#because god steve is a sappy guy
hungharrington · 11 months
MDNI this entire blog is 18+
this…. this thought…. ok cos he’s a bit of a slut, steve knows what he’s doing already, okay? he doesn’t even need any training from you - he fucking knows that it’s all about the whines and moans and while he’s vocal in bed with you, it’s a whole nother level if he’s sending something when he’s alone— like just the thought of you listening to it wherever you are, clenching your thighs and getting all flustered, gets him all the more whimpery, rambles and rambles pouring out his mouth
he’s mean with the timing as well. you’re out with your friends, at a restaurant catching up for one of their birthdays and you hadn’t gotten to see steve the last couple days too- both of your shifts getting in the way. steve’s been that usual level of clingy when you guys spend a couple days apart, texts every couple of hours saying i miss you sweetheart >:( and i love you btw! and that oh my god it’s been literally so long since i’ve seen you i’m forgetting what you look like because he is the worlds biggest drama queen — but when it comes to dinner time, your phone buzzes in your back pocket and you fish it out innocently, figuring it’s another sappy message from your bf - and you’re half right! it is a message from your boyfriend but it’s a message that says i miss you :( followed by an voice message
you stare at it for a whole minute, a hot spark burning low in your gut— it could be that he went out with robbie and has had a couple drinks but it’s a little too early for him to be that trashed. just to be safe, you excuse yourself to the bathroom and silently curse yourself for not bringing any headphones as you slip into the empty bathroom, sliding into a stall for privacy just in case — pressing play, you hold the phone up to your ear with the volume on low and strain to listen.
for a moment it’s quiet, then you can hear some shuffling, like steve’s rearranging himself and then his low voice rasps through your speaker, “hey baby,” there’s another shuffling sound before he speaks again, voice a little breathier than usual, “know you’re out with your friends, m’sorry, just keep looking at how goddamn pretty y’look tonight— that photo you sent?” he pauses, inhaling jaggedly, and there, in the pause, you can hear a faint lewd noises and the spark in your tummy catches, burning hotter. he’s jerking off- he’s fucking sent you a voice message of him jerking off while you’re out with friends, he’s evil. “fuck,” he huffs shakily, the sticky sound of his hand on his cock getting a little louder, his pace a little faster, “i can’t stop looking at it, at how gorgeous you look tonight, just wish you were here.”
you can’t see him but your imagination gives you plenty of fuel as steve’s shuddering breathes turn a little closer to moans, a whiney noise slipping out as he thumbs over his slit, “miss you, honey, s’just miss you so much— ah” you startle, realising you’re still in public when he lets out a particular loud moan and it echoes inside your stall. you can’t bring yourself to pause it though, just turn down the volume a click — and cross your legs tightly, holding the phone closer. bastard. he knows exactly what he does to you.
“wish it was your hand, you always- mhfm- fuck, you always treat me better, treat me so good,” he whines, more and more shallow moans reverberating through your phones speaker. you swallow heavily, feeling arousal start to pool in your tummy right as steve starts to pick up the pace properly, the squelching noises louder than ever and his moans all but whimpers now, your name amongst every one— he gets all gaspy as his orgasm gets closer and closer, the noises quieter as you realise he’s dropped his phone away from his mouth, focusing on getting himself to finish- it only makes you more hungry for his noises, holding the phone close and just when you hear him whisper your name pleadingly, like he always does before he cums, the door the bathroom opens.
you jump, scared by the sudden noise, and your phone clatters to the floor— the scuffle hides the final of steve’s pitiful noises as you frantically scoop your phone off the floor and pause it, fingers tapping wildly on your screen until the noise stops. you clutch it to your chest and there’s a moment to breath when the person who’s entered calls out your name — it’s one of your friends checking if you’re alright but considering the clatter of your phone, she hazards a good guess, “god, were you on the phone to steve? you guys are the clingiest couple i’ve ever met.” and you huff an awkward laugh, “ha, something like that- hey, i’ll be right out, gimme just a sec,”
a breath of relief escapes you when her feet turns and leave back out to the restaurant and you finally peel your phone back— feeling a flush of embarrassment as you realise you’ve somehow sent a random keysmash back to steve’s message when you dropped your phone. he’s replied back, saying exactly the reaction i intended ;) and then have a good night honey :) i’ll see you soon, i love you x
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xoxoladyaz · 10 months
AU-gust, Day 6: Domestic
Eddie Munson was a rockstar. Eddie Munson was a renegade. Eddie Munson was a bad boy, living life on the edge, destined for wild nights on the open road, for success and fame and riches. Eddie Munson was – 
“ – ridiculous.”
“Excuse me?” Eddie whirled around from psyching himself up in the mirror to glare at Jeff. Jeff, who had the utter nerve to roll his eyes at him.
“You’re being ridiculous, man,” Jeff repeated.
“He’s not being ridiculous, he’s being a baby,” Gareth cut in with a snort.
Eddie gaped at his two best friends, his musketeers, his brothers in arms. “What – I – how dare you! I am not being a baby, I’m Eddie fucking Munson, I’m a high-rolling freak on the streets and in the sheets - ”
“Dude, gross.”
“ – who’s ready to rock across America!” He finished emphatically.
Jeff just quirked his eyebrow at him. “You’re literally pouting right now.”
“No, I’m not!”
Jeff and Gareth shared a look before sighing in tandem. “You’ve gone to bed before eleven every night the last few weeks. The rest of us aren’t even out of the venue by the time you’re asleep,” Gareth started.
“Not to mention the fact that you can’t do anything in the morning until you’ve called and talked to Steve,” Jeff continued.
“And if you can’t talk to Steve during his lunch break then you’re grumpy for the rest of the day.”
“You keep complaining about the fact that none of his shirts smell like him anymore - ”
“ – seriously, you threw a temper tantrum until Stu stopped and bought a bottle of his shitty cologne for you to spray on your pillow - ”
“ – and you keep making super long and sappy speeches about missing your ‘sweetheart’ every single performance before we play ‘Faithfully’ - ”
“ – it’s embarrassing dude, we’re a metal band!”
“ – and to top it all off, you literally can’t go more than three minutes without talking about Steve or what Steve would think of what we’re driving by and God forbid you make any sort of decision without talking to Steve first.”
Eddie stood frozen, paralyzed by the heat rushing towards his face. “I – I do not!”
Phil walked in from the back of the bus and chuckled. “Dude, you literally called him to ask if you should order ketchup or mustard with your burger last night.”
“I - ” Eddie sputtered before crossing his arms. “I – he was having burgers too and I wanted us to match!”
“Awww,” Gareth cooed mockingly, fluttering his eyes back at Eddie. “That’s so sweet.”
“Ignore him,” Jeff said, shoving Gareth off of his chair. “For the record, it is really sweet, man. So why are you trying to hide it with all this ‘bad boy of rock and roll stuff?’”
“What do you mean ‘hide it?’ I’ve always been a bad boy.”
Silence. (If they weren’t on a moving bus and had their windows open, it would have been the perfect moment for a symphony of crickets to kick in.)
Eddie squeezed his arms against his chest and pouted (and yes, he knew he was pouting this time, thank you very much.) “Rude.”
Jeff rose with a sigh and crossed the tour bus. When he reached Eddie he threw his arm around him in a half-hug. “Eds, my man, I love you, but you’ve only ever been scary looking.”
“Seriously, you’re the sappiest guy I know,” Gareth added unhelpfully.
“And before you say that’s not metal,” Jeff kept going (and yeah, he knew Eddie pretty well to head off that train of thought), “that’s what sets us apart from the rest of the bands on the scene.”
���What does?”
“You being a super loving guy, man,” Phil nodded with a dazed look in his eyes. “Truthfully, I think love is the most metal thing of all. It can change the world.”
“Wow,” Gareth snorted after a few moments, “have you gotten up close and personal with Mary Jane already today?”
“Well, yeah, but - ”
“What Phil is trying to say is that you’re made of love, dude. And it’d be a real shame if you lost track of that, especially because that’s what we love about you, and that’s what Steve loves about you,” Jeff finished. He squeezed Eddie’s shoulder comfortingly before letting go.
“You’re right,” Eddie rubbed his hands against his arms. “I know you’re right, it’s just – this was supposed to be what I wanted, you know? Touring and fame and the open road. But - ”
Jeff prodded him gently. “But?”
“But I miss Steve,” Eddie sighed. “I miss seeing him come home every day. I miss waking up next to him every morning and falling asleep next to him every night. I miss his delicious pasta dinners and his burned pancakes because he always burns them and I just – I don’t know how much longer I can keep doing this. I just miss him. But I don’t want to give up what we have either.”
The boys were silent for a moment, looking amongst each other and back at Eddie, who was wilting in on himself.
“Well,” Phil started, “we don’t have to tour like this. We could just do weekends maybe?”
“Or summers,” Jeff hummed thoughtfully. “That way Steve can come with us.”
“And Will!” Gareth perked up, grinning. “He doesn’t take classes in the summers, he’d be able to come with us then.”
“And that way by the time we’re done touring, Steve will be headed back to work and you can be home with him,” Jeff nodded, like it was decided. “We can definitely make that work.”
Eddie’s voice was small and quiet when he spoke. “You’d really do that for me?”
“I mean, it wouldn’t be just ‘for you,’ it would be good for all of us, but yeah, man. We just want you to be happy. That’s way more important than any tour.”
Eddie nodded once, twice, and then he was throwing his arms around Jeff and tackling him to the floor. “Thank you thank you thank you, you guys are the best, Steve’s gonna be so excited I gotta go tell him RIGHT NOW - ” and then Eddie was off, whooping happily into the back of the tour bus.
Jeff sat up from his spot now on the floor and exchanged looks with Gareth and Phil. “You’re good with that, yeah?”
“Dude, if Eddie wasn’t going to say anything, I was,” Gareth shook his head. “Eddie’s way less of a slob when Steve’s around.”
“And he’s a great cook! I’m getting tired of all this Taco Bell.”
“Speak for yourself, Phil!” Gareth growled, affronted, and the three remaining Corroded Coffin members began arguing about the nutritional benefits of Taco Bell.
(When they finally went on tour again the following summer it was a much better experience for everyone involved. Eddie was almost constantly in a good mood, Gareth didn’t feel the need to strangle Eddie for hogging the phone, Phil ate his weight in homemade – or hotel-made – pasta, and Jeff? Jeff got to enjoy himself without any worries about his best friend losing his way, because anytime Eddie got a little stressed or in his head, all it took was one look at Steve and he was okay, and that was more than worth the crowded tour bus.)
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wynnyfryd · 4 months
Trailer park Steve AU pt 44
part 1 | part 43 | ao3
cw: recreational drinking
“You’re just…” Robin looks at him sideways, her face doing something quivery and weird that he’s pretty sure is supposed to be sympathetic concern but mostly looks like she stubbed her toe right after smelling microwaved fish. “You’re sure it’s not too soon?” 
It is. 
It definitely is too soon.
Steve’s pleasantly buzzed at a New Year’s Eve party — some random rich kid’s house, loitering in the space between the living room and kitchen so he and Robin can properly people watch (see also: be hugely judgmental bitches about the fashion sense of the girls on the dance floor and the sloppy form of the guys doing keg stands on the back deck) — and Steve just opened his fat, drunk mouth and casually admitted to being in love with Eddie. 
Eddie, the guy who hated him for years. The guy who tried to knife him the first time they interacted as neighbors. 
The guy whose silhouette has started to fill the passenger seat in Steve's Winnebago dreams. 
Eddie’s here, but he’s not here; probably posted up somewhere in the basement so he can deal to the stoners and the horny kids playing Spin the Bottle, and Steve— 
Steve knows he falls too fast. Always has, but especially now. Steve fell for Eddie like a gunshot going off: a deafening bang, gurgling fish sounds, blood all over the floor. He kinda thinks he couldn’t help it. Kinda thinks he’d do it again. 
And how could he not, when Eddie smiles at him like that? When he takes him apart so sweetly with his words, his lips, his tongue? When he dragged Steve by the hand into the back pew of a midnight mass on Christmas Eve, giggling about how he was shocked his satanic worship hadn’t set the bench aflame? 
Steve totally understood why Jesus got up on that cross. 
“Oh, my god,” Robin rolls her eyes with a strangled huff. “Are you seriously just—? You’re fucking hopeless.” 
Yeah, he is, and yes, he is. “No,” he insists, crossing his arms over his chest and trying not to feel like a defiant kid who got caught lying to his mother, because yeah, he totally is spacing out into lovesick La La Land while being actively accused of spending too much time there lately. “I’m not fucking hopeless, and it’s not too soon.”
Robin gapes at him like 'are you kidding me right now?' “Steve!”
“Robin!” he answers, mimicking her tone. Wow. Vodka makes him petulant. 
It makes Robin stubborn as hell. She juts her chin out and hollers over the music, gesturing so aggressively she almost spills her drink, “Admit that it’s too soon!”
