#promethean: the created
awakenedsalamander · 5 months
It also turns out one of the reasons I don’t talk about Chronicles of Darkness much is that I really struggle to talk or think about anything else once I start.
So, Promethean: The Created, huh? God, what a fascinating game. One that really merges some very compelling themes with an already intriguing setting, and then gives you all kinds of fun character options to play around with. Also one that no one really knows about…
For those not up to speed, Promethean is a game about beings— Prometheans— created by humans to be human, or close to it, for one reason or another. Some people who create Prometheans do so by stitching together corpses and animating them just like Frankenstein, others create golems and other constructs, and some Prometheans don’t seem to have a creator other than the whims of the Divine Fire, which is the force that animates all of the Created.
Here’s the thing: Creating human life through magic is actually pretty tricky, and so the resulting Prometheans are invariably off, somehow. It’s a little different for each Promethean, some of them are just really disturbing and creepy in their movements and occasionally mannerisms, others are uncannily graceful, and some are just kinda vaguely alien. It doesn’t even just come down to most humans having an irrational fear and hatred of Prometheans (which is called Disquiet), nature itself seems to recoil from the Divine Fire— the weather twists and the air and water is tainted, until the area becomes a Wasteland.
So the goal of the game is simple: Find out how to become human, in a process called the New Dawn, so your Promethean player character can transcend their limits.
And god, what to say about this game! It’s about interrogating what it is to be human, or perhaps more accurately a person, and how “trying to be a person” is both inherently kind of silly— you’re already a person!— and also kind of the only thing any of us can ever do.
Prometheans complete their journeys through understanding the ways humans act, sure, but they only get there by finding the human that’s already in them. And yet, at the same time, they really are transforming— physically, mentally, and spiritually. To be human is to change, to grow, to wither, really.
This is a game about asking player characters some of the hardest questions— What does it mean to live? What is the purpose of being? What would you sacrifice to find out? Is it worth pursuing at all, anyway?— and then just letting them go on a metaphysical road trip where they struggle to answer them, making mistakes all the while, and maybe learning that being able to ask the questions at all is what matters.
I don’t know, I just wish more people knew about Promethean! It’s a painful game to play, really, what with every character being a rootless wanderer instinctually hated by most humans, so I understand why it’s a hard sell.
But there’s something so gentle, fragile, and beautiful about the game, at least to me. It’s nice that in a setting full of monsters, dark magic, and misery upon misery, you can know that somewhere, a group of vagabond outcasts are working to help each other be human, with all the joy and pain that comes with that.
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made sicely into a promethean to familiarize myself with the system before we made a player character but all the other folks in the campaign are like "no we want that one"
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To all fans of World of Darkness, Chronicles of Darkness and anything else by White Wolf and Onyx Path. This here is a fan server for both veterans and people interested in learning WoD lore, a fun inclusive server open to everyone with an interest in any of the games! Come talk about your characters, post fan art, discuss the games you want to play or your favorite editions and make some like minded friends who also happened to be obsessed with psychotic monsters.
We’re hoping to spread info about World of Darkness all over tumblr so more of you self proclaimed monster fuckers can get on in this.
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vampiboi · 5 months
No one here knows Promethean: The Created but I made my own lineage of Prometheans based on the story of Blodeuwedd and I want to share it so Im putting it here. (Image is just for vibes)
Promethean lineage oc "Blodeuwedd"
Nicknames: Flower folk or Owls
Element: Water
Humor: Phlegmatic
Theme: plant life, trickery, getting around fate with clever loopholes, dishonesty, betrayal
Unnatural growth- The promethean can accelerate and direct the growth of nearby plant life.
Deadly Kiss- The promethean can coat their lips in poison and transfer it with a single kiss.
Traits: Flower folk have an innate connection to plant life and are generally quite good at cultivating gardens even without the aid of pyros. They tend to find their plants to be better company than humans or even other prometheans. They still have an intense fascination with humanity and that same desire to one day become human, as such they will often leverage their abilities to get close enough to observe humanity, providing fruits and vegetables or even just hiding in a bush and watching closely. Flower Folk tend to be quiet with their emotions, putting on a helpful facade and letting their true feeling broil beneath the surface.
