#beautifull face
ittybittytittylady · 10 months
I am so gratefull for my mother. Through her i feel the connection with my ancestors. From a young age she has made me aware and assured me of my identity, whom i am and where i come from. And i must never forget it. She used to tell me you are my child and you come from this culture therefor you will always carry it with you. And i think that is the reason why i am so pro black and aware of the place & privileges i have in this world. And why i feel the connection with my culture. She navigated me through it in the most beautifull way.
Seeing her deepening her connection with her culture by dance, music, traditional food and speaking her language papiamentu freely after years of trying to suppres herself has made me realise that you are always connected. Even if it is only in spirit. And that there is no shame in losing sight of the things you love as long as you find your way back to it.
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wizard-mp4 · 11 months
Consider jamming out to one of my favorite albums of all time
MASTER BOOT RECORD is one of my favorite artists of all time. It's heavy metal, it's chiptunes, but it's also beautifully composed. When I listen to this I see a rock opera so vivid it makes me cry and i love it so much. I love art that makes me feels things.
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makitony · 2 years
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IG: @bantuuking
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drakre52 · 23 hours
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Watercolor 5 Morphing https://www.facebook.com/Drakre52/videos/780648618729390/
https://drakre52.jimdo.com/watercolors/ Music Karpa ║ Drakre52 Film
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noisyneonart · 8 months
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phantom-dc · 1 year
A deal with the Ghost King
Part2 AO3
Danny was getting impatient.
He had been annoyed at being summoned, then exited when he found himself in the Justice League Watchtower. He was in space! But then the guy in the raincoat begun offering a piece of his soul in exchange for destroying a meteorite, and he had become annoyed instead. He doesn't want a soul! Doesn't this guy get he'd be Danny's slave for eternity? So taking a page off Clockwork's book, he said something cryptic and ominous so no one else tried to bribe him with souls. They had turned white and raincoat guy asked if they could be excused for a moment before pulling the other heroes into a different room. Wich, first off: Rude. Second: Danny couldn't leave the summonning circle unless he made a deal or if he was send back. At first he had been curious what they would offer him now, settling into a more humanoid form instead of the eldritch nightmare being summoned always forced him into. That had been a while ago though, and now he was getting impatient. They better come back soon so he can go deal with the problem. He'll do it for a Pop-tart at this point, as long as he can go break that overgrown space-rock!
Jason was pissed. Batman had ordered everyone to come to the Watchtower immediatly. Jason wasn't even allowed to wear his helmet (he scared the younger Leaguers), having to settle for a domino mask instead. Good thing he had 2, because Nightwing had even brought Alfred! Jason wanted anwsers, why did B rush them here? He hadn't even greeted or explained anything to them, just had Plastic-man bring them to a room to wait. But Jason was done waiting, so he stormed to the main briefing room. He expected B and his Justice club. Instead he found a glowing, floating hero. The floor glowed a bit beneath him, his skin tinted green and his hair floated as if underwater, a crown surrounded by its own northen light. He was beautifull. Anger forgotten, he made his way over, deciding to make some small talk. 'Hello there! Are you a new hero? I've never seen you before?'
Danny was startled. He'd been focussing on the door the heroes left through, trying to will them back. He hadn't even noticed the Liminal behind him until he spoke! He turned around, and was again caught of guard. Even with the Domino covering his eyes,he could tell this guy was really handsome! A mountain of chiseled muscles and a white streak of hair that gave him something mysterious. Oh crap, he was staring. What did he say again? 'Hello! I'm Phantom. It's nice to meet you!' The Liminal introduced himself as J. 'Anyone ever tell you you're drop-dead gorgeous?' Danny laughed. Hot and death puns? Yep, he's going for it. The Leaguers aren't back yet anyway.
Jason was kicking himself. Really? That's the best he could come up with? Thank god Phantom had seemed to like it. 'Well, it certainly wouldn't get a rise out of me if they did!' he said. 'So what are you doing here? I didn't see you at the meeting?' Jason shrugged. 'No idea actually. B called for all hands on deck, so here I am. What are you here for?' Phantom sighed. 'They got me here to deal with some stupid rock, but then ditched me here for an impromptu meeting. I just want to go take care of it, but I can't just leave.' Phantom looked annoyed. Jason asked if Phantom wanted a tour of the Watchtower, surely Flash could get him when they needed him? Phantom looked dejected. He couldn't leave without being dismissed. Jason decided to make a move. 'Ok, how about this: you deal with that rock, and afterwards, we can meet up in Gotham and I'll give you a tour there! Deal?' Phantom looked up, an inhumanly while smile on his face.
After that Phantom had left, saying the boyscouts had their chance. 'I look forward to our date!' He said and then dissapeared. Jason was exited! He went back to the others, who hadn't noticed he'd left. No matter, he had a date to plan!
Contantine was freaking out. The meteorite had proven too much for the Justice League. Most of their heavy hitters had been off-planet or out off commision. The damn thing was even made of kryptonite! He had no choice but to summon the only being that he knew of that could deal with it and could be bribed. He had offered the mighty Ghost King a piece of his soul, but been rejected! Batman had offered his own soul instead, but again this offer wasn't enough. The Ghost King explained there were billions of mortals about to become his subjects. Why trade that for 1 measily soul? He needed a better offer if they wanted his help. Panicked, Constantine had pulled the other League members into a different room, not wanting them to make a deal by accident. They were all making desperate suggestions. What could be worth more than every soul on Earth? They had made a list of magical and historical artifacts from every members background. It was a long shot, but the meteorite was getting too close. As they went back to the Ghost King they were praying it would be enough.
The King was gone. Suddenly in the distance the meteorite exploded. Someone had made a deal with the Ghost King, and no one knew who. What had they offered?
What could possible be worth more to the High King of the Infinite Realms than every living soul on Earth?
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maenoakasuna · 2 months
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Lucifer And Alastor when you are on top of them.
Warning ⚠️ Smut minor don’t interact. Dom Alastor and sub Lucifer.
It’s not long cause I’m always afraid to writhe in English ( oupsii ) but tell my if you liked it ✨ and enjoy
Lucifer : This men love when you are on top. I like pretty much every position with you, but this one is really versatile since you can dominate him and he can have a nice view of all your body.
«-Seem like you like what you see, your majesty ~
-Of course I do »
-He put his hands on your hips, gripping it to help you moving faster, but you slap his hand before putting it on top of his head.-
«-I’m sorry my love, but tonight I take the lead, you said before starting kissing his neck »
You let some love marks all around his neck and shoulders,moving your hips faster, making him moan. You move slower when you knew his was close of the orgasm.
«-No! Shit…love please don’t do that »
You like to see his lustfull face mixed with begging eyes. You almost want to give him so mercy but giving him what he want.
«-You want to come, your majesty ? ~ you ask, still moving slowly your hips.
-Yeah, please …
-You will have to show me more to convince me ~ »
Alastor : We all know that Alastor his not into sex, but sometime, he can appreciate it, not cause of the sensation, but for you. Having you on top of him, mask on your eyes, arms tight up behind your back and having to move yourself on him to reach your orgasm. Seeing us using his cock to please you his something he enjoy, cause you definatly enjoy it.
«-Already tired , dear ? Ask the radio demon when he see you rest your forehead on his shoulder.
-Yeah, my hips …»
Alastor who was sitting on a chair, with you, fully naked , on his laps, smirk and decided to help you a little bit. After all he don’t want to let his beautifull love dissatisfied.
Posing his clawed hands on your hips, he started caressing your curves, giving you a small chill. Without your vision all the sensation was way stronger than usual.
Without any warning, Alastor grip your hips and give you a strong thrust, making you moan loudly.
«-Did I touch it, darling.
-Yeah, again, please.»
As you ask, he gave you some more thrust, before removing his hands to let you move again by yourself
«-You can continue, ma chère »
You was so close to your orgasm when Alastor stoped, so you didn’t loose any minutes and start moving on your own, trying to reach the point of no return.
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love-hs28 · 8 days
You're the strongest person I've ever known
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Summary: JJ’s had another fight with his dad and needs some comfort and help cleaning up.  CW: same stuff that’s in the show gn!reader Routledge!reader, but doesn't really effect the story Hurt/comfort & fluff 1.3k words Posted on: 5-24-24
a/n: This is my first post ever, lmk if you guys like it! Been wanting to start posting my stuff on here for a while and figured what better time to than now!
It’s almost 2 am when you hear a knocking on your window. You had been lying awake since you got home from the party and already know that it's JJ, so you get up to open it. You slide the glass open with a smile and he climbs in. “Hey Jay.”
