#batb 1987
brienneoftarth · 1 month
Beauty and the Beast was a TV series starring Linda Hamilton and Ron Perlman in the 1980's. George R.R. Martin was one of the writers and producers. It's also strange. This will be my last video for a long time as I'll be giving birth in three weeks.
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walks-the-ages · 9 months
okay, remaking the post with nicer formatting.
This will be a living post, which means when you see it cross your dash, click Here to see the original.
If you find more links on the archive, feel free to add them in the replies and I will edit them into the original post!
An Incomplete List of Beauty and The Beast (1987) Novels and Guide Books on the Internet Archive:
(last update: 8/10/2023)
[books whose links end with an '*' mean they are only PDF book scans available currently, which is 4 out of 5 books currently.
Books with no * at the end mean they are accessible EPUBs]
The Novels:
Book One: "Beauty and The Beast: A Novel" (1989) By Barbara Hambly (Novelization of 1x01)
Book Two: "Masques" by Ru Emerson (1990) (Novelization of 1x05) *
Book Three: "Song of Orpheus" by Barbara Hambly (1990) (Novelization of 1x08) *
The Guide Books:
Above and Below: A guide to Beauty and the Beast (1990) *
The Unofficial Tale of Beauty and the Beast (1988)*
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rjalker · 11 months
I finally found a list of the episodes so if you are planning to watch the 1987 show, Beauty and the Beast, if you are autistic, and especially if you are Black and autistic, you might want to skip Season 1's episode 23, "Chamber Music".
It's about an autistic Black boy being exploited, dehumanized, and ultimately traumatized and his entire life ruined because people only care about him because of what he can do for them, which in his case is his ability to play music on the piano without having to be taught.
The entire point of the episode is that the way he is being treated is horrific and wrong, but if you're autistic, and especially Black, you do not need to be told this. You can skip it.
I literally cannot hear any part of Moonlight Sonata without being filled with murderous rage.
If you're already aware that ABA is literal torture and abuse and that autistic people, and especially Black autistic people, are regularly dehumanized and abused, you don't need to watch this episode.
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nakmor-leigh · 1 year
Oh AYE, Vincent says "I'm going to be gone for three days exploring deep caves all by myself to find a gift for Catherine" and his family is all "Okay have fun!"
BUT WHEN HE SAYS "I'm going on a trip with Catherine for a day or two out to a secluded cabin in the mountains" ITS ALL "You're gonna leave us FOREVER and then we'll have no one to PROTECT us! Vincent what about US!!"
What about VINCENT you fuckers??? Even BODYGUARDS need a damn BREAK
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unave · 2 years
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I can’t believe the Simpsons referenced to the 1987 Beauty and The Beast show
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moonmothmama · 1 year
When I first heard about BatB 1987, I legit thought it was a cartoon like TMNT.
i could honestly see it translated into a cartoon a la disney's gargoyles
disclaimer: i've seen like four episodes. i fully expect it to go off the rails like every show of that era did
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randomfoggytiger · 2 months
"I Know You. It’s What I Do."
The X-Files and Beauty and the Beast 1987 crossover.
Dedicated to @amplifyme, who nurtured me into the wonderful world Below~. Saw this post again and couldn't resist (though Mulder and Vincent were sidelined quite unexpectedly.)
The hulking shadow had vanished from the tunnel mouth, slipping through cold, faded stone as easily as mist; and taken her partner with him. Mulder’s ferocious “FBI--” wilted into an unanswered echo while she yelled for him, hit the rock, hit it again, and began pushing, shoving each of the weathered corners to find a weak spot. 
Werewolves, he’d pronounced two days ago, toying her with gruesome crime scene photos. There has to be two-- one to bait the victim, the other to catch him unawares and cleave him in half. The targets were always men, were always attacked at night, were always within a respectable radius of each other. Mulder kept his math sharp since the Dupre-Phillips case. 
She’d argued this was a case for serious intervention from animal control, laying out the impossibility of his theory in the singular (let alone as a coupling of homicidal carnivores.) 
They never eat the bodies, Scully-- just shred them. Probably protecting themselves or their families.
The debate was picked up and set aside at various junctures-- taxi, plane, taxi, motel, taxi, police station-- but while he entertained theories of another mated Jersey Devil pair, she avoided recollections of Lyle Parker groaning and shrieking in pain in the dark. 