Refinements: Flower folk are particularly drawn to the refinements of cuprum and ferrum, cultivating their own bodies as easily as their gardens. Most will also attempt aurum early on in their pilgrimages but will usually only realise their distance from humanity and have to return to the refinement later on when they've grown somewhat.
Disquiet: The disquiet of the flower folk provokes distrust among nearby humans. It begins with a hunch that the flower folk are up to something. People will tend to assume that they're untrustworthy. As disquiet progresses the hunch develops into a certainty and the suspected crimes of the flower folk will grow in severity. They will be accused of plotting conspiracy, murder and betrayal. Their every action taken as proof of these claims until the disquiet grows severe enough that a mob will attempt to remove the troublemaker by force.
Wasteland: The wasteland of the flower folk manifests as plantlife in the area begins to grow out of control. Their azoth energises and provokes the plants, driving them to conquer the vicinity by force. Plants will very quickly grow wilder and larger, taking all available resources for their own growth and choking the life out of any other unfortunate creatures that happen to be in the way. At the highest level of wasteland plants will begin to develop unnatural features and many will take on a carnivorus diet and predatory behaivour.
Torment: The torment of the flower folk manifests as a growing resentmemt of those close to them and a desire to betray those who trust them. The torment of a flower folk begins quietly and often it is not apparent until its explosive climax. The flower folk will begin to resent those close to them, they will feel used and unappreciated, they will begin to regard those around them as a waste of their time energy and will begin to plot betrayal and revenge. These revenge plots can eventually culminate in things like destroying something theyve worked for together, making a big show of aiding enemies or even killing those they feel have wronged them.
Disfigurement: The flower folk usually have quite stiff limbs and often a slight greenish tint to their skin, the use of pyros causes the stiffness of their limbs to become even more apparent. Twigs may be visible poking through the skin of their limbs. Moss may be visible growing around their stiches almost like an infected wound and small blossoms may be visible growing out of any openings on their body. They may sometimes cough up flower petals.
Creation rite: Limbs reinforced with twigs and branches laced internally around the bones and between the muscles, body cavities cut open and filled with moss and flowers before being closed, the thread used to stitch any incisions closed must he made from plant fibres, the body then left submerged within rich soil with an azoth charged seed in their mouth. As the seed takes root within their stomach the promethean will awaken and pull themselves from the soil.
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tabletopresources · 1 year
sort of an unconventional ask for a theme blog but your comments on the Human Generator post really reminded me of Promethean: the Created so if that's a theme you like I'd recommend looking into it if you haven't! It's a really interesting ttrpg
I hadn’t heard of it! Thanks for the rec. :)
Happy gaming!
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thelastprometheansrp · 8 months
the blog is done!! have a look!
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thelastprometheans · 2 years
im reading about The Contagion Chronicle and hmmmmm 🤔
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vexwerewolf · 1 year
Tabletop Roleplaying Systems as DHMIS Stills
Promethean: The Created
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enddaysengine · 2 months
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Sketch of a horrible little cigarette spirit I did the other day. While it is in no way polished, it is one of my favourite recents, not in the least because it went from idea to art in under an hour.
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spectrolitha · 2 months
How it is going vs how it started
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I spent some time staring at my Galatheid OC for Promethean the Created... And then he, who was made with "spoiled, but nice kid" vibes in mind, suddenly revealed to me that he's kinda batshit insane, which I didn't plan for at all x')
Yeah, Narkizo is disobeying his creator's (mine) ideas. As a Promethean should, I suppose. That's why, using that knowledge, I drew a picture, which may be the best thing I've drawn in a while. Under the cut you can see what Narkizo was like before this reveal. He's still silly and goofy and affectionate towards Sharla, my Frankenstein girl, but now he has some sinister depth to him >:D
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Unfleshed Promethean who’s an animated anime waifu body pillow.