As he’s setting his foot down, he loses his balance a bit and you have to place your hands on his shoulders to steady him. It’s already obvious that he’s a bit drunk. 
“Whoa, hey, careful.” You hear him groan as he attempts to straighten up, and he hobbles over to flop down on your desk chair. You’re not new to this, and know what this behavior usually means. 
“Had a fight with my dad. I’m fine. Just wanted to come over.” He groans again as he adjusts himself to sit more comfortably, and you sigh and come over to kneel in front of him. You tilt your head down to get a better look at him and gently put a hand on the side of his face. The room is too dark for you to see any damage that’s been done, and he hisses at the contact. 
“Shit, sorry” You quickly take your hand away but he grabs it and holds it against his chest. He sets his forehead against yours and takes a deep breath, knowing what comes next. You whisper, “Can I see?”
He does a combination of shaking and nodding his head and reluctantly looks up, but avoids eye contact and looks just to the right of your face. There’s enough light on him now to see a black eye forming and the cuts on his lip and cheek. You let out a shaky breath and squeeze his hand. It’s not hard to imagine what the rest of his body looks like. “Oh, Jay,” you whisper, and he shakes his head and squeezes your hand back. “I’m alright, y/n. Just a little roughed up. ‘s good for building character, right?” You know he uses humor to cope and your heart breaks at the sad smile on his face.
You stand up, not letting go of his hand, and lead him to your bathroom. You softly pat the counter next to the sink as a signal for him to take a seat, and he does. You open the bathroom closet and grab the first aid kid, careful to keep quiet so as to not wake John B. You can see JJ watching you with a loving but tired look in his eyes that causes you to slightly blush. As you’re setting up the supplies on the counter he gently puts a hand to the side of your face, halting your movements. He smiles drunkenly and uses his other hand to brush the hair from your face. 
“You’re so beautiful” he whispers, absentmindedly playing with the hem of your pajama shorts. You smile and gently rub his thigh. You whisper back “So are you,” and gently kiss his less-hurt cheek and get back to setting up the supplies. JJ starts swinging his feet, accidently kicking the counter and earning a soft glare from you, which he just giggles at. “Yeah, but you’re beautifuler. The most beautiful things I’ve ever seen,” he sighs, still staring deep into your eyes, and you grab the alcohol and put some on a cotton ball. “Oh, you’re too sweet” you say, and brush his hair out of his face. “Alright, this might sting a little. You can hold on to me if you want.” He messily shakes his head, “‘s okay. I’m strong.” You look into his eyes sadly with a little sad smile, “I know you are.” Regardless of his strength, he sets his hands on your waist preparing for the all too familiar pain.
You gently dab at the cuts on his cheek and lip and he hisses and closes his eyes, trying to act strong in front of you, but squeezing hard on your hips. “I’m sorry honey, almost done.” You dab a few more times and wipe a few until it looks clean enough. You softly kiss his forehead and he rests it on your shoulder. You can feel him breathing heavy. 
“You’re okay, Jay. You’re safe now, I’m right here. I got you.” You rub his back and he starts to cry a bit. He looks up at you with a shaky lip, “I’m sorry. I hate that you have to see me like this. I just didn’t know where else to go.” His voice is shaking and your heart breaks as you shake your head and put a hand to his face to brush his hair. “Don’t apologize. I’m glad you came to me. Come to me everytime, please. Seeing you like this doesn’t make me think you’re weak. It makes me think you’re the strongest person I’ve ever known and I hate that you have to go through this shit.” A tear rolls down your cheek and he gently wipes it. “Don’t cry. Please don’t cry.” You shake your head and look down to get the bandages. When you look back up at him he’s looking at you with so much emotion that you feel your heart skip a few beats.
“I love you.” He says, and pulls you in by your waist. “I love you more” you say, and lean into him and hug him close, careful to avoid his abdomen, which you’re 99% sure is covered in bruises. You hug for a minute or two, giving you both the chance to calm your breathing, and you eventually lean back and quickly wipe your eyes. You brush the hair out of his face again, “Let me get these bandages on you and then we can head to bed, yeah?” He nods, hands not leaving your waist. After covering up the cuts on his face, you look up at him reluctantly. 
“Can I.. Could you lift up your shirt? I just want to make sure nothing else needs tending to.” He slowly nods and lifts his t-shirt up, exposing the bottom few inches of his torso. Your hand immediately comes up to cover your mouth and you choke in a sob as you see the bruises already beginning to form on his stomach. You can’t even begin to imagine how he must feel. JJ shakes his head and uses his hand to gently guide you to look back into his eyes. 
“Hey. No crying, remember? I’m okay, promise. They’ll be gone in a few days. Week tops. Nothin we can do about it, you know?” You bite your lip to stop it from shaking and he pulls you in for another hug. You grip onto his shirt for a minute, then he leans back to kiss you gently. “You look tired. I’m sorry I woke you up.” You shake your head and kiss his hand. “No, don’t be, I was awake when you got here, couldn’t sleep.” He tilts his head with a concerned look. “Everything okay?” You softly laugh and shake your head, setting your hands on his knees and looking into his eyes. “You’re sitting here on my sink all beaten up and you’re asking me if I’m okay?” He returns the laugh and rubs your cheek with his thumb. “What did I do to deserve you,” you whisper as you look deep into his eyes and gently rub his leg. He looks at you like you’ve just said something crazy. “You kidding? I should be the one asking that. I don’t know where I’d be without you. You’re my everything. My best friend. My favorite person.” You try harder not to cry, failing a bit, and share a sweet smile for a moment. You eventually have to put the stuff away, and you take one more deep breath, smoothing your hair and wiping your eyes one last time. “Alright, big guy, let’s get you to bed, okay?” He nods, the sleepiness beginning to set in for the both of you. 
You head back to your room and help him get situated in bed, climbing in next to him, careful not to hurt him any further. 
“I love you,” he whispers as he’s falling asleep. “I love you more,” you whisper back, kissing his shoulder and finally letting the sleep overcome you.
a/n: Hope you enjoyed, thank you for reading!! Let me know what you think and if anything should be changed. I might upload some more in the future, depending on how this does! :) 
Also lmk if I should change the POV, like if third person or first person would be better :) I will prob be coming back to edit this every now and then if I find something to change, which is very likely. 
And PLEASE send in any requests if you have any!!
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peaachypie · 8 months
Warning :
(cnc, breeding kink, uniform/masked kink, dark!Miguel, p in V, cunnilingus, lactation kink, infidelity and i think that it)
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" Coach Terry has a wife ?"
Miguel raise his head, stopping what he was working on.
" mh mh ! Her name is [Y/N], she is so nice, she has a kid too ! He does a lot of.... jokes about it"
" jokes ?"
" yeah, when we don't make enough point he says something like : if i knew kid will shoot that bad i wouldn't have use this excuse to save my marriage ! "
" ... what the..."
" I don't really understand but [Y/N] is so nice with us ... and pretty !"
Gabriella says happily, preparing her bag for her soccer training.
" with his face ? She can't be that pretty."
He says with a unamused chuckle.
" dad ! Don't be a meanie ! "
She scolds him with a frown.
" i'm just being honest."
He shrugs.
" you're just jealous "
She hum with a confident smile, Miguel groan slightly but with a soft smile. He doesn't take it in a wrong way.
" shut your mouth and eat."
" aye !"
She quickly stuff her mouth with food as the big man let out a sigh.
Coming out of his car, Miguel give Gabi her bag as she run out to the changing room.
He walks slowly toward the bleachers.
" um excuse me "
He raise his eyes away from his phone with a slight annoyed stare, he isn't the social type of man. But his hard face quickly fade away as your sigh. He looks up and down at you, taking a good look on your hair, face and body. Especialy body.
" yes ?"
He answers finaly, putting away his phone.
You smile kindly at him. He sees your mouth open to talk but no sound come to his ears. Too focus on staring at you.
How could Terry pull a beautifull woman like you ?
Did you really have a child with this ... thing ?
Does your nipple are hard because of the wind or ?
What ?
He frown at his own mind comment.
He isn't the type of asking himself that, or even staring at a woman body. He doesn't feel guitly too long. He couldn't stop looking at you, he couldn't stop thinking on the fact that he is so much better than Terry.
He could make you scream his name, in every position, everywhere.
He takes a deep breath, he could feel his cock throbbing against his legs.
Dammit. It's been a while since he wanted someone that bad, and he isn't really patient about those thing.
He want you so bad, he want to see you cry on his cock. He want to see you beg for his cock.
The training start and quickly come to an end. His eyes switching to Gabriella then to you. Your ass seem so soft, and your breast so full of milk. He just want to relieve you by sucking your nipple.
He groan.
" fuck..."