“It isn’t!” Steve shouts back; digs his heels in and refuses to budge, never mind the fact that it’s only been, like, three weeks since Eddie fingered him for the first time oh, god, don’t think about Eddie’s fingers right now.
They stare at each other for a second, Robin’s nostrils flaring with the words she so clearly wants to yell at him, her breaths coming hot and harsh, and then, with a long sigh, her shoulders deflate. Her chin comes down. She bites her lip again, teeth turning the skin white as her eyes go big and sad. Worried. She's worried for him because she loved him first. 
Steve smiles at her, a quick, closed-lip thing that feels more like shrugging with his mouth, and he leans into her space; pats her cheek and thumbs her chin until she stomps chomping on her lip.
“You’re gonna get it all chapped,” he says in a hush, hoping her Steve translator is still intact after a couple drinks. Hopes she knows that he’s really saying ‘I hear you’ and ‘I love you, too; I love that you care’ because they're at a party and god does he not feel like saying sappy friendship shit out loud. 
Robin’s eyes get misty. Just for a second — message received; copy that — and she clears her throat and shakes it off. Points at something over Steve’s shoulder and drags him to the other side of the room.
part 45
tag list in separate reblogs under '#trailer park steve au taglist' if you'd like to filter that content. if you want to be added please comment and let me know (must be over 21; please either verify in the comment or have your age visible on your blog)
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steveshairychest · 1 year
Eddie decides he likes basketball. Well, he doesn't like playing basketball, but he likes the smile it brings to Steve's face.
The stunning smile Steve had given him when he had agreed to come play basketball with Steve and Lucas had caused his stomach to fill with a swarm of butterflies that still now threatened to spill from his lips as he listened to Steve explain the rules of basketball in the car.
Excitement looked good on Steve. Eddie never thought he'd find himself completely enamoured by a guy animatedly explaining the intricacies of basketball, but here he was. He struggled to keep his eyes on the road because all he wanted to do was stare at Steve and drown in the overwhelming happiness radiating off of him. God, he never wants Steve to stop smiling.
He'd play basketball every day to see Steve smile like that forever.
Eddie doesn't half ass anything, not even basketball. Despite being distracted by Steve's beauty in the car, Eddie had still heard the rules. He was going to play basketball and he was going to win. Sure, it was two against one but Eddie had faith that him and Lucas could best Steve.
"Babe, it's just some fun. Stop scowling at me." Steve laughed, and the sound was hypnotic. It's almost as hypnotic as Steve's ass in those tiny shorts.
"You're just scared we're going to beat you." Eddie was confident they had the upper hand. He knew Steve played basketball in highschool, he knew he was good, but was he good enough to win against two people on his own.
Turns out, yes, he was good enough.
He beat their asses and he did it with the most breathtaking smile on his face. He was sweaty and flushed red but Eddie had never wanted to kiss him so bad. Sure, his muscles are aching and he skinned his knee, but he'd do it every fucking day to see Steve so happy.
"I'll let you win next time." He said it with a laugh, but Eddie could see the uncertainty in his eyes. Steve was giving him a chance to say no, to say there won't be a next time.
"Psh, we let you win today." Lucas rolled his eyes and walked away to gather his things. "Next time we won't go so easy on you, big boy."
Steve's smile was so bright that Eddie felt like he needed to squint. "Next time? Really?!" Oh, he was so in love with Steve in that moment. The pure joy on his face, the way he squeezed Eddie's hand excitedly, just everything about that moment, made his heart fill to the brim with sappy words of love and adoration.
"Mhm, I had fun, but next time, wear longer shorts. Those are a cruel distraction."
Steve wore the tiny shorts and no shirt the next time they played. Eddie tripped twice and nearly broke his wrist because he was too busy watching the sweat glisten on his boyfriend's bare chest to watch where he was going.
Steve smiled the whole time.
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italiansteebie · 1 year
something you'd never expect about steve harrington is that he loves halloween.
i mean, he really gets into it.
he dresses up, decorates the house, hands out candy and even goes trick or treating with the kids as an excuse. "i'm keeping an eye on you guys!"
"you didn't have to dress up though,"
"yes i did, dustin. you don't know everything."
even after the upside down bullshit, he still loves it, and maybe he kept his scoops uniform with blood and barf stains so he could use it as a costume. and maybe that was kind of fucked, but he's coping with it.
now, steve's love for halloween is one of robins favorite things about him. especially since his house is equipped for an exceptional party, what with the size and the decorations steve is going to put up anyways? it's perfect.
so the halloween after scoops, they throw a masquerade of sorts. it's quite a rager, despite steve's expectations.
he decided to go as a masked cowboy.
he got the boots, the hat, and he wore a leather vest that ended up giving him a chill for the night since other than some chaps, it was all he was wearing on his body. he did the whole nine yards with a red bandana and some sunglasses.
"hey cowboy."
steve turned, taking in the sight in-front of him.
a guy, with long curly hair, somehow making a jason voorhees costume work.
he tipped his hat, always committed to the bit, "jason." he said simply, thanking the bandana gods for hiding his blush.
"never woulda thought king steve would throw a party like this."
"why not?"
"i dunno. it's cool though, guy seems to have changed."
"for the better?"
jason tilted his head, "yeah man. for the better." he said it as though the decision had been made, and locked in place.
so they sat.
and talked.
all night.
and the rest of the party seemed to fade away. that is until a drunk robin, dressed as micheal myers laid across his lap, "kick everyone out, im tired."
he checked his watch, it was 4 am, probably about time for them to go home. so he stood, gearing up to say his farewell to jason, maybe ask him for his number, but when he turned again, he was gone. only the smell of weed and cheap cologne remained. (and later, he'd find, a lone 36 sided die, that he'd end up asking dustin about).
it's silly to think that steve was falling in love with this guy after only just meeting him, but he'd grappled with his sexuality on a bathroom floor, appropriately, and was ready to dive back into the dating pool. or maybe the puddle, because halloween jason, seemed to be the one.
the only thing is, steve has no idea who the guy is.
that is at least until, none other than eddie munson had a broke bottle pressed against his neck. now he didn't figure it out in that moment, but when they were fleeing for their lives, eddie's hand found a way into steve's, and back at eddie's trailer, steve caught a glimpse of none other than the jason voorhees mask he'd been searching for ever since that party.
and maybe it was a sappy declaration of love, but steve was nothing if not a hopeless romantic.
"don't be heroes."
it was pleading.
steve tossed the dice eddie's way, watching fondly as he struggled to catch it.
"steve- wh?" he could see the moment it clicked in eddie's eyes. steve turned, ready to finish this mess, so he could talk to eddie, to jason, and figure out some shit.
"hey, steve?"
he turned, meeting eddie's eyes.
"make him pay, cowboy."
it was done.
they did it.
a few were in the hospital but, hey. they did it. eddie had been in a rough way for a little while, eventually pulling through but not before some physical therapy.
steve was there when he woke up.
had been ever since he'd explained to eddie's uncle wayne how they knew each other and what eddie meant to steve.
eddie cracked open his eyes.
"howdy, cowboy." it came out scratched, and rough.
"eddie," steve breathed, grasping his hand.
"i knew i liked those chaps."
steve rolled his eyes, smiling while tears rolled down his cheeks. "you saved my life." eddie said, reaching a hand to steve's cheek. steve shook his head, "how can i ever repay you?" eddie said, a glint in his eye.
steve laughed, "no thanks necessary," he said, tipping his imaginary hat, leaning into eddie's touch. "there must be someway," he said, southern drawl creeping into his voice. "how about a kiss?" steve asked, eyes flickering down to the metal heads lips.
wayne shook his head at the boys' antics. "will y'all just kiss already? im getting old waitin' for ya!"
eddie laughed at his uncle's testimony, before nodding, "c'mere, cowboy," he said, before closing the gap between him and steve.
"was it rootin' n tootin'?" eddie asked, a cheesy grin on his face as he pulled away. "sure was, partner."
"oh my god."
"hey robs,"
"steve, shut up. eddie's jason! jason from-" robin stumbled into the room. "from the party!" she all but squealed. steve laughed, nodding, "yeah, babe. we figured that one out ourselves."
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booksandabeer · 11 months
Stucky Recs: Road Trips!
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Well, well, well. Look at that! After only three months of constant whining about having no time to do it, I've finally managed to put together a new rec list! Yay.
The theme of this list was requested by multiple people and really, who doesn't love a good road trip story, right? And let me tell you, there are so many good ones, this post could've been twice as long. I'm actually already hoarding fics in my little folder to do a part two later this year.
But for now, please enjoy my effusive ramblings about the following 10 Road Trip fics + 1 Rail Trip fic:
🚗 you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all by biblionerd07 | T, 15K
Author's summary: Steve and Bucky aren't really much of a Steve and Bucky anymore these days. Steve's sure it's because Bucky doesn't see himself as the same guy who used to love Steve. In a desperate attempt to prove him wrong, Steve begs Bucky to go on a road trip together, the way they used to dream about, and does his best to remind Bucky of who he is.
A post-CW canon divergent fic that's in a lot of ways very soft, but with just enough of an edge to keep things interesting and the reader uncertain as to how everything will play out in it. This starts with a somewhat disaffected Bucky who has not (yet) regained all of his memories and a Steve who, in his desperation to reconnect with him, tries so hard but ends up saying and doing all the wrong things. As they travel around the country, they both find ways to let go and to unlearn and relearn each other. Features moments of heart melting yet tongue-in-cheek sappiness (so the absolute best kind of sappiness) and a fun background Sam/T'Challa pairing.
🚗 a black sky prickled with small lights by emilywithoutY | M, 26K
Author's summary: There's this: The July heat. A wide open road. An obnoxious country song on the radio. Bucky in the driver’s seat.
Or: Two hundred-year-old men and their Great American Road Trip
The ultimate, unashamed Steve-and-Bucky-visit-the-Grand-Canyon wish-fulfillment fantasy—and I mean that in the best possible way. The summer road trip vibes are impeccable. This is technically the third part in the Litanies series, but it absolutely works as a standalone. However, if you ask me whether you should read the entire series, the answer is obviously a resounding yes. It's not only one of the best EG-Fix-Its I've read but also comes with an additional fun and sexy twist on how to get these two to finally get their heads out of their asses. Anyway, in this installment, they have already done that and now they get to enjoy the road, their freedom, and most of all, each other. Includes: healing along the way, long overdue conversations, and the attempt to reconcile the joy of finally having all that time with the bittersweet reality of having all that time.
🚗 Blue Moon by what_alchemy | E, 15K
Author's summary: "Now are you gonna run away with me or not, Rogers?”
God, this story (this author, really)! I’ve read this fic so many times I’ve lost count. It features one of my favorite post-WS characterizations of Bucky. One where he's still—somehow after everything—a romantic at heart, but also clear-eyed and unsentimental enough about certain things to not shy away from laying out some uncomfortable truths for Steve and the reader alike (there’s one line in particular that is seared into my brain and every time I read it I personally feel so called out). Steve may be a bit more cautious and softer about it, but oh, he gives back just as good. Nobody is handling anyone with kid gloves here. A story about learning how to be together (again), defining one's very own version of 'Happy Ever After', and about being very much in love, and also very horny for each other.
🚗 Not Language but a Map (The Grammar of Sensation) by dorian_burberrycanary | E, 20K
Author's summary: Steve has never felt right running away from a fight, even if the fight is with unanswered questions. But it’s not running if it’s a road trip and the oldest, thorniest unanswered question is along for the ride.
If you follow my blog you will probably already know that I am head over heels in love with this entire EG-Fix-It Series. This third story is finished, but Steve & Bucky's road trip continues in part 4, which is currently being posted (updates weekly). I believe this fic can be read as a standalone but, really, why would you deprive yourself of even a single word of this absolutely magnificent series? Every word, every detail, every narrative choice feels deliberate and well thought out. It's a masterclass in subtle storytelling and yet so rich in its themes, characterizations and descriptions of people, places, and food. This fic will make you hungry in so many different ways. A lot happens between the lines which may require some patience at times, but when the emotional payoff hits—it really, really hits. I cannot recommend this enough. Spectacular all around.
🚗 where the days are longer by endofadream | E, 13K
Author's summary: And maybe that’s what they’re running from. Those ghosts. That minefield. The suffocating pressure to live up to who they used to be when who they used to be has now become stale, recycled words in textbooks and museums and clickbait online articles.
They fuck off to the coast, trying to put as many miles between them and D.C. as possible. New York is loud and claustrophobic at the best of times, but California has the open skies and roads that make Steve ease a little more into his skin.
I have such an immense fondness for this story. There are some very minor problems with shifting POV in the first chapter, but please don't let this deter you from giving this story a chance—it's got so much heart. This is a slow and meandering piece that can be best summed up as: Steve and Bucky being so very much in love. Set in some undefined period post-CATWS, in a world where the events of Civil War never happened, Steve and Bucky decide they’re tired of fighting and conforming to what everyone else wants them to be and just get in a car and drive all the way to California. There, they start figuring out how to live in the future while also accepting that they can never quite leave the past behind, and that time, indifferent to the tragedies of (not quite) mortal men, will inevitably keep marching on—whether they want it to or not. To quote directly from the story itself: They’re both men out of time, so they make their own.
