#bbc apologizes
the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 5 months
The story:
The BBC has apologised for reporting Hamas claims that the Israeli army was responsible for carrying out “summary executions” in the Gaza strip without seeking sufficient corroborating evidence. The story, which appears to have been based on a report from the news agency AFP [Agence France-Presse], centered on a statement from the Hamas terror group. It accused Israeli troops of illegally killing 137 Palestinian civilians since the war started on October 7 and burying them in a pit in northern Gaza. The BBC said that it had failed to “make sufficient effort to seek corroborating evidence to justify reporting the Hamas claim”. It added that its accusations were attributed and its story contained a response from the Israeli military saying that it was unaware of the incident and that Hamas was a terrorist organisation that did not value truth. Some staff considered that by posting the report on its corrections and clarifications web page, the BBC had not gone far enough to rectify its mistake. “Unless this apology is public and broadcast in the same arena as the original mistake, the damage is done,” said one Jewish employee. A second staffer added: “They have taken the Hamas line — a terror organisation — at face value, far too much since October 7. And nothing has changed. And again it’s an apology about a very serious accusation against Israel hidden on a corrections page.” The BBC has previously apologised for a television report that Israeli troops had targeted medical staff during a raid on a hospital in Gaza in November. The previous month it had admitted that it was wrong of one of its correspondents to speculate that that a rocket that fell outside al-Ahli hospital in Gaza had been fired by Israel.
So there you have it: a completely bogus report, originating from Hamas, that the BBC apologized for because it didn’t do “due diligence”.
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guardianspirits13 · 3 months
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Dear whomever at the BBC made the decision to break the established parameters of regeneration to avoid putting David Tennant in the 13th Doctor’s outfit… I just wanna talk
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gabriels-golden-kazoo · 2 months
Just try not to think about how Arthur was probably waiting around for Merlin to join him in whatever you classify as heaven, and Merlin waiting around for Arthur to join him back on earth.
Both of them just waiting patiently, only for the other to never come.
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spooksicl-e · 5 months
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new year, old john watson doodles^^
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catabasis · 1 year
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Ben Willbond as soldiers, pilots and military officers
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tiredcowboyy · 2 months
arthur left for camlan thinking the last thing he would ever say to merlin (bc he definitely knew there was a chance he was gonna die and didnt think merlin would show up) was calling him a coward and that truly rocks my world on a daily basis
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askarsjustsoswedish · 2 months
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Alexander Skarsgård, Max Irons, Florence Pugh, Bethany Muir – The Little Drummer Girl, Ep1 – Gadi Becker, Al, Charlie Ross, Sophie. BBC and AMC.
[I made a similar gifset back in 2018 and this past week or so it's been continually hitting my notifications and I've been squirming with embarrassment so hard. Now that my gif making is better, and the limit is now 10mb, I had to make them again. And yes, I added Max/Al stating the obvious! Apologies if you've recently reblogged my op from '18.]
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spineless-lobster · 7 months
Oh my god okay so the was I see it, the captain using his title as a name is like a facade he puts up. He wants to be seen for his efforts in the war rather than the sensitive person he really is. He puts up a front of being a war hero because that’s what’s expected of him. “The Captain” isn���t really him, it’s hard for him to be his true self and open up etc etc. We all understand that, right? Good.
Throughout the redding weddy flashback we only ever see havers refer to cap as “sir” (a sign of respect, might I add) not once does he call him “captain” (“communique for you sir, I’m afraid I’m leaving you sir” you get the idea)
In carpe diem, even AFTER havers gets promoted to major (a rank above the captain) he still addresses him as “sir” this is likely and instinctual act, but I also like to see it as him dignifying the captain in front of everyone who is looking down on him. Then, as the captain is dying, he calls him by his name.
Not only does this mean that they were close enough to give each other their first names, but NOT ONCE does havers call him captain. Since the first time he’s on screen, havers looked through the facade and he found what was underneath. He sees the man behind the rank, and he loves him
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getinangell · 4 months
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does anyone else find it insane that the captain sleeps in the exact same way he fucking died, like the way hes gripping havers stick??? hello???