23:05 p.m
Gabriella was already in bed, everything was calm until the city needed him, well the city needed Spiderman.
He wasn't really in the mood, he wasn't known for being the " friendly neighborhood spiderman " .
His duty end quickly, beating up vilains wasn't what he prefer to do but it took off your body out of his mind.
He swing around the building before stopping somewhere high. Looking around until he see someone getting in trouble.
He doesn't have any spidersense but if he had one, it would have been so excited right now.
" please ! Someone help ! "
You cry out at someone snatch your purse out of your hand. The vilain didn't run away, too slow for the hero who catch him easily with his web.
Miguel goes grab the purse, not without a dead stare and an agressive behavior.
He slowly goes to you, for you it was nothing.
For him, he was just holding himself from slamming you against the wall and pulling down your pantie down your legs.
" thanks you so much spiderman ..."
You smile to the masked hero, with a gratitude smile.
He keep his eyes on you.
Your tears.
He wasn't listening to his mind anymore, he doesn't care anymore.
" let me take you back to your place."
He goes to you and pick you up in his arm, shooting a web and flying around the city toward your apartment.
Opening the window was the easiest part of this. Putting back on your legs, you turn to him.
" thanks you, you're so-"
" nothing come for free."
He says in a hard voice.
" what ?"
" I need a payback. That fair for what i do in the city. Dont you think ?"
" but... i don't have any money"
" don't worry princesa."
He grab your face with his finger. Holding you.
" i'm not asking for money."
Your eyes widden at his word. One blink was enough to see how fast he was to ripped your dress in a half. You let out a whine as your breast are now exposed to the masked man.
" w...wait ! I ... i have a husband ! And-"
" and ? You want me to keep saving the city don't you ? Who knows maybe your husband will need my help."
You open your mouth to repost but the only sound who come out is a squeak as the hero deprograms his mask over his nose to take a lick on your hardden nipple. You try to move away from his grip, but Miguel hold you close against him. A second moan escape your lips as he take one of your nipple in his mouth, sucking and slighting bitting it. He let out a growl when the warm milk run down his throat.
He never felt this tight in his costume before.
Your hand stay on his shoulder, trying to push him without really trying ... you could do more than that. Was it the fear ?
You close your eyes, your legs shaking a bit as he keep the nipple in his mouth without forgetting the other, playing with it before giving each little buttons a lick.
You didn't dare open your eyes, fighting yourself not to ask for more, or to make too much noise about your forbidden pleasure.
The next thing you could feel was the pillow on your face when he throw you on the bed. Your stomach on the mattress and your legs spread on the edge of the bed.
" what are you ...! No !"
But he didn't listen, raising your dress over your ass. Kneeling in front of your private area, taking a smell on your pantie making your squirm.
He waited for this for so long, he though of this for so long everytime he would jerk off thinking of you. Moving your pantie to the side, his tongue find quickly the way toward your clit. Licking and sucking on it as you bite on your pillow. Tears falling down your cheek as he eat you out like a starved man. His tongue moving inside your gummy wall, sucking up your juice. Your wetness dripping under his chin.
" p...please...haangh...s...stop...."
You whisper quietly, to give yourself good conscience but not wanted it to end either.
" i...i'm sorry Ter...haaah...!"
You let out a scream when he start playing again with the little budge of nerves.
Turning your eyes to him, you looked at him.
Miguel was kneeling in front of your pussy, sucking it while moving his hand up and down his throbbing cock. Precum coming out his urethra.
It was so big, too big.
He get up again, slidding down your pantie on your ankle. Teasing your wet hole with his red tip.
You should scream, but you just press the pillow harder against your mouth.
He spread your pussy lips with one hand, the other holding his cock in front of your entrance.
" Fuck ... look at that, this pretty pussy all wet for me ... you were waiting for this uh ? Someone with a big cock to fill you up properly ? You wanted it, you waited to be fuck like a slut."
His voice is strict and hard, making your pussy clench on nothing. He let out a dark chuckle out of his lips. Pressing the tip at your entrance before slidding inside without putting force.
He groan between his teeth as you let out a moan in the pillow.
He didn't wait for you to get used to his shape. Putting his rough hand on your hips and pouding inside you like a beast.
You cry on the pillow.
" sorrysorrysorry...i'm...hanh ! Sorry...ha...haa...!"
Do you apologize for your infidelity or for loving it a bit too much ?
The wet sound of your pussy being filled up by the hero are the only sound filling the room. Tears falling just like your wetness down your legs.
You could feel the knot inside you getting bigger as he does firm circle around your puffy clit.
" taking me so well princesa..."
He groan, a mix of whimper and a growl.
" taking my cock so well ... is it better than your husband ? Stop apologizing and answers."
An hard slap on your ass wake you up from your bubble of pleasure.
" pleasepleaseplease ...!"
" are you begging me to stop or to cum ?"
" please...'me cum...! Ha...aaa...f...feels good...!"
" yeah ... it does feels good uh ? You want to cum uh ? Clenching around me like if you don't want me to take it out. You want me to make you a momma again ?"
" pleaseplease...'anna be a mom again..."
You cry out, your mind foggy. It was too much, the thrust, the circle around your clit.
Your eyes rolled back to your head as your legs start shaking. The knot in your stomach exploding in a powerfull orgasm.
Miguel groan, he was holding himself for too long. How was he suppose to hold when your pussy feel so tight around his cock ? He groan one last time before filling your womb full of his cum. He stay inside for a few minute before take a step back. Watching his semence dripping out your pussy.
" that a good girl. You did good for me."
He bend over to you, taking your hair to raise your head at him.
" that pussy is mine now."
You nod, obedient.
He was so violent, as if he wanted to mold your pussy to his shape.
He put a kiss on your forehead before putting you to bed, stroking your hair for a few second, then leaving quickly before your husband comes back.
" dad ?"
Gabriella looks at him.
" yes ?"
He raise his eyes to his daughter.
" Coach Terry was angry today."
" was he ?"
" he said [Y/N] doesn't want to be in the same room as him, and that he knew his marriage was bulls-"
" don't you dare say the word."
" ... oke"
Gabriella pout before going back to her room.
Miguel turn back his eyes to what he was working on.
I should reward her for that. Seem like her pussy is really mine now.
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i-am-hungry-24-7 · 24 days
Hiii, i love your work so much. Thank you for writing those beautifull stories.
Could I ask you to write the story about ghost x reader based on this?
And could you make happy ending bout them, please?
Thank you❤
Hello 🐬 anon! OMG I have a new sea creature anon yay (collecting pokemons??) tyvm for the request and praises I'm in tears🥹💖 and this is such a nice trope to write!! I kinda based on a little drabble I wrote weeks ago (the husband!Simon and car crash wife!Reader), and I hope you will enjoy this since I think this is full of warmth 💖
Summary: You wake up from a car crash and suffer temporary amnesia, your husband Simon helps you with it, and your room is always decorated with your favorite flower by him.
Till It Blooms Again
It’s raining outside.
Rainy days usually bring you tranquility, or that’s what your instincts tell you, but you doubt the preciseness of it after you’ve been told that you temporarily lost your memory due to the severe head smash you got from the car crash a week ago. 
You don’t even know why you woke up on the bed in a silent ward, the dull headache and the pain from your broken ankle set in first, then followed by the man – bulky, wearing a face mask to cover his features, but as his surprisingly soft eyes landed on you, and reassured you in a gentle tone that doesn’t match him, you were utterly confused.
Because who was he?
The masked man cooed in a low voice, trying his best not to frighten you, but the shock in his eyes was truly more overwhelming than yours when you spoke the first sentence since you recovered from your coma.
“Who are you?”
Now fidgeting the ring he gave you before he left to grab you some food, you trace your thumb along the names imprinted inside the ring. Simon and your name engraved the promise of your love towards each other on the ring, yet you stare at the words that just sting you every time you read it slowly in your mind.
“So– Sorry, are you okay?” 
Apologies spilled profusely out of your mouth as the man in front of you stiffed immediately, your words were like lightning to him, as he got struck and left in a trance, until the reality settled in. An audibly shaky breath escaped him, with him blinking furiously, as if it could dispel the grief that started clouding in his brown eyes.
“Yeah, don’t worry.” it isn’t difficult to sense the fake calmness covering his voice, but of course, you didn’t mention it “The doctors said you might have lost your memories from the hit. I’m just not expecting it to truly happen.”
“hmmm… May I ask your name, Sir?”
“Name’s Simon.”
“Simon, why are you here?”
“...I’m your husband. We’ve married five years ago.” and that’s the information you managed to process and believe even if you can’t recognize him from that day.