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waterloggedsoliloquy · 2 months
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waiting for the light to change
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manyworldsofdarkness · 9 months
Wanna go into detail? Join our discord. Please reblog after voting.
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enddaysart · 29 days
Cigarette Spirit
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Been working on this little dork for a bit. Not nice, not fun, not something you want to meet in a dark alley, but its oh so very friendly.
Instagram Patreon Writing and RPG Tumblr: @enddaysengine
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scionmysteries · 1 year
Alchemists (Chronicles of Darkness)
I’m a lot of things, but one of them is a science person. I’m driven to learn about the new and discover the unknown. All reality is one great big puzzle, and I get to see how the pieces fit together in new and exciting ways. So in fiction, I tend to have sympathy with academics, scientists, and explorers. I will die on my bed raving about how science wasn’t the problem in Jurassic Park. The problem was capitalism.
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But alchemists? Alchemists in the Chronicles of Darkness scare me. Alchemists are the dark side of scientific progress, which transgresses and doesn’t care about the harm it causes. Alchemists are the western tradition’s deep connection with imperialism and its arrogance in disenfranchising other knowledge traditions. They are the “ends justify the means” people and the “it’s for your own good” people. They want knowledge, they want power (even if they won’t admit it to themselves), and they ultimately don’t care about anything that stops them from getting either.
Alchemists are mortals who tap into the secrets of Pyros, allowing them to learn Promethean’s Distillations, modify their bodies, and gain Dread Powers. Body modification? In a game crawling with body horror? Totally not going to backfire on you, but you do you. The catch is that most Alchemists get the barest trickle of Pyros and can’t stablize much of it at a time - unless they steal it from Prometheans. And those modifications? They need Vitrol to do that, so at best, they are delaying a Promethean’s progress toward becoming human for their own game. Most of the time, they just murder them.
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If Promethean: the Created is a game that embraces humanity, its Alchemists represent the rejection of human nature. If you want to play a game where transhumanism leads to the loss of what makes humanity important, Alchemists are a great place to start.
Graveyard Gary’s been at this a long, long time. He considers himself a reanimator, in the “grand” tradition of Herbert West, while rather missing the point about West’s grizzly fate. In fact, Gary’s missed the point so completely that he didn’t even notice when his body died, but by that point, it was so laced with Spark of Life Distillations that it just kept moving. As a result, Gary’s lack of heartbeat and unblinking stare unnerve anyone who visits his cemetery, but other than the faint smell of formaldehyde and ozone, there is no decay. Gary wouldn’t even mind even if it was pointed out to him; this is the best he’s felt in years. Honestly. Mostly. Probably.
N0V4 thinks he’s big shit, with the corner office in his father’s company and a hacker alias, so he can pretend he’s on the worker’s side. He’s not untalented, but he’s a relentless taskmaster who isn’t half as bright as those who work for him. Unfortunately for every Promethean who comes near Toronto, the world of corporate ruthlessness trained him well for being an Alchemist. He’s mastered various Electrification and Luciferus Distillations, he even sees the electromagnetic spectrum’s invisible colours, but now the electricity is stalking him back. An electricity spirit has latched onto N0V4’s resonance, and it has no intention of letting its food source slow down his experiments.
Good intentions, hell, and all that. Annabel started her study of Alchemy after hearing rumours of the Created and hoped to help them. She’s even knowledgeable enough about Disquietism to help Prometheans learn the Transmutation. The problem is that she now inflicts Disquiet on those around her, and the temptation to use Weaponize to her advantage grows stronger daily.
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thelastprometheansrp · 8 months
pinned post for mobile users!
indie multimuse & multiverse rp blog, featuring my promethean: the created ocs and their custom setting!!!
please specify a muse if you send in an ask or meme!
written by crimson, she/her, 30+, cst
about | rules | muses | ask memes | rp memes | original art tag | official ask blog | ooc character dev blog
feel free to ask me more about the original game setting as well as the homebrew setting i've thought up for them! here's a link to the wiki page as well
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