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noodles-and-tea · 4 months
Absolutely insane that you start posting Sherlock stuff seconds after I'm thrown back into my Sherlock phase you're adding so much more fuel to the fire and I don't know how I'm going to survive it now XD
Also your art's amazing and I would devour it if I could. That is all, thank you.
Well you know what they say about coincidences…
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369 notes · View notes
me to me: girl, don't do it.
me: *imagines an au where the show didn't practically forget about merlin and gwaine's friendship after series 3, and gwaine found out about his magic sometime in series 4, and merlin got to have a friend again who knew everything about him and who he could be his true self with and tell everything to and share sneaky, knowing looks with when he secretly performed magic and—*
me to me: well, now you've done it. enjoy the pain.
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pineappical · 11 months
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captains 🦋
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sspookyspoonss · 6 months
I know nothing about Doctor Who except what friends occasionally excitedly tell me. I am also bored. Here is an undoubtably factual explanation of each of the ‘new?’ Doctors:
Doctor…. Who??????:
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I know nothing about this guy. Nobody I know talks about Christopher Eccleston nor have I caught wind of any internet discussion. My conclusion is there is a conspiracy to not talk about him for no reason other than the fandom got bored and thought it would be funny. I think this Doctor would like to go to football matches and would get very upset if the team he likes doesn’t win. You would probably randomly meet him at a pub and would have a nice chat with him, however, he’d take you back to the Tardis and you would most likely die via Dalek plunger (a thing I am informed they can kill you with). I also think he would like watching reality TV, he gives of that vibe.
Tumblr Doctor:
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The internet likes this guy. David Tennant is cool, so I understand. I think this is ‘wibbly wobbly timey wimey’ guy so I am inclined to think that he also says things like ‘milkys’ and ‘dindins’ to his friends. Even if he is not ‘timey wimey’ guy I still think he still would say ‘milkys’ and the like, gives off that vibe.
He has some angst to do with a woman. I’m not sure why but I’m guessing it’s to do with Thomas Edison. The Doctor knows he stole most of his inventions because he can time travel and saw it happen, not stopping him is one of the Doctor’s greatest failures, however, his lady friend is a victim of the British Education system and thinks otherwise. They break up over it, angst ensues, Thomas Edison has ruined someone else’s life even after he’s dead.
‘I don’t like this guy’ Doctor:
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I do not like this Doctor, worst one. Nothing against Matt Smith or his performance, I’m sure it was brilliant, I’ve seen that Van Gough clip and it made me cry 10/10. More importantly than that however, my supposed childhood best friend who was actually just bullying and manipulating me said he was her favourite so I look at him and remember I wasted my childhood with her. He can make it up to me if he time travels and gets child me a better friend. Then he will be the best Doctor.
He or Tumblr Doctor has a wife????? I think???? I’m not sure but which one it is but because of my bias I’m saying it’s this guy. I know it’s dodgy because of time travel so he needs to go to space jail (or as Tumblr Doctor probably calls it, the ‘Naughty Step’). I’m assuming they also have a child, making every reincarnation of the Doctor from here on out a deadbeat who needs to pay A LOT of child support. That is why he regenerated, so he could avoid paying it, ‘Court can’t prove I’m the Dad if I don’t have his face.’ Arsehole.
Screwdriver scandal TM Doctor:
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He looks like a nice guy. This Doctor would sit you down and give you a therapy session after you nearly get killed by a Weeping Angel. I would like having a talk with him, it would be nice. I feel like he is the most well adjusted Doctor, although that could just be Peter Capaldi’s immaculate vibes. This Doctor pays his taxes. He doesn’t like Paddington Bear for some reason. Due to his well adjustedness, I am lead to believe the twist in Paddington 3 is that Paddington is The Master (who I think is a villain) and will go on a rampage across London, turning people into Marmalade. It will be up to the Doctor and the family I’ve forgotten the name of, to stop him. This would also provide an explanation for why the Mum’s actor has changed, to fix Paddingtons mess they had to time travel which led to the Dad marrying a different woman.
