#basic crystals
thewitcheslibrary · 2 months
Cheap and easy to find crystals
We all know crystals can be expensive and take a while to save for. But if you want to use crystals in your craft, you don't need overly fancy crystals. You can just get the basics! Many crystals have multiple uses to them and can be used for a good variety of things. Especially if you stick to tumbled stones, they are easy to carry and a lot cheaper to get! So here is a small list of crystals and stones that can be brought online or even from a local metaphysical store!
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help with anxiety, depression, clear the mind, wash away toxic thinking, encourage solid sleep patterns, and ease tension and headaches.
you can use it to do the opposite of what it does if you plan on using it in a baneful way!
they come in a range of shades of purple too.
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highly protective stone, promoting spiritual growth and cleansing the aura. It is believed to absorb negative energies and transmute them into positive vibrations.. It's also known as the sunstone and is associated with personal power and abundance.
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Clear Quartz-
cleanse all the chakras, protect against negative energies, and connect with higher levels of consciousness. This powerful crystal is truly a gift from the Earth, providing healing, clarity, and light to all who embrace it.
this is a good crystal to use in replacement of others too! So if you dont have a certain one, clear quartz will be perfect to use instead!
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It's believed to have the ability to unite logic with intuition and the drive for truth with the rise of idealism. Practitioners have used sodalite to organize the mind, as it's said to promote rational thought, objectivity and perception.
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enhance self-esteem and creativity, to combat feelings of inadequacy, to increase physical energy and overcome insomnia. In the home, carnelian is believed to increase motivation towards action.
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Red Jasper-
sustains and supports through times of stress, and brings tranquility and wholeness. Jasper provides protection and absorbs negative energy. It balances yin and yang. offers physical, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits such as balancing energy, reducing inflammation & anxiety, improving focus & relationships.
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promote harmony, peace, and calmness in the wearer or those who come into contact with it. Howlite has also been said to be helpful for people who are grieving because it helps them release their emotions. help reduce stress, anxiety, and physical pain. It can also stimulate creativity, enhance communication and understanding, and foster spiritual growth. Additionally, howlite stone can help with insomnia as well as increase focus and clarity of thought.
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Green adventurine-
releases old patterns, habits, and disappointments so new growth can take place. It brings optimism and a zest for life and allows us to move forward with confidence and embrace change. It enhances creativity and motivation and encourages perseverance in maneuvering life's obstacles. ostering compassion, empathy, and forgiveness. In addition to its prosperity and emotional healing properties, green aventurine enhances one's sense of optimism, self-confidence, and motivation.
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Snowflake obsidian-
a deep, abiding sense of protection and reverence. It is thought to drive out demons and to embody both yin and yang principles.  release emotional, physical, and spiritual blockages, drawing out stress and tension. Obsidian is also known for clearing ancient traumas, detoxification, and encouraging personal growth. It's also good for reversing negative self-talk, actions, and beliefs.
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Rose Quartz-
the stone of universal love. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. promote feelings of self-love. “Rose quartz may be used to balance emotional health, release emotional blockages
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stimulates concentration and focus, enhancing memory and original thought. Hematite serves as reliable protection against an evil eye. Hematite was also used as a protective amulet from wounds during fight. It grants to its wearer invulnerability, but also constrains bouts of anger.  focuses energy and emotions for balance between the body, mind and spirit. Hematite dissolves negativity and prevents you from absorbing the negativity of others. Haematite is strong, supporting timidity, boosting self-esteem and survivability, enhancing willpower and reliability, and imparting confidence.
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These can all be used in baneful magic too! Just give them the intention of doing the opposite of what they do while doing a spell!
And remember tumbled stones are going to be your best friend if you are on a budget! Most metalphysical stores will sell tumbles from 0.50p - £4 (depending on the stone) But the ones that are considered basic (like the ones listed) are usually no less than £2. (thats in the uk anyways)
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microscotch · 3 months
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recreation of the first ever image i shared on simblr 💛
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emeraldstarlight · 3 months
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Made a reference for Veneer - the first "new" character in my AU.
More ranting under the cut
I think there's a lot of potential with this concept - since swapping places with a child is sort of what changelings do in folklore. They'd stop looking for the real missing child, and the parents would unknowingly give their love to an imposter.
But what happens if the monster starts to feel guilty about doing what's in their nature - is it wrong to keep up the secret, or would it only cause more pain to reveal it? Can you ever be "good" enough to make up for being this way?
There are design ties to OG Misty through the butterfly motif, but it's not present in his disguise, where she's presenting herself as a dedicated daughter who works at Alphabittle's tea shop and seemingly has no ambitions of her own.
