process that Bob had been 5 feet away from him and looked over in confusion as Jake who was his intended target was still facing the other way when he threw the pass and hit the Blonde square in the back of the head.
The newly injured blonde just looked around pissed while rubbing the back of his head, “Ow what the hell who hit me!”
He watched as 10 other hands pointed in his direction and in a panic pointed at Bradley who had been very offended at the false accusation
When Jake flipped him off he just rubbed his neck and apologized before they resumed the game and not 5 minutes later then hit Bob in the chest when he accidentally called out for Jake, whoops.
You would think this was only a verbal issue but unfortunately it turns out he still types in and calls the wrong name in his phone.
Last night he had walked into Bradley’s house hoping to talk to him about organizing thanksgiving when he had found a shirtless Jake Seresin in his son’s lap on the couch and kissing him so passionately that when they pulled away at the sound of the front door opening he saw one sliver of spit connecting their mouths before he backed straight out the door and decided it could wait for the morning
The issue however is that Maverick decided he would be a sensible adult and be mature enough to call Jake and have a proper discussion about him and Bradley, but accidentally typed and clicked on Harvards contact instead of Hangman’s
The man groggily picked up after 4 rings having clearly been woken up by the incoming call from his superior officer, “Hello sir d’ya need something”
“Listen son I like you a lot and I would do anything for the sake of your happiness but last night I saw you and Bradley kissing half naked on his couch and not to assume your relationship with him but I have many questions most importantly what intentions do you have with my son”
The blonde didn’t say anything for a couple seconds but he could hear shuffling so he knew the other was still on the phone
“Sir I did not have sexual relations with that man I would never do that to Jake, are you sure you’re calling the right person”
Only then after hearing his kids clear voice and not the jumbled half asleep croak it was a minute ago does he look down at his phone screen and see ‘Harvard’ written there and a picture of him smiling wide in a birthday hat and cake splattered over his face from his birthday
“Well it appears I have called the wrong kid my apologies Logan I’ll leave you back to your sleep”
“Yeah okay bye”
Okay so sure he messed up their names a lot but in the end of the day he loved his kids and they just accepted that this was another one of his long list of quirks they just have to come to accept and love, because for all his faults that’s their dad and they love him.
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familyvideostevie · 1 year
𝟭𝟮 𝗱𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗰𝗵𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗺𝗮𝘀: 𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝗼𝗻𝗲
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day one: tree lighting with steve | fluff, first kiss, 1.1k 12 days of christmas masterlist
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It takes a few dates for you to realize it. Steve Harrington, despite being almost unbelievably handsome and funny and even a little bit of a dork, seems to forget how lovely he is. You know he used to walk around the halls of Hawkins High like he owned it, his attitude as big as his ego and his hair. But these days he's softer around the edges, looser even. It's kind of amazing to watch. 
Now, on your fourth date, you have to force yourself not to stare. Well, you think this is a date. You saw a movie a few weeks ago, then you went to dinner just you two last Friday, and just a few days ago you went on a drive for no reason. But he hasn't kissed you. You are trying very hard not to dwell on it.
The town square is full of people waiting for the thousands of tiny bulbs to be lit, illuminating the town and almost every tree in it. The high school choir is singing carols and people all around you are chatting and drinking hot chocolate. You and Steve are huddled close because it's a bitter Indiana night, arms linked together as you share your own steaming up of cocoa. He finishes taking a swig before passing it to you. You press your lips to the spot where his were and once again wonder if you're ever going to get to kiss him for real. What if he's just being nice? What if you're just...friends? Yeah, you think, the way he wrapped his scarf around you when you got here was real friendly.
"And then I almost feel off the ladder because Henderson decided to stop holding it at the bottom right when it got windy." He's telling you about the favor he did for Dustin's mom, putting her lights up, and you're just watching him talk. His cheeks are rosy and his hair is sticking out from under his hat and he is so pretty you have to hold in a sigh. "But I didn't fall because I have great balance, obviously, and I'll drive you by the house after this because it really does look great--"
"Steve," you interrupt him. 
"Yeah?" His attention turns to you immediately, eyes roaming over your face. Are they lingering on your lips or are you imagining things? You hand him the hot chocolate cup, but put a hand around his gloved one once he takes it from you. The carolers are singing louder now and some guy dressed as Santa is getting ready to pull the switch to light up the town, but you keep your eyes on Steve.
"Are we dating?" you ask him and try not to wince. You probably shouldn't be so that blunt so you don't scare him away. His eyes widen and his lips part. 
"Oh," he breathes out. You feel it on your cheek. "I, uh. I kinda thought so?" He sounds a little sheepish, like he's realizing he should have addressed this sooner. You think that maybe this is the core of Steve Harrington -- a boy who wants to love and be loved in return, his heart on his sleeve. 
"Okay," you say, smiling to reassure him. Heat builds in your chest, a fondness that you figure you're going to have to get used to around him. "I just wanted to check. Because I've been having lots of fun with you --" His brows start to furrow and you realize this is starting to sound like a possible breakup, so you hurry forward. "I have just been wondering why you haven't kissed me yet?" Your voice goes up at the end and you start to feel a little embarrassed. 
But Steve's face transforms into a boyish smirk and he presses into your side a little more and turns so your faces are even closer. "Is that so?" he teases. "You wanna kiss me?" He scrunches his nose in fondness at the indignant sound you make. "Oh, you want me to kiss you?"