The tapping could have been mistaken for the wind innocuously sweeping up pebbles littered around her feet had Scully not been earnestly listening for a sign. Louder, softer; longer, short, short, long. Code-- and not one her father had taught her when starching her nouns and adjectives with the repetitive heartbeat of Morse Code pounded out on the table, on the dashboard, on the wheel of their rented vacation boat. But whoever was out there making noise would at least hear her own attempts at communication. 
SOS, HELP, LOST, Scully beat, fingers splayed to protect her manicure while she banged out her distress over and over and over. 
The wall gave way, softly grinding across the floor and spilling out the warmth of torch light, dazzling to Scully’s unadjusted eyes. She wheeled back, searching for purchase on the slick stone and dirt and dust, grappling for her holstered gun as a tall silhouette emerged from the secret door. Not as tall as the shadow, not even as tall as her partner; not an animal and most definitely not a werewolf. 
The stranger stretched her palm up and out, her friendly face and flaming hair escaping over one shoulder in the twin beams of her own and her guest's light. 
“Nice to finally meet you, Scully, FBI. Diana Bennett. I’m with the New York City police department.” 
The Tunnels, Diana explained, were a sacred part of the world Below. A couple miles the right way and you came straight to the Chambers; a couple yards the wrong way, and you were likely to find a nasty surprise or two. 
“Then where’s Agent Mulder? Are you taking me to him?” 
“He’s with Vincent. Rather, Vincent’s with him, letting your partner think he’s in charge. Don’t worry about him: the two of them’ll be back once they’ve had their fun.”
Scully halted their steady walk and stood back, weighing the truth in Diana’s eyes. There was a keen intelligence that edged somewhere between clever and clairvoyant-- but the edges were straight all the way down; and kind. “My partner will know he’s being fooled with.” 
“I figured,” Diana nodded, turning to slide the torch into the nearest hook, “but Vincent doesn’t play a fool’s game. He wants to take your partner’s measure.” Her smile, wide and fleeting, carved through the darkness. “It’s been a while since Above gave him anything, anyone, new to abstract over.” 
It was, Scully decided, wisest to evenly match Diana’s stride, light bearer that she was. Carefully, she cooled her voice to a sharp, practiced nonchalance: “Did Vincent have anything to do with the killings?” 
“Yes. They came after him and…." She trailed off, changing directions before the silence became pronounced. "Vincent was captured by a ruthless, powerful man six years ago. Since then, the enemies have been pouring in by trickle and truckload. Can’t shake ‘em, and they won’t shake us. It’s become a three-way habit now. Vincent and I are hunters-- you can’t beat that on home turf. But... it wears on him. Then you two flew into town.” Again, the smile. “You should’ve seen him this morning when Agent Mulder found that tuff of fur. Both of them were practically quivering with excitement over the other.” 
Then she became serious; and stopped talking the rest of the walk. 
Time was hard to determine in this unending darkness: it sank into one's mind, tearing out the crucial parts until all that was left was anxious awareness.
 “Look, I don’t know what you or, or Vincent want with me or with Mulder, but I’d like to know where he is so both of us can go home.” 
Diana stopped this time, appraising Scully’s rigid posture and shaking hands, opening her mouth halfway in contemplation, standing absolutely still. A pipe creaked, or groaned, or tapped; and she lifted her head higher as if from a daze, abrupt and wincing. 
“Back that way, then.” 
The women turned, gaining a foot or two before she clumsily lunged towards the wall-- “Forgot to alert Vincent”-- and squatted down to pick up the nearest rock she could find. Language was once more transmitted along an adjacent, sinewy pipe, swirling and jolting deeper into that impenetrable darkness. 
“Is he bringing my partner?” 
“I think Agent Mulder will be along on his own.” 
Day was seeping into the tunnel before Diana spoke again. 
“I was 32 when my life changed. One day I was working on an unsolvable case about a woman found dead in her apartment-- many stories up, no witnesses, no evidence-- and the next I was mapping out Vincent's mind on my board at home. I anticipated him, tracked him, found him. I saved him, he saved me back. Now, we save each other.”
Scully watched her brush off another secret notion with another escaping tendril of hair: disturbed; and determined not to show it. They both knew she’d shown it. 
“It was my idea for the two of you to come down here, see Below for yourselves. Thought it’d be my way to start you on your own 32.” With a sigh, she straightened and ambled closer to the secret door. “But you’re not ready yet. Too bad.” 
“Too bad I won’t see more of the sewers?” A bluff affront, a wry offering of peace. And well-received. 