🚗 Lightning in a Bottle by odetteandodile | E, 63K
Author's summary: The problem, Steve thinks, isn’t so much his motorcycle giving up the ghost on a lonely stretch of highway through a lonely stretch of the country. He doesn’t mind stretching his legs or the prospect of hitchhiking.The problem is the roiling black blanket of storm clouds slowly spreading itself over the landscape headed his direction…
Steve Rogers is looking to hitch on a highway abandoned by everyone smart enough to avoid a looming storm. Bucky Barnes is the professional storm chaser who offers him a ride. It gets more complicated from there. 
This AU offers an intriguing twist on the The Road Trip as a genre, Shrunkyclunks as a trope, and modern!Bucky as a character—it's an electric ride from start to finish—in more ways than one… *wiggles eyebrows* ...yeah ok, I’ll see myself out. It was either this or something about 'chasing all kinds of storms together' and I just couldn’t resist. Anyway, this story is a clever and unique take on canon events (not just limited to the CA movies!) and I don’t really want to give too much away and spoil all the fun, so I’ll just say this: If you are in the mood for a thrilling sci-fi/adventure/romance hybrid-story with beautiful evocative writing, characters that actually act like the smart, competent grown-ups they supposedly are, sex scenes that are both hot and emotional, and a touch of spy/mission fic to go along with a free crash course in weather phenomena—this is the fic for you!  
🚗 The Only Familiar Thing by brideofquiet | E, 39K
Author's summary: Steve takes a breath, steels himself, and asks, “Where are we going, Buck?”
Bucky raises an eyebrow. “You’re the one driving, Steve.”
And before Steve can protest, Bucky gives him that broad, toothy grin again. The worry pitted in his stomach ebbs, and he decides—what the hell? Why not? Steve pulls his helmet on and swings a leg over the bike. Bucky settles in behind him, and he cranks the engine to life.
A Post-CATWS fic, in which Bucky has returned to Steve after being on the run for a while. They are together, share an apartment in Brooklyn, and Bucky has regained most of his memories—so yay! All good, right? Well, things are going…uh...let's say they're going. See, Steve and Bucky are still very much in love—the thing is, they're pretty good at the being in love part but pretty awful at the talking about it (and everything else that matters) part. So much so that they accidentally on purpose non-communicate and out-stubborn each other into going on a road trip, where things will eventually—inevitably—come to a head. Throughout the trip, the tension between them builds and builds until finally they have to admit that sometimes being partners, lovers, best friends, and knowing someone better than anybody else in the world, still doesn't mean that you can *actually* read their mind. Sometimes you gotta use your words. The author skillfully manages to create a story that treats its characters and their conflict seriously, while also infusing it with a healthy dose of humor and romance to always keep the readers on the right side of 'frustrated' (i. e. invested, not irritated).
🚗 old college try by kafkian | E, 19K
Author's summary: Bucky wonders if it’ll ever stop feeling like stealing: Steve Rogers, Captain America, the hope of a nation tucked into Bucky’s right hand. It’s the heist of the century.
In which Bucky Barnes remembers himself, Steve, and what it means to be selfish – not necessarily in that order.
Another old favorite of mine. Set post-CACW, this fic starts with a recently defrosted Bucky and a somewhat unmoored Steve in Wakanda, as they try to figure out what to do next: Keep fighting the never-ending wars of other people or run away, see the world, and retire to a quiet life? Well, since this is a road trip fic, I think you can guess which option they go for. It's a beautifully written story about Steve and Bucky's journey across continents and decades, and their ultimate arrival in a life that they never dared to hope they could have one day. This was written in 2016, so right between the fanfic avalanche caused by TWS and the frenzy of EG-Fix-Its. Re-reading this for the first time in quite a while made me realize that—aside from being a fantastic story in its own right—it's also an interesting commentary on popular Stucky fics that came before it (you can see clear influences but also some gentle rebuttals to popular fanon of the time) as well as very much a product of its time. And I don't mean that in a negative or disrespectful way at all, but simply, that it also serves as a fandom artifact; a text that reveals and reacts to certain trends, shifting attitudes, and developments in Stucky fanfiction over the years. Either way it's definitely well worth a read.
🚗 The Long Way: A Stucky Fancomic by BeaArthurPendragon, LittleWolf82 | T
Authors' summary: After Thanos is defeated, Steve doesn't stay in the past. This is the story of where he and Bucky go next.
A little something different here: a road trip fancomic! And oh, it's only one of my favorite fic writers teaming up with one of my favorite artists—what's not to love? This is an EG-Fix-It that simply ignores the last five minutes that Ruined It All and instead tells the story of what could've or should've happened to Steve and Bucky after EG. A story that is infinitely kinder and truer to these characters. Sweetly told and beautifully drawn—an absolutely wonderful collaboration.
🚗 i need a forest fire by tomorrowsrain | T, 65K
Author's summary: In which Tony Stark makes a reckless decision, becomes a wanted fugitive, goes on the run with the former Winter Soldier, and learns how to forgive. For his part, Bucky Barnes is just trying to hold himself together. AU, post-Civil War.
This is the only fic on this rec list that does not have Bucky and Steve going on a journey but instead it's Bucky and...Tony. WAIT! Hey, come back! I know that for a lot of Steve and/or Bucky fans the idea of reading a 65K fic that heavily features Tony Stark does not really sound like an enticing prospect. BUT! Hear me out. This is a fic that runs with one of the core concepts of fix-it fanfiction, which is: What if these characters actually talked to each other for a change? And yes, it gets messy and complicated and often painful—nothing is glossed over and no one is let off the hook easy. What you get here is a fantastically written story that is simultaneously an intimate & slow character study of both Bucky and Tony, a grand sweeping road trip fic with a thrilling plot that will have you on the edge of your seat (there is a moment in this where I really thought it was all over), AND a decade spanning tale of epic love. If you're worried that there is too little Stucky or Steve in this, don't be. Even before he shows up around the halfway mark of the fic, Steve is very much present the entire time. It's incredible what the author pulls off here. This is one of my all-time favorite fics. I love it a totally not normal amount.
🚂 Will There be Any Freight Trains in Heaven? by phoenixflight | E, 56K
Author's summary: It's summer of 1934, a quarter of all Americans are unemployed, and record numbers of migrant workers are hopping freight trains to seek their fortune out west. What are two boys from Brooklyn to do?
Or, Steve and Bucky ride the rails, become socialists, and fall in love, in no particular order.
This story is a bit of an outlier on this list because not only is it the only fic that's set in the pre-war period, it's also not strictly a road trip fic, but a rail trip fic. Usually the road trips in these stories are either (1) a last ditch effort at saving a friendship/relationship, (2) a way of finding oneself and/or making peace with one's past, or (3) the 'we survived all this and here we are together in the future, so let's go and actually see some of that world we fought so hard to save' victory lap. The impetus for travel in this fic, however, is born out of sheer necessity. It's the height of the Great Depression and Steve and Bucky are really poor and really desperate—so desperate even that they're willing to leave behind Brooklyn, their families, and their lives as they know it to go look for work in the West. This is not a fic that's always easy to read, circumstances are dire, attitudes are, ahem, authentic to the period, and the nostalgia-tinted glasses about the good old days before the war will get firmly knocked off your face. It's also a story that will show you time and time again that sometimes you will find kindness, love and almost overwhelming humanity in the places you least expect it. And listen, if period accuracy and a very political Steve Rogers do not convince you, let me tell you that there's also a lot of pining in this. So. Much. Pining.
Ok. This was fun.
Next up: Short fics under 10K
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shares-a-vest · 1 year
@steddie-week Day Six: True
Call him a snap. A lovesick loser. A nerd. A guy who likes fantasy stories and make-believe a little too much. An idiot who is setting himself up for disappointment and heartbreak.
But Eddie Munson believes in True Love.
He has read the stories and been swept up in the romantic plotlines of his favourites. He creates NPCs for his campaigns with unnecessarily detailed backstories with whole lives set out for them. Then he uses them to write poems and short stories he keeps safe in his notebooks for no one to see, where everyone gets a sweeping grand love story and a 'happily ever after' waiting for them by the end.
He's well aware others catch on, especially after he starts dating Steve. Yeah, an actual real-life love story sweeps him off his feet and he lets his guard down. Dustin and Lucas call him, "a pathetic lameoid". Mike and Will descend into a chorus of gagging noises. Even the guys tease him for writing song lyrics featuring admittedly, very obvious saccharine declarations. George will give a "Yuck", Gareth practically sings out his disgusted "Ew" and Jeff gives perhaps the worst reaction of all...
"Eddie... just. No."
Steve might as well be a Prince. Or a Knight in shining armour. A combination of both, maybe? Mixed in with the weapons and demon-slaying expertise of a high-stats Barbarian who runs around shirtless.
When Steve visited him in the hospital, drugged-up delirium had Eddie's mind drifting to fairytales where he lay in a nightmare-riddled slumber as a blood-stained and beat-up version of Snow White or Sleeping Beauty. Just laying in wait to be fixed by true love's kiss.
Steve calls Eddie his Prince sometimes when he's being all sappy and cute. It makes them both blush and giggle because, while it's romantic, it is also Steve trying desperately to sound impressive.
But Steve really is the Prince. Eddie insists on the matter. Even when he arrives at the trailer from a closing shift at Family Video, visibly tired with dark eyes, hair now flat and unstyled with a pained expression on his face as he blinks at a snail's pace.
"Thank god, I'm home" he sighs, voice cracking a little as he sets his keys down on the shelf near the front light switch.
Eddie snaps his book shut (A collection of Grimm Fairytales, no less), feeling all giddy at the thought Steve considers the place 'home'. But his glee doesn't last long as his homebound Prince barely toes off one of his sneakers before he clambers forward, arms unstretched in the direction of the couch.
Eddie catches him - or more, Steve collapses onto the couch and rolls into him.
"Hey, what's wrong?" he panics, brushing back the mop of hair that has flopped in his face.
"I have a headache," Steve groans, talking into his makeshift pyjama top - an old Hawkins Tigers t-shirt, "Started as I was closing up."
Steve heaves his body against the couch, resting his head on the cushion back and screws his eyes shut. He fumbles with the buttons on his polo, failing to get anywhere near unbuttoning them. So, Eddie does it for him, barely finishing on the last one before Steve pops his shirt off and flings it halfway across the room.
Then Steve starts doing the same with his belt and fly as a wash of sickly paleness drains down his pretty face.
"I'll do it," he grumbles, pushing Steve's mighty paws away.
He helps there too, willing away a blush and a dirty joke as he loosens Steve's obscenely tight jeans. He isn't exactly sure how it works anatomically, but he is growing more certain with every headache that these damn jeans aren't doing him any favours (other than giving him a tight little, very squeezable, butt).
Steve puffs out what is vaguely a laugh before he slurs, "Think this is as far as you gonna get tonight, Eds."
He gestures at his underwear peaking out from his undone jeans.
"You want me to run you a bath? Squish you into the teeny-tiny combo?"
Steve sniffs under his arm and grimaces at himself.
"'Kay," he lolls his head back on the couch.
"Anything else?"
"Can you make me some tea?"
"Tea?" he questions.
He can't help it. Usually, he keeps his queries to a minimum when Steve is like this (which has been all too frequent lately) but this is a new request.
"Wayne made me some last week when I had a migraine."
"This is the first I'm hearing of it," he says, and in lieu of a physical presence, he glares at his uncle's recliner chair.
Steve smiles at the ceiling, his eyelids softening with a light flutter as he hums, presumably thinking about this magic tea Wayne is most definitely being interrogated about first thing in the morning.
"'S'nice," Steve shrugs.
"That old man with his tea collection like he's some old English Granny."
"Stops me from feeling sick."
Eddie leans over and pecks his deceptively-hot cheek. Stinky and on the precipice of a migraine or not, Steve is still his Prince Charming. He pauses there. Steve must feel his breath lingering because his lip quirks, threatening a smile and he opens his eyes.
"What?" he asks, a teasing tone dancing in there somewhere as he blinks slowly.
Eddie takes his hand and squeezes it.
"Let me kiss you."
"Okay," Steve replies and puckers his lips without moving an inch.
"True love's kiss will make you feel better, promise," he whispers as he closes the distance between them and presses a soft kiss to Steve's lips.
Steve squeaks out a noise and Eddie can feel his frown as he murmurs, "You're so silly."
