#beast: the primordial
manyworldsofdarkness · 9 months
Wanna go into detail? Join our discord. Please reblog after voting.
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coolclaytony-2 · 2 years
Wanna know something fun? One of the official supplements for Princess: The Hopeful, "On Wednesdays We Wear", offers rules for running games set in highschool. Among these rules is a set of mechanics for portraying school bullies. Perfect for if you want to play a Beast!
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chickenleafs-world · 5 months
Finally have the mental fortitude to jump into whatever the hell Beast: the Primordial has going on. Pray for me. Depending on how insane the book makes me I might spitball some of my own ideas to reflavor, since I’m already painfully aware of the… shortcomings there, but I also see potential for the idea when not written be a serial abuser. Wish me luck.
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ooeygooeyghoul · 3 months
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You will burn, and you will hurt.
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enddaysengine · 2 years
Chronicles of Darkness Index
Last update: Dec 11, 2022
Ghastly (Ghost)
Lancea et Sanctum and Theology
Let’s Read Parasite Rex - Introduction
Let’s Read Parasite Rex - Chapter 1
The Shadow and the Gauntlet (Cosmology)
The Wolf and the Raven (Dark Era)
The Perfect Dress (Memento)
Night Horrors
Black Cat (GM Angel Familiar)
Burning Spiders (Spirit)
Claimed Echo
Damned Jack (Supernal)
Galvanism Cult
Ghost Bats (Animal Ghoul)
Grandfather Moros (Chthonian)
King of Silver (Spirit)
Lionel Hawk & Associates (Conspiracy)
The Master’s Hound (Animal Ghoul)
Melione (Chthonian)
The Monk in the Cathedral (Temple Guardian)
Old Man Mackenzie (Fey-Touched Hunter)
The Phantom (Temple Guardian)
Watchful Elves (Angel)
Winter Murder Floofs (Spirits and Claimed)
Yule Devil (Werewolf)
Zipperhead, Claimed (Claimed Vampire)
Ghouls (and apparently I talked about them twice, so here’s post #2)
Unchained Demons
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altonascends · 6 months
can someone exsplain the whole thing with Beast: The Primordial. Cause I don’t know what happened but I liked it when I read it a billion years ago.
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awakenedsalamander · 5 months
I've seen you talk about many of the CWoD books, but what are your thoughts on Beast?
I really liked reading that book, and I especially enjoyed how it incorporated other supernatural races into the Beasts domain.
I'd love to hear what you think.
I mean, my thoughts on Beast are, of course, kind of twisted up in the facts of its real-world lead developer, and the grossness of all that. I don’t know that I want to recount that all here, but suffice it to say, it’s hard for me to enjoy the game in light of the abuses of the head writer.
That isn’t to say that you or others who enjoy it are doing anything wrong— I really want to stress that I don’t believe that, I think that if people enjoy Beast: The Primordial then they’re getting good out of it and that’s worth celebrating— but for me I just couldn’t get there.
That said, I do like the “mythic monsters” vibe of Beast, and how it adds elements of tragic storytelling to the story. There’s a kind of grandeur to the terrifying creatures of horror, to gargantuan serpents and ferocious dragons, something I feel provokes respect and awe as much as it provokes fear.
And there’s a sorrow to that, as well. As much as you find yourself impressed by monsters like that, they don’t fit in the world, or at least, it’s hard to imagine how something so horrible could find a place among our world. So they are hunted, and they are the villains, but that isn’t like, a happy fact. The monster doesn’t want to be a monster, and perhaps the Hero doesn’t want to be a Hero (or at least shouldn’t be). But so the cycle goes.
That’s what works about Beast for me, and I’d love like, a 2E that dives into those elements. They’re already there in the corebook, and that was the part that worked for me. To play a creature of legend, one that is doomed to a grim fate, and taking the world down with it… I could love that game quite a bit. I just think it as it is Beast gets stuck on trying to make the Begotten relatable and personally sympathetic, and regardless of the baggage there, I’m not sure that’s the right direction.
As for the family relation element of Beasts being kin with other monsters (except demons) I feel… mixed. I like the idea of a type of monster that is so ancient it sees family in all the others, but I feel that trying to connect every other supernatural to Beasts, especially retroactively, feels forced and kind of weird. Again, it’s the kind of thing I’d like tweaked a little, if Beast somehow got a second edition.