“Too bad you won’t hear the angels sing. Vincent or one of his books might call it something like, ‘Some glorious nothing I did see’.” 
“Hm. Maybe next time.” 
A rush of calm settled close, punctuated by scattered code calls faintly reverberating off the walls. 
Taxi, motel, taxi, police station, taxi, motel. 
Mulder remained subdued after their reunion in the Park. 
She’d left Diana, walking ahead to relish the sun, the morning birds, the earliest joggers circling their usual route. 32, with three haunting years tailing behind her. 32, with darkness a comforting consideration rather than an oppressive presence. 
Taxi, airport. 
Scully turned on the nondescript bench-- coffee flavor of the month in one hand and guilty rag magazine in the other-- to stare at her partner, watching the blazing sun eat away at the shadows lingering in the peaks and valleys of his profile.  
“Mulder.” And he turned, staring back. “Did you see anything?” 
His mouth worked back and forth, eyes flecked with tangling emotions. “I… heard singing.”
Thanks for reading~
Tagging @today-in-fic
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nerdytunnelbug · 3 months
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Vincent walking through snow-falling in Central Park Gif
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Vincent getting his first of many oh shit Catherine is in danger moments holy shit he is booking it down that tunnel MAN IS HOLDING ON A TRIAN THE FUCK i do not remember any of that
Also judging by the bang and the Vincent shaped hole in the wall i don't thing this building was apart of the underground tunnels.
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amplifyme · 8 months
Finished Bright Spirit Descending~.
(This is going to be quick and unedited as I've got to keep going irl.)
Nan is brilliant, as always.
I'd love to hear all about bts content-- did Nan write this after her fics? When and why did she get contacted to write? Are there any interviews I can read up on? Any and all information will be greedily swallowed whole.
Loved how this filled-in the episodes-- tv or movie novelizations are a beloved niche of mine.
Nan definitely understood Cathy better than I did (and do); and I think her point (through Vincent's POV) is too true-- that Cathy is drawn to and feels alive in the danger without realizing, like she had been drawn to her abusive ex without first sorting her fearfully contradictory emotions. It's unhealthy, it's a feedback loop for Vincent, and both of their situations are probably going to get worse before it gets better. And, like you say, Cathy is naive and doesn't intend to harm; but there's also that willfully naive or obstinately "I can do this" quality to her that does not bend to circumstance. There is only one route to be done, always. Now that I think about it, she's very like Father: neither like to change their views on matters, both have "set in their ways" habits, and both collapse rather quickly when their viewpoint of the world is shattered or challenged. Or, if they rise to the challenge, it is because they have another viewpoint as a backup (i.e. Cathy's "you always told me to face my fears!" on the tail end of a failure.) I don't have a moment where I heavily dislike or am irritated by her other than the moments where the emotions that she prizes so strongly get in the way of common sense or logic. She's come a long way, and will go longer I'm sure. (S1 finale made me really respect her and look forward to those possibilities. However, I always remind myself that all roads lead to Rome.)
Jacob and John, Paracelsus and Father. Seamless, gorgeous, beautifully constructed. Anna and Grace and Devin and little Vincent... all of their characters were exceptional. The community's construction, expanding borders, rules, governances, operations, interpersonal dynamics: all exquisite. John's descent and Anna's end and Vincent's torture and Devin's love and speech (I had a kid in my life give a Devin speech once-- excellently written, Nan) and Father saving and learning to love his new son and the community closing ranks around Vincent for more complex and complicated reasons and why John stayed and why he finally left....
I'm almost speechless at the quality of this book. I could not put it down and read it all the way through (good thing I trusted Nan's excellence and planned for that to happen going in.)
It did clarify my confusion in Nan's other fic: Vincent thinks the same "I must separate from" thoughts; but, aside from the Pilot and the finale episode, I can't recall if that is an established pattern of behavior in S1. He's had many conversations of how much Catherine struggles (and himself); but never about permanently severing their tie or communication. I don't think, anyway. (Correct me if I'm wrong!) I do agree it is Vincent's nature. My only wonder is if it is to this degree. And if I am wrong, then that tells me I either missed something HUGE in S1 or there's a monster of character writing to face in S2 and S3; and I can't wait to turn the corner and find it.
Also: Nan filtering Vincent's mind through Paracelsus's drug and Catherine's woozy daydreams of Dris and Eurydice and all of the mythologies put together was so brilliantly done that I'm of two minds: that that was the original intention to be drawn, or that it was a slight intention that Nan magnified. Either way, what excellent, excellent writing.