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years
Hello! I'm back with more thoughts! I've seen so many posts and fics lately where everyone is super mean to Steve and I'm emotional I just want people to be nice to him. He gives so much to everyone! He cares so much! Idk I'm just an emo Steve Girlie rn
Give me a Robin who loves Steve with all her heart. He's her best friend, her platonic soulmate, her favourite guy. Robin, who makes sure to say "love ya, dingus" every time she says goodbye to Steve. When they hang up the phone, when one finishes a shift at Family Video, when one leaves the others house. And Steve always responds in kind, saying he loves her, and calling her Robbie or Robs or Dork or Dweeb. It makes Dustin absolutely insufferable, with him still not shutting up about them dating, but neither of them want to stop. Steve got literally tortured for her, she thought he died down in that bunker and there's no way she's stopping telling him that she loves him.
Robin and Steve who tell each other everything, things they've never told anyone else. Steve who tells Robin about the Halloween party. About bullshit. About how Nancy never loved him. How she broke his heart. He's over Nancy, but fuck, sometimes it still fucking hurts. And Robin who responds by immediately phasing the phase bullshit out of her vocabulary. Who makes sure to let Steve know that she loves him and always will.
Give me someone actually acknowledging that Steve is smart in his own way. Steve, who will occasionally venture into the Wheelers basement when Hellfire runs overtime to round up the kids, only to find absolutely everyone arguing over what to do next. Gareth, Jeff, the other one, all of the party. They'll ask Eddie a question (who is sitting behind his screen looking smug as hell) and then get back to bickering. And almost automatically Steve just says "What about X?" And proceeds to point out a detail that literally everyone missed. Because he's good at noticing things! He's aware! He's smart! He's the one who pointed out the Indiana Flyer music on the Russian message. If it weren't for him - Robin and Dustin still would have thought the message came from Russia itself. And someone says 'Good idea Steve'. And later Eddie admits to Steve that he was 100% right. The others were running themselves in circles, overthinking everything. If it weren't for Steve, they'd probably still be stuck there.
Give me a Dustin who loves Steve like a brother. Who keeps inviting Steve over for Sunday roast with his mother, and for a sleepover and pizza on a Friday after school because he genuinely loves spending time with Steve. Who tells him things he doesn't tell his mother, asks him for help with his hair. Bring back their dorky handshake that they made together when Dustin made Steve watch Star Wars with him (it wasn't super his thing, but he liked the teddy bears and Dustin loves it, so). They argue and bicker and tease each other like siblings - know exactly how to push each others buttons - but they love each other (even if Steve still thinks Dustin needs to learn more about humility and personal boundaries. If he has to hear one more comment about him dating Robin he swears to God...)
Give me an Eddie who starts dating Steve and instantly turns into the sappy, cheesy, absolutely head over heels goofball he really is under all that bluster. He put on a mask of his own, just like Steve used to. The freak, the metal head, the Satanist, and intimidating drug dealing son of a bitch. But he's really just a dorky guy who cares so passionately about the things he's interested in, trying to make his way and find his place in the world. Eddie, who realised he can be a bit of a hypocrite - once saying all jocks and popular kids were conformists and assholes, putting them in boxes - and then dating Steve who genuinely likes his light wash jeans and polo shirts. Who has fun playing basketball with Lucas and watching the baseball with Wayne (and doesn't that make Eddie's heart clench, seeing his two favourite people together). Who does these things because he likes them, actually, not because they'd make him popular.
So Eddie makes sure to tell Steve that the new polo he bought looks really good on him, nice pick babe. (And he's not lying - that shirt does amazing things to his shoulders, and the colour looks really nice with his skintone.) Eddie who smiles and nods when Steve starts talking about this really cool car he saw drive through town the other day, you should have seen it Eds; or about this really awesome play in the game last night, he was on the edge of his seat, because Steve just lights up having someone who listens. His parents never did. Tommy and Carol never did. So Robin does. So Eddie does.
Just Eddie loving and caring for this amazing guy he got the privilege to date (scared as they both are). Steve, his wonderful boyfriend who tries to learn about metal for him, and goes to Corroded Coffin concerts for him, and takes him to the drive in to see a horror that Steve doesn't like but Eddie does.
So Eddie goes on hikes with Steve (they're exhausting, but Steve seemed so happy to have him with him); and tries to learn the rules of Basketball to surprise him; and picks cheesy action movies to watch together because Steve likes them.
I just want fluff
And I just want to live in this. Oh my god this has squeezed my heart to the point of immobilisation. I can’t say anything other then please please if you ever expand on this I’ll be first in line. Steve has been the protector, the carer, the overseer, the worrier for everyone important to him and he is so reluctant to let somebody do that for him. Reluctant because he doesn’t want to get used to something that could be so easily taken away from him.
It takes him time but eventually Steve learns to accept this love from his friends. Let’s himself be loved with no expectations. The thing is it’s hard, really hard. He keeps trying to ‘pay people back’ for the kindness they show him. Thinks it is an exchange and panics when he thinks he hasn’t held up his side of the friendship. Tries to practically throws gifts at them, hoping he can buy their favour and that they won’t throw him to the side.
It gets to be too much and he gets overwhelmed and he cries. He’s in family video with Robin, eddie and Dustin. The three of them planning weekend activities, making sure to ask Steve what he wants to do and he just cracks. Can’t stop himself. Apologises, tells himself he’s being stupid. Takes himself off to the back room. It’s so abrupt that they all follow him, asking if he’s okay. Steves reluctant to say but then they see the tears in his eyes
‘so stupid guys I’m so sorry I’m trying really hard. Please tell me what to do. I need to make it up to you, please. I promise I can’
Robin crowds into his space, hugging him from behind.
‘Steve. This isn’t how this works. It’s okay. You are okay. You don’t buy us. I’m too expensive for that anyway’
Eddie is leaning up against the doorframe, fingers twitching to touch steve, reassure him, but restrains himself
‘Stevie, sweetheart, believe it or not, we want to do stuff with you. I have personally found a deep and unspeakable love for hearing you wax poetic about cars, so please. Now that I am acclimatised, don’t take that away from me?’ It’s all said with a smile but it’s sincere and Steve can see that
Dustin goes to start talking but Steve stops him
‘Henderson if you say one nice word I swear to god I’ll never let you live it down.’
So Dustin just flips his middle finger with a smile but still lets out a ‘love you man’
Steve brushes Robin off, tries to act like it’s no big deal. Tries to accept what he’s been told. Its not instantaneous and it’s not easy but he wants to accept it, wants to try and see what his friends see.
Robin and Steve close up family video, Eddie and Dustin getting in the way and are lovingly pushed out the door. Steve tells them to go wait at his house, that he’s having a movie night and they should get snacks. Robin smiles at him, glad that Steve is letting them stay close, that he isn’t pushing them away after being vulnerable. It’s a big step and they all know it. Steve Harrington is letting himself be loved.
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snowangeldotmp3 · 1 year
dear lucas; from max
hehe i have more letters. anyway, this is from my kas!max wip, and these letters are supposed to be holding back a little bit like max was in the series, as these were supposed to be written around episode 4. this is my first Real time writing for max, so please be kind lol. again like with the dear barb letter (which you can read here) it will be in first person, and will be posted to ao3!
Hey, stalker.
You know what this means if you’re reading this.
I’m sorry for not telling you sooner. I just didn’t know how. I’m sorry I kept pulling away.
And before you start, don’t blame yourself. This isn’t your fault, and you couldn’t have stopped this. Vecna is just an asshole, and I was a bad girlfriend. A bad friend, too. Friends don’t lie, or whatever, but I did. I said I was fine and I wasn’t. I’m sorry for being a bad friend.
I heard about the game, by the way. I listened to it on the radio. I can’t believe your Hawkins High’s star player now.
I should’ve been there.
This is about to get really sappy and gross, and if you tell anyone I swear to god I will haunt your ass, Sinclair.
I’m glad I came to Hawkins. Sure, every six months there’s a world ending threat and now one of them is directly attacking me, but, I’m still glad I met you guys. Hawkins was new and scary, not just because of the monsters.
You asked me, about two years ago, in the back of the Palace Arcade, “Do you accept the risk?” Do you remember that? Back then I thought that it was just a story, that you were just really, really into the nerd shit that you and your friends had created and just wanted me to play along. I hadn’t realized it was a serious thing until the junkyard. Until I saw the monsters for real. Then I understood.
I’m glad I accepted the risk. I’m glad I got to meet you and the rest of the Party and become part of your weird little friend group. I don’t regret it. Even if it seems like I should, especially right now, especially with what happened in the summer. But I don’t. I don’t think I would change anything about how we met. I would still accept the risk.
I do want to make him pay, though. The shit head behind all of this. He’s been doing this shit the whole time, the Mind Flayer, the Spider Monster, and now all of this. You have to swear to me, Lucas. You’ll make him pay. You and the Party and Steve, Nancy, and Robin. Shit, El too. She probably already knows that something is up even if she doesn’t have her powers. You all have to make him pay. Not just for me, either. Everybody who’s been affected by this. Will, Nancy’s friend, all of those people last summer, Chrissy, Fred, everyone.
This letter is the hardest one, besides the one I wrote for my mom, and I’m glad you’re all asleep right now so you can’t see me crying like a baby trying to write this. Don’t laugh at me. I’m really gonna miss you guys. Our movie nights, or sneaking into the movie theater and the drive in or walking downtown and just talking or planning our Halloween costumes together. (You have to go as the Green Lantern this year. Especially if I don’t make it out of this. I don’t give a shit what Mike plans.)
I’ll miss you most, Lucas. You are such a good person, you’re so kind. You were there for me and wanted to be there for me when I didn’t want to be around people at all. I know it’s cliché to say, but you’ve got a heart of gold, Lucas. You have never given up on me. And I know that if you’re reading this it means the worst has happened, but I’d like to think you didn’t give up on me then, either. That you were there until my final moments.
You are my guiding light. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you when you were there for me. I hope whenever you hear Kate Bush, you’ll think of me, Stalker.
Love, your girlfriend,
Mad Max.
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trashmouth-richie · 1 year
Wait tootys only been with chad? And he assaulted her? And eddies 10 inches? 😳😳😳 geez. I hope he makes sweet love to her. Like holding hands, looking into her eyes, breathing the breath shes exhaling, nose rubs, eyelash kisses, all that sweet sappy shit.
yessss I kinda slowly hinted at it— so the shit with Chad ended when she was 18-19 and she’s 21– since then it’s been her living with Nancy. And she’s been healing. she always has her guard up which is mostly perceived that she’s a bitch— but girl as been through it. She also has a hard time understanding when anyone is being genuine to her except for Steve or Robin because they were there during the Chad situation.
Eddie mentions that he has a huge dick in one of the chapters and as disgusting as he is— he’s not lying.
Eddie’s entire dynamic towards her has changed since she opened up about her past to him. In the earlier chapters he even hints at how her attitude turns him on and she’s repulsed by him. There’s a scene after he burns the couch down where he is jumping on her bed and he is like “oh my god am I the first guy to be in here?” And last chapter she admitted that Eddie had been right all along, he was the first guy in her bed.
When they do have sex it will be very sweet very passionate and loving.
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voylitscope · 2 years
Voylitscope Fic Masterpost
Canon and canon divergent fics:
There Are Strangers I Have Yet To Become (Explicit | 16,070 words | Complete | No Warnings)
"Two days," Steve repeats. His words are slow and almost gentle, and there's a small smile starting to form on his face again. "I'm asking you to let me stay here for two days."
Bucky frowns.
"What? Why?" Bucky asks. "What the hell is that gonna do?"
"Remind you what it's like not to be alone," Steve says. His smile looks sad when adds, "because it's been a long time since you weren't."
"That's not gonna change anything," Bucky says, swallowing hard. Steve's words bounce around in his brain. It feels like they're hitting up against spots he hasn't uncovered yet.
"Then you've got nothing to lose," Steve says, raising an eyebrow. "Right?"
(Or: Steve finds Bucky in Bucharest before the events of Captain America: Civil War. They work a few things out.)
I Wanna Live in the Hidden Parts of Your Skin (Canon Divergence | Explicit | 10,278 words | Complete | No warnings)
Sometimes, Steve looks at Bucky across the floor of their apartment or in the middle of the sidewalk, and it's not goddamn fair how good Bucky looks. It's not fair how Steve, who's spent his whole life fighting with his lungs for air and his heart for a steady beat, sometimes looks at Bucky and his breath and pulse are wrong for reasons that aren't his lousy health at all.
And ever since the day with the purple ink, Steve can't stop thinking about people being canvases, like the models at that exhibit. Steve keeps thinking that Bucky'd be the most stunning canvas a guy could ever ask for.
(Or: Steve and Bucky discover a kink in 1940. They find a reason to come back to it 80 years later. )
There's a Light (I Find It at Your Side) (Canon Divergence | Explicit | 4,527 words | Complete | No Warnings)
Bucky had simultaneously wanted to do three things: roll his eyes and smack Steve's arm for how unbearably sappy that was, offer to suck Steve off right that second for what a surprisingly good line that actually was, and tell Steve to come over here and kiss him for the way the words were making Bucky's heart hammer in his chest.