He threw away the Sonic Screwdriver apparently. Previously mentioned childhood best friend complained to no end about it to me. Knowing fanbases other people were also likely very upset, I’m guessing it felt like it did to me when Luke Skywalker chucked his lightsaber over his shoulder in The Last Jedi. I also think Screwdrivergate is a tragedy because they didn’t take the opportunity to replace the Screwdriver with another, even sillier, Sonic _______. I suggest either a Sonic Scented Candle or a Sonic Keyring. Alas, it was not to be.
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People don’t like her because woman. People also don’t like her because of bad writing. Last time I checked, neither of these are Jodie Whittaker’s fault. I don’t have much to say about her except my new, (actually great this time) friend who likes Doctor Who has an emotional reaction every time she is brought up. Genuine sadness and disappointment in my friends eyes. I suggest that this means this is a fantastic Doctor, to the point it is art. A sign of good art is something that garners a strong emotional reaction. Despair at the state of the franchise and societies misogyny may not have been the intention, but a strong reaction is incurred nonetheless, so success, this is art now.
‘Guess Who’s back!’ Doctor:
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Erm, not sure how in canon this works but David Tennant seems to be having a nice time so it’s good. The alternative name for this Doctor is ‘Production Budget Doctor’ because from the ends of episodes I’ve seen (I watch Strictly Come Dancing because ooo pretty dresses and it’s on after) the Tardis looks very fancy and like it’s from a big budget film. Coffee also got spilled on it which is funny because it messed the Tardis up, meaning not even the technology of a near God can withstand dumbass humans with liquids. Hilarious. Also, an apt metaphor for many things.
In conclusion: I’m sorry for any brain damage caused to the good members of the Doctor Who fanbase who read this. Have a nice day.
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raina-at · 13 days
How do you apologise for something unforgivable? 
How do you look the person you love most in the world in the eyes and apologise for two years of lying and deceit, for turning them into a perpetual victim of the game you played because you were bored?
The thing is, even at his best, Sherlock doesn’t do apologies. 
If he regrets a course of action, which has happened in the past, he makes amends otherwise. He and Mycroft communicate regret through gifts of expensive alcohol. Lestrade gets a text with hints about his current case, however mundane it might be. Molly gets coffee, Mrs Hudson gets the sherry truffles she likes a bit too much.
John… back in the day, he’d apologise to John by buying milk. Doing laundry. Making tea. 
He suspects that won’t quite cut it this time. 
He tries to write an apology, on the way to the Landmark. But everything he jots down on a British Airways napkin he still had in his pocket seems… trite. Empty. Imperfect.
John deserves a perfect apology. Sherlock is incapable of delivering one that’s even marginally acceptable.
So he skips it altogether.
It turns out that might not have been the best course of action.
At the end of the night, he crumples up the napkin and throws it out of his bedroom window, watching as it floats down onto Mr Chatterjee’s bins. 
It's a fitting end for a thoroughly shit evening.
During the following months, Sherlock tries to compensate for his lack of appropriate words by doing everything he can to help John. He plans the wedding, he broods over seating charts, he teaches John how to walz—pure torture, that one, and not only because John is a lousy dancer—, picks out his suit, arranges a stag night. He studiously ignores all the parts of him that want to curl up into a corner and die, ignores the pain in his heart and the regrets welling up in his throat like bile every time he opens his mouth and lies by omission. He never says what he’s thinking anymore, because what he thinks is always a litany of all the things he did wrong, all the moments he wasted, all the regrets he will take to his early grave at this rate. 
John said he forgives Sherlock. But he still feels like there’s something missing. Something absolutely essential has been extracted out of the very marrow of their relationship, leaving them hollowed out, brittle and fragile, easy to shatter.
And yet he still feels the magnetic pull between them, still feels the sizzle and pop, the connection between them, more addictive than any drug and possibly more destructive now that the guardrails of mutual trust and understanding are gone.
John is wary of him. Sherlock can’t blame him.
Maybe, just maybe, an imperfect apology would have been better than none at all.
It’s stuffy in the vestry. The sun shines in through a small window, and Sherlock watches the dust motes. John fidgets with his cufflinks. 
