#be like beto
whatthehelloh · 2 years
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rael-rider · 2 months
Well I guess that awful GotG run is gone so Gamora and Peter can go to Arakko and visit comatose Richie.
Well if the Arakkii feel like it that is...
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ipanema · 2 months
inbox call !!! i still get stuff to do on victor's blog + i work today anywys so i'm not gonna have much time to write but . i will put replies in my drafts / likely continue them
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ssminosblogs · 2 months
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Marcus is a telepath (and weird), so Beto went crazy because he lost his temper.
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elbiotipo · 1 month
Secondary characters of Campoestela (outside the Beto-Ragua-Siusini trio)
Xipi and Xapa:
A couple of Jeparet, a small pterodactyl-like species.
They do the night shift on the Mastropiero, Xipi pilots and Xapa co-pilots and does extra engineering (Siusini doesn't sleep but he has free time)
Much like Mother Earth's Agapornis lovebirds they are literally unseparable and would die if they stay apart. They are very very much like those extremely close couples you must have met.
Born in Taraguí, so they speak Rioplatense and Tandar but also a couple dialect they only understand. They help Ragua with language lessons but mix a lot of things that not even Beto understands.
They LOVE cumbia music and spend their free time dancing.
Beto's childhood friend from Aerolito and his ex
Archeologist and historian, she is an endless fountain of trivia and history rants, one reason why she got along so well with Beto.
Intensely analytical about people. You know the mad scientist stereotype? She's a mad sociologist. It works in some ocassions, not all of them.
Broke up with Beto under Unclear Circumstances during an archeological expedition.
She knows ancient languages, and so is probably one of the few people who can actually hold a conversation with Ragua on her language. How very convenient.
A vaquero disco fan space trucker from Tejas (independent from the old Usamerica for over four centuries now)
Exactly what you'd expect. Dances and sings like a devil. Always speaks in ALL CAPS.
His spaceship is decorated with disco balls, lava lamps and carpet EVERYWHERE inside, outside there's a decoration of the horns of a space creature he tamed himself. Alledgelly.
Dedicates himself to speculative trade rather than contracts like Beto and is quite rich. His spaceship is bigger and has a bigger crew who also dress as disco vaqueros. He must pay real well.
One hell of a friend, though.
Cebedós, a maintenance robot of the Mastropiero. (probably should name him after a Les Luthiers reference)
Looks like a sphere with lots of robot limbs and tools, surprsingly cute.
Over time robots develop their own personality. CB-2 is like a good dog, even wagging his robot "tail" when he does a good job.
YOU CAN'T PET HIM THOUGH, he goes into the spaceship reactor, no matter how much you clean him he's full of radation :(
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nobody care him or his conspiracy theories....SAD. except the one fan
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cicada-candy · 5 months
@moosemonstrous last one of the night i promise ":]
I just had a thought that I probably won't get to do a whole lot with but
Ghost drifting?? Very much a thing here right?
People also drift with demons in this AU.
Excuse to give Johnny fucked up eyes and teeth and voice mayhaps? I think yes
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nthflower · 2 months
Pepe larraz #700 issue cover have two cables and arakko funny name lizard mutant but no kwannon or synch or destiny or any member of five or shitton of other characters who were very important in krakoa era 😭😭
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anthruser · 2 months
I GUESS!?!?? Listen, sometimes 5 tiers just isn't fucking enough for such diversity in characters. 4th tier is really important for a lot of reasons.
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mulderscully · 8 months
wild when people think alex is gonna run for president someday bc casey has said that he will not do that. if he runs for office it's gonna be governor (which tbh makes more sense for him and how focused he is on texas specifically) in the bonus chapter him and henry do move to texas right before their wedding to live a quieter life and i feel like we needed a little epilogue in the movie of alex at law school or something to showcase that... UNLESS... sequel 👀
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when i die i want texas to lower me into my grave so it can let me down one last time :)
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starchildghost · 5 months
Gotham isn’t even worried about giving up a non-injured keeper to save ourselves from the expansion draft because we have a secret weapon: Nealy Martin (Keeper’s Version)
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mearcatsreturns · 11 months
i am deeply regretting agreeing to take time off work to go to texas for my aunt’s and uncle’s 50th anniversary celebration/family reunion that i leave for in two days. 
my extended family on my paternal side is. how do i say this. not great. maybe i’m being unfair--it certainly isn’t all of them. maybe i’m autistic and don’t understand unspoken rules, but to me the last few days have been unhinged behavior?
i decided to try to go, because it’s been 3 years since i’ve seen most of them (ie the length of my grad program). for background, when i go, i typically stay at my aunt’s and uncle’s and sleep on a couch in the boathouse or in one of the bunks in the bunk room. i usually help do dishes and things like that since i don’t pay anything. i am not wealthy (especially a couple months out from finishing grad school...i work two part-time jobs and still scrounge), and about half of my family is. going to this was a stretch for me, but i thought it would be good. one of my cousins sent me a text when planning started for the celebration, which said: 
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please note that nothing about that mentioned payment or fees, especially since she owns that house. none of our subsequent texts mentioned it. we’re family, i figured i would just help out around keeping things clean, and i bought two nice bottles of wine from my one job that i was going to give her as a guest gift. 