The vow on the ring stings you. You feel sorry. sorry for the man who stares at you with endless affection swirling in his brown eyes, but you’re unable to return the feelings as all you can barely come up with is your name.
An imperceptible creak barely catches your attention, as Simon steps in with lunch in his left hand, and an elegant flower bouquet you're unable to recognize hugging closely to his toned body carefully.
“Wow, what are they?” You point at the flowers as you dig a hint of pink out of your sparsity
“Rain Lilies.” He puts them into the bottle on the bed table while responding. “Sure you will like them, love”
He’s not wrong, the peaceful purple provides a serene calmness to your hollow heart.
The bitterness aching and burning in your chest from the day you woke up, devouring you from inside, magically when Simon’s by your side, it subsides. 
“Thank you…” staring at the petals, you grin and meet Simon’s eyes, and he reaches out his hand, but halts suddenly in the air.
“It’s okay.” 
So his palm shakes with hesitation and touches your hair. and ruffles a few times.
You search your mind again, just like what you did every minute from the day you were awake. It’s still occupied by an eerie blank, obscuring you to seek if the man now treats you with such fondness is in there.
Yet you lean into his touch no matter, the warmth that can console you like no others.
You must be a lucky woman to have him wish you with his whole life.
One month later, you’re back to the house where you used to live with Simon – confirmed by friends and family that you regained your knowledge to.
The gray staining your mind is fading day by day, and you start to remember some people and things, such as your name, friends you met in high school, your cousin…
Simon isn’t one of them. You still can’t find him in your past.
The guiltiness sprouts every time you see him. The man never left your side from the first day in the hospital room, helps you shower, chants you goodnight, and teaches you how the world operates.
“It’s okay, there’s no need to feel sorry for.” He hugs you, trying not to squeeze too tightly and scare you off with overloaded intimacy.
This is a habit you two own when you startle awake one night, panting as blood haunts you in hallucinations. You were floating away from reality, arms wiggling in order to anchor yourself from wandering away, and your chest heaves more intensely every second until a pair of heating hands wrap yours.
“I’m here, it’s okay, you’re safe, love.” The owner of the voice recited it repeatedly until you focused on him.
There’s Simon, with tired and languid eyes, rubbing circles to soothe your panic. You almost teared up the moment you realized he jumped into comfort you the second he was woken by your noises.
“May I hug you…?" After he shushed you from apologizing, you asked him with irresolution. The coffee-like eyes never darted from your figure widened when he took in your words, but softened with him opening his arms.
“Of course, love.”
He slowly closured them and caged you within his embrace. It’s too conciliatory, his temperature broke the clothes and radiated on you, tempting you to lean closer against him.
You understood that was what you were missing and craving, so you always requested one attentively when you felt insecure, so as he always answered with equal adoration and wide arms.
and now he offers you again when he reads you like an open book and senses your unhappiness.
“Take it slow, you don’t need to force yourself to remember.” He caresses your back as he reassures you.
“What if I never got those memories back?”
“Then let’s create new memories together.”
You know he clearly isn’t as composure to your situation as his exterior when you pull back and notice him blinking frequently, struggling to turf out the tears gathering and sneaking out.
“Yeah, let’s create new memories together.” The smile finally reappears on your face.
Simon decorates the house with rain lilies, which you love the most, and you assume that’s your favorite flower in the past either, since Simon never questioned your obsession with it but put them all over each spot of the house.
So when you suggest buying seeds and planting them at the idle little garden in the backyard, Simon heads out to the tools straight away and comes back with a bag full of seeds for different colors of rain lilies.
“There! Plant the pink one!” The golden velvet of sunshine covers you both when Simon kneels on the ground with you sitting in your wheelchair beside him and instructing him.
“There’s like ten pink already but only one yellow.” 
“Any questions, Mr. Riley?”
“Negative, ma’am” He chuckles as he turns back to fiddle with the soil.
When the sky is smeared with orange, the little garden is finally settled.
“Thank you, Simon!” You flash him a smile when he gets to his feet once again, and you just can't help but smother the dirt on his face, till his cheeks are a bit dirty.
"You look so cute like this." You whistle as he bears your cheekiness and unmoved as you poke him.
"I suggest you to check your eyes, ma'am"
Your journal is filled with the things you experienced, and the memories revealed from the barrier of blurriness. Sometimes you still stare at the whole room of rain lilies, wondering why you still don’t remember the memories between you and Simon, and you want to know if Simon’s thinking the same when he puts on the fresh flowers every week.
It’s definitely a lie if you say you don’t care about the past with him anymore, you’re still curious about how you met, and where you went before.
“We went to a park on our first date?" You quirk your eyebrow with confusion when Simon shows you the photos taken before.
“You chose it, You said there was a sea of rain lilies there and you wanted to check it out.
“I don’t know I’m such an unromantic person to choose a park as the place for a first date…”
“Surely are, because you threw me surrounded by a bunch of bloody couples and dived into the flowers yourself.
The journal records how the rain lilies grow in your backyard too. When it’s nearly sunset, Simon will support you to the garden and observe them.
“We really need more rain huh. They’re only little sprouts now”
“That’s why they’re called rain lilies.”
“Thank you, Simon, I’m not an idiot.”
“You know water’s wet?”
“You think you married a dork?”
These banters will be written into your journal with an unconscious grin spreading along your lips.
One morning you’re woken up by the obnoxious burnt smell, and you swear that’s the fastest you drag your feet to the living room after you injure your ankle.
“What happened?! Simon?! You okay?!”
You swing open the door to the kitchen when you don’t spot him and the concern swirling in your body.
You both stand in silence as you look between the plate in Simon’s hand and his embarrassed face.
“This is… uh…”
You watch him blabber as you pick a piece of half-burnt cookie from the plate and take a bite.
“Wow… ehh… this is good, Simon. I mean I guess.”
“The bloody frown on your face said the opposite.”
Eventually, you both burst into laughter when you shove the rest of the piece into his mouth and his face turns into disgust instantly.
He tells you the recipe and process – which you doubt at first but still write them in your journal because he claims it’s the cookie you always made him – and you can’t wait to bake him when you’re able to move around at your own will freely.
You know he can’t stay at home and accompany you every day, but when he packs his stuff in a bag before he leaves, you still can’t help the sadness fuming in you.
“I’ll be back soon, just a month or two.” He pulls you into a hug when you stand at the front door and watch him put on his shoes with a tiny pout.
“I just want you safe, I can wait.” you sigh in his arms, and eventually push him back to fish out a thing stuffed carefully in your pocket, and show it to him.
An amulet lies in the center of your palm. The edge of it is slightly crooked, and a dried rain lily is pasting on it.
"I understand if you think this is stupid, it's just... ummm."
"It's not stupid." he snatches it from your hand "I love it."
"Stay safe, okay?"
He nods to you before stepping out the threshold.
Unknown to you, he presses a kiss on the one you just handed him, and the one you gifted him years ago and always kept in his pocket wherever he went.
The rainy season arrives after a month since Simon was deployed.
You watch the garden through the window as the raindrops splatter on the glass.
Rain lilies bloom abundantly after rain, and counting the days, you're sure when Simon gets back home, the flowers will blossom to their full extent.
You take over his work of replacing the rain lilies in the house with fresh ones, to make the house just like it was before he left.
It doesn’t feel the same.
You stare at the pink rain lily in your grasp.
The house just doesn’t feel the same without Simon, even though they’re still arranged with your favorite flowers.
But isn’t it why you like them? They blossom the most after the rain, after the clouds and dark which make people depressed. It’s most beautiful when they confront the gloominess.
Just like every time you wait at home for months, pray for him to come back in one piece, and cuddle on the bed after reunion.
You hold your breath when you remember the reason you like rain lilies so much.
That’s why you love the rain lily. You remind yourself again as you rush to grab your journal.
You saunter to the front door when you hear the noise of fidgeting keys behind.
“Hey, love.”
Simon greets you with an exhausted voice, pats you on your shoulder, and bends down to untie his shoes, but he stops and straightens up when he hears your greetings.
“Hey, Si.”
His eyes are round like a full moon and mixed with disbelief and excitement.
“You– You call me what?”
“I said…” He tumbles over and lands on the ground with you as you drag him into a tight embrace “Welcome back, Si.”
You caress his hair when he buries his face in your chest and hugs back adamantly, trembles are restrained to its minimum, yet it’s unignorable when you two squish your bodies as if trying to merge together so it’s impossible to be separate again.
“I made your favorite cookies, perfect ones, unlike yours." You hear him huff out a laugh against your chest.
“How about the rain lilies?”
“They’re beautiful, let’s see them together now?”
“Sounds good.”
The flowers flutter like a pink stream combined with a few yellows in the breeze, and you both set eyes on them, basking in the sun.