"Well, if you're gonna be smug about it, I take it back --"
"Oh no, no," he says, tapping the side of your boot with the toe of his. "No take-backs. Plus, I want to kiss you, too." He unlinks your arms and pulls his hand out of his pocket to cup your jaw. You can feel the heat of his palm through his glove and he smiles, this one a little shy rather than cocky. Steve is so close now that you can count every one of his eyelashes and freckles. The hot chocolate cup you're both holding is cradled between your chests and you have a passing thought that you shouldn't crush it.
In the background people are counting down but the rest of the world fades away as you close your eyes and tilt your head a little and wait to see what he does. You feel a puff of warm breath on your lips just before he brings his mouth to yours in a soft, sweet kiss. You pull your hand from the cup and put it on his elbow, pulling him closer as your noses bump and you start to smile so much it's hardly a kiss anymore, just the press of your grins together as you both barely contain your joy. 
Kissing Steve is better than you imagined it would be. It's the kind that feels like the start of something, the kind that makes a knot you didn't you know had in your chest unravel, the kind that makes you tingle all the way to your toes. 
The cheers of the crowd fade back into your hearing and the real world reappears around you. You open your eyes and find Steve bathed in the warm glow of the Christmas lights that now shine from every tree and lamppost in town. But you barely look at the display because you can't take your eyes off of Steve. He looks...beautiful, still smiling, cheeks pink not just from the cold, and he leans in again to press a quick kiss to your temple before tucking you back into his side, arm around your shoulders.
"Not too shabby," he says, looking around you at the glowing square. You warp an arm around his waist as he pulls you close and you lean your head on his shoulder and close your eyes for just a second, taking a deep breath. He smells like hot chocolate and detergent up close. 
"I think it's perfect," you say. He squeezes you just a little before you feel him press a kiss to your hair. "Just perfect."
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thank you for reading <3 reblog, send feedback, masterlist here!
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jadewing-realms · 10 months
disclaimer: written pre-release
i've had this sitting in my drafts for a bit since i started playing BG3, I kept seeing a particular kind of post regarding Astarion and it really started to frustrate me soooooo. here's a vaguely coherent rant nobody asked for pff
As I got into the game, following Astarion's romance subplot, doing research on the game and characters thus far, I encountered the schism between those who love Astarion and by extension, characters like him, and those that consider said characters as little more than toxic creatures, narcissists best dealt with swiftly and harshly. The latter tends, in the posts I've found at least, to view the former as poor unfortunate souls with the dreaded "i can fix him" mentality.
Now, I'm not here to say either is entirely wrong. I think to take a side here is to do the exploration a disservice and to forget the depth of nuance in art and media interpretation.
And that's just it. Because at the end of the day, interpretation is one of the key elements involved in this discourse. In the case of Astarion, especially with the game having been in early access for so long and no complete, guaranteed details of his past or arc made public yet, with so much up in the air as the full release drops, there are worlds of interpretations that can be made regarding our infamous vampire rogue.
Is one of those interpretations that he's both emotional and literal vampire who's every action is a trap for the protagonist in order to use them, and that he's irredeemable? Yes. Is another that he's simply trying to survive in a situation he's never been in after spending two centuries living like an animal? Also yes.
The error here, I think, is to treat one interpretation like it's more "right" than another. Which is what I've seen a lot of online threads do... Insisting one perspective is superior to the other. Which is bad faith even on a good day when either perspective is based in concrete, unchangeable fact. Even moreso in this case, until there's complete canon material to bank on, and even then that will have so much variety to it since most of it will depend on the actions of the player. It's a choice-based game. There is so much space for varied experiences, and none of them will be "right" or "wrong."
I feel like in modern media discussion, when considering whether a character is actively harmful or just flawed, it can be easy to forget that some of our most popular stories are ones in which someone is deemed beyond hope or redemption, a danger to all they encountered, only for their arc to raise them from their Pit of Dickishness and set them on pedestals as some of the most memorable, inspiring characters we know.
The timeless story of the Christmas Carol gives us an absolutely despicable old geezer who literally spells out the horror he'd inflict upon the poor if he could, simply for the sin of poverty. But in an effort to fixate only on how problematic he (very much intentionally) is, we might lose sight of how the whole point of the story is to watch him be forced to confront his ways, unpack all his crap, and become better for it in the end.
Characters like Prince Zuko, Edmund Pevensie, Greedling, Steve Harrington, Boromir, James Ford, friggin Darth Vader, we wouldn't have any of them if we only read them at surface level as toxic assholes and then left it at that. But through learning the nuances of these characters and watching them confront their actions and consequences and learn from them, they not only grow and change into better people, but we love them because they hold pieces of ourselves in them, despite their sharp edges. We can understand why they are the way they are, and maybe, if we're honest with ourselves, we can acknowledge that we might have done similarly awful things under their circumstances. It makes them relatable, admirable, and cautionary all at once. It makes them human.
None of that is to say that there are never characters built purely and solely to fear and loath, not at all. True scumbags can and do exist, both in fiction and reality. To try to enforce the idea of finding empathy for a true monster is often a tactic used in reality to gaslight people into excusing said monsters' behavior.
Which leads into the "i can fix him" argument. When applied to situations dealing with real dangerous and horrid people who can't or won't change? Absolutely Not Great (though that's not to say it can't be included in a story, there are valuable themes in that on its own). Condoning this dynamic as something good is what leads to abusive relationships and innocent people staying in unhealthy situations for far too long. I'm among those who can attest to that personally.