And, damn it all, he'd ended up going for option three.
(Or: A very soft fic about all the little things that keep surprising Bucky now that he and Steve are together.)
But Slowly, Because You Know Me (Pre-War | Explicit | 5,186 words| Complete | No Warnings)
You sound awfully sure of yourself," Steve says, unsuccessfully biting back a smile. "What makes you think I've got wishes that would involve you?" "Don't know," Bucky says. He grins wider, shrugging playfully. "Do you?" And dammit, but sometimes — No, okay, maybe all of the time, Steve is sort of a helpless and hopeless fool for just how much he wants Bucky. He's got no resistance or willpower at all. (Or: Thanksgiving this year feels strange and terrible, and it leaves Steve in an awful mood. Good thing Bucky's got an idea. A pre-war Thanksgiving fic featuring pie slices, a makeshift blindfold, their firescape, and a lot of feelings.)
And We're on Our Own in the Afterglow (Canon/Canon divergence | Explicit | 9,028 words | 2/5 chapters | WIP | No warnings)
"Could make up for it now. The mugs, I mean," Bucky offers, taking another long sip of coffee. "Could buy a whole variety of 'em. Get some of those they make with you on them, even." "Oh god," Steve says, picturing the stacks of mugs, cups, plates, and all sorts of other kitchenware with his own image plastered on them that he's been shown. "I still don't understand who would want that." "I don't know. I can kinda see the appeal," Bucky says, leaning back in his chair and keeping his eyes on Steve. "Starting the day looking at your face." Steve swallows his coffee a bit too fast. Or: Steve, Bucky, and a month's vacation in a mountain cabin. Featuring Steve's art, a fireplace, online shopping, so very much pining, two beds (but eventual sharing anyway), comfort for decades of hurt, and even some talk about feelings.
Hearts Don't Need a Break (I'll Be Waiting For You) (Shrunkyclunks | Explicit | 4,615 words | Complete | No warnings)
"The wonderful but awful thing about having Steve here is that it's perfect.
Right this minute, Bucky is lying in his bed and curled into Steve. Everything smells like sex, Bucky's favorite shampoo, and that citrusy soap he keeps in his shower just for Steve. His whole body still feels incredible — unwound and remade — and there are places Steve's touch feels burned to his skin. They're pressed close together, and Steve's smiling one of those smiles that always seem like they're just for Bucky.
Bucky would be unbelievably happy about it all if it hadn't been sixty-four days since the last time Steve was here.
(Or: Bucky enthusiastically welcomes Steve back after a long absence, and they have a very overdue conversation about their relationship — and their feelings.)
As Your Heartbeat Keeps Me Warm (Canon Divergence | Mature | 8,024 words | Complete | No Warnings)
"I was awake," Bucky says. Steve's almost sure that's a lie. Bucky's breathing had been steady and measured as recently as five minutes ago. Steve decides not to point that out.
Instead, he reaches his hand out between their bedrolls and grabs for Bucky's.
"Too strange for you, too?" Steve asks, turning his head toward Bucky.
"Too something, anyway," Bucky says, moving his hand so that his fingers lace with Steve's. "Too a lot of things, I guess."
(Or: Steve Rogers at exactly 2:14 am on 10 different sleepless nights between 1937 and 2020.)
But You Can Hold Me (Only 'Cause It's a Cold Night in Brooklyn) (Pre-Canon | Mature | 3,294 words | Complete | No Warnings)
This should just be two friends getting off after the burlesque show. This should just be two pals both thinking about the girl. That would probably be okay, Bucky thinks.
But then he ruins it all when he says,
"Come here," and puts a hand out to tug on Steve's shoulder.
(Or: Sometimes, Bucky and Steve lend each other a hand, literally. Bucky tries not to be weird about it, but he's always been bad at controlling his thoughts about Steve.)
Following the Outline of your Face (Canon Divergence | Teen | 1,000 Words | Complete | No warnings)
A ficlet about vacations, drawing, and the good light.
You're a Gem but Not a Saint (Pre-Canon | General | 1,707 words | Complete | No Warnings)
Bucky tries to give himself rules. He tries not to be weird about Steve.
Bucky gives himself rules, but he's only human. Sometimes, he breaks a couple of them.
(Or: Steve doesn't show up for dinner. Bucky wishes he could think Steve just forgot.)
CA: TWS 10th Anniversary ficlets | Canon + Canon divergence | Gen - Mature |5,700 words total | Complete | No warnings
Modern AUs
I Held You In Gloved Hands (And I'm Not Letting Go) (AU: Modern | Explicit | 48,785 words | Complete | No warnings)
Bucky Barnes jumps at the chance to take a job opportunity hours from home. He's expecting a fresh start and a decent salary jump. He's not expecting to run into his childhood best friend, Steve Rogers, on his first day. The years since they last talked have been hard ones for both of them, but falling back into their friendship is shockingly easy. Despite their time apart, December in this small town might bring them closer than ever.
(Or, a holiday rom-com in which Bucky reads to children, Steve teaches art, new friendships are made, difficult conversations are had, cookies are baked, way too much coffee is consumed, home is found in surprising places and, eventually, feelings are confessed.)
If I Could Stop The Clock With You Tonight (AU: Modern | Explicit:| 10,855 words | Complete| No Warnings)
"Mm, see, but you don't actually know that," James says, shaking his head, but looking amused. "Not until you taste this. You might hate it." "I've been your audience, though. I've been right here watching you make all that," Steve protests, grinning. "I've seen your cooking focus and how you use your hands and everything. There's no way this won't be amazing." There's a pause after Steve's words. It's probably a very brief and barely noticeable pause, but it feels long and mortifying to Steve as he plays his own last few sentences back in his head. "Glad you think I'm good with hands," James eventually says, ending Steve's misery, but making him flush even redder. (Or: Natasha hires a private chef to cook Steve's birthday dinner. Steve's not too sure about the idea of a total stranger in his apartment on his birthday, but Chef James is incredibly attractive and very charming. He also seems oddly familiar. That might just be because Steve has met him before.)
Where Were You When I Was King in This Part of Town? (AU: Modern | Explicit | 15,232 words | WIP Two of Three chapters posted | No Warnings)
Bucky'd like to cut himself a little slack, he really would. After all, finding out Steve is fifteen years younger than him had been a shock.
But Bucky also doesn't like to let himself off the hook for his mistakes. So, he'll be honest about it: dismissively referring to a guy he'd hooked up with, in his office, less than 48 hours ago as a kid? A guy he works with? A guy he still really likes? Yeah, Bucky's gonna go ahead and rank that one nice and high on the list of his all-time stupidest love-life moves.
(Or: Bucky probably shouldn't have sex with Steve in his office, continue having sex with Steve after he learns how much younger than him Steve is, start actually dating Steve, or fall for Steve hard and fast. Unless, of course, Bucky should absolutely do every one of those things.)
We Set a Precedent, and Now I'm Living With it (AU: Modern | Teen | 8,212 words | Complete | No Warnings)
"It's lucky we met tonight," the guy says, sleazy and in Bucky's space in a way that has all of Bucky's defenses climbing up. "You know, after you finish that drink —"
"I am so sorry I'm late, babe," a deep voice it takes Bucky a second to recognize says from behind him. The voice comes with a hand placed firmly on Bucky's shoulder. Bucky blinks and looks up to find hot-Steve-from-work smiling at him, one eyebrow raised conspiratorially.
Bucky bites the inside of his cheek to keep from grinning as he catches on.
"Boss trying to talk you into working overtime again?" Bucky asks, putting as much fake worry into his tone as possible and leaning into Steve.
(Or: Work friends Bucky and Steve get into the habit of helping each other escape uncomfortable, awkward, or bad situations. Their escape plans get increasingly elaborate as their friendship gets increasingly close. That's probably why their whole office thinks they're actually dating.)
A Kiss Just Waiting to Happen (AU: College | Teen | 3,470 words | Complete | No warnings)
Steve doesn't like losing. At anything.
So he's not planning to lose this, even if he's hardly had time to sleep all week. And even if some of this round's challenges are, in his opinion, sort of ridiculous. Some of them, like find someone with the same initials and birthday as you and post a picture with them, or take a picture of yourself at the highest and lowest geographical point on campus at midnight on two consecutive days — feel a little uninspired to him, but at least they're easy enough.
But others, like kiss a stranger are — Steve's pretty sure they're just really ridiculous.
(Or: College boys Steve and Bucky have been checking each other out in the hallways of their apartment building for the better part of a school year. Then they get trapped in an elevator together. Because sometimes we all need a little trope-y goodness.)
Set the Date, Set the Time (‘Cause We Already Know Where We’re Going) (AU: Modern | General | 5,161 words | Complete | No warnings)
"Well, thank you for being a good sport about it," she says, looking at Alena over her shoulder. "She's decided she was right about you, you know."
"Should I know what that means?" Steve asks, raising an eyebrow.
"I imagine you'll find out soon enough," the woman says, laughing again. "I'm Natasha, by the way."
"Steve," Steve says, holding out a hand to shake hers.
"I know," she says, still looking amused.
(or: Steve teaches art to kids. He's used to his students not always being focused on art, and he's used to them being very curious about him. He's not at all used to them trying to set him up with their adult family members, but he can't complain about it. Not when the family member he's been set up with walks through his classroom door and is the most beautiful man Steve has ever seen.)
Other AUs
Darling, Lets's Take Our Time (While It's Still Ours To Take) (AU: Other | Explicit | 6,683 words | Complete | No Warnings)
Steve Rogers walking through his door is always a challenge — something that always makes holding up his casually friendly bartender facade very difficult.
It's harder tonight. The relief that floods Bucky at the sight of Steve's familiar features is so overwhelming that he has to ball his hands into fists and take a long breath to hide his less-than-calm emotions.
"Captain Rogers," he says, trying his damndest to not search Steve for signs of injury. "Didn't know you were in town."
"Just got in," Steve says. He grabs a seat, and Bucky keeps his eyes on the leather of Steve's jacket to avoid looking at his face
(Or: Steve's a rebel pilot with a target on his back, Bucky runs a bar that's a hub for rebel activity, and the two of them have a long history. It's a Star Wars AU.)
We Were Strangers for Far Too Long (AU: Historic | Mature | 4,314 words | Complete | No Warnings)
Bucky turned a corner and discovered a blond guy holding a can of spray paint and writing on the dingy alley walls. The guy had looked up at the sound of Bucky's footsteps, and Bucky'd found himself being stared at by massive blue eyes. The guy'd been wrapped in a pin-covered jacket, there'd been a scowl on his face, and Bucky'd fallen for him before either of them had said a word.
(Or: It's the late 1970s, and two boys from Brooklyn spend most of their days breaking the law. Bucky, because there's no other way to work off a debt owed to dangerous people. Steve, because maybe if he paints his message on the side of the C Train, someone will finally listen. Meeting each other doesn't change anything. Until it changes everything.)
More of my writing: Full fic/story masterpost
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yanderefreud · 1 year
also i want you to rank the multiversal stevetonies: 1872, 616, ults, mcu, and any others you want to include ✨
So number one is extremely unsurprisingly going to be 616. They're the ogs and absolutely no one does it like them. The slow burn, the extremely unresolved homoeroticism, and the angst (the ANGST!!!!!),, all of that is just unparalleled. None can compete with that much lore and all those moments of them just saying sappy gay shit like "you gave me a home" or "i'm not half as good at anything as i am when i'm doing it next to you", or absolutely heart-wrenching things like "it wasn't worth it" or "he loved you, and he admired you, even when you fought"
After some deliberation with my own self I have decided that 1610 (Marvel Ultimates) is my second favourite. I just love the dynamic A LOT. Imagine you're this repressed homosexual man who was transported a billion years into the future and you fall in love with the most obnoxious man ever and then you find out he's dying. The struggle of reconciling with your own self and then trying to pursue something with someone who might as well be dead. There are just so many possibilities
MCU is going to be a respectable third. I have a lot of fondness for it because it is what introduced me to stevetony (when I first saw the helicarrier scene all I remember was thinking "these guys have sexual tension and I want to be there when they resolve it"). One complaint I have is the initial hostility that they had, because I think A LOT of people got hung up on that lmao. I don't really watch marvel movies anymore, not even old ones bc they just make me sad :-(. Still, they have some absolutely incredible moments like "i'm home" or "do you trust me" "i do" and "i thought you and Tony were still gazing into each other's eyes (thanks natasha)"
1872... Oh 1872. I have a lot of feelings and not enough Canon content, and that's the only reason why it's so low on the list. I love how Steve was literally the CATALYST for Tony becoming Iron man like. That is so sick omg... He was so grief-stricken that he literally went mad. I also fucking love their interactions "I think you pulled enough corks for today, Stark. It ain't even noon" "oh why hello there sherif. I guess you have nothing better to do than infringe on my constitutionally guaranteed right to pursue happiness (can't argue w that ngl)"
Avengers Assemble!! I actually fucking love them ngl but the reason why they're number five is that there isn't enough angst. Where is the bloodshed and death and tears????? I need to see grown men crying and screaming in agony thanks. Other than that, I love their dynamic and how fucking domestic they are. They are so married they're making my parents look single omg like GET A ROOM GUYS. My favourite thing that Steve ever said in that show was "iron or not, you're still the man" hell yeah boy get that dick
Marvel's avengers 2020 (the video game!!). God. I did not play it myself but I have seen Stevetony scenes and they are so SICK. Tony being so fucking DEVASTATED at Steve's death is really entertaining and makes me very happy. He should continue being sad hehe >:-))
Other than that, I haven't seen any other universes w them in it. There's EMH, and I'm planning to watch it eventually (I'll let you know what I think!) and as for 3490, I think that needs a separate post in itself. I hope this answered your question hehe ty <33333
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Soulmate AU: Steve Meets Nancy, Tommy/Carol
This is a bonus scene from my Soulmate AU. It's set in Steve's sophomore year of high school, and thus early in the first chapter of the fic.