“I remember why I love rain lilies.” You shift to meet his gaze, and that’s the moment you discover he’s already been staring at you. “They flourish after heavy rains, just like each time I wait for you to come back, that’s when I become complete.”
“Feeling poetic today?”
“Already told you I’m a smart woman.”
Simon’s tummy growls with agreement when you finish your sentence.
“You hungry, big boy?" You snicker, and start walking him back into the house.
"I want to eat the biscuits.”
“No snacks before the meal, babe.”
“Then I want lasagne.”
“Okay… hey I just said no snacks before the meal! you idiot!”
You scoff when Simon ignores you and starts stuffing his mouth with your freshly baked cookies like a hamster, and the rain lilies beside him come into your sight again.
Yeah, just like rain lily. After an unnerving storm, everything will bloom again.
a/n: tyvm for reading! have a nice day/night! :D
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lukall705 · 3 months
Chubby reader x dazai who is insecure about herself can you can i like your articles very much
Dazai x Chubby!Fem!Reader
AHHHH i didn't expect anyone to request chubby reader stuff!! as a chubby person myself i get so happy when i see chubby reader content 😖
Also sorry for taking so long to wrote this!! i forgot i was a fanfic writer for a while!(and i was on a small break)
Please remember english isn't my first language so my gramer isn't the best!
First off, it fucking cannon (if i remember correctly) that he loves all type of women!! No matter size, race, age(not under 18 tho!!) and much more!!
He would be so hurt to find out his beautifull and amazing belladona is insecure about her weight:(
He holds you so tight and tells you how much he loves you and your chubbines!
He hates when he sees you judging yourself in the mirror when you think hes not there
It hurst him to know you don't feel confidant in the clothes he gets you and he is quite literally ready to get the people who made you insecure killed
He always hold you close to him and makes you lay on top of him when cuddling since he finds comfort in the weight on top of him
if you ever even as much as utter the word "i'm to heavy", then just know he is gonna be shocked to the bone and all pouty
"i'm to heavy.." *Dramatic ass gasp* "How dare my Beautifull, amazing, pretty, sexy, hot,(ect) Bella accuse me of beaing to weak to handler her waight!!"
He would love to see you in skin tight clothes since he loves to look at your body, its very beautifull to him
Wants you to wear his clothes
if you start talking about going on a diet hes gonna beg you not to(unless its what really want or due to health reasons) since he loves your chubbines
"Bella! there is no reason for you to lose weight! you look absolutely beautiful just the way you are!"
Wants you to ride his face 101%!!
"baby, you aren't to heavy, plus it would be the best way to die, in between my beautiful belladona's thighs!"
This motherfucker will drag your body down on his face so he can feel your full waight
one time he passed out for a few seaconds since he couldn't breath
"My dear, that was the closest to death i've been in a while!"
Wants you to wear lingerie, he says it makes you look super sexy
This was a bit rushed TT
i couldn't come up with more on the nsfw part TT
Also requests are open but i have quite a lot so it'll take a while before i can finish them! and i'm gonna try finishing some of the older ones!
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frogchiro · 7 months
Froggie m'love ever since you mentioned GOTH (haha God Of The Hunt = GOTH) Gaz I can't stop thinking of him @.@ If you have time I would love to hear one of your rambles about him ♡
Got Of The Hunt!Gaz who loves play-chasing you through his forest♡ There are ofc no weapons involved since this is more like foreplay for both of you but the danger still makes you feel hot.
Just imagine being clad in only a loose, short, white dress, running barefoot through the quickly darkening woods, your breath hitching as you hear the echo of your lover's laugh. You curse slightly under your breath, a smile forming on your face; you know that this play is basically futile since Kyle will catch you anyway but does he really have to be so smug about it?
Before you can take the next turn right by a beautifull little creek you feel your body getting tugged and you tumble down onto the soft foliage with a loud 'oof!', your lover's smug and annoyingly handsome face right above you as he bumps his nose against yours.
"I won yet again Love! You need to get better if you ever wanna beat me hehe~" Kyle laughed at your annoyance and before you could retaliate with a smartass comment he captured your lips in his, his full, soft lips feeling divine against yours, his stubble tickling you making you giggle happily into the kiss♡
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softhairedhotch · 7 months
a lil drabble i wrote that doesn't fit any of the comfortember prompts <3
aaron hotchner x gender neutral reader
wc: 300ish words
content/warnings: first kiss, mentions of being drunk/alcohol, cute fluffy stuff :)
Aaron laughs and his whole face lights up.
"You seem... happier lately," you say, admiring him. He looks stunning in the low light of the kitchen, his eyes bright and face relaxed in a way you're not used to seeing. It makes your heart stutter in your chest. "It's good. Happiness looks... it looks good on you," you sigh wistfully, unable to stop yourself from speaking due to the alcohol in your system. "So good."
A light blush makes its way to his cheeks and he smiles wider. "Well, uh, thank you. It looks good on you, too."
You grin at him and he grins back, the two of you getting lost in each others eyes. Aaron inches forward ever so slightly and you follow suit until your noses bump together. He laughs, a sweet and innocent and wonderful sound, and it has you swaying, an intense joy coursing through your veins.
"Your laugh is beautiful," you whisper, before taking the risk and pressing your lips against his. He kisses back immediately, titling his head to press himself closer to you. "God, you're so beautiful."
He hums against your lips. "You're beautifuller."
"That's not a word," you laugh, kissing the corner of his mouth and dotting a few kisses over his cheek. "How much did you drink?"
"Too much," he chuckles, placing his drink on the kitchen counter so his warm hands are free to hold your face gently and he can kiss you deeper. His lips move over yours in a way that has you feeling lightheaded and you have to hold onto his jacket to stabilise yourself. "How much did you drink?"
"Hopefully not enough to forget that this happened."
He presses a kiss against the tip of your nose with a laugh. "Trust me, I won't let you forget. I'm gonna be thinking about this for the rest of my life."
"Me too."
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drakre52 · 2 days
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Watercolor 5 Morphing https://www.facebook.com/Drakre52/videos/780648618729390/
https://drakre52.jimdo.com/watercolors/ Music Karpa ║ Drakre52 Film
0 notes
Neteyam x Human reader
Chapter 5.1
(Tw: Mentions of Smut.. next part will go 100%)
(Okay everyone here is half 1 of chapter 5! Monday the second part will drop! Let me know if you like it! Chapter 1 at the bottom!)
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"Can someone murder me now?" You squeek,
Neteyam is fuming, his arm spread out to cover you. He turns his head toward you, before turning to the rest. "No Y/n no one can 'murder' you, and you four better sit down right fucking now." He growls at the young Na'vi's in front of him.
They seem more distraught than you at the moment and do as he asks instantly. Them settling down on the floor, just a little bit shorter than you as they sat down.... which was honestly quite insulting given the situation.
"We are so sorry!" Tsireya starts, the sweet nineteen year old obviously feeling the most guilty. "We just followed you when we saw you act so strange at the party!"
Neteyam holds up his hand signaling for her to stop talking, "Let's start here. Exactly how much have you all seen?" He asks bluntly, his face not betraying his emotions at all.
Aonung speaks up next, obviously pretending to be unaffected at the situation... but a noticable awkwardness in his voice. "We saw everything, and i must say it was quite suprising...what we saw."
You let out a mortified screech/groan, placing your head in your hands as you crouch down. The Na'vi giving you strange looks at the sound, not having heard it from you before.
Neteyam places a comforting hand on your head, you gathering yourself as you get back up. Your face still bright red, and your stance very awkward.
Lo'ak and Kiri seemed uncharistically quiet, which is probably to be expected when you see your elder Na'vi brother straight up demolishing your human childhood friend with his..
"Allright..well you obviously saw us.. uhm...have sex." Your big blue guy says, suddenly not meeting anyones gaze.
"That's what that was? It seemed more like an assasination attempt... i mean seriously." Aonung turned to you with an astonished gaze. "How are you even alive?"
They all turn to you, you electing to simply stare at the wall like it was the most interesting thing in existence, totally ignoring the Na'vi that were staring at you... honestly when you think about it it is quite impressive people are able to make these straw walls by hand.
Neteyam steps in front of you, hissing harshly at Aonung. "It is in your best interest to shut your mouth." He stands up straight, just taller than the other boy.
I mean, so intricate, so beautifull, this hut is so well crafted.
"If you wanted 'that' you should have gone somewhere private." Aonung remarks, still taking a step backwards when your big blue guy takes a step toward him.
"We did go somewhere private! You four just followed us like some little creeps!" Neteyam seemed very very angry.