That said, when it comes to Astarion, no one can rightly say going through his romance arc or not is condoning anything. Because it once more comes down almost entirely to perspective and interpretation, because he's a video game character comprised of pixels and a well-written script and there are limitless ways he can be interpreted and interacted with.
Like, personally, yes, there are some dynamics I'd feel uncomfy pairing him with, even with the empathy I feel for his character. Platonic or romantic, doesn't matter. Does that mean I'm going to apply my interpretation and personal boundaries to the next person playing the Astarion romance? No. That would be assuming I've somehow discovered the "correct" way to interpret the game, which I have not and can never do because RPGs like Baldur's Gate 3 are such personalized experiences. People are 100% free to play a fictional game however the hell they so please, because stories are not inherently 1-to-1 reflections of reality.
Especially when it comes to the narcissism accusation, it sparks an extra layer of discomfort for me when it seems like characters who act selfishly or spin lies get called "narcissistic" when that's kinda severely over-generalizing what narcissism actually is??
Narcissism is inherently selfish, but not all selfishness is narcissism. Gaslighting is built on lies, but not all lies are gaslighting. This separation was literally bugging me so much, I talked with my therapist about it last week. And she agreed.
Some folks seem to forget is actual NPD isn't just about selfishness and manipulating. It's fragile ego and delusions of grandeur and the mind games, dysregulating highs and humiliating lows that they will weave in a web around you so that you, as a victim, can never get your mental and emotional footing. Usually for the purposes of then swooping in to offer themselves as your only source of stability. The whole "rely on me because your judgment is clearly faulty and you need to be protected from yourself" shtick.
You know. Kinda like Cazador.
The way I see Astarion, by contrast, is that he has an honesty to him that lacks such delusions. As much as he desperately tries to maintain this veneer of poise and sass and devil-may-care out of self-preservation, it's paper thin and crumples under the barest pressure. Like, the equivalent of a thematic sneeze and down he goes. Then you see him as he is. Which is just... frightened. Sad. Kinda pathetic, really. And absolutely, positively lost. All things he knows, but he legit believes he will be killed if he lets any of it show.
Comparing that to, say, Wyll, who's blissfully ignorant bluster reminds me painfully of self-aggrandizing family members that I love but can't interact with honestly because of the forest of self-delusion around them... well, it's not much of a contest.
If somebody interprets Astarion as a slimy, manipulating power-monger and gets rid of him the first chance they have, that's their story to tell and power to them for it. But the same must be said for the opposite. I don't appreciate the thought that there's a whole sect of the BG3 fandom that probably genuinely considers me "less than" or "unhealthy" or "problematic" in some way for being among those who like this character or others like him and their potential thematically and narratively. But if my interpretation is that he’s a frightened man who just wants to feel safe and free, that is also its own story and it's mine to tell if I wish. And both can be good or even powerful stories!
Is all of this based on my own personal nuances, biases, and priorities? Absolutely. And that's kinda the whole point... There's not a wrong answer with this, really. I experience these games and these characters through a lens that is mine and mine only, and I give meaning to the worlds I enter based on what makes the story feel most interesting and satisfying for me. And at the end of the day, what else is art for but to help us explore ourselves and learn a little bit more about what it means to be human. In all its glory and ugliness.
And that's a wholly personal journey nobody deserves to have micromanaged or belittled. I'm certainly not gonna go around looking down on anyone for having a different reading than mine. You do you, boo. But let me do me too.
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sweet-villain · 1 year
Dear Agony~ S.H Ft B.H & E.M
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Author's Note : Heart is in the trash and I suggest you leave it to there
Anonymous asked:
So I have a kinda sadistic request you might enjoy 😊 The reader tells Steve that they like him, but he and Nancy had just started dating so he rejects them. Then they start dating Billy and things are going really well until Billy is eventually killed by the mindflayer. Then the reader meets Eddie when they're picking up the kids from hellfire. The reader starts to think they have a real shot at happiness after Billy died. Then Eddie dies. The reader goes AWOL for a bit, until Steve finally finds them. They're just so heartbroken wondering if they're the common factor here. They just don't understand why the people they love keep dying and why they can't ever just be happy. Steve ends up helping them recover, but the reader is hesitant about starting a relationship. Steve thinks its because he rejected them in the past, but they're actually scared he'll die too. Then a nice fluffy ending as compensation for all the hurt hearts out there.
Major Angst
You stare at in awe in him as he runs a hand through his hair. He was so beautiful, from his his lucious hair to those brown eyes to the way he carried himself. Though he always had the eyes for Nancy Wheeler. You'd watch with a longing look on your face as he walked with her to class, how he met up with her at her lockers making her shyly smile at him.
Who was he? Steve Harrington.
You were too busy into your own world thinking about it hearing how Tommy H snickered near you.
" He's never going to look at you the way he looks at her. Don't even think about it" he laughed hooking his arm around Carol as the two walked down the hallway.
You slammed the locker door shut, hearing the bell as you hurried off to class. The first class of the day you had was with Steve as he sat in front of you. He walked behind you as you entered the classroom going down the rows to your seat.
As you sat in your seat, you eyes met Steve's as he smiled over to you. All the girls fawned over him including yourself who can't stop from your heart feeling like it was going to burst out of your chest whenever he looked at you.
" Hi, Steve" you greeted him feeling the heat coming to your cheeks and put some pieces of your hair behind your ear.