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baronazazel · 3 months
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some mlp tf brainrot
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crystal-verse · 7 months
god i want. an au where it dosn't work. where it's just arr g'raha who's woken up, and he doesn't have all these memories and all these people keep looking at him like they're mourning someone. the world has changed and time has changed and all the people he knows have changed, but he hasn't changed, he was just sleeping, just sleeping, and the world nearly ended several times and apparently he helped prevent yet another end but he has no memory of this. they want him to join the scions. he does not know these people. (he barely knows the warrior of light, now, but did he ever truly know them in the first place?) his little sister is alive and well. she looks at him like a ghost. she's changed, and she's older than him now. he acts bratty and loud and brash to cover up the fact that he does not know anything it seems, and he is tired but he was sleeping for so long, so how could he be tired?
he doesn't know these people. they seem to know him. he wonders if he'd killed someone, when it was him and not that exarch who woke up. he wonders if it should have been him who was "killed" in that way, if it is him that lives and not that man who had known and become friends with all these figures from legend. he wonders if he'll always be fated to be a historian one step back from everything, because he simply cannot be a hero.
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daveyfvckingjacobs · 29 days
my favourite thing my ma does whenever I watch tv downstairs is sit and watch five minute intervals with me as she’s going about her day and make commentary on whatever’s happening despite not having a clue about it
“are they dead?” “no only the boys are dead” “oh”
*cat king comes on screen* “is he bad?” “eh” “he looks bad >:(“
*reads cws* “sex???” “I promise there wasn’t any”
“so is he dead?” “no he’s an almost immortal cat creature” “…what the fuck?”
“is this about to get weird?” “probably”
*final scene with edwin and the cat king* “the fuck…”
“they need to stop swearing it’s rude” “they’re allowed to someone just died” “…oh”
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yeetusthemighty · 14 days
The creechur
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The silly (crazy? I was crazy onc-)
So I got inspired to finally post this guy because of this post by @z4n3jul13n (cool person you should look at their stuff)
full version with my doodles under the cut
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(I have a whole au based off of this guy)
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evelili · 1 year
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every time someone tags my art w the wrong version of twilight a piece of me strangles my past self for being too lazy to draw her hair in a bun or ponytail
anyway, here's a handy guide to check if ive drawn scitwi or not!
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starfiresky · 20 days
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Separated at dawn
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chococrystal · 1 year
Villians | Ninjago animatic yipeee finally finished the animatic !! :DD hope u all enjoy hehe
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susartwork · 3 months
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MxH fanclub fused with my UTMV OCs cause why not
( o`ω′)o♡ enjoy!
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Himeros (by @nova2cosmos) + Reformed = Mania Micro (by @au-mashup-party) + Chéri = Mint Ruby (by @rubytale-chapter2) + Basic = Rubic Alli (by @technicolor-chocolate) + Kyria = Kyle Mylim (by @nova2cosmos too) + Quasar = Magnetar Break (by @artistoons-blog-thing) + Ves = Avoid Yosa (by @foxalone) + Alphysis = Uranium Tenshi (by @foxalone too) + Clone/H-420 = Clone/J-199
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foervraengd · 10 months
Using a cheap plastic “diamond” on a ballpoint pen as an art reference:
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The first three photos show how the angle of the gem can make it switch between almost colorless to completely teal colored. Note how the color of the carpet in the background is clearly visible in most parts of the first image, but there are teal color along the edges close to the metal hooks(??? Idk what theyre called). The middle image has the gem with a strong highlight and color matching the placement of one of the supporting metal hooks that holds the gem in place. In the third photo the gem is angled with the top facing the camera which makes the gem almost completely teal colored.
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These two photos show where the background color show through in the gem.
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Similar demonstration as the previous two photos. But with the gem angled so the top face the main light source. Note how one of the metal hooks behind the gem is clearly visible here in the second image.
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And finally here is the difference of the gem in direct light versus when it is under a cast shadow. The main difference here is that the bright highlight is gone and we are left with just the secondary light sources reflected inside the gem.
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nguyenfinity · 3 months
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Switch is back after their Valentine's event for White Day to bring you Magic for your special someone(s)! Show your friends and fans a little appreciation in return, whether you're sailing for a Romancing Cruise or just for lifting their spirits A little bit UP!!
art-only below the cut!
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saline-coelacanth · 2 months
Phantasm Cave Part 1 (cause the comic was too long)
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See, I told you guys I was gonna make a comic for this scene, after all I can't pass up an opportunity for angst :3
Link to part 2
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neteyammeowmeow · 3 months
deepseaenegy family as canon'd by color theory...
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froggywentaprincin · 4 months
Ever After High Characters that would fit in pretty well as they are at Monster High, based on appearance:
Ramona Badwolf
Cerise Hood (not hiding the fact she’s half wolf)
Bunny Blanc
Cedar Wood
Crystal Winter
Farrah Goodfairy
Faybelle Thorn
Jackie Frost
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