I am so satisfied and pleased and content and abuzz with this story and this show these characters that I might fill in some S1 gaps (if you think I've missed any, point them out!), go over some passages of Nan's work, and watch it all jenga higher and higher as it builds towards S3 and "S4".
Thank you again and again for putting pieces up of Nan's writing and of this series (and so much more~.)
Book discussion below...
I'd love to hear all about bts content-- did Nan write this after her fics? When and why did she get contacted to write? Are there any interviews I can read up on? Any and all information will be greedily swallowed whole.
A little background: Nan wrote and published the AWTN series between 1991-1992 and it was, I believe, the first BATB fanfic she'd written. Then at some point in 1991 she was commissioned by Cinemaker Press, who had the license to publish BATB fiction, with the approval of Republic Pictures (which owned the rights to the show), to write a novelization of the S2 ending trilogy, which she titled Beyond Words, Beyond Silence. A year after that was published, she was approached to write a second novelization and chose to tackle The Alchemist and To Reign in Hell and create the backstory of the tunnel community.
I never asked Nan specifically why she was approached, but I have to assume that someone at Cinemaker read at least some of AWTN. And Nan was already a fairly well known sci-fi/fantasy writer with several professionally published works under her belt. So who better to commission, right?
Sadly, Cinemaker Press lost their publishing license and folded while in the midst of prepping Bright Spirit Descending for publication. So Nan eventually published it herself as a fanzine. There are still copies of Beyond Words, Beyond Silence floating around (I have one myself) but any for sale are stupidly expensive. Last I looked, the price was $159. Oops, just looked on Amazon and now it's closer to $180. Luckily for fans of Nan, she continued to make both novels available for download and at no cost up until her death, and still to this day.
As far as interviews, there's little to nothing on the web. Nan had very little desire for self-promotion. She was much more interested in mentoring and promoting other writers and artists in the fandom and doing her part to keep the dream alive after the show was canceled. Her website for the two authorized novels is still accessible here: http://nan_dibble.tripod.com/
You can also access more information about her on Fanlore. If you do a deep dive on the links to her BATB fanfic there, you'll discover that her AWTN series was considered one of the most controversial zines in the fandom and not very well received by Classic fans (those who deny anything that happened after the S2 finale and insist Cathy didn't die). I'm afraid that by introducing you to Nan's work and the show with AWTN, I've brought you into a very small subset of the fandom that loved all three seasons and the idea of Diana as the perfect romantic partner for Vincent post S3. It's really quite amazing, if you venture into reading other 4th Season writers, that we seemed to have acquired a hive mind when it came to how we saw Diana and what would likely be Vincent's fascination with her.
On to other things...
Cathy is drawn to and feels alive in the danger without realizing, like she had been drawn to her abusive ex without first sorting her fearfully contradictory emotions. It's unhealthy, it's a feedback loop for Vincent, and both of their situations are probably going to get worse before it gets better.
Your last line here is an understatement. S2 is a rollercoaster ride, S3 even more so. But before I scare you, both seasons are filled with lovely stories and individual moments as well.
Now that I think about it, she's very like Father: neither like to change their views on matters, both have "set in their ways" habits, and both collapse rather quickly when their viewpoint of the world is shattered or challenged.
Yes! You can't see it, but I'm standing up and applauding. I love how easily you're picking up all these little nuances that even some longtime fans have never noticed or given much thought to. I love that. ☺️
It did clarify my confusion in Nan's other fic: Vincent thinks the same "I must separate from" thoughts; but, aside from the Pilot and the finale episode, I can't recall if that is an established pattern of behavior in S1.
It's there, but not obvious. I think any fan who gets to know Vincent (through repeated watches) in all his aspects and personality quirks, gets to the point where they just know that his thinking is when it came to Cathy, specifically, and the tunnel community at large. He is always aware of his otherness, his aloneness, and the danger he poses to the people he loves because of that. There are more hints and confirmations of this mindset in S2.
Wasn't the backstory of the tunnel community wonderful? It was my favorite part of the book, and Nan handled it masterfully. ❤️
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walks-the-ages · 1 year
(April 26th, 2023)
An (incomplete?) List of Beauty and the Beast (1987) novels on the Web Archive:
Beauty and the Beast: A Novel, by Barbara Hambly, Here
Updated, much more superior version (added here August 10th 2023) Can be found here
(This is a novelization of the first episode (1x01) and introduction to the world.' The Updated link contains an accessible EPUB version of this out of print book, which means it is searchable, and your preferred e reader can change the font and font sizes for accessibility, as well as able to use text-to-speech. )
Beauty and the Beast: Masques, by Ru Emerson, currently not available
Update: August 10th 2023: a scan of this out of print book can be found here. I'll update the post here when the full accessible version is done.... eventually. If anyone has a bunch of free time and patience who doesn't mind editing work shoot me a PM if you want to help out lol.