It was the middle of basketball season, which meant Steve should have been focused on perfecting his layup, but instead he was looking around the cafeteria, trying to find a date.
This was because it was also the second week of February. Valentine’s Day was next Monday.
Steve had a policy of not having an actual date on the 14th. Valentine’s Day felt like it said something about a relationship, and none of the girls he had dated or slept with meant enough to him to be worthy of it. Steve wasn’t saving Valentine’s Day for his soulmate, exactly, but he was saving it for someone he loved. His first kiss has been Janice Jacobs in a game of spin the bottle. His first date had been Lisa Wilson in sixth grade, with the basketball team cheering him on to ask her out. His first time had been Stephanie Lowell last summer, a little drunk at a party.
Steve didn’t mind any of those firsts really. He’d had fun with the girls and if they hadn’t been movie-perfect moments then that was because this was real life.
But Steve wanted to save at least one first for someone that he actually loved — not that he could say that to Tommy and Carol. It sounded like something a girl would say, way too sappy and embarrassing to ever admit to.
But even if Steve didn’t want to go out on Valentine’s Day itself, he still had to find a girl to take out this weekend. He was Steve Harrington — he couldn’t not have a date on Valentine’s Day weekend.
“Why don’t you steal a bottle of your mom’s good wine and we can do a picnic?” Tommy asked Carol, trying to plan their date. 
“A picnic in February?” Carol arched her eyebrows. She was picking at the food on her lunch tray, which looked particularly inedible today. 
“How about Louise Baker?” Steve asked, tilting his head towards a pretty dark-haired girl on the other side of the cafeteria. 
“She has a crush on Ryan,” Carol dismissed. “That’ll be too messy with the team if she actually decides to go for it.”
“We can do an indoor picnic,” Tommy tried. “I’ll rent a movie and get fancy cheeses or whatever.”
Carol rolled her eyes. “No. Steve, what about Julie Richards?”
Steve was already shaking his head. “Her dad works with my dad. If I go out with her and he finds out, I’ll probably have to marry her or some shit.”
Carol hummed, discarding that idea. Doing something that would please Steve’s dad was never the right choice.
“What if we drive to Indy for the weekend?” Tommy asked. He’d just gotten his driver’s license last month and he was always looking for ways to use it. 
“No,” Carol said. 
“You’re being such a snob,” Tommy said. “If you hate all my ideas, why don’t you come up with something?” 
“Because you’re the guy,” Carol snapped. “You’re supposed to plan the date.”
Steve thought it was obvious that Carol hated all of Tommy’s ideas because they all involved hiding away, just the two of them. Carol wanted to be shown off. She wanted Tommy to take her out on the town and act proud that she was his girlfriend so she could flaunt how happy and in-love she was to all the miserable, single people. And probably all the people who were in love but who weren’t doing as good of a job at it as Carol.
Steve didn’t tell Tommy that though. Carol clearly wanted him to realize what she wanted himself and Steve knew better than to cross her. When it came to their friend group, there was no solidarity amongst brothers; if you pissed off Carol, it was every man for himself and God help them all.
Steve looked around at the girls in the cafeteria again. He couldn’t date anyone he’d already been with or anyone his teammates had seriously dated, which ruled out a large portion of the girls. He was also hoping for someone that he actually found attractive and interesting, though if he couldn’t find a girl he liked he would settle, just so he wouldn’t look pathetic and alone.
One girl was walking towards their table and she stood out. Long brown hair, pale skin, and huge blue eyes. She was wearing a kind of frumpy outfit, but she was pretty enough to pull it off.
She stopped right next to Steve and for a moment he wondered if his wildest dreams were coming true and she was here to flirt for a Valentine’s Day date.
But she didn’t look at him. She looked at Tommy and Carol, holding herself rigidly like she thought that made her look more impressive. “Hi, I’m Nancy. I’m writing an article for the Hawkins Post. Can I ask you some questions?”
Tommy glanced at Carol and when she didn’t object said, “Yeah, sure.”
Nancy sat down next to Steve and he shot her a flirtatious look that she ignored. She pulled out a lined notebook and a blue pen and sat poised, like she had to take serious notes about whatever she asked.
It was kind of cute.
“When did you two meet?” Nancy asked.
Carol looked unimpressed. “Seriously? Doesn’t everyone know this already?”
Nancy’s mouth pressed into a little line. “I guess not.”
“Third grade,” Tommy said. “When Carol moved to Hawkins.”
Nancy nodded and made a little note. “And when did you realize you were soulmates?”
“Seventh grade,” Tommy said, sounding bored.
Steve had to admit, these were terrible interview questions. Hawkins wasn’t that big of a town and Tommy and Carol were the only soulmates in the whole high school, which meant the rumor mill had had a field day with the two of them. Why write an article that said nothing new?
Nancy pointed at Carol’s forearm, where the word bitch was proudly displayed. “What’s the story of how you realized you were soulmates?”
“Okay, this is boring,” Carol said. “We’ve done our charity for the day.”
“What?” Nancy looked shocked.
“This interview is stupid,” Tommy said, like he was talking to someone particularly dumb. He used that tone a lot, but almost never on Steve, which Steve appreciated. 
Nancy’s eyes sparked. “Look, I don’t like it either. I don’t give a shit about your relationship. But I’m a freshman and they won’t give me any good articles so I need to get this stupid Valentine’s Day article right so they’ll let me report on something I actually care about.”
Tommy and Carol did not look moved. But Steve liked this side of Nancy, different from the perfect little wallflower who had sat down. She was willing to fight for an article she didn’t even believe in and there was something mesmerizing about the way she tipped her chin up and set her shoulders.
“It’s really romantic,” Steve said, jumping in when it was clear that Tommy and Carol wouldn’t. “Tommy was defending Carol. Everybody called her a bitch, which is kind of true, but only because she says what other people are too afraid to say.”
The real story was that Carol had cried. Carol, who took pride in tearing other people down with her words and exploiting their secrets, had been called a bitch by everyone — the boys on Steve and Tommy’s basketball team, the girls on Carol’s soccer team, her friends, even one teacher — and she had finally broken down and cried about it. Hiding in the girls’ locker room, she’d asked if she was really such a bitch that everyone hated her. 
Tommy had said yeah. That she was too smart for her own good, always finding people’s insecurities and leveraging them against them. That she was precise with her insults, always cutting where it would hurt the most, and that terrified people. That she was really good at being really mean.
Carol had scowled and asked why he was still around if she was so awful. And Tommy had said, “because it’s impressive as fuck. When I get mad at people, I just hit them. And I’m strong and I’ll hit them where it’ll fuck them up, so it works. But you do it with words and you’re like, scary smart and it’s super hot watching you tear people down like it’s nothing. They’re right that you’re a bitch, but it would be really boring if you weren’t.”
Carol had stopped crying, eyes narrowed like she didn’t know whether to believe Tommy, and said, “really?”
“Duh,” Tommy had said. “You think I want to date some boring goody two-shoes? Would you want to date me if I was some pansy who let people walk all over me?”
Carol had snorted. “God, no.”
They’d started making out right then and there, in the girl’s locker room, in front of Steve’s eyes. 
Steve had made a face. “Aw, the bitch and the asshole. A match made in heaven.”
They’d both flipped him off.
“You’re a bitch and an asshole, Steve,” Carol had said. 
Steve had grinned at that badge of honor. A little bit of Tommy and a little bit of Carol. They all looked out for each other, protecting themselves and fighting to stay on top of the social pyramid.
They had stayed in the locker room while Carol fixed her makeup, putting on new mascara and fixing her lipstick. She’d fluffed her hair and a little, turned to Tommy and said, “you’re my soulmate, by the way,” then walked out of the locker room and to her math class like nothing had happened. It hadn’t been until school was out that day that she’d shown Tommy (and by extension Steve, their eternal third wheel) the word on her wrist.
“But everyone calls you a bitch,” Tommy had said.
“Yeah, but you’re the only one who likes it.”
And that had been that. 
Of course, that wasn’t the story they had told the rest of the school. 
“Tony Melvin was being a dick,” Tommy said, “trying to call Carol a slut for sleeping with me. And when she pointed out that she’d only ever slept with me and he’d slept with half the cheerleading team, he lost his shit.”
“Because I was right,” Carol said.
“Because she was right,” Tommy agreed. 
“He started calling me a bitch, as if that was news to anyone,” Carol said, rolling her eyes. “So I told him that he shouldn’t start fights he couldn’t finish, and he got even madder. He started asking what the hell that meant and I said that he hadn’t been worth destroying before, but that I’d heard whispers from all the girls he’d slept with and that he should be scared. That I thought he should be called Tony-Two-Two because his dick was two inches long and he only lasted two seconds.”
“He did not like that,” Steve said, smirking. It had been kind of fun watching Carol tear Tony down. 
“He called me a bitch again, because that guy doesn’t have any brain cells to rub together and couldn’t come up with another insult if his life depended on it. And that’s when Steve said-“
“Carol, you are such a bitch,” Steve said in the most bored, deadpan tone he could manage. Exactly the way he’d said it in front of Tony. “Wow. It is so mean of you to tell this man the truth.”
“Tony swung at Steve, so Tommy jumped in and it turned into a fight,” Carol said. “When the teachers pulled them apart, Tony screamed at Tommy ‘What are you a queer or something? You’ll jump in to help King Steve but not to defend your own girlfriend?’ And Tommy said-“
Tommy grinned. “Carol doesn’t need me to defend her. Perks of dating a bitch.”
“And that’s when I knew,” Carol said. “Tommy said bitch like he loved me, which meant he was my soulmate.”
Nancy was furiously taking notes. She had her bottom lip between her teeth, a cute look of concentration on her face, and Steve thought she looked beautiful. 
She finally glanced up, looking between Carol and Tommy for a moment, eyes sharp. She didn’t look at Steve. 
Then she sighed and said, clearly reading off a pre-prepared list of questions, “How has discovering you’re soulmates affected your relationship?”
Carol and Tommy answered a few more boring questions. Being in the school newspaper was good for them, even if the article was going to be mind-numbingly dull. Usually only Steve and Tommy made it in and only for being on the basketball team, which was admittedly kind of mediocre. Steve was hoping they would win before he graduated, but a lot had to change for that to happen. 
Finally, Nancy wrapped up her questions and stood up. “Thanks for your time.”
“Good luck being the world’s most boring reporter,” Carol said, waving condescendingly.
Nancy’s lips tightened, her knuckles turning white on her little striped notebook. She sat back down, smiling disarmingly. “Tommy, do you ever wonder if Carol is lying to you?”
“What?” Tommy asked, looking blind-sided.
“Well, like you said, everyone knows Carol is a bitch. Everyone calls her that to her face. So couldn’t she just have chosen any guy who said that and claimed he was her soulmate?”
“What the fuck do you know about soulmates?” Tommy asked. 
“It’s just a question,” Nancy said, an innocent look on her face and a taunting lightness in her voice. 
“He’s my soulmate,” Carol said, voice tight. 
“Okay,” Nancy said. “But doesn’t being the only pair of soulmates in school boost your popularity? And didn’t the very public way you discovered you were soulmates help that?”
They had put on a bit of a show of having Carol and Tommy discover they were soulmates. But only because the real way it had happened was too vulnerable to show to others. No one had doubted that Tommy and Carol belonged together or that they had fabricated the way they had realized it. 
Nancy Wheeler was the first person to ever call bullshit. 
And Steve liked her for it. 
“Excuse me?” Carol asked. 
“We answer all your stupid-ass questions and you pull this shit?” Tommy asked. “Who the fuck even are you?”
“I’m Nancy Wheeler,” Nancy said primly. “And you seemed bored with the puff piece. So I can write a hard-hitting exposé if you’d prefer. Do a little investigative journalism. Are Tommy and Carol really soulmates or are they faking it for popularity? Is Tommy in on it, or is Carol just lying to his face? How do the pressures to find their soulmate affect teenagers in the midwest?”