All that said, I hope I didn’t come across as too harsh on Beast, I really don’t want to discourage you from enjoying the game just cause it isn’t to my tastes. I know I’m normally very positive on WoD and CofD, but don’t take my more ambivalent feelings as anything other than one guy’s opinion. If it fits into your enjoyment of the setting, then it should stay there.
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azuremliam · 5 months
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The final most important moment during Liam's journey as a human (sorta). Finally taking down the Lizard Beast that devoured the humans in their original home and their two friends (that they wear the carapace armor of).
Liam basically turns into a "tiny" Myriaxanthus to take it on. The beast tried to devour Jake and Finn but Scarab manages to get them out of the way in time.
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sharkrad08222222 · 6 months
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Listen I know Beasts are pretty bad, but I dont think they Deserve to become boner enhancers...
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spectrolitha · 19 hours
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So, a bit of disclaimer. This is a Beast the Primordial OC. He is based on a rewrite of original game. I love the idea of making characters out of something that scares me, I've done it since childhood and it has always felt therapeutic. It's a direction I'm going in with this guy, for example. And it really is a shame that a gameline that could have given me a game made for this was made by a messed up person. I do not support him or his actions, obviously. That's why, once again, I'll be using a rewrite.
Having said that, here is Eric vibing in his native reality, sort of custom-made dream (or, more precisely, nightmare) called Lair in game's term. I've also put a doodle with Eric's design under the cut.
Eric is based on fear of exposure, but in an indirect way: he is dedicated to the time, when I, thanks to the religious household I grew up in, was terrified that someone was hearing my thoughts, no matter how terrible and sinful or not. That's what Eric is all about.
His Lair, for example, has a trait where everything one thinks of in there is automatically said out loud. Which does mean that Eric has heard some really weird, to put it lightly, things, and sometimes he gets psychic damage while trying to scare someone to feed from their fears. But actually this experience is slowly teaching Eric not to be scared of accidental thoughts, even weird or "sinful", and especially not to stigmatize people based on their intrusive thoughts, because words and actions speak louder and mean much more.
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one-in-a-nillion · 12 days
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Dolphin skulled freak (positive insult)
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"From the beginning to the end, your delicious soul remains with me. Buried deep in an endless pit, Confined within my vivacious appetite as it yearns- always for more of you"
My and Mr.Coffin's oc's. The Jinn Axel and the Primordial voidfiend Mammon
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trappedinavelociraptor · 10 months
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I had to excise this poison from my brain, so here it is for you all
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riptidesfrogtopusstar · 2 months
HELLO PRETZEL! I was wondering if you have any blackmail on Chip! In return I’m offering cat photos.
(Also I heard Chip used to kiss a picture of Gill to pretend that he and Gill were dating is that true???)
ooooooooo on chip? lets see....well first off, yes that's 100 percent true, but also uhhhhh oh! chip has practiced pick up lines in celestial, some of them arent uh, they arent all good
im sorry im honestly a lot better when it comes to gilly but i hope this helps!
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terra-tortoise · 3 months
okay im debating how i want to do flight reps in the revamp. i think i want 10 mages as like the ppl who work at the highland sanctum and Specifically lean into a wizard aesthetic. but i think itd be cool to also have warrior counterparts, but that does mean im setting aside 20 slots for reps ans idk if thats worth it Or if it makes sense. itll likely be a mix of them tho really
the other thing im undecided on is whether or not to use "native" dragon breeds for them (pearlcatcher for light, guardian for water, etc) or do a fun reversal of like. determining which are opposites and making the rep one of those. i also could pick a cool fest skin and build a dragon around that--ive always wanted to use that wind fest skin that makes the head a fox, that could be a fun way to tie in beastclans.
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thebanaltongue · 4 months
A couple of friends came over tonight to do session zero for a Chronicles of Darkness game I want to run. I'm super excited about it!
I spent a lot of time writing this campaign.
-side tangent-
Unfortunately, when I tried to run it the first time, it ended up getting canceled because I had a bad player who refused to pay attention after being asked repeatedly. 🙄 (I mean playing video games WHILE I was DMing, ignoring NPCs when they were specifically being spoken to, going to sit in the woods by themself to avoid interactions) The disrespect yall, smh.
If you're going out of your way to avoid participating in the game... maybe you should find a new hobby. 👀
Anyway, I'm very hopeful this will be a better experience! My new players are very sweet and excited to get into ttrpgs. And I'm just so tickled they want me to be their DM for their first real game. 🥰 I really hope they like the story I have written; it's a very cerebral/dreamscape one!
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