You notice as your mate gets a bit too riled up, obviously winding himself up to take a swing as he starts clenching his fist. You swiftly lean forward to tap him on the hip, his attention turning to you instantly.
You shake your head.
Neteyam locked his intense gaze on yours, "I want to touch Y/n every second of every day, she is my mate." He remarks dryly, as he takes a step backwards, grabbing your hand.
A second of awkward silence. You want to die.. like seriously.
"How long has this been going on?" Kiri speaks up loudly from behind the others, seeming uncomfortable but also strangely intrigued.
Neteyam stares at his little sister with wide eyes, he obviously hadn't taken into account that some of his siblings were here as well. Not to mention the tall lanky form of Lo'ak still standing frozen to the side.
Kiri's question visibly registers in Neteyam as he suddenly smiles softly.
A proud look appears on your big blue guy's face. "About three weeks... but i have been in love with her for years." He responded, a faraway look on his face. "And now we are finally together."
You give his hand a squeeze as you share a smile.
Kiri relaxes at his words, smiling softly. "You realised you loved her when she got hit in the head at the sea battle." She says more than asks, her gaze settling on your conjoined hands as a small smile circles her lips.
You smile, "I...think we have always loved eachother."
Neteyam settles his oversized hand on your back, "Y/n and I are not ready to share our relationship with Mom, dad or the others." He gives his sister a meaningfull look "We are not sure if we are able to remain in the clan if they find out."
Lo'ak seems to startle awake at his brothers words, "What the fuck? You can't possibly be thinking of leaving!" He pushes past the other kids, slapping his hands on his thighs in anger.
You both knew that the young Na'vi had started to heavily lean on Neteyam after the war, mostly because the boy felt responsible that you had both been on that boat.
Neteyam steps forward placing a hand in his brothers hair, "I don't think we have a choice bro, if Mom and dad want to force us apart.." he shakes his head in distress, "I won't leave y/n... I can't." He let out a heavy sigh, a troubled expression slipping onto his face.
Lo'ak shakes his head in disbelief, "After those fucking poachers almost killed you two... i..." he let's out a sigh, him relaxing a bit as Tsireya places a hand on his shoulder. "I can't let you be bullied away by mom and dad. The clan needs you!" He frowns, a blush appearing on his cheeks when Tsireya gives him an encouraging smile.
Neteyam leans over to place a comforting hand on his brother's shoulder. "If we have to leave, i will be heartbroken.. but not worried about the clan.. you would be a good future leader bro."
Lo'ak looks up at his brother with conflicted eyes, "I would rather you be here bro." He finally mutters softly.
"Guys.. we have all been away from the party too long." We should probably head back.." Kiri interupts as she walks forward placing a soft hand on Lo'ak's shoulder as she speaks to the rest.
"You're probably right.." Tsireya mumbles as she steers her brother and Lo'ak away.
Neteyam looks back at you with a soft look in his eyes, softly grabbing your hand.
Kiri looks at the movement with keen eyes, she shakes her head smiling. "You are whiiipped" she says in a singsong voice.
Neteyam just shrugs his shoulders, not even bothering to deny her words.
"Now come on brother.. it's my turn to dance with Y/n." Kiri grabs my hand from his, dragging me away.
"Whoah! We can't go out like this." You gesture toward the bruises and paint remains on your and Neteyam's skin.
Kiri rolls her eyes. "Aw come on guys! It's dark in there! No way anyone will see." She doesn't give you a second to breathe before she drags you away again.
Neteyam looks a bit put off, shaking his head. "Come on Kiri! This is irresponsible!"
Kiri shakes her head, turning toward her brother again. "Come on! Have some fun brother!"
"Jeez you guys are silly.." He murmurs finally, a smile circling his lips as he looks at his mate and his sister happily conversing.
We reach the party quickly, Neteyam going over to his friends to socialise when Kiri basically chases him away from you.
The moment Kiri sees he's out of earshot she walks me to the side of the dancefloor. "Y/n... i just saw you do it with my very very big Na'vi brother... Why in the world didn't i know about this?."
"Honestly... did you really want to know me and your brother have had tons of very kinky sex."
"Ew what? No!" Kiri sticks out her tongue in disgust.
I give her a dry look, raising an eyebrow.
"Okay fine.. that's fair... how did this even start?" Kiri seems way too interested in this..
"Well it was at that party a while back... you know when he got back from that fight?"
Kiri's eyes widened.. "No."
I nod sadly, "Yes."
"You had a weird sex fight with my brother?!" Kiri yelled loudly...
I jump up and place my hand onto her mouth.. "Shut up!" I grunt softly, thankfull no one had heard.
"Okay okay i'm sorry... but he was literally covered with red spots and fingerprints.." Kiri says sheepishly.
"Uhm... well.. i grabbed onto him quite tight when.... Nope not talking about this."
Kiri's eyes widen "No but now i wanna know! You two were so wild! I thought it was supposed to be soft and sweet when people mate! You have to tell me how it works!"
"Dude come on! I can't possibly tell you all the details.."
She gives me a look.
You folded and told her the basics..
We were currently sitting beneath a table in the far back of the temple. Effectively hidden out of view.
"Wow! Wait... so you put it in... and move? And that feels good?"
"Well.. i'm honestly not sure how it feels for you Na'vi.. but Neteyam really likes the way we do it.. and that is the human way so i think so?"
Kiri seemed intrigued, a bit disgusted, and was probably about to ask more questions anyway.
"Can we talk about anything else?" You ask curtly...
Kiri sighs, obviously not satisfied at your cut off conversation. "Allright fine! How about what happened with Spider?" She frowns.
Your heart skips a beat at her words.
"You know about that?" You say softly, knowing the girl was close with him.
She nods sadly, "He told me about it.."
"It's not his fault.." you mutter softly unable to meet the girls eyes.
"I think it was... but i think he knows that too." Kiri sighs shaking her head.
I place a soft hand on her shoulder.
"I.. i just.. i like spider!" Kiri blurts out, me choking in my saliva. You look at the now upset girl, the dark in the temple hiding most of her features.
I take a second to open up to the idea before finally responding.
"That's allright Kiri.. you can like whomever you want." Your thoughts secretly run wild at her revelation.. how would sex between them work? You shake your head, if they really like eachother they will figure it out. Just like you and Neteyam had.
But still.. how in the...
"Really?... Your not mad?" Kiri asks softly giving me a worried look.
"Huh why would i be mad at that?"
"Well... he hurt you? And i thought the two of you wanted to be together.
"Kiri. I have mated with Neteyam.. i have forgiven spider... If you want to be with him and he makes you happy. Then i want you to follow your heart." You give her a comforting smile.
Kiri smiles softly grabbing your small hand in her big one. "Thank you.. i think i needed to hear that." She blushes softly.
We give eachother a tight hug before getting out from under the table. Her going to find spider.
You look around the temple in search of your big blue guy. Huh... where was he? You get a strange feeling in your stomach, a bit unsettled that you can't find him.
As the sky gets darker and darker you get increasingly worried... Neteyam wasn't at the party anymore that was certain. And the other Sully weren't either.
He wouldn't have left without telling you..
You decide to take the long way home, taking a stroll through the Na'vi camp first. "Shit.." i murmur to myself as i hear yelling coming from the Sully tent.
You sneak up using a hunting technique Neteyam thought you. Peering through the straw walls you are suprised to see all the 'kids' sitting on the floor of the tent, Jake and Neytiri standing over them.
You strain to hear what they are saying,
"I cannot believe how irresponsibly you have behaved today Neteyam.." Jake shakes his head in dissapointment, his hands on his hips as he glares down at his oldest son.
Neteyam just glares down at the ground, his large shape looking silly as he sits on the floor. Your big blue guy is not backing down an inch though, his face seemingly set in stone.
"Neteyam.. what were you thinking?" Neytiri says sternly, crossing her arms. Her face pulled into a frown, "You have embarrassed your father tonight." She hisses, Jake placing a calming hand on her shoulder.
Neteyam remains silent, you noticing his fists clench and his jaw tick.. he was mad.. very mad.
Lo'ak, Kiri and Tuk look at their brother with wide eyes, this behaviour still a bit new for them.
"Neteyam! You are an adult now, act like it!" Jake shouts loudly, his voice echoeing through the small hut causing the other kids to flinch. "You cannot just come back home looking like you just fought a damn bear whenever you feel like it!"
Neteyam doesn't move and doesn't do anything really...
"You cannot expect to find a proper mate if you act like this." Neytiri hisses again, slapping her son on the shoulder. Neteyam closes his eyes, taking a few heavy breaths.
"Neteyam stand up, others out." Jake growls out as he gestures for the others to leave.. they do.. the kids rushing outside on the other side of the tent.