" Hi, Y/N" he says as he sits down and turning his back to you. You opened your textbook to the material that the teacher has asked you. You hadn't paid attention to the material in front of you as you stared at the back of Steve's head, sighing happily to yourself.
He was a dream.
Steve turns in his chair as he whispers, " Do you have a pencil I can borrow?" He asks. Those brown eyes were filled with warm causing your insides to swoon as you gazed at him with your head supporting by your hand. Your eyes fluttered at him with a small giggle. Steve looked around the room hearing it as he shifted awkwardly in his seat.
You hadn't noticed as you offer your pencil to him that laid in between the pages of the textbook.
" Thanks" he says as he takes it from you, his hand brushing against yours as he turns back around. Steve didn't think that brushing his hand against yours was anything. He wasn't focused on the fact that you had the biggest crush on him. But every girl in the school did, yet his heart only swooned over Nancy.
She was his dream.
The bell rang and you hurried to grab your stuff in hopes to talking to Steve a bit more before he rushed out. You barely got a word in as he rushed out of the class room with his gym bag in his hands.
" Better luck next time, buttercup" Tommy teased, very aware of the crush you had on his friend. You scoffed as you brushed past him to get to your locker. Your heart sank seeing Nancy walking by with Steve by her side. You had hoped they were just a fling.
At least that's what you thought.
Your hands were sweaty as you knocked on Steve's door. His parents were out of town as usual leaving him alone in his big house. At least that's what you thought. The door flew opened and there he stood with his eyebrows knitted together in confusion.
" What are you doing here, Y/N?" He asks. In one of his classes, Steve needed to get his grade up in order to graduate on time. You had happened to be chosen by the teacher, being the best student in the class to tutor Steve Harrington.
" Uh, I think I left my notebook here last time? Did you find it?" you asked peaking over his shoulder seeing the backdoor porch opened and hearing people talking. " Are you having a party?" you asked.
Steve walked outside as he slowly closed the door, leaving a small gap opened as he turned to face with his arms across his chest.
" No, I didn't see your notebook anywhere Y/N" he says. He peers down at you taking in the way you averted your gaze from him. The way your voice sound shaky when you were talking to him. The way your hands were in fist by your side and shaking a bit, he squinted his eyes to make sure.
" You okay?" He asks. " You don't look well"
" Oh, uh" you started to say glancing at your shoes as you bounced back and forth on your feet. " Yeah, I need to talk to you about something" the words leaving your mouth leaves your heart frightened as you raise your head to look at him.
A piece of strand from his hair falls against his forehead, his brown eyes hold curiosity in them, he is wearing a dark long sleeve with dark jeans with sneakers on his feet.
He places a hand on your shoulder as he peers down at you, " Do you need me to take you home? I have my keys in my pocket" Steve says as he fishes them out to show you.
You shook your head.
" I-I.." the words you were about to tell him made your heart race like no tomorrow and your stomach tie in knots. " I'm sorry.. I.. just.." you swallowed the lump in your throat as you ruffled your hair a bit.
" Y/N, please tell me what this is about. You're starting to freak me out " he says.
" Oh..uh.. I like you Steve. I think you're a really great guy, you're always nice to me, you're amazing-" he cuts you off as he puts his hands up.
" Woah there, you like me? As in you want to be in the type of way?" you shake your head up and down, your eyes widen and feeling like your heart was ready to be thrown across the world if it could be done.
" Y/N, look. You're really great girl but I'm dating Nancy. You know Nancy Wheeler? The girl I have been hanging around in school and always with" you nod feeling the tears begging to run down your cheek.
" Yeah-h of course, I'm sorry" you step back as you shake your head. " I shouldn't of came here...I'm sorry" you apologized wiping away the tears that were spilling down your cheeks. Steve's gaze softens watching you back away from his house.
" Do you need a ride home? It's pretty late" Steve says as he motions around with his hands. You shake your head as you turn and ran off down the street.
Steve sighs to himself as he heads back inside, back to the backyard where Nancy had asked him if everything was okay. He sent her a smile, brought her close to his chest as he kissed her.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Since being rejected by Steve, you had carried on holding your head up high as you walk through the halls passing him with his arms around Nancy. He has casted you a couple of smiles and would look at you from time to time but you had brushed him off.
You had moved your seat to the other side of the room telling the teacher that you had trouble seeing.
Steve sinks in his seat as he looks over at you being more attentive in class and rather than being swoon by over him. In the back of his mind, he missed the feeling of your eyes on him.
You hadn't really paid attention to any guys anymore through the school year until a loud Camaro had parked in front of the school.
He stepped out of the car dressed in denim as he looked around the parking lot. Carol, Tina and another girl gasped at the sight of him.
" Who is that?" the stranger's eyes met yours as he smirks, he turns around to walk down the pass and your eyes happen to fall on his ass. The way his ass looked into those pants was something else.
You had learned the strangers name, Billy Hargrove. He was from California, hence the California license plate on his car. He was total flirt, all the girl wanted him and all the guys wanted to be him.
He was a pretty boy.
Billy stand by his Camaro as he waits for his step sister Max, with a cigarette in his mouth. You had happened to walk by with your massager bag on your shoulder making your way to your car. His eyes roam your legs to the skirt you were wearing to the Iron Maiden shirt you had chosen to wear today.
You looked cute.
" Hey L/N" he called out to you. Billy has learned your name as you two shared classes together and he heard a few things about you around. You stopped in your tracks as you eyed him.