“Nancy-“ Steve tried. 
She spun on him. “Does King Steve really have two soulmates, or does he just wear two armbands to get people to whisper about him? Are soulmates still sacred or are they used for social currency by the high school elite?”
Steve flinched back. 
Nancy softened. “It would make for a good article,” she said, almost like an apology. 
“I have two soulmates,” Steve insisted, voice tight. “I’m not lying.”
Nancy deflated, letting out a sigh. “I know. I don’t think you’re lying. It would just sound better than the hundredth school newspaper article about How To Tell If Steve Harrington Is Your Soulmate?”
Steve hated those articles. They always made him itch. Every time a new one was written, girls would approach him in droves, acting a specific way. One time the article had claimed that Steve’s soulmate must be athletic and only girls on the cheerleading and soccer teams had talked to him. One time the article had claimed Steve liked girls who thought he was funny, and girls had laughed at anything he said, regardless of if he was telling a joke or not. 
Steve, Tommy, and Carol had made a game out of it, preparing terrible jokes and betting money on if Steve could get a girl to laugh at it. 
“Am I in this article?” Steve asked Nancy. 
“That wasn’t the plan,” Nancy said. 
Steve relaxed. “Good.”
Nancy quirked an eyebrow. “What? You don’t want more publicity?”
“I hate when they write those fucking things,” Steve said. “They assume certain girls are my type, but no one actually asks me.”
Nancy picked up her notebook, making a bit of a show of it. “Steve Harrington, what is your type?”
Steve smiled a little. He gave her a purposeful up-and-down, then leaned in and said, “Smart girls.”
Nancy rolled her eyes, setting down the notebook. “Yeah, right.”
“It’s true,” Steve said. 
Nancy gave him a long, dubious stare but her cheeks flushed a pretty pink color, giving her away. She was pleased.
She cleared her throat and turned to Tommy and Carol. “So. I guess you’re on board with the puff piece?”
They couldn’t say no. If they did, Nancy would run an article questioning their entire relationship. 
“Yeah,” Tommy said. 
Nancy smiled, polite and pretty. “Great. Glad we’re on the same page.”
She stood and walked back to her own table, where a redheaded girl was waiting for her. Steve watched as they talked, Nancy showing the redhead the notebook and laughing about something. 
“No,” Tommy said. “Absolutely not, Steve.”
Steve jolted, turning back to his lunch. “I didn’t say anything.”
Tommy and Carol both stared him down, unimpressed. 
“She’s a priss,” Carol said. “She’ll never put out.”
“Maybe I like her for her brain,” Steve said. 
Carol rolled her eyes. “Sure, Steve.”
That should have been the end of it. Tommy went back to suggesting date ideas to Carol and everything should have been normal, but Steve couldn’t stop thinking about Nancy Wheeler. 
She was beautiful. She was clever. And she’d stood her own against Carol and Tommy, which not many people could do. Too many of the girls Steve had dated had cowered on double dates with Tommy and Carol, unable to bite back. But Nancy gave as good as she got. There was something steely under that pink cardigan . Something real. 
“We could make each other mixtapes and go for a long drive,” Tommy suggested. It was a nice date idea, but still so far from what Carol wanted. She was starting to scowl. 
“For fucks sake, Tommy!” Steve said. “Just buy her some flowers and take her to Enzo’s.”
“Thank you!” Carol said, throwing her hands up. “Goddamnit Tommy, it’s not that hard.”
Tommy crossed his arms. “Well maybe you should just date Steve then.”
“Nah,” Carol said, grabbing Tommy by the arms and pulling him closer. “You’re my soulmate.”
Tommy smiled. “Damn right I am.”
He leaned in and kissed her, deep and possessive, right in the middle of the cafeteria. Steve felt a pang of jealousy that he quickly tried to shove away. He loved Tommy and Carol. But he hated how much spending time around them reminded him that he was alone. 
He went back to perusing the cafeteria for potential Valentine’s Day dates, trying his best not to stare at beautiful, brilliant Nancy Wheeler. 
There had to be other girls worthy of his time. He just had to find them.
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ashes-writing · 2 years
small || stranger things ; s.harrington
Authors Note: All my short ladies, where ya at? It's our time to shine, babes!!
This has nothing at all to do with the dual oc fic I'm planning / trying to write but a screaming session last night with the babe @rampagewriting over certain ah... Things related to some of the Stranger Things guys, well... That definitely inspired this. I believe the original idea was based on a TikTok shown to be by @rampagewriting about a couple with a height difference. Side note; Steve Harrington definitely likes being the taller one in a relationship. I don't make the rules.
Warnings: None, tbh.
Tag List: Ah fuck.. there's nobody on it yet. But if you wanna be, that can be arranged.
Other Stuff : tag list || pinned - my rules || requests; open, headcanons only please and thanks !!
I do not consent to my work being reposted / rewritten, posted elsewhere or plagarized.
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The Motley Crue playing at a low volume had him raising an eyebrow as he wandered into Scoops Ahoy. Robin was already there, talking to another girl and almost the instant Robin caught sight of him, she snickered.
Elbowing the other girl.
The two wandered out from behind the counter and Steve’s eyes were glued to the shorter girl. She hadn’t noticed him staring yet and that was probably a damn good thing too. When she finally did glance his direction, she had this playful look dancing in her eyes.
“You must be Steve.” she spoke up, an attempt to draw him into conversation.
“Yeah.” he chuckled. Repeating her name as Robin introduced her. Playing it as cool as he could when Robin explained that the shorter girl was going to be working with them for the rest of the summer.
The way she bit her lip when he repeated her name had him clearing his throat. Shuffling his feet against the tacky floor tiles of the ice cream parlor. Motley Crue gave way to something softer and a little more pleasant to listen to and before he realized it he was staring at her like an idiot all over again.
All that was missing were the comical bulging eyes, a heart beating way too rapidly and his jaw dragging the floor. If he thought he got chokeslammed by cupid the last time this whole annoying love at first sight shit happened to him not so long ago, it was nothing compared to now.
Robin snapping her fingers in front of his face in annoyance was what drew him back into the atmosphere and out of those big and beautiful eyes of the other girl present.
“So who will I be working with tomorrow?” the other girl asked. Robin found herself watching in amusement as her old friend immediately went into flirt mode. The more surprising thing itself was that Steve Harrington was flirting right back with her old friend. All the classic signs were there.
If either of them stepped any closer they’d be pressed right against each other.
Customers came in and Steve rushed to the front, going into what Robin liked to call game show host mode and as soon as he wasn’t paying any attention, Robin fixed her eyes on the other girl. 
“What?” she shrugged as if she had no clue why Robin was looking at her the way she was at the moment. 
“Don’t what me… What the hell was that?” Robin asked, gesturing at Steve who gave her a sarcastic wave. Robin laughed and turned to face her friend. “You like him.. Oh my god, you like him.”
“Well, he is pretty.” the other girl admitted, shrugging almost sheepishly. “I’m just a mere girl, alright? I don’t have the god-like restraint you have.”
“It isn’t restraint. Steve is just an actual dingus. Also, totally not my type. Remember?”
The other girl gazed at Steve with a soft and sappy expression. “ Yes, I know…But look at him, he’s so fuckin cute! I’m glad he’s not your type because he’s kind of exactly mine…” as she laughed softly, teasing her friend.
“Ew. I’m disowning you.” Robin wrinkled her nose.
“Nuh uh. You’re stuck with me. Blood pact, remember?” the other girl argued.
“Ugh, don’t remind me.” Robin gave a mocked look of disappointment. “Do you need a cold shower? Are you gonna be okay?”
“I’ll be fine.” the other girl pouted in exasperation. Gazing at him out of the corner of her eyes as she shrugged. “It’s not like I’m his type anyway, wasn’t he dating that Nancy girl?”
“Yeah, well..”
“See? Nothing to worry about.” the other girl gave Robin a squeeze and skipped out the door, disappearing into the crowd going past the parlor’s open door.
Steve dragged a hand over the back of his neck as he blew at the hair escaping the stupid sailors hat and falling into his eyes. “Wow.”
“Oh god. No.” Robin groaned, rolling her eyes. “Absolutely not, dingus. You’re not corrupting my friend.”
“Did she say anything?” Steve asked, trying to play casual. Failing miserably because Robin had been working with him long enough by now to realize all the signs. She’d gotten to know him fairly well over the past month or so and because she did, she knew exactly what was going through his mind. “The fact that she’s so short is kinda hot.” Steve remarked, both in total honesty and to annoy the living hell out of Robin.
“Dingus.. Go cool off in the freezer. We need more butterscotch.” Robin held up the empty vat of ice cream as she pointed her free hand to the door separating the back of the shop from the front.
They were working the shop alone. They had been most of the week, come to think of it and the more they had to work together, the more painfully aware of her he became. The more he told Robin about this whenever they met up to hang out, the more she teased him. The more she hinted that there was something she knew about the new hire he had such a massive crush on that he didn’t.
No amount of begging, anything. Nothing made Robin give him even the smallest hint. 
And he was at a loss as to how to start a conversation with the new girl so he was getting a little desperate.
Until the idea hit him.
Well, the new girl was the one who may or may not have given him the idea.
It all started with a can of sprinkles placed on a high shelf that she couldn’t quite reach. 
He looked up from the magazine he’d been reading during the lull in customers to find her attempting to stand on a chair she’d dragged over to the toppings shelf in back.
Before he even thought about it, he was on his feet, heading over to her. He grabbed hold of her hips and hoisted her up, sitting her on his shoulders so she could snag the canister and when he placed her back on her own feet she’d tilted her head to the side a little to stare up at him and the giggle that came.. That damned playful, flirty giggle.
He was hooked.
It became sort of a personal challenge for him. Every time he saw her name on the schedule with his, he’d place something out of her reach or he’d purposely tighten the lids on the jars of toppings so they couldn’t be opened easily.
And it was all going good too, until Robin caught onto it when she happened to be working with both of them and noticed just how many times during a shift her friend had to go over to Steve and ask him for his help reaching something. Or loosening a lid like she’d just done a few minutes before with a little jar of maraschino cherries.
Steve opened the lid and held the jar out to her and just like usual, Robin’s friend tilted her head and gave him the cute little giggle and the grin that gave him the rush -and the serotonin, necessary to continue breathing a little longer. Or something equally sappy.
Robin waited until her friend was out of earshot and then she whirled around to look at Steve, a hand on her hip as she tried not to laugh.
“You’re doing it on purpose.” Robin accused.
“Doing what?” Steve asked innocently.
“Don’t play dumb with me, you know what I’m talking about.” Robin folded her arms and stared him down, barely hiding the amusement.
“I’m not doing anything. I don’t know what you’re talkin about, Robin.” Steve shook his head and shrugged. “I’m not!” he insisted when Robin gave him one of her little smirks.
“Tightening the lids and putting stuff out of her reach.” Robin stated calmly. “You’re doing it on purpose and it needs to stop. Just talk to her, dingus. Stop making her reach for things.” Robin said it as if it were the easiest thing in the world to do.
But it wasn’t. Steve knew it wasn’t because he’d tried just talking to her on more than one occasion. And while they did indeed talk, he knew she was totally oblivious to his previous attempts at flirting with her. It threw him for a loop. He wasn’t fully adjusted to the ideal that he wasn’t Steve Harrington, king of Hawkins High anymore.
He was just another guy. Another guy who apparently, didn’t have a goddamn clue when it came to properly catching a girls attention like he used to believe he could. It kind of stung, especially when this particular girl was one he wanted so badly that he could practically taste it.
“I’ve tried that, Robin! Or have you totally missed that? What do you think I’ve been doing?” Steve asked, catching sight of the other girl out of the corner of his eyes as she made her way over.
“I mean it, Steve. Stop making her reach for things, dingus.” Robin warned one last time before gathering her things, discarding her apron and heading to the back to clock out.
Steve took a few long and deep breaths. Getting himself together because earlier when he opened the cherries he’d tightened the lid on, she’d kind of leaned against him a little, dragging a red tipped finger up and down the front of his uniform top and leaving him officially fucked for focus and a working brain cell for the rest of their shift in the process.
If she had one tenth of a clue what she did to him…
Her throat cleared behind him.
“Hey, Steve?”
“Think you can help me?” she was doing it again, by God. Biting her lip as she gazed up at him,
“Yeah, yeah. What’s up?” he asked, keeping himself as smooth and calm as possible.
He hadn’t tightened any more lids or placed anything else out of her reach, so he wondered what she was about to ask.
She turned facing away from him. “The zipper on this stupid top is stuck.”
Steve gulped because if he hadn’t, he would’ve nearly swallowed his own damned tongue. “I..uh.. Yeah.” he finally managed to get his brain and mouth functioning together at the same time as he reached out, giving the zipper a careful tug. At the sight of red lace beneath, he gulped again. Tugging at his collar while she was safely turned away and couldn’t see him, feeling like a pervy disaster because this bullshit were the things he was reduced to doing just to get her attention.