Sherlock feels like he’s been standing on ever-shifting sand during the last few months, as the time he had left with John slowly ran out. Now he’s on the last kernels, and he can already feel the glass beneath his feet, slippery and dragging him down the rabbit hole of self-destruction.
He reaches into his pocket to check the time on his phone when his fingers find something else entirely.
He takes it out. It’s the napkin he scrawled all of his imperfect, stuttering words onto, words he couldn’t say, words that still stick in his throat like a bone he was never able to swallow.
It shouldn’t be here. He remembers throwing it out.  How did it get into the inner pocket of his wedding suit? 
“What’s that?” John asks. He’s leaning against the vicar’s desk, not at all the picture of the happy bridegroom, uncomfortable in his suit, nervous, ill at ease in this church he didn’t pick.
Sherlock looks down at the napkin. He swallows. “Nothing,” he says, quietly, addressing his hands. Too little, too late. No use opening up old wounds now.
John gives him a long look that clearly states he doesn’t believe a word out of Sherlock’s mouth. Then he shrugs, looks away, obviously disappointed. “Fine. Fine,” he mutters, apparently more to himself than to Sherlock. He checks his watch, a nervous, impatient gesture. “Ten minutes to showtime. Better check on the guests.”
He walks to the door, and Sherlock catches a glimpse of the expression on his face in the mirror over the desk. Disappointment, pain. Regret.
And he suddenly realises that reopening old wounds assumes that they’ve healed. And that there is no such thing as too little when the alternative is nothing, and that he’s actually, really, truly, on the cusp of too late.
John turns, looks at him, eyebrows raised in silent question.
“There’s something I should say,” Sherlock begins, hating the way his voice sounds, unsure, unsteady, like he’s chewing on broken glass.
John makes a ‘go on then’ gesture with his hand, leaning against the wall next to the door. Visibly bracing himself.
“I- it occurs to me,” Sherlock says, hesitant, feeling a bit like he’s fighting against his better judgement with every word out of his mouth, “that I never- I never apologised. For. You know.”
“Making me watch you die and lying to me for two years?” John fills in the blanks. He gives Sherlock a small, humourless smile, and there’s a world of bitterness in his voice, a poison they never lanced out of that wound. “No. You didn’t, did you? You said please forgive me, but that’s not actually an apology, is it.”
Silence falls, and Sherlock can’t. He can’t. He feels like flaying himself open and trusting John not to destroy him by telling him whatever Sherlock has to offer isn’t good enough, isn’t, quite simply, enough, is as beyond him as it was that night at the Landmark.
John huffs a laugh that’s more annoyance than humour. “Well. Glad we had that conversation,” he mutters, pressing his lips together, clearly trying to hold some powerful emotion in.
You’re hurting him again, Sherlock thinks. If you stop now, you bloody fucking coward, how will you ever look at yourself in the mirror again? 
He looks down at the napkin, at the words he never said. The words that needed saying. Well, as they say, there’s no time like now.  “I- I should start by saying that I did what I thought was necessary when I jumped. And that you weren’t supposed to be there. I planned for this contingency, and I should have told you, but at the time, I thought it was necessary for your survival to deceive you. But you being there was neither part of the plan nor what I would have wanted to happen.” He looks up, meets John’s eyes, who’s watching him with an unreadable expression on his face. “So. Number one. I’m sorry I made you watch.”
John is silent, but his eyes are fixed on Sherlock’s face, and he’s clearly paying close attention to every word that comes out of Sherlock's mouth.
Sherlock takes a deep breath and continues,“I went after Moriarty’s network because I felt it was my responsibility to clean up my own mess, and nobody else’s. It seemed selfish of me to risk your life for my hubris. I nearly reached out to you so many times, and I didn’t because if you had known I was alive, you would have wanted to join me, and I wouldn’t have had the strength of character to turn you down. If you’d died, it would have killed me. So. Two. I’m sorry I wasn’t willing to endure what I put you through.”
There’s a knock on the door.
“Go away!” John yells, without turning. 
John makes a frustrated noise, takes the two steps to the door and turns the key in the lock. “I said,” he growls at the vicar at the other side of the door,  “Go. The fuck. Away!” 