" What, Hargrove?" He smirks as he slide off the hood of his car and made his way over to you. " Mind if I walk you to your car?" He reaches out to tug at the messenger bag on your shoulder and you let him. He slides it onto his shoulder as he turns to walk further, turning back to see your still standing at the same spot.
" Why are you still standing there? Don't you need to get home?" you were surprised that Billy was nice to you. Nice enough to walk to you to your car. What game was he playing?
" What game are you playing here?" you asked him as you followed him, he walked with you side by side until you two reached your car. He drops off your bag on the hood of your car.
" No game, princess" he says.
" Last time I heard you were chasing after Stephanie or whatever her name is" you motion your head towards the school. He smirks as he leans against the hood of your car. " Jealous are we?" He asks.
" Jealous of what? Pomp pomps and a cheerleader uniform? Yeah, right" you chuckled. You took your bag off the hood of the car as you threw it inside.
" You're really cute when you're like this, princess" you rolled your eyes. " Are we done here, Hargrove? Looks like Max is the one waiting for you" He turns his head seeing his step sister Max waiting by the car for him holding her skateboard. He hears the roar of your engine and turns back around hoping to ask you out.
But you back up from the parking lot to speed off. Billy stormed to his car, " Not a word shit bird" he says as he gets in the driver side.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Billy's eyes are set on you as soon as he walks through the party with Tommy by his side. He watches you holding a drink in your hands as you danced on top of the table, laughing and having a good time.
" Buttercup has changed" Tommy says as he watches you. Billy looks over to Tommy in confusion.
" What does that?" Tommy laughs as he pats Billy's shoulder.
" She got rejected by Steve awhile go, he's all about one princess while Y/N pranced around him hoping she'd change his mind"
" Harrington, rejected her? What a dumbass" Billy says. " His loss" he walks through the crowd as he nears you. Your eyes lock with his blue once.
" You look like you're having the time of your life up there, princess" you hopped off the table as you down your drink. " Didn't think you were the party girl?" he says.
" You don't know anything about me, Hargrove. I need another drink" you throw your cup that you had in your hand, away and over your shoulder. Not caring where it lands as you pass through people to get to the kitchen where the punch bowl was.
Billy has followed you to the kitchen, standing near you as he watches you pour yourself another drink. He doesn't bother to notice a girl has walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist.
His eyes are set on you and he leans down to whisper in your ear, " How about I show you how it's really done? Hm?" he says as he takes your wrist in his hands and takes you outside. There was a keg there.
" Oh you're planning to be the new keg king?"He smirks.
" Just watch, baby" he says. The word baby sends shiver down your spin as you watch him, a crowd forms around him with Tommy by his side. You clap and shout as he does the keg stand with Tommy holding his legs.
Billy stands back up as he has done, he has became the new keg king. His chest glistens with beer as he takes the cigarette from Tommy, his other arm wraps around you as you two walk back into the house.
" We have a new keg king, Harrington" Tommy says. Steve takes off his glasses with Nancy by his side as he eyes Billy then his gaze drops to you. " and a new princess, too" Billy says, slight smirk.
Steve's jaw is clenched as he looks between the two of you. You roll your eyes as Steve follows Nancy as she walks off. You scoff at the sight of them.
" Are you impressed?" Billy asks. You turn to look up at him as he's already looking down at you. " Maybe, maybe not" you teased as you slip out from under his arm, you sent him a wink as he watches you disappear into the crowd.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Billy and you have grown closer together as the days go by. He shows up to your house one day unannounced with tears in his eyes. But that's not what catches your attention. It's the bruise on his face, his busted lip and the way he winced when he collapsed into your arms.
That night, he told you about his mother leaving him with his father. His father remarried, bringing in Billy's step sister and worse of all, his father was abusive towards Billy.
" You're safe here" you held him in your arms that night. Billy held onto you like his life depended on it. You had became the person he trusted most, his heart filling up with warmth at your touch, the way you looked at him, the way you made sure he had a home cooked meal and took some home to Max.
That was the day that Billy knew that he was in love with you.
You hadn't known about the monsters that were coming into Hawkins until a frantic Dustin Henderson bumped into you one day. His mother had you babysit him a few times, Dustin had learned to trust you and had told you to sit down. You were sprang on with finding out what happened to Will, there was a girl with super powers, there were monsters in Hawkins like the Demogorgan.
Steve and you came face to face again, you were brought it with Robin who gladly accepted you with a hug.
You became part of the gang.
The worst came to worse when Billy had climbed into your bedroom window with a distant look on his face. His eyes were cold and empty as he stared back at you.
" Billy" you started to say. You weren't staring back at the man you thought you knew and fell for. This wasn't the man you knew.
" Billy's not here at the moment" it spoke to you. His eyes were glistering with tears as he took a step towards you. " Who are you? What do you want?" you stood your ground with your hands in fists by your side.
" We want to build" He took another step towards you, he was leaning over you. Your hand reached out to touch his cheek. A flash of familiarity shows in his eyes as he leans into your touch. He turns his head away as if your touch burns him.
" ..I don't wanna hurt you.." he spoke, it felt like it was your Billy standing before you fighting for his life. With whatever was inside of him. Your hands reached out brushing up his chest, he closes at the feeling of your touch as his mind is fighting with the Mind Flyer.
" ..It makes me do things.." he softly says as he slowly turns his head. His eyes are glossy with tears as he looks fearful. " What kind of things?"