(This is, assumedly, a sequel to the first novel, and I'm not sure where it is set within the show timeline or if it's its own continuity within the novels like the Quantum Leap novels are This is a Novelization of the 1x05 episode "Masques"-- the episode in question originally aired October 30th, 1987 and was written by Ron Koslow and George R. R. Martin. Yeah. that George R. R. Martin. This novelization is by Ru Emerson.
Beauty and the Beast: Song of Orpheus, by Barbara Hambly, Here
(this is a sequel to Masques, assumedly making the novels a trilogy This is a novelization of episode 1x08, of the same title.)
Above and Below: A guide to Beauty and the Beast Here
(This is the official guide to the show )
The Unofficial Tale of Beauty and the Beast Here
(As the name implies, this is an unofficial guide to the show)
And that's all I could find, or find info for! Keep checking back here to the original post (instead of basing it solely on reblogs) if you're interested in reading them all, as I will update the post when/if I find a link to Masques on the archive to complete this series :) And if you know of any other books, especially if they're on the Archive, let me know and i'll edit them in!
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rjalker · 11 months
Unrelated except that both of them instantly and completely fill me with wrath if you're autistic and especially if you're Black and autistic there is one eoisod3 of Beauty and the Beast I recommend skipping.
The plot deals with a Black autistic kid being subjected to (unofficial) ABA and the Entire Point is that its wrong and cruel and shouldn't be done but no one fucking figures this out until his life is destroyed and every time I hear fucking Moonlight Sonata now I want to violently murder people
I cant remember the name of the episode but I'll Google it tomorrow.
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nakmor-leigh · 8 months
I think Vincent and Hank Mccoy would be very good friends tbh
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genderfeel · 2 days
top 5 batb adaptations :]
finally a good fucking question that only i can answer
la belle et la bete (1946). i put it in the #1 spot because literally everything that came after owes everything to this movie. quite literally most of these i consider adaptions not of the original book but of this movie
beauty and the beast (1991). further proof that only gay people understand batb. one of the greatest musicals of all time
the shape of water (2017). yeah i consider it an adaption dw about it i’m an expert
megan kearney’s beauty and the beast. amazing comic that i will never stfu about even years after its completion AND it’s pulling references from utena of all things. these are all for gay people i pr
beauty and the beast (1987 series) okay yes this show is bad but hear me out. it has my favorite characterization of the beast himself. and it’s ron fucking perlman
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theboarsbride · 1 year
On the episode of BATB (1987) where Catherine has an offer to leave NYC to be a badass lady lawyer in Rhode Island and oh my godddddd....when she tells him the news, though visibly heartbroken at the prospect of never seeing her again, the way Vincent is like "no, Catherine, you go out and live YOUR life!🥺live the life I cannot! There is a whole world full of sights for you to see, and things that you can accomplish! I shall be happy knowing that YOU are happy!" FUCKING UGH!!!!!! LEGIT TEARY EYED!!!!! His kindness is so unconditional and genuine AND SINCERE HOLY FUCKKKK😭😭😭
And also the fact that Vincent is kind to EVERYONE 🥺his goodness and love and kindness and gentleness and protection isnt reserved solely for Catherine just because she's the love interest, he is good to EVERYBODY!!! UGHHHHHSHSHHHSJAJAKA I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! DREAM MAN😭😭😭🥺🥺
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atopvisenyashill · 4 months
please lord post ur george book list i want to prepare for winds but i Cannot sit down and read the actual texts he recommends im not strong enough
anon u made me laugh out loud on the train lmaoo
so right now i have it in three little sections - the main series and supplementals, titles and authors hes name dropped as inspiration, and titles i think it would just be good to read for background (lolita, batb 1987, history of north africa and palestine, shit like that), and some notes on what they inspired. he has mentioned modern day writers he’s liked but they didn’t influence him, they’re just similar or he likes them, so i’m leaving those off for now (i’m sure when i got on a fantasy bent i’ll want to read them but in addition to this…i gotta fucjing read some of the books i own this year dammit).
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