Then John turns around and makes an inviting gesture in Sherlock’s direction. “Continue.”
Sherlock gestures to the door. “Are you sure you-”
John huffs a frustrated sigh. “Yes, thank you for pointing out that I’m getting married in five minutes, you utter prat, and congrats for choosing the worst possible time for this, but fucking hell, Sherlock, don’t you think we’ve waited for this long enough?”
Sherlock acknowledges the point with a tilt of his head. “Best get on with it, then.” He takes a deep breath, because this is the difficult one. He holds up the napkin. “I wrote this when I came back. On my way to the Landmark. You deserved to hear it then. But I was too much of a coward to face the consequences of my actious. So. Number three. I’m sorry I made you wait so long.”
“Why now?” John asks, softly, his face still unreadable, his eyes riveted to Sherlock’s face. “Why tell me this now?”
“Because there’s a number four,” Sherlock says, quietly, holding John’s eyes. He gets up, slowly, approaches John, giving him plenty of time to back away, to stop him, to leave.
But John stays. John holds his eyes, holds his ground. Waits.
Sherlock moves closer, invades his space, traces his fingers along the lapels of John’s beautiful suit. 
“Number four,” Sherlock murmurs, inching closer to John with every word, “I’m sorry I made you feel like I don’t care about you. I’m sorry I pushed you away. I’m sorry I never said thank you, for your trust, for your companionship, for the very best of times. I’m sorry it took me this long to say I love you, and I’m sorry I never asked you to come back. And I’m sorry for this,” he says, as he leans in and presses his lips to John’s.
John’s breath hitches as he pulls Sherlock closer and kisses back, fierce and courageous and like he’s been waiting for this just as long as Sherlock has. 
There’s loud voices and pounding on the door, and both their phones are vibrating with missed calls and texts, and neither of them notices as they kiss, and kiss, and kiss. John’s arms have snaked around Sherlock and he’s holding on like he never intends to let go, and Sherlock feels the knot in his stomach and the dread in his heart dissolve under the onslaught of John’s passion, and his kisses, and his love.
They finally break apart, and Sherlock knows he’ll remember the exact curve of John’s smile and the exact shade of his eyes in that moment for the rest of his life. “I forgive you,” John whispers, and it sounds like a vow. “I forgive you.”
And this time, Sherlock believes him. 
If anyone wants to venture a heacanon how a certain item found its way into a certain pocket, I won't stop you. I personally have my suspicions ;-)
If there are any embarrassing mistakes in there, please forgive me. It's Friday evening, and it's been a WEEK.
Also, if you want to read a similar scenario a bit less seriously, might I recommend my fic Speak Now, where Sherlock gives new meaning to the phrase 'last minute'.
Tags under the cut as always, please let me know if you want to be tagged or untagged.
Thank you all for a wonderful fandom time, all the writers and all the commenters and re-bloggers, and especially @calaisreno for keeping us going. Love you all.
@calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @jrow @peanitbear @jolieblack @meetinginsamarra @helloliriels @keirgreeneyes @lisbeth-kk @friday411 @givemesherbet-blog-blog @weeesi @thalialunacy @thegildedbee @dapetty @salmonsown
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coefficiente · 9 months
ao3 bookmarks wrapped (end of year) - interest survey
edit: try it out here!
Presents a summary of your stats from your bookmarks via some colourful graphs - only needs your html data uploaded. Completely automated, requires no programming knowledge, no use of dynamic web scraping, entirely cloud hosted, and your data is only stored privately on your google drive.
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^ graphs above are script generated
sound like fun?
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queerofthedagger · 2 months
I just think that there are many reasons why one can go back and forth on whether Ygraine's spirit is really Ygraine in s2e8, but judging her and/or the situation one way or another over the fact that she is for once someone who tells Arthur the goddamn truth really just ain't it. Like. of course he would be furious! maybe because - and hear me out here - the truth is something to be furious about! Everyone constantly fucking lies and lies and lies to Arthur, to spare him, to stop him from being angry, for one million supposed reasons of knowing better, so maybe yes a sign of actual love is to not put yourself into the line-up and be honest, for once in his goddamn life
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