Billy shakes his head, " I didn't mean it.." he whimpers as his tears run down his cheeks. " B, what's going on?" he shakes his head as he steps away. He doesn't want it to hurt you.
" I have to stay away from you" He shakes his head with his fist clenched to his side. " Billy" you call out to him reaching with your hand out to grasp his hand in yours.
" No" he shakes his head, " I won't let it hurt you, princess.."
Your own tears ran down your cheeks as you watch him move away and push you away. You want to help him.
" Let me help" your voice breaks through your tears as you take a step towards him.
" Get away from me!" he shouts, raising his voice. Not something your used to. He never does, he doesn't like to do it around you and doesn't want to scare you off.
" I love you, Y/N. You can't help me" he says. He is afraid he will never get the chance to tell you them, he wants you to know that you made him feel safe. You made him feel wanted and loved. He wanted you to know he loves you. He really does.
You can see it in his eyes. He's protecting you from the thing that's inside of him. He's fighting for his life.
" I love you too, Billy Hargrove" and at those word there is that look in his eyes, the empty lingering look as it chuckles at you.
" Pathetic" it says as he scrambled out of your window and landed on the ground. He doesn't look up at you as he leaves.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
You don't get to see Billy until you watch him drop down Eleven down. He kneels down before her as he says something to her. Then you hear it as your eyes shoot up at the ceiling of Starcourt Mall, it's big. It crashes through the ceiling as you hold back Max, making sure she's okay while your eyes linger onto Billy.
He's kneeling down above Eleven as she puts her hand on his cheeks and he pauses there for a moment. You can't tell what's going on but your eyes are wide as you look at the Monster then back to Billy.
Billy stands up from the ground as he faces the monster, stopping it from grabbing onto Eleven and catches the toothy tongue.
" Billy.." you gasp. You push Max to the side as you clutch your side from being attacked by Billy earlier that he pushed you against something, knocking you out to get to El. " Billy" you say his name clearer.
Billy turns his head hearing you call out to him as he looks you in the eyes, his eyes are teary as he mouths, " I love you."
There is a sound of screaming that you can pin point to who as the Mind Flyer pierces several times with his long tentacles, one of them piercing through his heart. That scream is your scream as you run with a hand clutch to your side as Billy falls to the ground.
Max is screaming behind you as she runs to the other side and kneels before him.
" Oh B" you take hold of his hand as you hold it in yours.
" I'm sorry baby" he says. Your heart breaks in two as his other hand is grasped by Max. " I love you, please don't go" you tell him, tears streaming down like waterfalls down your cheeks. His eyes linger on yours. He wants your face to be the last thing he sees.
" I'll take care of her" you promise Billy talking about Max.
" We have to go!" you heard Steve say as he wraps his arms around your waist and tugs you away from Billy. Max is scrambled to her feet as she looks down at her step brothers body one more time.
A piece of you is left with him there as he laid on the ground. You kick and scream in Steve's grasp as he carries you out of the mall, dropping you near one of the ambulances.
Your whole body is numb as endless tears keep running down your cheeks. You can barley hear what the paramedic is saying to you, a light is shined into your eyes making you squint but it's Steve's lingering gaze watching you unmoving, silent and heartbroken of losing Billy who you loved with all your heart.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
You throw open the doors of Family Video, stopping at the front door as you take in seeing Robin at the front while Steve is reorganizing the rom com section. It's been months since everything has happened at StarCourt Mall, losing Billy and you have spend months in bed.
It took some time as Nancy and Robin stormed into your bedroom, helping you get out of bed as the both of them helped you back on your feet. They will never know what's it like losing someone you love, but they stood by your side as you returned back to yourself.
" Hey sunshine" Robin greets you as she places both her palms on the counter. Steve stops reorganizing the section as he turns to look at you. The both of you had barely spoken through the years you have known. Since the whole rejection, he has lingered near you and heard you speak, he has heard you screams, he seen you cry and he has seen your sweet side.
" Hey Y/N" Steve greets you as he outstretches his hand onto one of the shelves. You shot him a nod as you acknowledge his presence and turn to Robin. You and Steve graduated Hawkins together, and you were working in a record store near by Family Video while living on your own. Your parents weren't too happy at the choices you have made.
Your fingers skim over the films as you hummed. The sound of the door opening signaling Robin and Steve they had a new customer. You hadn't noticed the mop of curls enter until Steve greets them.
" Oh it's just Eddie" Steve says as he goes back to what he was doing. Your head looks over to this Eddie guy watching as he puts his hands on his heart, looking offended. He had a mop of brown curls, brown eyes, a little stubble on him as he wore a leather jacket with a jean vest over it with some pins. He wore black pants with holes in the knees, there is a chain on the side of his pants and he wore rings on his fingers with white Reeboks on his feet.
Your heart flutters at the sight of him. He walks by you and his scent hits you. Weed, pine, cigarettes and something else.
" Do you need help Y/N?" Robin asks. Eddie turns around to face you, not really paying attention that you were in the store too. His eyes grow a little big as he takes you in. You were cute.
His eyes linger on your shirt that you were wearing, it was a Motley Crue shirt and he notices your belt that has some studs in it.
" Oh Y/N, this is Eddie Munson. Eddie, this is Y/N L/N" you raise your hand as you wave to him. His heart races at your greeting and a hit of pink hits his cheeks.
He thought you were the prettiest thing he has ever seen.
" Nice to meet you, Eddie" you say.