Your big blue guy does as instructed standing straight in front of his parents. He was now slightly taller than his father, him now hovering over them both.
"You are going to be the next olo'eyktan soon.. how do you expect to step into my footsteps if you do things like this?" Jake paces left to right in front of the younger Na'vi.
"Neteyam.. please listen to your father, it is a great honor to become our clan leader. It is more important than anything or anyone except this family." Neytiri strokes her son's arm softly, them two closer than him and his father. Her oldest son pulls away from her this time,
"I allready have a family.. one of my own. And i don't care about being olo'eyktan.. i never have." Neteyam glares at them.
"You have worked so hard my son, you are a great warrior now.. why do you not want this?" Neytiri seems confused by her sons words.
"I haven't become the warrior i am today for you or for the clan.. i have become a warrior to protect..."
"That is what a commander should do Neteyam!" Jake shouts again. "You were doing so well at becoming the perfect leader! The perfect soldier! What could you possibly have as rea.." He is interupted as his son speaks up again.
"Dad. I don't care about any of that!" Neteyam groans in frustration, he loses his composure at once starting to pace left to right.
"Why? Because all you care about is that stupid human?" Neytiri interupts.
My heart drops at her words..
Neteyam's reaction is instant as he turns to her with cold eyes. "You do not speak about her that way. You don't have the right." He shakes his head, sending a withering glare to his brother.
"I'm leaving." He grunts, stepping out of the tent.
"Neteyam! I have not dismissed you yet soldier." Jake yells loudly, his face confused and distraught again.
Neteyam steps outside, his gaze instantly landing on me. His eyes soften as they meet yours.. water starts to fall from the sky sticking his dark hair to his face.
Your big blue guy strolls over to you instantly placing his hands on your waist, his emotions clear on his face.. he whistles for his Ikran. "I am so glad to see you." He whispers into your hair, tears falling from his eyes.
"Are you allright my love?" I ask softly, giving him a small smile.
"Let's go home.." He just murmurs leading you to the Ikran, you noticing his proud gaze as it settles on yours.
"Home?" You just ask confusedly.. him smiling as he pulls you close to place a soft kiss on your forehead.
"Yeah.. home.." Neteyam places you on the Ikran, the glowing plants lighting his now wet skin. It was magical.. the whole forest dark.
All of a sudden out from the darkness a little creature comes down from the tree's, its little white legs feeling strange as they tickle against your bare skin.. Neteyam's eyes widen...
The tree's above light up with purple light.. more of the little beings appearing as they float around you and your mate. You smile at him, pulling his face toward yours in a sweet kiss. You about the same height as him as you sit on the Ikran and he stands next to you.
His soft hand strokes your waist with tenderness. "I see you." He whispers, his braids tickling your shoulder as he takes a seat on the Ikran behind you his arm sliding around your body to keep you safe.
"I see you.." i whisper back. I feel him smile against the back of my bare shoulder as he bends down to place a kiss on it.
He makes a loud yip, the Ikran following his command as it sets off into the sky..
Something tells you to look back at the Sully's hut.. your gaze catches the form of Neytiri stand where you had just done.. reaching up to softly touch one of those little creatures before you dissappear out of view.
We reach the human base quickly, my mind still quite occupied by the strangeness that was today. Neteyam silent ass well and no doubt
Neteyam grasps your hand softly pulling you with him as you enter the base together. "I'm sorry but.. i am not hiding us anymore." He mutters softly, seeming scared of a possible reaction.
I nod at him. "I understand.. don't worry about me.. you have enough to worry about." I squeeze his hand
Your big blue guy laughs softly, "I will always worry for you." He admits.
The scientists in the hall look confused as they see us, we ignore them.
"Oh hey Neteyam what are you doing here so late?" Norm asks confusedly.. until his gaze settles on our conjoined hands.
"I am staying the night in y/n's room." Neteyam says dryly placing an arm over my shoulders and pulling me into his chest.
Norm and the other avatars seem confused.. "Wait.. does Jake know about this?" He asks softly.
The young Na'vi just shrugs before pulling you along again.. leaving the confused man in your wake.
"Did you see all thiose marks on then.. it almost seemed like hickeys." You both heard Norm say to one of his helpers.
The two of you finally reach your room, him smiling broadly as he settles his hands on your waist. "I have never felt so amazing... just telling people that you are my mate.. i am so happy."
"I never expected you to be so impulsive Teyam. I can't say that i mind this new version of you.." i smile softly as i stare into his eyes.
I run my eyes down his chest.. noticing the bruises and hickeys again.
"I think we need to shower my love.. although.. if you are still in an adventurous mood.. we could shower in the larger one on the main floor.." I give him a teasing look, stroking my hand down his hard chest.
Lust fills his eyes. "Allright then my love.. maybe today is finally the day that we get caught by someone who doesn't keep their mouth shut.. i can't say i mind the thought of people recognising my claim on you my little mate.
His hands run up your body.
Chapter 1:
(Hope you enjoyed it!)
Chapter 5,2:
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fushigur0ll · 10 months
Ok now here me out… you know how that old people filter is going around on TikTok? I think it would be so cute if 42!Miles and you do it and he gets kinda emotional at the thought of growing old with the reader, and also he kinda looks like his dad so it’s a harder blow.
Idk I think it would be cute and kinda sappy cause I love seeing those couples on TikTok try it and be like “that’s how we’ll look when we’re grandparents.��� AHHH😭♥️
i’m gonna make this as sentimental as possible</3 thanks for the request boobie snoobie
꒰ ♡ ꒱ you try out that filter you see everyone doing on tiktok and you show miles and his reaction shocks you
includes ; fluff, kisses, tears and sadness but it’s happy tears and sadness oh and use of the n word! not proof read, finished this long one half asleep, n may be a a tiny bit ooc but..IDGAF this is cute💔
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"Why do you always leave a nigga hanging outside your window for so long, baby?" Your boyfriend frowned as his gaze fixated on you, while you kept your eyes glued to your phone, even as you opened the window for him.
"I'm sorry, I was using the bathroom," you replied, finally looking up at him with a smile that made him smile back at you. you couldn't help but feel a flutter in your heart as he leaned down to give you two soft kisses on your lips before fully entering your room
Your room was chilly and cozy, with a gentle breeze flowing in from the now-open window, giving your boyfriend goosebumps that raised the hairs on his forearms. As he looked around, he noticed the soft glow of the low orange and purple LED lights, illuminating the room like a beautiful sunset over Brooklyn. He closed the window behind him, but the cool air remained, just the way you liked it.
"Why are you so glued to your phone?" he asked as he took off his shoes and jacket by your desk. You were sitting on your bed, scrolling through videos on your phone, not looking up from the screen.
"I saw this trend on TikTok, and now I can't stop watching it," you replied, still engrossed in your phone. He hummed and headed to the washroom to freshen up and change into his own clothes that he kept at your place.
After a few minutes, he emerged from the washroom, wearing a black t-shirt, gray sweatpants, and a silver necklace adorning his neck. He saw you in a different position, lying down on the bed with your phone a few inches away, as if you were recording a video.
He walked towards you and sat by your side, watching your face closely. He stared at you without saying anything, and you could sense his intense gaze on you, making you glance up at him with a curious expression.
"What's wrong?" you asked, and he just shook his head and leaned down to kiss you once again.
"nun...you're just beautiful," he whispered, laying his forehead on yours, and you smiled, cupping his left cheek softly.
"And you're even more beautifuler pookie butt," you teased, biting his nose playfully when his face drops. "So weird," you chuckled and shoved your phone to his face, making him widen his eyes for a moment before focusing on the screen.
"What is this, baby?"
"its a filter. this is the trend i found. You just press it, and it shows you how you would look when you're older," you explained, sitting up and making him do the same. You pressed the filter and applied it to your faces. The top half of the screen showed your current selves, while the bottom half showed an older version of you both, which made his breathing stop.
As miles stared at the screen, a wave of emotions washed over him. The longer he gazed at the older version of himself, the more it began to resemble his father. He blinked and opened his mouth as if he was going to say something, but nothing came out. He continued to blink, feeling the burn of his eyes that he didn't want to experience at the moment. He took a deep breath in, trying to steady himself.
As he looked at your old face, his feelings washed over him like a wave once again. He found you so beautiful, even with a few aging lines and wrinkles on your skin. He stared a bit longer as his train of thoughts went throughout his brain.
Miles didn't just love you, he was in love with you. He always had been. Ever since you both were in the same class together two years ago, and last year you both got together, making it almost two years. He never understood how someone could love him this much. No matter how hard or how high of a wall he built around himself, you managed to climb it or even break it down. He wasn't complaining, but if he knew loving you would be like this, he wouldn't have put up the wall in the first place.