She spun around to face him and stepped closer. Toying with the stupid red tie at his neck for a second or two quietly, holding his eye contact the entire time.
“What are you doing after work?” she asked. Steve was caught totally off guard by the question. And assuming she was just asking to be polite, he shrugged. “Nothing, I mean.. What about you?”
“Well,” she melted against him just a little bit more, “I was thinking about sneaking into the movies. They’ve got this killer movie playing right now.” she pouted a little. Almost a teasing pout. Steve shuffled his feet around, dragging a hand through his hair. “Oh yeah?” he asked.
If he were the same guy he’d been last year, hell, two years ago.. He’d have definitely assumed she was flirting and went for it.
But he wasn’t. And he didn’t want to assume something and make an idiot out of himself. Especially not considering how much he really did happen to like her and want to get to know her better.
A lot better.
Yeah, he wanted to get real close to her.
,, You might even be falling for her, idiot.” the thought came, taunting him almost. ,, You are falling for her.” his brain corrected.
“Mhm. But it’s a horror movie and I don’t do so well with those. I don’t wanna go see it alone.” she was practically purring. Toying with the red tie on his uniform top a little more as she looked up at him. Soft laughter bubbling up as she mumbled something he couldn’t quite make out.
“Huh?” he asked the question in a daze and he spent the next five seconds of silence torn between kicking himself and wishing the floor would open and swallow him.
“I said.. I’m flirting with you, Steve. Jesus Christ.” she pouted a little as she said it and turned as if she were going to walk away, muttering that it was a dumb idea, that Robin didn’t have a clue what she was talking about and now things were going to be awkward.
Steve finally caught up to her, right before she started to disappear into the back.
“You were flirting with me?” Steve pointed to himself as he gazed at her in disbelief.
“Duh! I was beginning to wonder if I was gonna have to like.. Walk out here bare assed naked to clue you in. Then Robin told me what you were doing so I decided two can play that game.” she shrugged, a hand to her mouth barely hiding a laugh.
“Robin.. Damn it.” Steve grumbled under his breath right as Robin walked out and gave him a shit-eating grin. “Going home now! I’ll see you two lovebirds later!”
“Hey, wait! He didn’t exactly..” she frowned as Robin made the fastest exit out of the ice cream parlor possible. “He didn’t exactly say he’d see the movie, goofball, Jesus. She acts as if my plan was fool-proof.”
Steve snickered quietly when he heard what she mumbled to herself.
“I didn’t say I wouldn’t, either.” he spoke up quietly. 
She grinned and laughed softly. Stepped closer to him and gazed up as she toyed with the stupid red tie. “So… will you?”
Steve chuckled and nodded. “Yeah. Ya know, I was working up to asking you first…Right?”
She giggled quietly. “You were taking too long, Harrington. I thought I’d speed up the process.”
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shieldretired · 1 year
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@peacereflected​ liked the starter call (still accepting) inspired by the development tea room holiday & winter prompts Day 15: internet dating during the holidays? super cliche. except maybe not so much when you realize who's waiting 'in the red sweater' at the mall food court.
                           HERE'S A THING: Homosexuality in the 21st century is okay. Certainly not everywhere (you don't have to think of countries in the Middle East, it's enough to look at small villages in the middle of nowhere, Texas), but police forces won't come and kick your ass into prison or bash your nose in when you hold hands with a guy on the streets of Brooklyn. And Steve — God, Steve wants it. Badly. He keeps seeing same-sex couples being sweet to each other, and he realizes that there's not a single reason why he shouldn't have that save for maybe his inability to flirt and people being weirdly confused when they realize Captain America tries to hit on them. 
                           The 21st century offers a solution for both problems: the internet. Steve can think about what he writes (and maybe even google something witty), and people won't know that they're talking to the guy who dresses like a clown for his job. So Steve plucks up the courage to make some accounts for dating apps, and after a handful of disasters, he starts to write with a guy that is actually kind of nice. It's easy to talk to this Keanu at least, and Steve thinks it's terribly cliche that they agree to meet during Christmas (hello? Could be the plot of some sappy romance movie), but this guy could be it, you know, so Steve pushes all the worries away and dresses up nicely for their first date. Is it a date? They agreed to meet at the mall food court because both probably worry the other could be a serial killer or something, and the mall isn't exactly rendezvous spot number 1, but it feels a bit like a date. Whatever it is, Steve figures it won't hurt to put on some nice jeans and the blue button-down he said he would wear.
                          The subway is late, which means Steve is late, which is absolutely fucking horrible at least until he reaches the food court and sees that the only guy in a red sweater is no other than– "You gotta be shitting me," Steve says flopping down in a chair opposite Keanu. The Keanu. "Well, it is a surprise."
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shares-a-vest · 1 year
Missed You
Eddie has been on a small tour with Corroded Coffin for the past month, leaving not long after New Year and travelling around a few states, but not straying too far. The tour had gone well and they'd managed to book a few more gigs later in the year, as well as make a few decent contacts that might (probably not) lead to something. But the others wanted to kick on and do some site-seeing in Chicago.
"Alright, boys, I'm going home to the wife," he had said to his bandmates, trying to sound casual through a laugh even though he was counting down the minutes before he could leave.
Eddie missed Steve so much it's kinda pathetic.
He had told Steve he'd be home later in the night but he decided to leave early, forgoing a night's sleep. Who needs it anyway? And he might have skipped telling the guys about the part where he needed to get home in time for Valentine’s Day.
What Eddie doesn't know is that Steve is heading off to work way too early, thinking that the sooner he starts the day, the quicker it will end and they'll be reunited. Equally sappy and pathetic. Actually Steve has missed Eddie a lot. Like, a lot, a lot.
Steve gathers up his bag, and tucks his folder under his arm, his car keys dangling from the keychain in his mouth so he can maneuver around and open the apartment door.
"Oh god!" he shrieks, dropping his folder and spilling its contents everywhere on the threshold as his keys fall to the ground.
"Easy there, Big Boy!" Eddie laughs, patting him on the chest and crouching down to gather up the fallen papers and keys.
He quickly gathers up everything, shoving it back into the blue folder that's covered with stickers. He stands and flicks it into Steve's chest, knocking a huff out of him.
"Holy shit!" he says, finally looking his boyfriend over.
Steve of course, is wearing the signature polo he reserves for Valentine’s Day. Pastel pink that is impossibly cute with his little heart-shaped pin on the shirt collar. And yeah, yeah, Steve’s wearing his glasses that still make Eddie fawn even though he’s been wearing them for years now which makes him look like the world's cutest nerd. But Eddie stops when he finally focuses in on the two little furry brown caterpillars above Steve's top lip.
Maybe it’s just because he hasn't seen Steve in a month, but Eddie swears this is the hottest his boyfriend has ever looked.
"Holy shit," he repeats, leaning in close enough that Steve starts backing into the apartment. "You have a moustache."
"Oh yeah," Steve stutters before chuckling. "Just wanted a change."
Eddie places his hands on Steve's hips and guides him to the blank patch of wall between the coat rack and hall stand. Steve backs against it with a thump as his shoes hit the skirting board and he honest-to-god whimpers as he rakes an eye over Eddie. He huffs, sets his bag down and lets his folder fall to the floor again.
"And you have a new earring," Eddie smiles, flicking his right ear.
"Gotta do something to distract away from my hearing aid," Steve argues, even though he's all breathy and flustered, ghosting his hands over Eddie's tummy.
He pouts. "Don’t say that. Anyway, why were you going off to school so early, muffin?"
He can't help it. He doesn't wait for an answer. Instead, he starts nibbling just under Steve's right ear, earning a sigh that sounds both frustrated and relieved.
"Oh just..." Steve trails off, shrugging. "Filling... in... time - "
He cuts himself off with a very unnecessary groan.
"Speaking of time," Eddie sings, moving to his neck. "What time do you absolutely, one thousand percent need to be at school?"
He feels Steve lift his arm, presumably to look at his watch.
"I mean, I could just get there at 9?"
Eddie smiles and wills himself away from Steve's neck. He's left a soft mark, but it's nowhere near dark enough yet. He cups his cheeks and Steve smiles. He doesn't even let Eddie kiss him. Instead, Steve leans forward and hugs him tight, burying his face in the crook of his neck.
"Missed you," he mumbles.
"Missed you too, Steve," Eddie gets out through a gasp. Shit, Steve is strong.
They stay like this for a few moments, clinging onto each other tight in the tiny hallway of their apartment. They only separate when Eddie feels a creature circling his legs and looks down to find their grey cat, Gandalf.
"Hello, darling," he coos.
Steve reluctantly detaches himself from him to look down too and shakes his head.
"Don't coddle him," Steve whines. "He's been a total nightmare."
"That's my boy."
"Precisely. He's your cat."
As a bargaining chip, Eddie reaches up and runs his hands through Steve's perfectly quaffed hair, eliciting a very different whine.
"How's your back, baby?" he barely gets out for giggling.
"Fine," Steve laughs, leaning his head against the wall and looking him over with lust-filled eyes.
"Good, carry me to the bedroom."
"Yes, sir!"
Steve barely manages a faint salute before he attempts to scoop Eddie up. It's a little awkward and they almost fall over because it appears Eddie was thinking more of a bridal-style carry but Steve starts hooking a leg around his hips. The tussling causes Gandalf to (thankfully) scamper away, off the wreak havoc and likely knock over things because the cretin thrives on negative attention.
"Dude, what are you doing!"
"Carrying you!" Steve giggles, manhandling him so both his legs are firmly wrapped around his waist.
Steve cups his butt and raises a suggestive eyebrow. As he quite unfairly flexes those arms, Eddie spots a tattoo on his inner left forearm.
"And what is this?" he quizzes as Steve starts down the hall.
"Got a new tattoo."
Eddie squirms around, trying to get a better look at the ink peaking out from under the tight polo sleeves but Steve’s arms just won’t budge.
"You went to a tattoo parlour without me?" Eddie laments, pouting dramatically. "What is it?"
"I missed you," is all Steve says as he lays him down on the bed and crawls on top of him.
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Having raced to school just in time for the first bell, Steve forgets his lunch, office keys, and meds. He had to ask the receptionist, old Miss Crandal to let him into his office as he stuttered out an excuse, looking very flustered and lacking the calm and poise of a guidance councillor. Maybe he should have listened to his devil boyfriend and called in sick because he's practically falling asleep at his desk as the last student before lunch heads out.
On autopilot, he reaches down for his lunch bag and wants to sob because of course he forgot that too.
He slumps forward on the desk. As soon as his forehead squishes onto the paperwork set out in front of him, he startles at the knock on the door frame.
And of course, it's Eddie. Looking calm and put together and like he hadn't been whispering the most filthy things in his ear mere hours ago.
"Hi!" he says too innocently as he steps into the office and holds out his precious forgotten lunch bag.
Steve looks at Eddie's ring-adroned fingers gripping the bag and feels a blush rush up his neck.
"What are you doing here!" he dry-sobs, screwing his eyes shut and leaning back in his wheely chair.
Eddie rustles the bag. "You forgot your lunch, sweetheart."
"And I bought you chocolates," he continues, dimples dotting his cheeks as he produces a heart-shaped box from behind his back.
He too-delicately sets them on the desk and sits opposite Steve before he can give a (pleading) "get out". Nevertheless, he goes for the box first. Maybe it will give him a much-needed sugar boost to get through the rest of the day.
"Nah-uh," Eddie tuts, shaking his head. "Sandwich and meds first."
Steve grumbles and pointedly sets aside the red box, snatching up his lunch bag instead. At that Eddie hops up, rounds the desk and sits squarely on his lap.
"What are you doing!" he whines, even though he wraps an arm around Eddie to steady them.
"Having lunch with you," he coos, brushing a hand through Steve's hair as he takes a big bite of his sandwich.
"You are so annoying!" he complains through a mouthful of food.
"That's not what you said this morning."
"Please don't remind me," Steve shoots back, shifting in his seat.
Eddie barks a laugh. "You carried me to the bedroom!"
"You told me too!" Steve rebuffs and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.
Despite his supposed annoyance, Steve squeezes him tighter and momentarily abandons his beloved sandwich to settle Eddie's legs across his lap, causing the chair to give a warning squeak.
"Make you dinner?" Eddie offers, running his index finger along Steve's new earring, a small silver cuff halfway up his ear.
Steve nods as he continues downing his sandwich in record time.
"Starving," he mumbles and reaches for his meds.
Eddie places his wandering hand back up in his hair, attempting to smooth it out. It got completely messed up this morning but now it looks like Steve's been running his hands through it in tired frustration all morning.
"I'm home now to take care of you, sweets," he croons, looking Steve over as he swallows his meds with a grimace.
"Missed you," Steve sighs as rests his head against Eddie's, holding him tighter still.
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