" Nice to meet you too, sweetheart" he smiles, showing you his dimples.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
You drive up to the old grounds of Hawkins High School and park your car as your hands tap on the steering wheel. Steve couldn't pick up the kids from Hellfire club tonight because he had a date. Good for him, instead you were picking the kids up.
The door flies open as Dustin and Mike walk out the doors, you rolled down the window to greet them with a cigarette in your mouth, hanging loosely. It was one of the things you picked up from Billy.
" You know those will kill you one day" Dustin says as he opens the door. Lucas emerges with three other guys that you can not place your finger on.
You shrugged in response to Dustin, the door flies open as Lucas slide in, next to Mike. Mike has out grown his hair as he wants to be like Eddie. You had heard that Eddie was the Dungeon Master when it comes to the Hellfire club, they ran every week on a Friday in the drama room.
Your eyes catch the mop of hair as he walks out of the building, and he stops in his tracks seeing your car.
" Where is Harrington?" Eddie asks. He stops in front of the windshield of your car as he kneels down with his elbows on the window peering into the car. He sees Dustin, Mike and Lucas are already in there.
" Off duty, had a date" you say, looking over to him. Eddie plucks the cigarette from your mouth and puts it into his. " That's mine, Munson" you reach out to take the cigarette away from him but he steps back.
" It's mine now, sweets" he winks at you as he turns around to walk to his van that was only parked a few spots ahead of yours.
" Are you going to drive us home, anytime soon?" Mike asks. You shoot him a look in the review mirror.
" Pip down, Wheeler"
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
You don't remember the last time you were in Steve Harrington's house as you look around at the pictures on the wall. His parents and him as a baby, a toddler, some as a teen and from his high school days.
There was loud chattering coming from the living room where the kids and the others were sitting around for move night. You were going to join them with a bowl of chips in your hands as you continued to look at the pictures.
" There you are" Eddie says as he walks around the corner and stands next to you. "Oogling over Harrington?" he asks.
" As if" you rolled your eyes shoving the bowl of chips into his chest. He stumbles back as he takes the bowl in his hands, his rings making a noise against the bowl.
" Harrington is the last person I'd want to be with. He's not my type" you tell him. You didn't say anything else as you made your way into the living room where everyone was sitting down. You placed yourself on one of the couches that had one more space left, Eddie happens to plop down on that spot.
" What's your type then, sweets?"
" Shhh!" Dustin tells him, glaring at him as the movie starts. Eddie throws a chip at him while he turns to you. " Cute metal heads with brown doe eyes."
His eyes go wide as he hears what you say, it takes him a moment to let it sink that you were talking about him. You weren't shy about it that you were crushing on him. This wasn't the first time you hanged out with Eddie, he drove you home one day from work, one time from a party, one time he came over to look at your car, one time you slept over his house, you have met his Uncle, you had picked the boys from Hellfire a couple of times, you had sat during one of the campaigns and you came to listen to his band at the Hide Out.
He smirks as his arms wraps around your shoulder as he shift closer to you, pushing the bowl of chips closer to you. During somewhere in the movie, Eddie takes on of the chips from the bowl and offers it to you. You reach your hand to take it from him, silently thanking him but he moved the chip away.
" Open" he mumbles, only you can hear. Your mouth open as he puts the chip into your mouth. Red color paints your cheeks as your eyes lock with his. He smirks sending you a wink turning back to watch the movie.
·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
When Eddie asks you out, you are overjoyed and finally thinking this is the happiness you deserve. Being with Eddie wasn't like being with anyone else. He continued to make your heart flutter day by day.
When he finally kisses you, you feel light headed and feel like his lips against yours is the perfect puzzle piece.
" Do you want to be mine?" Eddie asks one day, when your watching a movie at his trailer with his arms wrapped around you. The two of you went on a couple of dates, continued to flirt, Robin had bugged you non stop asking you when the two of you would call it official.
" Of course, Eds" he smiles over at you, rubbing his nose with yours. He feels the happiest he has ever felt in a long time.
·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Your heart drops to your stomach as you race towards him. The demo bats have dropped on the ground as you kneel with his head in your hands.
" I didn't run this time, sweets" he says. The blood was seeping through his mouth. Your eyes teared up at the sight of your boyfriend. This was the second time you were losing someone you love.
" Eds, please. You can't leave me" Dustin has joined you as he sits on the ground on the other side. Eddie look up at you as he winces in pain. " Sweets, you were the best thing to happen to me" he says.
" I love you, Eddie Munson. Do you hear me? I love you" you tell him, hand coming up to his cheek as you feel his tears running down his cheeks.
" I love you too, sweets. So much" he says. You take a hold of his hand in yours and bring it up to your lips. " Please, don't go" you say against his hand. " I need you"
He turns to look at Dustin, " Take care of her." Dustin is crying into his hands as he leans his head on your shoulder. Eddie's eyes still as he takes his last breathe.
Your head falls to his chest as you let out a sob. Gripping his Hellfire shirt in your hands in a balled fist, you shake him.
" Come back to me!" you yell. " Please" you shake him again but there is silence coming from Eddie. He's gone with a piece of your heart with him.
·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
" Have you heard anything from Y/N?" Mike asks as he walks into Family Video with Dustin by his side, Max is in her wheelchair with Lucas by her side.
Steve frown as he hears the question. It's been weeks since the gang has heard from you. Yet again, they don't understand what's it like to lose someone you love. You were sure by now that every time you opened up your heart to someone, they slip through your fingers and die.