then yesterday, i got a text from one of my other aunts, K (not the one whose anniversary it is...my dad’s parents were catholic. it’s a big family), to me and a couple of other numbers i didn’t know. basically, a “hey, you don’t have anywhere to stay, i found this airbnb nearby. it will costs $2000 for 4 days, and split between 4, that’s $500 each!” i. uh. i was about to throw up. i texted my cousin and was like “just wanted to touch base, i’m staying at your place, right?” 
she replied and said “hey, sorry, we filled the place up! you can probably stay with K!” like??? i told her i’d heard from K, but i couldn’t afford the option she sent me (genuinely, I am taking off unpaid time from work to go here, after buying a plane ticket. I cannot do half my rent for 4 days in Texas in July. that is crazy.) at this point I panicked and called my dad, because truly, I was going to need to cancel if I had to pay something like that. i talked to my dad, and he basically said, “don’t worry about it, we’ll figure something out, but yeah, this is usually why we stay on host aunt and uncle’s trailer across the street...it’s free.” so I texted my aunt K, politely thanking her for finding that place but that I can’t afford it, but my dad was going to help me find somewhere, and said I was looking forward to seeing her (she is not the problem, this is none of her business, and she was doing her best). i was upset, but willing to be like “okay, right, i’m related to a bunch of rich people who want to charge family to stay with them over a holiday weekend,” so i was already less excited, but still ok. i played some video games about it, and i figured i’ll just accept that i’m going to be in some uncomfortable hole for the time i’m there. 
then this morning, I had another text from my cousin. 
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I did the heart thing because I genuinely didn’t know how to respond, and I still don’t know where to start. (a) this is so unnecessary, since I’m not staying with her anymore. why did you feel like you had to send this? (b) uh. you should maybe consider mentioning expectations like that when you invite people to stay with you. I did, as I previously mentioned, get some nice wine (and I work at a wine room) as a gift--that, in my experience, has been a pretty decent host gift in the past. (c) putting a vacation on a credit card when you don’t have the money or a pay bump coming to know you’ll be able to pay it off? UNHINGED. poor financial advice, and i’m sure if I’d done that, I’d get “hmm, is that fiscally responsible :/” bullshit. It’s not. I refuse to buy things I can’t afford? like? she then tried to make it better being like “I also have weed :D” and ngl, my first instinctual response (that I kept inside) was “oh, how much were you going to charge me for that? is it by puff or mg?” 
anyway. I don’t know if it’s undiagnosed autism to expect things like financial expectations to be discussed and communicated, or if they’re just being some kind of White Person Way. this isn’t the first time money-related things have happened, but the last time was a decade ago and with an entirely different person (who I have since had a strained relationship with). I have genuinely lost so much desire to interact with most of my family? if this is familial love, I’ll pass and find my own family, thanks. I can’t imagine inviting someone, then charging them for a couch or bed? this is insane, right?
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irlwakko · 2 years
also I need more Luca fics where Giulia tries desperately to be the Luberto wingman and is working both sides of the operation trying to get them to ask one another out but both Luca and Alberto are just so oblivious and dumb and Giulia wants to kill them the entire time
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elbiotipo · 9 months
remember my debate about if there could or should be magazines in Campoestela? Well, my idea now is that since the FTL system cuts you away from radio communications (and, in any case, most communications are difficult to maintain in space, with light-minutes or even light-days of delay), there's not such thing as the ultra-fast internet we're used to in space. So physical media proves itself popular again; courier data spaceships do deliver data, but spacers in general keep computers loaded with stuff to do and watch.
NOW ABOUT MAGAZINES: my idea is that spacer communities are close-knit like big widespread clubs and they have lots to talk about, but for obvious reasons they can't really use social media or blogs, so like many others, Beto's spacer syndicate/union publishes a monthly magazine in paper (gasp!), Astronaútica Popular. The format is not of a short magazine, it's big, like a scientific journal or more obviously issues of old magazines like those my dad had. Sold in every spaceport of the Esteloplatense Confederation, it has everything: announcements by the union and letters to the editors, spaceship reviews, tech tips, lifestyle articles, tales and interviews, personal ads, columns, and lots of drama, because astronauts love to argue, columnists arguing with each other about pointless minuteae of spacesuits over months and months. And that includes Beto.
the idea is a scene where Beto is slumped on the pilot chair reading the latest issue with a mate on hand and muttering "este Ramírez de vuelta escribiendo pelotudeces sobre reactores de ciclo abierto, dale sí mucho delta-v y donde te metés la radiación después?" and then writing a very angry letter to the editor about it
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