He still remembered the days when you would try to strike up a conversation with him, and he would always be so cold, just to get the point across that he needed to be left alone. But it didn't come through your big ass head. He chuckled to himself, remembering how much he loved— and still loves making fun of your forehead being so big.
He always remembered the times he would find himself staring at you in class when you would sit beside him during the quiet period, just writing notes and doodling cute hearts and faces on his paper. He pretended to be annoyed about it, but secretly loved it. And he wouldn't tell you, but he still had those doodles you used to do in his desk.
Another thing he remembered was when you agreed to being his girlfriend and you both found yourselves at a park, on the playground. You lay in his chest as you both lay on the slide, cuddling close to each other while just looking up at the pretty stars that twinkled and glistened in the night sky. He remembered a story you read with him a few days prior about how the sun loved the moon so much he died every night to let her breathe. He referred to himself as the sun and you to the moon. He would sacrifice himself as long as you got to live a better life. Someone who came into his life just to break down his walls and love and cherish him this much shouldn't have him thinking about the day he wants to marry you, but he finds himself doing just that anyways.
He wonders how you will react when, after you both are done with school, getting a bit older and thinking about moving out of your parents' houses, you consider moving in together. Maybe even getting a pet. He knows you love kittens, and he's seen how you cry happy tears of awe when you see a baby kitty cat. He would make fun of you, and then you would start crying more and more. To cheer you up, he would just start kissing and tickling you, which always 100% of the time works.
Oh, how he loves you so much it brings tears to his eyes. Literally.
You had already put down the camera long ago when you saw Miles lost in thought. But you immediately become concerned and worried when a tear falls down his cheek, even though his face remains blank. You frown and cup his cheeks to direct his face towards yours. You kiss his nose, cheeks, and finally his lips ever so softly, hoping to bring him back to the present moment.
You whisper Miles' name, your voice soft and gentle, not wanting to startle him too harshly out of his train of thought. He blinks once, and another tear rolls down his cheek, and you move your thumb to gently rub it away, your heart aching at the sight of his tears.
"You're crying," you say softly, and Miles inhales softly, exhaling and leaning into your hands with his eyes closing.
"I'm sorry," he mumbles, his lips pressing against the palm of your hand. He opens his eyes once more, staring into your beautiful eyes.
"There's no need to apologize, baby. I'm just worried," you respond, your voice equally soft as before. Your words make more tears well up in his eyes, but he holds them in.
As he hums softly, the sound vibrates through his chest and sends a shiver down your spine. he squeezes your thigh once then makes his way up the bed to rest his back against your headboard. As you crawl up the bed towards him, you take in the sight of his broad shoulders and muscular arms. you lay back into his chest, feeling the warmth of his body against yours.
he wraps his arms around your waist, you feel his strong hands on your skin, kneading and rubbing your soft flesh of your thigh once more. You feel his warm breath on your neck as he leans down to rest his head against you, and he can't help but smile as he recognizes the familiar scent of vanilla and cocoa butter.
As he kisses your bare shoulder, you feel the softness of his lips against your skin, you tilt your head to the side, giving him more access to nuzzle his head into your neck and exhaling softly.
he starts to speak, his voice is a deep rumble in your ear, and vibrations of his chest against your back.
"I was just thinking about something... I never saw so much of my dad in me until now, and that's just very... very scary. I don't like to have him on my mind so much because then I'll just fall into this depressive state, but... I just really, really miss him," Miles trails off
You smile sadly, your heart breaking at the sound of Miles' pain. You tilt your head back to press your lips against his chin, your hand coming up to hold the side of his face so you can bring his face down for your lips to touch his own, conveying all the love and comfort you can offer.
you always loved kissing miles. both of your love languages was just physical affection, him more then you from what he says because
‘you can’t love me more then i love you’
"It's okay to think about your dad once in a while, Miles. That's what keeps his memory alive, right? He's always with you, around this house, outside, and in your heart, baby. Don't ever forget that," you say, placing a hand over his chest, where his heart beats strong and steady. As you speak, the room is filled with a sense of calm with Miles listens intently, his eyes watching you as he takes in every word, his chest rising and falling with each breath.
When you finish speaking, Miles frowns, feeling more tears start to line up in his eyes. He groans and covers his eyes with his arm, feeling overwhelmed by his emotions. You can't help but giggle softly at his reaction, finding it endearing.
Turning around, you straddle him just sitting on-top of his thighs. your fingers tracing small circles on his chest, feeling his steady heartbeat beneath your touch.
"Look at me," you say, poking his chest playfully. He swats your hand away, giving you a playful glare as he peeks out from under his arm. He sighs and puts it down, his callused hands landing on your thighs.
You feel a the warmth of his hands "Why did you cover your face?" you ask, pinching his cheeks playfully. He gives you a warning glare, but the smile on his face betrays his true feelings. He shakes his head at your antics and starts rubbing your skin slowly up and down.
"...I wanna get married," Miles says suddenly
You freeze, staring at him like he's lost his head. The room falls silent, the only sound that’s there is your breathing and the beating of your hearts. You get curious and comfortable, leaning closer to hear his explanation.
‘now?..like..now now?’ you couldn’t help but think. ‘im not even looking good or ready.. but where’s the ring—‘ your thoughts was cut off by miles snickering underneath you.
“not right now ma, i meant later on in the future” he explains and you nod, understanding way.
"Miles, what are you talking about?" you ask softly, your eyes locking with his. he twists his lips to the side before speaking once more
"I want to marry you," he whispers, You gaze up at him, taking in the way his eyes only look at you.
"You do?" you ask softly, your heart pounding in your chest. All he does is nod his head in response, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. You feel a rush of happiness wash over you.
"I want to grow old with you," he continues, his voice steady and sincere. "As corny as that shit sounds, it's true." You can't help but smile at his words, feeling your heart swell with love for him.
"Me seeing us old gave me some sad thoughts," he admits, his expression softening. "But it gave me some hopeful ones too." You listen intently as he speaks, hanging on his every word. You love when he opens up to you like this, sharing his innermost thoughts and feelings with you.
from the time you knew miles, he used to have a hard time expressing himself. He would often be closed off, keeping his emotions bottled up inside. But over time, he's grown more comfortable with sharing his feelings, especially with you. It makes you feel special, knowing that he trusts you enough to be vulnerable with you.
“those hopeful thoughts, most of them, was how i wanted to make you my wife…even though you already are” he winks and squeezes your thigh playfully making you huff and show a small smile. “but for real though, you show me so much love that i never thought you’d do in the first place for me. you’re my first girlfriend and i want you to be my last.” he confesses “i wanna see your old ass make some peach cobbler in the kitchen one day when we have kids and our kids have they kids and you be in there talking about some ‘you ain’t ate all day baby?’ “ you burst into laughter at his attempt to try and sound like a old momma with a raspy voice.
he chuckles and moves his hands to your waist. “but before that, i wanna see you walk down that isle with the dress of your dreams and a pretty smile on that pretty face to get your ring i’ll put on you that’ll make you mine till i’m no longer on this earth”
you couldn’t help but feel yourself about to cry, it was your turn now to groan and shove your face into his chest making him laugh at you.
“wanna be me so bad” he mumbles, kissing your temple and hugging you. you sniffle against his shirt, holding onto him tightly. you were so inlove with this man it makes you so soft
As you look at him now, you can't help but feel grateful for him and the deep connection you share with eachother. it’s something you always wanted to have with someone special and it just so that miles is that one special person
the room was quiet and calm. miles looks down at you you starts drawing circles on his chest, even writing his name and your name inside a big imaginary heart. he chuckles and his chest vibrates making you look up at him just to catch his attention directly on you.
“hi” you whisper and he smiles leaning in closer to your face
“hey” you stuff your face into his chest and hug his tighter.
“..yes” you suddenly speak. miles not knowing what you’re saying yes for, starts to rub your shoulder whilst looking at you in confusion
“hm? whatchu saying yes for?” he asks and you look up at him once more.
“i wanna marry you too” i whisper with a sincere look on your face. he stares before he leans in and kisses you passionately, holding the side of your jaw to make the kiss deeper.
you smile against his lips and enjoy the softness of it on yours. you both savoured the kiss, almost losing air from not wanting to let go. you both unlock lips slowly and you just stare into each-others eyes not wanting this moment to end
“cant believe because of you and that damn filter i’m over here cryin” he grumbles and you just laugh, rubbing the back of his neck
“my softy bootie butt” i tease and he pinches your side
“i take everything i said right back—”
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fushigur0ll © 2022 all rights reserved.
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