Were you ever meant to fall in love? To be happy?
" She hasn't been answering the door or the phone" Dustin says. He sigh as he looks at the ground, " It hasn't been the same since Eddie died. It's like she never existed to any of us"
" This time it's different" Max says. " She wasn't like this when Billy died"
" She has loved Billy, she has loved Eddie and it was taken away from her. The poor girl can't catch a break" Robin says as she comes back from the back. Steve takes a hold of his keys from his pockets.
" Dingus, where are you going?" Robin asks as heads turn to Steve as he has his hands on the door. " I'm going to go find her, she can't shut down and it doesn't have to be like this"
" What are you going to tell her?" Lucas asks.
He looks between Dustin, Lucas, Robin, Max and Mike.
" I don't know. But she needs someone, she needs to be reminded that she's not alone in this"
" Good luck" Dustin says.
·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Tears stream down your cheeks as you sit on your bed with his guitar pick necklace in your hands. He had loved you and his last words were to Dustin to take care of you. Dustin has stopped by to check in on you but you didn't want to see anyone.
It hurts too much. Pictures with Eddie is on your dresser, two of his shirts are in your dresser, his flannel is hanging on the chair in your room. One of his notebooks that were filled with songs he was working on it on your table. One of his rings is on your table. He had given it to you as one day promising to propose to you and get you a real ring.
A banging on your door interrupts your thoughts as you stand up from the bed, wiping your tears with the back of your sleeve as you make your way to the front door.
" Who is it?" you asked through your tears.
" It's Steve" your breath hitches for a moment in wonder why out of everyone he's the one who's here. Steve stands on the other side of the door with his head on the door, hoping you'd answer it. There is silence on the other end of the door.
" Why?" He hears you ask him. His eyebrows knitted together in confusion to what you mean. " Why you?" you ask him again.
Steve licks his dry lips as his mouth grows dry. He doesn't blame you for not wanting to see him. He's the last person you thought would check in on you.
" Because I care" he says. He hears a chuckle on the other side of the door. " You have a funny way of showing it, Harrington"
" I know you're hurting, Y/N. But so are we, so am I. I lost a friend.." you threw the door open in anger. " You don't get to say you're hurting. You weren't there when he died, you didn't get to hold him in your arms as he took his last breath. You didn't get a chance to love him like I loved him. Why does every time my heart decided to choose to love, it gets ripped out of my chest? Why me? Why do I get to lose people when you like the rest, get to sit there and say sorry for your loss?!" you stared angrily at Steve as he looks at you wide eyed with the loss of words.
" I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed someone, I'm sorry you've been hurting all this time like this" he takes a step inside your door as he closes as you take a step back.
He takes in the way your hair doesn't look like it's been brushed for a while, he takes in the bags underneath your eyes and the puffiness underneath your eyes. He takes in the way your nose is red from wiping it. He takes in the way your clothes looked wrinkled and he takes in the guitar pick in your hands.
He takes another step towards you and wraps his arm around you, pulling you into his chest. He feels you wrap your arms around him as you hold you in silence. He feels the wet spot forming on his shirt as you cry in his arms.
" Why me, Steve? What did I do to deserve this?" you asked as you pull away and look up at him. He stared down at you as his own heart breaks at the sight.
" You did nothing, you deserve all the love in the world Y/N. You. You have such a big heart, you're funny, you're sweet and look at the way that Billy and Eddie loved you. You are special" he moves some of your hair away from your face.
" I don't see anything special about me, I mean you even rejected me back in high school. You were the prettiest boy I had ever seen in my entire life and you broke my heart into pieces."
" I'm so sorry Y/N, I really am" he takes a hold your face in his hands, he wipes away the tears that keep running down your cheeks.
" You deserve so much. You've been through so much, let me be there for you. Let me show you what it's like to be loved, to be wanted to have what you need" he says.
Your eyes reveal fear in your eyes as you stare up at him.
" I'm scared, Steve"
"Scared of what?"
" Scared of losing you, I don't want you to die" his gaze soften as he brings you back into his arms, rocking you back and forth as his fingers run through your hair.
" Nothing will happen to me, hunny. I'm right here" he kisses on top of your head. You hold Eddie's guitar pick in your hand as you hug Steve back wondering if Steve was the one all along that should of loved you.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
You stare at the boy that sleeping soundly next to you as some of his hair falls onto his forehead. His arm is wrapped around you as his chest moves up and down as he breaths. You can't help it but put your head on his chest, to listen to his heart beat.
It's real. He's alive.
Your finger tips run down his chest, over his chest hair that tickle underneath your finger tips as your fingers trace over the features on his face. He was pretty and right next to you.
His brown eyes slowly flutter open as he turns to look over at you. He sees the worry look in your eyes.
" I'm not going anywhere" Steve says taking your hand in his and bringing it up to his lips. " I promise."
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Author's Note : Okay let me be real for a moment, this whole request blew my mind, my heart and my feelings out the window. I sat there reading this request a couple of times. I have sat here writing this request for most of the day and I cried my eyes out, I have tissues near me and I had to take breaks during this.
This took a toll on me, I don't know who requested this but I just want you to understand. I do write angst that break hearts but this one out of ever angst request I had, tops for breaking my heart.
You took my heart during this requests and threw it out the window. Stomping on it.
Thank you for requesting this, but this was a bit too much for me to relive through Billy's death and Eddie's death in my mind as I wrote this.
I hope whoever requested it, like this or not. I can not tell you what to do.
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